HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0174RESOLUTION NO. 84-&-174 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF A.M. INTERNATIONAL,INC. FOR FURNISHING ONE PHOTOTYPESETTER AND PROCESSOR SYSTEM TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE-yPRINT SHOP AT A TOTAL C08T OF $191995.001 ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983=84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUT80PIZINO THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, pursuant to public notice; sealed bids were received November 15, 1983 for the furnishing one (1) Phototype -- setter and Processor Systems to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance - Print Shop; and WHEREAS, invitations were mailed to 38 potential suppliers and 1 bid was received; and WHEREAS, funds for this purchase are available in the 1983-84 Operating Budget; and WHEREAS, this equipment will be used by the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance for the purpose of replacing worn and obsolete typesetting equipment in the Print Shop; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance recommend that the bid received A.M. International, Inc. be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The November 15, 1983 bid of A.M. Inter- national, Inc. for furnishing One (1) Phototypesetter and Processor System to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance - Print Shop at a total cost of $19,995.00 is hereby accepted with funds therefor hereby allocated from the 1983-84 Operating Budget of that Department. CITY COMMON METING OF l FED 9 19K 4�174 mom b' REMARItS. Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby author- i2ed to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue a Purchase Order for this equipment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of February 1984, Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y 0 R ATTEST: RA PH G. ONGIE, CITY CfdtRK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLAR DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: t J R. GARCIA—PEDROSA Y ATTORNEY lJ Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby author= ized to instruct the Purchasinq Agent to issue a Purchase order for this equipment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this . 9th __ __clay of _February-! 984 . Maurice A► Fette_ MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y O R ATTEST: RA PH G. ONGIE, CITY OTARK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 4-/ J /f �a 1FOBERT F. CLAR DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JQO R. GARCIA-PEDROSA Y ATTORNEY 4vwl . • all* SECURITY Photo Typesetter & Processor 4Y tem iNovember 151 1983 3t00 HUIVI sibbik A.M. Intethatjohal4 Inc P.O. Box 520943 Miami, Florida 33152 Phillips and Jacobs X.1,P.S. Corp AB Dick Company Alt&c Compu ars Inc. Blumberg Photo Sound Co,, of Fla Ryno Products Inc. Montpellier Printings BiAcayne EnzinQej:ing Co, Professional Business Ent. International Electronics Corp Image Devices Rrodhand-Garrgtt Co. Tot of Item- I'--.---.--- MOM Broken down by items a, "It ANWe VISION S t cItY OI• MIAMI. f=L6010A -0 Hcward ti , Gar; JNTE: December -_63 Mt Citt; Mar.aaar G+/U L FRoM C. E, Cox, Director REFERENCES• "r Building & Vehicle Mai:;t:e7ance AwarC of l i, This resolution is ra _ues..ea in order to r2G.1c;ce 7ur existing _."_'eset`_ing equipment with a new s:•stem fcr the :Tint -s ✓e;ar=:lent. P,easons for the r=cuest are as I. PRESENT SYSTEM A. Equipment is six (6) years old. B. Small fine type loses sharpness. CO System limits proofreading on the screen to one (1) line -- thus causing waste of materials and time. D. System does not rule vertical lines or tabulate -- thus causing excessive time in pasteup. E. System recording ability out -dated -- thus repeating jobs, or making changes (small or large) necessitates retyping entire job or excessive pasteup time. II. NEW SYSTEM A. Proposed typesetting system is digitized -- thus sharp type at all sizes is guaranteed. B. New model includes schrolling, a feature that gives the operator or proofreader the opportunity to read entire jobs, and make changes on the screen. C. New model has vertical rules and tabulations -- two (2) functions that cut pasteup time in half. D. New model uses a floppy disc in which typed data is stored. These discs can be replayed at any time, and also give the operator an opportunity to make changes, revisions, or corrections without typing entire job again. Funds for this equipment are available in the 1983-84 Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance operating budget. Y jl 4swlrY } AwAAb OF BID Bid No. 8�-84-05 ITEM: One (1) Phototypesetter and Processor System -,EPARTM'dT s TYPE OF PURCHASE: REASON: POTENTIAL BIDDEPS! BIDS RECEIVED: :I. Intarnazicn-_, inc. Bui ldinq and -:enicie ,-iai:Iterance Single Purchase eCui melt re:Iaired to replace worn and obsclete pro a �� • t'r :i"�'. =.it �8J 1 Toal Bid .'_.'.9ID3. .