HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #42 - Discussion Item,Y CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 1 INTER -OFFICE • MEMORANDUM TO. Mr. Howard V. Gary DATE: •7�Y/p4 FILE City Manager LI O FROM. Al er ' - Dawkins City Commissioner 5U9JECT: ITEM TO BE INCLUDED ON MARCH 29, 1984 COMMISSION AGENDA REFERENCES: MAGIC CITY CULTURAL EXCHANGE ENCLOSURES: Please include the attached information on the March 29, 1984 City Commission Agenda. blp �Di'se. us 5 a' otv 84--340 . ■ - - `!'Y ;'i:5 .':iRd;• . . irvY:c:.,-, .. i.Si.:a'.. , .. ! :'E = .. r,ik .. ...-r .. .. �- - ..... -.- ..04,.. _ -n FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY TA MIAM I CAMPUS • MIAMI. FLORIDA 331 99 • (305) 55-t-2764 f' SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY DIVISION OF CONSTRUCTION 22 February 1984 Carinissioner Miller Dawkins City of Miami P.O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 RE: Magic City Cultural Exchange Dear C=dssioner Dawkins, Please arrange to have included in the agenda of the March 8 Commission Meet- ing, for discussion/presentation, the Magic City Cultural Exchange Project. We are requesting Commission consideration for the Cultural Exchange on the following items: 1. that City staff work with Cultural Exchange Board of Directors to designate a piece of property for utiliza- tion by the Magic City Cultural Exchange and allow that piece of property to act as City participation with FIU for the purposes of requesting a construction grant fram the State Department of Education; 2. that, for purposes of control, the City will agree to act as fiscal agent for the utilization of the property as well as any other additional monies obtained for the project from sources other than the Department of Education; and, 3. that the City appropriate $25,000 of the fee ($40,000) for masterplanning, with $15,000 provided by other sources. Attached you will find do=rent.ation on the Cultural Exchange covering: 1. Project description/goals and objectives - Exhibit A 2. Budget - Exhibit B 3. State Statute 235.196 - Exhibit C (to be provided at the meeting) 1. THE STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA 84-340,1 ^r— • .. �.a,' -.. :.tea 4. Statement of precedent - Exhibit D 5. Letters of support - Exhibit E We appreciate your interest in this project and look forward to presentation to the Cawdssion. Thank you. Sincerely, 1; UJZu�^� Vivian Salaga, AIA Chairman, Board of Directors Magic City Cultural Exchange nb cc: City Ccmnission Manbers City Manager President Gregory Wolfe, FIU Dr. Steven Altman, FIU Dr. John Carpenter, FIU Representative Michael Friedman Ms. Diane Dale, Director, b= Mr. John Tennison Board of Directors, MC'CE 84-34C, _ . .. . � .,. ""•""'*:tau+F+eibae�r`•letl:isLRx.r6;s�c�,�Tr':;t�i::�✓,� i EXHIBIT A MAGIC CITY CULTURAL EXCHANGE PRO= DESCRIPTION/GOALS AND OBJECTIVES PURPOSE: A non-profit cultural and educational cxmmmity institution MISSION: To provide a focal point in the greater Miami community for poly - cultural interchange, encouraging increased awareness of the arts, humanities, science and history in a non-traditional museum setting from this cross-cultural perspective, and augment the process of increased intercultural understanding through direct participation in exhibits and events. GOALS: To develop a facility and an on -going program of manipulable ex- hibits, displays, media presentations, seminars, workshops and special educational programs. To augment traditional educational programs with cultural input and om plementary programming between school systems, public and private, and MOM -- each of which lends important expertise to the creation of entirely new educational models. To establish a Learning Laboratory for the development of multi- disciplinary teaching methods in conjunction with local colleges and universities. To develop administrative internship programs for those youngsters interested in pursuing careers in humanities. To provide the oamtuzity with a facility useful for meetings, cmr munity functions and the opportunity to be invovled in activities relevant to the neighborhood and the greater Miami area. To build understanding through the awareness of the influence of cultural perspectives and how they relate to today's community. To reach audiences who traditionally have not been exposed to cul- tural education. MDCC SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM, September 16 and 17, 1983 In order to solidify the processes required to achieve its stated goals, the Cc munity Council of Edison -Little