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WHEREAS, by resolution 83-980, the City Commission approved
the Overtown Urban Initiatives Project Owners' Equity Participation
Plan Policies and Procedures; and
WHEREAS, by Resolution No. R-1345•-83, the Board of County
Commissioners approved the Overtown Urban Initiatives Project
Owners' Equity Participation Plan Policies and Procedures, which
provided an additional provision to the document originally approved
by the City Commission (Res. No. 83-980); and
WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement adopted
by Resolution 82-940 delineates joint redevelopment responsibilities
for the Overtown Urban Initiatives Area by Dade County and the City
of Miami; and
WHEREAS, the City of Miami is desirous of affording minority
property owners an opportunity to directly participate in the
redevelopment process; and
WHEREAS; the City of Miami wants to insure that the redevelopment
of the Overtown Urban Initiatives Area is accomplished expeditiously;
Section 1. The following provision shall be added to the
Property Owners' Equity Participation Plan Policies and Procedures:
Each property owner in the area to be acquired
will have the option to contract with Dade County
to permit that property owner to develop his or
her property in accordance with the Plan: pro-
vided, however, there is no requirement under the
UMTA grant that the local government owns the land
being developed. Any such contract shall require
the owner to develop the property in accordance
with the plan within a specified time frame or to
convey the property to Da
de County based on the
fair market value for such property as of the
date the contract is executed,
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th, day of February _, p 1984.
City Clerk
Assistant City Attorney
A zo
y Attorney
Maurice A. Ferte
-� Howard V . Gary
Cite Manager
_ J
Y ,
TRCM Herbert J. Bailey
jArE January 24, 1984 PILE:
Resolution Amending Property
Owners' Participation Plan
for urban Initiatives Project
rea=-City Commission Agenda G�F�i�L
of February 9, 1984
ASslS%.ant City Manager £NCLOSLNFS
"It is recommended that the City
Commission approve the attached
resolution amending the Property
Owners' Equity Participation Plan
previously approved by Miami City
Commission Resolution No. 83-980.
This amendment is necessary in order
to provide consistency between the
City and County s approyal_of_the
Property Owners' Equity Participa-
tion Plan for the Overtown Urban
Initiatives Project Area pursuant
to the Intergovernmental Coopera-
tion Agreement between the City of
Miami and Dade County (City Commis-
sion Resolution No. 82-940)."
Subsequent to the approval of the Property Owners' Equity Participation
Plan, Resolution No. 83-980, Dade County approved the plan (Res.
No. R-1345-83) with the additional provision that the County shall
give each property owner in the area to be acquired, the option
to contract with the County to permit the property owner to develop
his or her property in accordance with the Plan within a specified
time frame or to convey the property to the County based on the
fair market value for such property as of the date the contract
is executed.
It is anticipated that Dade County will initiate acquisition in
early February in the four -block UMTA area and all property owners
who, singularly or jointly with other property owners, have contiguous
land holdings of at least one acre or one-half block, shall have
the option_to enter into an agreement with Dade County which will
allow them to retain ownership of their property. The agreement
will detail a time frame and development procedures that must be.
followed in order to insure the expeditious redevelopment of -the
project area,
t` �
H. Gary =2= January 24, 1984
to addition, other options are available to property owners (based
on the Property owners' Equity Participation Plan) which will afford
former property owners an opportunity to participate in the
redevelopment program if they so desire. These options include:
1. Sell property directly to Dade County and
become an equity investor in the development
that will be constructed on the site of
one's former property,
2. Sell property directly to Dade County and file
a Request for Qualification (RFQ) application
with the City in order to receive priority
ranking in the public disposition of one's
former property and technical assistance in the
preparation of a redevelopment program;
3. Sell property to Dade County and submit a proposal
in response to Request for Proposals (RFP) that
will be issued by the City of Miami.
See the attached draft letter to property owners which delineates
options that are available to property owners in the Overtown Urban
Initiatives area.
Jose A. Garcia -Pedrosa
City Attorney
Herbert J. Bailey
Assistant City Manager
January 24# 1984 'ILI--.
Resolution for City CoMMiS-
sion-Agenda-Febrtary 9, 1984
Amendment to Property Owtetg*
Equity Participation Plan
Please re,,"Lew as to form and correctness the attached resolution
amending t-1,Ae Property Cwners' Equity Participation Plan Afor the
Overtown Urban Initiatives Area.
