HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0200J-83=427 rr RESOLUTION NO. _. r.t .. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIV'IOUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN& BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIt FLORIDA: Section 1, The following individuals are hereby appointed to the CITY OF MIAMI COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF 1. Gisela Cardonne 2. Terril Stone Tharp 3. Janet Seitlin 4. Martha Prado 5. Inez Almond 6. Valerie Lamonthe i. Alicia Baro 8. Emma Chavez 9. Nikki Beare 10. Clare Whealan * Ann Marie Adker was named and passed with the motion. She is already a member and therefore does not need to be reappointed. There are presently two openings to be appointed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of February , 1984 ATTEST: C3 ROP H G. ONGIE, CITY WRK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: OBERT F--CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPR VED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ATTORNEY Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R A MON E`r"Ic OF f E 8 9 19642n ION fin A4-- REMARKS, 49 0di" oP MIAMI, laic ICOA T° Howard V. Cary City Manager V . _• FROM• - � e Robert b. Xr'auset nireotor Department of Human Resources 6ATE: May 2 3 , 1983 PILL: SUOAC appointments to the Commission tt the Status ox wdmeft" REFERENCES: ENCLO5WREs: Three (3 ) w attached is a drat r _sc Jticn arc- ' cv vidinc for the appointment cf ttie vs - �- ilex.,: ers to the City o= :Z?11Cl�:"L.. 3s.vn r on the Status of Women. The Commission on the Status of Women was,established by Resolution No. 73-566, on July 1973. This is a volunteer board which represents the concerns of women to the City Government. The Commission member- ship consists of twenty members to be appointed by the City Commis- sion. Recommendations to fill vacancies are submitted to the City Commission for consideration. The membership should reflect the racial, ethnic, economic and social diversity of women in the City of Miami. The Commission has openings for twelve members. Accompanying this resolution are the resumes of the appointees recommended by the Commission. It has been customary that the City Commission consider the appointment of those individuals referred by the Commission membership. To fill the existing vacancies the attached resolution should be placed on the June 9th agenda for consideration by the City Commission. HMD:cf 4'l0. t ' t Carol Ann Taylor 3F •i :%a hleen Phillips -� Jednette Taswelli-Pearson 1 C-Ijela Ca--dcnne ..^ iK �i yy Lr�i�i GIs• _ Yiomara Ma�cr Martha Prado gF Inez Al-mcnd BF vValerie Lamonthe BF Alicia Baro EF Gloria Simmons Br �ma^�.a•�er a Commission Member Francina q,. Brooks Patricia E. Johnson Olga Garay Wanda Green !Cate :Hale Verneka Silva Julie Tiger ,Ann Marie Adker Ethnic BF BF HF BF AF BF OF BF COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOt E11 Ethnic Breakdown of Current Membership' 5 BF 1 AF I HF 1 OF Address Telephone 7715 S.W. 86 Street #A2-104, Miami, F1 33143 579-6853 3418 Franklin Ave., Coconut Grove, F1 33133 666-6782 1441 N.E. 117 Street, Miami, F2. 33161 554-2715 2500 N.W. 80th Street, niaini, F1. 33147 579-6370 3325 Franklin Ave., Coconut Grove, F1 33133 579-2553 3587 Hibiscus Street, Coconut Grove, F'1 3313.3 443-4971 3915 N.W. 4th Streets, Miami, F1 33126 649-3046 238 N.W. 8th Street, Miami, F1 33135 358-1493 N 4' OPi . r i CITY or MIA MI 11,OA11 )5 AND COMMITTEI S IV T✓ The The Commission un tha Status of Wumen is actively seeking new members. Please forward Application for fnenibershi.p to: Dr. Itatti M. Datiiiel:, City ut Miami/uc,r.,rtlnent of Human Resources 1145 Niw. 1.1 :iLrveL/ itia>ui, F1, 33136 Name INEZ 1,._ AL.40ND Address 318.E Eli-zabeth St. .:L.:Illi, rL 33133 i.,;,-ne P ionc� .'fo. 1 Bu4ine8J i)t=1;.+.L't "it T,L •)1 ,i.1•:tl Address 'r,On soij, i, till 1;::i'. FL 33133 Business Phone 1`:o. ( 3051 5/1 -9 -69 1 i EDUCATION PhD. Candidate Mauters of Public Administration, 1978 Nigher Education Administration Biscayne College University of Miami Miami, FL 33055 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Expected Date of Graduation: 1986 Bachelors of Arts, 1976 Florida Memorial College Miami, FL 33055 ORGANIZATIONS OR CON-WUNITY ACTIVITIES Coalition of 100 Black Women American Association of Public Administrators Council of Concerned Executives Delta Sigma Theta Any additional tntormation you would like to include. that would be pertinent to your appointment to the board or Committee fur vsliich you were nominated. I have a keen interest in the welfare of minority youth. I feel their status in life can be positively elevated if we as minority women began to instill confidence and trust in them. I feel this Commission can be a beneficial vehicle tt10 addressing OIL rote nc�inn wit ou iat Ml f oanlf otartaou eons- a wrongm op� t'ig out cantceicorrecEe w _h you o how Xm Board or Committee for which you were nominated: Academy for Community Education Board. 4`, cITV OF WAN11 Petsoi Dal lnlotmaliun fotra fut Nurninets a, Advi:.ory of Adminisuaiiie Hoards POsilloh and SO&M lot which you have been nominated Membet f Pusttlun Commission on the Status of Women I board) � instructions: Please 40111pl::Ie e1:11 91,jA .: 1:1 -'f 1 A,.0 rc:uiT, is -.up '.11 .'1 A I Name INEZ 1 t`111.1% ALMOND 1Fimt) fi.iilluie) Meat) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 3136 Elizabeth Street iWoot and Number) ;Miami '. 3 1; .. .1,1,1idtltlUldu.flnn7D:-.:�))� `.;�.tlC:+{..-:'il)yl� ±�:.��.��_ - t, ICI 1�3 (%Lr0Ut rod C)u1:11.or1 1Zfi/) 1•.tutd) I. Homo Phone Number: ( U ; } 44 j— ;1} 1 �, $uai,:c:.d I'►1. 11r ;i.,rnbnr:(;OS) 579-61) 16 u. Occupation: Director, Sri-junter Yo!Ici� I—!, Please indicate "Yes- ur "Nu" to (he fallowing queatiuna r1y checking;he at.proprlale box, also please elabtrsts on your answers where requested. 7. Are you a United &aces Citizen? Yes No ® ❑ 8. Are you presently Indebted to the City -.t lttuini tar and real or pertiun d property tax, license too or Yes No property lien? rx] CJ It yes, please give details below? 9. Do you presently own property to the City of hilainl other thail your home and.'ur place of business? Yes No ❑ K3 10. . U question .9 above is answered "Yes." Is all of this property In conformance with City Ordinances? Yes No It "No," please give details below: 0 C3 11. The City of Aami routinely makes a pulico check of the background of individuulx numinated for positions on advlsu►y or adminlbtrrtivo builtd, and cunimiltneti. Thu City Cummlbstun and the City staff make every effort to rnaura that thube chockb and their rea tilt:, eta waintAined In cuntidence. Uu you have tuly ub/ee• Yes No Ilona to such a check being conducted. (Sea Ordin,inre •8622, amemting :;tic..-104 of City Code.) C] l'', Please inlhrate to the eiyuce below any argue In Nhtch 5011 111 gilt fuel laurtirif In a linaitit)n Of conflict of Interest Should You be uypulatrd to the Ward fur which you have liern ul,minated. I ynderalsnd that the statements cuntainvd hvrein will pu a mWersol conaiJerut►un ill the selection of aA individual to nerve in the paaittun fur which f have been nominated. :--.-. MAX 16.E 12§ 3 • - ---- - I pug t t 5i tcniturrl 4ow00 It k: T r CITY Or MIAMI BOARDS ANb COMMITTI:8-6 Name Alison Ce Weinger Address 6240 S.W. 5$ Street t.�iami`Florida 33143 Home Phone No. cOt:5-0=Q5 virt5 Date _ Busine3a >c3c3rEsa 700 6rickell ')CI Florida 33i31 r Business Phone No. 371-0268 EDUCATION University of Wisconsin -Madison --Received BA Degree with Majors in Political Science and History. Graduated Magma Cum L.aude. Senior Thesison the Plight of Aryan Women in the Third Rielch. Attented 1973 thru 1977. University of Miami. Law School. Graduated with JD in 1980 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES President of Dade County Chapter of The Florida Association for Women Lawyers July 1, 1982 thru June 30, 1983. ff Participant in Leadership Miami. 1983. Vice r�sso�ciat in ofoDa s tY--OVER Any additional ►ntormat►on you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Cummittee for which you were nominated. I an and have always been a w=en's rights advocate and feel that as a commissioner on The City of Miami Commission for the Status of Women I would be able to furtherthe goals of the City of Miami and ensure that women are encouraged to seek employmemt, discrimination is abrogated, OVER board or CocI I .-ttee for which your were tsosnin;►tad;_ (Uoe the reverse side of thlo page for additioniLt opace. I would be happy to fish additional i.nfotrnaGion or references, CITY We MIAM1 Peradna) infotrroattun Futitt fit Nutumelte to AtIvisuty ut ALItauuatrallvt Duatdi Ibiltloh tend f OAM for wlllch you hays bath numinrtted _-_C orrmiSSloter The City of Mimi Coftrnission on the Status of tJarWn (((used► inatructluns: Plesile CnM111kite And ,1� . ': 1., i dtu m,a -in :: ui:n { tiUh ► L.Int t tnu+iid. Wein er I. Hama: ___._..._. 11SUn :.i�lr�3ri g lF'Irat I 'dl.Afl" ( LiutI 3 Addtess ul Pormtinent ltealdehce: 6141) S .W. 53 Street i�Liatni. , Florida 33143 (Street and Nuntb.ir► ILIII► .:WWi l•+iVL,nitl 3. Ail.►rnar of Durtnudo' - _' ;.Afoul i11J .'i.ital.rrl .rilyl tJlYlUj 1 i. :I�It.0 l'hunn Nwnut:r•rr,.Fi-!:O.'