HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-04-05 Marked Agenda71:7-ZN-N k`1 r!n 'VAYOR C0!AMiSgj0t4 mid ?4_ .F i +. d%A' �`I s (;,MMISSIONER JA_ �°I<O" in,.M. CITY MANAGER MY04AP0 Y. G A. e MEETING DATE: A P R IL 5, 1984 CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERiCAN DRIVE 9 am to 1 pm - City Hall'. 3500 Pan American Drive 3 pm until adjOU-red Comstock Elementary 2420 N.W. 18th Avenue 9:00 A.M. Cnvoeation and Pledge of Allegiance Approving the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of January 19 and February 9, 1984, .'tanning and Zoning Comr4isaion Meeting of Janij�.ry >,6 , i .84 and Special of F,�bruary 16, 1984, 9:45 A.M. 1. NON-SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS ' One Hour d1scussion 10:45 A.M. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A. Discussion on Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) for the Port of Miami. (This itew was defeered from the march 8, 1984 City Commi- ssior. meeting). A. Discussion on scheduling gr,)und- breaking u 2remonies for Latin Quarter Paving Pro =ct, Phase III. C. Discussion on the ► c�irioval of the "Disco Volante" derelict vessel at Watson Island Dock. DELIVERED APPROVED WITHDRAWN DISCUSSED (Scheduled for April 26th) WITHDRAWN a 1:00 P.M. r D. Discussion on Comprehensive Job Training Program. E. Discussion on request for approval to advertise in the Miami Herald. F. Discussion on request to use EL Herald for Police Advertising. G. Discussion on Super Bowls. H. Discussion on Schematic Design of Manuel Artime Community Center. I. Discussion on Towing Ordinance Review. J. Discussion on Trash Receptacles. BREAK FOR LUNCH DISCUSSION DISCUSSION f M-84-374 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS NOES: PEREZ & FERRE M-84-375� MOVED: FERRE SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS .NOT TAKEN UP M-84-376 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN M-84-377 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PEREZ NOES: PLUMMER 72 CRY MUNISSID N AS-ENOR _............ . MEETING DATE: April 5, i8 Mtn RECONVENING AT COMSTOCK ELEMENTARY 2420 N.W. 18th AVENUE f { 3:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS AND kt 1� 2. The Miami Police Depart- ment has selected Officer Madison Freeman as the Most outstanding Officer for the month of February, 1984. I _1 )AGE NO: 3 NOT TAKEN UP 'NOT TAKEN UP CITY-CBMISS 16N AGENDA (WVC6 9 Ff 0-M kca� Fn W ?AEETINGDATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 4 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING(S) 3 thru 10 3. (PH) RESOLUTION R-84-384 ut orizing the City Manager MOVED: PEREZ- to submit the approved grant SECOND: CAROLLO program final statement to NOES: PLUMMER the U.S. Department of Housing and rban Development requesting funds in the amount of $11,255 000 for the City's proposed mmunity Development program during 1984-85; further authorizing the City Manager,upon approval of said grant by HUD, to accept the same and negotiate the necessary implementing contracts and agreements. City Manager recommends. (companion to item #29). 4. (PH) RESOLUTION R-84-385 u? Ehorl g an increase in the MOVED: PLUMMER contract amount of $15,066 SECOND: CAROLLO n the contract between the UNANIMOUS City of Miami, Florida a-n-cT- AAIEM Construction Corporation, dated December b, 1983 for the modifi- cations to former fire station No. 16 - stress simulator, said funds to be provided from law enforcement trust funds appropriated to the project by Ordinancee 9616 adopted May 12, 1983, and as amended by emergency Ordinance No. 9771 adopted January, 1984; further ratifying the City Manager's written finding that the herein increase resulted from emergency circumstances by an affirmative vote of two- thirds of the members of the City Commission, and adopting the finding and conclusion set forth in the preamble of this resolution. City Manager recommends. 0 MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 5. (PH) RESOLUTION - 4/5ths Ratifying, confirming and approving, by a four -fifths affirmative vote of the City Commission, the actions of the City Manager in waiving competitive bid requirements and in authorizing the emergency purchase on the open market of required vehicular parts and supplies in an amount not to exceed $651000 with funds therefor allocated from the 1983-84 operating budget of the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance. City Manager recommends. 6. (PH) RESOLUTION - 4/5ths aft dying the City Manager's finding of sole source; waiving the requirement for competitive sealed bids and approving the purchase of preventative and remedial maintenance services, for the police integrated security system, on a contract basis renewable annually from Wackenhut Electronic Systems orporation,the only supplier at a proposed annual cost of $13,200.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of the Department of Police; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing to issue purchase orders for this service, subject to the availability of funds. City Manager recommends. 7. (PH) RESOLUTION Confirming ordering Resolution No. 84-147; and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improve- ment - Phase II in West Flagler Street Sanitary Improvement - Phase II District SR-5495-C (centerline sewer). City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 5 R-84-386 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMME, R UNANIMOUS DEFERRED BY M-84-387 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-84-388 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 CMW (Car FWC � FB- uo PAGE NO: 6 8. (PH) RESOLUTION R-84-392 hod irrm ng ordering resolution MOVED: PEREZ No. 84-278 and authorizing the City Cierk to advertise for P SECOND: ERE7 sealed bids for the con- UNANIMOUS struction of Edison Highway improvement -Phase I in Edison Highway Improvement District Phase I, H-4494. City Manager recommends. 9A. (PH) RESOLUTION R-84-389 Conrirming assessment roll for englewood sanitary sewer LUMMER PPEREZ improvement in Englewood SECOND: PEREZ SECOND: sanitary sewer improvement UNANIMOUS District SR-5461-C (Centerline sewer); and removing all pending liens For this improvement not hereby certified. City Manager recommends. B. (PH) RESOLUTION R-84-390 Comfirming assessment roll for MOVED: PLUMMER englewood sanitary sewer PEREZ SECOND: EREZ improvement in Englewood UNANIMOUS sanitary sewer improvement District SR-5461-S (Sideline sewer); and removing all pending liens for this improvement not hereby certified. City Manager recommends: 10. (PH) RESOLUTION R-84-393 c�cepting the completed work performed by Russell Inc. for MOVED: P LUMMER construction o Manor PEREZ SECOND: EREZ Highway Improvement - Phase II UNANIMOUS (Bid "All -Highways) in Manor Highway Improvement District - Phase II H,4473 at a total cost of $595 766.79; assessing 5 00. 0 as `51 liquidated damafor da s overrun of contract time; and authorizing a final p.Ra_�yme�nnt of $29, 624. 