HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-02-28 Advertisement�a q NOTICE TO•T"E PUBLIC All interested persons please take notice that the Plan- ning and Zoning Meeting previously scheduled for Feb- ruary 23rd will be held on Tuesday, February 28, 1984, at 9 O'clock A.M. in the City Commission Chambers, 3.5Wan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. # 1789) RALPH G. ONGIE nop 6A • The Miami News. • Saturday, February 18. 1984 DPW ­1111111INNOW" up 5 /"' Q11c Minmi Herntl Till MI %%il Ni:wti —"—� A COX fvEVl:iPµPER A KNIGHT RIDDER �11 VJSPAPLR ti d !1 11 M 1"r Two ed,tor,ally mdependent newsoaoers, pr,rted. sold and d.stributed by THE MIAMI HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 HERALD PLAZA. MIAMI. FLORIDA 33101 • (AREA CODE 305) 350-2111 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Robert A. Bryan who on oath says that lie is the Retail Advertising Office 1,11anager of The Miami Herald and The Miami News, daily newspaper (s) published at Miami in Dade County, Florida. He further says that the advertisement for CITY OF MI AM I was published in the issue or issues of (please see attached) for the above publication (s) as per the attached_ bills. Affiant further states that the said THE MIXII HERALD/NEWS are newspapers published at Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspapers have here -to -fore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each day, and have been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Miami, in said Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the advertisement. Robert A. Bryan4-�— Sworn to and Sub,S�bed to efore.me this SS4 day_ of A. D . ,, 19 Notary Public (Seal) NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT, LA" MY COMMISSION E::PIRES AUG 1 1984 BONDED 1HRU C,;;4.6Al INS, uNDERwRItERi APR 180WWW" En else 6lUmo compromiso en dal. Al e8nelak el Ingo, el" tom• . k vkron earpe a el Ttn* tan espHe aba so codian=a on los — , uD Ta 8 CITY OF MIAMI lla;e 2 PUBLICATION P.O. 0 INSERT DATE THE MIAMI NEWS FEBRUARY 18th, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 2309 MARCH 1st, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 2310 MARCH 5th, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 1805 MARCH 6th, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 1807 MARCH 10th, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 1971 MARCH loth, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 0886 MARCH 16th, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 1815 MARCH 19th, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 1819 MARCH 21st, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS MARCH 21st, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 889 MARCH 23rd, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS MARCH 26th, 1984 THE MIAMI NEWS 1825 MARCH 26th, 1984 Sworn to and Subs ed to }16fore me this ay of 1 - "''7777— N tary Public (Seal) hf$A*V k11lle* VAlt of FLORIDA Ali LARGE J���►�4§�f3�1 fyI+IRES AUG 1 1984 APRA A 80NI�_D 11:Rd 6E:1AAL INS. UNDERWRITIM l G PD. /YO17 Pig. 16-DIARIO LAS AMERICAS DOIOD;EBR 70584 Curiosidsn► elim*w A de bw Tropicales Cl� PARIS. Feb. 17 (AFP)— Un ejdreito de solitarios deportistas procedentes de Mongolia, Costa Rica, Islas Virgepes y Senegal, de Mdxlco, Egipto y Puerto Rico viajaron a Sarajevo par& actuar sin ruldo en las Olimpiadas In- vernales y partir de Yugoslavia envueltos en un manto de silenclo mis idrreo a6n. Tanto la preparacl6n de estos deportistas, como su llegada a Sa- rajevo y su propia actuacl6n en los Juegos pas6 pr6cticamente inadvertida para muchos y salvo para la prensa del pals que repre- sentaban, el capitulo olimpleo que escribieron no ocup6 grandes titu- lares ni importantes comentarios en la prensa deportiva mundial. Sin influencia alguna sobre los pron6sticos de medallas y prece- didos de on silencio que en nada alter6 la mbxima concentract6n de los astros sagrados de las nieves, estos deportistas se hl- cleron presentes en las 011m- piadas invernales s6lo guiados por la magia