HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-0458CITY Or Film!!, F!_o$ mik, TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission FROW Howard V . Gary City Manager SUMMARY OF REPORT DATF: April 9, 1984 FILE: SUBJECT: Repo): t on penalty negotiations with Miami Cablevision REFERENCES - ENCLOSURES: Exhibits This report contains the following sections: Section 1. Section II. Section III. Section IV. Section V. Findings of fact and conclusions on the service cross -connections issues; Issues for negotiations concerning cross - connections together with tables setting forth the cost estimates of the City and Miami Cablevision; A table describing the financial ability of Miami Cablevision to fund the correction/ modification of cross -connections; The proposal of the City Manager to settle the cross -connection and interactive service to residential :subscribers issues; and Recommendation and conclusion. SUMMARY OF• RECOb'1.1,4ENDED SETTLE11ENT PROPOSAL 1. 75 miles of streets within one year. 2. 10 miles of streets per year until end of license; anything over -- in year 15. 3. Recommended penalties -- see EXHIBIT 2, page 15. 4. Additional elements including construction standards, review and approval by City --.see page 11. 84-456 NO-r- `0 Al rVW llonorabl.n i9avo*-- at. _,, Page ? April 9, 1984 Members o ' C ,t; y' Commission i_on I. Findi.nris of face ind conclusions on the service cross-. After closely revi.et,,i.ng and consi.d^ri.ng them allegations made by rjj irii. Cabl.evision, as 't,{el.l as the information provided by City staff, the City Manager has nade the following findings of: fact and conclusions regarding the issue of service cross -connections. 1. Miami. Cablevision asserts that it is being fined for not constructing its cable lanes can both sides of the streets, and that when the cable RFP eas issued by the City, it did not contain this specification. • The Department of Public Works (DPW) ha. never required the licensee to build on both sides of the street. DPW's position is that the licensee should follow the utility lines that have been rebuilt to minimize unsightly cross -connections over recently rebuilt streets. Further, the RF'P included a copy of the enabling ordinance which required the licensee to construct the system parallel to utility wires whenever possible. That ordinance also provided that the City could reasonably designate where a licensee's facilities are to be placed within the public rights -of -way, and/or easements of the City when required by the City because of public improvements. 2. Miami Cablevi-'on states that there eras no notification to bidders during the cable hearings regarding cross -connections. • As set forth above, the nr r notified all api-,)licants that construction of the cable system must be parallel to (folloi,/go ajoiiq x•r.a_tlj) utility linca anti ghat cable facilities nw t• be moved at licensee c),penrc to accom- modate public improvement.,. The licon'se 017dinance which was accopted by the licensee contained the; x,.,;urtc provisions. 3. Miami Cablevision states that it did notaccept the license contingent on constructing both sides of the street nor did it agree to this. • The licensee accepted the requirements of the ordinance which included the requirement that the cable system parallel the utilities. For example, if the utilities make one crossing per block, so should the licensee. 84-458 Honorable Mayor:And Members of City Commission Page 3 April 9, 1984 4. Miami Cnblevision states that the maps given to the City showing five milns of proposed cable construction showed construction on one side of the street. These maps were reviewed in February and March 1902 by the City'n engineering consultant, Atlantic Research, Inc. As is documented in Exhibit I (attached), there are no cable crossings in violatinni of the City's ordinance shown on these maps. No one reviewing the five mile design submission could conclude that the cable operator was intending to disregard the rehabil- itation policies of the City in future plant construction. In fact, the small design area submitted in the rehabil- itation area shows compliance with City policy of paralleling existing crossings. 5. Miami Cablevision argues that the City Manager gave it written notice to proceed constructing on only one side of the street. • The City Manager gave Miami Cablevision permission to commence construction in accordance with the provisions and terms of the license ordinance. Notice to proceed with construction was not contingent upon construction on only one side of the street, nor did such notice authorize in any way noncompliance with the City's street improvement policy. 