12. City Manager recommends. MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 7 11 (PH) RESOLUTION aiv ng the requirements and prohibition contained in the City Code Section 2-302; authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness; for professional consultant services with Dr. Aida Levitan for the purppose of conducting three tours of national and international journalists to the Miami area, for a period commencing upon signature of this agreement, through December 28, 1984, said agreement will be in an amount not to exceed $31,875. Allocated from special programs and accounts, contingent funds. City Manager recommends. RESOLUTION pproving the conveyance to State of Florida by quit -claim deed of certain City -owned property known as relocated S.E. 4 Street as shown on the plat of Riverfront Center to be sued for the New Miami Avenue Bridge, and authorizing and directing the City Manager and City clerk to execute and deliver to State of Florida a quit -claim deed for said property. City Manager recommends. R-84-391 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS NOES: PLUMMER R-84-381 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO & FERRE MEETING DATE: April 5, 19811 WAGE NO: 8 PERSONAL APPEARANCES 12. (PA) St. Bunnaventure of America, Inc. has requested that the City of Miami purchase 1,000 tickets at a reduced price of $7.50 for the Miss Afro American Pageant to be held at the Miami -Dade Theatre of Performing Arts on April 28, 1984. 13• (PA) Sunstreet Festival Committee, Inc., Arthur Brooks, President has requested that he present a final report on Sunstreet Festival 83. 14. (PA) Add Fire, Inc., Ted Walker, President has requested that he make a personal appearance regarding shooting fireworks after 9 PM. 15. (PA) Representatives of Commerical Properties located between Flagler Street and 8th Street on S.W. 17th Avenue wants to make known the adverse results of the projected widening of 17th Avenue on their business and the Community. (This item was deferred from the March 8, 1984 City Commission meeting). 16. (PA) Craig C. Williams, President of Amistad Promotions Inc., has requested that he make a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding Afro-American Exposition & Festival to be held April 22 through May May 23, 1294. DISCUSSION PRESENTATION ri-84-382 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS M-84-383 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS DISCUSSION MEETING DINE: April 5, 1984 17. (PA) Representatives from the Miami World Trade Center Tower has requested they make a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission. 18. (PA) Pan American Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Euripides Riera, President has requested that he make a personal appearance regarding: A. First Pan American Con- ference of Americas and B. Minority Business Office/Center. (These items were not taken up at the March 8, 1984 City Commission meeting). 19. (PA) Mr. Lester Freeman and/or Mr. Saturinino E. Lucio, II, Hornsby & Whisenand, Attorneys at Law has requested that they make a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding International Currency and Barter Exchange. 20. (PA) David Plummer and Associates has requested that make an appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding the traffic study for the area bounded by I-95, SW 15th Road and Metrorail. 21. (PA) Mr. Xavier L. Suzrez has requested that he make a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commision. PAGE NO: 9 DISCUSSION NOT TAKEN UP DEFERRED MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS DISCUSSION DISCUSSION MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 LEGISLATIVE ACTION REQUIRING A VOTE OF NOT EESS THAN FOUR-FIFTRS OF ME = MMISSION. ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY 22. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY - 4/5ths Amending Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, the existing Capital Improvement, Appropriations Ordinance; as amended; by decreasing—, resources and appropriat oi�s in the amount of--: 11 . 61'00 in the 1970 and 19130 i ,5way General Obligation Bond Fund to reflect closing of five capital projects; by decreasingresources and appropriations in the amount o 7 5 0,000 In the 970 and 1978 Storm Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund to reflect closing of eight capital projects; and by decreasing the resources 1970 and 1980 Highway General Obligation Bond Fund Balance and 1970 and 1978 Storm Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund Balance in the capital improvement fund in the amounts of ,71 ,000 and 1,145 000, respectively to reflect — closing o2five capital projects; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. RAGE NO: 10 EMERGENCY ORD. 9819 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS 0 MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 23. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY - 4/5ths EstablishIng a new special revenue fund entitled: "Parks and Recreation Planning Grant Update" appropriatinfunds for is op eration in the amount of 00 consisting of a grant from the United States Depart- ment of Interior in the amount of $13,000 and an allocation from the HY' 4 generalfund: special programs and accounts; matching funds for grants in the amount of $13 000 and authorizing the City Manager to accept the grant award from the United States Department of Interior and to enter into the necessary coDtr•act (s ) and/or agreement(s) to carry out the grant, project, containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City MAnag-ar recommends. 24. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY mend ng Section 1 o Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, the existing capital improvements appropriations ordinance; as amended; by increasing appro- priations for Overtown street improvements -Phase I in the capital improvement fund in the amount of $82,700, and increasing resources in the 1980 Highway General Obligation Bond fund balance by a like amount from the sale of 1980 Highway General Obligation Bonds; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. (O:R M��M)� PAGE NO: 1 1 EMERGENCY ORD. 9820 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS EMERGENCY ORD. 9821 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS 11 s MEETING DATE: April 5, 19 8 4 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING 25. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING men ing Section 1 -73 b and Paragraph (2) of Subsection 18-73(e) of Section 18 entitled, "Minority Procurement Pro ram" of the Me o the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by providing for the deletion of the Word "Proportionate" and for deletion of the word "Monies" and insertion of the words "Money, Praperty of Services", in said subsection 18 -7 ( b-} and for the deletionnof the words "By the City" in paragraph 2 in said 5Ub5ceti 01*1 18-73(e) ; such ame:ndmcnt::,3 being necessary to facilitate the effective application of said program; further by renumbering said section 18-73 for the purpose of clarity. City Manager recommends 26. ORDINANCE —SECOND READING men ing Section i o Ordinance No. 8719, adopted October 26, 1977, the summary grant appropriations ordinance, as amended by increasing the funds appropriated for the trust and agency fund entitled: International Trade Promotion Proram" in the amount o s a result o private business contributions received in conjunction with the City of Miami's participation in the International Trade Fair of Santiago, Chile, containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. C_"`2l �f!