de la voluntad uni- versal del olimpismo. Los Juegos Olimpleos de Sara• jevo marearon un hito en el histo- rial del olimpismo mundial al re- clbtr en su seno una canttdad r6- cord de 1.427 atletas de 41 poises. gigantismo en que eatbh sum Was estas cites deportivas ivatriena- les y permitl6 tambidn �evelor el interds cada vez mayor que des- plertan las olimpladas de invier. no en poises de sot, desteho y pla- yas. Sin nieve, ni pistas par depor. tes blancos. Ni menos a6 pose- edores de federaciones de epor. tes de Invierno. Clerto es que estos atleta soli. tarios representan a varlos de esos poises de "sol eterno", pero Is mayorla de ellos cuenta con ex- periencia en las sieves europeas o americanas. Como el caso del aengal6s a- mine Gueye, estudiante de m cina en Paris, o el mexicano u- bertus Von Holenlohe Forts berg, radicado en Austria —tie a natal de su madre, la condesa I Von Furtstenberg, antallo cdieb en la 'yet -society"—, quienes y hace varlos allot que Ingresaro al circo blanco europeo, actuand en las competenclas de la Copa del Mando de esqui alptno. Aunque nunca con gran fortuna como para mezelarse entre los monstroos sagrados del esqui In- tercontinental. to Esta a fra *bo a eonfirmar el El costarricente Hernin Cara - es otro "caso". Nacido en San de a ui... y de alla POR TONY RAMIREZ A NIVEL DE "medlos tlem- pos" se visten con el uniforme de lot Miami Babies y se let con• cept6a, con mueba raz6n, el equipo de softball n6mero ono de Coda la Florida. Inconformes con liderear esos campeonatos para mayores de 50 allot, se inscri. bleron en uno reclente to la divi- sl6n de lot 1140 pa'lante" a mane- ra de pasar el rato y tambift se • Ilevaron al pico el banderin, en una demostraei6n de fuerza y que lot allot no paean por ellos. En ese 61tlmo compromiso en que se vieron envoeltos on el Tro- _nleal_Padc oan _ MAN"r_a_ A# as carrers y on on reto retiidisimo. Ocurrl6 que en la segunda presen- taekin del equipo perdian por 4 carreras en el tercer capitulo y por sels en el quinto. En las `ra- deriat an fan[tleo de origen yan- kee, no se cassaba de rpetir en to. no de apsesta "a lot Miami Toy". Le aceptaron Ia apuests y 61 gan6 lot cien d6lares. En el sexto, lot Babies fabriearon on raclmo de 7 anotaelenes y on la parte hd- elal del s6pUmo remataron " pl- sando Is goma" on S oportanlda- des. Al cosclulr el Joego, el "grin - SO' expltcaba su coafianza en lot mtemasaaa pn astn: tAr-l­ - A en Nieve Josh, estadia en is Universidad i Los Angeles (EE.UU.) y de cubr16 el blatl6n hace s6lo di altos. Pero fue en Sarajevo que reek disput6 one prueba de blatl6n. "Es impresionante", foe on 610 r ca expresi6n para resamir i aventura olimplea. Ultlmo en it 20 kt16metros del esqui n6rdic fue oblig&do a abandonar en los;, kildmetros del biatkin, tras hab4 fallado sus primeros cinco tiros; blanco, sobre un total de cinco p, sables. George Tacker, de Puerto Ric, tambidn descubri6 la sieve en E tados Unidos y para estar preset to en las olimpiadas de Sarajev hizo deslizar sus 105 kilos sobre u trineo, convirtidndose en el ionic representante iatinoamerican de esta especialidad oltmplea. Importante es la lista d quienes viajaron a Yugoslavil atraidos por la filosofia del Barb Pierre de Coubertin, sobr_ aquello de ".., to importante e� participar... ". Y la vide de estot hombres pt rece mis una novels que la htst( ►ria de an deportlsta. Borj Lusandash, por ejemplo- �16 on Mongolia natal, abandon s 50 caballos y 31 ovejas qu one en so propledad de Oulor stor, is capital mongols, par ibutar en el esqui de fond g6n eonfes6 a lot periodistas v1T en ana carpa "tipica", beck. de fela y de plel de oveja, It qn, des a bace 11 altos abandona ire cue temente para practlear el es qua Ordleo. CE MWMMMI�4) Breves i Il a ply A JUAN, Puerto Rico, LP nelo Cardona, primer; he l6n Noadial lde Boxe gen o Bata Laelar, per t anonci6 el apoderado del reU El 4poderado Lob Spada, i en self metes. A g6 que ya 6ab16'too el ao Lftbmra r m tods nn? ew - do M wrkl AYISO AL PUBLICO A todas aquellas personas interesadas favor tomen nota quo la reuni6n de Planificaci6n y Zonificaci6n que estaba seMalada pare el 23 de febrero, serb el mattes 28 de fe- breto a las 9:00 a.m. en punto on la Camara de los Comisionados de la Ciudad, 3600 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. 