HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-04-10 Other Itemscl fY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO All Commission Members DATE April 6, 1984 FILE. SUBJECT Special City Commission Meeting Tuesday: 4/10/84 at 9:00 a.m. FROM Mayor Maurice A. Ferre n �zo, REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES. Because we were unable to finish the agenda on Thursday, April Sth, and because several of the unresolved items are important to the city and cannot wait for action at the 4/26 commission meeting or one of the May meetings, I am calling a special commission meeting for Tuesday, April loth, for the following matters: 1) All pending and iri finished. agenda itcils on the scheduled meeting of April Sth. 2. Pendinp motion 1)N, Cr�;Ini:-sioiicr Joe Carollo, seconded by Vice -Mayor Demetrio 1'crc�, on the ret l:inilw of 1"Irs. Athalie ]Uige as a lobbyist for the City of 11.i aL1)1 in TaJ J ahcis: ce, 3. Resolution dealincT i•,ith critical aiij)ort business as per attached infoYmation. 4. Resolution requesting joint commission meetings with neighboring Dade municipalities as per attached memorandum. { MAF:pas Attchs. cc: Mr. Howard V. Gary, City Manager Mr. Ralph Ongie, City Clerk Jose Garcia -Pedrosa, Esq., City Attorney 1 _ p t t t � '..„..4_Na.i.aa`k�M1�.lfl`'e.:....:-..L�:,'..ar.,.*t#�rou�>.i•:-.d...t�:ut:rtmi:.;.�^Frf.kp'�..�.i .a.x.a..n.s-,...�. -. _�. n..:::: ..e. .+i a, u.. -gym NOTE:" -,L THE HEREINBELOW LISTED TMIS,--;i�7L LO 'ME SCI�F-TMR THE NiLE OF APRTL 5, 1984; IICATVER, THE, "ERE ACTUALLY CONSIDERED AT THE SPEC IAA; ` rEL`fiZrIG' bTi ApIZ]7a - q , 1984. Honorable Mayor and Members DATE. April 4, 1984 of the City Commission Sun:Ecr: City Commission Meeting ' April 5, 1984 FROM Howard V. Gary REFERENCES: City Manager 'A &/ - FNCLOSURFS Included with this memorandum is a Supplemental Agenda. It was necessary to prepare this agenda as sufficient time was not available (one day) due to the March 29th City Commission meeting and delivery requirement of the April 5th agenda. S1. A. & B. Continuation of public hearings - Cable TV S2. Personal appearance by Attorney Barry Kutun reference Port Access Bridge Agreement. S3. Personal appearance by Ralph Packinham reference the 36th Street Shopping Center. S4. 93.1 Companion Item - the following Resolution is contained in the Agenda Packet but does not appear on the Agenda. Resolution extending professional services of Warren Braun, P.E. S5. Resolution authorizing payment to Paul, Landy, Beiley and Harper in the amount of $28,302.50 for legal services. Additionally, it is requested that the following items be withdrawn from the April 5th agenda: Item 17 - World Trade Center Tower - deferred at the request of the City Attorney. Item 18 - Mr. Euripides Riera, President, Pan American Chamber of Commerce - requested that lie be rescheduled to the May 10th Commission Meeting. 31 .r` Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 2 Item 25 - Minority Procurement - previously accomplished. Item 28 - Burn unit appropriation - deferred for advertising requirement. Item 32 - PAB & ZAB membership composition - deferred for advertising requirement. Item 45 - USFL Agreement - previously accomplished. Item 48 - "Asociacion Internacional De Amigos De el Salvador" - deferred at the request of the City Attorney. Item 54 - Carnival Fair - fee waiver - previously accomplished. Item 101 - Special Municipal Election - previously accomplished. note: Item 16 - back-up material was inadvertently omitted from some agenda packets. A duplicate copy is included in this packet. note: Item 31 - Ordinance establishing a new special revenue fund entitled, "Recreation Activity". This item appears as a First Reading, should be considered as a Second Reading. attachment