HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0201y J=33 58° t RESOLUTION NO. 84--.20 . A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE, TO SERVE A FIVE-YEAR TERM, FROM THE DATE OF APPOINTMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 18-10 of the City Code, five individuals shall be appointed by the City Commission to serve on the Arts in Public Places Committee; and WHEREAS, on May 19, 1983, the terms of three of the five committee members expired; and WHEREAS, in accordance with paragraph (1) of Section 18-10 of the City Code, nomination for membership on the commit- tee shall be provided to the City Commission by a three -member nominating panel consisting of a representative from the Cultural Executives Council, Inc., the South Florida Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, and the Dade County Council of Arts and Sciences; and WHEREAS, the nominating committee has submitted a list of qualified candidates in accordance with Section 18-10 of the City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following individuals are hereby ap- pointed as members of the Arts in Public Places Committee, to serve a five-year term from the date of appointment; l) Jolita Mitchell Conchita Blanc 3) (NO APPOINTMENT MADE) on C+�1t'1 GS. N N1r-FT111c; 0'F FEO 8 1 R€sa�urroty No. S1w!Z0j REMARKS:_ q PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day Of Februar.y.. It 1984 • ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CL9RK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: /RE�R. GARCIA-PEDROSA, CITY ATTORNEY Maurice A, Ferre MAYOR :ikY. I a to. goward V. dary City Manager ,,ow Ca�thy lef� Staff Lyaiscn 's in •iq i dA*F: Aunts t 8, 1992 :r►.r: susjtc= Appointments to Arts in cV' Ll C Places �Ou�'ttn ?EFSPE`1GE5: Cen a ber 7, 1993 1t i.� i?r. �.-.. .. vt�:a wi�� +. Li ^.�.i.�� C�liaiu..: at noint t nzse 1:1t:z viduals to the A-- s an ?L'D lC t� �.a :A5 I.C�T::.` :Zc�E? LO .:.i Vacant; es created by t ne extp=_anon of the "tetirs of three Committee .;,embers, per the attached resolution. On May 19, 1983, the terms of three members of the Arts in Public Places Committee expired. Those members were Robert Browne, Nora Swan and Ralph Johnson. Mr. Johnson has served on the Committee for approximately one (1) year since he was appointed to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of a Committee member. Under paragraph (1) of Section 18-10 of the City Code, nominations !or membership on the Committee are to be provided to the City Commission by a three member nominating panel consisting of a repre- sentative of the Cultural Executive Council, Inc., the South Florida Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, and the Dade County Council of Arts and Sciences. Committee vacancies are to be made by the City Commission from a list of names provided by the panel, with .two nominees submitted for each vacant position. The nominating panel (Carl Weinhardt Jr., Raul Masvidal and Raul Rodriguez) reviewed resumes of eight nominees and recommend that the following individuals be considered for appointment by the City Commission, with the first name listed per vacancy representing Committee's the first choice: Vacancy 1 Vacancy 2 Vacancy 3 Ralph Johnson (BM) Conchita Blanc (LF) Arnold Root (WM) Jolita Mitchell (BF) John ;toss (WM) Michael Maxwell (W'M) Resumes of the nominees are attached. The Arts in Public Places Committee presently consists of the follo- wing members: Margarita Canno (LF) - term expires 11-1-86 Lester Pancoast (W -Y terra expires 9-1-86 S4s'201 • Adward V, Carl city manaqdr "2wd Auquat 9, 1982 it is -eccx=ended that the Ci-,y cor=igsiori appoint th.nte individuals lc=om the naives submitted by the ncmiriatif-Aq ptmel, /J,.nb I S4mw2Ol r_1 s ' IV CF MIAMI (SUbstituta Boards and CdtftMittt-_s Posume) Nasite s Arnold 5. Root. Addrbsss 2040 N.E. I9gth Terr., Miami) r1 Homo Phone No: 932-6292, girth elates October IS$ 1934. Business: Lawyer�-?rivat� 11�`/� = ^,.3t+'� �2�� -5 a3? arc! : ac'.�'� �� 3q. Address3 400 Kings Point Business Phcne `tt- 1?4C-1 ;;; •J Educations Illinois Institute ef=ago Kent Cc:. --Age 0f Law--3.D.s 1958 Northwestern University --Political Science--1953-55 Lake Forest College --Liberal arts--1952-53 US Army -University of Virginia, judge Advocate General-1959 Organizations or Community Activities: Member of the Florida Bar. Member of the Illinois Bar. Previously a member of the Young Men's Council, Chicago Art Institute. Previously a member of the Oriental Art Committee, Chicago Art Institute. Previously a member of the Society for Contempary Art, Chicago, Illinois. Additional Informations Collector of art since 1959. Portions of collection have been loaned to'varicus museums and galleries, including the Chicago Art Institute, Allan Frumkin Gallery, Richard Fiegen Gallery and the art gallery at Miami -Dade Community College -South Campus. §jAtementgfPurgose: We cannot discount the influence of art in public spaces. Its rewards are aesthetic, cultural, and economic, both immediate and permanent. Such projects as Picasso's `Head of a Woman' in Chicago's Daley Civic Centers and Dubuffet's forest of trees at the Chase Manhattan Plaza in New York generated instantaneous community interest from which emerged a cultural awakening. The excitment these events produced escalated into scores of privately financed art in public spaces. Furthermore, the widespread proliferation of such projects in cities such as Nw* York, Chicago, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Parise London and Rome has fostered an enviable urban ambienceer garnered international recognition, besides serving as a catalyst for sustained economic growth. Now Is the time for Miami to provide thoughtfully for its public spaces.