HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-05262
TO: Howard V. Gary
City Manager
FROM' o o iguez, Director
P1 epartment
DATE: May 3, 1984 FILE:
SUBJECT: Public Hearing Item -
Miami Center II Development
Order (Res. 81-840, 9/24/81)
and Res. 82-71, 1/28/82)
REFERENCES: Agenda Items 13 and 36; City
Commission Meeting of 4/26/84
Per Resolutions 84--481; April 26, 1984, the
City Commission will hold a public hearing to
consider a time extension and other
amendments to the t1iami Center 11 Development
r�5deer ( esolutions x ��#C? September 24,
1— 2 , a rZ i] cI) 7 1 F January 2 �j , 1 i) �l " ) ..
e' The purpose of t h i s l)ub). i c I i e �3r i nt i ;; tc) 11.ow a general
discussion of Iliami- Center 1 � nd III i��r1}i. Center II, possible
amendments to t;he 11iarty-i. CCIIt. eI, 1 _t 1)cvcIo1,r,icrit Order, and
_ possibly, .a future public her.rinf- on the
In the next; agenda item, the Planni.n Tarp ,rtn}c nt, is recommending
a time eaten ion to t:hc Miami. Center 11 Development Order.
Prior to and during discussion of agenda items 13 and 36, City
Commission meeting of April 26,1984, pertaining to Miami Center I
and II, Commissioner J. L. Plummer had requested a) a response as
to whether portions of Miami Center I could be deleted and b)
discussion of air rights, the bifurcated ramps, and the Downtown
Component of Metrorail station, as they pertained to Miami Center
Miami Center I Project
The building program, as approved by Development Order
(Resolutions 79-396; May 24, 1979 and 81-840; September 24, 1981)
issued by the City Commission is shown below. The project, as
presently constructed is also shown below.
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s4- 5z6
Howard V. Gary
May 3, 1984
Phase I
Office Tower
Hotel (630 units)
1145 sp.**
Phase II
Residential 324* not
"e constructed
Parking 695 s .
7375 sp.
e uced to 324 units: letter from Mr. Gould January 21, 1983.
**1145 regular spaces can accommodate 1485 valet parking spaces.
The conclusions are:
1. The developer may delete a portion of tale project e.g.,
phase 2 residential units and perking. They Development Order
limits the project, but; does not require that all parts be
built. A similar situation pertains to condi.tiona1 use
2. This Department is concerned about the discrepancy between
the a) amount of parking proffered by the developer and
approved by the Commission and b) actually provided, for the
office building and hotel. However, the developer proceeded
under a valid building permit issued by the City.
A final Certificate of Occupancy is being withheld from Miami
Center I (1st Phase) per the recommendation of the Planning
Department that the developer a) covenant to provide $250,000 for
a pedestrian overpass to the Biscayne Boulevard DCM station (at
SE 2nd Street) and b) provide $945,000 for surface street
improvements in DuPont Plaza. Both conditions are required by
Development Orders.
Miami Center II
1. Air Rights
Once rights -of -way are dedicated to the public, the City
acts as trustee for the public; abutting property owners
have those customary rights such as access. Moreover,
the City, by permit, may allow certain infringements such
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Howard V. Gary
May 3, 1984
as signs, overhangs, etc. Permission to construct
private pedestrian overpasses, over public rights -of -way
has customarily been granted by the Commission through an
authorizing resolution.
In the case of the DuPont
Plaza rights--of-way, Dade
County has conducted internal
analysis sufficient to
conclude that, through common
and statutory .law, the
public has rights, adequate and
sufficient legally, to
construct and operate the DCM
station on SE 3rd Street
without compensation to the
abutting private owner.
Further, the City may, at its
option, move to establish
fee simple title to the SE
3rd Street right -of --way,
thereby further extinguishing
any rights claimed by the
abutting private property owner.
Chapter 95,361 Florida
Statutes provides (in summary)
that where a municipality
has constructed and maintained
a right-of-way for a
period of 4 rears, fee simple
title may be established
through proof or declaration.