1-Ntte-4"-6#ft'Idt MEMbPA,*-4bU*.A
Jose 9, Garcia -Pedrosa 3anUary 241 1984 'ILC
City Attorney ---- --
ResolUtiot for City Cd=it-
sion Agenda ,-February 9, 1984
Amendment to Property Owners'
"Xilbert J. Bailey Equity Participation Plan
Assistant City Manager
Please review as to form and correctness the attached resolution
amending the Property Cwners' Equity Participation Plan Afor the
Overtown Urban Initiatives Area,
• A:- -I I
RE'SM-UTIU;-! At"PRUVLidr; THE; P1!0;'I1-'W1'7 Ot: lt;Iti
rr jri l+i nli?TICi1,4.1'Ir'?1 MR T!I 0*1LILITO .'N
.:i � T !�
i�::�.i l:i�__il �:liVLJ ChJui+�.i
C•.- ZEnEAS, the B;..atd 'eslres to acconolish the burposes
7 - -
inccrpr:�a tec; .erein by reference i
0....:'i .SS: :; =S C-21 71zD:: t.� :y:'%, '713R=A, t:.at z:.is Board appr^•:es
,.ha ?rccerty O:r:.ar's Scuit_ Pa:tici.aic:z Pia.. for the
?rc ect in suhstant- a li.; the `orm attac _�:
heretc and .,.ace a part hereof, and `.,?hicn is on file in t c
Office of t::e Clerk, with the additional proVisiOn that the
County shall - � each r .t � i the r t,
c. e c.. pro. e_ t; o .nor n ,...e a. ea to .,e
acquired the op tion.to cc .tract with the County to permit that
property owner to develop his or her property in -accordance :•:ith
the Plan: :rovidad, hc.-aver, there is no requirement under the
U:iTA Grant that the local government owns L.►e land being developed.
Any such contract shall require the owner to develop the property
in accordance with the Plan within a specified time frame or to
convey the property to the Count; based on the fair market value
for such propercj as of the date the contract is executed.
The foregoinq resolution was offered by Commissioner
Jsn)es F. Redford, Jr. , who moved its adoption. The
motion was seconded by Co=issiorer Barry D. Schreiber ,
and upon beirq put to a vote, the vote was as Follows:
Barbara M, Carey Nay
Clara Oesterle Aye
Beverly B. Phillins ,lbscc�t
JaMes P. Redford, Jr. : }•e
Harvey Ruvin Absent;
Barry 0. Schreiner Aye
Ruth Shac% Nay
Jorge B. Valdes Aye
Stephen'. CiarxbsnG
4 in
torn No, 5 (d) (2)
P a cl c No, 2
The Mayor thereupon declared the resolution dUly pat-ted and
adoptcd this 18th day of Octcbbrt 19826
non cou-"ITY' rt,OAIDN
canut", clerk
Overtownh urban Initiatives Project
Black Equity Participation Plan
Policies and Procedures
The purpose of this paper is to describe the poliO tS and procedures to be
used in implementing the Black Equity Participation plan for the Overtown
Urban Initiatives Project,
81AL,,CR �.�io
Metropoll i tan Jade County and the City of Miami are jointly sponsoring an
urban initiatives joint development project in conjunction with the Over -
town METRORAIL station, This project is'being funded in part with a grant
from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration,
The project currently includes a four -block area immediately adjacent to
the Overtown METRQRAIL station. It should be noted that the City and County
are also involved in redevelopment activities in the entire Park West area.
The specific procedures discussed in this paper apply only to the Overtown
Urban Initiatives Project, ..
the County, City and UMTA have a strong and continuing commitment to black
and minority participation in all phases of the Project. To achieve this,
a program has been developed to ensure equity participation in development
as well as black and minority participation in construction and employment.
Former property owners will be given an opportunity to participate and
invest in the redevelopment project. Three participation options will be
provided to all property owners:
(I) As a developer/investor;
(2) As a participant in an investment group; and
(3) As an equity i-nvestor in the development constructed on one's
former property.
The concept of equity participation ihvdlves the dpprirtumity for all current
property owners in the project area to participate in the redeveldpfflent
activities: A particular initiative in this project is to stiMulate black
equity investment and a SO% Mack Equity lnvestment Goal has been established,
The following is a general outline of the procedures that will be used to
achieve this objective:
i. All property in the project area shall be acquired by the County.
