HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-0530THE JAMES E. SCOTT (OMMUNITY ASSOCIATION N ?400 N.W. 54TH STREET s MIAMI, FLORIDA 331A7 n� The Honorable Maurice Ferre Mayor, City of Miami P.O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mayor Ferre: A rl-101,4F 63R_A070/f3R•6560 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR May 8, 1984 4�/611� This letter is in reference to a request which was submitted to the City Mariaaer's Office to request_funds to supplement our agency Is Anti -Cruse T�Ogra97,7. The Eisenhower Foundation avarded JESCA a grant to deveZop innovative techniques to deaZ Idith crime, on a, neiahborhood lev sing the phiZosopnu of self-help. We wou.Zd Zike to request 1000 from the City to aurn'17e77t this program. I would Like to speak on this issue at the City Commission Meeting on Thursdau, 10th. Please give our agency your support on this most important issue. AWH: gmw cc: Howard Gary, City Manager Carol Taylor, Assistant to Mayor City Commission Members FILE I] - Member: United Way of Dade County Sincere �ly, Archie W. Hardwick Executive Director "SERVING PEOPLE IS OUR BUSINESS" Early Childhood Development Program Ex -Offender Service Program Multi -Purpose Center for the Elderly Youth Employment Services Youth Streetworkers Project Family Management Center Career Development Program Aid To Displaced Homemakers Weatherization Program Out of School Youth Program 84-530 Skill Center Legal & Economic Development Assistance Program 1 M o 7Y O V 10, Ems'" 14 °^ ,Y F: Pi= _ _ ¢^ 2400 NAIV. 54TH STRRf T w MIAMI. FLORIDA, 331AP OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE [DIRECTOR May 4, 1984 The Honorable Maurice Ferre Mayor, City of Miami P.O. Box 330708'`' Miami, Florida 33133 �tf1' G►l Dear Mayor Ferre: � �.. �. ��- ,�� •�(� C As you know, this Agency administers many programs for the City of Miami. In all the years we have been doing this, we have never asked for or received any administrative overhead funds from the City. Now, as a result of extensive studies by the accounting firm of Price Waterhouse, our Board has decided to computerize our fiscal department. This computerization will result in extensive cost savings to our funding sources, including the City, and will also result in a far more efficient administration of City funds and City programs. As in all transitions to computerized systems, however, the initial start up costs are high, and in this case we anticipate the transitional costs, including the purchase of "har&.are" to exceed sixty thousand dollars. Because of this high initial cost. ►•,,e find it necessary to ask for assistance from our funding sources in meeting it. We would respectfully request funds from the City of Miami in the sum of ten thousand dollars for this purpose. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerel , (_ AQet l� , ia�" r Li Executive Director AWN:gmw "SERVING PEOPLE IS OUR BUSINESS" cc: Mr. Howard Gary, Manager . Early Childhood Development Program City of Miami Ex -Offender Service Program Multi -Purpose Center for the Elderly Youth Employment Services Youth Streetworkers Project Family Management Center Career Development Program Yam, Aid To Displaced Homemakers Weatherization Program Fairbreak Program A United Way Agency Legal & Economic Development Assistance Program 84-530 Al0rl6Al 84-53C. 4 Honorable Maurice Ferre Page 2 December 9, 1983 headquarters to provide current crime data for the JESCA neighborhood in addition to historical information. Without this information, the grantee cannot; accurately develop a workplan that will address crime. To date, Martin 7_irk from the Miami Police Department has been most: helpful. The national program provides a unique approach to community crime prevention. To further your understanding of the bipartisan Eisenhower Foundation, I have enclosed an annual report for your review. The Foundation is the private sector re-creation of the 1968 National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, to