HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0405J-84-291 4/3/84 rr/D-5 M83-886, 10/25/83 M83-9931 10/27/83 RESOLUTION NO.84--405 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO .EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED, WITH MIAMI-DADE TOURIST AUTHORITY, INC. IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING THE CITY OF MIAMI'S CONVENTION BUREAU IN IDENTIFYING PROSPECTIVE BLACK CONVENTIONS AND PROMOTING THE CITY OF MIAMI AS A POTENTIAL CONVENTION SITE AND ESTABLISHING AGREEMENTS WITH THE SOUTH FLORIDA HOTEL AND MOTEL ASSOCIATION TO DEVELOP AN EMPLOYMENT REFERRAL PROGRAM AND A MANAGERIAL_ PLACEMENT PROGRAM DESIGNED TO INCREASE THE EMPLOYMENT OF BLACKS IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND. WHEREAS, traditionally tourism and conventions have long been regarded as the mainstay of the Miami -Dade economy; and WHEREAS, the Hiami-Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. will enter into an agreement with the Florida International University's School of Hotel Management to identify and attract Black students into this academic area; and WHEREAS, Miami -Dade Tourist Authority, Inc.'s overall goal is to increase the economic base of the Black -American community in Miami through entry-level and management employment opportunities within the South Florida hotel/motel industry; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami recognizes the potential impact that Black American tourists and conventions could have on Miami economically; and WHEREAS, Miami -Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. will assist in promoting the City of Miami as a convention site; and CITY CO?dIMISSIOItI MEETING OF APR 5 2i0Lli i Ipi; i.,,. 0 1 WHEREAS, Miami -Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. will identify prospective conventions and relate this information to the City of Miami's Convention Bureau; and WHEREAS, the City Commission approved Motion No. 83-886 on October 25, 1983 and Motion No. 83-993 on October 27, 1984 which authorized the allocation of an amount not to exceed $759000 and instructed the City Manager to negotiate with Metropolitan Dade County for equal funding; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an agreement, in substantially the form attached, with Miami -Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $75,000 for the purpose of assisting the City of Miami's Convention Bureau in identifying prospective Black Conventions and promoting the City of Miami as a potential convention site and establishing agreements't•aith the South Florida Hotel and Hotel Association to develop an Employment Referral Program and a Managerial Placement Program designed to increase the employment of Blacks in the hotel industry. Section 2. A sum not to exceed $75,000 is hereby allocated from Special Program and Accounts, Contingent Fund, to cover the cost of said agreement, which allocation is to be matched by an equal amount being allocated to said firm from Metropolitan Dade County. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of April , 1984. EST: or W2- Maurice A. Ferre PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 4-- wr - vAf TY ATTORNEY M. S4-40 5 . TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Contract Provisions I Article TI 2.1 CiLy Authorization 2 2.2 Scope of Services 2 2_3 Compliance with Federal, State and Local Laws 4 2.4 Contract Modification - 4 Article III 3.1 Maximum Compensation/Method of payment 4 3.2 Reimbursement -Timely Submission .5 3.3 Salaries, Fringe Benefits, Job Descriptions 5 3.4 Financial Accountability 6 3.5 Financial Records 6 3.6 Renten -ion of Records 6 3.7 Bonding and Insurance 7 '3.8 Subcontracts •� 7 3.9 Reports, Audits and Evaluations 8 A:ti.cle IV" 4..1 Projects Publicity 4.2 Equal Opportunity 4.3 Conflict of Interests 4.4 Indemnification 4.5 Lcnre�l of S7ervice 4.G Purchasing and Inventory 4.7 Disclo5ure of Y'tu.ds 4.8 Final I,.-.-pendi.tuze Report 4.9 Ownez sliip of Documents 4.10 Award of Agreement , 4.11. Uon--Pelegability 4.12 Construction of Agreement Article V 5.1 Maximum Compensation 5.2 Tine of Performance 5.3 Obligation to Renew 5.4 Recapture of Funds Article VI i 6.l General. Assurance and Certifications 6.2 Anti -Kickback Provision Article VII 7.1 Termination Clause Article VilI signatories 9 9 9 10 11 11 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 17 84-405 CITY OF PITA_71 T. , _T 1,<? ?T i7f�_ T Cl't LC' j1T t�FT,I)F't°iT?t'7 I. THIS AGREEMENT, en el ecl int-o by ancl. bhtween the City of Miami, a political, subdivision of the state of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and The Miami -made Tourist Authority, Inc. referred to as the "Contractor", a corporate body fully organized and existing and by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida as a non-profit corporation, having its principal office at 3000 Biscayne Boulevard, Executive Plaza, Miami, Florida 33137 for the period beginning A_ulgust 29,1983 and ending July 31,1984 Funding Source: Special Programsand Accounts Contingent Fund In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein- after set forth, the parties hereto agree: ARTICLE I As a necessary part of this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to provide the City with the following standard requirements. 1.1 CONTRACT PROVISIONS V 1. Copy of Contractor's Articles of Incorporation, Charter and By-laws. vi. List of Present Principal Governing Board Officers and Members of the Board (names, addresses and telephone number) . V 3. List of Key Staff Persons, with their titles, who will carry out this progran. 4. Copy of. Contractor's current Fidelity Bond (applicable for all persons who are authorized to receive and disburse funds under this contract). 5. Completion of Authorized Representative Statement (on form supplied by the City). ✓6. Completion of Statement of Accounting System (on form supplied by the City). 84-405 _ C [. (l. ..f'_i_¢_F f�,.� i_A, t..i'i0, `_t3.e�.fs f teI:T.?al f`G) 1. uz_Ca] r - g11`1LO tO Safeguard the G�?��%zrT3 �rttzClr2}^ B. Report (to be submitted 30 days aftdr contract e;cpi.res) . 9. Work, Program and Line -Item Budget (subject to approval by the Department of Economic Development). . 3.0. Proof of Worl=an's Compensation .Insurance. ' 11_ Cont.-actor's Corporate Seal. (to be affixed to Signatory Pagel) _ _4• .r 12. Corporate Personnel Policies and Procedures. 3.3. Corporate. Resolution authorizingexecution of this Contract. ARTICLE II GENERk1_. OBLIGATIONS .2.1. CITY AUTN0.RTZNf10N - For the pt.xrpo.se- of this contract the City of �Mia.'ni. Depart- ment of Economic Pevel.o-mment •;ill_ act in behalf of the Ci.ay in the fiscal control, progra_mma`ic Monitoring and 11o,-Jj- fication of this Contract. 2.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES The Contractor will provide the following services; A. The Contractor agrees, to carry out the project as pre- scribed in its Work Program in a lawful, satisfactory L and proper manner, in accordLnce with the '% itten policies and procedures, and requirements as prescribed in this Agreement, as set forth by the United States Secretary of 'treasury, and the City of: Miami Department of Econo:;.ic Development, all other statc and local la s in accordance Vji.th thc- xegLlirements clescribecl in the U:E�oartrent of I:cono;nic tlevelopm nt.'s policies atiO. Proccdures Z-1:1nual For Corr..ntln:ity Based OrcianizaLions which is att<101 to -2- 84-405 . S#. ,�. l.,i, �1 1n nil_i1i_^ G..I. �.�:.i.-k7e C3'irfli-c � C 0T1l �. o � t%fi �. sr nt: an c? 1l,tl. TF? i1.ScC $_11s, e i.o c71f C�'!7T!1�?