HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-03-08 MinutesCITY OF MIAMI - �.AW OF MEETING HELD ON MARCH 8, 1984 (REGULAR) PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL RALPH G.. ONGIE CITY CLERK a III TEM NO.I (REGULAR) MacT MARCH 8, 1984 Cj PAGE # 1 pI NAN REso�u n oCEA PAGE NO. 1 ON THE STAGING OF SHOWS IN MUNICIPALITY -OWNED FACILITIES WHERE LIVE ANIMALS ARE INVOLVED. M-84-231 1-4 2 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: INGRID GRAU REGARDING NEED FOR A VAN FOR THE WYNWOOD SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTER -REFERRED TO THE MANAGER. DISCUSSION 4-5 3 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: REPRESENTATIVES OF TEH DADE COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AUXILIARY -REQUESTING A WAIVER OF GUSMAN HALL-ZEFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER DISCUSSION 5 4 MAYOR FERRE READS LETTER FROM ELIZABETH VIRRICK REGARDING REQUEST FOR REDUCTION OF RENTAL FOR COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER FOR STAGING OF ANTIQUE SHOWS. DISCUSSION 5-6 5 RESOLUTION OFFICIALLY CHANGING THE MARCH 22)N`D CITY - COMMISSION MEETING TO TAKE PLACE ON MARCH 29, 1984. M-84-232 6-7 6 DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF THE DRAFT DOCUMENT FOR THE U.S.F.L. CONTRACT. DISCUSSION 7-9 7 APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE PORT OF MIAMI FOR TRANSPORTATION I'MPROVEMENTS TO THE PORT. M-84-233 10-15 8 DISCUSSION ITEM: RETAINMENT OF STUART SORG IN AN ADVISORY CAPACITY FOR HARBORS, RIVERS, ETC. DISCUSSION 15-16 9 ALLOCATE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,700 FROM QUALITY OF LIFE FUND TO "GOLDDIGGERS, INC". FOR RENT OF GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CENTER ON MARCH 19, 20, 21 AND 22, 1984 FOR PERFORMANCES BENEFITING THE LEUKEMIP,SOCIETY OF AMERICA. R-84-234 16 10 DISCUSSION OF PURCHASE OF STRESS SIMULATOR FOR THE MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT. CLERK DIRECTED TO MAKE COPIES OF ALL STATEMENTS IN REGARDS TO THIS MATTER AND MAKE THEM AVAILABLE TO THE CITY COMMISSION. DISCUSSION 16-17 11 ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $7,890. FOR THE INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR THE BLIND. M-84-235 18 12 URGE IMMEDIATE STOP TO DEPORTATION PROCEEDINGS AGAINST FOREIGN NATIONALS OF NICARAGUA. R-84-236 19-21 13 STRONGLY URGE PRESIDENT REAGAN TO RECOGNIZE AS LEGAL U.S. RESIDENTS THOSE HAITIANS WHO HAVE FLED THEIR HOMELAND AND ARE NOW SEEKING REFUGEE IN THIS COUNTRY. R-84-237 21-22 14 REWARD OFFERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE DISAPPERANCE OF ROSARIO GONZALEZ. R-84-238 22-23 15 RESOLUTION HONORING CIVIC -MINDED MEMBERS OF THE "DADE'S EMPLOY THE HANDICAPPED COMMITTEE". R-84-239 23-24 16 DISCUSSION ITEM: PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF MR. BARREIRO REGARDING A BULL FIGHTER SIMULATOR. DISCUSSION 24-25 17 DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AMOUNT EQUAL TO ONE DAY'S RENTAL OF THE LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY CENTER FOR EVENT BY THE ASSOCIACION ITERNATIONAL DE AMIGOS DEL SALVADOR. -84-240 25 18 INSTRUCT ATTORNEY TO PREPARE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO OUTLINE EXACT -BENEFITS -AND EMOLUMENTS TO BE AFFORDED THE CITY MANAGER -84-241 26-39 40 Ila 1 , � it .` � 1 1+ � •�� � 1• 1• EM NO. - (REGULAR) SLLECT MARCH 8, 1984 QRDINANCE 0� 1 SOLUTION t10 PAT NO, 18.1 DISCUSSION ITEM: CAR REPAIR. MAINTENANCE WORK DONE ON CITY MANAGER'S VEHICLES. DISCUSSION 40-42 19 DISCUSSION ITEM REGARDING LIQUOR SALES AT THE COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB. DISCUSSION 43-44 20 INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP R.F.P.'S FOR STREET CLOCKS SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY COMMISSION. M-84-242 44-48 21 CONTINUED DISCUSSION: CAR REPAIR. MAINTENANCE WORK DONE ON CITY MANAGER'S VEHICLES. DISCUSSION 49-52 22 GRANT REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES OF CHINESE-AMERICAN ORGANIZATIONS FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAYS ON APRIL 23RD AND APRIL 28TH. M-84-243 53-54 23 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MATTHEW LANDRAU. DISCUSSION 54-55 24 PRESENTATIONS, PLAQUES, AND SPECIAL ITEMS. DISCUSSION 56 25 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AMOUNT EQUAL TO ONE DAY'S RENTAL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER IN CONNECTION WITH CONCERT BY THE JND CONCERT FOUNDATION FEATURING LUCIANO PAVAROTTI. M-84-244 56-58 26 CONTINUED DISCUSSION: CAR REPAIR. MAINTENANCE WORK DONE ON CITY MANAGER'S VEHICLES. DISCUSSION 59-72 27 RECEIVE, OPEN AND READ ALOUD SEALED BIDS: OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -PHASE I-B-4492. M-84-245 72-73 28 PROPOSAL MADE BY THE GREATER MIAMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR JOB TRAINING PROGRAM FOR YOUTHS IN OVERTOWN AND LIBERTY CITY AREAS. M-84-246 74-79 29 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. ALBERT CURTIS REPRESENTING THE CASA TEMPLE SHRINERS REGARDING THE PARADE PERMIT WAIVER OF FEE FOR A PARADE SCHEDULED FOR MAY 26, 1984. DISCUSSION 79-80 30 ESTABLISH 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC SEARING ON MAY 24, 1984 FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE MIAMI WORLD TRADE CENTER DEVELOPMENT OEDED' R-84-247 80 31 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO COLLECTIVE $ARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF. .FIRE- FIGHTERS LOCAL 587, OCTOBER 1, 1983 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1985. R-84-248 80-82 32 REAPPOINT A. RUBIN AND L. PANTIN AS MEMBERS OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY. R-84-249 82-83 33 CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION. ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SOUTHWEST 16TH STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4488. R-84-250 83-84 34 CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION. ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT S.W. 16TH ST. - SR-5499-C. R-84-251 84 35.A PERSONAL APPEARANCE: JOHN BRENNAN. CHAIRMAN OF THE WATERFRONT BOARD ACCEPTING RECOMMENDATION FOR ADDITION OF MEMBERS TO THE BOARD. M-84-252 85 F; I�X CI4Tffll? lff&%A U♦ &DA PAGE # 3 7E3M NO. (REGULAR) SMCT I rsolluf1rio'i'll MARCH 8, 1484 PACE N0. 35.B ACCEPT RECOMMENDATION REGARDING ALTERNATE SEC. 2-A FOR PERSONS WISHING TO SERVE ON THE WATERFRONT BOARD. M-84-253 85-86 36 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS WITH THOSE FESTIVALS AND EVENTS COMMITTEES WHOSE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION EXCEEDS $4,500. R-84-254 87-88 37 1 EXPRESS INTENT OF CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND SEC. 14-17 OF CODE TO ALTER THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOP MENT DISTRICT TO EXCLUDE PROPERTIES FRONTING ON S.E. BAYSHORE DRIVE ZONED RG-3/7, ETC. R-84-255 89-90 38 GRANT EXTENSION OF FIREWORK TIME DEADLINE, ETC. FOR "CARNIVAL MTAklT" R-84-256 90 39 CONSENT AGENDA 91 39.1 ACCEPT COVENANT TO RUN WITH LAND FROM DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - N.W. 67TH STREET. R-84-257 91 39.2 CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC -SEVENTH ANNUAL _ CALLE OCHO OPEN HOUSE FESTIVAL -MARCH 4, 1984. R-84-258 91 39.3 CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC-CARNAVAL MIAMI- _ MARCH 11, 1984, R-84-259 92 39.4 AUTHORIZE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #1 - C.S. RITTEN-HOUSE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. R-84-260 92 39.5 CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS SURROUNDING ORANGE BOWL- CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES IN EXILE CARNAVAL-APRIL 5 - 8, 1984; GRANT SALE OF BEER. R-84-261 92 - 39.6 BID ACCEPTANCE: CONCEPT WOOD, HASNER AND ASSOCIATES. PARKS AND RECREATIONAL SYSTEMS, INC. PARK STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. FOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR HADLEY PARK. R-84-262 93 39.7 BID ACCEPTANCE: LOWS TAILORING AND UNIFORM CO. INC. DEPARTMENT OF POLICE. R-84-263 93 39.8 BID ACCEPTANCE: OAKS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS, INC: - NIGHT VISION PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEM. DEPARTMENT OF POLICE. R-84-264 94 39.9 AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT - CROWDER, MAHONEY, MAKOWSKI, RICE AND ASSOCIATES, INC.-SURVEYING SERVICES. R-84-266 94 39.10 BID ACCEPTANCE: L. & F. PROPERTIES, INC. MIAMI STADIUM - CONCERT STAGE ROOF. R-84-267 94 39.11 ALLOCATE SUM NOT TO EXCEED $1,200 IN CONNECTION WITH WAIVING RENTAL FEE OF BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM ON APRIL 8, 1984 FOR DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FESTIVAL. R-84-268 95 39.1 ALLOCATE $25,000-"IV INTER-AMERICAN SUGARCANE SEMINAR ON SOIL FERTILITY AND MANAGEMENT"-OCTOBER 5-7, 1983. R-84-269 95 39.1 CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC -MARCH 17-18, 1984-ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE CELEBRATION; AUTHORIZE SALE OF BEER IN BAYFRONT PARK ON MARCH 18, 1984. -84-270 95-A TEM N 0 . 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 U I1� iffily `� 1 1 M '& 1' ( REGULAR) MCT MARCH 8, 1984 ALLOCATE AMOUNT NOT TU LXCEED $10,000 TO THE CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES IN EXILE II,, CC","ECTIO*? MImu TINFTR CARNIVtL ON APRIL 5; 6, 7 AND 8, 1984. APPROVE DEFERMENT OF SCHEDULED REPAYMENTS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI'S CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION TO "GIBSON PLAZA SECTION 8 ELDERLY HOUSING PROJECT" UNTIL JULY, 1985. AUTHORIZE CITY ATTORNEY TO EWIINE SOUTHERN BELL FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TO SEE WHETHER THERE IS AN OPENER PROVISION FOR RENEGOTIATION OR LEGAL REMEDIES WHICH WOULD ALLOW THE CITY TO CHARGE A.T.T. FOR SERVICES FORMERLY PROVIDED BY SOUTHERN BELL. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE HAITIAN' TASK FORCE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE GRANT OF $35,000 IN SEED MONEY AND $10,000 FOR THE TELEVISED EVENT OF THE BUDWEISER UNLIMITED REGATTA. APPROVE ISSUANCE OF $65,000,000. MULTI -FAMILY REVENUE BONDS. ORDERING RESOLUTION "EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -PHASE I-H-4494. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: CENTRAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-53 BID B. ORDERING "EDGEWATER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4496". CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR OCNSTRUCTION OF SOUTH DADE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5454-C. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM FY-84. DISCUSSION ONLY OF "INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION PROGRAM" - (SEE LATER SAME MEETING FOR CONTINUED DISCUSSION). FIRRT READING ORDINANCE: DECREASE APPROPRIATION FOR "MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE/ ENTERPRISE FUND" TO REFLECT REMOVAL OF $3,998,200. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "RECREATION ACTIVITY PROJECT- 698001" AND APPROPRIATE $100,000. THEREFOR. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMENDING SECTION 3-55(a) OF THE CODE ENTITLED: "SPECIAL PACKAGE RATES" RELATING TO GREEN FEES AND SPECIAL RATES FOR ELECTRIC CARTS AT GOLF COURSES. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY SUPPLEMENT- FY-83-84. f(Esow�rioN°NO[ PATE NO, R-84-271 195-A R-84-272 96 M-84-273 M-84-274 97-102 R-84-275 M-84-276 R-84-277 R-84-278 R-84-279 R-84-280 R-84-281 ORD. 9811 DISCUSSION FIRST READING FIRST READING FIRST READING FIRST READING 102-103 103 104-106 106-107 107 108 108 109 109-110 110-111 111-112 112 112-113 11M NO. Ila 1. I vim (REGULAR) SMCT MARCH 8, 1984 f 56 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXERCISE REVEWAL PROVISION IN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH METRO FOR SPACE AT CULMER-OVERTOUTN NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER. 57 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER AND CHIEF OF POLICE TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH EXECUTIVE STAFF AT THE POLICE FOUNDATION IN WASHINGTON, D.C. 58 CONTINUED DISCUSSION REGARDING "INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION PROGRAM" -(CONTINUED TO THE NEXT CITY COMMISSION MEETING) . 59 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH: LITTLE RIVER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR FUNDING TWO MARKET AND FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY STUDIES. 60 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS. 61 ESTABLISH A WEST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE WITH BOUNDARIES DELINEATED THEREIN. 62 APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE AND INCLUDING A MOTION TO EXPAND THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS, INCLUDING THOSE FROM THE PREVIOUS GROUP WHO WISH TO SERVE. 63 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. LLOYD MOWLE AND A GROUP OF STUDENTS OF THE ISLAND OF GRENADA. 64 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "CUBAN-HAITIAN SERVICE DELIVERY WORK PROGRAM-2ND YEAR". 65 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $26,000 FOR THE FUNDING OF A PUBLICITY WRITER POSITION IN THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION. 66 RATIFY ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN FUNDING THE VARIOUS REPAIRS TO NINE SWIMMING POOLS. 67 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDTNANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $500,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING 6 VANS AND 24 POLICE PATROL CARS. 68 INCREASE CONTRACT $25,000 E.G.H. CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER WEST COURTYARD ROOF. 69 WAIVER REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT INC. IN CONNECTION WITH THE MANAGEMENT OF $1,300,000 IN REVOLVING LOAN FUNDS. 70 AUHTORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH METRO - IMPLEMENT PORTION OF THE DADE COUNTY'S DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DURING THE NINTH YEAR FOR A $125,000 EQUITY INJECTION OF SUPERSAVE SUPERMARKET,INC. (ANCHOR TENANT IN THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER) PAGE # 5 KEs"LL1T10'N%[ PAZ N0, R-84=282 1 113 R-84-283 1 114 DISCUSSION 1 115 R-84-284 115-116 R-84-285 117-131 M-84-286 132 - 134 R-84-287 134-136 M-84-288 DISCUSSION 1 137-138 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 138-139 #9812 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 139-140 #9813 R-84-289 1 141 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 141-142 #9814 R-84-290 1 142-143 R-84-291 1 143-147 R-84-292 1 147-148 r f i1 2 � ti��♦ 1 1 � �y� 1' 1� 1'fiM NO., (REGULAR) SUCT MARCH 8, 1984 71 AUTHORIZE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO N.K. INC. OF TOBACCO ROAD AND NEIL KATZMAN THE SUM OF $52,500. AS A CLAIM SETTLEMENT. 72 RESOLUTION APPOINTING BONNIE MA AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 73 REAPPOINTING GARTH REEVES, SR. AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD 0 DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. 74 RESCIND R-84-265 WHICH CONTAINED THREE AGREEMENTS WITH BISCAYNE ENGINEERING SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN AND ASSOCIATES,INC. AND COMPANILE AND ASSOCIATES FOR SURVEYING SERVICES - DIRECTING MANAGER TO RESCHEDULE THIS MATTER FOR RECONSIDERATION AT A LATER DATE. 75 DISCUSSION ITEM ON R-84-269 (ALREADY PASSED) REGARDING THE SUGAR CANE SEMINAR STIPULATING THAT THIS EVENT SHALL BE HELD IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN THE FUTURE. 76 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH L.HITE AND ASSOCIATES FOR PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES FOR DEVELOPING PSYCHOLOGICAL SCREENING PROCEDURE FOR EMPLOYMENT OF' POLICE OFFICER APPLICANTS. 77 DESIGNATE MIAMI NORTHWESTERN SENIOR HIGHSCHOOL AS THE PLACE FO THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR MAY 10, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. 78 DESIGNATE THE AUDITORIUM AT FAIRLAWN ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL AS THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED ON APRIL 26, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. 79 DESIGNATE BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JR. HIGH AS THE PLACE FOR THE CITY COMMISSION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 14, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. 80 DESIGNATE AUDITORIUM OF THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTE AS THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOW SCHEDULED FOR JULY 12, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. 81 DESIGNATE THE AUDITORIUM OF MORNINGSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AS THE MEETING OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. 82 DESIGNATE ROBERT E. LEE, JR. HIGH SCHOOL AS THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION NOW SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 25,'1984, AT 3:00 P.M. 83 DESIGNATE THE AUDITORIUM OF MIAMI EDISON SENIOR HIGH AS THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION NOW SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 25, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. 8 DESIGNATE AUDITORIUM OF MIAMI DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE NEW WORLD CENTER CAMPUS AS THE SITE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOW SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE ON DECEMBER 13, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. PAGE # 6 DOINAN ftSOLUtiO&I PAY N01 R-84-293 148-149 R-84-294 1149-150 R-84-295 1 150 M-84-296 1 151 DISCUSSION 1 152 R-84-297 1 152-153 R-84-298 1 153-154 R-84-299 1 154 R-84-300 1 155 R-84-301 1 155 R-84-302 1 156 R-84-303 1 156-157 R-84-304 1 157 R-84-305 1 158 t f rEM NO. 85 87 :: 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 CI7Y'm11llfflQi OF MIMll, FlDRIM PAGE # 7 �c I WCE MSG (R DGULAR) CT MARCH 8. 1984 1 sourn w No PAGE NO, DESIGNATE COCONUT GROVE ELEMENTARY :►S THE SITE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOW SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. I R-84-305.1 158 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $5,000 FOR A FUND RAISING EVENT FOR THE MIAMI CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL BY FOX LEAR FARMS, INC. TO HOLD POLO MATCH TO BE HELD AT THE ORANG E BOWL. I R-84-306 159 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH BARRY UNIVERSITY FOR OVERALL CONSULTANT SERVICES TO REVIEW CURRENT POLICE TRAINING WITH EMPHASIS ON RESPONSIVENESS TO THE Mt1LTI-ETHNIC COMMUNITY OF THIS CITY. I R-84-307 160 AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATION WITH FLORIDA MEMORIAL COLLEGE TO PROVIDE HUMAN RELATIONS TRAINING FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT. I R-84-308 160 DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATION WITH VALLE-AXELBERD AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PURPOSES OF IDENTIFYING AND ANALYZING PHYCHOLOGICAL STRESS FACTORS PRODUCED FROM POLICE TRINING ASSOCIATED WITH THE APPLICATION OF THE SME-33. I R-84-309 161 ALLOCATE $5,100 QUALITY OF LIFE FUND FOR SUPPORT OF THE MIAMI FILM FESTIVAL FOR THE USE OF GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CENTER. I R-84-310 162 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $850.00 IN SUPPORT OF .. -1 THE DEAF SERVICES BUREAU REPRESENTING THE RENTAL FEE FOR GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CENTER ON MARCH 17, 1984. R-84-311 163 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH METRO FOR DADE COUNTY CD BLOCK GRANT FUNDS 9TH YEAR FOR CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES. I R-84 -312 163-164 ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE AT 2:30 P.M. ON THURSDAY MAY 24TH FOR CONSIDERATION OF ISSUANCE OF DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE 1221 BRICKELL PROJECT. I R-84-313 164-165 AUTHORIZE CITY ATTORNEY TO RETAIN SERVICES OF MR. PETER HERRICKIN, AS OUTSIDE LEGAL COUNSEL, TO DEFEND CITY AGAINST $2,000,000. FEDERAL LAWSUIT FILED BY FORMER POLICE CHIEF KENNETH HARMS. I M-84-314 165-169 DISCUSSION ITEM: OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER PROJECTED OPENING DATE AND TENANT. I DISCUSSION 170-172 DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED U.S.F.L. FOOTBALL CONTRACT- 5 DAY RULE INVOKED BY COMMISSIONER JOE CAROLLO. (MAYOR MAURICE A. FERRE CALLS SPECIAL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, MARCH 13TH AT 8:00 O'CLOCK A.M. I DISCUSSION 172-178 DISCUSSION ITEM CONCERNING INTERIM REPORT OF THE GRAND JURY IN CONNECTION WITH THE FIRING OF FORMER POLICE CHIEF KENNETH HARMS. I DISCUSSION 178-180 DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO INVITE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FIRM SEPTEMBER AND ASSOCIATES TO BE PRESENT AT THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULES ON MARCH 29TH IN CONNECTION WITH THE STRESS SIMULATOR. M-84-315 180-186 r r MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 8th day of March, 1984, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:14 A.M., by Mayor Maurice Ferre with the following members of the Commission found to be present: ALSO PRESENT WERE: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Howard V. Gary, City Manager Jose Garcia -Pedrosa, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetric Perez, Jr. An invocation was delivered by Mayor Ferre, who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. On motion duly made and seconded by the City Commission, the Minutes for the meeting of December 5, 1983 were approved. ---------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- 1. ON THE STAGING OF SHOWS IN MUNICIPALITY -OWNED FACILITIES WHERE LIVE ANIMALS ARE INVOLVED. Mayor Ferre: In the pocket items, we have a gentleman here from the Greater Miami Dog Club. Would you please stand up, sir? Give us your name, your address and what the issue is. Mr. Elliott Federman: My name is Elliott Federman. My address is 14540 N.W. 11 Court, Miami, Florida. The issue is an ordinance pertaining to parking at Dinner Key Auditorium. The Greater Miami Dog Club has used the auditorium for over forty years and its dog shows. This year we received a letter stating we could no longer park our motor homes over night in the parking lot, which creates a very serious problem. Mayor Ferre: They come from all over Florida with their dogs and what have you and then they want to stay. They have always been able to stay overnight; now they can't stay overnight. This is the new rule. Mr. Plummer: No, it's not. Mr. Gary: It's not a new rule. It's an old law. Mr. Plummer: It's not a new rule. It's an old rule that has never been enforced until now. Mr. Gary: Old law, old law that has never been enforced. Mr. Plummer: It was an old law put in 1972, and not until note, twelve years later, is it being enforced. MAR $ 1984 sl Mayor Ferre: I think the argument is that this is not an overnight residential place. I guess that's the argument. The question is that they could go over to Miami Marine Stadium, is evidently where we have agreed to accomodate them, and that seems to be a little bit far. - Mr. Federman: That's a very difficult place to park for motor homes. There will be 50 or 75 of them moving up Bayshore Drive and out across the causeway and a U-turn and park there and they are going to have to do this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Mayor Ferre: How many of these motor homes are involved in something like this? Mr. Federman: There could be as many as 100. More thank likely, it'll be 50 or 75. Mayor Ferre: That's where the problem is. Well, Mr. Manager, do you have any ideas as to how to solve this problem? Mr. Gary: We gave them a solution to the problem, Mr. Mayor. That is to utilize the Marine Stadium. That's the only solution that exists. Mayor Ferre: I can't think of any place closer. Mr. Federman: I might call the attention that there are some motor homes that are parked out here for the orchid show. I know at least one of them that spent the night three nights in a row. Mr. Gary: We are going to enforce the law on them too. Mr. Federman; And every other community event that parks down here? Mr. Gary: That's correct. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Federman: It seems that there ought to be an exception. There is an ordinance that does have an exception. It is right out of this City of Miami Code book. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, once you start making exceptions you are going _ to have, you know, these R.V.'s doing the same thing at the Orange Bowl and all the other things. Mayor Ferre: I disagree with you. I don't know these people from Adam, Howard. But let me tell you where I see it a little bit differently. See, these people that come for these dog shows, many of them go in a circuit and they go around showing these dogs all over the country. They go around in these little places where they can keep the dog and they travel. If you are showing a boat, or you are showing home appliances or orchids, it's not the same thing. I think we could make an exception for anybody who ... any exhibition where there are live animals involved. That might be one way around it, because I theirs is a very special world. Mr. Federman: I appreciate that. Mr. Gary: We might as well forget all the laws in the books, Maurice. Mr. Federman: These people are going to be coming ... this year the National Schnauzer Club is participating with us and there will be people here from all over the country. Mayor Ferre: Miller, these people have been coming to Miami and doing this for a long time. Evidently we do have an ordinance against it and it has not been enforced, but I think these dog shows and these animal shows are different from other shows, because as you know, these people travel around in their vans and they go from show to show. I think we would be -'really inconveniencing them and I sense it, I don't know anything about this, but as I sense it, other places allow them to do that. They are allowed to stay right there at the fair grounds. sl IV& MAR $ 19$4 r I Mr. Federman:. Yes, sir, Memphis, St. Pete, Ft. Myers, everywhere. Mayor Ferre: So, I'll tell you how I think we can solve it to see what the Commission feels. I'll make a motion, Mr. Manager, that it is the intention of .this Commission that wherever there are shows where there are live animals involved, that we would permit those that are bona -fide paying members of the show, they would have to prove that they are bona -fide members of the show, that they would be permitted to stay within the Dinner Key complex area only for the duration of the show. It would be limitted to and not to exceed 100 units. It is a first come, first served basis. If after that, there are more exhibitors that have their vans, they are going to have to go somewhere else. Mr. Federman: That would be perfectly acceptable to us, sir. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, let me just some issues. First of all, the dog show last year, you had a lot of vehicles that were blocking the traffic, they left paper all over the place, dog mess all over the place, nobody cleaned it up. I also have to inform you too that we are talking about setting a precedent which could get out of hand. You are getting ready to develop a master plan in this area. That land may not exist based on that master plan. You are going to have people then taking up the parking space there doing the same thing. Mayor Ferre: I'm only talking about during the dog show.... Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, if you decided to do this.... Mayor Ferre: ....and I'm only talking for live animals. How many shows do we have where there are live animals? Mr. Gary: If you decide to do that, I would suggest that they come up with an insurance policy to hold us ha=less for the liabilities for dogs biting people.... Mayor Ferre: Fine, I accept that. Mr. Gary: ....and that they be responsible for cleaning up the area and put a bond to insure that occurs. Mayor Ferre: I will extend my motion to include two additional things. One, that the show put up a bond to properly cover us with insurance. Number two, that you put up a reasonable amount of money to insure that the place is cleaned to our satisfaction. If it isn't cleaned, then we will use the monies that you posted up as a bond for the cleaning before we return the monies to you. That's part of my motion. Mr. Federman: We have already agreed to post $1,000 clean up bond with Dr. Young. That was an issue that was brought up. Mr. Gary: How much? Mr. Federman: $1,000. Mr. Gary: That's not enough. Mayor Ferre: Well, what is it that you want, Howard? Mr. Gary: We'll come up with an insurance bond to adequately clean up that place, utilizing either City people or contract when they leave it messy. Mayor Ferre: Well, how much do you want? I mean, you know, let's.... Mr. Gary: We'll determine that.... Mr. Federman: We intend to clean it ourselves. t Mr. Gary: Well, you didn't do it last year. I'm talking about something to protect the citizens of Miami. 1 % 'MAR 81984 Mayor Ferre: You see, sir, what is your name again, I'm sorry. Mr. Federman: Elliott Federman. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Federman, see the problem is that we've had problems with these dog shows in the past. I want to tell you something. That facility is for people to use and we want the people of Miami to use it. Dog shows are a good, healthy type of a thing. I have no problem with that. But we've had problems with you in the past, as I sense from the Manager, so you really have to clean up your act if you'll forgive the bad pun. Mr. Federman: We intend to. That was something that was not done the last time. I recognize that. Mayor Ferre: Then the amount could be determined by the Manager to be agreeable with the Manager, a reasonable amount agreed between the Manager and the dog show. I so move and Plummer seconds. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-231 A MOTION OF INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION REGARDING THE STAGING OF SHOWS IN MUNICIPALLY -OWNED FACILITIES WHERE LIVE ANIMALS ARE INVOLVED STIPULATING THAT BONA - FIDE MEMBERS OF THE SHOW SUCH AS EXHIBITORS, OWNERS OR OTHER RELATED PERSONNEL WOULD BE PERMITTED TO STAY OVERNIGHT IN THEIR RECREATIONAL VEHICLES OR TRAILERS WITHIN THE DINNER KEY COMPLEX AREA; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE NUMBER OF VEHICLES SO PERMITTED SHALL NOT EXCEED 100 VEHICLES; AND FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE PROMOTERS OF THE SHOW WOULD PUT UP A REASONABLE AMOUNT TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY MANAGER IN ORDER TO COVER INSURANCE COSTS AND CLEAN UP OF THE PLACE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 2. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: INGRID GRAU REGARDING NEED FOR A VAN FOR THE WYNWOOD SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTER - REFERRED TO THE MANAGER. Mayor Ferre: Ingrid Grau, as you know, represents the Wynwood ... what is the name of the project? Ms. Ingrid Grau: The Wynwood Elderly Center. Mayor Ferre: The Wynwood Elderly Center, and about six or seven years ago, -Miller, you weren't on the Commission yet, but J.L. was- we gave them a van. Remember the van we gave them? Mendez got down here and screamed and all t'he stuff and we ended up giving them a van. That was in 197- what? Ms. Grau: Six. sl ��4 MAR 81984 9 t Mayor Ferre: '76, the van is now eight years old and I told them -Dena, listen to this- I said to them, why don't you go sell the van and see what you can get for it. Well, they could only get about $1,000 for it. So, it must not be much of a van. They've gotten $5,000 from whom? Ms. Grau: We have saved in our budget, because we have not used on health insurance. We purchased cheaper health insurance, so we have saved $5,000. Mayor Ferre: They have $5,000 that they are willing to put into it and they'll sell the van for whatever they can get for it, which may be another $2,000 or $1,000. Ms. Grau: $1,000 and less. Mayor Ferre: So the question is are we willing to give them the difference between that and whatever is left to buy a van, Dena. Ms. Dena Spillman: I would prefer to come back to you. We just found out there is a program from the State that offers buses to the local groups if they can come up with $5,000. So, we may be able to work out a.... Mayor Ferre: Terrific, O.K., it's in the Manager's hand, Ms. Grau. He's going to try to help as much. You tell all the senior citizens of the Wynwood Senior Center that we'll take this up later on. Ms. Grau: Thank you, Commissioners. Mayor Ferre: We'll try our best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: REPRESENTATIVES OF THE DADE COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AUXILIARY - REQUESTING A WAIVER OF GUSMAti HALL- REFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: The next item I have is the Julie Rodriguez Torres, Dade County Medical Association Auxiliary, a waiver of fee for Gusman. Is Mrs. Rodriguez Torres here? Mr. Manager, we're going to refer this matter over to you. Would you please pass it on? The Dade County Medical Association Auxiliary, they would like a waiver, and would you come back with a recommendation. 4. MAYOR FERRE READS LETTER FROM ELIZABETH VIRRICK REGARDING REQUEST FOR REDUCTION OF RENTAL FOR COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER FOR STAGING OF ANTIQUE SHOWS. Mayor Ferre: The next one is from Elizabeth Virrick, requesting that the City reduce by $2,000 the amount of rent for the use of the auditorium. For the record, the letter goes as this. She's not here, evidently. "Dear Maurice, We are grateful to you for giving us of your time. Last fiscal year you approved a reduction in rental fee for the auditorium from $6,000 to $4,000. Today at your office, Collie and I explained that due to the heavy expen- ses in putting on the antique show, we have unable to get completely out of debt. This is a formal request." They want $2,000. This is referred to the City Manager to look into this and we'll talk to Mrs. Virrick in the future. 05 MAR g 1984 sl 5. RESOLUTION OFFICIALLY CHANGING THE MARCH 22ND CITY COMMISSION MEETING TO TAKE PLACE ON MARCH 29, 1984. Mayor Ferre: The next item that I have is the March meeting. Mr. Manager, _ does anybody have any objections here in making the March 22nd meeting on March 29th? Tell me what day ... I have to be out of town on March 22nd. _ I'll be gone all that week. That's the regular zoning meeting, right? We've got some other items that we rolled over. What day is better for you? Mr. Perez: INAUDIBLE. Mayor Ferre: So, in other words, you are the guy that changed all this and now you can't be there on the 22nd. Mr. Plummer: The 22nd is a regular. Mayor Ferre: It is the second and fourth, but we had changed it to the 29th and then what happened is Demetrio couldn't do it on the 29th so he wanted it to go on the 22nd, but now he'd rather go back to the 29th. Do you have any problems, Miller? _ Mr. Dawkins: No, the problem I have is that we said at the very beginning that Commission meetings are scheduled the second and the fourth Thursday, so therefore, I go along and set up my schedules on this thing and then everytime we change it, it throws me out of wack. But I. just have to adjust, because that's the way the ball bounces. Mayor Ferre: Well, I don't have to be at the meetings. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, hold it, we make adjustments for everybody else. We might as well make them for you. No, no, everybody else changes it, so let's change it. Mayor Ferre: You know, the world continues with or without me. J.L., is the 29th all right with you? Joe, do you have any problems with changing the 22nd to the 29th? Mr. Carollo: Not at all. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion, then that the March meeting schedule for the 22nd? Do we have any problems with the Administration? Sergio? Walter? Mr. Walter Pierce: March 22nd has been advertised already. Mr. Gary: Can you readvertise? Mr. Pierce: We're checking. We need ten days minimum.... Mr. Gary: We have to check to find whether we can. Mayor Ferre: Well, in the meantime, Demetrio Perez moves that the meeting of the 22nd be moved to the 29th. Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll on the change of the meeting dates. sl U0 MAR 81984 t The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-232 A MOTION RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 22, 1984 TO TAKE PLACE ON MARCH 29, 1984 AT 9:00 A.M. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and _ adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------- ------------------- --------------------------- 6 DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF THE DRAFT DOCUMENT FOR THE U.S.F.L. CONTRACT. Mayor Ferre: The only thing that I have left, Mr. Manager, we have the U.S.F.L. proposed contract. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, do you have a copy? Mayor Ferre: No, I don't have a copy. But it's the subject that needs to be discussed. I noticed in the newspaper report in the Miami News _ yesterday that it talks something, Mr. Manager, about a $20,000 rental. I would imagine that's their proposal. We haven't accepted that, I assume. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, what we have is a draft. As you know, you and I were in Washington yesterday on a port bridge and a tunnel. I haven't had a chance to thoroughly review the draft document, because it was done in one day. I would prefer that I be given the opportunity to review the draft document and sit down with U.S.F.L. personally and come back, possibly at a special City Commission meeting, to discuss the proposed agreement. Mayor Ferre: I would recommend that we.... Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, let me tell you why I don't want to go along with that. Mayor Ferre: I'd like to ask that a committee be established. Mr. Manager, you appoint the committee. I don't think it should be more than five people. I would like for J.L. Plummer to represent the Commission on that. I think you, yourself, should be involved or Cesar, if you wish. I think you ought to appoint three other people. I would hope that you would appoint people that have had experience in either stadiums or leasing or somebody from the business world, like for example, from Ryder Truck Company or somebody who has had experience of some sort in either business or legal or leasing experience. Then, I think that simplifies the process for us. I'd just like to put into the record that I really do think we should give the U.S.F.L. some concessions as they start up. I do not necessarily think that they have to meet the requirements that the Dolphins are paying now because we gave the Dolphins a lot of breaks in the first couple of years. But I do think that after the first couple of years, it is my opinion .07 MAR 81984 sl I t Mayor Ferre (Con't): that they need to come up to a higher standard than $20,000. I realize that we're getting 10%; and that makes a big difference, because...Cesar, I want you to listen to this,and Mr.Glazer I want you to listen to this too. I realize that the 107% makes a big difference, because that's the key; but on the other hand, $20,000 is also very low. I don't have any problems with that in the first year or two to help the team get going, but I think beyond that we need to get it up. We need to get it up to at least minimum standard. The only other problems that I have that I want to put on the record, Mr. Manager, is that if we are going out, assuming Tuesday comes and we pass, and that thing passes, I just want you to understand that I am opposed -this is one vote out of five- to spending $55,000,000 and have the U.S.F.L. team have the ability to get out in three years. I mean if we are going to get married, we are going to get married. I don't mind having a divorce clause. Mr. Glacer, you can put all the divorce clauses you want. If we do something that is not nice and we're not nice people and all that, then you can get out. But if we are going to get married, we are going to get married. Now you can put in a good solid divorce clause and you can get out if the marriage is not working. What I don't want is on a regular basis, for us to go spend $55,000,000 and three years from now you say good bye. Those are the only two things that I would be concerned about. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, let me express to you, as you just did about the bond issue. I think the people of this community have heard the cry of wolf about "I'm going to build a new stadium; I'm going to build a new stadium," eight different times, which has not materialized. I _ would hate to think we couldn't do something here today, if not more than just in principle to go forth with a very positive message to this community that we are in fact further than an engagement or fiance with the U.S.F.L. I think we need to go forth with a very positive message that we are going to consumate this marriage, so that the people of this community will, on Tuesday, have a clear cut understanding of what is the intent of this Commission. I would not want to see -and I understand the Manager's concern- but I would not want to see this community thinking that this Commission is not dead certain that it is going to proceed forward. So for that reason, Mr. Mayor, whatever Mr. Gary wants to do to read the draft over lunch time and come back this afternoon, however you want to handle it, but I would like to see some positive message come out of this Commission today. Mr. Gary: J.L., approve it in principle with a final coming back. Under- stand? Approve the entering of agreement in principle with me coming back at a later date with a final. Mayor Ferre: Any other comments with this United States Football League? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, Mr. Mayor, I think I have taken about as much written abuse as I plan to take on the media and from anybody else. This Commis- sion is not about to sit here and prevent anybody from building a stadium with private funds. If you can remember, this Commission went on record as attempting to expedite such a thing, but neither should we sit here and be intimidated by someone with promises and innuendoes. Now if an individual or a group of individuals or anyone can build a stadium with public funds, I think this Commission would be the last one to stand in _ his way. But as Commissioner Plummer said, we have to do what is necessary to insure that we do have a stadium. I, too, would hope that some positive answer would be given to the U.S.F.L. today, because they, themselves, said that their coming here does not hinge on renovating of the Orange Bowl, although it would enhance their coming. So I would hope that this Commission too, would make some positive efforts to let the City of Miami know that we're not sitting up here not thinking of the future of the City of Miami. Mr. Plummer: This is the tentative draft. Mayor Ferre: Whose agreement is this? Mr. Gary: That ,is the draft. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. 9601 MAR g 1984 sl Mayor Ferre: Well, I think this is the first time we've seen this, so we need now to look at it. As far as I am concerned, I think maybe perhaps we can come back and visit this issue later on this afternoon. Give us a little time to read it, go over it. I concur with both of my colleagues, J.L. Plummer and Miller Dawkins, about the need to send positive messages and come to conclusions. On the other hand, Miller, I think it is important for us to understand that we cannot.... Mr. Dawkins: Subsidize. Mayor Ferre: I don't mind subsidizing for a bit. I have no problems subsidizing the U.S.F.L. We have subsidized the Dolphins for the first couple of years, so why can't we subsidize these people.... Mr. Dawkins: For the first couple of years or for life? Mayor Ferre: I think the point is this. That we also, if we are going to get married, we have to be married. I don't —this three year stuff is what bothers me. Mr. Dawkins: I agree with you. Mayor Ferre: I don't mind having a ten year contract with cancellation clauses.... Mr. Gary: Fifteen. Mayor Ferre: ....for specific reasons, but if we are going to spend this kind of money, we need to have assurance that we're going to have these people playing football there for ten years. That's not a very long time, but at least it is better than three years. All right, I guess there is not action needed at this time. Is there, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: No, sir, Mr. Mayor, after you have reviewed it during your lunch break, I'm in agreement with what was recommended by Commissioner Plummer. Mayor Ferre: All right, I'd like to invite Mr. Glacer, who has taken time to be here and he is the attorney for the United States Football League, if he would like to make any statements to the Commission. Mr. Gary: He may say the wrong thing. Let him come back later. Mayor Ferre: Would you like to do it now or later? Mr. Gary: No, let him do it later. Mr.Grazer: I think that is best. I think he should have the oportunity to look at it. I know Mr. Gary was out of town yesterday. Mayor Ferre: Mr.Glazer. I hope you can stay with us today and we'll invite you back this afternoon. Mr. Grazer: I'm sure we'll get a call when you've had the opportunity to look at it. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The City Attorney announced that agenda items 36 and 41 will be heard at 2:30 P.M. --------------------------------------------------------------------- .09 MAR ci sl i' t 7 APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE PORT OF MIAMI FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PORT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mavor Ferre: I have one last thing. Yesterday, the City Manager and I and Mr. Don Cather and Vince Grimm traveled to Washington along with Mr. Carmen Lunetta, who is here with us this morning and Commissioner Clara Oesterle, since Mayor Steve Clark was unable to be with us yesterday, and we had a representative of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Jim Beasley traveled with us. I might say from reading the newspaper, the Miami Herald's article this morning that Paul Anderson wrote, especially the headline, I frankly was surprised to read such a negative story because I thought we did much better than that. The point is that we got two very enthusiastic hurrahs. One was from Claude Pepper. Claude Pepper said he was going to put in a bill and he would work on this immediately and he was very enthused and very encouraging, I thought. Dante Fasce d was also extremely positive. Then we had a very positive reaction from Paula Hawkins, Joe. She was extremely friendly, very enthusiastic about this tunnel idea and said we had her unequivocable support. She came out strong. I realize that both Lawton Chiles and Bill Lehman have problems because they have gone out on a limb for this bridge and we don't want to jeopardize the bridge. I understand that. But I think it is very unfair for the press to take their hesitation as a negative reaction. I didn't perceive them to be negative in any way. I think, certainly what they were is cautionary; they were cautious, but I don't think they were negative. Therefore, I think yesterday was a good step. It's going to take twelve years to build a tunnel and this is just one small little step in that direction. So, I am happy to report to you that I thought yesterday was a successful day and we came back with the enthusiastic support of Paula Hawkins and Senator Claude Pepper. I think, I tell you, I don't feel bad. When you have Paula Hawkins and Claude Pepper on your side, you're more than halfway there. So I don't come back apologizing or feeling bad about yesterday in any way. In the meantime, the Manager has been working dilligently to try to get into an agreement with Metropolitan Dade County. Since we have now received a letter from the United States Coast Guard, my fellow Commissioners, that might jeopardize this whole thing, we need to move right away. So, Mr. Manager, I pass it over to you and you tell us what you want us to do. What is this document here? Is this ours or is this the County's, Howard? Mr. Gary: This is the one that we reviewed prior to...let me back up. The City Commission adopted a proposed agreement in principle. However, this one has been amended to include those concerns that the City Commission had primarily that the tunnel would be a top priority of Dade County in terms of funding and its efforts to secure funding. The second one being the removal of the second bridge, the current bridge, once the new bridge is built. Mayor Ferre: Does this have your support, Mr. Manager? I mean, this is your recommendation, I assume? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir, but I would like for Mr. Carmen Lunetta to come up and explain the changes that have been made from the original agreement to the current agreement. Mayor Ferre: So what this is, this is a change from something we have already voted on. Is that correct? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Would you, Mr. Lunetta, the Chair recognizes you to explain ... how many changes? Two? .10 sl MAR g 1984 gj- Mr. Carmen Lunetta: There were two changes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: What are they? Mr. Lunetta: One was the old bridge, which is one of the issues that is on the table, and the current agreement, which they said the old bridge will be removed when the new bridge is in place. The second was the item number 11, which was the compensation for any loss of revenue due to construction of the bridge and/or should the City conclude their negotiations with the Rouse Company, that the shortfall will be made up between the two.... Mayor Ferre: I only have one problem with this, Mr. Manager. Is there a statement in here that the County is going to give this a priority rating? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir, that's on the first page. Mr. Lunetta: Page one. Mayor Ferre: Tell me where it is. Mr. Lunetta: Second paragraph, "Whereas the County has by resolution...." Mayor Ferre: Where does it say that it is priority? Mr. Gary: it is the first whereas. Mayor Ferre: "Whereas the County and the City have determined that it is of the highest priority...." Is that good enough, Howard? Mr. Gary: I think we need to put some wording here, "Whereas the County and the City have determined it is the highest...." Mayor Ferre: I don't care about the City, because we know where we stand. I care about the County. But I want this thing to say that the County says that this is one of their top two or three road priority projects. - I don't want this to be a priority project, and that means that we are number 83, you know, if that is their priority list, we're number 83. Mr. Lunetta: Mr. Mayor, I think this paragraph does that and I think yesterday, as you very astutely said this morning, that the cooperation between the City and the County before our delegation in Washington, clearly showed that this was a very high priority project in the minds of both the City and the County. So I think that.... Mayor Ferre: Carmen, it's just that the wording is too loose for my taste. I mean that's just my personal opinion. You have to put in here that this is a priority item of the County and you have to define what priority means. If you tell me it's in the top three major road programs and I have no problems and that gives you a little latitude, but I don't want to hear the fact that this is a priority item and then come to find out that we're number 18 in the pecking order. It'll be done by the year 1995 type of a thing. Mr. Gary: What I would suggest, Mr. Mayor, is in the first paragraph it says, "Whereas the County has determined that it is of the highest priority resolved transportation improvements into the Port of Miami, including the need for a new high level bridge and a tunnel, and whereas the County will consider it among its top priorities and utilize resources...." Mayor Ferre: I tell you you are nicer than I am. Mr. Dawkins: I say top three. Mr. Gary: Top three priorities. Mr. Dawkins: fop three priorities. .11 MAR 81984 sl - Mr. Gary: And will utilize all of its resources to insure the completion of a tunnel and transportation improvements and whereas, go to the next one. Mayor Ferre: All right, what else do we have? Anything else, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: No, sir, with those changes and with the change of removal of the bridge and the requirement that they will pay disruption fees to the City with regard to Miamarina, I think we've complied with everything that can be done now. I think it is important to note that the next step is for the County to approve it and then both parties identify appraisers to appraise the land that will finally be determined that would need to be taken for this particular project. Then we could initiate a contract which would safeguard our funds in Washington, which total $23,000,000. Mayor Ferre: O.K., are we ready to vote on this? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: No, I have a problem. Mr. Gary, you are speaking to — item 10, about the choosing of appraisers and the 10% difference. I find nothing contained herein to say once that agreed upon price is determined when payment will be made. Mayor Ferre: That's a valid point. Mr. Gary: That's a good point. I would assume, Commissioner.... Mr. Plummer: Immediately upon completion of the tunnel.... Mr. Gary: I would assume, Commissioner Plummer, that anytime anybody sells any land, you don't give them the land until you get your money, but I think it'll be appropriate to put that language in there in the agreement. Mayor Ferre: Then it will be consumed within one year. Mr. Lunetta: J.L., that comes out of Federal dollars, so that would be paid right up front as right away. Mayor Ferre: Then you wouldn't have any objection to say it would be consumed within one year. Is that all right, Plummer? Mr. Plummer: That's fine, as long as there is a stipulation as to when we're supposed to be paying. Mayor Ferre: Any other changes? Mr. Gary: No, put in there six months. Mr. Plummer: I like Carmen's language. Mr. Gary: What? Mr. Plummer: Immediately. Mr. Gary: Pay it immediately. Mayor Ferre: Don't do that, because they.... Mr. Plummer: That was his language. Mr. Gary: Immediately will be fine, Mr. Mayor, because you have to give a reasonable time in terms of doing the closing documents, etc. Mayor Ferre: O.K., I just thifik you're making it so tight that you're going to.... MAR 8 1984 sl .12 - - 4 # Mr. Gary: Immediately upon closing.... Mayor Ferre: With the Federal Government, O.K., that's fine. Anything else. Mr. Plummer: In item 1, Mr. Gary, I guess we better get on the record, Roger Carlton, I saw him here, item 1 speaks to the removal of parking. Have you reviewed this. INAUDIBLE RESPONSE. - Mr. Plummer: Speak on the mike. Mr. Dawkins: You know, Roger, I hate to do this to you. Mayor Ferre: Tell him to talk to the City Manager. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, can you and the City Manager work that out with - Carmen? Because, I. mean, you know, every time you come here, you have your hand out, but you don't have anything in it. Mr. Plummer: No, no, he's trying to protect our hand, Miller. Mr. Roger Carlton: I'm trying to protect the City. That is the City's money. Mr. Plummer: Miller, let me tell you what he's saying or what I understand he's saying, is that the $200,000 that is put out as the .- City's obligation and if in fact we lose to Carmen that particular parcel of land, he's looking to the City to pick up the difference in the tab. Mr. Dawkins: That's what he is saying? That is what you are saying? Mr. Gary: No, he's correct. - Mr. Dawkins: He who? Mr. Gary: Carlton. Mr. Dawkins: But he didn't say that; that's what J.L. said. Mr. Plummer: I'm the official interpreter for the Off -Street Parking Authority. Mr. Dawkins: O.K., all right, then go right ahead. Now I'm with you. Mr. Lunetta: Can I address this issue for a minute? The right-of-way that's going to be taken comes nowhere near, and I just assured Roger, the parking lot that he has and the extension of the parking lot that he envisions. O.K.? It is far east of it. Mr. Plummer: My good friend Carmen, Father Gibson used to say, "Black and white don't lie." Put it in the document. As far as I am concerned, I'm concerned about the City's $200,000. If you have no problem, you say it's not going to be any problem, then why would we have any hesi- tation in putting...? Mayor Ferre: It's a non -problem. Mr. Gary: The language would be if it is determined that the land ahead.... Mr. Plummer: If all of our items were non -problems, we wouldn't have a City Attorney's office. Mayor Ferre:' Some say we don't .1.3 sl LIAR 81984 = Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, the language would be that if the land to be taken in any way includes all. or a portion of the parking structure that Dade County has to reimburse us for the capital cost associated with that parking structure. Mr. Dawkins: But Carlton said capital cost and revenue. Mr. Gary: No, we can't do revenue. Mr. Dawkins: Why? Mr. Gary: You can't do revenue. He's paying for the land. You can't do it. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would strongly suggest that we pass this in principle, send it on to the County, and once they have signed it, then bring it back to us. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer so moves. Miller Dawkins seconds with the amendments as made into the record. Yes, sir. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to see if I can persuade Commissioner Plummer to reconsider a vote in principle and actual vote. Let me tell you why. Both of us were in Washington yesterday. Congress is currently going through an appropriation process. As a part of that appropriation process, they have what they call de -obligation procedure. De- obligation procedure includes de -obligating those funds that have not been expended that were appropriated in the previous years. It is important for us to obligate those monies by getting a contract signed between Dade County and the person who is going to build the bridge. Every day we wait, we could be putting these funds in jeopardy in terms of Congress de -obligating because we haven't spent them yet. Mr. Plummer: All right, let me tell you what I'm willing to do. The history is what gives me concern. History of us making a document, approving it, and sending it to the County and then they alter it. That's what gives me concern. Now, I'm willing to vote a motion to allow this to be put into effect with a full understanding that nothing in this document, including the additions, can be changed without being brought back here. Mr. Gary: That's fine. Mayor Ferre: Then do you amend your motion? Mr. Plummer: No, I change my motion. Mayor Ferre: You change your motion. In other words, your motion now is to approve this agreement for transportation improvements to provide access to the Port of Miami, as amended into the record today. We are fully agreeing to it and letting the Manager put it in writing and sign it so that Carmen, your funds will not be in jeopardy. _ Mr. Plummer: With the full understanding that any change in this document must be brought back to this City Commission. Mayor Ferre: The full understanding, all right, is there a second to that? You still on that second? Dawkins still seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll, please. .1.4 sl MAR 819'84 I The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-233 A MOTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE PORT OF MIAIMI FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS TO THE PORT OF MIAMI, FULLY AGREEING TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO PUT SAID AGREEMENT IN WRITING WITH THE FULL UNDERSTANDING THAT NOTHING IN SAID AGREEMENT (INCLUDING ALL AMENDMENTS AS DISCUSSED BEFORE THE - CITY COMMISSION ON THIS DATE) WILL BE CHANGED UNLESS IT IS FIRST BROUGHT BACK TO THE CITY COMMISSION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, would you send to the members of the Commission _ when the proper document is finalized, as amended, so we have a copy of exactly you send to the County? Carmen, I thank you for... Mr. Plummer: He's got another item. Mayor Ferre: Yes, there is another item at the Port. Mr. Plummer: "A". Mayor Ferre: Item A. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item "A" is deferred to another meeting. _ --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Mayor Ferre recognized the appearance of a body of students from Palm Springs Elementary School. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. DISCUSSION ITEM: RETAINMENT OF STUART SORG IN AN ADVISORY CAPACITY FOR HARBORS, RIVERS, ETC. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I have this thing that's been lingering for quite some time. I'd like to bring up for a second reading, it has been approved unanimously by the Commission on the first, and that was this advisory capacity of Mr. Stuart Sorg, who has asked that this be done on second reading. It was a motion appointing Stuart Sorg as the Special Advisor to the City Commission for harbors, rivers, marinas, waterfront on current and future project subject to resignation from the Waterfront Board and instructing the Law Department to prepare the necessary legal documents to facilitate a twelve month contract on the annual compensation of $1. I would move that, Mr. Mayor, on second reading. Mr. Perez: Second. Mr. Plummer: I made the motion; Demetrio seconds. Mayor Ferre: Fufther discussion? Call the roll. .15 sl MAR 8 1984 I Mr. Ralph Ongie: It is an ordinance, Mr. City Attorney. Mayor Ferre: Do you have the ordinance before you? Mr. Plummer: No, I had this from the last meeting. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Clark, do you have the ordinance before you? Mr. Bob Clark: The ordinance on what, Mayor? Mr. Plummer: On Stuart Sorg. Mr. Clark: It's a resolution appointing him. Wasn't it? There is no ordinance. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, what is necessary? Mr. Gary: We don't need any. I'll just give him a dollar a year and forget it. Mr. Plummer: All right, so for the record, Mr. Gary, then will sit with Mr. Sorg and make it a dollar a year appointment. That's all you need. 9. ALLOCATE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,700 FROM QUALITY OF LIFE FUND TO "GOLDDIGGERS, INC." FOR RENT OF GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CENTER ON MARCH 19, 20, 21, AND 22, 1984 FOR PERFORMANCES BENEFITING THE LEUKEMIA SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Mr. Plummer: The only other item I have, Mr. Mayor, is -we have lost the letter, I forwarded it to Mr. Gary in reference to the Golddiggers who put on the show at the Gusman Hall- that they be afforded the same waivers and grants as last year. I would offer that in the form of a motion. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-234 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,700 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, TO THE GOLDDIGGERS, INC. TO COVER THE COST OF RENTING THE GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER ON MARCH 19, 20, 21 AND 22 FOR FOUR DRESS REHEARSALS AND ON MARCH 23 AND 24, 1984 FOR TWO PERFORMANCES BENEFITTING THE LEUKEMIA SOCIETY OF AMERICA; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. AMP-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). _ Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 16 MAR 8 1984 10. DISCUSSION OF PURCHASE OF STRESS SIMULATOR FOR THE MIA111I POLICE DEPARTMENT - CLERK DIRECTED TO MAKE COPIES OF ALL STATEMENTS IN REGARDS TO THIS MATTER AND MAKE THEM AVAILABLE TO THE CITY COMMISSION. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the only thing I'd like is not a pocket item, but I think it is very important that this Commission sometime today discuss the interim report of the Grand Jury. Mayor Ferre: I'm sure we'll get into it. Mr. Plummer: All I want to do is before this day is over, to make sure that there is discussion. Mr. Gary, before that discussion.... Mayor Ferre: Are you going to bring it up, Joe? Mr. Carollo: It's part of the whole package, I think, we have to discuss today. Mayor Ferre: That's what I figured. Mr. Plummer: All right, I'm not trying to infringe. The only thing that I would ask prior to that coming up for discussion, I want a copy of any of the documents that this City received from the Justice Department who were the ones who brought this simulator to our attention, that urged = us to in fact instigate this simulator, who facilitated the trip up there so that we could see it. Mayor Ferre: To Flint, Michigan. Mr. Plummer: To Flint, Michigan, and I would like any and all correspondence or papers relating to the Justice Department being the ones who insisted this City move forward. Mayor Ferre: I have one other request, Mr. Plummer, if I may add to that. Mr. Manager, I guess it is to the Clerk and to the Manager both. I would like to have a copy of all the different statements made by then Police Chief Harms in support of the simulator, because he came up to these microphones and I asked him specifically about the trip, about the simulator, whether he saw it, whether it was effective, whether he was convinced, - did he have any hesitation, and to the best of my recollection, then Chief Harms was not only supportive, he was enthusiastically supportive. Now I find out from the first instalment of his memoirs that he had some = very serious doubts, and yet he never shared those doubts with the Commission and I find that to be totally unacceptable, but I think it is difficult for a man now to come back and say well, I had different ideas and yet he didn't make those ideas public. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I think you told it correct in asking for the Clerk for those statements that were made by him, because in his 23 page memorandum he stated that the reason that he did not expand any additional information that he was not asked for was that he was under orders from the Manager not to do it. I think that might be a way of clearing that up. .1'7 MAR 8 1984 sl 11. ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $7,890 FOR THE INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR THE BLIND. ------------------ --------- ---------------------------------------------- Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I do have one other item I forgot about. Mr. Manager, we sent you at the last Commission meeting, the item in reference to the Industrial Home for the Blind to straighten out the numbers. You were to report back at this meeting and I'm asking that be... I'm assuming you are prepared to do it. Ms. Dena Spillman: You asked for a staff recommendation on whether or not the Industrial Homessfor the Blind should receive additional funding for this year. The amount that they are requesting is $7,890. Staff has recommended against this, because no other agencies has increases this year. I must say, however, that the Commission did pass a motion of intent to allocate the additional funds to this group in November. Then it got all tied up in this one twelfth funding and the cutting of various programs. Then you reinstituted $10,500 to them. What they are saying now is that's not enough money and they need $7,890 more. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask this question. You say that there was a motion of intent passed by this Commission which would have given them the impression or right to budget such. Ms. Spillman: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: Now you're not recommending it. Ms. Spillman: Staff is not recommending it. Mr. Plummer: But I would have to say, Mr. Mayor, if we gave them the impression, obviously somewhere it was our mistake. I think they have every right to budget and Mr. Mayor, at this time, I would move that which was passed in November by this Commission be approved. �• Mr. Perez: I second. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-235 A MOTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $7,890.00 FOR "INDUSTRIAL HOME FOR THE BLIND" IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THE ORIGINALLY REQUESTED GRANT OF $24,000. (Note: They had been funded for $16,110 from FRS funds). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Ma MAR 8 1984 sl 12. URGE IM°IEDIATE STOP TO DEPORTATION PROCEEDINGS AGAINST FOREIGN NATIONALS OF NICARAGUA. -------------------------------------------------------•------------------ Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, first I would like to recognize the presence of a group of people from the Nicaraguan community. I'm not sure if they want to say a few words for what they are requesting. Do any of you want to speak? Mayor Ferre: Is there a spokesman for the group? I'd like to recognize Mr. Roberto Godoy, who presently serves in the position as president of the Republican Party in Dade County. We're always happy to have you here. I also see Mrs. Rose Gordon. You're not president of the Republican Party, but I know that you are a distinguished City of Miami Commissioner for many years. Rose, is there anything in particular we can do for you this morning? You don't have an item in the agenda? Yes, ma'am. Ms. Haydee Marin: Honorable Commission, my name is Haydee Marin, General Secretary of Central American International Committee. This committee was recently created with the purpose to provide legal assistance to the Nicaraguan refugees. Our legal counselor is the State Representative, Dean Murphy. Also we are supported by other State Representatives, U.S. _ Congressmen, Mayors, and other prominent political figures. The following are the actual facts. The Sandinistas are constantly violating the human rights of Nicaraguan people. The Sandinistas have attacked the democratic political parties, trade unions, and the media. The Sandinistas have also violated the human rights of Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Mormons, and Jews. President Reagan has denounced the violation by the Sandinistas of the human rights of Nicaraguans. The economic basis, with reliable estimates there are 30,000 Nicaraguans in Dade County according to an economic study that has been prepared by audit showed that 77% of these Nicaraguans are earning adequate salaries, which substantiate direct tax contributions. We are not tourists. We are not migratory workers. Then, what are we? The Nicaraguans pay taxes and contribute to the economy of this community. We are not invisible. The immigration authorities have been denying asylum requested by the Nicaraguan population living in Florida. The work permits that were extended by immigration have been cancelled and deportation orders have been extended. The consequence of the immigration decision are hiring of Nicaraguans for salaries that are below the legal minimum standards. They have also been denied the privilege of public college education. Our petition is, we request that I.N.S. grant Nicaraguans legal status along with work authorization permits. We request that the State Department and the Department of Justice favor a legal status for the Nicaraguan refugees. We request that the City of Miami support our cause. We are not asking for welfare. We are not asking for economic help of the government. We are asking for a legal status and the human right to work and educate our children. Thank you. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I think we have to be very sensible about the situation of ... especially about the political status of the Nicaraguan people of the United States. I would like to present a resolution urging an immediate stop to U.S. deportation procedures against those 40 national of Nicaragua, who have soughtasylum and who are living in this country. Further requesting that the work permits for those refugees remain in force or be reinstated, if said work permits have been revoked; further urging all municipalities in Dade County to adopt expressions of interest and concern over the plight of Nicaraguan refugees similar in content to the herein resolution; further directing the City Clerk to forward a copy of the resolution to the officials named herein. That is the motion that... do you have a copy of the motion? That is the motion that I want to move. .i9 MAR 8 1984 sl I Mayor Ferre: All right, we have a motion on the floor. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: There is a second. Mayor Ferre: Let me read it one more time to make sure that I understand. Offering a reward? Mr. Plummer: No, that is something else. Mayor Ferre: You gave me a whole bunch of resolutions. It's the one that has a cover leter on it that says deportation of Nicaraguans. I would like to amend this so that before the word 'asvlum'vou add = the word 'political asylum' I think it is very important that be stressed. Do you have any objections to that? Mr. Perez: No. Mayor Ferre: Political asylum, I think it is essential that we made a distinction. The reason I am adding the word 'political', Commissioner is because I am one of those people -and I'm sure all of us here concur - the United States of America must find a way to control and safeguard our own borders. We cannot have a country where anybody and everybody can just walk in because they feel the need to or for economic reasons. - Because we would therefore, have 300,000,000 or 400,000,000 people — trying to get into this country. I don't see how we could say yes to some and no to others. So, if you put the word political, I think that fits into the tradition that we, as a country, have of giving people assylum who are indeed being oppressed by whatever. I want you to - understand, Mr. Godoy, especially since I respect you and your party and the people that I for one, do not make a distinction between oppression of the right or oppression of the left. Oppression is oppression. When somebody gets -if you'll forgive me, Father- the hell beat out of them in a prison cell, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't much matter whether the person who is doing the beating is an oppressor of the right or an oppressor of the left; he is an oppressor. I think we have to be careful that we stand forthright. I don't think this can be an issue dealing with color, race, creed, religion or anything else. It deals with a principle. Therefore, if you add the word political, then I don't have problems in voting for this. Mr. Perez: Sure, I have no problem with that. Mayor Ferre: Is that acceptable to the seconder of the motion? _ Mr. Carollo: It's acceptable. Mayor Ferre: Any further discussion on this? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-236 _ A RESOLUTION URGING AN IMMEDIATE STOP TO U.S. DEPORTATION PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THOSE FOREIGN NATIONALS OF NICARAGUA WHO HAVE SOUGHT POLITICAL ASYLUM AND WHO ARE LIVING IN THIS COUNTRY; FURTHER REQUESTING THAT THE WORK PERMITS OF THOSE REFUGEES REMAIN IN FORCE OR BE REINSTATED, IF SAID WORK _ PERMITS HAVE BEEN REVOKED; FURTHER URGING ALL MUNICIPALITIES IN DADE COUNTY TO ADOPT EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST AND CONCERN OVER THE PLIGHT OF NICARA- GUAN REFUGEES SIMILAR IN CONTENT TO THE HEREIN RESOLUTION; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FORWARD A COPY OF THE RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAMED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). MAR 81984 sl 1 0 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mr. Godoy: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Commissioners, we want to thank you for this decision and we agree with your opinion to add 'political'. Thank you very much. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Godoy, let me first of all, wish you good luck next Tuesday. I know the political process is always a trying one. Let _ me say that I had a very good friend that Rose Gordon remembers, Louis Wolfson who once came to see me and he said "I want you to know that I like you and I'm all for you in your political aspirations, and I want to help you. I can be for you or against you or stay out of it, whichever is most helpful to you." So let me say, if you want me to be against you, I'll come out publicly against you if that helps you get votes. Mr. Godoy: With the friendship of you and all the Commission, that will be enough, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Ferre has never been any different. He'll be for you, against you. Mr. Carollo: I don't know if he wants to help him or sink him. Mayor Ferre: Sometimes when you get people that help you, it hurts you, and when people go against you, it helps you. Mr. Godoy: Some Commissioners are against me, your Honor, and this is the thing that I've been surprised. Some of the Commissioners that had helped in the past, now are helping my opponents. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Well, you're a nice man; and the only thing wrong with you is your party. Other than that, I have great respect for you. Mr. Godoy: I don't agree with you. I think my party is a very good party, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Carollo: You'd better leave while you're ahead. He might get Mondale to endorse you too. - Ms. Haydee Marin: Mayor, in the name of the Nicaraguan people, thank you to the Commission of Miami. 13. STRONGLY URGE PRESIDENT REAGAN TO RECOGNIZE AS LEGAL U.S. RESIDENTS THOSE HAITIANS WHO HAVE FLED THEIR HOMELAND AND ARE NOW SEEKING REFUGE IN THIS COUNTRY. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, in the same that we presented this resolution, I think this is a great opportunity to show what you mentioned today about no distinction of race or creed or any nationality. I would like to present a similar resAut,ion in favor of the Haitians in this community. This resolution strongly urges President Reagan to recognize as legal U.S. residents those Haitians•who have fled their homeland and are now seeking refuge in this country; further directing the City Clerk to forward a copy of this resolution to the officials named herein. 21 MAR 81984 sl _ Mayor Ferre: All right, the Chair recognizes the foreign minister of the City of Miami in that resolution. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: With the same stipulations. Mayor Ferre: Second by the deputy foreign minister. Further discussion? _ With the same stipulations, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-237 A RESOLUTION STRONGLY URGING PRESIDENT REAGAN TO RECOGNIZE AS LEGAL U.S. RESIDENTS THOSE HAITIANS WHO HAVE FLED THEIR HOMELAND AND ARE NOW SEEKING REFUGE IN THIS COUNTRY; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO FORWARD A COPY OF THE RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAND HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. -----------------------------------------------------•--------------------- 14. REWARD OFFERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ROSARIO GONZALEZ. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, this is not a foreign policy resolution. This is about the incident we all know about, Rosario Gonzalez at the Grand Prix the other day. I would like to move a resolution offering a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of violator of Florida Felony Statutes with respect to the disappearance of Rosario Gonzalez in the event that a violation of said statutes occurred and allocating a sum not to exceed $10,000; commending the Miami Police Department for their efforts in this missing person investigating and urging the Police Department to continue its efforts using all available means at its disposal. That's what I would like to move. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: How much are we going to be offering? Mr. Plummer: $10,000. Mr. Perez: Not to exceed $10,000. Mr. Carollo: I second the motion. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. .22 sl MAR 8 1984 I The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-238 A RESOLUTION OFFERING A REWARD FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF VIOLATORS OF FLORIDA FELONY STATUTES WITH RESPECT TO THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ROSARIO GONZALEZ IN THE EVENT THAT A VIOLATION OF SAID STATUTES OCCURRED AND ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 COMMENDING THE MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THEIR EFFORTS IN THIS MISSING PERSON INVESTIGATING AND URGING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO CONTINUE ITS EFFORTS USING ALL AVAILABLE MEANS AT ITS DISPOSAL. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 15. RESOLUTION HONORING CIVIC -MINDED MEMBERS OF THE "DADE'S EMPLOY THE HANDICAPPED COMMITTEE". Mr. Perez: The other one is a resolution of this City Commission honoring the civic -minded members of the Dade's Employ the Handicapped Committee for their continuing efforts on behalf of the handicapped citizens of this = community. I would like to point out that the President and the Congress of the United States and the United Nations have proclaimed the period 1983-1992 as the decade of disabled persons. I think that it would be — a great opportunity to call to a Commission meeting to present this resolution to the H.R.S. Department and to all the people involved in this campaign. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. - The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-239 A RESOLUTION HONORING THE CIVIC -MINDED MEMBERS OF "DADE'S EMPLOY THE HANDICAPPED COMMITTEE" FOR THEIR CONTINUING EFFORT ON BEHALF OF THE HANDICAPPED CITIZENS OF THIS COMMUNITY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). - .23 MAR 81984 sl - - 16. DISCUSSION ITEM: PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF MR. BARREIRO REGARDING A BULL FIGHTER SIMULATOR. Mr. Perez: The last motion...I don't think it will be a motion, maybe a member of this Commission would like to have this in the next agenda. But we have here Mr. Barreiro, who is the proponent of the simulator bull fighter that he's trying to get support for the legislation that they are trying to introduce in the State of Florida. I would like to call, if it is possible, Mr. Barreiro to explain what is the idea that he has about the possibility for a bull fight simulator bull fight, bloodless in Florida. Mayor Ferre: Simulated what? Mr. Perez: Bull fighting. Mr. Carollo: You've come to the right place to talk about bull fighting. Mr. Joe Barreiro: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, I'm Joe Barreiro. I live at 621 S.W. 63rd Avenue. The purpose of my being in front of this Commission _ is because my Senator and State Representative are presenting a bill in Tallahassee concerning simulated and bloodless bull fighting exhibitions to be permitted in the City of Miami. I know this kind of sport will bring a lot of tourists into the community from Central and South America, as well as from all over the United States and even from Europe. I also believe this kind of sport will become famous as it is already in Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Portugal, France, and Spain; I believe already in Texas. By having this kind of sport, we will have the Orange Bowl in use more often than it has been until now. Mayor Ferre: That would tear up the Orange Bowl. Mr. Barreiro: Yes, sir, in the Orange Bowl. You know better than I do how much is costing the taxpayers to maintain the Orange Bowl when it is not in use. Mayor Ferre: It's not costing us anything. We make money on the Orange Bowl. Mr. Barreiro: I also believe I will employ a few hundred people. This is one of the most exciting sports in the world. What better place to have it than in a city that in ten years is going to become the greatest in the nation, in the world in which we live? I also would like to contribute to the community as the Grand Prix and the Calle Ocho in beinging the community together to make of our City a better place to live. I also know that this exhibition will bring twice the amount that is bringing in the arena of Mexico, which is between 75,000,000 and 100,000,000 to the City. I'm not asking for something out of this world or new. The law, as you already see is permitting simulated fights for the purpose of using the simulated fight as part of a motion picture which will be used on television or in a motion picture. What I am asking is to have this kind of exhibition in front of a live audience in the Orange Bowl. As you can see, there is no difference between what I'm asking and what the law already allows. With nothing more to add, I will await for your decision. Thank you. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I think it is important to point out that the Mexican bull ring with capacity for 50,000 persons celebrates about 20 bull fights per year, which average about 45,000 persons attending each event. Twenty-five per cent of the people attending are tourists. The regular tickets are between $15 and $20. I think that it would represent a great contribution for ... I would like...I have a proposed resolution that I would like to send to the Administration in order to include for the next regular Commission meeting. That's all, I don't want to make any motion. .24 MAR 81984 sl I r ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AMOUNT EQUAL TO ONE DAY'S RENTAL OF THE LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY CENTER FOR EVENT BY THE ASOCIACION INTERNACIONAL DE AMIGOS DEL SALVADOR. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Carollo: Based on the motion that we have made previously, of letting the Administration study the different money requests, we sent a memorandum to the Administration regarding this particular item that we are going to be bringing up, is the request from the Asociacion Internacional de Amigos del Salvador, the International Association of Friends from E1 Salvador, who have requested a fee waiver for the use of the Little Havana Community Center Auditorium on March 22, 1984 from 7:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. The information that we have is the fee would normally be between $50 and $100. Mayor Ferre: Are you making that motion? Mr. Carollo: Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Carollo: I'm making the motion that we.... Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-240 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE A.": AMOUNT EQUAL TO ONE DAY'S RENTAL OF THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITY CENTER AUDITORIUM FOR Ali EVENT TO BE HELD MARCH 22, 1984 FROM 7:00 P.M. TO 12:00 P.M. BY THE "ASOCIACION INTERNACIONAL DE AMIGOS DE EL SALVADOR". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 25 .MAR 81984 sl 0 18. INSTRUCT ATTORNEY TO PREPARE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO OUTLINE EXACT BENEFITS AND EMOLUMENTS TO BE AFFORDED THE CITY MANAGER. Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item Number 1 - City Manager Emoluments. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Hold on. Mr. Dawkins: Since I have some questions to direct to the City Attor- ney, it is possible that we could hold this off until the City Attorney is here? Mr. Robert Clark: Commissioner, I don't know the nature of the questions. Mr. Dawkins: I do! Mr. Clark: The City Attorney is in court right now and will not return until that court proceeding... Mayor Ferre: Is that because he is on Jury Duty? Mr. Carollo: Yes, Jury Duty. Mr. Clark: No, he is representing the City in a suit to attempt to have Charter Amendment Number One removed from the ballot. Mayor Ferre: Oh yes. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, then. go on, and I will just reserve my questions until he gets here. Mayor Ferre: Okay. Mr. Dawkins: All right, because I've got some questions. Mr. Carollo: I have no problem in giving the Commission the courtesy of having the City Attorney present so that he could ask some questions. Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Carollo: Commissioner Dawkins, can we maybe do part of this. We have different areas that we need to cover in this - not just one area. One had to do with the car repairs. The other had to do in defining the benefits and emoluments that we are going to give the Manager. At the same time, if I may and if it is appropriate to do it now, I would like to ask some questions of the Manager to get further information until the City Attorney arrives here and Commissioner Dawkins can ask him some other questions. Mr. Plummer: Can I just ask one thing on the record? Mayor Ferre: Go right ahead. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I had asked...I don't know which way Joe is going to be pursuing, but in relation to the matter respecting the car, I had asked - that it was well known that that matter was in the hands of the State Attorney and I had asked that - either I asked for a written statement from the State Attorney that if we dial make inquiries into that matter, that it would not in any way interfere with that look-see that they are having into the matter. Did anyone get that docu- ment for me, or was it requested? Mr. Clark: Commissioner Plummer, I think the City Clerk did perform a task in that regard - I am not sure. Ralph, if you... Mr. Ralph Ongie: I'm sorry, I didn't hear the question. ld 06 MAR 81984 Mr. Plummer: The question is at the last meeting I asked about the specifics in reference to the automobile, knowing that the State Attorney's office was looking into the matter, that any discussion of this Commission could be misconstrued as interference, did she give us a written letter indicating that it would or would not? Has that been complied with? Mr. Ongie: Not by my office, sir. Mr. Plummer: Well, who would normally do that? Mayor Ferre: She what happened is, the nebulous confusion that comes out when we don't do things in very clear and specific terms. Let me read you exactly what occurred of that pertinent portion. Plummer says (this is the meeting of February 28th) "I would ask you sir, to determine from Ms. Reno whether or not this Commission, entering into such a discussion..." Now, you were addressing the City Attorney. Mr. Clark: With respect to the item that you are disuussing, there was a conversation that I am not privy to, or at least contact between Ms. Reno and Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa. Mayor Ferre: That is exactly why I think Commissioner Dawkins' request is an appropriate one. Mr. Plummer: Well, until such time, Commissioner Carollo, I would -- ask that that particular area be left in abeyance until we have that answer. I think it is only right that that should be done and all other matters that are not pending an investigation could be entered into, but I would feel more comfortable once we have a response from her, or from someone in that office - that matter be held in abeyance, now. That can be done, I guess, by a simple phone call sometime this morning, nor now. Mr. Carollo: I have no problem with waiting for that answer, but I think all the information that we are going to be dealing with here today is really basically public record. At the same time, I don't think we are going to be going into any areas that would hinder any investigation that they are doing. Mayor Ferre: Okay, so proceed, Mr. Carollo. - Mr. Carollo: I am not going to touch anything from the car yet, until we have the City Attorney and we get a response to the question that Commissioner Plummer brought about. What I would like to do, though, - is to go over, at this time the benefits and emoluments that this Commission wants to put on record very clearly so there will not be any future mistakes, misunderstandings, as to what are the benefits _ and emoluments besides salary that the Manager will be receiving from the City of Miami. Now, I think it is fair that we would follow a policy of giving benefits that are similar to what other City Managers received in the past, and what I would like to bring at this point in time is some of the benefits that we did have a record of what previous Managers received. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENT) Mr. Carollo: This is not a public hearing, sir. Mayor Ferre: No., no. This is a Coiwiissio;i level ulecting now. Go ahead. Mr. Carollo: That is not an additional body guard, is it, Howard? Going back to June 17, 1976 on a resolution No. 76-607, when Joseph Grassie was appointed City Manager, the benefits and emoluments that the City Com- mission placed on record that he would receive, besides his annual salary of $47,000 were a personal expense allowance of $2,500 per year, vacation - 30 working dais per year, sick leave - 12 days per year, reimbursement for the cpst of membership fee in one local professional executive club and at the same time, since he was moving from Grand Rapids, Michigan, reimbursement for moving expenses in- curred in moving from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Miami. Besides the benefits and emoluments that the Manager had at that time in 1976, the only additional benefits and emoluments that he received, that I know of was a Chevrolet Caprice, which was leased by the City for the Manager ld MAR 81984 and he received gas for that vehicle, and the City paid the expenses, insurance, etc. incurred in the use of that vehicle. I know no other benefits that he received from the City. Three of us were not here during those years. I would like to open it for additional input from my two colleagues who were here in those years, to see if they recollect _ any additional benefits that the Manager in those years received, that have not been mentioned by me now. Mr. Plummer: Two things, and this is in relation just to Grassie. One, his salary was set, and I am using your figure now - the $47,000, with a guarantee of a review in six months. Mr. Carollo: That is correct, J. L. Mr. Plummer: And that was then brought up to a level in the sixties, as I recall - around $60,000 some thousand dollars. The second benefit was given to Mr. Grassie, which was a new benefit, was the allowing him to change and deviate from the pension system that had been in existence for years. The pension system, up until that time, was that the Manager would be a member of the regular pension system of the City. We allowed Mr. Grassie, after convincing this Commission, that the tenure of Managers was not that long so where you get a twenty year pension from a single entity. That in fact, that the International City Manager's _ Association had a revolving fund that rather than deducting his money from the regular payroll and paid into the City pension, that money could be taken and sent to ICMA fund, so that if he was here for four — years and somewhere else for four years, he could, through that means, - build up a twenty year vested right. We also left the provision, as I recall, that if he wished, he could still avail himself to the City pension fund - in effect having two, 8% the City would pay to the ICMA, as they paid into the pension fund here, and if he elected, he could do —_ the same with the City pension fund. That was the two that I could remember right off the bat, that was a special to Joe Grassie. Mr. Carollo: The one area we are not dealing with here now is salary. - I think we have dealt it quite accurately in the past. The areas that we need to cover are the areas of benefits and emoluments. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Grassie was very explicit when he came into office, that most discussions centered around the two items of salary and pen- sion, that the wording be used that was used, that he would receive the same emoluments as the previous Manager. Hence, the same thing that is a problem here, that is a very loose, and broad term. Mr. Carollo: But, see, that is where the problem has been. That word has been used quite often, but in fact, it hasn't been what has been happening here. Mr. Mayor, can you recall of any additional benefits that... Mayor Ferre: That we gave Joe Grassie? Mr. Carollo: We have researched it in my office, and... Mayor Ferre: I can't remember any other benefits other than the ones that you have .enumerated, and which is the moving expenses from Grand Rapids, the payment into the pension. There was obviously, a travel - I think there was a travel and expense account, which I think is es- tablished for all Managers. Mr. Carollo: Yes, I mentioned the $2,500 personal expense allowance. Mayor Ferre: We did pay for club membership, because as I remember, he wanted to join a country club, or social club - do you remember that, J.L.? Mr. Plummer: It was $1,000. Mayor Ferre: And there was discussion on that. Mr. Carollo: It sas reimbursement for the cost of memberhip fee and one local professional executive club. That is it. MAR 8 1984 Id 0 Mayor Ferre: Yes, he wanted to join a club, as I recall, we did pay for his joining the Banker's Club, and I forgot there was another - there was a social club of some sort, and I forget which one it was. And now, we also paid for his professional - I think he was a member of the City Mana- ger's International Association and two or three other professional groups, and the automobile. Mr. Carollo: What I think we need to do... _ Mayor Ferre: Oh, and there was life insurance. I think we paid life insurance for him. Mr. Carollo: What I think we need to do, Mr. Mayor, is, Number one, is to have the guidelines put into effect as clear as they possibly could be, as to what benefits and emoluments the City Manager is entitled to. Now, the two areas that I would like to have the City Clerk come back with, so that it could be as clear as we possibly can make them - one, J. L. brought out, and you are correct. I recall -in that research that there was something to that effect. The other, as far as life insuraace, I think we should research that also, but I think that can be placed into a resolution where it would be the exact life insurance benefit, if any, that the City paid for Mr. Grassie during that time. What I would like to do is to make a motion at this time, in a resolution form to outline the exact benefits and emoluments that we are going to give to the City Manager besides his base salary. Mr. Plummer: How would you be going about that? Mr, Carollo: Excuse me, J. L.? Mr. Plummer: To make a motion to set into a firm written document. Fir. Carollo: Well, the way it was done for Grassie it was done in a resolution form. Mr. Plummer: But I mean, are we going to ask the Administration, or who are we asking to do that - who is going to prepare that document for the Commission? Mr. Carollo: We could do this right now ourselves. I don't see that as being any great task that we can't do. When it was done for Grassie, it was presented in the form of a resolution - a very brief to -the -point resolution. We are not getting here into a contract. It is illegal according to the Charter. What we are getting into is outlining in a resolution form, just what benefits and emoluments we are to give to the City Manager. The only area I would like to ask the City Manager to give us some input on, is the following area - in the professional fees, dues and memberships. The Manager h-s here some $4780.50 that was spent in 1983. If I may ask the the Manager what professional organizations, or clubs he belongs to - that are paid by the City, of course. Mr. Gary: It should be included in your packet. Let me see if I could find it for you. Mr. Carollo: No, all that we have here is total amount of dollars that were spent in 1983. Mr. Gary: It also has the names, if I recall. I'll get that for you. Mayor Ferre: Howard asked a question. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROND COMMENTS) Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, while Mr. Gary is checking that, I would like to, if humanly possible, annouce that I would like to be out of here this evening by 7:00 o'clock. Mayor Ferre: Well, while you are making announcements, I will make an announcement, and that is at 4:30 P.M. I've got to be absent for an hour and I will ask the Vice -Mayor to run the meeting before 4:30 P.M. and 5;30 P.M. - Mr. Vice -Mayor, I'll just let you know ahead of time. 2 MAD Q 1984 1 0 _ Mr. Dawkins: Well, if you are all making announcements, I may as well make mine. I should have been at the Jesse Jackson's announcement that Carrie Meek is supporting him at 10:30, but I can't be there, so I may as well make my announcement too. Mr. Gary: Commissioner Carollo, Florida City and County Manager's Association, International City Management Association, American Manage- ment Association, Miami Dade Greater Chamber of Commerce ... do you want the professional associations? Mr. Carollo: These are all professional that you are giving me her-. aren't them? Mr. Gary: Right. You want the ones that ties in with professional fees, dues, and memberships. Also, that includes the Banker's Club, which no longer exists; The Miami Club, the... Mr. Carollo: The Banker's Club? Mr. Gary: Right. Mr. Carollo: Miami Club? Mayor Ferre: The Banker's Club exists, Howard. Mr. Gary: Yes. Mayor Ferre: The Banker's Club, The Miami Club - are you a member of the Miami Club? Mr. Gary: I am a member of the Miami Club now, and not the Banker's Club. They finally allowed a minority to get in. Mayor Ferre: Are you the only Black there? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Eastern Airlines and that is really the "Ionosphere" and that is it. Mr. Carollo: Okay, these are all the professional organizations, or any of the clubs that the City pays for at this time for your office. Mayor Ferre: Next question. Mr. Gary: Well, no, not at this time. At this time it is only the Dade County Police Chief's Association, the Miami Club, Florida City and County Manager's Association, ICMA, AMA, Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce, and Eastern Airlines, that is the Ionosphere Club. Mr. Carollo: Do you recollect, Mr. Manager, which of these professional organizations Mr. Grassie belonged to? I am sure that he belonged to the International Manager's Association. Mr. Gary: My recollection is he belonged to, my recollection is, Florida City and County Manager's Assocication, which is basically the Florida region of the ICMA. He also belonged to ICMA. I recall him being a member of AMA. I don't know whether he was in the Ionosphere Club. I've assumed that. Mr. Carollo: AMA, well... Mayor Ferre: He had several clubs and memberships. Mr. Gary: I don't have any additional information in terms of what he may have been a member of. Mr. Carollo: The one social that I was familiar with that he had, I think that was his standard, the Banker's Club, that we pay for. Mayor Ferre: Banker's Club, for sure I remember. I don't... Mr. Carollo: I think that was the only one that he had, plus the pro- fessional ones who are mentioned here. I think that clarifies that .30 MAR 81984 point. The only other area that we need to get some additional infor- mation on which I think, Commissioner Plummer really explained it quite eloquently for the Commission, was the area of pension. So what I would like to do at this time, Mr. Mayor, is to present a motion. Mayor Ferre: All right, let me, before you do that, read into the record and give you the number so that you can look at it if you want. The motion that we passed on Joe Grassie is motion number 76- 607. Mr. Carollo: Right. Mayor Ferre: That was June 17th, and the title said; "A resolution appointing, electing Joseph Grassie as Manager at an annual salary of $47,000; personal expense allocation, $2500 per year; providing for a vacation of 30 working days per year; 12 days annualsick leave; reimbursement for the cost of membership fees - one local professional executive club and the reimbursement for the actual moving expenses incurred in the moving from Grand Rapids, Michigan." I was think there was a subsequent resolution that was passed dealing with a pension and other matters. Mr. Carollo: That was December 14, 1978, Mr. Mayor. That was ordinance number 8882 and it stated that it was provided for the transfer to a pub- lic trust fund destinated for the City Manager for all monies held in the City Manager's retirement benefit account, together with interest therein after the completion of the maximum of two year's employment, what Commissoner Plummer is talking about. Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Carollo: And then his salary was increased from $47,000 to $52,000, not $60,000 plus, on July 28, 1977, which was almost a year - in fact, it was over a year after he came aboard the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: No, no. It was retroactive. It was six months and I will tell you where that came about. The Commission, at that time, instructed me to negotiate with Grassie a salary and he refused to come for less than $50,000. We finally got it down to $47,000 with the promise that if he was doing a good job and stayed, we would increase it $5,000, wasn't that it, J. L.?... in six months? Mr. Plummer: Maurice, there were two questions. There was a question in reference to Reese and the amount of vacation he had. The second question as to what Reese was making at the time. It was felt that the next Mana- ger ... Mayor Ferre: This should come in under Reese. Mr. Plummer: What? Mayor Ferre: It was felt by all of us that he should come in making less than Reese had gone out making, and Reese was over $50,000 and he wanted this $52,000, I think it was,... Mr. Plummer: If I recall. Mayor Ferre: .... and we got him down to $47,000 on the promise that if he did a good job, and in six months we would review and give him his extra $5,000. Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: What about Andrews? Paul Andrews? Mayor Fet're: It was Andrews, that is right. It was Raul Andrews, that is right. It was not Reese. .31 MAR 81984 ld I 6 Mr. Plummer: Andrews in reference to salary - Reese in reference to time off. Mayor Ferre: That is right. Mr. Plummer: I stand corrected. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Carollo: What I would like to do, Mr. Mayor, as I stated, is pre- sent a resolution that would be the bible that the Manager will be guided by as to what are the exact benefits and emoluments that he is to receive from the City of Miami. We are not talking here about salary. We have dealt with that on separate occasions. We are talking about benefits and emoluments, so based on what Joseph Grassie received, I am going to outline a series of benefits and emoluments that the Manager is to receive from the City Commission, and only these. Mr. Plummer: Joe, do you have a copy of that in writing, so we can look at as you go along? Mr. Carollo: J. L., what I think the Mayor has one. Mayor Ferre: Where? Mr. Carollo: What you were reading from, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: This one? Mr. Carollo: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Nester just gave that to me. Mr. Carollo: That was a resolution. Mr. Plummer: That is on Grassie. Mr. Carollo: Right, on Grassie.I'm only going to include a couple of other things that were voted upon In a previous time than that. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Carollo: One would.be a personal expense allowance up to $2,500. - _ per year. Two, would be for vacation - 30 working days per year. Three, sick leave - 12 days per year.. Four, reimbursement for the cos'.. of membership fees in one local professional executive club. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, not the professional? Mr. Carollo: Excuse me? Mr. Plummer: The reimbursement of professional? Mr. Carollo: Reimbursement for the cost of membership fee in one local professional executive club. Mr. Plummer: What about the others - the ICMA, and all of that? Mr. Carollo: I am going to include those now. That is to include the Florida City and County Manager's association. Is that the correct name, Mr. Manager? The ICMA? And you had made mention of another one that you wanted, that you thought Mr. Grassie belonged to. The American... Mr. Gary: The American Management Association. Mr. Carollo: The American Management Association and last but not least, the Banker's Club. The City will lease a Chevrolet Caprice for the Manager. Mayor Ferre: Or, you shouldn't say a Chevrolet Caprice, or an equivalent. 1984 ld j 1 0 Mr. Carollo: Or a similar equivalent vehicle, American made. The City will pay for the entire upkeep, and for insurance for that vehicle. Mayor Ferre: Gasoline. _ Mr. Carollo: And gasoline. Mr. Plummer: Total cost. Mr. Carollo: Total cost of the vehicle. It would be a vehicle that will be leased by the City of Miami for the Manager. The City will pay for the total upkeep of the vehicle, including insurance and gaso- line, and lastly, based on the pension benefits that the previous Mana- ger received, the City Manager will be able to have a public trust fund _ designated by himself of all the monies held in the City Manager's re- tirement benefit account, together with the interest therein. I don't think that is going to interfere since the Manager has already done something similar to that. Those are all all the benefits and emolu- ments that the prior City Manager received. Mayor Ferre: You forgot th F.I.C.A. cost, even though, I guess that is standard, isn't it? Mr. Gary: That is salary. Mayor Ferre: That is salary. In other words, but you have to make mention of that that we obviously pay the Federal —what does F.I.C.A. stand for? Mr. Plummer: F.I.C.A. Mayor Ferre: Federal Insurance? Mr. Plummer: No, that is withholding taxes. _ Mr. Carollo: That is standard, though, Mr. Mayor. The City has to pay for that. I think we have covered the total scope of the benefits the prior Manager received and I make this, Mr. Mayor, in the form of — a resolution that... Mayor Ferre: Is the pension cost based on the percentage of payroll? Mr. Carollo: In the same way that the Manager, the previous Manager receives. Mayor Ferre: How about insurance? Mr. Carollo: As far as what kind of insurance, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: As I remember, we had ... J.L., do you remember, we had a life insurnace policy for Grassie. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, all City employees are afforded life insurance. The problem that existed was a maximum cap. You cannot have a policy in it more than what your annual salary, nor can you have a policy for less than "X" number of dollars. It seems like ... and please, don't hold me to this, that there was a policy established and paid for by this Commission in the same amount as his salary. It seems like to me it was around $50,000. Mt. Carollo: Well, he had $50,000 in life insurnace? Mr. Plummer: I believe, Joe. Please don't hold me to that. Mr. Carollo: I think what we should do in that particular area, J. L., we should make an amendment to this resolution that the City Manager _ will receive the same life insurance that was paid to the prior City Manager, Joseph Grassie. Mayor Ferre: On a proportionate basis. MAR 8 1984 Id 0 Mr. Carollo: On a proportionate basis. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. 0 Mr. Carollo: I don't think there is anything else. Mayor Ferre: Travel expenses you didn't cover. Mr. Carollo: Travel expenses, Mr. Mayor, I think is something that falls on practicalities that if the Manager is going to be traveling on City business, of course the City will be paying for that City business. I don't look at that as an additional benefit, or emoluments. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we missing anything else? Mr. Plummer: Yes, Mr. Mayor, we have got a couple of items there that I feel that need discussion. We have spoken to the life insurance. My concern, Mr. Mayor, is that the City Manager does enjoy certain benefits like any other City employee, and in lieu of those not being spelled out here, they could be prohibited. Mayor Ferre: Well, then I think the way to do it is to say "...and all other benefits as received". What? Mr. Plummer: That is what he is trying to avoid. Mr. Carollo: No, no. We want it spelled out, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Well, but I think you have to say "...and all other bene- fits received by every City employee". Mr. Carollo: See, the problem that we are trying to get away from, is to talk in generalities and in areas that can be misinterpreted, Mr. Mayor. What we are trying to do is go to the bottom line of the same benefits that were received by the previous City Manager, and give this City Manager those same benefits, no more - no less than the prior City Managers had. Mr. Plummer: Well, let me ask this question, and I guess I've got to ask it of Mr. Gary - we have only spoken and used one City Manager as a comparison. We've had subsequent to that one of discussion, Mr. Grassie. We have had Mr. Fosmoen as an acting - I don't recall what benefits he got or what policy he got, but some other areas I would have to be concerned about - in reference to pension, that it be on an option basis. He has to option to either go the City plan, or the ICMA, or one of his chosing. The City would not pay more than he would if her were a member of the City plan. I think that ... what year was Grassie's contract put together...'76? I think in realistic eight years ago $2,500 might have been adequate for expenses. I don't feel that that is adequate today. The City Manager, like all others, par- ticpates in executive pay plan. I think that has got to be spelled out. One of the other areas that I am concerned - it was in a previous Manager's agreement, was severance pay. And I think all of these issues _ whether you are for or against them have got to be discussed, because these are items that were in previous Manager's contracts. one way or another. Mayor Ferre: No, you don't mean contracts. Mr. Carollo: No. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me - understanding. Mr. Carollo: The only understanding that the Commission had with previous Managers.... _ Mayor Ferre: We had an agreement with Fosmoen of about three month's severence. Mr. Carollo:.... were the ones that were outlined in this resolution with Mr. Grassie. As far as an agreement with Fosmoen, there was none. .34 MAR 81984 ld --� The Commission decided to give Fosmoen several months of severance pay, even though at the time the Manager, I recall, objected to the three months, and very much so, the Commission did give Mr. Fosmoen three months severance pay, but there were no agreements, no contracts, no promise other than the ones that I have outlined here that the prior City Manager received. Mr. Plummer: Well, let me give you one other area that has not been discussed here today. Every City employee, including members of this Commission are afforded health insurance. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Plummer: That has not been discussed here today. Now, if you are wording, Joe, these items and nothing else, one would have to preclude that Mr Gary would not be entitled, or whoever the Manager is, would not be entitled to normal health insurance. Mayor Ferre: Well, I think you have to put that in. Mr. Plummer: Well, but I am saying these are the areas that I think have got to be discussed. Mr. Carollo: J. L., these are the things that I have asked that you, the Mayor, and for that matter, the rest of my colleagues, but mainly, you two that have been here the longest, to bring all of the benefits that prior City Managers had. Now, did Joseph Grassie has his... Mr. Plummer: Which spoke to the City Manager, not the normal employee; that is a different subject. Mr. Carollo: Yes, we are not talking about the normal employee. We are talking about the benefits that the City Manager has had, period. Mayor Ferre: Well, you just got another one. You have to add in there health insurance. Mr. Carollo: Was that paid for Grassie? That's the question. Mayor Ferre: Of course! Absolutely! You have that as a member of the Commission. Mr. Carollo: One of the few benefits we have! Mayor Ferre: That's right. One of the very few that we have. All right... Mr. Carollo: Okay, we are talking about health insurance. Mr. Plummer: Health insurance, I would assume the normal health insur- ance afforded to any City employee. Mayor Ferre: Well, this is going to be a motion and then eventually it has to be drafted as a regular resolution, and I think by the time that happens, we will have ample opportunity for the Manager and Mr. Mielke and others to put in here whatever might be missing for us to consider. Al right, is there further... Mr. Dawkins: Yes, Mr. Mayor. Joe, I agree with you that there has to be some guidelines, but we also have to set in motion certain areas to allow for certain things that will not exist. Now, first question I have for you, is this to be a permanent vehicle for all City Managers? Mr. Carollo: That is correct. Mr. Dawkins: All right, then... Mr. Carollo: That will be the basis, just like on Grassie, we were going on a resolution that had these things outlined. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, then when we sit down when the time comes that those of us who are here, those who are not - to negotiate to hire •35 MAR 81984 ld 6 0 another City Manager, will these restrictive measures prevent us from obtaining a better manager for the job? Mr. Carollo: Miller, let me say this to you in all frankness - with the kind of salary, pay, benefits, emoluments that we are providing for not only the Manager, but other top administrators, you are going to have people walking over each other and running over each other trying to get what ever jobs we have open, including the City Manager. Mr. Dawkins: The next area of concern is, I have problems with the area you have outlined as professional fees or dues. Now, you can look at Mr. Gary and see that he is Black, and as such, there are numerous groups and professional organizations who will feel that they will enhance their position in the community by having Mr. Gary a part of this organization, therefore, when you limit it to certain groups, you are going to prevent him...no, you will not - this Commission will in fact tell organizations in the City that the Manager cannot be a part, because we put a cap on the organizations of which he can belong to. Mr. Carollo: No, we haven't put a cap on the organizations that he can belong to. When we place the cap... Mr. Dawkins: But you said a fee - you put a cap on the fee! You said $2,500. Mr. Carollo: What we placed the cap on is to what organizations the City will pay for, just like there was a cap on the organizations that Mr. Grassie belonged to. _ Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I will say it again, and I will say it slowly. There are organizations out there that are going to invite Mr. Gary to be a part of their organization because he happens to be the City Mana- ger who happens to be Black and we would like to have a token among our group, so therefore, we want him as a member, so are you going to say to Mr. Gary, the only way you can be a member of that group and represent the City of Miami is if you pay your fee. - Mr. Carollo: Commissioner Dawkins, let me say this to you. I am more than willing to give to Mr. Gary every single... Mr. Dawkins: No, no. Let's talk in terms of the City Manager. Let's - don't talk ... okay, go ahead, I'm sorry, Joe. - Mr. Carollo: Mr. Gary is the City Manager, so we are talking in terms of the City Manager. I am more than willing to give Mr. Gary every single benefit, emolument that the prior City Manager, Mr. Grassie re- ceived. What I am not going to do, is being in favor of giving Mr. Gary any additional benefits or emoluments then the prior City Manager received, whether he is Black, whether he is blue, red, yellow, or anything in between. I think what we have to look upon is, the job of City Manager, not the person, race, creed, religion, the way they part their hair, or anything else. Mr. Dawkins: I will rephrase...I will say my question again to you, Mr. Carollo, so that you will understand what I am saying. Are we going to put the $2,500 cap on professional dues and fees that might prevent Mr. Gary from... Mayor Ferre: There is no cap on that. Mr. Carollo: There is no cap on that. The cap is for personal expense allowance. Personal expense allowance, there is a cap. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, not on the ... okay. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, I've been waiting my turn, and I am going to say something and I don't want to get into an argument about this, but the fact is, Joe, that Grassie used to make 50 some -odd thousand dollars, or $60,000, whatever, and this Manager, Mr. Gary, makes over $100,000, so in effect we have changed the emoluments by increasing .36 Id MAR 8 1984 L the salary. Now, I think what Mr. Dawkins is saying, and I frankly don't see that there is a big problem in that - is that if Mr. Gary wants to join other entities that are not specifically outlined in here, then I think he is entitled to do that. I don't have any problems, for example, and I understand what you are saying, if Mr. Gary wants to be a member of the N.A.A.C.P. or the Urban League, or the Johnnie Club, or whatever the club is. Mr. Dawkins: Or the Cuban Bar Association. Mayor Ferre: Or the Cuban Bar Association. Well, he can't join _ that because he is not a lawyer. - Mr. Dawkins: Well, they could make him an honorary member if they wanted to. Mayor Ferre: We should not restrict him from doing that, and I under- stand that. I don't think anybody here would have a problem with that. Mr. Carollo: None whatsoever. Mr. Plummer: Let me tell you what I do recall, Mr. Mayor. There was _ never in my fourteen years a question as to the professional organiza- tions that the City Manager belonged to. I think they were a foregone conclusion. Mr. Grassie was the one who came before this Commission individually, and asked for the privilege of being a member of a social club downtown. That was a separate motion from all of the rest, and I would hate to see that any City Manager would have a limit to amount of professional organizations. I differentiate between an or- ganization and a club. There is a club. There is a big difference. The one area that you will find a separate motion on is when Mr. Grassie asked to join the Banker's Club, because it was $1,000 initiation fee, and that I think is proper. I don't think that we should question the Manager's ability to belong to professional organizations for the bene- fit of this City. Mr. Carollo: I don't think we should question the ones he wants to pick, as long as we have some guidelines. Let me tell you why. Fis- cal year, 1982, $3,079.05 was spent on professional fees, dues and memberships. In 1983, a jump of almost $2,000 to $4,780.50. Now, you are not talking about peanuts. You are talking about thousands of dollars every year, and we are talking about a Manager that is making the highest salary of any Manager in the country, a Manager that is not living in poverty salary. Mr. Plummer: Well, I would have to, you know, the numbers... Mr. Carollo: Now, all that we want to do here, is to establish the same benefits that a prior City Manager received. The prior City Manager belonged to "X" club, "X" club, "X" club, fine, I have no problems in letting him belong to those same clubs, professional organizations, but what I am saying here is, that besides the standard professional organization that the City Manager belongs to, if he wants to belong to a hundred other professional organizations, and there are professional organizations for City Managers and professional administra- tors in the hundreds in this country. He can belong to them, but let him do that at his own expense. There is a limit to what I think the City of Miami should pay for professional organizations. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask this question. Is it your intent to include the wording, that if the Manager wished to associate with any other organization, it can be done so with the approval of the Commission. Mr. Carollo: Of course. Anything that is not in this resolution, the Manager would have to come back and get approval for. Mr. Plummer: Fine. That is no problem. Mayor Ferre: All right, what else have you got. .37 ld MAR 8 1984 9 0 Mr. Plummer: Well, I think since we are going to be sending this back for a final draft, I think that someone is going to have to come forth as we know the Police and Fire Department presenting enjoy an emolument package of 48%. The City employees enjoy an emolument package of 36%. That is standard classified employees, and I think that package has got to be taken into consideration, so that nothing is precluded by this agreement which Joe is hoping to come about. As I said, the one area was health insurance. That is a normal emolument of any classified employee. Mayor Ferre: All right, I want to express my opinion, which I have not done until this time, and I want to make sure that we understand and I think Commissioner Dawkins is eminently correct in the question he is asking. The problem comes because of the contract that we had with Manager Gary. This is the first time we have ever had a contract. After that contract was withdrawn, we said that we were going to come back and revisit, but we never did. The record is complete and that that is why I asked for this copy, but in the past, we have done exactly what Commissioner Carollo is doing with other City Managers. We have specified exactly what they are to receive, and it has been amended on several occasions when they wanted to join a club. They came before the Commission and that I recall, we have never said no to anything that Grassie had ever asked for because it was reasonable. I think this Manager will be reasonable too, so I don't really have any problems in doing what we are doing right now, because it is some- thing we should have done after we dropped the contract, and it cer- tainly is not precedent forming; we have done it before. It has always been done with City Managers. All right, sir, go ahead. Mr. Carollo: I think Mr. Mayor, that we are basically clear, with the addition to what I previously stated, of the health insurance, as af- forded to any City employee. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there anything else that anybody wants to add before we put this to a vote. Mr. Dawkins: No, but we will get a copy of this? Mayor Ferre: Of course. This is a motion. It has to come back as a resolution, and I would imagine that the City Manager will have an opportunity to outline other items. For example, in the contract of '82 and 181, there was a very specific area in Section 10 that dealt with disability, health and life insurance and I am sure that we will be dealing with some of these issues when it comes back as a resolu- tion. Is there a second to Commissioner Carollo's motion as stated this morning? It is a motion of intention, of course. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: That's correct. Second by Perez. Is there further discussion. Mr. Manager, do you want to add anything to it before we vote? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, the ability to address those issues which were granted previous managers which were not identified, which I will provide to you, I have no problems with the motion. Mayor Ferre: Okay, further discussion on this issue. All right, call the roll. =Ua ld 0 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-241 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY LEGAL DOCUMENTS TO SPECIFICALLY OUTLINE THE EXACT BENEFITS AND EMOLUMENTS TO BE AFFORDED TO THE CITY MANAGER FROM THIS DAY FORWARD: 1. A PERSONAL EXPENSE ACCOUNT UP TO $2,500 PER YEAR; 2. 30 WORKING DAYS PAID VACATION; 3. 12 DAYS ANNUAL SICK LEAVE; 4. REIMBURSEMENT FOR COSTS OF MEMBERSHIPS IN THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZATIONS: (a) ONE LOCAL PROFESSIONAL EXECUTIVE CLUB; (b) FLORIDA CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION; (c) INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION; (d) AMERICAN MANAGERS ASSOCIATION - (e) THE BANKERS' CLUB; 5. AUTOMOBILE TO BE LEASED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI LS TO BE AN AMERICAN-MADE VEHICLE OF THE CLASS OF THE CHEVROLET — CAPRICE OR EQUIVALENT; 6. THE CITY WILL PAY FOR THE ENTIRE UPKEEP OF THE LEASED AUTOMOBILE INCLUDING INSURANCE, GAS, MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, ETC.; 7. THE PENSION BENEFIT FOR THE CITY MANAGER SHALL CONTINUE TO — BE PLACED IN A PUBLIC TRUST FUND FOR CITY MANAGERS; AT THE CITY MANAGER'S OPTION, AND THE AMOUNT OF CONTRIBUTION BY THE CITY SHALL BE BASED ON A PERCENTAGE OF PAYROLL; FURTHER — STIPULATING THAT THE CITY WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE MORE THAN THEY WOULD NORMALLY DO IF HE WERE UNDER THE CITY'S PLAN; 8. LIFE INSURANCE PAID BY THE CITY WILL BE THE SAME AS PAID TO FORMER CITY MANAGER JOSEPH R. GRASSIE, ON A PROPOR- TIONATE BASIS; — 9. THE CITY WILL PAY ALL TRAVEL EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY MANAGER WHEN REPRESENTING THE CITY OF MIAMI ON OFFICLA BUSINESS; 10. HEALTH INSURANCE WILL CONTINUE TO BE PAID AS WITH ALL OTHER CITY EMPLOYEES: AND FURTHER STIPULATING THAT IF THE CITY MANAGER WISHES TO OB- TAIN MEMBERSHIP AT CITY EXPENSE WITH ANY OTHER PROFESSIONAL, _ ORGANIZATIONS OTHER THAN THOSE NAMED HEREIN, HE WOULD HAVE TO COME BEFORE THE. CITY COMMISSION TO REQUEST SPECIAL APPROVAL. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins *Although absent at roll Commissioner Joe Carollo call, Commissioner Plummer _ *Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. later requested of the City Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Clerk to be shown as voting Mayor Maurice A. Ferre with the motion. NOES: None ABSENT: None . MAR 81984 39 Id ��L�. .„was t*^r•c 18.1. DISCUSSION ITEM: CAR REPAIR/MAINTENANCE WORK DONE ON CITY MANAGER'S VEHICLES. Mayor Ferre: All right, fir. Carollo, the Chair recognizes you. Mr. Carollo: Mr. City Attorney, was the opportunity given to the attorney representing the City Manager to meet with you in reference to the car repairs that he received on his personal vehicles? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Commissioner, I have not, since our last meeting - of the Commission been asked to meet with anyone. I have been around, as you know, with the exception of three days that I had the privilege of sitting as a juror, but other than that, I have been here. Mr. Carollo: Okay, so you did not receive any requests from the attor- ney or any attorney that is representing the City Manager to meet with you as instructed by the Commission? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Well, I don't recall that there had been an in- struction. My recollection... Mr. Carollo: Well, the instruction was that you would meet with any _ attorney that would be representing Mr. Gary so that you were given the opportunity to have them enlighten you, or try to change your mind, whichever the case may be, or both. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. My recollection is that if requested, I was to meet, and I was not requested. Mr. Carollo: Okay, now, since that meeting - the last Commission meet- ing that we had, have you changed your mind about anything in the legal opinion that you gave to this Commission regarding the car repairs? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, sir. Mr. Carollo: Okay. Mr. Plummer: May I ask a question. Mr. City Attorney, we were given this morning a memo from the Mayor's office that was directed to the Mayor's office by a former City Attorney. Have you had the opportunity to read that over? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I noticed it in this group of materials that I have it in front of me and I glanced over it, yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: You have read this memo of April 15, 1982, the City Manager's compensation agreement? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I have read it very quickly. Mr. Plummer: And you say that this has no bearing on your decision? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Well, I think this distinction has to be made, Commissioner Plummer and Commissioner Carollo - This memorandum which I had not seen until a few moments ago, tells me that the Manager, who apparently got a copy of this memorandum, acted in reliance on it, and properly so, but that does not mean that I agree with the memoran- dum. My position on that is... Mayor Ferre: Let me ask, you a question on that. I've got a question on that. Now, is this the first time you have seen this memorandum? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. This is not a legal opinion, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: I am not saying what it is or it isn't. I am saying that it is a memorandum signed by the then City Attorney George Knox on a specific question that was asked of him. I would imagine that AR A fopA i� d -i it is in the files of the Department. You don't do research, that is why you have got all these attorneys and staff of people, but I've got to ask you the question - when you deliberated on this issue and gave _ us a legal opinion, you say you didn't have the benefit of this memo- randum? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, Mr. Mayor, that is why I said to you that it was not given an MIA number, which would cause it to be catalog in a position or in a place where I could find it. Mayor Ferre: Well, where would it be? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I assume, and I am merely assuming, that because it is a memorandum, it would probably be in the reading files main- tained by my predecessor, and I can tell you from my own experience, because I too put in my own reading files unnumbered memoranda like one, that there are literally thousands of those documents, that there is no indexing or way to find anything other than by physically going through each page. Mayor Ferre: You see, the point is that we, the Manager - after the dropping of —let's go through the process on this. The Manager gets in June his contract. That was June of 1981, and then in April 15 of 1982... no, it was not April... Mr. Plummer: If your date... Mayor Ferre: No, no. I am not talking about the memorandum. I am talking about when we dropped the contract - April 16th, is that correct? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, no. When he surrendered... Mayor Ferre: No, no, follow me, what I am saying. This Commission voted 3 to 2 to give Howard Gary a contract. That was voted on in 1981. Mr. Plummer: No. sir. Mayor Ferre: What was it? Mr. Plummer: 3 to 2 this Commission agreed to give Mr. Gary an agree- ment of compensation. Mayor Ferre: Okay, I stand corrected. Now, that lasted until April, and during the evaluation of Mr. Gary in April of 1982 - April 20th, the contract was...he withdrew the agreement. He, the Manager said "I withdraw the agreement. I don't want it, as long as I am properly compensated and I get the emoluments". All right now, the subject came up during that period about this automobile stuff, okay, and my _ office, and I specifically asked George Knox for a legal opinion on it. I am sorry, and I am frankly surprised to see under the City Manager's compensation agreement, that this wasn't shared with the other members ■ of the Commission. From the looks of it it was just sent to my office and not to the other members of the Commission. Mr. Carollo: Well, Mr. Mayor, do you recall having read or received this memorandum? Mayor Ferre: Oh, absolutely: Not only do I recall... I didn't recall this thing specifically. I recall the conversation with Howard. Howard came to see me and he said "I want to go over it and make sure we understand what we are doing here. You are not telling me that you are going to deprive me of the things that I enjoy under the agreement?" I said "Howard, I've got no problems with your continu- ing to get whatever benefits are in that contract, I just don't want a contract". He said, "Do we understand? Is it clear?" I said "Absolutely". Now, this was a memorandum that was requested by my office specifically, and stated in clear terms that the City was responsible for the purchase, insurance, maintenance and repairs, if it was done the way the Manager was then doing it, which was having his own car. Now... ,41 ld MAR 81984 Mr. Carollo: But, how can the City, Mr. Mayor, purchase his car? Did the City ever purchase his car? Mr. Gary: Well, as I recall, there was confusion as to what the dif- ferent ways were. One was the City would purchase. The other one was the City would lease. The other one was that Howard would own a car and then how would he be compensated for it? And this memorandum clarified it as to what it said in the agreement. See, this is April 15th. The agreement was still in effect. Five days later the agree- ment is no longer in existence, okay? Now, I didn't go over this thing specifically with Howard, but I do remember the conversation when he went to my office and he said, "Now, with regards to the contract that is now dropped, do you have any problems with any of the other provisions in the contract?" I said "I have none. My only thing is that I don't want a contract". Now, that was the extent of the conversation. Mr. Carollo: The bottom line, Mr. Mayor, is that the City Attorney that we have here has given a legal opinion, and as far as I can see, _ he is sticking to that legal opinion, and as far as this memorandum that we were given yesterday, and a letter from former City Attorney, Mr. Knox, partner of Mr. Gary in business enterprises, I find it a _ shock that anyone would give an opinion that on a private vehicle _ they would mention "purchase". Now, again, I don't think the City ever purchased any of Mr. Gary's private vehicles, but before we start _ getting into these other areas, what I would like to ask the City Attorney is if your office contacted Ms. Reno's offices to see if she had any objections that we would proceed with what we are doing here today. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. I spoke to her myself, and she indicated that there would be no interference with the investigation if you were to discuss this matter. Mr. Carollo: Okay, very good. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me. As a matter of courtesy, Joe, I am assuming that this perusal that you are taking is going to be at least a half hour? Mr. Carollo: Yes, it will. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, out of courtesy to those people who are sit- ting here waiting for items that are scheduled before noon, I think it would only be fair that they be informed that we are not going to be taking those subjects up and that they will be after 2:30 P.M. this afternoon, at the earliest. Mayor Ferre: Are you going to go another one-half hour on this, Joe? Mr. Carollo: Maybe an hour. Mr. Plummer: Well, okay, I am just saying as a matter of courtesy to those people that are waiting... Mayor Ferre: I didn't realize it. I thought we were pretty much at the end of all of this, but I am sorry, you are right, Mr. Plummer. Are there any people here on items that are scheduled on the morning agenda that cannot return this afternoon? Is there anybody here who has a problem? Mr. Plummer: That would be items... Mayor Ferre: The morning agenda items are items "A" through "H". NOTE: (Mayor, asks for show of hands from people present for items "A" through "H".) Id .42 MAR 8 �98 19. DISCUSSION ITEM REGARDING LIQUOR SALES AT THE COCONUr GROVE SAILING CLUB. - Mayor Ferre: This is a thirty second item. What you want is, as I understand, Coconut Grove Sailing Club wants liquor sales. Is that correct? Mr. Gary: Liquor sales as well as boat storage right in front under- neath the building. Mayor Ferre: Well, my position is very simple. I know that Coconut Grove Sailing Club is on City property and you have a long-term lease. Now you want to add liquor sales; I have no problems with that. I do have another problem. I know it is an open club. I'm not questioning that. I know that a person, Black or White, Hispanic or non -Hispanic can go to your club and apply for membership. But the fact is that there are no Black members. Now you and I know that there are many different ways, if you don't know let me tell you that there are many different ways where people can be kept out of things. I know that you cannot force people to open their hearts or their spirits, but I would feel a little bit better if you had, as part of your membership, five or more bona -fide Black members. I know we can't force you to do it. But on the other hand, you can't force us to give you a liquor license. I just would feel a little bit better if I saw a little different situation. Don't tell me that there are no Black doctors or accountants or bankers who wouldn't enjoy the wonderful benefits that club has. I know a lot of people would say that's tokenism. Well, you know, a man used to sit here before, Theodore Gibson, said, "That's all right; we'll begin that way." I have no problems with that. There may be those who feel differently, but I'll accept that. I would be very happy to accept a token Black or two or three in the Orange Bowl Committee. I would —that's City property and you are on City property too. Now, that's all I have to say on that particular issue. Come on up and say it on the record, so you won't have to come up this afternoon. Mr. Bill Beaver: Mayor, Commissioners, my name is Bill Beaver. I live at 14004 S.W. 107 Terrace, Miami. We have no problem with what you say. We have programs afoot which we hope will resolve in supplying some minority members. We already have a.... Mayor Ferre: Bill, let me say I know you have some wonderful programs for disadvantaged kids. I know the members spend a lot of time trying to do that. I commend you for that; that's not what I'm talking about. Mr. Beaver: Blacks, sir, Blacks. Mayor Ferre: Blacks, all right. Mr. Beaver: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: I commend you for that, that's wonderful. Mr. Beaver: We will pursue this issue of acquiring Black members soon. In the meantime, if it would be possible, we would like the liquor license, so we can better pay the rent. In addition to that, the storage space is needed to store the equipment we use to teach kids to sail, which are kids regardless of race, creed, or color. We have a problem with pilferage, which we'd like to get better control on, and we have a money problem, which we could better solve if we could increase our revenues a little.bit. But we will definitely pursue your suggestion of getting some Black members soon. Mr. Dawkins: Then come back for the liquor license. Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. Whenever you are ready to discuss this with us, we're happy to help you. .43 MAR g 1984 sl _ Mr. Beaver: Does this mean we are denied the license at this time? Mayor Ferre: No, you're not denied the license. We just want you to _ come back and tell us what you are doing to open up that club. Mr. Beaver: O.K., fine. Mayor Ferre: That will keep a little pressure on you to do it soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO DEVELOP R.F.P.'S FOR STREET CLOCKS SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY COMMISSION. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Now we have a note here from Mr. Cardenas, who says he has a problem that he can't come back this afternoon. Mr. Cardenas, with permission from Mr. Carollo, is that all right, because I'm interrupting your time? - Mr. Carollo: Certainly. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Mr. Cardenas. Mr. Al Cardenas: Mayor, my name is Al Cardenas. I'm with the law firm of Broad and Cassel. I'm here on item "B" on the 10:45 A.M. agenda. I believe you are to receive a report from the City Administration relative to the street clocks matter. I presume you would want to hear from them before you hear from me. Mayor Ferre: Go right ahead, Mr. Manager, can we get a report quickly? Mr. Walter Pierce: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, the Street Clock Committee met on several occasions and their recommendations for locations and design is the attached memo dated February 28th behind the memo dated February 29th, which is from me to the City Manager. The Street Clock Committee, as far as safety concerns go, have recom- mended that no objects be located closer to the roadway edge of the curb than 18 inches when adjacent to a parking lane or four feet from moving traffic lanes, and to the minimum unobstructed pathway of six feet be maintained on all pedestrian walkways. As far as location is concerned, the committee spoke more to the generalities rather than sites specific, for reasons that I'll get to in a moment. Basically, that all traffic visibility triangles at street intersections be observed, that no sign devices should intrude the air space of private property canopies of such signage. No advertising device should be closer than 1,000 to another, that is, maintain a minimum separation of 1,000 feet. That all display faces should be perpendicular to the traffic flow; that all locations be reviewed at a public hearing; that no sign devices be permitted in City corridors, parks or plazas; and that a minimum of 20% of all such devices shall display a civic message with no commercial messages. As far as design, the committee felt reluctant to specify any particular color, but did recommend that all deviced frames and posts be of a uniform color and that the display pannel not exceed 20 square feet and a maximum width of four feet. The committee added one thing specific to it, and I will read that verbatim: "With due respect, the committee wishes to express its consensus that free standing private, interest advertising displays are not desirable on public property and residential or commercial areas." In addition to the committee's memo, I in a memo communicated to City Manager Gary of two additional factors, which the Commission should be aware. One of those is the content of statutory prohibitions in Florida Statutes, County ordinances, and Dade County policies dealing with public right-of-wayand the use of the right-of-way for advertising purposes. The second one is the question of the public benefit in this proposal. The problem with the State Law is that right now you just can't do it. Most of the major arterials in the City of Miami are either .44 MAR 81984 sl Mr. Pierce (Con't): State highways or County artirials or municipal connecting links. Because of that, the City of Miami has very little authority to approve anything on those roads without State or County approval also. A result of that is that about 67 signs that one company presented, it turns out there were only about five that the City approve on its own. The rest of them have to go through County and State, which right now prohibit them. I guess the point here is that we're kind of the tail now before the dog. The second issue is the public benefit aspect. We noticed that all the signs have a maximum time/temperature display of 25% at the most and a public advertising message ran anywhere from 60Se to 75% of the display face. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Pierce, I thank you for your usual thorough job. I would, however, remark to you that the decision as to what's public benefit is a policy matter. I think it is this board that establishes that policy in the City of Miami. We thank you for your recommendation, however. Your recommendation is always appreciated and it is valuable. Thank you, sir. Mr. Pierce: Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Now, Counselor. Mr. Cardenas: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, if you will recall, you adopted this past July 1983 unanimously a resolution No. 83-619. Basically you did three things at that time. One, you approved in principle the concept of permitting the installation of the clock/ time structures. Two, you established a design review committee to report back to you, which they have now done. Three, you decided to have a public hearing to be scheduled at the time that you consider the approval of the design and specific locations of these display structures, which are to be included in the R.F.P. We have an interesting issue that's been presented. Basically, what we did is we went before the design and review committee and made our presentation. I reviewed their recommendations to you. Frankly, quite a few of them are totally acceptable. Some of them I don't believe, are workable, although they represent the right intent. Based on the issue of safety, we obviously will comply with the State Statutes, as recommended by ,your design review committee and have no problem with that issue. On the issue of pedestrian clearance, there is a recommendation that the City maintain a minimum of six feet, measured from the edge of the display pannel toward the private property line. I don't believe that is in keeping with your policy relative to other structures, such as bus benches, etc. All that we would ask you to do is to provide us with the same opportunity that you provide to other entities who provide public service type structures. We will certainly abide by that. On the location recommendations, we would agree with items number 1 and 2. Number 3 says no device should be closer to another than 1,000 feet in any direction. We don't feel that makes any sense. Certainly in a visual direction that makes sense, so that you don't have these things in too close a sequence, but if they are perpendicular to one another, as long as they are not visually in sight, we don't feel 1,000 foot suggestion makes any sense on any reasons, especially aesthetically. It says that the devices should be sided with a display pannel faced perpendicular to traffic flow. If we do that, we certainly eliminate the feasibility of this thing. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Cardenas, with all due respect to you, this Commission -I can only speak for myself- but I don't think that we can get into these details, as to 1,000 feet or diagonal or perpendicular or six feet or bus benches, you know. Mr. Cardenas: That was my last comment. I just wanted to put it in for the record. _ Mayor Ferre: We cannot negotiate this, as a board here. All we can do is instruct the Administration that we want them to set the reasonable _ guidelines and that we get on with this thing, which we've been waltzing around with for the last three years or more. Mr. Cardenas: That's right, Mayor, there was one item that Mr. Pierce mentioned that you might want to deal with. I think that based on your previous resolution, your issue now before this Commission is .45 MAR g 1984 .- . ... - sl p ^ F Mr. Cardenas (Con't): to order the Administration to prepare an R.F.P. I think, and I would agree with Mr. Pierce, that you might want to ask - the City Attorney to look into the issue as to whether we can bid on the R.F.P. prior to the appropriate State Statutes being modified to permit these structures in certain locations that are within the jurisdiction of the State and County. - Mayor Ferre: I'll pass that question on to the City Attorney, I guess, or through the City Attorney. It is a legal question you are asking. Isn't it? Mr. Cardenas: Yes, well, it's a legal issue that I, representing the private interest, would feel much more comfortable in bidding, based on clearance from your legal department. Mayor Ferre: All right, we'll pass the legal question to the legal deparment. Mr.. Garcia -Pedrosa: Do I understand the question to be can you send out the R.F.P. before the State Statute is amended? Mr. Cardenas: That's correct. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I think you can, Mr. Mayor. The only thing is you might be doing a futile act if it is not amended, or if the R.F.P. - ultimately doesn't conform with the amendment. Mr. Cardenas: The point is that once entities bid on this thing and commercially have an acceptable proposal before the City, then it is much more feasible to tackle the other obstacles. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That is a matter, of course, for the Commission. - Mv only concern would be that the R.F.P. to be fair to prospective proposers, clarify two things. lumber one, that this is contingent on some things that haven't happened. Mayor Ferre: That's fine. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Number two, that the City has always reserved the right to reject all proposals. Mayor Ferre: I think that those two things have to be added to the R.F.P. I mean, otherwise, I think it is a travesty. Mr. Cardenas: That's fine. Mayor Ferre: Under those conditions, are you telling me that your client is willing to proceed on the bid? Mr. Cardenas: Certainly we are. Mayor Ferre: So then what is before us, Mr. Manager, the bottom line is do we proceed? Yes or no? Mr. Gary: Yes, but there are some other issues that probably the City Attorney also ought to address that are mentioned here that I think should be taken into consideration with the Florida Statutes issue. once he does that, we'd be happy to proceed. I think they should be addressed before we move forward. Mayor Ferre: Well, I think what we need to do now is either have, because I don't want to be wasting a lot of people's time on this if we are not going to proceed, so we need to decide whether the Com- mission wishes to proceed on this. Mr. Cardenas: Mayor, if you will recall, I think that the last time to help you in that evaluation at the last meeting the last comments by Commissioner Plummer were that you had approved in principle the _ concept. You would request, after you received the report, that an R.F.P. be prepared taking into consideration that input and then you would decide whether or not you wanted to accept the R.F.P. once it was presented to you. .46 MAR 8 1984 sl 4 0 Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion that we proceed with the R.F.P.? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Wait a minute, Mr. Mayor, if we might for a moment. Mayor Ferre: The details of it will have to be worked out with the Manager. I don't think we can get involved as to whether it is six feet or 100 feet or 1,000 feet. I mean that's something that you will have to hammer out with him. The issue before us, do we proceed with an R.F.P., yes or no? Mr. Cardenas: I believe that issue had been resolved by a previous resolution, Mr. Mayor. I think the only item outstanding.... Mayor Ferre: No, no, it hasn't been resolved, because there are questions that are coming out of this memorandum which need to be spelled out. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, I think the concern, and I think it is a valid concern, is that even if you have full disclosure along the lines that I indicated earlier, you may not have people out there nord interested in responding to that R.F.P., because they may or may not believe that the changes that are going to come about.... Mayor Ferre: That may or may not be the point. I mean, you may be right. On the other hand, you may be wrong. I don't know. The question is do we go out with an R.F.P. now. In my opinion what is going to happen is that if we don't go with an R.F.P. now, we are going to waltz around this thing for another three years. I think if we go out for an R.F.P. now and we do get more than one bidder, and in my opinion we will get more than one bidder, then the City is the position to either reject or proceed if Mr. Cardenas and others go out and do the corrective measures which they are going to be lobbying for with this legislature. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, as a part of the disclosure that the City Attorney_ mentioned earlier, I think it also should be included in there that it is the intent of people, which may include even this Commission, to try to get the State Statutes changed so that we won't have a challege to the successful bidder who says.... Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, that is very good. Thank you. Mr. Gary: ....the only reason I didn't bid is because you said we're not legal, and if I had known you were going to change the law, I would have bid it. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, I appreciate your friendliness and I welcome good, positive advice. Mr. Gary: You have to learn the law now, you know. _ Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Is there a motion? Who is going to move that? Mr. Plummer: What is the appropriate motion? Mayor Ferre: That we proceed with the R.F.P. and the Manager be instructed to proceed under the circumstances as outlined. Mr. Pierce: You are going to wait three months? Mayor Ferre: No, sir, we don't want to wait three months. You don't set the policy here. Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, I will make the motion that we proceed with developing the R.F.P. to be brought back to the Commission for final approval. Mayor Ferre: That's good, as long as it isn't three years in the making. Is there a second? - Mr. Perez: Second. - sl .47 MAR 81984 r Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who mcved its adoption. MOTION 84-242 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROCEED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN RFP FOR STREET CLOCKS UNDER THE PROVISIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES AS OUTLINED IN THE PUBLIC RECORD THIS DATE; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO BRING THE RFP BACK BEFORE THE CITY CO`2-,ISSION FOR FINAL APPROVAI. PRIOR TO RELEASE. pon buin4: seconded by Comii:".issioner Perez-, the motion was 7a«t'c. and adoptt•d l ,: th, fol l n ins vott : AWES: Ccmm-,issicrler Xiilcr J. Dawkins Co=issionur 'Joe Carei to Com.^:is-,ioner J.L. Tr. Vice Mawr Deer- trio Pt r• z , .Jr. Mavor Mzluricc A. Ft:rrt NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 1984 sl µ =;, NUED DISCUSSION: 21. CONTI— CAR REPAIRMAINTENANCE WORK DONE ON CITY 'LANAGER'S VEHICLES. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: All right, we now are back to Mr. Carollo. he are not in the public session here. Go ahead, Mr. Carollo. Mr. Carollc: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Mayor, we have teal minutes _ before we have to break accordin, to cur rules, se I will try to cover as much as I can within; those te:: r-d-utes. if I may, Mr. cer, do you have any City 1ssuc-.' r'_::i` '--ar •:s fC:r yas3llne, sir? Mi. Garv: No. Ii2 Cat"0110: Oka ' nJlh', 1:. t:l" ar*a fi�''�iC:.t-1l 7;8 jC.. ::t ",C_r — state here that case line Costs, as by tr.c Dci of _ B';ildinc and Vet;i _ 1 _ f r^:- F I.r 11 of 1 _ 1 of 1964, is $1.4r . !1. IS t:ia'.. CCrr Ma . Gary. W14at item ark` you u: , Sii . y M . Carollc: I ar. ta1}:i: i:, refe2,_., f; _C a`_ n ......'.._ .. ..__ 1•a you provide_` tC us yeStC-r1_`3:: . Mi. Gary: I have attaci.me:.t r:u . _. . Carollo: The one I ar. referri: _ to is _4 - F,crs^...il ex: Mr. Gary. Okay, I have it. I haVc that sne_t. % . Carollo: Okay, my question is, is the figure of :.'.,4` .71 t::�_ correct ficure as to the cas that you have- mation I got from the Department of Buildinc and Vehicle and I would assume that it is correct. I ar also aware that tc St.::-t. Attorney still has some of those records that we were not atle tc Vic- the information off of. - Mr. Carollo: All right, can I get the file and information.... Mr. Gary: According to Staff - yes, that is the correct figure, ac- cording to the Building and Vehicle Maintenance. Mr. Carollo: Okay, can I get Mr. Cox up here for one second? Mr. Gary: Sure. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Cox, what is the normal procedure when a City em- ployee goes to get gas with a City vehicle at either the motor pool, the Police Department or other areas that the City has gas pumps in? What do they have to sign? What information is taken down, etc.? Mr. Ed Cox: The normal procedure is that their is an attendant at those places that you mentioned. The vehicle comes in, the vehicle number is recorded, the mileage of the vehicle, the Department the vehicle is assigned to and then the driver signs the gas ticket. Mr. Carollo: The driver signs the gas ticket and the mileage is taker. down. Mr. Cox: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: Now, when you say the vehicle number, does that include the tag number of the vehicle? Mr. Cox: No, sir. Just the City... Mr. Carollo: Just whatever vehicle number. Mr. Cox: The City assigned number. 1d MAR 81984 4 4 Mr. Carollo: Okay, as far as the Manager's personal car, was there a vehicle number given to that vehicle, or vehicles, or was the tag placed on? Mr. Cox: Neither, sir. Mr. Carollo: Okay, can copies be provided to myself and the other members of the Commission, as to all the tickets that were made out for the different occasions in which you went to get gas at the dif- ferent City facilities? M.Y. Gary: I'd be happy to give it to you. Mr. Carollo: Okay, can I have it by the next City Commission meetin-, at least, if you would? Mr. Gary. Rich". Mr. Carollc: Thank you ver;. much. Tha-k you, M.. Cc:.. ":r. ";ar:ac__ , Can we get an exact breakcUr:: of the ty1.es of vehicles "ha" }o- have -_ used - private ve icles, since you have beer. City i•ia.nacc-r, , "hall have gore to the motor pool for rel-air or maintena:::-e? Mr. Gary: I Lhlnk. you staLeO It well last t1Tt' - I wiii re.resh vour memory that there have been currently a of theS-_ have CUnc - at the same time. I think it is important for t hE reccrci. ?v -:� h dye gone at the same timt:. . Mr. Carull�. 0:1(C :e h1_le -. S CC..e a`_ t::C Carcl l �; . W:.a _. : r 1: ­nC Cyr\ , Si . — '::. Gar TnC I Ilr. Gary. There is a Mercedes, a:-. Mercedes- Yr. Carcllo: What kind of Mercedes is that? Mr. Gary: Mercedes 4 0-SEL. Mr. Carollo: 450-SEL, 19 0? Mr. Gary: Right. There is a 1979 Mercedes, and there is a 197E Mercedes. Mr. Carollo: A 1979 Mercedes and a 1976 Mercedes. Mr. Gary: Correct. Mr. Carollo. Now, the 19'9 mercrd(!S, wt:at C_- a Me:ce:3es, is Mr. Gary: A 300-Sr) turbo -diesel. Mr. Carollc: 300-STJ turbo-alescI. Mr. Gary: Ccrre_-'_. I•:r. Carollo: And tht other ' 70 A:e: tides: N.r. Gary. 450-SL. M2 . Carollo: A 450-EL. So yc:: have' I1.3: a 1-,Ca J-�L. tuI'b:'-j1eyc i Mercedes, a '7c. 4; _-SL Mercedes, a 19 450-SEL Marce.3c_s :zt': a 1 i BMW. Those are the four vehicles that you Iiave Lai;c•:. tC, _.':c clty muter pool to receive Mr. Manager? .50 I� MAR 81984 Mr. Gary: That is correct. Mr. Carollo: Do you currently own any of these Mercedes, Mr. Manager? _ Mr. Gary: No, I do not. Mr. Carollo: Okay, the first of these vehicles that you used, or should I say that you started using when you were appointed City Manager, was which one, sir? Mr. Gary: Beg pardon? Mr. Carollo: Out of these four vehicles that you drove, which is the first that you started driving when you appointed City Manager? Since, at the time you were driving the VW, that I recall. Mr. Gary: I think it was a ... what kind of car was that? Mr. Carollo: A Volkswagon, or Beetle. Mr. Gary: No, you don't recall me driving a Volkswagon or Beetle when I first started. Mr. Carollo: That is the one that you drove when you came to my house, Mr. Manager, when you were... "s. Gary: About two or three cars I drove when, I came here. Mr. Carollo: Okay, sir. Mi. Gary: The firs` car I starter I out with in terms of what I gave ycu is a '/G. Mr. Carollo: a '%r 45)-SL. Mr. Gary: Correct. Mr. Carollo: Approximately when; did you sell that car, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: I don't have that with me right now. Mr. Carollo: Okay, then the other vehicle - which one? Mr. Gary: 179. Mr. Carollo: '79, and following that? Mr. Gary: 180. Mr. Carollo: The 1960 Mercedes. When did you sell the 1980 450-SEL Mercedes? Mr. Gary: I don't have that information. Mr. Carollo: Approximate time? Mr. Gary: I don't have the approximate time either. Mr. Carollo: You don't remember the month? Mr. Gary: No, I do not. Mr. Carollo: Do you remember the year? Mr. Gary: No, I do not. Mr. Carollo: You don't remember the month and you don't remember the year. Mr. Gary: No, I do not. 51, I MAR 8 1984 Mr. Carollo: Okay. Strange, how for some things, Mr. Manager, you have an extremely good memory, and for others you don't. Did you own any of these two vehicles during the same time, Mr. Manager, or not? Mr. Gary: I don't recall. Mr. Carollo: You don't recall if you owned any of these Mercedes at the same time, or not? Mr. Gary: No, I don't recall. Mr. Carollo: Okay, now, the Mercedes that you drove, were they all under your name? Mr. Gary: Yes, they were. Mr. Carollo: Okay, the titles of all the vehicles were under your na.-ne? Mr. Gary: That is correct. Mr. Carollo: When you bought these Mercedes, they were all used vehicles, correct? Mr. Gary: That is correct. Mr. Carollo: And the total amount of dollars that was spent on car repair and/or maintenance was a total of $10.020.42. Mr. Gary: Do you want an answer to that? Mr. Carollo: I'm asking if that is correct. Mr. Gary: The figure you have there is $10,000. That is what was charged. There are some questions about the charges. As am example, if you look at the first sheet, for labor only to get a car wash, and just to fuel it at the City repair shop cost me $72. Mr. Carollo: Okay, to get your car washed, and that was by hand, right? _ Mr. Gary: Car wash, it says right there by hand and just the to = fuel the vehicle - the labor on that was $72.00, and I am pretty sure that... Mr. Dawkins: That was at the City facility, not at a commercial facility? Mr. Gary: That's correct. Mr. Dawkins: That is at Mr. Cox's facility . Mr. Gary: That is correct, and I can get ten car washes for $72! Mr. Carollo: On the time, the mechanic, (the name is Ronald) put down for three hours of work that he placed on the vehicle, and apparently that included the pickup of the vehicle from City Hall to the motorpool and back. Maybe.... Mr. Gary: That is correct, and it is important to note that prior City Managers, since we use them as a guide, used to get their cars washed at least once a week, and I think if you go through here, you may find, and you will find that if my car was washed once a week like other City Managers, then I was doing good. It seems as though I was getting slighted a little bit. Mr. Carollo: I'm glad you gave us a break, Mr. Manager. Mr. Dawkins: It is 12:00 o'clock and we break for lunch. Mr. Carollo: Can we take this up again when we come back, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: Yes, absolutely. , _ Id .52 MAR 81984 a g`. 22. GRANT REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES OF CHINESE-AIMERICA:N ORGANIZATION FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAYS ON APRIL 23RD AND APRIL 28TH. Mayor Ferre: Wait, wait, I promised the gentleman I would let him say -_ his word. Tell us about the Orange Bowl. Then I say somebody ... Mr. Louis Luke, I promised I would recognize. Louis come up here first, because you have a lot of friends here on this Commission. You want a waiver, you want to have fireworks on Chinese New Year, right? Mr. Louis Luke: No, not the Chinese New Year, because this year April - 23rd we have a very nice annual convention to come from all the United States the annual association. Mayor Ferre: What is it you want, Louis? Mr. Luke: Normally, in China, during an inauguration we have firecrackers only for a few minutes in the parking lot burn the firecrackers for few minutes. — Mayor Ferre: What parking lot? On Flagler Street? Mr. Luke: Yes, on Flagler Street and at the same time and you all are invited. Mayor Ferre: From what time to what time? _ Mr. Luke: Just for five minutes. From 1:00 o'clock on the 23rd. _ Mayor Ferre: What time? Mr. Luke: 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon on the 23rd of April and on the 28th at about 4:00 o'clock on April too. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion that they be permitted to put firecrackers.... Mr. Plummer: So move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: For ten minutes, we will give you ten more minutes. Mr. Luke: Ten minutes, yes. Mayor Ferre: 1:00 o'clock on April 23rd. Mr. Luke: And the 28th, on the 28th and the 23rd, two days. Mayor Ferre: I don't understand. Mr. Luke: Two days, Monday and Saturday. Mayor Ferre: I see, all right. You got it? Mr. Plummer: Those firecrackers will be under 100 lbs. Mr. Luke: Right, under 100 lbs. yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And you had better advertise it, so that people in that neighborhood don't get scarred and think that something else is happening. You better let everyone know that there are firecrackers and not anything else. All right? r Mr. Luke: All right, thank you. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer; second by Perez. Further discusssion? Legal waiver, call the roll. .53 MAR 81984 t f The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-243 A MOTION GRANTING A REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF A CHINESE-AMERICAN ORGANIZATION FOR PERMISSION TO HAVE FIREWORKS DISPLAYS FOR A TEN (10) MINUTE DURATION ON APRIL 23, 1984 AT 1:00 P.M. AND ON APRIL 28, 1984 BEGINNING AT 4:00 P.M. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Carollo: Don't set them up too near City Hall. I don't want to get a higher body guard bill than we already have. Thank you. - Mayor Ferre: Louis, don't go. I want to talk to you. Mr. Luke: O.K., thank you. 23. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MATTHEW LANDRAU. Mr. Matthew Landrau: I want to speak about the Orange Bowl. Mayor Ferre: We need your name. Mr. Matthew Landrau: My name is Matthew Landrau. I'm from Liberty City where the poor people are at. Mayor Ferre: That's right, and you're with the A -team? Right? Mr. Landrau: No, I'm not. This is just a disguise. We're trying to get some business, because business has been slow. He was talking about.... Mr. Plummer: May we ask what business you're in? Mr. Landrau: What business I'm in? Why, I do floors. Wooden floors, — anytype floors I do. I came over here this morning to see Mr. Gary a little later on. But that's O.K. What I really want to talk about is I would like to address Mr. Carollo for about 30 seconds, sir. Dog gone it! In my life time, I've known a lot of people, but I have never met someone so prejudiced and don't like Black people like you do. You have attacked Mr. Howard Gary here. Mayor Ferre: Wait, wait, no, no. Mr. Landrau: Let me finish. Mayor Ferre: I'm sorry. I did not let you...I didn't know you were coming up here to make.... ' f Mr. Landrau: Mr. Mayor, let me finish. if you want to talk on the Orange Bowl, you talk on the Orange Bowl. If you are coming up here to insult a member of this Commission, that's another matter. 54 MAR 81984 sl W ' Mr. Landrau: I'm not insulting him, sir. I'm not insulting him. Mayor Ferre: You tell him that in private. Do you want to talk about the Orange Bowl? You talk about the Orange Bowl. Mr. Landrau: O.K., I'll talk about the Orange Bowl. Mayor Ferre: Quickly, now. Mr Landrau: I'm extremely happy that you all decided to put up a couple of token niggers on that. Thank you very much. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you very much. Mr. Carollo: Don't go away now. I want you to hear me, now that I've heard you. You tell the people that sent you over here today to try to change the realities from what they are. That's the only reason.... Mr. Landrau:, We have people in Liberty City going hungry, sir. Mr. Carollo: The only reason.... Mr. Landrau: This is the best man right here.... Mr. Carollo: I listened to you; you listen to me. Mr. Landrau: You're prejudiced! You are a prejudiced Cuban! Mr. Carollo: You listen to me now! The only reason Mr. Gary is here today is because this Commissioner was the first one that voted for him — and helped him get here. Mr. Landrau: Hell will freeze over before I vote for you again! Mr. Carollo: When nobody else, not even the Black Commissioner Gibson would vote for him, this Commissioner voted for him, sir. You tell the people that sent you over here that. Mr. Landrau: You are prejudiced. I hope to God all Cubans don't feel — like you told Blacks in Liberty City who go hungry, who don't have food to eat and it's because of prejudiced Cubans like you. Mr. Carollo: No, it's because of non -prejudiced Cuban -Americans like me you have a Black City Manager here today. - Mayor Ferre: All right, that's enough now. Thank you. We are now adjourned until 2:00 o'clock. Mr. Landrau: I really appreciate it. Thank you. Mr. Carollo: By the way, Mr. Mayor, I don't need any body guards. WHEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A BRIEF RECESS AT: 12:05 P.M., RECONVENING AT: 2:30 P.M., WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT. .55 MAR 8 1984 sl 0 0 24. PRESENTATIONS, PLAQUES, AND SPECIAL ITEMS. 1. Commendation presented to officer Oscar Tejeda, Most Outstanding Officer of the Month for January, 1984. 2. A plaque and commendation presented to Barbara Hunter, Keith Beckler, James Fisher, Genaro Iglesias, and Hugo Rodriguez, as Outstanding Employees of the Year, all from the Fire Department. 3. Resolution presented honoring Dade's Employ the Handicapped Committee; presented to Armold D. Cortazzo. 4. Certificates of Appreciation presented to Arnold Cortazzo, Donald Strozier, Jeanette Ward, Jorge Alvarez, Doris Price -McCormick, George Watson, Eugene Runnels, Linda Parnell, Robert Carlton and Bruce Colle, for their support of the handicapped. 5. Proclamation presented declaring March 4-10, 1984 Women's History Month; presented to Fran Bohnsack-Lee, of the National Organization of Women. 6. Commendations presented to the sponsors of Miami, Metropolis of the Future program: Aeromexico, Air Florida, Alexander Hotel, Centro Vasco, Dupont Plaza Hotel, Eastern Airlines, Elan Transportation, Fontainebleau Hilton, Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza, Hotel Seville, Interamerican Communications, Key Biscayne Hotel S Villas, Miami Jai Alai, Pan American World Airways. 7. Proclamation presented to Dr. Angela Rodriguez, Director of Urban Studies Institute, Barry University for Community Life Week. 8. Commendation and check presented to Jackson Memorial Hospital Burn Unit. The check is being presented by Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. and is a surplus from his campaign fund. Dr. Ward received the check on behalf of the Burn Unit. 25. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AMOUNT EQUAL TO ONE DAY'S RENTAL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER IN CONNECTION WITH CONCERT BY THE JND CONCERT FOUNDATION FEATURING LUCIANO PAVAROTTI. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Carollo, before I turn the mikes over to you, I have a request here from Judy Drucker. She says she has to meet Mr. Pavarotti at the airport and she needs to get going right now. Would you mind taking her out of place? Do you mind, Miller? Mr. Carollo: No, not at all. Mayor Ferre: Ms. Drucker, while they are turning your mike on, Judy, let me just say on behalf of the City of Miami and the people of Miami that we are so proud of the unbelievable work that you have done. You know there is nobody in Miami that has done more for this community. Well, I guess I'd have to say Ralph Sanchez comes second. But other than Ralph Sanchez and Nat Chediak in that Film Festival were just starting, you've done more to put the name of this community up on the marquee with a lot of bright lights than just about more than anybody that I can think of and I've lived here 31 years, and J.L. has lived here longer than that. Nobody, including -and don't get upset now - Joe Robbie and the Miami Dolphins, and the University of Miami.... .56 MAR 81984 sl e Mr. Plummer: Did you say for the community? Mavor Ferre: The Miami Hurricanes, nobody has done as much in as short a period of time starting with less than has Judy Drucker. You have just done wonders. We're proud of you and we love you. Now what can we do for you? Ms. Judy Drucker: I'm leaving, thank you. (LAUGHTER) I appreciate it. I guess it is because I've lived here for so many years and I love Miami. I know we are going to be even a greater place than we are. Why I'm here is because in about 20 minutes Mr. Luciano Pavarotti will be ariving in a private plane in a private airport and amidst a great press conference, etc. and we have him downtown at the knight Center once again where we have hope to sell the 5,000 seats. We have a very big problem. This is a very expensive concert, as you all know. The City takes 7% of the gross, which would practically wipe us out and make this a labor of love. We generally take this money, which goes to the JND Concert Foundation to use to give tickets to school children. In this particular case, we are bringing the Dance Theatre of Harlem here on March 23, 24, and 25. If we don't have some money to give school children tickets and other people, we can't do it. Mayor Ferre: Judy, Judy, Judy, the key questions -let me cut right through.... Ms. Drucker: Please. Mayor Ferre: The key question is, this is non-profit. Right? Ms. Drucker: Right. Mayor Ferre: Because it has to be non-profit...now how much is it this costs? Mr. Plummer: $17,000. Ms. Drucker.: It comes to something like that. It's 7;,' of the gross, which comes to something about that money. Mayor Ferre: Then you are going to use that money to bring the Harlem Dance Company. Is that what you are saying? Ms. Drucker: Yes, to help us with that and also to have master classes for the Dance Theatre of Harlem in the schools and to invite school children to the other performances we have. If we are wiped out of that then we just can't do that. We hope that maybe we can sort of give it as a grant back into the community. We do not mean to keep it. We mean to give it back into the community. Mayor Ferre: Ready? Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-244 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO ONE DAY'S RENTAL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI/UNIV. OF MIAMI-JAMES L. KNIGHT CONVENTION CENTER IN CONNECTION WITH A CONCERT TO BE HELD ON MARCH 10TH ORGANIZED BY THE JND CONCERT FOUNDATION FEATURING MR. LUCIANO PARAVOTTI. .5'7 MAR 8 964 sl 0 0 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. Ms. Drucker: Thank you very much. We promise you good things. Mayor Ferre: O.K., keep on doing good things. IN -- -_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 . CONTINUED DIKCSSIn`:: _ CAR REFAIR'MATI ,=_NANCI: DORY DO'J-. O': CIT'i �A';ACEF' S VFPICLES. Mayor Ferre: All right, Commissioner Carollo, the Chair recognizes you. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, we are back to the item that we were dealing with with the vehicle repairs - the Manager's private vehicles. Mavor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Carollo: If I may briefly, before we ao back to the bottom lire of the matter, Mr. Manager, I wonder if your memory has gotten any better since this morning and maybe you recall when was the approximate date that you sold the 450-SEL Mercedes-Benz. _ Mr. Gary: Mr. Carollo, I don't have the information before me and I don't see this being germane to the issue. Mr. Carollo: Would you have any objections in giving the date of when you sold this vehicle, to the Commission, Mr. Manager? _ Mr. Gary: Yes, I do. Mr. Carollo: Okay, well, maybe the reason that you might have some ob- jections, Mr. Manager, is that on February 10, 1983, there is a repair bill of $4-,.25 for a Mercedes-Benz 300-D. A few weeks later, on March 30, 1963, there is a repair bill, or should I say, labor only, of _ 510E for the picking up of this Mercedes-Benz at the Hollywood-Linccln Mercury and delivered to Dinner Key. On April 12, 1963, there is — $1,174.57 on the 450-SEL Mercedes-Benz. That is repair parts. Or. April 11, 1983, we have 510E and it says here, circled, $784.42 for the same Mercedez-Benz. On April 13, 1963, for labor, repair parts, tires and tubes, $676.42. Apparently, over a two months period, Mr. Manager, you have had two Mercedes-Benz the City was repairing for you - in the morning you didn't recollect it at the time. What I am driving_ at, Mr. Manager, is that within days after this Mercedes 450-SEL re- ceived several thousand dollars of repair bills from the City - repair work that was done on that vehicle, this Mercedes-Benz was sold - was it or not, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: To answer yolr question in terms of whether it was sold, the answer is, I have sold that car. Mr. Carollo: And you sold it immediately after the City of Miami paid or _ for several thousands of dollars of repair bills on that car. This is why you can't answer me of when you sold the vehicle. Mr. Mayor, I think that this Commissioner needs to clear the air of these repair bills once and for all and I think that it is detrimental for the Manager to present proof of when he sold these vehicles -co this Commis- sion, and if what I am saying is not accurate, then let the Manager show that to this Commission and to the taxpayers of this City of — Miami, but I think if the City of Miami spents several thousands of dollars of repair bills for a vehicle that was privately owned by the Manager, and that vehicle was sold immediately after the City repaired it in tip-top condition, that that is a gross violation of the Manager's trust. Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. .59 Id MAR 81984 to ld Mr. Dawkins: I'd like to ask some questions of the City Attorney. Mayor Ferre: Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. City Attorney, ever since we have been into this, we have gotten, in my opinion, conflicting opinions from you. Now, I am going to read from your memorandum dated February 10, 1954, Subject: Compensation of City Manager, to Commissioner Carollo. In it you say, and I am taking parts of your report: "....third and most importantly, the key more specific phrase listing the car benefits is most confusing, un- grammatical, and capable of conflicting interpretations." Is that correct, sir? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That is what it says. Mr. Dawkins: Is that what it says, or is that you said? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Both. I stand, Commissioner Dawkins, by that statement. I think that statement is absolutely true. Mr. Dawkins: Okay now, isn't it commonly done, when an attorney gets ready to given an opinion, that usually that attorney does some re- search? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Ns. Dawkins: Okay, and even though you said in your memo that the language regarding the City Manager's emolument is unclear, don't you think, sir, as a City Attorney, it was your duty to come to this body and tell us that it was unclear and we should clean it up? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I am not sure that I understand your question. Mr. Dawkins: What part of it that you don't understand, sc I can help you understand it, sir. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: What it is that you think I should have told you to clean up. Mr. Dawkins: If you said, and I will read it again, sir, so that we are talking about the same thing: "....third and most importantly, the key more specific phrase listing the car benefits is most confusing, un- grammatical, and capable of conflicting interpretations." That is what I am talking about. If you felt, as a lawyer, that this body was doing something that was not clear, in understanding, as the legal arm of this body, wasn't it your duty, sir, to help us to clean it up and tell us to clean it up? .60 - - MAR 8 1984 Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Now I understand your question, Commissioner. I think you have to bear in mind that what I was- referring to, there, was language of an agreement several years old, which was no longer in ef- fect. Having said that, I have also advised the Commission, and this memorandum was written on Fetruary loth, so it was less than, 30 days ago. I have also stated publicly as well, that yes, I think it is im- portant given that situation, namely, that you are referring, not you specifically, but we are all referring to an agreement which is no .longer in effect and which is confusing and ungrammatical and so forth and so on, I have stated publicly before, and will repeat to you again now that it is important in my opinion for the Commission to address and resolve this issue, but I don't think it would serve any purpose for me to redraft a portion of an agreement which the Manager surren- dered two years ago. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, with that said, wouldn't it be appropriate, since you were not there when it was drafted, since you did not know the intent of the draftees, wouldn't it be appropriate to rely on the opinion of the attorney who was then the City Attorney at the time that this was going on? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Well, this is what I was trying to tell the ,Mayor this morning, Commissioner Dawkins. I look for any legal opinions dealing with this subject. I found none. What was presented to me this morning for the first time is a memorandum which was not given a legal opinion designation, but more importantly, what that designation carries with it, namely the indexing and placing it in a posture in which it can be found later on, such as now. For me to have found this single page memorandum, assuming I knew it was there, which I did not, would have required going back over my predecessor's reading files, and I can tell you from my own experience, as I mentioned to the Mayor this morning, those reading files, which he kept the same way that I keep them, namely everything that goes through that doesn't belong in any specific place gets put in that reading file. There is no index; it is basically in chronological order, but that is about it, and it covers literally hundreds of different subject matters and I would have had to go through every single page of all of George Knox's reading files and if he kept them as I do, and I think he did, there are probably thousands and thousands of single sheets of paper that would have had to be manually inspected, so what I am saying to you is, that this memorandum was not something that was there for a subse- quent researcher to find at the time. Having had the memorandum be- fore me since this morning, as I indicated to the Mayor, I think there are two things that I have to say about it. Number one, I think that given the fact that this memorandum was written by the then City At- torney, your City Manager was entitled to rely upon it. I think that should be made clear. Number two, with the same clarity, I've got to tell you, with all respect, that I don't agree with this memorandum. According to the terms of this memorandum, if Mr. Gary were to have gone out and spent $40,000 on a brand new Mercedes-Benz, this memoran- dum says literally that he could have turned his invoice for the $40,000 into the City and you would have reimbursed him, and that is crazy! Mr. Dawkins: Okay, it is not that way. See, I am not asking you what you would do now as City Attorney. See, I am asking you what was the s opinion of the guy who was the City Attorney at that time. See, now you are telling me what you would have done now as the City Attorney. I am not asking you that. And I am not asking you if what this memo- randum says is ludicrous or funny, or genuine. The memorandum exists. _ Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, Commissioner, the memorandum exists and I think that the answer to your question is that the memorandum says that if Manager Gary provides his own car, the City is responsible for the purchase, insurance, maintenance and repairs. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, now with that in mind, and with again your say- ing third and most importantly, the ke}hnost specific phrase, listing the car benefits is most confusing, wouldn't you say that the City Manager, not being as learned as you are in law, had every right to assume that what he was doing is correct in view of the memorandum? ld .61 MAR 81984 Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, I think I have answered that one already, Corr,- missioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: Well, I didn't hear it, se would you answer it again, please, sir? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I told you a moment ago that in light of the fact that the then City Attorney, five days earlier, rendered a memorandum on this subject, a blind carbon copy of which is shown to have gone tc _ Mr. Gary, that he was entitled to rely upon it. Yes, I think that is what you pay a City Attorney for, but I respectfully disagree with you, if I might, Commissioner, in your opening proposition that I have given you different advice on this matter. I think my position has been con- sistent throughout and remains the way that it is set out in my memo- randum - my legal opinion of February loth, but to answer your question, I think Mr. Gary, with a statement from the then City Attorney, was entitled to rely upon that statement. Mr. Dawkins: In other words, Mr. Gary really and truly didn't exercise the broad right that he had, because he did not ask the City to pay him for the purchase of the car. Is that correct, sir?...under this memo- randum. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: It is my understanding that Mr. Gary did not ask for reimbursement for the cars that he purchased for himself, yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: Okay. Mr. Gary, I was hoping that I didn't have to come to this, but it is evident by the gentleman who came here this morning, that there is a community out there who is fed up with this attack on your personal credibility and etcetera. I have been approached, I have been cursed, I've been fussed at, I've been argued at, in that they do not seem to understand that here in America, everyone is entitled to his opinion and is free to express that opinion and should have the right to express that opinion. At yet, a segment of this community fails to be given that, and I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do this, but I have no choice. Regardless of how good a City Manager you may learn to be, the stigma of being Black will always follow you. Institutional racism will be in America as long as there is an America. Individuals will harbor racist thoughts without malice, sometimes not for any other reason, but because they are thought to hate Black people and you are Black. I regret that I have to sit here and see racism at its ugliest and unfortunately, I do not foresee in the near future that racism will stop existing in America. I fought in two wars and watched the Viet Nam fiasco and now I see Americans dying in Beirut. Yet, Black Americans are still not allowed full citizenship in their own country! Many White City Managers have operated in the same manner in which you operate in managing the City of Miami affairs. Yet, their managerial styles have never been questioned to the extent of demanding a Grand Jury to investigate their managerial decisions, but that is to be expected when you are Black and good. As long as you remain Black, and that you will, it is my personal opinion that the harassment, humilitation, and confrontation that you have undergone in the last month, solely due to institutional racism practices will always occur at one time or another, but hold your head high and remember that there will always be those individuals who do not wish to see you suc- ceed, who do not wish you to earn the high salary, and who do not wish you to do a professional job! Those individuals refuse to accept that a low Black boy from the Project could rise to the top and be a strong role model for Black males and females or other young minority males and females, for that matter. Those individuals would rather like to per- petuate the Black stereotype of Blacks being shiftless, worthless, un- able to achieve and not being professional as you are. I am tired of ■ watching you being harassed and humiliated and I wish that the City of Miami gets behind you and supports you in your effort to solve the problems that face this City of Miami and let's get on with the business. Mayor Ferre: All right, are there any other questions from other mem- bers...I will be back to you in a moment, sir. Let me give everybody else a chance. Any body else - questions or statements? All right. .62 ld MAR 81984 rr a . 3 that wi3ul"i like` %_ c ay i t , 11. v i„ ti'2unzr. iasic'3,1 W!,il'i, I:i; Cc1{IE' �it"r\` Ciat l\' illlt TF3i ti11LI1{ ]:i t�sE° kal5g'.1 st Cti G., 'ti .{.' t( E .h. ur-;n; Spolk ' C'r, eV?,r tlii'1rI e1, r ` h' ,ii .a of c1:i 1:1( 15:1 r1131 tfsi.' ,it„ .:1. , * 1 •. 3. ; c't: :i C. t3r70t}ltY aYryc3, andI $' ;1C!: c:s`, t,rrC C?' t CQmT�ftit. 4i i! tilE f:f.al;' GIr'`•_' ;.3"''Y t ra7i. Wa a"e C.iC nor , wr ,ii u a i Ji h'c ' i ,S i K Cit}i=i wtij , th. tht v "urn a,,: tk, "Ltif , x � 2: h`C. a°use "of i it is be^c3 Est of r"1` t'3' '_ 1` iu �r�_' _� f" T3.•c It ;i5 t. _p'c+r `' inn re1iaion W'E-11 w"lclt wog a '1. 1c 2iQ,i'_ 3' what 18 wror,(I I l"a t C'_::l,t.i �c ;T:. 41 � n::i .! Color, wi inan's teliaicn, wit:i a rran's rt_ 'wi "�,..z'...1 a'`x?rt::3.1.lt• 'CIr q her, Mr Gary wa-L first ,b. rC5 ,1 i'Ir i `w �r.r' 1x ' A� 'Df x hi s 4..... .;t,' •l �`, City MarTacei , it: was '. :t ilS _ x '. a..a, 4 t^ r ct.s Corrr,:,issionrC%' VC)t:.e=" fQr '.;' G r V 0 CVJ1'C, 1 other "htemi•rr of this l"'omxu is��Io`% 1c. wl tf'. F'• t'_ ih:d '. tl:"+`, 1 .:i ' the Llack Com;7.isczlori i4la' t h +'im": the day. M.r G- r1r'..rC._£ I \'c,.i t:1,2.fr!' v rece i , ed two votf. ; f rJm Of4 T"z i I s; 1 And finally, on the 10th ba1.1ot it was tlel T_sa. r moii is s r a, i:i%, triL- t:iiro tT.te-, _'et ...C:'Yr_ 1 r`­6 I.' tw'� iS, ,.<,:.:. .✓. .i:i " 1 , 7 tine; him, ut, acal:;s' ..ht wall G' i' wc-ul, C"i_ii'c t._, fC',r iu v.. 8o, let's not star'-' hr1:s J1nr 1 s i3k z2 L<3: L,e C 1: lr, t.t, r. ncss into arc -as that it 1,%a-w q tn d,,.-1wl % 11. \7CtEC for e (,.••;F: to'cl. ' CY' a '` hiri, clsi_ that, tr.T'v ll is_Iti is brinair v that I y 44 J. • is richt and wi,at is wr : J,t ',4 J� r,� �, F Y a..,y. does scmet,''iir ' hut: lib * si awa%? with it! I do.n'4 "irf`~if w(r ha'?;: u y,r ca`:c r✓:r< re^+, pink, .ti . is :iY al , E. . :T. I f that a r. _ ' ... r, ..gym ;:. l �...is ..},.a ,.. a., r' C t.. r... ..: that is lrt=flri'ECt, iluCron,%a'1 1t1. i. anC)J. a pu_-lic hearing a; tC ^'a','r tv', l a C.; '�r`w., 1 ha %. .:3 . t.: '' i 'aii2- the Opuort,lriity tv C1�'ar InIr, :f l.i i. ` t?�'F :'al i�r a Ill C,r£ fuses. First of ail , he sa, ! d,,- e s: ` t rig,.,_ inhc:r Wh ; a additional oF,3Qz'tur.lty to bra a "! c: ir, oi=a-it.`: 1-,e f or }r I..S he refuses the:" We11, 1�r t':i.lv?;'�I an CJ L:.1 s S i C :. r•rs' anc: t,3 t_ G. >,.l k' pub 1iC, it is clear }2E'rC, :I: Car' wal , ' rivin 7 c. :r': ce dt S Bi_ 3( 3 that was brought in for rewairs' to t:Tr Cif,' rct�u ;.001 .•:. Frvli aar: of 1963. In April and March of 1 3 t"-;e Citv o Mi a —I s,-e-It in th, neighborhood of $ ,0J;3 ir; repairing X.,- Ga ry s Other Mtc yes - L--t.. z, a 450-SEL. That Mercedes-Benz was sold ir"LmEdliately after the Clt, sr c:.t several thousand dollars on that vchirle. Now, 1 havc. g>iti:.'r: Yr. Gar, the opportunity to Shoe: that theft is not the, ca,;,e ar. that of h: iC'l.t wa not sold immediate'}' .altE?2' the City spent Si \''r3? tl,J it.i'su �ii.1r ZE" pairing it. Mr. Gary refuses. I would like h;r. Gary �iG S^?:+ us, t3 ' after the City spent several thousand dAvIlars or, that vehicle 'hf- didn't makt= any additional 'monies after hte solid tl:e' \*Q?;ici Vr ;� r refuses to do that The bottom line is that 111.1r.teary wants to got aM., with murder. And:1 don't -care who the Mar;c5i�.ii2' wo ild be that wot:,!'d d0 something lake that, I would take tide, saw ti.:1sit:c*r, ar:d this has nothing to do - like some. iDeoPle are trvi'rit to ` it 'EL t inF o i t of the 'color of someo ie' s skin, ; their z t l.icic,.:'.' their creEc-d t h Et r nationality or anything else This has to (3- with what is r ig. � rr what is wrong and I am not going to let a> yl)o� y t e I me now that i , right is wrong and what is wrong is rici,t.; Mx. Aawk�zis: Mr. Mayor.. Mayor. Ferre yes, sir. Mr, vawl�ins'a S0metiir'sf;s wesit c"tnd III ai.t: i"r,..k.* , a, .u... 1t xT get earj ed away and we n;�=ref l zc�;uce: i ,Met ?� .,,, ti is tr a who has averiDught r3j'; alltGirh;3:i1r' at Csrsc ?.lMC, (:*' T,, 2 i r-^i' is r�`'f r �d 't0 aS d 1f fioi: ri {n2ic T1 �'t:a` aVe x :'*Tait. 1 c. pL C a$G what they j+ Call a Jinxed' 'i12 `I ti ia':" t WC. r t f.r G ? in It arid thEy}' CEt X1d C,f it: l}w at]E'i-' It'. 1` "3r'}; 1' ity that the: autonohil,,2 that we art. 63 MAR 81984 t a .- :"a,! c]ny :Y,f" lEIat- Fa:: .caEJt.. �:�"�,r' '�.:� Cf:-. ...,`??`Ir;.c..l, 1C�.�1 }. '•.L' k.. .tiF.+ t:.l.:' a`s.yi wad` a'T '1.:i ti+r iiav ar5_ma 'i c is ti't Ma ka'_ er wrat o •r ar i rom at'.i:'ther cat:. .fit. w},2.i'si SJI ±:t,.xt W'a .2. wa', Y 1 1, — �. . ul he-e We ha .r t: i1Y . a ro.i 1.:t w.'i; 1 C_ f:t_'. E' atidti;'." was op.+:I'.ai"127g., i1;13r.,f '".1 of .i ;i r 7c a,,I t_het C.`i At � 'ez r.: 1r 2"k' 1S r� .�'.a.3.Cr1�" ,��� 1 ♦ F Y c:1 Jr,+ hat, ' , ,� �.a. l , la .:. _ t rr tC!T`F wc3� i C "2l 2,'tc , ty '`t.isr + k' wa ?a i r r ;.F` 1 + an J 5i 2 I I: , WC., L7 cAah,o't'g Cdr i. he ..a-nt a::d 1 '"_.'.}." 4.' _ rOcarr'llc' .to ads i t I,, -a `yrf_ ) MtYa r '.. .l. tI;1"f.^ C.".,:'a,�2". '� �J: i..:•r E'[l E: is OneY, t' a.t �^ taYS: r i✓il`_ tiC' di' r t do i1' a , so C .l. :t f ` a.,`(: he�n all tti3 E' .l - Fi i`' r fC,r your ,Mr CaiC,llo, 7 wc;�;Id i Tk iC say v=`u }.ci a r1 ex? Y : s v=ML}Y o, iniC:t:,' ra:".u 'as a me:71 e, 2 !:tar :t1,.i�F i uCi Si> iiab'_' u Yl CaC btii":'I raid` *hin to thaE- ffrr)"t L ia' r`EJu t yl - ' ham- .. ,7 f jY... Y x . ' .fi: i"� -� :.y �... f '� tic SC3 si`e ri .. ,... tII re axa +'�.t i�_, 1::� . ice. ..: �1 Y:" out 4�'..r'.i �'� i � 2.r �. wr'i'J i'f'r-.i':: a'. right ttii `.2'tiiik that 'ii`;1 :arts- �i:YCJriGt' aY'�::' I� `.+ -�'. Y: ,s..w: 'C7': 3rt wroitw, fiy.r,''I i3r{ j`u:=� iiE l2tFi' t: C tiri, 1l arti, wn c, .1: — arE: rl ;, thinki it +ii(zaY 4 r o.nq,+ Fi: i ..1 aC. C n I's I F, SC'?.dl �. r•p Y '' '±:.. t di Sa j3 E+:' wit ' S' t'1, i t :�R'� �. ' W } c eiC,." Fist n,i C, w,:;al .,i;'.. sa t:ia`. al)ou :T know, You know, o , a. "a CL'4? a,31. 2: - v .� c ,.. Ja.4.,u i s• '.� sn. i i LS' . +.::t: j. taar:' was a:.j aZ cl' , rt. W. Fern".-.. atii � r.i� + i1;':Cr t. .. H', �'.. waz + Via. _a� k Y t S, n r s G1«wl lr.i lr 1, ,r+...- S 'r Da wk 1'n '.;:i 1. r, .tiAat aI - a.. k_: thCa I_ t+rti1l:.-: aY, s,3T ,G1",. ;':C* cir..a :is 30: was.. �2h4L7 1. 2I hisan,, t,-' m(': I; W..".i.,1{s,,,i +o a'u: Eel Y .:d" "_ `'f' C..+..,m si:iC7 :', vr,,niCl}' this`.. area MC« t:"+ 1I': t her;E: 4,hXJ>>r�..,? i t maybe 3tr s i r +`t2'.t: ;YE ' k. ;3:+' wE'l,1• that;iri'1 �', �:*34' + b + woi l: hu,.. soa �.'�`hin,: 1ik that SeCO'T1:.l' 0f 3l }, "•;Y a v. r LS v' a SwF X SrE' `+ the last C6z-rni!;s +1 ' } '' t tYti 5 ^C 1 k icl: meC.IL r,y a. (: w.fC? w. _. CGZ:t.rac for hl� 'r � f'_ t3xti' Q 1E'Gt 3f3::;x C>`3 there Yt ca=t +• �" ^" ;: X a t _ to k..:_ } er i .. �:.., was 1i:'id'+1veu in wrltirir: .,-hat contract. Th(:' samtti i�7iv sC-ual. t. at �io' ...: thi=,, so -cal led other opi::ior. that was vnry vaque and the same i ldiv id": ;. as, a business partner, and was a bl uzI ess, part?+er of ?'x'. ais2"j'! ': Ca'v , - thc questio' l IS lust how far is r�'!x:5 1" m1.r^s3.Ori L?��.:t� J. a cCI 'J ti;ur.a�E'r go? Based on wnat: ;'fir D wk3 'S Is aix'."aZ tit, n, 1it. Put the fact of the illegal bids that were take.,wht. n t ke fx.*I�o-_5 f Ft ui!: Y - ture coI _raet of Grand'a. :'zd ., >fa r: :arc, t}�r r; that w :l i r,a� u rrx Ex :r,f. an 3 a; its Gass; t n.d d; 2 L, � f t � Jec 2 cz w�ti:. l^r �r}'< tr}ci a:^t �.tu�, t;.:s_ Mr + G,,;iiders n had i i ed about his cr dent:ial �i � , cidt' a I f iaC L , �'� was vk r t aal i xCssrdvl t�;i' 2 n a` court of law, t.rit:: t�;a L w�ul d haLrf' Yd a' c "Ir,i aYit.i-White he::a:use J,hrouq :r tat ui:, acairM' ?,. 5ca�, tt.� k+k`'tCSr! li?:L hc3;€; IS that we h4vi:, got, to pJ;*' t; is, ti;:irk c3,Id �la{:k t'"i2d.n to the 51de, 7h' s has r: t!:2r+� t yt,i kit�i F .4`a� i7X:' +N'::3.tc? T�i. a i �h Y'r has tc do a lot wit�t z1t`,I; or ticrol.9. All that "'x'. Gary has to iw to Gleox some oi the aa.r i roduf- t K: :�i'=? cf _alE : 'rX. mar^: zE'- fuseto do t.ia'i !*tJwf the City fittonic'yr hi4 is t';t'. '"x" Gary was riot entitled to thfi repair hills ii, t?ii3si' tTChl^iEr. M2 G u_' >+ as of Ar:ri l :.`t?, wa:s riot `r r'r`ki r c; uir .&., a .',r kind of vla+fi t.hf- timE Vlat molt Oi=t�lfr these r"elA..a1r ,1-. ll C'., h'c:X k' .�.:..�J3�TC 1�'A+' i arr.x: ixoZTd Air.. .,+ 'Ot. ,. {. .? Cir' t r 2 + 1. Mail Coda, . � ,_ irn 1 �' as -. e, r� t.f'IX'ee mantlis wC- hat.'i . f et me noaxi th C'xa'_ T c m'-:uilt r : }12: 'wa7 'j'C'r1X Jai: uary lSt tIrlough FE'brl u'aY" r.3t:11`t t>'E: C1 t_7, " ".,.1 a8: .3 '1 ,r Syiis tlellr?,�". 1:"i rL;�:Yciir"a.:Ii':J" b;,r ta3rJ�;; F'Ik-�'i3it •VTC'i1-:14•, t'"':ti, � C�. LT.`.y:t.Y.�'i-,�:. a. C;Ptf "tt ei', bl3"; Yi.4r on � eI1 yZ1;, t:Ut^ # GLI? It I Y: r.3 j ... i.r'. k', fairliliar With;��i["'tisC � 4 13 busirzsst� :'tdt' '2t sureaf'k T to fi-L` �ik:c Cij e'.t•Z' x f *:t.l3r 1r0': .}a4'C 5'MC 4 7ij'AGrT :' *''t }.S': H'l.f .Z�c i Zi +.1'!E: 1Sx : -aY k',+i 3r m;t•.: 1-"" tr1r_ l?..`i f. is, what i'e t ',2 r -,mja F. MAR 8 1964 -A y that what is wton,::i is right? is want to turn its face and sa J the case', the Commission can do that, but. I thinl.. this Corr- - a s. to take: a st.ann on, way or the othE-r. ry Mr. Ma`; Fe -re Gn bF� f r,re I recocni;­e you, I've keg qii et, and W_ ha a2 oF�.7.rtu.-.ity tc, maks-% -il-i4 to lc-t issic: s t e-.­ W- tc�,, rya}:(_ C"'Ic- IT! a mo:7,i-.-.' an J jkc to make cnE, aftc.r has made one. else Fer r e - I will re­o=.Jz�-, you rir;':t afti that. Anvbod-. W� trrakE- a ? Mr. F 1 r Mr. 'Ma-Y-r, I likewis:c-., exce,, fcr a few tirr.-:­ ttlat ques- i ed - po, ot go n� o 1 v e Tn% - lion� wer,_: and I ti: to rer n d - I am thi-k sc I do.-, ' t war.t to I,-, this kind of an It IFwronc. I �ust wa:-.t to ask a few questions. , a! vou a,peaz �x StalAttorneys officc in reference , Mr. yes, Sir M- . P I 1.11M LM 1-: r rmer.!,�rF of the motor pcsl in the Building an also) al rC.-are Gar.,*: That is corre_t. unr L you 1.;rc)4uc:c a' 1 c,�7 the records that have been produced r.� h r o d av Mr Gar That is corre -t, anJ mere. At+ best of your knowledae, is this M, r F 1 u.:. :i� r Cit� torne-Y, to tht I -)or authority the State A invesiaation bcina done hy t.le Proper ttorney still on going? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: To the best of my knowledge, yes. Mr. Plummer: Don't you feel that the best place for that investigation to be done is in the hands of the State Attorney? Mr. Carollo: Nobody has questioned that, Cor%missioner Plummer. Mr. Plu. ­rir e r: Nno, I arc just asking the question, sir. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, I think the investigation of something like that is witl-lin thc, purview of the State Attorney's office, yes. Mr. Plu.Trjrer: Than.}: you. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Perez, any questions or statements? Mr. Perez: Something that I would like to clarify, Mr. Gary. The question -st that Mr. Carollo has made here today - did you have to answer that question to the State Attornev or to any other investigation group? Mr. Gary: I have answered those questions and others voluntarily to the State Attorney. if you recall, when the allegations were initially made, I was the one who immediately said that since there is some con - tern, I will ask the State Attorney to investigate. Mayor Ferre: Ladies and G-c -T­,tlemen, I as I am sure you have noticed .r quiet throughout this proCt:,e3iy1q. -u-th r, I have not kel-t rathc F ! ex-.M - 0 C. I stopped it, because I think it is mu:lt too irrq=tant an issue for the Chair to try to dissuade- - nor do I think that I could in all propriety. What oh,viciusly if: happening is tflat we are going through an evaluation of the Manaqer, and that evaluation comes, at--c-ut and I thir.k. ComiTiissiorer Carollo, is eminently correct, becausc of important information that deals witi-, at. IT-. PCrta,­.t issue before us. A!,-; even though we are not into Alril, 65 MAR 81984 All it and the April is the month that we evaluate the Manager, because of these special circumstances, this has matter has precipitated a very, very, open and frank and tough discussion. I commend Commissioner Carollo for his for'.hrightness and for his strong feelings and courage in represent- ing his viewpoint and I commend the Manager for being as forthright and as strong in his convictions. Now, before I get the issue, since we now have gotten into this evaluation process, I would like to say that it has not been three years since Howard Gary was appointed City Mana- ger. I was not one of those who voted for Howard Gary for the ... I don't know how many times we ended up voting, unlike Commissioner Carollo. I must say however, in all candor, and I say this very sincerely and I have no axes to grind at this point, that in my opinion, Howard Gary has been one of the best, if not the best City Manager that this City has had. Now, I would just like to on the record point out some of the accomplishments that I just very quickly noted here on a piece of paper, and my assistant kept bringing me notes, but I have enough here; I don't need any more. The Bayside Contract with Rouse is probably one of the best handled major developments of the public/private sector. The on- going negotiations and handling of the very, very, difficult contract at the Knight Center has been in my opinion, outstanding. Of course, you had help from Vince Grimm and many others, but you bear the ultimate responsibility of those negotiations and so far, they have gone well. The cable television contract that was negotiated by this Manager with T.C.I. is the largest ... the largest cable company in America, and now the associate of Knight-Ridder Newspapers in many joint ventures through- out the country, I think speaks for itself. You had help there. You brought on board qualified people. We had the best attorneys in the country with Porter and Arnold from Washington - a law firm that the City of New York has now paid over $1,500,000 to their cable television. We got for a fraction of that, some very quality legal advice, and as a consequence of that, the cable T.V. license that the City of Miami has is the standard in the nation. All over America, people refer to the Miami contract as the contract to try to copy. The Finance Department has been totally restructured.. As a result of that we are getting time- ly audits for the first time. I have been here - how many years, Plum- mer? Mr. Plummer: 13. Mayor Ferre: 13. You have been here 14. In the 13 years that I have been here, and I am sure Mr. Plummer can tell you about his 14 years, the one mess the City has always had is its Finance Department. It has always been a mess. It goes back to Mel Reese's day; it goes back to Paul Andrew's day and it goes to Richard Fosmoen, and this is the City Manager in my 13 years serving this Commission, that has straightened it out! Now, because of that, we are getting statements from our audi- tors without qualifications for the first time ever! And as a conse- quence of that, at both Standard & Poore and Moody's, and you saw Jim Redford make a statement in the last few days that the rating - the people up in Wall Street were very nervous in Dade County and this and that and I know that has to do with Proposition One, but Dade County did not increase it's rating and the City of Miami did. We went from "A" to "A+". Now, in the 13 years that I have been serving here, we have been rated down. We've gone down and then we climbed back up again to "A", but we had never gotten to "A+" and we did it last year and it happened during his tenure in office, and as a consequence of that the municipal finance officers have given us a certificate of compliance. Now, let me tell you what that means. There is no other government that I am aware of in the State of Florida (Is that right, Mr. Manager?) that has gotten the municipal finance officer's certificate of compliance, and what that does, is it tells everybody who is looking upon Miami, that this is a certifiably well -managed financial institution, the. City of Miami, and we have a certificate of compliance. That is a very difficult thing for a city to acquire. We have it, and we did it just during this time. We have labor peace. We have just concluded the negotiations with the Fire Fighters. I just saw Bob Alexander and he was smiling and I said "You did all right, didn't you?" He said "Yes, we are happy". Well, we are happy to and I want you to know that this is second time we have gone through a process and you have had help there. You have got the best. You have Dean Mielke helping you on that, but the fact is, that you take the responsibility for twice in a row now, coming up with contracts. .66 MAR 81984 Id a r l 7. s!; t a, ssavc „c.0 ,: Cz&,.✓L NLnI.c lii LII;L %-.LLy Wlittii L1LlV.5 dll:, over hm£r:iCd ;nacs .Dey°n igfUpt ncj and breaking 'apart: We are about to settle -the 'rates Casey h1ch has been the Albatross hanai'ng over M atni's neck for'the Last Y s3s oi" seven years, and there I think we have to :compliment also our pity Attorney and George Knox, who was involved previousl? , in tr'ysina to nettle the rates Case. The Police Department, forget this Harms !ksullabalbb The fact is that the Police Department, by everybod78 .A-,tduhting standard= has been substantially ittroved.: The Parks and- tecreation Department has been consolidated: We are about to inauautate 4.rlise Marti Park. Hadley Park is on its way. Gibson Park has bed: Oreat= ' improved and we are about to come forward, ho,efully, if the peo0,7­ illt of Miami will support on Tuesday with the largest bond issue that the _P.Ity'of Miami has ever put out to the 'public, and I know that it isn't ±Ust goina to be the Slack community responding to this Black City ,Manager, but that the White community, Hispanic and English speaking ;is '"going to respond, and that is going to be atest imonyto I.think ,.the «direction the 'City of Miami has gone under this tanager: The General Pund°surplus, for three years in a row this City has had a'General Rind ''surplus. The last one was how much? j Gary: About sip: or 'sevenmillion dollar ,Mayor Perre: Six to seven million' dollars! `How man}� 'cities in Ameril. ca With a budget of $190,4O OOO has a surplus three years in `a roc, for $ 000,000? The Overtovn disturbances I don't think anybody hesitate ted to comment that if it hadn't been for Howard Gary 'out there in ;'those streets talking to those kids and dealing with it, what occurred in 1982, after the Nevel Johnson shooting, which we are smack in the rJmiddle of right now, we would have had a much worse situation. We would have had a repeat of 1980.So who can deny, and I have just mentioned :the more salient points. Who can deny that this Manager in less than three years has done an outstanding job.. Now, has he been perfect? Of course not. And he has made some bad mistakes! i personally thought that what he did before President Reagan arrived here was inappropriate, but I understand his feelings, so I respect his rights to speak them. I thought it was strong medicine the day before the President arrived here.: Unfortunately I think the press also gave it much too much im- portance and made it a lot worse than I think it would have been. I question. very much, with all due respects, and if it hadn't been for a Black man saying that, if, just for a moment, a White City Manager, or County Manager had made that statement, it wouldn't have made the same kind of news. So you have ask the question too. I think what he did was wrong. I respect his right for doing it, but I think also we took it totally out of proportion. This second thing of course was the matter of the credit card situation, but that was a personal thing that ,he has to deal with and everybody got upset about that and there has ,been a lot of talk. Put it right on top of the table! And the third thing of course, was the question of the firing of Harms. Now, again this thing isn't over with. We haven't heard the full story. I don't know the full story. The Manager has told me that when he is at liberty .to release it, he will release it and that I will be satisfied that his firing of Harms at 2:47 P.M. was justified. Now, with this kind of a >track record, as far as I am concerned, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, And I will wait for that answer because I am Sure that when it is done and documented, and it is my opinion, and i feel confident that we will understand why what he did was done. Now, I admire his forbearance in sitting quietly through all of the furor that is going on, while we don't have the full facts because, obviously* at this point there are investigations going on! You know this matter has been before the State Attorney, You know this matter has been be= `.fore the Grand .fury and these things have not been concluded, When they are concluded, I am confident that there will be a clear pattern as to why what happened, happened. And lastly, we now have the case of }e automobile, which is the issQd that we are on. But, I didn't want to get to the issue we are on until Ihaq gone trougathe others good and bad, Now, I must say that there are several things that Mana- ger has done that I think, perhaps his style may be wrong, but are we here judging his style? Or, are we here in Judgment of the substance .67 MAR 81884 1 7777�TE =71 "ailk i0 4: �J ,TgN 4� "AU 0 t�z, i J 3 4, b h ctf tl low tie ��ahades th 6 C itat as I: aP,,,. ribd,;tbe t iahaged at this It i in 6 Now, t h e i s u e of the au-ltbi�rinbi le. Agaif'; i fi k' there is an% I.eaa i question, b, i t that the City and Cohr.' sionj as i Mavor arc- basicallv at fault. And are: at fault- bef-auso s tL,4 tell and y cu w e r -_- o p p -D s e ere was a contta,.:t which I was three other merdlc-rs of this 'Corm-rdsczion had their wav and their will was that was.,'t gcina to be t In e 1: f- -w that that contract was to remain. 1 kn;i t t forever, and sure enouah, in. April of 192", it fell, Aft er r that, on the record, I very clearly stated that this was a matter that was to retut- to the Commission for discussion an! that we v e shouldn't leave any ions:' matters hanging and I wa­1 to real i.n+-o the record exactly what I sai-I once again: "The other things that had been brought out in the press as a result of some of the requests of your office, for example, such as the fact that there is a car owned by the City, which is at the disposal of the Me anaar intermittently at different times. You have also received rental cash for leased vehicle,-; or a car allowance, if you will. That seerns to be somewhat nebulous and I think that needs a little clarification. And I don't think it needs to be done at this particular tin.,v, but whenever you are reads, and I think in a memorandum form woulf" would be the best way to do this". Use did not get that memorandum from you, Mr. *tanager and 1, as the Chairman of -11-lis board did not bring it. back, and we are Iboth at fault in that, but what you did was, you went around and talked to the members of the Cominission, and on the record, I distinctremem- ber had a conversation with you and having said to you, it is not my interests to in any way castigate you, or in any way punish you, or any of these things. What you have achieved throuch this agreement, which is now null and rvoid as of A,�:,ril 20th, what you have here, you d will retain. You will retain th -�ese benefits, and so ti-,e_=e benefits are not at question. So, the matter is, what does this agreement say? Now we have a legal document frorn the then City Attorney, and as I have always said, that this Commissior-1 is always guided by the rulings of the City Attorney. I asked the question and so the memorandum was written to my office. I think it was inaPFroFriate for George Knox not to have sent a copy of this memoranduir, to all members of the Cormn-ission. I am sorry that that occurred, but this document does exist. It was sent at my request and it very specifically says, whether the current City Attorney agrees or doesn't agree, it says and it says it very clearly "...In such event the. City is responsible for the purchase, insurance, maintenance and repairs"...and repairs, so this document from the City Attorney dated April 15th, before this agreement was termi- nated, very specifically stated, and what Mr. Howard Gary has done was within his purview, legally. Now, was it wise? No, I don't think it was wise. I think unfortunately, it brings up all kinds of issues about, you know, if these has been Chevrolets or Fords, I don't think anybody would be talking about it, but these were foreign, luxury cars, and it wasn't one, it has been four, so that brings up questions, and I understand. The question is, and it is very obvious - Commissioner Carollo has put it right on top of the table - "Was Howard Gary prof- iteering by buying, fixing up luxury cars and selling their, to the public?" Now, that matter is before the State Attorney where it should be, not before this Commission. That is not within our competence other than in dealing with question as it affects the City of Miami, and our policy and since I think our policy, or the lack of it has certainly been aired sufficiently, I think the only issue that is before us at this point is whether or not legally, Mr. Howard Gary in any way viola- ted the policy of the city of Miami. And it is my conclusion, wise or unwise, and I happen to think it was unwise for him to go through four luxury cars and have them repaired and then, whatever happened to them, but that is not within our purview right now. In substance, not in Style, we are not here judging style. In substance, was it legal? In my opinion, it was, and I don't think there is anything else to be Said about it at this point, and we will wait to hear from the State Attorney what the State Attorney wishes to do. Mr. Manager, MY. Gary: Mr. Mayor sc, eloquently situation, but I think thert:- are some Sal. FirET Of all, it 1,aF7 1_,_Ei. said and ohiectivcly exlIained the additional th.-in:is that I must that I h-a'.7t- a.,-. oppor- 17 T,.,. 271-_� tel-, a t h 3 I I 9M yikgti% I low ',A 1Ie ,ebruar ] 5: 1964' ii7eciraP�d1 7 wiil c orstiHueo trla� n.? ���vl`aid Y10 an+'body elses CaSE a rJek ofid�}`1 j befiefits =+if :you will recall,tten' hdc' vh. ;bi�l,� :9atics�� aremnat s Iti of d th`15 Clt" CJiiu'L1SS3oit v ted to dot' teit'' i O}r' C'tIatIO k a" tt�eftt� .� z fr e t rl was fr�r 3 tw a",d one-half �rda2 pis IC1i'. H.J lr you G+i�l t 8i13 ✓ 21 k�, 1� , wherein I still hiad t1Tt� Y�?i?3�S �2id fJ s ilia` d 1ee;re ,i'j iill'• Uls}ted that agreemF�nt V:i4.i, at leapt Sir iRr?Yt� 5 rer�aitk2rla. y • , .that I went arcand to ;ea 'l: men think it is also im�or�ant', Mr. ..3i^Y, Ilp, tIf bet of this Cor-irisslon to explain w:;at, or t{ Q�i interpreted, wha* the intention of the Commission was with redard§ to my emc�luments� par�iLu= x' 1 a i r t i y , x _ I - larly in Iia.i� of ,.he �ac� thaw' I Chou_- i� was ,.air and this Cit; i $ t8m,nission thought it was fair when I talked to ti.e— that the benr.f� s wr,uId remain the same, but the con e t of the cont-ras:t would not !e}.3s3 to I'think it. is imp 0rtat,t for that to be noted. Wit., the exception. of c o Dawkins ns t . �h h, h r-r ed thought that ` person,' Comir,i.,si..�. Law.:i.,_, w„o even ,. oua>� , �� a�_e,.G, � ` i Wd5 not smart in giving a the cor tract, everybody here agreed that,:_;. the benefits would remain the same. I think that it is also'importanlI _ t�ir. Mayor, that the issue that was first raised add essed the issue of whether or not repair was within the confines of my benefits, and that, was the issue that started this whole thine -'whether or not I was entitled to getting my car re,aired At the last teeti:G a+F tal},ed about maintenance and everybody, acreed that 1 was entitled to a car a'purc-iase rental car, maintenance. The 'issue came up with regard to repairs. 1 Micht add that nobody before they voiced their opinion, the new opinion; asked me about the intent. 1`am not sosurewhethe, asked this Commission about their inte:.t but be that as it 'ma}, I was working on the acreemert explaining tv position'. wince is here, � memo, April 15, 19r.2,, from the then Ci4• Attorney, which guided zy actions that Said, and I rich- add we were tal":ina about the issue as to) whether or not Howard V. ~Gar!.' as ,City i a az:er, was entitle. tC} re p And in the. opinion, y 1 I like the. wa,, Iawy,ers ' air. � legal o',ir.i,�r, and you ..:ow, say , "A'ell, if we don't ci.'e a`nu:tber, ';:I .A. is rot a legal apirio.-j+'. ' We hire: the lawyers. Ogee'; the; write things dow::, ' we ao based on that ' action`, whether it is written down or whether it is verbai, and I quote: "...further that Manager Gary has the option to enjoy' the same benefits vis-a-vis, and automobile, as his predecessor enjoyed, and the alternative under this agreement Manager Gary may provide his :own car. In such event, the City is responsible for the purchase, insurance, taintenance and repair." The issue that we raised at that time was repair - whether I was entitled to repairs. This was April 15, 1962, and the issue of repair was definitely disclosed. Now, I think it is also important that this other legal opinion show clarity the extent to which car emolument included vehicle repairs when, I used my personal car. It should also be noted that the current City Attorney was not appointed until July 2, 1962, which more than two years after the establishment of emoluments for me as City Manager, and therefore had no involvement in the earlier stages of development, intent, nor inter- pretation. Furthermore, the current City Attorney was asked to give an opinion on my emolument after almost three years of benefit accrual and almost one year and ten months after the former City Attorney's opinion, which is of April 15, 1962 interpretating same with regard to ' the car emolument. I would also like to say that ever, though the current City Attorney stated in his legal opinion that the language related to the car emolument is confusing, ungrammatical, and capable ofconflictinginterpretations, the interpretation of April 15, 1962, before he became City Attorney, is clear, The interpretation of car emolument has been clearly interpreted by the former City Attorney, which was the legal basis that guided my actions. Now, my case has been forthright. When the issue was raised, the State Attorney did not have to come to Howard Gary, or nobody had to go to the State Attorney and say "Investigate this guy, because innuendos and allega- tions. I immediately said "State Attorney, I want you to investigate, because Howard Gary has not done anything wrong", and the State Attor*- ney is currently investigating this matter. We had a policy in this City Commission that any time the State Attorney was investigating a utter, we would not even discuss it for a number of reasons first of all, it may jeopardize the case and number two, that that is the legal body upon which legal investigations and legal determinations should be made, The current investigation is currently going on. .69 1 j MAR 8 1984 •-i t V � � � � __ _ .. 1 (Y' .. � i ,2., .'1 r t't.. CkFi': _ '.i 1C•:-t . ilt' i„l1T vo, ,:r . !.! ?' . I 1I Ivor Ft r rt Ck)^7 1 E. i s'P:'r. , t' r:. ..32 ', IT I .,i1.i:1 Lc'.. da<? LC I I: at Lilt' r t' .;cr _ Tt:3:k ;irin•r:; Li,ret' or f t`l-jr a...7­.:1 Of i7, 'it-:} .`i i'ir Ca t_.,. `r Lllt' R:, fti, „1:1"..1. r:r,?i) I"t'3H'.:E' :'. t•rt_ iitt. . �'i1 -J ,•i :�1 d:1 t.'..t ,.. , C , }'_.?t;tt•r'1 :iir� l:i[ _ i t.. I:1 rfitv a L[' c•t C !I.":C': d:?.... I;:ir•..i'` }'[t f, r'.i:-ii:l I'Ct.t'_..:it::[. i.7t L}i;iL ;iil-l;,:c ti! t1:t '•rttittr `.;3:�1 (h;3:.1"''" � tl::. :-[ ;lk'SL1P.e' ._ -.it.nC:,, LI:;1L `:,';: ;t }. T Li t` Tt.: i::. as:;.. IL't'1 L' It I-tt i. t,,, lit.}, ! ii,<i .i;i,. -iLt , iL i' :t:: Li. 'vi Tr:. Fj 'Jt t:l_... L, i ISl: T 3'.' rl:... r iI,' t is "'.:, .,..k:...... t ? t: ::k_ Ut.., k'.'!t'n a.} s:•r,..,1:.'illL:. pi.i_;1 f. i i`. t. 1 L::[ t i., [.. .:aLi 4t tt'r `U:' ,vr 11, [.. 1.. . ', :t L:,. tit 't i'it.:k' L::..F•. 1'i`,Li :":i:,[:-,.i..' a; .. ,. ...'Wt`:[.'.-, li. .a;...., li`„ L'•. L}lid 1::..:.t'QI.iLv }i, (. 11L,. .:['t. , , .. •:t.' `j', .,. .1 .: i;.., 7:... .. i, St ti', t•:. L.:t i', tt?-... ['.. _._.i•�., i:, ��... Ii t. t'G .'i Lt:t;-. t Mt }ii .,.. l •� :a'.'it. ;1,- :: I"it�i.:S?"''I.,. _t CO,i;l:.,. t'. i"-i-I; ,2i.i ., �.• t:.. Lt.'. A'kb'It}; t}It ji'h- t „iG .:;t."-i. ','.'._,?ii. f.`. h.- a''.'t t`n-}'t'.Ilf' S!1;''s.'YL t' L1C r,, li ^ Lr; i:llCt ;, ": J.'C'L _:tL , [`I �+'I1,iLL'V r tjit' Cast' ,..J\ Alt}. ,Lt' Lt'Ja t1' rt art, a nt, .•.:rr t'. :1 C..:[i: iT'1'..Lt CC'15:.. ►, ). t'C' I_ R ri, t•rt't3WO Il ithe t.}:;i.I"'.,... .'i tI k. hk ;�, i1't', tilt- ",i l'i.:]-IICL� i :[ ,:ai:C .L;C'r C}lc }': c'S'.C:'nL of L11t GI'( -at t'r }:Ju::,i C1ia 1 [ : t!!t' }'rC'S:C t:-jjt o f JoIt) c for }`" I.!.i , the Pr es idc':lt Of t}jt i:h.l:. }_t'3'ut' rf (;.[:1LCI" :la i2, t}:a}'`:i' c,:LIvc' })1TtCtC'•r of tht: husink., A sL 2;lilt Cent Lr, C1IlI l., IC: IiiCc tu, if I S 3\', v1Cld 3 minute oT tl+i` Lt r. Lctitt'r }'2t't'::.1:1, ChIir:nI" GI tIi• �tiLC• Jot' COu-1C21, to jcl:l rnc" In L.,)c:ir.l-1 t,` MT. Plu:n..ar. :I . ts'. d.'t.5 a: h�'dv huivc' an wi-itLen dtic ument". M<i.:or Ft,rrr: This; i j i I s t a s:.lil })locket item. Mr. I'Iu:ln;er. Ss.al] I,[`ckt t its.., right. Mr. Co:•:: Ju:;t a miII i(,I) dol Iars. 1•:r. I'lr: I mczin you're talking some big numbers and you are doing, a lot of talkill,, but I Lzivt• not sec:I anything in writing. Mr. Cc)--.-: Tilt" ans' cr i-, no. 'Indav, wc do not. MI". I'lil:n icr'li'rr llot lookilli' fot' ani�:i'TE LC�C1av L}:C'il. My. Co.'...: l;t'II , k'i'd I iRr all :.ill WC'j•, 1'.11t WC' l:aIlt 1:0li t(i tlndcrstand that .11 havt' an.'tht'I Sii<'t at diShIll-.�ill� 1.11t' flln> S- WL' Wallt \'t�L'r Mt- lit Lodi', L,'iLll ;ill 11IlJrI-f1t,lllt}1T1, Lj1;IL In 3 M,iItte•I' Of 110llr`, W1 are golno to 1)rii-i 1,3C i, i t?C'tti-r du: umunLrd j-ri'f.ra::,. but l+'t• don'L Iiavt t I i lux.ury of tiGt ;jt:1t iiC Ilt'c} 1_}it ]1r5C d(+:lnt Li' fall. Tit(.it`: i; iTi L}li l�at't'rt lk;n. N't ial `W Gill arC` `r3". ::iL}i all of tht t frt> tilt co!n771r.it, T�'�L�urC'tc Lhal L2r :c i.:t•i. lt'C firm Li.;.�'. � . t t lii' h11 �.2 [1r5�. It'vt-I, L[ I:it' }°i'>It 1(aI lLA" J 1',c t, Tli'l+' ::t C; Ii bI li'. �'t)ii i'::: Illt :lillaIl ;lC'll3l, but b'l12 r, 1001 Co:; (Con't): create several million more in contributed resources but we need you to say "We believe in what you are trying to do. We want you to riove forward. We know you are going to bring us a good program. Therefore, we are committed to the project." But we are not asking for a check today, Commissioner. Let me sav I am Chairman of = tht, State Job Training Coordinating Council, which is the body under the new Federal laws that administer what you would formerly refer to as — CEIA money, $70,000,000 in Florida. We advised the Governor and this Council almost have block grant authority ever these funds. The Congress in its wisdom also included opportunities for large amounts of incentives and rewards for those communities who put together innovative programs - specifically targeted toward certain audiences as we are here. I think that at the State level this kind of a program will receive a lot of _ attention. We also have in the State of Florida for the nine week summer term, S25,000,000 for job training and job program for summer yo,iths. This leads very naturally into a big participation by South Florida in that program. The Governor here again has lots discretionary monies. He will be looking for innovative pilot programs which strongly indicate the fact that there exists a job training/job placement partnership between the local political structure and the local business community and the community group. That's what we are here to demonstrate to you today. All aspects of what we are going to put together in detail view are appealing, it seems to me, to all of us. We have street level com- munity involvement. We have business community involvement. We have political leadership. We have community based organizations. We have - - the most important element in this, we have a great chance for quick, visible demonstrated success. That's what we need more than anything else. I urge you to support this. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right. Any other statements? Questions from the Co=ission? Mr. Gary: If I might, Mr. Mayor, this idea evolved in a meeting of concerned businesspeople in terms of a critical problem that this community is confronted with and it is not a new problem that we are confronted with. It is a problem of high unemplovement among Black youths, which exceed 50. A number of people have said that the response of this is probably going to be one that we are responding under threat of a civil disturbance as the result of what's happening with the Alvarez' case. My immediate response is, it may appear that way, but the problem is not new; but there may some people in the community who feel that the only way to get a response to a critical problem in any meaningful manner is through a threat. We concluded that it was a better approach to deal with the short term problem and to work on a long-term problem so that we can convey to everybody in this community that you do not have to threaten to get solutions to problems, that we are concerned about problems that exist in this community and particularly the critical problems in Overtown and Liberty City, and that the constructive way is the best way to solve your problems. If you recall, I told the Commission that as a result of the changes in the Federal CETA program, that those changes would gear us to failure. I even went as far as to recommend that we turn the money back to the Federal government and let them change the program back to what it originally was so that we can be more successful than what I thought we would be under the existing guidelines, particularly and specifically I am talking about that portion of the guidelines that were changed that dealt with paying stipends to trainees to be trained. I said that by their removing the stipend that we would not be able to get people in the program, because their immediate problem is how the feed themselves simultaneously with how we train ourselves so we can feed ourselves permanently. Based on that, Mr. Mayor, we have not been able to address the problem that we have there now. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, let me react to your recommendation and to that of the Chamber of Commerce and the distinguished group that's here. Unfortunately, the need is so great and the amount of money is so little that a million dollars is literally a drop in the bucket. It will go so quick it will hardly be seen. On the other hand, I don't think we have any,choice. We have to show that we are willing to do something, even if it will go quick. 'We have to do something extra. I have great MAR 81984 sl .'75 r,+RE �I5 tom. Mayor Ferre (Con't); hopes in what Lester is going to do dawn here. I have great hopes on the B.A.C. and what I know they are going to do. I have great hopes in what's happening at Florida Memorial. 1 have A great hopes in what Mr. Fine is doing. By the way let me take this moment to just on the record say what I told him in private yesterday, — how very proud I am of him and Arthur England and Stuart Simon for having gone up to Tallahassee two days ago and fought, won tremendous legal battles for the well being not only of the people of this City, but of the whole State of Florida. I just think it is so typical of Marty Fine and the kind of work that he does, pro bono work that he _ does so quietly and effectively that I just want to share how proud we are of he and his partner and his friend, Arthur England's involvement, and many, many other people that have helped. I also think, by the way, that Mr. Fine's proposal, which deals with tax increment financing and how we deal with it on a City-wide basis, is something, Mr. Manager, that requires some discussion and I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to put it on the agenda on the next Commission meeting. I'd like to do it the first thing out in the morning at 9:30 because this Commission has a way of wandering all over the place and getting involved in a lot of other extraneous issues and then we don't pay attention... you know the old statement, if you're making a speech, you have three minutes to grab somebody's attention and you have eight minutes to deliver your message and beyond that, it's all over. If you go beyond fifteen minutes, people get bored. Well, we go here for twelve or fifteen hours. So, let's see if we can catch everybody the first fifteen minutes, Marty, at the next meeting. I think this is an important issue before us. I think we are at a very tense and crucial point. Archie Hardwick told me the other day that he was opposed to this meeting that was held by the C.R.B. in Overtown. I said, why, why would you be opposed? He said, "You know what you're doing? You White people don't understand how Black people think and operate." The worst thing you can do is bring all these people together and start asking them what they think and how to react to these circumstances. Because you know what's going to happen. you are going to get people angry. You are just going to rev them up and God forbid if something happens in this Alvarez case that makes them angry, they are going to have to justify what they are going to tell you publicly. I don't know whether that is right or not. I would hope that Archie is wrong, but it's happened and we've had now -two meetings, and I want to tell you that I'm proud of Commissioner Dawkins and the Manager and the others that went there. That was a tough meeting. My Manager tells me, told me yesterday in Washington that he's never seen people that angry. But we just can't sit by and do nothing. We have to do something. So, I'm all for it and you have my vote, Mr. Manager. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, if I may, short of begging the City Commission that a motion be made to accept the idea in principle of a million dollars for a training program to be developed for employement for the youth in Overtown and Liberty City with condition that we also encourage Dade County to do the same and with the second condition that we come with a detailed program for you in terms of operation, administration and accountability at the next City Commission meeting. Mayor Ferre: All right, sir. Ernie, I will recognize you after... no, I will recognize you before we vote, but after the members of this Commission have had an opportunity to express their opinions and ask questions. Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: The only concern that I would have, Mr. Gary, is that this be a training program for entry jobs. If we are going to train individuals and have an opening from the private sector to put them on, I'm all for it. But if it is just another cycle of just retraining, I'm not going to buy it. VA° 81984 sl .'76 Mr. Gary: If I might. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, the Mayor has to go and let me tell you I have concerns, but you've expressed, I think as clear as anyone, that what _ we are voting for today is in principle. It will come back and you will come back with a more defined program, a clearer indication of - how it is going to be handled, taking into consideration Commissioner Dawkins's concern and good concerns, I have no qualms about voting for it in principle. Mayor Ferre: I just want to say, though, on the record, Howard, that I agree with what Miller has just said. We have had too many of these - programs where we go out just throw more money at it. Throw more money into the ghetto and then after we spend a million dollars and we've trained ten carpenters and fifty electricians and thirty maintenance people and all of a sudden they go back out on the street and nothing. So I think that's fine, but I want, with all due respects to Southern Bell and Florida Power & Light, and Eastern, and the banks and the company businesses, and most of you attorneys are involved in the service industry, for those people that hire, there's 800,000 gainfully employed people in this community and we need to get some of those people that hire to tell us that if we go out and train somebody to be an apprentice electrician, or a carpenter that he is not going to go back there to Overtown looking for a job and not have a job for the next three years. So I think we need to get some kind of an up -front commitment as to what people in the job market are looking for that we can help train. Because just to train more people to sit idle is absolutely worthless. Mr. Plummer: I would want to interject one thing, Mr. Gary. I think — is is only right that first and foremost the charity starts at home. That any of these people that can be trained for City use in which we have positions to be filled should be the priority. Mayor Ferre: We're an employer. Mr. Gary: If I might, I respect and I'm hearing the City Commission. We want everything to be perfect, and it is not a perfect world. If I might, the meeting that I had was a hard one on me because there were businesspeople in the private sector who people say are not sincere who are concerned about the problem and come out with a solution. They have given me a commitment that this is a short term solution with their commitment that they are going to work with us for a long-term commitment. What I'm trying to get to, Commissioner Plummer, we want ideal things. Charity begins at home. I cannot commit City of Miami jobs for that _ purpose, for that mere fact they are already committed, as many as I _ can, already for J.T.P.A. program, which is a job training program. We have some ways of insuring that we get an output of a dollar job training program.... Mayor Ferre: What is J.T.P.A.? Is that Jesca? Mr. Gary: Job Training Program Act, let me give you an example of some ideas I've been thinking about. It is not firm. The State Attorney's office is working in conjuction with the City of Miami and Dade County in terms of code enforcement in the Overtown area. One of the things she has come up with now or that group, that committee, is one of painting up buildings in Overtown, where we buy paint and we allow people to paint the buildings up. These people can do that, not only learn the skills - in terms of painting, which they get paid a lot of money, painters, but also we get a beautiful, better looking community. Those are some of the ideas. We are not going to be ideal. This is a short-term solution with a commitment for a long-term solution. Mayor Ferre: See, that last part of the sentence is the important one, and I think that's what Miller was telling you. I'm glad it came from Miller. Commissioner Perez, is there anything you want to add? J.L.? All right. MAIR 8 1984 sl .77 _ Mr. Ernie Fannatto: I'm President of the Taxpayers of Miami and Dade County. I commend the Chamber representative, Mr. Freeman, who is very well known and very well respected, but I do think, they should exhaust going to the State and getting as much as they can, because the`_• have a State emergency contingency fund. I don't want our taxpayers to go all the way. I think if they come up with a reasonable amount of money from the State Contingency Emergency Fund, we can go the rest of the way. But I also want to know, after we use all this money up, what are we going to have to show for it? That is important, Mayor. You know, _ there are other people out of work. While we have all these well -respected people here, I want to know where some of you people were in the past when they allowed thousands and thousands of people come in Dade County that didn't come in on a quota, that took the jobs away from our people that's causing a lot of this here. Where were you people at? But I tell you what, let's be on the alert and let's show a little respect for our people and this is the case in Overtown. I want to show respect for them. I want them to have jobs, but at the same time we impose a hardship on our people, not only for a health standpoint in the hospitals, this caused millions and millions of dollars you folks didn't speak up. I'm going to thrash you a little bit here, even though I respect you. You didn't speak up for our people then. Now you are speaking up for these people, which I am for, but Let's add up: two and two makes four. I am for it. Let's go to the State, see how much you can get, and let's match the funds. But until you do, let's wait and see what they can do. Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. Now we need to move along. Mr. Plummer: I move in principle that we allocate as indicated by Mr. Gary to be brought back in full final form and detail. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: I second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Under discussion, Mr. Manager, I would like for the formal recommendation of the Black Chamber, the Greater Miami Chamber, the B.A.C., represented here by Newall Daughtrey, and I say Mr. McEwen walk in just a moment ago. Mr. Plummer: He's there. Mayor Ferre: I'd like the input of Greater Miami United. These are entities that are working on this problem. I don't want one of them coming up six months from now and saying, "Hey, you know, I was totally opposed to that, but you never bothered to ask our opinion. I think what you have done is just terrible and you just wasted another million dollars," and all that kind of stuff. So I want all the interested parties to put their John Hancock down on the line, so you get everybody to sing out of the same hymn book and that's fine. Anything else we need to talk on this? Mr. Plummer: Well, call the roll and then I have something else to say. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-246 A MOTION ACCEPTING IN PRINCIPLE A PROPOSAL MADE BY THE GREATER MIAMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR A JOB TRAINING PROGRAM FOR THE YOUTH IN THE OVERTOUTIN AND LIBERTY CITY AREAS AT A PROPOSED COST OF $1,000,000; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENCOURAGE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY TO DO THE SAME BASED UPON A PROGRAM TO BE DEVELOPED WITH THE ADMINISTRATION AND PRESENTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR FINAL APPROVAL AT A FUTURE DATE. sl Ma^ 1984 -- -- — - .. ggLy�u` qg +mat _ Upon being seconded h•: Comm issi(,nc"r Daw�-A :-, the m�_�tiOn uas passe.: and adoVted by the following Vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. DawF:ins _ Co-nmissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. _ Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. - AB5ENT : Comr-Assioner Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: Mr. Lester Freeman, what speech are you making before t1ne County' Mr. Lester Freeman: We are going to talk to them. We have already: talked to the Manager. We'll be in touch with then.,. Their programs and plans will be part of what we bring back to you. Mr. Plummer: You know they are about three times larger than we are. Mr. Freeman: We are going to bring you a comprehensive plan targeted toward the Black unemployed youth in Liberty City, Culmer, Overtown. That's the plan we're going to bring you for a short-term plan. Everybody that we can get is going to be involved in that plan. We agreed with everything you said about getting all the rest of it. Mr. Dawkins: 1 want to thank all of you for taking time out of your busy day to come down here and help us attempt to find a solution to these problems. 29. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. ALBERT CURTIS REPRESENTING THE CASH TEMPLE SHRINERS REGARDING THE PAPLADE PER' -;IT WAIVER OF FEE FOR A PARADE SCHEDULED FOR MAT 26, 1984. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Dawkins: I'd like to call item 21, Mr. Vice Mayor, please. Mr. Perez: Item 21 is a personal appearance by Albert Curtis. Mr. Dawkins: One of you that can speak English come up here. Give your name and your address, sir. Mr. Theodis Worthey: My name is Theodis Worthey. I live at 3931 N.W. 194 Street, Carol City, Florida. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, listen, I'll need your help here, sir. Mr. Worthey: I am the recorder, also the chairman of Casa Temple, Number 149, also Casa Court, Dumber 117, which is the female segment of our organization. We are planning to have a state convention in the latter part of May, the 25th, 26th, and 27th of May 1984, involving fourteen other temples from the State of Florida and eleven courts. We're having a parade here scheduled for May 26, 1984 and we are asking the City to waiver the fees required for obtaining a permit. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, I'd like to refer this to the City Manager's request, and that we provide them with whatever we provide everybody else. Mr. Gary: Let us review it and bring it back to you for final decision. Mr. Dawkins: O.K., they will review it and O.K. give it to the Manager. He will review it and bring it back to us and we'll give you an answer. MAR 0 1984 sl ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ , j'.'. F.�1At :,i_I.E311 F..'•:. I".. i( t:t i ii•, }L , l t? I HF 1•:I:' %!, kl-1F,._i! 1 ,.:'�,?F-. Cr:.; i Ei i!1.%*;.:., )P".... � •� �h.. . 1•tr. Plu^'ler: Mr. *tarty Fine has askt•d ;or itf-r.. )I. a hearin; date for a Public hearing. I1" thc-rc- is 11,1 c'1�je��ti�'rl I wiil ge ahead and move that Thur day, '•tag• 2y, 198- at 2: 3;U bE a lit j ril1,- datt for Xrc'ndments to thL Miami WorlJ Irad( Center Deveiopm(� nt Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Per:z: The motion has a se,:C7nd. D' wt ha•e an`: discussion, i rrt is ne discussion. he art: ready to vote on the me tier: proposed b.: Com:r:issioner FIu L.:er and secondtci by Com,-.issioner Dawkins. Call tht roll. The following resolution was introduced h'. Co^T:issio^,er Plu.:�:.er, who moved its adoption: RESOLUT10' NO. 84-24- A RESOLUTION' ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARI';G 1)1%7'1: AT 2 : 3O 1. N. , THL itiSO:,': , *;:;': 24 , 1984 , OR AT A RECOtiVEN-71) MEETING, FOR CONSIDER':TION OF A) A FINDING OF NO SL'B TANTiAL DECIATIO', A';I) h) ME\T; TO 111E ,:I1Ltl i;OR..i) TR:;DE CE'; i ER DEVLLOI':` ENT ORDEh (RES0I-1"1 IOti 8-'-463) ; *t-% • 2 i , 1982, AS A DEVELOPMEI'�T OF R.Ei IO.^::iL IMPACI TO Bl. L0CATF) 201-299 S.E. 1S'1 AVE';111. (here fellows bod..