6. Miami Cablevision states that the Dopartment of Public Works did not notify it regarding construction on "both sides of the street" until one and one-half years after the license was awarded. • First, DPW has nevor roquired the licensee to build a double systcm. Tho company was rcquired to follow the utilitics, limiting crossings to a minimum of one or two per block. Second, construction of the cable system did not begin until May 1982 -- the headend only. Through the late fall of 1902, the licensee constructed trunk and feeder network, not service connections. Five miles of active plant with sixty subscribers was in place by December 31, 1982. Thus, the first oppor- tunity of DPW to observe the licensee's practice of cross -connections to subscribers' homes did not occur until December 1982. In December 1982, DPW notified the licensee regarding the City's highway improvement policy and met with the licensee to discuss this policy. Notwithstanding these discussions, the licensee has continued for over a year to construct the system in disregard of the City's highway improvement policy. Additionally, it is standard practice throughout the cable industry that prior to any CATV system construction, 84-456 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission Page 4 April 9, 1984 a cable company `•-,ill request a meeting with the munici- pal_ department of public works to discuss the necessary permits and municipal_ policies regarding construction in the public rights--of-way. Consistent with this practice, it -was incumbent upon the licensee to meet with DPW to find out the applicable policies and permits of the City. The City Manager_ determined to impose penalties on the licensee only after there existed clear grounds for doing so and after_ concluding that it would be inconsis- tent with the responsibilities of the City Manager to do otherwise. 7. Miami Cablevision argues that the aerial construction of its system is 90% completed and is constructed on one side of the street. As noted above, Miami Cablevision continued to construct the system for over a year after DPW notified the licensee of its cross -connections in violation of the City's street improvement policy. When DPW met with the licensee in December 1982, less than 5% of the cable plant was built. Thus, DPW raised the flag early. By disregarding this clear warning, Miami Cablevision accepted the risks of noncompliance. 8. Miami Cablevision contends that it is not aware of any other city that has "mandated that its cable system be constructed on both sides of the street." • The City of Miami has not mandated that the licensee construct on both sides of the street. In fact, the City has required the licensee to comply with its street cleanup program in less than 10% of the cable system. This program requires the licensee to keep crossings at a minimum, such as the telephone and electric utilities have done. All cities have road projects of some kind. Some cities require the use of all rear easements (e.g., Coral Gables). Some cities require all new construction to be buried (e.g., Miami Beach). The City of Miami chose a less expensive procedure for improving its streets. Miami Cablevision has chosen not to comply. 84-45t -co nu _ Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission Page 5 April 9, 1984 II. Issues The fundamental issues concerning cross -wiring are: (1) the number of miles in which the Company must modify its plant and when that modification shall take place, and (2) the cost of the modification. 9 Mileage/Time Period. Miami Cablevision contends that the City is requiring it to modify 270 miles or nearly 50% of its aerial system over the next three years. This is not and never has been the City's position. The City's position is that the Company must modify immediately the cable in the 75 miles of streets which the City has already rehabilitated. The 75 miles of streets represents approximately 1096 of the system's plant. In the future, the Company would have to modify an average of 10 miles of streets per year for the 13 years remaining in the license term. The 10 miles represents less than 2% of the aerial plant on an annual basis. . Cost. The Company contends that it will cost $15.2 million over the next 13 years to modify its plant as required by the City. This figure is wrong for several reasons: (1) The figure is based on incorrect mileage