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Item #49 - Discussion Item
SUNSTREET FESTIVAL March 5, 1984 SUNSTREET FESTIVAL. COMMITTEE,, INC. P.O. BOX 011003, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 a (305) 757-3459 Mr . : Howard Gary City Manager City of Miami P.O. Box 330708 Miami., Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Gary: I would like to respectfully request that the Sunstreet Festival Committee, Inc. be all(-Twed to appear before the City of Miami Caimtission in order to present a final. report on Stmstreet Festival 83, viiich was funded by the City of I have attached the fo1.1..o•oing, wri.tteii material. for advance- distribution to the comnissioi7, ,Tiould you so desire: (A) Six (6) copi.es of SLRistreet's final report (B) Six (6) copies of the full listii-g of Sunstreet expenses from all funding sources Also, please be advised that our final presentation to the City of Miami Commission would include a seven (7) minute video production on the festival. Should you approve and finalize a date and time for the presentation, please notify me at. 754-5861. Sincerely, C Arthur Brooks President Attachment cc:;,-*' Manny Alvarez Carl Kerns p�P ESENi471 oN 2 2 * * * FINAL REPORT * * * SUNSTREET FES TIVAL COMMITTEE, INC. P.O. BOX 0110039 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 o (305) 757-3451ik a FINAL REPORT a SLVgrREF FESTIVAL 1983 "A celebration of Black Life in America" . December 1-4, 1983 at Miami, Florida pRESEl M BY: THE SUNSIn= FESTIVAL CMETrE OF MEAM IYUMI , INC . p.O. BOX 011003 ML*U , FLopJDA 33101 (305) 751-8648 6 4- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS BY PROJECT 3.0 FINANCIAL UPDATE 4.0 FESTIVAL SECURITY 5.0 PUBLIC RKMTIONS 6.0 PROJECT BEl\ZF E.CS 7.0 OUTLOOK MR 1984 1 2 6 13 16 16 17 . . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW In June, 1983 five individuals of varied backgrounds were drawn together by virtue of their pursuit of a common set of goals. Most notably, improving the ismge of Liberty City, supporting black businesses by implementing liable and productive projects which utilize the services of the businesses, and encouraging tourists to frequent this comrn=ity, were goals that would present what would later be reviewed as an awesome challenge. These five individuals included local businessman Arthur Brooks, Wilbert T. Holloway, Bobbie Mxnford, Sheila Hutchinson and Lanny Sumpter, who at that time joined hands to become the Sunstreet Festival Committee, Inc. They were joined shortly thereafter by Essie Silva the sixth and final member of �:i)at would soon ccm2 to be knovai as Sunstreet's Executive Conmit-tee . During the next couple of man.ths these individuals mapped out a strategy to produce what has retrospectively come to be called one of Liberty City's finest hours, i.e., The Sunstreet Festival 1983. In August, 1983 the Executive Committee hosted a luncheon for more than fifty civic workers, com mity residents and business representatives in an effort to generate enthusiasm and support for this ambitious undertaking. Although there were a few skeptics in the group, it became very clear during the next three months that Sunstreet was an idea whose time had come. The number of volunteers swelled to more than 150. In the next few pages of this final report, it is the intention of the Sunstreet Festival Committee, Inc., to share with you, the reader, the Sunstreet concept. -1- 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS BY PROJECT The Sunstreet Festival was a production of many events which when taken individually provide great insight into the talents and accomplishments of a people. Taken collectively, Sun:street's events hold promise of a future filled with opportunity for people long deserving of it. "BANNER OVER SUNSTRELT"ANY On October 12, 1983 Sunstreet officially began its efforts to promote the upcoming series of events which were to take place in less than seven (7) weeks. A mid -day affair, this event attracted more than 200 individuals. Pre- sentatiors were made by Dade County 'Mayor Steve Clark, Miami Mayor Maurice Ferre, Miami Conn* ssioner Miller Da�;l h-is, Opa Locka Mayor Helen Miller and Florida State Represent.ati_vc Jeff Reaves. Upon concluding the foam-il program, the S=Lrect BL-?