which President Johnson appointed me as Chairman and Judge A. Leon Higginbotham as Vice Chairman. We have retained these positions on the Foundation. In addition, Sister Isolina Ferre, who I admire a great deal, is a very active Board Member. In advance, I want to thank you for your participation. We are excited about this innovative program and are confident that JESCA's efforts will be exemplary. Sincerely., Milton S. Eisenhower rhai rman Enclosure MSE/ms 84-530 A T/0l / 4 -53C- TO. Howard V. Gary City Manager Attention: Agenda Office FROM Maurice A. Ferre Mayor 'Ai CITY OF MlAM1, FLORIDA * ,"- INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: April 12, 1984 FILE: SUBJECT: City Commission Agenda Item REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Please place the following item on the next regular City of Miami. Commission meeting: The The James E. Scott Cai-nTanity Association (JESCA) is requesting funds in the amount of $3,750 to be utilized as a match for an existing program, the Jams E. Scott Neighborhood Anti -Crime Program. /ist M d ?'1 D%1 84-53C• Am THE JAMES E. SCOTT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 2400 N.W. 84TH STREET s MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142 0 PHONE 638-4070 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PROJECT TITLE: I J,E,S,C,A, NE GHBOR400D ANTI - CRINE PROGRAM 2400 N.W. 54TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142 TELEPHONE : (305) 639 -4070 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: ARCHIE W, HARDWICK GWIT PERIOD: JANUARY 1984 - DECEPBER 1984 DOLLAR SUPPORT SOUGHT (MATCHING FUNDS) : 3,750,00 "SERVING PEOPLE IS OUR BUSINESS" Early Childhood Development Program Ex -Offender Service Program Multi -Purpose Center for the Elderly Youth Employment Services Youth Stieetworkers Project Family ManzZ ernent Center Career Development Program Aid To Displaced Homemakers e� Weatherization Program Fairbreah Program A United Way Agency Legal & Economic Development Assistance Program 84-sa 2400 N W. 54T" STREET THE JAMES E. SCOTT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MIAMI, FLORIDA 33142 0 PHONE 638-4070 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Kpvjj 1, 1984 Mr. Howard Gary, City Manager City of Miami P.O. Box 330708 Miami, Flo ida 33133 /7r lcl�ro Dear MnGary: The James E. Scott Community Association would like to request funds in the amount of �- ,,75(j to be utilized as a match for a new and existing program,- .-ic 1. Scott Noighlorlic�o(l Anti - Crime Program This is i-cccivc,� 1)er year from the Eis(nlitl.­,,.c�'. 1),11'. (,ominucci existence of t1l ,z _inIJ,J ;;3- i:- ­,f the 11-l1tching funds. c)i- the fear of crime The 1;o,i] 11hi- icili-ic(, t 1. within 1,( C �i ;o 71m�-ylitllde of illegal occur- rences 11IJ-1 rir t ni I I ()iT.] f this nature which premise is to '111u,"fir: I i to c7:-ea10 vehicles by which to rid their We are hopeful that you will !i5!;if;t us in this endeavor to maintain such a vital program within our conriunity. For your information, a synopsis of the program is attached. Sincerely, I Archie 1,11. Hardwick Executive Director Encl. "SERVING PEOPLE IS OUR BUSINESS" Early Childhood Development Program Ex -Offender Service Program Multi -Purpose Center for the Elderly Youth Employment Services Youth Stic-&!v.c,0.Lrs PlOjL(t Family Mar, o:,,c nic rit Center Career Deve-toptitttit Fic;Ljani yAid To Di-,pf1-.,:,_.,1 Homemakers WeatherizatiGn Frcgtani Fairbreak Program A United Way Agency Legal & Economic Development Assistance Program 84-53()� FACT SHEET: JESCA NEIGHBORHOOD ANTI -CRIME PROGRAM STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Crime and the attendant fear of crime, acts as a catalyst in the deterioration of neighborhoods. The elderly live in vir- tual prisons, afraid to leave the confines of their homes. Social interaction decreases and alienation and hostility towards others, mainly the young, increases. The young are viewed as the enemy, the element to be eliminated. Police re- sponse to political pressures and to the realty of the situ- ation serves to exacerbate the problem. The young consequent- ially view the police as their enemy. The spiralling effect continues, as entire neighborhoods become paralyzed. Statistically, more, thanhalf of all serious cri;iies are com- mitted by young people under the aae of IS. i� government survey of cri.mc, vic1J_rns rcve 71cd t}7a; in 1. % alonc 6398,683 senior: _iVC ofr r illc:l vc., c1_e victims of scriou ; �;.. ic_ ;. T:1lcrIcr t"Ic)-'I (-.:` i.m: and 75,821 � c r ;_I: _ t'} v: c: r.rr,: ra(>: t � � .