assumptions; and (2) the figure is based on the incorrect assumption that both sides of the street must be built in every block. The City has repeatedly advised the Company: (1) that the mileage is 75 miles now and an average of 3.0 miles in the future per year and (2) that the Company may cross each block one or two times where the utilities cross. Based on the per mile costs in the Company's contract with its construction subcontractor, the City estimated the total cost of modification over the next 13 years to be $3.4 million: $1.3 million to clean up the 75 miles plus $2.08 million to modify plant at an average rate of 10 miles per year. During the negotiation meetings, the Company provided the City staff for the first time with per mile cost estimates for the modification. These costs are significantly higher than the figures upon which the City relied for its original cost estimate of the modification. Even multiplying the Company's new, higher cost estimates by the correct mileage, the cost to the Company over the next 13 years would be $6.9 million. This is $8.3 million less than the Company's original estimate of $15.2 million, representing a savings to the Company of more than 50%. 84-"45c 4--- Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission Page 6 April 9, 1984 The City believes that the' Company's new cost estimates, provided to the City during the negotiation meetings, are on the high side and that it will not cost the Company $ 6.9 million to modify its plant. The City further believes that the original costs calculated by City staff are reasonable estimates for which the system could be modified. However_, the City does not control the Company's costs, its subcontractors, or its construction practices. In addition, the City staff did not know that the Company's subcontractors would increase their construction price, as the Company now asserts. Accordingly, the cost of modification may be higher than the estimates prepared by City staff based on the Company's previous per mile costs. The City proposes to work with the Company to minimize the cost of modification. The City must be able to review and approve plans which contain the following detail prior to and after modification: cost, design, maps, and beginning and completion dates on a block by block basis. Set forth below are charts and tables containing the Company's cost estimates based on its erroneous mileage assumptions and on the correct mileage; the City's original cost estimates and those estimatcs adjusted at a rate of 10% per year; and the Company's annual capital outlays under the City's and the Company's cost estimates. 84i-456 I. Citv Cost r-S 'r-:1t:cn �Mi�aar�Sn.� �"58��!!�" 3,�.�. �tr. � fp(-.t nr nr 10% An(i (:'j.ty host 75 miles nlrenAy Yo7li bi.l.i.tntted 3,300,000 50 acddit%onnl mi.l.i-p key 1908 971.,720 800,000 80 additional miles. by 1996 2,946,760 1, 2801000 TOTAL $ 5,218,480 $ 3,380,000 2. Company cast estimates 270 miler in 3 years plus replacement m $ 15.2 million 3. Annual capital budget from 1984 through expiration of license (1996) ,.Company Company .City Eat. City twat. per mile cost x per mile cost x per mile cost r--r mile cost Company mileage City Kileagc x City Rile--'70 x Citytue.-Mr. ill s sted Unadjusted 1984 $ 5t366,000 S 1,846,332 W lo300,000 ($ 11300,000 ( 160,000 ( 160,000 1985 % 688,000 421,752 170,600 160,000 1986 441,000 421,752 193,600 160,000 1987 29,Ot10" 421,752 212,960 160,000 1988 411,111 421,752 234,560 160,000 1989 411,111 421,752 257,680 160,000 1990 411,111 421J52 283,440 160,000 1991 411,111 421,752 311,790 160,000 1992 411,111 421J52 342,970 160,000 1993 411,111 421,752 377,260 160,000 1994 411,111 421,752 414,990 160,000 1995 411,111 421,752 456,490 160,000 1996 4111111 421,752 502,140 160,000 iL $15,223,999 $6,907,356 $5,218,480 $3,380,000 'The y's fib are I=W on = ificat:icn of the system in 3 ypam (1984-1986) . Beginning in year 4 (1997) dumugh the end of the liow= tam., the y's costs are for rcplacc=nt of plant. lbr c=parisw , tho chaxt tbum & the total replacmmt cat averaged fram 1988 to the end of the lido tem. Al tha c,aTany provided the City with a total replaom=t cat from 1908 thresh the aA of the lice tern, the o=vany naver providcd to the City " annual breakdcwn of C=tz for that tim period. It should be noted, hagawr, that: the carpany hsz stated thet the trap: of the replaccwnt costs will occur in the last three: yeas (1994 - 1996) of the tom. Mse two estimated costs for 1984 arcs $1,300,000 for srodification of plant in 75 miles already rehabilitated and $160,000 for modification of plant in average of 10 miles per year. 84-4 56 cc Q 0 W 0 J J cr Ul n 9� 19J1 iC UMUL.ATJVfi CAPJrAL EX?ENOIT'VAES -- — i _. - -I . - - -- --- -_p - -- .