- We must make every effort to provide the appropriate environment for our city's future. Board or Committee for which you were nominateds City of Miami Arts in Public Places,. - Voteeds 4une 20, 1903 Si elneZurrw 0 CITY o9 MtAMI tSubstitute aers6�Sa: 1sifCf :�at,ofii r=�r:n f�i� "IdMiMdes to Advisory cr Adi;i,nist,&ative 8dards! Position and Hoard for which ydu have been nonsinatad: City of Miami's Art in Sub l i o Mattis COMMi tt2e. 16 Name: Ar"di d 5. moot. 2. permanent residence: 2040 N.E. 198th Terr.i Miamii P1 331796 '=ca •!: ;;y:� -�' ,",� irr � V:.3h2 � P1 :mains 4. Home Phoned 9 32- Q2. S. Bus. P!Ione: 940-=1949. S. Occupaticn: Lawyer•--Priva_e investments---rhal estat% and securities. Please indicatm "yes" or "no" to the following questions: 7. Are you a US Citizen? Yes. e. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax, license fee or property lien? No. 9. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami other than your home and/or place of bus..ness? No. 10. Not applicable. 11. The City of Miami routinely makes a police check of the background of individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative boards and committtees. The City Commission and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their results are maintained in confidence. Do you have any objections to such a check being conducted? No. 12. Please indicate any areas in which you might find yourself in a position of conflict of interest should you be appointed to the Hoard for which you have been nominated. None. I understand that the statements contained herein will be a material consideration in the selection of an individual to serve in the position for which I have been nominated. Dateds June 20, 1963. Signature •. 12 CITY CP M1AMI . f�ubstitute P6f-si`�nai Irltof��ati�n t=�`r."`.t fer Nominees to Advisdey cr Asic;i.-iistrativo Hoards) Patitieh and Hoard fce which you have been nominated: City Of Mi ar»i' s Art in Pub i i c PI aett C5mmi tt sQ. 1. Name: Arnold H. Root. 2, Permanent Residence: 2040 N.c. 198th Terr.i Miamio F1 M179. 0r0 �<-~-3 *^--1 t 2r.3 *4-- --!=I-:0. 4. Nome Phene: 93225 940-1909. S. Cccupaticn: Lawyar•--Priva_e invest,ments—r+sal estate and securities. Please indicate "yes" or "no" to the following questions: 7. Are you a US Citizen? Yes. 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for any real or personal property tax, license fee or property lien? No. 9. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami other than your home and/or place of bus,.ness? No. 10. Not applicable. 11. The City of Miami routinely makes a police check of the background of individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative boards and committtees. The City Commission and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their results are maintained in confidence. Do you have any objections to such a check being conducted? No. 12. Please indicate any areas in which you might find yourself in a position of conflict of interest should you be appointed to the Board for which you have been nominated. None. I understand that the statements contained herein will be a material consideration in the selection of an individual to serve in the position for which I have been nominated. Dateds June 20j 1983. 61 gn stwe .. N Ij I l h • a �a v I rt:.. CF 11i. mt 7zttohai Iniotiadcioe Fotra lot \•othinteS to .ldvisory of Adctinistrative liudtds elk. ?o:111001 shd Board'or Which You t:dve bec:i idminit••d - , � A �,.-� _ - - - ---.. _. .� E YOSSCtOn Instructions- Phase complete Ind sleet this ;otm and retarn it atone w.-th a brief resume. ±. Name' ^J 04 N b . 9 01' 1-s tc i-'Stl (Mad:lel �. Ad=!ss =: _Usiness: � i t � i •'r ,r � , . r' i r— . • • i...�i, rim ._ `{.c'r'' r;_1 > ILL i. Home?hone Nurtbet 3lsiness ;".ore Nu.^..ber: QL•t (d •j �� } 6. Ceet.•cauon: � N � l Nam,....,.-�'Z_.__ • ?lease indicate "Yes" or "No" to the following questions by checkih,.1he a;,proprtate toz, also please olatorate :n your answers where requested. Yes No 7. Ate you a Golfed States Citizen? Q. Are you presently indebted to the Clty of Miami lot and real or ;ersonal property W. license tee or Yee No property lien?/ If yes, please sive details below. 