� ... :lunwaer l+►wue ,tuulbur: .3l. -t� 01. u. i1c/.Jpatlun: 'trial Atto=ev e'_ 1; vato- irLLL Lve Wish S I'-UmLL Lim Firm Plerdd luulCrtn "Yen" ut "Nw" to Um iulli.r.l,lrt •►uoellk-11a I,y , huckuls;ho vloruprtate boa. Weu plelute ntaburatr un your rrlrwers where requested. Yes Nu 9. Are YOU a United oialnr CIUcaIII? ❑ 0 g. Are YOU preadhtly lhddbled to Lite Ctly Jt Mlium tur mod reel ,ir pureunal property talk, liveries fee or Yus Nis property Itunl 13 12 It yet, piellee rive details beluw. H. Do you presently own property In the City of hUMI other Mall yuur home andlur place of bustitess? - Yes Nu Q 23 10. . It Queatlun eY above Is answered "Yea," to ull of ttlla pruperty tot cunfurmai►ee with City OtdlnanCa87 Yea He It "NO." pleats rive details below: ❑ ❑ It. Tito City Of Mato( routinely makes a pt.11Cu t.huch ut the hauat(An►►Ind ut IIIJIVaouaia huel111atud for pualtlulls un advisory or ItalllhibtratiYe boards Wad eullutillteua. 'Pile Clly Cuamilssiull road the City staff luaka every elturt to ensure that thure cheeks Wld their re6 ulta are matht lined Ilk cuupduuce. Uj yuu have any obfeC- Yee Nis Who, to such a check being i unducted. (bwe urdthsklce .beeZ., WherW111g buc. 2 - lui of City Cud".) ❑ r 1:. Please 1hd1CAte In the aprcw b1lluw ally aruae In which you in ichl find yourself III a pualtiun of conflict of interest should you be aypuinted ar the Huard lot which yuu have ticall IIUh1111tdUJ. I know of no conflict which would affect my ability to perform as a Candssioner ,an the City of Miami Commission cr the Status o 1 WIdCr�lallkl (hilt llle etrltIMOIlts tulltalnwd hervill will Ile o nli►Ilirial cilhaldwrl 14ull ill file aelectlun of all Individual to stlrv4 in the Pul►itluh ter wluk:h t havg bwvh Iwplivatrd. May 2, 1983 t Otllal iw1111tlttlre) 1 4aoo00 '4 CITY OF MIAMI I3OAtIDS AND COMMITTE95 The Commission an _lie Status (if Wofien is actikiely seeking new members, Please forward application for membership tot Dr. Hattie M. Daniels (tty of Miami/Department of Human Resources 1i45 '.1.W. 11 Street/ Miami, Fib 33136 Name Carole Ann_.Tavlor__ Address 3404 Franklin Avenue, Miami, Florida 33133 - OTiie Phone No. n i r, 02 / , Birth Late llJlO,ll Address City Hall, 3500 Pan Fla. 22132 . Business Phone No. q'7o_f;jjj fj EDUCATION A.B. Davis High School, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio - B.A. - Sociology New York State Civil Service Commission - Certificate of Completion in study of Admin- istration of Organizations American Arbitration Association - Certified Mediator/Arbitrator Institute for Mediation & Conflict Resolution, New York City, Certified Mediator/Arbitra ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES National Vice -President, National Coalition of 100 Black Women President, Florida -Caribbean Coalition of 100 Black Women Founder, National Women's Political Caucus Member, National Organization for Women; Member, Leadership Miami Alumni Any additional intormation you would like to Include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. One of ten founders of the National Women's Political Caucus, 1970 Past National Co -Chairperson, National Women's Political Caucus Member, YWCA Women's Network Board or Committee for which you were nominated; Status of Women's Commission 4qW00%- -. Pttsunai tafurtniitiun Votth fur Nuihinees to Adviaoty of Administrative Nodtds Position -%nd bcanl tut �vhlch ynu �avd ijren nuinuiuted _ ';g� (,C:t' _° REM— _ _ _..._______...--.--�-__ t Position _._--T..5tatus_.of-women` coinnission 1 i3u3td) instructions: Please complete and siren this form unit return it alone; 41th u r,rtet ie3tund. 1. Nams: C tau _ _ � _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ ice .. _ Taylor 1bi5t1 art -- . " lddtess at Permsndnt ites.Jence: 34014 Franklin Ayanuo _- (Sheet end Number) Miami Fla, 331113 %City) (:;tutus (2;DCoJe) 3. address of Hushes_-' Clt'J i,I i, ;-3t,i) )3n psi: r' c:in ,1,i'1ve� Niaini, r'13. :"►,3 (.araet :..—j Naiebdr) tCiOI t"Wte) t. Home ?hone Number - Jc 1 _(27 _ a11,33u.:tnea3 Phnne ;Number: � � �1 _,j,:,? r) S. Occupation: as,i-ant-_tothe Mdyor, i ity of Miami 7. 8. Please indicate "Yes" or "No" to the fuiluivintt (iudstlona !Py cneckisittUe aDi topriato box. also please alalKsests on your answers where reyuestud. Yes No Me you a United States Cltlzsn? ® [] Ate you presently Indebted to the City of Miumi fur And real ur personal property tax. license toe or Yes No Property lien? If yes. please give detalls below- O. 10. Do you pres#ntty own property in the City of Miami other ttimi your hunie andlor place of business? . if question 00 above Is answered "Yes." is WI of this property In conformance with City Ordinances? It "No." please give data ula below: Yes ❑ Yes ❑ No Q No ❑ 11. The City of loam) routln#ly makes a police check of the background of individuals nominated for puait►ons on advisory or admintatrative budr4ii and committees. Thu City Cummtastun and thu City staff make every effort to ensure that these chucks and their raa ult, and maintained in cunfidunce. DA you have any obfec• Yea No dons to such a check beirod cunductvd. tbee Orduimica .tiG'."., amendinK 4ec. J • 10J of Coy Cud#.) ❑ 0 12. Please Indicate ►n the apace below any cir#as in Mlicri )uu sit ► IA riiiil )--ur,-elt sit a puemon of conflict of Interests should you b# appuinted Isis Ins Huard fiat wntett juu ha%v barn uunuart�d. Norle if r=mac., pmpinyppr, aria nn - exempted f OnderetarKl shift the statements .untamed herein will b.• A 4149114101 cloneltfcraAttuu to the selection of sa Individual to *vivo In the pualtiun fur which l have boon ruminated. MaX­ZQ, 1983 ^ loom / c? _ t� f _ arm J i CITY OP MIAMI 130AAI)S ANI3 COMMITTgtS The Commission an the Status of Wumen Is actively seeking new me:uuers. !'iuude Iurward application for metnbership tut. Dr. Hattie M. Danleis City of Miami/ Deuart;nent of Human Resources i145 N.W. 11 Strf.L-t/ Miami, Fl. 33136 Name Kathleen Phillips Address _.334_Romano Ave. Coral Cables. FL, Home Phone No. 305) GL?-Q44 Birth Late Z3/4/51 FSu1in�'d3 Latvyar Address 711 Biscayne I9 W. F laglar St. , :Iiami, FL. Business Phone No. (305) 374- +340 EDUCATION University of Florida Florida State Univeristy B.A. Psychology 6/73 J.D. 6/79 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Fla. Assoc. for Women Lawyers - Officer Fla. Assoc. for Women Lawyers - Dade County Chapter - Editor, Public Aelations Officer Legislative and Judicial Screening and Endorsements Committee Any additional intormation you would lil.0 to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. My practice is predominantly employment rights and civil rights litigation. I have litigated six discrimination cases and have been involved in other women's rights type law including having represented three women prisoners in their successful attempt to retain custody card or omm� tee toirlwhichpyo Swere nominated: ..-. 44-0r,r i j ary ov hll.mml petsuot►I Intutmatiun I-ttrm fut Nominees tit Atkosuty or Adin)niStrrlive Ituatall, Poaltlon and board fur which Sou have been no+ninuted t Potiittun i I)u and) Instructions: Please comr,lctn :r.d .,I;,n wu3 ic.nn :;..1 •ett�rn .t jil.rs i ;,r:r' :••.bout. I. N+une: _ ._. Kattzleen Phillips 110asU (tlulruie► t .sail 2. Address of Permanent Residence: _33-+__Romatto_ Ve_. (street and Nulilber) rC'.. i (s :U . r, 7 1. �) r i a -V (u,ty)1. 3. Address of 8usineis:__ r i� - -ice L1.iCa yne uL1 . -. - - ,_�_.j i> r. r 1a lac .-. 5e. , ►liami, rT�. 331 30 S :. (5trcet And Ni,tDbbr) I�+Y'A- . ...- IC.ty) (•,l.ateI �J�JJi 443-', µr3 (303) 374-4340- �. Home Phone Number: 5. iluy►uess +�hnne Nwnber: 6. Occupation: Lawler Please Indicate "Yes" or "NO" to the fuiluwins queatiuns by check)nit.tne appropriate boa, also please Plabur"s on gout answer► where reQaested. Y&s No 7. Ate you a United states Ctuzen? ® ❑ B. Are you presently indebted to the City of Atliuni for and real or peraunal propuny is&. Neer&& tee of Yes Nu property liell? ❑ Q� It yes, please give details tnilow. p. Do you presently own property In the City of Miami Other thiut yuur hull's snd.'ur ptacs Of husia&ss? Yes ❑ 10. . It Question a9 above is answered "Yes." Is all of this property In conformance with City Ord►nance&? Yes It "No." please sire details below: ❑ N/A No E3 No ❑ 11. The City of ahamr rnutlauly nukes a pnlic& cherk of the barkarnund of lndt►liiuul:+ nu+rinutud for,nta111uns on advisory ur adinudatrative tr,ariln w+d cummittosch. Pubi City t:..mnnhsllon mud this City brat( milt,& rvery viltin to virsura that tticsit chvLi.s and Ineir rvsulls toe alauitaNu"d In cuhfulans". Uj yuu Ilawd ally uhlec• Yes No lions to such a check ouinK cunducted. (:3ve ordihlutev etio::. ur+rmhuit :ivc. ;; • 101 of City Cude.) ❑ M 42, Plesst Indicate to the apace bellow any areas in which �smi as gill find luur:.rlf In A pu+►Itpin of c01111163 at Interest titwuld you be appolatrd to the liu.ird fur which t+w havv hero ii+,eunatvd. None I AI I1.1 Rol .I1 I . !I 1 I f 1 I I undrrrtlnd that gliv 1.12trier1113 cuntalned befrin will br a n+.►tvriol cY#n•.IJ9%oIiuli Ill Ihr hrlretlun "I an tndi►Idu.N to serer is this pusitiun It,r Mhich 1 have bern uunarsided, WOOD l5lostalowl Kathleen M. Phillips 1712 South Meridian 'failahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 222-9348 PERSONAL Born August 4, 1951 Married, no children Excellent health EDUCATION -1cri�a State Un `. _ _ _ - - - _... _._ . Eris .CCtLr (3:.