-- _ 4 - . - mom PAI VMSr /!!/ Ives !tom r 990 I !!d P"!!3 I9" 14 Honor,%blP t-'Avoy. Hembf!,rs of r-It-v Commipsion t $Age 9 April 9, 1964 An demonstrAt-a thn'-company can afford to Modify its plant to c(ri-n-ply "Jth the City's street Ovrovement policy. 1. ordinance Conatruct ion cont required by Section 301 of the ordinnnce $45,000t000 Less funds (conntruction, hoadend, *quipmant) expendod by t1ianl Cablevision to dntn an per 1983 annual report $17,300,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE UNDER ORDINANCE FOR RM--AINING CONSTRUCTION $25,700,000 2. Bank Loan Total bank loan of Miami Cablevision $31,600,000 Total equity required by bank loan docuranntn $170900,000 Total funds rva.tInblo; undcr bank lo,zn $49,500,000 Leah I �- (coiirtructian, licadend,, J.�y J'jrjMi Cabloviric) to $17,300,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE UNDER BANK LOAN $321200o000 S -456 ji 4 Honorable 14-ayor And Members of city commission Page 10 April 9, 1984 ,�. IV. Recommmna,70 S-_ tlp M�nt pro "I As directed by the city Commission, the City Manager and Miami Cablevision (t.he "Company") have had a number of meetings to discusn the nnttlnr-nt of the issuers of ser- vice cross -connections And tho provision of interactive services to residential stibscribers. At the last; meeting of the City And tho Company on larch 27, 1904p the City Manager and the Company discunscd the following principles of a proposed settlement: 1. The City anticipates that it will rehabilitate an average of 10 miles of ntreetn per year under the high- way improvemant program. minmi Cablevinion hhall correct/ modify service cross -connections in thes-c 10 miles of rehabilitated streets per year, beginning in 1904 and extending throughout the 13 yearn remaining in the license term, provided that in any year that the City rehabilitates less than 10 miles per year, the Company shall ba required to correct service crone -connections only in the number of miles actually rehabilitated by the City. 2. If the City rehabilitates more than 10 miles of streets per year, the Company shall be required to correct/ modify service cross-conncctiona in no more than 10 miles of rchabilitated strcctn, provided that the Com- pany must move its cables to the nci-: utility poles as soon an the poles are available in "all strcets rehab- ilitated each yojr, rzo tilat tile utiliticn can remove their old polcs. Tho nuri-I)er of milco rollrd,)-ilitated in excess of 10 givcy, Irecir i3liall Lic placed in a pool c),yl c,, basic over the term of, the license. 3,11 t-tilc )-zipt, year of the term of the license (1996), tlic,, Coi-fipany shall correct/modify all service cross-connectionn in: (a) the street miles accumulated in the pool. &nd (b) the street miles rehabilitated by 'the City in 1996. 3. By April 2, 1905, the Company must correct/modify service cross -connections in the 75 miles of streets already rehabilitated by the City. The City shall not approve completion of construction until the Company has corrected/modified the service crops -connections in the 75 miles and the City has approved such corrections/ modifications. 84-456 Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission Page 11 April 9, 1.984 4. The Company .shall correct/modify its plant as des- cribed in paragraphs 1--3 above, at its own expense. 5. Failure of the Company to comply with the requirements of the agreement between the City and the Company shall trigger automatically the penalties specified in the license ordinance. The process of automatic penalties will be similar to that specified in the amendment to the license approving a revised construction schedule. 6. The Company will be required to submit plans for modification on a block by block basis for approval by the City. The plans for modification of existing plant shall include the following details: a) Date of submission of design plans showing all subscriber drops for each geographical area to the Department of Public Works for its approval; b) Start-up date of modifications; c) Projected date of completion for each location; d) Procedure by which service to subscribers in each geographic area will be transferred from the old to new section when applicable; e) Estimated cost to modify each location; f) Submission of as -built maps of each area with documentation of actual cost for each area. 7. The Company must comply with the following construction standards: a) All cables crossing roadways must be raised to conform to the standards specified in the National Electric Safety Code. b) No cables or wires may be attached to "street light only" poles. c) All service crossings must follow utilities' cross- ings, limiting crossings to 1 or 2 per block. d) Rear easements shall be used whenever available. 