9. Do you presently own property in the•Clty of Miami other than your lame and/or place of business? Yey \o y: C 29. . If question •9 above is answered "Yes. • is all of this property in confornance with City Ordinances? Yes . No 11 "No." please give details below: rn 11. The City of Walni routinely makes a police check of the backcround of individuals nominated for positions on advisory or administrative boards and committees. The City Commiaston and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks And their results are maintained in confidence. Da you have any obJec- © No tions to sues a cheek being•conducted. (See Ordinance •6622. amending Sec. 2-104 of Cltr Code.) 11 Please indicate in the space below any areas in which you m:cht tend yourself in a position of confiict of interest should You be appointed to the. Board for which you have baen nominated. NONE - eve-ePr Sr- Leevrl o pi O F Awl A.2-n ST F" v7 rc-"n t understand that the statements contained herein will by a material consideration in the selection of an individual to serve in Me positron lot which I have been nominated, (Patel w tL _. � 3•: ` 1-, ..^. :1C J i .::"t':^S y `�1^�n .�1i_��,i�T� �{i `.L'��1 ��Y�Y�i��i1� �•-t.� �5��1��'� 1\U3' r ...g . A, � � Coils e , ..A +12n iZ •voi (; .. c' F's � C;n (2111, C��j e vin 47'� a �'�:� S 1•�s �i"Le t'''+ J i zr8 ettnk cal �S-P-P L Or.. 0 A 1. �ti. rr,r- "?ZAT:C,\S OR CC 1�.'r U •'I" :' A. C ' ..• iv *:T.._ 1 reasitirc e o F K uvm a. e F +Gig Own her �- t/r!'n"' L � afr � �• � ,vr� ti � ` Any additilra.l t Formation you mould like to include that would be pertinent to your uppcint•;'nt to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Da 3 mangy in P--O- C w-Aewn c1c Pax 1•Ms vbeAxrvn a Nfe%rcn Q S. ajs1sl2r* . OW Of% SNzIt" ar,-, er.. ? aMc'� �-C.�,I•, � b� � . � t c�• W sc04-ch C' W% Fi.?^ c rn /loo-1r Lord or Committce :or which you w�!re nomina:cd:�Y�' tU is th4 re-orse side of this page for additional space.) -� '•I. t ��•:••'t r , ,F •� i ;04004. :s �' f s.}�.tc► t*'rsL=i**✓�M�.,� ,{�►�e��f�7.~R*"'.�.t�' '�A!®�•�11�.~ter r .,� ..... r . S ,t• i L�' r'�� t '•:'r.4'wi S� :•e� s� Af ii l!•t:q %loop alillr'y! ,t ! e• r' a :ZMf•i •'•t�.it k .-. • I+Fi4=C• ;y1i! •. ��r .} r a' . .rw .• �%� " . 1C�t r i .!;df •ae►r �� •; . '� • • ♦ �' e�':!' �'j'��"'#;r'•�t�a"�'�,"w �..e��•�'�'d�s� � ' !.�`T�te�! fir. ! a►i • 'lT'sit IP;01•�� aC �i � +s '`�'r:tft a �l��r'�d�r'�rs bt i . sod•. er'' f.�i ee•t:,.. •'l ee'*ir..rt *.! r R �u 1 r` CG �� � � � { � 4 .. r'"`��.�� �C�l"` �i'i r 1 2 � ,�, � R •.,j 2��' s w'Y"� !i! i •- ,.�y ;C. �',Y.1(1��31 � � �„�.;� t�„�tr�,f`c3 �� St:.ti""� t � r Sri rG� wntr - n-Pw ,r�I.eu.rri z;--- �`� I..�t ��� j Ltd✓`,,' �.�.. :. �- "" gam U �. a - i2r•a.�ni :.o:..rctarui� •n t,rm irr `:,�t:i+uts!t t0 Al 4visory or .tdint flt.%tr.trl+'G i:u.:fde ON t� P_si:tci Ord 1'tonh! •,ni +rrlE'1 }•ou have b!cfi nc-tsnttt'rt t`szruttiocs: ?lr:tsC GOtit`lCit� anti at:a thl; ;ern :::rl :c:�:-:t .t Plan: �+tth a ::vita! :!sumE. r i• irsu t.:,;':ass w ?--amen, Residence: •� : t .. rLal ....zcudcl .�.. �•�.:. YSS J; .:�5t: C!'�' �) _-sssr—lt►�V�.t.Y•�-t�^1�+.a4� t`r ���iY" .. •A Yl�y� i. ilea P...ne Numoer: ...�+ •1 %1 t S. Business ?"one i e Please tndit2tt "Yes" or "No" 20 the ;Gtic*vtnc rwestions by checkinc,*,he ar:rcrate box, also Please •taacrate on your as:++'itA :.nerE reQ.esttd. Yes NO AN )•au a Crited Slates Clucen? :E— ice_ au Dresentty irdettUd to :he Mty of ;:r"a.'id real or personal-roverty tax, license lee or Yes No prc;ery lien? —�,�. 1: )'es. phase give details belo+ei 3. Oo :•ou presently onn property in the Cit; of '.;ta:.i other than Your home and. Of ;.lace of business? :•es No ;, r1,. Saesutin 09 aao+•e is answered "Yes." is :11 of this oroperty in conformance with City Ordinances? Yes \o If "No," please Live details below: M C 11. The Cut)' of Miami routinely makes a police crack of the-hackground of individnais nominated for positions OR adriscry nr admihr:3trative Boards and committees. The City Commission and the City staff make every effl)rt to insure that these chocks and Melt res nits are maintained in confidence. Aa )au have any obtac- Yes No tons to such a cheek being conducted. (See Ordinance e$6:2. amending Sac. 2-10i of Cit)• Code.) C Ci M Please indicate in the space below any areas to which YOU m:rht find yourself in a Position of conflict of interest should you be appointed to the. Board for which you have Oren norninati.'d. t underiitar0 that the statements contained herein alit be a material consideration in the aeiectiun of an ind►vi,luat to serve in the posislun for %hicn t have been twminatro. fGatei t�isnatu � __. �- — ► �.:.i,;0 i Via i C l.i tl'1 •. --- a.LSU Z- i 1 _ .► .:9 : In e 5 5 ,,;�;. �`"�� 'Y. +..� ` �� �'i .•J.'u/it "..,.`.••v � �rj {11I i - i - B'.:51`.:QSs ?::one No. '3S'Ij • *11 -� (,�, Z I C: 7 ! C 0R NIZATIUNS OR !:O1A%1UN:IT i Tti,'IT Any additional traormatton you would Iil:e to include that would be your appointt:•tent to the Board or Committee for whick you were nomina`tod, n Q,�. ct '�.•�.L CL•�c,u1.�.Q. o+,.Q �►,. �-{�w� a,,,, .�•ctc� tc,�S.J• w►ru:; � cat ��u-�� -�,,,� ,�l,,�e ••� a�.� �-- �. �:c' �•,,.. ,� +� �1.4.'0 � .0-+�w.t,8„�"^'y�"T,f ; �� �'V►t �JC.+�.+� � 1.