�_1_��1 �:�7�' A'F�0 ���ork Ps'C?gra-7 and Budgeia tcy A'e (Jevelo ed. in(l incorpor_ai.ecl .i_rito this .c+g3:eement-. This Agreement will not begin izntril the 11BO Work Fs.ogram and Budget have been received and approve-d by the C:i ty' s Department of Economic Development (DED) . .Also, the professional. services agreement between the Contractor and the Party hired as Executive Director,must be approved by the DED and incorporated into this Agreement. C. Assist the City of Miami's Convention Bureau in identifying prospective Black and Afro-American convention planners and officials and assisting the Convention -Bureau staff in promo- ting the City of Miami as a potential convention site. D. Develop a Black Tourist Directory and Guide.which will identify Black businesses by trade that would be of interest to Black tourists. This directory is to be distributed throughout the hotel/motel industry. E. Submit the names and addresses of the 1,115 Black professional organization.:, in the United States to the Convention Bureau. Develop a di,rect mail brochure to the above oi.­gani.zat:ion::z promoting the City of Miami. as a convention site, to be approved b}T the Conven tion Bureau prior to printing and distribution. F. Develop and maintain a monthly/annual schedule of Black events in Dade County. G. Incorporate the name of the City of Miami on all brochures, directories and promotional materials published by the corpora- tion. H. Establish an agreement with the South Florida Hotel/Motel Asso- ciation to develop a management employment program aimed at providing management opportunities and placement of Blacks in the hotel/motel industry. I. Establish an agreement with the South Florida Motel/Motel Association to develop a referral and employment program for Blacks to get into the hotel/motel industry. J. Maintain records reflecting that the City's monetary contri- bution to the program has been matched on a dollar for dollar basis. 84-405 0 2. 3 CO`,lt`'LIt1I�+CE �'7lTFT FEaF.RlL, SATE AND LOCAL V'JI Both par_ lJes shall_ comply ca:+_th all. appjica;ale lads, ordi- nances ancl codes of Federal., State, and local governments- 2. 4 CONITRACT MODIFICATION ` The City or Contractor may, from time to time, request changes .ins the Work Programz #:o be performed. hereunder_ Such cha3iges, 'inc).ud? ng an. increase or .decrease in the amount of Contractor compansati.on, which are znatua2.j.Y agreed upon by and between the City" and the Contractor, must be incorporated in writing to this .Agreement and must be executed by the City and. the Contractor and are subject to the provi sioris contained in the Policies and Procedures i�?aruaJ. for Community Based Organ 2ations. ARTICLE III 3v-1 VMIMUM COMPENSATION/METHOD OF PAYiviENT All payments, unless otherwise stipulated, shall be reimbursement for expenditures incurred only in this contract period, and in compliance with a previously approved line item budget. Such reimbursement requests shall contain a statement declaring and affirming that all disbursements were made in accordance with the approved budget. All documentation in support of such request and all invoices should have been paid by the contractor prior to submission. All reimbursements must be in line -item form and be in .4W accord vii-th the Agr_eemant. All, be verified by original invoice with a copy of the cancel) - chec),- which -was I_tsed tc-) paY U12 si,eci_fi:c. znvozce_ In cases that an invoice is pa?_d by v%.;rioits furn ling sources, a copy a R the invoice rtay be sL11.a;T1itted bu"'_ rust ins' -I '-'_ Cate the exact anount paid by various 1-undizng sources equaling the, total of the invoice, All petty cash accounts must be justified with proper documantatiO-M. Requests ,for budget line-•:i.ten� changes are allowable with prior review and approval by the City. _ 3.2 REIMBURSEMENT - TIMELY SUBMISSION Requests for payment shall be made on a monthly basis, Reimbursement requests shall be submitted on the fifth (5th) working day of each month. Reimbursement requests for expenditures incurred during the life of this Agree ment shall. not be honored unless received by the City within thirty (30) day:; following the expiration date, 3.3 SALARIES, FRINGE L'ENFITS, JOB DESCRIPTIONS To be eligible for reimbursement for personnel costs, the Contractor shall submit to the City for approval, in accordance with Department of Labor guidelines, a detailed statement of the personnel policies of the Contractor. These personnel policies will include, but not be limited to, pay :schedules, fringe benefits, resumes for contract staff, method used to compute vacations and ill time, working hours, office procedures, paid holidays,computa- tion of wages, job descriptions to include qualifications for job, an affirmative action plan, an equal employment opportunity statement, disciplinary procedures and method, i • • Ca]_Ii1%Zi. C?Y' <"tilC� F3.- J h �)(11. 1 C'.t.L'_` i t? !`)�' % C?.�_ .o,rrz-r be those its business, proiT.lded, boweve r :7.nch conic)-_M A.0 to provisions of the In Lergoveramental Personnel Act- of 1970 (Public Law 91-648 effective January Ss 1971) _ 3.4 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY At any time or times prior to final. payment under this con -- tract, the City may have the Contractor's financial records audited. Each payment heretofore made shall be subject to reduction for anoun-ts included in the' related invoice or voucher which are found by the City.11anager, an the basis of such audit, not to constitute allowable cost. Any payment may be reduced for payments, or increased fo= under -- payments, on preceding invoices or vouchers or to repay any amounts. 3..5 FINANCIAL RECORDS - ----The Contractor shall maintain a separate accounting record of the funds under this Agreement. Accounting records mast reflect that funds provided by the City have been hatched dollar for dollar by the contractor_ 3.6 RETENTION OF RECORDS Contractor agrees to retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to this contract, for a period of three (3) years. The retention period starts from the date of submission of the final e>penaiture report. Records for non -expendable property acquired .-;ith funds under the Contract, shall be retained .for a period of three years after its final disposition. Said records shall he retained beyond the three year period if the audit findings have not been resolved. -6- r 84-405 During t t�=_ J-_Iiis Agree'Tlent 'the ConLrac:tor .shall maeras EccefLwble to t_�n aantrin i�.F� the City _ pr.ioT- to commencing any act.i_vi_ty unOer this Agreement., the Contractor shall fur.ni_ h to the City cer -i.ficat-es of insurance and bonding indicating that the Contractor is in compliance with the provisions of this article. The Contractor shall provide the following coverages_ a) Insurance coverage that reflects sound business practices acceptable to the City.. b) Fidelity bonding for all persons -handling funds received or disbursed under this Agreement in as ar.!ount equal to or greater than the maximu.-u ar,�ount of cash held at any one time: $10,000_ •; 3 . g SUBCONTILACTS .�Contractor agrees to give advance notification, in writing • to tile City of any subcontract. None of the work or ser- vices, including, but not limited to, consultant wor)_ or services, covered by this contract shall be subcontracted without prior written approval of the City_ Any work or services subcontracted hereunder shall be subject to each provision of this contract. Proper documentation in ac- cordance with the Department of Economic Development and City guidelines must be submitted to and approved by the City prior to the execution of any subcontract. The City reserves the right to review all bid documents 'both viith the Private Non -Profit Contractor, and other en- tities, and, to review and audit books and records related to the bidding process. The advance notification process shall include the following: -7- 84-405. r?,_ _.tTXt be b} Th-e- px-OPOSEFd 1,11rc-ontract price toget b,:ier_ wi.tl-t tz 01p;te.Rie and accurate l�.rea.�cclo�n of that price on a component by component. bas?_s R c) Xdcnti.fi_cat ion of the type of subcontract to be used - a) Summary of actions taken to select the subcontractor- 3.9 REPORTS, AUDITS,. 