HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0155f f J-84-2 1/4/84 rr/D-6 I?ESUL1JIIUN N0. 84--155 A RFSOLUTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE ONLY THE CONCEPT OF A PUBLIC OBSERVATION PIFR AND ADJACENT ARTIFICIAL RELFS TO HE DONATED BY THE HAMILTON CORPORATION FOIL OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND 0WNERSIiIP 11Y THE CITY OF MIAMI AT MAGNOLIA PARK. WHEREAS, the Hamilton Corporation is completinq construction of Bay Point Place, a 271 unit residential condominium located at 555 N.E. 34 Street on Biscayne Bay; and WHEREAS, a 26 slip private marina is proposed for development in conjunction with this project; and WHEREAS, the permit tinq process for such activities in waters of the State of Florida, as conducted by the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers (CUE), and the Florida Department of Environmental Requlation (DER), a1onq with Dade County's Department of Environmental Resources Manaqement (DERM), holds ainonq other requirements that construction projects which will occupy publicly owned bay bottom land must demonstrate public purpose or benefit; and WHEREAS, a +160' long x 8' wide public observation pier and two adjacent reefs to be designed, constructed by, and at the expense of the Hamilton Corporation, have been proposed as an amenity to provide public benefit; and WHEREAS, this proposed amenity was to be located south of the proposed marina and waterward of N.E. 34 Street; and WHEREAS, as a result of the COE/DER public noticed process,four official objections were received; and WHEREAS, the COE/DER advised the Hamilton Corporation to explore an alternate location for the public observation pier and artificial reefs; and CITY COMMI p MEETING OF FE B 9 1984 RESOLUrIUi, hu. 84-1S5 f 0 WHEREAS, staff frnin the Departments of Parks and Recreation, PIanninq and Public Works, have favorably reviewed the general concept of a put) lic ohservat ion pier and artificial reefs at the City's Marinolis Park, located on Biscayne Bay at N.E. 39 St met and 6 Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Staff's favorable review is predicated on reservinq the right to make recommendations specific to the overall project includinq, but not limited to, the marina, public observation pier, artificial reefs and associated elements; and WHEREAS, approval of this resolution does not presuppose any decision rendered by and/or as a result of the City Zoninq Board and its hearings; and WHEREAS, approval of this resolution does not preempt the right of the City Zoning Board to rule favorably or unfavorably with respect to the marina, the pier and artificial reefs and any related issues; and WHEREAS. this and/or any other action by the City Commission and its administration in no way alleviates or eliminates said firm's need to acquire all federal, state, county and municipal permits, appraisals and/or variances as may be required to carry out any and all portions of this project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. Approval is hereby given in principle only to the concept of a +160' long x 8' wide observation pier and artificial reefs to be donated by the Hamilton Corporation for operation, maintenance and ownership by the City of Miami at Magnolia Park. Section 2. The City Manaqer is hereby authorized to permit representatives of the Hamilton Corporation to act as agent of the City in the acquisition of permits associated -2- 84-JL55 f V with the possible const.ruction of the pier and artificial reefs, without prejudice to the City to revoke, 1 iinit or modify said authority or any permits ohtained thereunder. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 901 day of February , 1984. TEST: �► G. 0 G , LI Y CL PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: Ru .CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: tTYTTORNEY -3- Maurice A. Torre M A Y'0 84-155 f e 26 CITY OF MIA MI, FLORIDA COMMISSION ACTION ` INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM '0 Howard V. Gary City Manager City.Hall DATE, January 31, 19 S 4 KTLE Public Observation Pier and Artificial Reefs at �kL Magnolia Park raor•i Carl Kern REFERE[-k Fs Agenda Items for Commission Director Meetina of February 9, 1984 Department of Parks=NZL0;'_,iE; r and Recreation. "It is recommended that the Cite Commission ancrove in crincicle cnly the ccncect of a Lublic observation. Hier an.d artificial reefs, to be donated by the Hamilton Corporation, for Magnolia Park...." City Commission approval, in principle only, for the concept of a public observation Pier and artificial reefs, designed, constructed by, and at the expense of the Hamilton Corporation (which is respon- sible for the development of the Bay Point Place Project), is hereby sought. This action will initiate a review, public hearing, and permitting process, at the end of which, if the findings are .favorable to the development of a marina for the Bay Point Place Project and the pier and reefs at Magnolia Park, the Magnolia Park observation pier and artificial reefs will be constructed and turned over to the City of Miami; the City would become responsible for operation and maintenance as owners. The pier will cost aPnroximate- ly $65,000 and the artificial reefs $6,000, adding to a total estimated expenditure of approximately $71,000. This matter was initially scheduled for action by the City Commission on its December 8, 1983 agenda but was withdrawn by the City Manager for further review. Just prior to December 8 it was determined that both the Proposed marina at Bay Point Place and the proposed Magnolia Park improvements were required to undergo public hearings before the City's Zoning Board; there was concern that a positive action by the City Commission on December 8 would prejudice future Zoning Board consideration. The action requested at this time is only to permit the developer to proceed with the State leasing and permitting processes. JS/cg Enclosures cc: Law Department Planning Department Planning and Zoning Adm. 1 84-JL55 r e BACKGROUND The Hamilton Corporation is completing development of Bay Point Place, a 271-unit residential condominium located at 555 N.E. 34 Street on Biscayne Bay, for which previous zoning approval has been granted. The overall development plans include a bavwalk to allow for oublic access along the water's edge and a 26-slip orivate marina for which they are proceeding with permitting through the Army Corps of Engineers (C.O.E.), Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (D.E.R.), and Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (D.E.R.M.), and for which City of Miami zoning approval is still required. In obtain- ing a permit for the marina construction, the affected bay bottom must be leased from the State of Florida, and among those requirements upon :which the lease is predicated is a demonstration. of public benefit. In this case, that has taken the form of a public observation pier and adjacent artificial reefs. The pier and reefs were to have been constructed adjacent to the proposed marina, but as a result of four official objections received through the C.O.E./D.E.R. Public Notice process, the developer was advised to change the proposed location, and the opportunity to place the pier and reefs off of Magnolia Park at N.E. 39 Street and 6 Avenue, is now being explored. Staff from the Departments of Parks and Recreation, Planning and Public Works, have reviewed the general concept of a pier and reefs for the park, and reserve the right to make recommendations specific to the overall project at subsequent Zoning Board hearings, and subject to the acquisition of all appropriate federal, state, county, and municipal permits and public hearings. Approval of the accompanying resolution will not presuppose any decision rendered by and/or as a result of the Zoning Board and their hearings, nor does it preempt the right of the Zoning Board to rule favorably or unfavorably with respect to the marina, the pier and artificial reefs, and any related issues. The following is a summary of steps which will be included in the process which this resolution initiates: 1. Acceptance, by the City Commission, in principle only, of the concept of a pier and artificial reefs for Magnolia Park, and authorization for the City Manager to allow representatives of the Hamilton Corporation to act as the City's agents in acquiring all related permits and/or variances for the pier and artificial reefs. 