+wC.Q� !3/J, `'� �� ^hT^n-�- • �V�° Board or Committee for which you were aorninated: 0 1 n .i. o - T--� (Usc the reverse side of this page for additional sp4i;q- ► S4w201 4 p .to 10 r+,i �N�=,.•.sal i r: a 3�sincss ..:or.e ::o. J.— IIJ k el- e� ORG N'!ZATIU\S OR r. \i.�i �1 �. 1:;•� J.a"... T`!T"^T~.. S` i �r� And additional ir.tormat:on you would lieze to include that would be pertiacnt your appoint-ment to the Board or Committee for which you wcrc noi:zinated. � Hoard or Committee for which you were tiorninated: " D A► \ l Ate (U;.c the reverse side of this pa,ac for Addi ional sPa,;v, \ `-'r4_zOI 1 p AO Vw t 'T 0- !4L 11 84-ZO1 -I a w Tress: 241n r'rt: klin ;venue coconut irbve, Vlcrida 33133 le�hone: 005) 443-0121 `'`":"•"•;'" °`^ a _; •" `!'� t I bate bf 3ir h: retober 221, 1.141 - t.ariI.Al jtatu.;: Married ;:c:ini . Jonkins Assrciatcn - %41rch. 1"rl. ^cnior %shiner and "rc;cct "an.v,cr, l n"ete+l rcvtheast rinancial Cnnter, :440mi, "icritaa, rmnald t'. ^raziur Asnociatos - Octnhcr, 19=A, Urhmn :: sirmar, Sistr+nl: ;tci�tttt:�rt�no+► ~c�►1 `.•'+Li::�ltinn Iuci . , race rlannAr, '+i.ani. Tnternstictial Air;+ort. ;'rntt-m1 Qr, 1967 - .tune, 1961 vnIc University, rir.:- I'lanninn n^n,,irtr'ebnt, rrnduatc School of Nr.t and Architecture. .taster of Architectures, •:unct 17(0. Master nf City Plannincr, .Tune. 1961). -!title, 1167 Iloward tlnivernity, norrartr+ent of ,hrchi trcturc, School of Architecture and Cnmincerine► Sacht•lar of Architecture, .Tune, 067. !;e..%t^.rhrr, 1161- ,T►tnc:, 1r1f1? '*Ante Ann Colleme, .'1 nta Aria, cal irnrniA, School of Liberal Arts Ser►t,:ctnt►cr, 1959 - June, 1961 ►anti Ana Valley trirth School , Sant. An.*%, Calif*ornia S ! rtC !eRe,.�� Fr /wla:ate. • f R. • .R �R�I S�•e�►!,!•ar e. 1�!!Rf eswwr vim OR, 0 t it „k^ ! Z K I I i S 10 R. i I inc., Buffalo, 'l-'Y' itaft rntiar Astociatts, tliamL, Norid.mt Ur!lml and lor" of `:aril. inttda= C r N -it' - %k) rth Laudc.rdn I v , -j a itudio, Coconut Grove, Florida Joint Center for Volitical Suldios, Washillp.tan, O.C. l4.,j*jO;1.11 I.c.j,--,.jc of Citic-,, KAs11jn;!tnn, V.(b latcritational City Matincers Association, I-O'ashington,t),(% Seventh Stolcint Corridor 111-hall lIc-110VOInImOnt flan Laml Agv O.C. :'.OUt1j JIL-t1VVCj01imrJ1t -..Ild Cmmlalitv !1:14tter !'!:1.1 York. youth JirmniCi, !--'c-.-' or&-. 1tct'clvcInl%met%t Nato fur. div Ili 11 lNehOdinrlimid Crwri-ror.itinto i.c w Haven Motlel City llmgrm"Icw n, avcn, Conn. Project Coordinator rnr IIUD Project renewsup itm,Wc South Miami, Florida. Adjunct Profer.r.ror - Vlorida HILPI'MitiO11.11 1111iVCr.-'-itY. ,rami.1ml Caniptis, %Ijami. I'lorida. Jamiary, 11.174 May, 1979 As%is.jatit I'mil'osv-41r, Ilepartment cot* Arcloitcclsior- and Itt-ginital I'l.mming, University Of Miami. Ctiral Cables. Florida. • ,; Jnntiartij, 1�i7.1 li t� • 1 t .1 u11 t1.iry Juiie, III% septeml%cr, 11171 - . July. 1072 )lily. 11i7n - Suptemhcr. 1971 Suptumber, 1:170 - Sup tembe r , 11171 ,June. 1969 - .1uly, 1970 l U—'bmt 111annct nnti i` t.t:{ t ,\tit7ini sti•;tiit=, Cc;iter r.-r lirhAn ; ntl Rcpitlnal Studio% llit! van i t of Mi am , Coral G,-111ics, i'loritin. 1'ertity Vicc Pros itlrtit rmr liinori _y ,1:rairs - ,\mcrio.nn institute of i rr1':���i t.ii 1i„•.��. �. P'.'n)CCt nircctor-.i0int rriilor for i1nlititnl S,uciies, *:award University, t:nsitinl�tcin, nx. Assi�;tnnt Proiesf%nr - t%iliart.;rrnt or City I`1:ttinin{t, School of Architecture, 11oward I'Mversity. Coortiin:itnt- - institute ('tit- rhv �:tutly C►1' 1't111cttr h'11:11 Env!rntincnts; Field Professor. New .Jersey Etlucatimi Consortiun, Inc. Adj►nct t'roi'c`Sctlr - lir.ila►ttnrnt „r lit•Itan I`lanniiip mid rnl icy- i eve• n1w,ellt , t`ut t��t-:: Itniverni ty r,rn,luatt• 5chnol at 1.ivingstun Vollege. 11diica t 1 nits i :tire i n I i r. t a iiti 1'1•a i it i it is t11I'i cv r ?:.,I . IIrl•nit 14111ention Corps, N.J. .`Mate 11P11a111tllielit no' 141UC:1tioll. M.'A DS AND 11t1NtMS ' Taut Ilctat Pi, liroressional 11onorary Society, 11,1,167 11torliaim ►Icily Ataird for Iixccllcncv in Desip,i, Onward thilversity • ra t� a •awe '� - _ Olt . s Preslicimn Award for t;xbcllancb in llcsio. 116w;trd university Alpha Phi Aihha Cr:itamity n ;:`Io Chi For nut:z".111clin ; Achic'iCment, ticpartfl.'.e:it of Ar►+li%CC:Urea 1:0ward iiltiversity 11!;l) r-allow, 11(!Pa:1-:rc-.-j; of llbusing and Orl:an t)cvciel: cnt .� �w n t \ilt�:l 3 r'I.1V ,f �.yi'.C�/ti irr\\�i �r.i LEI .,11���+. V.\11 ♦.�Yl•,hA )` .1.11 l..Il i'ri�.�1 •l�S .Vito's ;:iio Among +Zlack A;rcricnns ;National Association of rlanticn; Institutc of t:usiness Dcsil;ncrs t'usion 1);tncc Company - hoard of Pi rcctors Coconut !*,rovc: civic Associnti on - Roard of I)i rcctors. Presidc:tt • � s aea w.� e C • irc�.�:}..•��',�.•�y��c- �v .� �..t� t �r �y 1� �• •�XM • .��i'. � : TF'j� r♦�}•+��.!��i.���•v�rp�ry.•35�?�-�s�� I:s'S�(SYl'.ii'l 1 r� .�;. a, �t= x.• a iia�:.y::.i Iyi�''�y♦..iwi'yllt�1�7 f," ,t�', ^,t4:=i:: '+tie•?t f f l`ca1.s i v :p % , y r!. ±i• p.. f�+'• �� '"' ••.. • �wKa a J„a" ; s i o °,. r. �,;.:� ,,• ITT or �rI.%_ �.� .t. � ,';;,.i• il.�: ry •.• -.ts,- ", ?Arsotrai 'aGt'Wrhatiorl ='otra tot `tor+iinre! t _• a . r. • to Advitol or rldainisttstive Buatds besitton Aid $lord tot •• hie s you have been hoc•.inatM __-- _ --- _ _ 1.'S•' �_ 'Li '�l •/!