'AND EVALUATIONS The City shall cooperate with the Contractor in the conduct of activities delegated under this contract as reasonably requested and as described in the Policies and Procedures Manual for Co_xmunity Based Organizations. The Contractor agrees to submi-: to the City such reports as may be required_ The Contractor also agrees to prepare and retain and pern:It the City to :i;ispect as it deems necessary for grantpurpo- ses rec c) dM that may be, relevant to Federal,. State or Contractor to the City, in %,riting, monthly reports regarding current activity and the progress of, the • Contractor's activities in the formaat'presented by the City. At the request of the City, Contractor will transmit to the City written statement of contractor's official policy an specified issues relating to Contractor's acitivities_ The Contractor further agrees that the City may carry out monitoring and evaluation activities to include at it min - imam, visits and observations by the City staff and tvi_11 effectively ensure the cooperation of the Con _racto_'s .employees and Uoard met-,,dDer-s in ;uch offort.s_ All reportsr audits, and evaluations either submitted to the Citv an a monthly basis, or acquired through on -going monitoring and 84-405 l_?"t. o r..%? . _r)-, f'?.ther evaluation, vyll_l q_ ive t(1C. Cj't?l J11 t cause to -termi-nate this agreement. at any time thereafter. b ' ARTICLE IV GENERA. -CONDITIONS 4.1 PROJECTS PUBLICITY • The Contractor must abide by affirmative action regulations in informing residents of '.:he geographical area to be . .. served hereunder, of the services to be offered by utili- zing any available means for advertisement, as necessary for recruitment and outreach. All literature, advertising, publicity or promotion re- garding the Contractor's activities will be sub--,,itted to the City fioa- .review and approval prior to the release or distribu.H,ora. No press con'l-fer_ence jai tl be scheduled with- _- _ _=out prior wr i. k:tc' n not.i.ce to tile City. 4.2 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The contractor agrees that there will be no discrimination • against any employee or person served on account of race, • .color, sex, religious creed, ancestry, national origin or physical handicap in its performance of this contract; • and it is expressly understood that upon the receipt of evidence of such discrimination, the City shall have the right to terminate this contract. 4•.3 CONFLICT OF INTO' CSTS No official or employee of the Contractor may be -admitted directly or indirectly to any share or part of this con- tract or to any benefits to arise from the same nor own or acquire any personal interest it, any property, contract -or proposed contract which t'Icrrild conflict with or relate -9- M �y B to the, p` 1'.f c _�n� ricer thei_r duties c, rr st?nx1 , it�i_l..i_`z_ns tAr_c'ec .7111 l s;i)ch s:-.r oll Presently €7r in �:_1e this c:ont.r_ac�__ 1. 1? y future acgi_i7_res;, owns or controls any such he-neti t, or personal., interest, Ile/she shallt ii-itme t7atel_y Oi c3o2,e such i.nteKest to the., city and (other appropriate agencies) Upon such disclosure, such person shall discontinue. his/ her participation if such participation is contrary to" tha . public interest. The Contractor will comply with all•Federal, State and -local conflict of interest laws and requirements_ - 4.4 'INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor_ understands and agrees that it is an in- dependent Contractor and agrees to indemni-Cy and_save the City harmless from and against any and all claims, liabi- lities, losses and causes, of action, which tray arise out of the Contractor's activii ies under this contract r - i n-- cluding all other acts o2_ Ql1l? ssions i-0 L?ct 0 4-h t A. -` ---the corxtractc�r car any of tl-iem, including an.y Person acting for or on his or their beha.l.f and, from and against any orders, judgments or decrees which may be entered and from and against all costs, attorrey's fees, expenses and liabi- lities incurred in the defense of any such claims, or in the investigation thereof. In addition, the contractor wil? . hold the City harmless and will indemnify the City for fends which the " CCity is obligated to refur_d the Federal govern-ment arising out of the conduct of activities and ad :i.nis- tration of the Contractor. In case suit- is instituted in order to obtain funds from the Contractor for which the City .is obligated to refund from the Federal Government, the Contractor agrees to pay any additional fee which the .Court may adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees. 4.5 LMT .L OF SERVICE It is f C�_3 c.S �'?�. t1la t: funds are provided to insure qual.i ty sert-?_ce. t_n City resid^rits. Should ,start ---up time for a program be ,required or any delays in se. ---vice occur, the Department of Economic, Development is to be notified in wri4i.na immediately giving all pertinent: details and indi- ibhtion when service twill begin and/or continue_ It is understood and agreed that the level 'of services, activi- ties and expenditures by the Contractor, in existence prior to the initiation of services hereunder, shall be - continued and not be reduced in any way as a result of this Contract except for reductions ur_reld: ed to the pro- visions or purposes herein stated_ It is further under- stooa and agreed that the progra-m funded through, this Con- tract will not result in the displacement of emplayed wo.rker.sr impair e,zi.sting contracts for services, or result in the stibst itution of f-uncls allocated under this Contract for o"%he- r fil.nd s in connection with woriC, which would have been performed even in the absence of this Contract_ 4.5 PURCHASING AND INVENTORY The Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to obtain all supplies and equipment for use under this contract at the lowest practical cost and shall solicit three (3) bids r4r**c'r shall accompany all requests for payment_ Contractor agrees to use the procurement of sources available to it to the extent applicable to all Federal,. State, and local. laws_ All non -expandable property acquired for the program with .City Funds will revert to the City at the end of the City's funding the program. Non --expendable property being proper -- ties which will not be consumed or lose identity. The Con- tractor_ shall be responsible to the City for any dai7age or destruction to said property and shall reii;iburse the City -11- 84-4a5. for such dzxma.ge unless the City or its employees snal,l have caused the damage. The Contractor shall establish and maintain a property control system and sbal_l. },e s.n ,Porgy;-ble for maintaining a. current inventory on all, capital_ item purchased wi.