84-458 _NN M Honorable Mayor and Members of City Commission Page 12 April 9, 1984 8. The Company shall acknowledge that it has violated Section 605(b) of the license ordinance in failing to install. cables parallel. to existing telephone and electric wires whenever possible and than the City has correctly applied the pertinent provisions of the license ordinance to the cross --connections issue. The following points were discussed concerning penalties on the issues of cross -connections and interactive services to residential subscribers in consideration of the Company's agreement to settle, as described above: 1. The City will return to the security fund one-half of the penalties on the issue of service cross -connections. As required by the license ordinance, the Company shall replenish the security fund in the amount of any penalties not returned to the fund by the City. 2. The City will not retain penalties in connection with the issue of providing interactive services to resident- ial subscribers. The Commission will hold a public hear- ing no later than December 31, 1984, to determine whether to defer the implementation of the provision of inter- active services to residential subscribers. 3. The City will retain penalties for failure to replenish the security fund in the amount of penalties on the issue of service cross -connections. 4. The City will retain interest calculated on one-half of the penalties on the issue of service cross -connections. A schedule showing a breakdown of the penalties is attached as Exhibit 2 (page 15). V. Recommendation and Conclusion The City Manager recommends that the foregoing principles in Section IV above be accepted as a total package to settle all issues relating to cross -connections and inter- active services to residential subscribers. 84-458 - a .".._. ., :�. EXHIBIT 1 Howard V. Gary #wrot: re-bri'sIry �4, 1904 mot! City ftnage'r S -ATMIMMAT PY CM,"vfULTXNG ENGINZER T Merry Sup sm-0- I ler 0*960 AALSIAtOnt tO City PAMA"t for Cable Comm—nications S7ATT'XI =,11 Mr. Danni-P 21mmman, the City 'a Conmulti.nq Engineers has provided the attached statemnt. *act a V.- 84-456 4 Page 14 e.-brx)ary 24, 1964 There are no cable crossings -in violation of the City's ordinance shown on the 5-mile raps PubmittP4 by the cable company on March 31, 1902. The cable cromminga mho on thn 5-mile subminpion by the cable corpany arc in cor-mlianco "Ath the ordinance in that they are nhon-,n "rAllnl to the exinting "tilities. There nre no niibncrihar drop cnblen Phown on the 5-mile submitted mmpn to Indicate the cornpanyls disregard for crossing policy. In the subminniont 1341 foot of design are shown in n rohnbilitntion area. "la rehabilitation design nhcn cnbla crossing tho ntraotn with power and telephone in compliance iiith the City rchabilitation policies. No ono rovi",zing tho five -mile donign subminnion could conclude that tho cable operator was intending to disregard tho rehabilitation polician of tho City of Hiani in future plant construction. In facto the small design area submitted in the rehabilitation area shows compliancis with City policy of paralleling existing crossings. n tA. i1wNSULTING SKINS= H4-450' Page 15 Schedule of Penalties Cumulative penalties assessed for violation of Section 301(a)- Interacti_ve Services to Subscribers: Cumulative penalties assessed for violation of Section 605(b) -- Parallel, Installation of Cables and Wires to Existing Telephone and Electrical Wires: Cumulative penalties assessed for violation of Section 1001(d) - Failure to Replenish the Security Fund . Interest on the penalties assessed_: Cross -Connections: Interactive Services: TOTAL Recommended Settlement Proposal 1/2 of Cross -Connections Penalty Failure to Replenish Security Fund Interest Accumulated on 1/2 of Cross --Connections Penalty htow jm Savings to the Company as a result of Recommended Settlement: e EXHIBIT 2 As of 4/5/84 As of 4/10/84 $ 215,000.00 $ 227,500.00 215,000.00 140,000.00 227,500.00 152,500.00 4,018.00 4,632.00 4,018.00 4,632.00 $ 578,036.00 $ 616,764.00 As of 4/5/84 As of 4/10/84 $ 107,500.00 $ 113,750.00 140,000.00 152,500.00 2,009.00 2,316.00 $ 249,509.00 $ 268,566.00 As of 4/5/84 As of 4/10/84 $ 328,527.00 $ 348,198.00 64-456 PROPOSAL RESOLVING MIAMI CABLEVISION CONSTRUCTION DISPUTE I. BACKGROUND FACTS 1. Wlien the Company commenced its construction in 1982, the City's engineer consultant approved the basic system design plan, clearly shown in the construction plans for the first five miles of the system, initially submitted to the City's engineer. 