2. Completion, by the Hamilton Corporation, of the C.O.E./D.E.R./D.E.R.M. permitting process for construction of the marina at Bay Point Place. This will include acquisition of a lease for the bay bottom under the proposed marina, using the pier and reefs as the public benefit required by the State. Acting as the City's agents they will also seek a permit for the construction 84-JL55 r \A of the pier and reefs at :Magnolia Park, however if the pier and reefs are acc3t:tec: by the State as a public benefit the permit may be granted without further hearings. J. application by the Hamilton .:orparation to the City's Zoning Board for: a) A Special Exception and a possible variance to constrict a private marina in excess of 25' from the shoreline, using the public observa- tion pier ar. =ti`:_i ? as the oublic benef"ic. b) A Special Exception and a possible %variance to co :struct a 162' long 8' :aide public obServation pier with adjacent artificial reefs. These items will be reviewed by the Zoning Board through their normal public hearing process. 1131/84 J3/cg cc: Law Department Planning Department Planning and Zoning Adm. 0 84-IL55 f Ir of the pier and reefs at Magnolia Park, however if the pier and reefs are accor`_e:: by the State as a public benefit the permit :,Zap- be granted without further hearings. application by the Hamilton :'or-;cration to the City's Zoning Board for: a) A Special Exception and a possible variance to construct a private marina in excess of 25' from the shoreline, using the public observa- tion offer 3n_ , ?':tifzicial is the public benefic. b) A Special Exception and a possible variance to construct a 162' long 3' :vide public obsery aticn pier with adjacent artificial reefs. These items will be reviewed by the Zoning EDard through their normal public hearing process. l/31/84 JS/cg cc: Law Department Planning Department Planning and Zoning Adm. 84-155 f 1' n M � 6 6 AVE � I 3 W SCE u Z-- �-�-- APPROX. I - 100 STERNS PARK MAGNOLIA PARK w J ti PREPARED BY: Consulting Engineering 9 Science, Inc. 9400 S. Dodelond Blvd., Suite 620 Miami Florida, 33156 8 8' PUBLIC PIER ♦1 450 BISCAYNE BAY ;eo ARTIFICIAL REEFS 16' x 24' PUBLIC OBSERVATION PIER AND FISHING REEFS AT MAGNOLIA PARK PREPARED FOR' Hamilton Corwotioo 555 N.E. 340 ST. Miami, Florida 33137 SHEET I of 3 212 :IC 1 IV F2, C4-1 CCNC. BULKHEAD 1 (TYP) ■ f C 4j (EXISTING ) PUBLIC PIER PLAN NO SCALE WOODEN RAILING -- (BEYOND) 4 ti WOOD DECK I r I 4" x 10" JOISTS I - 4" x 12" CROSS BEAMS - Q M.H.W. EL. +3.0 12!' TIMBER — — — PILES ".) — 3" x 8" BRACINGS i M. L.W. EL. 0.0 - BAY BOTTOM. u PUBLIC PIER - SECTION C - C NO SCALE PURPOSE : PUBLIC PIER PLAN 6 SECTION IN BISCAYNE BAY AT MIAMI DATUM : N.G.V.D. COUNTY OF DADE, STATE: FLORIDA PREPARED BY: Consulting Engineering 9 Science, Inc. APPLICATION BY' Hamilton Corporation 9300 S. Dadeland Blvd., Suite 200 555 N.E. 34th Street , Miami , F 1a.,3313T Miami, Florida 33156 SHEET 2 of 3 DATE: 3/12/82 ( REV.) 8�"'15 f C -7 f- olft I_,t1 U.S.C.G. APPROVED DAYBEACONS 11 DANGER - SUBMERGED JETTY" 1'-2' DIAMETER ROCKS SAY BOTTOM---*' t-2e-3' DIAMETER ARTIFICIAL REEFS- TYPICAL SECTION CONC. PIPE SCALE: I" - 3'-0 ARTIFICIAL REEFS -TYPICAL PLAN 9 PURPOSE: ARTIFICIAL REEFS IN BISCAYNE BAY AT MIAMI DATUM: N.G.Y.O. COUNTYOF DADE, STATE: FLORIDA PREPARED BY: Consulting Engineering 11 Science, Inc. APPLICATION BY: Hamilton Corporation 9300 S. Dadeland Blvd., Suite 200 555 N.E. 341h Street , Miami, Flo. 33137 Miami,Florida 33136 SHEET 3 of 3 DATE: 3/19/82 (RE% 84-IL55 Il JULIA TUTTLE CAUSENAY w' a • c n' ui N.E.35th TER. ` a m N.E. 35th ST. '. jBAY POINT PLACE::;, N.E. 34th ST. ::.;.:;:.::..:::.... tai a ' n N.E. 33rd ST. INDEX SM: No. TITLE i LOCATION MAP 6 INDEX OF DRAWINGS 