_ _f:►: • �Posltion (13Vati1 Instructions: piraso coinolete and siCn this form and return it alone With a hrttf resume. / ' 10 1t I.cu C.tludlo) tL.abl) � .�.C„Ir?SS Of 7A.M �Auwt 7..•.HA•.-.• t II /I. � �ei/ �r J � C 4. Horne Phone f:urnber: L Bus:aess Pone Number. 6. CccuCatten: 1 11 /• I. � i c Please :ndieate "Yes" cr "So" to the following cuest:ons by checkinc.•he a;proonate boz, also;lease •iabomte on your Wiswers where requested. Yes No ?. Are you s t:nited Elates C::zen? 8. Are )au oresently indebted to the City of !• I=t for and teal or personal. property tat, license fee or Yes So pro:efts lien? ❑ it yes, please give details betoW. i 9. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami other thtut your home andlor place of business? Yes fro 10. . If Cuestion •9 above is answered "Yes," is all of this Creperty in conformance %vith City Orl-tnances? Yes Na 1f "No." please, give details below: 11. The City of talami routinely makes a police check or the backcround of individuws nominated for positions on advisory at administrative boards and committees. The City Comminsion and the City staff make every e(tort, to ensure that these checks and tnetr results are maintained in confidence. Da you have any obree• Yes No tions to such a check beint;'conducted. (See Ordinance .66:2, amending Sec. 2-104 of Cit3 Code.) C) 12. Please indicate in the space below any areas in which you might find yourself in a position of conflict of interest should you be apownt9d to the. Board for whteh you have Liven nominated. i understand that the statements contained herein will be a material consideration in the selestlon of an individual to serve to the position for which 1 have been nominated. —•.» ••"'�"'•�• 2 a l +• y V Y �.L tS Lip t t .�,.��-''r''. • •iw.w•Mietw+ln � (A3te) c•�'at • •} •• (S+i�natttre) of } .,.,♦..+f». •Ri1•+f• • •. • ,••,* ."s•^ ♦ .' * .s:�*.+.i.+r':'.i�: �r"'i!••tii�' f '�itw:M{•t�'�!r*�s'A • • mot. s: . � i � ♦ .r♦ •s. t,•�ti •�'� •►s + • • •s;•ti ra. ♦ is • ♦ •• • r ♦se,►�• "' !!'11�'y+r4r+S7.f: sal i�1�1:•,r`{A'w i.t, s �•� 7� �4.�z(-;ems • •s�tf +ljjrrN � rr'ir4'�ua+*• !!�.'!' �.�!,} .Ot { :rQ.... ... t ,, :. Mt�i'm+,*.•.se,'• t ' * s t 'ttlfil►sf,�Ps•�+!#•hw�i+•�is+n �L;�Mu�icil- �y •,�,s. ►•• ♦t,►., • .__ t � *+�;�#I,�w c ••♦r.•���r i�sly' .e•t� .: sL •:' .' • * tr : � lei i•w l�.'!, r•:' r• •!a't'�i�t+'wi� �'�•' �.ieM. �..�' �!r=. •t �''1'-�""'"'"'e'''�!Ri t'�/�►.`��`����� 4i .:�#�� �♦w11,�..l.,�.��l�ai�i�t�/`�f'i�wfN ���!••�fr�•^1ri..��e- � �•f��. 1• ��1� ��y�ii ;T y`�, ����1••.�_ ♦ ��1a�s���7f�.,s • i�L+�Uw'rS����t.{• ...�• ��i.w*!� !=�,fl�'l+�Th.��'+�!-'•�� """��li...�•lllifl�•i�Il�Tlt 1�. .1�y"°�'•a`•��!'bL••!ir *M*���3A������ LU ok • •••ice �%"�'�' �.,=:; 1 a .�� .... ry �: _` .. ' �'i �:Ri .:a. +iF-..'.+►15t Y P•�*►� i - - Jf iw •.•,•.,!• • +iF+`T ,i.• .) ss.. qi •r,�c; ry +•x y •. _ �4+i�V`Ghl.' Yi:. a •x,. .a•: `!��.i.. •►a 4W 3C'AR05-3 A 'N n R taci�l�t�_- :ic::ie Phase Cate zusi:less fir. Address Business Phone No. :1 �: C: � T.O 1 L'•�. ��{.:.1Lar•�.�.�..(t •�'•�.�-��ir:\L•L4i•/� .. i , 1 ' f ORGANI ATIUNtS OR CCM`iU\TI-" ACTIVITIt-S Any additional intormation you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. f'1t�.£lL,c.'����,�L1L�p _! r;.Cv'./. t.1,:rC'�/Z-:S �,�..•.r�.t.v. .��•c %��la'.�?oc►'F1�`J�„ �r+ �.ir. � •.f:� `�.�a` `s T, i�s..��cC�'►t� 0 : E' i�si�l �tol.'�'..L. �_ � _...r .� _ � .•. , Board or Corr mittee for which you were nominated: � _ ice.. _ _ ����i i � •.�._� i _ ._. ..�i��i�o�w ► (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space.) �. .r ;.•; i ••u•r1+1!'t!•r•a).ts•r..•. .t f•-,�=Ai►. +' r .. • • R. .T l'� ► t`'.e�: . Ar. •! .•,• ;Ir 1 w.s.i�AO.,�:yi'�!U•�q � ►�i: i, .��a } t'�ltte ►+!4;/` Ahtl * j �'' "� j j •. b . _...,. +.tr• ": } ... rY .T�,►•.. •T y^ 1: ;ttt>�•� A •'*a►t,• !!•Iw`M.+/_jT 1�,ui�.4 • d1 1 •w •r �j., •R.i. • � t.•' i•! *� + •..t ti w••• y�► • s,,• ,!•r.;�!�� tom' a�;•QY�i►�t► � �• �• • !� •- fYf•� .. * 's �ii�rS'iRiM stile !i'"t;�s At • .7 • ! :Es rn • ♦ Y#'�,t •y t . :l•- r _ ,' �.Sr}�".�iy' � .ty ►. r s[..� w ��/►�y{ •' •'1r � �• f • %�• •+...=•��1'f..•�•f. �u •�s't f •• t�•"�'r�•� �1.�•l ji'��'��'-.�9��l+lbf•���!':��tl .� •Nl�'i!!� �`!UR t� '(1�.:} `� ��! -+��1;"�t�-tS'hM'�4:1,1'b_ e�•!D�' • fit es r i •f••. ♦3:::G '1' tr .. /� i::.t :• + h4'iS Fi irM• �p i .r.c:I.it.'!s•3 .;. alAC dl•�i..ia i - :O .i !t'tsoi • or i'.a:':�tiaa•C Ga. -Is ptta;zi i.d 201rJ fe%r:hic3 ybtf havol bI•ei1 3 rrl lnsteuct:v!s: Noose cornotN•: aa.! s:.:l this forma:.: ,e!u.n it shad &ritli a brim h:jumc. ,1 L. Nwne: .:urn=er: . ....SISCSS ~�.._ .:t.•�„... i • `C .. L � t y�, :., , ,_!r '' � � r r+ f •� i.j ?'? /'/t (� I'j / .r.�.. � � Jr �. / /�J7 ./`_ ?lease a ::cote --'es" er' `:J" :o a questiCas t; also -ease-laeorste en your L.a�ce;y t�r+ere reCsated. Ate volt a t:cttcs Sl=CS C:::.an? a. Ar: 3'S .`•t`S`!n::Y t.««.:L:cr. 19 ::.e Cay at !4=i fcr :rd reai . ';C.`S:Mal ::re;r tax. Been_ , fee t1• \y • .