`. nivarsity o; lcri tea, Bachelor of Arts (:ajrna Major., Psycholc:_=_v EDUCATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS Law Review 1�;°) (June, t9?3) V /.. 31�WA :. Editor, Research and Legislative Developments (12/77-12/78); Published note: "Reluctant Reform: Recent Changes in Unemployment Compensation in Florida" Labor Law Internship (9/78-12/78) 12 week, 40 hours -per -week internship at the Public Employee Relations Commission. Research and writing in the area of public labor law, participated in conducting representational election, prepared motions, jurisdictional brief, and various memoranda on labor issues. Employment Law Internship (1/79-3/79) 12 week, 40 hours -per -week internship at the Florida Commission on Human Relations. Research and writing in the area of employment discrimination; conducted case investigations which included conducting fact finding conferences; drafted proposed legislation; researched and drafted proposed interpretive rules; reviewed investigative files and reports for legal sufficiency; panel presentation on rights of pregnant and married students. WORK EXPERIENCE 3/79 - Florida Commission on Human Relations Tallahassee, Florida Responsibilities: Research and drafting proposed interpretive rules. w 6/78 to 10/78: Professor william McHugh = : U , '01' e ,e of Lacs Responsibilities: Labor law research and writing,, analysis of various public sector collectiVe bargaining agreements; prepared :n.�nograph to be published by the Labor Center. 1107 77 to 2/ 18 : Xent Spriggs, Att,„rne;; .a11ail aS3::e:, F 1 iva Responsibilities: Research and preparation of aorti.cn o: an:�ellate 'brie, i n T.-Ile VIT sa-t ,' i i: 53-eVViC $ Linpicy nent Law Project ,ra1ldnd.,; gee , Flu rides Responsibilities: Research ra;Ardinn unemployment compensation issues; participation in Unemployment Insurance A Alvisary Council .dhich included writing rule proposals and following and reporting on legislative developments in the unemployment compensation statute. 3/74 to 7/75: Jackson Memorial Hospital, Crisis Intervention Unit Miami, Florida Responsibilities: Psychiatric Social Worker. Evaluation or patients in emergency situations suffering from a variety of psychiatric disturbances. Interviews, diagnosis, treatment recommendations and counseling. Shift supervisor. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Law School: Editor and contributor, Law Review Officer and member, Lawyers Guild, F.S.U. Chapter Chairperson, Organization for Women Law Students Undergraduate: Volunteer, Tutorial Program for Culturally Disadvantaged Contributor to research monograph: "Self Presentation as a Function of Performance Expectations and Performance Anonymity" ELECTIVE COURSE WORK INCLUDES: Public Labor Law State Constitutional Law Federal Jurisdiction Florida Administrative Procedures Florida Appellate Jurisdiction (audited) Federal Income Taxation State and Local Taxation References supplied upon request, "" "001 s # t Kathleen Phillips Supplement to Resume 1/73 to present Private practice, sole practitioner; civii I-Ltigatiun predominantly in civil rights, labor and employment discrimination. 91 'L 70, 12 2 L CITY OF WAMI Petsonal Infotmatiurt Form for Noinintt-t to Advisory or Adtninisttatitt Hoards Position and Board fur which you have been nominated � - ._-- � � !�•s-�--�___ l n ti C-A /t fnstt•Jct)ons. Please i:c Delete and sl,:n form t � - .. r:\ 1. tome. 2. Address of Permanent Restdpnce: (Street and Number) �. :��.:rY39 Jf $dS:ueYS' _ — ` —__ \ �+ ',� ,ir-%"t �•-- . J - '�Cr:--. i. Home Phcnti Numb?r. 3u5i6NE3 kihJne :iumbef:F.5. Occupation: Please indicate "Yc's" •�r "No" to the :ollos•ing qute:.ti.,ns by c~rciiing. lie-apprjpriate box, also please Plaborate on your answers where requested. Yes No 7. Are you a United States Citizen? ❑ Q 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miarnl for and real ur personal property tax, license tee or Yes No property lion? ❑ C' It yes, please give details below: 9. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami other than your home and.'ur place of buslnsss? Yes No 10. . u question e9 above Is answered "Yes." is all of this property in conformance with City Ordinances? Yes No It "No." please rove details below: 9 ❑ Il. The City of Miami routinely ma►es a police check of the background of inoiv►dualx nominated for pubitions on advisory or administrutive boudi and committees, The City Comm►ssiun and the City staff make every effort to ensure that tnese checks and their retiuits are maintain-3 in cunnuencM, pa you have any ub)ee- Yes No lions to such'& check being .unducted. tSee Ordin.tnce adti.2. ataending Sec. 2-104 of City Code.) ❑ �' I:. Please Indicate in the i4pace belu.v any areus in Nhich yuu in ,;nt find yourself sit ,t position of conflict of interost should you be appotated to the Ouard bit which you ha►e ht:rn nl,minutej. 1 understand that the statements contained herein will br ,t m ►terlal cunbidvrut►on in the selei:tion of an lndivlduitf to serve to tho position fur which I have been nominated. 3 try (Dates _ - iS►Knstlife) t city or MIA MI $OAR DS ANb COMMITTEES RtSQN E_ Che +� .,m:�.sion .:n .lie Status .J ;lu„en is a� tivaiy seeking new members. Please forward application for membership to! Dr. 11«ttie .4: Danizls i.ity of Miami/Depart-ment of Human Resources 1145 t,W. 11 Street." Miami; Ft. 33136 Name_ _� : �-t F} A ►s''l Address' Home shone No. v Birth Lute 2s:nC :i J Address Business Phone No. EDUCATION t o��•i3f;� y zjSsvc s,U ct4 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. r Board or Committee for which you were nominated: Ct 0,� rni D.M; 5 w (S'YY�.1cYl� S S (in d11. ` �R 1t�9- S O,n W n m Pm T JANET S. SEITLIN ATfORVEY At LAW T latti, Ml. L,;�nIe1S City vC=;Lcaion ot n .'' ,,S S-;a...wo o� r,@.1 12 ,'.=. 33078 ;4iami, Florida 33133 v ^ N w - .'. 1 i-'l.C.. . L ��.n i l s Thank you for co;'.si `.:- me for membersiit; On the Cc'.=misssion on the Sj3.t ,s of ,'Jomen. I have enclosed a resume in addition to the information forms you requested. To give you a little more background on myself, I am a native Miamian and have long been active in many of the communities that comprise Miami. As a female professional I have had to deal with the problems unique to women in bus- iness and as a lawyer confront many of the core issues facing women today: divorce, child custody, job discrimination, and so on. Being single,�I face the daily task of having to support myself and run a small household. I feel I can offer positive contributions and unique points of view to the commission and would be honored to serve if appointed. If there is any more information you need, please contact me. Thank you again for the consideration. Sincerely, Suite 307 * 7747 S.W. k$tree iami, Florida 33143 • (305) 596.6052 84-ZOO.' : t JANET S. SEITL-IN 7747 S.W. 86 Street, 0.307 Miami, Florida 33143 (805) 596.6092 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE October, 1982 - Present Haitian Refugee Project inAmerica, 3eneral_Counsei_. Lega. advisor to the °oard of Directors; correspondence with IRS; establishment of legal services, including preparation of immigration documents, client screening, and court appearances. Participated in immigration law seminars in San Francisco and Miami. January - Cctober, i982 Y. ccc.2G 1rc-,sor, of C1 i-?ns be -Fore General and Soecial Masters, Circuit Court. . juvenile: 0ecendency and delinquency proceedings; filed petitions, decositicns, motions, trial briefs; conducted trials. Social Security: Client screening; representation in hear- ings before Administrative Law Judges. Traffic: Representation at all phases of trial. Contract and Entertainment Law: Negotiation, drafting, and counseling. 1981 Law Office of Alan Oppenheimer, Associate Attorney. C-eneral TrialPractice. case preparation; drafted documents and pleadings; negotiation; appearances in County and Circuit Courts. INTERNSHIPS 1980 Law Office of David Lipman, Law Clerk. Discrimination law practice. Preparation of discrimination, suit against a Florida municipality; organized and gathered evidentiary materials; examined files and official records; interviewed witnesses; compiled statistical analyses. 1979 Haitian Refugee Defense Program, Law Offices of Ira Kurzban, =w�Te'rK. r� on of trial briefs, motions before U.S. District Court. EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL. OF LAW, O.D., 1979 Admitted to Florida Ear, 1980. Admitted to U.S, District Court, Southern District, 1980. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1972 Phi Delta Theta Honorary Society CITY OP MIAMI Personal tnfutinmiun Form tut Nominett to Advisory at Administrative bu;ltds 'osltion and gnarl hr which you have been coninated tPosu on COI1M1' 8sion on the Status of 'iiomen (Duatd ) Inst,-uctton..: Please complete and sign this form and return A alone with a brief resume. _ - (First) {MUddte) ( ast! '— L I Address of Permanent Residence, ,_._� - - - - - (Street and Number) Miami r^Io-r -aa 331w3 C:CYI �iLvitll _. tLipcodQ .. 3. address of l3ustne,s _ ti s, a.i : 1 C'_ i �.3 ..._ tccruet . nd :Vui: cur) Kies) Mace) 1. :tome rhtae :+umbra ----" Business Phone Numbsr. 