_n per �.ras unveiled announcing the coming of the festival. It �.T-3uld hang across Northwest Seventh Avenue until the festival was over. A reception, at Uptown City Hall, immediately followed the program. SUNSTREIT PAGEANT Thirty (30) young ladies helped to make the pageant highly successful by competing for the title of Miss Sunstreet. The two preliminary competitions involving talent and swimsuits, attracted a combined total of 450 spectators. They were held free of charge. On November 12, 1983 a small audience of 200 individuals witnessed the crowning of the first Miss Sunstreet, Karen Walwyn 504 t SUNSTRIEET PAGEANT CONT'D Miss Walwyn is a twenty (20) year old senior at the University of Miami, whose major field of study is music. She already performs regularly as a concert pianist. She would represent the Sunstreet Festival for 1983. This, the pageant, was an outstanding production. On November 30, 1983, Sunstreet hosted a reception at Achievier's Hall which attracted ahmst seven hundred (700) individuals. This was the formal beginnhig of the festival. Dignitaries on hand to help kickoff_ this successful event for Sunstreet included Dade County Commissioner Ruth Shack, Dade State Attorney Janet Reno, and Public Defender Bennett BrLzamr. The program, which featured a thirty-four (34) piece steel drun band from Trinidad, Tobago, provided the perfect vehicle for informing the public about the dates and times of Sunstreet's events. Festival Grand Marshall, George Kirby, made his first appearance at this event and was well received by a com`rnmity that obviously still adored him. -3- FASHION EXPO On December 1, four hundred (400) individuals.were on hand to witness a fashion show which would later receive rave reviews from the media. This show featured the works of Miami's best black designers, models, and commentator and was acclaimed as astounding by Susan Taylor Editor - in - Chief of Essence Magazine. The Fashion show was preceded by a seminar with guest speakers Harriet Josephson, Merchandising Vice -President for Burdines, Mary Young, a successful local black designer, and Milton Vickers, Director of Dade's Minority Business Development Program. GOSPEL SHOW On Friday Nite, December 2 the Gospel. Show which featured the "Bethune Cookman College Choir", "Florida memorial College Choir", the "C Lord Cs" and many others, was to become a success. With more than700 people in attendance, the Gospel Show had won itself a permanent place on Sunstreet's agenda. FOOTBALL A last minute approval to utilize the football stadium of Miami Dade Community College's North Campus gave birth to the concept that had continously re -surfaced as an idea throughout the planning of Sunstreet. The football game, played by the All Stars of 1983's Semi -Pro football league of Miami, featured as its post game show the world famous "Florida A&M Marching 100 Band". -4- 0 Since approval to use the stadium had come only the night before, only 1,500 people were able to be in attendance. However, none were disappointed that evening. The band's performance was maginificent. PARADE This event proved to be the highlight of the entire festival, attracting more than 100,000 spectators to view 85 entries in the parade. Floats, marching bands including FAMU, drum cores, and many other types of units were well receive in the heart of the Liberty City community. Colorful vendor booths and street decorations helped to make this an event to be remembered in this once torn community. Finally, the entire community had come together. STREET FESTIVAL Sponsored by Miller Beer, and estimated crowd of 40,000 danced in the street to the tunes of local recording artists Omari and Timmy Thomas and visiting groups such as the Cuban Folklore Group. All in all, more than 15 groups performed in the streets of Liberty City, while artist displayed their wares. The carnival provided a refreshing change in entertainment for the very young while WEDR hosted the Break Dance Competitions. -5- 2 a GALA BALL Three hundred and fifty individuals witnessed the sounds of Beau Williams as he moved through the audience crooning his melodies, and George Kirby as he captivated his audience with a grand performance. SPORTING EVENTS More than 11,000 youngsters competed for top honors in tennis, flag football, track and field, golf and softball, from all over Dade County. It all proved to be well worth it for them as the winners received their ,plaques in the Joseph Caleb Center Auditorium on Sunday December 4. 