- of resolution, omitted herein and On file in tilt Office of the Clerk), Upon being, seconded t,,, Co=issioner Dawkins, the resolution wa3- passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner "tiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 31. AUTHORIZE CITE' MANAGER TO ENTER INTO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGRFF*PNT WITH THE lNTER-NATI0NAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 587, OCTOBER 1, 1983 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1985. Mr. Dawkins: Item 43, Mr. Vice Mayor, please. Mr. Perez: Item 43. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, are you read} for item 43, sir' Mr. Plummer: Item 43 is the firefighters. Don't you want a full Commission? I have no problem. I'll move for its approval. Mr. Dawkins: I second. MAR 8 1954 sl A 0 is t I it I i rt-- 1"ni,'n a Lret.-7.t,nt 'I fi I I (,wim, It i c I I wa!4 in t r(,2 11, t,t-: I)% wh, cl it c ad C,-tlt i o-, I: RES01-l"! NO. A AL'TH0R",'e:lN,- THE CI-I-Y TO ENJE-P, I'll"10 A COLLECTIVE BAR(,AINI*,(, AC'!p ,E J7 ',"T BET,,:EE` THE CITY 01: MIAMI AND THE EMPLOYEE OR(,A',l7.ATIw, KNOI,,^N AS THE I\TEF,'NATIO%Al- ASSC)CIATION OF FIEEFIGHTEKS, LC)CAI. 587 FOK THE PFRI()T,Oj' om,)Bl*!Z I , 19S3 THROUGH 30, 1985 UPON THE AN:) C()NDITIONS SET FO'KTH IN' T1111- ATl ACHKO AC-KEEME',,-1 . follows body of res,.-Iution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon beim!. seconded lby Co.,,:-,,issioner Dawkins, the resolution Was pas.,;vu, and ad(,ptcd by the fellowing vote: A',,ES: S Co=i,-,-,ioncr Miller J. Dawkins Co=,issioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mavor Demt-mtrio Perez, Jr. NoTIL C on7 s s i o n J X-lvor -,,�lurick: , , -, . I- e I- -L h 4 Mr. Plummer: Let me understand on 43 now. Mr. Gary, my un- derstanding was that the FOP contract was contingent upon the passing of the fire fighters, is that correct? f Mr. Gary: Only portions of it. Mr. Plummer: Only portions of it. So now, by ratification of the fire fighters contract, then the Police FOP portions are now approved, is that correct? Mr. Gary: No. Let me let Dean Mielke explain it to you. _ Mr. Plummer: I'm in reference mainly to the Rule of 70. Mr. Gary: That's not in effect, it's got to be solved first. Mr. Dean Mielke: Mr. Plummer, it is all tied together with _ all of the contracts. All of the provisions of the contract - are applicable the day we ratify with Police and obviously now with Fire, but that portion dealing with the pension will not kick in until we have them all on a dotted line, _ and they all understand that and until extinguishment of any and all liability to the extent there was liability in those lawsuits. Mr. Plummer: You understand it that way? Mr. Don Teems: Yes, sir, absolutely. Mr. Plummer: Thank you, no further questions. Mr. Gary: If I might, while Mr. Teems is here, and since we tend to highlight the disagreements, I'd like to say that we have agreed on this contract and it is mutual beneficial to both parties. Mr. Teems: I would like to say that I agree with the Manag- er - this is scarey, but I agree with the Manager - I think this contract will hopefully solve about 3 years of conflict over pension and that is a tremendous accomplishment and I congratulate you and your staff. Mr. Gary: And we congratulate you too. ------------------------------------------------------------ 32. REAPPOINT A. RUBIN AND L. PANTIN AS MEMBERS OF THE OFF- STREET PARKING AUTHORITY. ------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Plummer: This is only one name, there were supposed to be two. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It is a typographical error. In the back up both names are there, Mr. Rubin and Mr. Pantin. Mr. Plummer: Arnold Rubin? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes. Mr. Plummer: I move both names. Mr. Perez: What is the other name? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Arnold Rubin and Leslie Pantin, Sr. MAR 8 1984 R T Mr. Plummer: It is a reappointment on both. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-249 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE REAPPOINT- MENT OF LESLIE PANTIN, SR. AND ARNOLD RUBIN TO THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR FIVE YEAR TERMS EXPIRING DECEMBER 2, 1988. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins —_ Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo _ Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEM 15 WAS DEFERRED. 33. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION - ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SOUTHWEST 16TH STREET HIGHWAY IM- PROVEMENT H-4488. Mr. Plummer: This was Ferre's item, wasn't this the item 10 that he was interested in on 16th Street? I think you'd better wait for Ferre to come back. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKERI: Mr. Cather here might be able to speak for him, he came with Mayor Ferre. Mr. Plummer: He isn't that dumb. Mr. Don Cather: Might I state that Mayor Ferre and myself and other gentlemen representing the community wished to go over certain items of change in the design of S.W. 16th Street. I have informed them of the changes that we made and Mr. Costello and Mr. Bracker and they have agreed that these are changes that they approve of and as such, we can now proceed with authorizing the construction. This is sim- ply authorizing us to receive sealed bids and we have writ- ten to both of these gentlemen, I think they both agree that they are happy with these changes in the design. Mr. Plummer: So you're stating on the record that the neighbors' concerns and the Mayor's concerns have been re- solved? Mr. Cather: That's correct. MAR 8 1984 R T -W The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-250 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLU- TION NO. 83-962 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF S. W. 16 STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT IN S. W. 16 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT H-4488. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ------------------------------------------------------------ 34. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION - ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS _ FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT _ S.W. 16TH ST. - SR-5499-C. ------------------------------------------------------------ _ The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-251 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLU- TION NO. 83-1112 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CITY-WIDE SANI- TARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - S.W. 16 STREET SR-5499-C IN CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT-S.W. 16 STREET DISTRICT SR- 5499-C (CENTERLINE SEWER). (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre MAR s 1984 RA RT 35A. 0 17, PERSONAL APPEARANCE: JOHN BRENNAN - CHAIRMAN OF THE WATERFRONT BOARD ACCEPTING RECOMMENDATION FOR ADDITION OF MEMBERS TO THE BOARD. Mr. John Brennan: My name is John Brennan and I am the Chairman of the Waterfront Board. We are looking at asking your approval for the acceptance of three new members for the Waterfront Board. They are Royal White who will fill in slot #4, Hugh Padrick, slot #6 and Daniel Kipnis who is an alternate. You all should have received the information on all the people who applied. These people fell into the cat- egory of City of Miami residents. Mr. Plummer: Is that the recommendation of the Waterfront Board? Mr. Brennan: That is the recommendation of the board. Mr. Plummer: I move we accept that recommendation The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-252 A MOTION ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE WATERFRONT BOARD FOR THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS TO THE WATERFRONT BOARD: (a) ROYAL WHITE (GROUP IV); (b) HUGH PADRICK (GROUP IV-2ND POSITION); (c) DANIEL KIPNES (ALTERNATE). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ------------------------------------------------------------ 35B. ACCEPT RECOMMENDATION REGARDING ALTERNATE SEC. 2-A FOR PERSONS WISHING TO SERVE ON THE WATERFRONT BOARD. Mr. Brennan: Okay, the next part of this the request is for modification of resolution 81-377 which requires that almost all members of the Waterfront Board be City of Miami resi- dents.... Mr. Dawkins: You may have somebody, suppose you've got a person with expertise that we need that does not reside in the City. Mr. Brennan: That is exactly the point. We've got a couple of people who seem to be very well qualified.... MAR 81984 . .. _ RT .85 0, Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, are you in favor of this or what? Mr. Gary: It is a policy issue. Mr. Dawkins: All right, 1 move. Mr. Plummer: Second. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-253 A MOTION ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION THAT R-81-377 DEALING WITH "ALTERNATES: SEC. 2(a)(ii)", BE MODIFIED TO ADD THAT PERSONS WILLING AND ABLE TO SERVE AND HAVING SOMETHING TO OFFER IN THE WAY OF EXPERIENCE OR TALENT WILL BE EXCUSED FROM THE REQUIREMENT OF BEING A CITY OF MIAMI RESIDENT. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Dcmetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mr. Brennan: Thank you. One more. Talking about permit- ting for docks at Watson Island. We are asking, and the Wa- terfront Board has passed a motion requesting that the City consider that the City use the City's resources and method- ologies which have successfully obtained permits at Dinner Key. Now, if at Watson Island the bids are not let out for the City, which we recommend that the City do this particu- lar type of work, at least when a private entrepreneur gets his contracts on Dinner Key all the permitting is done which would increase the value to the City for the total dock ar- rangements even if the docks have not been built. And we are going on record suggesting that you proceed with the permitting. There are a set of docks out there that take 100 foot vessels that we would like to see refurbished be- cause we don't have this type of dock facility in the City. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary? Mr. Gary: No, I'm not in favor of this recommendation for the mere fact that we are now with the Cabinet in addressing this whole permitting process in terms of what we do at Watson Island in conjunction with all the other things we're going to do on Watson Island and I think we cannot make any move until we comply with everything we have to do there which is also tied into the RFP. Mr. Plummer: Two out of three, John. Mr. Dawkins: You won one and you lost one. Mr. Brennan: your time. Not bad. Thank you very much gentlemen, for MAR 8 1984 RT — — - — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — r — r r — — — — — 36. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS WITH THOSE FESTIVALS AND EVENTS COMMITTEES WHOSE CITY'S CONTRIBUTION EXCEEDS $4,500. Mr. Perez: Item 33• Mr. Cesar Odio: Mr. Vice -Mayor, these were the same amounts that were voted by the Commission before and we are just ratifying so that the Manager can pay off these amounts. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Wait a minute, this is just a shell a- greement. Mr. Plummer: If you do above 45, what is the new cap? Mr. Odio: 250. Mr. Plummer: $250,000? Mr. Odio: I'm sorry, what are we talking about? Mr. Plummer: You have a cap now of $4500. Are we speaking on Item 33? Mr. Odio: Yes, but I misunderstood the question. Mr. Plummer: The question is what is the new cap? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That is not an issue here, Commission- er. Mr. Plummer: It is to me. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: What we have is a resolution authoriz- ing a form of agreement. And if you look in the packet of materials that my office distributed to you this morning, that shell agreement is there and the amounts and everything else have to be filled in and each agreement has to come back to you. Mr. Plummer: Well, hey, that's a different ball game. I move that this item be deferred. Mr. Ringo Cayard: May I express myself for a moment? We have a carnival coming up which has something to do with this. Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry, I haven't seen this. This is the first I've seen this. Mr. Cayard: No, this is something completely different. Mr. Odio: You are addressing Item 33? Mr. Cayard: Yes, in connection to that. Mr. Plummer: The Haitian Cultural Festival, Haitian Carni- val? Mr. Cayard: That's correct. Mr. Plummer: You're here for $19,000 to be approved? Mr. Cayard: Yes, it was approved already. Is RT .8 MAR 81984 � .•ter 9 Mr. Al Howard: Excuse me, Commissioner, that was passed, that was the Festival Advisory Committee's recommendation that they made here passed by Resolution 84-126 some time ago. All we're doing is formalizing now their recommenda- tions to the Commission which you accepted for each group to receive the funds for each particular carnival. UNINTELLIGIBLE CONVERSATION. Mr. Howard: No, I was talking over all. Mr. Plummer: This is the whole laundry list of 11 different carnivals. Mr. Howard: And we have to formalize this and that's all we're doing right now. You have approved it previously. Mr. Plummer: In other words you're telling me that each and every one of these items we have already approved. Mr. Gary: Yes. Mr. Plummer: I withdraw my deferral. I'm sorry, I didn't see it until just now. I move to approve. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-254 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM AT- TACHED AND SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY WITH CERTAIN FESTIVAL AND EVENT COMMITTEES AND ORGANIZATIONS REGARDING TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE CITY WILL PROVIDE CASH AND IN - KIND CONTRIBUTIONS AND SUBSEQUENT MONI- TORING AND EVALUATION OF SAID COMMITTEES AND ORGANIZATIONS (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre I MAR 8 1984 0 .. R 1- 0 37. EXPRESS INTENT OF CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND SEC. 14-17 OF CODE TO ALTER THE BOUNDARIES OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO EXCLUDE PROPERTIES FRONTING ON S.E. BAYSHORE DRIVE ZONED RG-3/79 ETC. Mr. Perez: Item 42. Mr. Peter J. Andolina: This is formalization of action that was taken by the City Commission on November 18th. Mr. Plummer: Well, are we really wasting our time? Because I think there has been enough discussion around here that we're going to be talking about restructuring the complete DDA. Mr. Andolina: But in order to refund the taxes for those people in the Point View area that were taxed this year we would still have to go through this procedure. Mr. Plummer: Is that what this does? Mr. Andolina: This starts the process, after this there is going to be a public hearing that has to be 30. days from now and then two readings of an ordinance. Mr. Plummer: I move it. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, before you move it, Mr. Plummer, would you also include your motion that the date that is blank be April 26th? Mr. Plummer: April 26th. It should never have been done in the first place. It should never have been taxed. Mr. Gary: So move it. Mr. Plummer: I moved Item 42. Wake up. You've got your bow tie on too tight. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-255 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO AMEND SECTION NO. 14-17 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TO ALTER THE BOUND- ARIES OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DIS- TRICT TO EXCLUDE THE PROPERTIES FRONTING ON SOUTHEAST BAYSHORE DRIVE ZONED RG-3/7 BOUNDED GENERALLY BY S.E. BAYSHORE DRIVE, S.E. 15TH ROAD, S.E. 14TH STREET, S.E. 14TH TERRACE, AND S.E. 14TH LANE; FURTHER PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 26, 19849 TO RECEIVE ADVICE AND INFORMATION FROM THE PUBLIC ON SAID SUBJECT AND TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT A PROPOSED ORDINANCE ALTERING SUCH DIS- TRICT WILL BE CONSIDERED ON FIRST READ- ING ON THAT DATE. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) L MAR 81984 RT 00 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM NO. 56 WAS DEFERRED. 38. GRANT EXTENSION OF FIREWORK TIME DEADLINE, ETC. FOR CARNTVAL MIANrr Mr. Carollo: Mr. Vice -Mayor, if I may, real briefly. I was just on the phone with the people from Carnival Miami and Item 17 was withdrawn. I think the mistake might have been that Item 17 only referred to the Calle Ocho Festival which is over now. What this Commission went on record approving, even though the Manager said we didn't need a resolution, was to extend the time for fireworks at the orange Bowl until 11:00 P.M. on Saturday for the Carnival Miami show they have. Mr. Gary: It is already done. Mr. Plummer: Let's do it in the formalization. Thereupon Commissioner Plummer read the title of the pro- posed resolution into the record. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-256 A RESOLUTION WAIVING THE TIME LIMITATION FOR A FIREWORKS DISPLAY AT THE ORA14GE BOWL STADIUM, ON MARCH 10, 1984, TO PERMIT A DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS WITH DUE REGARD FOR THE SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY NOT TO EXTEND BEYOND 11:30 P.M. ON SAID DATE. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Mayor Maurice A. Ferre RT .90 t"";�' 81984 r� f 39. CONSENT AGENDA Vice -Mayor Perez: Before the vote on adopting items 58-71 included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. (Items 72-75 were withdrawn) The Consent Agenda comprised of items 58 - 71 was moved by Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Carollo and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 39.1 ACCEPT COVENANT TO RUN WITH LAND FROM DADE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - N. W. 67TH STREET. RESOLUTION NO. 84-257 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FROM THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, A COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LA14D RELATING TO THE INSTALLA- TION OF AN IRRIGATION FEED MAIN WITHIN THE DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NORTHWEST 67TH STREET AND DIRECTING THE PROPER OFFICIALS TO RECORD SAID COVENANT AGREEMENT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 39.2 CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC - SEVENTH ANNUAL CALLE OCHO OPEN HOUSE FESTIVAL - MARCH 4, 1984. RESOLUTION NO. 84-258 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE SEVENTH ANNUAL CALLE OCHO OPEN HOUSE FESTIVAL WHICH IS TO BE HELD MARCH 4, 1984, CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DURING SPECIFIED DATES AND HOURS AND ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL, SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE POLICE DE- PARTMENT AND THE FIRE, RESCUE AND IN- SPECTION SERVICES Department; AND FUR- THER ESTABLISHING THE AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted Itere and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 91 f f 39.3 CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC - CARNAVAL MIAMI - MARCH 119 1984. RESOLUTION NO. 84-259 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE THIRD ANNUAL CARNAVAL MIAMI, WHICH IS TO BE HELD MARCH 11, 1984, CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON SAID DATE DURING THE HOURS FROM 12 NOON TO 11 P.M. AND ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL, SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT; AND FURTHER ESTABLISHING THE AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 39.4 AUTHORIZE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #1 - C. S. RITTEN- HOUSE FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. RESOLUTION NO. 84-260 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER TO EXECUTE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #1, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS WITH C.S. RITTENHOUSE, FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITHIN THE ORIGINAL SCOPE OF SERVICES BUT UNFORESEEN AT THE TIME OF THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT, RELATED TO THE ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUES AT GRAPELAND, SHENANDOAH, AND PEACOCK PARKS WITH COMPENSATION FOR SAID ADDITIONAL SERVIC- ES AMOUNTING TO $2,025.00, USING FUNDING AVAILABLE IN THE RECREATION ACTIVITIES SPECIAL REVENUE FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 39.5 CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS SURROUNDING ORANGE BOWL - CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES IN EXILE CARNIVAL - APRIL 5 - 81 1984; GRANT SALE OF BEER. RESOLUTION NO. 84-261 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CLOSURE OF CERTAIN STREETS SURROUNDING THE ORANGE BOWL IN CONNECTION WITH CUBAN MUNICIPAL- ITIES IN EXILE CARNIVAL TO BE HELD APRIL 5, 6, 7 AND 8, 1984; AND GRANTING A DISPENSATION FOR THE SALE OF BEER IN SOFT CONTAINERS FOR THE DURATION OF SAID FOUR DAY CARNIVAL. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 92 t 39.6 BID ACCEPTANCE: CONCEPT WOOD, HASNER & ASSOCS. PARKS A RECREATIONAL SYSTEMS, INC., PARK STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. FOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR HADLEY PARK. RESOLUTION NO. 84-262 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF CONCEPT WOOD AT A COST OF $95.00; HASNER & ASSOCIATES PARKS AND RECREATIONAL SYSTEMS, INC. AT A COST OF $10,926.00; KENT D. SCHWARTZ COMPANY AT A $3,899.00; LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC. AT A COST OF $445.00; AND PARK STRUCTURES OF AMERICA, INC. AT A COST OF $1,400.00 FOR FURNISH- ING TWELVE (12) PIECES OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR HADLEY PARK TO THE DEPART- MENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AT A TOTAL COST OF $16,765.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR CONTINGENCY RESERVE FUND, THE STATE OF FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FUND, AND THE PRIOR YEAR RESERVE FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIP- MENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 39.7 BID ACCEPTANCE: LOUIS TAILORING & UNIFORM CO. INC. - DEPT. OF POLICE. RESOLUTION NO. 84-263 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LOUIS TAILORING AND U14IFORM COMPANY, INC. FOR FURNISHING UNIFORM CLOTHING ON A CON- TRACT BASIS FOR TWO (2) YEARS, RENEWABLE ANNUALLY, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AT PROPOSED FIRST AND SECOND YEAR COSTS OF $454,376.00 AND $4829622.00 RESPECTIVE- LY, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $9369998.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) ov 4 t 39.8 BID ACCEPTANCE: OAKS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. - MIGHT VISION PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEM - DEPT. OF POLICE. RESOLUTION NO. 84-264 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF OAKS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. FOR FUR- NISHING ONE (1) NIGHT VISION PHOTOGRAPH- IC SYSTEM TO THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AT A TOTAL COST OF $79100.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE PRIOR YEAR RESERVE FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) NOTE: RESOLUTION NO. 84-265 WAS LATER RESCINDED BY MOTION NO. 84-296. 39.9 AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT - CROWDER, MAHONEY, MAKOWSKI$ RICE & ASSOCS., INC. - SURVEYING SERVICES. RESOLUTION NO. 84-266 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND CROWDER, MAHONEY, MAKOWSKI, RICE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. INCREASING THE MAXIMUM COMPENSATION ALLOWED FOR SURVEYING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH CITY CON- TRACTED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE PRO- JECT EXPENSE FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL PRO- JECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 39.10 BID ACCEPTANCE: L & F PROPERTIES, INC. STADIUM - CONCERT STAGE ROOF. RESOLUTION NO. 84-267 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF L & F PROPERTIES, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $158,0001 BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR MIAMI STADIUM - CONCERT STAGE ROOF; WITH MONEYS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "MIAMI STADIUM CONCERT STAGE" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $158,000 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $14,220 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $3,160 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. ul - MIAMI (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 39.11 ALLOCATE SUM NOT TO EXCEED $1,200 IN CONNECTION WITH WAIVING RENTAL FEE OF BAYFRO#T PARK AUDITORIUM ON APRIL 8, 1984 FOR DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FESTIVAL. RESOLUTION NO. 84-268 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $1,200 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN CONNECTION WITH WAIVING THE RENTAL FEE OF BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM ON APRIL 8, 1984 FOR THE DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION OF CHILD DEVEL- OPMENT SERVICES FESTIVAL; SAID ALLOCA- TION BEING CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1/84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 39.12 ALLOCATE $25,000 - "IV INTER-AMERICAN SUGARCANE SEMINAR ON SOIL FERTILITY AND MANAGEMENT" - OCTOBER 5 - 7, 1983. RESOLUTION NO. 84-269 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE "IV INTER-AMERICAN SUGARCANE SEMINAR ON SOIL FERTILITY AND MANAGEMENT", HELD IN MIAMI OCTOBER 5-7, 1983 SUBJECT TO INTER- AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT COMPA- NY PROVIDING THE CITY MANAGER WITH ATTENDANCE FIGURES, COPY OF A CERTIFIED AUDIT OF ITS BOOKS, AND THE CITY RETAIN- ING THE RIGHT TO AUDIT THE BOOKS OF THIS EVENT IF DEEMED NECESSARY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, WITH SAID COMPANY. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) n 0 #. 39.13 CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC - MARCH 17-18, 1984 - ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE CELEBRATION; AUTHORIZE SALE OF BEEF IN BAYFRONT PARK ON MARCH 18, 1984. RESOLUTION NO. 84-270 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE ANNUAL ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE CELEBRATION, WHICH IS TO BE HELD MARCH 17-18, 19840 CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO THROUGH VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON MARCH 17, 1984 FROM 11 A.M. TO 5 P.M. AND ESTABLISHING A PEDESTRIAN MALL, SAID STREET CLOSING SUBJECT TO ISSUANCE OF PERMITS BY THE POLICE DE- PARTMENT AND THE FIRE, RESCUE AND IN- SPECTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT; FURTHER ESTABLISHING THE AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF BEER IN BAYFRONT PARK BETWEEN 11 A.M. AND 6 P.M. ON MARCH 18, 1984 BY REPRE- SENTATIVES OF THE ST. PATRICK'S DAY COMMITTEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 40. ALLOCATE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 TO THE CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES IN EXILE IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR CARNI- VAL ON APRIL 5, 6, 7 AND 81 1984. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Vice -Mayor, may I take one item there, Item 62 and further expound? And that is the Cuban Munici- palities, Inc., they were requesting a grant of $20,000. I think it is only fitting that we grant the same amount of money that was granted to them last year of $10,000 in the same things that we did last year and I would move, Mr. Vice -Mayor, that that grant be given. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner X, who.moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-271 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 AS A GRANT TO THE CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES IN EXILE IN CONNEC- TION WITH THEIR CARNIVAL TO BE HELD ON APRIL 5, 6, 7 AND 8, 1984. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 55 - fq 4 0 41. APPROVE DEFERMENT OF SCHEDULED REPAYMENTS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI'S CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION TO "GIBSON PLAZA SECTION 8 ELDERLY HOUSING PROJECT" UNTIL JULY9 1985. ------------------------------------------------------------ The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-272 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DEFERMENT OF SCHEDULED REPAYMENTS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI'S CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE GIBSON PLAZA SECTION 8 ELDERLY HOUSING PROJECT UNTIL JULY, 1985. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Mayor Maurice A. Ferre MOTE: COMMISSIONER CAROLLO LEFT THE MEETING AT 5:00 O'CLOCK P.M. MAR 81984 R T .(l� 42. AUTHORIZE CITY ATTORNEY TO EXAMINE SOUTHERN BELL FRAN- CHISE AGREEMENT TO SEE WHETHER THERE IS AN OPENER PROVI- SION FOR RENEGOTIATION OR LEGAL REMEDIES WHICH WOULD ALLOW THE CITY TO CHARGE A.T.T. FOR SERVICES FORMERLY PROVIDED BY SOUTHERN BELL. Mr. Perez: We are on Item 20. Mr. Cox, are you going to make the presentation? Mr. C. E. Cox: No, sir, I'm going to introduce the people that are, Mr. Vice -Mayor. I just wanted to give the Commis- sion some information. The City some months ago engaged the firm of Communication Science, Inc. to do a study of the City's telecommunications needs, a feasibility study, if you would, to deal with out coming needs, our future needs, our long term needs in the telecommunication area. They also will speak to the franchise fee and the utility tax, and at this time I will introduce the gentleman who will be giving the presentation, Mr. Stu Tuchband, President of Communica- tion Sciences. Mr. Stuart Tuchband: Thank you Ed. Thank you, Commission- ers, Mr. Manager. The work we performed was a feasibility study and I believe our complete report was delivered or was made available to you in advance and what I have done here is prepared a very short presentation and some visuals showing our basic findings and recommendations. Jim Mc Clellan and I were involved heavily in the study and we are here today so that we can respond to any questions that may come up from the Commission. The first item of interest I'm sure will not surprise you and that is that the City of Miami incurs some substantial expenses for telecommuni- cations. What the visual shows is the annual expense for the City telephone system which we usually refer to as the Centrex system. This includes the station equipment and many of the switches behind the basic Centrex system. The Centrex product came into some discussion a few months ago in that Southern Bell, there was some concern that there was no support for the Centrex system. I'm happy to report that Southern Bell is now in the market place supporting the Centrex system as a major viable system to be used by indus- try, governments and certainly the City of Miami. I'd like to point out that the special circuits that are up there include alarms, traffic controls and the like that the data circuits are primarily those that emanate from the computer center, the total expense of $45,000 takes into account the reduction of 60% that is anticipated for the use of Suncom. The City's staff has, in the past, been able to rely heavily upon the Southern Bell to do much of the planning and engi- neering for the circuits and equipment required by the City but the AT & T Bell System divestiture has changed that relationship between the City and Southern Bell. The serv- ices and equipment they offer have changed and their people and many of their marketing practices have changed. One of the primary results of the divestiture is that all of the telephone equipment that Southern Bell owned in December that was on customer premises is now owned by AT & T Infor- mation Systems called ATTIS. AT & T Information Systems is an unregulated seller of telephone equipment and services and like the rest of their competitors, ATTIS has no respon- sibility with respect to the City's franchise fee or the excise tax. As of January 1, 1984, the inventory of equip- ment of services on which your franchise fee and your excise tax were calculated were effectively removed from the City's rate base. The loss in revenue was substantial and immedi- ate and the visual I have on the board right now shows how r MAR g 1984 RT .00 ._ . M 4 that revenue to the City has dropped substantially. Basi- cally, the franchise fee dropped by 28%, the excuse tax by 41;6 giving a total shortfall per month of $330,000, almost $4,000,000 a year of revenue that will not be received by the City of Miami that had been in its budget. The curve that is shown on the screen... Mr. Plummer: Let me understand that. Is that because of AT & T or Southern Bell? Mr. Tuchband: It is because of the Justice Department and the consent and the agreement of AT & T of Justice to divest the Bell operating companies from the AT & T parent. Mr. Plummer: Prior to that date of where the drop occurred, we were receiving that utility tax from Southern Bell. Mr. Tuchband: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: Why are they relieved of that obligation? Mr. Tuchband: No, they are not relieved of the obligation, what was done is the income that Southern Bell had been receiving on which the tax was collected has been removed from Southern Bell and given to AT & T. Mr. Plummer: Why then shouldn't AT & T be responsible to pay it to us? Mr. Tuchband: Well, your agreement, for example, for the franchise fee is with Southern Bell and it is based upon the City of Miami giving Southern Bell certain rights of way to run their operation. AT & T does not have those rights of way and you have no agreement with AT & T. Mr. Plummer: Does AT & T use the City right-of-way? Mr. Tuchband: No, they don't, not for that equipment. This is only equipment that is in customer premise. Mr. Plummer: Tell me again, AT & T, they bring the lines in? Mr. Tuchband: No, they don't, Southern Bell does. Mr. Plummer: Okay, what is AT & T's responsibility? Mr. ' Tuchband : They, for example, provide the telephone which is on your desk and the charge for that phone this month is being paid to AT & T. not Southern Bell and so the franchise fee and excise tax on that payment are no longer an obligation. Mr. Plummer: Well, doesn't that re -open then the agreement with Southern Bell? Mr. Tuchband: The Southern Bell agreement, as I see it, stays it, it survives, it is just that they have a much smaller income on which to collect that money. Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Gary, it would seem logical to me where we've had a 28% or roughly $330,000 a month loss of income, isn't there a provision in our Southern Bell Fran- chise that we could re -open, if what I'm understanding here correctly, this AT & T is getting away with highway robbery. Now, I'm concerned, and you know, this is not the first time I've expressed this concern. I'm talking about our fran- chise with Southern.Bell. Mr. Gary:` There's no provision. MAR 8 1984 fle 0 0 Mr. Plummer: There's no re -open provision? Mr. Clark Merrill: What we have is a provision that if they go into measured service - remember that was a concern when we were issuing that Franchise Agreement - and if they go to measured service it would reduce the income to the City and we could go back and renegotiate that. We had no way of knowing that the divestiture would be coming and that their income would be reduced as a result of a corporate change. So we do have in there a provision that if they go to meas- ured rate services and they reduce the amount of money... Mr. Plummer: I'm not speaking about measured rates. Mr. Merrill: I understand, but that is the only provision that we have. We do not have one that would cover this circumstance. Mr. Plummer: You're telling me then that AT & T is now getting the revenue that Southern Bell used to get and because of that we've got to suffer? Mr. Tuchband: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Now, who imposed the utility tax on Southern Bell, the Legislature? Mr. Tuchband: The Legislature gives the City of Miami the authority to do that by ordinance. Mr. Plummer: The Utility Tax, not franchise fee, now. Mr. Tuchband: Well, it is a public service tax called a Utility Tax, yes. It is done by City ordinance. Mr. Plummer: Can that same Legislature give us the right to levy that against AT & T? You're talking about $4,000,000 a year. Mr. Merrill: I'll tell you what I've done, I'm talking with people in the Tax Committee that Barry Kutun is Chairman of. I'm talking to some of his staff to see if there is some way that we can broaden the base on which we collect that tax and to include telephone equipment but they haven't respond- ed to that. I don't know, I'm looking for a mechanism by which we can ask the Legislature to change the legislation to allow us to do that. So far I haven't been able to find a vehicle to do that. Mr. Plummer: It is my understanding that the equipment that presently is in a residence or in a business is still South- ern Bell's up to 1985. Mr. Tuchband: No, that is not correct. That equipment moved to AT & T on January 1, 1984. We have verified that the receipts from Southern Bell have, in fact, dropped and reflect the projection made here. Mr. Plummer: Well, I'll tell you something, I would at this time immediately make a motion that the City Attorney be authorized to try and see if there is an opener provision on the Southern Bell Franchise for renegotiation or a legal remedy by which we can charge AT & T and other private companies who are providing the same service formerly pro- vided by Southern Bell. Mr. Dawkins: Second. MAR 8 1984 R T .99 0 Mr. Perez: We have a motion on the floor moved by Commis- sioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins in order to authorize the City Attorney for the negotiation of this issue. Is there any discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-273 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO EXAMINE THE SOUTHERN BELL FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TO SEE IF THERE IS AN OPENER PROVISION IN THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN] BELL FOR RENEGO- TIATION OR WHETHER THERE EXIST ANY LEGAL REMEDIES BY WHICH WE CAN CHARGE ATT FOR SERVICES FORMERLY PROVIDED BY SOUTHERN BELL. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Merrill, the Dade County Airport is now establishing its own phone system. It has purchased that type of equipment that is in my office that we are borrowing from Southern Bell. In your professional opinion, should the City be about the business of acquiring its own system? Mr. Plummer: Well, this is what the study is all about. Mr. Cox: The answer to that, Commissioner Dawkins, is that is exactly what this study is about and in this report they are saying that yes, we should be very seriously considering that but there are some economic impacts that we need to look at in the short term to make sure that that is the best route for the City to take at this time. But the answer is yes. Mr. Dawkins: But those economic impacts exceed the $4,000,000 we're already losing? Mr. Cox: No, sir, not on an annual basis. Mr. Perez: Mr. Cox, could I ask, how can we improve the quality of the mobile phones? We have a lot of com- plaints... Mr. Cox: Commissioner, in all sincerity, we will be able to provide that quality in house if and when, or I should say when the bond issues are approved because in that bond issue it is providing the funding for a new communications system in the radio frequency area. This will provide us all of the elements that we need for privacy, mobile phones in your cars. Mr. Perez: Okay, I think I have a better answer. Okay, do you want to continue the report? Mr. Tuchband: Thank you. I wanted to point out the little curve at the bottom of that chart. MAR s tse4 RT 4no 4 Mr. Dawkins: Why don't we have a copy of what you're read- ing from? Mr. Tuchband: It was my understanding that it was handed out. Mr. Plummer: You do. Mr. Dawkins: Is it this brown thing here? Mr. Perez: Yes, it is #20. Mr. Gary: It was in your agenda packet. Mr. Dawkins: Go back to your first slide, everybody else thinks I'm retarded. Mr. Plummer: What do you mean we think? It's called Commu- nications Science - 101. Mr. Dawkins: Is that at UM or Miami Dade? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Cox, why don't you simplify this as you did for me? You know, he summed it up for me beautifully for me in about 60 seconds. They recommend that we start looking but the time is not ready to move. Is that correct? Mr. Cox: Yes, sir, basically, but I think the real impact on the City obviously is the revenue loss. This was one of the germane items that the City Commission wanted to inves- tigate. We have done that thoroughly, and as you can see the chart, we are gradually going to recoup that but we have no control over it. Mr. Plummer: What can we do about it? Mr. Cox: Well, we can do nothing at this point except encourage the legislative process to give us some relief in the area. Mr. Plummer: So what you want us to do is to accept this report, be aware that you're moving towards possibly in the very near future an in house system but at this time you don't want us to do anything at all. Mr. Cox: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: I move that we accept the report of Communica- tion Sciences and that we abide by the recommendation of Mr. Cox. Did you want to say something, sir? You like that. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-274 A MOTION ACCEPTING A REPORT AND PRESEN- TATION OF COMMUNICATIONS SCIENCES ENTI- TLED: "CITY-WIDE MASTER TELECOMMUNICA- TIONS PLAN, PHASE 8-FEASIBILITY", ALONG WITH RECOMMENDATIONS SUBMITTED BY Mr. ED COX, DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- "T I01 6 4 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 43. AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE HAITIAN TASK FORCE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF NEIGH- BORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. Ms. Charlotte Gallogly: We are recommending the continua- tion of the contract with the Haitian Task Force for an economic development program in the Little Haiti area. This will represent the second year that we have been in business with this organization. We have evaluated the results of the first year contract and determined the scope of services and their performance and they have done a commendable job and we look forward to working with them so we are recom- mending support of this action. Mr. Plummer: What is the total budget of your task force? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: $50,000. Mr. Plummer: $50,000, do you get moneys from any other source? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yes. Mr. Plummer: What is the total budget? Mr. Gary: This is a CBO, J. L., the same as we do with Little Havana and everybody else. Mr. Plummer: I'm asking a question. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The total budget is $50,000. Mr. Plummer: That is all that you have to operate on? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: At this point, yes. Mr. Plummer: You get no sources from any other source? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We did receive a grant from the Ford Foundation for $30,000 and the grant just expired this month. Ms. Gallogly: Their contract with us for the previous year was $43,750 and they did get a grant from Ford to explore the feasibility of this organization serving as a revolving loan fund for $400,000 to be granted by Ford to support Haitian businesses in Little Haiti. It is my understanding also, that the Metro Dade County plans to provide them with additional support in the amount of $60,000 for the purchase of a building in Little Haiti for their headquarters, it will also serve as a visitors' center and for additional space in the Little Haiti area. HT 102 4 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-275 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH THE HAITIAN TASK FORCE IN SUBSTAN- TIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $37,750 TO CONTINUE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED THEREFOR FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 44. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE GRANT OF $35,000 IN SEED MONEY AND $10,000 FOR THE TELEVISED EVENT OF THE BUDWEISER UNLIM- ITED REGATTA. Mr. Plummer: I move that the City Commission approve in principle the tentative agreement reached with the Florida Inboard Racing Association for the holding of the Regatta on June 8, 9, and 10, 1984 in accordance with the terms I have outlined by the previous motion, the City's commitment of $35,000 seed money and $10,000 television money to be held in the Miami Marine Stadium on June 8, 9 and 10. I move that we accept that in principle. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-276 A MOTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE A GRANT OF $35,000 IN SEED MONEY AND $10,000 TOWARDS SAID TELEVISED EVENT DURING WHICH DURATION THE CITY OF MIAMI WILL RECEIVE NATIONAL EXPOSURE AT AN EVENT ENTITLED: "THE BUDWEISER UNLIMITED REGATTA"; THIS $10,000 IS GIVEN IN CONSIDERATION OF ESPN TV COVERAGE WHICH WILL ENABLE THIS EVENT TO BE SEEN IN CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. MAR 81984 RT .101 6 4 NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 45. APPROVE ISSUANCE OF $65,000,000 MULTI -FAMILY REVENUE BONDS. Mr. Plummer: In reference to Item 36, this is a 2:30 Public Hearing. The Public Hearing is to provide an opportunity for anyone having an interest in the proposed financing of four multi -family housing projects with the proceeds from the sale of the tax exempt bonds referred to as the Afforda- ble Housing Program. Announce has been made, the commence- ment of the public hearing, it is now started. Any persons wishing to speak in favor or against the program should be invited and encouraged to come forth and speak at this time. Is there anyone who wishes to speak on Item 36, the Afforda- ble Housing Program? Mr. Gary, would you send a staff member to inquire elsewhere in the building to ascertain if other persons wishing to speak at this public hearing, and after making such an inquiry should report back the results. Have you so designated a person to make inquiry throughout this building? Mr. Gary: Yes. Mr. Plummer: And who is that person? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Dena Spillman. Mr. Plummer: Would you come back and make a full report as to your inquiry. Is a staff member available to answer any questions that the Commissioners might have? Mr. Gary: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Who is that person? Ms. Gary: Ms. Dena Spillman. Mr. Plummer: Are there any Commissioners who have any questions of the staff person Dena Spillman, so designated by the City Manager? Let the record reflect that no Commis- sioners asked any questions. Are there proofs of publica- tion that this was in the Miami News, the Diario de las Americas and the Miami Review, is there proof? May I see that proof? What do you mean go get it? This is your damned paper. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I think the Clerk has those affidavits. Mr. Plummer: Does the Clerk have the proof? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Well, what are you sitting over there quiet for? Mr. Ongie: Because it is in the office, do you want me to stop the meeting? Mr. Plummer: I'm only complying. MAR R I' 104 • I 6 t Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: All we need to do, Mr. Plummer, is to make those proofs of publication a part of the record. Mr. Ongie: We will, sir. Mr. Plummer: Has that person gone through the City Hall ringing the bell announcing that this is a public.... Excuse me, come up and get on the record. Your name. Ms. Rosaria Lauredo: There was nobody that wanted to ad- dress this. Mr. Plummer: And where do you work? Ms. Lauredo: City of Miami Community Development. Mr. Plummer: And you inquired of everyone in the building? Ms. Lauredo: Yes, I did. Mr. Plummer: And nobody said they wanted to come down. Ms. Lauredo: No one. Mr. Plummer: Do we have proofs of the publications? Mr. Ongie: Si. Mr. Plummer: After persons wishing to speak have been heard an announcement should be made that the public hearing is concluded. Once again, is there anyone wishing to speak on Item 36 referred to as Affordable Housing Program? Does that take care of it? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mr. Vice -Mayor, the resolu- tion would now be in order for the Commission to vote upon. Mr. Dawkins: Before the resolution is voted on I've got some concerns to raise, Mr. Vice -Mayor. Before we do any- thing with this Affordable Housing, I need the following information. On the awards at the Melrose Nursery, I need to know what percentage of the total dollars will go to Related Housing, what percentage of the total dollars will go to Thacker Construction and what percentage of the total dollars will go to Marbilt on cooperation. On the awards at Highland Park, I want to know what percentage of the total dollars will go to Circa and what will go to Bond's organi- zation and who the persons in the Bond organizations are. On the award at the Police Benevolent Association, I need to know what percentage of the total dollars will go to Related Housing, what percentage of the total dollars will go to Thacker Construction and what percentage of the total dol- lars will go to Marbilt. On the award at the Civic Center, what percentage of the total dollars will go to Related Housing, what percentage of the total dollars will go to Thacker Construction and what percentage will go to Thacker. Now, are we planning? I would like to have that before you make any move on awarding any contracts or anything to anybody. Mr. Plummer: Obviously, you're not going to get an answer immediately. Mr. Dawkins: I'm not stopping anything. Mr. Plummer: Oh, Okay, I was going to tell you next time you read all that garbage. Mr. Dawkins: You read better than I do. you got a Certificate of Attendance. I got a Diploma, RT 105 6 4 Mr. Plummer: Go ahead, Davie Jones. What do we do with Item 36 besides forget it? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: You can go ahead and close the Public Hearing, Mr. Vice -Mayor, and then vote on it, if you wish. Mr. Perez: Okay, after we explained the whole thing, we don't have anybody interested in expressing opinions on this public hearing, we have to accept a motion to close the public hearing? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I think that would be appropriate, yes, sir. A motion to close the public hearing was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Now, a motion to pass the resolution would be in order. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who ;roved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-277 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $65,0009000 MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO FINANCE CERTAIN MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING PROJECTS. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ----------------------------------------------------------- 46. ORDERING RESOLUTION "EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE - I - H-4494. ---------- ----------------- ----------------------- ---------- Mr. Plummer: Is there anyone wishing to speak on Item 8, Improvements of Phase I, H-4494? Let the record reflect that no one came forth to speak on this item. MAR g 1984 HT 106 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-278 A RESOLUTION ORDERING EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I, H-4494 AND DESIG- NATING THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPE- CIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS EDISON HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PHASE I, H-4494. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 47. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: CENTRAL DRAINAGE PROJECT E-53 - BID B. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-279 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF MARKS BROTHERS COMPANY AT A TOTAL COST OF $59,730 FOR CENTRAL DRAIN- AGE PROJECT E-53 - BID "B"; AND AUTHOR- IZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $5,163. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre MAR 8 1984 RT .1 -37 48. ORDERING "EDGEWATER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4496". Mr. Perez: Item 12. Mr. Plummer: Anyone wishing to speak on Improvement H-4496? Let the record reflect no one came forward. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-280 A RESOLUTION ORDERING EDGEWATER HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT, H-4496 AND DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSESS- MENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS EDGEWATER HIGHWAY IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT, H-4496. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 49. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SOUTH DADE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5454-C. Mr. Perez: Does anyone want to speak on Item 13? Let the record reflect no one wants to speak. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-281 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SOUTH BAY SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN SOUTH BAY SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5454-C (CENTERLINE SEWER) AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote- „r I08 6 0 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 50. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM FY-84. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let the record reflect that no one seeks to be recognized. AN ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9690, ADOPTED OCTOBER 25, 1983, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS TO THE SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTITLED: "APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM (FY-84)" AND "COMPREHENSIVE JOB TRAINING PROGRAM (FY'84)" BY $504 AND $18,080 RESPECTIVE- LY, TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE SOUTH FLORI- DA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM TO PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCES FOR PARTICIPANTS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of February 9th, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereup- on given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9811. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. ---------------------------------------------------------- 51. DISCUSSION ONLY OF "INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION PRO- GRAM" - (SEE LATER SAME MEETING FOR CONTINUED DISCUS- SION). --------------------------------------- --------------------- Mr. Dawkins: Move 26. Mr. Plummer: Second, Mr. Perez: Do we have anyone interested in speaking on this issue? Let the record reflect no one is interested. Read the ordinance. MAR 8 1984 RT 109 i 6 Thereupon the City Attorney read the proposed ordinance into the public record by title. Mr. Perez: Did you mention $15,000? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: $16,000. Mr. Perez: That is Item 26? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mr. Perez: But it says an appropriation for International Trade Promotion Program in the amount of $2,400. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I realize that that is what the printed agenda says, the cover memorandum from Dena Spillman and the draft of the ordinance says $16,000. Mr. Perez: But for the Miami participation in the Interna- tional Trade Fair of Santiago. Why $16,000? That is Item 26. That is the International Trade Promotion. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: You know what the problem is, they attached the wrong one. UNINTELLIGIBLE CONVERSATION Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let me make the record clear, Mr. Vice - Mayor. You are absolutely correct, the ordinance that I read attached to Item 26 is the incorrect ordinance. Let me locate the correct one. Mr. Plummer: Where is Frank Diaz -Poe? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Vice -Mayor, can we go on to another item while we look for it? -- - ----- ---- --- - -- ---------------- 52. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: DECREASE APPROPRIATION FOR "MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE/ENTERPRISE FUND" TO REFLECT REMOVAL OF i399989200. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Perez: Item 28. Mr. Gary: This basically is an accounting correction where- by we had operating expenses in the Capital Budget and obviously you can't have operating expenses in the Capital Budget, it moves it out of the Capital Budget and puts it back in the operating budget where it properly belongs. There is no change in dollar amounts or increased expendi- tures. MAR 81984 HT 110 • 6 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 91 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIA- TIONS ORDINANCE; AS AMENDED; BY DECREAS- ING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE MIAMI CONVEN- TION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE IN THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER ENTERPRISE FUND FROM THE AMOUNT OF $7696799100 TO THE AMOUNT OF $74,562,900 TO CORRECTLY REFLECT THE REMOVAL OF THE AMOUNT OF $3,9989200 FOR OPERATING EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED TO BE INCURRED DURING FY 1984 THAT IS APPROPRIATED TO SAID PROJECT IN THE CURRENT GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET AND TO FURTHER APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL REVE- NUES RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED IN THE CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT TO DATE IN THE AMOUNTS OF $1,049,000 FROM CONVENTION CENTER REVENUE BONDS INTEREST, $88,000 FROM A CREDIT FROM THE DOWNTOWN COMPO- NENT OF METRORAIL, AND $745,000 FROM HOTEL DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENTS FOR A TOTAL AMOU14T OF $1,882,000; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 53• FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "RECREATION ACTIVITY PROJECT - 698001" AND APPROPRIATE $100000 THEREFOR. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "RECREATION ACTIVITY" (PROJECT 698001) AND APPROPRI- ATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $1009000 COMPOSED OF REVENUES COLLECTED FROM PARTICIPATION FEES DURING FISCAL YEAR 1983-841 CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - MAR Q 1984 R T 111 �J 6 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 54. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMENDING SECTION 3-55(a) OF THE CODE ENTITLED: "SPECIAL PACKAGE RATES" RELATING TO GREEN FEES AND SPECIAL RATES FOR ELECTRIC CARTS AT GOLF COURSES. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Plummer: How does this compare with the private, is this comparable? Mr. Gary: Yes, it is comparable. Mr. Howard: The summer rates will be exactly what all of the public... AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 30-55(a), ENTITLED: "SPECIAL PACKAGE RATES", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, RELATED TO GREEN FEES AND SPECIAL PACKAGE RATES FOR THE USE OF ELECTRIC CARTS AT CITY GOLF COURSES, BY INCREASING SAID CHARGES FROM $16 TO $13; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. -w-r-------w-------------- -w------------------•---------- 55. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH ITEM TRUST AND AGENCY FUND: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY SUPPLEMENT - FY - 83-84. --w -----w--.------...�------------ w-w-w--------- Mr. Gary: Item 31 is basically accepting Dade County's moneys for those programs that we jointly fund for the simplicity of accounting. MAR 8 1984 RT 112 6 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO. 8719 ADOPTED OCTOBER 26, 1977 AS AMENDED, THE SUMMARY GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISH- ING A NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND, ENTI- TLED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY SUP- PLEMENT (FY-83-84); AND APPROPRIATING $16,000 FOR THE EXECUTION OF SAME; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY PROVISION. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 56. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXERCISE RENEWAL PROVISION IN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH METRO FOR SPACE AT CULMER-OVERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER. Mr. Gary: This is the Overtown Jobs Program through Commu- nity Development and this is the rental cost for renting the space in the Metro Dade Community Center. Mr. Plummer: Should we hold that and incorporate in the million dollars? Mr. Gary: No. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-282 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER TO EXERCISE THE RENEWAL PROVISION CONTAINED IN THE EXISTING LEASE AGREE- MENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR THE LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE AT THE CULMER/OVERTOWN NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER, LOCATED AT 1600 N. W. 3RD AVE- NUE, FOR USE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMU- NITY DEVELOPMENT, OVERTOWN JOBS PROGRAM; SAID RENEWAL BEING FOR A ONE YEAR PERIOD EXPIRING MAY 31, 1985 AT AN ANNUAL COST OF $8,923.32; AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR EXPENDITURE OF 9TH AND 10TH YEAR COMMU- NITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR THE ABOVE PURPOSE. MA►R 81984 RT 113 6 0 (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 57• AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER AND CHIEF OF POLICE TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH EXECUTIVE STAFF AT THE POLICE FOUNDA- TION IN WASHINGTON, D. C. Mr. Plummer: Is the Chief here? Do you recommend Item 37? Chief Herbert Breslow: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: What does it hope to accomplish? Chief Breslow: Basically this hopes to teach our officers how to prevent themselves from getting into a situation that could become violent and it is a joint venture with the Metro -Dade Police Department. Mr. Perez: When it says not to exceed $200,000, how much is the exact amount? Chief Breslow: I believe with the County, our's and the Police Foundation it comes to about $600,000. Mr. Plummer: Well, let the record be very clear that these moneys are coming from forfeitures, not tax dollars. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-283 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER AND THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE EXECUTIVE STAFF OF THE POLICE FOUNDATION OF WASHINGTON, D.C. FOR AN AGREEMENT WITH SAID FOUNDA- TION TO FUND A VIOLENCE REDUCTION PRO- GRAM INVOLVING THE DEVELOPMENT, DOCUMEN- TATION AND VALIDATION OF ROLE-PLAYING SCENARIOS THAT WILL ENHANCE OFFICERS' SKILLS IN DEFUSING POTENTIALLY VIOLENT ENCOUNTERS WITH CITIZENS; SAID AGREEMENT CALLING FOR CITY -MATCHING FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2009000 WITH MONIES THEREFOR TO BE ALLOCATED FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE TRUST FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) MAR 8 1984 • RT 114 0 0 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 58. CONTINUED DISCUSSION REGARDING "INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION PROGRAM" - (Continued to the next City Commis- sion Meeting). ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Item 26, for the record, Mr. Vice - Mayor, I think it was already moved and seconded and I had merely read the wrong one so I am now reading the correct Item 26. Thereupon the City Attorney read the proposed ordinance into the public record by title. Mr. Perez: Mr. Manager, could I have complete information about Item 26? Item 26 is a Second Reading. How much is the total cost of the Miami participation in Santiago? Mr. Gary: I'll have to get that figure for you, I don't have it in hand. Mr. Plummer: Well, there is Mr. Diaz -Poe, ask him. No, he's not here, I'm sorry. Mr. Perez: Okay, I would like to have all the figures and the information on this issue. UNINTELLIGIBLE CONVERSATION Mr. Gary: No, the Second Reading is that we charged various firms to represent them and this is the $2,400 we received in return for the representation. _ A motion to continue Item #26 was introduced by Commis- sioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre -- --------------------------------------------------- 59. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH: LITTLE RIVER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR FUNDING TWO MARKET AND FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY STUDIES. - - -.- -- - - --- - --- --- - - --- - - --- ---- -------- -- - -- - - - - - -- -- - - ---- Mr. Plummer: How much money is involved? MAR 8 1984 RT 0 Ms. Charlotte Gallogly: $19,500. Mr. Plummer: How much did they get before? Ms. Gallogly: These will be new funds to fund market feasi- bility studies for two different commercial development projects in the Little River neighborhood and in the Allapattah produce neighborhood. Mr. Plummer: And how much other funds do they have? Ms. Gallogly: They currently receive, as part of their third year reduction, $37,750 starting July 1 for just administration, those programs will be receiving $25,000. We're basically their sole support. Mr. Plummer: Does the City Manager recommend? Mr. Gary: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Why, because she said soul support? I move it. NOTE: MAYOR FERRE RE-ENTERED THE MEETING AT THIS POINT. Mayor Ferre: What item are we on? Ms. Gallogly: 44. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-284 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH THE LITTLE RIVER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE ALLAPATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING TWO MARKET AND FINAN- CIAL FEASIBILITY STUDIES OF TWO PROPOSED CAPITAL ORIENTED PROJECTS IN THE RESPEC- TIVE COMMERCIAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS OF EACH ORGANIZATION, FUNDING FOR THESE CONTRACTS WILL BE FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City C1erx.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo MAR 81984 .1,16 RT 60. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS. Mayor Ferre: Take up Item 39, East Little Havana Task Force including Plummer Funeral Home. Mr. Plummer: No, that's what I want to get to because that thing stops at 12th Avenue. I want to know when we're going to get to the west. Mayor Ferre: That's because you don't have a good enough lobbyist. Mr. Plummer: No, let me tell you, I want to tell you be- fore. At my funeral home what you have effectively done is run all the people out of the east across 12th Avenue into the west and now we're saddled with them in the west. Mr. Mayor, we are compiling a list of things that have been stolen this week, $396 worth of funeral signs were stolen. Now that doesn't include all of my wicker chairs, the bat- teries out of the hearses, the gasoline out of the limou- sines, my fuel oil tank. It doesn't include the vandalism to my building, it doesn't include the two break ins, it doesn't include people sleeping on my front porch until they found out it was a funeral home and hauled baggage and buggy. Mayor Ferre: Other than that, have you got any complaints? Mr. Plummer: Other than that, no, I don't have any com- plaints. But I just don't think you can arbitrarily draw a line and say that the problems end there. Probably one of the biggest problems on Flagler Street is existing right around the Grand Union Super Market. It seems to be a congregating area for a lot of undesirables. That just happens to be west of 12th Avenue. You've got three hot spots on Flagler Street, two of them are west of 12th Ave- nue. One is around the area of 5 to 6th Avenue and Flagler, one is in the area of 12th to 13th Avenue and Flagler and the other one is around 17th Avenue and Flagler. They had a major shooting there last night. Okay? Now, what I'm trying to bring across to some people who don't want to listen, obviously, because nothing is being done, that of three trouble spots two of them are west of where these arbitrary lines have been drawn. Mr. Gary: I've got a solution. Mr. Plummer: Obviously you don't have a solution or you would have instigated it. Mr. Gary: I think you ought to vote on this like you vote on the carnivals at the Orange Bowl. Mr. Plummer: Where is Carollo? Where is Carollo? Look, I'm sick of tired of the problems. I'm faced with them day in and day out. Now, I know you can't station a policeman there 24 hours a day and I know that when they come through and drive through on the hourly basis my problems diminish. But if you area addressing the areas and pumping money into an area east of 12th Avenue I think the people west of 12th Avenue have the same consideration, keeping in mind that it seemed obvious that their problems are as big or as bad and the balloon theory that has always been in the past is seeming to me to become a reality and they are squeezing it on the east and it is popping out on the west. Now, I want MAR 81984 RT 'f 17 0 to tell you I'm going to be listening real close because whatever you get remember it is going to be duplicated. Mayor Ferre: All right, are there any further statements to the East Little Havana Report? Mr. Plummer: I hope they get everything they want. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: In April of last year the City Com- mission appointed the East Little Havana Task Force to study the area known as East Little Havana, bounded by N.W. 7th Street, S. W. 8th Street, the Miami River, I-95 ... Mayor Ferre: Sergio, in the interest of time, let me cut through all of that. We know the report. I want you to know I read this cover to cover again. Okay? And I'm sure everybody is aware. What is the issue, what is it you want us to do? You want us to vote in principle and approve this, is that correct? Mr. Rodriguez: Right. May I say something else? Mayor Ferre: Please, say whatever you want. Mr. Rodriguez: Vote in principle approving, I want to just make a correction on my memo because when it was written it was before your decision on the bond issue in relation to the substation, even when it doesn't specifically affect East Little Havana, leave that door open at this point, and in my memo on page 3 I mention... Mayor Ferre: I saw it. Mr. Rodriguez: And in addition Force over here issue. Okay, that we are recommending against that. to that, there are some people from the Task that would like to speak to you on this Mr. Plummer: Tell me, Sergio, what is the bottom line as far as dollars are concerned? Mayor Ferre: That is exactly... The problem is this, as I told the Manager on the plane yesterday: This report, and I read it twice. I read it once going up to Washington and I read it last night again, is very, again a very iffy nebulous report. There is no dollar amount, there is no time sched- ule, there is no prioritization. What is priority (1), what is priority (2), what is immediate priority (3)? Okay? What are the top 5 items you want accomplished this year? What are the top 5 items you want to accomplish in the next 5 years and what are the top 5 items you want, to do in the next 10 years and who is going to do it? Mr. Rodriguez: Okay, if I may address that, as part of your package on the time table it shows already those projects that have already been implemented and it shows starting in the fall which one is starting in the winter and they are being implemented with ..... Mayor Ferre: Can you tell me right now what the 5 most important projects are that you intend to implement once you get approval from this Commission, the top 3, the top 2, the top 10, whatever you want? What are the top 3 projects you're going to do? Mr. Rodriguez: Well, first, you have already acted on some of them so they are obviously.... 118 MAR 81964 RT 0 Mayor Ferre: I don't want to hear about those, once we've done them we done them and that's fine. Mr. Plummer: Oh, no, I want to hear about them. Mayor Ferre: Oh,"Okay, tell us. Mr. Plummer: I want to hear about them because I am telling you I am going to make a motion that whatever you give in this report, and I want them to have everything in here, but I want a duplication and a guarantee. Mayor Ferre: J. L., that's fine, but do you mind, I just want to know first off what is it you are going to do? Will you tell me just the top 3 things you want to do once we approve this thing. Tomorrow, what is it you're going to do? Well, tell me one. Mr. Rodriguez: Okay. We are already painting, I mean we're using the multi -family paint program and $100,000 has been allocated to this. That is B-2. Mayor Ferre: That is the priority thing, Paint Program. Mr. Rodriguez: It is already approved by you and it is being implemented already. Mayor Ferre: No, Plummer wants to know that and I'm going to... Mr. Rodriguez: Well, which one first? Mayor Ferre: Well, I think I was talking first. I'm asking you a very simple question. I want you to tell me what 1, 2, 3, 5 most important things you're going to do after this vote, if it is a positive vote, starting tomorrow for the next year. Mr. Rodriguez: Okay, I will start with P-15 which is the East Little Havana Redevelopment Plan. That will be done within the Planning Department establishing what are the most important considerations to be taken into account to improve the area including possible rezoning. Mayor Ferre: Okay, you have told me who is going to do it, now I want you to tell me how much it is going to cost and how long it is going to take. Mr. Rodriguez: It will be part of my work program, there will be no outside consultants, it won't cost any additional money and it will be finished.... Mayor Ferre: All right, then I will ask what is your budget, sir for your whole department? Mr. Rodriguez: It is approximately, I don't have the figure with me.... Mr. Plummer: It says here $30,000. Mayor Ferre: No, his Department. Mr. Rodriguez: For this I will say that it will take the work of one Planner, i't will be about $45,000 and part of this will be shared with the Latin Quarter and where he is working too. Mr. Plummer: Are you talking about P-15? Mayor Ferre: Yes. 119 MAR 8 1984 RT 0 Mr. Plummer: I very clearly read $30,000 total estimated cost. Now that is right here. Mr. Rodriguez: But what I'm saying now, sir, is that we are not doing this with outside consultants, you see, you have to separate the document what is recommended by the Task Force which all the way too partly responsible from the recommendation from the staff. Mayor Ferre: Look, I'm going to recognize Commissioner Plummer and he is going to go through with you on his list, now I just want you to listen to me and go through my list. Now, I'm just trying to get a handle on this. P-15, the Redevelopment Plan is the most important thing. Now, it is going to cost 35, 40, 45, you are going to put one Planner to work. How long will it take you to come up with that plan? Mr. Rodriguez: We will be finished by September of 84. Mayor Ferre: Okay, September of this year is the target date. Now, when you finish in September that work product, will you bring it to the Commission? Mr. Rodriguez: Of course. Mayor Ferre: And then we'll discuss what the Redevelopment Plan will be, have an opportunity to adopt it? Mr. Rodriguez: I will go to the Plann.`ng Advisory Board and then we will bring it to you. Mayor Ferre: All right, that is the first. What is the second important thing that you want to accomplish? Mr. Rodriguez: Of the things that we don't have any money allocated, I will go.... Mayor Ferre: No, don't put qualifications, I'm asking you a very simple question. As of half an hour from now when you get approval, will you tell me that the top three, or if you want five important things that you want to do starting right now, short term goals. Now, what are they? One, two, three. Mr. Rodriguez: I will say that the next one will be the Facade Treatment Program, Commercial Areas E-3. Mayor Ferre: All right, how much is that going to cost and where is the money coming from? Mr. Rodriguez: That one will cost $60,000 and it is already on -going s RT 0 0 Mayor Ferre: Of the commercial area. Mr. Rodriguez: Right. E-3. Mayor Ferre: E-3. All right, how much is that going to cost, and where is the money coming from? Mr. Rodriguez: That one will cost $60,000 and it is already on -going.. Mayor Ferre: We have the money? Mr. Rodriguez: Right. Mayor Ferre: Where is the money coming from? Mr. Rodriguez: The money comes from two different sources. Part of the money comes from the jobs bill. Mayor Ferre: The jobs bill, okay. Mr. Rodriguez: And the other portion comes, we estimate about $3,000 from the City funding allocated to this project. Mayor Ferre: From where, General Fund? Mr. Rodriguez: Community Development. Mayor Ferre: Oh, C. D., okay. And that is already in? We've got the money earmarked for that? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, it is already in. Mayor Ferre: Okay, now is the private sector going to participate in that, or are we going to do the paying, which is government money? Mr. Rodriguez: We are working with the different - the S.B.O.C., I believe, and other organizations which... Mayor Ferre: S.B.O.C.? Mr. Rodriguez: S.B.O.C. Mayor Ferre: Small Business? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: My question was, will there by anybody else participating other than the City of Miami with our $60,000? Mr. Rodriguez: In what sense? Mayor Ferre: Dollars! Mr. Rodriguez: No. Mayor Ferre: Here is $60,000. We are going to ask Mr. Gonzalez who owns 42 West Flagler to give $300 to paint his front. That's my question. Mr. Rodriguez: It is 70% provided by the City, 30% by the private sector. Mayor Ferre: 30% by the owner of the property. And that is going to be accomplished by when? Mr. Rodriguez: By June of this year. Mayor Ferre: By June of this year. la 121 MAR 81984 4 0 Mr. Rodriguez: I mean within the fiscal year of this City. Mayor Ferre: Are we going to cover anything other than Flagler? Mr. Rodriguez: It is mostly Flagler. Mayor Ferre: Mostly Flagler. Nothing else but Flagler? Mr. Rodriguez: For the commercial? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Rodriguez: I think we have one case ... we are now negotiating with the different people and we have to get takers. Mayor Ferre: How about First? Mr. Rodriguez: That is what I was going to say - First, and maybe Eight, depending upon whether we have takers. But we are going to concentrate first on Flagler. Mayor Ferre: Okay, what is the third most important thing? Mr. Rodriguez: The Multi -family Housing Rehab, which is City-wide and depends on having people applying for it. Mayor Ferre: Multi -family Rehab. All right, how much is that going to cost? Mr. Rodriguez: It is City-wide funds, and it will depend on who applies for it. The City-wide funds have been allocated in the City... Mayor Ferre: $10,000, a $100,000, a $1,000,000, $10,000,000? How much money do we have allocated? Mr. Rodriguez: Depends on the takers, sir. Mayor Ferre: How much money do we have allocated to it in case people apply? Mr. Rodriguez: The federal allocation is $2,000,000 City-wide. Mayor Ferre: Okay, so we have $2,000,000 available for East Little Havana. Mr. Rodriguez: No, City-wide. Mayor Ferre: All right, how much do we have available for East Little Havana? Mr. Rodriguez? There is no allocation. It is first come, first served. Mayor Ferre: If tomorrow we have ten applications. Will we have the money, or are we going to turn these people down? Mr. Rodriguez: First come, first serve. Mayor Ferre: First come, first serve. Mr. Dawkins: Hold it! First come, first serve - you got one from Edison Center, same type. You got one from the Haitian community, same type. Now, what is first come, first serve? Mr. Gary: First come, first serve means that those people who can get their plan together and before Dena's shop for consideration for rehab get the funding. Mr. Plummer: But is that just in the Little East Havana, or is that the total City? Mr. Roddriguez: No, all over the City. MAR 8 1984 ld 0 Mr. Dawkins: No, we can't do it like that, Mr. Mayor. We are going to have to take it and divide it up. You see, I sit here Dena, and every - time I look, and when I start yelling and screaming, you tell me we didn't get in on time, UDAG grant didn't make it, etcetera. Now, I just can't accept this, and if we are sincere as we say we are, we will find the money for the three departments for three areas! Mr. Gary: Well, let me just first say that the current procedure that is being followed is one that this City Commission discussed and ap- proved. If you now want to change it, where we allocate it by area, we have no problem with that. Mr. Dawkins: Well, okay now - Dena please. The Manager said this is a policy and procedure that was discussed and set by this Commission. What is that policy and procedure? Ms. Spillman: The way that program works, sir, is that we have a City- wide pot of money for multifamily rehabilitation in all the C.D. tar- get areas. We advertised publicly for owners of buildings who are interested in fixing up their property to submit applications to us. We receive the application. We review them. The way things happen in most cases, most of the applications don't meet our criteria. We go, however, in the order in which they come into our office, and a person who puts the most equity into the project has the larger chance of getting funded than someone who has lesser equity in the project, so it is a rather complicated system. Mr. Dawkins: You know, you are talking about multifamily, and now we are talking about commercial property. I mean, I am at a disadvantage. I don't know what I am talking about. Ms. Spillman: Okay, the previous program that Mr. Rodriguez mentioned was commercial rehab. The one we are now discussing is multifamily housing rehaib. Mr. Dawkins: All right then, let's get back to you, Mr. Gary. What are we saying, or is on the multifamily money, we are going to give it out first come, first serve, and on the commercial rehab, first come, first serve, or what? Ms. Spillman: If I could clarify - wait, Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, take all of it and send it back to the Federal government (LAUGHTER) Ms. Spillman: Let me clarify one thing. On the commercial money, that is specifically designated for Little Havana already, because the resi- dents asked for it that's one thing. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, beautiful! Hold it now, wait. This is the part I need to understand. This part of the money was gotten and earmarked for Little Havana. Ms. Spillman: Through the Community Development jobs bill program. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, so therefore, if the other groups come and ask for it, then I am correct in saying that this money was gotten for this area, but we will apply for some money for the other areas. Ms. Spillman: In the other areas we do have smaller amounts of money for commercial paint programs that the C.B.O.'s are running. It is a different kind of program that accomplishes the same thing. Mr. Dawkins: No, like hell it does! You see, my only problem is... Mr. Gary: Let me explain to you. Mr. Dawkins: No, I don't need an explanation. My problem, we have enough divisiveness and what have you out here now. I don't need the Haitians saying the Cubans got this. I don't need nobody else saying that somebody else took something. What I need is an established pol- icy and procedure here that spells out that this is what it is and this is what it was. 123 MAR 81984 4 0 Mr. Gary: Okay, but if I may - what happens is, different communities are different in terms of their problems and even if they have similar problems, their priorities are different. Mr. Dawkins: You know, Mr. Gary, I have heard this (I'm not cutting you off), I've heard this on sewer, I've heard this on the streets, I've heard this on the lights. Everytime I sit up here and want to know, why is we cannot meet the needs that the people present, you tell me that different areas have different priorities. That is a lie! Mr. Gary: Can you let me finish? Mr. Dawkins: In all of the communities where needs are, or high unemploy- ment, poor health services and jobs, but that is what is needed in the area. Mr. Gary: Now may I finish? Thank you. When the City of Miami got job bills money - as you recall, this is the money where I originally wanted to go in Overtown - $2,761,000. This City Commission decided that it was going to allocate the money by different areas, and you allowed the different areas to decide what they wanted. Now, of the $2,761,000, Model City, for example, got $200,000, and they decided, okay? ... they decided - this City Commission endorsed it, they wanted that moeny for multifamily housing rehab. In Wynwood, their $275,000, they wanted for jobs training programs. Now, if you go over here to Little Havana, they got $400,000, they said they wanted theirs for residential and commercial rehabilitation, okay? That is the distinc- tion. It wasn't that we were slighting some and not doing others. What happens is, they prioritized theirs based on available money that we had to allocate which came to this City Commission and you voted on it. Mr. Dawkins: That is job money. Mr. Gary: This is the jobs money. Mr. Dawkins: But we are through with that. Okay, let's get back to the commercial. Mr. Gary: This is jobs money that he is talking about in his report. Mr. Dawkins: Well, what jobs money is Dena talking about? Mr. Gary: What Dena was talking about was the rehab program which is a separate program, which is City wide, which is a first come, first serve, which is a different pot of money. Now... Mr. Plummer. What you are doing here is establishing a special pot. Mr. Gary: No, this is not a special pot - this is a pot that was already approved by this City Commission in terms of residential and commercial rehab, which came out of a jobs program which you approved. Mr. Plummer: City-wide. Mr. Gary: City-wide, but of the City wide money for Little Havana, which got $400,000, they wanted theirs for residential and commercial rehab. Okay? Overtown, we got $400,000. They wanted their for second mortgage program on land previously acquired by the City. Okay? They made those decisions. Mr. Plummer: How much went into Little Havana. Mr. Gary: Little Havana got $400,000. Mr. Plummer: Okay. Little Havana - that is the total Little Havana area? Mr. Gary: Exactly. 6 ?-4 Ma° 8 1904 4 0 Mr. Dawkins: The people from the Little Havana area, - do you under- stand what is going on, what is being said? I don't either! You are better off than me, because I really don't know what you are saying. Mayor Ferre: All right, unless you want to add, I've got three priority items. If you want to add more, I will listen to more. Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, sir, that paragraph. I would like to add also E-12, which is crime sweeps and police walking beats program. Mayor Ferre: Walking streets? Mr. Rodriguez: Crime sweeps. Mayor Ferre: Crime sweeps. Mr. Rodriguez: And police walking beat programs. Mayor Ferre: Okay. Tell me what that is and how much it is going to cost and when you are going to implement it. Mr. Rodriguez: It has already been implemented by the Police Department. Mr. Dawkins: What are you saying Mr. Mayor? Some of these things that we are doing, we are using existing funding and that is when he says and it is on -going. Mr. Rodriguez: The walking beat as well as the horse beat has been created in West Flagler and Southwest 1st from Miami River to loth Avenue. It is already there. Mayor Ferre: Okay, anything else? Mr. Plummer: That is right, because there is no crime beyond that any further west. Mayor Ferre: Right, you take care of it, Captain Marvel! What else? Mr. Rodriguez: And the last one I would like to mention is the compre- hensive code enforcement. Mayor Ferre: Comprehensive code enforcement, all right, and what is going on that? Have we already started that? Mr. Gary: No. Mayor Ferre: Code enforcement is Metro, isn't it? Mr. Rodriguez: It will be a combination of our fire rescue services in combination with our... like we are doing in Overtown now. Mayor Ferre: When is that going to start? Mr. Rodriguez: That one? According to our recommendation, will be in this quarter of the year. The December -March quarter, which I think we are running a little bit late. Mayor Ferre: Okay, if you go in there and enforce code enforcement, we will have to evacuate everybody out of East Little Havana. Mr. Rodriguez: What we would like to do is the similar approach that we used in Overtown, which, if we don't go with the whole area being suddenly enforced the code, but we go by areas, selecting what we can do slowly and try to see if we can solve the prcblem as we go along. Mayor Ferre: All right, You have mentioned five, I think we will stop right here. Now, mention one or two medium or long range goals that you are going to start. that you can implement one this is approved. By that I mean goals that will take three to five years to accomplish that are substantive in nature. ld .1.25 MAR 81984 0 Mr. Rodriguez: I would like to see the Jose Marti Recreational Program, which we are talking about starting about June - September of this year, which is later on. Mayor Ferre: How much is that going to cost? Mr. Rodriguez: We didn't receive any amount from the Parks Department as to how much it will cost. Mayor Ferre: You say we have not received it? Mr. Rodriguez: We didn't receive it. Mayor Ferre: Well, that is something that we need to deal with with next year's budget. Mr. Rodriguez: I guess so. Mayor Ferre: Unless you have any other ideas - do you have any better ideas? How about a lottery? Mr. Rodriguez: No, but I thought it might be... Mayor Ferre: You don't want that, huh? Mr. Rodriguez: Unless you want it. What I thought it might be pos- sible would be that I don't know how the bond issue would affect any of this and when will the money be available, but... Mayor Ferre: Bond issue can't be used for recreational. Mr. Rodriguez: I know, but I imagine there will be some part of the funds will be allocated for some resources and some other resources will be free for recreation programs. I don't know, I am just telling you what I think. Mayor Ferre: Would you find out and come and report back to me? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: A short memo would be fine. You don't need to do it extensively. Anything else you want to mention? Mr. Rodriguez: This one will depend on the documentary stamp tax fund being resolve - the situation that we are waiting on that to be resolved, but I would like to see home ownership program also being implemented. That depends on that. And finally, it has been a big concern of the Task Force, the situation with crime, and they have mentioned repeatedly the desire to have a substation in the area. I believe you have a policy established because of the bonds that we are trying to get for the area for the City, of establishing substa- tions. I don't know exactly the locations should be exactly here in East Little Havana, or it should be ... the site hasn't been decided, but I know this has been a big concern for the area. Mayor Ferre: I've got three questions for you. One, you did mention the demographic study, and let me tell you what they are. The three questions - one is the demographic study. The second question that I have for you, you did mention anything about garbage, trash and cleanup, and the third question I have is, how about the issue of getting more people that live in that particular community to be on the task force. I say that with all due respects to the Chairperson and the Vice -Chairperson who are both here, but they don't live in the area, and I'd like to get some people that feel the heat of the concrete pavement under their feet as they walk home every day. Mr. Perez: I want to raise the possible solution that you are trying to affect to the vagrants of the area. Mr. Rodriguez: In relation to your three concerns - the demographic and social need professional study, I believe is an important one. Of course I would like to get it. My biggest concern is that in 126 MAR 81984 0 0 talking to Clark Merrill, I understood that we are going to get a new census pretty soon, if everything is worked out at the Federal level, and I felt that this might be an unnecessary expense until we get that one at this point. I agree that it is very important. I would like to have that done if we had the funds. Mayor Ferre: I want to tell you that your Senator Paula Hawkins - I saw her yesterday and she is very supportive. She said that she thinks that we are going to be able to get the new census under way. Mr. Rodriguez: Okay. Mayor Ferre: Is Clark Merrill around? Mr. Plummer: Always. Mr. Rodriguez: In relation to the ... when you mentioned about having the Task Force members of the area, I agree 100% with that. I think that is right, and I think the Task Force members have mentioned that also as a big concern that they have. In relation to a cleanup of the area, one of the biggest concerns - I was impressed in our conversa- tions with different directors. When we talked to the Director of Public Waste, he was basically mentioning to us that they have been solid interested in the changing policy in the collection of garbage as compared to collecting them in going all the way through the house and collecting them at the curb, and I mentioned that at some point, this will be something that they will resolve, but because it wasn't resolved as a policy, we needed address it over here. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Rodriguez: So, that was a concern that was expressed and it is a policy that has to be resolved, I guess by you. Mayor Ferre All right, Commissioner Perez had a question. You answered that. Mr. Rodriguez: What was the question again, sir? Mr. Perez: The large vagrancy in the area. What is the solution and the recommendations? Mr. Rodriguez: As far as we were able to determine in talking to the Police Department, there is no real solution, You cannot really arrest them and if you put them in jail, if you put them in jail one day and they go out the next day, so there is no real solution at this point. Mr. Perez: Well, I think we have to look for a solution because we are receiving a lot of complaints every month from neighbors from East Little Havana. I think it is important that we try to solve it. The first time I was in the neighborhood with Mr. Casanova, I think that was one of the first complaints that we have received and I think that is an important area that we have to pay some attention. Mr. Gary: The problem with that is that prior to about three or four years ago, we could arrest people for vagrancy, loitering, drunkenness. Now you can't do that. The Supreme Court has ruled that you can only do that if a person is drunk and out of control. Vagrants, there is nothing you can basically do with that. Mayor Ferre: All right, other questions from other members of the Commission. Mr. Plummer: Yes, the only question that I have is, what would esti- mate the total costs of these programs?..everything that is outlined here. Mr. Rodriguez: The recommended, or the one that... the whole thing? Mr. Plummer: Total program. ld 127 MAR 81984 0 0 Mr. Rodriguez: There are some projects for which we don't have any estimates, and I identified them on Page 6 of the time table, the double column. It shows over here that it will be a minimum $6,750,600 for the whole thing. Of that, what I am saying, what we are recommend- ing is that to the actions that you have taken already this year, $160,000 has been allocated, and also, the $1,995,000 for the street improvements. You took an action on that I believe in September. Mr. Plummer: That was from 12th Avenue to the river. Mr. Rodriguez: Let me get that information in a second. Mayor Ferre: He wants to document it. Mr. Rodriguez: I will, sir. Mayor Ferre: But, what he doesn't know is that he can't vote on it because he has a conflict of interest when he gets beyond the 12th. And by the time he gets it, that only leaves two members of the Commission to vote for it. Mr. Plummer: Yes, but I've got friends, you don't! (LAUGHTER) Mr. Rodriguez: The amount that is allocated for the area bounded by S. W. 4th and 9th Avenues from S. W. 1st to 7th Street for the street improvement - that is to begin construction in June of 1984. Mr. Plummer: That doesn't include the big trees that put that all died? Mr. Rodriguez: That is another concern that people from the area - that the Task Force has explored, of having trees in the area, but I think that the response that we have from the Department of Public Works is that the trees will be placed when the streets are improved. Mr. Plummer: It is the biggest joke on Flagler Street - the trees. Mr. Rodriguez: In relation to Flagler Street, by the way, we are going to try to work with the Dade County Department, because there is a commitment from them at some point to do that, and they stopped in taking care of that problem, but we are going to contact them again to see whether they will continue that program. Mr. Plummer: You put in ugly trees, no maintenance, no upkeep. Mr. Gary: That is Dade County, now. Mr. Rodriguez: Dade County. Mr. Plummer: All I know is, you have got dead trees. Mayor Ferre: Anything else? You have an obsession with dead trees! Mr. Plummer: But you are saying 6.7? Mayor Ferre: All right, anything else about the dead trees, so we can move along. Mr.Rodriguez:The only thing I would like to add is that through the community development process, we will make recommendations to that require- ment and to you eventually as to allocation on certain projects on a concentrated portion of this area so that some results will be shown. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, that was my next question. You are saying that the Task Force has agreed on a target by target area so that we can see some results instead of scattering us around. Mr. Rodriguez: The Task Force has made some recommendations, but the Planning Department specifically will make somewhat specific recom- mendations within the area as to where we should be targeting the limited resources that we have when we are talking about real money that will be added in addition to the decisions wade already. .$ MAR 8 Mr. Dawkins: What I am saying is, are we going to work - well, let's say the area around E1 Pub. Are we going to take an area at the time and then do that, and then do another area, or are we just going to go 12th Street and then 7th Street and then 8th Street? Mr. Plummer: Miller, E1 Pub is not included. That is west of 12th Avenue - oh, no! Mayor Ferre: Oh, no it isn't. That is right. Mr. Plummer: No, E1 Pub and Hector's Place are west of 12th Avenue, so that is not included. No, there is no problems there. Everything is beautiful. Mayor Ferre: That is right. You have got it now. I'm glad you finally realized that! Mr. Rodriguez: In relation to the Latin Quarter, you are going to have recommendation coming to you April 20-something. Mr. Dawkins: On a first come, first serve basis. Mayor Ferre: That's it! Mr. Rodriguez: After we go through the Planning Advisory Board, to decide what are we proposing in that area - we are not talking of allo- cation of funds, but the planning implementation tools that believe will improve the area. Mr. Plummer: Well, look, let me be right up front with you. Whatever is approved here, I am going to ask the same be granted from 12th Avenue to 7th to 22nd Avenue and from S. W. 8th Street to the river, so whatever you grant here, I am going to ask the same thing be given to the other areas. Mayor Ferre: If you can get the votes, you've got i.t! All rignt, now, can we hear from the Chairperson and the Vice -Chairperson? Ms. Maria Elena Prio-Duran: Thank you. My name is Maria Elena Prio- Duran. I am the Chairperson of the Eaast Little Havana Task Force. I am live at 3550 Rockerman Road in the City of Miami. Mr. Mayor and Commissioner, we felt - the Task Force felt that it was part of our responsibility to you to react to the City's response to the Task Force's recommendation. When you appointed us back in May of 1983, you asked us to come up with an action plan for the area that would revitalize the area. I remember distinctly that your stated objective was to turn the area around, reverse the trend of deterioration. In looking at the City's response, while the City Administration has undertaken some very positive steps in the area, and in all sincerity, we do not wish to under -estimate them or to under -value the steps that have been taken. We feel that the actions taken, and those contem- plated by the City in this response will be insufficient to make any kind of significant impact in East Little Havana. What we wish to recommend to you today, is that you maintain your initial commitment and your initial objective, of targeting the neighborhood with a vigorous action plan and askthe City Administration today to go back and identify the necessary monetary and human resources to bring this about. Their response is a bit nebulous. It needs time tables, but more than anything, we need an action plan that brings it all together. One of the recommendations that we made back in July is that an Assis- tant City Manager be appointed to coordinate all this - to look at as a whole and say what can we do here. I understand that Mr. Gary has appointed Walter Pierce for that task. I think that is excellent. With an Assistant City Manager who can oversee the entire plan, we the Task Force, would like to go back to the Cit Administration - Walter Pierce at its head, and together, make an action plan with those priorities and it is funny, because many of the ones you mentioned are the ones that we wanted to bring forth today. And we are willing - most of the Task Force is here today - we are willing to once again go back and hopefully we can get this done within 30 days, no longer. It has been eight months now since we presented the recommendations. Look at it, see - well, this is feasible for 1984, this is for 1985, and come 1"*9 MAR 81984 together with a package, and that is what we recommend to you today. The agenda calls for approval, for a resolution approving the recommen- dations on principle, and we think that is fine, but we could get to- gether and try harder to come up with an action plan that is much more specific than this -- to answer some of your questions, my interpreta- tion (you can correct me if I am wrong) what I see specifically that has been done in the area, a walking beat on 1st Street and Flagler - multihousing paint program for $100,000, commercial paint program for $60,000 - that is $160,000 total, plus the street improvement, which was already contemplated when we made our report. That is about all I see. Mayor Ferre: Maria Elena, I want to make sure we understand. I am not saying this in any way to disavow or disregard the important contribu- tion made by Sergio and Staff, okay? You are the Chairperson of this committee, and we are looking to you for both leadership and recommenda- tions. Now, that doesn't mean to say that we are not going to pay atten- tion to Sergio, and if you have a conflict, we may not pay attention to what you are recommending and pay attention to what Staff is recommending, but we are looking to you for guidance in this area, and I think it is very important that the volunteer group - the Task Force be kept not only informed, but involved. Ms. Prio-Duran: We in the process want to continue working with the Administration. The City has also recommended - I think they have listed a number of people as a monitoring committee. We welcome work- ing with them, but residents of the area, I wanted to mention this to- day... Mayor Ferre: We are going to get to that. Ms. Prior -Duran: .... that there ar no residents in the area. In all justice, Mr. Mayor there are a lot of recommendations in what we put forth and the status, and it involves a lot of departments and it is a big job for a Department that is already very overworked and with one person at the head of it - working with these citizens, I think we can come up in 30 days hopefully with one, two, three, four... Mayor Ferre: Mr. Permuy, would you like to address the Commission? Mr. Jesus Permuy: Jesus Permuy, Vice -Chairman to the Task Force. I would like to add just one important point that may be a distinction that will help in this project. We have here a very good collection of activities. We have identified needs in the area, and we sought different ways to do it. What we do not have here and we never attempted it in the short time we have, is we have a redevelopment plan. Then, Mr. Mayor, I think you approached it correctly when you said "Give me the priorities". We are not prepared, and the Department is not prepared to give you the priorities at this time, simply be- cause it was not defined as a plan, as a redevelopment plan, so if we have some more time, and we can incorporate some people from the area, I am pretty sure they volunteer members of the Commission, maybe not all of them at this time, originally appointed can come up with a redevelopment plan, but then, the Department has made a tremendous contribution. They are helping us. They are not developing a plan, because this distinction has to be understood, please. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you very much. Any further statements or questions? Lorraine? Ms. Lorraine Rassman: My name is Lorraine Rassman, I am the Executive Director of Greater Miami United. I am here on behalf of a number of members of our Board and Task Force who were here earlier, but were not able to stay until this time. I just wanted to let the Commission know that we do have a Task Force with our board, who is very interested in East Little Havana. We have been working with Maria Elena Duran, expecially in areas where there might be a private sector innerface that we think that in order to move forward at all, you have to have a redevelopment plan. You have to have the demographics study and I am not sure that the resources of the Planning Department are really ade- quate, or the $30,000 that were recommended is really adequate ld .130 MA►R 81984 It needs to be done quickly for you to have an action plan, and I just would like to reinforce this idea that City services and City funds should be targeted in the area. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, any other statements? If not, is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: I move it. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I am sorry - Victor. Mr. Victor de Yurre: Victor de Yurre, I am also a member of the Task Force. I just wanted to address the comment by Commissioner Perez as to the vagrancy that goes on in that area. I think that the main problem that stems from these vagrants walking around the area stems from the fact that there are a lot of delapidated homes that are like shells and property there that are just like shells - they are just like hotels to these individuals. They will come in, spend the day walking around and at night they have got a place where they can go to sleep and there is close on the river, I think it is on 4th Street, there is a big hotel - there used to be a hotel and it is totally gutted out, but it serves like a condominium for a lot of these indi- viduals. They come and they have like big apartments, as it turns out, and they are living there for free. It isn't a matter of walking around in the area and being able to be picked up or not. I think it stems ... you have to go down to the guts of the problem - that is that they have a place where they can sleep at at nignt, while during the daytime they are walking around, so I think we have to address the issue of them having a place where they can sleep in the area and try to get rid of that. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you. Is there further discussion on this? If not, it is moved by Plummer. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-285 A RESOLUTION APPROVING IN PIRINCIPLE, THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS, FOR AN AREA GEN- ERALLY BOUNDED BY NW 7TH STREET ON THE NORTH, SW 8TH STREET ON THE SOUTH, THE MIAMI RIVER/I-95 ON THE EAST AND 12TH AVENUE ON THE WEST, A COPY OF WFICH IS AT- TACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ld i31 MAR 8 1984 ■ na,�,�A,s innen� z.s� aa+ 61. ESTABLISH A WEST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE WITH BOUNDARIES DELINEATED THEREIN. Mr. Plummer: Maurice, I want to make a motion. Mayor Ferre: Go right ahead. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I move at this time that there be established a West Little Havana Task Force... (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENT) Mr. Plummer: Yes Sir, I told you before and the boundaries, I would assume, and this is flexible at the time that it is created... Mayor Ferre: Mr. City Attorney, I would like to know if there is a conflict of interest. Mr. Plummer:....that is is 12th Avenue by 22nd Avenue by S.W. 8th Street and it ends by the river and the same amenities be afforded and Staff that is afforded in the East Little Havana Task Force. I... Mayor Ferre: With the exception of the two blocks from Flagler Street to N. E. 1st Street, from 13th to 14th Street. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That eliminates all problems, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: I move it. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? Mr. Plummer: That is from 12th Avenue to 22nd, and S. W. 8th Street to the river. Mayor Ferre: Let the record reflect that Commissioner Plummer, who has a conflict of interest...this is regarding the conflict... Mr. Plummer: I will let you know whether I've got a vote - call the roll! Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. Mr. Carollo: From 12th Avenue to what Avenue? Mr. Plummer: 12th to 22nd; S. W. Sth Street to the river. Mr. Carollo: You will have to expand the target area to 22nd Avenue. Mayor Ferre: Let's do it one bit at the time. Mr. Plummer: It is about the same size area, it is the only reason. Mr. Carollo: I believe 27th Avenue crosses 37th. Mayor Ferre: Oh, no, if you go to 37th, you are going into... Mr. Plummer: It is going to be too big for the ............ Mayor Ferre: I am willing to take it one step at a time. Let's go... Mr. Perez: Let me point out, Little Havana area covers up to 27th Avenue. Mayor Ferre: I realize that. No, Little Havana goes beyond 27th Avenue. Mr. Perez: Up to 27th Avenue! Mr. Plummer: Fine, I have no problems with that. MAR 8 1984 ld 132 Mayor Ferre: Okay, it has been amended... before it gets amended twice again, let's go. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-286 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MAONAGER TO ESTABLISH A WEST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE WITH THE SVIE AMENITIES THAT PRESENTLY EXIST IN THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE AND DECLARING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE WEST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: NW 12TH AVENUE, N47 27TH AVENUE, SW 8TH STREET TO THE MIAMI RIVER. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: I do not vote - I have a conflict of interest. (LAUGHTER) Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would hope that all Commissioners would come forth at the next Commission meeting with three appointments - I think it is the way we did it before, and that would give us a total of 15 members and I... Mayor Ferre: All right, I am ready with my appointments - John Plummer. Mr. Plummer: That is fine with me, if he lives or works in the area. I have no problem, but I would hope that we could establish this at the next Commission meeting. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Set the same perimeters - Mr. Sergio, sir, I will look to you to come forth with the building of that task force, sir. Mr. Rodriguez: For the new Task Force. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir, and you know, the same things that are going on are carried over. Mayor Ferre: We've got to move along - we've got companion Item 53 which we are going to take up. Yes, Ma'am? Ms. Prio-Duran: Can we ask a question? What exactly did you approve after Item 39? Mayor Ferre: We approved the recommendation in principle, including your comments. Ms. Prio-Duran: Thank you. • 3-3 ld MAR 81984 62. APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE AND INCLUDING A MOTION TO EXPAND THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS, INCLUDING THOSE FROM THE PREVIOUS GROUP WHO WISH TO SERVE. Mayor Ferre: Now, Sergio, we have Item 53, which is a companion bill. I've got one question for you. You have five categories in the poten- tial candidates, of which... and a total of twenty. You want us to pick a group of nine. I'd just like to know how this list came about. I mean, who made up this list? Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: My staff, based on the contact that they had established throughout, working in the area came out with the list, but it is just a recommended list, and my only concern with this is that we don't have any people from the area - residents of the area. Mayor Ferre: Okay, I would like to do the following, okay? I would like for this Commission to select nine people, which we will do right now. And then (Maria Elena, you had better listen to this now, you and Jesus) we are going to select nine people out of the twenty you are recommending. I think that is fair, and then, we want you to recommend at least four more people from the area, or maybe six - I don't care whether it is four or six. You can go up either to thirteen or fifteen, but I would like to have at least four people who live in that community. Mr. Plummer: Have all of these people on this list agreed to serve? Mr. Rodriguez: Nc, sir. Mr. Plummer: They have not? Mr. Rodriguez: No. Mayor Ferre: Okay, I will tell you, the first group of people that I think we ought to choose are the people that were on the previous com- mitte► and that is, Maria Elena Prio-Duran and Jesus Permuy and Dolly McIntyre. I think we should choose those three. Any disagreement with that? Mr. Plummer: Have they agreed to serve? Mr. Rodriguez: No, sir. Mr. Carollo: For East Little Havana? Mayor Ferre: Yes, this is the follow up board, okay? They are recom- meing...this is East Little Havana —they are recommending three people that were on the previous task force to remain, that is: Duran, Permuy and McIntyre. Now, beyond that, I will tell you who I would choose and you come up with your own list: Willy Bermello, Timothy Blake. Luis Sabines, Hilda Rodriguez, Eduardo Padron, and Miriam Roman. Those are the nine that I would vote for. Who else wants to come up with names? Mr. Plummer: What about Alberto? Mayor Ferre: Joe, you got any names? Mr. Carollo: Yes, certainly. Mayor Ferre: Go on. Mr. Dawkins: Hilda Rodriguez, Eduardo Padron... Mayor Ferre: All right, Hilda Rodriguez... hold on... I'm going to mark them out now as you read them off to me: Hildra Rodriguez, Eduardo Padron, who else? Mr. Dawkins: Eduardo may not serve, I don't know. He may be too busy. l d .134 MAR 81984 Mayor Ferre: Luis Sabines. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, we could of course, name other candidates besides the ones that are here. Mayor Ferre: Of course! You name whomever you want. Mr. Perez: We can name whomever we want? Mayor Ferre: Of course. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, scratch Eduardo Padron and put Sam Mason. Mayor Ferre: Sam? You can choose more than one. Mr. Carollo: I would like to name Olga Cosio and Miriam Roman. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, let me write that down - Olga Cosio and Miriam - she is already on, so that is two votes for Miriam Roman. Go ahead. Mr. Perez: Jose Navarro. Mayor Ferre: Jose Navarro. All right, who else? . Hector Capo is here, a member of the Task Force, volun- teering to participate in the business... Mayor Ferre: Hector Capo and he has my vote too. Who else? Mr. Perez: Victor de Yurre. Mayor Ferre: That is your vote - Victor, do you want to serve on this? Mr. Dawkins: You have no choice! Mayor Ferre: Okay, who else? Now, I've got Luis Sabines has two votes, mine and Demetrio. Anybody else voting for Luis Sabines? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: That is three. Hilda Rodriguez has two votes. You do and you do? That's four. Anybody else? Eduardo Padron? You with- drew you vote? Okay. Mario Elena Prio-Duran, I voted for her - any- body else? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Two, anybody else? That is three. Plummer? Maria Elena Prio-Duran? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, how many appointments do we have to make altogether? Mayor Ferre: Nine. Mr. Carollo: A total of nine appointments? Mayor Ferre: Miriam Roman - Carollo and myself. Anybody else? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, Dawkins. Mayor Ferre: Three - four. All right, Samuel Mason, anybody else? Olga Cosio. I will vote for Olga Cosio. Anybody else? Mr. Perez: Yes. Id .135 MAR 8 1984 El Mayor Ferre: Three votes for Olga Cosio. All right, Hector Capo already has three votes. Victor de Yurra already has three voles. Jesus Permuy, he has my vote. Anybody else? Mr. Carollo: Does he work for the City, or...? Mayor Ferre: No, this is Jesus, right here. He was the Vice -Chair- person. He is a planner. Mr. Dawkins: I will vote for him. Mayor Ferre: That is two votes. Mr. Perez: Yes, I vote for him. Mayor Ferre: That is three votes. Anybody else? Dolly McIntyre - no votes. Timothy Blake. Anybody want to vote for Timothy Blake? You have got to have an Anglo here, Plummer. What Anglo do you want? Timothy Blake, Dolly McIntyre... Mr. Dawkins: Timothy Blake for sure. Mayor Ferre: That is two, anybody else want to vote for Timothy Blake? That is three. Willy Bermello? Then as I sense it, we have got eleven people. Mr. Carollo: I make a motion that we make it unanimous. Mayor Ferre: All right, the people that have been selected are Timothy Blake, Jesus Permuy, Luis Sabines, Hilda Rodriguez, Maria Elena Prio-Duran, Miriam Roman, Samuel Mason, Olga Cosio, Jose Navarro, Hector Capo and Victor de Yurre. No, I don't think Jose Navarro wants to be on this board. Okay, strike Jose Navarro. Let me repeat the names again. Timothy Blake, Jesus Permuy, Luis Sabines, Hilda Rodriguez, Marina Elena Prio-Duran, Miriam Roman, Samuel Mason, Olga Cosio, Hector Capo and Victor de Yurre. Mr. Carollo: I make a motion that we make that unanimous. Mayor Ferre: I there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? You want to add something? Ms. Prio-Duran: Mr. Mayor, perhaps I am out of order, but I was wondering whether in this committee, you could include all the task force members who wish to continue serving. Some of them, such Edmundo Hoasas spent an awful lot of time in it, and I think he is a wonderful resource. Mayor Ferre: I've got no problems with that. I'm surprised that wasn't part of the resolution. Let's vote on these, and then we will have a separate motion that will expand it. All right is there further discus- sion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-28? A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE TO BE KNOWN AS THE "EAST LITTLE HAVANA COMMITTEE" TO PROVIDE FOR THE EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRATION AND IMPLEMENTATON OF THE PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS WITHIN THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA AREA OF THE CITY OF MIAMI RECOMMENDED BY THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE, AND APPOINTI14G 10 INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE ON.SAID COMMITTEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) .136 MAR 81984 ld _. El Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Ferre: And now there is a second motion that this group be ex- panded to include those who wish to serve from the previous group and we are asking the new Task Force and Staff to recommend no less than five residents of that community to be also incorporated into the group. Moved by Perez, seconded by Carollo. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-288 A MOTION APPROVING EXPANSION OF THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE TO ENCOMPASS PER- SONS FROM THE PREVIOUS GROUP WHO WISH TO CONTINUE TO SERVE AND STIPULATING THAT AT LEAST FIVE (5) PERSONS WHO LIVE IN THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA AREA BE SELECTED. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 63. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: MR. LLOYD KNOWLE AND A GROUP OF STUDENTS OF THE ISLAND OF GRENADA. Mayor Ferre: All right, at this time, Ladies and Gentlemen, we are very honored to have with us Mr. Lloyd Knowle. Mr. Carollo, Mr. Lloyd Knowle was the former Attorney General of the Grenada. He was jailed for two and one-half years after the publication of the first issue of his newspaper under former Prime Minister Bishop. And along with Mr. Lloyd Knowle, Father Oliver Levy, who is here as an organizer of the Spice Island Youth Quake, who is a folkloric group of Grenada, who is sponsored by the State Department and brought here by the United States Coast Guard, and they will participate in a Calle Ocho Carnival, through the Little Havana Kiwanis, so Father and Mr. Knowle, we are honored to have you here with us and we would like if you would please step for- ward and if you would have the young people from Grenada from the Spice Island Youth Quake stand right in front, and you Father, and you, Mr. Knowle, come up here for a moment, as we wish to present to you the Key to The City. Bring your flag up with you, please. We want to honor you. You young people stand right in front here. Come forward, now turn around so we can get all of you into the picture. We are going to get a picture of you in a moment. Ladies and Gentlemen, we also want to publicly acknowledge and thank the United States Coast Guard for making an airplane available for this group to come up and Id 37 MAR 81994 - spend the time and I would also like to recognize Mrs. Coscuyuela and others who have in the Cuban community who have diligently worked to make this adventure come a reality. We are very proud of the job that you, Mr. Blanco and many others have done to make this a reality. Thank you and congratulations. Now, the Honorable Lloyd Knowle, former Attorney General of Grenada honors us with his presence. Mr. Attorney General, we are happy to have you in Miami and behalf of all of us here, may I say that you are welcome visitor indeed. You and all these young people represent the deep desire for freedom and for a participatory government in your country and we are honored by your presence here, so on behalf of all of us, may I present to you this key to the City of Miami, a traditional symbol, throughout the world, of friendship between people - we welcome you to our community. I would like to also welcome Father Oliver Levy, who is the organizer of the Spice Island Youth Quake, and Father, step forward on behalf of a grateful City of Miami recognizes you and through you, all of these young people from Grenada, welcome to our shores. And now, before we listen to you, I'd like to extend an invitation for Mr. Lloyd Knowle to address us. Mr. Lloyd Knowle: Mr. Mayor and members of your Commission, Ladies and Gentlemen - it is indeed a very great honor and a pleasure to be recog- nized by your City Council, and to be given the key to your beautiful City. On behalf of every member of our Spice Island Quake, I would like to sav a very hearty and sincere thank you and we do hope that some of you, that before the week ended, you are going to want to say that Grenada is the next place to spend your vacation. I would also like to state publicly, as I will never forget - a very thank you to the Coast Guard, and of course, to the American government, who was so generous, and so quick, an unusual thing, the bureaucracy, in putting all of the pieces in place and taking us all the way from Grenada to Miami in one of the CIIO-planes. We thank them, and we will continue to thank them for all they have done in bringing back to us in Grenada the hope of freedom and democracy and for justice. I thank you again, and I offer you our Spice Island Youth Quake, with their version of what it is to live in the Isles of Spice. Thank you. (SPICE ISLAND YOUTH QUAKE PRESENTS SONG ABOUT GRENADA TO COMMISSION) Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you very much. We've got to get back to work now, so thanks for being here. (APPLAUSE) 64. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "CUBAN-HAITIAN SERVICE DELIVERY WORK PROGRAM - 2ND YEAR". Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item Number 22. This establishes a new special revenue fund for Cuban -Haitian Service Delivery Work Program - and allocates $ 9,000 to enter the necessary contracts and other agree- ments. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: It has been moved and seconded. IE there further dis- cussion on Item 22? Read the ordinance. id Do MAR 8 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "CUBAN/HAITIAN SERVICE D-_LIVERY WORK PROGRAM - 2ND YEAR", APPROPRIATING FUNDS TO BE RECEIVED FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPART- MENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $59,000, AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT(S) AND/OR AGREEMENT(S) TO CARRY OUT THIS PROGRAM; CONTAINING A REPALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer , and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dis- pcnsing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer, and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said Ordinance by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 9812 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the Public Record and announced that copies were available to members of the City Commission and to the Public. 65. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $26,000 FOR THE FUNDING OF A PUBLICITY WRITER POSITION IN THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMA- TION. Mayor Ferre: The next item is Agenda Item Number 23, funding for a publicity writer position in the Office of Public Information. This Charlotte Gallogly's, I understand. Is this Jcan Lane? Ms. Charlotte Gallogly: This ordinance is to add $26,000 to the Depart- ment of Economic Development's budget to fund a publicity writer, and that person will have to be recruited. Mayor Ferre: It isn't Joan Lane? Ms. Gallogly: No, she has elected to stay with the Office of Public Information. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. All right. ld .139 MAR 81984 Mr. Gary: This is not an increase in the over all City budget. It is moving money from one department to another. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion? Mr. Perez: So moved. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Perez. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO. 9684 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,600 AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION IN THE LIKE AMOUNT WHICH IS AVAILABLE FROM SALARY SAVINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING A PUBLICITY WRITER POSITION WHICH WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WRITING A14D PRODUCING THE MIP.MI BUSINESS REPORT AND THE MIAMI UPDATE, WHICH IS A QUARTERLY BUSINESS PUBLIFATION THAT IS DISTRIBU- TED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD; CONTAINING A REPEALER PRO- VISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Perez , and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dis- pensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Perez, and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said Ordinance by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 9813 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the Public Record and announced that copies were available to members of the City Commission and to the Public. ld 140 MAR 81984 rl ATIFY ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN FUNDING THE VARIOUS REPAIRS D NINE SWIMMING POOLS. Ferre: The next is Agenda Item Number 41, which requires four- - this is the swi::ning pools, which ratifies S250,000. xwer: Move it. Ferre: Plummer moves, is there a second? rez: Second. ?erre: Second by Demetrio Perez. Further discussion on Item 41? ie roll. ie following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, led its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-269 A RESOLUTION WAIVING, BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 4/5THS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, THE REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL SEALED BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION OF VARIOUS REPAIRS TO NI14F (9) SWIMMING POOLS NECESSARY TO INSURE THAT FACILITIES BECOME OPERA- TIONAL PRIOR TO THE FORTHCOMING SEASONAL DATES BEGINNING MARCH 31, 1984, AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $250,000, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENTS PROGRAM, SWIMMING POOL RENOVATIONS FUND; AUTHORI- ZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE REPAIRS. (Here follows body cf resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: _ AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 67. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $500,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING 6 VANS AND 24 POLICE PATROL CARS. Mayor Ferre: All right, take up Agenda Item Number 5, this is an emer- gency item in the Internal Service Fund, Motor Pool Maintenance. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer, is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez, further discussion? Read the ordinance. ld .141 MAR 81984 AYES: Ij CE ENTITLED: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIO14S 4 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9684 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984, BY INCREASING THE APPRO- PRIATIONS FOR THE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND, MOTOR POOL MAINTENANCE IN THE AMOU14T OF $700,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING SIX (6) VANS AND TWENTY FOUR (24) POLICE PATROL CARS; REVENUE IN A LIKE AMOUNT BEI14G AVAILABLE FROM RETAINED EARNINGS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ntroduced by Commissioner Plummer , and seconded by er Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dis- th the requirement of reading same on two separate h was agreed to by the following vote: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None None upon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer, and ,y Commissioner Perez, adopted said Ordinance by the follow - Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 9814 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the Public Record and announced that copies were available to members of the City Commission and to the Public. 68. INCREASE CONTRACT $25,000 E.G.H. CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER WEST COURT- YARD ROOF. Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item Number 6. This increases by $25,000 the contract between the City and the construction for exhibition center, West Courtyard. It has been moved by Plummer. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez, further discussion? Call the roll on Item 6. 142 ld MAR 8 1984 4 ni Dllowing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-290 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $23,000 IN THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY DF MIAMI AND THE L.G.H. CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, DATED JANUARY 21, 1983, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER - WEST COURTYARD ROOF KITH FUNDS ALLOCATED THEREFOR ENTIRELY FROM APPROPRIA- TIONS TO THE COCONUT GROVE EXHIBITION CENTER - ADDI- TIONAL WORK PROJECT AS PROVIDED UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 9756, DATED OCTOBER 27, 1983; FURTHER RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING THAT THE HEREIN IN- CREASE RESULTED FROM EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 2/3RD OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was adopted by the following vote: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, would you have someone in Staff send me and the rest of the Commission a memorandum as to what the total and final cost was on the construction of the west courtyard, including archi- tectural services, construction contracts, landscaping, whatever, okay? And Cesar, I just want to tell you - maybe I should do this in person, but there were several people at the Orchid Show open the other day that commented to me the grass in front of the Exhibition Hall is about eight inches high and there are weeds growing out of it, and they said "Here we have $40,000,000 worth of Orchids, the best horticultural show in the world, and you guys can't even cut the grassl" 69. WAIVER REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT INC. IN CONNECTION WITH THE MANAGEMENT OF $1,300,000 IN REVOLVING LOAN FUNDS. Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item Number 7, waiving the requirements of a for- mal competitive bid for Miami Capital. Do you want to take the Miami Capital issue up now? Go ahead. Ms. Charlotte Gallogly: We are recommending a contract with Miami Capital Development in a total amount of $1,420,000. $1,300,000 would be used to establish revolving loan fund for the C.D. target areas and the $120,000 would be used to pay for the Administrative cost associated with Miami Capital. This will be the fifth year that we have provided Administrative support to them and represents the first year that we have used Community Development funds through the Department of Com- munity Development to set up a revolving loan fund. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, anything else? ld MAR 8 1984 Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, there is also something else associated which I submitted to your report which we have given the opportunity to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Miami Capital, which addresses some problems that have to be corrected, and I think it would be appro- priate at this time that the City Commission give the Board of Direc- tors of Miami Capital 90 days to resolve these serious problems and come back to this City Commission after we have assisteo them in let- ting us know how they have corrected them. Mr. Dawkins: Why did it take 90 days? Mayor Ferre: You know what he is talking about? Mr. Gary: Well, the problems are serious in nature and I think that 90 days is a reasonable time frame to do that. That is what I am recom- mending. I think what we are facing is a situation where the Board of Directors has to take the bull by the horns and make some drastic changes to correct some of the problems that exist currently at the administrative end of the corporation, and I think we should afford them that opportunity to do that. Mayor Ferre: All right, now Mr. Chairman, I think the Commission would like to hear from you this morning. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, before he speaks, because it is a sensitive mat- ter and because we recognize their commitment of Mr. Del Cerro, we went through a process where we allowed him to review the report and he is basically in agreement, and we feel pretty comfortable that with ninety days with Mr. Del Cerro's past commitments being applied to the future, that we will be able to correct these problems and I think that it is important that Mr. Del Cerro and the Board take the bull by the horns and take the lead in making these corrections. Mr. Del Cerro: The report the manager refers to is a so-called review and evaluation of Miami Capital Development that was included by the Department of Economic Development. I believe three - four weeks ago they concluded and audit review and performed a monitoring function, as required by the contract. The report - I believe all of you have copies of this report, was given to me in my office - my business, by the Director Monday at 3:00 P.M., as it is referred to in the letter. The report consists of approximately 93 pages of findings and recommenda- tions by the Department of Economic Development on how the performance of Miami Capital Development can be improved from point of view of the Department desires. I read some of it. I told the Manager on Monday, and I told Charlotte Gallogly on Monday also that I agree that in the type of government that we have, there is always room for improvement. Mayor Ferre: I don't know how to take that. Mr. Del Cerro: Well... Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Del Cerro: No comment. The Manager and I agree that if Miami Capital is to continue to function the way it has in the past and to meet the goals and aspirations of the City of Miami, that we be given 90 days, and in response to why 90 days, it is an arbitrary number he and I agreed to. Some changes will be made and I must announce to you - and the Staff the procedures for the disbursement of loans and so forth. Mayor Ferre: Just do a good job of repairs. Mr. Del Cerro: Well... Mayor Ferre: Like you have been. Mr. Del Cerro: Before I leave, I am very proud to say that we have been up three or four times in the past and it seems that it is always a case of Juan Del Cerro and his Board of Directors battling Howard Gary and Charlotte Gallogly. I am proud to say, and this I must say, .144 MAR 81984 the City Manager has been more than fair, more than cooperative, and in his letter to me, that was just handed to me this evening by Ms. Gallog- ly, I think for once, after so many years of being in business in Miami Capital, that Miami Capital really be a credit to the City of Miami, and a partnership between the private sector and the Administration, so I commend the Manager and I commend Charlotte Gallogly for that. Mayor Ferre: Juan, I only have one question. Mr. Del Cerro: Sir? Mayor Ferre: I read the previous report. Mr. Del Cerro: Which one was that, sir? Mayor Ferre: Not this one. I just got this one. Mr. Del Cerro: You read the three page memorandum from the Executive Director, right? Mayor Ferre: Yes, not the one about the dog and the one that you wrote about the poor dog that doesn't bark, or something or other. Mr. Del Cerro: No. Well, that was attributed to me, but I didn't write that, sir. Mayor Ferre: I thought that was maybe an old Cuban saying, or something. Mr. Del Cerro: Well, anyway. Mayor Ferre: Well anyway, it isn't Cuban, okay. You didn't write it either, all right. Now, the question I have of you is this. I noticed in that report that it had a whole bunch of projects to be done in Dade County and all of that. Mr. Del Cerro: Oh, yes... Mayor Ferre: What is that all about. Is Metro -Dade County giving you funds? Mr. Del Cerro: I will let Charlotte Gallogly fill in the exact numbers. I have them in front of me, but I will let her fill in and explain to you how the money comes from the county plus. The Miami Capital Develop- ment administers a revolving loan fund. in the City of Miami, and in the County, the areas overlap. The request for loans that have been receiv- ing grants at Miami Capital, in some cases are of a greater number in the County than they are in the City of Miami. That is not to say the City of Miami does not have businesses in need within those areas. Mayor Ferre: I just want to mate sure that we are not putting in a lot of money and that we are helping areas out in Metro more than we are helping areas in Miami. Mr. Del Cerro: Well, that is not the case, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Okay, as long as you tell me it is not the case. Char- lotte, do you concur with the Chairman's position on that, right? Ms. Gallogly: Aproximately 60% of the loans are going to the County. Mayor Ferre: That's my point! Ms. Gallogly: At the present time —there is a reason for that and that is that the E.D.A. Revolving Loan Fund guidelines, which were proffered with the grant - it said very clearly the riot affected areas in the County and in the City. Mayor Ferre: Fine - affected areas - but let me ask you this, are they putting in 60% of the bucks? Ms. Gallogly: No, sir, they are not. 145 ld L Ll Mayor Ferre: All right, what percentage of the bucks are they putting in? Ms. Gallogly: 40%. Mayor Ferre: Okay, you tell them, for me (and I don't know whether anyone else wants to join the bandwagon on this one) that we are not going to put up 60% of the bucks for them to get 60% of the goodies! Now, if they put up 40%, they get 40%, and I don't care what anybody says, and I just don't think it is right for the City to put up t 0% cf the bucks and get 40% of the goods, and the County to put uF 40% and get 60% of thu favors! The heck with that! You know, just don't need this. Ms. Gallogly: We have discussed this with Dr. Ernie Martin, who is in charge of their Office of Community and Economic Development, and he has indicated he would reconsider the funding and it would be based on this type of information. Mr. Dawkins: Even if he doesn't reconsider the funding, then we re- consider our allocation. I mean, I don't want our allocation to be spent on what Ernie Martin says. I want it understood... Ms. Gallogly: Yes, I do understand that. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, thank you. The other thing I would like to know, from the two of you is, this is a revolving fund. Ms. Gallogly: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: We put money out there that is supposed to revolve. what happened? Well, I think Mr. Gary is going to answer that. Mr. Gary: In the report, we have some problems with this revolvina... Mayor Ferre: What were the problems? Mr. Gary: .... and that is why we need ninety days to address those problems. Mayor Ferre: All right then. Do you need any action from us until...? Ms. Gallogly: Yes, we need the approval of this contract to... Mayor Ferre: On Item 7? Ms. Gallogly: Yes, and may I just say that tied to this contract, is that of the $1,300,000, $260,000 will be earmarked for the grocery store in Overtown, so it is very important that we get this passed today. Mayor Ferre: Charlotte, I am all for it We've got to get a vote on this. I am all for it, but I want to make sure that that mess goes over to Dr. Ernie Martin and the others. All right, is there a motion on Item 7? Mr. Plummer: I move. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. 146 MAR 81984 Id 0i allowing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, is adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-291 RESOLUTION WAIVING THE REQUIREMENT OF A FORMAL 'OMPETITIVE BIDDING PROCEDURE FOR THE ACQUISITON ,F SERVICES, FROM MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT INC. MCDI), IN CONNECTION WITH THE MANAGEMENT OF A 1,300,000 REVOLVING LOANS FUND (RLF) PROGRAM AND N CONNECTION WITH AN AGREEMENT FOR THE ADMINISTRA- ION OF THIS PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $120,000; LLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE NINTH YEAR OMMUNITY DEVLOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM; FURTHER UTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACTUAL GREEMENT WITH MCDI, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FOP14 ATTACHED ERETO, FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF SAID ROGRAM: FURTHER PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE INDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF HIS RESOLUTION BY A FOUR -FIFTHS VOTE OF THE MEMBERS F THE COMMISSION. Here follows body of resolution, omitted here nd on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) eing seconded by Commissioner Daskinw, the resolution was adopted by the following vote: ommissioner Miller J. Dawkins ommissioner Joe Carollo ommissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None NOTE FOR THE RECORD: ITEM 36 WAS AGAIN DISCUSSED AND DIRECTIONS WERE GIVEN TO THE CITY ADMINISTRATION. 70. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH METRO - IMPLE- MENT PORTION OF THE DADE COUNTY'S DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DURING THE NINTH YEAR FOR A $125,000 EQUITY INJECTION TO SUPERSAVE SUPERMARKET, INC. (Anchor tenant in the Overtown Shopping Center). Mayor Ferre: Item 45 - this authorizes the Manager to enter into an agreement with Metropolitan nacre County for the purpose of implementing a portion of Dade County's Community Development Grant. It gives us $125,000 for the Super -Save Supermarket. Miller Dawkins moves. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Joe Carollo seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. ld 147 MAR 81984 04 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-292 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A PORTION OF DADE COUNTY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DURING THE NINTH YEAR FOR A $125,000 EQUITY INJECTION TO THE SUPER -SAVE SUPER- MARKET, INC (ANCHOR TENANT IN THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A TRANS- FER OF FUNDS FROM DADE COUNTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $125,000; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMWNT WITH MIA4I CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. (MCDI); IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FOP11 ATTACHED HERETO AND SUBJEDT TO THE APPROVAL OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FOR MCDI TO USE SAID FUNDS TO PURCHASE $125,000 WORTH OF PREFERRED SHARES III THE SUPER -SAVE SUPERMARKET INC. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the Cit. Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 71. AUTHORIZE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO N.K. INC. dba OF TOBACCO ROAD AND NEIL KATZMAN THE SUM OF $52,500 AS A CLAIM SETTLEMENT. Mayor Ferre: The next one is the Director of Finance to pay N.K. Inc. and the Tobacco Road and Neil Katzman. City Attorney, do you want to tell us about that? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, this is a very long, and protracted piece of litigation involving some claim at the Tobacco Road Restaurant. The matter was subject of extensive litigation and pretrial discovery and whatnot, and the Police Department and my office are in agreement of a settlement in the amount of $52,500, which includes all of the claims made against the City and which will effect a savings in terms of additional ligitation expenses, which would be considerable even if we were to simply proceed to trial, and I recommend it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Perez: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves. Is there a second? Dawkins seconds Item 46. Further discussion? Call the roll. 148 ld MAR 81984 04 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-293 A RESOLUTION AUTHORI-"ING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO N.K., INC., D.B.A. TOBACCO ROAD AND NEIL KATZMAN THE SUM OF FIFTY TWO -THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($52,500.00), WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINS THE CITY OF MIAMI AND JOHN HATTON AS POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE, RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI AND JOHN HATTON AS POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissoner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 72. RESOLUTION APPOINTING BOP!NIE MA AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item Number 52, this appoints five members to the Auditing Committee - any appointments? Wait a minute, I've got a Chinese person. Okay, I recommend that we appoint Bonnie Ma, 9440 S. W. 30th Terrace, Miami, Florida. She is a Cuban -Chinese American. Recommended by the Chinese American Association. How many do you need in Item 52? You have got one. Would you recommend somebody, please? Mr. Carollo: 52? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. We need names of people. If you look at the backup sheet, it has to be a CPA, the treasurer of a corporation, the minimum standards, and what are the other things that we need? ... banker, commercial loan officer - it is pretty wide. It has got to be somebody that has auditing experience. Mr. Perez: I would like to move for Sergio Penton, CPA. Mayor Ferre: Sergio Penton, CPA. Anybody want to move? There are three openings and they will be appointed... all right, in the meantime, Mr. Penton and Ms. Ma are appointed. Is there a motion? Mr. Perez: Is that okay? I would like to leave Mr. Penton for the next meeting. Mayor Ferre; You want to leave him. Well, I don't want to leave Bonnie Ma for the next time. Mx. Dawkins: I move Bonnie Ma. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves, Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. ld A 40 MAR 81984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-294 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING ONE INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE 14IAMI AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Ferre: We have got four openings. Would you please appoint your members to the Audit Committee. It is an important committee. We need them soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM NO. 54 WAS DEFERRED. 73. REAPPOINTING GARTH REEVES, SR., AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. Mayor Ferre: All right, what do you want to do on Item 57 - Garth Reeves? Miller Dawkins moves. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second, further discussion on the appointment of Garth Reeves to the D.D.A.? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-295 A RESOLUTION REAPPOINTING GARTH REEVES, SR., TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR A TERM EXPIRING JUNE 30, 1987. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 150 = ld MAR 8 1984 74. RESCIND R-94-265 WHICH CONTAINED THREE AGREEMENTS WITH BISCAYNE ENGINEERING SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AND CAMPANILE AND ASSOCIATES FOR SURVEYING SERVICES - DIRECTING MANAGER TO RE- SCHEDULE THIS MATTER FOR RECONSIDERATIO14 AT A LATER DATE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: On Agenda Item 66 - I would like to withdraw Item 66, please sir, and since you have already voted on it to do it legally, it has to be rescinded. And the reason is, that you had bonifide minority bidding on the work to be done, and we always end up with the same people, and that is Biscayne Engineering, Schwebke-Shiskin and so on, and I am just ... as far as I am concerned, Don, you know - I have nothing against those people...you had Garcia Allen... Mr. Gary: Withdrawn - we will bring this back. Mr. Dawkins: We have to leave 67, then. Mayor Ferre: 67 is another matter. Mr. Gary: 67 should stay, but 66 should be withdrawn. Mayor Ferre: You want to make a motion, then? Mr. Dawkins: I move that we... Mayor Ferre: There is a motion by Dawkins, seconded by Perez, to rescond Item 66, and bring back for reconsideration when the Manager is ready to bring it back. All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-296 A MOTION RESCINDING R-84-265 WHICH CONTAINED AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THREE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY AND BISCAYNE ENGINEERING CO. AND SCHEBKE-SCHISKIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND CAMPANILE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR SURVEYING SERVICES ON A ROTATI14G BASIS IN CONJUNCTION WITH CITY CONTRACTS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THIS MATTER TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR RECONSIDERATION AT A LATER DATE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. la MAR 81984 75. DISCUSSION ITEM ON R-84-269 (ALREADY PASSED) REGARDING THE SUGAR CANE SEMINAR STIPULATING THAT THIS EVER?T SHALL BE HELD IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN THE FUTURE. Mayor Ferre: I'd like to ask this question. Mr. Manaaer. On Item 70. which is that Suoar Seminar. or what have vou. If you might recall, the motion that was oriainally made stated that conference had to be held in Miami, in the Citv of Miami, and the resolution does not have that. I just want to make sure that it is on the record that with reqards to the Citv's contribution to this Mr. Gary: If I recall this was anvroved after the fact. This was done way back in October of 1983. Mayor Ferre: I understand, all right, but for next year! 76. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH L. HITE 6 ASSOCIATES FOR PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES FOR DEVELOPING PSYCHOLOGICAL SCREENING PROCEDURES FOR EMPLOYMENT OF POLICE OFFICER APPLICANTS. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready to do Agenda Itme Number 73? Go ahead. Mr. Robert Krause: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, this was withdrawn from the consent agenda because the contract was changed from the time that it was first submitted on the agenda. It was changed yes- terday. The contractor objected to having the City standard indemnifica- tion clause included in the contract that related to psychological screen- ing of policie officers. It was my recommendation to the City Attorney that that provision be removed because the City has in the contract a million dollars of liability insurance. Mayor Ferre: Mr. City Attorney, do you concur with that? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I don't have any objection to it, Mr. Mayor, if you want to do that, but you have got to be aware that professional liability insurance, no matter what the limit is, may not cover some exposures. Mayor Ferre: Well, we are pretty self-assured in many other areas, that are riskier than this. Mr. Dawkins: But, Mr. Mayor, if an individual does not want us to feel that we are protected against his making an error, why should we be bothered with it? Mayor Ferre: Well, what do you want to do? Mr. Gary: Well, the problem is, first of all, this is a very, very small contract. You are talking about $28,000. To ask somebody to put up a considerable amount of insurance, it negates —either one or two things will happen. People aren't going to be interested, or the contract has got to go up. If it is very difficult to get these types of people to even stick their necks out on the line to do something as sensitive and as complex as this proposal calls for, and we have had a hard time time getting people interested in this because of risks that you have to take. Mayor Ferre: And this guy is a nationally recognized - isn't this the guy who wrote that book, that HIte Report or whatever the name of that? _�2 MAR 8 1984 Id Mr. Krause: No, not that one. There was a Hite Report, but that is a different book, it was written by a lady. This happens to be a nationally prominent gentlemen from Tampa. Mayor Ferre: Would you tell us about the Hite Report? (LAUGHTER) Mr. Krause: You need an expert on that subject. Mayor Ferre: You say you have no expertise on that subject? Mr. Krause: Some experience, but no expertise. Mayor Ferre: Would somebody, for the record, for those who don't read newspapers and know what the Hite Report is, would somebody enlighten us? Never mind! All right, Miller, are you ready to go on 73? Dawkins moves. Is there a second. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds, further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, -who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-297 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH L. HITE AND ASSOCIATES, INC., Ito SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, FOR PROFES- SIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING PSYCHOLOGICAL SCREENING PROCEDURES FOR EMPLOYMENT OF POLICE OFFICER APPLICANTS AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND AND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($28,300.00), WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES'BUDGET. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 77. DESIGNATE MIAMI NORTHWESTERN SENIOR HIGHSCHOOL AS THE PLACE OF THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR MAY 10, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. Mayor Ferre: We will start with Agenda Item 77, which is Northwestern. Dawkins moves, Perez seconds 77, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: 3 MAR 81984 RESOLUTION NO. 84-298 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIUM OF THE MIAMI NORTHWESTERN SENIOR HIGH -COMMUNITY SCHOOL, 7007 NW 12TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ON MAY 10, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 10► 1964 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; SAID MEETING HAVING CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M. ON SAID DATE IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer 78. DESIGNATE THE AUDITORIUM AT FAIRLAWN ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL AS THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED ON APRIL 26, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves Agenda Item 78. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-299 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIJM OF THE FAIRLAWN ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL, 444 SW 60TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMIS- SION ON APRIL 26, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN THE CITY COMMIS- SION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 26, 1984 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; SAID MEETING HAVING CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M. ON SAID DATE IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote; AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. �; MAR 8 Q84 79. DESIGNATE BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JR. HIGH AS THE PLACE FOR THE CITY COMMISSION SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 14, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item No. 79. Mr. Dawkins: Move 79. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves 79, Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-300 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIUM OF THE BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH -COMMUNITY SCHOOL, 1200 NW GTH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ON JUNE 14, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 14, 1984 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BE- TWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; SAID MEETING HAVING CON- VENED AT 9:00 A.M. ON SAID DATE IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 80. DESIGNATE AUDITORIUM OF THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER AS THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOW SCHEDULED FOR JULY 12, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Carollo moves 80, Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-301 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIUM OF THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER, 900 SW 1ST STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMIS- SION ON JULY 12, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN THE CITY COMMIS- SION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 12, 1984 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; SAID MEETING HAVING CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M. ON SAID DATE IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) MAR 81984 55 12 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 81. DESIGNATE THE AUDITORIUM OF MORNINGSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AS THE MEETING OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 27, 1964, AT 3:00 P.M. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves 81. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-302 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIJM OF THE MORNING - SIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 6620 NE 5TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMIS- SION ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1984 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; SAID MEETING HAVING CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M. ON SAID DATE IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 82. DESIGNATE ROBERT E. LEE, JR. HIGH SCHOOL AS THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION NOW SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 25, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. Mayor Ferre% Dawkins moves 82. Carollo seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. 1,6 MAR 81984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-303 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIUM OF THE ROBERT E. LEE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL,3100 NW 5TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMIS- SION ON OCTOBER 25, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 25, 1984 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; SAID MEETING HAVING CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M. ON SAID DATE ON THE CHAMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 83. DESIGNATE THE AUDITORIUM OF MIAMI EDISON SENIOR HIGH AS THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION NOW SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 8,1984, AT 3:00 P.M. Mr. Dawkins: Move agenda item 83. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds. Further discussion on 83? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-304 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIUM OF THE MIAMI EDISON SENIOR HIGH - COMMUNITY SCHOOL, 6161 NW 5TH COURT, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ON NOVEMBER 8, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEM- BER 8, 1984 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; SAID MEETING HAVING CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M. ON SAID DATE IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE CITY COMMIS- SION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ASSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ld 5'7 MAR 1984 84. DESIGNATE AUDITORIUM OF MIA.41-DADS COMMUNITY COLLEGE NEW WORLD CENTER CAMPUS AS THE SITE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOW SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE ON DECEMBER 13, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. Mayor Ferre: Take up 84. Dawkin moves, Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-305 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIUM OF THE MIAMI- DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, NEW WORLD CENTER CAMPUS, 300 NE 2ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ON DECEMBER 13, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN TH CITY COMMISSION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGU- LAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 1984 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; ON SAID DATE IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 85. DESIGNATE COCONUT GROVE ELEMENTARY AS THE SITE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOW SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 13, 1984, AT 3:00 P.M. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves that the September 13, 1984 meeting be held at Coconut Grove Elementary School. Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-305.1 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE AUDITORIUM OF THE COCONUT GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 3351 MATILDA STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMIS- SION ON SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL RECONVENE ITS REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEM- BER 13, 1984 FOLLOWING A RECESS IN SAID MEETING BETWEEN 1:00 P.M. AND 3:00 P.M.; SAID MEETING HAVING CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M. ON SAID DATE IN THE CHAMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AT CITY HALL, DINNER KEY, MIAMI, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) i MAR 81984 ld �"''*'' Lo 6 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Cori-s,,issioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice=-Xayor•Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Mauric A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, I assume that that means the other ones will be the afternoon session? Mayor Ferre: Exactly the same, designating the auditorium of the Coconut Grove Elementary School in Coconut Grove? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: But that is 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. here? Mauor Ferre: As the meeting place of the Miami City Commission on September 13, 1984 at 3:00 P.M. when the City Commission shall reconvene its regular meeting of September 13, 1984, and the rest reads the same. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. 86. FORMALIZING RESULOTUION ALLOCATING $5,000 FOR A FUND RAISING EVENT FOR THE MIAMI CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL BY FOX LEAR FARMS, INC. TO HOLD POLO MATCH TO BE HELD AT THE ORANGE BOWL. Mayor Ferre: All right, take up Agenda Item 85, $5,000 for the Orange Bowl Stadium for the Fox Lear Farms. Mr. Gary: This is a formalization of what you have already done. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-306 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, TO COVER THE COST OF RENTING THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM ON MARCH 31, 1984 BY FOX LAIR FARMS, INC. TO HOLD A POLO MATCH TO RAISE FUNDS FOR MIAMI CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL, SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissoner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ld 87. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH BARRY UNIVERSITY FOR OVERALL CONSULTANT SERVICES TO REVIEW CURRENT POLICE TRAINING WITH EMPHASIS ON RESPONSIVENESS TO THE MULTI -ETHNIC COMMUNITY OF THIS CITY. Mayor Ferre: Who wants to vote for Barry University? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves, Carollo seconds item 86. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-307 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH BARRY UNIVERSITY TO PROVIDE OVERALL CONSULTANT SERVICES TO REVIEW CURRENT POLICE TRAINING WITH EMPHASIS ON RESPONSIVENESS TO THE MULTI -ETHNIC COI0NNITY OF THE CITY, WHICH INCLUDES SUGGESTING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE TRAINING METHODOLOGIES; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THE NEGOTIATED CONTRACT TO THE CITY COKMISSION PRIOR TO EXECUTION THEREOF. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. 88. AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH FLORIDA MEMORIAL COLLEGE TO PRIVIDE HUMAN RELATIONS TRAINING FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT. Mr. Dawkins: I move 87. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves 87. Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, this is the issue that you wanted with regard to sensitivity training. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. 160 sl MAR 81984 Lo A The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-308 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY KAJNAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH FLORIDA MEMORIAL COLLEGE TO PROVIDE HUMAN RELATIONS TRAINING FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THE NEGO- TIATED CONTRACT TO THE CITY COMMISSION PRIOR TO EXECUTION THEREOF. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. 89. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH VALLE-AXELBERD AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PURPOSES OF IDENTIFYING AND ANALYZING PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS FACTORS PRODUCED FROM POLICE TRAINING ASSOCIATED WITH THE APPLICATION OF THE SME-33. Mayor Ferre: Item 88. Mr. Perez: Move. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-309 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS WITH VALLE-AXELBERD AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PURPOSES OF IDENTIFYING AND ANALYZING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS FACTORS PRODUCED FROM POLICE TRAINING ASSOCIATED WITHTHE APPLICATION OF THE SME-33, INCLUDING SUGGESTED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RESOLUTION OF INAPPROPRIATE RESPONSES DISPLAYED BY POLICE OFFICERS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THE NEGOTIATED CONTRACT TO THE CITY COMMISSION PRIOR TO EXECUTION THEROF. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). S' 161 MAR 81984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. 90. ALLOCATE $5,100 QUALITY OF LIFE FUND FOR SUPPORT OF THE MIAMI FILM FESTIVAL FOR THE USE OF GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CENTER. Mr. Dawkins: Move item 89. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves 89. Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-310 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $5,100 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE MIAMI FILM FESTIVAL, REPRE- SENTING THE RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF THE GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CENTER FOR 6 DAYS, ON FEBRUARY 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, AND 12, 1984; SAID ALLOCATION IS CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY MANUAL 1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mr. Dawkins: Why is it, Mr. Gary, that it is $5,000 for the Miami Film Festival and only $800 for the deaf program for the use of Gusman Hall? Mayor Ferre: Because that's all they wanted. Mr. Dawkins: O.K. sl 162 MAR 81984 Lo A 91. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $850.00 IN SUPPORT OF THE DEAF SERVICES BUREAU REPRESENTING THE RENTAL FEE FOR GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CENTER ON MARCH 17, 1984. Mr. Dawkins: Move 90. Mr. Gary: One lasts more than one day. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins, second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-311 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $850 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE DEAF SERVICES BUREAU, REPRESENTING THE RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF THE GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CENTER ON MARCH 17, 1984; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM- 1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner .,.L. Plummer, Jr. 92. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION -AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH METRO FOR DADE-COUNTY CD BLOCK GRANT FUNDS 9TH YEAR FOR CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES. Mayor Ferre: Take up item 91. This is an agreement with Metro for Dade County Community Development.... Mr. Dawkins: Yes, by all means. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Carollo seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. .163 sl MAR 8 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-312 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A PORTION OF DADE COUNTY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DURING THE NINTH YEAR FOR A CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVICE ACTIVITY; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM DADE COUNTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,000. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. 93. ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE AT 2:30 P.M. ON THURSDAY, MAY 24TH, FOR CONSIDERATION OF ISSUANCE OF DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE 1221 BRICKELL PROJECT. Mayor Ferre: We have item 50. What is item 50? We've done that! That has been done, sir. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, item 50 was withdrawn. Mayor Ferre: Are we going to withdraw 50? Why is that? They need a public hearing date. So, why are we withdrawing it? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: It was marked withdrawn on the agenda, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: We need a vote. We need it. Mayor Ferre: All right, Demetrio Perez moves item 50 to set a public hearing for the South Florida Regional Planning Council. Mr. Carollo: Move. Mayor Ferre: Second by Carollo. Further discussion? Call the roll. Do we need a date on that? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: It's in there. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. 164 sl MAR 8 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-313 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE AT 2:30 PM, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1984, OR AT A RECONVENED MEETING, FOR CONSIDERATION OF ISSUANCE OF A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE 1221 BRICKELL PROJECT, A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT UNDER CHAPTER 380 F.S., TO BE LOCATED AT 1221 BRICKELL AVENUE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: APES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. WHEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A BRIEF RECESS AT: 7:40 P.M., RECONVENING SHORTLY WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION FOUND TO BE PRESENT. 94. AUTHORIZE CITY ATTORNEY TO RETAIN SERVICES OF MR. PETER HERRICKIN, AS OUTSIDE LEGAL COUNSEL, TO DEFEND CITY AGAINST $2,000,000 FEDERAL LAWSUIT FILED BY FORMER POLICE CHIEF KENNETH HARMS. Mr. Gary: We need to talk about the super bowl and outside legal counsel. Mr. Plummer: Oh, yes. Mayor Ferre: Outside legal counsel for what? Mr. Dawkins: For me. Mr. Plummer: For the three of us. Mr. Dawkins: Maybe he doesn't need it. Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead. Mr. Gary: You have a personal law suit. Mayor Ferre: Who do you recommend for outside legal counsel? Mr. Gary: Peter Herrickin would be good. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves that Peter Herrickin be retained. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Mr. Plummer: Yes, under discussion, that's fine to represent the City. But what about all of us? sl MAR 81984 Mayor Ferre: All of us and the City. Mr. Gary: No. Mr. Plummer: No, no. Mr. Gary: No, you can't. Mr. Plummer: No, no. Mr. Gary: I've been advised legally that we should do the same thing we did when it happened before when it came to something personal. you need one to defend the City, but you also need one to defend each of us individually. Mr. Plummer: That's right. Mr. Gary: So you are talking about three, four, five, which is Breslow, and six for the City. Mr. Plummer: That's right. Mayor Ferre: Six separate attorneys? Mr. Plummer: That is right. Mr. Dawkins: Thanks to our buddys. Mr. Gary: Your days are running out. I think you have 20 days. you have already used seven. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me. Mayor Ferre: Who are we getting Peter Herrickin for? Mr. Plummer: That is to represent the City. Mr. Gary: The City. Mr. Plummer: We'll move on that one. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? This is on the law suit from the former Captain Harms. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, I seriously question at this particular time, according to newspaper articles that I have read, I am supposedly named individually in that suit. Mr. Gary: All of us are. Mayor Ferre: Every day, early in the morning and late at night. Mr. Plummer: Hold on, I have not in any way tried to avoid a process server. Mr. Carollo: I thought you weren't coming back. Mr. Plummer: But I have not seen the suit. I have not been served with any paper. Mayor Ferre: Neither have I. Mr. Gary: Neither I. Mr. Plummer: So is there a suit or was that a media presentation? Mayor Ferre: Well, in the meantime we are going to vote on Peter Herrickin. Mr. Plummer: No, no, why vote on that if it is not a suit? sl 166 MAR $ 1984 /",A 1 Mr. Carollo: Vote on what? Mayor Ferre: This is on the Harms suit. Mr. Carollo: What suit? Mr. Gary: He got served on one. Mr. Plummer: That's fine for him. Mr. Gary: I haven't been served. Have you got anything, Jose? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, I got the one that Breslow was served, though. Mr. Carollo: It's not me and Demetrio. We're clear. Mr. Plummer: We'll find a way to drag you in. Mavor Ferre: That's because you and Harms had such a close working relationship for so many years. Mr. Carollo: You were the one that did all the talking with him in the memorandum. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Carollo and Perez did not get sued. Mr. Gary: I know. Mayor Ferre: According to him ... wait until I reveal what he said to me. Mr. Carollo: Now we know the real deep throat. Mayor Ferre: Wait until I reveal what he said to me. I kept notes too. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll on Herrickin. Mr. Carollo: Somebody has pictures of him too or what? Mayor Ferre: I got more than that. Mr. Plummer: Wait until they get into Ferre's files. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. How are you doing? The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-314 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO RETAIN THE SERVICES OF MR. PETER HERRICKIN AS OUTSIDE LEGAL COUNSEL TO DEFEND THE CITY AGAINST A TWO MILLION DOLLAR ($2,000,000) FEDERAL LAWSUIT FILED BY FORMER POLICE CHIEF KENNETH HARMS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: * Commissioner Joe Carollo ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL•. * Mr. Carollo:What are we voting on? s l 167 MAR 8 1984 /"q Mr. Plummer: On the retaining of legal counsel. Mr. Carollo: For whom? Mayor Ferre: To the City of Miami. Mr. Carollo: To the City of Miami for what? Mayor Ferre: For the Harms law suit. Mr. Carollo: How much is this legal counsel going to cost us? Mr. Plummer: A lot. Mayor Ferre: We will come back and discuss that at a later date. Meantime the motion is to retain Peter Herrickin. Mr. Carollo: Mr. City Attorney, can you handle any of this work? Mr. Plummer: No, he's too busy as a juror. Mr. Carollo: Hey, somebody get that ton of bricks from his head. Can your staff handle this type of work in defending the City? Mayor Ferre: Let me on the record, say that I have absolutely no doubts that the City of Miami Attorney can handle this and any other legal work. However, this vote is for retaining Mr. Peter Herrickin to represent the City of Miami, period. Mr. Carollo: I know the Xayor answered for the City Attorney. I agree with the Mayor's first statement. I just wanted it on record if the City Attorney feels that his office could handle, at least in the beginning, whatever legal work has to be done on the City's behalf. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: I don't have any doubt about it. Call the roll. Mr. Ralph Ongie: I did. I'm waiting for Mr. Carollo's vote. Mr. Carollo: Based on the City Attorney's opinion, I see no reason why we should spend any extra money at this point in time. If he would have told me different, well, I would have voted accordingly. I vote no. Mayor Ferre: I recall one time when this City retained Barbara Shevin to defend you, Mr. Carollo. Mr. Carollo: That was because the City Attorney stated at the time that he could not have handled that. Mr. Gary: No, not hardly. Mayor Ferre: I don't recall ever hearing that. Mr. Carollo: I certainly do, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: I would like for the Clerk to supply me with the discussion when that occured when we retained Sparber-Shevin to defend Commissioner Carollo. Mr. Carollo: Why are you getting so touchy now for? Did Mr. T's coming scare you in the hole or something? Mayor Ferre: I want to put it on the record. That's all. I like to cross T's and dot I's. Have I voted? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Let's talk about individually. Individually, how do we go about the procedure of selecting individual couselors? • 1♦ sl 0 Mr. Carollo: This doesn't involve me, guys. You guys work it out. Mr. Dawkins: If you leave, though, we're going to adjourn. Mr. Carollo: Maybe we could still sell him the cars or something. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer, I might point out to you, since we haven't been served...I have not been served, so as far as I am concerned all it is is just a lot of talk. The day I get served, that's the day I believe that former Captain Harms is suing me. Mr. Carollo: Former Captain? Mayor Ferre: You got it. You heard right. Mr. Carollo: Former Captain. Mr. Plummer: I still would like to know, Mr. City Attorney, you can send me a memo as to how I go about engaging outside legal counsel individually. Mr. Dawkins: Secondly, send me one, because I have been named individually and I have someone in mind that I think can defend me. Mr. Gary: Get your own. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask this on the record. Mr. Gary or to the City Attorney, it is my understanding that at any time that I vote in the affirmative with the opinion of the City Attorney, then I am to be defended. Is that correct? Mayor Ferre: That doesn't mean anything. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Then I would assume that my private counsel would be reimbursed or paid for by the City. Is that correct? Mr. Gary: Just like we've done before. Mr. Plummer: Assuming that it passes at this Commission. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, if it does, that would be correct. Mr. Plummer: Thank you. Mr. Carollo: Can I make a request? Can you establish the hourly rates to make sure that whomever the attorney is d.-:es not work more than 8 hours a day? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Carollo, you will learn, sir, when you deal with professionals, you don't set their fees. No one is going to set mine. Mayor Ferre: Do we have anything else to talk about this issue? Mr. Plummer: I set my own. U_ rnn nl 1 n- Tal 1 ina Ahnut i t i sl s s � 0 95. DISCUSSION ITEr1: OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER PROJECTED OPENING DATE AND TENANT. Mayor Ferre: Ms. Charlotte Gallogly, would you take the microphone, please? Do you swear that everything you are about to say is the truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Ms. Charlotte Gallogly: Mayor Ferre, you asked me for an update of the Overtown Shopping Center? Mayor Ferre: Yes, ma'am, I did. Ms. Gallogly: There are a total of eleven commercial spaces available within the shopping center. To date, four leases have been signed. Those are for a doctor's office, a grocery store, a laundromat, and a cosmetic beauty shop. Mayor Ferre: Would you do me a big favor, please? Ms. Gallogly: Sure. Mayor Ferre: Would you have a sign painted tomorrow, a big, big.... Ms. Gallogly: Tomorrow? Mayor Ferre: Yes, tomorrow, see before a certain case comes to a conclusion, I want you to put a big sign there that this shopping center will open on what day? Ms. Gallogly: July 4th. We are going to have a soft opening.... Mayor Ferre: Well you can forget the date then. Let's not have July.... Ms. Gallogly: Fine, July '84. Mayor Ferre: No, no, don't put July anything. Just say, "This location to open very soon. We have already leased space for -what? a doctor's office." What else? Ms. Gallogly: A doctor's office, grocery story, laundromat, cosmetic beauty shop, we also have five other pending leases that are negotiating right now. Mayor Ferre: Fine, you can put that on the sign too. Ms. Gallogly: O.K. Mayor Ferre: Just put up a sign, "This location is soon to open." Do you have any objections to that, Howard? Now, how about the anchor tenant, that's what I'm basically.... Ms. Gallogly: That's the grocery store, and with your action today, you have provided the funding from the City and the pass through of the County. Mayor Ferre: Who are the... is it one or two ... who are the owners? Ms. Gallogly: Three men, they have all had grocery store experience. They have formed a corporation called the Supersave Market, Inc. They will operate there. Mayor Ferre: With big grocery stores like Quik Check or Pantry Pride? Mr. Gary: They're experienced. Ms. Gallogly: Oh, yes, Grand Union, Winn Dixie. 