5Q�—C?� �? 6. .occupation: •i � c-rne.1 Please Indicate "Yes" or "No" to the followtng questions by cnrcking )he appruprtate box, also please elaborate on your answerb where:equebtedi Yes No 7. Are you a United Staten Citizen? X= ❑ 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property tax, license fee of property lien? It yes, please give details below: N/A Yes NQ .. El 9. Do you presently own property in the -City of btiami other than your home sWor place of business? Yes ❑ ..�N•� =.X 10. . If question .9 atove is answered "Yes," is all of this property in conformance with City ordinances? Yes A;, It "No." please rive details below: N/A ❑ 1 If. The City of Miami routinuly inakes a police check of the ba;kgrnund of Individual: nominated for positions on udviaory or administrative, baurds and committees. The City Commission and the City staff make every effort to en%ure that the -se checks and their results ore msintiuned in confidence. Ua you have may ob)ec- Yes � Lions to such a the Abeuia cunducted. iSev ordinance •86::, amendinit Sec. 2-104 of City Code.) ❑ 'L:dX 12. Please indicate in the i:paci: below any •areas to which �uu in ght find yourself in a pn31tiOn of conflict of Interest shuuld you tie up"!antrd to no Uuu•,1 fia which you hrve born nominated. None that I am aware of ' undrratand that tho atatenlentx csmthined herein will tre a mut-rlul e iv Vuaitiun fur %hick 1 have been nominated. June 1,1983 (Datel F ' CITY OF MIAMI 130ARDS AND COMM1TM:6 The Cotntnission on the Status of Women is actively seeking; new members, Please forward application for membership to! Dr, Hattie M. Daniels • City of Miami/Department of Human Resources 1143 N.W. it Stteet/ Miatni, rl. 13136 Narne JANET S. SEITLI Address D=307 47 S,V.,_86th Street,_'Miami, _33143 Home Phone No. Birth Date ALI �Usiness ":z Address Same as above Business Phone No. Same as above EDUCATION B.F.A., Theatre, University of Miami, 1972 J.D. , University of Miami, 1979 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Advisor to Board of Directors, Community Action Agency ,1981 Florida Association of Women Lawyers, 1980-present CocoU§2GrproeseAssociation, Board of Directors, Coordinator for Performing Arts Ri s Creek South Condominium Association, Board of Directors, 1981-2 Any acchtional information you would like to include that would be pertinent na your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. 0 Board or Committee for which you were nominated; wNwre$M6 .. .. ..-. Si$wP200: 4 0 CITY OF MIA lull BCAAItIM AND COMMITTgES The Commission on the Status of Woi en is artivelY seeking; new members. Please forward applicatiun for membership to: Dr. Hattie M. Daniels City of Miami/Department of Human Resouttes 1143 y,W, 11 Street/ `iiami, 1, 33136 Name. JA: ET S.SEiT%I;i __ -_---.-------- _.--- Address D-307 7.747_ S.w. ,86th_ Street, aiami, 33143 Home Phone No. _ = Birth Date Auvus_ - Business Address Same as above Business Phone No. EDUCATION Same as above B.F.A., Theatre, University of Miami, 1972 J.D. , University of Miami, 1979 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Advisor to Board of Directors, Community Action Agency .1981 Florida Association of Women Lawyers, 1980-present CocoY4922rrove Association, Board of Directors, Coordinator for Performing Arts presenE Kin s Creek South Condominium Association,Board of Directors, 1981-2 Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent a your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Board or Committee for which you were nominated; u WE=.. .. - .,.-. a CITY OF MIAMI I10AI2 US ANO COMMI`f" T gES T!je !'��iilF:in:.i::lli '1'1 C!ld 51AtW'l 0 f WOMC(1 iA aCti'laiy yeeKing new ntL:,nbers, Please f0iW.irtl application fut tnembe sttii, to! or. tlattle 14, Daniels city of MixiJ/Depart ent of Iluman Resources 1(�� ti,bi, ii SLret:t/ vliu:ul, r1. j3t3f, NJr:iEY if i:•3L�'. 'i%l:i�Vi...:":trte. Addraad 4'�4011, F!.W, _l�_A��rnin Miztni, rtnriciz. 2 i .•t;: oat e '1 ::• i.' ; i s _ A,3deits3 li4✓ N.W. 11 I.j5 i''ici-4da .:+. 1.36 Business Phone No. 579-6314 EDUCATION B.S. in Acacounting Additional course work in PerscnnR:l Management ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Muni Dade Urban Bankers Any additional intormation you would like to includes that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee* for which you were nominated. My experience in the area of mployrrient could be an asset to the Ccmdssion. whose task it is to recowend policies to assist minorities. Board or Committee for which you were nominated: City of Miami Camnission ors the Status of Warren n �wn+i�w.aaw. iw w :.n► �.w.w V S4.W00. w 0 PetIturlal ltitutnlittlud Nutin Iui Nunnnliti9 to Advisuty ut Adiuini,tr.tttve I?uat-li Position and board tar which you nuvu been numinAted Lloara .Nienbe-r ( P(juitton Citl,f of Miami CC rtUssion on the Status of Wareh ( LSuini 1 Instructions: Piease c.nnplete and 31i6n thus I-ctn and ft:um 1t .11t.11rt .kith It !,rle! hlJulfu:. I. Name: (First) (Last) 7. Address of Permandnt Residence: 4900 10 _ Svc -nut_- (4ttdel and Nunlbt:l) Miami 17 A. Udtetis .it .3u41::e t. .. 1. 14.1:10 Phunr. o. pr.�upati.n: l:L-!;L-r _t:_...L... _ NIeube iitdtr:attt ••Y.'3•• Ur "N,." t.. Si., is; Wtiswe" where ictijested. 1. Art you a Un►tud btat"ti Citi'ten° aisu weait nialturate on ytiur Yutl Nu W 0 8. Ate you presently indebted to We ('Ity .it Miumi Wr itnd tout ur peraun it prupetty tax. liventle f8e or Yes Na property Il.nti ❑ ❑ It yea, please give det Ula bttluw: • 9. DO you presently own property in the City ut Miami other than your home and.'ur place of business? Yes No • &S ❑ - to. . 1f question •I) above la anawerud "Yes." 1s all ut this property In conformance with City Ordinances? Yes No It "flu." please rive details billow: Q ❑ M The City nr Miami routinely makes a polite eheck ut the baCktenluntl of tildividuuls numinrted for pubitiuns an advisory ti; �lhnint+trative twtuns ;aid ramlmttuun. JU, City Cummlastun and the City staff moire every effort to t'uburu that these 0vuhs and theft sea ults atv tltaititau►ed tit cuntidunce. Uj you flaw" any ob)ee• yes No (ionJ (P 40101% 1 Check being cundut.ted. (Sea UrJlh.utC" .nbdB. amending sec. J- IUD ur City Code.) Q lam. Pleas" 11i•414'a(+ in the npacu buluw any ar"irl in Nhich );w 111 9111 thou lnur••t•ll ut a itttnittnn of conflict of tntenat Muufd )Oil be appulitt-1 to grit !guard fiat which situ IWv► liveti numutaitgJ. t A�� t ►�g./NE i z 1 ooderstlind tna tho statements cuntained hrrvui will flt, ti matvritil In the *election of an indiv►daai to Nerve 111 thv P'ssfilun fur shich I hive been nu'minated, ! I ire► l,S►in#IYfN a 4 CITY OP MIAMI 130ARDS AND COMMITTEES olt Lie Sf-.ituS of WoMen IN actively seee.ing new membets, Please furward application for meinbership to: Dr. 11attle M. Daniels u!Ltl of Miami; Departinent of Human Resources 1i4) N.W. It Street/ Miami, Fl. 33136 Name Vise la rdonne Address 857 Michael Street# Miami Beach, rt 33141 AB -4 4-A t h DaU q U.3 -L Z Z , 13 S Bujinaii Addreda 1.69 E. Flagler St., Suite 1101, Miami, FL 33131 Business Phone No. 579-6700 EDUCATION. Barry University - B.A. 1971 Barry Universtiy - M.A. 1979 University of Miami School of Law - J.D. 1976 ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Please see enclosed resume. Any additional intormation you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Board or Committee for which you were norninated;, CitX of Miami's Commission qu the status of Women: z CITY or WASH Personal Information Forib fut Nothinet•ll to Advisory or Administrative I3UAIJS of Miami t s GCmtni ss ion on Position slid Holed fur .v:deh you have bein r:umlauted � __...... lPnslt n the Stadia of Women Member Instructions. ?lease complete and skin this form and return It along with a brief resume. 1. trine•, __."- c-SeIa._.- _.._. __. _._ _.. _._._ Cardonne__.._.__-..._._. (First) (huddle) ask) 2. Address of Permanent Residence: 857 Michae 1 Street (Street and Number) Miami Bach Florida 33141 77 4. i{u:ns '.,.:s:. •r: . _ .:_�...,., ;...,e .c .,ao»r. 1 _,•i 7j0 L b. Occupation: :-.,:ii i ::in. %.iF'' Please Indic.te ' tas" it "Nu" to inn fulluwlnrt upp.uprlrte boa, also please alatiutal in your 3113wer:r 1111tad raqultst.4. Yes No 7. Are you a United States Ciuzen? S. Are you presently indebted to the City ut Shumi for and real i,r persun d property tax, license tee or Yes No property Ilan? []] 1 It yes, please give details below: 9. Do you presently own property in the City of AUam1 other lh;ul yi,ur hume and.'ur Place of business? Yes No 10. . If question .9 above Is answered "Yes," is .dl of this property In conformance with City Ord►nuriees? Yes No It "No." please give detruls below: 1. The City of Miami routinely mahea a pi.lice cnerk of the WiAttr„uud tit Individual+ numinated fur puslltuna on advisory or adminiatrativa buanla and turnmitteeh. The City Commiaatun and the City dtalf make every rllurt to entiure that thuse chueka and their res utls are maintained in eunfiduni:e. lJj you h.►ve wily uL)ec• yes ,No WAS to such a check being cunductrd. 