HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #24 - Discussion ItemE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To. Honorable Mayor and DATE. P-lay 1, 1984 F1L2: Members of the City Commission SUBJECT: 1984 G.O. Bond Sale FROM. Howard V. Gary City Manager REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: On January 30, 1984, you received a memorandum which indicated consideration was being given to the possibility of selling $25M in General Obligation Bonds in April or May of this year. At that time no definite date had been established for the sale, and the precise amount of bonds to be ;gold had not been determined. Since that memorandum was written, rbe have had numerous discussion,with the City 's bond advisor, J, J. Lowrey & Co. , investment broker-5 and others who have knowledge and experience in bond Pales. The determi.nz: tion cif "how mach to sell" and when to sell is strongly governed b)' a� nur:)ber of inter--rel.itcd factors: 1 . Internal Revenue `,erg i c. e (1)(3) Ar^battraf,e�Requirements There rcoui r iwo c orripli.cd wiG.h to en,, ure that the toy, t_'),r'mpt {.,��it,,lt., of t,!l('. t1<and.a are maintained. Basi.caIJ y, i,}Ic jiu;i_c c>f Itrt>i 1,r, c° requi. r-es that, t;hcre be r'reason,,blr r;;pr=c.1.;, t:iorr" th ,t r: portion, of the borrowed fund: will be :.dent on the project for which it was borrowed within six months of the bond -'alc settlement date, and all of�the funds borrowed be spent within thirty-six months. The purpose of this Rule is to preclude jurisdictions from excessive borrowing of funds at long-term rates to be reinvested at short-term rates, which are generally higher than long-term rates. 2. Ability of the City to Effectively %pend Borrowed Funds There is a very definite number- of capital projects that can be initiated and effectively managed by the City at U given tine. Projects must be planned, specifications developed and many other activities must be accomplished to ensure effective utilization of funds and success of the project. Historically, the City has been able to spend approximately $20-$25M per year on capital construction. Page 1 of 4 H Honorable Mayor and flay 1, 1984 Members of the City Commission 3. Presence in the Bond Market It is to the advantage of the City to have a consistent and predictable presence in the New York bond market. It is very helpful in marketing City bonds if it is known that each year the City will be coming to the marketplace with a specific sale. Based upon our present assessment of the City's capital needs, it appears that the City will probably be going to the market to sell $25-$35M in General Obligation Bonds each 12 to 18 months for the next several years. 4. Bond Ratings The ratings by Standard and Poor's and by Moody's are a very important' factor, in the marketing of City bonds. The r<�tinF;cencies expect the City to follow a prudent., 1 c_i' thought � out, cc7ns1s:t;oil t,, borrowing progi-nill, r o 3 i ; (!a1 l.y �15 it r e I t.0 t.o C;enera Obligat.ion Pond,,,', They exp<<ct jllri.�dict:"to borrow only what. tlicy tiailen thc'y ncc:ci ? t, . " J'17nt to know spcc:ii"ic: l,ly Dour t:,hc: fun(J., I:ri 1)c �.�: c rid i.f the project,: t: i_:17. be completed pl<'snt7c d . Th(, rating agencies continually evaluate. the debt I�osi.t:i.c,n of the issuer. They are very concerned with the ratio of debt per capita, net debt to assessed value, debt cost as a percentage of revenues, as well as ohter- comparative statistics. The issuance of General Obligation debt must be done in such a manner that will be viewed in a positive way by the rating agencies. 5. Interest Rate Expectations An additional factor which may influence the size and timing of a bond sale is interest rate expectations. There is no reliable formula to predict market behavior. The interest rates vary from Say to day and generally follow either upward or downward trends. When possible, one should attempt to enter the market when interest rates are low and avoid the market, if possible, when rates appear to be high. Although there is some latitude in terms of size and timing of a sale, care must be exercised to avoid attempting to "play the market." 