HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-02-09 Marked Agenda'r C1.T-RI : n; ricu DRiGINAL [)OU MENT CITY COMMISSION AGENI)A ............ February 9, 1984 MEETING DATE: CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN Cf tIVE _ y:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Approving the Minutes of tie Regular City Commission meeting(s) of November 16, 1983 and Planning & Zoning Minutes of October 27, 1983 and November 18, 1983 9:30 A.M. DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Planning Department i:!15 A.M. NON-SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS tone Hour Discussion - !1.1.45 A.M. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A. Discussion of Dedication Ceremonies for the new buildings at Curtis Park and West End Park. (This item was scheduled on the January 19, 1984 Commission meeting). B. Discussion of DA-BAR Pedicab Service, Inc. (This item was scheduled on the January 19, 1984 Commission meeting). C. Discussion of use of surplus furniture for the Statute of Liberty Project, Little Havana Office. (This item was scheduled on the January 19, 1984 Commission meeting). D. Discussion on the selection of Bond Counsel. E. Discussion on the 1984 Legislative ;'roposals. APPROVI�"D SELECTED IMT1 S ul" February 23L11 and :larch 301. for dedication R-84-136 ?IOVI:i): PLUMi:R SECOND: CAROLL0 UNAN 1 PIOUS :I-84-1 37 MOVED: DAi,M NS SECOND: PI'RI:'L UNANIMOUS 1I-34-133 MOVED: PLUIVER SECOND: DAWK114S ABSENT: CAROLLO DISCUSSION; (SEE R"LATED) M-84-139 MOVED: PLU�IMER SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: DAWNINS n n�o CITY COMMISSION AGENDA '11� �v r-R n, Plti MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 2 F. Discussion of Town Hall meetings. G. Discussion on the proposed reorganization of the Miami Police Department. H. Discussion on Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) for the Port of Miami. I. Discussion on Street Clocks. J, Discussion regarding regulation of street vendors. K. Discussion regarding Sidewalk Cafes. •00 NOON BREAK FOR LUNCH 2:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 1. The Miami Police Department has selected Officer Nelson Andreu as the most Outstanding Officer of the month for December 1983. 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS) (2 thru 13) 2. RESOLUTION Waiving the requirement for formal sealed bids for furnishing automotive parts to the Department of Building_ and Vehicle Maintenance; authorizing the purchase on a contract basis for one year from 16 sole source suppliers at a total proposed cost of $147,000.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing Agent to issue purchase orders for these materials. `\ (See later i1-84-140 MOVED: PLU?'i1�I)R � amended to SECOND: CAROLLObegin Apri UNANIMOUS�_-- DISCUSSION DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING CONTINUED TO MARCH 8th M-84-142 MOVED: PLUM?lER SECONI): 1'EREZ ABSENT: DAWKINS & CAROLLO M-84-14 3 ----- MOVED: I'LUMMER SECOND: PEREZ A)SENT: DAWKLNS & CAROLLO SEE SUPPLEXIENTAI, AGEE\DA R-84-144 MOVED: PLU�,61tR SECOND PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO 0 0 CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 3. RESOLUTION Confirming assessment roll for construction of -Pines _Sanitary Sewer improvement in Pines Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR-5450- S (Sideline Sewer , and+ removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. City Manager recommends.. 4. RESOLUTION Confirming assessment roll for construction of Pines _Sanitary Sewer Improvement -in Pines Sanitary Sewer Improvement District _SSR--54450- C 7Centerline Sewer); and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION 5. Waivin F,_the renuirements for formal sealed bids for furnishing- a surface dredger to Dick up floating and semi -submerged debris for the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance;! further authorizing the purchase from Liverpool Water Witch Marine & Engineering Co., Ltd., at a total cost of $134,170.00; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue purchase order for this equipment; further providing for the adoption of the findings and conclusions set forth in the preamble of this resolution by a four fifths vote of the members of the Commission. (This item was scheduled on the January 19, 1984 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. n PAGE NO R-34-145 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: PLUM'MER AliSEINT: CAROLLO & DAivKINS R-84-146 MOVED: Pl.l'?L`iI: SECOND: PERT Z ABSENT: CAROLLO DEFERRED TOANRCH 8TH n() CITY � �M� COMMISSION AGENDA-s��� , J,� I MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 4 6. RESOLUTION DEFERRED To MARCH 8TH Confirming ordering Resolution No. AT 3:00 P.Pi. 83-1112 and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of Cit ry-Wide Sanitary SewerImprovement- S.W. 16 Street SR-5499-C in City -Wide Sanitary -Sewer Impmnt rovee-S.W. 16 Street DistrictSR-5499- Centerline Sewer .