3.0 FINANCIAL UPDATE The Sunstreet Festival Committee faced many challenges in its first year. The most crucial challenge involved attracting the resources necessary to implement this ambitious task. As we take a look at the kinds of resources it took to produce the festival, it should also be pointed out that literally no monies had been received by the committee until 6 weeks prior to the weekend of events. The following is an overview of funding for Sunstreet: 11 C FUNDING SOURCES City of Miami Metropolitan Dade County Cash Donations (See attached details) Revenues from Events (See attached details) In -Kind Contributions (See attached details) Total Funding AMOUNT 40,000 40,000 9,272 18,187.73 95,229.18 202,688.91 CASH DONATIONS AMOUNT Sunstreet Executive Committee 287 Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce 500 Donations for Decals 250 Miami Herald 1,000 -= Miami Savings and Loan Association 1,000 Southern Bell 1,000 Beverage Distributors of Miami 3,700 General Development Corporation 200 - Miscellaneous Contributions 35 Eastern Airlines 800 Amusements of America 500 REVENUES FROM EVENTS 9,272 Sunstreet Pageant 770.00 Fashion Expo 1,001.00 Gospel Extravaganza 1,096.19 Gala Ball 2,710.00 Golf Tournaments 900.40 Football Game 1,235.94 Carnival Rides 4,510.66 -7� 11 11 Carnival Concession Stands 1,100.00 Street Festival Concessions Stands 1,968.54 Ads placed in Sunstreet Programs 725.00 Vendor Booths 2,170.00 18,187.73 Total cash donations and Revenues generated = 27,459.73 As of this date the Sunstreet Festival Committee, Inc. owes its creditors approximately $8,000. This indicates that the total festival was produced for $210,688. A plan is presently being implemented to pay the remaining Sunstreet Creditors. -8- LA 0 k ORgtNIZA.TION Eastern P.irlines Norwegian Caribbean Line State of Florida. Loft & Cellar Ron Thompkins & Assoc. Cif G �� :.:T :a 0° �:" `1T. ,UfIO:'6 BRIEF DESCRIPTION G- I.!,- :d: _O COOIN7-�UTIONS Two round trip flights wire: =or its. Sunstreet; poster man and lady. One week cruise for r -Jo (2) to the Caribbean Admission to Walt Disney Zlorld, distribution of literature. Coordinated all Stristreet r lie Relations (see Public Relations section] Uroa-21-1—res, posters and flyers for all events, coor?^ated radio, TV, and news- paper ads and developed the_ S=_streett narne. Compiled judging data for pre-iim'.riary and final competitions. Green Leaves of Miami, Loaned plants, normally rented, to pageant Inc. The Place at Palm Bay I Reception for 1.1iss Sunstreet (amunt over cash available Miami Dade Chamber of Staff support and facilities Commerce Winn -Dixie Stores Food for Media EveAt Pan Amarican Airlines I Air travel from California for George Kirby and company ESTIrsr'1TED VALUE $ 2,400. $ 1,400. $ 1,000. $19,000. $ 500. $ 100. $ 300. $ 5,000. $ 1,000. $ 1,500. I ��„ In.! I'' IU ill,l IiIVl1 ii III I ail I''I I � II III�I' il, Ili, � III III � Ali nl III° liil ' I � I �' III�'II!Ij � II �. ,� � I IIq;lli�l� ili, III �Illli! ull �lliq I'I illlilii,�lIIINlplilhl��'llPla�l'illl�ilUl i it I I � I'�I III'�III�'ill'��;''lll'I�IIiVI�P� III 11 ORGANIZATION BRfiFF DESCRIPTIU y 0_7 v :: !',IBUEIONS ESTI M' 'ED VALUE Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. Pepsi Cola and use o�- _71<r_: c sell sodas from and $ 500. reduces prices for Ue_si _. Cam Hotel Lodging and food for George 'Kirby and conpany $ 1,500. WOR Radio Radio advertising $ 9,800. Williamon Cadillac Use of two (2) cadillacs for five (5) days; gas and $ 1,000. insurance. Uncle Arthur's Grocery Food for Sunstreet rm=ecir.g; cscribution of posters $ 450. and other printed items, cie.�_:=no of Street Festival lot, and donated paint. Florida Power and Light Hanging and remvhng S, .