2. It was not until over a year later that the Public Works Department issued a "Cease and Desist", at a time when a substantial portion of the cable system was already completed. It was not until November 30, 1983, almost a year and a half I after construction began, that the City Manager began invoking 's penalties for the existence of cross-overs. 3. The Public Works Department and the City's cable staff now state that the Company is obligated to minimize, and elim- inate where possible, street cross -avers for customer connections. This is part of a "beautification policy" verbally adopted by the Public Works Department Director. This "policy," is not part of ,j any written Jaw or rule applicable to cable TV. The street i �i improvement projects mandate the relocation of utility and cable 1 i lines to accommodate new set -backs, but these projects do not '! specify a requirement to eliminate customer service cross-overs; ij nor was this "policy" made a part of the original cable RFP. :1 4. To redesign its construction so as to accomplish what ,f ! the City's cable TV staff now wants would require a material redesign and reconstruction of the cable distribution system, at a cost of from 12 to 15 million dollars. Inherent in the 1 l 84-45r� requirement to minimize customer service cross-overs, as mandated by the City Manager, is a requirement to construct lines on both sides of the street or materially modify the CATV plant. chile some pockets of the system may be so constructed, it is unheard of in the cable TV industry to require this type of system design construction throughout an entire system. No cable TV company would ever bid on such a design plan because the required rates to subscribers would be exorbitant, making cable TV unmarketable. 5. Customer cross -over lines do not violate the license ordinance requirement that all cables and wires must be "parallel" to existing utility lines. The Company does follow the utility lines throughout the entire City and is parallel to the utility lines on the side of the street where the cable distribution system is constructed. Customer service connections (the cross- over lines) have never been considered in the cable TV industry to be part of the trunk and distribution system, and these lines have always customarily crossed streets to serve customers. 6. The cable license ordinance contains a provision that the City can "reasonably" designate where Licensee'-- facilities are placed within public rights -of -way and public easements. Re- quiring a system redesign and reconstruct for a material portion of the city (the street improvement projects will continue throughout the license period) makes this requirement totally unreasonable. The additional cost of from 12 to 15 million dollars was never contemplated in the construction loan approved by the City Commission, or in the system design plan. The cable license ordinance does not authorize this unreasonable mandate. 2 ] W II. THE PROPOSED SETTLEMENT Although the Company believes strongly it would prevail in any litigation regarding the City Manager's construction mandate described above, the Company is nevertheless willing to compro- mise and settle this matter, in the interest: of cooperating with the city Commission and Public Work's desire to improve beautifi- cation of the city, and in the further interest of avoiding pro- longed litigation, which can only cause ultimate harm and expense to cable TV subscribers. The Company is therefore willing to accept the following proposal, proposed by several commissioners, and, in part, by the City Manager_, but does not waive its rights to contest the entire issue if the matter is not settled. A. By April 15, 1985, the Company will complete modifica- tion of service cross -connections in the 75 miles of streets t already rehabilitated by the City. These modifications shall be as per the previous Public Works Department request to keep customer: cross-overs in each block to a minimum. B. The Company will commit to expend $300,000 per year for public works projects, including road improvement projects