2. Bifurcated Ramps in DuPont Plaza
Per the hii.ami. Center II Development Order, the developer
is obligated
a) to dedicate all easements and right-of-way to
implement required transportation improvements,
specifically including required dedications along the
north right-of-way line of SE 4th Street, upon the
granting of all variances and conditional use permits
necessary for Miami Center II and agreement from the
City for the construction of the Miami Center II
garage (Condition 13a).
b) to front-end $11.68 million (1980 dollars) for the
construction of the bifurcated ramps through loans or
bond purchases if a public sector financing package
has not been committed by September 30, 1982
(Condition 18).
e) fund, bond, or provide a letter of credit for up to
$813,200* (in 1980 dollars) for surface street
improvements in DuPont Plaza, prior to the City
issuing a building permit for Miami Center II or a
certificate of occupancy for Miami Center I.
*August, 19 3 = 945,000
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Howard V. Gary
May 3, 1984
d) construct the direct ramps from the Miami Center II
garage to the I-95 connector.
(See attachments -- pages 9-14 from the Development
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) by letter
of April 10, 1984 (attached), states that the design of
the proposed extension of the I-95 Downtown Distributor
into DuPont Plaza is now at the 50% completion point.
The FDOT letter further requests that the right-of-way
necessary for the bifurcated ramps in DuPont Plaza be
dedicated immediately by the developer to the State in
order to meet their construction schedule. At the same
time, the FDOT letter states that the substantial front
end funding by the developer for the ramps may no longer
be required, but that, the financial contribution by the
developer for local_ street Improvements is still
3. Downtown Component: cif' Metro► rsil_ (f-C1S) St.«tion
Per Condition 15"Li cif the 17eve1.0pill ent Order, the
assumption jr, made, that the total, cost:. to Dade County for
the DCM ,yst< in shr.l.l. not; raxcced t.1)o.: c cost:: �•rhich the
County would have incurred had the Dupont, P3.aza DCM
Station been built as in the conceptual. transportation
plan; any additional costs for the proposed relocation
are the responsibility of the developer.
Dade County has already made, and will incur, substantial
expenditures for the proposed DCM station on SE 3rd
Street, between SE 2nd Avenue and SE 3rd Avenue,
including the following items:
1) $170,000 for an electrical equipment building on the
Howard Johnson property;
2) A court award arising from a condemnation suit for
the property under the equipment building (above);
3) Additional charges from Westinghouse, the prime DCM
contractor, for re -design and construction delays
arising from ttze relocation of the proposed DCM
station, from east of 3rd Avenue to west of 3rd
Avenue, as requested by the developer of Miami Center
The Planning Department further understands that Dade
County has no intention of a) proceeding with this DCM
station unless Miami Center II is built and satisfactory
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0 It
Howard V. Gary
May 3, 1984
private financial participation is provided or b)
compensating the developer of Miami Center II for any
"air rights" (see previous discussion). The County
judges that the World Trade Center DCM station and the
Biscayne Boulevard DCM station (between 1st and 2nd
} Streets) will provide adequate service to the DuPont
Plaza Area.
If the City Commission is interested in considering further
amendments to the Miami Center II Development Order, then a
public hearing July 12, 1984, would be appropriate to allow
proper notice.
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42--tYR}c :4 �e
0 � f
Miami Regional Service (1--nter
401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, R= 220
Miami, Florida 33128
April 10, 1984
Mr. Howard Cary, City Manager
City of Miami
3500 Fan Fimarican Drive
City Hall
Miami, Florida 33133
Dear Mr. Cary
Fe: I-95 D:7wntxun Distributor ramps
WPI Ib. 61,13307
State jc.") tea. 87006-1503
rb d-r*
7te D`part-a:-nt is currently at the point of fifty peroant (50%) ecinpleticn
of final dasign for th-- proposed extension to the I-95 Downtown Distributor
into Dupont Plata. Our. -duled letting date for construction of tip
initial portion of this major project is Jane, 1985.