«...'t :teal" Ye : l? jy► If rits....ea.se give ettstl- below a. Jc you ;recently own t::oreny in the City of 1.1146 •t otl trmn your hame and/or place of bus:ress? Yes / a it eurstinn r9 above it ana::'^red r•Yes.rr is 311 of khlg property in ccnfc,..-*ice with C::y Orcir. maces? a NO It "NO." please rive dct:•iis oelow: iG � t 1. "h! CAY of tanmi rouuheiy makes a police r.Geek cf the backe.1twind of in.::Vuilial.; nominated for positions on acvlsury t,r adminizoattve boards and committees, he City Cu,mmirslun and the City staff Mara every effort to ensure that thcue checks and titelr rus ults are maint.lined in con:. lenee. Da you nave any ab)ce• Yes Na &tons to such a check buutrr conducted. tyre OrCmance o86?_, amandirilt sec. 2_104 Of City Coso.) 0 IN 12, Ptoase indicate to the %race below any areas in which you m:cht find yourself in a positinn of eonllict of interest shuuid you ue appointed to t_hhe.. BBoard for whice you have been nominated. `r ��..ri+..�.A fir, �.grr�.. .�.—..•,.rw�� �...�r. ..�rr..� w 1 unde►stAnd that the ;.tstements containUtl hefetn will lie a matorial conslileration ih the t•elei:tion of art in,ttvidual to %rr•'e to the f.ositiun for Nbit:n 1 have been nominated. — •. •>- �• •r It r� ff3ato) - -- . '. 1' .' : .• � •r . jttkl.nitYrr^ �Cj � r s ..r It r r A! rt r � • . a • , .* .. it ✓. ': t «v • s }r ;►i! .i t » ' ? t• • e •` aS••• +A • •• p • } sn. itt.• . e • i r�"�!i'� may. e, •fr • Hr, � .e� .. .. ;tE•'+ r �+. a , s.t err • �.•..r•,ti r. i • *� .�i.��Zr ..f �r �e �r*.• ��t�/s .:. .. -.y :, s 1•� *`Irf• tv rti••y •I f11 �►.i �.�r �.�*y#i• ��r1 •�t i r • t.�r��,: �'�}/S✓1 �'1'r.r+li #1i4�'•ifs'a...6�3R�!rI"•r•'tRi�•"L•'j':°:"� 1"R•st:>, y.•r •,,.r'sitrillif'd'IZI,L!' +��•_ln� �'i•:asi'A ✓�.►:'+,w>t►T:�.�'szi . •rfri* r t� t•. �y,�•_ ,ram y ie t Win, a r!••• • .rs�v`••sr ;0� r ��/►t'+t�. i r lrt�Nc►"t'Frws�"%r+•tF:�li'�. `�s'a>r;ii a.,'��:i:,' t s�!'e."r".;Sf`•r�r•'!r�jiG+'�i4*':lit fr':ti';4: ' w; t ♦. r 4 .t•.tr1R • f't�ttf aR err r r • e •sa rt'•e•R�3tti ! .. • • wto ow OW A, riAT 12 B C A R 0 S AZ,10 C"D11:'T_' T It ZS ._..R Narne ,cS 11 f 1 ... 1 t 4..I• /1 � / i 1 � / 1 \ .1 1 �� :orne i -ore No. •�' ��`.. i Business - Address a-1 ,cam-.�.E{2-EJ�- ,�'E • R-1iG.. �A R,�t .�S 3'� t's-.� Business Phone No. Z DUC A i'ION mil.. ` � r , NZ C-•4C... 40-�sue: 5cev-N.C> e ? GtS �+Ve-(NT---eFYL- STA-tc CF r-L.0(417A ORGANIZATIONS OR COS N-EUNITY ACT IVI':I=S M ermoroe.! m" Aar 4skmerTL l.0w6 A (?,T .AAA+ SF V" Any additional tntormat:on you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. FG21► tL titEMR�fL McIV.0 •DA,.rV WATe7l. u t2 fpco,(U=7eS Yes) • ' E�►�+►rCJl.. O F i N'I'�TL.i,,iATIC wn0.tr 1t lSt"bR.S 'Po2M. -R, fa4er mewr Me.c4+ 1 C Ml1AM I ,6►n.T Board or Committee for which you were nominated: MEM i3Er2, I V i (Use the reverse side of this page for additional space.1 OW titj CIT11 CF Persnnai ;nFar-nar)on turn for N'urrrntet :o advisory or administrative 3uirds `• ?ds:::Ch srtd 3osr1 .ar which You ::Sve b ten Flo. -mated Arts' ift—: ublic--0 acss CcYttnit tee read) ;rs,:-j=cne: ?'.ease c.mats:l and sign :!%s .ors ind :etun :t alcnq with 1 Liner resume. .ti1iC:`ael Ceffrey . ...._.. an.a 4. -_ ?r.cre .....ter. t'G=i ' 'F—?2C6 3. �uar-ess ?.•.or.e (305) 446-22C6 S. CCCL':aeon: ::r!.--n Cesian and :�Us=ric PresE-^.'at.C11 C—Irs LL ant ?lease mattate "Yes" cr "Na" :o the 1011r. %.::z ?Suors !;Y C BC$i.:a.:• a _^.yrc.^.aLe oox. 1.1so please aiaC^.:its -an your s.:aAefli wnere re;:ested. Yes NO T. Are you a Linnet: St_es Citizen? X7 S. .ire y,u presently tndel.tec to the =ity ra 'Stir: fir Sad rd3i zr personal vtpery tax. 1.cense fee or Yes property lien? tf yes, piearce give details belo:v: -� 3. Co you presently own property in the City of M1=1 ether than ,your home and. cr place of 1.ustress? Yes No r 7 X-; II . it Uesunn •9 above is answered "Yes." is :ai of this propery to c:r:formirce .vita Cay Crcina.^.:es? yes No It "NO." piesse Ctve detatts below: C 11. The City of stiami routinely :makes a police check of the background of individuals nominated for positions on aavtsory or administrative bonds and committees. The City Commission ana the City start ^tile every effort to ensure that these CheCKS and tnetr res ults are maintained in confidence. Da you have any objec- Yes No Lions to sued a check orsnt conoucted. tSee Ordinance .8622. amending sec..—l04 of City Code.) l:. Please indicate in the soaCe below any areas in which you matt rind yourself in a position of conflict of interest snould you be apBotnted to the.8oard for wntcti you nave been nominated. I c ont6=2ate no conflict of intrest wit31��-- t ungeratand thst the statenlemts contained neretn «ail be It rmatenal consideration in the Selection of an individual to serve in the ;Q51919111 goy which 10119ve been nominated. • s J=- a 26, 1983 l D?te) c&i�naturel t OWW a a• . (�� --- r. d ��r rc. dNi via ..+ a _ r l i.. • Y t' 1, air. a Michael ,T. Max44y' J.d i-TFSUe, T"..: mob ies, �' LGTlda 321-4 � h r'o;:;e :hone `o. (3C5) •t6-.:..Go ' s :nes s ur::an iesiy and ._s.ric Prese %aticn Consultant Address 103' Sevilla Avenue, Oral Gables, Florida 33134 �::siness Phcne :tio. (305) 446-2206 OUCATION Master of Planning University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia 1979 Specialization = Urban Design Graduate studies in Urban Design, Vicenza, Italy Bachelor of Arts University of Texas at Austin, 1975 ORGAN11ZATiONS OR CC.