and minimizing customer service cross-overs. Any amount expended less than the sum of $300,000 annually, by reason of lesser public works projects, shall be a carry-over to the following year, and shall be a continuing cumulative requirement, so that at the end of a 13 year period, the total amount of $3,900,000 shall have been expended by the Company for such projects. Any rehabilitation not completed as of the last year of the license term (1996) shall be completed in the said last year of the license term, or within the first two years of any renewal term. - 3 - 84-45m S { C. The Company will fully equip the studio facility of the black local origination program group J.n an amount riot exceeding $50, 000, which the Company represents will be sufficient to fully and satisfactorily equip such studio for local origination programming. D. The amounts of all penalties shall be restored by the City to the Security Fund, and applicable interest on the previous amounts withdrawn as penalties, shall be reimbursed to the Company. Penalty payments are not negotiable. First of all, with respect to the interactive service issue, the City Commission made that policy over two years ago by the adoption of a resolu- tion prohibiting the implementation of such service. As to the construction issue, if the matter is settled in accordance with the above, there is no admission of liability or "wrongdoing" by either party, and thus, a penalty is not applicable. The Company believes the foregoing fairly and equitably resolves this controversy, if accepted in lieu of litigation. (Nothing in this proposal should be construed as an admission of facts against the interests of the Company in the event of any litigation by reason of a failure of settlement.) - 4 - 84-458 PROPOSAL As you know, Miami Tele-Communications, Inc. ("MTCI") has been granted certain exclusive rights to provide Black and Hispanic local origination programming in Miami and to receive the revenues from such programming. Specifically, under Article VI, paragraph 2 of the Revised Shareholders Agreement, dated April I, I°32, and paragraph 25 of the Joint Venture Agreement, do`nd October 6, 1931, between MTCI and Amerir_able of Greater Miami Ltd., ("the Joint Venture Agreement"), MTCI is granted the right to provide Black and Hispanic programming on two channels dedicated to this purpose, and to receive the revenues that may be produced from advertising aired in conjunction with this programming. The Revised Shareholders Agreement further provides, in Article VI, paragraph 2, that these rights will be assigned to an entity to be formed which will be owned fifty percent (50%) by TCI-Taft and fifty percent (50°Jo) by the Miami S-roup Shareholders. "Local origination programming" should be distinguished from "public access programming" and "leased channels", all of which the Joint Venture is obligated to provide under various sections of the license ordinance (the "Ordinance") . Local origination programming (LO) is defined in paragraph 21, section 102 of the Ordinance as "programming that is either produced by the Licensee (the Joint Venture) or is ^btained from another source for transmission on the Licensee's local origination channels." The full extent of the Joint Venture's local origination programming obligation is spelled out in section 404 of the Ordinance. For your convenience, that section of the ordinance is reproduced as follows: Section 404. Support for Local Origination Programming (a) During the term of this license, the Licensee shall provide local origination programming. The Licensee's commitment to local origination programming shall include a commitment to undertake at least the following: (1) establish, equip and maintain broadcast quality studio facilities and electronic field production and electronic news gathering mobile facilities for local origination programming; (2) ascertain community needs for local origination programming, which ascertainment shall involve community and minority groups; (3) hire staff with specific responsibility to develop and produce local programs responsive to the needs of the community and to participate in training programs; (4) provide minority programming, including bilingual programming, that reflects the social, economic and cultural experiences and perspective of the Hispanic population, the black population and other minority and linguistic groups within the City of Wami and focuses on needs or interests of the particular minority groups with whom the programs identify; 84-458