-t.h. City Funds. It should be clearly understood that all Capital Expenditures over $50.00 must be approved by the City prior to purchase. It should also be understood that all items purchased remain the property of the City and should be inventoried as such_ This will include list- ing on a property record by description, model serial number, date of acquisition and cost_ Such property slihali be inventoried annually, and an inventory xeport suhru_tted to the City. The Contractor shall permit designated City staff access to the premises where property is hen` for the purpose of perforrling .inventory monitoring functions.. The Contractor slzaJ_J. 1-1 1- dispose of real or ?personal property purchased witli Ci-Ly ftn-tds thrniiah sal.e, loan. or relocation .without: the c-,T of 1.1.1c City. The Contractor shall be subject to and comply ,7ith the Nino- ri.ty Set -Aside provision of Section 18-73 of the City Code entitled -- Minority Procurement Program. The Contractor, in the procurement. of supplies, equipment, construction or service to implemant this project, shall make a positive effort to utilize small business and minori- ty owned business sources of supplies and services, and provide these sources the maximum feasible opportunity to compete for contracts to be performed pursuant to this memorandum of Agreement. To the maa_imu:n extEnt feasible, these small business and minority owned hcisiness sources hall be located in or owned by resicicrt s Of the Co :L-.. unit;r Development Target )area(S) designated by tbe- City of in the Community Development Grant application .:yP-Prov`d by thy- U.S. Departmi�r.t of Itausi.r.g and Urbj.r. D��v�l!Oc7.ent. f . % DiSC LOSURE or FGNL DS The Contractor shall disclose all sources (Public and Priva- te) , and aLmounts of funds reflecting the total_ budget whether they be real or in -kind at the comj ence^en.t of the contract: period, as well as any changes in the amount of_ funds through program income 'or other sources received during the term of agreement, within thi_r'y (30) days of such change. Examples of in -kind funds to include free rent, labor, office equipment, etc. 4.8 FINAL EXPENDITURE REPORT A final budgetary report including audited financial state - men -s shall be submitted to the City within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the contract period_ This report should reflect actual expenditures, by line -items, 4•t 9 versus proposed exlaendi_ttures submi t:tecl at the beginai.ng of `the Contract year. All persons ei,iplca} ea and paid, pursuant to this Contractshould be list.cyd by ro3n Security nunber, date hired or term.i mica, otlinic back- ground, and total salary reflecting both City and other funding sources. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All writings, diagrams,' tracing, charts, and schedules developed by Contractor under this Agreement, shall be de- 10 livered to the City by said Contractor upon completion of the work and shah become the property of the City, without restriction or limitation on their use_ Contractor agrees that all documents, records and reports maintairec and ge- nerated pursuant to this contractual relationship between the City and Contractor shall be subject to all provisions of the public Records Laws, Chapter 19, Florida Statutes_ 3 v" t is ��_�..° l...AZ f_ .1l.�L)C)t'_i l_.)C; by th, r a1y fin. OrlCi At:t_Ciii., CJ?: i.t 3_I�' , yl, ap'}� �C)Z�tTa�E �7nr"31TR�X�t:^� ��'JaOr� pr any other_ matt.cr v;li,-i yoever Wbi.cll i.--; 9-iV 1I by t.11e C'.tJ tc) the Contracto*r pursuant to this Agreement- sha-1- ~ at all a remain the properly of- the City and shad.) not be Ls -Ad by • the Contractor for any other purposes tahatsoever without the wxitt:en consent of the City. -_ 4 .10 AWARD Or AGREE2,1-17NT The Contractors viarrant that they have not employed or - retained any company or persons to solicit or secure this -.- Agreement and that they have not offered to pay, paid or agreed to pay any person or company any fee, couLmission, percentage, brokerage fee, or gifts of any kind contingent upon or resulting .from the award of ma;cing this Agreement. The Cor..tractors are: aware of the conflict of interest laws of the Ci ty of xSi_a1j,3- (Miami Ci-t�,, Code Chapter 2, .Article V) , Dade.. County, r for 7 da (I)ade Count/ Cade, Section - an.d�.the P.I.ori dzi E,czi't sites, and agree that they will fully comply in;all respects with the terms of said lakes. 4.11 NON-DELEGABILITY zt*is understood and agreed that the obligations undertaken by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement shall not be delegated to any other person or fire unless the City shall first consent in writing to the performance of such servi- ces or any part thereof by another person or firm. 4 .12 CONSTRUCTION Or AGREEMENT The parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the la%vs, statutes and case laws of the State of Florida. a - }1t?'.CYCL�ti V e ri . I I• AXT_HIJIM COMPTINSAIrl0 N Tile Contractor agrees to accept as full payment for prof•- fessional services rendered in a manner satisfactory to the City, the actual_ amount of budgeted, eligible and City approved expenditures and encumbriancas iaade by the - Contractor for the purpose of carrying out the services hereunder during the -period of this Agreement- It is expressly understood and agreed that.in no event, shall the total compensation and/or reimbursement_ to be paid hereunder exceed the maximum stun of '$ 75,000.00 t ' 5.2 TIVE OF PERFORI MANCE This Contract shall become effective upon execution, ar_ci the services oi= the Contractor.are to commance on August- t-ermiriate on' July 31, 198n. 29, 1983 anid 5•.3 'OBLIGATION TO R ,-NEW _ -Upon termination of this Agreement, the Contractor agrees and understand_;that- the City has no obligation to re-nev this Contract. 5.4 RECiNPTVRE OF FLNDS • The City shall reserve the right to recapture funds when the contractor fails to.comply.with the terms of the agreement or refuses to accept conditions imposed by the City. ARTICLE VI GENEMA-1, ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATIONS 5.1 THE CONTRACTOR ASSURES AND CERTIFIES THAT: 1) It possesses legal authority to enter into this Con- tract; a resolution, motion, or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the CO.^.�r�.CtOi.. CJ7'1•_L"%1.'.�j 1::J'.V, <";11:-.;11�_`._i�j f.=!:c' �:\�:`i:�iCi-• of the Contract, including all understanaings' and s• t"1.awiLT.i:;anZ"s J..fi1�-'.C�. i�tt- ('�'':Z.[ZF .:'l.' �� �`.�� I�f"._T f: Ling }pt-rstfdI1 Z.den'--i 7.c,71, as, the; Cal J,T.?_�., t :) _.: ' 2. -a, tive of 't-o c1.Ct;, in connect-5.0,ri L•t R-'t is P• Contract- and to provide such a(!�li_t-iona) i.nforna., ion as may be required.. 2) It will: comply with the provision of the Hatch Act which limits the political activity of employees_ 3) It will comply with the requireyaent that no program. - under this Contract shall involve.palitica? activity' (Section 710) . 4) itwill establish safeguards to prohibit employees , from using their positions for a puxposa that is or gives the appearance of being motivated by desire for' private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family` business or other ties (Sect -ion 70-1 (s)) . 5•) Participants or employees in the progya-1 found pur- suant to this- Agi-cemernt, will not IDe empl_oyea on the cons-r.uc-t!ran, operation or maintenance of that: part of any facility w1iich is used . for religious irs; ruction or worship (Section 703 (s)) . 6) Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situations will be maintained (Sectior_ 703(5)). 7) Persons employed in public service jobs under this Contract shall be paid wages %.,hick shall not be lover than whichever is the highest of (a) the minimLin %•;age Which would be applicable to the employer under the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938, if Section 6 (a) (1) of such title applies to the participant and i; he were not exempt✓ under Section 13 tii`r`of, , (b) the State of local minimu-m wade for the mc)st nearly co,,-,_ parable covered employment, or (c) the pre�.--ailinl rates Ofpay for p ,c�:�� e., J.:�y_ :? ii: _ Lilac v:�b�-_- c•,:�. -�_ tions by the- swine employer (Section 20:1.(a) J S4"405 1-i $) It wiJ 1, t.V xa?.�.:il '.�.7.�:�.C' IIC () tltca C_vJJ _., Of 1.5 i 4 'Tj, 1:1rT 41J Z C7 ?:tt^ Ci.Tt j pi.r and ? )re tii:1 vre Orefer`; J.J 246 and 1_1.�) 7 and !1 � C7 a the 1(ousiriq a11(_J Urban DeveIopmenk-. Act of 3,968" as amended �ind incorporated herein by xeferr_nce� 9) It will comply with the regulations and requirements of the Office of 14anagement and Budget Circular A-1.02, "Uniform Administration .Recjui.re-,rQnts for Grant -in -Aid to State and Local Governments" and Federal managemeat Circular 74-4, "Principles for Determining. Costs Applicable to Grants and Contracts wi -h State and Local Governments. " 6.2 ANTI-KICKBACK_DP.OVISIC)td The Contractor will comply with the Anti.