(l�ttr�Ca-Rll PAGE NO: 12 WITHDRAWN ORD. 9822 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS w (0 t' (f lr�,Q;,l(i MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 13 27. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Wmenaing 5ecEion a , entitled; �"Special Package Rates", of the Code o tt e City of Miami, Florida, as amended, related to Green Fees and special package rates for the use of electronic carts at City Golf courses, by increasing said charges from $16 to1 ; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 26. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING mending Sections 1 and 6 of Ordinance No. 9684 adopted September 29, 1983, the annual appropriations ordinance for fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, by increasing the appropriations for the general fund,_special programs and accounts in the amount o 1, 33 and increasing general fund revenue, miscellaneous revenue in a like amount, to provide for the allocation of said monies to the Burn Unit at Jackson Memorial ospital; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. ORD. 9823 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: FERRE UNANIMOUS CONTINUED LJ s 1 M l - = -t.4-11 20 C R F (:Off ma- Cw MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 14 ORDINANCES -- FIRST READINGS 29. ORDINANCE FIRST READING mending Section of Ordinance No. 8719 adopted October 26, 1977, the summary grant appropriations ordinance, by establishing a new trust and agency fund, entitled Community Development Block Grant (tenth year); and appropriating $11 255,000 for the execution same; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and containing a severability provision. City Manager recommends. (companion to item #3). City Manager recommends. 30. ORDINAIICE -SECOND READING elating, to the City of Miami/University of Miami James L. Knight International Center also commonly referred to as the iliami Convention Center and amending Ordinance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, the existing Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance; as amended; by decreasing appropriations for the Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage in the amount of $76 679 100 o t e amount of $74,56 oocorrectly reflect the removal of t e amount o 9 , or operating expenditures estimated to be incurred during FY 1984 that is appropriated to said project in the current general operating budget and to further appropriate additional revenues received and deposited in the construction account to date in the amount of $1 049 000 from Convention Center ei evenue londs interest, $88,000 from a credit from the Downtown Component of Metrorail, and $745,000 from Hotel Developer Reimbursements for otal amount o—FT , 882, 000; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. FIRST READING MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS ORD. 9824 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 31. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled: "Recreation Activity 1983-8411, and appropriating funds for its operation in the amount of $100 -0—u c'omposed of revenues collected from participation fees, containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 32. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING mending Sections 62-15, 62- 24, 62-26, 62-32, 62-33, 62- 34, 62-35, 62-47, 62-48, 62- 49, 62-52 and 62-53 of Chapter 62, entitled, "Zoning and Planning", of the Code of the iZ`+ty o Bari, Florida, as amended, by providing for an increase in membership of the City Planning Advisory Board and the City Zoning Board to consist of nine: (9) members and one (1) alternate member for each board, establishing a method of nomination and qualifications for membership appointments; further providing for removal of members who do not meet requirements for board attendance at the meetings of said board; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 33. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING men ing Section 4 an of Ordinance 9684 adopted September 29, 1983, the annual appropriations ordinance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, by increasing the appropriations for the internal service fund central stores in the amount cf $25, 000 for the 2urpose or establishin an inventory or urrougtls 0 supplies_, revenue in the like amount will be available from various City departments; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. CW G2 "�nw PAGE NO: 15 ORD. 9825 MOVED: DA14KINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS El MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 RESOLUTIONS 34. RESOLUTION c7� cepting the completed work of Southern Construction International or . at a total cost of1. ,s 93.92 for UPARR - andicapped Access Improvements - Package "D"' and authorizing a final payment of $3,509.39. City Manager recommends. 35. RESOLUTION Imeendi- ng-ffesolution No. 84- 146 adopted February 9, 1984 which confirmed the assesment roll for construction of Pines Sanitary Sewer Improve- ment in Pines Sanitary ewer Improvement District SR-5450 - (centerline sewer) by reducing the total assessment in the amount of $802.07. City Manager recommends. 36. RESOLUTION f irming the action of the City Manager in executing the retroactive agreement, substantially in the form of the attached amendment No. 4 amending the existing agreement between Metropolitan DaUe County and the City of Miami for Economic planning activities; by extending the time of performance to December 31, 1983; by increasing the agreement amount to $285,829_ plus a local match; in order to accept an award of funds from an Economic Development Administration 302 Planning grant through Metropolitan Dade County for the purpose of establishing an economic development planning and implementing capacity; further directing the City Clerk to immediately forward a copy of this resolution to the County Clerk. City Manager recommends. a V co -AT u �, l'�'!z�tL J PAGE NO: 16 R-84-397 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PERE_Z UNANIMOUS R-84-398 'MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-84-399 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS 11 • MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 37. RESOLUTION ut orizing the extended temporary leasing of sixty MTr om EZ- electric golf' carts GO Textron, c ober 1 through December 31, 1983, under the same terms and conditions, $95.00 per cart/per month totaling 1717,000, to be unded^ from-tFe FY183-84 golf course enterprise fund operating budget. City Manager recommends. 