(This item was scheduled on the January 19, 1984 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends.. 7. RESOLUTION __ rMering West Flagler `- Street R-84-147 Sanitary Sewer Improvement -Phase II MOVED: PLU�2111,R R-5 95-C and designating the : Pl:RE7. an property against which special ��t35�;SECOND: CARo1.L0 assessments shall be made for a portion of the cost thereof as West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II District SR- 5495-C. City Manager recommends.. i. 8. RESOLUTION Directing the City Clerk to�publish R-84-148 a Notice of 'Public Hearing for MOVED: PEREZ objections to the acceptance by the SECOND: DAWKINS City Commission of the completed ABSENT: CAROLLO construction by L'anzn Construction company of Central Sanitary Sewer Im rovement in Central Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR-5481— C (Centerline Sewer). Said notice shall be published in compliance with the provisions of Resolution No. 84-45, adopted January 19, 1984, concerning the publication of City notices. City Manager recommends. r� �s2 .C�COMMISSION AGENDA �r�tiRJ MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 9. RESOLUTION_ Waiving the _requirements and Rrohibition contained in City Code Section 2-302; by finding, after a duly advertised Public Hearing, that it is in the best interest of the City to permit Patrick White, an �222ointed_ member of the Affirmative Action Board, to participate in the multi -facility rehabilitation program administered by the housing division of the City's Department of Community Development through the Community Development Block Grant Program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. (This item was scheduled on the January 19, 1984 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 10. RESOLUTION Confirming ordering Resolution t1o. 83-962; and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of.-S.W. 16 tit HighwaL Improvement District H-44 (This item was continued from on the January 19, 1984 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 11. RESOLUTION_ Ratifying the finding of the City Manager, by a four -fifths (4/5) affirmative vote of the City Commission, after a duly advertised Public Hearing, that the requirement for formal competitive sealed bids be! waived and that the up rchase of+!en elev~__ (�T O Police motorc�rcles radios from-Gener=al lectrictthe sole source s_u&�lier of handlebar -mounted Police radios, for the Deprtment_ of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total cost of $29,700.00 — be approved; allocating funds therefor from the 1983 State of Florida Selective Traffic Enforcement Grant Fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 5 R-84-149 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLU;VEIR \BSEN'f : CAROLLO DETERRED '1,0 mmA clI 87'H AT 3:00 P.M. R-84-150 MOVED: I)MLMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO n() CITY COMMISSION AGENDA "sr�U' MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 12. RESOLUTTON Rat1Fj1PTg_ the finding of the City Manager, by a four fifths (4/5) affirmative vote of the City Commission, after a duly advertised Public Hearin that the requirement for competitive formal sealed bids be waived, and that the sole source .purchase from B & L Associates,_ Inc., the only licensed marketing agent, to furnish and maintain one 1 on-line disk pack management system and one 7) on- line job schedule and monitoring system L._ for the a' Depart men t of Computers, at a first year cost of T10,012.509 for a total proposed four (4) year cost of $48,474.00 be approved; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of that department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue purchase orders for this equipment, subject to the availability of funds. City Manager recommends.. 13. RESOLUTION Waiving the requirement of a formal competitive biddin "rocedure for the acquisition of services, from Miami Capital_ DeveelopmentL Inc., MCDI , in connection with the management of a $1,300,000 Revolving Loans Funds R'L'F) Pro tarn and in connection with an agreement for the administration of this program in the amount of $120 ,000 •, allocating funds therefor from the ninth year Community Development Block Grant Program; further authorizing the City Manager to execute contractual agreements with MCDI, in substantially the form attached hereto, for the management and administration of said program; further providing for the adoption of the findings and conclusions set forth in the preamble of this resolution by a four -fifths vote of the members of the Commission. PAGE NO: 6 R-84-151 MOVED: PLUMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNAN LN IOUS WITHDRAWN BY ADMINISTRATION (Brief related discussion) N (no CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 7 LEGISLATIVE ACTION REQUIRING A VOTE OF NOT LESS AN 0F THE _FOUR-FI_F_T_N_S COMMISSION 14. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Amending Ordinance No. 9534, EMERGENCY ORD. 9793 adopted December 91 1982, the �toVt D: Pt.Ui`L�tL'R existing Capital Improvements SECOND: DAWKINS Appropriations Ordinance; as UNANLMOUS amended; by appropriating the amount of $58, 400 for the Miami Stadium Concert Stake --Capital Project from the major maintenance - Miami Stadium Project; containing a Repealer Provision and Severability Clause. City Manager recommends. 14.1 ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY E,'MERGENCY ORD. 9794 Amendin Ordinance No. 9534, NOV D: PFR1-Z adopted _ December 9) — 19�2� the S1:.CO`n: PU1;1�tER existink_— Capital Improvements t'N.%NIMOUS Appropriations Ordinance; _ as 'amended; by deleting__Wes_t End Storm Sewers -Phase II Capital Pro)ect in an amount of`-$SOO L000 N- the 1970 General and _ 1978 Storm sewer General Obl nation Bond +_ Fund1and by _� shin`_ Le,_eune Storm Sewer establi - Pump Station in an amount of ` T150,000 and Flagler !Storm Sewer modifications --in an amount_ of 200,000 as new projects in the 1970 and 1978 Storm Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. 15. ORDINANCE_ - EMERGENCY EMERGENCY ORD. 9795 Amending Sections 4 and 6 of MOVED: PLUMMER Ordinance No. 9684 adopted S17COND: PEREZ September 29, 1983, the Annual ASSENT: PEREZ Appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 19849 by 2pproeriatinp2_ from the Building and _Vehlcle Maintenance l�Equipment Department.