�„lr ;, (1 ,1ri:`t r i.1.lc ureic )-lj are COmm7_tl;t'(. ):>>' C)u1'1C7 11L°,�_C':(, ?'lU. C`r:.1'1 1.)Ci C 011. y --.c:.(_1"c._Cl c.�..in1c., of oppor- tunity ('��� (,er 1 �� �r_ c� "e•. ;�, ��;��}; i r1< �� An enligh i.en(:, r.pj� '(fir C-17 t(� <.'.1:;11ii(; }�)`C'�'C..'1lt'.1C�11 1)C:CF ,J t: tes focus— ing_ .� orl a < of l.r.cti.vC, r;c°i.��l1r_;o1 hca( effc,) c . A f-, ncere effort must be made to 1-rcr,}, do�,.n tIie. rG,'7istr.nceS anc fear.• whic:}; impede upon the eradicEtion of criminal activity in 0111- community. Due to the ever-increasing crime rate nine othc>r cities in ad- dition to Miami were granted funds in an effort to decrease criminal activity; These cities are Chicago, Illinois, Washing- ton D.C., Newark N.J., Cleveland, Ohio, Minneapolis Minnesota, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Bronx New York, Baltimore Maryland and Brooklyn New York. The goal of the project is to: 1- Address the underlying causes of crime by involving the youth disproportionately re- sponsible for crime. 2- Reduce the opportunities for crime. 3- Involve senior citizens as staff resources and as volunteers who can help out in re- ducing crime and fear among all groups, including other persons themselves. 4- Develop financial self-sufficiency. R 84-530 [a Programs Methodology: The JESCA N.A.P. basic philosophy is that citizens can be an integral force in the prevention of crime within their neighbor- hoods in conjunction with the police department. A unified effort to include neighborhood residents, community organizations and criminal justice officials will be utilized to achieve pr_ogram's goals. A neighborhood advisory committee comprised of a cross --section of the above concerned citizens function as the supportive link between the community and J-N.A.P. Resources of committee members will be unified to gather inform- ation, plan and implement vehicles by which to rid community of problems. Neighborhood teams will be organized in the targeted area. These teams will function as program catalysts by identifying potential high -rill: tireas and developing a plan to curtai.l or abolish con- tinuous criminal. act.lvities. Prior to the 3-ni .A 1 ,, i ul:> of t-he JESCA N.A.P. prelir,,iinary asses t3()nt_ 1:,y! Uri iv(.-�r"si.ty which pro- vides t:_c,chn.ic .;;' .;.',j."'.17C C' iC; the, prorlrall.l. Various re:� --ource 1,r r.so , �,,_ithin th(. C()MmIAni_ty were contacted in an effort to ascertain thea..r and sensitivity of crime within their communities. Telephone surveys were conducted with 504 neighborhood residents in Liberty City and adjacent corTununi- ties during the month of December. The findings of these sur- veys are forthcoming from Northwestern and will provide and in- dication of perceptions of: crimes within their locale. when these findings are retrieved, they will be evaluated first -iv by JESCA N.A.P. advisory committee and will later be discussed with neighborhood residents. Neighborhood residents will then decide on what crimes they will attempt to address anU the neighborhood residents will make decisions of the methods which should be utilized to combat the problem. Their methods may or may not include block watches, escort ser- vices, town meetings, dial -a -cop, telephone circle etc... Our approach to crime prevention necessitates focusing on Neigh- bdrhood youths. A sincere effort will be made to break down the barriers between the young and their communities. Properly channeled, the enthusiasm and creativity of the young can reverse 4 the decline of the neighborhood. Therefore, in structuring a successful program the following guidelines may be addressed: 1- Establish a meaningful. dialogue between the young, elderly, business, clergy and law enforcement. 