%ZViT-'N1TY AC T I-NITIVS We Heritage Trust, Trustee, Executive Committee Member WEIcan institute of Architects, Associate Member Coral Gables Historic Preservation Board, Advisor Awxican P Assocs.ation, , American Institute of Certified Planners ny as ttionai information ,you would like to inc uae t. at would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you tfvere nominated. . I have previously worked to establish tdo Arts -in -Public Places Program in conjunction with my professional work. The Arts program I established in E4 ?aso County forcused on using locally produced art works -: 1••s3Sd g� 9lde,.aneenh ncetheeur amrironmet.(Over) oa�.rwhcouanominated: -' - ic-Places Committee (Use the reverse side of this pace for additional space. 1 84�2ft -, LU 61 Conti Li. lJ1t other sidle6 As an Crtan Cesiyn ^onsul',as►t i developed, as part of the consultant team, an extensive public arts placement program utilizing a state-wide Ccnr jtition to i.rstall seven ;aa-or u: .crioral •Acrks of art ian dcwntc�h`n Burlington, Vezmnt.. . ` :71a :.p^orgy-� -,� ? }�`- ., _ - � ^}�- --_ .._ •.� 3:!-".�..._ .. :"'" a... �: +�i �a'1 i�v...'._v�.. .. ►na `C= -^.� -�s i _...n .a: ...i •.!. W. r.: r�ra i►•iaV r.i t�a-J4 'N.IV. ..film .i«eeta Al�.. Li � . . . iS proi�.'� oral r+i v. � IS a irr�tl +:_si.l;ie Of .'ti . .'�a:ih'ell ssi '.I.%xoeil was Chai=ran of the County -wide historic Preservation week 1983 which cocrdi..natad events thrcuchcut Dade from stay 8-14, 1983. he was e'^sir- iran of t"e annual. Historic Presez-ration Am rds in 1983, in Dade Co. an is new Chairing the Florida Trust for HIstcric Presez-.,aticn : rnual Ama -dAs 1983, a state-wide c=petition. 01 :., s.?_ _'-=t.--e o_ .'�� . :'!a.{Net!' J ex=e: _e=a . is recent activities have encompassed a tiariety o: planni..-q acti'1_ties including:. a feasibility and adapti%s reuse analysis for an historic Miami high sc::eol; two feasibility studies and cost analyses for narking facilities :_^. A—cw",t wn u-=«i; .`.iastarpl3 .3 :nd — environmental assess:,►ents/pe--mitti ng !or two high schools and two bus/maintenance facilities in Collier County, Florida, are zoning consultation and expert ':e_stimony. 7n 1981 Mr. Maxwell prepared the development plan for a $250 millicn dollar resort and :marina in Key west, Florida reusing an historic naval base. The plan recycled 23 historic buildings into new cc=er=ial and residential uses; provided for the --'ease development of 450 residential units, a 200 rcom hotel, 400 slip marina, cruise ship port-of-ca11, sea food processing • ��. r t i o ~ ..• l ter. w y industry, e.^, e a .^.^,ent. seed c mme�..:a des :.c.s. e apcearance of the plan was controlled by performance oriented urban design guidelines. Development impacts were analyzed and new zoning put in place regulating redevelopment throughout Key west. Previously, Mr. Maxwell was associated with the firm o! C.E. Maguire of Hartford, Connecticut where he served as Senior Planner on numerous projects including: a :ma.-ket/locational analysis for aq a 'rcra;t :maintenance and medi-fidation facility in the Meaitarranean; cost -benefit and environmental for =food and erosion control struct:;res in East .1aven, Connecticut; and served as a Planning/Zoning Consultant to to ;owns �.I,c^aei f. %Iaxo'eil ;lLP PO BQ\ :4"Q o LJr.J il"Cies. ::031 ;.;o•z"Co 84-��OI (5'1 . and East riart`o_c Connectizut; 7, aster -a_1 f sLr _ee n b_cck bus locp :';Z _: :, _i.•,=-It. :he ma:l=e3`-ur@5 a s_ — a_ : _:.-cc�• s1s am to fro _ect s:.cppe_ _rc., rweathe-, un i Z U e pav inc, r ghtinc and landscape systems, fcuntal ns and s.._ee. _ -4 -l4_e taa,. a _es.._vQ setting .,o ': er:,,on t' s _argent retail center In Texas, Maxwell designed comprehensive plans for the revitalization of three historic central business districts. The plans initiated physical and economic revitalization of these downtowns based u_oon local tax and investment incentives. While associated with the West Texas Council of Governments, Mr. Maxwell was responsible for land resource and environmental :management for a 22,000 square mile area. His activities included the preparation of numerous environmental assessments and analysis of development impacts. Serving as a planner and designer to a housing ` development corporation, Mr. Maxwell supervised the development of a 100 unit residential community, planned and designed housing and a business complex. His other projects include the planning and design of parks in flood zones; environmental and economic analysis of capital improvement projects for commercial and residential developments. Mr. Maxwell was educated at the University of Virginia where he received a Master of Planning. Be received his Bachelors Degree in Urban Geography from the University of Texas. 84 OQV I 2 `Ab ALV` =, -AID.. - - - 1437 Sevi—.l3 �Ta*itL— r GOt31 .ram -es# .. a ':'3�i.