Property owners will be reimbursed for property costs and reloca-
tion expenses in accordance with applicable Federal and Iota!
guidelines, Property wi)1 be app_raised, at.the__.highest and best
use as sbeci fied .in the Overtown/Par_k_West Rede_v__elopmentPlan
which has been approved bv_ the City and County__Comm_issions_._
r�.. Pro �.^.3.^:,/ -wner5 , i-:1° t10 , Kier:+ tt: iur on the date Of Offer to
purchase) who desire to redevelop their property consistent with
the Southeast Overtown/Park '4est Redevelopment Plan will be given
priority in the disposition of the land based on the following
(a) The City of Miami will utilize the procedures established
by the Miami City Charter, Section 53(c): Unified Develop-
ment Projkcts.
(b) Disposition guidelines and Request ror Proposal requirements
will -be approved by the Dade County Commission and the Miami
City Commission pursuant to public hearings.
(c) Property owners must indicate within 60 days of receipt of
offer to purchase from Dade County their desire to redevelop,
their property (former) and submit a Request For Qualifica-
tions (RFQ) to the City. The RFQ will request preliminary
information on development and financial strategies. The
purpose of the RFQ is to discern serious intention and ability
to undertake redevelopment, The overtown Advisory Board (OAe)
and the Pr(Q ett Managememt Cbmittee will review the RF'Qs and
forward their recommendations to both the City and County
Comtitissions for certification of priority consideration in
the disposition of redevelopment parcels involving the partic-
ipation of former property owners.
(d) The City shall establish redevelopment parcels of at least
one acre in size (Or one-half block) consistent with expressed
interest of the property owners to redevelop (based on RFQs).
(e) Technical assistance utilizing funding provided by the Urban
Initiatives Grant will be provided by the. City and County
staff and the OAS. This assistance will be available to
former property owners and investment groups which contain a
minimum of 50o representation of -former property owners. The
technical assistance will be provided for the preparation of
responses to RFQs and competitive Request For Proposals.
3. A competitive Request For Preposals (RFP) will be developed and
advertised within six months from the date of offer to purchase
by Dade County, pursuant to the Miami City Charter, rt?ction 53(c):
Unified Development Projects; and Florida Statute 163.380: Disposal
of Property in Community Redevelopment Areas. The selection of the
Jay..'..; r will be•according to the following priority ranking:
(a) Former property owners for development parcels which encompass
their former property;
(b) Investment Groups composed of a minimum of 50% former property
owners from the four -block area;
(c) Community Based Organizations;
(d) Responsive black developers;
(e) Joint ventures which include black developers; and
(f) Others.
4, The selected developer will be requited to offer all former
property dwners of the "site being developed an equity position
in the develdpmeet- This investmedt will be at least equal to
. the sale price of the land when purchased by Dade County, A
former property owner may 11hVeSt less if they to detire
5: The City has primary responsibility foe working with the selected
developers to develop land disposition agreements as `specified by
t^e R-P. It is anticipated that the land will be made available
to developers in accordance with City and County requirements,
:cu:_y ?art ;;.pion Flan discussed above, the
tr are cc.T.^litted
to minority and black participation in all
ascects or
areas `or ail
deve?cpars in the project area:
and construction goals;
hiring goals;
permanent hiring
goals; and
retail space
ownership goals.
Fii:FArrriliFrt)t/FA j,rrr,�trrlr•r)
Nlendd L tem 6 . 5 (d) (2 )
IluttwrabIL- t•1,17's1- .ttirt W.it Uu ubur lUi I)83
Board of Count•, Cd nilissionets
iu6�Ec '
Resolution Apptovini the
Prouerty 0whet's 8quity
r<;ew IM.I t 1 Partieitation Plan lot the
r-Ju'•, ' "� Overto:•:n urban initiativea
Zt is recommaded that the Board approve the attached Protert-y
C.+"ie2`'S E ilt�i P3Zt3G1Lc t2on P13:1 Cor he Ove to: n Urban tnitiat %ras
a _ "N (.
Lade Count% and the City of "A a"_ are J: iIis .,or`C� ^ an
urban 2I'.it2ati':e5 , rc]ac- in the Overtc-, .^, areay:•Ih_ h has bean
` `• _
fl :'; ed .ti:. t.A t:w�.;1 :,a33 Tr�.n yCr_at- ., Ad-_nistrat. - T•...::
under PrcjPct : L-03-0069. Th; ,•.-ert-.:n Urban Initlatives
project presentl+. in•ro].%-es the redevelopnent ofa four -block
area bounded by 1.t9. 8th Street on the north, the-METRORAIL
Rlah-Cf-•t•la4 (ap-roxi ;atel.- lst Court) on the east, V.;;1. 6th
Street on the south and .I.W. 3rd Avenue on the west. An arena-
ment to the Overtown grant has been submitted by UMTA to enlarce
the overtown project area -by two .blocks bounded by N.I.I. 6th
Street on the north, the :.ETRORAIL Right -Of -clay on the east,
N.W. 5th Street on the south and N.W. 2nd Avenue on the west.