2- Solicit leadership and solutions from in- side the community, relying on residents (young and elderly) and local business- persons. Local businesses will also be used as a training basis and as a means of acquiring jobs for the youths. Again, it is necessary to stress that the .residents make their own decisions in the utilized methodological means used to cur- tail crime. After their decisions, the "t^:C�RF: PLAN" as formulated by the Eisenhower. foundat-ion ivill. be coYiir�l.etcd and submi_ttc d to the foundat�.on �:o. he_it aipj_i oval , - ' i73 o3 3..ocra.3 t of thc_.z.a: J pzoval, imple.mc.ritati_on %"'il.l. ta)kc place'.. on Jan11a j J. -er- vieta I',' YllJ 11_1.3"?;. ... llii(1� (�'(.`l.3nty C l cr E1e111C''_11L i3­ y 0'. Directors COTIImc>.nf:^.('J." 1.,C.)31n_t.c 1.�i�r1 C!I1C'.(_: -- JjciCrr_` and Evelyn S]_ p.,-:on - C oi—(imunity %',e'tl',%1.;.`;{ . 1.31,i::;i_n(::' ,. C:: �.].t�'l1.3� the Liberty Ci.t'1f Conuriuni.ty t,ere .Slir_veyed. Loc�.-jl. ware_- also intervi.e�,:ed concerning crime within the: area. Findings from collected data will be received from Northwestern University in March, 1984. A planning conference was held in Washington, D.C. to review techniques and implementation of crime -decreasing strategies. This conference which was held from February 14-17th was attend- ed by Alicia M. Williams, Project Director and Rose Moore, local resident and Advisory Committee Member. At present, the program is in its six (6) month planning staue as designated by the Eisenhower Foundation. (See attached Time Line) . C AN Program Staff: Paid staff is limited to a Project Director due to limited fund- ing allocation. Contractural fees are paid to JESCA for the provision of book- keeping services; fees for independent audit as required by Federal regulations will also be provided for. Budget Summation: The Eisenhower Foundation in Washington D.C. has granted JESCA N.A.P. funds in the amount of $50,000 to be utilized at $25,000 per year for their_ two -and -a -half -year anti -crime program. These fund, t•:ere acquired through local law firms by the Foun- dation and are as follows: Arl-ly, 17rced , Stearns, lq atson & Greer; Colson, iii c?c. I, _6so n; Gr enl-cCrq, Tl ju��ia, Asl:e::, HOffnl=:1'1, Y..rJ C {`a: , (lUl'.?1'L-.cl Ol_].:' ; laC`}.l ia1l b: : lij.CTtlt; Jorden, Me'l o (` i� �.`l'i'IL'•C is is (:.' ; lit l.l_A` l . �_i=.C`1; , 7il__;( �� , t''_�il" 1_t �: !'�_{ C".�lC n; Kenny NdC}7\:c3._�t:,c'.l t, >C ,'I11CiLIT,`1-'C'7�i�lh?'• �' fl�'.=.C_'c='�� 1�"�}:: Jot3efcw))Crc, Eaton MeadC��•. o)J.n; �1t(?��l ��(3CtOr & Davi ._,; Gc,clii q ' ��t:C"�) ('): '1't��l.)21Ci<?i:1.t)I); )'}t<�)1l: (�.'11 :'.�C>+.�lCY.. t_:G}1? E?r erth Adorn<� In order to maintain p1_ogrGmlllat.ic functions, JESCA N.A.P. is re- quired to acquire $3,750 yearly in matching funds to supplement the allocated $25,000 per year. (See attached budget for item- ized designation of funds) P' t M., i R a TARGET AREA OF THE JAMES E. SCOTT NEIGHBORHOOD A6, NA 79 Sr. o 1 N.W. 71 ST =c J= �� 00 Co QE N.W. 62 ST --JjLJL --j F-7 cl c El c: cl N.W. 54 ST V) (wr F- E�E (7) 1 C�=-- _-, F-- �-- -� I m AIRPORT EXPRESSWAY ti MODEL CITY 0 no 11500 Lei k Wit". A: , iY:/tSY1 YYS1Y1 Nrrl:r wry 1117I alp tot-wo - //clue: IC L 7 17 p. In 11 rI it - � __-- - �.. .. _ __. _ .,• ... _�.______. ..it1___._.._Y/Iw _t .._______I� ....�___.__'t � I ( t 4w,a.w.r un ul.r L+�nuu 1N.r t+run a+l.x .. +awu ` tt/nalTT !n"n n:e: t4" i'INnUn: MNS.HNI rin lyavtn�n tuNnlan.r to"'lld.v {Pw+uma raa,rlr nlrlirr I.