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*O Howard J. Gary
City Manager
DATE February 2, 1984 'ILE
i 1, BJEG" . �(, '`-'.�!- - ,i�fes
Walter L. Pierce /` �,''%='�� ��
Assistant City Mbnager (Acting) February 9, 1984
ENCLOSURES City Commission
`.,e a:t ohed mer►orandum
fr.,., Cer;io
Jiroct�r of
Planning, transmits to
you a proposed
of policy and
regulations for sidewalri cafes that
would, upon approval of
appropriate legislation,
become a part
oi% Chapter
34 :)f the City
of Miami Code. At best
the proposal
a ::oncensus of
opinion of City staff
and representatives
the Downtown
Development Authority (DDA)
and the
Miami Business
Association (DMBA).
I have reviewed the proposed guidelines and am in general
agreement therewith. However, it is my opinion that several
additional factors need to be considered prior to action being
taken by the City Commission.
1. These guidelines contain no reference to a minimum sidewalk
width requisite for cafe placement, except to leave such to
the discretion of the Public Works Department. A minimum
width criterion is necessary in my opinion to insure even
handed application of the regulations and that the public
sidewalks will continue to serve their designated role, that
is, the ability of pedestrians to safely and conveniently
traverse along public streets. Sidewalk cafes should not be
allowed to subordinate this primary purpose and to accomplish
this, no sidewalk less then ten (10) feet in width should be
eligible for consideration and a minimum six (6) foot wide
pedestrian path maintained at all times.
2. The guidelines do not address the type of serviceware (china,
flatware and beverage containers) that would be permitted.
It is noted that the City Commission recently passed on
second reading an ordinance that prohibits glass containers
at certain outdoor events. Similar consideration should be
given sidewalk cafes.
0 0
rioward `l. teary
Page :wo
�. An additional but important factor is whether State st=tutes
afi� y or:in3n:es .reC,i: t:1e r e -- e C
right-of-way for other than exclusively public purposes. In
a meeting on February 1 concerning r 2' t � 1,;: ti' Z�. . 1SSUe
was raised by representatives from the State De11
prtment of
;ransoortation and the fade County Deparcm en.: �: Pub1i:
,dons. additional research in this :r,='3 -ani
ds::Ussions wi :7 t1e '_aw D e p g r tmen %i'__
�y CJ^1!T11J$Ion _ppr:1es ,..'les -,.j e__.._s .J, n a Jr ova
Stiouil lie e:{plicitly granted to 1 ..1 ana
recognition of other existing regulations.
4. An additional criterion I feel should be c,DnsJLderei is that
tables and chairs should not be parnittied to be placed in
such a manner that service personnel !waiters, bustoys,
will have to cross pedestrian paths in order to assist and
serve patrons.
5. Very strong language should be adopted making it absolutely
clear that sidewalk cafe operators have no right or authority
to prevent non -customer usage of tables and chairs.
6. In addition to requiring removal of tables ana chairs for
temporary activities, removal at the close of business daily
should also be mandated.
7. Although the removal of debris at the close of business would
be required, this requirement should be strengthened to
require periodic debris removal throughout the business day
so that the sidewalks are continuously clean, neat and
0 0
-o Howard V. Gary OATE February 1, 1984 VILE
City Manager
sua;ec- Jrdewalk Cafes
r c.;'criguez, Director
,wiP�],,�xth g"Department
e : i3r::��n�; Deuartslent recommends the attached outline of policy
and reQuiatiens for sidewalk cafes to be used as the framework
or drafting an ur;I.Lnance sm_nding chapter 54 of the City Code.
This outline was refired and agreed upon by all persons present
at a meeting on January 30, 1984, including representatives from
the Public Works Department, Finance Dep-�,Ttment, Fire, Rescue and
inspection Services, Downtown Development Authority and Downtown
Miami Business Association. The Police Department and Solid
Waste Department were contacted during earlier discussions and
reported no significant problems with the existing sidewalk cafes
or the concept as generally outlined.
It is recommended that the sidewalk cafe ordinance be initially
applied on a trial basis only to those areas where cafes are
currently ib existence, i.e., the downtown (CBD-1 and SPI-6
zoning districts) and Coconut Grove (SPI-2 zoning district). If
successful, the sidewalk cafe program could be considered for
expansion into other commercial districts throughout the City,
for example, Brickell, Design Plaza, Latin Quarter, Overtown,
Martin Luther King Boulevard, Little River, etc.
SR: JAM: dr
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Sidewalk Cafes
Recommended Outline of Policy and Regulations
Procedures: Sidewalk cafes shall be allowed through a
special per, -.,it to ce issued by the Public
Works Department. Such permits shall have
the following uontli.tions:
1. effective for one year, to be renewed
�. permit fee to cover administrative
costs and cozitribut. tc� security and
maintenance costs tt:e general area.
3. $1 million liability Lnsurance naming
the City as co-insured plus an
agreement indecinifyi-ng the City from
all liability.
4. Contiuous daily maintenance of the
area by the permittee.
5. mandatory removal of tables and chairs
for temporary activities such as
utility repair or special events.
G. permit revokable upon failure to
comply with reasonable notice of
violation, tables and chairs may be
. Applications for a sidewalk cafe permit
shall be accompanied by: 1) a non-
refundable application fee, which shall be
credited toward the permit fee, if
approved; 2) copy of a valid business
license for a restaurant or take out food
establishment; 3) copy of a valid
certificate of use for the adjacent
building frontage; 4) copy of current
liability insurance, 5) a plan (not less
than 1/4" = l') showing the layout and
dimensions of the existing sidewalk area
and adjacent private property, proposed
location, size and number of tables,
chairs, umbrellas and all other existing
and proposed objects within the pedestrian
area; and 6) photographs, drawings, or
manufacturer's brochure fully describing
the appearance of all proposed tables,
Page 1 of 3
chairs, umbrellas, signs, or other
objects. The layout and design must be
approved by the Planning, Department, as
well as Z�ublic Wu ks.
Applications shall be reviewed by the
following departments: Public Works,
Planning, Fire, Rescue, and Inspection
Services, and Finance (License Division
and Risk Management Division). Within 30
days of receipt o3 completed
application, Public Works shall issue a
letter cf intent to appzove or deny the
permit. The applicant shall supply the
necessary insurance prior to receiving the
Minimum Standards: Permits are to be issued only to food
service establishipents who wish to
provide tables and chairs on the sidewalk
in front of their businesses for use by
the general public.
Permits are restricted to the frontage of
the establishment.
Permits will not be issued where the
tables and chairs will be placed within
5 feet of bus -stops, taxi stands, or
pedestrian cross -walks.
. No tables and chairs will be permitted
adjacent to counter service windows.
Table and chair size and placement will be
subject to prior approval of the Planning
and Public Works Departments based on the
provision of adequate pedestrian walking
The sidewalk area covered by the permit
shall be maintained in a neat and olderly
appearance at all times and the area shall
be cleared of all debris at the close of
The permit covers only the public
sidewalk. Tables and chairs on private
property will be governed by other
applicable regulations.
Page 2 of 3
. No objects shall be permitted to be placed
around the perimeter of an area occupied
by tables and chairs which would have the
affect of forming a physical cr visual
barrier discouraging ii �C Li SE: 0i the
tables and chairs by the general public.
Table service shall bbe iermitted only by
establishments having a valid restaurant
�jo a6vertiai_,g si_ cr :U _::eJJ i eati4-'i-
cjticn 5i :s shall -e _, ,ittec in the
public right-cf-way.
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