__' Heavy _ Maintenance Divisions FY'73 retained earningsL_ an __amount of f 94,311.00—incr-ea s1n_ anticipated revenues in CF s_ame amount to be ____- a�Pp ted_into the Office of the —'to Director Division provide supplemental_ funding for the implementation of the _Motor Vehicle _System; Maintenance containing a Repealer r` Provision and a Severability Clause. City Manager recommends. f n() CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA l:V-tint MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 16. ORDINANCE - E"ERGENCY Establishing a special Revei',ue Fund entitled "City of Miami Convention Bureau Extended ! Promotional Activities" for the _purpose of providing fundin�in the amount of 30, 000` to pad for on`oin' expenses and other related costs associated with sellingz the Ci�,Lyof_ Miami to rP ospective meeting planners as a present and future convention site with revenues! therefor available from individual area hotels, restaurants, transportation lines, tourist attractions, and other related businesses; containing a Repealer Provision and a Severability Clause. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCES - SECOND READING 17. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section+ 39-15 of Chapter 39, entitled "Peddlers, Itinerant ManufacturersL_Locksrniths and Tool Grinders_,-Ic_e Cream Vendors", of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by repealing the provision of said section which prohibited retail peddlers to solicit business within 300 feet of an established business selling similar or like goods; and by adding provisions to said section which authorize impoundment by the Police of the Wagon, Truck, Auto, Pushcart or other vehicle being operated by any peddler upon his or her arrest for a violation of said section; further providing for penalties in said amendment; containing a Repealer Provision and a Severability Clause. City Manager recommends.. (This item was passed on first reading at the 12/8/83 City Commission meeting.) It was moved by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez.) (This item was scheduled on the January 19, 19840 City Commission meeting). City Manager recommends.. PAGE NO: g EMEIRGENCY ORD. 9796 MOVED: PLUINLMEIR SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ ORD. 9797 MOVED: PI.U*L,tER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ n CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 9 18. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 2130$, entitled "Disclosure of_ parties in interest b�pe`rsons� .nakin�__Qresentations' re uestsL etc.j to_Cit_Commisslon or Boards", of the Code of the 'City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by providing for the clarification of the requirements of full disclosure in writing by all parties making a presentation, formal request, or petition, with respect to real property to the City Commission or any Board, of all parties having an ownership interest, directly or indirectly, in such real property; containing a Repealer Provision and a Severability Clause. City Manager recommends.. (This item was passed on first reading at the 12/8/83 City Commission meeting.) It was moved by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Carollo). (This item was scheduled on the January, 19, 19849 City Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 19. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 53-151 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, which pertains to procedures and use _charZes_ at _the municLal_ auditorium and Coconut Grove Exhibition Center by changing certain specified fees determined by the type of event being held; containing a Repealer Provision and Severability Clause. (This item was passed on first reading at the 1/19/84 City Commission meeting. It was moved by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez). City Manager recommends. 20. ORDINANCE - SECOND_ READING Amending _ Section 19-45(b) of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida as amended, which deals with fees for fur nishin�re�orts _ that _ are public records, by providing for an increase in said fees; containing a Repealer Provision and a Severability Clause. (This item was passed on first reading at the 12/8/83 City Commission meeting.) It was moved by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Carollo). City Manager recommends.. ORD. 9798 MOVED: PLUM1,1ER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ ORD. 9799 MOVED: PLUrIMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ ORD. 9800 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ a U CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ������� �� � F78',c '�, . MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 21. ORDINANCE - EMUGENCY Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8835 adopted July 27, 1978, which established a Trust and Agency Fund entitled; _"Police+ Second ~Dollar Train; by increasing the appropriation for said fund in the amount of $111,941. From revenues received from Dade County for fiscal year 1982-83 pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 943.25(3) & (5) for the purpose of providing law enforcement training and education; containing a Repealer Provision and a Severability Clause. City Manager recommends. ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 22. ORDINANCE- SECOND READING Amending Ordinance No. 91178, adopted September 89 1982, by amending the funds appropriated for the Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "Recreation Activity", increasing appropriated_ funds for the operation o_ same to 'the __amount of 1 0, (T to include f_unding transactions resul-tiny from a roved - - activitYi -off` -`+the r---- Professional Boxing-andWrestlin,& hoard, containing -a Repealer provision and Severability Clause. (This itemwas scheduled on the January 19, 1984 City Commission meeting). City Manager recommends.. 23. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Ymending_ Section 1 of -Ordinance No. 9690, adopted October 25, 1983, by increasing_ the a�ropriations to the special revenue funds entitle renticeshiDN Program __W, _4 " - and "Comprehensive Job Training Program (FY'84) by $504and $113 080 respectively, to be received from + the South Tlr'ida_ Employment__ and _ Training oG�'n'ssr`tium to provide transportation allowances for participants; containing a Repealer Provision and a Severability Clause. City Manager recommends.. PAGE NO. 10 EMERGENCY ORD. 9801 MOVED: PLUIZIER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ ORD. 9802 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLU111MER ABSENT: PEREZ. FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: PEREZ & CAROLLO (no CIiY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 24. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Se,:tion 1 of Ordinance No. 8719, adoptP' October 260 1977, the summary grant appropriations Ordinance, as amended, by inereasinj_the funds appropriated for the Trust and Agency Fund entitled: "International Trade Promotion Program!',___iLn_ the amount of 12L400. as a result of +private business contributions received in conjunction with the 'Cites of Miami's ,participation _ in _ the international trade fair of Santia o L' Chile, containing a Repealer Provision and a Severability Clause. City Manager recommends. 25. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Ordinance No. 95341 adopted December 91 1982, the existing Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance; as amended; by deletinp� West _end Storm Sewers -Phase -II Capital Project in an amount of $600,000 in the 1970 and 1978 Storm +0en'era1 Obligationn_d_ by establishin �o�m Sewer PumpSta n amou_nt of 150 L000 _ er _Storm Sewer Modificatio in an' amount of 2001000 _ as _ new _projects_in the 1970 and 1978 Storm _Sewer General Oblation Bond Fund; containing a Repealer Provision and a Severability Clause. City Manager recommends.. RESOLUTIONS 26. RESOLUTION Approving in_ip1e_ only►_ the concept of a public observation pier and adjacent artificial reefs to be donated bthe Hamilton Corporation ­ for operation, maintenance and ownership by the City of Miami Magnolia Park. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 11 FIRST READING ?LOVED: PLU\IDIER SECOND: DAt�KINI S ABSENT: PEREZ & CAROLLO wilNORawN' M R •84-155 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS 0 UTY COMMISSION AGENDAs MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 27. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to extend the Professiona' Services Agreement wiLh_lBooaAllen --and Hamilton zinc;, in an amount not 'to exceed_- $12_ 0�000 for cons 71tazit services to assist the City Administration and the Police Department in the implementation of recommendations contained inl2a Booz, Allen and Hamilton Report entitled "Organization Management and Operations of the Miami Police Department," with funding therefor allocated from Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund. City Manager recommends. 28. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute_ an agreement _ with Coconut Grove _ CaresInc .��, fo_r the operationoperation of the the_ Elizabeth Virrick BoxinF,_Gym, from February+1 +through September 30, 1984, allocating from special programs and accounts, Contingency Fund, funding in the amount of $50,000.00 to be used in conducting an Amateur Boxing Program and further, allocating to Coconut Grove Cares, Inc., funds in the amount of $2,902.80, from special programs and accounts, contingency funds, to cover operational cost from January 13- 31, 1984, as per the attached resolution. City Manager recommends. 29. RESOLUTION) Approving the most qualified consulting firms to provide professional services for the renovation of Blue La (j n _ Parkt authorizin_the City Manager to undertake neDotiationswith - the most _gie ua1ifd firms, to arrive at c a ontract which is fair, competitive, and reasonable, and directing the City Manager to present the negotiated agreement to the Commission for ratification and approval by the Commission. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 12 NOT TAKEN UP R-84-152 MOVED: PLUr 1ER SECOND: PE'REZ UNAN TIMOUS R-84-156 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO 13 30. RESOLUTION] R-84-157 Authorizing the City Manager to MOVED: DAWKINS execute an Amended_ Agreements SFCo`D: Pt.Rrz -_in substantial�__the farm attached UNANINOI'S heretoz__ with Albert '+R.-- Perez __ Assoc P.A. f'ess tonal' services within then original -scope of services but unforeseen at the time of the original agreement, related to the Charles Hadley Park Renovation Project, using funding previously appropriated for the Project. City Manager recommends. 31. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to R-84-187 execute the Amended ALreementuin IMOVED: PLU LIFR substantiall __the__ form attached 51'C'ND: DAt,'f�i:�s hereto z_ with O' Leary_Shafer-Cosio z ABSENT: Pt?RI.Z & CAROLLO P.A. L� Land'sc'a_be Archit_e_ctsL_ Land Planners, to provide additional professional services within the original scope of services, but unforeseen at the time of the original agreement, for the renovation of Moore Park, using previously allocated funding for this project. City Manager recommends. 32. RESOLUTION Authorising the City Manager to R-84-188 execute a contract in substanti_alLy MOVED: DAWKINS the'f_or_m attached between the Cites SECOND: PLUM kR and Multi imaEe Group, ' Inc for ABSENT: CAROLLO & P17REZ - the _yreparat%noo_f a Pom _rotional Slide Show for the ! Southe'ast 0vve`rtOwnTPark _ West r Community �-aflocating Redevelopment Project, funds therefore in the amount of $10,000 from the Southeast Overtown/Park 'Wiest Fund. City Manager recommends. 33. RESOLUTION Authorising the City Manager to R-84-189 ne otiate and execute a Contract L MOVED: PLUM11ER in�substa'ntiall� therform attached, SECOND: DAWKINS with Zuchell- Hunter _& -Associates UNANIMOUS to__provide _technic8l-_serrvices'Vto the City of Mi unit n the!