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CC 1984-04-05 Minutes
MIAMI C111TY 0 F 'v qi ..fig.-71 V� 01, OF MEETING HELD ON April 5, 1984 (REGULAR) PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK Ml NO. 1 2 91 L• 5 6 7 0 N 10 11 12 13 14 klov NI - -1 -0 1- (REGULAR) APRIL 5, 1.984 BRIEF DISCUSSION ITEM ON LEGAL, PAPERS SERVED ON MEMBERS OF' THE CITY COMMISSION IN REGARD TO THE LAW SUIT FILED BY FORMER POLICE CHIEF, KENNETH HARMS. DISCUSSION ITEM: RETENTION OF OUTSIDE LEGAL COUNSEL TO REPRESENT INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION IN CONNECTION WITH TIIE LAW SUIT FILED BY FORMER CHIEF OF POLICE, KENNETH HARMS. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS AS REQUESTED BY THE PROMOTERS OF THE HAITIAN CARNIVAL TO BE HELD APRIL 21 AND 22, 1984. A MOTION APPOINTING MANNY MEDINA AS A MEMBER OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY. APPOINNTING 11K. LARRY TURNER AS CHAIRMAN OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXIill'41'T10N AUTHORITY. DIRECT CET;' TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. AS A CON"E"IBU TION TO THE CHOPIN FOUNDATION COI;CERTS TO PSI- HI;LI) IN TH MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER WITH CONDI.'TImS. AUTHORLZE RFPRI_SEN TATIVES OF P.A.C.E. TO REPAY FUNDS LEFT OVER FROM EVENTS TO THE CITY ON A MONTHLY BASIS TO THE END OF FY-84 WITH INTEREST. REFER TO THE CITY MANAGER A REQUEST FOR THE PUBLISHERS OF AUGE 2.1AGAZINE CONCERNING THE PURCHASE OF 10,000 COPIES OF SAID MAGAZINE WITH PARTICIPATION FROM METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY AND OTHER CITIES. DISCUSSION ITEM: ANNOUNCEIdE1,T OF MR. JIM RAUSE, ENTERPRISE FOUNDATION, REGARDING FUNDS FOR HOUSING FOR i THE POOR REQUESTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ARRANGE TOURS OF LITTLE IIAITI AND EAST LITTLE 1LAVANA DURING THE VISIT OF THESE OFFICIALS. DISCUSSION ITEM REGARDING RULING OF JUDGE JOE EATON IN WHICH HE STATED 'THAT CUI3ANS AND OTHER HISPANICS CANNOT BE CLASSIFIED AS "AFFECTED PARTIES"; ALSO DISCUSSION OF MINORITY PROCUREMYNl; REQUESTING CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPAF.E LEGAL BRIEF SCHEDULED FOR DISCUSSION ON APRIL 26TH. MOTION OF INTENT TO MAKE FIRE STATION NO. 13 AVAILABLE TO THE BLACK ARCHIVES PENDING NEGOTIATIONS OF A CONTRACT ETC. PRESENTATION 110 U.L.P. GOVAERT, HONORARY CONSUL OF BELGIUM IN RECOGNITION OF THE ESTABLISHIIEN T OF THE BELGIAN TRADE CENTER IN MIAMI. CERTIFICATES 0) APPRIC1AT10N PRESENTED TO MEMBERS OF THE BAYSIDE SllCll:l_`1'Y CENTER REVIEW COM1MITTEE. GRANT AN h.]•1011NIT OF `800. IN CONNECl'10Nt 1,11TH AN EVENT AT THE MANUEL ARIII•IL CUIIlIUNITY CENTER ON APRIL 29TH; PRESENTATION OF DIPLO1•1AS BY THE INS1111110 DE CUL'TURA HISPANA. PAGE # 1 INANCE KEso J ff im%PAGE NO. DISCUSSION 1 DISCUSSION 1-2 M-84-350 2-3 M-84-351 3 M-84-352 4 M-84-353 5-6 M-84-354 7-8 M-84-355 9-10 DISCUSSION 11 DISCUSSION 11-12 M-84-356 13-15 DISCUSSION 15-16 DISCUSSION 16 M-84-357 16-18 TEMi NO. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 scT APPOINTING SEVERAL PERSONS TO A COMMITTEE TO BRING THE SUPER BOWL TO THE CITY OF MIAMI. PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND DISCUSSION BY MR. .IOE 1,700DNICK REGARDING A PROPOSAL TO CLOSE PORNO SHOPS. A RESOLUTION URGING STATE ATTORNEY, )ANFT RENO, TO PROSECUTE BUSINESSES THAT HAVF BEEN DETERMINED TO DEAL ON OBSCENE MATERIALS UNDER FLORIDA STATUTE 895, ETC. DISCUSSION AND TF:MPOJvARY DF.FFIRRAL OF PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE OF BII) 1-OR VEHICI,i`S AND OTHER LIATFRIALS FOR THE DEPAR'ITil-INT OIL I:U11,I)INC AND V11-111 CLK MAINTEINANCE. (SEi I,A3LR SA'i1: 'IFFT11�G? . DECI-,ARL (0 1lit' ('I'1'i ('01111jIS0,10N TO SHARI" ONE HALF THE (.;OS'I"I- C IINIII'JRIIC'1101? OI- `.',YCIIRITY FI:NCE, SECTION 8 HOUSING 17711 AVI:N1.11: AND S.1%. 4TH STREET. AUTHORIZ):: ('I'll' N"IN/ GE'R TO I,WIVE RENTAL FEE USE OF MANOR PAR), I'J)I1 1,1, FOR 13 BASEBALL GAMES BY THE I1IAl-1I PADP.ES G0111' . STIPULATING IN CONNECTION tdITH ON —GOING PROBLEMS BETTdEEN TWO CITY C.B.O.s IF LITIGATION PROCEEDINGS ENSUE, THE CITY OF MIIA1,1I SIUU,L NOT FUND ANY OF THE PARTIES INVOLVED IN SUCH LITIGATION. WAIVE THE RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF MANX EL ARTIME COIT�iUNITY CENTER FRIDAY, APRIL 1.3TH, 1N CONNECTION WITH A PRESENTATION OF DR. DOSE LASAGA'S NEW BOOK. GRANT 2% COST OF LIVING INCREASE TO RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK. WAIVE TI1,11' LII.IITATION FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY, MIAMI BASEBALL. STADI UI.1 APRIL 6, 1984 . ACCEPT AN OFFER PROFFERED BY REPRESENTATIVES OF F.P. & L. REGARDING THE DESIGNATION OF TEN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR THE PLACEMENT 01: BANNERS ACROSS PUBLIC RIGHTS —OF -WAX. DIRECT 'I'll], CITY ATIORNEY TO 11LlI:UTA'1'L1.1' INFORM A.T.T. OF THE CITY'5 COhC1.R'NING ITS REVENUES. DISCUSSION CL-N'TLlt 1'1;OJECT REPORT. BRIEI" DISCUSSION I'l l.Al: TAS1: 11,�VANA WEST. F: ii�I Gia:C�` Eikl)1I�l.NCL: ALLOti%' THE DISPENSING OF WINE AND BEER IN SOF'iC'ON'1AINLRS IN A CITY PARK FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AND 1dITH COND11IONS AND LIMITATIONS AS TO CITY COMMISSION SHALL PRESCRIBE. PAGE # 2 rINWE PAGGE NO, M-84-358 18-19 R-84-359 19-20 R-84-359 20 DISCUSSION 21-34 M-84-360 1 34-38 r1-84-361 38-39 M-84-362 39-41 M-84-363 41-42 R-84-364 42 R-84-365 43 M-84-366 43-44 M-84-367 44-45 DISCUSSION 45-46 DISCUSSION 46 ORD. 9818 46-47 I I NMCn�� TE7i N0. (REGULAR) APR1L 5. I.434 sc)�I ONV tlu ��� 30 AUTHORIZE CONVENTION SERVICE ASSOCIATES IN CONNECTION WITH OMINT AND MARRIOTT. TO CONDUCT A SUPERSPORTS SPECTACULAR MAY 3RD, 1OTH AND 13TH AT MARGARET PACE PART: AND PERMIT THE DISPENSING OF BEER IN SOFT CONTAINERS. R-84-368 48 31 STATING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO PURCHASE A 15-PASSENGER VAN FOR USE BY THE WYM400D ELDERLY CENTER. R-84-369 49 32 ACCEPT A SCHEDULE PROFFERED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY SETTING FORTH PUBLIC HEARINGS AND TIi`iE TABLE FOR FIRST AND SECOND READING OF NECESSARY ORDINANCES TO PROVIDE. A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT FOR THE PURPOSES OF CLEANING UP OBSOLETE PROVISIONS OF THE CITY CHARTER. M-84-370 50-51 33 APPOINT SEVERAL PEIRSONS TO THE CO2i 11TT1;F- FOR RESPONSIBLE BONDS FOR 11'OPLE, AND PARI,S • M-84-371 51-52 34 DI SCIJSS] ON, ITEM AIND F::PAND 'Till: DOLLAR A.I.401JNT OF THE PROPOI1Fj) FOND iSSIJI:S TO NOW TOTAL $30,000.000; STIPULATING I fil' I�Ri:AI'"D0i•;N TO IA' ' 20, 000, 000 FOP., SOU'I'liKAST OVERTOWN AND 4I0, 000, 000 I OR I.ASI- LITTLE HAVANA. 2d-84-372 53-55 35 A-CCEP'T '1-11 , DATE OF APRIL 26TH AS GI1,0L'1NDBREAI:ING CEREMONLES FOR LAPIN QUARTER PAVING PROJECT, PHASE 111. DISCUSSION 56 36 ACCEPT BIDS FOR SI,VERAL I'IECES OF HF2iVY EQUIPMENT FOR THE DEPARTI,U NT OF BUILDINGS AIM VEHICLE 1,1AINTENANCE: EXCEPTING MOTORCYCLES, VEHICLES, ETC. FROM THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION. R-84-373 56-57 37 DISCUSSION ITEM: COMPREHENSIVE JOB TRAINING PROGRAM DISCUSSION 58 38 DISCUSSION ITEM OF ADVERTISING IN THE MIAMI HERALD. DISCUSSION 58-60 39 DENY PERMISSION TO CITY DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES TO ADVERTISE IN "EL HERALD". M-84-374 60-61 40 ALLOCATE $2,000 FOR PURPOSES OF ADVERTISING ON RADIO FOR JOB PARTNERSHIP TRAINING ACT PROGRAM. M-84-375 62 41 BRIEF DISCUSSION AGAIN CONCERNING ADVERTISING ON "EL HERALD". DSICUSSION 64 42 ACCEPT SCHEIV,`I'I C DESIGN PLAN FOR THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER. M-84-376 64-68 43 ACCEPT AN APPROVED CONCRETE TRASH RECEPTACLE DESIGNED BY SPILLIS, CANDI�LLA, AND PARTNERS; AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE AND RECE'"I'VE BIDS FOR UP TO 500 SUCH RECEPTACLI.S. R-84-377 69-70 44 DEFER CONSIDLIa.'! JO,N 01- AUI_P'I'ANCE OF CO11PLETED WORK FOR HADLL'1' PARE: IJ•11'R0%'1 r:LN'i S PENDING INVESTIGATION BY MEMBI hS OF '1'lil: CITI ' C,01°L'aISSlOId. M-84-378 70-71 45 DISCUSSION AND 1-01J1AL1LING RESOLUTION REGARDING FUNDING TO SEND STUDENTS OF THE MARTIAL ARTS TO A KARATE CONGRESS IN CARACAS, VENEZUELA• R-84-379 72-73 w 1p N1 Cl�'p7iffFfig' PAGE # 4 &DA rEM 140. F I IV�4NGE OR soLui'ION �® 46 APPOINTING MR. RICIIARD ROSICHAN AS A MEMBER OF THE RESPONSIBLE COMMITTEE FOR BONDS AND PARKS. 11-84-380 74 47 APPROVE CONVEYANCE QUIT —CLAIM DEED, CITY OIMED PROPERTY, KNOWN AS THE RELOCATED S.E. 4TH STREL•'T IN CONNECTION WITH THE NEW MTAMT AVENUE BRIDGE. R-84-381 75 48 DISCUSSION ITEM: ST. BUENAVENTURE OF AMERICA, INC. CONSIDERING A REQUEST FOR THE PURCHASE OF TICKETS FOR THE MISS AFRO—AMERICAN PAGEANT; REFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER. DISCUSSION 76-77 49 AUDIO—VISUAL PRESENTATION: SUNSTREET FESTIVAL COMMITTEE —SUNSTREET FESTIVAI, '83". DISCUSSION 77 50 GI:ANTI:N(-' A I;AIVFR OF NOISE ORDINANCE TO PERMIT A FIRI:Iti'ORICS DI SPLAY til" I'IL 10: 00 O'CLOCK APRIL 22ND LIQ CO`:�I�1;C5'IOI. 1°;IT11 THF. HAITIAN FESTIVAL. M-84-382 77--79 51 CONTI.NUFO DJ SCUSS] ON OF AGI'NDA ITEMI 14 CONCERNING A I'LI:I;1;(�R1_S DI YhAY I_N CONNECTION WITH SHOOTING FIREWORKS AFTER 11:00 1'.?1, DISCUSSION 79 52 RI:(--,O1t1), 'IHF CIT)' C01,11IISSION FULLY APPROVES A OF S .t; . 17TH AVENUE, BUT URGE METRO TO ASStT14E GI;LIG;;TIgI�S TO RI PI /;CE THE PARKING. Mi-84-383 79-86 53 DISCUSSIO:; CONCERNING hMISTAD PROMOTIONS INC. REGARDING AFRO-10-if;RICAN EXPOSITION AN'I) FESTIVAL TO BE HELD APRIL 22ND THROUGH MAY 23RD; REFERRED TO THE CITY MANAGER. DISCUSSION 86-87 54 BRIEF DISCUSSION ITEId: WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWER. DISCUSSION 87-88 55 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION $11 , 255, 000 FOR CITY' S PROPOSED COI-DIUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, 1984-1985 FOR CITY'S PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 1984-1985. R-84-384 88 56 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE 8719 SUMMARY GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TENTH YEAR. FIRST 88-89 READING 57 AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND A.A.I.E.M. CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION. R-84-385 89 58 RATIFY THE ACTION OF THE CITY mANAGER IN WAIVING COMPETITIV BIDDING REQUIRFI,II�NTS FOR THE E1.1ERGENCY PURCHASE OF $65,000 ITN' VEHICULAR PAINS AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND %'EIIICLE MLliIN11NA!4"1 R-84-386 90 59 DEFER COIiSI1)I_ION OF I1�'i'I;GI�1�'1'F1) SECURITY SYSTEM ON A CONTRACT BAST` 1-1:0I-3 Gti�ACI:T'i�iiUl LLI:C'I'RON1C SYSTEMS, CORP. M-84-387 90 60 CONFIR14 ORDERING kLSOLU`I'IOIy AND AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISEll FOI: SLALI-D BIDS, W. FLAGLER STREET SANITARY SEWER IMI'ROVLJALNl PHASE 1I, SR-5495—C. R-84-388 91 .INV 5 ISIDA 4iCl;IWIF, PAGE IN.Anc, TEti NO. (REGULAR) t APRTI, 5, 1-984 C rso wX p r Not - 61 CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT, SR-5461_-C. R-84-389 91 62 CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5461-S. R-84-390, 92 ' 63 DISCUSSI:ON AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF ACCEPTANCE OF C01,1PLETED WORK -MANOR 11TGFRgAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE II BID A, 11-4473 (SEE LABEL NO. 66). L!7ERRAL 92 64 WANE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY CODI SEC. 2-302. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGF.R TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH DR. AIDA LEVLTA1v FOR TIIF.17 TOUR OF NAI'I_ONAL/INTERNATIONAL JOURNALISTS TO TliE ?;I..'�f1 ARKA THROUGH DECMEBER 28, 1984. R-84-391 92 65 ohD—�. l (' I:LE(�1_UTION AUTHORIZL CITY CLERK TO 1'01, 1111?S FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EDISON I'hhSF I_-11-4494, R-84-392 93 66 AND ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK BY RUSSL�=.LL. I'�G. )'OIZ C:OI:STRUCTION OF MANOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT 1'•7D A, HIGIIti;hYS 11-4473. R.-84-393 93 67 II:CREA`.=;E BUDGIA OF CURTIS PARE, ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY TO $571,620. 11',0?,1 C01-,?,l,'IIT'i DEVELOPI.IENT JOBS PROGRAM FUNDS. R-84-394 94 68 AUTHORIZE CITY MAN/:CEP TO 1•".AKE FINAL PAY1,1ENT $1,250,000. TOTAL SETTLEMENT TO FRANK J . ROONFY, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITY OF 1tIA1-11 /UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI GAMES L. KNTGHT INTERNATIONAL CENTER. R-84-395 95 69 DISCUSSION ITEM REGARDING TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THE AREA DISCUSSION 95 BOUNDED BY I-95, S.W. 15111 ROAD AND METRORAIL. 70 DISCUSSION ITEM: PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTER TO BE CONSTRUCTED 1N TEH VICINITY OF 12TH AVENUE AND N.W. 36TIl STREET. DISCUSSION 96 71 PERSONAL APPI-71ARANCE: XAVIER L. SUAREZ REGARDING DEFEAT OF RECENT BOND ISSUES. DISCUSSION 96 72 AUT130RILE AND DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $300. AS A CONTRIBUTION TO 110RIZONTE '78 FOR THE PLANNED MARCH SEEKING UNDERSTANDING AND SOLIDARITY RESPECT WITH RIGHTS OF II•Lf•i1GRAN'TS '1'0 T11L U.S., INCLUDING 11ARIEL REFUGEES. M-84-396 97 73 EMERGENCY ORI)112e NCE: A1•11_ND 17XISTING CAPITAL 1MI'I:OVEMENTS APPROPRI A'1`1 UNS Olill l Nl.NCI% c 1 , 0 b 1 , 000 . ETC . TO REFLECT TIHl., CLOSING 0IFIVE CA1,1'1AL ORD. 9819 97-98 74 EMERGLNCl' N1:O I*1:V1.Ntll. 1'UNI) ENTITLED PARKS AND RECRI-ATION" PLANKING C 1,N1 UPL)ATL. ORD. 9820 98-99 75 EMERGENCY ORDINANCI_ A,!ZNDJNG EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE BY INCREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR OVERTOk'N STREET IMPROVEMENTS PHASE I. ORD.9821 99 u u Of Wffl gy WTJF,&DA PAGE # 6 PINANC' rEM NO. Oi U'i t �1 P� NO. 76 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMENDING THE SUMMARY GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED "INTERNATI.ONAL TRADE PROMOTION PROGRAM". I ORD. 9822 100 77 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AXENDING SEC. 30-55 (a) OF THE - CODE ENTITLED SPECIAL PACKAGE RATES CONCERNING GREEN FEES AND ELECTRONIC GOLF CARTS AT CITY 01,1NED GOLF COURSES. I ORD. 9823 78 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE CONCERNING APPROPRIATIONS AT THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE, ETC. 79 1 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLTSH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY 1983--1984. 80 FIRST READII,G ORDINANCE: ATTEND THE ANNUAL APPR.OYE,h TIONS ORDINANCE F),` 1983-1-984 FOR THE PURPOSES OF ESTAIAA S1 INC AN !NV'ENTORY OF BURROUGHS B-20 SUPPLIES. L;i1 82 83 ACCEPT CONPLETED 1,;ORK: SOUTHERN CONSTRUCTION IN T1:RNAT'I ONAL CORPORATION FOR U . P . A . R. R . HANDICAPPED ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS PACKAGE "D". AMEND P-84-146 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR PINES SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5450 BY REDUCING THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $802.07. 101. ORD, 9824 1 102 ORD. 9825 FIRST READING R• 84-397 R-84-398 AFFIRM ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN THE, EKECUTION OF THE R ETROACTIVE AGREE?SENT 1dITH METRO FOR ECONOMIC PLANNING ACTIVITIES. I R-84-399 103 103-104 104 Kill 105 84 A.UTHORIZING T11E 17XTENDED TEMPORARY LEASING OF 60 ELECTRIC GOLF CARTS THROUGH DECEMBER 2.983 FROM FY '83-84 GOLF COURSE ENTERPRISES FUNDS. R-84-400 106 85 WAIVE USE RESTRICTIONS, AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION AND AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY GOLF PRIVILEGE CART PROGRAMS PROIiIBITING MORE THAN ONE ROUND OF GOLI' AT EACH OF TIME CITY' S GOLF COURSES, ETC. R-84-401 106 86 AUTHORIZE ONE DAY PER-1,1I1' TO SELL BEER FOR THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL IN CONNECTION WIT11 THE JAPANESE SPRING FESTIVAL TO BE HELD APRIL 29, I984 AT THE JAPANESE GARDENS R-84-402 107 87 AUTHORIZE CITY I.IANAGER TO DISTRIBUTE AN R.F.P. FOR QUALIFIED FIRMS TO I'ROV'IDE ADI,SINISTRAlIVE CI.AIN,fS SI:RV'ICI: FOR THE CITY' S SELF -FUNDED HLAI_TH I,1:NI:FI'I S PLAN, AND INSURAIICE FOR THE CITY' S GROUP `i ERl1 LI FIB I NSUkANCI: PLAN. R-84-403 107 88 DESIGNATE PAPI:Rc It's' t4dHICH NOTICES OF SALE OF CI:RTIFICATFS ISSUED BY THE CITY OF MIA-J•11 FOR DELINQUENT SPi:CIAL IMPROVEMENTS ASSESSMENTS LIENS SHALL BE PUBLISHED IR-84-404 108 W, W i'EM NO. REGULAR RUCT APRIL 5, 1984 PAGE # 7 •- • i i C' i 89 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO WITH THE MIAMI DADE TOURIST AUTHORITY TO IDENTIFY PROSPECTIVE BLACK CONVENTIONS AND PROMOTE THE CITY OF MIAMI AS A POTENTIAL CONVENTION SITE. R-84-405 1091 90 AUTHORIZ.E THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH STUART SORG FOR PERFORMANCE OF SPECIAL, ADVISORY SERVICES RELATING; TO IIARBORS, RIVERS,. MARINAS, AND WATERFRONT ISSUES. R-84-406 109 91 DISCUSS101 REGARDING LEASING Oh BAY BOTTOM LAND IN THE FISHER ISLAND AREA; CLTY CLERK DF-RECTED TO RESEARCH. DISCUSSION 110 92 A110CA"T AN A',,CW T NOT TO EXCEED $1,699.50 FROM SPECIAL FRO(;RW, S AND ACCOUNTS FOR PREVENTION OF CHILD ABUSE, DADE COU' 1Y 111I1)ICA1., ASSOCIATION AUXILIARY, AN EVENT TO BE HELD 1',-1U1;1CL Gl'S1-L'iN CULTURAL CENTER. R-84-407 111 93 ALLOCATE 56,960. TO CAIIACOL FOR EIGHT DAYS RENTAL FOR THE ORAIxGI: BOt%,I PARKING LOT FOR HTEIR FEBRUARY SECOND TROUGH 1.2'TH FTSTIVAL. R-84-408 111 94 ALLOCATE $81,846 QUALITY OF LIFE FUND TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE VIRGINIA BEACH FAMILY SPLASHDOWN DISCO '84 SERIES. R-84-409 112 95 ALLOCATE $10,000 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, FOUR DAY CARNIVAL FAIR TO BE HELD APRIL 5, 6, 7 AND 8 13Y THE CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES FAIR CORPORATION. R-84-410 112 96 ALLOCATE $4,500 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CITY SPONSORSHIP, LINLTLD STATES 1l,IZAT1: ASSOCIATION'S WORLD KARATE C11AMPIO':'S1111' TO BE HELD 3UNF. 23RD AND 24TH. R-84-411 113 97 ALLOCATE $2,000 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND TO MIAMI NORTHWEST E}:.PRESS TRACT: CLUB INC. FOR THE NINTH AID IIAL TRACT: AND FIELD CLASS TO BE HELD ON JUNE 9, 10, 11 AND 12 MIA2,11 DADE COMI1UNITY COLLEGE NORTH CAMPUS. R-84-412 113 98 CLAIM SETTLEME'l"'I' NOE1.11 CARCIA $15,000.00. R-84-413 114 99 CLAIM SETTLEMENT 'TILI.IL I'ARTlN $10,000.00. R-84-414 114 100 CLAIM SET"TLEl,lFNf AMERICAN CAI; VAN RENTALS INC. $6,000.00 R-84-415 101 CLALr1 SA}:DPt, Il'1;UCEL. $6,500.00 R-84-416 115 102 AUTHORIZI P111,C11- SL OF 20,000 TONS OF ASPHALT CONCRETE_ 01, AN A` NI_EDI_.D EASIS. R-84-417 116 103 RESCIND AWARD OF FILH DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA INC. AND AUTHORIZE PL'ItCILhSI_ OF PHO'I'OGIiAl'HIC FILM SUPPLIES AS NEEDED FROM PTIM.AN PHOTO INC. UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE METRO DADE CONTRACT FOR VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS. R-84-418 117 Ij 11 0044w� !t i 1 i i4 i s REGULAR SLUG 104 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT FROIi LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $457,500. FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BAY17RONT PARK. 105 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT FROM FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM $227�867. FOR DEVELOPMENT 01' FT. DALLAS PARK. 106 AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF DUPLICATE LIENS SALE CERTIFICATE TO REPLACE ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE NO. 2.15 IN THE AMOUNT OF $685.85 THAT WAS LOST IN IfOVING. 107 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND CURRENT CONTACT WITH J.L. L01�'RFY AND CO1-jFANY FINANCIAL ADVISORS TO EXPAND THE SCOPE OF TI3EI11 SERVICES FOI: TIME OVERTOWN PART:/Iti'EST PROJECT FOI: ADDI_TI0111"AI. COMPENSATION. 1.08 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH POLICY RELATIVE TO REQU I R1 1 I.N I'S FOR PERFORIIANCE BONDS FOR PUBLIC 1-1101I:S CONSTJRUCTION PROJECTS AND THE PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES. 109 ALLOCATE S10,I20, SPECIAL PROGRAI.IS AND ACCOUNTS TO ACTION C012--UNITY CENTER INC. TO PROVIDE 20i, LOCAL MATCH NEEDED TO PURCHASE FOUR VANS. 110 APPROVE AND CONFIiIM T,-O ATTACHED AGREEIiENTS BEnTEEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF MIAMI GENERAL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN AND THE DEMLAI;CHE ASSOC., CUSTODIAL AND ASSET MANAGEMENT EVALUATOR SIIZVICES TO SAID PLAN. 111 APPROVE AND CO,,.'IRM ATTACHED AGREETII?NT BE11EEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MIAI.II GENERAL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN AND BANKERS TRUST CO. TO PIZOVII)I1 FURNISHING OF PENSION PLAN ADVISORY SERVICES TO SAID PLAN. 112 AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF WASTE COLLECTING LICENSES TO AIAMO CARTING CORPORATION AND PASQUALE WASTE SERVICES, INC. 113 APPOINT MS. ROSARIO KENN EDY AS A MEMBER OF THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. 114 DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE AUDIT ADVISORY C01,21ITTE17. 115 APPOINT CERTAI!1 INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE INCLUDING ALTERNATE MEMBERS. 116 DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO THE ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACI�S CO?1i•:1`iT1--L. 117 DISCUSSION 01" PROPOILD APPOINTMENIS AND DEFERRAL TO A FUTURE MEETING OF INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE ON THE WATERFRONT BOARD. 118 DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED HIRING OF MS. ATHALIE RANGE AS A LOBBYIST TO WORK V11 "H MR. RICK SISSER CONCERNING THE NEEDS OF THE BLACK CO14MUNITY IN THE CITY OF MIAMI: FIVE DAY RULE INVOKED. PAGE # 8 r�*rM-1 = t !im R-84-419 117 R-84-420 118 R-84-421 118 R-84-422 119 R-84-423 119 R-84-424 120 R-84-425 120 R-84-426 121 R-84-427 122 R-84-428 122 DISCUSSION 123 R-84-429 123 DISCUSSION 123-124 DISCUSSION 124 DISCUSSION 1 124 n TEM NO. REGULAR - CT APRIL, 5, 1984 PAGE # 9 F 119 CONSENT AGENDA 124 119.1 DONATION ACCEPTANCE FROM TOBACCO INSTITUTE —EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAI_,S FOR DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION. R-84-431 124 119.2 ACCEPT 01•TI LETI:D WORK OF CENTURY CONTRACTING CO. FOR JA'fES L. KNIGHT CENTER OFFICES. R-84-432 124 119.3 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK OF M VILA AND ASSOCIATES FOR GARME CENTER COliMUNTTY DEVELOPMi:TN PAYING PROJECT. R-84-433 125 119.4 ACCEPT BID 11. VILA AND ASSOCIATES FOR OVERT%,lN HIGHWAY Z IMPROVEMENT. BIDS "A" AND "B" R-84-434 125 119.5 ACCEPT I31D IRWI N GRIENWEILL INC. FOR OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IliPROVLIiENT, B11) "C'" R-84-435 125 119.6 ACCEPT BID 101. EQUIPMENT CO. FOR OVERTOW�N SEI,ER I1;11I 0\7E lcii_NT I_ FOR BID "D" R-84-436 125 119.7 ACCEPT 13II> 1;I:1ZIdI.1»' Al;]) I:ENI4EDY, INC. FOR CRIME LAB. COIiI'/Jlj �IOl; PRO.IJ;CTOR FOR POLICE. DEPARTI•fENT. R-84-437 126 119.8 ACCEPT BLD COUNTY PLASTICS, INC. FOR REFUSE TOTE BARRELS FOR DEPAR'II-IFNT OF SOLID G;ASTE. R-84-438 126 119.9 AUTHORIZE PURCHASE LATERAL FILE CABINETS FROM THOMAS W. RUFF AND COMPANY FOR DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERS. R-84-439 126 119.1c ACCEPT BID OF DEBRA TURF AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FOR GOLF COURSE MOWERS FOR DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION. R-84-440 126 119.11 ACCEPT BID DEVOE AND GAYNOLD CO. FOR PAINTING SUPPLIES FOR C.D.'s GREAT NEIGHBORHOODS PAINT PROGRAM. R-84-441 126 119.12 ACCEPT BID JASPER PAINTING SERVICE FOR PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES FOR C.D.'s GRAT NEIGHBORHOODS PAINT PROGRAI,f. R-84-442 127 119.13 ACCEPT BIDS OF CENTRAL CONCRETE AND H.J. JEFFERSON AND BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR PUMPER SERVICES;FOR DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. R-84-443 127 119.14 ACCEPT BID WEATHERTROL MAINTENANCE CORPORATION FOR AIR CONDITIONING CHILLER SYSTE111 MAINTENANCE FOR DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE: MAINTENANCE. R-84-444 127 119.15 ACCEPT BIDS OAKS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS, PUBLIC SAFETY DEVICES, INC. AND AFRO PRODUCT'S, INC. FOR EQUIPMENT FOR POLICE: DEPART1.1ENT. —84-445 127 119.16 ACCEPT BIDS OF EIGHTI'll\' SUPPLILl,"; REJECT BIDS FOR TWO 111112-iS; 1-.UTHOR1Z1 PURCIIASE FROM T'UO SUPPLIERS CURRENTLY UNDER S'IAT OF FLOR1llA CON'1'I:ACIS. —84-446 128 119.17 DII:EC'i'10 PUliLISlI No'1ICE 01" PUBLIC 11P_PRING FOE: O111JEC'l'IOItS 11'0 TH) ACCI'ilTAlNC1_ Ol' C01•iPL1_II_1) CONSTRUCTION EY P.12.1i. C!]t1'URl'ilC�?: FOE: B lhlv�A V'IS'IA lA(AA;l:Y R-84-447 128 119.18 E�.CCEP'i CU-;1'1_E'I l_l) kllokl`. FOR MIAMI Sl'1t11;:5 Cr�I.I Ct_�tE`�1. C:a<'i `I`1t�1l.E:l' 1ACIE_ITY, R-84-448 128 f Ii X C141MIlff 8MJAF� PAGE # 14 0 &DA r�M No. ,- REGULAR AI'RIL 5, 1934 tNANCE s0LjjT 1 � �� $ 11.9.19 ACCEPT BID.PHILLIPS AND JACOBS, INC. FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSING EQUIPMENT FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT. R--84-449 128 119.20 DIRECT CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY LANZO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF DURHAM SANITARY SEIdFR IMPROVEMENT. R-84-450 129 119.21_ DIRECT CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY REINERTSON EQUIPMENT OF ALLAPATTAII INDUSTRIAL AREA SEk'ER IMPRovrrlENT. R-84-451 129 120 ACCEPT BID FOR INSTALLING MODULAR OFFICE FURNI_IIIRE, WORK STATIONS, PETITIONS IN 'rill: CITY HALL 11E7.ZANINE AREA. R-84-452 129 121_ DISCUSSIOI; AND OF A PROPOSED EXTENDING OF PROYESSIONAI, SFRVICES AGREIa1ENT 1;I1'li THE LAW FIRI*i OF F, ARNOLD AND PORTYR I:I LATING TO CABLE T.V. DISCUSSION 130 _ 122 D1'I I:RR%.L OF CN".IiDI RATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF A BID FOR A ' 70-•FOOT FLAG POLE AT DINNER KEY MARINA. DISCUSSION 130 1.23 AUTHORIZE TEE 1`I12.1-1 OF FINE, JACOBSON, BLOCK, KLEIN, COLAN AND S 1 -101,, , P.A., TO SERVE AS LOCAL CO —BOND COUNSEL TO ASSIST WITH BROWN, WOOD, IVEY, MITCHELL AND PETTY CONCF.RNIG $65,000,000. IN MULTI —FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS, R-84-453 130 124 EMERGENCY ORDII;ANCE: ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT OF $15,000 FOR THE MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR CEREMONIAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER RELATED MATERIALS. ORD. 9826 131 125 BRIEF DISCUSSION AND CONTINUED TO APRIL 26TH AGENDA OF THE RESOLUT101d DECLARING THE BENEFITS AND EMOLUMENTS FOR THE CITY MANAGER DISCUSSION 132 126 BRIEF DISCUSSION OF THE 'MATTER CONCERNING CABLE TELEVISION; FINES IMPOSED, ETC., AND MAYOR FERRE CALLING A SPECIAL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 10TH AT 9:00 A.M. TO hiISCUSS THIS MTTER AS WELL AS THE APPOINTMEN OF MS. ATHALIE RANGE AS A LOBBYIST FOR THE CITY IN TALLAHASSEE. DISCUSSION 132 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 5th day of April, 198'+. the C:i i.?: Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regulnr meetint; plate in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami., Florida in rep111ar session. The meeting was called to order at 0:17 A.M., by Mayor Maurice Ferre with the following members of tlin Commission found to be present: ALSO PRESENT WERE: Commissioner- Joe Carollo Commissioner Niller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Derletr"io Perez, Jr. Mayor. Maurice A. Ferre Howard V. Gary, City Manager Jose Garcia -Pedrosa, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hi-rai, Assistant City Clerk An invocation was delivered by Mayor. Ferre, who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. On motion duly made and seconded by the. City Commission, the Minutes for the meeting(s) of January 19 and 26, 1984 and February 9 and 16, 1984 were approved. 1. BRIEF DISCUSSION ITEM ON LEGAL PAPERS SERVED ON MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION IN REGARD TO THE LAW SUIT FILED BY FORMER POLICE CHIEF, KENNETH HARMS. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Pedrosa and Mr. Gary, 1 have just been served with papers from a Mr. Kenneth I. Harms, former Chief of Police, now a Captain with the Miami Police Department. I have just been served with papers and I'm not a lawyer. I think it was agreed by this Commission that every Commissioner was entitled to counsel.. Is that correct? I would like for you to have Mr. George Knox contact me before the end of this meeting. George Knox is a lawyer I want to represent mc! in this. I'd like to get in touch with him as quickly as possible, so that I can know on what legal. ground or steps to take, please, :.sir. Mr. Carollo: Miller, what arc you complaining about? You have to check that, if it is more than I or Commissioner Pere:= Lot out of it today. 2. DISCUSSION 111Etl: RETENTION OF OUTSIDE LEGAL COUNSEL TO REPRESENT INDIVIDUAL M1:M!5E1tS OF THE CITY CC*Q,1]S1,I0N 1N CONNECTION WITH THE LAW SUIT FILED lit FORMI'l, 011EF 01. POLICE, KENNI:TH HARMS. Mr. Carollo: if 1 may, Mr. Mayor. On a more serious tone now, what I'm getting quite concerned gild it i.. bccolrii;t c 1� :rir nnt, what is mine to happen by tllc St.atuiIiuntn that liiV collealUv lliadu, iL a1)pearS that instead of having Ong att Trlcti' to rupicSri]t all tliu individuals involved in this 6 on the City Side, we arc Bold �'ulli� to Etch iildlividuLil CumlliiSSiullt'r, the City Manager, the City, arc going to acquire their own separate attorneys. 01 APR 51984 sl Id 11 Mayor Ferre: The law requires that, Commissioner Carollo. Mr. Carollo: This is going to cost the City, Mr.. Mayor, an extreme amount of dollars. You tell_ me that the laT.7 requires that you have to get a separate attorney? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, T am saying that:. Vb lt; 1 a.:, saying is that the law and the United States of Americn, does not, pp?-mit: oc7- lrivy-er to represent two clients that may have confl.:i.cts in the same isriie, Therefore, the lacy requires separate l_av-. ers for :i.ndi.vidunl s than: ?re in,:nl ;. ed in the same suit who may have separate identities. I might: re.,T.ind you that in your particular case, you intent to Richard Gerstein, no, I'm sorry to Bob Shevin, Mr. Carollo: No, I went to the same attorney that represented the other party in the case. We were both represented.... Mayor Ferre: iltii.ch was the other party? Mr. Carollo: You know who the other party is, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: No, I don't remember the case. Mr. Carollo: You certainly do remember it. Mayor Ferre: I do not remember the case. Mr. Carollo, And N•,,e went under the advice of the former City Attorney, Mr. Knox, that stated that we should do that. What I'm looking for, Mr. Mayor, and I real-v can't understand this in this particular case, is the suit that is bei.nl_ presented here is the suit that entitles the City of Miami, as a vioole. 1 can't. understand i-An, at least that part of it our City Attorney-, whe stated that lie could handle it, can't go ahead and handle it. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, since Commissioner Carollo is not involved in this, since Commissioner Carollo dial not file a case, since Commissioner Carollo is not one of the defendants of whatever we are, I couldn't_ care Less what Commissioner Car.oll.o views are on this. I, Miller Dawkins, feel that if this gentleman feels that he liar, to go get the best 1_:�c,�er ghat he can to present his case, then I feel. that I have the right to tet the lawyer whom I feel. best and comfortable with to defend me. Mayor Ferre: I. don't think there is any question of that either traditionally, historically, in this City or any other governmental. body, when there is a case of this sensitivity. I don't think there is any question, Conmiissioner Dawkins, that you and the other members of this Commission, including myself, are entitled to representation because this obviously is a City matter. The interest of the City and the individuals may not be the. same. I think that is a premise of law in the United States of America, and thank God that it exists, and that we have that type of a defense situation. Mr. Carollo: I'll give you your �'urplr Heart, gentlemen. 3. DIRECT CITY MAhAGEl' TO CLOSE CEI.TAI N S'1'hL'EI'S AS REQUESTED BY THE PROMOTERS OF THE IIAITIAN CA1:NL%1AL TO BE III:LI) Al'R11, 21 and 22, 1984. Mayor Ferre: Commmissioner, the other thing dealt with the.... Mr. Dawkins: The Haitian Carnival, when we gave them the money, we forgot to close the street. I'd like to move that we close the streets subject to police.... Mayor Ferre: As we do for other festivals; is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. sl (r2 ApR 51964 a i Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-350 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS AS REQUESTED BY THE PROMOTERS OF THE HAITIAN CARNIVAL TO BE III T,I) ON APRIL, 21 AND 22, 1984, SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE POLICE DEPARTI ENT . Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner. ;~tiller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: Let the record reflect that the Haitian Carnival is for April 21st and 22nd. 4. A MOTION APPOINTING MANNY MEDINA AS A MEMBER OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EYdITBITION AUTHORITY. Mayor Ferre: The items that I have at this time is first of all Raul Masvidal resigned as the Chairperson of the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority due to the fact that he was appointed as a member of the board of regents and felt that lie should not serve on tWO important boards, even though there was no conflict. The authority itself met and is recommending to us that Larry Turner be named the Chairperson. I think I'm willing to vote for him if somebody wants to move it. If not, I'll be happy to move it. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, before we get into that, when Mr. Masvidal resigned, that means we have a vacancy then. Correct? Mayor Ferre: Wle have a vacancy, which is my appointment, and I would like to appoint Manny Medina. If someone would make that motion, we'll start with that one. Mr. Carollo: he'll. start with that one. That is your appointment. I'll make the motion, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion on the appointment of Manny Medina? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-351 A MOTION APPOINTING MANNY MEDINA AS A MEMBER OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: 43 APR 51984 11 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetri.o Perez, Jr. Mayor. Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 5. APPOINTING MR. LARRY TURNER AS CHAIRMAN OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND E)MIBITION AUTHORITY. Mayor Ferre: Now we have before us the letter, which you have all received, from the Miami_ Convention and Exhibition Center Authority that Mr. Larry Adams be appointed chairperson. Is there a motion? Mr. Carollo: So move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Which is that? Mayor Ferre: This is the authority that Bill Bayer Mr. Plummer: You said Larry Adams. Mayor Ferre: Did I. say Larry Adams? I meant Larry Turner. I apologize, I guess I hiive too many names in my mind today. Mr. Turner, would you step forward so that mr..mbers of the Commission... I'm sure that you know all the mcmbenr of the Commission. Mr. Turner is the Vice -chairperson of the hoard of the I'anloncri.can Bank. He icy a dirtinguislied Miaminn. He's been here for m,iny years and he has served in n niy different civic organization:.. liis peers have selected him to be the net, chairperson. It has been moved by Carollo; seconded by Perez. Mr. Plummer: Discussion, are you saying that the rest of the board have nominated you? Mayor Ferre: Recoimnended. Mr. Larry Turner: The Sports and Exhibition Authority, on its last meeting, Mr. Commissioner, recommended me to replace Mr. Masvidal. Mayor Ferre: Any further discussion? Call the roll.. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-352 A MOTION APPOINTING LARRY TUINER AS CHAIRMAN OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner. 1,1iller J. Dawkins Commissioner .lou Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Dumetr•io Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. APR 51984 4 t P 6. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHOPIN FOUNDATION FOR CONCERTS TO BE HELD IN THE MIAMI CONIJENTION CENTER WITH CONDITIONS. -----------------------------•--------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Wn have Ili-. P,obert Chumbley of the Chopin Foundation, who is here. Is Mr. Chumbley here? Gould you step forward, s.r. The Chair recognizes you. The Chopin Foundation i.e requesting a grant from the City of Miami. in order to have a piano competition at the Miami Convention Center in December. The funds for rental acoustical she]_! and insurance, it is a rather complicated matter, but we'd likle for you to give us an explanation. Mr. Robert Chumbley: Robert Chumbley, the competition being held and sponsored by the Chopin Foundation is one of the largest in the United States. We felt, with the presence of the national media and the filming of the project by public broadcasting system that the most beautiful setting possible world be most desirable for. us. Since other events in the competition are taking place within the Knight Center, at the University of Miami Lecture Hall, and since 800 room nights have been booked in the Hyatt Regency Hotel for artistic staff and visitors, that we would very much like to use the auditorium for the major events. Unfortunately, the cost of the Knight Center is a bit beyond our fund raising abilities at the moment and we respectfully ask that.... Mayor Ferre: How much are you asking of the City? Mr. Chumbley: $14,500. Mayor Ferre: Have you asked ... how much is the rental fee? Mr. Chumbley: The rental fee is $6,930. Mayor Ferre: So it is $7,000. You are asking beyond the rental fee. Mr. Chumbley: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Have you asked Metropolitan Dade County or any other governmental organizations? Mr. Chumbley: I presented two grant requests to Dade County. Both, so far, have been refused. I have a third under consideration at the moment. Mayor Ferre: You have a third consideration from whom? Mr. Chumbley: From Metro Dade County. I presented two grants already and was refused on them with the suggestion that I apply to you. I still have a third one under consideration now. Mr. Plummer: Did you try Hialeah? Mr. Chumbley: No, sir. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: They don't give any money. Mayor Ferre: Hialeah is not involved, but Metro is involved because.... Mr. Plummer: Hialeah doesn't give grants. That's why I asked. Mayor Ferre: ....this happens to be within the boundaries of both, Metropolitan Dade County and the City of Miami. Have we helped you in the past? Mr. Chumbley: Yes, sir, in 1980 you gave us a grant of $10,000 for the very same purposes, although it was a different concert hall at the time. It was the Gusman Hall Cultural Center. sl 0 b ,,APR 51984 f 0 Mr. Plummer: How many people are you expecting to attend? Mr. Chumbley: For the events that would take place in this particular auditorium in the Knight Center, about 4,000 altogether, 4,000 to 5,000. Mr. Plummer: Per at:.tendance? Mr. Chumbley: No, for the total attendance. Mayor Ferre: i•,e have until. December. 8, 1916, I wculd move the following for you. That the Mgnager, first of all study this. Secondly, that we would be willing to give yr�u 55,000, provided however ghat you receive $5,000 or more from Metropolitan Dade County, and that you raise $5,000 from the public sector. That it be held in Miami at the Knight Center. We have until December to worry about this. I realize the Chopin Foundation competition has become a very important musical event. I think that we ought to participate, Mr. Chumbley, but we cannot assume a full responsibility. That's just one man`, opinion. I don't know whether you'll get two people agreeing with that. Mr. Chumbley: I appreciate that. We do have one problem concerning time, though. T_ have contractual arrangements that are in advance that must be met immediately concerning the place where the events will take place. This concerns the Florida Symphony Orchestra from Orlando, the Hyatt Regency Hotel.. Mayor Ferre: If somebody wishes to make a different motion, I'd be happy to accept it. My motion, again, is that we would establish a $5,000 fund provided it is matched by I'letro and $5,000 from the private sector some- place. 1 think it is a I;reat thing for Miami. It's great for the Knight Center, but we cannot assume a full burden on this. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Vice Mayor, there is a motion. There is a second. Mayor Ferre: I made the motion and Carollo seconded it. Mr. Perez: Carollo seconded? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-353 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHOPIN FOUNDATION FOR CONCERTS TO BE HELD AT THE. MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER; PROVIDED, HOWEVER THAT THEY MUST OBTAIN A-N EQUAI. GRANT OF $5,000 FROM METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY AND THEY SHOULD RAISE $5,000 FROM THE PRIVATE- SECTOR; FURTIIF.R STIPULATING THAT THIS GRANT IS 1IADE SUBJECT TO TIiL EVENT BEING HELD IN MIAMI, !"ND FURTHER, THAT IF ANY PROFITS ARE LEFT OVER AFTER Ti1E EVENT, A PROPORTIONATE SHARE BE RETURNED TO THE CITY OF MIAMI; AND FII'ALLY STIPULATING THAT THEIR OPERATING BUDGET BE SUBJECT TO A,N AUDIT BY A C.P.A. FIIZLM. Upon being seconds-d by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following; ,otu: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioue.r Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plununer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None, APR 51984 0B sl i Mayor Ferre: There is one other condition that I forgot to put in, I'm sorry. If you make any profit, and there is any cash flow that is left over, we want, number one, 11r. 1-1anager, since this _s being; sent to you for cons l_derat=ion, rae t•7,int:: a fall_ accountfnF from a recognized C.P.A. firm of your clioi.ce, and if there is anv money )_eft: over., after the competition, x•*e woul_d tram oiir pr(1port i.onate share of the $I -'),000. In other words, just for argument's 4a1:e., $9,000 left over, s-e would get $3,000 back. Thank yoti very- mach. 7. AUTHORIZF. REPRESENTATIVES OF P.A.C.E. TO REPAY FUNDS LEFT OVI-R FROM EVENTS TO THE CITY ON A MONTHLY BASIS TO THE END OF FY-84 WITH INTEREST. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: On that same subject, my next item is Steve Parsons of P.A.C.E., who has happy news. We did the same thing with P.A.C.E., who presented the Big Orange Festival. As you know it was a great success. We gave them some money conditional that if you made any money, he would return it to us. As I recall, we gave you $50,000 and you have $24,000 to return. Mr. Steve Parsons: A bit more than that. We are real pleased to report that thanks to your loan, at the Commission meeting of.... Mayor Ferre: J.L. , this was your- idea. Mr. Parsons: I'm pleased to report that we are able to pay back just slightly shy of. $28,000 back to the City of Miami for the production of the Miami Music and heritage Fair. Mayor Ferre: Out of how much? Mr. Parsons: Out of $55,000. Mr. Plummer: Congratulations! Mr. Parsons: I do have one additional request on this. Mr. Plummer: Where is the check? Mr. Parsons: That's what I'm here for, Mr. Plummer. We would like to request, because of our severly hampered cash flow, which is usually the story around this time of the year, that we extend, that we will pay the money back, but we would prefer, with your permission, to pay that back by the end of the City of Miami's fiscal year, ending in September. Mr. Plummer: ,'hat kind of interest? Mr. Parsons: Zero interest prefered. Mr. Gary: Did they give us the money back? Mr. Plummer: They'ru going to give it back to us at the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Parsons: Monthly payments, May June, July, August, and September. Mr. Gary: That's better than nothing. Mr. Dawkins: Are you going to put it in the bank and draw interest? Mr. Parsons: It's not in the bank. If we were going to pay it back, we'd have to take out a bank loan and pay it back by the 12th. Mr. Dawkins: Do you havetit in the bank drawing interest? Mr. Parsons: No way! � APR 51984 sl Mr. Dawkins: Where do you have it then? Mr. Parsons: Tt's been spent already. The accounting, after the program, showed that we coiil.d Pay back to the City $27,958. We could take out a loan and pay the city back. We would prefer. to pay it back on a. monthly basis, based on nur us,.�al rash flow, that use have, but we surely are not sitting on S28,000 drnT.-_i_nn _i..ni_erFsi. in the bank. Mr. Dawkins: tk?el 1. the 11,1 T- will make that_ dec i si_nn. Mayor. Ferre: t.11iat do you want to do, J.I.. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think that c.;e are entitled to some interest. If they want to use our. money, I. think we are entitled. Mayor Ferre: I think that is fair, Steve. You know, it's our money. You are going to return it. We are very grateful that you are doing that. But even if it is a token amount, even if you pay 5% or 6%, you ought to be paying something; at least when we have to borrow money from on these bond issues, we're paying 7, so you ought to pay.... Mr. Plummer: I think it is only fair. Mayor Ferre: Pay five or six per cent. Mr. Parsons: Whatever the wish of this Commission is. Mayor Ferre: Is that acceptable to you, Plummer? Mr. Plummer: So move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Gary: Are they going to pay interest? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-354 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PERMIT REPRESENTATIVES OF P.A.C.E. TO REPAY FUNDS LEFT OVER FROM EVENTS ALREADY HELD BACK TO THE CITY OF MIAMI ON A MONTHLY BASIS TO TERMINATE AT THE END OF THE CITY'S CURRENT FISCAL YEAR (September 1984) WITH INTEREST. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the followinf; vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 08 APR 51984 U -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. REFER TO THE CITY MANAGER A REQUEST FOR THE PUBLISHERS OF HUGE MAGAZINE CONCERNTNG THE PITR,CHASE OF 1.0,000 COPIES OF SAID MAGAZINE WITH PART ICTPATtON FROM METROPOLTTAN DADE COUNTY AND OTHER CITIES. Mayor Ferre: The next item that I have, Piarjnrie, if you 1,01.11d ca th the gentlemen from Auge please, would you Lass those things up here? If you would bring them up to Comm.ssi_oner. Carollo, he'll Look at them and pass them down. Identify yourself for the record with name and address. Mr. Manager and members of the Commission, this outfit has successfully over the years made I don't know how many publications, but I understand that it is close to a hundred. Unidentified Speaker.: 33, sir. Mayor Ferre: I'm sorry, 33, where they make these copies, I mean they make these very beautiful magazine reports on communities, like for example, the State of California, Alaska, Mexico, Australia, and many, many other. plices. What they do is they come into a community and they get advertising. As I understand they are roi.ng to have six ads in this particular magazine. The rest of it t=hey do through articles, which they also charge for. It becomes a tremendous promotional tool... California rand other states have used it very effectively. They have gotten thc support: of business, community, includinf, Eastern Airlines, the l'ountainbleau Hotel and other such cornl>anies. But they have not-uttcn, unlike chat occured in California and other states and other countr:ics, they have not gotten the support of any of the governments here. 1;hnt the., are asking us to do, they are asking Miami, Miami Beach, and Dade County to purchase 10,000 copies of this for $75,000. Yesterday I met with Gene V.cstfall and with the people of Miami Beach. They are looking ;It. it. I. think the only way we could do it, Mr. Manager, is if Metropolit.-gin Dade County takes the lead, if Miami Beach also participates. So I would move that this matter be passed on to the manager for his pursual, and that: .in principle we approve it provided however, that Metropolitan Dade County and the State and Miami Beach all participate equally. Mr. Carollo: I would go one step further. I'm sure we can get some kind of contribution for this by Hialeah and Coral Gables. They are going to benefit as much as we are. Mayor Ferre: That has been a very difficult think. If you want to put that in, 1. don't mind accepting that as a condition. I. would put it this way, Mr. Manager, with regard to the Stale and Metro, that if they participate, we participate. I'm not as concerned with Miami Beach, Hialeah, and Coral Gables. I think we should invite them to participate. Mr. Carollo: Vtile couldn't do it without the State or Dade County. Mayor Ferre: That's right, and please understand. 1 know that's a difficult task, but we cannot assume this responsibility alone. Mr. Carollo: I think we should try in every way possible to encourage Healeah and Coral Gables to participate., but I won't put that down as a condition, however, only the. State: and Dade County. Mayor Ferre: Do you want to move it that way? Mr. Carollo: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. I'm 'sorry. What is the...? Mayor Ferre: The motion is that we approve this principle, provided however, that the State and the County are no less than equal participants, and that we invite the participation of both Miami Beach and Hialeah. 09 APR 51984 61 il E Mr. Plummer: To what extent is the City of Miami getting involved? Mayor Ferre: That is up to the Manager to negotiate, but it would be no more than a third. Tt my opinion, It rfotild px-01-1,1b7y be around 25%. Mr. Dawkins: The only problem that T ;)avo. t�ri_t:h t.hat:, M . P1;1 yo r, is every time T go to talk toP.>>th Shack and the rest_ of the people over there, they constantly te1_1. me th?t the City .i_s ju-;t one portion of the County. Then when we ask them, they want: to contribute on that basis, when it is... --Howard, You need to hear this -...My. Carp, the only problem I have with that is, when I go to them and ask them to give something to the City of Miami, t}1P_I1 they prorate the population of the City of Miami as to the population of Dade County and then they contribute accordingly. So as you waive the issues of what is fair proportionately, I hope you bring that into consideration, whatever our population is and that's what we.... Mayor Ferre: I accept that as a premise in the resolution. Mr. Dawkins: Thank. you, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Who seconded the motion? Mr. Ralph Ongie: Nobody has, yet. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds, further discussion? Unidentified Speaker: The only thing, Mr. Mayor, is that we are on a time basis now. Mayor Ferre: I'm awfully sorry. I wish I could solve all. of your problems. Thank you. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-355 A MOTION REFERRING TO THE CITY MJENAGER A REQUEST MADE BY THE PUBLICHSF.RS ETD REPRESENTATIVES OF "AUGI MAGAZINE" FOR HIS REVIEW AND REPORT TO THE CITY COMMISSION CONCERNING THE PURCHASE OF 10,000 OF THE AFORESAID MAGAZINES (tdHICH COULD BE USED FOR PROMOTION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI) FOR A TOTAL OF $75,000; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE CITY COr24ISSION APPROVES THIS PROPOSAL IN PRINCIPLE BASED UPON PARTICIPATION OF AN EQUAL BASIS BY THE CITY OF MIAMI, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE CITY OF MIAMI; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THE CITY WILL DO EVERYTHING IN ITS POWER TO ENCOURAGE HIALEAH AND CORAL GABLES TO ALSO PARTICIPATE; AND, FINALLY, STIPULATING THAT IN NO EVENT WILL THE CITY CONTRIBUTE MORE THAN ONE THIRD (1/3) OF 17HE TOTAL $75,000 REQUIRED. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. , ABSENT: None. 10 sl APR 51984 E7 9. DISCUSSION ITEM: ANNOUNCEMENT OF MR. JTM RAUSE, ENTERPRISE FOUNDATION, REGARDING FUNDS FOR I-IOUSINC FOR THE POOR REQUESTTNG THE AD711NISTRATTON TO ARRANGE TOURS OF I,ITTLF HATTT AND FAST LITTLE HAVA.NA DURTNG THE VISIT OF THESI: OFFTCTAL` Mayor Ferre: T have t_vo more item-,. One is I'd T ke to i.nfcrm the Commission, I sent you a memorandum of a follow I2p vi.si.t that I had with 1-1r. Franklin Thomas, the President of the Ford Foundation. The Ford Foundation has agreed to do something which they very, very rarely do. That is to have the chief program officers come to Miami. in May. That is no small. achievement. It is... they haven't done that in one city in the last ten years. Their attitude is that since they have billions of dollars which they ive out on a yearly basis, they expect for those who are applicants to go to the Ford Foundation to make their_ pitch. This is a reversal_ of that. That means that they are coming here to help us look at ourselves. Mr. ;tanager, I have written you and the Commission a memorandum on this. I think it is very important, since they will be looking at issues such as housing, employement, crime, teen-age pregnancy, and al-1 of the other things that the Ford Foundation gets involved in, that we through Crcatcr I'li.arni. United, give this ns much staff consideration as we possibly can.. I don't think you need a formal resolution, but I do think it is important that i,°hen the Ford Foundation arrives here two months from now, that we are prepared rind we have an agenda. Seconly, Mr. Rouse of the famous 1,Sr, Jim Rouse. not, retired from the Rause Company, but Mr. Rouse has formed a separate company. It's called the enterprise company. It's wholly oviied by the Enterprise Foundation. The Enterprise Foundation is now beginning to give millions of dollars on a yearly basis for housing for the poor throughout a1Ilierica. They have about a dozen projects going from California to Boston to New Orleans, We need to also prepare for that. I'd like to asic Dena Spillman and Charlotte Gallogl.y to meet with me and to meet with the people of. Greater Aliami United because Mr. Rouse, when he comes down here., Charlotte, wants to specifically look at the possibilities of Little Havana and Little Haiti as a potential. for a profit making specialty center, which is what lie is specializing in. Completely separate from the idea of the foundation dealing; with housing, all the profit that he makes from his company goes into the foundation, 100`. It is then used in a multiplier for dousing; for pool- people. It is called Jubilee Housing. It's been fairly successful in about three cities. The Ford Foundation was very skeptical in the beginning;, but they are a big supporter of Rouse now. So Mr. Rouse will be here on Saturday, the 14th. I would hope that we could put together a...and I. see. Mr. Adams is here...that we could put together in the morning, perhaps, a little bit of a tour of what kind of housing we do here. Secondly_, in the afternoon, that we could take Mr. Rause by both Little Haiti and Little Havana to see if his company would have an,', interest in a for -profit venture and as you know, there are several people that have been toying; with that idea. I just wanted to put that on the record. 10. DISCUSSION ITEM REGAhDING RULING OF JUDGE JOE EATON IN WHICH HE STATED THAT CUBANS AND OTHEI, HISPANICS CANNOT 131'. CL!�SSIFII?D AS "AFFECTED PARTIES"; ALSO DISCUSSION OF 14I'�ORITY PROCURE-MENT; REQUESTING CITY ATTORNEY TO PRI?PARE LEGAL BRIEF SCHEDULED FOR DISCUSSION OIL APRIL 26th. Mayor Ferre: Lastly, to illy total amazement and my cone-rn, Judge Joe Eaton... Nestor, what did you do with my file? Judge Joe haton, who's a wonderful than and a great- human being and a great judge, cam, out with the most unbtlievahlt: ruling, w!iic'li 1 don't hays- bL-ftire mc, of Several weeks ago, l:hert- in cf 1 cC'L .,aid that Cubans end other Hispanics would not be classified as affected Iartie because the patterns of suffering of Cubans would perhaps be diffcr,�-_nt from Lvert though I understand the logic and agree with sonie of Lhe logic that there is a sl 11 APR 51984 Mayor Ferre (Con't): difference and there has to be a clear cut pattern of discrimination in each case, the matter, nevertheless, is extremely complicated. There is shock In the Hispanic community. Those that are organized deal with the issue such as Tom and the Mexican American Defense Fund, have Immediately t:nken this thing up with the NAACP legal defense Rend and others, and are either talking about jointly challenging Judge Eaton's ruling. Tt is a very- complex iss"n. T would like to ask our City Attorney formally to read the case and to give us hip best advice so that at the next Commission meeting. I don'ts --ant to wait until the next regular, but rather the next zoning meeting, which will be on the 26th of April, that we w:i11_ be prepared to openly discuss this. I would like to ask Mr. City Attorney, for you to invote the NAACP legal defense fund, the Mexican American legal defense fend, and LULAC, SALAD and the Cuban -American Law Association to participate in the discussion if they so desire, so that we can have an open discussion as to the implications of this .law suit could be. As I understand it, it could be devastating to Hispanic communities throughout the United States. I think it is an issue that we need to bring out in the open and we need to deal with it, since the Cite of Miami, along with Hialeah, has a very large Hispanic population, since there is an affected class here, I think we need to deal with that. On the other hand, I. also think that we have another difficult task before us. Obviously, I'm not going to win any popularity contest on this one, but...Huh? Yes, I never worry too much about that. But there is another matter that also needs to be discussed. We have, Mr. City Attorney, a clear- record now on the City of Miami dealing with minority procurement and with contracts. What has occured, as you may remember, the law that we drafted which you have an amendment of to be voted on today, basically was a 507 minority procurement of which there was 25% ear marked for the Hispanic and 25A for the Black. In the construction area, what has occurred in my opinion is 501. Mr. Plummer: But it is not 25% and 25%. Mr. Gary: No, it is 25 and 25%. Mayor Ferre: That is the issue I want to bring up. See, because what has happened is that there are an awful lot of Hispanic contractors and business people that have done quite well by our minority procurement, but it has not really dealt into the issue of those who were really the ones that are the subjects of discrimination, which are Black. I.want to bring up the subject. I think it needs to be done in conjunction with Judge Eaton's ruling, that if, and perhaps we may need to be the City that begins this process, that when there is a specifically affected class, like Blacks, that when we talk about doing things to make up for the discrimination, that we specifically earmark the class that is affected, and the reason for that is that because I have heard from different constitutional and legal circles, that when we get to the appellate court and when we get to the Supreme Court if we get there, we're going to be knocked out, because what we're doing is by lumping everybody together, there is no ... unless there is a clear case prooven case of discrimination, what we are in effect doing is not solving the problem of the affected class, which are the people who suffer discrimination. I don't think there is any question that Blacks have suffered discrimination in Miami Florida. I think by putting these two things together, we may be affecting that and we need to deal with the other side of that issue too. So, Mr. City Attorney, 1 would like for you to prepare a legal brief on both sides of that issue. I would'like to schedule it, Mr. Manager, for a full fledged Commission discussion on the 26th and then I think we need beyond that perhaps to have a public hearing before we take a position on it. Mr. Dawkins: Udder discussion her. Mayor. I agree with you totally and I don't understand why we have not picked up the ball from the County. The County has an ordinance that they took and its been taken to two courts and I imagine that the builders will eventually go to the Supreme Court, but it has be upheld. And all of the information in that case was presented for documentation by a Tory Crapp of the City of Miami that proved discrimination. And we have yet to say let's structure our along the lines of one that has been tested and proven in court. Mayor Ferre: Alright, any other statements or question on this issue? Q 12 APR 51984 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. MOTION OF INTENT TO MAKE FIRE STATION NO. 13 AVAILABLE TO THE BLACK ARCHIVES FENDING NEGOTTATTONS OF A CONTRACT, ETC. Mayor Ferre: The last item that I have is Mr.. Garth Reeves. Mr. Reeves? As I recall. Mr. Manager_, we at one time talked about. the Black Archives receiving----- since as you may recall we ua.ve one of our fire stations to the Cuban Musuem. We also felt that it would be appropriate to when the r_equestion was made of the Black Archives to grant them the same thing. At first: they turned it down and now they have reconsidered and Mr. Reeves is here to speak on that subject. Mr. Garth Reeves: Thank you, Mr. Mayor_ and Commissioner. Our Board did reconsider and we thought we were looki.ng a gift horse in the mouth. Anyhow we have changed our position and we accept your gift of Fire Station No. 13 at Northeast 2nd Avenue and 47th Street and thank you very much. I have the resolution. Mayor Ferre: (AT THIS POINT THE MAYOR READS THE RESOLUTION INTO THE RECORD). Mr. Plummer: Well, Mr. Mayor, I second the motion, but it's not that simple a situation. I think Garth in fairness to you as to others that is not what you really want and need. That is what I read is a motion of intent. In other words, what I'm really saying is you have got to sit down and formulate a contract with the City such things as you shall maintain in a reasonable mannfr. That it is not your property it is still City owned property. You shall have insurance to indemnify the City against any lawsuits of liability. I think the same contract that was prepared for the Cuban Museum is only fair that it should be applied to you. Mr. Gary: That was profit. (COW -ENT INAUDIBLE) . Mr. Plummer: ;,Jell, O};. But what I'm saying is I don't want Garth to walk away from here and thin]: it's signed, sealed and delivered and he gets the key tomorrow morning, because I want to tell you, I drove by that thing yesterday and I want to tell you, you have got to spend a lot of money to fir, that thing up. Because I looked at it.... It's atrocious. It's almost as bad as station four on Miami Avenue, the prestigious area of this community that is now a home for wayward derelicts. And I don't know if you have gone in there. Mr. Gary? Mr. Gary: No, I don't go there. Mr. Plummer: No, I know you don't go there. Mr. Reeves: Most of our sections look like that Mr. Plummer. Mr. Plummer: Well, that might be your fault, but the fire station is mine. I say mine collectively. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, r;o, you say it individually. But Mr. Plummer Mr. Reeves and those, they understand that this is predicated on the same grounds that it wus giver, to anyone else and we also know that We have to go Liz=c). to ever, one of the Black contractors, that is the painter, the guy ta)io is going to do the tile work and all those guys who said they 4aould donate their services free, we still have to go back and get t'r«m to come in and do it. Mr. Plummer: Great. Mayor Ferre: Garth, while we have you here. There has been a... as you know we are now advertising and we advertise in the... for the potential of gett.i1-19 a new Qity Attorney beyond June. We have advertised or we are going to advertise in the Herald, in your paper, in the News and the Diario. We also advertised in the hell Street Journal and I think the New York Times. Isn't that right? gl 13 APR 5 1984 E u Mr. Ongie: New York Times and the Washington Post. Mayor Ferre: Oh, and the Washington Post. Ok. Now, there was a request from a newspaper up in Nely: York called the "Amsterdam News" and they say they are the larger=t: circulation i31ack ne�.,7spaper. My feeli.nq on that is that T dnn' t thi nr lwre should do that, because if we start adveri.i.sinq in New Yorlc then why not qo t_o Clti.cago and Los Angeles and U=ha.i� have you, bizt T know you may have a conflict in here since you are a member of the association and all. that. But I think the alternative to that is to advertise in law journals and we have asked that.., there are several law -journals that_ are Florida based. We have got the Miami Review. I think we have advertised there. And isn't there another Florida law journal of some sort? Mr. Ongie: We did everything that was recommended in the memorandum. Most of the law journals that were furnished to us by the Law Department, unfortunately, published like once a month or something and we were unable to meet any of their deadlines. Mayor Ferre: I see. Well,... Mr. Ongie: With the constraint of the April 16th deadline. That was the problem. Mayor Ferre: What are the law journals that we should advertise in Mr. City Attorney? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: We recommended Mr. Mayor, the Florida Bar News and the Florida Bar Journal. Mayor Ferre: Well, if we can get an ad in there, even if it's late I think it would ---since the thing is probably going to drag on through May, I think it still would be worth doing. I have asked if there is any Hispanic or Black law journals, Mr. City Attorney, and other than the University of Puerto Rico which I don't frankly think would be appropriate, there are no Hispanic law Journals, but there is a Black law journal I think that Howard University puts out and I think that's where we should be advertising if we are trying to... Mr. Plummer: Rr. Mayor, let me ask may be out of stupidity. Mr. City Attorney, I'm assuming we cannot consider anybody that is not admitted to the Florida Bar. Mayor Ferre: Of course. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That's correct. Mayor Ferre: But I might remind you that there are an awful lot of Cuban Amercan attorneys that have gone for example, from Miami and who are members of the Florida Bar that are now in the Reagan Administration or in the Goverranent and that might want to be considered. So, you know, it doesn't... Mr. Reeve:.: Mr. t,ayor, I might call your attention too, that there thirteen Black new papers throughout the State of r._ 'a. They might be gcK)d media to use and speaking of the Miami Times, you get very good cover. The Miami Times is the third largest Black audited circulation in the Country. Mayor Ferre: Oh, is that right? Mr. Reeves: Yes, it is. Mayor Ferre: So, it isn't the Amsterdam News like they claim. Mr. Reeves: They are not audited. It' a difference. Yes. Mayor Ferre: Alright, sir, ln'ell, I would just advise Mr. City Clerk that even ti,ouglh late we should zcdvtrtise in the Florida Law Journal or whatever it's called ar,d •1 th, nj: tt,at if the City Attorney can come up w1 ili a lli spa7,l c cr hl aCk l c'w p iii J,al . . . 1 don't think an Hispanic one exist out 'idu (_f ine Uhi%,c22"c:i Ly -,f PuErtc) Lilco. gl APR 51984 IL Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I'm not aware of one Mr. Mayor, but the Cuban American Bar Association does pelt out a newsletter. Mayor Ferre: well, then I think we should advertise in it and I think we should aclveri=i pe--- i f th-r- i s i }Slack counterpart, if not I think in the iio-ard Univer i t_y l a- journal or whatever it is. Would you have your staff z_"eF-earc.h tha'=< Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And Mr. Clerk, do you need a resolution to that effect? Mr. Ongi.e: tdo, sir, will just assume that the deadline will not be the 16th then. Is that correct? Mayor Ferre: Doe- anybody have any objections to that so that nobody can claim that we didn't have advertised and we didn't go out and reach as far as 4:e could. We have and I'm sorry that we kept you waiting. We have had... Mr. Reeves: Did you take my vote Mr. Mayor? Mr. Ongie: We need to vote on Mr.... Mayor Ferre: Oh, I'm sorry. Call the roll. I'm sorry. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-356 A MOTION .OF INTENT OF THE CITY C01•24ISSION TO MAKE FIRE STATION NO. 13 LOCATED AT N . E . 321\1D AVENUE AND 42ND STREET AVAIL7U. LE TO 'I'HIl ]SLACK ARCHIVES PENDING THE NEGOTIATION OF A Y7HICH SlIALL COVER SUCH MATTERS AS THE DECJ.,1'sTJ,'J'IOI: OP' Ol I;I',I::'1III', NI_CESSARY I1,1,SUR7iNCE 014 THE PROPERTY, EUl',JI'CT 'J'C: 11`.:CI;S LRY R.EI'ATRS AND/OR ALTERATIONS BEI14G DONE, BY THK A13D SUBJECT TO CITY APPROVAL, Y7,,SIC70A,Y, 7;T,0I�,(-7 THT 1,11,LS OF THE SA1.!E CONDITIONS AS GRANTED TO THE 1.'1E'ia.',Si�1JTIVF:S OF THE CUBAN 1,USEUM AND THEIR USE OI'' AN 7:T1,70NDI)TTED FIT I; STATION. Upon being seconded by Commmissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following votc- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 12. PRESENTATION TO U.L.P. GOVAERT, HONORARY CONSUL OF BELGIUM IN RECOGNITION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE BELGIAN TRADE CENTER IN MIAMI. Mayor Ferre: ht this timL, I would like to ask Gui Govaert to step forward over on thi: side. Mr. Gui L.P. Govaert, Honorary Consul of Belgium for the 5outl., aid Central I'lol"ida dtcidt.d to establish the Belgo Trade Centel' in I";1aIri1 lJl"hall:ll UY (guy clty,s strategic locaiion in relation to Sout1! hliltl"1Ca, Chu t:a]']l)l:i I1 aLd tale U. I!a]nlLila i ;,l Ydl;cl"caS the ba,lc (,I,jtrCtivtE c-i tltc_ CLI;tcI 1 LG faCllltcLc L'(,1 ci'Lt ]I. t7C hemi5phel"e fUl lal�jll!t! dll OtlltI c'UUiitI i �dlllSe Stl"\'llikl L171lIllboard for the prolTlOt1cjn and prusttlltaticill of tlielY 1;1'G UCt al:d �,I'd10Es) and whereas the success of thi E tlit c2"I=Y1 uE ] abSll2'ed as the 1301;CSaI le Gui L. P. Govaert will preside oval" tl,, 'IYadt center and i- i:tilizilig gl 15 AP 5 1984 his expertise and lengthy experience in the areas of business, finance and international. relations to develop the center; and whereas it is proper fitting that Miami honor., endorse the Honorable Gui Govaert for his efforts to develop this ambitious new enterprise in our city. Now, therefore as Mayor of the City of Pliami_, I do hereby comm-ud the Honorable Gui. I,. P. Govaert for his initiative in developing this welcome new addition to the City of Miami's international_ business community. Gui, on behalf of all of us who have long admired you for your endeavors, you have done some many thing:; for this community, you were the father of the International Center_, you have represented internationalism here in Miami for several decades and yet you have never forgotten your Belgium heritage. I just wanted to say on behalf of all of us how proud we are of your commitment to this country, to this community after your own roots and how proud we are to watch you develop these things that you are committed to for the welfare of all these communities that you so well represent and so well serve. I might say that Gui Govaert has been honored and I notice that he has two ribbons and I said... I know that the king of the Belgiums has honored him on several occasions with Belgiums highest award and I'm happy to see that he now seems to have another award. I don't know what that is, but congratulations. 13. CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION PRESENTED TO MEMBERS OF THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER REVIEW COMMITTEE. Mayor Ferre: At this time I would like to as the members of the Bayside Specialty Review Committee to step forward, those that are here and if not we will make these presentations to those that are ask the others to be passed on. Mr. David Weaver, Mr. David Blumberg, Mr. T. Willard Fair. Is Mr. Fair still here? Tina Hills, Herbert Leeds, Dan Paul, Rick Horro, Roger Carlton, Carlos Garcia, Roy Kenzie, Adrienne MacBeth. Adrienne? And Sergio Rodriguez. Is Rick Horrow here? I saw T. Willard Fair here earlier. Oh, ok. 14. GRANT AN AMOUNT OF $800 IN CONNECTION WITH AN EVENT AT THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER ON APRIL 29TH; PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS BY THE INSTITUTO DE CULTURA HISPANA. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Ok. Perez, pocket items. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like to recognize Dr. Guitart who has a small presentation in reference to the "Spanish Language Day" an annual celebration that they have for the last year and plan to have this year again. Mayor Ferre: Alright, sir. Mr. Guitart: We are very proud of that success. We got last year in the presentation and awarding of two hundred fifty diplomas to students and teachers of the private and official schools in our area and this year we are going to award five hundred diplomas. enthusiasm and wishes of all school is increasing in our area and our expensives are going up, for that reason wte are vary grateful to the City of Miami, because last: year we got eight hundred do ll ars to cover partially our expense and 3104: wL: are asking for lilorcr Illoney because our expenses are higher. You the Mayor Maurice Ferre, the Commissioners, the City t;arlager alid the City Vile--Planaqui- will be our honored guest:, ill the pre er,taticli of tliLl will take place the 29th cf t.liis rnoritl"i at tl,e l:al,uei hr�tirlc ruditoriulli, ill 1300 Southwest lst Street, 10 I110 I,ing alld als.o, the his-1 -lnic corlsul will be all h011Or"1:11 C!ile$t of (,Ul Eho%;, our aC t 4,lli c11 will incluQe- a pretty show iIl Illuslcal folklore froIll all, Latin FJ!&ricaI, COuntries )ly sollle of the schools of our area. It will br a pretty show and the awarding of five hundrea dil-soma:;, So, we have to get the llelp of the City at this tilllt as it was tlw last" year. gl I 'APR 5 1984 Mr. Dawkins: What school, sir? What's the name of the school? Mr. Guitart: Schools? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Guitart: Lake Stevens School is one of the official schools and Loyal School are teJo preparing the show, but all the schools in the area, the private and official school are receiving our diplomas. Don Miguel. _ _ and Don Qui.jote La Mancak and I can tell you that every diploma, is costing us three dollars. The printing on the diploma and the f.11inq of it by Mr. Dawkins: It's a private school? Mr. Guitart: No. Mr. Dawkins: Public school? Mr. Guitart: Public and private schools, both of them. Mr. Perez: How much did the City grant you last year? Mr. Guitart: Fight hundred dollars, Mayor Ferro: What do you want to do? Mr. Peron: I vould like to propose that we grant again the same amount that we granted last. year. Mayor Ferro: It there a second? Mr. Carollo: What's the request for this year? Mayor Ferro: Eight hundred dollars. Mr. Perez: I think that they are requesting sixteen hundred, no? Mr. Guitart: Fifteen hundred dollars. Mr. Carollo: Fifteen hundred dollars? Mr. Guitart: Uh huh. Mr. Carollo: Ok, I'm going to go with it as long as it's the last time that they come before us. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: Yes, but I would like to get a breakdown on what it is and who they are and what they are doing. I vote "yes". The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez who moved its adoption: MOTION' 1,10. 84-357 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT OF $ 800. 00 ( THE SW,27 A110UNT AS GRANTED LAST YEAR) IN CONNECTION WITU AN EVENT TO BE HELD AT THE IAANUEL ARTIME COMMU14ITY CENTER AUDITORIUM ON APRIL 29th FOR PRESENTATION OF FOR PRESENVF TION OF DIPLOI.IF:S BY THE INSTITUTO DE CULTURA HISPANA. Upon being seconded by Connnissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- gl 17 APR 51984 I 0 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner_ Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice --Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor_ Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 15. APPOINTING SEVERAL PERSONS TO A COMMITTEE TO BRING THE SUPER BOWL TO THE CITY OF MIXMT. Mayor Ferre: Alright, I forgot to appoint the following suggested members for the Super Bowl Acquisition Committee. 87, 88 and 89. Ok. To Chair it Mrs. Sue 11. Cobb �..ho has been chairing it for the past what, two year J. L. Cesar_ Oda_o, Lew Price, Leslie Panti.n, Jr. , Jessie Weiss, Authur H. Hurst of Wometcc, Charles A. Y.i.mbrell of the Orange Bowl, William Cullom of the Chamber of Commerce, Skip Sheppard of the Dupont Plaza representing the Hotel Industry, Richard Goldberg of Colonel Leasing, Hank Goldberg an account executive with Beaver, Silverstein, Coach Howard Schnellenberger, Sonny Wright, Raul Masvidal, Larry Turner the newly appointed Chairman of our. Committee, Steve Clark the Mayor of r•letro, r•ialcolm Fromberg the Mayor of Miami Beach and myself representing the Corunission. Anybody have any problems with any of those names? This is the list.... I think it's almost the same list that we have had in the past. Isn't it? Mr. Plummer: It's almost the same. Mayor Ferre: We had Garth Reeves last time. Mr. Plummer: Yes, we had Garth Reeves on there. Mayor Ferre: Anybody want to add anybody on? Mr. Plummer: Now, these are just... Yes, Governor Bole Graham should be on that list as head of the delegation. Mayor Ferre: Governor Bob Graham, fine, as the honorary Chairman of the delegation. Anybody else? You and I both know that it doesn't... (BACKGROUND COILMENTS OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Did you add Garth Reeves, J. L.? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Joe Carollo, he is the only one that can speak to Joc Robbie, so I think that might be an asset to have him along. Mr. Carollo: I hope you remember that. Mayor Ferre: You may be the one that's going to have to do the whole transaction in another year or two. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, in the same motion I think it is appropriate and a must that you must include expenses not exceed five thousand dollars. Mayor Ferre: Alright, that's part of the motion. Plummer moves, Perez seconds, further discussion? We don't pay for anybody's trips other than our own staff. Ok. Mr. Pliunmer: No, Mr. Mayor, there is a lot of preparation that has to go on prior to and other than staff is who we pay for, but you have... Mr. Carollo: And Commissioners. gl t9 ,APR 5 4 4 4 Mr. Plummer: That's correct. You have to put together an unbelievable package and as such it does take money to do such. You have got to put together_ the guarantee of rooms, you have got to put together the presentation and all of that. Mayor Ferre: Al-r.i.gbt, it'-,; boen mov-d by Pl.iim;n--r, econdccl Ly Perez, further discussion, call th- roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-350 A MOTION APPOINTING THE FOLLOWING PERSONS TO A COMMITTEE CONCERNING EFFORTS TO BE MADE TO BRING THE SUPERBOWL TO THE CITY OF MIAMI: FURTHER INSTRUCTING TTIIE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 FOR PUT -PRESENTATIVE, OF THE SUPERBOWL TO PREPARE A PACKAGE, GUARANTEE OF ROOMS, A PRESENTATION, ETC. APPOINTED INDIVIDUALS WERE: MRS. SUE M. COB, MR. CESAR ODIO, MR. LFW PRICE, MR. LESLIE PANTIN, JR., MR. JESSIE WEISS, MR. ARTHUR H. HERT7, MR. CHARLES A KIMBALL, MR. WILLIAM 0. CULLOM, JR., JULIUS J. (SKIP) SHEPARD, MR. RICIIARD GOLDPERG, MR. RAUL MASVIDAL, MR. LARRY TURNER, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY MAYOR STEVE CLARK, MIAMI BEACH MALCOM FROMBIRG, CITY OF MIAMI MAYOR IIAURICE A. FERRE, STATE GOVERNOR GRAHAM, 1,11Z. GARTH REEVES, AND MIAI,I COtlMISSIONER JOE CAROLLO. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Ferer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 16. PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND DISCUSSION BY MR. JOE WOODNICK REGARDING A PROPOSAL TO CLOSE PORNO SHOPS. Mayor Ferre: is Mr. Woodnick still. here. Mr. Wodnick? Mr. Woodnick, did Mr. have to leave? Members of the Commission the State of Florida six or seven years ago passed a law which is called the Racketeering and... Joe, tell me what it is. Mr. Joe Woodnick: Rico Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act. Mayor Ferre: The City of Orlando has used the Rico Bill in conjunction between the City's Police Dcpart.mcnt, thc: County Police Department and the State At:torney's Office to close out all the porno hall and the porno theatres and t.lie shops in Orlando and it was in a very successful. pl"oce s . So, we are I")Ot Leing pioneurs in this. There is a legal process. I'} erc, w_s recently a meeting ir, Hollywood to deal with that iEsut and our one of our City At.t.orney's... Mr. Garcia - Pedrosa, what.': his name? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Leon Furtell, who is here Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: }?r. Purtell attended that. I would like to have a comment from our City Attorney as to whether he thinks that what Orlando did was I)rol,t:r and whether it meets with the Rico and whether that the City of 1.1iGmi should do like Orlando did. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: May I ask Assistant City Attorney Leon Furtell, who went to t},at meeting Nir. Mayor, and who has beer) in close contact 91 APR 51984 with Mr. Woodneck to address that point. Mayor Ferre: Alright, Mr. Furtell. Mr. Furtell: Yes, Mr. Mayor, the matters that were addressed at that meeting were matters that are specifically authorired by Statute. Certainly there is no I,r(-,1,11ib t= .oT> igai.nst the City of. Miami Joining force and proceedi.nq in this area. - Mayor Ferre: Do you think tliat it offers an opportunity for us to achieve something that this Commission has long been. pursuing? I hate to bring up Grace Rockafel-lar's name, Imt- certainly she and other members of the Northeast- Association leadership in the Black community and other have been trying diligently to work on this whole question of pornography and prostitution and other_ vice issues. Mr. Furtell: Certainly it does Mayor, presents an opportunity, but it does need a coordinated effort. 17. A RESOLUTION URGING STATE ATTORNEY, JANET RENO, TO PROSECUTE BUSINESSES THAT HAVE BEEN DFTF_!VIPIED TO DEAL ON OBSCENE MATERIALS ----------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Right. I therefore, would like to move that the City of Miami go on record of wishing to follow the example of the City of Orlando in using the Rico Statutes for the purposes of dealing with this part of the vice picture in Miami and that we request that the State Attorney's Office and that Metropolitan Dade County join us in doing a similar project to what was done in Orlando with the cooperation of the State Attorney. The City of Miami. Police Department cannot do this alone. It must be in conjunction with the State Attorney's Office and with the Metropolitan Police. So, it has to be a joint effort and I would like to move that we, number one, do this, the City of Mliami, and number two, request the State Attorney and Metro to cooperate with us. Mr. Joe Woodnic):: Mr. Mayor, you just took my whole talk away from me. A resolution is attached to the structure of the.... Mayor Ferre: Would you give that to me Mr. Woodnick? )o you have a resolution drafted? Alright,... Well, I think that's general enough. I so move. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mr. Perez: Do you have any other comments? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Ferre, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-359 A RESOLUTION URGING STATE ATTORNEY, JANET RENO, TO PROSECUTE BUSINESSES THAT HAVE BEEN DETERMINED TO DEAL IN OBSCENE MATERIAL, UNDER FLORDIA STATUTE 895, RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS (R.I.C.O.) ACT AND TO COOPERATE WITH INTERESTED LAW ENFORCEM.FITF AGENCIES IN THE FORMATION OF A DADE COUNTY TASK FORCE, SUCH AS TIIE METROPOLITAN BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION IN OrUJI GE COUNNTY (Oi:I20NDO, FLORIDA) ; FURTHER DIRECTING TIIE CITY CLEF: TO F'ORWP.FiD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE ST1,TE 7,.TTO]-2,'KY . (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clcrl.). Upon being Seconded by Co:mnissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by i-he follow, ng vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plwtuner, Jr. Vice -Mayor Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre i NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins gl 20 .APR 5 t984 18. DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF PROPOSED ACCEPTANCE OF BID FOR VEHICLES AND OTHER MATERTAT.,S FOR THE DEPARTPIFNT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTFtaANCr. (See later, same meeting) Mr. Carollo: ri_. Mayor, I have an item here 98 in the Consent Aqenda that the individuals, if they haven't left already... I have to catch a plane in the afternoon and I would like to bring it up now. If the people from Midway Ford are still here... Go ahead, sir. Mr. Carlos Planas: Good morning. My name is Carlos Planas. I am manager from Metro Ford and with me I brought two gentlemen, one from Detroit from Ford Motor. Company and Mr. _ I would like to bring both with me right now, is the technical advisor for Ford Motor Company in the fleet and leasing office out of Detroit and also, Mr. Jack McCormick, a fleet manager out of the Jacksonville District. Will you please too, also come. The reason I come over here and I would like to indulge in a few minutes with you, is because of the recent award that is going to be discussed today, and prior to this award I would like to bring certain details to your attention. Mr. Plummer: W'h at award, sir? Mr. Planas: Bid awards. Mr. Carollo: Item 98, J. L. Mr. Plummer: Item 98? Mr. Planas: Yes. And I do believe that it is very important for us to discuss it, because there is certain things that are attached to that award that I think that are not justifiable. Ok. Number one, first I came here to the Commission for three specific reasons. One, to contest the award recommendation on bid #83-6431 of approximately hundred forty-ni_nc vehicles. Number two, is to show discrepancies in your bid and award procedures by the Purchasing Office in pertaining to this bid, and number three, to ask the City Commission to reverse the recommendation of the Purchasing Offices based on the facts that we will show today. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, Mr. Gary, this is being taken out of the regular agenda. Are people of the Purchasing Department and Building and Maintenance all people involved, are they present? Mr. Gary: No. Mr. Planas: Commissioner, if I may, I have this discussed and we have called them and we talked to Mr. Mullins saying that we were going to be here in presence and Ford Motor Company have sent these two gentlemen, one from Detroit and one from Jacksonville and we told them that we will be here in presence and we will go and contest the award. Mr. PlumlFter: I fully under::t:ar1d wj,F:t you arc saying, sir, but your Item 9E3 which wertto be e-xl>ected to be taken up in the afternoon. Now, all. I'm ;saying to you is lct'S gc-t the people who are involved present so we don't. have to go t11rougl, this twice.. That's all I'm saying to you. I have i,o prol_)lem with you going now if the people involved are here. Mr. Gary: We have them here now. Mr. Plummer: They are all here, fine, proceed. Mr. Carollo: Ok, Mr. Mullins is here. Who else do we need from the Motor Pool? Do we need..: Mr. Plummer: Ron Williams is here. I see Ron Williams. gl 21 APR 51984 Mr. Planas: May I? Mr. Plummer: Proceed. Mr. Planas: Thank you, Commissioner. Ok. First of all let me go on and put into perspective a copy of items. Number one, of approximately a hundred automobile dealers and truck dealers that we have in the City of Miami_ and Dade County only three local dealers choice to bid on this bid. That's number one. Number two,... Mr. Plummer: Wall, why is that? Mr. Planas: Why is that? Because the manner that the Purchasing Department go on bid. None of the dealers... I used to work for Ford Motor_ Company. I just left them this year and one of the reasons that we went out: and my ex -employee with me, well, we say exactly the same thing. A lot of dealers do not want to yid because of the procedures of the City of Miami. Let's discuss now the City of Miami in bidding and I will show you why. Mr. Dawkins: What are the procedures, sir.? Mr. Planas: And the procedures is that, number one, they might choose the State bid. Number two they might choose again, the Dade County bid. Number three they might throw the bid out because of minor discrepancies even if the award that was won--- and I will show you that ford Motor Company won this bid by a substantial amount of money. The discrepancy was very low in anything, just may be because of some type of clamps that were not according to the specification that was bidded on and we were trying to have change this for sometime ago now and then. All of sudden they gave up. Mr. Dawkins: Ok, as a layman, sir, why wouldn't it be to the City of Miami's advantage or even the County's advantage to have use a bid that had been arrived at by the State of Florida, which would mean that the State of Florida, the City of Miami and Dade County would be buying in a volume and it would therefore, possibly get a better deal? Mr. Planas: Ok. I will show you. If I may continue I would like to expose all of this and I will show you why. Ok, talking about... I talked to you about the hundred dealers. Number two, we have been pushing in the City of Miami for minority representation and participation in this area as is stated in the award bidding, the authorization to purchase order that says "minority participation. I says bid invitations were sent to five Hispanic firms that have indicated the ability to supply automotive goods and equipments as per their bidder application and previous bids. No Black minority firm have indicated their engagement in the capacity. One Hispanic business, Metro Ford, which I represent submitted a bid, but is not recommended due to either failure to meet specifications or the existing and following bids in which I will say that is not true. number two, also is that even also in the minority representation, the City of Miami, along also with Dade County has been pushing to award bids to all the businesses that do business in this area. Let's have business remaining in this area. NuuLur three, even if the business conuYiunit_y trying to Have local business to this business we are going to prove to you that almost ninety-five percent of the bids awarded in this type of bi.a were awarded to dealers outside this area, Iliost)y in Daytona Beach and Pensacola and by the way, none of them have issued the minority program Saying )"w no"y minorities have been in those agi_Iicics awarded. Lion wurE. awarded on the basis also, like I was LayiIig if a :Mate bier was lower Ly an iigf Ley for example, wr are going to slice\-: according to the bit; specification and to recommendation that: they use either state Was or County bids. I will tell you why 0 ilia reason Connin i_oner uawLin , wily that is in contrary ro any of the dealels in 1eL%idding 6gain, roil a bid company like Fold Moray Couyaiq, Clays!"r, GM and : uch go Ior a State bid the,`,,' will awald ni Will give Pll iu I uLuy to any dealers that are bidding thr '.;taiw lei« Incauzu it's: a ldyar amount of unit=. In otherwise-: thuii inecon will iucry .Eu 1 (Ah foe Om YGyd Marcy Company and they could Luild mC>rc allot unt uiAtL, SCE, there is an incentive for the major conVanies to give spacial rtd actions to those dealers. However, a dealer can will that Lid . , the winner could he located in Tallahassee. That award for t1a Etatu Lid was awarded back in gl 22 APR 51984 4 October of last year. Let's say now and the award is on a one year basis. Let's say now that the bid is awarded now in February. well, the company both GM, Chrysler and.Ford Motor Company, American Motors, everyone of them because of the log,- amount of vehicles and it is not a State vehicle will. not: award the same type of to the local dealers that are that are bidding fnr this new bi(l. 5o, what we have is that if the,, dealers 1:no;.,-i.ncr t:hi.s ITI(l they cannot qet exact same amount they w3.1.1 be nut_ bidded by the (1eal-r:s that_-- Tx -,on the State bid. So, what happen is that some de,)Ic rs in the local. area do not get any bonefi.ts of bidding in the State b-id or any other bi.q or Dade County bids mainly because i.t is too costly for them to qo and win bids either for Tallahassee because they have to go all over the State of Florida. So, the award pr_oceeder is completely neglecting the deals in the South Florida area. I'm also going to prove that even that in one item in which I will bring to your attention that was Item #1 in which it was for a minimum of eighty-seven vehicles, pursuit vehicles in which the specification... according to the bid specification, we met all the requirements and we bid and Ford Motor Company, Metro Ford was lower by almost eight hundred dollars. The bid was awarded to another dealer in Daytona Beach. Mr. Dawkins: By the name of what? Mr. Planas: The name. Ok. We bid under Metro Ford. Mr. Dawkins: And Friendly Ford. The only two local bidders were Metro and Friendly Ford, right? Mr. Planas: And Friendly Ford, correct. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mr. Planas: Now, let me... I will guess this is Item #1. Ok. In the Item #1, sir, in the item for eighty-four or more intermedia size police pursuit vehicles Metro Ford had bidded eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars. Jim Peacock Dodge outside of South Florida, outside the City of Miami... Mr. Dawkins: Peacock Dodge. Mr. Planas: Peacock Dodge, in Daytona Beach, again not fullfilling any of the requirements that we like to have, number one, for minorities and number two for businesses in Miami, bid nine thousand six hundred eighty-three dollars with twenty cents that is almost eight hundred dollars above Ford Motor Company bid or our bid. There were two discrepancies and two exceptions we took notice to, but I would like to put that into attention. That's why the engineers from Ford is here today. Number one, they have mentioned that Ford Motor Company would not provide silicone radiator loses, and number two, really were stainless steel clamps. Mr. Dawkins; For what, to hold the hoses? Mr. Planas: For the ho: That's right. We are going to prove to and we have had and I'm going to show you. The Michigan Department of the State Police and the Michigan Department of Management and Budget has given us the specification and evaluation of their purchasing program and it's going to show that Ford Motor Company vehicles will hold touch longer and will give you a bettea_ performance than the one that's been awards=d over eight hui,dred dollars more. Mr. Dawkins: You don't ni-ed to ::how Me that. The City of Miami needs to show me that thu one they bought is better. (BACKGROUND C0I'A:1_'1<`1'S II:1:UD1i:` ) . Mr. Planas: 2_xeusu Iae, I want... you see, I tried to show them that and they are going to contest that. Mr. Dawkins: I'm tell you what they will have to show me. s s Mr. Planas: Ok. 23 APR 51984 gl 4 4 Mr. Dawkins: See you don't have to show me yours is better, they are going to have to show me where they one they are purchasing is better. Mr. Planar: One of the things also is that-: with t}le amount: of savi.ngs... let me tell yoti also ,7i th the amount: of .�avi.nc�s n t h, dtar at.i_on of the period that .% used the pur!�:uit not only you Will be aide to be saving over --i-ality dollars, almost eighty thousand dollars on the purchase of almost t_en additional vehicles, if the award was reversed, but in addi.t.ion to that the City of Miami will be saving six hundred .fifty thousand dollars in fuel economy with a better performance vehicle. Mr. Dawkins: Dix hundred and what? Mr. Planas: lend fifty thousand collars in savings. Mr. Dawkins: You can prove that? Mr. Planas: Yes, sir, we can prove it. Mr. Dawkins: This is over the life of the vehicle? Mr. Planas: In the life of the vehicles, that is we are talking about a hundred thousand miles. That's almost the duration of pursuit vehicle. A hundred thousand miles per vehicle. Now, we are talking about the hones and the stainless steel clamps. Even now we went ahead and requested from Ford Motor.- Company that if they could be available at thi_r= time Ford Motor Company has come dolor and they are going to advise you. Ford Motor Company will even be able to supply those cl-tnp:_. Of. course, it's qoing to cost a little bit more money. It's aoi.,i,a_ t_o co:_t approximately a little over two hundred dollars, but even tl,at you are going to still be saving over six hundred dollars, in addition to the six hundred fifty thousand dollars in savings and fuel economy. So, if you want the cake and eat it too, you can have it now because Ford Motor Company said yes. If there is any question I would l.l:c to bring the tecnical advisor for. Ford Motor Company and also the fleet manager for Ford Company out of the Jacksonville district. Let me say rl::>o this, California and also among other states have purchased over three thousand vehicles of this kind, over three thousand vehicles. At the same time not a single state or a single city have said anything about our hoses, as a matter of fact he is going to prove that they last longer. So, I would like to... Mayor Ferre: Alright, Mr. Manager. Mr. Gary: ri.rst of all I would like to respond to the first issue and I think that Commissioner Dawkins ably responded to it and that is the City's options to utilize various contracts is to the interest of the taxpayers if the City of Miami. gets the lowest price. As an example, we recognize and the State passed a law as well as the City Commission and the County Commission agreeing to that law and that is that is saves taxpayers money if a number of large governmental entities can agree to buy in vol.utry . It also saves us money in that we save staff time in terms of preparing all the bid specifications and doing all the other administrative work associated with it. Thirdly, I would like to say that in to ens of Ford Rotor Comb -zany or, any other company it appears that they on one hand Like it when they win up in Tallahassee, but it seems as thought they tt,ay want. to double. dip by coming down here and not allowing us to utilize the Tallahassee. contract. and all I can say to you is that we have done it on numverous occasions. We have saved money and I would like for them to address the specifica`-ions aspect. Mr. Planas: If I may have a rebuttal, Mr. Gary. Mr. Gary: No, wait until we finish and then you can respond. Mr. Ron Williams: My name is Ron Williams, Assistant Director of the Department of building and \'Chicle Maintenance and I would like to add for the record that I have had no contact with these gentlemen. We have not discussed this ill ally wa). As a n stir of fact 1 an, surprised to see them }here contesting Out- X ec'OTIubeliaatiol: to you. 4 Mr. Plummer: Also, on the record to your knowledge has anyone in your department had a request to meet with these people? Mr. Williams: Tint to my knowledge. Mr. Plummer: find Mr, Mit11_lin^ has there been any request from these people t_o meet with yciur c1-p rt.:m-nt:' Let the record reflect that Mr. Mullins is indicating by t11- shaking of his head it is a negative answer. Proceo:!. Mr. Planas: I have also Aar_. Dick Callahan. Mr. Mullins, have you had any words with Mr. Di-c?c Callahan, my representative and also with your assistant Ms. Johnson to this fact that we were going to protest this bid? Mr. Plummer: Air. Mullins, I would appreciate it if you would come to the microphone and indicate. Mr. Art Mullins: I'm Art Mullins in case anybody doesn't know. My contract specialist Diane Johnson advised me that Mr. Callahan advised her that he was unhappy with the recommendation that was being made on some of the cars and which lie didn't have any details and it wasn't pursued. Mr. Plummer: Did they indicate in that conversation that they were coming here to protest? Mr. Mullin,: Not to my knowledge. Mr. Pl=,-nel:: Did they indicate in that conversation that they felt the bidding procedures were not proper? Mr. Mullins: Not to my knowledge. Mr. Plummer: In that conversation did they have a request of you to meet with you about the problem? Mr. Mullins: No, sir. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Williams, go ahead sir, I just wanted to get that on the record. Mr. Williams: To begin with I would just like to go over in very general terms the method by which we analyze the requirements for vehicles. I might add that, that includes the users in this particular case as I understand they are your concern. We are talking about the Police Department. It should be noted that we i.ndentified particular specifications that are required for use by the Police Depar`iiient when we are talking about: patrol vehi.cle.-�;. Those particular requirements i.e.: specifications were sent out in formal hid mr{nnc>r as wc, do all formal bids, those specifications were very clear. In those cases where they are not clear w,: mal.e an atten-Ipt to. clarify those for potential bjdder;s, potential vender_;, potent.i.al providers. In this particular cuse wc_ dicl not under:;taiid th"t the: -re were F'roLlems with the specific-tic.ns . tde did not undo rr- tared that they w� re not clear. We did riot ul"iderst;:Jld t1lat sci111t:-01111_ had an additional or an alternate product to provide to u,... wht-n the bids were received we analyzed them and cone--,1rt:d them to the :-1,ecifications as submitted. In those cases where th(. sul)mittcd 1_,id did not meet specifications, we could not reconhnend t_siat vt-ndor to you. Mr. Dawkins: lllid the Lid ask for stainless steel clamps and the specific I1osc that tl,ey art- speaking of, sir? Mr. VilliLm!,: �c-s sir, it did. (BACKGROUND CGt;,11,1 I`111fD11,1.,I�) . Mr. Wi 111 ems : If ;,oL%,our d l i9;c I can go through all of the items by which tl,t }' <j(1 71(: i. 7?icici 51=mac jTiCatl01,5. One of the items and as far as we aii; cuj,Lui1,cC li:c 11-1zt critical item is their bid... our bid called for U 1_,ucl.et seat ar,d they provided a berich seat. As you well know that Is a ver\' int c ytalit qi s c1-tl?a1,cy as far as we are concerned because of the eQuiplilcl',t tliat'S 1'eC111irCd i1i that police unit. 26 gl Al-R 519E4 0 r] The second area was they bid a separate tire, a different tire from that required in sreci.ficati-on. We have talked about the hoses and the clamps and we requi-red heavy duty vinyl trim and the seat covering and they did not meet rper_.i-fication in that: area either.. Mar. Plana : nk, let me respond to this. T don't want to go and argue back and forth. T lilrt: wanted to ma};e sure that I brina to record that the City of Miami. can be saving almost eight hundred thousand dollars in this. We are talking about the Cl-ty of Miami going out and trying to sa.y that VM did .Jot bid according to the specification and neither time... for oxampie, we are going to prove that is completely erroneous, because we have available the bucket seats and so forth. Mr. Plummer: But did you bid it that way? Mr. Planas: Yes, sir we bid... there is two ways that is to bid it. One called the split bench seat and which is also a bucket and also Ford Motor Company have seats. He have either one. We have told them yes that we have both. Regardless of: the fact if you want to go to even award it to the Dodge or not, I want to make sure that we make it positively clear. We have a vehicle than is matching all across the United States better performance than the car that you are going to award the bid to. In addition to you are going to be awarding a bid to an agency that is... you are going to cost: the City of Miami over eight thousand dollars more. That is what we want to bring to the subject. Our bi.d states that we will meet according to the pecifications and you are the one who wrote the specification on our car in the LTD. If you t::ant to go ahead, that would be fine with us. You know, Ford Motor Company is not going to go bankrupt anymore for eight hundred thousand dollars or eighty-four vehicles and we are talking about a savings over eight hundred thousand dollars for the City of Miami. In addition to that, if you decide to award the bid to an agency outside the City of Miami and also, that does not qualify for any of the type of minority participation, that will be again without approval. Again, I will leave the rest to the Commissioners and if you want any other technical information how our car performs versus the Chrysler car. We will be glad to, that why we have the engineers here. If you want any question according to see if we are going to over perform, here is the engineers gentlemen. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: We need to bring this to a head. So, what's... Mr. Manager and then I will let you have one last statement and then I will open... Mr. Gary: Well, first of all we recommend the bid, but I think it's important Mr. mayor for you to know two or three things. First of all we have a committee that's made up of users that identify their needs based on their operation. As all example, the Police Department needs certain types of vehicle , and certain equihmcwnt with tho�-e vel-licles, because they have to ust, them in cr�eryt_ncy situ�tic�n�>, btzt most importantly they } avc_ to ust: them on .i twenty-four hcur As an example, the r(-d hucl�et t cat i; for tht- mere fact that we have rclllovt:ci a lot of thi� ccInsldered discriminator , l ), tht, I'-.£',t- i�l,d wL 11OW }11Vk- : h01 t c,2 �urid some people are long alid �,olut 1-eo}_lt,, wh(` havt- use t}It' t <.r:; or, a tw,2nty-four hour basis, f( C-(A_ SGIIIEr ]I"-;%, 1"t- flvt, feet five. So, therefore, you };,:tt to eat_ ±.(,l that. Ir; addition to that we also );�.vc- thc. luobil� diclitul, you havt, to,u;akt- provisions is for that. `I'hv }:;id that we received iron t:n(---1), a2u not rl,cluclu bucket seats. NOW, Wliet-her they FrOvidt iliE1L OI' ]lot that's a different issue. The bidding, the biddir;g process has to be mair-,tained. We cannot allow thee; to change their bids after the fact, because it would not i,e fair to the other agencies, because then they cat come back and ci:7r,gc: their bid arid we will be in violation of the bidding. The third thing, Mr. Mayor, is we do have a problem with regard... Well, the third thin;g is we are not precluded from going outside: and getting the bst deal. It's not limited to the City of Mialid or Dade County. The fourth thing is with regard to the affirmative action requirement and you and I discussed this yesterday and that we have a problem with the State law, even though we have a local law that's gl I?F APR 51984 very very stringent and very very progressive and that is we have to take the lowest bid. Now, to the extent to which we can get the State to modify the inte?:'pretat.on of. that law to include most advantageous bid to inrl_,.?rJe our minority provisions, we are basically stuck with the lowest. hid.. Thal is a Stat.A l,-,t.: and it s??F,ersscles. all or our laws and as It 7:'elat:rS t:.o t:}ZF'm no?s rf C0MT1r>ndl?1Q ani' r'}in<7(S to thn })ids, You Can't do t.}1at.:. As t:}In1 asj,7,nq l?{ t:o Chanw-? nur p oco—'s, our t t option isa�>a1.Ja3,le to t:.rle C:).+-}.' to get thn lowest price. I don't recommend that and I don't thi.n}c any prudent business do it. Ford Motor Company sure doesn't do it and 1. G'rould suygest. the City Commission accept the bid as put before you. And finally, I would like to say that the use of the three thousand vehicles by other cities, Ford Motor Company, local Ford Companies nor other cities determine what we want our specs to be. They ma} have opinion which is their personal opinion that they have a better car and it's best for us, but our users and our experts have decided that the specs that we have developed is in the best interest of the City of Miami. Mr. Planas: If I do may say, I think the Mayor have told me to make a last comment, but I would like to have also these two gentlemen from Ford to make a comment to this. Let me say any of the variances that we had specified exceeds- any of the specifications that the City of Miami has specified. So, if we have put an}, variances is for the protection and for the better of this bid. In other words, our performance of the vehicle would last longer and there is proof, not only from us, is from other agencies that show that it's proof. It's going to save you on gas mileage. It's going to save you on resale value of the vehicles and it's going to save you over almost eight hundred dollars pea. vehicle purchase. And now I would like to give the floor if I may to Jack McCormick and to please Jack go ahead. Mr. Jack McCormick: Let me say that, that seat is a split bench seat, not a bench seat and a split bench seat means that they move individually like bucket seats and it's almost... if you look at it you couldn't tell the difference from a bucket seat. gl t� 27 APR 51984 27 APR 51984 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: If I might itrst sav onn KTnrtl. Nttrrmhor onA, of course we are not trying to double just anything. This is certai.nly your prerogative to buy off that State contract and we honor that rignt as cities 1n1 !:'ounties. We iin?"e tcl,_c j f.( com- (lossn I-,v Mr. P1anaS regardi.na tht� perform,?ncr- of ottr die?11Clns and t-Ile tbi.ee excep- tions, it i_,4 a st.ri.pped }.)ench. They move indej" nClently, so if one gentlemen iS f7_Ve f(DOt and the other. is SiX foot, i,}7 y can operate each seat i.ndep tide ntly. The other, I thin!:, i.•w•o items were the hose clamps and also the silicone hoses. Ours is a neopryne hose. It does the job. We haven't had any complaints tr_om of-ner enforcement aacncies across the nation, incluclina 7_,o.s Angeles - 400 units out in Cal-ifornia, just pushing 1-00,000 miles now and no failures. I auess our only intention is to give each City, County, State, as much vehicle for the money as we possibly can give them and be in line with your specifications. We recently did come up with silcone closes because some cities and counties have required them and they won't let a substitute be made and I thank Mr. Ioeff:ler that we just came to these like in February, so we do in fact have them available, but they are quite costly, li.Re over $100 for the set of hoses. Now if the neopryne hose does it, but you prefer the silicone, you don't mind the other $100, we do have it available. We are not trying to change your price, but to get that particular hose of course you would have to change your price. I9e are not asking you to do that. We just came to prove that we do have a fine performing vehicle, we have all of the test tract data, our vehicles vs. all competition, including the Dodge that you were referring to and we would like to leave it just for your own perusal. And any question you might have, Mr. Loeffler is our expert. from Dearborne in this area. Mr. Carollo: These two other areas that you stated to us that you do not meet the specifications by the bid, were the tires and the heavy duty all vinyl trim. - Mr. Planas: And the tires are bigger and they perform much better, for the better performance of the vehicle. And it is going to show again - if you see the tests, it is going to show that it is going to perform better. And it is cheaper. You are talking about a sub- stantial savings for the City and it is a backing for Ford Motor Companies. It is not just not a single engine. Let me also tell you, sir, Mr. Cool, sold that we have bidded - Mr. Callahan took it to him personally, and showed him exactly the vehicle that we were bidding. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor... Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Gary: Nobody is questioning the quality of Ford's products. The gentlemen has admitted that he has not bidded according to specs and that he unilaterally has decided what he thought was best for. the City of Miami. This gentlemen is not buying the cars for himself. The City of Miami is buying the cars for its use ar,,i he has decided what is in the best interests of the citizens of t'i ru, as relates to our utilizing those cars to provide services. Noti:, it %I11)cars th,=t he i al_so saying that he can't 1rovidu those, but the f�:ct of tilt matt(r is, legally he did not provide tiu ni. Tht-.y hc:vc just acimi tt r. that they h ve bucket seats and th(y could have provided t?,cr:,. They should h,-.vc- included them im their bids. lit- just adnutted that h( had silicont.. Moses that would cost $100 more. lip hould have I>ut that iri his bid. iie did not do it, and you cannot Chc:i jt' thy: b1 , c,nd you cannot determine what is best for the City of Nian,l, our users have decided that. Mr. Plana: l'!lEl \sC I t; ntlonud about those bucket seats and the hoses, we just told theut that Ford Xiotor Company had stated to us that they just became availabli, only because the City of Miami and maybe another city or two ?]:vr requested. The records show that the hoses and the clamps have lasted longer than any other car, again, just look- ing at the performance. That is all - Gentlemen, thank you. I hope that...we just wanted to get your attention about the savings that the City of Miami could get out of this. Thank you, Mayor. Id LIC APR 51984 0 Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you, sir. All right, Commissioner Carollo, you have another pocket item? Mr. Ca.r_oJ.lc Thank you, Mr. Mayor. What I would like to ask - I'd like to .st.uc' t.i,i s further - if I could request of these gentlemen if the c-o,_:lci put: they said here tcxlay and any additions in writ-i_nq and F—Tv, cod ies rf it to the ('n=.ii_ssi.on and to the City staff. T 44C1111rl I_i.};n t_o rl*,?i `,7 ihat.. ft77..t..hnr_ })rnfnre i-7e 'lvnte on it. Mr. Plunmr,r: Mr. cr..-roll_o, I'm Qc?i.n4 to hit a Fore sul)ject. Commis- sioner Dawkins, I want for your. edi.fi.cation, T. vant yoi.i to know that Art Mullins is a. good friend of mine m}' next: door_ neighbor, but this thine_ is hitting on a subje(-t that T have been looking .into and gathering some i_riformati.or- The real problem here is in the bids, and how they are written. yoi_I will recall that: some years ago I brought to this Commissi.on's attention, and it is a problem that I would venture to say i..s costing this City millions of dollars - we the Commission, because the buck stops here, and the Administration - let me tell you one of the great flaws that was said in this presenta- tion - The Police Department is allowed in this particular case, to recommend anything they want in the type or vehicle they want. It doesn't make that it is right, or that it is wrong and I am not going to get into the technical arguments vlii.ch I can't, whether it is stainless steel, and this that and the other isn't necessary. Let me tell what is happened. Let me tell you what happened before, be- cause I don't think you have heard this story before. 1 had a friend of mine, who I did not even know was in the motorcycle business. He called me one day and he said, "you know, you insult my intelligence". I said "t;,'hy is that?" He said "I am in the motorcycle business and I receive an invitation to bid because your city is buying police motor- cycles, but I can't bid even though they sent it". I said - why? He said "Because they took the specifications out of the back of the Harley book, and I sell Kawasaki - there is no way". Let me give you another example, and this is some of the information that I am gather- ing. The City of Miami Police Department is allowed to designate what kind of uniforms they want - not necessarily what is needed, but what we are allowing to happen is they are deviated from a norm, which means that we are making a customized arrangement. I don't care what you are doing when you customize something - it costs a lot of money. Let me give you one prime example. Police uniforms come with a standard zipper., okay? Our Police Department requires ... what zipper do we require? It is either a black zipper, or some kind of a zipper. If you knew what I am gather- ing as a zipper man, what that item is costing this City because the City of Miami Police Department wants a black one instead of a silver one, which takes us out of the norm and puts us into customized, it is unbelievable! Mayor Ferre: Well... Mr. Plummer: Well, let me give you one prime example, because this is directly... Mayor Ferre: I am glad that we now have a new name for our distinguished colleague, J. L. Plummer, who is sometimes been known as Kojak, and he has had other names! Now, we have a new title for. him - Zipper Man! Mr. Plummer: That is better than the invisible Mayor! Let me give you a prime example - I wanted to buy a certain machine for my own private use. Mr. Dawkins: At a discount. Mr. Plummer: If I could, sure. Mayor Ferre: Is this a black zipper? Mr. Plummer: It is not a black zipper. I inquired as to where did the City buy that particular machine, because if possible, I would like to have the same thing in my home that I had in my office. I was informed that the "X" company is where the City purchased this machine. The price was, on the retail market, $1,795. I said, What 09 APR 51984 0 is the price of the so-called GSA, the State contract, or the County contract, and I was informed that it was S1,495, $300 less, so I went up and I looked at the machine, and I thouaht that that was a good machine for me and I asked ,r}rat: teas ±.he trice. The rlan tc,1d me $1,795. I said - No, no. the Price J a lot: lr s, TTe 5-za)cl 'v-q, if yo11 bought of; thr' GSA contraC't1_, ill- i-5 <1.,49:>. T said, - Is that the best contract? Tie said, t_t,at. i s nc:,` T.-hat you asked! I said what is the best price';' Tie said - the best price is $1,195. I said, You mean to tell me... Mayor Fer.re: 1,.195 ::for undertakers. Mr. Plummer: For undertakers! Mayor Ferre: And $1,495 for GSA and $1,795 for City Hall. Mr. Plummer.: That is right! If this City buys from that company, which we have done, because of a GSA contract, we have to pay $1,495 for that particular machine. If an indi.vidi.ual goes into that same store and buys than machine, the price is $1,1.95. You can believe it. Sir, am I telling the truth? I am telling you that this procedure is absolutely ludicrous. It is costing this city mill.i.ons of dollars! Now, I am gathering all of this up, and in a way, I di.dn't want to say anything, because I was unaware that you were coming here, but the real. gut issue in this matter i.s the spc-cs that are put out. If you go and you stick to the specs, all of these are throwing it out, including ford tiotor Company. These specs, and the way that they are written, ai-c the key factor as to what prices we pay. I will have more to say in the future on this because I am catherina more infor- mation, but the ire I get into this thing, the more ludicrous I am flndinc thi�; 1:hole situation is. Mr. Dawkins: 1tie1.1., you are correct and there is none of us sitting up here %.Jic aca not know that you can write a spec or a job specifica- tion tailor made to the individual product that you want, so if you are sayinu wc. need to stop that, I agree, but. I would like to let the Ford t,otar Company know that when you come up here and talk minorities to me, mincrity means Flack and Metro Ford is not owned by a Black; Friendly Ford iE not owned by a Black; Kawasaki West is not owned by a Black; Potamkin Chevrolet is not owned by F, Black; Hill -Kelly Dodge is not owned by a Black; Recency Dodge is not owned by a Black; Jim Peacock Dodge is not owned by a Black; Tom Push Rea_ency Motors is not owned by a Black; Vespa Management is not owned by a Black; Palmetto Kawasaki is not owned by a Black, nor is Kendall Auto Sales, Jim Pea- cock, Hollywood Chrysler and Tom Bush, so I would appreciate it if you i guys would get your act together and help some Blacks obtain a dealer- ship and then when you come down here and start talking about minori- ties, you will have mc, okay? Mr. Planas: Commissioner, if I may... Mr. Dawkins: By all means! Mr. Planas: Since you have my instrument report in which I no longer work for Ford - I just left them, and I also consult for Ford Motor Company... Mr. Dawkins: okay, hold it, before you go, let me ask you one question. When you left them, did you step into a dealership? Mr. Planas: Excuse me? Mr. Dawkins: Do you have a dealership? Mr. Planas: I am working .fora dealership, right now. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, no! ',You are a minority ... are you Cuban? Mr. Planas: That is correct, sir. Mr. Dawkins: Do you own a dealership? ld 30 APR 5 1984 Mr. Planas: No, sir, I do not own it. bet me say this about Ford Motor Company. They do have a program for minorities. They have several Blacks. Metro Ford, in which I work Is o�7ned by Hispanics and over 85% of the employees at Metro Ford are minorities. _ Mr. Dawkins: period! Ownership, period, I am interested in. Ownership_ Mr. Planas: c-,ner.ship -- we have in the Ford Motor Company has ex- actly today fo-.ir dealerships that are owned by minorities. Mr. Dawkins: In Miami? Mr. Planas: In Miami. Metro Ford Company also in addition to that, 85% of the people that are employed there are minorities, including 40% Blacks, so... Mr. Dawkins: But, you see, minorities you can hire and fire. If you own, you own, okay? Mr. Planas: I kn.,w that, but if you want to go into business together, sir, I would to ... Mr. Dawkins: No, no, no, I don't have... Mr. Planas: I will get capital for you! Mr. Dawkins: You see when I go as a Black person, or any other Black person goes to S.Il.:l. to get a loan, then they want to loan me $10,000 to open a fish market or $20,000 for a barber shop. Mr. Planas: I agree with you. Mr. Dawkins: But, when I want to borrow $5,000,000 to open up a new car dealership, they think I am crazy, because I am going to compete with them, okay? Mr. Planas: I cannot say too much - I am sure Jack would make recommendations. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Gary: If I may, first of all I would like to say that Commissioner Plummer has been around a long time as City Commissioner and... Mr. Dawkins: Longer than you will be a City Manager. Mr. Gary: Correct. Mr. Carollo: I will agree with that. Mayor Ferre: J. L. ... Mr. Plummer: Yes, well, I want to tell you something - as I told you the other day, his term is going to come to a quick, abrupt halt the next time they deliver my agenda at 1:47 A.M. in the morning! I realize around here 2:47 A.M. is the critical tulle, but my agenda was delivered Saturday morning at 1:47 A.M. I have ir,forrne.d the Iianager to please take more insurance on tine delivery n-L-11, because I damn, near shot him when he walked to my front door at 1:47 A.1,1. in the morning with his lights out! Mr. Gary is not going to survive, 1 want to tell you! _s Mr. Gary: The issue with regards to specs being drawn up to fit'a particular commodity - that lnay have existed years ago, but that is not the case in this particular point. It is not what we do in the City of Miami. In this particular case, and I like to use the zipper as an example - a zipper that Comiiilssioner Plummer and I may use for ld 31 APR 51984 our suits may not be adequate or strong enough for a police officer who has to run and jump to apprehend a offenders. It may not be strong enough for a sanitation worker who has to bend and lift. A suit that is good for an inspector who has to walk in the streets may not be StrOnCT en071<�h to �ai.thstand flip. }ire -!7 -F a.'fl�� the St" -rains of a sanitatiar, worker that has to exercise t:hns seams to its fullest. I think it is also important t_o recoani.7.e that , city -,Iwhich is driven by an inspector has to })e di_f ferent= than a veh i cl e that is driven by the Police Department. They need heavy tires; they need heavy duty batteries, and they need bucket seats because they are utilizing those cars for a 24 hour basis. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you very much, Mr. Manager. It is 11:05. Mr. Plummer: No, no. whoa! Mr. Gary, with that kind of an attitude, I understand why this City has got the problems that it does. This City is not unique that our policeman here are any different than policeman around the United States to chase criminals and have those problems. our inspectors here I don't think are any different than inspectors around the United States, but I've got to tell you, with that kind of an attitude, things are not going to change. When you put yourself into a defensive pattern, rather than a pattern to say, I want to look into that and make sure that it is right or wrong, that is when I thin: things around here will. change, and I want to tell you Mr. Gary, I am concerned about it. Unfortunately, you don't show that that attitude that you are. I understand as an Administrator you have to defend your people and I appreciate that, but I sitting here defend- ing what I think is the taxpayer, and you will respect that, and I hope that the sum and substance out of this entire episode here this morning_ is that there rill be some investigation to the extent that things could not },e exactly as they say and that we will try to do things better and then I will say that the time that we spent this morning has been well spent. Mr. Gary: Well I am sure that the Administration is going to put that in the appropriate place and to them it will be the garbage can. Mr. Plummer: well, they have to be with 17 handles 87 feet high, and you know, that is the specs for the garbage cans. Mr. Carollo: The last question that I have, on the tires, are they white walls or black walls? I want to make sure that I please my colleague here, okay? Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you Commissioner, you - all right, Carollo has one, you have got two... Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: You didn't vote on this item, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Plummer: No, we are not. we will do it in the regular agenda. Mayor Ferre: No, we are not voting on it now. Mr. Carollo: I just made a request that no one objected to, if they could put everything in writing and any additional information and that be sent to the Commission so that we could analyze it and read it with time and then bring the item back before the Commission. Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Carollo: I think the bottom line is that, as I see it, if there are really some legit var.iancAs, then, we should make the individual that places this, stick to the bid procedure. When you have very minor variances and 1 don't care if it is Ford or American Motors, or Chrysler - Dodge, what ha-ve you. You have some very minor variances that the Company that Made tllr. [fi1.t10T Varia7)C'eu is 9C,11)Q 1_0 dive- you a product that is going to be much cheapE.r and of the sai<<e quality or better, then it is absurd that we are going to throw that bid out because of recom- mendations from bureaucrats. 32 ld APR 51984 Mr. Plummer: I second the motion. Mayor Ferre: What was the motion again? Mr. Plummer.: I am assuming the motion was to defer until the next meeting. Mr. Gary: If I may, since the issue deals directly with the vehicle, can we approve everything other than the vehicle? Mr. Plummer: Sure. Joe? Mr. Carollo: Well... Mr. Plummer: Lei:. me ask a question. Mr. Williams? In reference to the motorcycles, sir, what motorcycles did you bid out? Mr. Williams: What motorcycles did we bid? Mr. Plummer: Yes, was there motorcycles involved in this bidding? Mr. Williams: No, there are no ... well, yes they are, yes they are. Mr. Carollo: Yes, they are. Mr. Williams: We bid, we put together performance and a particular specification on the motorcycle. We did not bid a particular unit. Mr. Plummer: Okay, the one that you are recommending. What is the motor? Mr. Williams: Kawasaki. Mr. Plummer: Which one? Mr. Williams: You mean size or... Mr. Plummer: Yes, what motor? Mr. Gary: What motor, a thousand? Mr. Williams: Kawasaki 1000, those are the ones that we tried before. Mr. Plummer: That is the one that is designed to kill people, right? Mr. Carollo: Well, I would like to nominate a committee of three to study the motorcycles a little more and I will readily admit I don't have experience in motorcycles, but I'd like to name three people that do have: Howard Gary, Ken Harms and J. L. Plummer. I am told they studied that issue before. Mayor Ferre: All. right, further discussion? Mr. Carollo: I don't think we have to vote on this, do we? Mayor Ferrc: We don't have to vote on this? Mr. Plummer: Well, you have got to defer it - you have got to vote to defer it. Mr. Carollo: okay, well, we have got to vote to defer it. Mr. Plummer: No, I am not going to vote for motorcycles. Mr. Gary: We need the others - no, forget about the motorcycles and the vehicles. We need the other stuff for the parks. Mr. Plummer: Take the items and the motorcycles and the cars out. I will move the rest of it needs to be apprcved. '33 Id APR 51984 E :7 Mr. Dawkins: Let it all go back! The hell with it. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Dawkins: I don't cane! A lot of things I want Mr. Gary doesn't give me. No, no, no. Defer the whole thing. Mayor Fv:rr.e: All r_ignt, we will take this up this afternoon, and then we will dei-l_ with it then. 19. DECLARE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO SHARE ONE HALF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SECURITY FF"CE, SECTION 8 HOUSING PROJECT, 17TH AVFNUEAND S.W. 4TH STREET. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mel Adams? Mayor Ferre: Mr. Adams, Commissioner Carollo is calling you. Commissioner, and then Cornmissior,er Daw),ins. Mr. Carollo: Mr. mayor, I would like to bring the memorandum that we all received from Mr. Adams. It has to do with the new Section 8 project that is on S. V,. 17th Avenue between 4th and 5th Streets. Mr. Mel Adams: The residents of that 75 unit development sent a peti- tion to all of the Co1Mu,-,iSSionerS, petitioning for the construction of a fence. After talking to Walter Pierce, I have sent a letter to Dena Spillman, laying out that .if payments... this project was financed in part with City of Mliami hous�.,ig bond funds and in part with revenue bonds funds from the County. We are obligated to pay the City - pay off the bonds at the interest rate that the City had in the bonds over a 30 year period. If we deferred payment this year, of both the principle of about $26,000, and interest that is being earned on an account that the City put into it, of about $14,000, we could build a fence. That money would be... Mr. Plummer: No, that is in incorrect statement. We built the fence. Mr. Adams: The fence can be built. Mr. Plummer: At our expense. Mr. Adams: And that money, that $42,000 would be put back in and over the present life of the mortgage, would be paid off. We would pay a little more each year. This was the procedure you followed on Gibson Plaza a few meeting acgo for painting and some water proofing repairs there. In addition, when the project was built, the developer had a contract that said ... it addresses when interest rates were going out of site, that if actual interests costs, it would be paid for. The interest was high(-r tha:: anticipated by about $10,000. We have to pay for that out of operating expenses. We have a deficit, so we are also requesting that the remainder of the interest that is being earned in your account be capitalized accordingly. There are two different items, really. One is the fence and the other is the interest. Mr. Carollo: Does the Administration have any complaints on this? Ms. Spillman: I have a continent. We agreed that there is a need for a fence and have no problem with the deferral of the interest. On the other item however, we have not had adequate time to review it and would request that we be allowed to do that. Mayor Ferrc-: is the other it ern; Ms. Spillman: it is $24,000 and I am not quite clear on that. Now, I a not quite clear on that, Mel, if you want to... '34 APR 51984 ld E D Mr. Adams: There are two items. For you to pay for the fence, it costs $42,000. That would be $28,000... Mayor Ferre: $42,000? Mr. Adams: It is a fence ... it is a tremendous height, it goes ... no, it is! Mr. Plummer: That is nothing. Wait until this afternoon when you see this $12,000 flag pole. Mr. Carollo: Now it is not just a fence you are building........ Mayor Ferre: Is it for the same purpose? Ms. Spillman: I would like to give you our concerns on this and other housing matters that are bea_inni_nq to come to us more and more fre- quently. This is a project that is managed and owned by Dade County. Mr. Gary: No, no, that is another one. Ms. Spillman: As you well know, we helped finance these projects to a large degree. I guess the question that needs to be asked is how much money is Dade County putting into these projects? And I think you are going to find out that there isn't any. And my concern is that the City is becoming a supporter of public housing, and it is not our job. It is not our responsibility. Mayor Ferrc: Anti then we end up getting the blame. Mr. Plurnrier: 1;c11, that is the same thing with security. Mel provides security at hi: cho:cn location, and then others don't have security, and they fe11, "V;e11, hey, why not be fair all the way around". Some have a f:c;;c-c. Webers don't have a fence and then they come back to us and th(n tlic.; tl-y to put the blame on us - well, you know, I think the HUD l;c := c: rz: pollsibi.li.ty to be uniform - to be fair all the way across the- i ;_,:,I-e9. if you are providing for. some, I think you have got to put a fc:;cc Uround every one of them and put security in every one of them. Tllrt is fairness. Mayor Ferre: Ixplain about the fence - where would a $42,000 fence go? Mr. Adams: The fence is - 17th Avenue has a very small frontage, but the project - goes back to - is it 17th Court, or I th Avenue and it goes back deep a block; it goes all along 5th Street. There are only two projects that we have officially requested money from the City. The Section S, we have never (irrespective of what my personal feelings are) requested officially any money to help finance public housing. That is in terms of modernization, maintenance, anything like that, but the Section g project has individual budgets. I am caught in a jurisdictional struggle, but I think I agree more wit!) Dena than I do with the County that the County says it will not put a penny of Community Development money ill City projects. You can turn this down. I have no way of building the fence. Tile County finallccs out of this General Funi about $500,00C1 a year for operatlnCl ;_.celerity and other things in public housinu-_ I've never asked thst of the City. I never Will. We h,_AVe asked that the county to give us all the interest that it earns and the i!�oney is, put into Section b; all the payment in lieu Of taxes that we 1,;,y tO the: COUI3ty, i na let us use It to do some things in public hou_irn;. Mr. Dawkins: uuy, N:I ii(3'llls, 1 syl;llw thine with you, and I always keep telling y(,u over arui over, when you get ready to put low rent housing in my neic�liborhood, you Lever come before ulc. You stick it out there anc: tliel: Vcllel; yOl, get. it out there: and you iieed something, here you cUltit , 1 ' 11 t(_ 1 1 yoll \,h t J all, aoln❑ t0 d0. 1 al?i going t0 work wit), 1,:1 I;,:br i,7 cat"y tci 1-r0`11,iac } u8r ti.i !UaC ill: tliOSt 1"ES1deI1tS 1 W)10 neeQ tY:e ft,!,Cc, c`Ild ltt S 10 t0 ll:t- County ccint issioll where you have Ruth Shack_ rl ia_iiiq for tl]e h_YC, l", n"Q you haVC Steve Clarl run- ning for the 1%&yor arld 1 will i.LIK t.i,ell� "l;!;ich one of you two are going to give these people the fence for their vote?", and we will do that. ld 15 APR 51984 Mr. Plummer: What about the $12,000 flag pole? Mr. Da..!kins: i,nat is donated by Ahern -Plummer Funeral Home - donation to the City of. Miami i.n memory of the present Commissioner. Ms. Spillman: Just for your information, Commissioners. there is two other items. We did provide moderni.zati.on funds in our first year of Communi-ty Development. I think that was an error and �,.� haven't done it since. The second thing i_s that: - and this is not - I am not speak- ing about Mcl., okay? This is the County. We are involved now in some discussions with the County regarding the use of the surtax money. I think you all remember that that was passed and Marty Fine did a lot of work on that and now we are trying to jocky ourselves into a posi- tion where we feel that we are getting an adequate share of that money and that at this point we don't feel that we are, and that is another housing issue that they all tie together. Mayor Ferre: There is a lot more to it. Mr. Manager, it also comes to my attention that Commissioner Redford has the bill in Metro that will in effect, force the City to follow Metro ... i_t will be our Exhibi- tion Hall, but it has to be built the way they want it, and how they want it, and all that kind of stuff.. In other words, it has to fol- low the Horowitz -Leventhal. reports finds and what it does it boxes us in which in effect is what is being done all over. You know, when they want us to cooperate with the bridge, they are as nice as they can be, and I really don't want me to hold the bridge hostage be- cause it is unfair. Mr. Dawkins: I will! ' Mayor Ferre: But on the other hand, you know they sure give us a hard time. They name call, they give us the ... you know, they are totally unfriendly, anything that has to do with the City. They are not letting T.V. spend any money in the City of Miami as if they had no responsibility for the City of Miami. There is a restriction on how their revenue sharing funds and C.D. funds - they are not spending 20% of their Federal. and State funds within the City boundaries, and so, we have just an ongoing battle going on between us and Metro and we do need to get these things clarified. Mr. Manager, I will do any- thing within reason within the law to get these matters clarified, be- cause we really need ... I don't know whether it requires - Malcom From - berg told me yesterday that it is going to require quarterly meetings between the Manager and the Mayor and that is the way they are doing it. In other words, Rob Parkins and Frornberg are going over it, be- cause otherwise they get whipsawed all the the time also, so perhaps we need to do that, and I don't mind sharing that with members of the Commission if they want to - you know, we will take turns going with you to those meetings, but we need to do something. We just keep running up against a brick wall with Metro and it is just on and on and it gets to be in everything! Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Adams... Mr. Plummer: Well, you know, the whole thing really boils down to, is this City tired of getting second hand relations or are we going to get tough and take a stand and say, enough is enough? Now, you know, the most amazing part of this whole thing is that the County takes an attitude - "City, you are a step -child"., but yet when the problem exists, it is thrown to the City that it is your fault, and that is where I ain getting a little perturbed. Mayor Ferre: 1 mear;, yuu saw it with the Chopin guy this morning. He said "1,e11., they told us to go see the City". But, they are con- tinually doing that. They send us the hard ones; they send us the ones that they don't wart to fund. Mr. Carollo: h'r,ere is the beef doesn't cut the mustard! Mr. Dawkins: And Merrill is standing here, you know, all he is trying to do is do a job! He just works. You go beck and tell the people we didn't give it to you, that is all, I mean, because they are going to do that too. 36 APR 51984 Id Mr. Carollo: I am not going to do that with these people. Mr. Plummer: No, no, you go back - let me tell_ ynu what. You go back and tell those people, and I would like to ce_e a copy of the letter that you send to each and of them _ �•.lu�se responsibility it is. Mayor Ferre: Vc- i,.-i_II pay ha1.f of i.t. I think we ought to be fair about this. I thin?, we ought to put the 1:•urden on the County Commis- sion and say that tre will pay half of it. Mr. Carollo: Well, that was just the motion I am going to make, that we will, pay half of it and we expect the County Commission... Mayor Ferre: Yes, is that the motion you are making? Mr. Carollo: The motion that I was making, Mr. Mayor is that the City of Miami pays half of it when the County pays the other half. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second to that motion? Mr. Plummer: Well., I am going to second the motion, but under dis- cussion, Mr. Mayor, are we setting a precedent? ... is it a precedent that we want to set? Mr. Adams: Can I...? Mayor Ferre: Please, Mel. Mr. Plummer: There is a lot of other housing in this community that doesn't have fencing and doesn't have security. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Mel. _ Mr. Adams: There is no question in my mind that except for these two Section 8 projects, the one at Gibson Plaza and this one which the City helped to finance the construction, the City has no responsibility. I don't ever recall being here. I never will be here requesting money for other projects. I don't expect that this project or Gibson Plaza, that in my lifetime in the County, which I expect to be longer than any of you serve, that I will be back asking for money, so I do not think you are setting any precedent. As far as I concerned, there is no precedent being set and I would not use it, nor would I tell the tenants if there was any precedent set. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Adarns, when do you request your budget from HUD? What do you request money for? Mr. Adams: There are two budgets - there is the public housing budget, which is Liberty Square and all the rcaular pubi.ic hcusina projects. We requested for maintenance, utilties and the like, but each Section 8 project, Gibson Plaza, this one, Singer Plaza, they are all separatly funded budgets. Mr. Dawkins: When you request the funding what is it requested for regardless of how many units it is. Your line items say what, sir? Mr. Adams: In the Section 8 project, it says the maintenance, utilities, staff, and the like. If the budget has enough money in it, we might do some capital. improvement. Mr. Dawkins: Ohay, but you don't request any capital improvement in your budget? Mr. Adams: We do, where it... Mr. Dawkins: Alright, so therefore if you have got capital in your budget - a fence is capital! Mr. Adams: Yes, but the budget for this project is about $110,000 a Year. There is no way that this budget is ever going to be able to pay for that. fence, but... '3f'"i ld /' APB 51984 Mr. Dawkins: Okay, well, when HUD accepted the budget for $110,000, knowing full well that this was not enough, where do they expect to get the rest of the money from? Mr. Adams: Et1011,01 money t_o o1�er:ate it. It is not enough money to put in.the fence n. You al 1. fiat-P spent :j lot of time this morni.na_ . Vote how you want and I cai ll. cro }?ack and (In my job with whatever you give me. Mayor Ferre: All right, further d.i.scussior, on the motion as made? All right, call the roll., pleas. The following motion was i-ntroduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-360 A MOTION DECLARING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO SHARE ONE HALF T1I1 COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECURITY FLNCE IN CONNECTION WITH A SECTION n HOUSING PROJECT LOCATED AT 17TH AVENUE AND S.W. 4TH STREET, PROVIDED THAT METROPOLITAI7 DADE COUNTY PAYS FOR THE O-HER HALF. Upon being seconded }Dy Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the foll.oving vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: That is a motion that we pay half predicated on the County paying the other half? Mayor Ferre: That's correct. Mr. Plummer: I vote "yes". 20. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO WAIVE RENTAL FEE USE OF MANOR PARK BASEBALL FACILITIES FOR 13 BASEBALL GAMES BY THE MIAMI PADRES GROUP. Mr. Dawkins: Will the GcntIc-mei: froi,, the b:�seball team come up? I've got a team here �.lio yeas do ,iLa thc- riglit to play in Manor Park for so long, and no%•: they arc t,-yirg , to p1�y. Mayor Ferre: Gdi!y wi rc_ thcy denied the right? Mr. Dawkins: It r,,as being repaired. how many games? Unidentified Speaker: 13 games. And now they need $26 to play - Mr. Dawkins: They want.13 games. I would like to waive the fee - the $26 for the 13 games, with the understanding that you guys take from now until next year to raise your $26 for every game. Mayor Ferre: And that this is not a precedent setting thing. ld *38 APR 51984 Mr. Dawkins: The hark is in a state of disarray and that is why we are doing this, okay? I'd like to move that. Mayor Ferre: 7s there a second? Mr. Carollo: Soconc3, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, now you go see the Manager. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-361 A NOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO WAIVE THE RENTAL FEE FOR THE USE OF MANIOR PARK BASEBALL FACILITIES FOR THE OLDING OF THIRTEEN (13) BASEBALL GAMES BY THE "MIAMI PeZDRFS" GROUP. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. DE.wki.ns Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 21. STIPULATING IN CONNECTION WITH on -GOING PROBLEMS BETWEEN TWO CITY C.B.O.s IF LITIGATION PROCEEDINGS EIJSUE, THE CITY OF MIAMI SHALL NOT FUND ANY OF THE PARTIES IIA70LVED IN SUCH LITIGATION. Mr. Dawkins: The other thing I have, Mr. Mayor - Mr. City Attorney, there is a squabble, or an argument out there between or at the M.L.K. Development Center, whatever it is. I don't know what the discussion is. I don't know what the problem is, but I don't understand that it is your recoimnendation that they go to court. I want it understood and I am going to pass a motion in a few minutes that if two C.B.O.'s out there are arguing among themselves, and we are fundinq the C.B.O.'s, and the members of the: C.E.O. decide to go to court to settle their differences, that the members (f- t};c: C.B.O.'_ go to court at their own expense. I do not. want us to);ing arty rl)ol-jcy of the City of Miami, fighting two groups that we are supl:,ost2d to be funding one of them - I don't want to see the City pa}'31ig a17y 1no), f )r ally lawyer, any court fees or anytiiil;g to ,�c--ttle ally aif.fcl:enct.s out there. All - right now, is it: possible to p;ss a moticn to tl)at effect? Mr. Garcia-hNdrosa: Conunissioner Day,};ins, 1 t:l;ir)l: t};ere is a dispute out there, and 41c- ar@. l.ti t.i-:e pj-cG-t'' of li Vli:ib:illc tllct dispute and have not ma6e a sperifiC' Yecol:"lnii=Fidction, but CErtainly the possibility of Court action is there, ar)d the appropriate liu)tion would be that if there 1S 11t1ilctiU7i, acid I alii 1]Ot prapared tU Sa}' t.t- liiEYE. wlll be right now, but if there is, your motion would appropriately be that the City net fund any portion of that litigation on either side. Mr. Dawkins: So moved. Mr. Plummer: Second. Why isn't it brought... 1d ' 39 APR 5 1984 0 ld Mayor Ferre: All right, is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption. MOTTON No. e4-362 A MOTION STIPULATING T'I3AT IN CONT,-TECTION WITH THE ONGOING PROBLEMS PREST71TLY EXISTING BE7-7EEN TWO OF THE CITY'S C.B.O.'S (COM'MI LAITY BASED ORGANIZA- TIONS), IF LITIGATION PROCEEDINGS WERE TO ENSUE, THE CITY OF MIAMI SHALL, NOT FUND ANY OF THE PARTIES INVOLVED IN SUCH LITIGATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, On this issue, as a result of the tentative information ve are ctet-.ti.na from the Law Department, we are not going to be able to pay any money there and I want you to fully understand it, until they resolve their personal matters. Mr. Dawkins-: 0).av, is it t1,at ve have differences, we nut neople who are operating on a month to month basis, and pay legitimate expenses, what is holding us up from doing that now? Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you a question. Mr. Gary: You want to know if they go on a month to month basis. They get their money on a month to month basis. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, when we get into difficulty like the refunding of programs and etcetera, and etcetera. In order to keep the CBO or whatever it is from failing, we put on...if they gave $12,000 a year, we appropriate Nil, 000 a'1„Qilth until- this 'is settleu - uow, what is wrong with...tnzs is an entity tnat has been operating - I don't know what the problem is, but it appears that we are going to sit idly by and let these people fight among themselves and then all of a sudden the agency will be there. Mr. Gary: This is a different kind of issue - first of all, when we give them a month to month, and this City Commission votes on it, and there is no dispute within the agency, here there is question as to who should get the money, based upon some question of an improper action in terms of changing of the board members, therefore they are fighting. Now, I am not an attorney, but I have a fiduciary responsi- bility to protect the money and if I. give it to the wrong one, without them resolving that issue, then we could lose tli _t mont y f( c o:,e agency that we gave it to as opposed to a different board t),;:t w, should have given it to. Now, if this City Conullission waits to the issue by saying that We give the money to the Staff, &I'd, if lase, fine, that is the decision of this Commission, but right now I could not give the money not knowing who is the legal arm, based on the dispute that exists right now. Mr. Dawkins: Well, Mr. Gary, didn't the City Attorney say we couldn't do that? 40 OR 5 t984 f' 6 win rtnia Mr. Gary: That is why I am not doing it. Mr. Dawkins: But, you said if the Commission - why would we want to do it if the City Attorney told us not to do it. Mr. Gary: I said I taint an attorney - he has to rule on that. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, but he told us not to do it. Mr. Gary: Fine, I just want you to know that he is not going to be able to pay him. Mr Dawkins: But I want all of us to understand that if they continue to fight out there among themselves, they are not going to get any money, and if they decide to go to court on their own, we are not funding one lawyer'.-, hour for them to just meet or litigate, or what- ever they are going to do with this, and eventually when the rourts or whoever decides what they decide, then that is it! Mr. Plummer.: Well, why don't- we send our people in there to run it until such time as you decide it? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: You don't want to get in the business of running CBO's. Mr. Plummer: Well, obviously it is not running itself. Mr. Dawkins: Well, we've got a liability. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Well, you might get challenged, among other things, Commissioner Dawkins, by the group that... Mr. Dawkins: Okay, listen closely. That organization is supposed to be revitalizing 62nd Street, okay? For 10 years that is what is sup- posed to have been happening. Now, all of a sudden, it is going to die. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mr. Dawkins: Through no fault of yours, but that is the way it has got to be. Okay, that is all that I have, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: All right, anything else on this issue? If not, do you have anything else? 22. WAIVE THE REI:TAL FEE FOR USE OF MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER FRIDAY, APRIL 13TH, IN CONNECTION WITH A PRESENTATION OF DR. JOSE LASAGA'S NEl' h00K. Mayor Ferre: Conunissioner Perez, do you have anything else? Mr. Perez: The only thing I have Mr. Mayor, I have a letter, a petition from Dr. Jose L.asaga, who as you know, is a well known intellectual in the Cuban cosmiunity and he wants to make a presentation of his book next Friday at the Little Havana Community Center and wants a fee waiver for the rental. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Perez moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-363 A MOTION WAIVING THE RENTAL FEE FOR THE USE OF THE MANUEL ARTIME COr"4UNTTY CENTER NEXT FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1984, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRESENTATION OF MR. JOSE IGNACIO LASAGA'S TiEPa BOOK. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner rli.l.l.er J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. GRANT 2G_ COST OF LIVING INCREASE TO RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK. Mr. Plummer: Mr. !Mayor, first I would make a motion that the City Clerk, Mr. Ongie be given a 29, cost of living increase granted to all other City employees on April 1st. Mayor Ferre: is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-364 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A 2% COST -OF -LIVING INCREASE TO THE CITY CLERK, RALPH G. ONGIE, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Com.•nissicner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-1,.ayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor. Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ASSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo .49 ld APR 51984 24, WAIVE TIME LIMITATION FOR FTRE�70P.KS DISPLAY, MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM A.PRTL 6, 1.9P.4. Mr. Plummer: iI, , fsayor, file tiiimi. Plarlins, the baseball team have requested a umi.vrr on Argil 6th of the fireworks ordinance, which prohibits b—lond 9100 P.M. They have asked for it to be at approxi- mately 10:30 P.M. It is the opening. It is a charitable event, and I would move that that W,70 ver be aranted. Mayor Ferre: Ts there a second? Mr. Gary: What_ is the cutoff for that? Mayor Ferre: Mr. 11anager, any comments from the Administration? Mr. Plummer: Is the man here from the Marlins? How long is that display going to be. Mayor Ferre: 10:30 P.M. Mr. Plummer: 5 to G minutes, at the Baseball Stadium. Mayor Ferre: 10:30 P.M. - 5 to 6 minutes. That is the motion. Make it 10 minutes We will be generous. From 1.0:30 P.M. to 10:40 P.M. All right, further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 140. 84-3G5 A RESOLUTION b;AIVING THE TIME LIMITATION FOR A FIREWORKS DISPLAY AT THE MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM, ON APRIL 6, 1984, TO PERI�;IT A DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS WITH DUE REGARD FOR THE SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY NOT TO EXTEND BEYOND 10:30 P.M. 014 SAID DATE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner ldiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Csrollo 25. ACCEPT' AN OFFER PROFFERED I Y RI PPESENTATIVES OF F. P. & L. RE- GARDING THE DESIGI.1:T10I; OF Til'� DIFFERENT LOCATIONS FOR THE PLACEIC-NT OF BA1.NEI S ACROSS PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor , tiiere has 1.)een a problem in this town. Of recent it is becoming more of a problem about banners across the street - Florida Power and Light I have talked with. They are concerned about the... Mayor Ferre: Grand Prix and others? ld APR 51984 0 Mr. Plummer: Yes, no question - and more so, my upcoming unlimited regatta, which this City is sponsoring. I talked to Florida Power and Light representative yesterday. Florida Power and I,igi-)t i. s concerned to the extent-. th,11_ if the City will designate up to ten different lo- cations throughout the City, they will put up at their expense poles which will be used only for the purposes of the banners. I make a motion that we accept the offer of Florida Power and Light. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-366 A MOTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER PROFFERED BY REPRE- SENTATIVES OF F.P.L. TIEAT IF THE CITY WERE TO DESIGNATE UP TO TEN (10) DIFFERENT LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY FOR THE PLACEMENT OF BANNERS ACROSS PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY IN CONNECTION WITH SPECIAL EVENTS, THEN THEY (F.P.L.) WOULD INSTALL SPECIAL POL S I'OR THE SUPPORT OF SAID BANNERS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ----------------------------------------------- ----------------- 26. DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO IMMEDIATELY INFORM A.T.T. OF THE CITY'S DEMAND CONCERNING ITS REVENUES. Mr. Plummer: Mr. City Attorney I asked at the last meeting about the telephone utility franchise tax. In particular, what I am talking about is in fact, the tax. I am not attacking Southern Bell. I am not attacking A. T. & T. What I am attacking is some $600,000 to $800,000 of less revenue to this City. I ai very concerned. I think - Mr. Gary, what is the total revenue that: we are looking down the path to lose this particular year by the splitting of the two companies? And by the way, Mr. City Attorney, it has been brought ... how much? Mr. Gary: Y500,000. Mr. Plummer: About $500,000 to $1,000,000. It is my understanding that the Federal and State are still collecting utility tax from A.T. & T. Ltiliat I all( asking is, as a report, where do we stand in our action to try and r--coup that lost revenue? Mr. Garcia-Pedz-osa: CaitJttissioit�r I luimner, I rundered a memorandum on this suhiect. LGita tiiitc 1c!5t 4.'e:e.,):, LIt v),ich i stated Tlrst of all that this is a toj Ic tli t IiaS b c-n C]1SC' 1 it ] EY.tciisl Vc l y and is being discussed c:xt6l,slvely bitli al t!:t: C:ii 7:tj' .Iii7 1)iC I''uI"t1C1j%al levels. The Florida 1,t-_aguC of C1 ta b rat'nL-r compre- hensive meeting and discussion C,)j this ul:�Ject, and liil, reuci,r!iiundations were two -fold. Number one, Eietroj,,�Aitan Bade County h"s WI-Ittell a letter to A. T. & T. demanding and 1 attached a cojpy of that 44 APR 5 1984 ld letter and recommended that the City Manager be authorized or in- structed to do likewise. I say that to yota with the caveat that in other cases, and particularly in the City of Gainesville, I believe, A. T. & T. responded in the neoativn to such a request, but at least I think c, ought to protect t_he Ci.ty'G interests with respect: to that. Mr. Plummer: Mould t:iit. b ta,e ri.r:�t st:p to get us into court? Mr. Garcia-Pedro^a: That is rirlht, sir. Mr. Plummer: I so move that the City Manager be instructed to immed- iately inform A. T. & T. of the demand for our revenue. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Plummer: The Administration and the Legal Department. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir? Mr. Jim Barker: I'm Jim Barker, District Manager with Southern Bell. I might add, Commissioner Plummer, that Jack Rice, who is the legal counsel for the Dade League of Cities, and I have discussed this along with Clark Merrill who is on top of it and I have been giving him the figures in regard to the decrease in the utility tax and franchise tax. Jack Rice has been in touch with the auditors of A. T. & T. in New Jersey and you might want to have Mr. Pedrosa get in tcuch with Jack R.i.cc c,ncd get the names of those two individuals and forward your ordinance or your information to those two auditors because they have a nation\,i.se problem in this regard and they are reviewing every bit of inf=ri Lion that the Cities are sending to them and any informa- tion that we can provide from our company, I am giving it to Mr. Clark Merrill through our Accounting Office now. Mayor Ferre: All right, anything else? Call the roll, please. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-367 A MOTION OF THE CITY C01,29ISSION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO IMMEDIATELY INFORM A.T.T. OF THE CITY OF MIAMI'S DEMAND OF ITS REVENUES. Upon being seconded by Comartissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner M.11er J. Dawkins 27. DISCUSSION ITEM: MIAMI CENTER PROJECT REPORT. Mr. Plummer: t,lr. City Manger, I leave asked for a report and a research to be done on tl,e Miami Center Project downtown. I have received nothing and that is a 2ti:i;lTti ca{: Miami Center Project In which they are indicat- ing that tile=-y aru not r,r ii cj through with their full plan and the 'fact, develop- ment order, which intact, was a total project. Mr. Gary: We gave that to you. Mr. Plummer: I don't have it. '45 ld APR 1984 Mr. Gary: I gave it to you, J. L. Mr. Plummer: I have it? All right, I stand corrected and I will try and find it. 28. BRIEF DISCUSSION ITEM: TASK FORCE LITTLE HAVANA WEST. Mr. Plummer: Mr. City Manager, I asked that a task force be set up for Little Havana West. I have seen nothing on that. Mr. Gary: This matter came up March 29th. NO. Plummer: Correct, sir. Mr. Gary: Which was one week ago. NO. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mr. Gary: And you asked for it to be brought back at the next regularly scheduled City Commission meeting. We need more than a week to do that. Mr. Plummer: But you are working on it? NO. Gary: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Okay. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 29. EMERGEFCY ORDINANCE: ALLOW THE DISPENSING OF WINE AND BEER IN SOFT CONTAINERS IN A CITY PARK FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AND WITH CONDITION'S AND LIMITATIONS AS TO CITY COMMISSION SHALL PRESCRIBE. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, it has come to my attention that Marriott Hotel would like to use Margaret Pace Park for the purposes of three seminars in which they are having their employees and they request the right to dispense and serve to their employees beer, not for sale. The City Manager tells me that to do that, the following resolution has to be passed. NO. Garcia -Pedrosa: Commissioner Plummer, if I might interrupt you, before you do that, we would have to pass the ordinance that I made reference to. Mr. Plummer: That is this one here. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, sir, that is the resolution with respect to... Mr. Plummer: All right, where is the ordinance? All right, I offer the following ordinance: (NOTE: Commissioner Plummer reads ordinance into the record) Mayor Ferre: You don't have my vote on that. I will be happy to vote for this particular case... Mr. Plummer: You have got, to do this to be able to vote for this particular case. Mi. Garcia -Pedrosa: The problem is, Mr. Mayor, that the code pre- sently prohibits... Mayor Ferre: Okay, would you read to me again as to whether or not it come. s to t lac Cunard scion? � 6 APR 51984 198 /1 11 a LD (THEREUPON, Mr. Plummer again reads ordinance into th,- record) Mayor Ferre: Is there a second to the motion? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Fi.irther discussion? Read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY COMMISSION ON SPECIAL OCCASIONS AND FOR SPECIAL EVENTS OR PROGRAMS TO PERMIT BY RESOLUTION THE DISPENSING OF WINE OR BEER IN SOFT CONTAINERS IN APIY CITY PARK UP014 SUCH CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS THE CITY COM'-IISSION SHALL PRESCRIBE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer , and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dis- pensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner ?•filler J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: And for the record, Mr. Mayor, this is an ordinance that was passed out by me under a memorandum dated Marcch 28, 1984. Mayor Ferre: And available to members of the public who wish to see it. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. And let the record further reflect that no one is seeking to address the Commission on this matter. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer, and secondeC by Commissioner. Perez, adopted said Ordinance by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 9818. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the Public Record and announced that copies were available to members of the City Commission and to the Public. ? APR 51984 30. AUTHORIZE CONVENTION SERVICE ASSOCIATES .IN CONNECTTON WITH OMNI AND MARRIOTT TO CONDTTC'T' .A SUPFPSPORTS SPECTACUT.AP MAY 3rc1, 10th, and 13th AT 11APGAPT-7 PACE PAPY AND PEP?ITT TIIT DT!7 'TT1S TNf, OF BEER IN SOFT CONTATNFRS. Mr. Plummer.: I noi,7 orfer a resolution aIIt.hori 7i nq_ CO T1VCNt:iOn Service Associates in conjunction with the Omni. and Tlarriott IioteI to conduct Supersports Spectacular May 3, 1.0 and 13, 19n4 in Tiargaret Pace Park located on North Bayshor_e Drive between 17t.h Terrace and 20th Street, approving and authorizing the dispensing of beer in soft containers in compliance with all County and State permits. Mayor Ferre: Between what time and what time, please? Morning or night, or what? Mr. Plummer: In the afternoon, TIr.. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Okay, I think that it is also a residential neighborhood. I would hope that it would be within a reasonable time. Mr. Plummer: Sunup to sundown? Is that what you want? Mayor Ferre: Well, you know, just reasonable time. You shouldn't go into midnight. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary says they will do that in the permit. Mayor Ferre: Okay, further discussion on the resolution as offered? Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: I second. Mayor Ferre: All right, Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-368 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONVENTION SERVICE ASSOCIATES, IN CONJUNCTION WITH OMNI AND MARRIOTT HOTELS, TO CON- DUCT SUPER SPORTS SPECTACULARS, MAY 3, 10, and 13, 1984 IN MARGARET PIKE PAR}:, I.,OCATED ON NORTH BAYSHIRE DRIVE BETWEEN 17TH TERilACE AND 20 th street; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING DISPENSING BEER IN SOFT CONTA'NE RS IN COM- PLIANCE WITH ALL COUNTY AND STATIC PE} BITS. (Here follows body of resolution, oir),itted here and on file ii, the Office, of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Co:ru;is inner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and Edopted by the follawing vote: AYES: Commissioner t4illel. J. D wk.ins Commissioner Joe Ocl'ollo Commissioner .1. L. Pluitoer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None • APR 51984 ld 46 31. STATING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO PURCHASE A 15-PAS- SENGER VAN FOR USE BY THE 6,TYTAIOOD ELDFRLY CENTER. Mr. Perez: The only thing, Mr. Nlayor, is a letter to send tb e City Manager from Wynwood Elderly Center. It is in refc—rence to a 16 passenger van that they say is pending for negotiation. I would to have this taken care of. Mauor Ferre: Well, we have already passed a resolution on that. That was the one that Ingrid Grau brought. That is that 8 or 9 year old van that is about to break up and we have already voted on that. We haven't? Mr. Plummer: No, there was something about a State contract, or State monies available. Ms. Spillman: I think we have a way we can help her out, if you pass the resolution today regarding ACTION and funding them for some new vans, we can... Mr. Perez: I would like to offer a resolution. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on the new van. Mr. Plummer: They have got a van that is 8 years old. Mayor Ferre: Tilt is on the agenda somewhere, isn't it? What is it? Mr. Gary: The one you have is ACTION. This one we probably can resolve - it won't cost the taxpayers anything. And we would like to have that opportunity to do that. Mr. Plummer: So we are telling you to do it. Mr. Perez: Yes, but she said that has to be decided before May, 1984. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager. the resolution didn't tell you how to do it. It is a resolution asking you to do it, okay, and if you need to comc back for.money, you bring that back. Mr. Plummer: Well, you would have to come back for an allocation of money. Mayor Ferre: Well, that is something that the Manager will have to decide. It is a resolution of intent, stating what the Commission's intentions are. It doesn't say how you are going to do it. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-369 A RESOLUTION STATING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO PURCHASE A 15 PASSENGER VAN FOR USE BY THE WYNWOOD ELDERLY CE'1d71]El<; Ii STR2 IC'TING, HOWEVER, THE CITY MANAGER TO THE Z'OSSIL-1LIT OF OBTAINING ANY AVAIL— ABLE STATE: FUNDS liiilC li 1-!Ay EXIET IN CONNECTION WITH PURCHASE 01' `71ID V1,111. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) - 49 -APR 5 1984 ld Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Comm.ssi.oner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carol.l.o Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor. Demetri_o Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ----------------- -------------------- --------------------------------- 32. ACCEPT A SCHEDULE PROFFERED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY SETTING FORTH PUBLIC HEARINGS AND TIME TABLE FOR FIRST AND SECOND READING OF NECESSARY ORDINANCES TO PROVIDE A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT FOR THE PURPOSES OF CLEANING UP OBSOLETE PROVISIONS OF THE CITY CHARTER. ------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: The City Attorney has brought to my attention his April 3rd memorandum and having the following proposed time table for public hearings dealing with the so-called house keeping charter amendments Number one, October 4th. His first meeting would be April 26th at Fairla\•an Elrmc=ntary community School; the second would be May loth at Corununity School; the third would be on May 24th at City Hull; the fourth N,ould be at Booker T. Washington on June 14th; then June 26t1i \,;ould be the first reading of the ordinance embodying the proposed charter amendment. On July 12th at the Manuel Artime Community Center would be the second reading. Is there a motion that these dates be established? '50 .APR 51984 ld 0 Mr. Plummer: So move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, what are the hours that we will be meeting in these places? Mayor Ferre: Three o'clock, as I understand it. Instead of meeting at 2:00, we'll start at 3:00. Mr. Carollo: So, we're going, to break at 1:00 from now on? Mayor Ferre: We are going to be breaking at 1:00 and then meeting and rescheduling at 3:00. That gives us two hours. All. right, further discussion on this motion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-370 A MOTION ACCEPTING THE SCHEDULE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND A TIME TABLE FOR FIRST AND SECOND READING OF THE NECESSARY OR-111 NANCES TO PUT YORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMEND1,1ENT FOR 7'1II ]JTJI P(iSL C1I' CLEANING UP OBSOLETE PROVISIONS 01' THE CITY CHA!,'I ER, AS REFLECTED IN A 1iEA90Pv!'�hl?;� 5l'P,'Sl )' Tlll; CITY ATTORNEY ON THIS DATE. Upon beinf' :,ccc,ndc<i by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the folle%,,in,: vote: AYES: Commissioner Mli.11er J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 33. APPOINT SEVERAL PERSONS TO THE COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSIBLE BONDS FOR PEOPLE AND PARKS. Mayor Ferre: I would like° to rccomu«nd ghat wt appoi_nt the following committee that would be named the Comnittte for Responsiblce Bonds for People and Parks. 1 would like to recomi,A nd that wc- .ppoint Alvah H. Chapman, Jr. , as honc)rary Cllai rperson. You may t h,* t Mr. Chapman was the ChairpeI'son twC1vv yuiir:; ai'0, whcn we It <=ScCI thv ph�Lto to the bay bond issue tllz:t wLs :" mined by Bill Lass, Honor:zr- CliairpNrson, Alvah Chapman, Jr., tht- Cu—chc.irp rt,Oli would be J :net Coupt:r, iirIIlando Alejandro, Edward ling. hL1 mL:ii.bers of the conunittt-e %.could be Maria Elena Trio Duren, JeLus P rmuy, Dr. Leonel Alonzo, Luis Sabines, Eloy Gonzalez, Carlos 5altnan, Luis Lauredo, lion. Humberto Cortina, Xavier Suarez, Carlos Benitez. Mr. Carollo: Have all these people accepted, Mr. Mayor? sl .51 APR 51984 Ll Ll Mayor Ferre: No, they have not. I'm just saying that before.... Mr. Caroll.o: I suggest we hold off a few weeks to get an acceptance. Mayor Ferre: What: I'd li_kP to do is get this approved and then we'll go through the process of calling them. If they don't want to serve, then we'll just. cross them off. Mr. Car.ollo: I don't think if_ Is, going to be fair to some of the people here that mi.glit not have the time to serve, might not want to serve. Mayor Ferre: If: Carlos Sal -man and others do not want to serve, they can so state, and we will remove their names and come up with substitutes; Martin Fine, Richard Capen, David Kraslow, Garth Reeves, Monty Trainer, Jeb Bush, Richard Pettigrew, Bill Collum, Bill Colson, Hon. Rose Gordon, Dan Horton, Charles Hadley, Hon Barbara Carey, Hon. Carrie Meek, .Jerry Rushin, Dr. Bill Perry, Firs. Theodore Gibson, Ringo Cayard, Ann Marie Adker, Archie Hardwicke, and H.T. Smith. Mr. Dawkins: The only thing that I'd like to add is in that first group we don't have a Black. I'd like to add T. Dillard Fair to that first group so that we can have a little continuity up there. We have a Black one in that second one and a Black one in the last, but we don't have a Black one in the first group. Mayor Ferre: It is all the same; it's all one group. But that's fine. Add T. Willard Pair. Mr. Dawkins: Add T. Willard Fair up here. Mayor Ferre: I understand that there will be other additions, Commissioner Perez has somee other recommendations. We will accept those as they come up. Mr. Plummer: How about Erny Fannatto? Mr. Plummer.: Will it be possible to make some additions in the afternoon? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: Move. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-371 A MOTION APPOINTING THE HEREINBELOW LISTED INDIVI- DUALS TO THE COMMITTEE FOR "RESPONSI:BLE BONDS FOR PEOPLE AND PARKS": ALVAH H. CHAP1,1AN, JR. AS HONORARY CHAIRPERSON; JANI;T COOPER, ESQ. , A1�214ANDO ALEJANDRE AND EDWARD KING AS CO -CHAIRPERSONS; AND i•SF:IBERS ARE: MARIA ELENA PR10 DUI�AN, JESUS PERIi1l�', 1)1�. LLONEL ALONZO, LUIS SABINES, ELOY GOILALP.`, C:-.RLOS SALAAN, LUIS LAUKEDO, LION. HUMBERTO CO1"1'11,A, ?��'�A'II�R SUAREZ, ESQ., CARLOS LI:I,'ITL'Z., T. 1ti1LLAR,) FA1K, i1':R'1IN FINE, ESQ. , RICHARD CI'J'LN, DAV1D KkASLOh, GAR'i'H I1"LI:VES, SR. , MONTY TR'AINI:R, 11--h I"USI1, 1:1C111'IZD 11""I'ICI'I�-t;, E .Q. , BILL CULLOM, i ILL COLc-•0',, HOh. ItOSL wi0 )';, 1):,.N HORTON, CHARLES HADLEY, PON. }iARl�fi}J. CI:RI��.', HU'.�. CABBIE MEEK, JERRl RUSHIN, DI:. BILL_ I'I�RRY, I�il<S. 1'IiLUUuRE CLBSOid, RINGO CAYARD, ANN RARIL ADDER, I�iI:DWICKE, AND H.T. SMITH, ESQ. ; FURTHER S'1`II1ULAIING TRAT MORE, APPOINIRENTS WOULD BE FOR`1'HCOMING. *52 S1 APR 51984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. T)awki_ns Commi_ssi.one.r. J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Joe Carollo ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: I'm sure that this group will change and that some of these people may not be able to serve, but I think by us appointing them, we get the ball rolling. 34. DISCUSSION ITEM AND EXPAND THE DOLLAR AMOUNT OF THE PROPOSED BOND ISSUES TO NOW TOTAL $30,000,000; STIPULATING THE BREAK -DOWN TO BE $20,000,000 FOR SOUTHEAST OVERTOWNI AND $10,000,000FOR EAST LITTLE HAVANA. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Mniager, the second issue on t:hi.s is that in my opinion I do agree N=.-i.th my former opponent, J.wi_er Suarez_, vlio rcconunends that we expand to be in 17ast Little Havana Bond Issue. East Little 11,\'lli7: lt; l.il drE?Stli' il(il:'US. %'ia7J.d 1'.1e.ila 1'7"_l.o Durc;il, 1+ho is the Chairper::on of talc 7 , ;=t 1.i t_t.lk Force, :ays t1lat ve should specifi.(_,;71ly itif)0i its ct;-, :=uill ;1,> tlhe conlnnn7ity center on 9th, 1st, and of he 7 tllr,t 1 7 111 e for funds . J .L. , I have no probl eri i n c t r, t li(.... . Mr. Dawl:iri;_.: Hull i t=, l t t me asl: a question. Are you saying; now that the far wcr�t Overt_()t,'m boiid:-, v-ill be covered over. into Little Havana? Mayor Ferre: No, listen to rie. Hear me through before you come to judgement. I. mean, that's only fair. I'm saying that the $20,000,000 earmarked for Overtot,-n remain as $20,000,000 for Overtown. I am in addition saying; that we add to the bond issue $10,000,000 for East Little Havana. Now, there are those who want to extend the Overtown thing to Liberty City and Coconut Grove. I thing-: that we should resist that, because it is Overtow-n that needs the money right now. It is the worst blighted glietto area that we have in Miami. In the Hispanic community there is nothing; worse than the East Little Havana. ;-.1e can say Little Havana, I have objections to doing; that, if Plummer, you insist on doing; it that way. 1 do think that just like in Overtown, we'd be best, and I don't mind saying; from the river and Brickell Avenue all the way to 17th Avenue and defining it that way. For that area, which is really what East Little Havana should be, but I do not want to go as far as 27th and 32nd, because that isn't a blighted area. So, I would move that the bond issue be amended to be a $30,000,000 and that $10,000,000 be specifically earmarked for the East Little Havana area, which would be defined from Brickell Avenue to the 17th, from the river south to £lth. Mr. Carollo: How much is going to go into that area? Mayor Ferre: $10,000,000. Mr. Carollo: And where is the other $20,000,000 going to? Mayor Ferre: Overtown. Mr. Perez: From Brickell Avenue? 53 APR 51984 sl 1b Mayor Ferre: Well, if you want to say from east/west from the expressway. Mr. Perez: That's from the river. Mr. Plummer: Say from the bay. Mayor Verve: No, ynii don't went to say the bay. From the expressway to 17th, except= that s-r. East Little Havana goes under the expressway too. So T thi-n-lc vo:i have to say almost from.... Mr. Pere;.: The river is the.... Mayor Ferre: The river i the northern limit. Mr. Garcia --Pedrosa: The guideline you want, I think, Mr. Mayor, the Metrorail_ guideline. Mayor Ferre: The 14etrorail guideline west to 17th and from the river south to 8th Street. I so move. Mr. Plummer: Second, Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, when these bonds come back, I, for one, want it spelled out what we are going to do where. I do not want $20,000,000 earmarked for Overtown, unless you tell me that $5,000,000 will be for relocation; $3,000,000 will be for so and so. I do not want to see n Iump sum either for Little Havana do I want to see a lump SUM. I .-ant to know that y number of dollars will be to relocate people and so Tminy min ion: of dollars will be for helpi.nc; bc,sine,-uses and what have you. Mayor I c,rrc: ;il . 15::n ,Z;cr, 1 would recommcnci u-:o b::scd on Commissioner Dawkins,' !:-tc tc;ncnt, \,-Bich 1 concur with. Onc is, that the Administration come back vith shccific projects. It: must, hoG,,c%,cr, be. spelled out under the law th.:it thi;- Comm:li's ion, or a future Conuni.r;;ion, five or ten years from now (,,,-on priorities. Under- the Inw, ghat'; the way it i.s. Mr. Dawkins: 0.f-, then, we work to defeat i.t, then and wait until that time to move, Mayor Ferre: In other words, what: I'm saying, Miller, is that under the law, you cannot preclude a future Commission from changing how this Commission says this is the way it is to be spent. If five years from now you and I are not on this Commission, for example, and a new Com- mission decides that instead of being spent on 5th, it wants to spend that money on 7th, it can do that. Mr. Plummer: The secret to that is, spend it before we get off the Commission. Mayor Ferre: fine, 0.K., well, wait, I have two points I want to make. One is that you come back with a specific list of ]row these monies are going to be spi,nt. Mr. Carollo: Not only that, but if you can specifically state the amount of ridditional dollars that is going to cost a taxpayer per thousand dollars that their home is assessed if all these $65,000,000 were passed. Mayor Ferre: The second thing, Mr. Manager, that I would like is for us to set up at least three public hearings between now and October. I think they ought to coincide with the other public hearings that we are having on other issues, since we are going out to the community anyway. But. I think there ought to be a specific public hearing in the Black corm:wnity, a specific public hearing in the hispanic community and a specific public hearing in the general White community, Anglo community. sl 54 .APR 51984 Ll E Mr. Plummer: And that program be delivered into the hands of the Commissioners prior to the Fourth of July. Mr. Carollo: These are going to what election now? Mayor Ferre: October l+th, no wn i.t, September. Mr. Plumrler: Then 1. =>oiild say t-hat program of specifics be delivered to this Commission no Later than the fourth of ,tune. Mayor Ferre: With all those amendments, I so move. Have we voted on this? Mr. Ralph G. Ougie: Not yet. Mayor Ferre: I so move. Mr. Plummer: I seconded it. Mr. Perez: There is a move and a second. Do you have any other discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption. MOTION 54-372 A MOTION EXPANDI:NC DOLLAR A''IOUINT OF PROPOSED SOUTHEAST OVERTOI,:'N BO, D ISSUE TO N0C11 BECOME A TOTAL 01' $30, 000, 000 STI PULATI NC TiIK BREADKOWN TO BE $20,000,000 101, AND $10,000, 0O0 I�C�i� I %;,`;'I I.1'I71 L 1i/slr','�i;: l UI,',TliER DECLAIZIi;(; 'fli)_ 01, ,W1. 1-'�,`�'I I..ATl.TLE HAVAI A ,'01�.1: 'J o h) 'l 111 I.):I'i;l '10 'J`NL: l 7Tli AVENUE. 'I ill: '11 i 1 (11; `=_ 1 I i �) ) 7') i) AMI RIVER 'IC! .1,', i1 N i ):I 1.7 < 1 1'I', 111Jh KUCTING THE CITY I'NOJECTS TO BE CO`�,L')_I:Ti:i) 11, i,n'ii; ();Yi:)()IdN AND EAST LITTLE 'it) ;,) 'J 171) A5 ],FAST THREE PUBLIC ISSUE IN AREAS REPRESENTING 'I I1L 11JTtl".l; ET11NI C REPRESENTATIVE GROUPS IN TllE CITY OF NIlANI . Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the follo�,lnl; vote: AYES: Commissioner 7Iiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor 1'1Jurice A. Ferre NOES: Comnissionvi- Joe Carollo Vice TIayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Carollo: I vote no for reasons that I stated at previous meetings. Mr. Plummer: Is that last vote indicative of the Herald editori f the Hispanic leadership? Did you read the editorial over the week -end? It said that parks thing should pass and that the ones that should do it are the Iispanic leaders on the City Commission, Joe Carollo and Demetrio Perez, didn't even mention your name. Mayor Ferre: Well, I'm the first Anglo Hispanic. Didn't you know that? Mr. Carollo: They finally know where they have to go for it. 56 APR 51984 sl Ll U Mr. Plummer: Exactly what Xavier Suarez has been saying for years. Mayor Ferre: I'm an Anglo Hispanic. Mr. Carol.lo: If it passes, Use have to thank Xavier Suarez. He said he provides the leaderships. the Mayor had none. Mayor Ferre: I'm looking; forty ird to it. ^ NOTE FOR TJI, RECORD: Agenda item "A" waswithdrawn. _ +~ F--------------------------------------------------------------------- 35. ACCEPT THE DATE OF APRIL 26TH AS GROUNDBRTAKING CEREMONIES FOR LATIN QUARTER PAVING PROJECT. PHASE III. Mayor Ferre: Item "B", groundbreaking paving for the Latin Quarter Project Phase III. We need to set a date. Zti'illy, you recommend ... I saw you walking around. I know you are not in Little Havana anymore. I'm sorry, Hilda, I didn't see you. Hilda Rodriguez, would you give us a date? What's the recommendation, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: It's hers. If she wants to have it. Mayor Ferre: Hilda, would you give us the date? Mr. Plummer: Are you talking about the 26th of April? Mayor Ferre: Your name and address for the record. Identify yourself and make your recommendations quickly, please. Ms. Hilda Rodriguez: I'm Hilda Rodriguez, Little Havana Development Authority, 970 S.W. 1st Street. We wanted to do it as soon as possible, if it is possible. April 26 will be fine. Mayor Ferre: The 26th, is that acceptable to everyone? Is there a problem on the 26th? Mr. Dawkins: 26th of April? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. We'll do it on the 26th of April. Ms. Rodriguez: What time? Mr. Plummer: During the lunch break. Ms. Rodruguez: O.K. 36. ACCEPT BIDS FOR SEVERAL PIECES OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: EXCEPTING MOTORCYCLES, VEHICLES ETC. FROM THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, can we move 98, taking out the motorcycles and the automobiles? Mayor Ferre: All right, item 98 is being moved by Commissioner Dawkins, with the exception of the automobiles and motorcycles. Mr. Pluna,rr: Second. Mayor Ferre: Do you wish to say something? Further discussion? Further discussion? Further discussion? Call the roll. -743 My sl .APR 51984 L] The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-373 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF TWO SUPPLIERS AT A PROPOSED COST OF $27,354.00; REJECTING INDI- VIDUALS BIDS FOR FOUR ITEMS RECEIVED FROM FIVE (5) SUPPLIERS AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE FROM TWO (2) SUPPLIERS UNDER A STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT AT A PROPOSED COST OF $102,583.00 AND FROM TWO (2) SUPPLIERS UNDER METROPOLITAN DUDE COUNTY CONTRACTS AT A PROPOSED COST OF 159,907.00, AS INDICATED BELOW AND IDENTIFIED ON THE ATTACHED TABULATION OF BIDS, FOR FURNISHING APPROXIMATELY 21 LIGHT AUTO- MOBILE VEHICLES ON A CONTRACT BASIS TO THE DEPART- MENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOR USE BY SEVERAL CITY DEPARTMENTS AT A PROPOSED GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT OF $189,844.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGETS OF THE DEPARTMENTS AS FOLLOWS: BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - $155,929.00, FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES -- $12,996.00, AND THE OFFICE OF INTER- GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS - $7,924.00; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Cleric). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner ,Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The minutes of the January 19, January 26, February 9, and February 16, 1984 were approved. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item "C" was withdrawn. --------------------------------------------------------------------- t . 57 APR 51984 sl 1 0 37. DISCUSSION ITEM: COMPREHENSIVE JOB TRAINING PROGRAM. -------------------- ------_-----------------------------•-------------------- Mayor Ferret I)i.scussion on the ,Job Training Program, change emphasis from English and remedial_ to education on the iob training. All right, Mr. Krause. Mr. Robert Krause: Mr.. Mayor, members of the City Commission, we had indicated much earlier that the new Job Training Partnership Act was going to create a number of difficulties of administration. Some of those are beginning to appear. I sent a report to Mr. Gary recently indicating that one of the difficult areas is job training, because this program no longer provides the stipend for people who are involved in training programs. It is very difficult to sign up participants to take training without the stipends. We had subcontracts scheduled with the Garces Commercial College and with JESCA. We've had to reduce the scope of those contracts and the number of participants who were enrolled in order to fare the reality that we could not find enough people to take the training. We are also having some difficulty in malting job placements because we are not able to provide appropriate training; in advance. I think this was intended as a status report by the City Manager to the Commission. Mayor Ferre: Have JESCA and Garces been informed of your intentions? Mr. Krause: Yes, sir, they have been. As a matter of fact, we have been operating at this reduced level now for approximately three or four weeks. Mayor Ferre: So they have been told. Mr. Krause: Yes, sir, they have been. Mayor Ferre: I have no problem. Does anybody want to move this now? Mr. Gary: You don't have to move it. It's just discussion. Mayor Ferre: Any questions? All right, thank you very much, Mr. Krause. 38. DISCUSSION ITEM OF ADVERTISING IN THE MIAMI HERALD. Mayor Ferre: We are now on item number "E", which is approval of advertising in the Miami Herald. Is this for the Job Training Program? Do you need a motion on this? Mr. Gary: Yes, you have to act on it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Carollo: Hold now, let's go over "E" again. Let's get it in the open. Mayor Ferre: This is the Job Training Program under performance based contract with the- South Florida Employment Training Consortium. What they are asking for is to get. Mr. Carollo: Oh, "I1". Mayor Ferre: No, "E", the maximum exposure that they can get, so that 208 job placements can be properly done and they feel that the way to maximum reach the community is to include this in the Miami Herald advertising. Mr. Carollo: It's for the Job Placement. Mayor Ferre: J.T.P.A. Program, Comprehensive Job Training Program. sl 58 .APR 51984 Mr. Krause: Basically, this is to call to the attention of employers that we have a source of employees for them and that we also can pay part of the salaries while they are taking the training. Mr. Carollo: T have T,e objections to this on a one time basis. Mayor Ferre: T�z there a motion? Mr. Perez: Move. Mr. Plummer: Is this item "E"? Mayor Ferre: "E". Mr. Plummer: My agenda says "E" is advertising in E1 Herald. Mayor Ferre: No, sir, that's "F". Mr. Gary: Both of them are for advertising in the Herald. One deals with the Job Training Program; the second one deals with police. Mayor Ferre: Sir, what I have before us is item number "E", and it says.... Mr. Plummer: What dial you do on "E"? Mayor Ferre: That is what we are on, "E", the Miami Herald for J.T.P.A. advertising. It has been moved and seconded. Is there-Fu--rther discussion on item "E"? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: No, I never agreed to that, Mr. Mayor. I never agree to the advertising in the regular Herald. I agreed because of the nature of the request. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Commissioner, you are confusing apples.... Mr. Plummer: I don't care what it is with. Mr. Gary: You are confusing two issues. One is the regular Herald. Mayor Ferre: This is for the specific.... Mr. Carollo: It was put in the Herald already? Mr. Plummer: No, no, not to my knowledge. Mayor Ferre: This is to advertise the 208 job placements and it's.... Mr. Gary: No, this was not put in the Herald; we are requesting that. Mr. Carollo: J.L., what's the problem? Mr. Plummer: No, my problem is Mr. Gary came to me and asked me about item "F". Mayor Ferre: We are not talking about...that's police advertising. This is Job Training Program. Mr. Plummer: Never spoke to me, so I'll vote against it. Mr. Carollo: 0.1:., I'll withdraw my motion. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, it's in your hands, sir. You know what this job requires. It's called massaging. Go massage it. Mr. Gary: Mr. Ravor, this request is to assist us in trying to make successful a verjr difficult wiiich ,,as due to the fact that the Federal Govu: ni,unt. chLinLud rt�ulat ikms with regard to the job training prokram. 011e yyLI ,rCCI0irt[iicnts is that We have to meet certain bench waiks in ord.1- for the (,it\' to i cet re.iiibursed its money, which is unusual and it's different than what occured in the past. To Mr. Gary (Con't): refresh your. memory, I asked you to turn the money back and tell them to utilize the old guidelines because the City taxpayers are liable because. of the change in the program 1.:hi.ch put us in a li_abi-i-i.ty situation. We need to be able to pets to the employers in this community to inform them that t•P have jobs so tiiny c.an take out people and put them on the job tr_ain{nt se. t.,e can meet ottr bench marks. Most employers that we are trying to renrh read the Herald. Mayor Ferre: Whit is the -il1 of this Commission, if any? Mr. Dawkins: My position is the same as it was before when I sat here and told Mr. (=ary he could not meet those criteria and that he had no business accepting that money. So all I can tell him is to go on the radio or the ptibl_i_c service announcement and announce that he has these jobs. Mayor Ferre: By the way, there is a program that's called "That's Incredible" that some of you may watch. They called me, they wanted to come to Miami to find something incredible. I told them that the City of Miami Com- mission would be the best thing. So, if you see Miss Rooney and the members of the staff of "That's Incredible" walk in, that's what they are here for. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, were going to have to pay how much money back for taking this program, approximately? Mr. Gary: It's very difficult to determine now. But as I told you at that time when I recommended we don't accept it, it is going to be very difficult for us not to be paying some money back. We are trying to do our best. Mr. Plummer: With that kind of attitude, it's no wonder. 39. DENY PERMISSION TO CITY DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES TO ADVERTISE IN "EL HERALD". Mr. Plummer: Item "F" I move because I agree to it. Mr. Carollo: What's item "F" now? Mr. Dawkins: Advertising in E1 Herald for police officers. Mr. Carollo: For police? The Latin police officers? Well, Diario is the one they all read. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Carollo approve it, because he wasn't talked to, so I'm going to back up Carollo on this and we go on to something else. Mr. Carollo: You know, this is absurd. If you are going to be trying to acquire police officers, who have to be well rehearsed in the English language, E.I. Herald is not going to do you any good. _El Herald is what most people -and I'm not. trying; to cut Knight-Ridder down, but they don't even sell it. They stick it in inside their regular English version, then they say they have a circulation of 60,000. Mayor Ferre: Look, iioward, it seems to me.... Mr. Gary: Let us explain our position first, Maurice. Mayor Ferre: It seeps. to nee that both "E" and "F" are important issues. We're going to be doing the City harm by not trying to get the maximum exposure. I would recommend that you withdraw both of these items to this afternoon. Both of you personally discuss this item with Commissioner Plummer and with Commissioner Carollo. APR 51984 sl t. Mr. Dawkins: He discussed both of them with me. Mr. Plummer: Well, l.et me simple£y, Mr. Mayor. I make a motion on "E" to deny. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: 7 -rill accept the motion on "E". I will be voting against it. I think we are cutting our noses to spite our faces. I think we should not be taking; that kind of a position, but I will accept the motion on the floor.. Call the roll on the denial of the advertising in the Miami Herald. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-374 A MOTION TO DENY PIERMTSSION TO ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS AND OFFICES TO ADVERTISE IN "EL HERALD". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner 'tiller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. NOES: Vice Mayor De.rnetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: In compliance with the policy of this Commission, I vote yes. Mr. Perez: This is in reference to your motion? Mayor Ferre: This motion is to deny the Herald. Mr. Perez: To deny the ads, no. I vote no. Mr. Dawkins:' We sat up here and we played, and argued, and dillydallied, and we set up a policy that we said we were going to adhere to when it came to advertising in the papers. One of the things that we said was that we would not...and I voted against it ... that we would not advertise in the Miami Herald. Now we sat here and passed that. Now you are going to come back and go against that. I have to vote to deny in compliance with what we already agreed on. Mayor Ferre: 1 votes- no, because. 1 think it is important that in this important item, which deals with job training and specifically the job training program, that we get the maximum exposure in the community with those employers, who need to know this, and in effect what we are doing is we are giving tht, 208 job placements that WC are going to be dealing with the short end of the stir h by not giving them the maximum exposure and protection. 1 thing: this IS a one shot type of a thing, and I think we are hurting the pcoplc we are trying to help by not voting for it. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I respect your comments. Mayor Ferre: That's my opinion. "61 sl .APR 5 t984 11 11 Mr. Plummer: I understand that, but you cannot tell me that's the only way, as Commissioner Dawkins said, there is a lot of radio, there are a lot of other things that could be used. Mr. Carollo: 11o17 much vas, that ad going, to be costing the City of Miami or the ads, npprox_mately? Mr. Krause: The ad pr-ob bly Would have been under. $2,000. Mr. Carollo: Under $2,000; do you know how much radio time you can buy for $2,000? Mr. Plummer: A lot. Mr. Carollo: Tremendous. Mayor Ferre: Come back with that recommendation this afternoon, Mr. Manager, so we can get on with this. 40. ALLOCATE $2,000 FOR PURPOSES OF ADVERTISING ON RADIO FOR JOB PARTNERSHIP TRAINING ACT PROGRAM. Mayor Ferre; Would somebody pass the motion that the Administration be allowed up to $2,000 for the purpose of advertising on radio for the proper comprehensive job training program advertising? Mr. Carollo: So move. Mr. Plummer: I'ir. Krause, how much is your budget presently for advertising? Mayor Ferre: Since we are getting selective, I am going to make a motion that we advertise in every station but t,'NWS. Mr. Gary: This will come out of JTP money, Federal monies. Mr. Plummer: So then you don't need a motion. Mr. Gary: Well, we need the motion to go ahead and spend the money doing it. Mr. Plummer: You made the motion to take $2,000 from Federal monies? Mr. Gary: It is Federal monies, yes. Mayor Ferre: Who is making the motion? Mr. Plummer: I second the motion. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-375 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT UP TO $2,000 FOR PURPOSES OF ADVERTISING ON RADIO FOR THE JOB PAITNERSHIP TRAINING ACT (J.P.T.A.) PROGR-Ml. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: 62 APR 51984 sl 11 11 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor. Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: Since we are being selective about where we advertise, I would move that we would not advertise at WNWS, which is a radio station that does nothing but stir racial hate in this community. Mr. Dawkins: I have no problem with that, if we stick with that and don't come back and try to change it next time like we are doing now. I second it, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. MOTION DEFEATED: On motion by Mayor Ferre, and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the foregoing motion to exclude WNTWS radio station from City advertising was defeated by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner ,Joe Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None. Mr. Carollo: We found out who is stirring the racial tensions in this community. Mayor Ferre: Are you accusing me of it? Mr. Carollo: Of course not, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: I am saying that WNWS on the record is a radio station that has spent a tremendous amount of time attacking the Cuban community and the Black community. Mr. Carollo: No more than you did, sir, during your campaign when you paid for ads that attacked the Cuban community as much as anyone ever has, sir. Mayor Ferre: I don't think that I can.... Mr. Carollo: ,'hen your ads were screaming of a Cuban take-over at City Hall, if you recall. Mayor Ferre: I absolutely reject that premise. Mr. Plununer: For the record, I vote negatively. Had the motion been to deny any radio station that practiced a descrimination or caused racial disharmony, 1 would have v>ted favorably, but to spell one out without the others, I voted in the negative. Mayor Ferre: But you spell out the Miami Herald. Mr. Plummer: No, sir,,] did not; I said radio stations. Mayor Ferre: No, but the Miami Herald.... Mr. Plummer: I said radio stations. Mayor Ferre: But I mean.... sl 63 APR 51984 Mr. Plummer: Do you want to speak to the other issue? I'd be glad to. Mayor Ferre: There was a specific vote on the question of the Miami Herald, which .... Mr. Plummer: Nothing was ever brought up. Mr. tiaGvor, about inCiai (ji,barmony until you brought it up after the motion of the Herald. Tl)er,- never aciy discussion.... _ Mayor Ferre: I don't mind being the Minorite in tbis. I have no problems with stating my position on the record. 41. BRIEF D1SCUSSION AGATN CONCERNING ADVI-.RTISING ON "EL AFRAID". Mr. Krause: How about item "F", Mr. Mayor? Mr. Ongie: That: was item "F". Mayor Ferre: Item "F". Mr. Plummer: Item "F" I have agreed was for a specified purpose to a specified reason and I voted yes, or I made the motion. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Is there a second? Is there a second for the last time? Ileari.ng; no second, the item dies for a lack of a second. 42. ACCEPT SCHEMATIC DESIGN PLAN FOR THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITI CENTER. Mayor Ferre: Item "H", the schematic design on Manuel Artime Community Center. Ms. Dena Spillman: Mayor and members of the City Commission, in June of '83 you authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with Duany, Plater-Zyberk and Plasencia to provide architectural services for the renovation of Building A of the Little Havana Community Center. I think you are all aware this is the old church building. We have operating; this since we purclUlSed this buildint, almost ten years ago in an almost substandard condition. It has a temporary stage. There is no permanent Lighting or any sort of equipment, which can be used by cultural groups when they come in to use the facility. Mr. Dawkins: Dena, before you go further, may I ask one question, please? Ms. Spillman: Certainly, Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Was this put out on bid or was this awarded -this contract - awarded to thew? Ms. Spillman: This was advertised and it went through the architectural selection procc-ss. Mr. Dawkins: Let me see how I can say this, so that you can understand what I'm saying. Was this a competitive bid and they won the contract through coria,rtitivi- bidding? Ms. Spillman: It was a competitive process. It was not based on funds, on the cost of the: service. Mr. Gary: The answer to your question is yes. It was done on a competitive selective process, which all professional services contracts are done. sl 64 .APR 51984 E El Mr. Dawkins: Let me see the bids and let me see how it was arrived at that they got the bid. Ms. Spillman: No problem, as a result of the evaluation that the architects have done, what you have before you is a schematic design of the proposed renovation. The reason that we are here before you today is we want to get your input before we go any further in the process to the design development phase. One of the things that is being recommended is that the auditorium be reduced from its current 1,300 seat capacity to n 729 seat fully equiped community theatre. That t•,i.l.l be further discussed by the architects. The cost of renovation is currently estimated at $1,500,000. This is an estimate at this point. I want to stress there are no funds available for this project. We proceded on this hoping that we could either get a special Federal grant or some foundation money. We are still trying to do so. You should be aware that there is no capital improvement funding available for this project at this time. The next step in this process would be that today we would receive your input on the plans and then the design develop- ment documents will be presented to you .at your July City Commission meeting, which will be held at the center- itself. We thought this would be a very effective way of showing you actually what is occuri.ng there. At this time I would like to introduce to you Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk and Roger Pl.asencia, who are here to describe to you their conclusion. Ms. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk: Good morning, as Dena Spillman has told you, this presentation represents the completion of the schematic design for. the Manuel Artime Theatre. Our concept is informed by broad, basic input from a number of groups as follows: the Saski. Master Plan, which was presented to the City two years ago. We differ from that proposal by proposing_ a slightly larger facility with a less drastic and less expensive solution. The Greater Miami Performing Arts facility study recently completed by theatre consultants, Artec of New York, as commissioned by the Downtown Development Authority, with regard to this specific facility, they spoke of noise intrusion, lack of adequate storage facilities and the need in the community for smaller theatres. We have also had direct conversations with cultural groups representing a wide variety of ethnic groups and performance types, Hispanics, Blacks, and Anglos, theatre, dance, and orchestra, children's theatres, from whom an enthusiastic response came. The central location of the Artime Theatre is attractive and desirable to a number of groups and it was suggested that there would be further usage of the facility by the festivals which the City sponsors, including the Miami Film Festival and the New World Festival for the Arts. We've also had input from our engineers and accousticians and the: Little Havana Community Center staff. The City's building and fire codes with limitations primarily in the stage area, and last, but not least our own efforts to minimize the budget. Obviously, the goals of this variety of interests do not immediately harmonize. Iiut our schematic plans respond optimally to all collectively. A brief description of the existing conditions of this building, the building is structurally sound and accoustically viable. The architecture is dignified and suitable for re -use as a theatre. Parking facilities are more than adequate. however, there is no real stage or theatre equipment, lighting or sound system, which is an impediment for its use by community groups, who generally cannot afford the cost and effort of providing; their own stage set up. There are also the serious problems of noise intrusion and lack of storage. We are proposing a new semi -thrust stage and back stage to be built within the existing house, leaving the community center office spaces intact, while reducing; the seating capacity from the current 1,300 to about 730. This typo of stage with a thrust poition removable allows dramatic performance behind the proeeniuITl and orchestral presentations in IYOUL 01 Lnc p1OCV"iUm. This scheme is the result of the Ci ty ' = need to maintain the pxi srir.^ office space, our inLention to m3nawize cost ny optimin3nr changes to the building, and the local performance Eroups' desire for a 500 to 700 seat theatre, so that their smaller productionE Can 100y to full houses. One of the concerns they voiced was that in the taciliLics that :ire available to them in the City now they often have to play to houses that are only partially suated and t-lint poses a great difficulty for then,. of -her aspects of our scheme_ include a%jst,ing :,fair: to be enclosed to meet fire code requirements, SLOragc bring, provided at the rear Of Lhe hounc and at the back stage area, dressing; rooms duSignat- d for the southoust corner of the building, and existing, clabsruuw space on the third f3uuy of the offices will be modified to use for rehearsals as well. It is likely that several companies will make this theatre their home and schedule alternating . 65 AR 519134 sl It r Ms. Plater-Zyberk (Con't): performances. The back stage area provides space for simultaneous storage of several, stage sets. At this point we are inter_v:S.ewa.ng theatre cons trl.tants for part, iri_pat1on and the subsequent design development and constrtict_inn clncument phases of o nr work. We have already mot i. i tir se�-nral. we have boon ascltred of th- platTsJbi.lity of Our scheme, a.s c.7n71 as t_i1e l,os�ihilit.i_ec of phasin; tho t r,rlc and t_he expenditures. The top priority for the ianrlc is the rofotminp of thn tl,catrc sPacE'. The stage and back_ st nr? area, tilt? house i tsel f where the soati_ng is, the dressing rooms and rehearsal space, and some cosmcti.c wort: in tho Lobby. This includes as canll the provision for theatre equipment infrastructure and the recluct_ ng of the existing A.C. syst_cm. The existing seating in the hall. which is not stnggared for good sight lines Js nn icrnn;t-1cnl liability and is uncomfortable. The seating on the balcony could stay, but the seating on the first_ floor should be replaced. Subsequent priorities in order for phasing are: the replacement of the air- conditioning system. We believe a much more energy efficient system can be installed. The old one, which is there now, is usable, but it is very noisy and it needs to be shut off during, performances. The upgrading of the theatre equipment, renovation of the office spaces, and finally the replacement of the second floor seating, the balcony seating. It is our intention to provide the City with the first class theatre facility that is as flexible as possible within the limitations described earlier for the use of performance groups as well as community meetings. Our consultants have verified that a new facility of this scope would cost at least $4,000,000. The City is for- tunate to already have a structure of this much character and potential. I hope you see _i_ts opportunity with the same exitement that the architect and the performing groups, who look forward to this project's realization, do. Mr. Dawkins: What were the reasons that you gave for reducing the seating to half? Ms. Plater-Zyberk: If you refer to the drawings in your booklet, I think it is easier. Currently, the building has the office space in the back and then the house where all the church seating is has a very small stage area which is not separated from the seating at all, has no back stage, no space for equipment, lighting, no wings. In order to provide an adequate stage and not destroy the offices that are in the back of the building, we are moving into the area of the building that has the church seating currently. Mr. Plummer: What is the total cost of the project? Ms. Plater-Zyberk: We are estimating a total cost in construction of $1,500,000. Mr. Plummer: No, total cost of the project? Mr. Dawkins: $4,000,000 you said. Ms. Plater-Zyberk: No, $1,500,000. Mr. Dawkins: Where did the $4,000,000 come from? Ms. Plater-Zyberk: We are saying that a new facility would be $4,000,000. Mr. Plummer: Are you saying $1,500,000? Ms. Plater-Zyberk: That's right. Mr. Plummer: Are you talking about all of the furniture and all of that goes into it, the architectural, in other words, what is the total project cost? Ms. Plater-Zyberk: We are talking about $1,500,000 for total construction cost of the building, all of the seating.... Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, you spoke about the stage and the lighting, and all of that. Is that all included in the cost? Ms. Plater-Zyberk: That's right, yes. APR 51984 sl 66 .0 Mr. Plummer: There are no additional costs. Ms. Plater-Zyberk: That's the total cost that we are estimating at this time, no additional costs. Mr. Plummer: T am asking, total. cost includes fees, architectural, supervision, permit fees, evertitl�.ng. In other words, what you are saying is after the City, i.f they were to spend $1,500,000, can automatically the next day step in anJ put on a production. Ms. Plater-Zyberk: That's .;hat we are saying. Mayor Ferre: T would recommend that out_ of that $10,000,000 that the people approve, that might be one of the things that we would want to look at. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I. think this is a very fine presentation. Let me tell you the problem I. have. The problem I have is to add one more facility for the purposes of: in -competition to a Gusman Hall that is losing money, to a Knight Center, and I say that Knight Center losing money, Dade County Auditorium which is about breaking even, the Dinner Key Auditorium, which is losing money, I just wonder and seriously, question are we not at our detriment over-faci.l.i.tizing this community and I have to wonder that if this is to take business, for example, from Gusman Hall, if this is to take business from the other, we are digging a deeper grave. Mayor Ferre: But, J.L., this is a neighborhood community facility. We are lucky, I. think, to have it. You can say that about parks. You can say that Margaret Pace Park, Moore Park loses money. The Police Department lose money. The Fire Department loses money. but we are not in the money- making business. V'e are in the service rendering business. Mr. Plummer: Yes, but my problem, Maurice, is I can understand the loss of money and what the. overnment has to provide, but they are not being utilized. Thrt' ri difference than money. Ms. Plater-Zyberk: I can speak to that problem. Mr. Plummer: You can speak to it from a certain extent. If you want to see something that I don't agree with, go to the Jim Redford Plan about the exhibition hall. I don't agree with that, but I think it highlights the problem that we're having. That if you get this and it is utilized, then Gusman Hall, instead of being used 50Z is going to be used 25% making it deeper in debt. The Knight Center, which is losing money, instead of being 300 days to play, will be 200 days to play. Mayor Ferre: This is not going to compete with the Knight Center. It might compete with Gusman Hall, even though I think this ends up being a rather small, little theatre. Ms. Plater-Zyberk: It's much smaller than ... we are presenting it as a smaller theatre than.... Mayor Ferre.: Clow many seats will this have? Mr. Pluuuner: 700. Ms. Plater-Zyberk: This is just over 700. That's smaller than Gusman Hall. it's smaller that Coconut Grove Theatre. Mayor Ferre: It's smaller than anything. It's a neighborhood type of a theatre. You are going to get all these Cuban companies that do all these little presentations where they need 300-400 seats; they do not go anywhere else. There is no theatre for them. They are using warehouses. sl .67 APR 51984 Ms. Plater-Zyberk: With all due respect for your concern, because I think it is a valid one, there is a terrific amount spoken to that in this report that Artec did for the City and the County on the theatres in the Metropol.i.tnn area. In general, the report concludes that it's not the number of t:lheatr� 'jncjl_i_t:ic' that is a problem in the City. If fact, they think U*e are unde7 --faci l.i tested for a city of this size, but. the Quality of t )iri.o e- i St.inr cpar.rc, Mr. Plummer: Yell_., I don't 1:_no;.; what._ you are Lalki.ng about, but I have to tell. you that in my estimation from your comments, whomever made that report is not worth a damn, becausc-t it doesn't equate to the fact that Gusman Hail is losing money. It do- 'n't equate to the fact tliat the Knight Center is losing money. That Dinner Key Auditorium is losing money. Mr. Plater-Zyberk: It gives reasons for that in the case of each theatre. Mr. Plummer: Q.K., I have not read the report; but the bottom line is I know the dollars are being put to subsidize. That I know. Now, the problem that I'm getting at is that you put this in here, you can almost bet that there are going to be no charges made, or they are going to be here asking for waivers every day. Mayor Ferre: J.L., what's the bottom line of all this? Mr. Plummer: The bottom line is I move that we accept the schematic. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on the acceptance of the schematic, as presented? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption, MOTION 84-376 A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE SCHEMATIC DESIGN PROFFERED TO THE CITY COM11ISSION ON THIS DATE FOR THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMIINITY CENTER. Upon being seconded by Coiiunissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the followinnj, vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: So there is no misunderstanding, all we are doing is approving the schematic. Ms. Spillman: That is correct. n 1 *68 sl .ApR 51994 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item "I" was withdrawn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 43. ACCEPT AN APPROVED CONCRETE TPASH RT;CF.PTACT,E DESIGNED BY SPILLIS, CANDELLA, AND PAR'T'1iERS; ATJTHOR17,E CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE AND RECEIVE BIDS FOR UP TO 500 SUCH RECEPTACLES. Mayor Ferre: "J", which is discussion of the trash receptacles, Iir. Manager. Mr. Gary: Mr.. I-layor, we have a resolution before you to allow us to go out for bid for trash receptacles similar to the ones that you have seen that would not only be downtown, but all our neighborhoods to replace the trash receptacles which we use now, which are not sturdy, and are very unsightly, and subject to theft and damage. Mayor Ferre: What's the will_ of this Commission? Mr. Gary: By the way, this is as a result of a joint effort of D.D.A., Downtown 14iami Merchants, Planning Department. They all recommended it. Mayor Ferre: Willy, are you recommending this? Mr. Carollo: Is it going to have "City of Miami" on it somewhere? Mr. Gary: Yes, we are going to put the logo on it with "City of Miami" ingrained to the rocks. Mr. Plummer: Horrible looking. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: That's the guns of Navarone. Mayor Ferre: Does that mean you are moving it, Plummer? Mr. Plummer: No. Mr. Carollo: Move. Mayor Ferre: Carollo moves. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-377 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND APPROVING THE CONCRETE TRASH RECEPTACLE DESIGN BY SPILLIS CANDELA AND PARTNERS WITH 1-11NOR MODIFICA11ONS AS APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER; AND AU'1110R1'/ING TI11: CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE l.AD RECEIVE BIDS 1'01, UI' TO 500 OF SUCH TRAS11 Ii1=C JITACLE5 ]OR U`11-' IN C0I`24ERCIAL DISTRICTS THROUGHOUTTill' C1T�� OF 1%110,11. (Here follow$ body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). .APR 51984 sl 11 E Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner ''ill nr T. Dawkins Commiss3_oneY 7nc± Car-ollo Vice ?Mayor- Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Terre NOES: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer.: No, I think they are horrible looking. I think you could do much better for the money. 44. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF C0.•fPLETED WOPJ, FOR HADLEY PARK IMPROVEMENTS PENDING INVESTIGATION BY MIUIBERS OF THEE CITY COMMISSION. Mr. Dawkins: I would like to move item 102, please. Mr. Manager, I need someone up there for 102, please. Mr. Plummer: Do you move to accept or deny? Mr. Dawkins: I. don't knot:. I'm getting ready to see now. Mayor Ferre: h'e are on item 102, Mr. Kern. This is the P.N.M. Corporation. $123,000 for Nadler Park. Mr. Carl Kern: Yes, sir, Carl Kern. This is a Public Works item, but basically it: is the completion of the construction phase of the work that has been done out there. It is a final payment. Mayor Ferre: Is that the tennis court? Mr. Carl Kern: Yes, everything was included in that total program. Mayor Ferre: Isn't that part of the consent agenda? Mr. Kern: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: You can pull it now or then. It doesn't matter. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Dawkins has pulled item 102 and we are discussing it now. Are there any questions you have on it? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, a lot of them. Mr. Plummer: Where did this money go for in particular? Mr. Don Cather: This is an addition to the regular Hadley Park contract and it included some tennis courts, which have been completed by P.N.M. and it is part of the consent agenda. We are asking for final payment. Mr. Plummer: How man}, tennis courts? Mr. Cather: Two. Mr. Plummer: Two courts? Mr. Gary: Two racket ball courts, two tennis courts, including the lighting, fencing, color coding, electrical work. Mr. Plummer: It cost $123,000? 70 APR 51984 sl 4 Mr. Cather: Correct, and the work has been performed satisfactorily. Mr. Dawkins: To you satisfactory to you? Mr. Cather.: According to the contract specifications. Mr. Dawkins: t.That did they do t:n the other tennis courts out there? Mr. Cather: They didn't do anything, sir. That was another contract, which is a subject of considerable amount of debate, L.G.H. Mr. Dawkins: Hr. Gary, I want to move here now... don't we need at the next —the next Commission meeting is where? Mr. Plummer: The 26th. Mr. Dawkins: Northv estern? Mr. Gary: I don't know right off -hand. Mr. Cather: which Commission meeting do you want? Mr. Plummer: May Loth. Mr. Dawkins: May loth. Mr. Cather: May loth we meet in Liberty City at 7007 N.W. 12 Avenue. Mr. Plummer:: That's Northwestern. Mr. Dawkins: prior to the meeting, I would like for this Commission to go with me and visit Iiadley Park and see what has been done out there. There, in my opinion, it is ridiculous. I don't know whether I move this be deferred until we go out there and see that. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion that itme 102 be deferred, seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: Under discussion, I would also like you to provide me with a cost factor of what that roman column entrance, which nobody can play on, it is strictly for aesthetics, Id like to know what that entrance cost. Mr. Dawkins: I would also like, since you are going to give us that, let me know wily there is no tot equipment out there and why there is but one bathroom and not a bathroom in the new facility that you built. Why is there no new grass planted in the areas where the grass was torn up. These are the thinks that I. need to know, sir. Mr. Plummer' I would ask for a complete and total breakdown of each facet of where thu dollars went. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll now on the deferral. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-378 A MOTION TO DETER CONSIDERATION OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ACCEPTIv.CE OF TIIE COIAPLETED WORK BY THE P.N.M. CORPORATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS AT HADLEY PAIN: PENDING' INSPECTION OF THIS FACILITY BY MEMBERS OF 'Ii�L CITY CO"VII SSION; FURTHER F.EQUESTING THE CITY 7LviA(:FI1 10 I'UI:I\IIsli THE CITY COMMISSION WITH A COMPLETE COS'! BREAKDOWN OI' ALL EXPENDITURES ON SAID FACILITY TO DATE. 71 sl .APR 51984 U r] Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissi_oner Miller J. Dawkins Commi6s1r)ner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.ta. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 45. DISCUSSION AND FORMALIZING RESOLUTION REGARDING FUNDING TO SEND STUDENTS OF THE MARTIAL ARTS ,'O A KARATE CONGRESS IN CARACAS, VENEZUELA. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, briefly, last Commission meeting we passed a resolution approving some $5,000 for the karate group that was going to be representi.n�; us in Venezuela. I understand up to this date the City has not given them the money. They have to leave in just a few days, it is my understanding. I'd 1.il:e to find out if there is anything else that is needed from the Commission or what the hold up is. Mayor Ferre: The Commission voted for it and it was unanimous vote. Mr. Carl 1,crn: Yes, sir, they came in on the last Commission meeting of the 29th. There are a couple of technical problems that a;c encountered. They are not. a non --profit organization. They don't a charter and they don't have a certified public accountant, which conforms v' th the guidelines :>et: up by the Commission. So what v,c had to do is to work on a sub.=tit.ute sort of agreement with them where. they would be able to be paid. Mayor Ferre: You mean they are a for -profit organization? Mr. Kern: No, they are not a for -profit, but they're not a State certified non-profit agency. So we ran into those technical problems. That's basically the nature of it. Mayor Ferre: What you are saying is you are working it out? Mr. Carollo: Well, that's what we are running with with most of the organizations that we've been giving funds to. That's really nothing new. Mr. Gary: No, if you recall, as a result of our sitting down with the State Attorney and we set up some regulations and bringing them back to you, it says that we have to give them to bona fide corporations, non- profit. Mr. Carollo: Make sure they get their money. We approved it. Mr. Gary: What we are doing now is we have a resolution for your action today. It's to try to get around or address that concern. The City Attorney has drafted the resolution to give it to the coaches, which he feels would lceup us in compliance with our policies with regard to what we had agreed upon. Mr. Carollo: Howard, after we vote upon that, when can they have their check then? Mr. Gary: Do you have the contracts written up? Mr. Kern: Yes, we do. They just have to submit their paid bills, Mr. Carollo: They have to submit their paid bills? Mr. Gary: They could get their check today. APR 51984 sl 72 11 Mr. Kern: They have to submit their paid bills and they get their check, according to the terms of the contract. Mr. Carollo: They leave to submit their paid bills. Is there a representative from the group here? When can you suhmi_t the paid bills to get a check? Unidentified Speaker: We seibrilt-ted most of the bills, I think. They have all the bill-, right- nvw. Mr. Carollo: For. the full amount? Mr. Gary: All this, right here? Unidentified Speaker: The whole thing, everything. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? Mr. Carollo: Dena, do you have that? Ms. Spillman: Yes, they can get a check today. Mr. Carollo: They have submitted the checks. When can they get their check, then, if they have submitted what you need? This afternoon? Howard, can they get it this afternoon then? Where should they go? You will tell them where to go, now? Fine. I move the resolution that the City Attorney drafted allocating them an amount not to exceed $5,490. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-379 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $5,490 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, TO THE COACHES OF THE MIAMI MARTIAL ARTS CONGRESS IN ORDER TO FACILITATE T11E TRANSPORTATION OF KARATE STUDENTS TO THE CARACAS INTERNATIONAL KARATE TOURNAMENT AS OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES 01' T1iE CITY OF MIAMI; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINIS- TRATIVE POLICY NO. AP11-1-84 , DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded b), Commnisrsioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the followinj!, vote.: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. lM wkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. I'luimner, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mr. Gary: Let's modify that motion. They haven't been on a trip. I don't sec them having bills. I would suggest this City Commission for the intent to modify the motion to advance them the money with the provision that they bring us the bills after the fact. Mayor Ferre: Accepted. sl 3 APR 51984 0 rl Mr. Carollo: Accepted. Mayor Ferre: Without further discussion, let that be part of the motion of the resolution that was passed. 46. APP0T[NTT_NG NiR. RLCHARn ROSICUAN AS A MEMBER OF THE RESPONSIBLE COI,IMTTTEE; FOR BONDS AND PARKS. Mayor Ferre: Now I would ai.ke to move, Mr. Perez, that Mr. Richard Rosichan be retained, Mr. Ptanager, be the director and coordinator for the Committee for Responsible Bonds for People and Parks. You come back and bring it after you have worked it out. Mr. Gary: Just make a motion for me to do it. It will be done, but I want to bring it back. Mayor Ferre: I so move. Mr. Perez: Commissioner Dawkins seconds. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-380 A MOTION APPOINTING RICHARD ROSICHAN TO THE "COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSIBLE BONDS FOR PEOPLE AND PARKS". Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Mil.ier J. Dawkins Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo _ --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 12:50 P.M. at City Hall and resumed session at 3:35 P.M. at Comstock Elementary School in Allapattah. --------------------------------------------------------------------- . ' 74 sl APR 51984 0 NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 12:50 P.M. at City Ball and resumAd session at 3:35 P.M. at Com- stock Elementary School in Allapattah Faith the following members of the Commission with the f03I.01--i_ng members found to be present: Commissioner 1l.l.ler. J. Dakki_ns Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetr.i.o Were,, Jr. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 47. APPROVE COIv'VEYANCE QUIT -CLAIM DEED, CITY OIqN`ED PROPERTY, KNOWN AS THE RELOCATED S.E. 4TH STREET IN CONNECTION WITH THE NEW MIAMI AVENUE BRIDGE. Mr. Gary: Vice -Mayor Perez, this is authorization to grant to State of Florida City of Miami land for the construction of Miami Avenue Bridge. We recommend approval. Mr. Plummer: I move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mr. Perez: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTIO14 NO. 84-381 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONVEYANCE TO STATE OF FLORIDA BY QUIT -CLAIM DEED OF CERTAIN CITY -OWNED PROPERTY KN014N AS RELOCATED S.E. 4TH STREET AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF RIVERFRONT CENTER TO BE USED FOR THE NEI,d M:IA,I AVENUE BRIDGE, AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER TO STATE OF FLORIDA A QUIT- CLAIM DEED FOR SAID PROPERTY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Conunissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: ABSENT: None Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ld 76 APR 51984 4b 11 48. DISCUSSION ITEM: ST. BUENAVENTURE OF A14ERTCA INC. CONSIDERING A REQUEST FOR THr PURCMASfE OF TICKETS FOR THE MISS AFRO-AMERICAN PAGEANT; RFF'EF.RED TO .THE CTTSr MANAGER. Mr. Perez: ttin now have personalfrom St.. 13ur'naventure of America, Inc. 7'he5> have requested that the City of lli_a-.i. purchase 1,000 tickets at a reduced price of $ ;'.50 for the Miss Afro --America Pageant to be held at the Theatre for the Performing Arts from April 28, 1984. Mr. Plummer.: Is there anybody here on Item Number 12, St. Buenaventure of America? Is there anyone here on Item 12. 