1See Ordur.uive .eb.3, rmenuiny tiuc.:•-104 ul City Code.) �• 12. Please Indicate in the space below any areus In Aliicn rr,ir n► Kht fln.i iuur..irlf ►n a poattion of conflict ut Interest sfwuld You be iwPutnled to the lWAM fur which yiiu have b«ro rr..nin.uvi. None that I know of. ) r I understand thA the statement:s contained heroin will br a m4Wf4al ciinaidrruNurr In the Selecli9n of an Individual tt► "m In Inc position for %hich t have been nominated. Apralxl 4�Iltnratl�fr�, .�...� 4 r� CITY OF MIAMI i30AA0S ANO COMlviITTgES The Co�xnisjion on the Status of women is actively seeking new members. Please forward application fat membership tot Dt, Hattie M. Daniels Clty of Miami,'Department of Fiuman ''Resources li45 N.W. it Street/ illiamii 'r1. 3.313b Address 100 Edgewater Drive #128 Coconut Grove, F1 33133 1-jorne Phone ,r,, 665-2962 30, L949 Ccco nut t+ ~r�•: arts t /� Business � �:� 1'+'ci Office Address 2557 c Tv 2.3 h Stre,!t Coro;ut Crave, F1 33133 _ Business Phone No. 858-2950 EDUCATION Ph. D. ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Board of South Dade Jewish Community Center Board of Parent Resource Center Board of Plan Parenthood Board of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation Women's Division Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Have done research on women in Miami, planned and conducted workshops and seminars for the different organizations of which E am member. Most of the work has been directed majorly for women. Board or Committee for which you were nominated; _ city of Miami commission., on ,the ,Status of Women 4w0() I 0 11 petional 111(utmAttuh l:otla (ot NiAlsinees to Advisory of Adtatiil-Wilikr,tt Fluntdi 1'dilti0n sod Floard tot which you have been noininkied l(1ri.r.['?�.ti .___ t Pos►t on _ C minissio.(i off_ the St,�tus_ of _�•cime�i.. .z. .... _ (t)uatdl lnstructluns: Olsase Comolete slid sign this Will wid return it flung +tith a uriet rusums. I. Name: ____.'� .r= �' . _ - _.____---.___-__ S rQne___.Thar (First) (Middle) 4 La") 2. ,Wress of Permanent Residence: 100 Edgewater Dritie #128 (&reel and Number) _ Coconut _Grct!e a 33133 3. Addraas :f ju:,, ?done .Number. ^ _ ^ 1 ,; Gccuptticn: �rc n!:t f.re :rts s`i ,•al Please Indicate "Yes" or "`ra" to the Niluwing -luvnttuny by ehecklnryhe eppruptlate bog, also pies** &I+Wni1 oa lout inswerb wnere requested. 7. Are you a Uausd goatee Citizen? 16 NO S. Are you presently Indebted to the City of Miumi for and real or personal property tax, license too or Yea No property Ildu? ❑ It yes. Pismo give details below: O. Do you presently own property in the City of Miami other that) yuur home and/or place of buoineesl Toll No ❑ im 10. . u Question All stove Is answered "Yea." is all of this property In conformance with City GrainMes; Ye❑s No 1t "No." Pismo tars detslls below: it. The City of Miami routinely makes a police check of the background of individuals nominated for puailions on advisory of administrsuve boards and committees. Thu City Commissiun and the City staff make every effort to enaute that these check and tneir results are ii,aintainvd in cunfidence. Da you have any oblec• Yes No dons to such a check being conducted. (Ses Ordui,uice •46:2, amerwing Sec. 2—I04 of City Code.) ❑ 93 12. Please Indicate in the space below any are'aa In wltl(7h )uu m aht find )uursulf III a Position of 90111110 of intetsat Ah"d you be appointed W this fklard fur which you h, 100 burn uuinulrtrd. t uhderstand that the statements contained heroin will tw a m4wrial cunstdr:rimun is the sNecuos of an IndlrI" to sans to taw 9961110A fur obich"t sore been rtolsinsted. 7 19c.3 t0uet tltttn�t+we! In MEA 0 6 CITY Or- MIAMI I30AhllS ANb EOivlMITTtgs. � 12wES_i� 1yt E. Ttie Ccuunissicti on the :status of Women Is actively seeking new members, Please forward application tot membership tot Dr. Hattie 14. Daniels City of ftaniiiDepartment of human Resources 1145 N.W. 11 :street/ Miami, Fli 33136 i'Q n♦ .-� Address. 3351 rranklin Avenue Miami Florida 33133 iorne'elion` iio. 41:)-3h'�9 Birth Bate .lay 1.1, 1�50 Businesa Cade County-J^.�3i:� of Instruction .address 2201 S.V. 4th Street Miami, Florida 33153 Business Phone No. EDUCATION Florida State University - Master of Science Degree in Speech Pathology Florida A & M University - Bachlor of Science Degree in Speech 'Pathology and Audiology Miami -Dade Community College - Associate of Arts Degree ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Florida State Voters' League - President Project Voter Registration - Eduacation Financial Director National Business and Professional Women - College Alumni Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Board or Committee for which you were nominated; City oQf Mi= j Commission on the Status of women i CITY OF MIAW Petsoiial Infuriation l:otrn fut Nordineel to Advisory or Adininifittative Boards Pbsitlun and Hoard for *IUch you huve ueen numinated .____.---_----___---aYleSata __. 1 Po�►tTcin Women 1 Board) Instructions: Please complete and sign this form and return it clung with a urger rasu►ne. 1. Name: __ __ __ ci _ _ . Cochran_.. (Fire (huddle) 7Cati- 2. Address of Permanent Residence. 33b1 rranklin Avenue (Street and Number) Miami smear► .; .tar :. .,....u>J 1 Address of 3,.�tne.;' _ 4. Home :3^rind -r* 414 J. :iUM.'aNr: ti. Crct:patlon: =; a •-;;. La,^.qu.'.(,e and .1ecirina P atno' ogist Please indicate "Yes" or "No" to the following vuestluns by checking;he uGproGttatd but, also please Alabonate on your answers where requested. Yes No 7. Ate you a United &etas Ciuxen? ❑ ❑ 8. Are you )re3ently indebted to the City of Miami for and real of personal property tax, license fee or Yes No property lien? ❑ ❑ 1f yes, please (lire details below' 9. Do you presently own property in the -City of Mlartd other than your home and/or place of business? Yes No ❑ ❑ 10. . u question •9 above is answered "Yes." Is ail of this property in conformance with City Ordlnancsa? Yes No If "No." please pre details below: ❑ ❑ 11. The City of auami routinely makes a police check of the background of individuals nominated (of puallione on advisory or administrative buards and committees. Thv City Commisalon and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these choclia and their rat ults are maintained in cuntiddnce. U3 you have any oblec• Yea No lions to such a check being conducted. (Sve Ordinance 486.1.4. amending arc. 2—toi of City Code.) ❑ ❑ 12. Please indicate in the apace below any areas in which you m.ght rind 3oufaelf in a positinn of confllcl of intersat Should you be appointed to the auard fur which you havd bran numlitated. I undetstal►d that till statements contained herein will be a material considetation in the selection of an individual to serve in the pusittun (Of Mhtch I have been Ilomlneted. (gate) i CITV OP WAN11 Petsonal fnfotmstioti Fotni fur Nominkes to Advisory of Adibirtisledtive 904tds Position and Board for which you huve ueen nominated Q W In ta.r_­__- I - (Position - - , _2_ _of._I� ami _ orrim � ss joil of the 5 tat Lj o f Wofi(n_n 1lluatd) Instructions. Plea116 complutb and alsn this form and return it alund with a brief resume. i. Name: - _ .: __-- .--------____-__ _-_ _-_Coeh--..----____-- ran (Fits (6Uddlel set 2. Address of Permanent Residence: -- -- - 3 351 _ rrank l in Avenue (Street and tlumbar) Miami 3. Addtesi of 3,slre_- ,_.,;.cL And :i•,runr) �._. ;) .•.1.; 9. Homd P�an-! -t 6. ¢ ch,. Lan�,uaut. and iearin_ � 3t:l:.�o�- -_ Pleasd tndicaua "Yes" or "Na" to the following questluns by chectint(.thd upuru&;ttuta boat, also please Pilabursts on your answers where requested. Yea No 7. Are you a United &aces Citizen? ❑ ❑ 8. Ate you presently indebted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property tax, Ilcense fee or Yes NO property Ilan? ❑ ❑ It yes, please (tire details below: 9. 10. Do you presently own property In the -City of Miami other than your home and'or pluce of business? . It quesUon .9 above Is answered "Yes." Is all of this property In conformance with City Ordinances? It "No." phase give detalle below: Yes ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ No ❑ It. 12, The City of AUami routinely makes a police check of the background of individuals nominated for Positions on advisory or adm►niatrative boards and committees. The City Commission and the City staff matte every effort to ensure that these chocks and their results are msintsined in cunfidsncs. W you have any objec• Yes No dons to such a check being conducted. (See Ordinance •tl62:, amend►ns Sec, 2—IU4 of City Code.) ❑ ❑ Please ►ndicate in the space below any areas In which you m itht find yourself In a position of conflict of Interest should you be uppo►ntvd to the iloamd fur which you have bran numiosted. I understand that the statements contained herein will be s 111491141 consideration in the selection of an tndlvidaal to serve to the position ter i►hich I have beta nominated. IAatei (Si(inaturrh _ _ _ __ CURRICULUM VITAE NAME,. Cynthia Eleon Cochran ADDRESS: 33 1 Pranklin Avenue Miami, Florida 33133 PHONE: (305) 445-3699 BIRTHDATE: May 14, 19c0 MARITAL STATUS: S.Ingla PRESENT POSITIO14: Speech, Language and Hearing Pathologist Dade Count;; Soard of Public -insL,ructicn South Central area 2201 S. W. 4th Street Miami, Florida 33153 EDUCATION: 1963-67 Booker T. Washington High School 1200 N.W. 6th Avenue Miami, Florida 33136 Class Rank 3/310 1967-69 Miami -Dade Community College 11380 N.W. 27th Avenue Miami, Florida Associate of Arts Degree 1969-71 Florida A & M University Tallahassee, Florida Bachelor of Science Degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology 1972-73 Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida Master of Science Degree in Speech Pathology 0 . s Curriculum Vitae Cynthia E. Cochran Wage 2 PRMSSIONAL QUALIVI CATI ON . i Certificate o: Clinical Competence= American Speech and Hearing Association Certified Speech pathologist by State of Florida, Certificate of Registration No. 879 State of Florida Department of Education Teacher's Certificate No. 330654 r � .