- s c reef?anners $ 500. Uptown City Hall Use of facility for r:tidia ell'ent reception $ 350. Black Achievers Design and implementation of historical exhibit $ 3,000. Tri-City Commity Assoc Provided staff, iraterials for art competition $ 2,000. Jolita Mitchell Colunuus Hotel Provided rooms for :�rb--UJs Delegation for five (5) days and free weekends me d-_innlefs for Iliss Sunstreet. $ 1,750. I 0 _ . , . •ail: .4.bu ��u - � � 4 it ��I IR'�4��'IIIflIF I �Illlllli� �PI�P �' PI' 9 I"� �II'll' I' � I' I ° I it a li i i � p � � MART OF ! N-?'! l D C`�L.�:',_T_RUEIONS ORGANIZATION BRIEF DESCRIFfTIGI� OF a rd- 2FI'D GDJERIBUTIONS ESTMTED VALUE .Burdines Gift bags including peri-u 2s and cosmetic items $ 1,000. Anthony Abraham Chevrole Provided six (6) vehicles and gas for five (5) days $ 1,680. Miami Dade Coia=ity College Provided free stages and soL�d equipment for Street Festival and distributed literature. $ 1,000. Metro -Dade Com amity Donated 1,000 Sunstreet `i'-Shirts (value at $6.00 per $ 6,000. and Economic shirt) Developmeent Our Donut Shop Provided food for meetings and reception $ 150. Barkely Florists/ Roses for Sunstreet pageant $ 93.18 Flowers By Brenda Canada Dry Bottling Co. Twenty-four (24) cases of GLnger Ale, Tonic Water and $ 576. Club Soda. Mateuslem Ruin Seven (7) cases (l q�?..=art bottles) of Mateuslem Rum, and 800 cups. $ 2,000. Beverage Distributors of Printed Street Festival posters, provided Puller Beer Miami and Miller for Cocktail Reception, Gala Ball and Street Festival, $ 3,000. Brewing Co7Qany printed forty (40) Str�street flags, two (2) Sunstreet banners. Metro -Dade Parks and Provided sho::*.;obiles, golf cart, sports trophies and $ 3,000. Recreation staff support. r4 i ,�� �:,���«,, . ,_ � e.;�:,� �I�II 1�p�II��III��II11119 �IIIII�IIIII III I II II Illllll�lg�l�pllll�I�:V�hq�P�'I!li,�lllll I NIII I � IIIIII�I��lil�1#lI�P�I�III�Rillwllllll�I'16,I'll I I H I 4.0 FESTIVAL SECURITY As the Sunstreet idea grew, one question seemed to get asked more than any others. That is, 'what type security is planned for the parade and Street Festival.' The next two pages are excerpts from the City of Miami Polices, final report. There appeared to be only one arrest during the course of the day that could possible have been Sunstreet related. No one was sure that it was. This resounding success shall ultimately mark the beginning of the change in Liberty City's image. That is, this community which .is much the same as any other, opened its arms to everyone for the Sunstreet occasion. -13- SPECIAL EVENTS AFTER ACTION REPORT Describe Event Sunstreet Parade & Festival Time of Time Event Total Hrs Date^ Roll Call 0900 Cleared 2000 of Event 11 hrs. L- ( • 14. L,\ f, Estimated i Commanding Officer Major Kenneth Harrison Attendance 60,000 Manpower Specifics: 6;��V 1 ; Lts 2 ; Sgt 7 ; P/O 74 Enf 4 ' s K--9 0 Mtd 0 ; FHP G ; Comm Disp Name 0 Number Drafted 0 ; TOTAL PERSONNEL USED g0 Radios Requested 90 ; Radios Provided 90 Mtr Supv Name None ; Tickets Issued 0 Cars Towed None Wrecker Co. Used None - i Wrecker Co. Used ; Total Persons Arrester Charge See narrative Case # ' Charge Charge Case # Case # Charge Case # Charge Case n Charge Case # Charge Case # Charge (OVER) RFC 352 (a) Rev 20 July 82 -14- Case # TOTAL ARRESTS 2 TOTAL EJECTIONS 0 11 NARRATIVE (Include No Shows, recvtrunendations for future events, and also provide) (a short descriptive paragraph for possible inclusion in Press Release) (describing significant characteristics of overall event). NOTE_: To insure timely release of this information, please submit this report to the Outside Employment.Office no later than the following morning after the event. Recommendations: I. Equipment (a) Due to the excessive amount of noise and transmission difficulties, I recommend that MX Radios be used in the future. II. Personnel Coveraqe (a) The use of a dispatcher for the parade at future events. fb) The need for an off -duty rescue squad for the parade & festival. (c) Personnel coverage for traffic assignment was too wide - a need to tighten the perimeter on future events. III. Vehicles (a) The utilization of a police van for general and prisoner transportation IV. Traffic (a) No parking parade route signs should be posted several