However, th,3 inclusion of the two additional blocks has not
been approved by UMTA yet. When the two additional blocks
becone a part of the Overtown Urban Initiatives project, they
will also be covered by the Proper t7 Owner's Equity Partici-
pation Plan.
One of the major coals of this project is to provide a mechanism
and stimulate the equity participation of all current property
owners in the redevelopment of the area. This goal, while apply-
ing equally to all current property owners, has been termed ire
Black Equity Participation Plan as an added focus for Slack
property owners to participate.
Under the irterlocal agreement governing management of the project,
the City has the responsibility for directly marketing the property
(through a competitive process) for development. The County
Commission must approve the City's selection of a developer. In
The course of promulgating its bid specifications, the City will
have the responsibility for generating any factual bases and
making any findings necessary to effectuate the race -conscious
aspects of the Plan. The City will also have the responsibility
for enforcing the bid specifications in order to assure that the
developer lives up to the Plan's objectives.
The County contracted with the firm of Kammer, Siler, George
Associates (R-1059.82) to perform the initial analysis of the
concept. The KSG study recommended that the County and City
develop specifi..c implementation policies.
County and City staff, working closely with the overtown Advisory
Eoard (community leaders and residents) and the Qvertown Project~
Management Committee (governmental agencies) have completed the
Property Owner's Equity Participation Plan. The Plan was approved
by the OAE and OPMC in Seatomber. It is now before both' the
County and City Co=_ ia*Jons for approval.
The Plan is attached, It should be highlighted that the final
Plan provides three distinct opportunities for equity p4rtici.-
patiron: (l) as a developer/investors M as a particio nt in an
investment groups and (3) ,as An equity investor in the
nt constructed on one's former property. a
NOXWO100 -MAM, t.
0 N
t -1.1
S.'� So
it nit I r. i i n, t
'.1 j , & i I ', A I 'OO' 0 LI I I
0', a rl 0 N' L) L
plait on September 28,
19E 3,
At; tech ;:ent
The attaches: letter and documents concarn the impending purchase
b.: 84i? Count':' of property you own '4i'hin tf;e O: erto,.;n Urban
initiative Project Area.
i;,a '.i'.v of Miami, in conjun:;cion with Daue County, is initiating
the redevelopment of the Sout::iast Overtown Area as part of the
JV,ai ?ice i:ii335`v . v?ri.ownl : ar<C West Re"a? `elcp!n.anl. P~J�z'"am.
Funding for the redevelopment of the four block area bounded by
N.W. 1st court, N.W. 3rd Avenue, N.W. dth Street, and N.W. 9th
Street (Dvertown Urban 7niti3tives Proje-t Area) has been provid-
ed by a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation Urban
Initiatives Program and maw,-ing City and County funds. The
redevelopment program calls for the development of moderate -high
density residential and commercial development.
During the last three years a series of meetings and public
hearings were held to discuss and formulate a redevelopment
program that will provide a number of options for existing prop-
erty owners to participate in the redevelopment program if they
so desire.
For those property owners who do not care to be involved in the
redevelopment program, the County will purchase your property at
a price to be determined by negotiation or through eminent domain
proceedings (see Attachment 1).
If, however, you do wish to participate in the redevelopment
program, the options available to you, as a property owner,
A. Sell your ro erty directly to Dade County at a price to
be determined Oy negotiations or in eminent domain pro-
ceedings and become an equity investor on the develop -
Rent that will he -constructed on the site of your former
ro ert . The selected eveloper w ll be required to
orfer alr former property owners of the site being
developed an equity position in the development. This
cash investment will be at least equal to the sale price
of the sand when acquired by Dade County. Former prop-
erty owners may invest less funds if they so desire.
This option will be available to all property owners and
a determination on your desire to invest is not neces-
58ry at this time.
350lAL;1/24/ 4 _ _
A R A F T --- -- --- - page 1_
""JL1 -
The attached Letter and documents concarn the impending purchase
by :a I? C,oun t,r of property you '.awn 4ith1n t}2o OverM•.+wn urban
i Ii`...3five Project Area.