—Ir Ia l.1•r t+l'rvurl. rowv :anrcl:r itlnai111 Matl:`i1N' N'IYFMlrj IYIaiM: NI b.11.1f mi, lrr pIaalr M."II I'll/ VIYIIT'itl1 Aarlll'p bf :Atvtl 1111.1 YIIYNr NYHaH LJ tpli HrnxUt ;ailVi.r fx.1Uf HYiSw{ :A.I r' :a Yrtl"IYtl•/ labfl TUT,/ tali /IT'11 f1 :air. v1:IT f:ID: vc: rf N1,Uu "aNMa'U ry' t 11 t1Y11 IS !IYI Iti: I:t .1 Ill Mnt T NI 11111A IM11,11 :AN 11t•11)i1 ::1'11: v1::IT I:1'Ir. v/::rr IWM, Mw.. 111IFili/Y q• 430— X. M:Irlxfrax+l1 IMNI'1111 SWIMri WAS, Iwr: Iwc „wIN+N IIi1"IVFIT/111 IrF %ali(.nTil11 ::ri/'-:1Y fll'I lat'r l♦IiI■1Y,1 IM:ir„Ir Iv •Alf'•• /Y NI lultxrJl M :4 F . rltl Fill' :Ari II"M I+ t11N1'hal a 11/W11 k: t 6 r YYa�' JESCA NEIGHBORHOOD ANTI -CRIME PROGRAM January 1984 - December_ 1984 Twelve (12) Months Budget POSITION Project Director SALARIES: 100% TOTAL 21,000 List the total monies to be paid based on the percentage of time of time devoted to this area. Due to funding limitations, allowable program staff is for Project Director only. FRINGE BENEFITS: FICA -FICA Match -based on 7% of Project Director's gross salary 1,470 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION: Based on 4.5% of first $6,000 per position turnover rate 945 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: Based on 1.7% of gross salary X one (I) position 357 HEALTH INSURANCE: The program will pay $70 a month for nine (9) months. 630 SUB -TOTAL PERSONNEL 3;402 LOCAL TRAVEL: Approximately 250 miles per month for twelve (12) months for Project Director @ $.20 per mile. 600 84-530 y OUT-OF-TOWN TRAVEL (CONFERENCE) Eisenhower Foundation Planning Workshop held in Washington D.C. for Project Director. Airfare (round trip) - 219 Hotel - 115 334 OUT-OF-STATE PER DIEM: Four (4) days for Project Director at $25.00 per day 100 " WORKSHOPS (CONFERENCES): Staff Training for Project Director SUB -TOTAL TRAVEL 235 1, 26- SUPPLIES: Office: Expendable supplies such as paper, pencils, folders etc. 480 Equipment: File Cabinet (2 drawer) 195 SUB -TOTAL SUPPLIES -75 OTHER EXPENDITURES: Long Distance: Calls made on as needed basis, example, Washington, D.C., arrangements of conferences, etc. 30 £UB-TOTAL TELEPHONE 'POSTAGE: Mailing of letters, brochures etc. s 41 30 ti 84-53G 4 PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION: 200 copies a month for twelve (12) months based on a rate of 6ct. per copy 144 PROFESSIONAL FEES Accounting and bookkeeping services provided by JESCA at $100.00 per month for twelve (12 ) MONTHS. 1,200 � CAUDIT: Outside CPA firm audit fees. Performed by independent auditor; Winston Lowe, Certified Public Accountant, Miami, Florida 1,000 SUB -TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,374 TOTAL PROGRA14 EXPENDITURES 2s,750 The Asteriks * designate expenses which are to be paid through the utilization of matching funds in the amount of $3,750. V w� 84"53Q =_Kr as_.��., r., t �> . ..:--•-- �_..., : --.. �...-. ...- :.�.:.- -- _��+: • �- iYi'+F�Y Via.-. PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION: 200 copies a month for twelve (12) months based on a rate of 6ct. per copy 144 PROFESSIONAL FEES Accounting and bookkeeping services provided by JESCA at $100.00 per month for twelve (12) MONTHS. 1,200 AUDIT: Outside CPA firm audit fees. Performed by independent auditor; Winston Lowe, Certified Public Accountant, Miami, Florida 1,000 SUB -TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,374 TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 28,750 The Asteriks * designate expenses which are to be paid through the utilization of matching funds in the amount of $3,750. 84"53� i NOW PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION: 200 copies a month for twelve (12) months based on a rate of 6ct. per copy 144 .PROFESSIONAL FEES Accounting and bookkeeping services provided by JESCA at $100.00 per month for twelve (12) MONTHS. 1,200 ,UDIT Outside CPA firm audit fees. Performed by independent auditor; Winston Lowe, Certified Public Accountant, Miami, Florida 1,000 SUB -TOTAL OTHER EXPENDITURES 2,374 TOTAL PROGRAM EXPENDITURES 28,750 The Asteriks * designate expenses which are to be paid through the utilization of matching funds in the amount of $3,750.