38. RESOLUTION uthorizing waiving of usage restrictions for the American _ Lung Association and American an�cer Society golf' p rrivi.le e cater `prc�rG�1nJ, Iw ��rofiiba7.ing more than one pound of golf at each of the City's golf courses, be subject to permitting up to ten rounds of golf by the golf course director, when it has been determined that 1) no less than (3) other public golf courses in Dade County are offering additional usage and 2) starting times are open and available. City Manager recommends. 39. RESOLUTION XuEhorlz ng a one -day permit to sell beer for the Japanese Language ScHo6l in connection with the apse Spring Festival to be held on April 29 1984 at the Ja anese Gardens. City Manager recommends. C W (DO � nffi _&_r� rfl i � jr PAGE NO: 17 R-84-400 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS R-84-401 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DA14KINS UNANIMOUS R-84-402 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ NOES: PLUMMER a CITY MMISSIBN AGENDA ��N�°"°'Pij MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 40. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to distribute and publish a request or proposal F for qualified firms to provide administrative claims service to the City's sel - unded health benefits plan and insurance for the City's group term life insurance Plan. City anager recommends. 41. RESOLUTION esi nat�ng news a ers in which the notice of sale of certiti- cater issued by the iZr' ty of Uam .�'01, el in uent special ia1 yovement assessment liens shall be published. ulty anager recommends. 42. RESOLUTION Aut�ior g•the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Florida7lx orters and Importers ssoc ation or Professional ervices�by t e n assisting and supporting participation by the black minority business sector during the 1984 work program of the F.E.I.A. with City funds therefor allocated in a sum not to exceed $35,000 from special programs and accounts, contingent fund, said allocation being conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM-1-84, dated January 241 1984. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 18 R-84-403 '(AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DA14KINS UNANIMOUS R-84-404 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS DEFERRED FOR FURTHER INFORMATION a CITY CBMMISSIDN AGENIA a V COR mt I mt, rR-f �) J1 MEETING DATE: April 5, 19814 PAGE NO: 19 43. RESOLUTION ut or zing the City Manager to execute an agreement in substantially the form attached hereto, with the Miami Dade Tourist Authority n an amount not to exceed $75 000 for the purpose of ass sting the City of Miami's Convention Bureau in identifying prospective black conventions and promoting the City of Miami as a potential convention site and establishing agreements with the South Florida Hotel and Motel Association to develop an employment referral program and a managerial placement program designed to increase the employment of blacks in the hotel industry. City Manager recommends. 44. RESOLUTION Aut orizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Stuart Sorg for the performance of special advisory services relating to Harbors Riversp Marinas and ater rout issues at an annual compensation of $1.00. City Manager -recommends. 45. RESOLUTION u-utnori ng the City Manager to execute an agreementagreementp in substantial- t e form attached,atEached, with the United States Football League, a not - or -profit Association, for the use of the Miami Orange Bowl Memorial Stadium in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth therein. City Manager recommends. R-84-405 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-84-406 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN Ask I T Y CBMMISSION AGENDA a co 0 mflf L101 _Q9 ff N MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 2.0 46. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager WITHDRAWN to ne otiate and execute a loan agreement with Grand ervices Inc. in the amount 0 0,000 for providing interim construction financing for the rehabilitation of a ' historic property located at 3031-3035 Grand Avenue, for t e development of an office retain center which will include a pedestrian mall. City Manager recommends. 47. RESOLUTION Xt oti riling the City Manager CONTINUED TO APRIL 26th to enter into a lease agreement, in su stantially the for art.ta-5 o1U d7ier,eto to lease a raiimc1�15 paf square feet -3Ky }3ottom Land -the lrtind Tor oper�rLiora maintenance of a d�acl�3.n acility for ferry service to and from Fisher r land. City Manager recommends. 48. RESOLUTION Allocating an amount not to WITHDRAWN exceed $157.50 f7om spec a programs and accounts, quality of life fund, in support of the "Asociacion Internaeional De Amigos 5e e a va or' or an event to be—he2Tat t e Manuel Artime Community Center on arc 2, 1984; said allocation being conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM-1-$4, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. 4 11 MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 49. RESOLUTION Allocating an amount not to exceed $1699,50 from special programs and accounts, quality of life fund, for the benefit concern for the Prevention of Child Abuse, to be presented y the Dade County Medical Asociation Auzili—ary n pril 7 1919 4 , at Maurice Gusman uC ltural Center; said a location being conditioned upon commpliance with Administrative Policy Manual 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. 50. RESOLUTION locating an amount not to exceed $6,960 from special programs and accounts, quality of life fund, to CAMACOL for eight days rental of" the Orange Boa.11 parking lot for their festival. on February 2, 39 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1984, said allocation being conditioned upon compliance with administrative Policy Manual 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. 51. RESOLUTION ut on ng 'and directing the City MM to allocate an amount to exceeU the sum of From special programs ounts contingen s a contributio lob rida x m Importers ssoc on for its 1984 Work Program. City a�T nager recommends. 52. RESOLUTION Allocating an amount not to exceed $81l846 from special programs and accounts, quality of life fund, to the Department of Parks and Recreation for the Virginia Beach Beach Famil S lashdown disco series. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 21 R-84-407 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: PLUMMER R-84-408 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: CAROLLO ABSENT: PLUMMER WITHDRAWN R-84-409 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PLUMMER 7'd MEETING DATE 11 April 5, 1984 53• RESOLUTION Allocating an amount not to exceed $10,000 from special programs and accounts, quality of -life funds, in support o the staging of the 4 day carnival fair to be held April 5, 6,7 and 8, 1984 by the Cuban Municipalities Fair Corp. ; also allocating $2,988 from said account to cover the rental fee for the use of Orange Bowl Parking lots W3, N2, N3, and the North end of parking lot N1; waiving miscellaneous permit fees in connection with said carnival; said allocation and waiver being conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. 