As you know, the development of this project has baen a joint effort invol-
ing the State, City and County as well as private developers. A portion of
the right--of-vay required is to b-- dedicated by t2-k-- developer of the Miami
tenter Project through a Development order issued by the City. At this
time, the Dowmtcwn Distributor Project is at the stag When right--of-way
dedication must begin in order to maet our conttuction schedule. Enclosed
is a copy of a right-of-w-ay map indicating the parcels required.
It is our under -standing that the latest extension to tl)2 Mizj- d Q=_nter
Development Order will expire on shy 12, 1984, and will require an action
by the City uz the caring -ks to rur a in in force. If possible, we
recpUest that tin;✓ Crd--r's extension include a m-qui.renent to dadicate the
needed right-of-way to th~ Stag ire iediately. At the szua- t:iare, 6e believe
that the Davelcq-irent Order's requirciaant for-,abstantia1 front end funding
by the developer for thn rw,.I)s irr:y no lorigar b--- rv--Quired since the Eupart-
ment has se -cured R--decal fixanc.ial participation. F ero r, financial
contributions for local strut i.-t-proverrents nequiaed by this and other
Developuent Orders ai-e still w- cessary and nxist he available for camiitment
purposes prior to the abcne rrenti.oned letting date.
84- 52C
Mr. ixxar+d Gary a.
April 100 1984
Page 2
Clonstrniation of the Doumt-own Distributor extension currently envisioned is
contingent upon the dedication of the Miami Center right -of -sway. Your
Assistance will be greatly appreciat�ea.
-�l ,
District Engineer
cc: Paul N. Pappas, Secretary
bcc: William Miller, John Taylor, Edward Yue, George CambeU, Joe I4aays,
Carol Fortlun3n
The Applicant Shalls
the obligation to pay for
and construct the pedes-
trian connections in 10a.
12a. Reach agreement
with the City concerning
the remaining pedestrian
circulation system issues
as describcd. in 1213 with-
in 21.0 -6ay of_7 i-he is-
Order, C.41J,hor the
1) c S , t
Bank,,, ij-1-11 OVC(ry T)
al'i or(
in tho �3
prove by City
commisA,(:n -, n 6 1,. n a
complete repor-1- 1,,,a the
South Florida, Regional
Planning Council on 10ap
lla and 12a, as amend-
ment to the Application
for Development Approval.
Nothing shall relieve the
Applicant of its obliga-
tion to pay for and con-
struct the pedestrian
connections in 10a.
13a. Have prepared, in
colloboration with con-
sultants for the Florida
Department of Transporta-
tion.a technical opera-
tions and impact analysis
of certain modifications
to the current traffic
concept plan adopted by
MPO Resolution 1-814-P
January 26, 1981 and which
modifications as Let forth
in Figure 3 attached
'Modified Recommended
Highway System Plan* have
been recommended by the
The City Shalls
be granted for complete
operation of the project
until the required pedes-
trian circulation system
elements .ire completnde
contingent on per-AlCom.,ance
by Southeast Jlan%/Geriald
D. Hines Interests, the
DuPont Plaza Hotel and
the owners of the Pan
American BanX nuildingr
provided that certificates
of occupancy will be
granted for completed pro-
Ject elements (Paragraph
'l) when the related pedes-
trian circulation system
elements have been com-
12b. Resolve the remain-
ing pedestrian circulation
system issues of construc-
tion, ownership, insu-
rance, security and util-
ity accoss At-, n d reach
agreement E- ' t-lic Appli-
cant vithin 21.0 6ny,; of
the iuanccl (", �! ,, this
Development ' ()Y:dor( rccog-
nizing the inc).-ca,,,cd tax
revenues to be generated
upon project completion.
13b. Hereby approve, in
concept the "MoZified
Recommended Highway Sys-
tem Plan" (Figure 3
attached) as recommended
by the DuPont Plaza Task
Force September 2, 1981;
it being understood that
that MFO will be urged to
substitute t1iis plan for
the plan previously
adopted by MVO Resolution
1-81; January 26, 1981.