_a_re'a -of —rrb-an - Development Action (rant _ Consul'tin'A_ services 'in the am'oun't of uja to__f30'400'0.00,--allocating said amount from 'the Federal Community Development Block Grant Fund to cover the contract cost. City Manager recommends. 6�� Gr___ CfpsTYCOMMISSION AGENDA � _ i MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 34. RESOLUTIONi icing Metropolitan_ Dade County Board of County__Commissioners to amend or revise the South Florida Building Code to+ incorporate_ more specific resuireinents _ and safeguards for __storage__of _piled materials on construction 'sites, e.g., +Sand, gravel, rock, upon due study and recommendation by the South Florida Building Code Board of Rules and Appeals, and instructing the City Clerk to deliver copies of this Resolution to the Dade County Commission and the family of Jamie Kaylor. City Manager recommends. 35. RESOLUTION Amendin� ___ the __Overtown _ Urban Initiatives Project_ Owners'- Equity Participation -_Plan Policies_ and Procedures, Resolution_No.+_U- 9_T0, to ' +~further provide for participation of certain property owners in the redevelopment area. City Manager recommends. 36. RESOLUTION Aeprov_ingL___inprincipleJthe Haitian needs: Ad Hoc Committee recommendations ,---for - _an ---area penerallY' bounde,"by _B_i_scayne Boulevard_%Florida East Coast Railroad RRailroad _ri ht-of-way' on the +East, N.W. r?th Avenue on _the- West._,N.W. Toth Street on r the+ South and the Little River+Canal'%N.W. 90th Street ontheNorth, -a copy of+ which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and directing the City Manager to proceed to implement funded projects and identify funding for unfunded projects. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO. 14 R-84-190 MOVED: SECOND. I)ERE UNAN I MoUS R-84-191 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: 1)1,U?i?d17R UNANIMOUS R-84-158 ?LOVED: I'LUIVER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEIREZ r -A (no CITY COMMISSION AGENDA �s�wrg-�10 MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 15 37. RESOLJ ION Approving in �rinciele� the Edison R-84-159 Center Business District: Economic MOVED: PLUiTMER Development Strategies— in S1, OND: DAWKINS substantially the form attached, �%BS1-NT: 11FK .Z for an area p enerally bounded by Interstate-95 on the _ East N.W. 10th Avenue on the -West .2 N.W. 64th Street on the North, and N.W. 5 th Street on + the South; _ further directing the City Manager to proceed with implementation of the funded recommendations and to pursue identifying funding sources for the unfunded projects and report back to the City Commission regarding his actions; further directing the City Manager to work with the Edison Center Business District Economic Development Committee, which is assigned the oversight monitoring function, to provide for the effective administration and implementation of the herein approved Economic Development Strategies. City Manager recommends. 38. RESOLUTION Approving+a one _year extension of R-64-160 employment�past�the _ Z_e of 73 for 'MOV1:D: CAROLLO Oscar Diaz,_Property_ Specialist IL SECOND: DAWKINS Deep_artment of Police, effective ABSENT: PEREZ February 1, 19$�, through January 31, 1985, with the provision that in the event of a rollback or layoff, Oscar Diaz rather than a junior employee would be affected. City Manager recommends.. (This item was scheduled on the January 19, 1984 Commission meeting). City Manager recommends. 39. RESOLUTION Induein(�the within named fro 'eet R-84-205 sponsors to_ incur certain_ costs MOVED: PLUI'MER with r1spectt to certain multi- SECOND: 1'EREZ _a—mily— rental housing developments. UNANIMOUS City Manager recommends. 40. RESOLUTION Approving the issuance ofto WITHDRAWN $65,000,000 _ multi-famil � housing revenue bonds of the Cites of Miami to finance _ certain multi -family housing_.projects. City Manager recommends. (no C1 COMMISSION AGENDA (�_j_ �'V roil ff WU MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 16 41. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance R-84-194 to a to Rosibel SaavedraL_as MOVED: PLU,t11FR personal, representative of the SECOND: PEREZ estate of Rosendo+ Saavedra' NOES: CAROLLO deceased, on behalf of said restate and on behalf of all lawful beneficiaries and survivors of Rosendo Saavedra, deceased, the sum of Six Hundred Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($625,000.00), without the admission of liability, in full and complete settlement of any and all sclaims and demands against the City of Miami, John Sprasgue, Armando Guzman, and Kenneth I. Harms, upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami, John Sprague, Armando Guzman, and Kenneth I. Harms from all claims and demands. City Attorney recommends. 3:00 P.M. PERSONAL APPEARANCES 42. Ackerley Communications of Florida, M-84-192 Inc., has proposed to the Office of Stadiums the use of 10 Public MOVED: SECOND: I'Lur>;tER LUME Service Billboards located IIEREZ UNANIMOUS throughout the Miami area. 43. Pan American Chamber of Commerce, CONTINU17D TO NEXT MEETING Mr. Euripides Riera, President has requested that he make a personal appearance regarding: (a) First Pan American Conference of Americas and (b) Minority Business Office/Center. 44. Representatives of Commercial DEFERRED Properties located between Flagler Street and 8th Street on S.W. 17th Avenue want to make known the adverse results of the projected widening of 17th Avenue, on their business and the Community. ft fl� nq) T Y' OOMMIS SION AGENDA ���", JRL ffwdV MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 17 M-84-195 MOVED: FERRE 45. Mrs. Alicia Baru representative of SECOND: DAWKINS the Puerto Rican Opportunity Center UNANI'vIOUS 46. John Morgan, Upgrove Theatre. REFERRED TO CITY I ANAGER 47. Representative of the Goombay REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER Festival. 