170 MAR 8 1994 Mayor Ferre: Are the three of them Black? Ms. Gallogly: Yes, they are. Mayor Ferre: Do they live in Dade County? Ms. Gallogly: Yes, they do. Mayor Ferre: Do they live in the City of Miami? Do any of them live in Overtown? Ms. Gallogly: I'm not ... no. Mr. Plummer: Are they Black? Ms. Gallogly: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Are they the principals or the nu-ners? Ms. Gallogly: They are the owners and managers of the shopping center. Mayor Ferre: They are going to both own and work there. Ms. Gallogly: Yes, they are. Mayor Ferre: I saw that Malone and Hyde were involved in there. Ms. Gallogly: They are the quote "godfather from the Greater Miami Chamber" to that.... Mayor Ferre: Would you bring the local president, because Malone and Hyde is all over the country, but the local man from Malone and Hyde. I think we should make a big to do and have a proclamation for him and all that kind of stuff. Ms. Gallogly: O.K. Mayor Ferre: And if the Manager feels that it is appropriate, we can have a luncheon for him at the next Commission meeting and I'd like to get a little press out on that. Ms. Gallogly: There have been some other people who have been very helpful from the private sector also. Mayor Ferre: Then invite them too. But Malone and Hyde happens to be a very, very big and important —they supply most of the grocery stores in South Florida. Ms. Gallogly: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: They are very important people and we want them to be happy, because if they are happy and they help these three gentlemen that are going to be opening up the grocery store, they might succeed. That's something that we very desperately want to happen. Ms. Gallogly: At the next Commission meeting? Mayor Ferre: Whenever you and the Manager decide. I would do it fairly soon though. Let me tell you what I'm worried about, Charlotte. I have heard -Miller, you confirm this since you know more about it since you've been out there in the community recently,- a lot of people are upset that this place is sitting out there empty. You know, I tell you, if somebody gets angry and picks up a stone to throw, I have a feeling some of those stones are going to go in that direction. Mr. Dawkins: They may just set them all on fire. Mayor Ferre: But if somebody understands that we are making some headway and we are about to open the place, maybe there will be a little bit better feeling about that place. 171 8 1984 sl Ms. Gallogly: I think there should be, and I know there is an understanding. This is one of the most difficult real estate commercial projects and we have gone through many prospective tenants and they just don't have the financial wherewithal to operate out of there, and we do now have nine of the eleven spaces where we think we have tenants lined up that are going to make it. Mayor Ferre: I just think it is important, Dena, for the community to know that. That's all. Thank you very much. Ms. Gallogly: You're welcome. Mayor Ferre: You don't need any action? DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED U.S.F.L. FOOTBALL CONTRACT - S DAY RULE INVOKED BY COMMISSIONER JOE CAROLLO. Mayor Ferre calls Special Meeting for Tuesday, March 13th, at 8:00 o'clock A.M. Mayor Ferre: How about the football league, Mr. Manager? Mr. Cesar Odio: I'd like to put on the record, Mr. Mayor. You asked the question about favorite nation clause on the Dolphin's contract. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Odio: I'll read what the contract says, and that is the only protection they have, which is, "City hereby grants to the partnership and partnership hereby accepts the exclusive use of the Orange Bowl for the term consisting only of those days when the partnership schedules and plays professional football games during the 1976 regular football season, as hereinafter defined and each succeeding regular football season through and including the year 1986." Mayor Ferre: Mr. Odio, I know that you were taught English as a young boy by a professor.... Mr. Odio: By McEwin. Mayor Ferre: ....Professor McEwin, but I would like for you to give that contract to our City Attorney. Mr. Odio: And let him read it? Mayor Ferre: And let the City Attorney tell us if indeed that means that Mr. Robbie does not have a favorite nations clause. Mr. Gary: Except during his season. Mayor Ferre: Except during his season, I'm talking about with regard to any contract that we sign with United States Football League. Mr. Odio: I might save you some time. Bob Clark already checked that out and he couldn't find anything on it. Mayor Ferre: All right, I'm not going to ask Bob. I'm going to ask my City Attorney. He can ask his assistant, if he wants. You say Bob Clark looked at it? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: What is the question again, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: The question, sir, is do the Miami Dolphins in the current existing contract have a favorite nations clause to the extent that any contract we give the United States Football League that they can also have? 1 f4 MAR 8 1984 Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I'm told by Mr. Clark that he could find no such clause. Mayor Ferre: I'm not asking Mr. Clark, sir, I am asking you. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Then you have to give me a chance to go through it. Mayor Ferre: I will give you a chance. Mr. Odio: I might say, Mr. Mayor, that this would not apply because I don't think Mr. Robbie would like to pay what we're going to charge the U.S.F.L. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMriENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, assuming that there is no such clause in the concession agreement, which I've not reviewed, then this agreement with the Dolphins does not give them any such rights. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. All right, Mr. Odio, is there anything else that you want to tell us? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, about the U.S.F.L. agreement, we have been talking to them for quite a few days, as you know and they have accepted to place a franchisee in 1985, if they find an acceptable group of owners for the team. If they don't, this contract will still be in effect and they will pay us for nine games, even though they might not play them. But they are telling us as of today, they will be paying in 1985. Mayor Ferre: Nine games, so we are going to have a guarantee of nine games, like we do with the Dolphins? Mr. Odio: We don't have such a guarantee in the contract like we do with the Dolphins. But they do guarantee that they will play all of their home games in the Orange Bowl, which is the same. Mayor Ferre: What are the major differences between this and the Dolphins' contract. Mr. Odio: The Dolphins' is a flat rate of $45,000. Mayor Ferre: I know that. This also has a 10% clause. Mr. Odio: Their average attendance, the last year, I believe it was 65,000. That means that even if making a lot of money, the City will always make $45,000, as we were making back in 1967. With this agreement as the league progresses and the U.S.F.L. franchise here becomes stronger, the City will make more money than we ever made with the Dolphins because, and I have a comparison chart that I made.... Mayor Ferre: Well, we can show those later on. I just want to hit the highlights right now as to what the differences are between.... Mr. Odio: I want to point out something, Mr. Mayor. We have made a survey of all the stadiums of the national football league and U.S.F.L. contracts. With few exceptions that they won't give us the details, 10% is the highest rate charged with one exception, the New Jersey Generals, which are paying 15%. Every other team is paying 10% or less. The concessions, since we don't own the concession rights, they put a clause in the agreement that we cannot negotiate the concession rights that the Dolphins have until after 1986. After 1986, we own the rights and then we will be able to still give them 6% and our revenues will increase accordingly, because we will have control of 96%. Mayor Ferre: 94%. Mr. Odio: I'm sorry, 94%. The major highlights and the most important one is the Dolphins pay us $45,000, but we pay all event costs throughout all their agreements. The U.S.F.L. has agreed that for the first two years and since the Dolphins are getting that service from us, that they will want the same thing. After 1986, however, they will pick up all event costs. 173 MAR 81984 sl T .1 Mayor Ferre: In other words, police, clean-up, lights... Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, which is $27,000 per game or it could be more, according to the crowds. But the contract tells us that after two years they will pick up the event's costs. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, are you recommending this contract? Mr. Plummer: Let me understand it. Did you say that event costs are $27,000? Mayor Ferre: That's right and we're only going to get $20,000, which means we lose $7,000. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir, that includes police., ushers, ticket sellers.... Mr. Plummer: So, in other words, what we are really getting from the present tenant is $18,000? Mr. Odio: Or less, some events cost ... when you have a crowd of 72, you are talking about 32,000 to 33,000 per game and the concessions which we don't have. We only get 31%. Mayor Ferre: I want to tell you, I want to say on the record what I've said on radio stations in the last week. The light has finally gone on and I see the light as to what this whole Robbie thing is all about. I am absolutely certain that Joe Robbie wants absolutely nothing to happen for a very simple reason. He has the best financial deal that anybody has in this country. He pays $45,000 a game. We spend $27,000 or more and for $15,000, which he more than makes up with the concessions.... Mr. Odio: He makes about $80,000 per game on concessions. Mayor Ferre: Per game, so instead of his having to pay for the usage of the stadium, he's milking, he's making money off the stadium and has nothing to do with what he makes on his television rights and everything else and what he makes on ticket sales. So on the stadium alone, Joe Robbie is making substantial amounts of money. Now, what he wants, and the guy -you got to hand it to him, I think the guy is an absolute genius - he has convinced the people of Miami, everybody, that he wants a stadium and that he's been fighting, and what in fact he's been doing in the last ten years, if you go back and look at it, every single time there has been an opportunity to build a stadium or something, that man has figured out a way to kill it. And he keeps on being the good guy who wants a new stadium, wants to improve the stadium, and keeps on crying all the way to the bank, you know, every season. He's paid off his debts. He's making millions and millions of dollars off this community and he continues to be the bad, the good guy and he paints the City of Miami as the bad guy that's trying to force a stadium down his throat. The guy is an absolute genius. Mr. Odio: If he's not a genius, Mayor..... Mayor Ferre: Absolute genius. Mr. Dawkins: He's a businessman. Mayor Ferre: Absolute genius. Mr. Dawkins: I'm so glad the Mayor has seen what I've been saying ever since I got here on this Commission. Joe Robbie is a businessman. The Miami Dolphins is a business and Joe Robbie could care less about a sports fan if it doesn't bring a profit. Mayor Ferre: Well, we are talking now about a new contract which the Manager has now recommended. I only have one condition, Mr. Manager, which I would like to insert in this whole thing. I go along with the Administration. I think it is a good contract from what I've seen of it • • and what's been described. I read it today. I'll go along with it, with only one condition, if on Tuesday the bond issue passes before we commit to spend any money, we need a commitment from this team, this United MAR 8 1984 sl ,WC-4- Mayor Ferre (Con't): States Football League, that they are going to stay with us no less than ten years, and hopefully 15 years, because we are not about to go spend $55,000,000 unless we have a major tenant like this, at least my vote won't be there. So I don't mind approving this on the condition that this is for the stadium as is, AS IS. If we improve the stadium in any substantive way, then the only issue I want to reopen is the issue of how long they are going to stay. Mr. Odio: I agree, Mr. Mayor, I'll convey that to them. I want to assure you -I cannot assure you- but what I have found out about these people and this league and the people we have negotiated with have Miami as their interest because Steve is a Miamian. Mayor Ferre: We are not going to spend any money unless we have a ten year contract with a major tenant. Mr. Odio: O.K. Mr. Carollo: When was this contract finally put together? Mr. Odio: When it was finalized, sir? I think it was last night, because we had some negotiations as late as today. We had only ... the announcement of the league was made in the press conference and the Mayor promised a contract by today and we worked pretty hard.... Mayor Ferre: I didn't do that. I promised that I would bring it up to the Commission for discussion. Mr. Odio: Well, so we had to have one by today. That's why you didn't see it before, Commissioner Carollo. I think..,. Mayor Ferre: I would like to again stipulate that we understand that this is a contract for the stadium as is, without any improvements. If there are any improvements, then we need to reopen the clause, we need to reopen the.... Mr. Gary: Term. Mayor Ferre: ....term and we will accept nothing less ... and I want it up front with them that if we go out and improve that stadium, they are going to stay here at least ten years. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: Gentlemen, I just can't vote on something that is close to 20 pages I got this morning and I really have not had the opportunity to go over it carefully. I don't want to make another mistake, like some people have stated that we have done in the past with other similar contracts. Mayor Ferre: What I will do then, today is the 8th of March, one two, three, four, five, the fifth day is the 13th. Is that correct? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That's election day. Mayor Ferre: We will convene here at 8:00 o'clock in the morning. Is that acceptable to you? Mr. Carollo: I can't in the morning, Mr. Mayor, not on the 13th. It would have to be after 1:00 o'clock sometime. Mayor Ferre: No, it has to be in the morning. I want to catch that Miami News headlines. Mr. Carollo: I'm sorry, but I have some previous commitments. Mayor Ferre: I apologize to you, Commissioner. Is there any further discussion? 175 MAR 81984 sl 01-N Mr. Plummer: Mr. Carollo has invoked the rule as it relates.... Mayor Ferre: No, he hasn't invoked it, but I'm sure he has the right to do so. Mr. Plummer: Oh, I'm 'sorry. Mayor Ferre: I'm saying that if he does, what I will do is I will call under the authority, I will call a meeting five days from now at 8:00 o'clock in the morning. Mr. Clerk, when is five days, sir? When is the fifth day under the law? Mr. Plummer: Why are you figuring that if he hasn't invoked the rule'. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Ongie: The 13th, I think. Mayor Ferre: That is correct. Mr. Carollo: I will be the 13th at what time in the evening? Mayor Ferre: 8:00 o'clock in the morning. I'm not saying that I'm going to do that, I'm just.... Mr. Carollo: Mr. City Attorney, can you describe to me what five days means. Does that include 24 hours in the day? Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, we adjourn at 9:00 o'clock. That's what we agreed on. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Five days under Masons or whatever it is rules that we go under is what? Mr. Carollo: We don't pay you to be City Attorney, Maurice. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Calendar days. Mayor Ferre: Mr. City Clerk, would you tell us when five calendar days are up starting with today? Is it the 12th or the 13th? Mr. Ongie: The 13th. Mayor Ferre: Well, what do you want to do? Do you want to vote on it now or do you wait until the 13th? Mr. Carollo: I can't be here at 8:00 in the morning on the 13th, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: The Charter gives me the prerogative to call a meeting and I'm calling one at 8:00 o'clock in the morning on the 13th of March. Are you invoking the five day rule? Mr. Carollo: I haven't invoked anything yet at all. Mayor Ferre: I'm just asking. Mr. Carollo: I haven't invoked anything yet. You're just telling me what you are going to do. Mayor Ferre: I like to put my cards on top of the table. Mr. Carollo: No all the time. Mayor Ferre: Joe, you have 12 minutes, and you have issues that you want to get to. Now make up your mind. Do you want us to vote on this now or do you want to wait five days? Mr. Carollo: Maurice, in all sincerity, I need to go over this. I just can't vote on something that I have barely looked at. Mayor Ferre: Invoke the five day rule, so I can...so we can do this all legal. Go ahead. 176 81884 Mr. Carollo: I'm just asking the Commissioners to defer it until we read it. In all honesty, Miller, have you read this carefully? Mr. Dawkins: No, but I take the Mayor's.... Mayor Ferre: Not the Mayor, the Manager. Mr. Dawkins: If the Mayor says it's all right, I'll go along with it. Mr. Plummer: You lost me on that one. Mayor Ferre: Hallelujah! Mr. Plummer: I want to tell you, Dawkins, you and I used to be friends. Mr. Carollo: Does that mean you are endorsing Jesse Jackson now, Mr. Mayor? Mr. Plummer: Just blew away the gates. Mayor Ferre: Well, let me put it to you this way, part of my staff is endorsing Jesse Jackson. That's got to tell you something. We are now eleven minutes away from countdown, so make up your minds, Joe, so we can get to your issue. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I cannot vote on this.... Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Carollo. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, he says he can't vote. That doesn't mean he's invoking the rule. Mayor Ferre: Well, then make your motion, Plummer. Mr. Plummer: I make a motion that we approve it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion and a second on the floor. Does your motion, Mr. Plummer, include.... Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: In substance. Mr. Plummer: It's approving in substance, of course. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Subject to some revisions that need to be made. Mr. Plummer: It's a resolution. It has to come back in ordinance form. Mayor Ferre: Subject to a resolution, but also conditioned, Mr. Plummer? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, it doesn't have to come back in ordinance form. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir? Mayor Ferre: Is your motion conditioned on the fact that the U.S.F.L. is to be told that this is for the stadium as is? Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And that if the bond issue passes.... Mr. Plummer: I accept the amendments. Mayor Ferre: ....it opens it up again. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: Gentlemen, I'm invoking the rule now. I think it's really unhealthy, extremely unhealthy.... sl 17 7 MAR $ 1984 Mayor Ferre: The five day rule has been invoked, Mr. Carollo: Maybe I can't be here, but at least I'will have had the opportunity to go over it and read it and make any suggestions that I think might need to be made, if there are some. Mayor Ferre: That would be healthy. I.accept that. We will, under the powers given to me under the Charter, I hereby call a City of Miami Com- mission meeting on Tuesday, the 13th day of March at 8:00 A.M. in these chambers for the purpose of discussing the U.S.F.L. proposed contract. Mr. Carollo: I'll send you donuts. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask a question. Is that 8:00 A.M. L.S.T.? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Plummer: All right. 97. DISCUSSION ITEM CONCERNING INTERIM REPORT OF THE GRAND JURY IN CONNECTION WITH THE FIRING OF FORMER POLICE CHIEF KENNETH HARMS. Mr. Carollo: Maybe we could handle in brief the interiff report that Commissioner Plummer suggested that we should bring up at this time. Mr. Mayor, I think we should take up some of the recommendations that the Grand Jury gave in this report. For instance, it says that we find it essential that the Booz-Allen Report be the subject of full public discussion. If experts disagree as to the merits of the reports or recommendations, the Miami City Commission should hear from them fully. The report must be fully discussed in an objective atmosphere as opposed to the emotionally charged context in which the current debate had been held. It is particularly important that deliberate and careful consideration be given to the possible implementation of the Booz-Allen recommendations. Since history suggests a presedent, well, I think you all read that last part. I make a motion, Mr. Mayor, that we implement the suggestion of the Grand Jury to hold a full public discussion as to the implementation of the Booz-Allen Report. Mayor Ferre: I accept that as a motion. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Well, I'll second the motion, but my understanding was that we had one scheduled at the last Commission meeting and it was put off. Mr. Gary: No, you didn't. It died. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer, the motion is on the floor and we now have a second. I would just like to say on the record, Mr. Manager, I'd like to ask you, sir, the last time around this matter was sent back to you for deliberations with the Police Chief. Mr. Plummer; That's right. Mayor Ferre: The Police Chief is here and I have not heard from the Police Chief about his ideas. You said give him five to six weeks, as I recall. That's been a couple of weeks. When will the Police Chief and the City Manager be ready to recommend or not recommend Booz-Allen? Mr. Carollo: It is when the Police Manager says they are ready. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, my understanding of the motion is that the Booz- Allen will have a public hearing. That's the motion that I seconded. Mr. Carollo: That's the motion. Mayor Ferre: That's the motion. 178 sl Mr. Plummer: Which is fully what was to be in February and was put off. Mr. Carollo: On the suggestion of the Grand Jury of Dade County. Mayor Ferre: It was put off because the Manager requested that the Police Chief have the opportunity.... Mr. Plummer: You are missing my point. We had scheduled a public hearing on the February meeting. It was at the request of the Manager that the matter be deferred until the new Police Chief had the right to look into the matter. Mayor Ferre: It wasn't at his request, it was because of some maneuvering that happened around here on the way this thing was structured and the way.... Mr. Plummer: My point is that we did have scheduled a public hearing. The indication of the Grand Jury is that we weren't going to have a public hearing. We've already had one, two scheduled. Mayor Ferre: That hasn't been decided, J.L., because we left as you recall the way.... Mr. Plummer: Would you get me an agenda from the February meeting? Mr. Gary: It was scheduled. Mr. Plummer: That's right. It was scheduled for discussion. Mavor Ferre: But we didn't do it. Mr. Plummer: We didn't do it, exactly. It was asked to be put off. Mr. Gary: We did part of it. Mayor Ferre: We did part of it and we ended up back on peg zero. Mr. Carollo: We didn't have any public discussion. Mr. Plummer: They are criticizing us for not having a public hearing. We already had one scheduled. Mayor Ferre: But we haven't held it. The motion now is that we proceed with holding the Booz-Allen public hearing. You seconded the motion and we are under discussion. I am telling you that I am voting against it because I want the City Manager and the City Police Chief to have full rein to be able to come back with the recommendations and at that time, I will be ready to vote for it. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, this motion does not preclude the Manager and the new Chief having a full input. We are not setting a date. All we are saying is have a public hearing. We are talking about an item of $2.25 million. Mr. Gary: No, we aren't. Nobody asked you to vote on any money. Mr. Plummer: All I'm saying is you had it listed as a discussion item. Mr. Dawkins: But, what ... J.L. you already said that we had it scheduled in February and were going to hold it, so why are we voting to hold another one when we already have it scheduled. I don't know what you are doing. Mr. Plummer: To tell the Grand Jury that they were wrong. Mr. Dawkins: Well, then, give them another motion. Mayor Ferre: I'll give you their phone number if you want. Mr. Plummer: No, I don't want to talk to them. Mr. Dawkins: I mean, we already scheduled a hearing. And now we are going to turn around because the Grand Jury said that we didn't do it, you are going to make another motion on top of a motion that we already got? .17H NEAR 81984 Ae- Mr. Carollo: Do we have a motion or don't we? Mayor Ferre: Yes, we do have a motion. Any further discussion? Do you want to put this to a vote? Mr. Carollo: The motion stands. Mr. Plummer: The motion stands and it's going to die, two to two. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. MOTION DEFEATED: On motion by Commissioner Carollo, and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the foregoing motion to hold a public hearing to discuss the Booz- Allen Report was defeated by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins * Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. ON ROLL CALL: * Mayor Ferre: I vote no and the reason, I state on the record once again, is that I want to let the Police Chief and the City Manager the opportunity without being pressured and without getting messages... they know what they are doing. I have no problems that they are going to do the right thing. So whenever you are ready, Mr. Manager, we'll be ready for you. Mr. Dawkins: I voted no for the simple reason that we've already scheduled a meeting and somebody needs to tell the Grand Jury that we scheduled it and we're not going to be pushed into doing it ahead of time because the Grand Jury says it should be done. Mr. Plummer: This motion didn't push anybody. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Joe. Mr. Carollo: The Mayor said that no one is going to tell him what to do, so that's that. 98. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO INVITE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FIRM OF SEPTEMBER AND ASSOCIATES TO BE PRESENT AT THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULED ON MARCH 29TH IN CONNECTION WITH THE STRESS SIMULATOR Mr. Carollo: My next motion has to do with September and Associates, the famous simulator. Mr. Manager, how much money have we spent already in the simulator with September and Associates? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Gary: The total contract is $594,000, of which$300.000 was the foundation grant. Of that amount, we've spent $300,000, almost $300.000 Mr. Carollo: The total contract was for $594,000? Mr. Gary: Correct. Mayor Ferre: And we spent how much? Mr. Gary: Almost $300,OOC Mr. Carollo: Almost $300,000, and how much of that $300,000 came from the City and how much...... s 180 MAR 81984 Mr. Gary: None of it came from the City. That's...we've not used any City money. All of the money we have used so far has been the foundation grant. Mr. Carollo: The foundation grant, how much of that grant all together? Mr. Gary: McKnight and it was about $300,000. Mr. Carollo: So it's almost been used up now. What I'd like to ask the City Attorney is to review the contract that we have with September and Associates, every phase of it, Mr. City Attorney and to report back to the Commission as soon as you possibly can in memorandum form if there are any areas in the contract that they have not lived to their word on and if there are any justifiable causes that we, at this time can cancel that contract, and if need be sue for damages. Mayor Ferre: Anything else? Mr. Carollo: Last, but not least, I would like to make a motion that the City of Miami instruct the Administration not to pay any other monies as of now to September and Associates, unless they come before the City Commission.... Mayor Ferre: Joe, I will recognize that as a motion in a moment, but if I may, I want to say just two things about September and Associates on the record. O.K.? The first thing is show and tell time, and I'd like to see the former Police Chief in his statements about September and Associates, if you would please. AT THIE TIME AIN AUDIO VISUAL TAPE WAS SHOWN TO THE COMMISSION. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The following transcript is from a tape played during the Commission meeting: Mr. Robert Gilmartin: Did you enjoy the stress training program yourself? Mr. Kenneth Harms: Sure, I did. I did it several years ago and I did it more recently yesterday, but I thought it was very much worth while. Mr. Robert Gilmartin: These two City officials, along with Commissioners Miller Dawkins and J.L. Plummer look seriously at buying Flint, Michigan's S.M.E., or Synthesized Media Environment. It puts police through crises situations and evaluates their judgement in dealing with it. Three of the men actually went through the program. Mr. Plummer: I think all of us have come back with a very positive feeling that this is a situation in which we can put new recruits as well as seasoned veterans through. They can take and put their exercise here on a screen. I would rather, without question, if they have to make a mistake, let them do it in this dark room rather than out on the street. Mr. Robert Gilmartin: Both Plummer and Commissioner Dawkins agreed funding could be a problem and the program would have to be adapted to Miami's multi-lingual population. But Commissioner Dawkins said citizens could also vote for the stress training. Mr. Dawkins: Making them more or less realize truthfully, you know, if the policemen have bad judgement or not. Mr. Robert Gilmartin: The Flint program was put into effect after a racial flare up in 1980. In Miami, police officials hope it may avoid shooting deaths, like the one in the Overtown arcade that sparked two days of violence. Whether the City of Miami actually gets this new police training tool will probably depend on sources for funding; and with a price tag of more than a half million dollars, City officials will probably exhause all possibilities of outside funding, before they decide to spend the City's own money. Robert Gilmartin, News Center-7. 61 181 MAR 81984 .41 "" Unidentified Speaker: As they return from the one day journey.... Mr. Michael Putney: The City Manager, Police Chief, and two Commissioners return home impressed by Flint, Michigan's police stress training program. Mr. Plummer: I think all of us have come back with a very positive feeling that this is a situation in which we can put new recruits as well as seasoned veterans through; and they can take and put their exercise here on a screen. I would rather, without question, if they have to make a mistake, let them do it in this dark room, rather than out on the street. Mr. Michael Putney: Using 24 slide projectors and films, the simulator can create 18 different situations, all potentially fatal, all posing the same question, when should police shoot? BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Mr. Kenneth Harms: As a training tool, it is very valuable to permit them to learn from their mistakes in this kind of environment with the expectation that they won't carry those mistakes with them out to the streets. Mr. Michael Putney: Commissioner Miller Dawkins was also enthusiastic, but puzzled over how the City could pay for it. Mr. Dawkins: With a shortage of funds, unless we are fortunate enough to have a marked foundation or some foundation assist us with it, it's going to be very difficult for us in these trying times to find the money. Mr. Michael Putney: The Flint, Michigan system costs $560,000. Michael Putney, Channel-4 News. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. Is that it? Mr. Carollo: No cartoons? Mayor Ferre: I would like to quote Shakespeare on this. It goes something like this. "This man was hoisted up in his own petard." I would like to say that for a man who tells the world that he has so much principle that he will not be forced into approving the Booz-Allen report and never has he been forced to do what is against his conscience. Now which is the real Ken Harms? Is it the man who says that he was forced to support the September and Associates Flint, Michigan ... was he lying to us there? Did we have a Police Chief who lied to the public? Or is he lying when he says that he was opposed to it? We don't know which Ken Harms to believe. The second thing that I want to say, and I would like very much, by the way, for a transcript of Chief Harms' words to be memorialized to the foreman of the Grand Jury and at the same time, if you would, sir, Mr. Manager, would you have the May 12, 1983 page 84 of the City Commission meeting sent to the foreman of the Grand Jury. I'd like to read into the record what Mr. Schroader, of the Justice Department of these United States of America under this Administration said: "Mr. Mayor, Mr. Vice Mayor, and members of the Commission, Mr. Manager, as a result of the Overtown disturbance, the U.S. Department of Justice Community Relations Service conducted an assessment and determined internally that there were two areas that we would like to address here in Miami and provide recommendations to the City. Regarding number one, was subject of training with regard of use of force. Number two was to make recommendations regarding police departments, police community relations unit. Regarding number one, training, our recommendation was for the City of Miami to assess September and Associates simulator, also known as the synthesized media environment. We recommend then that the City acquire it." Acquire it; he didn't hedge, and those are my words. Going back to the quote, "He recommended that the City acquire it. We stand behind that recommendation that the City acquire the simulator." And later on he says, "Our agency recommended September and Associates or rather introduced September and Associates to the Dade and Miami r 182 Mayor Ferre (Con't): Criminal Justice Council during the Council assessment or study of the simulator. We were not contacted. We were not asked for input. That is probably where our input should have been within this study. It is not there, so I find myself in front of you today. There have been two other studies on the simulator. One was conducted by the National Institute of Justice Evaluation. Yes, there were a few areas of concern in this study. But by and large the study was almost unanimously in favor of the simulator." Later on, he concludes, "I see no reason for the Justice Department Community Relations Service to change its recommendations. We stand behind the simulator. The report that came out of the council did not sway us in our decision." I would ask, Mr. Manager, that both the Chief's statements and if you want, you can get a composite clip of the three statements that he made to be sent to the Grand Jury if they wish to play it. I think if you can just cut that portion out and send them a written record as well as the tape as well as the statements by the United States Justice Department. Do you need a motion to formalize that? Mr. Gary: No, I follow orders well, some of them —the majority. Mayor Ferre: On May 10th I would like to read one more area into the record. Here is a statement made by Mr. Ken Harms to the Grand Jury: "No single training device can fulfil all training necessary in a police department. A simulator, when used in conjuction with other training method facilities and devices, enhances the police officers effectiveness in responding to critical decisions in the application of deadly force. There are many desirable effects associated with the acquisition of the S.M.E.-24 Simulator. Initially the simulator should provide an effective tool in evaluation of communications between partners while under stressful situations." It continues; later on, "The utilization of biofeedback device should significantly enhance the instructors ability to monitor the stress level ATTAINED BY EACH OFFICER." In the next paragraph, he said, "Scenarios designed especially for the City of Miami Police Department could be utilized to familiarize officers with the situation where deadly force may be required and/or reasonable caution should be exercised." He further states, "The S.M.E.-24 Simulator could be used as a tool to compliment, supplement, and reinforce existing training programs and techniques including officer survival." The record stands clear. This man, the former Police Chief of the City of Miami on May 10, 1983 specifically went before the Grand Jury and made those statements. He made statements which we have just seen on public television. I think all these things should be sent to the Grand Jury so they understand what evidently they must not have a full history of what has ocurred in the past. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, if I may, I think there should be some additional information that should be sent to the Grand Jury. That is, I think, a list of all the police officers that went through it while they had it here for a time. That includes most of the police officers within the department. Am I correct in that, Chief? This way they could invite at random how many of these officers they might want to and get the real opinion of the officers in the street, the guys that are going to use it. I think for the most part, you will get statements from those officers that I could not repeat here as to what they think of that particular machine. Mayor Ferre: You see, Mr. Carollo, the problem...I don't have any problem with that. That's fine; and I accept that. The Manager can also send that. But the problem that I have with the Grand Jury, and this is why I wanted to address Mrs. Daisy A. Harold IV Person, is that specifically the Grand t MAR 81984 sl -LCW Mayor Ferre (Con't): which refers back to the fall of 1982 Grand Jurv. And then it says, "We find September and Associates simulator to be merely one more variation of a training philosophy which is now considered outdated." And then they further say, "We find no need for the September simulator in Dade County police training. We find no need for a new machine. We find a need for a new philosophy." They further say, "We find a criteria needed for a careful fiscal operational audit of the simulated program." Then they conclude, and I will read it into the record, "We deplore the making of hasty decisions regarding such vital issues as police training and police organization." I think that it is important for the Grand Jury to understand, number one, that we had the advice of the United States Department of Justice to buy this simulator. Number two, that the Police Chief of the City of Miami went up to Flint, Michigan and came back lauding and praising the simulator and recommending it. Number three, Mr. Manager —Mr. Clerk, I also would like for you to get for me the exact words for former Police Chief Harms before these microphones when we voted on the simulator on the record. Number four... you have it here? All right, let me read that into the record. Number four, Chief Harms in May '83 went to the Grand Jury and made the statements which I have read into the record. Number five, and I will now read into the record the May 12, 1983 statement by Chief Harms; it goes like this: "The meeting then of course that you are referring to occured in the evening of the day that we reviewed personally the simulator and participated in the simulated excercise. I personally was somewhat skeptical initially of the meeting. I was my expectation that several folk would sit around the table and talk about how nice a program it was. Within a fairly short period of time, though, I was convinced of the sincerity of those individuals involved representing various groups that have already been mentioned here. It was my best impression that they felt that this was more than just a simulated training mechanism for the vehicle that permitted them to communicate more effectively with the Police Department and for the Police Department to communicate more effectively with the citizens that they serve within that community. So we talked a lot about what they felt with regard to communications, the relationships within a community, how that relationship is to change over a time, particularly with regard to a before and after simulator implementation within the community itself." I think you will also find later on in other Commission meetings, and I would like the Clerk to research this matter and report back to us with the exact words when I, as Mayor and Chair of this Commission, specifically requested the Police Chief to get on the microphone and on the record tell us if he agreed with this purchase and he absolutely said yes. Would all these things, therefore Mr. Manager, be compiled and sent to the foreman of the Grand Jury and would you inform her and through her the full Grand Jury that this Commission does not accept the classification of the words "hasty decisions" regarding September and Associates, but rather feels very strongly that this was a matter that was deliberated upon, that was carefully considered, that people from this City Commission and the department, including the Chief, went to Flint, Michigan and came back with a positive recommendation, all of which is on the record. Mr. Carollo: Together, Mr. Manager, with a list of names of those police officers that went through it, so that they could invite if they would like at random any of those police officers. Mr. Mayor, I go back to the motion that I was making that this Commission instructs the Administration not to pay an additional cent of City monies to September and Associates for that simulator, unless they come to this Commission to get an O.K. for it. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion on the floor. Is there a second? Mr. Gary: We have a contract. We have to live by the contract. Mr. Plummer: I think the question that has to be asked is what does the contract call for, so we are not in violation of the contract. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, do you want to answer that and then I will ask for a second. sl j 84 MAR 81984 Mr. Gary: I have no problem with their coming before the City Commission, but I don't think that you could unilaterally change the conditions of the contract that this City Commission authorized. I don't think they are due any money right now, so that becomes a mute issue if they aren't due any money. Mr. Carollo: Mr. City Attorney, could you do that research that I asked you to do as soon as possible, please? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mr. Carollo: Thank you, sir. Mayor Ferre: Do you still want to make a motion? Is there a second to the motion as made? Mr. Plummer: Not until I hear back from the City Attorney. Mr. Carollo: O.K., we'll wait until the City Attorney gets back to us. Mr. Plummer: I don't want to put this City in the position of being in violation of the contract. There is no money due between now and the 13th when we are meeting again. The City Attorney can report back on the 13th and then I will make my decision, with the assurance from the Manager that no money will be paid between now and the 13th. Mr. Gary: If we don't owe them any, we won't; but if we owe them some in the contract, we have to pay them. Jack, do we owe them any money? Mr. Plummer: Five days. Mr. Gary: We don't owe them any money within the five days, so they won't get paid. Well, you have to give a reasonable time. You just can't jerk them down here. Mr. Plummer: I make a motion at this time that September and Associates be invited to attend a Commission meeting of March 22nd. Mr. Carollo: I second that motion. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-315 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INVITE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FIRM OF SEPTEMBER & ASSOCIATES TO BE PRESENT AT THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOW SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 29, 1984. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Ferre: What day did you day? Mr. Plummer: Oh, I'm sorry. The 29th, it's been changed. Mayor Ferre: Let the record reflect that we meant the 29th. Is there anything else to come before this Commission? I want to say one last thing into the record. I made a mistake when I said that the Dade Grand Ion V1J MAR s l '•1A \ 8 1984 Mayor Ferre (Con't): that Harms testified on May loth. Mr. Gary: That's his response to the Grand Jury. Mayor Ferre: No, no, what I meant to say was that after the fall 1982 Dade County Grand Jury issued its final report on May 10th, subsequent to that, Mr. Harms, put this into the record. This was his answer to the Grand Jury who in 1982 said, "City of Miami, you shouldn't buy the simulator." This was Harms written opinion where he signed his name. Mr. Gary: And he carbon -copied Reno and Jones, the State Attorney and the Police Director of Dade Countv. Mayor Ferre: Copy to the State Attorney, Police Department, and his friends in the press. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, one of the things that you touched on briefly that you did not have the same exposure that Commissioner Dawkins and I and Mr. Gary and Chief Harms had, I think it is very important factor that has been overlooked. There's two. First and foremost, you brought out about the Justice Department who was the one that recommended it. It was the Justice Department who took us through; in Flint, Michigan they sent down special representatives feeling that it was that important. I think it must be remembered that at that time that we were being investigated by the Justice Department for civil rights violations that possibly had ocurred. Mr. Gary: That's right. Mr. Plummer: I think the second point that's being overlooked, we once again touched on briefly, but we're not there, we sat through four hours of meetings, nothing to do with the simulator directly, but from community groups. That was not a social hour. That was sitting through four hours of listening to people talk about the involvement of the community with this simulator, stressing that it was just as important for the people of the community to go through that procedure, as it was for the Police Department. They felt that it established a very good relationship between the community and the department. It is most unfortunate that we don't have copies of those meetings which we attended, because the community overwhelmingly volunteered to come out on a night when it was snowing to make it known to those of us who were there what they felt. I will tell you -Mr. Gary, am I correct? It was at least 80%, if not 90% Black people sitting around that table? 90%, they took their time to come and express to us what a valuable asset they felt that this piece of equipment was to the community. So I want to get that into the record. Mayor Ferre: Is there anything else? ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the City Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M.. MAURICE A. FERRE Mayor ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk Asst. City Clerk J .I, CITY OF MjIAMI a DOCUMENT MEETING DATE: 'arch 8, 190,4 INDEX DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION I AND ''T �CNErt'T,ING THE t £TSULAR CI-Y CCITITF!7ION MFF'_T'ING OF *l.A.R.CH 22, 19R4 TO T'K.E PLPCF. CAN 1PPCH 29, 1984 ^-84-232 AT 9 : 0 0 A .'l . ALLOCATING 7 SUM NOT TO EXCFFD $2, 700 Fne%' FPECI PROG.TWIS AND ACCOUNTS, QUAI,TTY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OF TFE GOLD DIGG£�!c:, INC., FOR ?ZrNTTNG ?-84-234 GUS"RAN FPLL FrR. PFRPr) .%ll_ 10EF BENEFITING THE LFU- ?CEuIA SOCIETY OF P_f.iERICP . URGING A. STOP TO U.S. DFPOP.TATION PROC:EFDTNGS Or' FOREIGN NATIONALS OF NICARP.GUF I-'EO SEER POLITICP ASYLU4;REOUES'."ING THAT THE t:ORK PFR_MITS RETAIN I R-84-236 FOP.CE Cn BE PFINSTA.LLED; URGING ALL AUNICIPALITIF,. IN DADE CO. TO ADOPT EXPRFSSIONE OF INTERESTS. URGING PRESIDENT REAGAN TO RECOGNTZE AF LEGP.L U.S., RESIDENTS THOSE HATTIA.NS T,'HO HANIF FLED THFI, P-R4-237 HOMELAND AND PRE NOT,? SEEKING PFFUGE IN TFIS COLIN TRY. A RETIAP.D FOR INFORMATION LFPDING TO THE ARREST & CONVTCTION OF VIOLATO?S OF FLORIDA FELONY G?'ATUF R-84-238 TIITF RF.FPECT TO THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ROSAR.IO GnNZALEZ AND ALLOCATING P GUTS OF $10,000. HONORING THE CIVIC -MINDED MPMBERS OF "DADF'F F."!PLnY THE NP.NDICPPPED CO3`."4ITTEE" FOR THFIr 1 P-84-239 CONTINUING EFr^R.'T' nN BEHALF OF HANDICAPPED CITIZENS OF THIS C0.14MUNITY. ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR A) A rIND ING OF NO SUBSTANIA.L DEVIPTION AND B) AMENDMENTS P.-84-247 TO THE MIA II t-10R.LD TRADE CENTER D0 ELOPMENT ORDE (RES 82-463) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY R.-84-248 OF MIAMI AND THE EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION KNO!"N AS THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION Or FIREFIGHTERS. REAPPOINTMENT OF LESLIE PANTIN, SR. AND. ARNOLD �tUBIN TO THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD OF THi' CIT R-$4-249 OF MIAMI FOR FIVE YEAR TER'! EXPIRING DFC.2, 1988 CONFIRMING ORDERING RF.S.#.83-962 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERX TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR R-84-250 CONSTRUCTION OF S.V. 16 STREET HIGH TIAY IMPROVEMF DISTRICT H-4488. DOCUM ENTol N f -DEX CONTINUED Pacic, 2 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION CONI'T7.1TNG ORnFOINS RFS :''83-1112 P`1D AUTPOSTZING m'..r CT'"'`' CLFnrt mO ADV-R'"T: F FOP Sll . LFD DIPS POP CONS'"RUCTION OF CITY-r9IDI'. ST.NTTTRY F FT'ER I'1T'ROV- "%NT-S.T .1 S'TPFF,T GP-5499-C(CENTET?T,TN, E SF1-T'.R) . 7%[1'T'IiOZT 7TNG TIIF CT7'S' '11ANAGFR TO EXECUTE A. PRnT.'F' SIONAL FERVIC'T;F n(-^Fr,'Tr.^iR' T ITIt CFTZ'PTTN FT'c'rT`'P.L FVFNT CO"a*1T'l„T'T'F'S T.ND CRGANI7ATION, "OR CT'',SPn\'- ;FOnGHIP & SUPSFOUFNT "IONTTOT'TNG E- FIVTLUA'I'TONF . RXI)P' SSING 'T'I`T; TNTENT 01' TEE, CITY CO""IISSTON TO 701,17ND GEC.u1tt-17 nF THE CITY OF "ITIINI'T,FLA. CODE, AG P''IENDFD, "0 PL'PF?R. Tll- BOUNDPPTFF OF TE'I' DC"-N.. mnT"N DFVFLOn"^T,NT DISTRIC`1' RG•-3/7. PRn`. TDING FOF Ti PI'FL,IC HEAVING ON 4-26-R4 ON SAID SUBJECT. T%,'TIVING THE '"TIIE LVITTATTON FOR A FIRF`':ORKS DISPLI�`. PT TIII'. ORANGE BOWL STADTUM. i TCCFPTIr;G FRO`] Ti!F DADF COUNTY E'CPQOL BOP."D A COVENANT FOP THE INSTALLATION OF AN IRRIGATION FEED '-LAIN T''ITHIN N.r';.67 S'T'RFT''P. CONCERNING TPE 7th ANNUAL CALLT, OCHO OPEN HOU'E FESTIVAL, "'ARCH 4, 1984,CLOSING CERTPIN TH.OU(li? STREET' TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DURING SPECIFIED POU' AND ESTPRLISHING 7` PEDESTRIAN "1PLL DURING EVENT. CONCEPNING THE 3rO ANN[TAL CPRNAVA.L NITA^1i,"4TT?CH 11 1984,CLOSING CEPTAIN STREETS TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DURING FP?CTFTED NOURS,& FGTAPLTSHTNG A PFDFFTDIA! "TALI. DURING THE PERIOD OF THE EVENT. AU'_T'HOPIZING THE CT'T'Y MANAG.Fr, TO FXECUTF FLTPPLF"'IFN AGREEMENT #1,"ITIC C.S. RTTTENHOUFF, FOR DROFEScIO AL FEPVICES "ITFIN TPF ORIGINAL SCOPE OF FFRVICFF UNFORESEEN AT THE TIME RELATING TO ADULT FOFT-BAL LEAGUES AT GPAPELAND, SI?FNANDOAH, & PEACOCK PARNF . APPROVING CLOSING CERTAIN STREETS TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC A.PPTI, 5,6,7,& 8, 1984 SURROUNDING THE ORANGE BOWL FOR CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES IN EXILE CARNIVAL. GRANTING DISPENSATION FOR THE SALE OF BEER AND SOFT DRINKS OF SAID FOUR DAY EVENT. ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF CONCEPT F'OOD,HA.SNER & ASSOC. PARKS AND PFCREP.TTONPL SYSTFMS,INC,KENT D. SCN4'ART CO.,LA.NDSCAPE STRUCTURES, INC.,& PARK STRUCTURES OF AMERICA,INC.FOR PLAYGROUND EOUIPMFNT FOR HADLI:Y PPRK AT TOTAL COST OF $16,765.00. ACCEPTING THE BID OF LOWS TAILORING AND UNIFORN CO. INC, FOR FURNISHING UNIFORM CLOTFING CONTRACTEI FOR A TI10 YEAR PA S I S , RFNET'IA RLE ANNUALLY. ACCEPTING THE BID OF OAKS I•7YOLEEALF DISTRIBUTORS, INC. FOR FURNISHING ONE NIGY_T VISION PHOTOGRAPHIC SYSTEM TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. P,-84•-?51 "_.84-21,L T'-84-255 R.-84-256 ')-84-257 P-84-258 R-84-259 R-84-260 R-84-261 R-84-262 P-84-263 R-84-264 -- DOCUMENT�I NEXD CONTINUED�a�e� DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ,�UTIiORT ZING '"III; CITY -,1ANAGF'TR TO I'XECU T L' AN A";END MFNT TO AGRFE. IrNT MIT';P17N THY CITY OF 'TIP" -II AND CROT•'DER,"1P1iONT Y, A1TKnT?-SYT , P.ICF; AND ASSOCIATES , TNC TNCPEASING ".A`iI"7U^I CO"IPENSP.TTON 7\LL01''1,D Fn^ SUR-- VFYING SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION "IT1I CITY CONTRAC I'D CONSTWCTTnN P90,1FC11"S ACCEPTING THE BID OF L£F PROT'rRTTESIINC.FnR ""IP"1 STADIUM -CONCERT STAGF. ROC`F. TTPT\'lNG TIIF RENTAL FEE 01" BAYFRONT PT.RK AL'DITORI nN APRILS, 1994 FOTt DTDE COUNTY DEPART'IFNT nF I'.L'\'.AN RESOURCES DINT S ION 01' CHTLD DEVELOPMENT SER;TICES FESTTVPL. ALLOCTTING FUNDS FOR CITY PARTICIPT'I'InN IN "IV INTER-A",ERICAN SUGARCnNF SFMTNTR ON SOIL FERTILI AND MANAGEMFNI T" , HELD IN MI N-1I OC`I'OBER 5-7 , 1983. CONCERNING TNNL'PL qT. DAY PP'_'ADF CLOFIN VFITICUL702 TRTFFIC ON MA'2CIa 17, 1994,FSWELISITING A PFDES"'RIPN "TALL, PL""I1nRT7TNG THE FPLF OF BEER TN PAYFRONT PARK RETWEN 11A.'1. E- 6 F.M. ON MhRCH 18, 1984 BY REPRFSFNT7' TITS 01' FT. PPTRICK` DAY CO`l"71TTFT" . -'nPRnVING 'T'Pr DFFFRMENT OF SCI1EDULED REPAY"1ENTS OF TT1F CITY OF MIAMI' S CAPI'T'AL CON'FPlr-,UTIC"\i TO THE GIBSON PLAZA SEC.8 ELDE':Lv POUSTNG PPOJFCT UNTIL JULY, !985. AUTHORIZING THE, CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE P. CONTRv\C TUAL AGREEYENT 19ITH THE HAITIAN TPgK FO'ZCF, TO CON TINL'E THE IMPL7MENTATION OF A NEIGHBORHOOD ECON,--- MIC DEVELOPT*rNT PRnG".PM. APPROVING `i'I:F ISSL'PNCF. OP UP Tn s65 , 000, 000 "MULTI FA".4ILY HOUSING 'UWENUE BONDS C-7 TI4E CITY Or NIAVT_ TO FIT"IPNCF CFTrPPIN :MULTI-FblILY PT'_CJFC'"S . ORDERING EDISON FIGHTNAY IMPROVEMF,NT-PEASE I,H-449 DSSTGNA.TTNG TT-lP PnOpFpTv rGPTNIzT ''HIGH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR P_ PCRTION Cr COST mHrRF,OF AS FDISON HIGHT';AY DISTr.._TCT-PPZ'.SE T,H-4LI94. ACCEPTING THE COMPLETFD TIORK OF MARKS BROTHERS CO. FOR • CENITRAJ DRATNPrT' P".OJFCT F-53-BTD "B" ; AND AUTHORIZING P. FINAL PAYMRNT. OvT)P.RING FDGF'IPTT7R HIGHjP.Y !llPRCVE"tENT, H-4496 PND D7PTGNPTTNG THE PROPEnTY P_GAINET T''FICH SPECIAL SSEGSME',7TS FHALL BE 'MADE FO'? A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS FDGEI^'PTER HIGHNAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, H-4496. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXERCISE THE RENE!" PL P' OVISION CONTAI'NIFD IN THE EY.IFTING LFAISF PG".EE "^rNT Vd I TH METRO DPDE COUNTY FOP OFF I CF. SPACE PT THP CUL"ER/(`VFFTOI','N NEIGHBORHOOD CNT?.. , FOR USF BY CO*i"".C,'NTTY nFI'PLOTIr4ENT T)FP`T', OVEPTO"N JOBS PR0GT?7"4. R-P,4-266 n-nu-267 'P-R4-263 r-84-269 ;;-811-270 17-84-272 --84-275 P-84-277 T'-84-278 P-64-279 '4-84-280 n 84-282 4 9 DOCUMENT•INDEX CONTINUEDPage 4 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CHIEF OF POLICE TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE EXECUTIVE STAFF OF THE POLICE FC)UNDATION OF 4A.SHINGTCN,D.C. FOR AN AGREFq'T TO FUND A VIOLENCE REDUCTION PROGRAM AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRA UAL AGREEMENTS, WITH THE LITTLE RIVER CHAMBER OF C"MCE AND THE ALIMATTAH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FOR FUN ING T<90 MARKET AND FINANCIAL, FEASIBILITY STUDIES. APPRWING IN PRINCIPLE,THE EAST LITTLE HAVANA TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS. . ESTABLISHING A CCM IITTEE TO BE KNOWN AS THE "EAST LITTLE HAVANA C01MITTEE" TO PROVIDE FOR THE EFFECTIVE ADMINISTRA- TICN & IMPLEMENTATION OF PROOECTS AMID PROGRAMS WITHIN EAST LITTLE HAVANA AREA. 10IVING THE YOWIRET'IEN`TPS FOR FORMAL SEALED BIDS FOR THE REPAIR OF NINE (9) SWIMMING POOLS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI IN ORDER TO OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THE COCONUT GF07E EXIBITION CENTER -WEST COURTYARD ROOF. WAIVING THE REQUIREI1,1ENT FOR FORMAL BIDDING FOR SERVICES, FROM MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT INC.(>=I) FOR THE MANAGE AND ADMINISTRATICN OF A REVOLVING LOAN FUNDS (RLF). . AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER Ta ENTER AN AGREEMENT WITH METRO DADE COUNTY FOR IMPIMWMNG A PORTION OF DADE CO. CCMK WTY BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DURING THE 9th YEAR FOR EQUITY IN THE SUPER SAVE SUP001ARfCET INC. ,FUG AUTHOR THE CITY MANAGER TO EXEC[TTE AGRM'lE U WITH MIAMI CAPITAL DEVIIOPMENT,INC.FOR THE PURCHASE OF PREFERRED SHARES IN ' SUPER -SAVE SUPPI NiARKET INC. AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY SEZTIMM TO N.K.,INC. D/B/A TOBACCO ROAD AND NEIL KATZMAN WITHOUT ADMISSION OF LIABILITY,RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI AND JOHN HATTCN AS POLICE OFFICER FRC4 ALL C IAIMS AND DEMANDS, APPOINTING CITE INDIVIDUAL AS A I04BER OF THE M.LAMI AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, REAPPOINTING GARTH MEVES, SR. AS A MEMBER OF THE BQARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVEIAPMErTT AUTHORITY, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MNAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGRFBYOIT WITH L.HITE AND ASSOC. INC. ,FOR PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES TO DEVEIAP PSYCOLOGICAL SCREENING FOR POLICE CUFF APPLICANTS. DESIGNATING THE MIAMI NORTHWESTERN AUDITORIUM AS THE M M PLACE CC--TLE CITY C0+MISSION ON MAY 10, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M, WHEN IT RECONVENES IT REGULAR MEETING FOLLOWING A RECESS, R-84-283 R-84-284 R-84-285 R-84-287 R-84-289 R-84-290 R-84-291 R-84-292 R-84-293 R--84-,294 R-84-295 R-84-297 R•-84-298 4 6 DOCUMENTINDEX CONTINUEDPaqe 5. DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION DESIGNATING THE FAIRLAWN ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON APRIL 26, 1984 AT 3:00. P.M. WHEN IT RECONVENES IT REGULAR MEETING FOLLOWING A RECESS. DESIGNATING THE BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON JUNE 14, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN IT RECONVENES IT REGULAR MEETING FOLLOWING A RECESS. DESIGNATING THE MANUEL ARTIME COn4UNITY CENTER AUDITORIUM AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY COMMISSIONON JULY 12, 1981 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN IT RECONVENES IT REGULAR MEETING FOLLOW- ING A RECESS. DESIGNATING THE MORNINGSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AS THE MEETING PLACE OF TIIE CITY COMMISSION ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M.WHEN IT RECONVENES IT REGULAR MEETING FOLLCklING A RECESS. DESIGNATING THE ROBERT E. LEE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIL AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON OCTOBER 25, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN IT RECONVENES IT PBSULAR MEETING FOLLOWING A RECESS. DESIGNATING THE MIAMI EDISON SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON NOVU4BER 8, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN IT RECONVENES ITS REGULAR MEETING FOLLOWING A RECESS. DESIGNATING THE MIAMI-DADE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, NEW WORLD CENTER CAMPUS AUDITORIUM AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE MI,AMI CITY COMMISSION ON DECEMBER 13, 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN IT RECONVENES ITS REGULAR MEETING FOLLOWING A RECESS. DESIGNATING THE COCONUT GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AS THE MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY CCr'MISSION ON SEPTEMBER 1: 1984 AT 3:00 P.M. WHEN IT RECONVENES ITS REGULAR MEETING FOLLOWING A RECESS. ALLXATING FUNDS FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, TO COVER COST OF RENTING THE ORANGE BOWL ON MARCH 31, 1984 BY BY FOX LAIR FARMS, INC. TO HOLD A POLO MATCH TO RAISE FUND FOR MIAMI CHILDRENS HOSPITAL,(IAW) POLICY No. APM-1-84. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIP TIONS WITH BARRY UNIVERSITY TO PROVIDE CONSULTANT SERVICES TO REVIEW CURRENT POLICE TRAINING,FURTHER DIRECTING THE PRESENTATION OF NEGOTIATED CONTRACT PRIOR TO ITS EXECU'"ION. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NBGOTI TIONS WITH FLDRIDA 104ORIAL COLLEGE TO PROVIDE HUMAN RELA- TION TRAINING FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT; FURTHER DIRECTING THE PRESENTATION OF NEGOTIATED CONTRACT PRIOR TO ITS EXECUTION IM R-84-299 R-84-300 R-84-301 R-84-302 R-84-303 R-84-304 R-84-305 R-84-305,1 R-84-306 R-84-307 • I. i 4 DOCUMENTINDEX CONTINUEDPage 6 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIII TIONS WITfi VALLE-AXELBERD AND ASSOC.,INC. FOR THE PURPOSE 0 R-84-309 IDENTIFYING AND ANALYZING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS FACTORS PRODUCED FROM POLICE TRAINING ASSOCIATED WITH SME-33,FURTHHE DIRECTING THE PRESENTATION OF NEGOTIATED CONTRACT PRIOR TO ITS EXECUTION. ALLOCATING FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF MIAMI FILM FESTIVAL,REPRESENI ING RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER,FEBRUARY 3, 4,5,10,11, and 12, 1984 (IAW) ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY 1-84, dtd.1-24-84. ALLOCATING FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEAF SERVICES BUREAU, REPRESENTING RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF GUSMAN HALL CULTURAL CNTR MARCH 17, 1984;(iAW) MIAMI ADMINISTRATICE POLICY No.APM-1-84 dtd.1-24-84. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH METRO DADE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING A PORTION OF DADE COUNTY' S CC ZIUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM DURING THE 9th YEAR FOR A CERTAIN SOCIAL SERVICE ACTIVITY. ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC BEARING DATE , THURSDAY MAY 24, 1984, AT 2:30 p.m., OR AT A RECONVENED MEETING,FOR CONSIDERATION OF ISSUANCE OF A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR 1221 BRIKELL PROJECT, A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT UNDER CHAPTER 380 F.S., TO BE LOCATED AT 1221 BRICKELL AVENUE. R-84-310 R-84-311 R-84-312 R-84-313