'There is someone coming from the back - is this your item, sir_? Pull the microphone around, sir. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: To the honorable Mayor Maurice Ferre, the Miami City Commission, and City Manager Howard Gary, it is a privilege to appear_ before you to request your support of the 1.984 Afro-American Collegiate Pageant. This national }pageant of Black campus queens will bring positi.vc. light to our community and enhance Black Miami's image. It is a great A,-�erican event. The Miss Afro-T.mcrican Pageant was con- ceived as part of the great American dream. It will dazzle the entire South Florida community with an exciting weekend of paaeant-r..y. As president and founder of the Miss Afro-American Pageant, I would be honored and most grateful if the City of Miami would consent to purchase 1,000 discounted tickets. I am also requesting the City of Miami to print souvenir programs for our pageant that will include promotional material on Miami, and also to print posters and flyers for the Miss Afro-American Pageant. These souvenir brochures would be distributed at the Miss Afro-American Parade, the Miss Afro-American Pageant and at college campuses and universities across the nation. This will help to open new doors for the Black tourists of our country. The underprivil.ener; and disadvantaged youths who receive these tickets will have a wonderful opportunity to attend a natural extravaganza. It instills in hu-nericans of all walks of life that they are indeed winners. By attending the Miss Afro-American Pageant, these disad- vantaged youths to see our pageant's opening production numbers as little sisters and little brothers of campus queens participating in the pageant. These South Florida youths will time and time again hear and read about spectacular local events, but are rarely afforded a chance to see these events simply because of the fact of being dis- advantaged and boor. Vith programs such as the Miss Afro-American Collegiate Pageant to attend and participate, these South Florida Children will go on to become lawyers, teachers and doctors and make great contributions to our society. The 131ack campus queens partici- pating in our ;:pageant are great roll models for our children. They are to put it mildly, %,.inners. They are i.ntel.ligeiit, educated and marvelously rectal. 'I'he 1964 Idiss Afro-American Pageant which v:as originally scht-duled for 1:1n-il -)'8th will he staged Jur,.e i- 19C at the Center for th(— fine Arts, at 101 WL st Flagler, J.&C-'inning at 8:00 P.M. Proceed from the Miss Afro-Tn1Liica1: Pc<gcant taili benefit the United Negro College Fund and Flcri.Cia I,eriorial College to further educate our coiiunu:iity. I make a special appeal for your support. Let's show America a positive side. of black Miami. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, we are on Item Number 12 and we need recom- mendations on this? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, this item has to go back before the Review Commit- tee because certain forms have not been filled out for us to make an evaluation. Mayor Ferre: All right, does anybody else have any statements that need to be made on this? Will you need any motions on this matter? Mr. Gary: No. 76 ld APR 51984 -4--------------------------------------------------------------------- 49. AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATION: SUNSTREET FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, SUNSTREET FESTIVAL '83. Mayor Fer1-e: Agenda Ttem number 13. - Mr. Brooks, the Chair recog- nizes you. Let me say a fee•, words here. I think obviously there is a lot of expectations and I. think that it important that people under- stand what we are doing here. Ladies and Gentlemen, the City of Miami Commission in the past had a commitment of coming out to the neighborhoods. What we are doing now is re --establishing that. We did it up lunti_l. about five years ago and we have re-established that and we will be going at every Commission meeting in the afternoon to the neighborhoods so that those citizens who want to see the Mliami Commission in action, or they have something that they wish to bring to us, they will. have the opportunity to do so near their homes. I think it also brings us in the Commission an opportunity to see you in your neighborhood and I think that is really what it- is all about. (COMMENTS 13Y Mayor Ferre in Spanish follow) All right., r'r. Brooks, the Chair recognizes you. Mr. Arthur Brooks: Good Afternoon, ilr.. Mayor and Commissioners, I am here to present our video tape of our last year's festival as the City of Miami requested us to do. We have shown it to the Dade County Commissioners and they are very pleased with it. I am sure when you see what we did in 1983, you will be pleased with it also, and we expect to do bigger and better things in 19B4, but we need to carry out your wishes and let you see what happened with Sunstreet Festival for 1983, and I hope this presentation will enlighten you and you enjoy it. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right. Turn it a little sideways so some of the people in the audience can see. (AT THIS POINT, audio-visual presentation was made - comments inaudible) Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. Is there anything else you want to address at this time? Mr. Brooks: Mr. Mayor, I would like to say I am sorry we could not get more volume so everybody could see it and hear it and enjoyed it much better, but it was a brief presentation. and light footage of our festi- val. What I am saying here to you today, to the Commissioners here today in Allapattah. I think all the volunteers that were involved in the Festival for '83 did a beautiful job and they are standing in the wings to get '84 under way ana I am hoping that the City of Miami Commissioners will consider us and when we corne back and hope you would be willing to help us out in 1984 and I am sure you won't regret it. I want to thank you. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, Mr. Brooks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 50. GRANTLNG A WLIVE R OF 1401SE ORDINANCE TO PERMIT A FIREWORKS DISPLAY UNTIL 10:00 O'CLOCK APRIL 22nd IN CONNECTION WITH THE HAITIAN FESTIVAL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: All right, on Agenda Item 14. Add -Fire Inc., Mr. Ken Walker. Is Mr. Walker here? All right, Mr. Walker, we are running behind. I apologize, but we would like to keep this very quick and to the point. Mr. Ted Walker: Honorable Mayor Ferre, Commissioners and City Manager Gary. I was here on two items, the first one being as representative of the Haitian Carnival, '84, requesting to have a fireworks display Id 77 APR 51984 11 at midnight, April 22nd, Lemon City area, as a finale to their activities. Mayor Ferris: Let me understand this. What is occuring on April 22nd at Lemon City? Mr. Walker: The Haitian Car.n.i.val 184. Mayor Ferre: 01,, the Haitian Carnival. Are you requesting this on behalf of your corporation or for the Haitian carnival? Mr. Walker: Both, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is there a representative of the Haitian community or the Haitian Carnival here? Mr. Walker: Not to my knowledge, sir. They sent me. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager. Mr. Plummer: You are the company that puts this on. Then how much are you being paid, sir? Mr. Walker: I don't have that contract with me, sir. I am sorry. Mr. Walker: I am not sure whether is is $1,200 or... Mayor Ferre: Well, let's put it this way. Is between zero and $100,000? Mr. Walker: It is between $1,200 and $2,000. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, thank you. Mayor Ferre- Mr. Manager, what is your recommendation? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, we recommend against any fireworks for it is against the ordinance, particularly this, because it is held on a Sunday night, as I recall, that is the date that you plan to shoot the fireworks and you will. disturb the neighborhood, particularly those little kids that have to go to school. Mayor Ferre: All right, questions from members of the Commission? What is your second request, sir? Mr. Plummer: 10:00 o'clock at must be over. Mr. Walker: If I have to live with 10:00 o'clock, that is what I will live with! Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves that this motion be approved at 10:00 P.M. Who seconds it? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Perez seconds it. Further discussion? Mr. Plummer: How long is your display? Mr. Walker: Between 15 and 20 minutes. Mr. Plummer: But you understand it is completed by 10:00 P.M.? Mr. Walker: Whatever- you so direct to. Mayor Ferre: 1:11 right, t}ie: motion is that it is to be completed by 10:00 P.M. Sunday night on.kpril 22nd at the Haitian Festival. Further discussion? Call the roll. R ld APR 51964 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-382 A MOTION GRANTING A WAIVER OF THE NOISE ORDINANCE AND PERMITTING A FIREWORKS DTSPLAY TO BE HELD UNTIL 10:00 O'CLOCK P.M. ON SUNDRY, APRTL 22., 1984 IN CONNECTION WITH THE, IIAITIAN FESTIVAL. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the followi.nq vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 51. CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEM 14 CONCERNING A FIREWORKS DISPLAY IN CONNECTION WITH SHOOTING FIREWORKS AFTER 9:00 P.M. Mr. Ted Walker: Mr. Mayor, I did have a second item. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I thought that was the second item. Go ahead. Mr. Walker: Since Ordinance Number 9540 has been in effect for a little over a year now and we both have had time to evaluate it, I appeal to you all to reconsider Paragraphs 2 and 3 to allow all types of fireworks displays until. 11:00 P.1,S., such as Dade County and every other domestic place that we have worhed. In the past year, 30s of: our business would have been in the City of Miami if it had not been for the 9:00 P.I`i. requirement along with time limits being placed upon the acenda. Our clients have not had the typee of entertainment they preferred, and these clients are the same ones that are tourist_: and conventioneers that you so strongly promote. Fireworks are entertainment for everyone and is also an art form - an art form which we are doing tomorrow night at the downtown campus of Miami Dade Junior College. We tried dia_ging clams and I tried for a year, but it is really not �:,orhing too well. Mayor Ferre: All right, any questions of Ili . tlal};er? Any statements, or motions? If not, than}; you very much, 1:r. tda1};er. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. GOING ON RECORD, THE CITS' C01,241SSI0N FULLY APPRC.VES A WIDENING OF S. W. 17TII AVENUE, BUT LIRCE METRO TO ASSUME OBLIGATIONS TO REPLACE THE PARKI NC . Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item Number 15, which is representative of commercial properties along 17th Avenue. Name and address for the record. Mr. Julio Fonte: My name is Julio Fonte. I own a business at 330 S. W. 17th Ave71ue and I air, a spokeEman for the businessmen In the area of. 17th Avenue betwNel; Flagler Street and S. W. bt.h Street. Our sltuatloL 1S th(� a5 47e 1prjoke t_he last t11T«, there are plans for the w1dcl,.Inc) of 1 ith AVCr":U6 whic`n 4;oUld adversely affECL every one of the busint-sse in thte area. As I r xplained before, it affects ap- proximately 50 businesses, arid possibly 200 people or more will lose their employment on account of this wideriirry. . Id 79 APR 51984 Mayor Ferre: How many people? Mr. Fonte: In excess of 2.00 people. We are looking for an alterna- tive to this situation and I think that it is necessary for the widening of 17th Avenue that there u,,i.11 be other alternatives to this situation. Apparently there have keen public hearings on this matter. before. The businessmen of t.hl� area were not, aware of them.If they were sent noti- fication, they didn't understand them. Mayor Fer.r_e: You realize of course, that the City of Miami has no authority as to whether 17th Avenue is widened or not. We have some influence, but. we do not decide that - Metropolitan Dade County de- cides. Mr. Fonte: We are fully aware that the County is the moving force behind the widening of 17th Avenue, but before we can take the next step up the ladder, we need to have the backing of the City, whether we are backed by the City, government entrance or not. Mayor Ferro: This is a public hearing, is there anyone else who wishes to address this Commission at this time? Does anybody else - does the Administration wish to address the Commission? In discussion, isn't anybody going t. day anything? Mr. Plummer: It: is a personal appearance. Mayor Ferre: Well, this may be a personal appearance, but the Adminis- tration needs to be on the record as to whether it is for or against. Mr. Donald Cather: My name is Donald Cather, Public Works for the City of Miami. We have prepared for your perusal there a map showing the major property defected by this widening. This project was first brought before the attention of the Public Works Department some six years ago at which time we worked very closely to minimize the impact of the widening of 17th Avenue by shifting the alignment from side to side so that the impacts would be minimized and they worked very closely with the Depart-wient of Public Works for Dade County. Mr. William Powell, -Director of Public V"orks for Dude County is here to answer any detailed questions you may wish to address to him. We be- lieve that this project should go forward. Mayor Ferret All right, Mr. Powell. Is there anybody else from the public who wishes to be heard at this time? Mr. Bill Powell: Good Afternoon - Bill Powell, Director of Public Works, Dade County. The 17th Avenue project has been in the program for approximately 10 years. Mayor Ferret Longer. Mr. Powell: Yes. Mayor Ferret 20 years. Mr. Powell: The plans have been prepared. There have been public hearings on it. As a result, plans have been prepared. we are in the process now of requiring the right-of-way where necessary. Let me say that when the plans for 17th Avenue were first proposed, we were talking about 100 foot wide right-of-way. After much discussion, it was decided to reduce to 70 feet, ,,,Mich eXists in most lor_aticns along 17th Avenue, thereby lessening the impact. Pii;.:t will Le cc.nstructed in there will be four traffic lanes, two iIi arc}, dir<:ctiorwith a center turn strip that will 1 roviQe t.urnlna mr,NL-PieT,tS 1litG the proper- ties or into the side stre&is. It ,:ill be a I1�inamdm sectio:, - it will be a section similar to what Ilas bee_I, dol- on 2211d Avenue. We are ready to go (inaudible) what is nec-essary and 1 would guess that within the next year we will be advertising for bids on the project. ld '80 APR 51984 H Mr. Plummer: What about 8th Street to Dixie Highway? Mr. Powell: That is the same section in there. However, most of that is residential rather than business. Mr. Plummer: So vi gat you are say _nar that when you do it, your total project is from 1st Street: to Pixie H_7hway. Mr. Powell: That i_s correct. Mr. Plummer: Ar-d t•rhen do you contemplate this project as starting? Mr. Powell: We quess wo will be advertising and receiving bids within the next year. Mr. Plummer: And holy long do you contemplate this project to take? Mr. Powell.: It will take a year. Mr. Plummer: In other words, the businesses will be disrupted for a year. Mr. Powell: Yes, sir.. Mr. Plummer: what alternatives have you made for traffic that nor- mally travels that street or tries to travel that street? Mr. Powell: t;c=11, we made provisions to maintain traveling on the street d <ri ;ci co:istruction. Of course there will be some periods where certr;in >c-ctions %,ill probably have to barricaded off during a short period, )jut that is the best we can do with it under the circumstances. Mayor Ferre 1,1r, Powell., I noticed that from this path, there are more properti.cs that (inaudible)....... Mr. Powell: There is more than that in the total project all the way from 1st Strcet down to U. S. 1. There is something like 70 properties affected. Mayor Ferre: Why are you showing it to be only 4 properties affected. Mr. Plummer: From 1st to the Trail. Mr. Powell: It is just in the short section here that these particular properties are affected. In most cases we are only taking ` to 10 feet of the property. You see, we are trying to keep it within what is already the existing right-of-way. Mayor Ferro: All right, Mr. Powell, did you have a similar type of complaint and problems when you did 27th Avenue and 22nd? Mr. Powell: Yes, sir, every street we do. Mayor Ferre: And how were they worked out? Mr. Powell.: Well, when the right-of-way is required, we have got to go in find take it. There is disruption: to the businesses while the road is under construction. There is no question about that. Mayor Ferre: X.:id you lay... Mr. Powell: No, we don't reimburse the property owner for anything. Mayor Ferre: You don't reimburse them for taking their property? Mr. Powell: Oh, yes, but not for the loss of business. Mayor Ferre: Oh, okay. Further questions of Mr. Powell? LD APR 5 1984 1 (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: The question is is this one of the few cases where you are having your relocation assistance. Mr. Powell: That is right-, where• the property is being taken so that the tenant or the owner ha.s to move out, there is relocation assistance available to them. Mayor Ferre: flow many properties are Navin<,I to relocate their business? Mr. Powell: I can't answer that, Mayor - I don't know. Mayor Ferre: One? Ten? One hundred? Mr. Powell: I can't tell you, Mayor. I don't know. Mayor Ferre: Would you give us that information, please. Mr. Powell: Yes, we sure will. Mayor Ferre: Are there any other questions of Mr. Powell? is there anybody else (I will get back to you and let you close it) who wishes to speak on this issue at this time? Ms. Hilda Rodriguez: I am Hilda Rodriauez, Little Havana Development Authority, 970 S. V,. ist Street and i,,e have boon involved in this project since 1980 grid ve have been holding public meetings since 1980.a.nd the chances is now planned for those meetings to accomodate those businesses and otianers of that area. All these changes have come up to the plan that is now there, we think these plans should go ahead. Mayor Ferre: Is the Little Havana Development Authority recommending this expansion? Ms. Rodriguez: We think it should be done, yes. Mayor Ferre: Did you say yes? Ms. Rodriguez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Did you take it to the Board? Was that a Board decision? Ms. Rodriguez: It is part of the Latin Quarter Plan. I mean, it is not completely the Latin Quarter Plan, but we have been working with the Public Works Department on this issue. Mayor Ferre: Anybody else? Mr. Fonte: I own a business there, and nobody has come to talk to me about it. I have also other owners out here and they like to know who came to contact them to caution them about their interest. Who makes these decisions? The Latin Chamber of Cortunerce, the Gentle- men that sat back: Mere said that on previous meetings the last time, the Latin Chamber of Commerce backed the widening of 17th Avenue, yet, today h(- had to leave because the time that Mr. Pestones was here -representing the Latin Chamber of CoriLrc�erce, and he is backing us! We made it clear to him that we are... Mayor Ferre: Was that in writing? Cr,VL COL, do they say they are backing you? Mr. Fonte: Well, I will tell you, thi:: is simple matter - members of the Latin Charr:her of Colrul«rce arc. i r; the Commission for the develop- ment of Little Havana. Now, 1 would ii}.e to know how the Latin Chamber of Commerce based their deciEiorl 1 have personally canvassed this 17th Avenue from oiie: end to rite- c,thu=r ar,d every one of the business owners over there are telling mu they do not want the widening of 17th Avenue. ld 82 APR 51984 0 Mayor Ferre: I don't know how to answer that. You would have to ask them, because I don't think we would know the answer to that. Mr. Fonte: Well, that is another question. Mayor Ferris: The question as to who makes the decision - Metropolitan Dade County makes t_he de(: s.ion. Mr. Fonte: This i.s not only a transit problem, this is also a social economic problem. tihat i_s going to happen to a11. those people who have no transportation, a11, of means of support., other_ than the area they live in is where they work. at. Who is aoi.nq to make arrangements for them? Who is going to make arrangements for the b;)siness owners? They will. have no parking arrangements whatsoever. There will, be no provisions for that because I have seen it in the County's plans. The County also expressed (inaudible) as a person - the - individual. who comes over to assess your property. A few people raised a beef: - it did not matter. They told them they had to place a bond with a. judge and we would have to qo, period. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you a question. Do you like 8th Street? The lights and the bricks and the trees and the way it is developed? Mr. Fonte: It is not that I like it. It is allowed to exist, it has parking and it is fluent... Mayor Ferrc. No, no, riot about that. My question is do you like what the City did to 8th Street? It is good? Mr. Fonte: yes, I think it is fine. Mayor Ferre: Do you like the way 22nd has been... Mr. Fonte: 1\o, I don't! Mayor Ferre: Do you like the way 27th has been done? Mr. .Fonte: 27th is a little ... yes. Mayor Ferre: Do you like Coral Way? Mr. Fonte: No, I don't. Mayor Ferre: You don't like Coral Way? Let me tell you, I think Coral Way is improved and I think some of the things that we have done to improve it is good, unfortunately... Mr. Pont(--: Well, I think trees and all that is nice, but you have got to eat first. Mayor Ferre:.... the problem is it is impossible to improve Flagler Street or 6th Street or Coral Way or 27th or 22nd or Grand Avenue or 62nd Street or- N. W. 7th Avenue without breaking up the street, and laying sewer- pip�c-s and making sidewalks. Mr. Font.L: tde arm not tal}ring about breaking up the street, Mayor. We are talking ab�->ut fife it c, alter -native ways to conduct this without affecting the people V,'iiu to live in the area! Mayor Ferre: hobociy i,r:s yet ir;vented a way to make omelets without breaking the eggs! And if they could, we could build a street and without... Mr. Fonte: It is a matter of concern of corning out and saying developers, or is it the County's interest, or is it the people who are going to break up the streets? Whose interest is priority? Id 83 APR 51984 Mayor Ferre: Obviously, you know what my position is and I have taken this position consistently in everyone of these projects that have come up. Mr. Fonte: Are we goi.nq to have the same sit>>ation down there as we have in the northwest area of town, where tm have eery wide streets? Plenty traffic, but no employment, because all of the jobs had to move to the County? All of the employment places had to move to the County because there is no place to work - is that what we want now for southwest Miami? Is that we are waiting to do? Mr. Dawkins: The desire to widen .l7th Avenue in the name of progress may be a misnomer. I can cite to you three streets that were widened or beautified in the name of progress and the streets are now dead. - N. W. 12th Avenue, N. W. 7th Avenue and N. W. 62nd Street. N. W. 7th Avenue has no parking. Along came the Model City program. They took N. W. 62nd Street, closed the entrance at I-95 at 54th Street and opened one on 62nd Street-. They created a median, but the street is still dead. They moved to widen 62nd Street caused the people who lived on 62nd Street to move someplace else. Now you have got a big pretty street in Ntd.Miami called 62nd street (Martin Iauther King Blvd.. and now in the name of progress you want to widen 17th Avenue. At S. W. 17th Avenue and S. W. 3rd Street there is a church. If you widen the street, where will the people at the church park? Across the street from the church there is a place called My Market Grocery Store. The grocery store has no parking. I was there this morning. Directly behind the grocery store is an apartment building. For tenants they have got 34 parking spaces behind"My grocery store". All 17 or .34 parking spaces belong to the apartment building that is back there. There are also two apartments at 301 and 311 on 17th. If you widen the street, the people at these two apartments will step from their house right on the sidewalk. There is another place called the Bon Bon Bakery right on the corner. The Bon Bon Bakery has got three parking spaces behind. If you widen the street, they will have no place to park. On 4th Street west, you have got the Fl. Grocery. It has a hardware store and a lumber yard. If you do that, they have no place to park. It is my opinion that in two or three years, if you widen 17th Avenue as you say we are going to do now, you will have another 62nd Street, or N. W. 17th Avenue. And my concern is, if the County is so interested in the widening of 17th Avenue, I have just as much of a problem going from 36th Street to the bridge as you have on the other side, and nobody is talking about widening 17th Avenue, from 36th Street south to the bridge. Mayor Ferro: All right, other questions or other statements? Mr. Plummer: Well, I want to ask. Mr. Powell a question. Mr. Powell, there is no question that you will be eliminating many, many parking spaces, which is at best, approximately 100 from just Flagler to 8th. What responsibility does the County have to provide parking for those businesses? Mayor Ferro: Well, to my knowledge, it doesn't have any. Mr. Plummer: In other words, the County doesn't take a position... in other words, these people, anybody's business has to depend on parking, there is no if's, and's and but's about it. Now, what is the County going to do to replace that parking which they are elimi- nating. Mr. Powell: To the best of my knowledge, there has never been an obligation on any public body to replace parking that is eliminated in the construction of•a street. The construction of streets is for the movement of traffic, not for the parking of businesses, or residential. Mr. Plummer: Well, can you answer the man how he is going to do business without parking? APR 51984 id Mr. Powell: I can't answer that, but I don't think it is the respon- sibility of the Ccunty to provide that. I can't answer that. Mr. Plummer.: Yet, the man has to do business. Mr. Powell, unless you can tell mQ som-thing, ancf T Yeali.i.e the si!gnificancE of my vote. I came here to :ote ant to tell you, unless � T you can tell me in some manne - h04'• - •ancl _i. N:e ant to tr"ll you 1.7th Avenue is horri.},l_a as far as }111t T C?:snot sit here and vote to put al-1 t}lose people out of bll.-i.nes ! That i actually what you are doing. You take my skinny friend back there, at Bon Bon Bakery, okay? without parking, that man, and he he has none - he has like two behind the bakery - he is out of business! He is OUT of business! Thy cannot survive on a walkup type of busi- ness. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Mr. Plummer: Sir, you have made your argument - let me make mine. Now, Mr. Powell, unless you can tell me that either one, you are going to put parking back, or two, that you are going to provide the proper parking, I can't sit here and vote to put those people out of business. I am just ai.vi_ng you a very honest ct:atement, sir. Mr. Powell: Conunissioner Plummer, I cannot give you that assurance because that is not true. There is a four lane street out there now but with parking on the sides, it provides two lanes of traffic. There is no sense to spend all of the money to provide another four lane street and put parking on there and still have two lanes of traffic. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Powell, I couldn't agree with you more, sir. ® Mr. Powell: 17th Avenue is an arterial road. As you say, it is heavily traveled. Unless something is done to that, people are going to find other ways to get through the community and that means they are going to be on the residential streets - the only thing I _ can say is, this street is in the road program at the request of the City of Miami, and if the City of Miami doesn't want the street completed, I am sure we can find other areas for the funds. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Powell, you missed my statement completely, sir. I didn't in any way suggest that parking had to qo back n a four lane road. },'hat I and saying sir, you could acquire additional. property for parking, or parking structures, or some way to provide parking. You see, I have mixed emotions. I think the street has to be widened. There is no question about it, but I also feel there is an obligation when you take away parking, that you must provide parking so that these people can stay in business, but that is just my feeling, sir. Mr. Powell: ;fell., I am sorry, I am not aware of any, at least legal obligations to do that. Mr. Plummer: Thank you, sir. Mr. Cather: SPI•-14, which is the Latin Quarter commercial -residential, calls for some changes in the zoning of some of those lots and it will help alleviate the problem because-, we are taking into consideration parking 1>roblels, which is problematic in that area, os we are worK ing orl that ancC it will Ca11 Joy soli,e zonenq c}-ianges. We will come be— fore th(_. Colranissicn oll the 'Gtli, so... Mayor Ferre: 1,11 right , t}i, will of the Commission at this time?ar:y other statements? The Chair will take any motion tli�t Mr. Plu:mne r : 1`:r �;� . c•� , 1 would urge that this City Commission go on record ui gin( };mot 1 Gl.bl i ral', !)ac3e County to one, make improvements to S. W. 17th �,,�I,u� 1;1us a like- obligation is to assume the responsibi- lity of t},e CoL111t,' tc i I ovi de the parking which they are eliminating, for the merchantE. to stay in business. All I could do is this. Mayor Ferre: There is a second. Further discussion? APR 51984 Mr. Gary: I've been informed by Staff that as a part of the Little Havana Development Authority Latin Quarter project, that we got $400,000 from the Federal Gover.nmont which wn have expended on various road im- provements and that: this was part, or the Grant, and if t.7e ann't do this, we have got to pay $400,000 hack to the gpvernmerlt. Mayor Ferre- Mr. Manacter, the Corltmi.ssoner's motion zecr>mrnrncl=d that we do it. We just asl:_ed Dade County to take certain things into consideration, so as I understand it, the motion is a poslive motion. Is that correct? Mr. Plummer: Well, it is tied, Mr. Mayor. It is tied, it is a two part motion. One, we want a new widened street, but two, we want them to be mandated to replace the parking that they eliminated. Mayor Ferre: Well, I will. vote with that motion, but please realize we have no final_ authority,, Mr. Plummer: Okav, if that is ... I really want to beat them in the head, but I can't do that. Mayor Ferre: You don't have a hammer with which to do it on this, so the word now is "urge", is that correct? Mr. Plummer: Urge. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion of the urge? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-383 A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION GOING ON RECORD THAT THEY FULLY APPROVE THE WIDENING OF S.W. 17TH AVENUE, BUT URGING I4ETROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY TO ASSUME THE OBLIGATION THEY HAVE TO REPLACE THE PARKING IN FRONT OF AREAS BUSINESSES WHICH ARE BEING ELIMINATED ON ACCOUNT OF SUCH WIDENING. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 53. DISCUSSION CONCERNING AMISTAD PROMOTIONS INC. REGARDING AFRO - A14ERICAII EXPOSITION AND FESTIVAL TO BE HELD APRIL 22ND THROUGH MAY 23I:U; REFERRED TO THE' CITY MANAGER. Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item 36 - M1-. crai_g 44illir�l7,�. 'This is regarding Afro-American Exposition Festival. Is !dr, t%illian:s Ilene? Mr. Craig C. i%li 1 1 i Lms : i am };ere before the Ci t}l Collo-ti ss-i on t-o request the needed fundinn, tile cll,e]-gency furndi.r;y for t?ic I: tional Afro-American Exposition a17d I �stivsl. I'lie Exposition al,c7 ff_L live l the contributions. tltai AfrG-AIT1Er1Cat15 11,a6c- to tile- c1(,vr1-)Cj1,l!(ul11: Of:1;itrlCa, and it is hic7i,liglited ill a nulril)el: Of}_};il�it 1'l,c�ic cxliik,its come from major Alr,&i.-Kali 11iLt1tLlticl-js, sucll a5 the Itiat]C;1,a1 hall of I'c,liic, the Farmer's Mniseum iIl COopu-rstowii, Neti,' �or};, the alitc5 I�CI,]li, l"t CUG���r Museum, the Nlusewl, of C11:Lcacjci, j'Ic- have al :_, iliuorperated the support of the Department of ii,teriol: l:atior,al I'ar}: Service and ld have an exhibit from a Museum in Kansas on the Buffalo soldiers (NOTE: Mr_. Williams elaborates further as to typAs and sources of exhibits to be shoc•rn at t:.he Exposition and Festival) We also have a ,wily r from Miami. Si-adium to I)ri-na forth a baseball tournament that will hi.ghli.ght the of prop)_- throughout the Carih},Aan and in t:li- Un?.t.ed States l }- 1»vj nci tourna- ment. The pros -eels from that: tour nament: Gill go tot,ard the establish- ment of perhaps the first and manly Black owned i_nd operated tourist attraction in Miami. - a tou.rist attraction owned. B).ac}c baseball. At this particular time, I have a letter received from the Department of the Navy_ _ Mayor Ferre: Would you pass it to the City Clerk. Mr. Williams: We sent a letter to the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan and to the Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Bill Lehman, through the representatives here in Congress - Mr. Bill Lehman and also Mr. Claude Pepper. As you can see, our response from the Navy is that perhaps they will send us a ship from the Atlantic Fleet to participate in our exposition and that ship will highlight the contributions the Blacks have made in the defense of the United States. That is my presentation. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, tor. Manager, first to you sir - the Adminis- trations recommendations on this? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, we are not able to give a recommendation at this time, because we still need some additional information from Mr. Williams as it relates what he plans to do with this funding so we can determine the cost of this thing before we can make a recommendation. Mr. Plummer: A1r. Mayor, how do these things get on the agenda? Mayor Ferre: Nobody pays attention to the City of Miami Commission's ruling that none of these things are to be put on the Agenda without the City iIanaFer's recommendation. (NOTE: Comments follow regarding presentations and requests to be reviewed by Staff before being placed as agenda item to come before City of Mimi Commission) Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Manager, I think any Commissioner has a right to request an item to be put on discussion but I do think that if it is put on the Agenda rather than as a pocket item, that it is the responsibility of the Administration that if it is not ready to make a recommendation to withdraw it until it is ready to make a recommendation. All right, Mr. Williams, you heard what the Manager said - we will see you again. The Manager says he is not ready to make a recommendation because he is missing information and when he has it lie can come back to us with a recommendation. 54. BRIEF DISCUSSION I'PL11: td01-1:LD TRADE CENTER 1'Oi4ER. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Are the representatives of the World Trade Center Tower here? (NOTE: MeiTber of Staff mentioned this item withdrawn at request of representatives of World Trade Center Tower.) Mr. Plummer: No, I want to know where that thing is. Where is Mr. Grimm, I know lie is here. I'm getting bad vibrations to the point where this City may have'to give back about $5,000,000 to the Federal Mr. Grimm, I want an updating on World Trade Center and why it is not proceedding and what jeopardy are we in of having to return that grant which was given to us to build it. id $? APR 519V 55. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION $11,255,000 FOR CITY'S PROPOSED COrr1Ui.I'7Y DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, 1984-1985. (NOTE: Mayor. FC-rro called upon Ms. Dena Spillman to discuss the H.U.D. grant and motion was made and seconded directing City Manager to submit program for. City's C. D. program, 1.984-85.) The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-384 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THE ATTACHED APPROVED GRANT PROGRA2-1 FINAL STATEMENT TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AI4D URBAN DEVELOP- MENT (HUD) REQUESTING FUNDS IN THE AMOU1,'T OF $ 11, 255 , 000 FOR THE CITY' S PROPOSED C01MMUI1ITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DURING 1984-85; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CIT`i tni NAGER, UPON APPROVAL OF SAID GRANT I3Y MUD, TO ACCEPT THE SAME AND NEGOTIATE THE NECESSARY IMPLEMENTING CONTP.ACTS AND AGREEMENTS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissoner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None 56. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORD. 8719 SUMMARY GRANT APPROPRIA- TIONS ORDINANCE NEW TRUST AND AGENCY FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TENTH YEAR. AN ORDINANCE EI4TITLED: AN ORDINANCE A11ENDING SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO. 8719 ADOPTED OCTOBER 26, 1977, THE SU14111ARY GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, 13Y ESTABLISHING A NEW TRUST A14D AGENCY FU1,D, ENTITLED COI,1I UNITY DEVELOP- MENT BLOCK (TI`N'T1I YEAR) ; AND APPROPRIATING $ 1 1-, 255, 000 1'01% TEL EKI]CUTJ ON OF S10'11 ;; Ri:.PEALING ALL ORI?1.111:hCi .; OR PAR`P OF CKJ-jIIJ.IdCE:S IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND CON` IANING A SKVERIJ�ILITY PROVISION. Was introduced Ly Conuitissioner Perez and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote: 88 APR 5 19 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None !, ABSENT: None The City Attorney read the ordinance into the Public Record and announced that copies were available to the members of the Commission and to the public. 57. AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND A.A.I.E.M. CONSTRUCTION CORP. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 110. 84-385 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $IS, 000 11; THE CONT°,ACT BETIKEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI , FLOI:IPA AI:D A. E . I . i' .bl. CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION DATED DECI_IdI311" 1(_, .19B3 FOR THE MODIFICATIONS TO FORMER FIRE STATION hO. 10 - STRISS SIMULATOR, SAID FUNDS TO 13E LTV? ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUNDS APPRO- PRIATED TO '3111-_ PF(DJECT 13Y ORDINANCE NO. 961G ADOPTED MAY 12, AI,.D AS A1,1ENDED BY EMERGENCY ORDINANCE I40. 9773 ADI�jPTI D JANU) RY 1984; FURTHER RATIFYING THE CITY MAI,'AGER`S b7hITTEN FINDING THAT '.DIE HEREII3 114- CREASE RESULTED PP.OI; EMERGEENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIPJIP.TIGE VOTE OF T140-TIIIP.)S OF THE I,E1,113ERS OF THE CITY COI,u•IISSION, AND 7,_DOPTING THE FINDING AND CONCLU- IONS SET FORTH IN THE PRLLI•,PLE OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None i ld APR 51984 -----------------------------------------------------------•----------- 58. RATIFY THE ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING RF,QI1IREt4_6'NTS FOR THE EI-tERGENCY PURCHASE OF $65, 000 IN VEHICULAR PARTS AND SUPPLIES FOR TIIE P17PAR?.TMENT OF PUILDTNG AND VEHICLE MIATTITE'NANCT-_ The following resolution -was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 140. 84-386 A RESOLUTION RAITIFYING, CONFIIRTIING, AND APPROVING, BY A FOUR -FIFTHS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THE ACTIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER IN WAIVING COMPETITIVE BID REQUIREMENTS AND IN AU`i'HORIZING THE EMERGENCY PUR- CHASE ON THE OPEN MARKET OF REQUIRED VEHICULAR PARTS AND SUPPLIES IN All AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $65,000 WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following Vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 59. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED POLICE TNTEGRATED SECURITY SYSTEM ON CONTRACT BASIS FROM WACKENHUT ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS CORP. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption. MOTION NO. 84-387 A MOTION DEFERRING CONSIDERP0ION OF RATIFICATION OF ACTION RY CITY MANAGER WAIVING SEALED BIDS FOR PREVENTATIVE REI =hl, MAINTENANCE FOR POLICE INTEGRATED SECURIT1 ' o" col? '1 lyAC'7' ltiACKENHUT ELECTRONIC SYSTEM17 CO1;1' . Upon being Seconded by Conunissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted Ly the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Liawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor DfL-metrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None .90 APR 51984 ld 60. CONFIR14 ORDERING RESOLUTION AND AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK. TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS, W. FLAGLER STREET SANITARY SEWER Tf`,PROVBMENT PHASE IT, SR-549-C. The following resolution was introduced by Commi.ssioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-388 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 84-147; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WEST FLAGLER STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - PHASE II I1" WEST FIAGLER STREET SANITARY IMPROVEMENT - PfIASE II DISTRICT SR-5495-C (CENTERLINE SE4%ER) . (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 61. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT, SR-5461-C. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-389 A RESOLUTION CONTFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SI:-5461-C (CENTERLINE SEWER); AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. (Here follows body of re olution, omitted here and on file in the Office, of the C:.ty Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Coneidseioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the fol l o�•riny vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner. Jue Carollo Commissioner J. L. Pluiruner, Jr. Vice -Mayor Delhetr iO Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None '91 APR 51984 E 62. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE- MENT, SR-5461--S. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-390 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVETIENT IN ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5461-S (SIDELINE SEWER); AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dz,wkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetr.io Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 63. DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF ACCEPTA14CE OF COMPLETED WORK, MANOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE II BID A, H-4473 (See Label No. 66.) 64. WAIVE REQUIREIhU:'NTS OF CITY CODE SEC. 2-302, AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEKENT 1%ITH DR. AIDA LEVITAN FOR THREE TOURS OF NATIONAL/Ii4TEl-Id TATIONAL JOURNALISTS TO THE MIAMI AREA THROUGH DECEMBER 28, 19-84. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-391 A RESOLUTION I•;1:IVIIN1G, BY A 4/5TH AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMhERS OF THE CITY COMidISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC TEARING, THE PROHIBITION CONTAINED IN CITY CODE SECTION 2-30.'; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EI:TLI� INTO AN AC-PdA,?,2A,`1 , SUI:JI_:CT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY' S I't P]I 0C 1AL AS TO 1- OR,11 A'a CORRECTNESS, FOR PROFESSIONLI, CONSUL7:.IJ`I' : I-FVIC -S� tiI` E' 1,11)7. LEVI- TAN AND I'01: Till: 01' CONDUCITNG THREE 'T URS OF ti�::'10I17:L z.I;ii 1I:'1'I�k11?:7`lOI. L JOURNALISTS TO THE MI1-_.1.11 AI I..la, DUTA1111 `1liL I I.:I.IbD (C)1 i 1IdCING UPON EXECUTION OF SLID `I'i':I<OUGI: DLCEIiE;EI< 26, 1984, WI`I'N FUNDS i'Hnd-rcai. IN Mi' AM-13UNT NOT TO EXCEED $31,675 ALLOCATED FROM ;.I LCIAL I,RCXA1JL?7S 7-1ND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND. 92 APR 51994 11 (Here follows bodiy or resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of: the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commi.ssionnr Da�•;};i.ns, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner. J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 65. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION, AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EDISION HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I, H-4494. The follocainq resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: P,ESOL. )TIOIv NO. 84-392 A RESOLUTION C01"17II:I-1IING ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 84-278 AND AL?THO}:I,"ING THE ICITY CLERK TO ADVER- TISE FOR S-A LK D E:I.DS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF EDI- SON I IN EDISON HIGHWAY IMPRC'VI";.1 N'i' P'. "�TRICT-PHASE I, Ii-4494. (Here follc;t;;; }_): dy of resolution, omitted here and on file in the office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 66. CONTINUED DISCUSSION AND ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK BY RUSSELL, INC. FOR. CONSTRUCTION OF MANOR HIGHWAY IMPROGEMENT PHASE II, BID A, HIGHWAYS 11-4473. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its Edoption: RESOLUTION 110. 84-393 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY RU'SSELL, INC. F'OR CONSTRUCTION OF MANOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE II (BID "A: - HIGHWAYS) IN MANOR HIGHWAY LNiI ROVl.JIt 1dT' DIETI:ICT - 11HI:SE II, H-4473, AT A TOTAL COST OP L SESSINC y25,500.00 AS LIQUIDATED DP.MhGES F'OR 51 DA-i'S 0%' R1,UN OF CONTRACT TIME; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMi;I:T OF $29,624.12. ld 3 APR 51984 0 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by ttin foll oikd.ng vote : AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissione3: Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 67. INCREASE BUDGET OF CURTIS PARK, ELDERLY MEALS FACILITY TO $571,620 FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPTIE14T JOBS PROGRAM FUNDS. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-394 A RESOLUTION INCiZEASIIQG THE BUDGET OF THE CURTIS PARK ELDERLY 24EALS FACILITY FROM $300,000 TO $571,620 I-,3J_.1XT3TING $271,620 TO SAID PROJECT BUDGET, OF tii:ICli y-e0,000 IS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM THE COMN,UNJ Tk' DEVE.LOPMENT JOBS PROGRAM FUNDS ADiD $3.91,620 I'i 0I; CC,',!,;1,I ITY DEI.TLOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CONTINGENCIES, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None r ld '94 ' APR 51984 0 68. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE FINAL PAYMENT $1,250,000 TOTAL SETTLEMENT TO FRANK J. ROONEY, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITY OF MIAMI/UNTVERSIT'r OF MIAMI/JAME:S T YNIGHT TNTERNATIONAL CENTER. The following resolution war, i.nt�.ociuced by Commissioner Plummer, Who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-395 A RESOLUTION AUTHORI7ING THE CITY ?MANAGER TO i`K.KE PAYMENT TO FR,ANIK J. ROONEY, IIIC . IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,250,000, AS FINAL PAYMENT AND IN TOTAL FINAL SETTLEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE 11117VII CON- VENTION CE14TER USING AVAILABLE FUNDS THEREFOR UPON RECEIPT OF APPROPRIATE SETTLEMENT DOCUMENTS FROM SAID FIRM: FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANA- GER ON BEHALF OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH AND A RELEASE OF FRANK J. ROONEY, INC., SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mavor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda Item 19 was deferred, person did not show. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 69. DISCUSSION ITEM REGARDING TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY I-95, S. W. 15TIi ROAD AND VIETRORAIL. Note: The transcription of this item will be done at a subsequent date as a special transcript. 5 APR 51984 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 70. DISCUSSION ITEM: PROPOSED SHOPPING CENTER TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE VICINITY OF 12TH AVENUE AND N. W. 36TH STREET. -----------_----------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Ralph Pachi_ngham, President of the Allapattah Merchants Associa- tion, appeared to discuss the progess of the planning concerning the construction of a. shopping center to be built at N.W. 12th Avenue and 36th Street. Ms.Charlotte Gallogly, Director of Economic Development for the City of Miami, responded to questions of the City Commission and Mr. Packingham. She stated that the reason for the delay was the UMTA Grant award of 1.2 million dollars to facilitate the construc- tion of this project had not yet been approved. Commissioner Miller Dawkins stated that this project had been long delayed and that he would like to see action of some sort within a 30 day period. Ms. Gallogly stated she would enlist the aid of Mr. Alberto Cardenas to make a journey to Washington, D. C. to see if this matter could be expedited. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 71. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: XAVIER L. SUAREZ REGARDING DEFEAT OF RECENT BOND ISSUES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Xavier L. Suarez appeared before the City Commission to discuss the recent failure of bond issues presented to the voters at the March 13, 1984 election. He spoke of the many pressing matters facing the city in dealing with areas of concern and offered his assistance to the Mayor and the members of the City Commission when these issues are resubmitted to the voters for their approval in the fall of this year. V .APR 51984 rl 72. AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $300 AS A CONTRIBUTION TO HORIZONTE '78 FOR THE PLANNED MARCH SEEKING UNDF.RSTAND.TNG AND SOLIDARITY RESPECT WITH RIGHTS OF IMMIGP.ANTS TO THE U.S., INCLUDING MARIEL REFUGEES. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption. MOTION 84-396 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $300.00 AS A CONTRIBUTION TO "HORIZONTE 178" IN CONNECTION WITH A PLANNED MARCH SEEKING THE UNDERSTANDING, SOLIDARITY, AND RESPECT FOR THE RIGHTS OF IMMIGRANTS TO THE UNITED STATES, INCLUDING THE MARIEL REFUGEES. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 73. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORD. $1,661,000, ETC. TO REFLECT THE CLOSING OF FIVE CAPITAL PROJECTS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE; AS AMENDED; BY DECREASING RESOURCES AND APPRO- PRIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,661,000 IN THE 1970 AND 1980 HIGH1tiAY GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND TO REFLECT CLOSING OF FIVE CAPITAL PROJECTS; BY DECREASING RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,590,000 IN THE 1970 AND 1978 STORM SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATIO'I BOND FUND TO REFLECT CLOSING OF ELGHT CAPITAL I'ROJI C1'S; AND BY DECREASING THE RESOURCES 1970 AND 1980 HIGHWAY GENI;F:iiL OBLIGATION BOND FUND BA1_112hCE AND 1970 AND 1978 STOP14 S1'k-T'R OBLIGATION BOND FUND BALANCE IN THE CAPITAL IM311'10VI`RENT FUND IN THE 1-.1.10UNTS OF $2,716,000 Aiab $1,145,000, RESPECTIVELY, TO I:EFLECT CLOSIN(,' OF FIVE CAPITAL PROJECTS; CONTAINING A R1711EALI-R PROVISION AND A SEVEW',1AI_'1T)' Was introducc:d 1)), Coemmissioncr Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the rt.quirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote: sl .917 APR 51984 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner. J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said Ordinance by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 9819 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Com- mission and to the public. 74. EMERGENCY ORT,INANCF,: NEW REVENUE FUND ENTITLED PARKS AND RECREATIONS PLMsTNING GRANT UPDATE. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "PARKS AND RECREATION PLANNING GRANT -UPDATE", APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,000 CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR I.N THE AMOUNT OF $13 , 000 AND AN ALLOCATION FROM TIIE I'Y ' 84 GENERAL FUND: SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOLiNTS;MATCHING FUNDS FOR GRAFTS IN TIIE AMOUNT OF $13,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MLiAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRA'.rY AWARD FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMI=NT OF INTERIOR AND TO ENTER INTO T11E NECESSARY CON'ITLtXT(S) AND/OR AGRLLMENT(S) FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT; CONTAINING A REPEALER 1'ROVISI0P,' AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced 1;y C0IT1MisSi0nt'1' I'lunuricr and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins for adoption a; an emergency measure and dispensing; with the requi.rk�ment of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by t.Iic following �,ote: AYES: Coiiunissioncr Miller J. Dawkins Collullissiollel- Joe Carollo Conuiiissionor J.I.. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor De-metrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurip e Q. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EN• APR 51984 51 Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said Ordinance by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 9820 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Com- mission and to the public. 75. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORD. BY INCREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR OVERTO1,RN STREET IMPROVEMENTS PRASE I. AN ORDINANCE ENTL'ITLEID- AN LINE RGI INCY ORDINANCE AHEl NDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBL R 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL 311IPROVEI-1ENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, ,'iS AMEINDI D, BY INCREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR OVFRTOhI"' I1•13'ROVE1,11"N''I'S-111 1ASE I IN THE CAPITAL LIiPROVF:I;I;;ti'T FUND I1N 'l'HE /itIOIJIdT OF $82, 700 AND INCREA%ST NG hESOIJRCEs JN THE 1980 HIGHWAY GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND BALANCE EY A LI1T'. AMOUNT FROM THE SALE OF 1980 HIGHWAY GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said Ordinance by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. 111wimier, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 9821 sl . APR 51984 �� The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Com- mission and to the public. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 25 was withdrawn. -------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 76. SECOND R1;ADING ORDINA�iCE: AMENDING THE Sb7Z ARY GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE; TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED "INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION PROGRAM." AN ORDINANCE ENTITI,ED- AN ORDINANCE .A;`IENDING SECTION I OF ORDINANCE NO. 8719, ADOPTED OCTOBER 26, 1977, THE SU`iU4ARY GRANT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING THE' FUNDS APPROPRIATED FOR TIIE TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED: "INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROMOTION PROGRA14", IN THE ANOUNT OF $2,400. AS A RESULT OF P111IVATE BUSLNISS CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED IN CONJUNC'.I ION WITH THE CITY OF MIAi`tI' S PARTICI- PATION IN THE IN11:.IZNATIONAL TRADE FAIR OF SANTIAGO, CHILE, CONTAIN]';(, A PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on it- first reading by title at the meeting of February 9, 1984, it was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9822 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Com- mission and to the public. 100 APR 51984 sl ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMENDING SEC. 30-55(a) OF THE CODE ENTITLED SPECIAL PACKAGE RATES CONCERNING GREEN FEES AND ELECTRONIC GOLF CARTS AT CITY OWNED GOLF COURSES. --------------------------__----------------------------------------------- AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 30-•55(a), ENTITLED: "SPECIAL PACKAGE RATES", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, RELATED TO GREEN FEES AND SPECIAL PACKAGE PATES FOR THE USE OF ELECTRIC CARTS AT CITY GOLF COURSES, BY INCREASING SAID CHARGES FRO11 $16 TO *18; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVI'RABTLITY CLAUSE. Passed on its, f:Irst h,,• tit:1e ;�t the r�cctinF of March 8, 1984, it was taken t,p f of ; t ,- ; ccoa)d r-;iid t in;sl_ rcr ciin,; by t:It:lc and adoption. On motlotl of bV I'ol FC'T're, the ordinance tI,crcuhr,i, I,;v(n it„ :-ccr,:)d :ond final reading by title and passed and adopt. c,l by 1_1,c f cil l ovi n�. vot c : AYES: ]Biller ,1, D;31,,,I:i.ns Com,-nissi.oner Joe Carol..lo Commissionc_r J,L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9823 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Com- mission and to the public. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 28 was withdrawn. ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 101 .APR 5 t984 . 78. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND -EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORD, CONCERNING APPROPRIATIONS AT THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE, ETC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN ORDINANCE ENTI.TI..ED- AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CITY OF MIAMI NNIVERSITY OF MIAMI JAMES L. KNIGHT INTERNATIONAL CENTER ALSO COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS THE MIA241 CONVENTION CENTER AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE; AS AIENDED; BY DECREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE IN THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER ENTERPRISE FUND FROM THE AMOUNT OF $76,679,100 TO THE AMOUNT OF $74,562,900 TO CORRECTLY REFLECT THE REMOVAL OF THE AMOUNT OF $3,998,200 FOR OPERATING EXPENDITURES ESTIMATED TO BE INCURRED DURING FY 1984 THAT IS APPROPRIATED TO SAID PROJECT IN THE CURRENT GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET AND TO FURTHER APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL REVENUES RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED IN THE CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT TO DATE IN THE AMOUNTS OF $1,049,000 FROM CONVENTION CENTER REVENUE B0317DS INTEREST, $88,000 FROM A CREDIT FROM THE DOWNTOI�N COMPONENT OF METRORAIL,, AND. $ 7 /' `', 000 FROM HOTEL DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENITS FOR A TOTAL A1,1OUNT OF $1,882,000; CONTAINING A REPEALER 1'It0VISlON AND A SEVERlU�I.1.,1TY CLAUS1:. Passed on it:: first_ rcaading. by tittle at the meeting of March 8, 1984, it was taken up for its �;econd and f.in.il reading by title and adoption. On motion of Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the ordinance was thereupon riven its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9824 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Com- mission and to the public. op 102 APR 51984 79. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY 1983-84. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "RECREATION ACTIVITY 1983-8411, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,000 COMPOSED OF REVENUES COLLECTED FROM PARTICIPATION FEES, CONTATNTNG A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABTLITY CLAUSE. Pass(a on its first reading by title at the meeting of March 8, 1984, it was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following, vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9825 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Com- mission and to the public. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 32 was withdrawn. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 80. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND TILE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORD. FYI 83-84 FOR THE PUP.POSEIS OF ESTABLISHING AN INVENTORY OF BURROUGHS B-20 SUPPLIES. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINNCE A1.IENDING SECTIONS 4 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9684 ADOPTED SF.PTEMBER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE INTERNAL SEJ-'VICE FUND CENTRAL STORES IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000, FOR `IHL PURPOSE OF 1_'51'ABLISHING AN INVENTO11-1Y OF B-20 SUPPL1LS FOR USE BY VARIOUS CITY DF:PAI;'I'AiLt2'IS; 1NCR1a,.SI?:G I;1:1'ENIJI: IN A LIKE AMOUNT hROli AVAILABLF FUNDS 01" VARIOI'S C11Y DEPARTMENTS; CONTAINING A REPLALLR PROVISION kNI) A SL'VLRABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Couuliissioner Pluiiuner, and seconded by Commissioner Perez and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote: 1(193 Wei sl APR 51984 AYES: Commissioner Miller. J. Dawkins Commissioner. Joe Carollo Commissioner- T.L.,Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor D-mc-trin Perez, Jr. Mayor Mini;rise A. Ferro NOES: None. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public.. 81. ACCEPT COTfPLETED WORK: SOUTHERN CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL CORP. FOR U.P.A.R.R.-HANDICAPPED ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS PACKAGE "D". The following resolution was introduced by ComimiSsioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION Ii0. 84-397 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING T1iI? CO°,PL1;T1:D WORK OF SOUTHERN CONSTRUCTION IINT1'R'dATJONAL AT A TOTAL COST OF $35, 093.92 1701', 11FARE ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS PACKAGE "i)": AND AUT1i0Rl:'1'X- `s YINAL PAYMENT OF $3,509.39. (Here fo.1701;: bode of rc;-olut:ion, emitted herein and on file in the Officc. of the C1_c.r!'). Upon being seconded by Gonnisri.oner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following. vote: AYES: Commissioner 1,illcr .I. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 82. AMEND R-84-146 CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR PINES SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5450 BY REDUCING THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $802.07. The following, resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-398 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 84-146, ADOPTED FEBRUARY 9, 1984, WHICH CON'FIRIMED THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PINES SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN PINES SANNITARY SEh'ER JMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5450-C (CENTERLINE SEh'L:i:) hY RLDUCIIX THF. `TOTAL ASSESSMENT IN THE. AMOUNT OF 11"50 2.07 A':ll 11IL IND1ViDUf:L ASSESSMENT AGAINST PROPLkTY 01-4 1 1 b-1 2-0010 IN A LIKE AMOUNT (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). 104 APR 51984 sl Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Mi- .ler J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe_ Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor_ Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None. 83. AFFIRM ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN THE EXECUTION OF THE RETROACTIVE. AGREEMENT WITH METRO FOR ECONOMIC PLANNING ACTIVITIES. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-399 A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN EXECUTING THE RETROACTIVE AGREEA�NT, SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FOR21 OI' THE ATTACHED AMENDMENT NO. 4 AIMENDI NG THE FASTING AGREEMENT BETIgEEN METROPOLI'IA'� I)ADI: COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR ECON,ON;IC P1,��2�'�1.'2G ACTIVITIES; BY EXTENDING THE TIME OF PFAJ`0j,'MA'�Cr TO DECEMBER. 31, 1983; BY INCREASING THE AGIZF�E.iIK;N'I '010LINT TO $285, 829 PLUS A LOCAL MATCH; IN ORDER TO ACCEPT AN AttiA_RD OF FUNDS FROM AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADIIINI5TRATIOh' 302 PLANNING Glv=T THROUGH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING AN EC0N0MIC DEVELOPME'�T PLA2:NING AND I',TLE2•11NTING CAPACITY; FURTHER DIRECTINiG THE CITY CLERK TO II,2•:0IATELY FORWARD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE COUNTY CLERI:. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. �I. sl 105. APR 51984 lb 0 84. AUTHORIZING THE EXTENDED TEMPORARY LEASING OF 60 ELECTRIC GOLF CARTS THROUGH DEC. 1983 FROM FY '83-84 GOLF COURSE. ENTERPRISE FUNDS. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-400 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING, BY A FOUR -FIFTHS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THE ACTIONS OF THE CITY MANAGER IN WAIVING COMPETITIVE BID REQUIREMENTS AND IN AUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY LEASE FROM EZ-GO TEXTRON ON A MONTHLY BASIS OF GOLF CARTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $17,000 WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 GOLF COURSE ENTERPRISE FUND OPERATING BUDGET. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner- Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner .toe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 85. WAIVE USE RESTRICTIONS, AMERICAN LUNG ASSOC. AND AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY GOLF PRIVILEGE CART PROGRAMS PROHIBITING MORE THAN ONE ROUND OF GOLF AT EACH OF THE CITY'S GOLF COURSES. ETC. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-401 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE WAIVING OF USAGE RESTRICTIONS FOR THE AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION AND AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY GOLF PRIVILEGE CARD PROGRAMS, PROHIBITING MORE THAN ONE ROUND OF GOLF AT EACH OF THE CITY'S GOLF COURSES, BE SUBJECT TO PERMITTING UI' TO TEN ROUNDS OF GOLF BY THE GOLF COURSE DIRECTOR, WHEN IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED THAT 1) NO LESS THAN THREE (3) OTHLR PUBLIC GOLF COURSES IN DADE COUNTY ARE OFFERING ADDITIONAL USAGE AND ?) STARTING TIMES ARE OPEN AND AVAILABLE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: sl APR 51984 AYES: Commissioner hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner. Joe Carollo , Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor. Demet_rio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None. 86. AUTHORIZE ONE DAY PERMIT TO SELL BEER FOR THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL IN CONNECTION WITII THE JAPANESE SPRING FESTIVAL TO BE HELD APRIL 29, 1984 AT THE JAPANESE GARDENS. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-402 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A ONE -DAY PER14IT TO SELL BEER FOR THE JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL IN CONNECTION WITH THE JAPANESE SIRING F ISTIVAL TO BE IiELD ON APRIL 29, 1984 AT TliK JAP)'INTSY GARDENS. (Here follm- of ozriitted herein and on file iri t 1)( (Ii i ice of t )w- Clerk) . Upon beinf ;>ccon�i�-�I 1>r t'�,u��.0 ��-ioiwr Perez, the resolution was passed and adopt:(d I),,- 1. Ili fel l cm; i iw vote- : AYES: COMM iSSion�-r ;iilI(r J. Dawkins Commis:;ionrr Jo( Carollo Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. `rerre NOES: Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: None. 87. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO DISTRIBUTE AN R.F.P. FOR QUALIFIED FIRMS TO PROVIDE ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMS SERVICE FOR THE CITY'S SELF -FUNDED HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN AND INSURANCE FOR THE CITY'S GROUP TERM LIFE INSURANCE PLAN. The following resolution.was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-403 A RESOLUTION AUTHORI' ING 'I'ilE CITY MANAGER TO DISTRIBUTE AND PUBLISH A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR QUALIFIED FIRMS TO PROVIDE AD?MINISTRATIVE CLAIMS SERVICE TO THE CITY'S SELF -FUNDED IILAL'I'H BENEFITS PLAN AND INSURANCE FOR THE CITY'S C1:011I' TEEM LIFE INSUR-AINCE PLAN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). *.Q7 APR 51984 sl Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner 1111.1_er. .l. Dawkins Commissioner ,Toe Cnrol.lo Commissioner J.L..Pl_i,immer, Jr. Vase ?Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor lfaiiri,ce A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. NOTE: Passage of above resolution was subject to the Commission reviewing the R.F.P.s. If, after review, they do not submit a veto vote to the City Manager, then it shall be considered passed and adopted. 88. DESIGNATE PAPERS IN WHICH NOTICES OF SALE OF CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR DELINQUENT SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT LIENS SHALL BE PUBLISHED. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTIONS NO. 84-404 A RESOLUTION DESICNATIP:G N'17WSPAPERS 11; WHICIi THE NOTICE OF SALE OF CERTIFICATES, ISSUED BY THE CITY OF MIA14I FOT? DIJANQUENT S)'KCIAL I17ROVEMENT ASSESSMENT LIENS SHIOA, BY, PIIL'I.LSHI:1). (Here follows bady of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Coiuiissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------- ------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 42 of the Florida Exporters and Importers Association agreement was deferred for further information. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 108 �� APR 51964 I 89. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT I.N SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO WITH THE ZITAMI--DADE TOURIST AI_?THORITY TO IDENTIFY' PR.OSPFCTTVE BLACK CONVENTIONS AND PROMOTE TIIE CITY OF MIAMI AS A POTENTIA1, CONVENTTON STTF- The following resolution wi s iritrodli.ced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-405 A RESOLUTION AUTHORTZ.ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, WITH MIAMI-DADS TOURIST AUTHORITY, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000 FOR TIIE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING THE CITY OF MIAMI'S CONVENTION BUREAU IN IDENTIFYING PROSPECTIVE BLACK CONVENTIONS AND PROhIOTING THE CITY OF MIAMI AS A POTENTIAL CONVENTION SITE AND ESTABLISHING AGREEMENTS WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA HOTEL AND MOTEL ASSOCIATION TO DEVELOP AN EI•IPLOYMENT REFERRAL PROGRAM AND A MANAGERIAL PLACEMENT PROGRAM DESIGNED TO INCREASE THE EMPLOYMENT OF BLACKS IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM SPECIAL, PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). Upon being seconded by Conunissioncr Plummer, the resolution Was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner. Joe Caroll.o Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 90. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH STUART SORG FOR PERFORMANCE OP SPECIAL ADVISORY SERVICES RELATING TO HARBORS, RIVERS, MARINAS, AND WATERFRONT ISSUES. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: I:ESOLUT1Oh 1�0. 84-406 A RESOLUTION AUTHORI'ING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED AGRI?I-:?1EI<T WITH STUART SORG FOR THE OF SPECIAL ADVISORY SERVICES RELATING 'I0 HAILI;C'I:S , hI VERS , MARINAS AND WATER- FRONT ISSLIf.S AT AN ANNUAL COMPENSATION OF $1.00. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted herein and on file in the Office of the Clerk). sl W APR 51984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner 1111-1er T. Diwkins Commissioner T— Cirnlln Commissioner J.1— Plummer, Jr. Vice Mayor DcmeLrfo Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 45 was withdrawn. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD. Agenda item 46 was withdrawn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91. DISCUSSION REGARDING LEASING OF BAY BOTTOM LAND IN THE FISHER ISLAND AREA; CITY CLERK DIRECTED TO RESEARCH. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- City C0TRMi,-3,;i011 elAtCl.-Od into discussion pursuant to a request for the lease of bay bottom ),ands adjacent to Fisher Island at the request of the developer. A discussion followed that stated that the City of Miami would derive no bcnef'its from this Proposal and during additional discussion, the City Clcri, was directed to research a proposed annexation of Fisher Island which was discussed years ago. After additional discussion, the matter was deferred for further information to April 26th. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 46 was withdrawn. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 110 61 APR 51984 #, Irl 92. ALLOCATE AN AMOU11T NOT TO EXCEED $1.,699.50 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS FOR PREVENTION OF CHILD ABUSE, DADE COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AUXILIARY, AN EVENT TO BE, HELD AT 71Ai17..LCE BUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-407 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATII4G AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1699.50 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, FOR THE BENEFIT CONCERT FOR THE PREVENTION OF CHILD ABUSE, TO BE PRE- SENTED BY THE DADE COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATON AUXILIARY ON APRIL 7, 1984, AT MAURICE GUSMAN CULTURAL CENTER; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDI- TIONED UPON COMPLIANCE WITH ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded. by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adohi.cd by the follov;,ing vote: AYES: Conmissi_oner .M;i.11cr J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor I;aurice A. FE:rre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 93. ALLOCATE $6,960 TO CAMACOL FOR EIGHT DAYS RENTAL FOR THE ORANGE BOWL PARKING LOT FOR THEIR FEBRUARY 2ND through 12TH FESTIVAL. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-406 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATII4G AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $6,960 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, TO THE LATIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES (Ckl!IACOL) , REPRESENTING EIGHT DAYS RENTAL OF THE OR7,NGE I301dL PARKING LOT FOR ITS FESTIVAL ON FELIUARY 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, AND 12, 1984; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN IaCiEEI E I:`I', SUI JEC`I' PO :'HI: CITY ATTOR- NEY' S F PPROVI.L hS TO FORT AND COIUZ`CI'NESS, WITH CAMACOL; SAID ALLOCATION EDING CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCL WITH POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JA1,L'F.RS' 19r,4. (Here falluw!s 2>udy of rt•�olution, omitted here and on filt- ir; •thf offici- of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: Ill APR 51984 Id U il AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe CE-rollo Vice -Mayor Df!metrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 94. ALLOCATE $81,846 QUALITY OF LIFE FUND TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE VIRGINIA BEACH FAMILY SPLASHDOWN DISCO 184 SERIES. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption- FESOLUTION NO. 84-40�' A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN' AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $81,846 FROM, SPECIAL PROGRM1S AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RE- CREATION FOR THE VIRGINIA BEACH FAMILY SPLASHDOWN DISCO '84 SERIES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Comr.:issioner Miller J. D<,wkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ASSENT: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. 95. ALLOCATE $10,000 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, FOUR DAY CARNIVAL FAIR TO BE HELD APRIL 5, 6, 7 AND 8 BY THE CUBAN MUNICIPAIITIES, Fi:IR CORI'. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adaption : RESOLUTION NO. 84-410 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN A11OUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 FROId SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OI' THE STAGING OF THE 4 DAY CARNIVAL FINK TG I K 1i11LD APRIL 5, 6, 7 AND 8, 1984 BY `ITE FAIR CORP.; ALSO ALLOCA,111 IG :? , '�E F F 1,01? I - I D AC COUNT Tu COVER THE RENTAL k'Kh I'UI: `liil_ 0FTiii_' oR/-_!,X!_ PARKING LOTS V''3, Nam, 1:3 I_NL, Ti,_!_ I`-.RI_ING LOT 141; WAIVING 131 _'E'_.1� Gii!:]\'l C1I0N WITH SAID CAI ,1`.'IiL; 'I:I1_, I-A_LU�f.'? I01: 1,11 4 Iz1 ;'?..I iiIANG CON- DITIONED Ur01 C'C u'L ]F':I�MINTS- TRATIVE I'C;'__IC_ 1:U. 1984. (Here fcllUWY Lvi7j' a ttSulUt_il:, ('n,IttcQ itt=le and on fil z 1]i tht- UI: li t, cf ilie (fit)' Clem—) APR 51984 +,r �'� ' �` It t Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 96. ALLOCATE $4,500 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CITY SPONSORSHIP, UNITED STATES KARATE ASSOCIATION'S WORLE� KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP TO BE HELD JUNE 23RD AND 24TH. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-411 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $4,500 FROM SPECIAL PR0(-,RAt3S AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND IN CONNECTION 1iITH THE CITY'S SPONSORSHIP OF THE UNITED STATES } I %a.TI' ASSOCIATONS' S WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP TO I1), HELD JUNE 123 AND 24, l°fi4, AUTHORIZING 'THI= CITY MAN r,GL'R TO FN'FT)I 1N 7; PROI"ES- SIONAL SERVICES AGRELMENT 1','J TH T11E Ui,L'J'I=D STATES KARATE ASSOCIATION, SAID ALLOCATIOt: L =I Nc; CONDITIONED UPON C01-1PLIANCE V,11TH CITY OI' 1,I a,11-1 A%:AtINIS'YJVSTIVE POLICY NO. APM 1-84 DATED JANUAR.Y 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being sccondcd by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted I)y the following vote: AYES: Commissioner 611iller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo - Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-2layor Dc metrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 97. ALLOCATE $2,000 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND TO MIAMI NORTIIWESI' EXPRESS TRACT: CLUB INC. FOR THE NINTH ANNUAL TRACK AND FIELD CLASS TO BE HELD ON JUNE 9, 10, 11 AND 12, MIAMI- DADE COI-.MUNITY COLLEGE NORTH CAAPUS. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-412 A RESOLUTION 1:L2,01-7-I'I1QG lj1 AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FROM SPI_CIAL PROGWMS RND ACCOUNTS, CON- TINGENT FUI:D, TO THE tjilFl9i NORTiiVTST EXPRESS TRACK CLUL, '1'IJ:CK A.ND FIELD CLASS, 'itr LL }?L:LI� JL�1:}_ 1 C), 1 ] 6 12, 1984 AT MILMI-D?-.1->IN;CRMPUS, SAID ALLOCA7-ION hL111:- WITH CITY OF MIF.I�l i ;'! Nj. Al 114 -1- 84 , DATED JRI.I AI.>> ld APR 51984 U 0 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being secon(Ied by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adoptecl 1hy thr, fol l ow.inq 1,ot- : AYES: CommisFinnPr Piillst J. T),)wcins Commission-'3 ._Tc7n Caroll.n Commissionny- .7. ; Plummer, Jr. Vice-tiayOx Uemetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 98. CLAIM SETTLEMENT NOEMI GARCIA $15,000. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RTSOLLITTON NO. P-4-413 A RESOLUTION AU IJOFI",ING TIII DIKE'CTOR OF FINAKCE TO PAY TO NOI MI GT •;CT7�, T11I? SUIT Oi, FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($35,000) 1';I IiCUT Tiil Tal'1T6SIO12 OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND OP 731 "OPTLY IIJJURY, PERSONAL 11JJU'Wi' 'i:'S CON'LrEN- SATION L21 12S, C'11 L1S5 .sl:i` I)1-'_;i.1i".`. is<; ,? 1J:_' TilE CLTY OF MIA,11 AIJD UL 01d CF h IC"_LI:-1:F1_ I�1'LKASING THE CITY OF I•,IAMl } I�� ,," T.LIa c.'La7;i'S`; i�NP DI'HIANDS. (Here fcl_3.c,) 1.' c3y of a er o7 `�tic.:r7, omitted here and on file in tlic Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being Seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by thc: following vat:e: AYES: Commissioner Muller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 99. CLAIM SETTLEMENT TILLIE MARTIN $10,000. The following resolution; way introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESULUTION NO. 84-414 A RESOLUI'10N XiU'I:iUR1' ItJG THIS DIRECTOR OF FINP.NCE TO PAY 'I'D 1`1 LL11 MARTIN THE SUM OF TEN THOUSAND DOL- LARS ($10,000,fjbj, 1]7`1jOUT 1'1?L ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AIJD CuPll Ll_"� $ � :`i'1'L1.:IdF�1J3' Oh ALL LODILY INJURY, PERS01OR . 11JJL)Nti`CJtii%ENSA- TION LIEIJS, 1 i 'I 11'?:L L1I'td C1 11:=' A1d!' 1.;I-:ILz:1JLS. AGAII9ST THE CITY 01- 1:171;i I_1; UI'Cf�� i'li �'l OIJ UI' 1: I t LLz:SE RE- LEASING Till` C'i'I'i OF DEMANDS. (Here follows 1 oa)' of ruEol lit i c,!' , G1:,i t ted 1iE'rt and or, file in the Orfict of Zhu City Clerk.) ld 114 APR 51984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller 1. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carol.io Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor nemetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None; ABSENT: None 100. CLAIM SETTLEMENT AMERICAN CAR VAN RENTALS INC. $6,000. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moves: its adoption: RESOLUTION I,10. 84-415 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO APIERICAN CAR VAN RENTALS, INC., THE SUM OF $6, 000 WITHOUT THE AD:•,ISSI.ON OF LIADILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SLTTTE!1EN'T OF ALL PROPERTY rvJnc-E, LOSS OF USE, CLAIt,S ANP AGAINST T];E CITY Or IS111`dI AND JACK CALVI:I:, 70-D 111-ON 1_1,ECU`i'1ON Or A Rr_.LEASE }:ELF ASING THE CITY 0)' ?31.1%:7:). AND 07,C), C.i,7,VI,1Z FRCI, 70A, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here fal loti,•s ):o(y of resolution, omitted here and on fi_lc in t:he Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Corind.ssioner. Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ASSENT: None 101. CLAIM SETTLEMEIv'T SAI4DRA KRUGFL $6, 500. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-416 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINAP;CE TO PAY TO SANDRA KPUGLL THE SUM OF $6,50D, WITHOUT THE ADMIS- SION OF LIAEI LI i`Y , IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY 1N3URl PROTECTION LIENS, WORKERS' CLAIMS !:ND DEMIAIIDS AGAINST THE CITY Cl` 1;11 �;I 1.NFj 1'i:'a C;I�:' i } [�CI1L ;, LND UI'OId E?:ELUTION OF A RELEI: ' R EiE)iSINL 'Phil_ CITY 01' STAN'DFORD HUGHES FROM ALL C12-.IMS LNI.) (Here follows body of on:it.ted here and on file in the Office of tine City Clerk.) ld OR 51984 5a U Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner_ Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L,. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 102. AUTHORIZE: ANNUAL PURCHASE OF 20,000 TONS OF ASPHALT CONCRETE ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS. ---------------------_-----_-_------------------------------------------ The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOt1 NO. 84-41.7 A RESOLUTION AU'1110R37,IP,C THE ANNUAL PURCHASE OF APPROXI- MATELY 20,000 TOES OF ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS FROIM THOSE SLIPi'z,I:ER,S UNDER E1 i'ECTIVI C0,4TP.ACT WITH METROPOLITA21 DADE COUNTY, h01? TIII'_ LJEPART", NT OF PUBLIC WORKS AT A TOTAL PROI'OS%D I'1I�T Y17zP COST O}' 545,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS TIiEREI'OR 2"k0" ��I-NF;?v�l-: CAI I_.�IGATION I OND FUNDS, THE 19-63 GAS TAX hL7;D, 70'D THE OPEFJaTING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMI-I:T; AUTHORIZING, Tli) C7'I'Y 7SAl�AGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGKI;T TO 1SSUI. PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVM I_J T I I,I7'i' OF FUNDS. (Here follows 1;ody of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon Y,eing seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and edopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner. Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None } Id 1.16 APR 51984 il 11 103. RESCIND AWARD OF FILM DISTRIBUTORS OF AMER.ICA INC Ar"D AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF r HOTOGRAPHTC FILM SUPPL_TF.S AS NEEDED FROM PITMAN PHOTO IN(". TI.JI)F.r. A Ciiz rr;PiTL'% EFT E<:TI�i7; '91TP0 DAD- CONTRACT FOR VARIOUS CTTDFP)%T?T'TT ITS. The following 37eSolI ti.on was int-roduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: P.ESOT UTTON 140. c 4-41 g A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND RATIFYING THE FINDING OF THE CITY MANAGER AND TIIE, PURCHASING AGENT THAT FILM DISTRIBUTORS OP AMiERICA, INC. FAILED TO FURNISH THE REQUIRED PERFOPJ,lANCE BOND UNDER THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $51,500, FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES; FURTHER AUTHORIZTIG TIIE CITY ATTORNEY TO TAKE THE NECESSARY LEGAL ACTION I14 ORDER TO RECOVER ALL OR PART OF THE CITY'S COSTS RESULTING FROM SUCH FAILURE 014 TIDE PART OF FILM DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA, INC.; FURTHER AUTHOR.IZ ING TIIE PURCHASE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM AND SUPPLIES (FOR OTHER THAN GRAPIIIC ARTS APPLI- CATION) AS NEEDED FROM; PITMAN PHOTO, INC. UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE METROPOL,ITAT" DADE COUNTY CONTRACT FOR VARIOUS CITY DE?'ART?1TN''TS AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $51, 500 PITH FUNDS TITER}:FOR PEFAIJOUSLY ALLOCATED UNDER RFSOLUTION NO. S=-lllfj, ADOPTED DECEI-MER 8, 1983; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER 1'O INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed e,nd adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Dc:metrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 104. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT FROM LAND AND WATER CONSERVATI0I4 FUND PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $457,500 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BAYFRONT PARK. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTI014 NO. 84-419 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE LkND hI4D WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROGRAM IN THE LNIOUNT OF t457,500 FOR THE DEVELOP- MENT OF BIAYFIcG1,'T P?mil;; FURTHER AUTHOF ZING THE CITY MANAGER TO I-XfCIL 'I= TIiI' API'ROFRIATL AGRELI.1LNT IMPLE- MENTING SAID GI I4'F. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) —. Id _APR 51984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Jop Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ASSENT: None 105. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT FROM FLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM $227,867 FOR DEVELOPMENT OF FT. DALLAS PARK. -------- ------------------------------------------------------------- The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-420 A RESOLUTION AUT1i01:IZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROI, Tli1: PLORIDA RECREATION DEVELOPMENT AS- SISTANCE 1?Pc(*):-1'.T_1i IN T11E AMOUNT OF $ 22 7, 867 FOR THE DEVELO111,1:-NT OF YT. FUR'TI ER AUTHORIZING THE CITY ]f,A!NIiGF.I," '11C 1_};iCU`.?1�' '1'1,"] APPROPRIATE AGREEMENT It•ZPLEYIENI'LNG. Sk1h GF�e'27'. (Here foll.aw:—, ho6y of rest,)-luti.oil, omitted here and on file in tle Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the followinq vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 106. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE: OF DUPLICATE LIENS SALE CERTIFICATE TO REPLACE ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE NO. 215 IN THE AMOUNT OF $685.85 TIiAT WAS LOST IN 110\'ING. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 1Q0. 84-421 A RESOLUTION AUT11ORI'LII1G THE ISSUANCE OF A DUPLICATE LIEN SALE CERTIFICATE 1110 REPLACE ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE #215, DLTED MI:Y' 26, 198-1, IN THE AMOUNT OF $685.65, THAT WAS LIST IN Ni0VI1dG. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 118 APR 51984 ld f Upon Being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed c-nd adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller. ,T. Dawkins Commissioner Jae Cer_oll.o Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-?iayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 107. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND CURRENT CONTACT WITH J.J. LOWTRET AND CO. FINANCIAL ADVISORS TO EXPAND THE SCOPE OF THEIR SERVICES FOR THE OVERTOWN PARK/WEST PROJECT FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: PESOLUTION NO. 84-422 A RESOLUTION AT1TIiOT:7 "_I?;G THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE iili'T:C'ii ;li ,'sJ;I:1:llliTiv'T # 1 TO THE CURRENT CONTRACT t';1'1'li ,� ..� . 1 1`'.''�I:`?� RND C01•1,I'ANY , FINANCIAL ADVISORF, , 'T?;I? �cC,,Tj)- (iF Ci.S IN- CLUDE SF Y%,D ('):;: 1'I_c!)1CT��LI-,]' I1:S UIP1 D !'OK THE SOUTH- EAST YRO?11`C7 Is1;1) TO 7A,L01,; FOR ADD ITIOiti�J- T(I YXC I I?t% � `:0, 000 PER YEAR U;;J-?::= isVi: ). ],i�L?_,)'_ i� tp.,)c 'i Ii1"')"E OY' FROI"i TI:E SOUTH- EAST -,:T I'1?O_JEC7`. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopte-1 by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller. J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-ME,yor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 108. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH POLICY RELATIVE TO RE- QUIREI�2INTS FOR PERFORMANCE BONDS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS h?:D THL PROCUREIIEIN ` OF GOODS AND SERVICES. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-423 A RESOLUTION AUTH0I1(2 2I] NG THE CITY M.P.NAGER TO ESTABLISH A POLICY RI=Iy T1V2 TO THE REQUIRE- MENTS FOR BOLDS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND THE PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES, ld i* 19 APR 51984 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commi.ssione.r. Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by 1-.he fol_1_or;i.nq vote: AYES: Commissioner Mi,ll_ez.- J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe C irolJ_o Commissioner. J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 109. ALLOCATE $10r1.20 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS TO ACTION COMMUNITY CENTER INC. TO PROVIDE, 20% LOCAL MATCH NEEDED TO PURCHASE FOUR VANS. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 1,10. 84-424 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING ;10,120 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS; CONTINGENT FUND, TO ACTION COMMUNITY CENTER, INC. TO PROVI_D1�'1HE 20% LOCAL MATCH NEEDED TO PURCHA.: I= FOU1: (4) 1'7zI4 ' 'J.'13 OUCH THE FLORIDA DEPART- MENT 0Y 16 (b) (2) PROGRAM, AUTHORI ].Nr; Tl;i.� TO F.NTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH TILE (Here follo;r�. bury of omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner biller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 110. APPROVE A14D CONFIRM TWO ATTACHED AGREE1ENTS BETWEEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OP MIAMI GENERAL Eb1PLOYEES RE-TIRE14ENT PLAN AND THE DEMARCHE ISSOC. , CUSTODIAL AND ASSET h T i4T:GI.idENT EVALUATOR SERVICES TO SI.1D The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 64-42� A RESOLUTION AI -PROVING AND CONFIRMING TWO ATTACHED AGREEMENTS BETh'LEN THL L07-:D OF TRUSTEES OF THE MIAMI GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RE TI1d-b1ENT PLAN AND DEMARCHE ASSO- CIATES PROVIDING FOR THE FUIJ4ISIIING OF CUSTODIAL AND ASSET MANAGEI✓ENT FVALUTA'01" SERVICES TO SAID PLAN. i o .APR 51984 ld I 0 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the f0_l_l.or-i_T1c4 VOte: AYES: Commissioner rtil.ler J. Daw-kins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 111. APPROVE AND CONFIRM ATTACHED AGREEMENT BETWEEN BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MIAI I GENERAL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN AND BANYIERS TRi ST CO. TO PROVIDE FURNISHING OF PENSION PLAN ADVISORY SERVICES TO SAID PLAN. The following resolution vas introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-426 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT BETPIEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MIAMI GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN AND BANKERS TRUST COMPANTY PROVIDING FOR THE FURNISHING OF PENSION FUND ADVISOR SERVICES TO SAID PLAN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR.THE RECORD: There was a brief continued discussion on Agenda Item 69 by Dena Spillman. 121, _APR 51984 ld I 112. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF WASTE COLLECTING LICENSES TO ALAMO CARTING CORP. AND PASOt1ALf: WASTE SERVICES, INC. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOI NO. 84-427 A PESOLUTION AUTHORIRING THE ISSUANCE OF WASTE COLLECTION LICENSES TO AI:VIO CARTING CORP., PASQUALE WASTE SERVICE, INC., PERMITTING THEM TO COMMENCE DOING BUSINESS UPON FULL COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 22 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, (1980). (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of tine City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner. ?Ail.) cr J. Dawkins Commissionei. Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor h`,aurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 113. APPOINT MS. ROSARIO KEENEDY AS A MEMBER OF THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-428 A RESOLUTION APPOII4TI14G AN INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR A TERM EXPIRING JANUARY 31, 1986. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Coirunissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissionvi Miller J. Dawkins Commissior'(.I- Joe Carollo Commissiaiier J. L. Plununer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demet.rio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None 1-22 APR 51984 f. 0 _.. ld 114. DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. The City of Mi-ilmi_ Commission voted to defer consi.derati_on of appoint- ments to Audit Advisory Comm.i.ttee to the next meeting. 115. APPOINT CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAP1 FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE INCLUDING ATERNATE MEMBERS. The following resolution was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-429 A RESOLUTION NOMINATING AND APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner. Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Individuals appointed were: Mrs. Nancy Luke, Mr. Jacque Despinose and Ms. Alicia Baro. 116. DEFERRAL OF CONSDERATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO THE ARTS IN PUhLIC PLACES CO!,1MITITF. The City of t•liard Ccarjnis ion a list of proposed candidates for consideration for appoi_nt.mertt to th. Arts in Public Places Commit- tee. Cathy Leff re. a cs�enti ng the l:rn;ir,i stratic>n was present tc� answer questions. After discussion, the City ConLmission requested the Adminis- tration to ask the Nominating Committee to suggest additional names to be included with the list presented this date. 123 • APR 51984 I 0 117. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED APPOINTttENTS AND DEFERRAL TO A FUTURE MEETING OF INDT IDUALS TO SERVE ON TTIF WATTFFRONT BOARD. NOTE: After considerable discussion of I,rc?I O nr3 r?i c9 _riai:es for appointment to the the Waterfront Board, th- Cor:,mi.s.^ion (leci_ded to defer such appointments to the next meeting. 118. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED HIRING OF MS. ATJULIE RANGE As A LOBBYIST TO WORK WITH MR. RICK SISSER CONCERNING THE NEEDS OF TI3E BUCK COMMUNITY IN THE CITY OF MIAMI: FIVE DAY RULE INVOKED. The City Commission entered into discussion in regard tothe proposal of hiring Mrs. Athali.e Range to work, as a paid lobbyist. Commissioner Carollo made a motion to hire Mrs. Range as a paid lobbyst in Tallahassee to work with Mr. Rick Sisser concerning matters of interest to the City of Miami and in particular, matters concerning the Black comrnrnity. The motion was seconded by Vice -Mayor Perez. Commissioner Dawkins suggested that loc Lang Kershaw, was more qualified. A substitute motion was made by Corzimi.ssi.oncr Plummer to hire both Mrs. Range and Mr. Kewshar•r. That motion failed; Commissioner Plummer and Dawkins voting affirmatively, Commissioners Perez and Carollo voting nega- tively. Mayor Ferro was absent. After further discussion, Commis- sioner Dawkins invoked the 5-day rule regarding this matter. 119. CONSENT AGENDA. 119.1 DONATION ACCEPTAIICE FROM TOBACCO INSTITUTE - EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS FOR DEPT. OF FIRE, RESCUE TND INSPECTION. RESOLUTION NO. 84-431 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED DONATION OF PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS IN THE VALUE OF AfiPROXIMATELY $8,000 FOR USE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES FROM THE TOBACCO INSTII'UTI. FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING PUBLIC FIRE. SAFETY AWARENESS THROUGH EDUCATION. 119.2 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK OF' CENTURY CONTRACTING CO. FOR JAMES L. KNIGHT CENTER OFFICES. RESOLUTION NO. 84-432 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF CENTURY CONTRACTING CO., INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $79,388.05 FOR CITY OF MIAMI/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI JAMES L. KNIGHT INTERNATIONAL CENTER - CITY OFFICES; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $8,523.81. ix.4 APR 51984 - ld 1 0 119.3 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK OF 11. VILA AND ASSOCIATES FOR GARM,NT CENTER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PAYING PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO. 84--433 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $496,684.17 FOR GARMENT CENTER COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT PAVING rROJECT; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $49,668.41. 119.4 ACCEPT BID M. VILA AND ASSOCIATES FOR OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT,. BIDS "A" AND "B". RESOLUTION NO. 84-434 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF M. VILA AND ASSO- CIATES, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $231,895.93 FOR BIDS "A" AED "B" OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I IN OVERTO6VM HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I DISTRICT H-4492; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "OVERTOWN STREET IMPROVE- MENTS - PHASE I" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $231,895.93 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $32,465.07 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $4,338.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVER- TISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CIT'YKANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID 17117M SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 119.5 ACCEPT BID IRWIN—GREEIAN'F.LL INC. FOR OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMiENT, BID "C". RESOLUTION NO. 84-435 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF IRWIN—GREENWELL, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AhSOUNT OF $265,060.67 FOR BID "C" OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR OVERTOI.'N HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT — PHASE I IN OVERTOWN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT — PHASE I DISTRICT H-4492; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROI4 THE "OVERTOWN STREET IMPROVEMENTS PHASE I" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $265,080.67 TO COVER THE CUNT=tACT COST; ALLOCATING FROI4 SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $37,111.33 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOC7,TING FROM SAID FU1,0THE A14OUNT OF $5, 302.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANA— GER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 119.6 ACCEPT DID JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. FOR OVERTOWN SEWER IMPROVEI-E14T PI?I:SE I FOR BID "D" . I ESOLU`llON 1,10. 84-436 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE' BID OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIP— MENT CO. IN THE PROPOSED 7Jl(.UNT OF $163, 703 FOR BID "D" OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR CITY—WIDE SFs1:ITARY SEtdER IMPROVE— MENT — OVERTOI�,N — PH:4SE 1 IN CITY-1-dIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT — OVEI:`1'OWN — 1111ASE I DISTRICT S11-5501—C (CENTERLINE Sl�"'EYI) ; Y,'ITli M01:IES '_HEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "CITY "IDL SLNITLRY SEWEP. L:?:'I`I-�NSIONS Ib:F"ROVEMIENTS" ACCOUNT 11' Till: 1--I40UNT 0' 1C3, 703 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOC'1.'1'II: I'I:Ohi S2h1 D FIIND `1'HI_ AMOUNT OP ; 22, 918 TO COVER THE COSI' OI' PROJLC`1' }=:}:Pi ld i , ALL0CA.Tj .G FROI, SAID FLIED THE AJIOUNT OF `PO COVER 1'IiE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, 7'ES'I"IIIG I2-.LOF_t.' DRIES ]:1dD POSTAGE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY M.P.3.AGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIR11. Id :APR 51984 E D 119.7 ACCEPT BID KENNEDY & KENNEDY, INC. FOR CRIME LAB COMPARISION PROJECTOR FOR POLICE DEPT. RESOLUTION 1,70. 84-437 A RESOLUTION ACCFPTItdG THE RID OF KETTIEDY AND KENNEDY, INC. FOR Fi_iR' ISIITI•tr; OTT— (I) CRIME LAB COMPARISON PROJECTOR T,??D ACCF.-SORTES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PO ,TCE AT A TOTAP, COST OF $7,039.00; ALLOCATING FU,ID; THEP77OR FP.OM THE PRIOR YEAR RE- SERVE FUND; ATITHORIZII;G THE CITY MANAGER TO IN- STRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 119.8 ACCEPT BID COUNTY PLASTICS, INC FOR REFUSE TOTE BARRELS FOR DEPARTMENT OF SOLID WASTE. RESOLUTION NO. 84-438 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE DID OF COUNTY PLASTICS, INC. FOR FURNISHING APPROXIMATELY 600 REFUSE TOTE BARRELS ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR TO THE DEPARTMENT OF SOLID t^IA TE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $16,950.00; ALLOCATING FUNDti THEF.T'.FOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPJ-RATI:NG HUD ET OF THAT DEPARTMrNT; AUTHORIZING TIIT: CITY t4AINAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PUR- CHASING AGENT TO IS.=UE PURCHASE OhhFRS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, TO THE AVAIL%OLILITY OF FUNDS. 119.9 AUTHORIZE PL'RCEASE LATERAL FILE CAPINETS FROM THOMAS W. RUFF AND CO. FOR DEFT. OF COIMPUTERS. RESOLUTION NO. 84-439 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THIRTY (30) LATERAL FILE CABINETS AT A COST OF $205.00 EACH FROM THOMAS W. RUFF AND COI.PANY, INC. UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT FOR THE DEPART- MENT OF COI,:rUTERS AT A TOTAL COST OF $6,450.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE: 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF TIiAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORI ING TIIE CITY MANA- GER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PUR- CHASE ORDER FOR THIS E,UI7'MEhT. 119.10 ACCEPT BID OF DEPJZA TUIF & INDUSTRIAL EQUIP. FOR GOLF COURSE MOWTF.S FOR DEPAR;JTIENT OF PAF.I:S & RECREATION. RESOLUTION NO. 84-440 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PID OF DEPRA TURF AND INDUSTRIAL fiC>U2FMl_'I:T POI: TWO (2) GOLF COURSE MOttiP ItS TC) TIiF, DEI'I:T2'1`f,ENT Ol' PARKS AND RECREA- TION AT A TO'TI_L CO�_'T OF ; 2:', BGO.Oi�; ALLOCATING FU14DS THEREFOR F1,0!•1 THE 19E 3-t 4 CCLI' COl-TRA' ENTERPRISE FUND; AUTHORI INC THE CITY L11:I:bG]:I< TC! IN�'I RUICI' THE PURCHASING AGENT TO IS aUi� I, I'URC i L ;2' FOR ''HI:> E,�lllPtiENT. 119.11 ACCEPT DID DEVOE AIND I h`i I,Ol.'. i CO. I'OI PbI1,1TING SUPPLIES FOR C. D.'s GREAT IIEICHL""R'031)I'11It:T PRO�]RAI7. I�'.SCLU`!'lUt: NO. 8:4-n41 A RESOLUTION: ]iCCEPTIIdG THE 1A D OF DEVOE I:ND RAYNOLDS COMPANY, INC. FOi: PIhINT111C SUPPLIES ON A CONTRJ.C'l BASIS TO PIsRTICIPl-NTS II" 'I1:1' GId:hT NEIGH- BORHOODS RPM ] DE Its. I I:L i ?:`I'I_RIGF: PkI t:`l 1'F:C1CI 1 i; FOF: THE DEPARTMENT Or' COALs,UI:ITI ' D1A'EL,,' 1 b'u I1'i I `1 h 1��C)`i�Al. PROPOSED COST OF ; :'3, 00v.00; kLLOChTING I'UI,`1.: 1'r.F:1 P:F'OI: r'ROid THE 8TH YEAR CONL41UNITY DEVtLOPNUAI)'iI'UI�I: ; THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE F'tIF.0 iI1:SI1;G AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE )t:.TLRIALS. APR 51984 ld E 0 119.12 ACCEPT BID JASPER PAINTING SERVICE FOR PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES FOR C. D.'s GREAT NEIGHBORHOODS PAINT PROGRAM. RESOLUTION NO. 84-442 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIN',I(7, THE BIT) OF JASPER PAINTING SER- VICE. INC. FOR F[-F.NISHT?,?'= PRFSSUF.iT, CLEANING SERVICES ON A CONTRACT PASTS TO APPROXTMA 'ELY 70 HOMEOWNER PARTICIPANTS IN TIIE GTIF AT N7CI(7HP0Ri30OT)S RESTDENTIAL EXTERIOR PAINIT PROGRAM FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $7,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS TH}IEFOR FROM THE 8TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. 119.13 ACCEPT BIDS OF CENTRAL CONCRETE ARID I1. J. JEFFERSON & BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION, INC FOR PUMPER SERVICES FOR DEPT. OF LUILDI14G AND VEIIICLE MAINTENANCE. RESOLUTION NO. 84-44.3 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF CITNTTRAL CONCRETE OF MEDLEY, INC. FOR PEAROCK CONCRETE PUMP MIX AT A PROPOSED COST OF $6,720.00; AND H.J. JEFFERSON & BRO- THERS CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR PUMI—FR SERVICES AT A PROPOSED COST OF $1,443.00; TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE i�T A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $8, IG3.00; ALLOCATING FUN•'DS THERI FOR FROM THE MIAMI STADIUtd CONCERT STAGE FUND; T;UTIiORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING 7iGENT TO ISSUE PURCHVASE ORDI..RS FOR THIS SERVICI'_ AND MATERIALS. 119.14 ACCEPT BID WEATHERTROL MAINTENANCE CORD. POI. AIR CONDI— TIONING CHILLER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE FOR DEPT. OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. RESOLUTI014 NO. 84-444 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF WEATHERTROL MAINT— ENANCE CORPORATION FOR FUR.IIISHING AIR CONDITIONING CHILLER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE FCT, THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR RENEW— ABLE ANNUALLY TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED FIRST YEAR COST OF $4,680.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGF_T OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY t4A�NAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PUR— CHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS SERVICE, SUBJECT TO THE AVT112:FILIT]' OF FUNDS. 119.15 ACCEPT BIDS OAKS WHOLESALE DIS'IP3 1-UTORS, PUBLIC SAFETY DEVICES, INC & AERO PRODUCT', INC. FOR EQUIPMENT FOR POLICE DEPT. RESOLUTION N.O. 64-445 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING HE' LIDS OF OAKS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS FOR 31 VEHICLE Ph.)"TITIONS AT A COST OF $5,696.45; PUBLIC SX�'1�`I'Y DI'_VICICS, INC. FOR 36 LIGHT BAR PACIJ�GI_S Ai' ?: CCrS'I' OF' °ICG,920.00; AFRO PRODUCTS, INC. 1"OP COST OF $284.00; FOR I'UI1:ISIIi?�: ShI'.� I'OLICL: I:U'I'0 kk-_`UIPbiEtQT TO THE IJEP?ART!f'LNT OI' Ll'1LliII:G I:I:D VI::HIC'Ii I�'�I-.IN— TENANCE A'I' A ` 011-I, COEl.r CiI- 22 , 900. 4 `_; P.I.LOCATING FUNDS 'I'fIEl- I-'OI: IA'01d 1 > 3—E� : OI'EI_Z:TIIdG L�.IiI:�GI'_i'S OF THE POLICE I)hI'I:Ir:'PA1Ia T I IID 'PNi DEP?:R'1'NICI:3' OF BUILD— ING AND VEHICI MF IN'I'EIv? NC'E; AU`I'HORIZTI.G THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCIIA!SING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ld 127 APR 51984 I u 119.16 ACCEPT BIDS OF EIGHTEEN SUPPLIERS; REJECT BIDS FOR TWO ITEMS; AUTHORIZE PURCHASE FROM TWO SUPPLIERS CURRENTLY UNDER STATE OF FLA. CONTRACTS. RESOLUTION O. 84-446 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTIIIG THE RIDS OF EIGHTEEN (18) SUPPLIERS AT A PROPOSED COST OF S1,756,898.60; REJECTING INDIVIDUAL BTDS FOR. T'I-TO (2) ITEMS RE— CEIVED FROM FIVE (5) BIDDERS AND AUTHORIZATING THE PURCHASE FROM TWO (2) SUPPLIERS UNDER CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE STATE OF FLORIDA C014TRACTS AT A PROPOSED COST OF $10,619.05; AS IDENTIFIED BELOW AND INDI— CATED ON THE ATTACHED TABULATION, FOR FURNISHING APPROXIMATELY 1.23 UNITS OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT ON A CONTRACT BASIS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FOR USE BY VARIOUS CITY DEPART— MENTS AT A PROPOSED GRANT TOTAL AMOUNT OF $1,767,517.55; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,761,122.55 AND FROM THE, 1983-84 GOLF COURSE ENTERPRISE FUND OF THE DEPARTMENT OI' PARKS AND RECREATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,395.00; AUTHORIZ— ING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPI.IENT, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 119.17 DIRECT CITY CLERK TO PUBLISIi NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED CON— STRUCTION BY P.N.M. CORP FOR BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 64-447 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY C=hlISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTIN BY P.N.M. CORPORATIOI4 OF BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVIAtiENIT — PFJ. SE I IN BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT — PRASE I DISTRICT H-4475; SAID 140TICE BEING PUBLISHED IN COb4PLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-45, ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984, CON— CERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. 119.18 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORT: SOUTHERN CONSTRUCTION FOR MIAMI SPRINGS GOLF COURSE CART STORAGE FACILITY. RESOLUTION NO. 84-448 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF SOUTHERN CONSTRUCTION INTERI4AI'IONAL CORPORATION AT A TOTAL COST OF $56,640.00 FOR MIAMI SPRINGS GOLF COURSE — CART STORAGE FACILITY; I4D AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $13, 310.40. 119.19 ACCEPT BID PHILLIPS & JACOBS, INC FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSING EQUIP. I'OR POLICE DEPARTMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 84-449 A RESOLUTION I:CCEPTING THF. BID OF PHILLIPS AND JACOBS, INC. FOR FURNISHING TV"O (2) PIECES OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSING EQUIPI",ENT TO THE DEPART1•1LI4T OF POLICE AT A TOTAL COST OF Y-5,313.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS 'THEREFOR FROM THE PRIOR YEAR RESERVE FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCIa.AISNG AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. JL28 ld .APR 51984 C 119.20 DIRECT CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. OF DURHAM SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 84-450 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TIIE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY LANZO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF DURHAM SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN DURHAM SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRTCT SR-548E-C (CENTERLINE SEATER); SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-45, ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984, CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. 119.21 DIRECT CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY REINERTSON EQUIPMENT OF ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA SEWER IMPROVEMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 84-451 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEP- TANCE BY TIIE CITY COMMISSION Or THE COMPLETED CONSTRUC- TION BY JOE REINERTSSON EQUIPMENT CO. OF CITY WIDE SANITARY SEP7ER IMPROVEN,LNT - ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA, BID "D", IN CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE?•TENT - ALLA- PATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA DISTRICT SR-5497-C (CENTERLINE SEWER); SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-45; ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984, CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. 120. ACCEPT BID FOR INSTALLING MODULAR OFFICE FURNITURE, WORK STATIONS, PETITIONS IN THE CITY HALL MEZZANINE AREA. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTIO14 NO. 84-452 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LITTON OFFICE PRODUCT CENTER, INC. FOR FURI.ISHING AYD INSTALLING MODULAR OFFIC17 FURNISHINGS, WORKSTATIONS AND PAR- TITIONS IN THE CITY BALL MEZZANINE AREA FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AT A TOTAL COST OF $35,235.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 SPECIAL I'ROGFdat•i:: 7iND ACCOUNTS - CONTIN- GENCY FUND; AUTIIORIZ ING 'PHI: CITY MANI=R TO IN- STRUCT THE PURCHI+SING AGENT Tv ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR PHIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Of.ficc: of the C_ty Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: 129 ld APR 51984 t\ AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Fer.re NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ABSENT: None 121. DISCUSSION A14D DEFERRAL OI' A PROPnSED EXTENDING OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE ?,AW FIRM OF AP14OLD AND PORTER RELATING TO CrABLE T.V. The City of Miami Commission discussed the possibility of ex- pansion of the contract with Arnold and Porter, sue Smoller, representing the Administration spoke in that behalf. Commissioner Plummer moved for deferral. 122. DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF A BID FOR A 70--FOOT FLAG POLE AT DINNER KEY MARINA. The matter of a proposed new flag pole for Dinner Key Marina was discussed. Commissioner Plummer objected to its proposed cost. The Administration explained this pole had to be large enough with masts for the flying of storm flags in addition to the American flag. After further discussion, Commissioner Plummer made a motion to defer this item, which was seconded by Commissioner Dawkins. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 123. AUTHORIZE THE FIRM OF FINE, JACOBSON, BLOCK, KLEiN, COLAN & SIMON, P. A., TO SERVE AS LOCAL CO -BOND COUNSEL TO ASSIST WITH BROWN, WOOD, IVY, MITCHELL & PETTY CONCF.RI4ING $65, 000, 000 IN MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING JZE%71 I4UE BOND: . The following resolution 4;as introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-453 A RESOLUTIO14 ItUTHORI.ING THE FIRM OF FINE, JACOB- SON, BLOCK, KLEIN, COLAN & SIMON, P.A., TO SERVE AS LOCAL BOND CO -COUNSEL TO ASSIST THE FIRM OF BROWN, WOOD, I%rLY, MITCHELL L PI `I'T)' WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF E5,OOu,OGO 'TT); HOUSING REVENUE BONDS TO MULTI-Fhldli.Y HOUSING PROJECTS IN THE CITY OF 141-L I. (Here follows body of r(soiutien, omitted here and on file in tht Office of thu- City Clerk.) Upon being seconded Ly Corrui,(issioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner JOE-. Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice I:. Ferre NOES: None I Ou APR 51984 6 124. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT OF $15,000 FOR THE MAYOR'S OFFICE FOR CEREMONIAL SUPPLIES AND OTHER RELATED MATT RTALS . AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9684 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1983, THE A17NUAL APPROPRIATION1 ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1.984, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE MAYOR'S OFFICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000 AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND IN THE LIKE AMOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDING OF THE MAYOR'S OFFICE TO FACILITATE THE PURCHASE OF CEREMONIAL SUPPLIES, AND OTHER RELATED MATERIALS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PRO- VISIOU, AND A SEVEP.AEILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner. Carollo , and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption as an emergency measure and dis- pensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Carollo, and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said Ordinance by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 9826. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the Public Record and announced that copies were available to members of the City Commission and to the Public. 131 .APR 51984 ld r� Id ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 125. BRIEF DISCUSSION AND CONTINUED TO A.PR_IL 26TH AGENDA OF THE RESOLUTION DECLARING THE PF;NF:FITS AND EMOLUMENTS FOR THE CITY MANAGER. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 126. BRIEF DISCUSSION OF THE MATTER CONCERNING CABLE TELE- VISION; FINES IMPOSED, ETC., AND MAYOR FERRE CALLING A SPECIAL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 10TH AT 9:00 A.M. TO DISCUSS THIS :MATTER AS WELL AS THE APPOINTMENT OF MS. ATHALIE RANGE AS A LOBBYIST FOR THE CITY IN TALLAHASSEE. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. MAURICE A FERRE Mayor ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIE City Clerk MATTY HIRAI Assistant City Clerk 132 0 T?W C®0911 .APR 51984 M W. „ � x " - n" �i MERTING DATE: f APRIL 5, 1984 D©CtNEW IDENTIFICATION COK4ISSION RETRIEVAL ACTION AND CODE Na_ URGING STATE ATTORNEY, JANET RLNO TO PROSECUTE BUSINESSES THAT HAVE BEEN DET7'RN?INED TO DT_.AL IN ONSCENE MATERIAL, UNDFR R-84-359 FLORIDA STATUTE 895, RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT ORGANIZATIONS (R.I.C.O.) ACT AND TO COOPERATE WITH INTERESTE LAW ENFORCaMENT AGENCIES IN THE FORMATION OF A TASK FORCE. GRANTING A 2% COST -OF -LIVING INCREASE TO CITY CLERK, RALPH ' R-84-364 G. C�NGIE, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 19,94. IAZA.IVING THE TT'T LIMITATION FOR A FIMgORKS DISPLAY AT THE MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM, ON APRIL 6, 1984. R-84-365 AUTHORIZING CONVENTION SERVICE ASSOCIATES, IN CONJUNCTION PTITH CMNI AND MR]RIOT HOTELS, TO CONDUCT ,SUPER SPORTS R-84-368 SPECTACULARS, MAY 3,10, AND 13, 1984, in MARGARET PACE PARK, AUTHORIZING DISPENSING BEER IN SOFT CONTAINERS (IAW) ALL COUNTY AND STATE PEId4ITS. ACCEPTING THE BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE FROM TV90 SUPPLIEPS UNDER A STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT AND nNIO SUPPLI UNDER A T=OPOLITAN DADE COUNTY CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING 21 R-84-373 LIGHT AUTQMOBILES ON A CONTRACT BASIS TO THE DEPP TT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTANCE FOR USE BY SEVERAL CITY DEPARTMENTS, FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRU THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS THEREOF. ACCEPTING AND APPROVING THE CONCRETE TRASH RECEPTACLE DESIGN BY SPILLIS CANDELA AND PARTNERS WITH MINOR MODIFICA- R-84-377 TIONS AS APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE AND RECIEVE BIDS FOR UP TO 500 SUCH TRASH RECEPTACLES FOR USE IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS. ALLOCATING FUNDS TO THE COACHES OF THE MIAMI MARTIAL ARTS CONGRESS IN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE TRANSPORTATION OF KARA R-84-379 STUDENTS TO THE CARACAS INTERNATIONAL KARATE TOURNAMENT AS OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF MLAMI,(Ln[q) AMP-1-8 APPROVING THE CONVEYANCE TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA BY QUIT- CLAIM DEED OF CERTAIN CITY -CAA NED PROPERTY KNC Ft N AS IZF.LIJCA R-84-381 S.E.4 STREET, TO BE USED FOR THE NEW MIAMI AVENUE BRIDGE; AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE DELIVEP. TO STATE OF FLORIDA A QUIT-CLA-M DEED OF SAID PROPERTY. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THE APPROVED GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT TO THE U.S. DEPARTME14T OF HOUSING R-84-384 AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR THE CITY' S PROPOSED CQ1'I"'IUn?- ITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DURING 1984-85, AND UPON RECEIPT OF SAME, NEGOTIATE TIC NECESSARY IMPLU=] ING CONTRACTS AND AGRO IENTS . AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT AMOUNT BETI;TEEN 1TE CITY OF MIAMI AND AAIEM CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOP. THE R-84-385 MODIFICATIONS TO FaMER FIVE STATION NO.16 STRESS SLmUI m.o. DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION RATIFYING, CONFIRP'IING, AND 7TPROVING TlJE ACTIONS OF =- Cl MANAGER IN WAIVING COMPETITIVE BID REQUIRI7IL: PS AND IN AUTi-iORI Z ING THE EMERGENCY PURCHASE ON THE OPEN MARI= OF REQUIRED VEHICULAR PARTS AND SUPPLIES 11ITH FUNDS THEREFORE ALLOCATED FRCM. THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPART- MENT OF BUILDING AND %7EHICLE MAINTENANCE. CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 84-147; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR TIIL CONSTR TION OF WEST FLAGLER STREET SANITARY SEINER IIKPROV=T PHASE II, DISTRICT SR-5495-C. C(ATFIR%IING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ENGLEW00D SANITARY SEI,IER IM- PROVIT ENT DISTRICT SR-5461-C. CONFIRIING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ENGLEI�OOD SANITARY SE 1ER LNl- PROVE\'lENT IN ENGLEWOOD SANITARY SEINER IMPROMlENT DISTRICT SR-5461-S (SIDELINE SEI%'ER); AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. TIMVING AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, THE PROHIBI- TION CONTAINED IN CIT1' CODE SECTION 2-302; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIa\M CONSULTANT SERVICES IlITH AIDA LEVITAN AND ASSOCIATES FOR TED PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING THREE TOURS OF NATIONAL AND INT1.'TZRIA- TIONAL JOURNALISTS TO THE MIAMI AREA. CONFIRMING ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 84-278 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONST- RUCTION OF EDISON HIGMQY IMPROVE^IENT-PHASE-I IN EDISON HIGHWAY IMPRWITiENT DISTRICT -PHASE I, H-4494. ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK PERFORMED BY RUSSELL,INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MANOR HIGHWAY IIPROVENIENT-PARSE II(BID "A" - HIGHWAYS) IN MANOR HIGH@IAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT -PHASE II, H-4473. INCREASING THE BUDGET OF THE CURTIS PARK ELDERLY MEALS FACI- 7JrIY TO BE ALLOCATED FROM T E CWTUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOBS PROGRAMS FUNDS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. AUTHORIZING THE CITY "TANAGER TO MAKF PAYMENT TO FRANK J. ROONEY, INC. AS FINAL PAYMENT AND IN TOTAL FINAL SETTLEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER;FURTliER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SETI'LLPTENT AGREE- MENT SITH AND A RELEASE; OF FRANK J. ROONEY, INC, ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF SOUTHERN CONSTRUCTION INTER- NATIONAL CORP. FOR UPARR-HANDICAPPED ACCESS IMPROVEM=, S - AND AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYPlENT , AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 84-146,ADOPTED FEBURARY 9, 1984f WHICH OONFIR14FD THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PIN SANITARY SEI'•IER IMPROVEMENT IN PINES SANITARY SB17ER IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT SR-5450-C (CHINE Sh-WER) , M. a:i�IIcI:�:3 R-84-390 R-84-391 R-84-392 R-84-393 R-84-394 R 84-395 R-84-397 A 1 s URNt t ai r Sol DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AFFIRMING TIE ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER TN EYECUTING THE RETROACTIVE, AGREEMENT AMENDING THE EXISTING AGREEMENT BE- TP,T_E'N THE CITY OF 'IIAPI.T AND METROPOLITIAN] DARE COUNTY FOR ECONOMIC PLANNING ACTIVITIES; BY EXTENDING TI1E TIME OF PER- FORMANCE, INCREASING THE AGR='IEFNT MOUNT; FURTHER DTRECTIN 777E CITY CLERK TO r0kI ARD A COPY OF T11IS RESOLUTION TO THE COUNTY CLERK. RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE ACTIONS OF TI-IF CITY MANAGER IN WAIVING COMPETITIVE BID REQUIt2EMENTS AND AUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY LEASE FROM.EZ-GO'TEXTRON ON A 14ONTHLY BASIS OF GOLF CARTS. AUTHORIZING THE WA1VJNG OF USUAGE RESTRICTIONS FOR THE NJERICAN LUNG ASSOC., AND MiERICAN CANCER SOCIETY GOLF PRI- VILEGE CARD PROGRNAS, PROHIBITING MORE THAN ONE ROUND OF GOLF AT EACH OF THE CITi''S GOLF COUI?CES, BE SUBJECT TO PER- MITTING UP TO TEN ROUNDS OF GOLF BY THE GOLF COURSE DIRECT- OR. AUTHORIZING A ONE DAY PERMIT TO SELL BEER FOR THE JAPANIESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL IN CONNECTION WITH T E JAPANESE SPRING FES- TIVAL TO BE HELD ON APRIL 29, 1984 AT THE JAPANESE GARDENS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY .MANAGER TO DISTRIBUTE AND PUBLISH A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR QUALIFIED FIRMS TO PROVIDE ADMIN- ISTRATIVE CLAIMS SERVICE TO THE CITY'S SELF -FUNDED HEALTH BENEFITS PLAN AND INSURANCE FOR THE CITY'S GROUP TERM LIFE INSURANCE PLAN. DESIGNATING NEPJSPAPERS IN WHICH THE NOTICE OF SALE OF CER- TIFICATES ISSUED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR DELINQUENT SPFCI IMPS ASSESSMENT LIENS SHALL BE PUBLISHED. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH MIAMI-DADE TOURIST AUTHORITY,INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSIST- ING THE CITY OF :>•'IIAMI CONVENTION BUREAU IN IDENTIFYING PRO- SPECTIVE BLACK CONVENTIONS AND PROMOTING THE CITY OF MIAMI AS A POTENTIAL CONVENTION SITE AND ESTABLISHING AGRMAENTS WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA HOTEL AND MOTEL ASSOC. TO DEVELOP AN EMPLOYMENT REFERRAL PROGRAM AND A MANAGERIAL PLACEMENT PRO- GRAM DESIGNED TO INCREASE BLACK EMPLOYMENT IN THE HOTEL IN- DUSTRY. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT PITH STUART SORG FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF SPECIAL ADVISORY SERVI RELATED TO HARBORS, RIVERS, MARINAS AND WATERFRONT ISSUES. ALLOCATING FUNDS FOR THE BENEFIT CONCERT FOR THE PP.EVENTION OF CHILD ABUSE, TO BE PRESENTED BY THE DADE COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOC. AUXILIARY AN APRIL 7, 1984, AT GUSMAN CULTURAL CN`TR. ALLOCATING FUNDS TO THE LATIN CHAMBER OF CCYti' IEERCE (CA%rCOL) OF THE UNITED STATES,REPRESENTING EIGHT DAYS RENTAL OF THE ORANGE BDWL PARKING LOT FOR ITS FESTIVAL;FURTHER AUTHORIZIT THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CAMACOL. ALLOCATING FUNDS TO THE DEPARr3lENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR THE VIRGINIA BEACH FAMILY SPLASHDOWN DISCO 184 SERIES, R-34-399 R-84-40.Q R-84-401 R-84-402 R--84-,403 R-84-404 R-84-405 R-84-406 R-84-407 R-84-409 fi y.� o um L ilk 1�4 al 0 •.�- DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ALLOCATING FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF THE STAGING OF THE 4 DAY CARNIVAL FAIR TO BE HELD BY THE CUBAN MUNICIPALITIES FAIR CORP.;ALSO TO COVER RENTAL FEES FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWL PAR TUTS AND 6+IA=G MISCELLANEOUS FEES IN CONECTION WITH SAID CARNIVAL. ALLOCATING FUNDS IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY'S SPONSORSHIP OF THE UNITED STATES KARATE ASSOC. WORLD KARATE CHAMPION- SHIP, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREE- MENT WITH THE UNITES STATES KARATE ASSOC, ALLOCATING FUNDS TO THE MIAMI NORTI-ICST TRACK CLUBJNC. FOR THE 9TH ANNUAL TRACK AND FIELD CLASSIC TO BE HELD AT MIAMI- DADE CONLMUNITY COLLEGE,NORTH CAMPUS. AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO PAY SETTLEMENT TO NOEMI GARCIA FOR CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIA^.1 AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO PAY MIPLETE SETTLEMENT TO TILLIE MARTIN RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI OF ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO PAY TO AMERICAN CAR VAN RENTALS, INC. FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT RELEASING T1iE CITY OF MIAMI AND JACK CALVAR FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS, AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO PAY TO SANDRA KRUGEL A FULL AND Ca'IPLETE SETTLEMENT RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI A STAFFORD HUGES FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF 20,000 TONS OF ASPHALTIC CONCRE ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS FROM THOSE, SUPPLIERS UNDER EFFECI'IVE CONTRACT [ti'ITH METRO DADE COUNTY, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PUB- LIC WORKS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR SAID MATERIAL ACCEPTING AND RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER AND PURCHASING AGENT FINDINGS THAT FILM DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA,INC. FAILE TO FURNISH THE` REQUIRED PERFORMANCE BOND UNDER CONTRACT FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO TAKE THE NECESSARY LEGAL ACTION IN ORDER TO RECOVER ALL OR PART OF THE' CITY'S COSTS;FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE PURCHAS: OF PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES PROM PITMAN PHOTO,INC,;FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCIASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCPT A GRANT FRC4 LAND AN WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BAY - FRONT PA.RK;17UllUER AU UORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXMCUTE THE APPROPRIATE ACM-111EN'T IlvlPLE ENTING SAID GRANT, AUTHORIZII\r-, `IllE CITY t'V-NAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA DEVELOPMENTP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FT. DAIJAS PARK; FURTHER AUTHORIZING TIE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE 'TIC APPROPRIATE AGRET3vIENT LMPLF ' TING SA GRANT, R--84-410. R-84-411 R-84-49 2 R-84-413 R-84-414 R 84-415 R-84-416 R 84-417 R-84r418 R-84-419. R-84-420 a ,a rn Page 5. DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A DUPLICATE LIEN SALE CERTIFI- CATE TO REPLACE ORIGINAL CERTIFICA`P 41215, dtd.P4AY 26, 198 AUTHORIZING THE CITY rlANAGFF TO EX};CUTE A VZMML'IJT #1 TO TH CURRENT CONTRACT [qIT,j J. L. rRY A11D CalPANY,FINANCIAL AD- VISORS, TO EXPAND THE SCOPE OF SERVICES TO INCLUDE SERVICE SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED FOR THE SOUTHF-AST OVERTCXIN-PARK WEST PROJECT. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAV?,R TO ESTABLISH A POLICY RELATIV TO THE REQUIRIIMENTS FOR PERCORMANCE BONDS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROTECTS AND THE PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES. ALLOCATING FUNDS TO ACTION CCt,21UNITY CENTER, INC. TO PRCAI THE 20% LOCAL MATCH NEEDED TO PURCHASE FOUR VANS THROUGH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECTION 16(b)(2) PROGRAP4, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREE - PENT KITH THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCY. APPROVING AND CONFIi:;MING TWO AGREEMENTS BETNIEE N THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MIAMI GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIRE14ENT PLAN AND DEMApCHE ASSOCIATES PRQJIDING FOR THE FURNISHING OF CUSTODIAL AND ASSET MANAGEMENT EVALUATOR SERVICES, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE AGREEMENT BE'7EEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MIAMI GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT PLAN & BANKERS TRUST COMPANY PRC'VIDING FOR THE FURNISHING OF PEN- SION FUND ADVISOR SERVICES. AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF WASTE COLLECrI'ION LICENSES TO ALAMO CARTING CORP.,PASQUALE WASTE SERVICEFINC.rPERMITTING THEM TO CC"vIENCE DOING BUSINESS UPON FULL COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 22 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIf FLORIDA.(1980) APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE AS A MEMBER OF THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.(ROSARIO KENNF.D .3 NOMINATING AND APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY 0 MIAMI FESTIVAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED DONATIO OF PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS FOR USE BY TH DEPARIIIENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES FROM THE TOBACCO INSTITUTE FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING PUBLIC FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS THROUGH EDUCATION. ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF CENTURY CONTRACTING CO.,INC. FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI JAMS L. KNIGIiT INTERNATIONAL CENTER - CITY OFFICES; AND AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT. ACCEPTING THE CGMPLETED WORK OF M. VILLA & ASSOC.,INC. FOR GARMENT CENTER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PAVING PROJECT; AND AUTHORIZING, A FINAL PA)NENT. R-84-421 R-84-422 R-84-423 R-84-424 R 84-425 R-84-426 R-84-427 R 84-428 R-84-429 R 84-431 R 84-432 R-84-433 = k" Page 6. 0N_ DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ACCEPTING T E BID OF M. VILLA AND ASSOCIATES, INC FOR BIDS "A" AND "B" OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR OVERTOWN HIGI lvlAY 1MPROVIME]l PHASE I IN OVERTaIIN HIGI-RIAY _UIPROVE'I, DISTRICT H-4492;AN-D AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT Pgi'Ill SAI: FIRD4 SUBJECT TO TI-M AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. ACCEPTING THE BID OF IRWIN-GREENG;.ELL,INC. FOR BID "C" OF TI PROPOSAL FOR OVERTa, N HIGHWAY INIPROUF"\lENT-PHASE I IN OVER - TOWN HIGH1QXY IMPROVENILNT DISTRICT H-4492; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM SUB- JECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. ACCEPTING THE BID OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. FOR BID "D" OF THE PROPOSAL,FOR CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER ZMPROVEMEN OVERTCk'N-PHASE I IN CITY-WIDE SANITARY IMPROVEMENT OVERTOWN PHASE I DISTRICT SR-5501-C (CENTERLINE SEWER) AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. ACCEPTING THE BID OF MM-DY AND KENNEDY,INC. FOR FURNISHIN, ONE CRIME LAB CCrlPARISDN PROJECTOR AND ACCESSORIES TO THE POLICE DEPARI.lENNTT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIP^OJT . ACCEPTING THE BID OF COUNTY PLASTICS,INC. FOR THE FURNI' OF 600 REFUSE TOTE BARRELS ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF SOLID WASTE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY] TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THIRTY (30) LATERAL FILE CABINS FROM THCl AAS W . RUFF AND COMPANY, INC. FOR THE DEPAP.'IMENT OF COMPUTERS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PUF CHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ACCEPTING THE BID OF DEBRA TURF AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FO FURNISHING TWO (2) GOLF COURSE MOWERS TO THE DEPAR TENT OF PARKS AND RECREATICtl; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INS THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS `( EQUIPMENT. Ik 'µ ACCEPTING THE BID OF DEVOE AND RAYNOIDS CCMPANY,INC. FOR . FURNISHING PAINT AND PAINTING SUPPLIES ON A CONTRACT BASIS TO PARTICIPANTS IN THE GREAT NEIGHBORHOODS RESIDENTIAL EX- TERIOR PAINT PROGRAM FOR THE DEPART111ENI' OF CO24MITY DEVELOP ''TENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASI AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, ACCEPTING THE BID OF JASPER PAINTING SERVICE,INC, FOR FURNIS ING PRESSURE CLEANING SERVICES ON A CONTRACT BASIS TO 70 HCNTECk NER-PARTICIPANTS IN THE GREAT NEIGHBORHOODS RESIDENT EXTERIOR PAINT PROGRAM FOR THE DEPAR`II"= OF CCr9MUNITY DEVE- LOPMENT; AUTHORIZING Tl-lE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PUFUTA SING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. i ACCEPTING THE BID OF CENTRAL CONCRETE OF MEDLEY,INC. FOR PEA - ROCK CONCRETE PUMP IfJX ; AND H.J. JEFFERSON & BROTHERS CON- STRUCI'ION,INC. FOR PUMPER SERVICES TO THE DEPAlW4ENT OF BUILDING PAID VEHICLF MAINTENANCE; AUTHORIZDgG THE CIT' ?AAN- AGER TO INSTRUCT Ti-M PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDERS I,'OR THIS SERVICE RD !,V�TERII,.LS. A R-84-434 R-84-435 R-84-436 R-84-437 R--84-438 R 84-439 _,-84-440 R-84•-44 9 R-84-442 R-84-443 Im : ti. +aL _ Page 7 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ACCEPTING THE BID OF WEATIiERTROL MAINTENANCE CORPORATION FOR FURNISHING AIR CONDITIONING CHILLER SYSTIIV1 MAINTENANCE FOR THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR R='IABLE ANNUALLY TO THE DEPARn ENT OF BUILDING PND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUC THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS SUBJECT. ACCEPTING THE BID OF OAKS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS FOR 31 VEHICLE PARTITIONS; PUBLIC SAFETY DEVICES, INC. FOR 36 LIGHT BAR PACKAGES; AFRO PRODUC'T'S,INC. FOR 20 SPOTLIGHTS; FOR FURNISHING SAID POLICE AUTO EQUIPMENT TO THE DEPAMIENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE r,UAINI'EIINANCE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MAN- AGER TO INSTRUCT PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF EIGHTEEN SUPPLIERS,REJECTING INDIVID BIDS FOR 'IS90 ITEMS RECIEVED FRCM FIVE BIDDERS AND AUTHORIZ THE PURCHASE FR01 7,10 SUPPLIERS UNDER CURRENT FLORIDA C(IN- TRACTS FOR FURNISHING APPROXIMATELY 123 UNITS OF HEAVY EQU MENT ON A CONTRACT BASIS TO THE DEPAJMIENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINMIANCE FOR USE BY VARIOUS CITY DEPAR' Ma4TS ; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCT- ION BY P.N.M. CORPORATION OF BUENA VISTA HIGHPnY IMPROVETENT ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF SOUTHERN CONSTRUCTION INT NATIONAL CORPORATION FOR MIN4I SPRINGS GOLF COURSE - CART STORAGE FACILITY; AND AUTHORIZING FINAL PAWIENT. ACCEPTING THE BID OF PHILLIPS AND JOCOBS,INC. FOR FURNISHING 710 (2) PIECES OF PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSING EQUIPMENT TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS BnUIP- "1ENT. DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR- ING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE COMPLETED CONSTR- UCTION BY LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. OF DURHAM SANITARY SgC� R I_MPROVEMENI' DISTRICT SR-5486-C DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR- ING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE CnMPLETED WORK BY JOE RETNERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. OF CITY WIDE SANITARY SEf:'ER IMPROVEMENT-ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT SR-5497-C ACCEPTING THE BID OF LITTON OFFICE PRODUCT CENTER,INC, FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING MODULAR OFFICE FURNISHINGS, 1,10RK STATIONS AND PARTITIONS IN THE CITY HALL MEZZANINE AREA; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AG: TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZING THE FIRM OF FINE,JACOBSON,BLOCK,KLEIN,COLAN & SIMON, P.A., TO SERVE AS LOCAL BOND CO -COUNSEL TO ASSIST THE FIRM OF BRObN,WOODIVEY, MITCHELL & PETTY GTITTH RESPECT TO THE ISSUANCE OF MULTI -FAMILY HOUSING REVMjF BONDS. Nn R-84-444 R-84-445 R-84-446 R-84-447 R-84-448 R-84-449 R-84-45Q R-84-451 R-84-452 R-84-453