54. RESOLUTION Allocating an amount not to exceed 2p 9 from special programs and accounts, quality of life fund, in support of the Cuban Municipalities in Exile for the rental fee for the use of Orange Bowl parking _ lots W3, N2, N3, and the north end of parking lot N1, in connection with a 4 day carnival fair to be held April 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1984; waiving miscellaneous permit fees in —' connection with the staging of said carnival in an amount not to exceed $2 120; directing t e Cuban Municipalities in Exile to submit a strict accounting of its operating budget; further approving the closure of certain streets surounding the Orange Bowl in connection with said carnival; and granting a dispensation or the sale of beer in soft containers for the duration of said day carnival• said al ocation street closure and ispensation for the sale o beer in soft containers being conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative policy No. APM- 1--84, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. MW (ODV mJIfurf� PAGE NO: R-84-410 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS NOT TAKEN UP E s • nn av (OR Mum MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 23 55. RESOLUTION 11� oc ting a sum not to exceed 0 from special programs ani accounts, quality of life fund in connection with the City's sponsorship of the United States Karate Association's World Karate Championship to be held June 23 and 24 1984 authorizin t e C1t Mana er to enter into a professional Services reement with the United States Karate Assoclation, said allocation being conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM 1-84 dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. 56. RESOLUTION 1 ocating an amount not to exceed $2,000 from special programs and accounts, contingent fund, to the Miami Northwest Ex ress Track Club Inc. or the 9th annual track and field classic, to be held June 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1984 at Miami -Dade Community College, North Campus, said allocating being conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM -1-84, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. R-84-411 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS R-84-412 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS MEETING DINE: April 5, 1984 57. RESOLUTION nstructing the City Attorney to engage the services of eter urtgen t sc�, o the Firm of-Morgant Lewis & oc ius as s ec al counsel at an hourly rate of $125, regard¢, I a lawsuit filed by Kenne ^, Former Chief of Po e City of Miami tes District Co u , unds therefor allocate m budgeted funds of the Police Department; further authorizing expenditures for necessary costs and expenses in connection with the defense of said lawsuit. City Manager recommends. 58. RESOLUTION uthorizing the Director of Finance to a to Noemi Garcia the sum offrirteen thousand dollars 1 , 00 without admission of liability, in full and complete settlement of all bodily injury, personal injury protection liens, worker's comnpensation liens, claims and demands against the City of Miami and upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami from all claims and demands. City Manager recommends. 59. RESOLUTION ut or z ng the Director of Finance _to� pay to Tillie Martin the sum —often t ousan ollars 1 000.00), wit out the admision of liability, in full and complete settlement of all bodily injury, personal injury protection liens, worker's compensation liens, hospital liens, clairns and demands against the City of Miami and upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami from all clairns and demands. City Manager recommends. CW (5 0 rfl Rva FR4 PAGE NO: 24 WITHDRAWN R-84-413 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-84-414 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS CITY CBMMISSIDN DATE:- -- April 5, 1984NO: 60. RESOLUTION R-84-415 authorizing the Director of MOVED: PLUrIMER Finance to pa to American Car SECOND: DAWKINS Van Rentals --Inc., the sum of UNANIMOUS �0 without the admission of liability, in full and complete settlement of all property damage, loss of use, - claims and demands against the City of Miami and Jack Calvar, and upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami and Jack Calvar from all claims and demands. City Manager recommends. 61. RESOLUTION authorizing the Director of R-84-416 Finance to pay to Sandra MOVED: DAWKINS Krugel the sum of 000, SECOND: PEREZ withouth admision of UNANIMOUS liability, in full and complete settlement of all bodily injury, personal injury protection liens, workers' compensation liens, claims and demands against the City of Miami and Stanford Hughes, and upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami and Stanford Hughes from all claims and demands. City Manager recommends. 62. RESOLUTION - uthorizing the Annual R-84-417 purchase of approximately MOVED: DAWKINS 20, 000 tons of asphaltic SECOND: PEREZ concrete on an as needed basis UNANIMOUS from those suppliers under effective contract with Metropolitan Dade County, for the Department of Public Works at a total proposed first year cost of $475,000.00; allocating funds ._.__. therefor from General Obligation Bond Funds, the 1983 Gas Tax Fund, and the 1983-84 operating budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for these materials, subject to the availability of funds. City Manager recommends. MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 63. RESOLUTION esc`n in� the Award of Film Distributors o�rica Inc. under Resolution No. 83-1118, and authorizing the purchase of photographic film and supplies (for other than graphic arts application), as needed from Pitman Photo, Inc. under a currently effective Metropolitan Dade County Contract for various City Departments at a total proposed cost of $51,500; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budgets of the using departments; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for these materials, subject to the availability of funds. City Manager recommends. 64. RESOLUTION uA t-Forfz ng the City Manager to accept a grant from the Land ,3nd 1--1ater Conservation Fund---- ro Eram in the amount of $457, 0 for the development of Bayfront Par ; urther authorizing the City Manager to execute the appropriate agreement implementing said grant. City Manager recommends. 65. RESOLUTION ut or zing the City Manager to acce t a grant from the Flo r a ecreation Development Assistance Program in the amount of 7 7 or t e eve o ment or Ft. Dallas Park; further aut orizing t e ZTty Manager to execute the appropriate agreement implementing said grant. City Manager recommends. 66. RESOLUTION ut orizinng the issuance of a duplicate lien sale certificate to replace original certifi to e T-' date d t a y -6-, 1 g in the amount of 5. 5, that was - lost t in movinE. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: 26 R-84-418 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-84-419 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUIDMR UNANIMOUS R-84-420 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS R-84-421 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS `zl CW coo �tIr MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 27 67. RESOLUTION ut or zing the City Manager to amend the current contract with J. E. Loweryand Companyl Wane al dvisors to ex and t-h e sco a of services to Include services s ecificall requIred for the vertown - ar west Project and to allow or additional compensation. City Manager recommends. 68. RESOLUTION ut oriz ng the City Manager to establish arpoliey relative to the requirements for er ormance--bonds ror Public Works Construction r_ojects and the Procurement of Goods and Serviees.__City Manager recommends` 69• RESOLUTION 11� ocating $10 120 from special programs andaccounts: contingent fund, to Action Community Center Inc. to provide the 2 local match needed to purchase four (4) vans through the Flori39 Tepartment of Transportation Section 16 (b)(2) program, authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with the aforementioned agency. City Manager recommends. 70. RESOLUTION pproving and confirming two attached a reements between e Board of Trustees of t e iami General � Em�plo eee�s' Retirement an an Dema— rche Associates providing for the urnishing of custodial and asset management evaluator services to said plan. City Manager recommends. R-84-422 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-423 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-84-424 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-84-425 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS 13 MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 71. RESOLUTION Approving and confirming the attached agreement between tHie Boardoftrustees of tFie Riami eneral 'm to eesI Retirement Plan and Bankers Trust Uompany providing, for the furnishing of pension fund advisor services to said plan. City Manager recommends. 72. RESOLUTION Increasing the budget of the rjrtis Park Elderly meals x`ac lity from 0 to $57 620 by allocating 1, i to said project budget, of -which $80,000 is to be allocated from tle Community Development ,lob: Program fund and Y191r6`0 from Community Development Block Grant Contingencies. City Manager recommends. 73. RESOLUTION uA—93rizing the issuance of waste collection licenses to Alamo CartinE Corp. and Pasquale Waste ery ce Inc., permitting them to commence doing business upon full compliance with Chapter 22 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida (1980). City Manager recommends. 74. RESOLUTION AuEhor� ii g the City Manager to make final payment in the amount of$i-250,b66 as total final settlement to Frank J. Rooney Inc., for the construction of the City of Miami/University of Miami James L. Knight International Center. PAGE NO: 28 R-84-426 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-394 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS R-84-427 MOVED: CAROLLO SECOND: DAWKINS UNANIMOUS R-84-395 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS 11 13 W (off m1fl-smami" MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 29 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 75• RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to serve as members on the Audit Advisory Committee. 76. RESOLUTION o�nating and appointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Festival Advisory Committee. 77. RESOLUTION pp� ointing a certain individual to the A its n ub� licPlaces omm.ittee, to serve a five-year term, from the date of appointment. 78. A. RESOLUTION ppointing certain individuals to serve on the iam Waterfront Board. B. RESOLUTION men ing ection 2, Resolution No. 79-172, March 8, 1979, as amended by Resolution 81-377, April 23, 1981, which created and established the Miami Waterfront Board, by providing an exemption of the residency requirement for ccertain alternate members. 79. RESOLUTION ppA ointing certain individuals to the City of Miami Reritage Conservation Board. DEFERRED TO NEXT MEETING R-84-429 MOVED: FERRE SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS rt-84-430 MOVED: DAWRINS SECOND: CAROLLO UNANIMOUS (This motion is contained in R-84-429) DEFERRED CONTINUED TO NEXT MEETING CONTINUED TO NEXT MEETING CONTINUED TO NEXT MEETING CITY COMMISSION AGENDA C W col � ka nrg CA -f um MEETING DATE: April 5, 1084 PAGE NO: 30 CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items 80 thru 107 constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self- explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda, comprised of Items 80 thru 107 be adopted." Mayor or City Clerk: Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent agenda is taken, is there: anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. 80. (CA) RESOLUTION uA tTori g the City Manager to accept the proeosed donati7on-of eublic educational equipment and materials in t e value of a rox mate or use b he De2artment o ire, Rescue an _n�s�e_c_t�ion services From the tobacco nstltete for the purpose of expanding public fire safety awareness through education. R-84-431 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS 2 s tiS q -1,Z MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 81. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Century Contracting Co. at a total cost of $79,388.05 for ity of Miami/University of Miami James L. Knight Inter- national Center - City Offices; and authorizing a final payment of $8,523.81. 82. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work performed by M. Vila and Asociates Inc. at a total cost of $496,684.17 for garment center community development paving project; and authorizing a final payment of $49,668.41. 83. (CA) RESOLUTION e?� cepting the bid of M. Vila and Associates, Inc., in the proposed amount of $231, 895. 93 for bids " " and "B" of the proposal, for Overtown Highway Improvement - Phase I in Overtown Highway Improvement - Phase I District H-4492; with monies therefor allocated from the "Overtown Street Improvements Phase I" Account in the amount of $231,895.93 to cover the contract cost; allocating • room said fund the amount of $32 465.07 to cover the costoT project expense; allocating from said fund the amount of $4 338.00 to cover the cost o such items as advertising,testing laboraties and postage; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm subject to the availability of funds. CW @ a Fff-ma rywo" PAGE NO: R-84-432 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-433 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ tJNAN IMOU S R-84-434 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS 84. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of Irwin- Greenwell, Inc. in the proposed amount of $265,080.67 for Bid "C" of the proposal for Overtown Highway Improvement - Phase I in Overtown Highway improvement - Phase I District H-4492; with monies therefor allocated from the "Overtown Street Improvements - Phase I" Account in the amount of $265 080.67 to cover tie contract cost; allocating rom said fund the amount of $37 111.33 from said funs the amount of $5,302.60 to cover the cost of sue items as advertising,_, testing laboratories and oosstaa. and authorizing thhe iC'ty Pianager to execute a contract wS.L-h said firm subject to the availability of fund. 85. (CA) RESOLUTION ccepting- the bid of Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. in the proeosed amount of $163,703 for Bid " " o t e proposal, for City wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Overtown - Phase I in City wide sanitary sewer improvement - Overtown - Phase I District SR-5501-C (Centerline sewer); with monies therefor allocated from the "City -Wide" sanitary sewer extensions improvements" account in the amount of $163 703.03 to cover the contract cost; allocating rom said fund the amount of $22,918 to cover the cost of project expense; allocating from said fund the amount of $3,274 to cover the cost of such items as advertising, testing laboratories and postage; and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with said firm. R-84-435 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-436 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS CITY CBMMISSION AGENDA CW COR M-11VU9 MEETING DATE: April 5, 1964 RAGE NO: 3 3 86. (CA) RESOLUTION ecept ng the bids of Litton R-84-452 Office Product Center Inc. MOVED: PLUMMER or furnishing and installing SECOND: PEREZ modular office furnishings, NOES: DAWKINS workstations and partitions -in _ the City -Hall Mezzanine area for the Department of Public Works at a total cost of $35,235.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 special programs and aaeeounts - contingency fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for this equipment. 87. (CA) RESOLUTION R-84-437 Xccepting the bid of _K.e..nnneedy MOVED: PLUMMER and Kennedy Inc. for SECOND: PEREZ urnis ping one FiFT crime lab UNANIMOUS comparison projector and accessories to the Department of Police at a total cost of .$7 039.00; allocating funds therefor from the prior year reserve fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. 88. (CA) RESOLUTION R-84-438 Accepting the bid of County MOVED: PLUMMER Plastics, Inc. for furnishing SECOND: PEREZ approximately 600 refuse tote UNANIMOUS barrels on a contract basis for one year to the Department of Solid Waste at a total proposed cost of �956.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of that department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for this equipment, subject to the availability of funds. 2 WETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 34 89• (CA) RESOLUTION Author! g the purchase of thirty (30) lateral file cab nets at a cost o 15. 00 each from Thomas W. Ruff and Company, Inc.. under a currently effective State of Florida Contract for the Department of Computers at a total cost of $6,450.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. 90. (CA) RESOLUTION ccepting the Bid of Debra Turf and Industrial equipment Tor furnishing two (2)gooldd course mowers to -the epart6T� o Parks and Recreation at a total cost of $22 860.00; allocating funds We-rre from the 1983-84 golf course enterprise fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. 91. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of Devoe and Ra nolds Company, Inc. ro,r furnishing paint and painting supplies on a contract basis to participants in the great neighborhoods residential exterior paint program for the Department of Community Development at a total proposed cost of $23 00.00; allocating funds therefor from the 8th year Community Development fund; authorizing, the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue purchase orders for these materials. R-84-439 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-440 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-441 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS 2 MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 92. (CA) RESOLUTION ecepting the bid of _Jasper Painting Service Inc. for furnishing pressure cleaning services on a contract basis to approximately 70 homeowner participants in the great neighborhoods residential exterior paint program for the Department of Community Development at a total proposed cost of $7,000.00; allocating funds therefor from the 8th year Community Development fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue == a purchase order for this service. 93. (CA) RESOLUTION eceptingr the bids of Central Concrete of Medley Inc. for earock Concrete Pump Mix at a proposed cost of ,7-0.0 ; and Jefferson & rot ers Construction, Inc. for pumper services at a proposed cost of $1 443.00; to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance. at a total proposed cost of $8,163.00; allocating funds therefor from the Miami stadium concert _ stage fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the Purchasing Agent to issue purchase orders for this service and materials. 93•1 RESOLUTION ut oriz11.ng the City Manager to extend the professional services agreement with law firm of Arnold and Porter, in an amount not to exceed $100,000 in connection with services in conjunction with representation relating, to the Cable Television License fee waiver petition pending before the Federal Communications Commission on behalf of the City of Miami, and for, other legal services that may be required in conjunction with the City's Cable Television License Ordinance. City Manager, recommends. CW co-'e,��� PAGE NO: 35 R-84-442 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-443 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS DEFERRED CITY COMMISSION AGENDA a PV co-R? rn mr, a - ra -R) ji 16 MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 94. 95. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of Weathertrol Maintenance Corporation for furnishing air conditioning chiller system ma ntenance for the administration building on a contract basis for one (1) year renewable annually to the Departmennt of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total proposed first year cost of $4 680.00; allocating funds therefor for the 1983-84 operating budget of that department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent; to issue purchase orders for this service, subject to the availability of funds. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of J.L. Breliant Com an -ror uurnisHing and installing one (1) 70' ft . flaaollee at Dinner Key Marina to the - Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total cost of $11 334.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of that department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. R-84-444 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS DEFERRED CITY COMMISSION AGENDAconf0i�°1�ti' -MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 37 96. (CA) RESOLUTION ecepting the bids of Oaks Wholesale Distributors for 3T vehicle ea.rti�tions at a coot of 5 696.45; Public Safety evices, Inc. for 36 light bar packages at a cost of 1l9_2�0,. 