33133. RALPH 0. ONOIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI 01789? .'.Ng. 16 -DIARIO LASAMERICASSABADO18DEFEBRERODE1984_ STATE OF FLORIDA COU14TY OF DAI]E Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Enrique J. Perez, to me well -}mown, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Advertising '�finager of Diario IAs Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in RlRml, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above nrir,ed newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or Fidverticement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mall matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the I -,,-,gal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIxRIO LAS A24ERICAS on the following days: I Af V%-IJ--.36 7,5-6-'y 78•T C P O. ;1/ 78 9 O R D t R E�D :Ns. 6eDr6 e d L I't t l e S i. En e d Sworn to and subscribed before me this, day 19 ' a jrl Niami, I:ade County, Florida. Tea. r �sh e e t a11-! ch e a. of�v ,io(e� Notary Public..%" i STA'ITE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DARE Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Enrique J. Perez, to me well-l:nown, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Advertising M-i-nnger of Diario Tas Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in MAP-mi., Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above nr:r❑ed riewspi-iper has continuously published daily except 1,1,ondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one Sear immediately preceding first publication of said I. --gal Notice or ndvertiser„ent and was during all such time and now is entered as second c1P ss mail natter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Lrgal Notice or Advertiserr,ent, all copy of which is hereto attached, 'Was publ i shed in on the following days: DI-ARIO LAS A24ERICAS I N V.-Ih 36 7S� ---# 7 8. e P. O. `/ - 8 9 OR -D PER f=. :1`fs 6enr�zd �.i �'tle Signed � f Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 19� in Miami, Dade County, Florida. -7car�sheei a ch e at. Notary PubliC-% IgR 2 ®VB4 nu NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All interested persons please take notice that the Planning and toning Meeting previously scheduled for, February lard will be held on Tugsday, February 26,10k of 9 O'clock A.M. In the City Commission Chambers,10) Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk City of Miami, Florida 1789 (,(4 ) Crs (0:1 on, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All interested persons please take notice that the Planning and Zoning Meeting previously scheduled for February 23,rd will be held on Tugsday, February 28,1964, at 9 O'clock A.M. In the City Commission Chambers, SSW Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133. RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk City of Miami, Florida 1789 fir fifliall1i VIRC4 - ----~-'-7 ► 900 N.W 541h STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 �• (lf)51 757 1147 Published µ'eekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA Z SS CWINTY OF DADE PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personalty appeared MILES M. JOHNSON, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade county, Florida : that the attached ropy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: FEB. 23, 1984 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceeding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement, further affian► says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commisson or refund for the purpose of sercuring this advertisement for publication in this ripspaper Sworn to and suberibed before me on this, the 2 9 th day of FEB. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE. My commission expires: Bing Editor D.19 84