��...~.. r♦ •�,..Ji��r V.r ..V 'I. YVLl �Y7, BePz. Of ♦ ' ^�' , ,; .4• j /.., South Cantral 1.AV-2-a, 221ol S. W. 4th St. Miami, Fl. ,,,3. .i. peech, Language and Hearing Pathologist. Duties include diagnosing and applying therapeutic interventions toward the correc- tion of speech and language disorders in. the elementary and junior high school populations; precursor responsibilities include screening and in-depth evaluations, stuffings, parent/teacher conferences and developing entire corrective program. Interactions with psychologists, counselors, audiologists and related specidlists are important aspects of this position. Jackson Memorial Hospital - Conservation of Hearing Clinic, administers complete audio- logical evaluations. July, 1978 - to Present - Private Practice. Provides speech pathology services for Aphasics, stutterers, voice, language and articulation disordered individuals. August, 1973 - June, 1974 - Broward County School Board, Department of Speech and Hearing, 1320 S. W. 4th Street, Ft.Lauder- dale, Florida. Speech, Language and Hearing Pathologist. Duties included diagnosing and applying therapeutic interventions toward the correction of speech and language dis- orders in the elementary school populations; administered audiometric evaluations, r31 Curriculum Cynthia E. Page 3 PART-TIME .E M IPL OYMEE'NT .46 vitae Cochran MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: MEMBERSHIP IN COMMUNITY SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS: 0 March; 1973 - Allied Builders Corporation, 4Co 5o. Dixie Hwy., Miami, Florida Secretary to President. Responsibilities included typing, snorthand, answering telephone, scheduling appointments for salesper3on3 and proofing architectural drafts. 1G69 - Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Plorida, Office of Vice President or Administration. Student Assistant. Duties included typing, fling, shorthand,, tele- phone. 1970 - Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, Coral Gables, Florida. Secretary for group coverage claims. 1969 - J.I. Kislak Mortgage Company, Miami, Florida. Closing Clerk. Review home mortgage loan applications and handled deposits. 1968 - Southern Bell Telephone Co:rpany, Miami, Florida. Long Distance Operator. American Speech, Language and Hearing Association National Black Association for Speech, Language and Hearing Florida Language, Speech and Hearing Association Florida State Voters' League - President Project Voter Registration Education Financial Director National Business and Professional Women College Alumni Curriculum Vitae Cytthia E. Cochran PAge 4 PERTINENT PPOPtSSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Supervised Speech Pathology interns, University of Miami PERTINENT COMMUNITY Conducts voter registration drives; ACTIVITIES: Organized campaign rallies; writes "Voter Y =4 T.1 4-3 I'Iewspa-er T' e r sl recl-;.en' o" :m a -I .11;ha Xappa Mu, 13'1 Delta Sigma T4heta, 1967 Zeta Phi Beta, 1967 GRADUATE COURSES: Research in Language Development, Univer- sity of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida Winter semester, 1978 - 3 semester hours graduate credit. REFERENCES: Ms. Rhonda S. Work, State Consultant onsultant Speech and Language State of Florida Department of Education 319 Knott Building Tallahassee Florida 32304 Telephone (�04) 487-2640 Dr. Barbara M. Carey, Dade County Commissione: 73 West Flagler Miami, Florida • Telephone 579-5205 .LaVonne W. Hedgepeth, M.D. 2500 So. Dixie Hwy. Miami, Florida Telephone 856-e300 V 0 a CITY OP MI-AMI BOARDS AND COMMITTtgS t. '- the Commiasi.,,n on the status of Women Ls actively seeking new Members. Please forward application for membership to: Dr. Hattie M. Daniels City of Miami/Departtnent i;f Yuman Resources 1145 N.W. 11 Street/ Mialui, Fl, 3313b Narn e Addre Morne Phcne Na. IL Birth Date A Business -� . � j'i Address Business Phone No. EDUCATION • .4 OR ANIZATIO FA UNITY ACTIVITIES Any additional information you would like to includ that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committei for which you were nominated. > e a IcU i�u'were nominated: `Ialrckir a r onun ttee for w1i etty OF b1IAMI Pttsonal InturfilAtlUd Form tut Noibinees to Advisory or Adminisirdtive lloatds Position and Board for which you have been nominated lPoslt on t ?laird) instructions: Please complute and Midi this rortiuwd return it olunit with tl brief rusuine. L Natna: (r irstr 2. Address of Permanent Residence: Vy _v_V____i _ 1- L L-1 I -1i (_ Lt. -A __. ,v 1.� +g� - .� (Street and Number) i. ..r. ; t . :aJne .:.,.L✓ rf' `�i — . .. .1 a.:1,W �� . .H��•9 :iUulu'!G .:r-� -) �.5 .✓ t' (� Please tndic;tte "Yea" or "No" :o the lc►lowing questions oy .hackingthe %[ vtuprltlt@ box, also pies*@ "labutata On your answers where requested, Yea No 9. Are you a Unlled States Cltls@n? Q ❑ S. Are you presently Indebted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property tax, license tee or Yea No property lien? ❑ 1t yas, please give details below: O. Do you presently own property to the -City of Mism1 other than your home and/or place of business? Yes No ❑ M to. . u Question .O above is answered "Yes," is all of this property In conformance with City Ordinances? Yes No It "No." pies" give details below: ❑ ❑ 11. The City of Waml routinely mukes a police check of the background of Individuals nominated for positions on advlsury or administrative boards and committees. Thu City Commission and the City staff make every effort to ensure that these checks and their results ore maintained In cuntidenco. p.; you have any oWec• Yes No tions to such a cheek being cunducted. (See Ordinance .11622., amending Sec. 2-104 of City Code.) ❑ M 12. Please Irulicate In the space below any areas In which yuu nt'ght find yourself in a position of conUlct of interest SIM" you pointed to the 1luard fur which you have been numinia d. sae / i understand thig the itstemonts contained Wow will be a mawrial cunaldurallon In the selection of aq individual to asrve to the position* fur Mhlch I have been nominated. llastei 01� I Iu►.. # _ lc ' 4100'0Q• 0 Aesume Mary B. MaCray 3300 hibiscus Street Miami, Flarida 53133 (305) 442-9340 Personal Datas Born in Sanford, Florida, Divoroed. Mother of two children, Anita age 21 and Kermit age 20. Education: Little Red School, Sanford, Florida. Cropms Academy high School, Sanford. 1944-1946 Stanton Senior High School, Jacksonville. 1946-1947 Brewster Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida. 1947-1951 Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama. B.S. Degree in Elementary Education. 1954-1956 Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida. Stetson University (Extension Courses) in Miami, Florida. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Haton, Florida. 1972 University of Northern Colorado Greeley, Colorado, Master of Arts degree in Curriculum and lnstruotion (The degree was received from the Northern Coloradols Center for Special and Advanced Programs at M-DCC • 1972-1973 Nova University, Fifteen hours toward a specialist degree. 4 io In Education t 19yi Thud Gracie Teacher at Fralrie View Elementary' shorter; Alabama, 195? Second Grade Teacher at LaWtaY `trainlyg School, Lavrtayo Florida, 1954-195? First Grade Teacher at John R. Ford Elementary School, Jacksonville, Florida. .• � ♦ .yam 1 ^ J± ♦ � ��r=y ..t1 � .�y� Y r.�i • / • - r w r a• � • .• � .� •• .� «:ly i , � ...J:ll a a i 1 1 + f '� � � l .� 1rj, � V a • V • i • � � V .1� i � i rimer J� i 1 yo 2-19b5 r'T.s.1 a i eacha.r at G , •v . Ca:~rsr Elementary 3c:hoo1, 'ilaml. 1965-1970 Language Arts Specialist at G.W. Carver Elementary School. 1970-19?6 First Grade Teacher at G.W. Carver Elementary School. 1976-1982 ESAA Reading Teacher at G.W. Carver Elementary School. 1982 _.. MASS Teacher at G.W. Carver Elementary School, Organizational Membership Coconut Groves Cares Ina., A, Philip Randolph Institute, Get Out the Vote Campaigns Citizen Ad Hoc, UTD Unity Caucus, UTD Tiger COPE„ Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Improvement, (Coral Gables), Metropolitan. Dade Rapid Transit System, Advisory Committee for the Building of the Human Resource Center, Coconut Grove UTD Building Steward, AAUWs Tuskegee Alumni Club, Business and Professional Women of South Florida, Legion Of nary, Church Coun013 Boards The St, Highls Guild. CITY OP MIAMI 130AROg ANO OOMIMITTttS The Commission ..<< the Status of women is actively seeking new members, Please fdOWatd application for membership to Or. Hattie M. Daniels City of Miami/Department of Human Resuutces 1145 N.W. 11 Street/ Miami, F1, 33136 Nama Gill Freeman _. --- _ .. - - .._ .._...