00 ; Aero Products Inc. for 20 s otlip is at a cost of $2 .00; for furnishing said police auto equipment to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total cost of $22 900.45; allocating funds therefor from 1983-84 operating budgets of the Police Department and the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for this equipment. 97. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bids of eighteen (18) suppliers at a proposed cost of $1,756,898.60; rejecting individual bids for the two (2) items received from five (5) bidders and authorization the purchase from two (2) suppliers under currently effective State of Florida contracts at a proposed cost of $10,619.05; as identified below and indicated on the attached tabulation, for furnishing approximately 123 units of heavyequipment on a contract asis to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance for use by various City departments at a proposed rand total amount of 7 7 517.55; allocating un s -therefor from the 1983- 84 operating budget of that department in the amount of $1 761,122.55, and from the 1�3 8 golf course enterprise fund of the Department of Parks and Recreation in the amount of $6,395.00; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for this equipment, subject to the availability of funds. R-84-445 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-446 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS L_ ._ _ X IA-�- -L _' f MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 98. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting'the bids of five (5) sup2liers at a proposed' coFE of $920,372.00; rejecting individual bids for five items received from six (6) suppliers and authorizing the purchase from two (2) su�liers under a State'- oT Florida contract at a proposed cost of $102,583.00 and from three suppliers under metropolitan Dade County contracts at a proposed cost of $239,_355.00, as indicated belo w and identified on the attached tabulation of bids, for furnishing approximately 149 light automotive vehicles on a contract basis to the Department of Building and Vehicle f,Saintenance for use by several City departments at a proposed 4Land tot -al amount of $1 2626.2�,310.00, allocating ut' nas Llierefor from the 1983- 84 operating budgets of the Department, as follows: Building and Vehicle Maintenance - $1,135,670.00, Police - $29,050.00, Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services - $47,728.000 Finance - $11,577.00, Parks and Recreation - $12,996.00, and the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs - $25,290.00; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for this equipment. 99. (CA) RESOLUTION recting the City Clerk to publish a notice of pu_b_l_i_c_ hearing for objections t acceptance by the City Commission of the completed constrcution by P.N.M. Corporation of Buena —Vi to Highway improvement - phase I in Buena Vista highway improvement Phase I district H-4475; said notice shall be published in compliance with the provisions of Resolution No. 84-45, adopted January 19, 19841 concerning the publication of City Notices. QV @JIJ MM PAGE NO: R-84-373 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER UNANIMOUS R-84-447 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS COMMISSION AGENDA C W (0) w: �� W -CITY MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 39 100. (CA) RESOLUTION pA proving the conveyance to State of Florida by quit -claim deed of certain city -owned propert- nown as relocated S.E. et as shown on the pl rfront Center to be us New Miami Avenue Brid horizing and directing Manager and City Clerk t cute and deliver to State of Florida a quit -claim deed for said property. 101. (CA) RESOLUTION DYTI-c—ially accepting the attached City Clerk's certifi- cation and declaration of the results of the special municipal. election he arcli i - , 19 in which the issuance of ...j� 000,,000 storm sewer improvement general obligation bonds to the City of Miami Florida, was approved by the electorate. 102. (CA) Accepting the completed work of P.N.M. Corporation at a total cost o -ice, 082. 00 for Hadley Park - miscellanecus improvements - tennis courts (2nd bidding); and authorizing a final payment of $12,308.20 103. (CA) Accepting the amount of $30,000 from SPR Investments as revenue to the genera fund, special programs and accounts for the purpose of funding the Coral Way /SW 15th Road traffic stud; affirming the selection of avid Plummer and Associates, inc. as consultants for said study, and authorizing the Manager to execute a contntract, substantially in the form of the attached contract, with David Plummer and Associates Inc. for tthe e purpose of conducting said traffic study for a fee of $30,000 from funds identified in special programs and accounts. WITHDRAWN WITHDRAWN CONTINUED BY M-84-378 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND CAROLLO UNANIMOUS WITHDRAWN r sr W U CI COMMISSION MENDA CRW @R R uAr rflm MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 40 104. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Southern Construction International Corporation at a total cost of $56,64 . 0 for Miami Springs Golf' Course cart storage #'acilit ; and authorizing a final payment of $13,310.40 105. (CA) RESOLUTION ccepting the bid of Phillips and Jacobs Inc. for urnishing two ) pieces of photographic processing equipment to the De artment of Police at a total cost of 5, 31 3 00; allocating funds therefor from the prior year reserve fund; authorizing the City Ilanaget~ to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. 106. (CA) RESOLUTION Directing the City Clerk to publish a notice o public hearing for objections to the acceptance - by the C_itz Commission of the completed construction by Lanzo Construction Com2any of Dur am Sanitary Sewer Improvement in Durham Sanitary Sewer Improvement District SR-5486-C (centerline sewer); said notice shall be published in compliance with the provisions of Resolution No. 84-45, adopted January 19, 1984, concerning the publication of City notices. R-84-448 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-449 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS R-84-450 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS CITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 5, 1984 PAGE NO: 41 107. (CA) RESOLUTION R-84-451 Directing the City Clerk to MOVED: PLUMMER publish a notice of ub_l_i�c SECOND: PEREZ hearing for objections to the UNANIMOUS acceptance by the City Commission of the completed construction by Joe Reinertson Equipment Co, -of-City wide sanitary sewer improvement -- Allapattah Industrial area, Bid "d", in City wide sanitary sewer improvement - Allapattah Industrial area District Sr- 5497eC (centerline sewer); said notice shall be published in compliance with the provisions of Resolution No. 84-45, adopted January 19, 1984, concerning the publication of City notices. _y j Supplemental Agenda PRESENTATIONS Commission Meeting = April 5, 1984 Commendation: To The Honorable Gui L. P. Govaert, Honorary Consul Presented of Belgium, upon the establishment of the Belgo Trade Center in Miami. Certificates To the members of the Bayside Specialty Review Committee. of Appreciation: Presented