HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-02-09 Discussion ItemHoward V. Gary February 9, 1984 City Manager February 91 1984 City Commission Agenda /�� L(.%i.�-c ✓ Changes Manny lvarez SpecNl Assistant to Cit', Manager the following changes on today's agenda. Please note Items 6 and 10,E - Mayor Ferre is requesting a deferral in order to have the opportunity to meet with neighbors in the area. Item 13 - �' Must be withdrawn because it was not properly advertised. Item 21 - �� Must be passed as an emergency ordinance in- stead of a second reading ordinance. Item 22 - L/ Should be a second reading ordinance (adver- tising requirements have been met). Item 40 - V- Should be withdrawn at the request of the City Attorney. Item 42 - Should not be a personal appearance but rather a discussion item. Item 56 - Should be withdrawn at the request of the department/ (matter previously taken up by the Commission). 41 I I Honorable Mayor and Memhers of the City Commission Jose Garcia -Pedrosa City Att orney Item #2 February 9, 1984 City Commission Meeting of 2/9/H4 Arlenda Packet Content-, - Items 112, 1120, 1121, #26, 1128, #39, 1140, #48, #67, and #71 , The Agenda Packet contained an early unapproved version of the resolution for Item 112--sole source purchase of automotive parts. Please substitute the attached copy of the approved resolution (J-83-1150) which was prepared by our office on January 9, 1984 for the draft presently in your packet. The City Clerk's Office confirms that this item has been properly advertised as the subject of a public hearing. Item #21 This item (PoIir_e Second Dollar Training) appears as a "SECOND READING ORDINANCE" on the agenda. However, it was prepared as an Emernency Ordinance (See Sections 5 and 6 of said Ordinance). Item #22 This item (Ordinance increasing appropriated funds by $100,000 in the Recreation Activity Trust & Agency Fund) appears incorrectly on the Agenda as a FIRST READING instead of a "SECOND READING ORDINANCE". This item passed on FIRST READING at the December 8, 1983 Meeting. Item #26 The agenda packet contained an unapproved version of this resolution which approved in principle a public observation pier at Magnolia Park. Please substitute the attached copy It ki Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 2 February 9, 1984 Re: City Commission Meeting 2/9/84 - Agenda Packet of the approved resolution (J-H4-2) which was prepared by our office and forwarded on January 5, 1984 For the draft presently in your packet. Item #28 The unapproved draft resolution distributed as Item #28 (resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Coconut Grove Cares for operation of Elizabeth Virrick Boxing Gym for $50,000 and allocating $2,902.80 for operational cost from Jan 13-319 1984) has been revised by our office (resolution J-84-34). The revised resolution has been distributed as part of Item #70 in your packet, along with Item #70--the resolution (J-83-1143) which formalized Motion 83-1134 (12/8/183), allocating funding of $5,355 for the period 12/9/83 through 1/12/84. Item #39 As a result of cost figures in the Affordable Rental Housing Inducement resolution being revised in accordance with the attached February 8, 1984 memorandum from Dena Spillman, you should also substitute the attached approved resolution (3-84-95) for the one presently in your packet. Item #40 This item (Affordable Housing Rental Development Program) should be withdrawn due to the failure to include finance cost figures in the advertised public notice which only included the construction cost. 10 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 3 Item i148 February 9, 1984 Re: City Commission Meeting 2/9j84 - Agenda Packet Included in the packet, material for this personal appearance item (Belle Meade Home Owners) is a draft resolution which has not been approved by the Law Department, and is still the subject of review and research due to problems presented by the proposed action. Item 1i63 This resolution appointing a historian or architectural historian member to the Heritaqe Conservation Hoard should be withdrawn as it was adopted as Resolution No. 83-877 on September 29, 1983. Item #67 Due to submission of a covenant to our office for review after the packet had been distributed, the resolution on Item #67 (Riverfront Center Plat) could not be prepared until yesterday. Accord inn ly, please substitute the attached approved resolution (J-84-108) for the draft presently in your packet. Item 1171 The resolution contained in your packet formalizing Motion No. 83-1140.1 in connection with funding of city -sponsored festivals and events was not seen by the Law Department until we received this packet on February 6th. Please substitute the attached approved resolution (J-B4-128) for the draft presently in your packet. V Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 4 NOTE: February 9, 1984 Re: City Commission Meetinq 2/9/84 - Agenda Packet In connection with proposed Charter Amendment #2 (enIarrlinq the Off -Street Parkinq Board) which passed on first reading on January 26th, we have been informed that this item has been properly advertised and ►nay be considered as an unscheduled item even though it does nott appear on the printed agenda. cc: Howard V. Gary, City Manaqer Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Manny Alvarez, Assistant to City Manaqer