—Kickbac'f Art. Title 18, USC Section 874, and provisions of the Federal _Labor Standards, Title 29_ ARTICLE VII 7.1 TEMMINATIOy CLAUSE The City, by giving written notice specifying the effective date, nay terminate this Contract in whole or in pa.*-t foi cause which shall include (1) Failure, for any reason, of the Contractor to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this Contract, including compliance with the approved Work Program and attached conditions, the Policies and Procedures ,Manual for­Co=u_ni -v Based Organizations, and such directive as may become 5enerally applicable at any time, (2) submission by the Contractor to the City, of reports that are incorrect or incomplete in any material. respect. Further, it is mutually agreed that the Contractor shall immediately, upon dema :d by the City, cease and terminate any and all activities includis_.g but not limited to divesting itself and any s ubsi.di`ry(s) 1 is Of ii)ecific assets and/or project c�11C� t�11t: Lt��01 G�c�^3I it i i Of the City ark and i! � .� c]C C I:.;tlll� f_lO i �:2c' C" 'C1;1 , S 1' 1 1 delivered to the City aij,heccl,ic' the SOI.e pro.: rtt� ei 4,,a C: t r All tb' ol-- )'�Z" r 1: 5 y f v*'�,rl I - -1: ha4l U'Don the alrai'J' 11 1 t- r those funfis ;Jre o be mocI�f if--,d so as to reflc(ft the -n 5 ty of the fuhas- Tn the event that the 7.9-reec(ient niis-.L be terminated due to the un:-�tvailability of Federal, funds, the Contractor shall be ent-iticd only to recover the actual amount of administral-J-ve costs incurred up to the date of termination, which in no event shall exceed the amount allocated for administrative costs under the Agreemen-t. ARTICLE 'III SIGNATORIES IN WITNESS I-rHEREEOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names by their duly au— thorized officers and the corporate seals to be affixed hereto,- all as of the (aay and year firs'%-- above writte--j_ WITNESS our hands and seals on this day -of -1983. CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal Corporation of the S-t-a,-e Of Florida ATTEST: RALPH G. ONGIEr CITY CLERK. ATTEST: SECRETARY-q 0 IM APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS E R. GARCIA-PEDROSA, CITY ATTO HOWARD V. GARYr CITY 1%UNAGZ—R. -Is- WHEREAS,_�Dacle Tourist Authori- desires to enter i.tlt_ra Ott a�ro�,�r��Y. ��?.F11 the Ci-ty of Miami; and MAP-M-AS, the Boarti of Dir_ec'Co.r_s at z duly held corpo-- rate rneet-ing 1-Ras considered the matter in accordance with the - By --Laws of the corporation; Now" TIiEREx ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTopS that the president and secretary are hereby' authorized and instructed to enter into a contract in the name and on behaif- o-F this corporation with the City of z:iami upon the terns r contained :gin the proposed contract to which this resolution is attached. have you requested and/or rcceivcd fund-; f ror other FoVg :antal entities? Yes XX ^ Ilo - ,tll V uttd Lng Sourcu:.; A1�t01111L ( Ittc1 icaLe i C Alit) llr,9 t-.n- rr+rivr,l, :r.ill pending, or reject(:d) Mctl'o-hlinn)i �1c•ticttt 1'lutt 0 Please indicate what measure's will, be taken to inure adequate financial controls and accounting of funds: (?)_( P 1: irm eyn u_Rt inrr%-ngr_ar1 (3) Annual A ttciit Please attach the following information relative to your organization to this application: 1) State Charter; 2) Tax 'Excmpt Certification; 3) Docum,,ntaLion of internal financial controls and letter from c.ert:ified public accountant verifying accounting systems and internal controls; 4) A copy of the I:.rojected line item bud et reflecting expenditure:' and anticipated revenues for pr ojec;.Acvent; - and 5) If this is not a one time event, please attach a copy of the organization's annual budget indicating all sources of funding Please describe organization's capability to accomplish program/event: will work to accomplish two thirds of the Scope Seryir ec h�, the end of Tho (-nntrant Yepr July 31st. 1984 I hereby certify that the info station provided herein is 7ue and accurate and that the funds provided by e City will be expended in accordance with the cum:nitments approved by the City Commission. Furthermore, the City will be provides :i`.h an accounting of expenditures and receipts within thir;.v days after the event's conclusion and/or receipt of funds f--o-I the City, whichever is applicable, alone; WiLh any other do::L-:,nts or data requested by the City: P1(L: 1DL'N 1' U1 l Ult1'Ulif, ! LUfJ MIAMI-DADS TOURIST A UTHORITY U. U;t.;A1,i1 i i ..);i -- �'�, �I� d� N'a ,�f�t��cf ��5, �i11+���U-�FA c'c 8, R) Cl��� �:•r ft �i.,Ff � � ; � R BrVartment of Mute I Certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the Articles of Incorporation of MIAMI-DADE TOURIST AUTHORITY INC. a corporation organized under the Laws of the State of Florida, filed on May 25, 1983 The charter number for this corporation is 768652 WP- 104 crR-ioi A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION Oibrit unbrr nip hatib atib the Orrat $brat of thr Matr of:loriba, at Tallahaggrr, thr (Capital, tl)ig the 26th bapof May 1983 0,rorgr ffirrgtour 6trretary of �&tatr 84-405 CITY Cad.`' x•1IAMI I)EPAUTM NT OF TRADE.F. COtle•�t�'t"tC'E DF_V:-Irn0 ,°71�11 � A Weighborhood Economic Developi _-n.t Iax:param • Line ..i11!11111c..�' Project No - Project x itle = MIAMI DAM TL OURI ST AUTNORIrm- Contract Perioa = `• Contract amount: .75,.��pn, 00 . Code Ito_ . '. • Perzonnel Services- - r 001• Salaries &Wages 3545g- 3.00 FICA. Taxes _ 2412. • �= 130 Grou@ Insurance _ -- 359 .50 150 Worker's Compensation 49. •` 3.60 Unemployment Compensation 92 Sn • - Operating Expenses . 270 Professional Services - 280 '- Accounting and AucUting 420 Travel & Per Diem --Other 510 Con-u:ua_ni:.cat%(:,)n Scr-%rices---Telephone ?� : 520 Scrvi,c e-s----Telegraph 533'cisi 540 Utility .610 -Equ 3_Jxac7at 620 640 - Property Liability InsurancefBondi, g 1000" . 670 • ' Repair & Maintenance Services - 680 Printing and Binding 690 Advertising 14_n n 700 Office & Operating Supplies - 7,60 Books, Publications & i•ierlberships fouo: • • _ Entertainment' , • • 5600 ' Ca ital Outla , • 840 machinery & Equipment --New 45 TOT" $75,000.ov Thompkins ft Company, PA Certified I trbPc Ar-coiintpnt5 Meq*w of $20 M.W. 1651h SIT"1 nn-ad Amerkan Inatitute of State 204 — Certified Pvt t Accountants Miami. Fronde 33169 PrMate Companies (305) 947.1638 Practice Section March 1, 1984 _ Mr. Charles Jackson, Executive Director Miami Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. 3000 Biscayne Blvd.. Suite 505 Miami. FL 33127 Dear air. Jackson: meffews Anwrken In"hft o+ Cart W Pubkt AccourftM Fronde tn*nA* of CsrVW Pubke Accountants Ile wish to confirm our understanding of the terms and objectives of our engagement and nature and limitations of the services we will provide. We will perform a study of the design of those internal accounting control and administrative control procedures of Miami Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. ("AIDTA") that we consider relevant to the criteria established by City of Miami, Department of Economic Development and, therefore, will include but not be limited to inquiries to assess: 1. The type of accounting system currently in use. 2. The segregation of duties with respect to the accounting system. 3. The separation of accounts on a fund accounting basis. 