The City shall continue
to urge FDOT to maintain
31.tj - F7
'Ag recommended by the, DuPont Plaza" -Task
.9-2-81, to be forwarded to the MPO as a
stitute for the plan
previously adopted
ILDO Resolution 1-81. ;
Januar7 303, 1931,
mapp - Fa-17T
3'= r
The Applicant Shall:
The City Shall:
DuPont Plaza Tack Force
at least one -north -bound
on September 2, 1981,
lane from the Brickell
with the participation of
Bridge to, SE 2nd Avenue.
the Applicant, Southeast
to SE 3 d Street to SR
Battik Financial Center/
3rd Aven"n.
Gerald O. Hanes Interests
and the Dupont Plaza
The City shall not grant
a building permit until a
copy of this Development
Upon the granting of all
Order has been transmit -
variances and conditional
ted to the South Florida
use: permits necessary for
Regional Planning Council
the development. of Ma.ami
and a period of 45 days
Center 7il, as discussed
has elapsed from the date
in Paragraph I hereof*
of issuance of this
and the obtainment of any
Development Order*
necessary action or agree-
ments from the City re-
quired for the construc-
tion of the Miami Center
IT garage, the Applicant
- -
shall dedicate all ease-.
ments and right-of-way,
owned by the Applicant,
required by t bc City,
County and' F7-t7aitc to im-
plement (o---- 1-3-ovi.6c, access
to) ,rcgi.ii:. (-6 t;.J;`z=ns orta—
tion.. c' ntl :=(`c..oi)0 J,c vel
. pedestur r_r.;.n improve-
ments, in -
eluding dc .(ca-
tions <3.c nsj '(,he north
right-of�cua r ) 5.ne. of SE
4th Street: (niscayne
Boulevard Way) .
14a. Assume that the
14b. It is expected that
FDOT has a, consultant
the FDOT will ha--e a con -
under contract by Septem-
sultant under contract by
ber 11, 1981 for the task
September 11, 1981 com-
outlined in 14b, committed
mitted to completing con -
to completing construction
struction documents 12
documents either a) 12
months thereafter.
months thereafter or b) 12
Failing which:
months prior to the esta-
blished completion of
The City shall prepare
construction of the Miami
plans, specifications and
Avenue Bridge, whichever
estimates for the design
conditions are more len-
and engineering of all
ient; failing which:
surface street improve-
ments in DuPont Plaza,
The Applicant shall pre-
such documents, if re -
pare, according to speci-
quired shall be completed
fications to be agreed
by September, 1982. (See
upon with rDOT, design
City Commission Resolution
and engineering plans of
81-113; February 26, 1981.)
the 1-95 bifurcated ramps
to the surface: streets
and Miami Center II
garages (Lee Figure 3)t
and obtain final FDOT
approval thereof; such
documents, if required,
shall be completed by
February, 1983.
-11- 81 —840
The Applicant Shall:
As a condition of issuing
a biiildinq permit, the
Applicant ngreen to pro-
vide a M -Aint--nance of
traffic plan and a con-
struction employ cue park-
nq plan by calendar quar-
ters until July, 1984 or
the issuance of a certi-
ficate - 6f occupancy for
structures in Miami Cen-
ter XXj to be approved by
the City.
15a. Fund, bond, or pro-
vide a letter of credit to
the County and/or State
for up to $813,200 (in
1980 dollars) for State
and/or County contruction
of surface street i-mrpove-
ments in DuPont Plaza
generally similar to those
improvements shown on
pages 60-68 of the Report
and Rccommcndations of
the Sou.-Ik-h Florida Recional
Planniyio Cotincil (Exhibit
B). It, that
the to-',z�tl t,o Dade
County foi: 0)(I:)C`Pa system
shall. n(".A.< those
costs County
Would ));_ZVCII 1.T'1C1;3)'_'rcd had
the Di.Wont_ F, 1'- -za 14M
station L)ecn 1)tiilt as in
the conceptual transpor-
tation. plan adopted by
MPO Resolution 1-81; pro-
vided however, that any
additional costs for the
proposed relocation are
the responsibility of the
16. Construct, per speci-
fications to be agreed
upon by FDOT, the direct
ramps from the Miami Cen-
ter II garage to the
1-95 connector at an
appropriate time to be
determined by FDOTr to
insure simultaneous com-
pletion of the 1-95
bifurcated system.