- W Addresr ___ 11381 S.W. 1.0 Laneiliami Florida_ 3 176 _ ;-lotne Phone No. 7 1-43J5 Birth Hate_ 6/24!49 Business T;�erit••-"'•,r,,n� Address 1 Biscayne Tower Building Business Phone No. 371-6262 EDUCATION University of Miami - 1977 J.D. finlversitu of Miami - .1973 . Master of Education Temple University - 1970 B.S. (Philadelphia) ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Demensions American Cancer Society - Treasurer 1983 Dade Co. Chapter Florida Assoc. for Woman Lawyers Political Endorsement Committee - Chairperson (Cont. on Back) Any additional information you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Very interested in womeng;-.-rights and the status of women. Active in womens affairs. Board or Committee for which you were nominated; City of Miami Commission on the Status of Women w peloonal lntaffnatiun l'ilria tot t4osinees to Advisotlr ut Adlbtntetr3111ve Eluarde Paaulod oMd .soent fat *hlch You have oven nomihatod (FOAUIO4 Ci.t� of Miami Commission on the Status of women lWard) Inatrucuuna: Plaice complete and alrin this form and return It aluhd with a brief rusuaie. 1. dam@: - - -- -- - ---- --- — - (viral) (Middle) t I Addisia of Personal, Residence: ---- 11381 S . w . 110 _ _Lana (fitreet and Nwaber) � t .. � .� •.� ..• .._ ... �'.. .. ..l :tali �l. :.n. 'iwzizwr - - i. ua►aerla .��une aur;oet: 6262 S. Occupsuan: - Mwrse IndlCate "Yee" or "NO" to the following quvbtlons by eheckindjhe SPOM state box. elan dl.ue MIAIMO W art -ONE answers where requested. 1. Are you a Uaued Smas ClUzoa? 8. Me you presently Inds" to the City ut Mliunt fur and real or personal property tax. license too of Yee qo property lid"? C3 It yes. please dive details below. 0. Do you preaently own property In the city of Mlaml other than your home and/or place of business? yes No r 10. . u qu*alloa eY above Is answered "Yes." to all of this property In conformance with City Ofdlnsaessl Yes No It "No." Ploass stye details below: ❑ ❑ ll. The City of Mtarat foutinsly makes a police check of the background of Individuals nonunat*d for Positions on advlawy of adiauusuative buards and cammitte*s. 776u City Cummissiuu bad the City atoll make every MO^ to @abut* that these chucks and their fee ulle are n.a►nt@ined In cunlid*nce. W sou have any oblee- Yes N_o/ WAS to such a check twin curidiici*d❑ Or . t5*s Ordinance •dd22. amending Sec. 2-104 Of City Cod*.1 12. PI*ass ►ndicato in the space bNuw any ;Kra* In ahmh ruu m Fht find )uufhvif in a Padilla of coaflict of IrAwMM shw id You be %wined to the Wiard fur which iuu have boon uumitiatvd. NONE t urulefstand miA the statersenta huf slaed hefe►n will be a rtlJtrrlal c11nah 1:fatluh /h the selectitNl d M tltdi*IONaI to M ve to the po"We fur Much t Uwe been nominated. l D#t!►f t ytsnatttfrr) s e.ITY CSC` MIAMI I3OAROS AND CONiMl'iT91:5 T'ho Commijdion aft the Status of Wumed is xotiv_lY seeking new members. Please furward application for membership to: Dr. Hattie M. Daniels City of MiamilOepartlnent uE Huai! Resources 1145 V,W. 11 Street/ Miadti, 171, 13136 t - . Address._ 4214 Chasd Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Horne Phone ' ro. 3i Birth Date 10/18/54 Buainess Jeffrey L. 3car:.fwitz, ? A, Address 3050 Biscayne Bled. Suite $00 Miami, Florida 33137 Business Phone No. 576-1500 EDUCATION Florida State University, J.D. Miami Dade Junior College, A.A. University of Florida, 1 year F.I.U., H.A. Oxford University, Summer Program in Law ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Florida Assoc. for Women Lawyers, Past President National Conference of Womans Bar Assoc., Director Corrections Committee of Florida Bar, Chairperson Exofficio Seat on Florida Bar 1982-83 Any additional tMormation you would like to Include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. Very committed to the status of women and their role in the community and interested in seeing women gain everthng they are entitled to. Board or Committee for which you were nominated; City of Miami Commission on -the Status of Women a 4 CITY OP MIAMI lyetsonal laifurpisaun Portia tut Noibiiites to Advistaty at AilMoisitmatiVO boards Potitior) ±tad MW tot which rou have bash nomUtaied _-_ olrymber ( eau n Citiy of Miami Commis_s_ion rn ,the _-S_tat�s r�f___t�o>r,en _ _ _ (Hoard) ` lhklructiont. Plasmas complste slid sign INS form and return it alund with a brief rusulis. 1. Naar: nr_LL r3 .... jl is (First) (►lidd1e) 2. Addwss of P•mMsot Rtaldsnct: .4274 Chase _AVjnnUe . ___.. (*$list Auld Number) Miami Beach Florida 33140 a ..,... AA.- "i j w ir+nr.w.A4411l t. ,'on► ��a�te .d�:^a•r. ' L :duaut•ss u,Wne Number; 57h-1500 Please indicate "Yes" at "No" to the (olluw►ni1 questions by checking jhe uppniprlats boa. also pitaa$ Mabotats oaf JOW answen i what@ requested. Yes No 7. Are you a united states C(Nten? L. Ate you presently indebted to the City of Mlumt tot and real or personal property lag, license tat of Yes No property Ilan? t7 MV It yes, please give detNls telow: Y. Do YOU prtetotly own property, to the City of Miami other than your home andlur place of bila14660 Yes ❑ No i 10. . U Question .Y above Is answered "Yes." Is ail of this property In conformance with City Crdtss"est Too No It "No." pltus give details below: ❑ 0 11. The City of wam► routinely makes it police check tat the background ut indtvidusis huinanaded for pusillons an sdvlsary or aWutntsNstive huarde and cammittees. That City Cumnaiasaun said the City stoat make every allot% to eaisurs that these chuc►a w►d the►t tea oil a are o,aiaitallied in cunladence. W You have way ob1eae ook was No , lions {O such a @bbeinS cui►dua:ted. (bell UNIII ana:e 2. s +ilo:inendint( bog. 2-111i o❑® f City Cuile.) ' 42. Please indicate in the space below any argue in wllich i..0 of OIL find tuutsett In it position of conflict of lout" Ntomw you ON aiypuinted at too Watrd fur which yuu have horn r.uinau+trd. 1 undttstsnll that the statements cuntwned Wells will bw a msawlid c►►naWor+tiun so tht selection o1 M Ittdlvs" to Mart+ in list twatttun 1W Mt►ich 1 Mvs been nt+losested. ,--- 4-ail&3-- - IDints aa- I;+idoatwt+l 8-P200. e CITY OP MIAMI petsoaai tli(tltiiiiliuri Finger tut NdiftinEts to Advisot+ of Addiihisit3itie bortcla Podttlo4 Md 9oilm tot whlah you have been r)orblnitltil .__. -. r Membe r 1 ostt a ....Cite.,-of_�liami Commission, en .the_Stat•as. bf-_►�oraen � __ _ I Uoard) i )nat►tictlons: Please Complete slid sign tnis form and retuth if slung with a brief resuins. 1. Nta1i; ^r Ir )gall (huddle) 2. Address Of perdishanl Residance: 4274 .Chase_._Avenue .___. _ (Wast and Nursbef) Miami Beach Florida 33140 2hnns ii-friar. - � ;Justness ehoneNumeer: 576-1500 . w:cupstton: ' 'an•t.�r Please tndlcate "Yes" at "No" to the loliuw►ns questions by enecking jhe rppruprists boll, also please wlsltorwile OIC your answers waits requested. Yea/ No 7. Ate you a Usued 6tetes Citizen? 10 ❑ S. As* you presently Indsbted to the City Of illunu for and last ur personid property tall, itcanse tee of Yea No prope"Iltan7 C3 C21 if yes, please sire datetls below.-- S. Do you presently own property to the City of Miami Other thiul yilur hums andlur place of busluesst To❑$ No i 10, . u Queeuon .O above Is snewered "Yea." Is all of into property In Confurmsnte with City Ordiasaeeet Tee No If "no." pies&$ give duatlo below: ❑ ❑ 1l. The City of huamt routinely makes a police check of ttre backKnrund of indivitfusis nualinatsd tut pu►tliono Oft advisory of editilp►strat►ve buarda slid committees, Trig City Cuinnueswn sod the City elaff make every effort to entiure that these chucks slid their Mulls are nislritainvd in cunhdvnce• W rum have any ob/eo• Yes No mica tlons to such a being cwiducted• lase ord►no:: .uice rtl. amend►uif bile. ❑ —104 of city CWU,) 6' 12, Please indicate in the space below tiny areas 1n M11101 )wry n► n14 Will )UUlM:'If in a paeitlUin Of cOhfllCl Of I419e14e411 ahowd you be aypulated to the uWifd gut which you have h41'81 rwsalliArd. - --III IIIS I�����IA/A�AAAlI■��At +� A I I �� .AI �, ■1���111 rAI�A� I���� I undtrstaml thin the slaterawnts cunta►ned hirreur will be a nirtvrtal cunaWerrtiun to the selocuon of M Indlrldunl to amie to of pt+eltA* f►rt ouch I have Wreh a4miniied. ^/. /� i. n ► t j) -VJ 1 .fir t Qgtirf (51.n.titr.