48. Belle Meade Home Owners - CONTINUED Neighborhood Traffic Control Proposal. 49. Information about the "New World NOT TAKEN UP Tourism Mart" Horst Peterson, President. 50. Representative of the Miami River NOT TAKEN UP Management Committee. 51. Patrick White representative for DISCUSSION the Affirmative Action Advisory Board. 52. Representative of the Communication CONTINUED Sciences Inc. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 53. RESOLUTION Nominating and appointing certain R-84-196 individuals to the Cityof MOVED: PLUMMER Miami /Universit r_of_Mia►ni James L. SECOND: PEREZ Knight +� International-�r++Center UNANIMOUS A'dv si or Committee. CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO 18 54. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the Code Enforcement Board to service designated+ terms- JF three years. 55. RESOLUTION Garth ReeYes > Sr. > and Appointing J. Edward Houston, Alexander MCW. Wolfe, Howard R. Scharlin, and W. Stanley Dodd, Jr., to each serve as members of the Board of Directors of the Downtown Development - Authorit_rof the -City of Miami +for+ terms expiring -June 30, 1987. 56. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the City of -Miami Festival_Advisory Committee. 57. RESOLUTION Confirming the selection of individuals by certain bargaining representatives of City employees and recognizing said individuals and members of the City _ of _Miami Affirmative-Action_Advisory_Board. 58. RESOLUTION Appointing 3 individuals to serve as members of the Civil Service Board of the City_ of _Miami r for+ a two +year term expiring on January 31, 1986. 59. RESOLUTION Appointing one member to the City of Miami Health Facility Authorit�r to sery_ e a m tfull -terhereon. -+- 60. RESOLUTION Appointing one member to the City of Miami Health_ Facilit Authorit- to serve -a `full term +thereon . ___ 61. RESOLUTION ppointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Commission on the Status R-84-186 MOVED: PLU�DIER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-154 MOVFD: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMI:,R UNAN I MOMS W 1 T11DRAWN R-84-197 MOVED: PLUINDIER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-84-185 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS R-84-198 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-84-199 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS .1-84-200 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS � I DACITY co�issieN assr,, ,��,N��. MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 19 62. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the Arts _ in Public_ Places to Committee, -+ serve a five-year term, from the date of appointment. 63. RESOLUT10 Appointing Historian or Architectural Historian Member, to serve an unexpired term expiring July 31, 1983, Restoration Architectural Historian Member, to serve a regular term expiring July 31, 1986, Business and Finance or Law Member, to serve a regular term expiring July 31, 1986, Citizen Member, to serve a regular term expiring July 31, 1986, to the Herita a Conservation Board. R-84-201 MOVED: DAWKINS S(:COND PLUMER UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN nn# CITY COMMISSION AGENDA `���� L c��«`; MEETING DATE: Fobruar,y 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 20 CUNSPIT AGEIJDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to re nova a specific item from this portion of the agenda, ite,ns 54 - 3? constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self- explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopter] unanimously by the following; Motion" ... that the Consent Abenda, comprised of Itartis 64 - 37 be adopted. Mayor or City Clerk: Before the Vote on aJopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item iii t,ie Consent Agenda? Tearing; none, the vote on the adoption of the Conse.it Agenda will now ba taken. 64. RESOLUTIU(_! Accepting the bid of Joe Reiner;,son Equipment Company in the pro'pos,�:i _ amount of__$_8_14, 35.75 Bids "E_", "F", and additive -Gids "E", "F" of the ert posal, -forr _Lyn_wooa :unitary Sewer Improvem,2nt in Lyri„rood- Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR-5437-C&S (centerline and sideline saw-rs); with monies therefor allocated from the "Lynwood Sanitary Sewer Improvement" account in the amount of $314,635.75 to cover the contract cost: allocating from said fund the amount of $114,049.00 to cover the cost of project expense; allocating from said fund the amount of $16,292.25 to cover the cost of such items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage; and authorizing the City P1,3nager to execute a contract with said firm. Miis item was scheduled on the January 19, 1994 City Commission meeting). City Manaber recommends. R-E4-161 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO A% Ilk CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 65. RESOLUTION) Authorizin;; tiiu, ;;ity Man-3,;er to reduce th-� 131 r_etainage on the Auburn oani_tary Jewer Improvement Projeot to .5�. airy�Manager-- reco.mncnds. 66. RESOLUTION Grantinj;_£o Dada County j Quit - Claim Deed fo_r 'i portion of lot 10 in block 95►7 vid portions of Lots 11 thru 20 in block 3g17 of A. Lv Knowlton 13p of Mia-ni (B-41j City of Miami+property -for highway purposes between N.W. 2nd Avenue and N.W. 3r.1 Avenu:2 and authorizin-1 the City ilana;er and City Clerk to execute said died thereof. City Manager reco nrnands. 