2 EXISTING SATHYMETRY 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK 4 MAIN PIER SECTION 5 FINGER PIER DETAIL & SECTION 6 PUBLIC PIER PLAN A SECTION 7 ARTIFICIAL REEFS PURPOSE: LOCATION MAP & INDEX OF DRAWINGS DATUM: N.G.V.D. PREPARED BY: Comultlnp Engnwring a Sdwm , Inc. 9300 S. DadNand Blvd., Suits 200 MIaM , Florido H 1 S6 THIS PROJECT IN BISCAYNE BAY AT MIAMI COUNTY OF DADE STATE FLORIDA APPLICATION BY: Hamilton Corporation 555 N.E. 3141% Strwl MI&M, Fla" 33W SHEET 1 of T DATE: SA5/821 REv.1 84-155 w N.E. 35th ST. _ BAY POINT PLACE N.E.34th ST. _ EXISTING CONCRETE BULKHEAD 6 T B 4 6 7 PURPOSE: EXISTING BATHYMETRY OATUM : N.G.V.D. PREPARED BY: Consu81n4 Eapinurirq 9 Sdmcu+lnc. 9300 S.DadNond Blvd., Suit* 200 M knI , norlda 33156 IN BISCAYNE BAY AT MIAMI COUNTY OF DADE, STATE : FLORIDA APPLICATION BY : Hamtiton CMporatlon 555 N.E. 34th Stmet, Miami , Florida 3315T SHEET 2 of 7 DATE: 12/2/8I ia ia CHARTER CLUB, INC. y N.E. 351h STN.E. ............. — to! PUBLIC WALKWAY BAY POINT PLACE PRESERVE AREA (50't It I30'i) N.E. 341h STD_ — INTECOR, INC. ING CONCRETE BULKHEAD N I"= too' -10' MAIN PIER WITH BAFFLE (TYP.) I (SEE SHEET 4) 4 4' FINGER PIER (TYP.) 2S (SEE SHEET 5) =0. • 4 •. 44 ( 0 42 . PURPOSE: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK DATUM : N.G.V.D. PREPARED By: Con -,ling Engi-e-r(np 6 Sctenee, Inc. 9300 S. Dadeland Blvd-,-*4"* 200 m ioml , Florida 33166 Z�� �� ING • LItiGS (TYP.) `ARTIFICIAL REEFS (SEE SHEET 7 ) Z164' PLATFORM e' PUBLIC PIER (SEE SHEET 6) ® AREAS OF RIP -RAP PLACEMENT IN BISCAYNE BAY AT MIAMI COUNTY OF DADE, STATE: FLORIDA APPLICATION BY Hamilton CarPom"on Fiorlda 3313T 555 N.E. 34th Street, Miami, SHEET 3 of 7 DATE: 9J15/82(REV,) f f, ■ DAVIT (TYP.) to' EL. +6 0 .S A;r ►'1 1 BAFFLE BREAKWATER I! �•'+ r0 -PRECAST SLAB POURED IN PLACE CAP PRESTRESSED �. CONIC. PILES �. C7 M.H.W. EL. +; • r' 3' DIAMETER BOULDER (TYP.) r BOTTOM EL. l )— T.0 — _ SAY BOTTOM MAIN DOCK - SECTION AL -A NO SCALE PURPOSE: MAIN PIER SECTION IN BISCAYNE BAY AT MIAMI DATUM: N.G.Y. D. COUNrY OF DADE, STATE: 'FLORIDA PREPARED BY: Consulting Engineering IN Science, Inc. APPLICATION BY: Hanllton Corporation 9300 S. Dodelond Blvd., Suite 200 555 N.E. 34th Strut, Mlaml , Fla 33137 Miami Florida 33156 SHEET 4 of T DATE: 3/19/82 (REV.) 84'l�5� C C II" OPEN JOINT VARIES ( 20' MIN. TO 50' MAX.) VARIES ( 20' MIN. TO 25' MAX.) I L_J l_J 4J O i C) I B FINGER PIER PLAN Lo B NO SCALE PRECAST SLAB EL. +6.0 p;1 0q POURED IN PLACE CAP i pt; i'1 i .r -"10"x 10" PRESTRESSED: KH.W. EL. +3.0 _ CONC. PILES 1 � 1+ I l S7 M.L.W. EL. 0.0 BAY BOTTOM --� FINGER PIER — SECTION 8_8 NO SCALE PURPOSE: FINGER PIER DETAIL 9 SECTION IN BISCAYNE BAY AT MIAMI DATUM: N.G.V.D. COUNTY OF DADE , STATE: FLORIDA PREPARED BY: Consulting Engineering a Science, Inc. APPLICATION BY: Hamilton Corporation 9300 S. Dodeland Blvd., Suite 200 555 N.E. 341h Street , Miami, Fla, 33137 L.M Florida 33156 SHEET 5 of 7 DATE: 3/12/82 (REV.) f t •1 •t .r. tit ill .�. (EXISTING) WOODEN RAILING (BEYOND) It TIMBER- '- PILES (TYP) 311 x 8" BRACINGS — PUBLIC PIER PLAN NO SCALE 1 rl n 1 1 1 BAY BOTTOM --4t1 x 10" JOISTS -4" x 12" CROSS BEAMS Q M.H.W. EL. +3.0 PUBLIC PIER - SECTION C-C NO SCALE Q M.L.W. EL.0.0 PURPOSE: PUBLIC PIER PLAN 6 SECTION IN BISCAYNE SAY AT MIAMI DATUM: N.G.V.D. COUNTY OF DADE, STATE: FLORIDA PREPARED BY: Consulting Enginssrinp d SCWM , Inc. APPLICATION BY: Hamilton Corporation 9300 S. Dadsland Blvd., Suits 200 555 N.E. 34th Stnst , Miami , Fla., 3313T Miami, Florida 33156 SHEET 6 of T DATE: 3/12/82 ( REV. 84--15 5 R F EL. U.S.C.G. APPROVED OAYBEACONS Is DANGER - SUBMERGED JETTY° I'-2' DIAMETER ROCKS 2 �1 BAY BOTTOM—,-' `-2'-3' DIAMETER ARTIFICIAL REEFS- TYPICAL SECTION CONC. PIPE SCALE: 1" s 3'-O" ART S - TYPICAL PLAN PURPOSE: ARTIFICIAL REEFS IN BISCAYNE BAY AT MIAMI DATUM:. N.G.Y.O. COUNTY OF DADE , STATE: FLORIDA PREPARED BY: Consulting Engineering & Salsna , Inc. APPLICATION BY' Hamilton Corporation 9300 S, Dodsland Blvd., SUNG 200 555 N.E. 34th Street , Miam i , Fla. 33137 Mlami.Flo rido 33156 SHEET 7 of 7 DATE: 3/19/62 (REV j