16a. Cooperate wi0i the
DuPont Plaza Hotel in
obtaining d direct rainp
connection from 1-95 into
any new building erected
on the DuPont Plaza Hotel
46 V-1�6
The City Shall:
15b. Insure that the re-
quired funding, bond or
letter of credit has been
provided prior to issuing
any building permits for
the proposed development
or certificates of occu-
pancy for any portion of
Miami Center I (Ball Point),
The Applicant Shalls
is* -Front end 8 0 % MI.
66 million in 1980 dol-
lars) of the construction
costs of the 1-95 bifur-
cated ramps by:
a) As a preferred op-
tion, arrange loans
to or bond purchase
from appropriate
governmental agen-
cies, based on an
The City ShaI12
17. Evalunto, in colla-
boration vrith the Dade
County Dept- of Traffic
and Transport;i.tionp the
Dade County Office of
Transportation Admini-
stration and Florida De-
partment of Transporta-
tion the recommended op-
tions, contained in the
Report and Recommenda-
tions of the South Flo-
rida Regional Planning
Council (Exhibit "B"),
and any other options
which may be feasible for
,-..,public sector financing
-114.6 million in 1980
dollars) of the 1-95
bifurcated ramps to the
Dupont Plaza surface
street system; and pre-
pared a report and recom-
mendations, to be sub-
mitted to the Regional
Planning council, the
Metropolitan Planning or-
ganization, I)ovntown De-
velopi*,ic,n-",-. Authority, and
and \'i!-))J'none
year 0Y tlw the
DevcAoI-,,ri-wnI_ Ord(' ' 'r, Cn the
pref(.,xY(-_-6 E-ryhich
should Y)ct pvir'mc,6, in-
cluding thc f;t'ep!7 neces-
sary to i.nS11rry -their
realization co that con-
struction may begin im-
mediately after comple-
tion of the Miami Avenue
Bridge project. Conside-
ration shall be given to
the increased ad valorem
revenues from Southeast
Bank and Miami Center I
(Ball Point) and 11 in
funding these necessary
The Applicant
equitable reimburse-
m-ent agreement among
appropriate parties
which shall specify
interest rates and
maturity dates; or
b) hrrange loans to, or
bond purchases from
appropriate govern-
{ mental agencies, to
be evidenced by tax-
exempt governmental
obligations which
are eligible for
pledging (at a mar-
ket value that
equals the full pur-
chase price) against
public deposits by
the State of Flo-
rida, as determined
by the Florida State
Constitution, State
Statutcr or ik-he State
Coptrollr-, i,-1)5.chcver
pub l.ic
C3.11a ))'zs riot
be c, iA c cl il i i i (I by
11 30t 1982.
19a. prom,3i.r. cOn-
servation �,nei tli(-, u, c of
public trr_�nr-_A_t_ 1.,y partici-
pating in TrLnc-,T?orI.-,ation
System Mcanagcmcnt., coor-
dinated wi t- h the Dade
County Office of Transpor-
tation Administration,
through such measures as
employer -subsidized ride -
sharing programs and van
pools; variable work hour
schedules such as staggered
work hours, flex -time and
a 4-day work week; employer
subsidized transit use
coupled with remote -site
parking policy to dis-
courage 8-hour use. The
applicant shall prepare
a report for review with-
in 60 days of this Dev-
velopment Order.
Energy Conversation
The Applicant shall:
The City shall: ME
19b. Work closely with
the Downtown Development
Authority, the Dade County
Office of Transportation
Administration and the
Applicant to promote tran-
sit use; shall encourage a
downtown parking pricing
policy to discourage 8-
hour use and shall con-
tinue enforcement efforts
to restrict or prohibit
on -street parking, all
of which are intended to
maximize the use of the
available roadway capa-
210. Prepare a technical feasibility analysis for construction and
operation of a cogeneration facility, which analysis must in-
clude those elements specified in SFRPC report (Exhibit OB")