Tia ..icy of ;Miami, in conjjuri.:,�ion with Dade County, is initiating
the redevelopment of the Southeast Overtown area as part of the
vvertown,': arti ,Pest Re-.3ti'ylcpment ?rozrai.
Funding for the redevelopment of the four block area bounded by
:(.'n'. 1st court, N.W. 3rd Avenue, N.W. Gth Street, and A.W. 8th
Street (Overtown Urban Initiatives Pro,;eyt Area) has been provid-
ed by a grant from the U.S. nepartment of Transportation Urban
Initiatives Program and ma,.,.ing City and County funds. The
redevelopment program calls for the development of moderate -high
density residential and commercial development.
During the last three years a series of meetings and public
hearings were held to discuss and formulate a redevelopment
program that will provide a number of options for existing prop-
erty owners to participate in the redevelopment program if they
so desire.
For those property owners who do not care to be involved in the
redevelopment program, the County will purchase your property at
a price to be determined by negotiation or through eminent domain
proceedings (see Attachment 1).
If, however, you do wish to participate in the redevelopment
program, the options available to you, as a property owner,
A. Sell your orooerty directly to Dade County at a price t
ceedin s and become an equitX investor on the develop-
ment that w 1 be constructed on the site of youFformer
fro ert . The selected eveloper w l be required to
or air former property owners of the site being
developed an equity position in the development. This
cash investment will be at least equal to the sale price
of the land when acquired by Dade County. Former prop-
erty owners may invest less funds if they so desire.
This option will be available to all property owners and
a determination on your desire to invest is not neces—
sary at this time.
D g A F T Pale 1
B. Se_l1_.you_u16 _prop.erty _ directly' to bade County at a or
assistance i7__the preparation of a redevelopment ororam
ror youurfgrmer, property. Redevelopment parcels of at
least one acre in size or one-half block will be estab-
lished in a manner commensurate with the desire of for--
finer property owners to redevelop.
All property owners who submit, an RFQ application, which
must be approved by the City and County Commissions for
priority sertificat.ion, will be required to submit a
detailed development proposal anticipated to be due by
September 30, 1984 under the provisions of the Request
For Proposals (RFP) that will be -issued by the City.
Former property owners will receive priority ranking in
the evaluation of their Request For Proposal upon com-
petitive compliance with RFP requirements anticipated to
be issued in June 1984. Submission of an approved RFQ
application does not mean that the former property owner
will automatically be entitled to develop that land, but
will simply establish a priority ranking in the
evaluation of the redevelopment proposal (RFPs) if a
viable proposal is submitted. Final selection of devel-
opers will be made by the City and County Commissions.
A major advantage to a property owner in complying with
the RFQ/RFP process is that land may be resold or leased
in the redevelopment -area at prices significantly below
the prices paid to former property owners. The price
charged will be determined by a reuse appraisal. This
is based on a market analysis and the objectives of the
redevelopment plan that anticipates such subsidies will
be required to make redevelopment feasible by reducing
the cost of such land for development (see Attach-
ment 2).
Property owners submitting RFQ applications that are
approved by the City and County Commissions will receive
priority ranking as a developer over other property
owners not complying with the RFQ process. Attachment 9
includes a description of the technical assistance pro-
gram available to property owners under the RFQ process.
350;AL;1/24/ u VA F _ - Pay 2 .
be determined._by, n.e
deeding-s and file a
application with th
the date of this le
to receive- priority
assistance in_the p
for your former.pro
least one acre in s
lished in a manner
mee property owners
i w
e (,Le
a dev
reparation of a redev
ert Redevelopment
ize or one-half block
commensurate ,.ii th the
to redevelop.
iopment program
parcels of at
will be estab-
desire of fors -
All property owners who submit an RFQ application, which
must be approved by the City and County Commissions for
priority certificat.fon, will :,e required to submit a
detailed development proposal anticipated to be due by
September 30, 1984 under the provisions of the Request
For Proposals (RFP) that will be -issued by the City.
Former property owners will receive priority ranking in
the evaluation of their Request For Proposal upon com-
petitive compliance with RFP requirements anticipated to
be issued in June 1984. Submission of an approved RFQ
application does not mean that the former property owner
will automatically be entitled to develop that land, but
will simply establish a priority ranking in the
evaluation of the redevelopment proposal (RFPs) if a
viable proposal is submitted. Final selection of devel-
opers wil.l be made by the City and County Commissions.