67. RESOLUTION �lccaptin'U the Plat entitled Rive_rfr'o'n_t Center 'a subdivision in the City of �,liani; and accepting the dedications shown on sail Plat; and accepting the Covenant to Run With the Land postponing the immediate consLruction .)f certain improvements until required by the Department of Public W,)rks; and authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Plat and providing f-)r the recordation of said Plat in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 68. RESOLUTION Authorizing the proper Officials of the City of Mia-ni to acOept _ten deeds of_Dedi_cation fir_ 11i trway Qurpo'ses and 3pprovin6 then recor3ing of said Deeds in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. City Manager recommends. (no PAGE NO, 2 R-84-182 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS R-84-162 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-202 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-84-163 MOVED: DA14KINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO Cull COMMISSION AGENDA `;', --AT IPA L-s6ff,' MEETING DATE: February 9, 19B4 69. RE SOLUTIOi4 ?roje�t: Fire St:3* i.;n �Jo. Generator "— Location: 144 NE 5 St. Company: Callia� �lp�tric, Tt1C. Eng. Esti-n=ate: $20,000 Low BiJ: 21,750. Furndin-: Ordinance 9534, :3ec . B. i i . 2 "Renovation of Fire Stations #1, #1 ,115, and #3" Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Mana;er and the Purchasing Agent to execuLa a contract with said firm. City Manager recommends. 70. RESOLUTI011 Ratifying;, approving, and confirming the action of the City Mana-.!r in authorizing an allocation of $53_55.00 from tii;� exis'tin,;'project balance, Spe,:ial Programs and Accounts, to Cocoanut Grove Cares, Inc._, to cover the operational �.ost of the Elizabeth Virrick Boxier,.; Gym fro-n December 9, 1933 tfirough January 12, 1994. (This ite,n was scheduled on the January 19, 1934 City Commission meetin,4).City ManaUer recommends. 71. RESOLUTION Authoriz ng and directing the City Manager to allocate City funds in an amount not_ to exceed $?50, 000 as herein below i term zed in -connection with to he sponsoriir�_f Cif l�estivdls-andTor -Events, accepting as well ttie report subrnitted by tho Chairman of the Festival AJvisory Committee recommending funding from the General Fund, Special Programs and Accounts. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 22 R-84-164 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-153 MOVED: PLUA!MER SECOND: PEREZ UNLNIMOUS R-84-166 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA�-�,�;Lc��,�ti MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 72. RESOLUTION Ratifying, approvinj; and confirming the allocation of an amount not to exceed $10,000 from Special programs and Accounts, Contingency Fund, to the Miami_ Grand_ Prix Folklore Festival to b,� _field Febru'ary`-19�_1984, with proceeds to � o to: AT The Switchboard of Miami; B) The Little Havana Nutritional Center; and C) The Urban League. City Manager recommends. 73. RESOLUTION Supporting the 6th Annu_al_Coc_onut GroveBeds Race, which is to be heid_ Ady 20, 1984, Co -Sponsored by the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the City of Miami, Department of Parks and Recreation; closing certain streets to through traffic on that date during specific hours and establishing a Pedestrian Mall subject to issuance of permit by Police and Fire Departments; further authorizing the City Manager to execute a One Day Concession Agreement with the M.D.A. and any necessary support agreements setting Barth the conditions under which the City will proviJe service assistance. City Manager recommends. 74. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Maniger of the City of Miami to expend $)4 1 , 38_9 _65 from Special Programs and ' Accounts/Contingent Fund to reimburse The South Flori a Em-loyment and -Training- Consortium �SFETC) for-1974-77 CE'I'A Aucl it Disallowances; an,i^further auLh-orizng the City Manager to refund the SFETC, from avoilable funds in CETA Account, in the amounts of $333,002 and $63,552 for over reimbursements made to the City by the SFETC. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 23 R-84-167 MOVED: DAWKINS Si:COND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-168 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: 1117REZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-169 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 75• RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay _to Secan i i n.3_ Tembrasthe su-n of Twelve _ Thousand_ Do1'lars ;$12,O�O.CiOi; ani to Daisy_Sinoris the sum r Thirty Thousand Dollars an _`�o _Florentina Pere'. Lae sum of Ten Thousand Do'llarS—T T0,0(50.00); without the admission of liability, in full and cj•nplete settlement of bodily injury, personal injury protections liens, worker's conpensation liens, claims and dernands against the City of Miami, and upon execution of a release by each aforementioned party releasing the City of Miami from all claims and demands. City Attorney reco,ncn�nJs. 76. RESOLUTI014 Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay _to _Maria _J . Fernandez, _tile sum of Twenty -Five _Thousari3_Dollars �25,000) w-ithout the admission of liability, in full and co;npletc settlement of all bodily injury, persorial injury protection liens, worker's conpensation liens, clai:ns and de:n:jnds against the City of Miami and upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami from all claims and demands. City Attorney reconrnenJs. 77. RESOLUTION Item: Uniforms Location: F'ir�'L_Rescue_and Inspection Services Company: Jules Brothers Uniforms, Inc. Total: $65,436.70 Funding: 1983-84 Operating Budget Accepting; the bid and authorizing; the City Mana;&er and Purchasing; Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 24 R-84-170 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-171 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-172 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO el,' CITY CMISSION MEETING DATE: February 9, 1994 78. RESOLUTION Item Office Furniture and go-jdfar Wo-r- _Stations Location: Public_Wor'ks Company: Litton Office Products and Thomas W. Ruff and Company Total: $5,990.20 and $838.75 Fundin": 1983-84 Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizin3 the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City Man3�;ar recommends. 