4. A review of the present procedures for purchasing, accounts payable, general ledger distribution, cash receipts and disbursements. At the completion of our study we will meet with you and members of MDTA's accounting dcpnrtment to report our findings and recommendations. The scope of our procedures will not constitute an audit of the financial statements, nor will our procedures include test of compliance with such procedures. As permitted under an auditing interpretation issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants titled "Reporting on Internal Accounting Control: Auditing Interpretations of AU Section 642 - Pre -Award Surveys" issued in August 1980, our report is expected to read as follow: We understand that Miami Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. has applied for a grant of $75,000 from City of Miami, Department of Economic Development for the period August 29, 1983 through July 31, 1984. We have made a study of the design of those internal accounting control and administrative control procedures of MDTA that we considered relevant to the criteria established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants as set forth in its industry audit guide Audits of Certain Nonprofit Organization issued in 1981 and Guidelines for Financial and Compliance Audits of Federally Assisted Programs dated February 198U. issued by the United States General Mr. Charles Jnckon, I;xc-cutive Director March 1.. 1 `?84 Page 2 Accounting Office (collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Guides"). Since our study related to procedures MDTA proposes to follow if the grant is awarded, it did not include tests of compliance with such procedures. The management of MDTA is responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of Internal accounting control. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgements by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of control procedures. The objectives of a system are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements In accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. We understand that the objective of those administrative control procedures comprehended in the Agency's criteria is to provide similar assurance as to compliance with its related requirements. Because of inherent limitations in any system of internal accounting control, errors or Irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of the system to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. We understand that procedures in conformity with the criteria referred to in the first paragraph of this report are considered by the Agency to be adequate for its purposes in accordance with the Guides and related regulations, and that procedures not in conformity therewith indicate some inadequacy for such purposes. Based on this understanding and on our study, we believe MDTA procedures would be adequate for the Agency's purposes, assuming satisfactory compliance. (If any weaknesses are discovered they will be included in our report). This report is intended for the information of MDTA and the City of ?Miami, Department of Economic Development and should not be used for any other purpose. The engagement cannot be relied upon to disclose errors, irregularities, or illegal acts, Including fraud or defalcations, that may exist. However. we will inform you of any such matters that come to our attention. The fee for such services will be bnsod upon the time exponded by us at our standard billing rate, plus any out-of-pocket expenses and should approximate $300 unless unforeseen circumstances develop, in which case, we will discuss the matter with you before incurrin- additional charges. The bill will be payable upon receipt. Any invoices unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2%) percent per month (or fraction thereof); in case suit shall be brought for the collection hereof, or the same has to be collected upon demand of an attorney, you agree to pay reasonable attorney's fees for making such collection. Please advise us if the services as proposed are in accordance with your wishes. You may find it convenient to do so by indicating your approval in the space provided. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you and look forward to a continuing relationship. Mr. Chnrlr Jackon, Executive Director March 1, a PA.^ Page 3 Yours very truly, THOMPKINS & COMPANY, P.A. Ronald Thompkins, CPA President Approved For Miatimi Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. Bp Name' Title �•� -sy d/31 . P r LIST OF PRESENT PRINCIPAL GOVERNING BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OFFICERS H.T. SMITH, ESQ. Chairman MAYOR HELEN MILLER Vice -Chairman WILBERT T. HOLLOWAY Secretary -Treasurer BOARD OF DIRECTORS NEWELL J. DAUGHTREY A.E. DOTSON THELMA GIBSON HENRY GIVENS GEORGE KNOX OTIS PITTS SONNY WRIGHT KEY STAFF W. CHARLES JACKSON Executive Director SELMAN LEIVIS Associate Director 1017 N.W. 9th Court Miami, Florida 7 7 7 Sharazab Blvd. Opa Locka, Florida 33054 6112 N.W. 7th Avenue Miami, Florida 6600 N.W. 27th Avenue Miami, Florida 33147 1625 W. 29th Street Miami, Florida 3661 Franklin Avenue Miami, Florida 10500 S.W. 149th Street Miami, Florida 33176 200 S.E.Ist Street Penthouse Tkliami Fla. 33131 6140 N.W. 7th Avenue Miami, Florida 3275 N.W. 79th Street Miami, Florida AUDLEY rVANS Accounting Consultant ARTICLE I NAME The name of this corporation is the Miami -Dade Tourist Authority Inc., a corporation not for pr& it. ARTICLE II PURPOSE The general nature of the objective and purpose of this corpora- r J. ., tion shall be: to promote tourism development in the Nliani-Dade County Afro-American Community through conventions, workshops, research and development, marketing, including, the making of distributions under sec. 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue Code); to promote and advance the im- provement of the residents of the cornmunity through naintenance of a facility in Dade County, Florida. ARTICLE III HEMSERSH I P (`Membership of this corporation shall be available to representatives of public, private and non-profit organizations desiring to part- icipate and having a demonstrated interest in the purpose and ob- jectives of the..corporation, subject, however, to determination to be made by the appropriate standing committee, or a committee to be appointed by the Chairman. ARTICLE IV MEETING OF MEMBERS Section I. Annual fleeting: The Annual Feeting of the Membership of this corporation shall be held on a date as soon as practicable after the Januray ISth of each year, not to exceed 30 days from said date, at a time and place to be determined by the Board of Directors. 77� Section 4. Ouorum: A quorum she I I const itute, p I us one of active 13 0 a r d M e ml I e r s, Section $. Meetings: The Board of 1) i rectors sha I I meet at in- tervals of not less than 90 days; and upon call by the Chairman, or majority of the Board. Notice shall be provided in the same manner as set forth in Article IV, Section 3. Section 6. Vacancies: Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by election by the remaining Directors, upon nomination by the appropriate committee. Section 7. Power to Elect Officers: The Board of Directors, at - the first meeting following the Annual Meeting of the membership, shall elect a Chairman, one or more Vice -Chairman, a Treasurer, and a Secretary; also may elect a Chairperson of the Roard. Section 8. Power to Appoint F_xecutivc Committee: The Board of Directors shal I have the power to appoint Qn Executive Committeer that shall act upon matters of an emergency nature provided, however, that the such act at its first meeting foll6winq such acts. The Executive Committee shall meet as needed, at a time and place to be designated by the Chairpersons ARTICLE VI OFFICERS Section 1. Officers: The officers of the corporation shall consist of the Chairman, Vice -Chairman, Treasurer, and Secre- tary, all of whom shall be members of the Board of Direc- tors. Each Officer shall serve for a term of one year. Section 2. The Chairman shall: I. Preside over all meetings of the Board of D-Erectors and all meetings of the Executive Committee. I Perform a I I appt-opr i ate-dut i es --irit-the-absen-ce o-r- 84-405 1, Section 3. The Vice--C hn r mnn r hn I I I Per for m i I 1 appropr i ite dot i es in the absence or designated by the Chairman. Section 4. The Treasurer shall: 1. Maintain custody of all funds of the corpora- tion. 2. !Maintain Sank Accounts and insure that only those authorized nembers affix signatures to check and drafts in the name of the corporation. 