�J F 7';'S: I983-84 Gperati::r Budget BID EVALUATION: The bid meets all specifications. Following is an analysis of the invitation to bid: Catecory Prior Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority New Bidders Black American Hispanic American Non -Minority Courtesy Notifications "No Bids" Late Bids Number of Bid Invitations Mailed 0 0 1 7 14 16 6 Totals 44 Number of Responses 0 0 1 0 0 0 -0- 12 13 MINORITY PARTICIPATION: Invitations to bid were sent to seven (7) Black and fourteen (14) Hispanic business firms in the fields of graphic arts, printing or electronic products, in accordance with the Minority Vendor Procurement Program. No minority farms submitted bids, however, explanations of "no bids" were received from one (1) Black and four (4) Hispanic Businesses, as indicated below: Page l of 2 . lip Reasons for "No Bid" were as follows: 1. "We do not tanufadture of distribute the required equ PMditt." 2. "We do not sell this type of phototypesetting equipment." (Hispanic Business) 3. "No source of supply." i s "Unable to supply items specified." 5. "Cannot meet sr.ecifications, " 6. "Item listed is not part of our product line," 7. "Do not sell this product at the present time." (Black Business) 8. "We are form printers and do not sell equipment, (Hispanic Business) 9. "We don't sell this equipment." 10. "Unable to quote at the present time." (Hispanic Business) 11. "We do not handle this item." "`lot part of our roduct line." (Hispanic Business) RECOMMENDATION: IT IS RECO14MEVI DED T?i%T TO A.M. INTE?_` ?TT^NA", 7-7 .- .N 1.T Or ai-',31� 00. �L:a Ct;uSl z—aent Date The above award meets the requirements of the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance -Print Shop, and approval is recommended. r Director Date e CITY OP MIAMI, FI.OWOA INTIVA-OFFIOC MEM014AN NUM TO: 86ward V. dary City Manager FROM , E. Cox, Director Euilding & Vehicle Maintenance OAU: Deceieber 280 1981 FILE: SUBJECT: mealiest For CG mil ssion Action REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: ward of Bid and Resolution T.' DEPARTYWT Cr BUIZ.1;I.iG AND RECtI.STS "-MT A Rc SCLUTIGN BE PASSED, UTHORIZIZIG PU.RC ASE OF A ?FiCTGTYPBSETT :2; ?: GC3CSC� SiS^E:1 ACM a. Ll, !NTERNATICNAL, INC., AT A TrTAI CCST CF $19,995. This resolution is requested in order to replace our existing typesetting equipment with a new system for the Print Shop Division of this Department. Reasons for the request are as follow: I. PRESENT SYSTEM A. Equipment is six (6) years old. B. Small fine type loses sharpness. Co System limits proofreading on the screen to one (1) line -- thus causing waste of materials and time. D. System does not rule vertical lines or tabulate -- thus causing excessive time in pasteup. E. System recording ability out -dated -- thus repeating jobs, or making changes (small or large) necessitates retyping entire job or excessive pasteup time. II. NEW SYSTEM A. Proposed typesetting system is digitized -- thus sharp type at all sizes is guaranteed. 8. New model includes schrolling, a feature that gives the operator or proofreader the opportunity to read entire jobs, and make changes on the screen. C. New model has vertical rules and tabulations -- two (2) functions that cut pasteup time in half. A. New model uses a floppy disc in which typed data is stored. These discs can be replayed at any time, and also give the operator an opportunity to make changes, revisions, or corrections without typing_ entire job again. Funds for this equipment are available in the 1983-84 Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance operating budget. "17- 1 n EILDA P 11"Ll i E 111T : TYPt 02 PURCHASE: REASON POTtNTIAL BIDDERS: BIOS RECEIVED: TA2 jL_! 1� tVAA0 Bid No. One (1) Phototypesetter and Prdedsqot. Ziuilding and 1jehidle '.1aintenanCe Single Purchase equipment required to replace worn obsolete Print- She-- E-u-4;ment 38 1 -nl =4A. FUNDS 1983-34 Gperatiz�g Budget BID EVALUATION: The bid meets all specifications. Following is an analysis of the invitation to bid: Number of Bid Number of Category Invitations Mailed Responses Prior Bidders Black American 0 0 Hispanic American 0 0 Non -Minority 1 1 New Bidders Black American 7 0 Hispanic American 14 0 Non -Minority 16 0 Courtesy Notifications 6 -0- "No Bids" - 12 Late Bids Totals 44 13 MINORITY PARTICIPATION; Invitations to bid were sent to seven (7) Black and fourteen (14) Hispanic business firms in the fields of graphic arts, printing or electronic products, in accordance with the Hinority.Vendor Procurement Progr=-. No minority firms submitted bids, however, explanations of "no bids" were received from one (1) Black and four (4) Hispanic Businesses, as indicated below; Page I of 2 8400174 j Reasons for "No Bid" were as folldwsl. 1. "We do not manufacture Or dittribute the required dquipmeht.11 2. "tie do not sell this type of phototypesetting equipment," (Hispanic Business) i. "No source of supply," 4. "unable to supply items specified." Cannot meet specifications." 6, "Item listed is not part of out product line." 7. "DO not sell this product at the present time," (Black Susiftest) 3. "We are f^rm printers and do not Sell equipment, (Hispanic Business) 9, "We don't sell this equipment." 106 "Unable to quote at the present time." (Hispanic Business) 11. "We do not handle this item." 12, ",Nor- part o,.'L: our product line:" (Hispanic Business) R 1EC_1,'X,2k_1 EN Ll AT 7 C N IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE AWARD BE MADE TO A.M. iNTE1UNATIONAL, INC. IN THE TOTAL ;U1CU'NT OF $11.9,995.00. Purchasing Agent Af L/- Date The above award meets the requirements of the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance -Print Shop, and approval is recommended. DlreCr Dat6 Page 2 of 2 84�174,