^�3 '.�13* 3aS! :V.ASTS. ?i.�-.:v:3iVG Z rla.ii = C.a �'a.~Z =:ii - University o-Jff ,l-Irq nia, is 7,9 : axl- S at Aus _ln 137 5 ♦la Jl. 1 it ♦ � �� Cowl Gahlesr : icr�:a. I.S82-14E� planning Consultant for a diverse range of services including: site analysis, feasibility studies,' zoning and permitting environmental studies, historic pr4servation and marketing. representative projects included: .feasibility and adaptive reuse analysis for an historic Miami high school; planning, feasibility and cost analysis for parking facilities jointly developed by three local governments; master plans and develepaentt permitti=9 for t•wcL high schools. and two, hus . maintenance facilities. is Naples, Florida. Represented the f i--= f-or nusarvus- commu=Lty and. Fnlitiaal. PROJECT MANAGER WOUBERG/Ai'.VAREZ/T.RACIDO & ASSOCIATES Miami, Florida 1981-1982 Project Manager for planning/urban design services. Manned, ., ,"RRaged acid. grcd=ed $200 million dollar :nixed -use _sort developmenir adaptiveLy reusing- an hist0-6 c surplus ' naval base and harbour in Key west, Florida. Developed feasibility studies and reuse plans for historic structures; created thematic resort development Including cruise ship port-ot-call, retail satles, hotels, residential and light industrwf. Directed fi='s public relations and promotions; marketed professional services and managed production staff. $4--Zo . , LQ37 Savi-lla Av4wltleo Cora.i Gao_es, F .C= _ '.il3Y 343/ 4a-ZZQ6 Un=,trersity of V-rgynia, �::arlo �tesvi:.ie , Z y ilia 19 t? i 3 r J Corrl Ga -iles, Flori am . 1.482-t SGI Planning Consultant _or a diverse range o: services including: site analysis, feasibility studies,•zoninq and permitting env1--onmental studies, historic preservation and marketing. Representative projects included: .:easibility and adaptive reuse analysis for an historic Miami high school; planning, feasibility and cost analysis for parking facilities jointly developed by three local governments; master plans and development :tea.-,:; ttiag Lox twa high schwls:. and twa -huz . maintenance -facilities is Staples. F loriAa. Represented. the £i._-a £or a=--=vus• community-. and. FaUtic3i 2- PROJECT MANAGER 'VIOL. BERG/ALVAREZ/TARACIDO & ASSOCIATES Miami, Florida 1981-1982 Project Manager for planning/urban design services. Planned, ._ �xRaged and prcdu:ced $200 million dolls= :nixed -use resort development adaptively reusing- an his tor ic surplc:s ' naval base and harbour in Rey West, Florida. Developed feasibility studies and reuse plans for historic structures; created thematic resort development including cruise ship port -of -call, retail sales, hotels, residential and light industry. Directed firm's public relations and' promotions; marketed professional services mad managed production staff. 84w- 01. . s �Li'/�V .YIV•LlC = M'iVUliv� l:ic. New Brita;n; Ccnnedticu =.25po:lsib.le f=�4 ?y.3;:::s..''. al1Z� T3:.3g2t`lent G,. roeC-A -C_ _:ublil and private clients. Provided orcatiZational Management and pa+tic:"pated Ift desic:i team of innovative pedestria:i snapping mall/bus loop for Burlington, Vermont. Utilized skills in oral a,nd written con-ftunicatitn to ex=and consult.ing business. �azBnet_r-2. r .r r .•.r -a .. �+ ♦�rr.rrr ram...♦ - ter.«..�.• r�r ... J`. w•..•r r\Ir �..� riralJaiia�- PLAN�'CVG CCArSULT>-N' "IIC U L S . X=S EELL Pi�l.'�iER El Paso & Austin, Texas 1977-1979 Ccnsultant to municipalities of economic cevelcpment and commercial revitalization. Analyzed community needs and resources to create and leverage capital investment programs in housing and central business districts. Obtained Federal grants for client towns in excess of 1.5 million dollars. Gained strong abilities in marketing and effectively presenting and communicating innovative development concepts to public bodies. URBAN PLAINNING DIRECTOR WEST T XAS COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS El Paso, Texas 1976-1978 Provided technical planning, grantsmanship and managerial assistance to 28 governments. Responsibility for -managing and implementing federal grant programs and local compliances. Developed and implemented over 3 million dollars of commercial rehabilitation, historic preservation and public art projects. Obtained extensive experience in Federal and.St'ate programs and management of large scale projects. PROJECT PLANNER SWENSON CORPORATION DEVELOPERS Austin, Texas 1975-1976 Conducted feasibility and market studies for residential and commercial. developments. Planned and designed housing estates and office complexes. Acted as developer's liaison with municipal regulatory agencies. .W j I• :sr:�L s�iCilr:.a :ZO1�s�'r..isZ, Planher, Environmental lilstitute; Austiftt Texas 1975 ♦ A �i±tJdk� S.i qt n Bern , Planning Debar—ment , kuttin, Texas 1974 !:or =.i*e t'i3: ts j City 8c4 P:OC�1 am - Austin, Ar,. 3:1 1 a s It:+`.a Cz- Ca IfIed Panna s Le- can Planning AsaOCiatiOn : :i-7e = si t v o. Y J.rc .^ a Raven SCC:.a Cer of iCaUniversity c! juarez, :iexico Certificate of Appreciation; City of Miami# Florida ?ortfolio and professional references upon request. March 198.3 0