hours prior to the event. (b) The need to run a taped detail along parade route to clear traffic (parked cars) - (c) The assignment of a wrecker company to tow cars on violations. (d) Barricade shortages on some streets, a need for more in..th�e.future. V. General (a) Better co-ordination by the Sanitation Department, on street cleaning l and trash pick-ups. t VI'. Arrests (a) Two (2) arrests were made (1) wanted subject on a warrant (2) strong arm robbery VII. Overall comments The overall comment for this year's event was a positive one. The crowd generally was well-behaved and orderly. Special recognition should go to the Honor Guard and Mounted unit, for they were well received by the crowd. a 0 3 2 While there was not sufficient funding in place to formally prepare for and study the impact in this area; it is definitely the feeling of Sunstreet's Executive that all were impacted positively. (Xie could easily see the positive press given Liberty City by the media. Local businesses with whom the committee talked, spoke of sales as high as 700% over their normal business in the two week period prior to the day of the parade and street festival. Finally, in the area of tourism, there is documentation hi place that proves there were representatives at the festival from Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Nassau and placed all over the United States. The only remaining question is hm,, mach progress �-.as made in these areas. Clearly, progress was made. 7.0 OLTLOOK I;)R 1984 On January 4, 1984, the Sunstreet Festival Conmittee met Ath all its volunteers and critiqued the first festival. There were more than 60 items listed that can be improved upon in 1984. However, the concensus was clear on the issue of whether Sunstreet should be repeated in 1984. Com =ity Residents, business representatives, governmental leaders and Sunstreet's volunteers have demanded that the Sunstreet Festival Comaittee make every effort to produce a bigger and better celebration in 1984. It has also been requested that every effort be made to include a Classic football game as a part of next year's events. -17- The Committee has already begtm the planning for 1984's Suristreet Festival. With continued governmental, business and commmity support, Sunstreet ' 84 will be a classic celebration of Black Life all over the world. The challenge has been issued. The Quest is for Excellence. -18- SUNS1 �.i L°!' C1IITTEE CASH DISBURSL=S ++ �i " CHECK CON - TIC - ErERTAIN- OR' PAYE `S NAME I NO. TOTAL FACILITIES PENT 1! Tsobbic L:anfard I----�—�2 _o--! ? _-- — ! Brooks i 2 i4s 0 j 1.0 I Tour Iv.ul assador ren Bellamy i J�a_ck Print Best Insurance Andres Tuvm Club Dapont Plaza - 4 !' Lawren Bellamy Beau W41liams Vaughn Parades ---- Florant Flock Process,In , Zeppi Productions Beatty & Shy Tip: -By -Phone of- Miami I ilil)y HE'1.Tliilgtt'aj' ikini Shop Silk Screen Products I re Ba, c/o Reje Shower DmLco Br. o•�r�1 I Rojas II je Variety Supplies Co.11 u --rma Hai -per ... a ` s of California__ _ _ ±_ P. Foster World '.hard Stracham I O'MER SUPPORT COSTS Cf BUS DECO- r•fON RATE TRANSP. RATION _-�1 SUNS ;-;-f i i I 11 j iop01 I i?1RGE� TO = E- DESc �IPT1027 D BY I I S_� "'' I 2� Ott e 0oro.Le I(S'�31, _ ( ' V 40 iTiC, pro ? Tlc ...PU U 200 0(� Con�ult.an {i1LT1dra1S� r+� 0 : zr�tixi_I ! j 00 0 J rc�n t in �5 1 0 I ! 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POP.T COSH S CHARGES TO DECO- 'MONEY GEr�E_ DESCRIPTION � RE`iHON RATED BY i 11 1 )8J0 j j i I' � � 95000 S< u�,>t=n • � ;� ' ' � i 00 I i I :.' j 14D0; 1 I' .I �I 1 1 8300 {(' {lip I I '41360� 8493 � Ins.!yBe ,eI ir5 I ='SCII 1 Ir'�:? , pyl. "''t1On !i OC 30+( I j Ins c all`tsc ii 4gfl Fl n { j 1 .I�Qi 1-$1',i !( i Qt;C00111ac iI.;rzei! I ,1 Q`'rr 1! ' ' I I i 1 ' 1, LU I 1;� 52' ij'� t1 �IaC O l i 0C�O01 &IC-4LltIC3 I , I 00SUi�;(5�sL� F. \TE 1 i IS NAME c 4 Vc _ r \ C' i C I P2 `,,ernon Wilder ` \7CJ-d o �d --- ;. Timmy Thomas Vernon Wilder_ Ar.zina - Richardsfln-_ Adams Electric Cosley Boyke will Covington Jessie Gaines Dale Francis _ !lose !Moore re Beneby �dre Quatturmi c rich I'emorial Clg. Northwestern ca Cola -id -.