79. RESOLUTIUId Item: Day Care g Pre -School Location: Parks and Recreation Company: Dietcraft,_Inc.' ____ Total: $83,194.40 Funding: U.S. Depart:n_nt of Agriculture Grant througrn the State of Florida Department of Education Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City Manager recommends. 80. RESOLUT1014 Iteinc One ( 1 ) Phat_otypesettar & _Fr-o- csa_or System Location: Buif3ing ansVe_____ hicle Maintena'nca ___ Company: A.M_ . I'nternat ion3l , InC. Total: $19,995.00 Funding: 1983-84 Operating Bud;;et Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City Manager recommends. K�A PAGE NO. 25 R-84-173 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-183 ?LOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-174 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO iunY COMMISSION AGENDA s��«,� ���ML✓ MEETING DATE: February 9, 1934 81. RESOLUTIOIJ Item: Automotive Radiator and Glares Re_pair_-Services Location: Building and Vehicle Maintenance' Company: King, Inc. and A & A Giass and Mirror Total: $20,200. and $14,403. Funding: 1983-84 Operating Bud ryet Accepting the bid and authorizing; the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City Manager recommends. 82. RESOLUTIOid Item: Five (5) Desks and 22 chairs for Fire S£ations___._ Location: F-ira, Rescue and Inspection_ Services Company: Tho.nas 19. R'u'ff and Company Total: $8,527.'13 Funding: 1981 Firefighting, Fire Prevention and Rescue Facilities Boni Fund Accepting the bid and authorizin1 the City Manager and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this service. City ,Manager .recommends. 83. RESOLU_TI_OW Item: Blue Print ReproJuction Paper ------------ --- Location: Public Works Company: Bruning Total: $5,700.00 Funding: 1983-34 Operating Budget Accepting the bid and authorizing the City Mana,-2r and Purchasing Agent to issue the Purchase Order for this sarvice. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 26 R-84-175 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-176 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-177 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO n CITY COMMISSION AGENDA 29 V roR MAWr1_ MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 FORMALIZATIO14 OF COMMISSION ACTI014 34. RESOLUTION Formalizing Motion 34-34 1/1)/34) Authorizing the City Manager to execute a_ professional services contract With Mort_y F_reedinan and Associates, Inc., to_ coordinate the 111_g6f International Festival" with funding'from the_Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund, effective January 19, 19311 and terminating August 1, 1984. 85. RESOLUTION Formalizing Motion 83-34 1/19/34) Authorizing the allocation of funds, not to exceed_ $34, �000 in connection with the international Festival to be held during the - motith v�` May 1984 with funding from the General Fund, Special Programs and Accounts, Quality of Life Program. Said allocation is conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy Manual 1-34, dated January 24, 1934. 86. RESOLUTION 7jr-mar iz:ation of Motion No. 34-14 1/19/84) Waiving the rental fee of Bayfront Park _Audi tor %om on March _-1984 , 5:00 P.M., for the AFL-CIO National Conference; the _ fur r all0acatin $1,200.00 from Special Programs and Accounts, Quality of Life Program, to cover the cost of said rental fee. Said allocation is conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy Manual 1-34, dated January 24, 1934. 87. RESOLUTION Formalization of Motion No. 84-14 1/5/84) Authorizing the City Mana;jer to allocate funds in an amount not to exceed $5,500 to cover the cost' of kin services services for Police ,end Sanitation in connection with the parade held on January 12, 1984, in celebration of the Miami Hurricanes VictoU_at the Orange Bowl, with funding from the Special' Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund. Said allocation is conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy Manual 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. PAGE NO: 27 R-84-178 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-179 NOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-180 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R-84-181 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO 1 dw, , (np CITY COMM AGENDA (r�j- MEETING DATE: February 9, 1984 PAGE NO: 28 88. RESOLUTION Allocating $157,540 from Special Programs and Accounts: Contingency Fund, to five (5) previously approved Social Services Agencies listed herein for the period from February 1, 1984 through September 30, 1984, authorizing the City Manager to enter into agree- ments with the aforementioned Agencies. (TOTAL ALLOCATION = $241,013.00) R-84-184 (AS A�11-"NDED) MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA I IR S f VI'AT I ONS (Conullission �lcctillri=lchru�rl�' `), l��S4 Colluncndati.on: To Mr. Orlando Sanc11Cz, for his contrikitiorls to Presented promoting sports in Mimi. hroclarllatloll: Miss Afro P nerican hay. Prescnted to Ms. PamCla Presented i�, Miss Afro American, and Mr. Andrus Grayson, founder of t ho Pageant. Proclamation: Lindsey 1foi) ins Technical Education Center Pay. Presented Presented to Dr. 'Thomas Course•, Director, and Mr. Howard Walton, Instructor, Health Occupations. Proclamation: Eve Health Care Month. Presented to Dr. Alfred G. Presented Smith, Florida Society of Ophthalmology. Proclamation: New World Tourism Mart I)ay. Presented to Mr. Iforst No Show Peterson.