River, Inc., in con- junction with the Community Services Division of MDOC, North Campus, sponsored a two-day workshop on the development and design of children's museums. It was a "hands-on" action approach -- taking a look at what is happening around the country and how that experience can be adapted to Miami. Directors fran five major children's museums, along with museum de- signer/architect, John Tennison, AIA, presented and shared their suc- cesses and failures. Also in attendance at the workshop were: Dade 84-34U,1 MAGIC CITY CULTURAL EKaiANGE PROJECT DESCRIPTION/GDALS AND OBJECTIVES Page 2 County Commissioner Ruth Shack; Representative Michael Friedman; Irene Weisenbacker, Dade Partners, Dade County Public Schools; Dr. Antonio Lizaso, Coordinator for Cultural Programs, City of Miami.; Anna Reville, Grants Officer, City of Miami; Dr. Mildred Berry, Dade County Public Schools. The results of this cooperative planning effort solidified the goals and objectives as stated and clearly marked the paths by which they may be achieved. Further, and perhaps more importantly, it brought have the need in the greater Miami areas for the Magic City Cultural Exchange. 84--340. 1 -- MAGIC CITY CULTURAL EXCHANGE BUDGET - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Current masterplanning request: A. Site selection $ 5,000.00 1. establish site criteria 2. review available properties 3. prepare site matrix B. Programming 10, 000.00 1. interpret spatial needs of facility into a building program 2. prepare utilization analysis and marketing strategy 3. establish critical path project schedule C. Design 15,000.00 1. prepare exhibit concepts and preliminary design 2. prepare schematic design for building in response to both program and exhibit needs D. Consultants 10,000.00 1. provide professional consultants to the project as required, in- cluding engineering and exhibit design 2. administration and coordination MTAL MASTERPLANNING FEE $40,000.00 84-340. 1 MAGIC CITY CtJI URALJ EXCHANGE STATEMENT OF PR ,--VZEN`r Under State Statute 235.196, local projects have been successfully funded for construction via the joint sponsorship of a local municipality and an educational institution: a. Fienberg Ccmmmity Park Miami. Beach, Florida City of Miami Beach Dade County Public Schools b. Pembroke Pines Human Resources Center Pembroke Pines, Florida City of Pembroke Pines Broward County Public Schools Broward Ccmm;"Zi}y College c. Broward County Regional Library Pembroke Pines, Florida Broward County Broward Community College 84-340. I 777777, EXHIBIT E • .i.METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY- FLORIDA .:M V 252 DAD COUNTY COU RIIHOUSE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 RUTH -'HACK 5 7 9 - 51 2 8 September 20, 1983 Vivian Salaga c/o Hilario Candela Architects 800 Douglas Road Coral Gables, Florida Dear,,Hs—­5a�i Iaga: !Aj- It was a pleasure to see you at work. After all the marvelous words from Mike Friedman, I was delighted to meet you, and not at all disappointed! Please keep me up to date on the progress of the Discovery Centers, it is an idea we must promote. Sine'ge Rutq Shack Coun\.y Commissioner RS:tcp 84-340.-1 wo OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT EXHIBIT E. FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY TAMIAMI CAMPUS • MIAMI FLORIDA 33199 • 1305) 554 •2111 BAY VISTA CAMPUS • NORTH MIAMI FLORIDA 33181 • (3051940-5700 January 4, 1984 Ms. Vivian Salaga Division of Construction School of Technology Florida International University Tamiami Campus, Miami, Florida 33199 Dear Vivian: I appreciate your writing regarding the Miami Children's Cultural Exchange effort in which you have become active. To the extent that the monies will come from the county and other sources, the university will, I am sure, give every support to the activities highlighting local awareness of the multi -cultural foundation. By copy of this letter, I am alerting associate vice president John Carpenter of your interest in applying for construction funds in relation to the Children's Cultural Exchange. I am sure that his background in education and extensive experience in grant develop- ment wi11.be of great help. I wish you the best in this most.deserving endeavor. Sincerely, GBW/gf Gr gory 8. Wolf cc: Dr. J. Carpenter PLEASE REPLY TO TAMIAMI CAMPUS r THE STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA PLEASE REPLY TO BAY VISTA CAMPUS _ f OUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 84-340. 