•3ep. Port Sanit. �u Williams of Miami----____ -- !Ioyte Distribut. Gaines CHECK NO. TOTAL I dQz� - Ti! , , I �1012 700 �1i01;3 i I I I 1 16 I � 1 T 7 120-0010 I L ajj 204,510 l q21 11j00� !010�0. !1d22 I ,0:0!0Q l 24 114 '0,0�0 1 2 � ! 3VO 0 1 I+ I I 7 i 6!0;00 117�510 C l I 28 29 ! 10QuC1 J'7 0 14,5�4�5 1 31 4 1 32 $+0 0 1150,0 0 I 1 f34 1_i 416135 I 35 42 40 {:1 1 36 j; 4'0;6 l i t 37 4 + 15GO I 1 0! + 1 ! l ,ozd (11 5 T r�r`: `,r i T t . -...: p`,L . L-1 CU,:41TEEE CON - FACILITIES VD, AC TJ - AT i EI�l'ERTAII�- T PROFSSN'L ' 2,01T INSURANCE ISERVICES I !2 00 I i � 00 4 - 000 I� ! oo 1� I'I ! 000 000 �I �( � j 000 !! If I ! 1750 I i !I I'' � !i 1I � I li •� it Page 3 t 0111, SUPPORE COSTS,! TQ,,i. 11 MEY Gal gDS I DECO- i ! DESCIWI TION jff R.UED B1 > TRAIvSP. -- ! RATION SUNSl'F�%t,?'}I TE��►���illll+lll I SE+eejt I Fest !! E* p I ( ! ,ntertalnffle 'v _'tI es;t I i i li i I.ii,,r r4 glleg of !,(v 1q.) © wl r,01tt C,,-710 U ci I 1 I IT, !�,�v (L�P,3I- Ilil''+ 1I A - - - S{T,,,S"i' t _T'£ I i TIV,T COI>� ILTTEE C_ TI DISBURSE•EM S CON 1i MkC i, iU �i AL OTHER Sl� ME !', CHECK ENTERTAIN- PROFSSN'L BUS q,.3 PA`EW S NAME N0. TOTAL FACILITIES I= INSURANCE SERVICES IRANSP. I1unford -- --i ( 10? yI38+ --- i_I. aT7- _ V , beatty E Shy ,. - � wanover Hotel Brooks F ic�� rc Stracham 'P Little River. Press Leadership I°'li ami Alu mi As -Brenda I,L:Cloud '_,j General Sales Supplies Off -The -Nall Sound_ ----- Best Insurance Agency Party Tilmae Chet Lord :Tacit Kiami Weekly 7'rophy, _ World,- Inc,, - - 'ichelscn's Trophies -- _.chard Gibson "loid) Void) ., Davis Major wer Hotel ern Union �imso Nbzoze 1039 ; ;1 ! i 0 �! 10140 ;' ��8 I 110,41I 110 OQ i0(l I i ! l ! 14t43 4510 _ 1044 . 84 0 I 10 5`1 6 2 I ;IOI46 I I ' 9� 6 I I - !10I47_QD I ;101'8 lzp0 IT 9 i i 80 0 No!�0 Lpo o l 10;51 I 59 I0 I 10152 I �$9 �8 !Iio-3 110�4 1 1 L91 50 5 0 1 i 8 .'(� 00 0CI — - 109 101-5 --- i( -- 750 1216� �! ! ,- 1056 11037 15 17 00- �151 00 IEEE !10 8 ,. 1 0o II1 illy - - -- - . PAGE 4 •• ?OIZP COSTSII CILTGES TQ t,l)`TEY M"NTE- ' DECO- + RATED BY DESCRIPTION _ RATION , j - I-S!'RF_ET�� -so r (2 Or sF �l )79 b •, Lci 1 i I 10000 OC9 (lA i (See i Fi 1400 oq Enthca' j 1 1+ oc� �'.ns sr4i'G�, � ! l �> ' f 8=� Ot L� ncE*les s ,(i �. i�orTre,. 1 1 I � 96 6�� � Stic:lcs '�c;ep.:iur; 240 oc Spya4 Ec p ?r�s- Vince (� 77, I g' 0 ant' fetl zs u4 50 OCj S of Li'a t/IBr31 i . o loci a ve, �i LF i59 181;f T�UpI' �s' i I I i i i� i I c �!j Tr-_�. 4— -F TF I- 'T Aft, A -AC-11- 221 A PAGE 5 C1 IECK "s L.Pb='S NAI-E NO. 11 j014 15 ;-ta Mitchell 10159 Ba-7 Cqarges 12 0 9, PrLintin g Charges Dabit Note Interest J.4 Loar F. H. La7L ara (Void) 11/18 C . Hall (Void) Al il SunsLreet Festiva '5 10 3 TOTAL (A) FOM= HolidayInn34297 Columbus Hotel 342 8 Beau William i 342 9 Off -The -Wall Sound i j 343K -if e Band 343A 1 4 1 �) 3 2 nion Pay m- st:er :)pi Productions 30)3 :,,.7ings Bonds ,Lance deposited in accot Pt TOTAL These bills had tolbe paid cash had been c t t d �i; 'di 2y, Brooks on --a pers I December 3, 198 f of .. -, om J %ari 'C ks c cna 11sed to purchase cls er st ie Sunstreet's check IS FC unt. SM1Sff=r-r 11-15EIVAL COH-UXITE- CASH D1 SBURSE'lETP S CON TRAC 'fu AL .01TUM St�PoP! 0 T C S --d! C1 fARGES T PROFSSN'L BUS MNEY GEN' RATED B'Y' E[,TIMAIN- DECO- TOTAL FACILITIES =f INSURANCE SERVICES I TRANSP. BMION SMS, 00 30 0 00 00 !2 DO 212 L6 2 6, i+ I l i 49 32 ! 1j �� ;I C 1�932 56 00 1� ;) I �56 0 56 DO T1- I Q, 9 1 '11 23 58574 77- -T )OQ oci 11 001 0 F,7�1900 1900 T—, U i) 1 77 i 1�41 96 IT J-1 19�Q �QQO 00 i� �� 00 ICI 1�yl 1UT J&71) E SITED I I j E i if ff 1i Ij 11 +I 915 50 QO 00 llQ�7 W9 501 201 f 10 00 ! 1372 84 -0 —0 �-f 0- 0 0 ' ocpf ower 1QS.1- iyall I! IL4- �44cl 0 10 � I , ei1$ t S D I n l Ul:- i 21ed l 1b;o Tj- I 4W i 0--,c TF Sl�nce L:,i 10 Us P 'I f, Sul S�Tcvlt S .1 or L f �.� 1 -e,,.Te I�W L �r 1) [.