0 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission 6. Long -Term Borrowin . The City has a long-term capital program which it expects to fund, in part, by the sale of General Obligation Bonds. Projects included are those approved by the City Commission because of their importance to the well-being of the community. Delaying the funding for needed projects which are part of a long-term capital improvement program simply causes a "doubling up" of funding requirements in future years. What you don't borrow this year you will have to borrow next year. As a general rule, as a regular, long-term capital funds borroucr, the Cite should go the market "for only what is needed when it is needed." RECOMMENDATION'S In assessin , tlic Cit.}a1J_ of the above factors were considered. 1',C 4 r°C that the City sell $30.2M in General 0b3_i.f-2,, 1., can Plonci.> c:,n Jun(� 1)1, 1984. Specifically, ve airc, racem(imending that bonds be sold for the purpose and the amount;, indicated below: A. Storm Drain Project - $314 These funds will be utilized to complete and/or initiate seven projects. B. Highways and Streets - $7.1M $5M will be utilized for nine projects throughout the City. $2.1M will be utilized on the Overtown-Parkwest project. C. Housing - $18.1M $7M will be used to complete the purchase of land for the $65M Multi -Family Housing Program. $11.1M will be utilized for land acquisition in the Overtown-Parkwest area. � � I Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission D. Fire Facilities - $2M -4- May 1, 1984 These funds will be utilized for approved data processing and communication enhancements. The date of June 14 was selected because it is the earliest date that we can be ready to go to the market. Bond interest rates are on an upward trend and all expectations are that this trend will continue until at least the end of the year. Expectations are that after the Congress recesses, activity will increase in the tax exempt market. Additionally, it is felt that the market may be more stable at that time and if we are able to sell on June 14, we will be in the market before the volume increases which may cause interest rates to be higher. Attachment 1: Projects to be Funded with 1984 Bond Sale Attachment 2: Bonds Authorized and Not Issued • CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORAyDUM ATTACHMENT 1 TO. Randolph Rosencrantz DATE: April 25 , 1 o.8,4 FILE: Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Projects to be funded with 184 Bond Sale Carlos E. Garcia FROM: Director of Finance REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Proceeds of the 1984 - $30.2M G.O. Bond Sale are projected to be as follows; Housing Bonds Affordable Housing $ 7,000,000 Overtown Park West 11 100 000 1T1100,000 Streets & HiE?hways City wide I', wing $ 250t000 —_ Design P3 aza 500,000 Manor i3igliway Improvement 700,000 S.W. 27Gh Avenue 70,000 Allapattah Industrial Area 1,0001000 Grand Avenue Sidewalk 200,000 Overtown Highway 400,000 E. Litble Havana Highway 1,000,000 S.W. 16th Street Highway 880,000 Overtown Parkwest 2,100,000 7,100,000 Storm Sewers Flagler Storm Mods. 200,000 Local Drainage E-54 800,000 Riverview P.S. Mods. 50,000 Orange Bowl P.S. Mods 100,000 Manor 600,000 Shenandoah 420,000 LeJeune Station 830,000 3,000,000 Fire Bonds New Communications System 2,000,000 Total $ 30,200,000 N ATTACHMENT 2 G. 0. Bonds Authorized & Issued 9/30/83 s - Date Purpose AMT Issued Balance 6/30/70 Highways $ 811475,000 $ 75,100,000 - $6,375,000* Pollution Control 9/28/76 Sanitary Sewers 25,000,000 22,000,000 3,000,000 Fire 10,000,000 101000, 000 --0-- .3/9/76 Housing 25,000,000 6,900,000 18,100,000 3/7/78 Storm Sewer 15,000,000 12,000,000 3,000,000 10/7/80 Sanitary Sewer 45,000,000 -0- 45,000,000 Streets 3010001000 6,000,000 24,000,000 11/3/81 Fire 21,000,000 8,000,000 13,000,000 3/12/84 Police 20,000,000 -0- 20,000,000 Sewer 30 000 000 -0-30000.0, 000 302, 75� 0 1 0,000,000 2 75,000