1 h"bjZ n� FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY TAMIAMI CAMPUS - M I A M 1, FLORIDA 3 3 1 99 -( 3 0 5) 5 5 2• 2 7 6 4 SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY DIVISION Of CONSTRUCTION President Gregory Wolfe Florida International University Tamiami Campus Primera Casa Miami, Florida 33199 RE: Miami Children's Cultural Exchange Dear President Wolfe: Decemher 23, 1983 Confirming our meeting of December 14 regarding the University's educational sponsorship of the Children's Cultural Exchange, we heartily welcome this en- dorsement and I look forward with enthusiasm to developing this concept with other members of the faculty early in January. This participation represents a very positive outreach for the University; we will be cooperatively working with existing cultural/educational programs, and also with the business community through Dade Partners of the Dade County Public School System and the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce in actively developing new programs and facilities. The Children's Cultural Exchange will provide a focal point in the greater Miami community for a polycultural interchange, encouraging increased awareness of the arts, sciences and history in a non-traditional museum setting, from this cross-cultural perspective to augment the process of increased intercultural understanding through direct participation in exhibits and events. It is an idea whose time has come and we see the cultural richness of Miami as an appropriate background and support mechanism for the fruition of our plan. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Vivian Salaga, AIA President, Board of Directors Miami Children's Cultural Exchange cc: Representative Michael'Friedman Commissioner Ruth Shack THE STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA 84-340, yam., y1� r ICb 1 � paS LL FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY TAMIAMI CAMPUS • M I A M I, FLORIDA 3 3 1 99 •( 3 0 5) 5 5 2. 2 7 6 4 SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY DIVISION Of CONSTRUCT WN President Gregory Wolfe _ Florida International University Tamiami Campus Primera Casa Miami, Florida 33199 RE: Miami Children's Cultural Exchange Dear President Wolfe: December 27, 1963 To follow my letter of December 23, FIU will become the vehicle through which we can apply for construction funds from the Department of Education under the Community Education Act (FS 235.196). This statute provides a 50/50 match for the site, site development, construction, architectural/engineering fees, and furniture and equipment, for joint-use/community-shared facilities with the other fifty per cent of the costs being provided by or through a governmental entity (city or county'). I have developed programs and proposals for two other projects, both in Dade and Broward counties, that have been successfully funded under this statute -- one with Mike Friedman and one with Walter Young; and with Mike endorsing this project, I am sure we will again meet with great success. Mike has contacted Dr. Gene Chick at DOE regarding reserving a line item on the Commissioner of Education's budget request to the Governor, and it would be prudent at this point to follow that request with a letter from the University (either from your office or whomever you feel would be -most appropriate) confirm- ing its support of and participation in this project and that a formal grant request will be forthcoming. Please feel free to designate me as the University's representative should they have questions regarding the proposal; although, the Exchange has engaged professional services, under my guidance, for its preparation. Our concern now is locating the $30-35,000 that will be required to fund the preparation of ;:he feasibility study for DOE. These funds are reimbursable costs under the grant once it is awarded. If you have any suggestions, I would happily appreciate receiving them. I have enclosed, for your information, a list of the current Board of Directors for the Cultural Exchange. THE STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF FLORIDA 84-340,1 u .. : 7 President Gregory Wolfe Page 2 December 27, 1983 ' t J. My office is VH 231, Ext. 3178 should you have any questions. I will be re- turning to campus January S, and can be reached at 813-228-0362 prior to that time. Again, accept our grateful thanks for your support of this very worthwhile en- deavor -- a successful project for both the University and greater Miami. Sincerely, V.. Vivian Salaga, AIA President, Board of Directors Miami Children's Cultural Exchange cc: Representative Michael Friedman Commissioner Ruth Shack 84-340.1