�r tp� dep he i �s rev� an I i6 C Ila t ley c , P-1 0 lu,- t,,4- s 1:00 -'s IC 00 e t �a ik qqe lzy 198 T d iI , ? i; l,! I �{i�l !I ��'NI 1! f,l ! I ;� li i'� l T 77 01 III -Nip w, "I AR04M" 5 I"SI M, !RA ON, 1 5 MEt�W IM P i i7 SI r 111 -5 7 (B D40, 1r, S U, ee -y co, '01 fill':! ATrA!C'IT,EI,Tf A 7 -1 it (B) FOOTNOTE Record cash payment S follows: lams other Misc-� �14 T,,,iap?,ttajj Stationery ..,olf kccessories Security Fashion show ,ut-of-town Mileage-, TOTAL jl - T �I 1 AWL . % ;i_+ 0 ATTACHMENT B . ^ METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY j"�'' ) Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM i^', 234 WEST FLAGLER STREET .r� MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130 (305) 579-169 ;, a November 22, 1983 Mr. Arthur Brooks, President Sunstreet Festival Committee, Inc. P.O. Box 011003 Miami, Florida 33101 Dear Mr. Brooks:. Your letter of November 15, 1983 requesting approval for items as part of the tletro-Dade Department of Tourism's $15,000 allocation for in -kind services to the 1983 Sunstreet Festival received Hs. Westphal's immediate attention and acceptance as adjusted. To date our records reflect the following in -kind services approved by this departmient: 10/5 One (1) one-sided banner $ 475 10/13 Joseph Caleb Center Auditorium -rental and security fees for 11/19 a 12/2/83 19228 10/17 Two (2) t),,o-sided banners and one (1) hand-held banner 2,300 11/7 One (1) two-sided banner and rental and security fees for Caleb Auditorium 12/4/83 1,564 11/15 Stationery (GSA) for mailings & promotion 713 Postage (GSA) for mailing 800 In-house printing (GSA) for flyers 1,000 Typesetting by 1,1etro CommuniC�ilGns 1,000 Banner for indoor events 475 Metro buses to trGnsport high school bands 5,000 Video cassette tapes to record events 320 Cassette tapes for public announcements '.................... S Total S 14,925 �/' In addition to the above, we have distriLuted news release- n-d—schedules of the various Sunstreet Festival events 1-o major black newspapers nation- wide and to major travel trade publications. tJe have also extended invita- tions to editors and publishers of I,rajur black publications to attend the Sunstreet Festival with our department assisting in the arranging for complimentary airfare and hotel accommodations. November 22, 1933 Page Two ATTACHMENT B Page 2 If I may be of any further assistance, please call on me. Sincerely, illis C. Patterson Director of Administration WCP:jw cc: Jeanne Westphal Stacy Hornstein In , SUNSTREET SUNSTREET FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, INC. FESTIVA 14,, P.O. BOX 011003, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 a (305) 757-345'9 ATTACHMENT C Page 1 December 7, 1983 Mr. Albert Howard Director Recreation City of Miami 2600 S. Baysbore Drive Miami, Florida 33130 Dear r- . Haaard : I have been infozm-ed by Mr. Clarence Patterson's office (The City of Miami of Sanitation) that the cost for cleaning up after the Smst..eet Festival is $1,762 instead of the original projection of $4 , 500 aozd the final police bill only totals $12, 005.15 instead of the ori-i..nal. pr_-ojecti_cm of $14,461. Additionally, I would 1.i]cn to recap all the expenditures processed through the City of I1ini to date: Cl,r1�VY/ AlDUN AND BU1Jll I 'F DKEE CNDIV1.DUAL'S *u�E CHARGED 10/31/83 Gasman Hall $ 1,399.50 11/01/83 Family Affair Food Services 250.00 11/01/83 Regina Haugabook 75.00 " Art Craft Productions 200.00 Black Miami. Weekly 156.00 _ " Dodd Printers 2,725.00 Dodd Printers 2,650.00 ` Miami Turps 350.00 " City of Miami Police 12,005.51 " City of Miami Recreation 480.00 11/07/83 Gasman Stage Hands 687.12 " I.A.T.S.E. #545 Escra•,a Acct. 81.25 Florart Flock Process, Inc. 275.40 It Vaughn Parades, Inc. 450.00 - E L December 8, 1M Mr. Albert Howard Page 2 ATTACHMENT C Page 2 COWANY/ ANnUNT AND BUDGET DATE INDIVIDUAL' S NAMES 1.0E I'TE 4 CHARGED 11/10/83 Point 5 Signs $ 539.00 " Best Insurance 1,500.00 " Miami Times 770.00 11/30/83 Crowd Control Monitor System 1,612.00 " Richard Gibson 1,350.00 " George Kirby Enterprises 5,000.00 11/15/83 City of Mia-ni. Sanitation 1,762.09 " Protection Services, Inc. Towing Serviccs 118.00 " Rurnaays/I3-or.i-,,5a Models Fashion Shci,,� 1,700.00 " Western Union - Postage 17.15 " Miami Times -- Advertising & Prc mtion 945.00 _ T= $ 37,098.02' Finally, I would like to request payment of the followm. g attach COMPANY/ IMIVIDUAL'S NAME AMOUNT DESCRIPTION Holiday Inn $ 1,442.79 Housing FAMU Band and University of Miami General Sales Specialities City of Miami. (Acccmodations) 789.00 (Acccmodations) 581.38 82.44 S 2,895.61 BOC College Choir Housing FAA;U IIand and BOC College Choir Sunstreet Key Tags and Memo Cases Park attendant for Miss Sunstreet Pageant L] =�f December 8, 1983 �- Mr. Albert Howard Page 3 Our Previous total $37,098. cumulative total to 39,993. Thanks in advance for consi Sincerely, Arthur Brooks President Attachments cc: Board of Directors ATTACHMENT D gr Clll�T'tl OF �;; ; C:J;'_ sU1lO:�S Page 1 rt BR?EF DESCirIIyTI(1:. 