A major advantage to a property owner in complying with
the RFQ/RFP process is that land may be resold or leased
in the redevelopment area at prices significantly below
the prices paid to former property owners. The price
charged will be determined by a reuse appraisal. This
is based on a market analysis and the objectives of the
redevelopment plan that anticipates such subsidies will
be required to make redevelopment feasible by reducing
the cost of such land for development (see Attach-
ment 2).
Property owners submitting RFQ applications that are
approved by the City and County Commissions will receive
priority ranking as a developer over other property
owners not complying with the RFQ process. Attachment 9
includes a description of the technical assistance pro-
gram available to property owners under the RFQ process.
350. AL;1 /24/84 A F T Page 2
S4vwl -
C. sell __y_out�._.property._di,reetly_t0.__Dade__Coun y at a _pr_icet
b2 deteNMine-d by negotiation or in eminent domain proms
Csedin2s and Suomi; a or000sal in rasoonse to the
will be issued by th
letter.. Former property owners and investment groups
composed of a minimum of 50,00 former property owners
from the four -block UMTA area) will be given priority
ranking over other applicants pending the submission of
•: ;.a' ' e r-id?velopment pr..pooa, ,;n:er `,:ie R & antici-
gated to to due by September 30, 1984. Property owners
who have subczi It--d an approved RFq "see option 3) will
receive priority ever other property owners hso :lave not
ca,nplied with t"=t option.
E. Enter into an agreement with -Dade -County which will
allow you to retain ownership of your property upon
compliance witn that agreement.- This option is availa-
ble to property owners who singularly or jointly with
other property owners have contiguous land holdings of
at least one acre or one-half block. The property owner
shall be required to sign such an agreement with Dade
County within 30 days from the date of this letter. The
agreement requires the property owner, upon failure to
comply with any part of that agreement or the time
limits set forth in that agreement, to sell his property
directly to Dade county at a price based on the fair
market value of the property at the time of signing the
agreement (at a price to be determined by negotiation or
in eminent domain proceedings). In addition, the agree-
ment requires the property owner to submit a redevelop-
ment proposal under the RFP process which must be subse-
quently approved by the City and County Commissions and
to remove structures on the site within a specified
period (see Attachment 3).
The attached package includes the official offer to purchase your
property by Dade County together with additional information
about the options that are available to you. It is extremely
important that you follow deadlines established for the submis-
sion of information and agreements to the City and the County.
The attached listing includes the name of the document, the
person to contact who can assist you in answering any questions
you may have concerning that item, and deadlines that must be
adhered to;
350.AL;1/24/64 D R A F T Page
Wr -
No. Document Contact Person Deadlines
1. Official. Dade County HUD Response to Offer
Offer To Keith Bett March , 1984
Purchase 547-7200
2. Request For City of Miami Submission of
Qualifications S.E. Overtown/ RFQ Application
(RFQ) Park 'nest April , 1984
Project Offi-_e
Chas, C. Stafford
3. Contract City of Miami Submission of
To Develop S.E. Overtown/ Signed Develop -
Park West went Agreement
Project Office March , 1984
Chas. C. Stafford
It should be noted that item number 1, Official Offer to Pur-
chase, is relevant to all property owners and should be carefully
The following is also provided for your information:
4. "Property Owners' Equity Participation Plan for the Overtown
Urban Initiatives Project Area"
5. County Resolution No. R-1345-83 approving the Property
Owners' Equity Participation Plan for the Overtown Urban
Initiatives Project, as amended.
6. "Market Potential and -Development Strategies for the
Southeast Overtown Redevelopment Program, Executive'Summary"
(full document is available upon request from the Southeast
Overtown/Park West Project Office).
7. "Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Plan,
8. "Phase I Overtown Transit Station Impact Area Redevelopment
Proposal, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelop-
ment Program"
9, Technical Assistance Program available under the RFQ
350;AL_ ;1/24/84 D R A F T
Please do not hesitate to contact the Southeast Overtown/Park
West Project Office for any additional information you may
r_juire concerning the options that are currently available to
you under this redevelopment program. in addition, a meeting has
been scheduled for February , 198a, at 66'00 p.m. at the
Metro -Dade Department of Housing and Urban Development Conference
Room, 1401 Y.W. 7th Street, to discuss these matters.
Abiding by the deadlines specified in the attached documents is
ne,essary t:i insure that all of ,your ri---nts an3 options are
look forward to work-in' 4ith you on this very important project
for the future of the City of Miami.
Herbert J. Bailey
Assistant City Manager
350:AL;1/24/$4 Page 5