► t8UME DEBRA WE188 OOODSTONH Bar admissions Florida Bar - May 1977 Legal Education: Florida State University College of taw Juris Doctor (December 1970) Oxford University, Oxford, England i Uwar a 11.9 i 5 i Activities: Student Har rsssociaticn, E,tecutitie Board# phi Delta Phi Lagal craternity# organization of Women Law Students Activities: Director, National Conference of Womens Bar Associations, 3982 - present President# Florida Association for Women Lawyers# 1982-83 Board of Directors, Florida Association for Women Lawyers# 1983-84 Chair of Corrections Committee of The Florida Bar, 1982 - present Co -Chaired National Association of Women Lawyers Mid -Year Meeting, February 1982 Member, Political Endorsement Committee, Dade County Chapter# Florida Association for Women Lawyers Member# Dade County Bar Association Citizen Dispute Settlement Committee Faculty, First Annual Conference of the Institute for Study of the Trial, "The Trial of Tomorrow" Participant# Dade County Bar Association Mock Trial Program, 1981 Resource Participant, Florida's Academic Conclave, 1979 4"ZOO. E ri Member of! ;National Association of Women Lawyers Florida Association for Women Lawyers Dade County Chapter, Florida Association for Women Lawyers National Cr anization of Women League of Women Voters .active Civil Liberties Union National Peace Academy Campaign Dade County Bar Association publications: "'alternatives to Incarceration", The Florida 3ar '.ura3' , 'r'c-larne LVII, No. 4► April 1983. .liami Review and _ .ao. 2-4, April 29, 1983. '#The Race to the Courthouse Begins'', New Directions in Legal Services, September 1977. (Coauthored). Report on the National Conference on Minor Disputes Resolution Appendix C. �Punerican Bar association, May 1977. (Coauthored). "Resolving Minor Disputes - Alternatives are Needed", Bar Leader, Volume 4, Number 3, November -December 1978. (Coauthored). Legal Experience: Jeffrey L. Berkowitz, P.A. March 1980 - 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Present Suite 800 Miami, Florida 33137 (305) 576-1500 Associate. McCrary, Berkowitz, Davis July 1979 - & Feig February 1980 3050 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 300 Miami., Florida 33137 (305) 576-1560 of Counsel. American Bar Association May 1977 - Special Committee on Reso- June 1979 lution of Minor Disputes Talbot D'Alemberte, Chair Assistant Project Director .a 2- 6 0 W 3., Citizen Dispute gettiethent Center Assistant td Director, Deember 1976- Vebruary 1977 Dade County publiC Defender's June 1976- Dffice September 1976 Full time internship. Citizen Dispute Settlement June 1976- Center September 1976 i Par': time work as night supervisor for mediation hearings. Judge John A. Rudd March 1976 - Leon County Courthouse June 1970 Tallahassee, Florida Legal Assistant. FSU Legal Services Clinic January 1976- June 1976 Legal Intern. Prison Project (informal September 1975 title) June 1976 Tobias Simon, Supervisor FSU College of Law Legal Intern. Robert C. Hector March 1975- State Representative June 1975 Florida House of Represen- tatives Special Assistant during 1975 Legislative Session. Coordinator for the estab- November 1975- lishment of a Tallahassee June 1976 Citizen Dispute Settlement Center Dade County Public Defender's January 1974- Office March 1974 Undergraduate School Internship Dade County Public Defender's Summer 1972 Office Pull time volunteer work, } ■ L.A Y t.. ' CITY OV MIA MI BOARDS AND COIv1MITTtg5 _ It EStf�t the Cocatai.yslon on the Status of Women is adtiVely seeking new members. Please forward application for membership to: Dr. Hattie K. Daniels City of Miami/Department of human Resourees 1145 N.W. 11 Street/ Miami, V1Y 3313b Name,�,_�,.,• Gloria _Payne Simmons - Address 5760 S.W. 64 Place Miami, Florida 33143 r YiwYifl.�Hlll�i � � a ♦.♦ .r 1.1ir � ' • i , C:- :-)3ut'_ Co. ;'Glr�s Club Or Greatef �413iT'il ;ddreas3175 Jackson Avenue 33133; 4901. Lincoln Drive 33135 Business Phone No. 446-5071 / 442-2466 EDUCATION High School with College hours . ORGANIZATIONS OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES See Resume Any additional tntormation you would like to include that would be pertinent to your appointment to the Board or Committee for which you were nominated. I have expertise in the areas of'the commissions major emphasis. I Board or Committee for which you were nominated: City of Miami *Commission on the Status of Women 0 0 i C1,rV OP MIAMI Pegsunal Istfutniai►uh i•utli fut NUM11"s to Advtauty ut Adiatisibitalivt buaide Position slid Hosed tot which you ituve Breit nununutvJ t�ukitlurl Ci,t�,r of :Miami Commission on the Status of Women il3uard) inettucttuns: Please cotnplule end eian this torn Mild return it alund »Ith a Urist ruauine. (First) {W dial Mat 2. Addtaas of Permanent (residence : 5 7 60 S_► W . 64 Place _ (Weet surd Number) Miami Florida 33143 4C.1tyl Girl's Clue - t5tatul 4901 Lincoln Drive (:Jpcudili 3. Address ofBus;inees. ,r-* .: ,;;;,,� _�� . �. _ �, lez TnC:f-„n Avn ..�..._... �+; .._� , i -'-a . (:►ituet and NumUur) t. Hum• Ahura Number. 666"6727 5. Business 1'hur.6 Numbet: .1 t � �� 4 4 4 6 — 5 0 71: —__ _ d. occlvauon: Administrator___ Please lndicais "Yes" or "No" W the folluwina quvatluna Uy ehecbinit4he syytuPrlate Uue, etao Plisse 01"U ate 9n law answers where requested. N 1. Are you a Unusd FAUse Cultea? Ye• ❑ A. Are you presently Indebted to the City ut Miami fur end teat ur Personal Property tab, license ties or Yes Nu property llsn? ❑ It yea, please (live details below. Y. Do you Presently own property In the -City of M►aml other then vuur home and/or Place of buslausl ye❑s Noz er 10. . ff Question e0 above Is answered "Yes." Is all of this property In conformance with City 0 Wnaacesi Yee No if "No." please give details below: ❑ ❑ 11. The City of WAMI routinely makes a pollee check ut the baekarlwnd of individuals nomlu.Ked fur pusltlone on adviawy of 1 Wm►olatrutive buards and CiNtlmittean. 1'hu City Camtulaawn and the City staff make every eltort to ehauta that these ehucka and their results are m4kintwuail in cunfidenuw. Uj you have lady oWsc• was No ooe tions to such a chock being cusiductrd. twee Ordul.uice 8014.2, elnendHlN awc. 2—lY4 of City Cudw.) 12. Please Insllcsle to the apace below any strove to al,ich yuss ni Alit find )uuts.uif ut a poa►t►r►n of conflict of Interest shoWd you be appointed to the Duard fur which yuu have buen n,anits-AVd. NONE 1 untlerstNrW Ilia the butetnentit cunt good herein Will pw 0 M4911W 4041010iartiun IN the eelecttop of a ItldtwtdY(Wl 1p e�Nf1lA 111 the pualUmn for vohich I Uwe bcoa Ausuasted. -1 � 0° -- - - - (Dtutil - - IptlinNtitrsl 14 C,LOAL4, StMMONS 5760 S. W. 64th Place Miami VL 33143 305-666-6727 Ptesent-zacciate Director Parent Resoui-Cet Can'Cer ••-c ` Ul.'"i:C' o` 1ii rIS C i1.lb �Jt �:r�3L8r �li!1 a.t� :�i t' 1yLi 7� _ 1.9.80.,__ bisector, Church of Christ Day Card Center. Employed aim administrator of a federally =funded Dray Care V"%;&&ity fur children ages 2 = 5 years old. Center was planned, f;nane t..i .in:i staf.ed i.:nder in, .iupe r �: ii 1an. CeIll C I- lia d remained finaw: 131.': i :Ulld. :s t! r` y 4116 it1.:Z C`:C : i::u .�:. R eanondihilitie3 1nc!,;ae: 1. Preparation, pr_s :ntation and enforcement of 2. Preparation of ,ad applications ;ox funul kag. 3. Program planning and procurement of equipment. 4. Staff development and supervision. S. Preparing payroll and required administrative reports re- garding expenditures and program operation. 6. Attending required meetings and day-to-day public relations. Reason for leaving; No upward mobility • need more challenging position. 1969 - 1973 Employed as Title Clerk. Before leaving I became Assistant to Office Manager and took charge of office in her absence. j Reason for leaving; Expecting. child. 1963 - 1968 Employed in Clerical Position, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Responsibilities: 1. Maintaining cases for agents in various squads. 2. Sending and receiving teletypes. 3. Coding and decoding confidential messages. t 1 received several salary increments before scheduled because of outstanding work proficiency. t Gloria Simmons ED U CATION 1963 Graduated Salutatorian, Mays high School. Class size approx. 2.215. 197142 . iD,iC - English, Education, Early Childhood Classes 1974-79 Numerous In=Service Wurkshops and Seminars in Management and Early Childhood Education given thru Continuing Education Department at University of &iiami (Dr. Betty Rowen), MDIC, Department of Hunan Resources and Human Research and D,velon- ment Services, Inc. (Dr. Blundel, Simon, PhD. ) (Seeking Financial Aid to enroll in U of M to pursue degree in Public Administration) PERSONAL Born: 5-5-45 - Albany, Georgia - 4111" - 118 lbs. Married: .15 years. Husband Title I Math Coordinator, Miami Edison Sr. High School. 3 children ages 12, 10, 5 Health: Excellent; no physical limitations Residence: Own home Finances: Good order; adequate insurance. Own 2 cars. Hobbies: Family activities, religious and civic involvement, reading, singing 2. Affiliations: Dade Child Care Association - Legislative Chairperson State Child Care Advisory Council - Vice President Honorary Board Member Girls Club Greater Miami Child Care Advisory Council - Dept. of Human Resources (Miami) Member Church of Christ Past President PTA, Coconut GrovA Elsmentarv. present President PTA, Coconut Grove Elementary Honors; Chosen Community Headliner by Women in Communications, March 1976, for work done in organizing Day Care Center. Honor Brunch was held at Marriott Hotel on LeJeuna Road. October 1979, Davie Child Association Plaque for efforts to keep Title XX Funding in Dade County at its present level and increase daily raters to Service providers. Numerous Community service awards'from Urban League B1:ck Social. Workers and Dade County public Schools. Gloria 5itrkniuiis rirFNcs Mrs. Pearl Covisitiq, Supervisor Division of cillid Develupment sezvices 395 N. `N. i',.rbt !treet Kuum 3Ct Miami 331-8 305-579-5-kU7 Aulierw Fulton Fox l:.Jr�l i,IJu�i3, :�:1•:t�.l 1350 11. W. IZ,:1 tue C1-n :13 Miami 33130' 305-325-3163 Mrs. Janet McAliley 2025 Secoffee Street j Coconut Grove. Florida 33133 305-856-5119 Mrs. Joella Good, Principal Coconut Grove Elementary School Grand and Virginia Street& Coconut Grove FL 33133 305 -445 -78'76 30 Xr� S� . 4S 4 N": 3, 84w-00. •,