0' Zi 5-: s_: D CGS 'RII3UFIONS OJUANIZATI0�� - Two round trip f1ihts �: ?=L �', Suuzstreet; poster Eastern Airlines m� and lady. Nonaegian Caribbean Line One week cruise for two (2) to the Caribbean Admission to Walt Disney 11orld, distribution of State of Florida literature. Coordinated all Sunstreet Public Relations (see Public Loft & Cellar Relations section) d veloped brochures, posters and flyers for all events, word rated radio, TV, and news - flyers er ads and develc:)ei1 .. Sunstreet prune Ron Thompkins & Assoc. Coapiled judging data for prelLninary and final competitions. Green Leaves of Miami, Loaned plants, norir•,ally rented, to pageant Inc. The Place at Palm Bay I Reception for ?,Liss Sunstreet (a,-Otmt over cash available Miami Dade Chamber of f Staff support and facilities Commerce I IWinn -Dixie Stores l Food for i°lodia Event Pan American Airlines I Air travel from California for George Kirby and CaTany ESTRIATED VALUE $ 2,400. $ 1,400. $ 1,000. $19,000. $ 500. $ 100. $ 300. $ 5,000. $ 1,000. $ 1,500. #16 rn i OIRGMr IZAFION BRIEF DESCIZIYE10 I U��' 11 -_ I:1 !._. ,I!'Kuuflws ESTDIATED VALUE Pepsi Cola bottling Co. Pepsi Cola and use,Js C-�( i r� I-o sell sodas from and reduces prices for $ 500. Oani Hotel Lodging and food for George Idrbly and company $ 1,500. WEDDR RAdio Radio advertising $ 9,800. Williamson Cadillac Use of two (2) cadillacs for five (5) days; gas and insurance. $ 1,000. Uncle Arthur's Grocery Food for Sunstreet irceting; distribution of posters and other printed ite^ns, cleaning of Street Festival lot, and donated paint. $ 450. Florida Power and Light aging and removing Sunstreet Banners $ 500. Uptown City Hall Use of facility for media event reception $ 350. Black Achievers Design and implereentation of historical exhibit $ 3,000. Tri-City Connunity Assoc Jolita Mitchell Provided staff, materials for art cowetition $ 2,000. Columbus Hotel Provided rooms for b-rbaclis Dolegation for five (5) days and free weekends a!icd diners for Miss Sunstreet. $ 1,750. 0-4 I! � 1II�I�� IAfPIRE� I�7 ��9iIINIP PpggE�R' II'III�I'II III�'I Ilgii 11 lii �iI n � � �� ,, � ., � � ATTACHMENT D CJy!.j<f Page 3 OBONTIZATIUN BRIEF DI:SCRLt'flU' OF29`rr��UFIONS ESTINKrED VAIJJE Burdines Gift bags including periur sand cosiretic items $ 1,000. Anthony Abraham Chevrolet Provided six (6) vehicles and gas for five (5) days $ 1,680. Miami Dade Co=mitY College Provided free stages -,,,I soL-nd equipment for Street Festival and distributed literature. $ . 1,000. Metro -Dade CouramitY Donated 1,000 Sunstreet T-Shirts (value at $6.00 per $ 6,000. and Economic shirt) Development Our Donut Shop Provided food for neerin.-s and reception $ 150. Barkely Florists/ Flowers By Brenda Roses for Sunstreet Page -ant 93.18 TtventY-four (24) cases of Ginger Ale, Tonic Water and Club Soda. $ 576. Canada Dry Bottling Co. Mateuslem Run Seven (7) cases (I quart bottles) of I•tteuslern Run, and 800 cups. $ 2,000. Beverage Distributors of Miami and Miller Brewing Company Printed Street FesLL-,al posters, provided 11iller Beer 01, et Festival-, for Cocktail Reception, Gala Ball and Street printed forty (40) Sunstreet flags, two (2) Sunstreet banners. $ 3,000. Metro -Dade Parks and Recreation Provided sho-,nDbiles, golf cart, sports trophies and staff support. $ 3,000. '` l'p Ul'I0 �S ORG�41tIZATION t3RIEF DLSCR j,,IfTr'?,? G ' E ;-, ND G)i IFRIBUTIONS ESTIt•IA= VALUE Partners For Youth staff, %.. )rd processi-I-j" , '-ood for FAMU Band, trophies for sports Lv nts, prLinted stationary and posters,accounting; s(:r V i t.c_-s , co7m-Aling and printing of $ 22,000. reports, processed all aci,:i_nistrative matters, coordi- nated all festival co2vLlttees, provided postage, audio-visual services and services in many other areas. 'DOTAL $ 95,229.81 N .-a 1