3. 1•-aintain records of all accounts of the cor- poration. 4. Maintain and file appropriate reports and returns so as to protect and promulgate the corporation's tax exempt: status. 5. Provide for an annual audit of the Corporation's booles and records. Section 5. The Secretary sha l l,, I. Record minutes of all meetings, and distribute same, as appropriate. 2. Maintain custody and control of the Corporate Seal. 3. Advise members of the meetings date and record attendance. 4. Carry out necessary correspondence on behalf of the corporation. 5. Perform additional duties as required by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE YII COMM I TTEES Section 1. Standing Committees: The Standing Committee shall be as follows: a) Committee on Structure b) Personnel Committee 84-405 M c) d) e) L Finance Committee Committee ern Board Po 1 i ay Nominating Committee: The Chairman of the Soar;d of Directors shall appoint in Chairperson and three (3) additional members to prepare a Cc cl- slate of nominees for Officers within a .r-eson- able time prior to the Annual Meeting, subject to additional nominations by the Board. Section 2. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Officers of the Board of Directors such other members as the Board of Directors may select. This Committee shall have full authority, to take action upon any matter of an emergency nature, provided that such action is ratified as set forth in Article V, Section 8. This committee is further charged with the duty of assist- ing the Executive Director in formulating plans and policy. ARTICLE Vlll STAFF Section 1. Executive Director: The Board shall appoint an Executive Director upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee. The Executive Director shall supervise the ad:, staff; shall insure the orderly conduct of the business of the corporation; shall represent the corporation; shall report directly to the Chairman; formulate and recommend policies to the Board shall serve as liaison between the corporation and participating agencies and interested individuals; shall perform such discre-- tionary functions as necessary, subject only to the requirements that the Soard authorized expenditures exceeding $$00.00. 84-405. Section 2. :_xecut i ,e? Sr,cre ;a1'v : qhn I I bn emp 1 0yod by the Exf4 !C%j " i ve D i re cl..;orA to perform such drat i es as the F,xecut i ve Director shn I I d i rect. Section 3p Compensation: The Executive Director and the Executive Secretary shall be compensated for their services. Said compensation shall be set by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE IX FISCAL YEAR The Fiscal Year of the corporation shall be the Calindar Year. ARTICLE X BOARD OF DIRECTORS The names and addresses of the NAMES A.E,Dotson Thelma Gibson Wilbert T. Holloway Father Kenneth Major Otis Pitts N.T. Smith Bonny Wright The names and addresses of the scribers to these Articles of NAf!E TITLE first Board of Directors are: ADDRESS 1625 W. 29th Street Miami, Florida 3661 Franklin Avenue Miami, Florida 6112 N.W. 7th Avenue Miami, Florida 5361 N.W. 22nd Avenue Miami, Florida 6140 N.W. 7th Avenue Miami, Florida 1017 N.W. 9th Court Miami, Florida 3275 N.W. 79th Street Miami, Florida first officers and sub - Incorporation are: ADDRESS Sonny Wright Chairman 3275 N.W. 97th Street Miami, Florida H.T. Smith Vice -Chairman 1017 N.W. 9th Court ?i6i1 P Q A4Miami, Florida Wilbert T. Holloway Secretary 6112 N.W. 7th Avenue Miami, Florida Father Kenneth Major Treasurer 5361 N.W. 22nd Avenue Miami, Florida 84-405 ARTICLE XI AMENDMENT These Articles of Incorporation may be amended in a manner provid- ed by law. Every amendment shall be approved by the Board of Dir- ectors, propose to the (hoard by a committee appointed by the Chairman, or voting of the Oajority of the Soard of Directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Subscribers above -named as incorporators of fliami-Dade Tourist Authority Inc., have hereunto set their hand and sea I th i �54'4" day of %, 1983 H.T. Smitl Wilbert T. Ho I I oway / Otis- Pitts=----�' helms Gibson SUBSCRIBED A14D SWORN to before me by A E DOTSON, WILBERT T HOLLOWAY FATHER KENNETH MAJOR, OTIS PITTS, N.T. SMITH, THELMA GIB50N, AND SONNY WRIGHT,, as incorporators of Miami -Dade Tourist Authority ne., th i s 9-5'Ao' day of , 1983 My Commission expires. Notary Yuu+i�, `..:. t,; r}o(ik at L" my Ccmm'iss E4j r" Drc. 'mar Is, 16" 6on6W Wu Usyn" SwArQ Amy 6:�� n - ';' NOVARY PUBLIC State of Florida at Laege :' 1 24rM a ri u Elt" S 1. -GP LI D & T)ov i r) nt I-jnplo Mem & Business ...Dev I D ATTACMiE14T I I Conventions/Tourism Afro-American Convention_ T Cj� Maintain record reflectir,r C i t v 1,; 7 CTT' Jim. Feb. Mar. ! t%pril J11 n- F. e b�j junc W-1 t - 0 t I �i 83 198-1 198-1 I 91H 1-18: 1, Employing Accour, tant Consultant Z. Establishing Acco, n- ting Systems. 3. Segregation of duties with.'req )CC to the Accounting System 4. Separation of Acc-1 ounts on a fund Accounting Basis C .5. Identifying Certlfl -d Public Accountant.. GZtt D beginning to the colrVietion,datoo, on -going actiVitY (extend a dine from tie _�j 71 V MR. "i, g ,I. V k � � t � �'� 1 a.^V •� "StitiGiuLi 11 �.e-abrvx�.a•.s�d..a�..u�•� 4.aw9�. �aw.,d�,ak'6� R ,may be Business nev 1 '' ATTACHMENT { } n In rllc.6t & I=conol�,•c ' t -Blacks Conventions/'}'ourism Association - Mana erne dram . rTr j,nC Afro-American — SrJULii "lOi': Ci;? C1t P1 N' n gM1 • not 'aAJ ril A1zy: June. Jule :..� Feb. Mar. Ap 1'lA } 1 !l8'[ - ...... C7ct. 1! 1•]ov. Ucc . JM. < tl18 l �I�s'1 1!14i:i 1'iB•[ 8•1 1 JH 1 1 .1R 1 1. Research percen- tage of Blacks in major Hotel/Mote in management 2. Identify manage- ment program existing - M.D.J . FIU 3. Est'ablish Relation ship with Hotel/ Motel Association. 4. Identify potential Black from ex. istin social -services Agencies. 5. Establish a trainin program within th Industry. 6. Screen and referri 11 i=Eromthe beginning to the coirpletion,. data. :. on -going activity `e�.tenc a 1-n Corn le;LoT'6ICI�I II i� �� '� • ."�v'r-£a'Ffw Y�'rin'a�..��%��ry ������'��"���.o '�..I. �'�i�TM� n� t.r`��,i:��", � '��6�6$ i���5!�...;,. .. J.'., fi __�i. .�. ;.� k-kto.=.,. !P.. a���t ifll �I. i ���.I''hR' I III � � I"I I i W'I M, i -NkT A Z"M a 3 C f aw _ ntisiness D(v(,IonrniQ ATTACIHIAEt'T t I JjnployITtcttt urism C.Afro-ArInel,iclin Conve"Itions/T( Develop n Black ToUl'ist Pill t June Jule Yr J.-01). Mar. April 1%IM' C c Jim. 1 98.1 1 t124 1 !19.1 3 k. J, !,+ -r 1, E: S TO 1"' E S 1. Establish Criteria for Black Business S prior to developing them in the Direc/ tory/Guide, 2. Visit Black Busines ses before placing them in the Direc- tory/Guide 3, Identify Black a. Entertainment b. Restaurants C. Arts and Crafts d. Vendors e. Suppliers Other. c0jrVjetL0n,.datQ- on-going a h eginnInU the Ctivity line completion ------- of I M n1c6t 13uiness Dev -itZIlity [7M 10 ATTACHNPIJ ..OST C:T Afro-American Conventions/Tot X011011':- for Blacks Establish an A-1 greemr1 T11 Jan.. I`cb. June 1,18.1 1!)8.1 - S PND: 1. Research % of Afrq_ American employel in the major Hotel Motel, Hospitality Industry. 2. Research the Type of Employment wit hin the Hotel/Mote 1 Industry. 3. Establish an employ ment proposal In - conjunction with the Industry. 4. Meeting Witt, the Executive Director of the Hotel/Motel Association, Union! etc.. 5. Identify Employme Training With the HotZhiotel Indust on date, line ;E=O'M tile beginning to the Corr-Pletl On-golng activitY (extend a /L corrpietion N I �`'�r imam IIlsa t+K „f °af r4 aidiMWfla�� diEb�� v _.. ti : .r,�..�._...-- >s a � i x t i .. 9i4 �a�]C of — S(!ii-'GR111��E r ! ' lovrnctit & F3usiness Devclo me ATTACIiliE1?T f i Afro-American Conventions/Tourism & Economic' licspitalit� 17n OF r1j0 j-:CT � ,gang ions MDTA Development,�Dis���.,�, ribat� ,�'!.f" '�"i" " _ April )•lay, June- Jt"v N t .w I s)ci. +! 1 c;v.Dec. Jrsn. Feb. �lnr• �1 �►R 1 1'.IN 1 I `�� 1 - .-.- r c �/•� `E 19 :1 �° i�'.I � 'i It) }t :4 1931 ..w••��- ES • 1 .1. Identify Afro- ---� Americans Models z Re; Promoting , Miami from a Cultural Point of View. — } 2. Afro-American t Historical Sites 3. Black Businesses ----- related to the Tourist Industry. 4. Identify 'Scenic Ar as — — • in Afro-American and the City of Miami at large. t a; a the ,n i nning to the COMPIetion, c3ato. �G kt 6 ®n-going aCtiYitx emend a line .-cz., ri 1 " C<Qit1 �.at�.fl11 +'�III ��I Ii��4ll�lgdifi �lilgll�ugl ii;i!I II �'I II Pill ql II m. „., �A�R *�.�ann�relax�¢^�s�'��#4 �, �W �;•::a, �, � 4; �?€.�., "' ,..,b,-d� .n .n»«,�+�;��.� ..� ,..,., _... l _ �. , �jr�tr*�w'%N€ ;`1M � � n ��hi Y 7r Illy t R &Business Dev I �' ATTACHt1ENT i*�. pPlOV I l .,, m e V.,5��r u�4hloTtvE ` Tourism �� E CG;;OiP.iC rzr,Sr>`ulitY Afro-American Conventions/ Tl',i, OF P"O.;C Distribute . Black Tarsrist D:"..c-a=;•r Jril\, '+lar. April At<zy.• Jrirzc. C Si CT,i�t _ Jim. Pcb. 11►f1.! I frR t I fife l i `�H. - � Sept, oci.. . �� r't��t;:t 't�Irt:s t'.It;�t t ►.ysst �-IILSSTC:;S5 a. Through: South Florida Hotel/Mot I Association. 2. The Individual Hot 1/ Motel, The Greate Miami Chamber of Commerce. 3. Major Airlines; Cruise Lines. 4. Miami -Dade Cham eC of Commerce. lotion date. inn to the Cora ,, N G i 1✓ e r_ �—... I^4 -• oin activity (extend a lin© jrYam the �e9 , Completi©rt ... ...,� ..r :,. ;4 ..:c_I M. 1,UI11) 1 11G Iii:Li,)i.: T Name of Event, Project or Prograla: Promoting and increasing Conventions, Rlac k Economic Development In the Tourist _Industry __.—__ Date of Event, Project or Program: Augiv�t 29, 1983 - JuIy 31, 1984 Name of Organization: MA U-rtnnrTOJJR1ST-ALUJTO1 _T_Y_J C_ Name of Contact Peraon: S�li.a rs 1n�k�nn Telephone : Work : 576--?n 7 home: 94-7 00 Mailing Address: 3k00 Bi;ca�an Bowe_ IIrd Suite 505 3000 BiGc11yn Boulevard, Su' 505 Miami Flgridtt 33137 Brief description of urogram/event (including number of .people expected to participate or attend program): To increases The Economic Base of The Afro-American Community through increased Black Conventions. Employment, Businesses related to the Hospitality Industry. Benefits to 'the City (quantify where possible): (1) TA\FD CAPITAL from cnl in 1h, Tourist Industry;_ increasen:_ <�nd e�tt�t�Ji�hin�; _"Louri�t Itrl nci S��sin��,c_^c h�; �hn afm_� American (~ommUnit Support Requested: A Cash. Grant: $ 75.000 In -hind Services (specify type of service and $ value as determined or c�ticoatcd by the providing departnent): NSA**.»****»,,.�,.►»**.**.***.*>R:*.�*****«s Fee Waiver $ Amount: NIA Facility NIA Date(s) NIA Total p Requested from City: S75.000 figs City Provided support in previous years? Fes l:a If yes, ple::se attach a letter fro; a certified pub__c accountant verifyinC, t1je sufficicncy of account—ni; syste7,s and internal financial control durinE f•undinS period. If you hovo received s25,000 Or CiGI"e , copy , of an Du_Jit rei ioctinC, the e\?2::Jiture oI thos•2 funds mist also tie provided. Also, specify past City support snd dates) of event or ac.tiv_,;v. #+F:*%�y �x�gr��x%.x�aaa's�x sa*xkk��a T�%.-1 ,c�Ya»A���*��a�••�z>F x�kRas���}l4��%y tkM+k�*�►*�a��;��*��F�s�aF�-k���ls.s.�-4�x�*�,wfia��4��+sks�wa�a�>�ax+xa�s�rX*x�a��+cz�-*��s��1�►�Y� All a%3­ ' CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Howard V . Gary DATE: February 24, 1984 FILE: City Manager SUBJECT: Agreement With Miami Dade r Tourist Authority i Charlotte Gallogly i �? , j FROM: Director �J, REFERENCES: April 5thCommission Agenda Department of Economic Development ENCLOSURES: "It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement in substantially the form attached hereto, with the I'liami Dade Tourist Authority in an amount not to ex- ceed $75,000 for the purj.)ose of assisting the City oJ: ?��i_ami's Convention Bureau in identifying prosuecti_ve Bl..rac?: conventions and prcmoti..ng the Cit;,7 O "liar,li as a potential- conventi (on site and establ.ish:i.ng agreements with the South Florida Hotel and Motel Association to develop an employ- ment referral program and manage- ment placement program designed to increase the employment of. Blacks in the hotel/motel indus- try. Funding is available from the Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund." On October 25, 1983, the City Commission directed the City Manager by Motion No. 83-886 to negotiate with Metropolitan Dade County for matching funds pursuant to the request made by the Miami Dade Tourist Authority (MDTA). On October 27, 1993, the City Commis- sion approved Motion No. 83-993 directing the City ',tanager to allocate an amount not to exceed $75,000 from the Special Programs j and Accounts Contingent Fund to the MDTA. On December 20, 1983, ii the Dade County Board of County Commissioners approved and appro- priated $75,000 to the MDTA as matching funds to the City of Miami's ;It,,b allocation. 84-405 Page 2 The objectives of the contract with MDTA will include but not be limited to the implementation of the following objectives: 1. Assist the City of Miami's Convention Bureau in identifying prospective Black and Afro-American convention planners and officials and assisting the Convention Bureau staff in promoting the City of Miami as a potential convention s_i:e. 2. Develop a Black Tourist Directory and Guide which will identify Black businesses by trade that would be of inter- est and use to Black tourists. This directory is to be distributed throughout the hotel/motel. industry. 3. Submit the names and addresses of the 1,115 Black profes- sional organizations in the United States to the Convention Bureau. The Miami Dade Tourist Development Authority will develop a direct mail brochure to the above organizations to promote the City of Miami as a convention site to be approved by the Convention Bureau prior to printing and distri- bution. 4. Develop and maintain a monthly/annual schedule of Black events in Dade County. 5. Incorporate the name of the City of Miami on all brochures, directories, and promotional materials published by the' - corporation. b. Establish an agreement with the South Florida Hotel/Motel Association to develop a management employment program aimed at providing managerial opportunities and the place- ment of Blacks in management positions within the hotel/ motel industry. 7. Establish an agreement with the South Florida Hotel/Motel Association to develop a referral and employment program for Blacks to get into the hotel/motel industry. 8. Maintain records reflecting that the City's monetary contri- bution to the program has been matched on a dollar -to -dollar basis. The MDTA has researched and identified the potential impact that Black tourists and conventions could have on Miami economically. Page 3 According to Essence Magazine (June, 1983), Black Americans spend approximately 157 billion dollars annually on recreational activities. There are 1,115 Black professional organizations in the United States of which all will be contacted by the MDTA in promoting the City of Miami as a convention site. There is a noticeable absence of Black employment in the hotel/ motel industry, although millions of dollars from Black tourists are expended in the industry with no return to the Miami/Dade Black community. MDTA will work with the South Florida Hotel/ Motel Association and Florida International University's School of Hotel Management to establish an employment program aimed at providing entry level and management employment opportunities for Blacks. This will have an increased economic impact upon the Black community as well as the total community. It is therefore recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution which would allow the City to enter into a contractual agreement with the Miami Dade Tourist Authority, Inc. for the purpose of organizing a mechanism to attract Black tourists and con,,,entions to the City of Miami. CG/MYA/ju Attachments