HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #23 - Discussion Item0 CITY OF MI,AMI, F!_0111PA, TO Howard V. Gary City Manager INTER -OFFICE MEMORANn- UM DATE: May 4, 1984 FILE - SUBJECT, Special Funding Request Professor Armando Naser FP.om LaT ! l' in REFERENCES: Director Department of Parks and Recreation ENCLOSURES: Recommendation: The Department of Parks and Recreation does not recommend funding the request received from Professor Armando Naser for $7,000 to cover the costs of presenting a theatrical production at the "Festival CerVantino" to be held in Mexico City in October 1984. Background: Professor Armando Naser, affiliated with the Koubek Center as a drama instructor, has presented a request for funding in the amount of $7,000, to cover the costs of a theatrical presentation at the "Festival Cervanti.no" to be held in Mexico City during the month of October, 1984. The recommendata_«n for denial is based upon the following reasons: o The e.%)_)end tkirc of these funds would not directly benefit the resa_6(..1nts, of the City of hjiami . • The City has not-- historically funded theatrical promotions in foreign countries. These events are normally funded from private sources or from the U.S. State Department Cultural Exchange Program. • The proposed budget is not clear_ in that total cost and other sources of funding are not identified. • Professor Naser does not represent a non-profit organization chartered in the State of Florida, and cannot supply finan- cial certification and, therefore, does not comply with APM-1-84. AHL:SLM:mo Z)sCUSsi6A1 ,., It 91 CITY CIF f`AfAPif, f`f_C}R?{)a1 INTER-OFF'ICF_ MIrP+1C?RAR. DUM TO Howard V. Gary City Manager rROM Dena Spillman,/Director Department of Community Development DATE" May 8, 1984 FILE SUBJECT Festival Cervantino Special Funding Request REFERENCES C i ty Commission Agenda Item May 10, 1.984 ENCLOSURES Attached is an evaluation submitted by the Department of Parks and Recreation recommending that the request received from Professor Naser for Festival Cervantino be denied. Profesor Armando Naser requested $7,000 to cover the costs of pre- senting a theatrical production at the "Festival Cervantino" to be held in Mexico City during October, 1984. The Department of Parks and Recreation finds that an event such as this does not directly benefit the residents of the City of Miami. Also, the City of Miami does not usually fund theatrical productions in foreign countries since these events are normally funded by the U.S. State Department Cultural Exchange Program and private sources. Profesor Naser does not represent a not -for -profit corporation in the State of Florida and cannot supply financial certification, and thus, does not comply with APM-1-84. Please indicate below whether or not you support their recommendation. /rjf Enclosure Request for funds denied: Howard V. Gary, City Manager Request for funds approved: Howard V. 6ary, City Manager ' Cl" OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ti INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Howard V. Gary DATE: April 25, 1984 rILF, City Manager SUBJECT: City of Miami representation at -'� Festival Cervantino in Mexico / City De cAtrio Perez, Jr. FROM- V i C'ib -ma yO r REFERENCES: _ ENCLOSURES: k I Attached you will find copy of a presentation b- in which he request to re resent the City of Miami with a play at the Please include this item in the next regular Commission Meeting Agenda. Thank you for your cooperation. bm CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Howard V . Gary DATE: April 25, 1984 City Manager fltE: SUBJECT: City of Miami representation at Festival Cervantino in Mexico City )e e rio Perez, Jr. - IR FROM: V i Gi1b _ a y o r REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Attached you will find copy of a presentation in which he request to re resent the City of Miami with a play at the Please include this item in the next regular Commission Meeting Agenda. Thank you for your cooperation. bm 13 • UnivefsIt Miami i ce, Ha 33135 SCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES John J. Koubek Memorial Center 270S S.W. Third Street (305) 649.3448 1 as novierbre de 1983 Sr. Arrando Baser: Ra nowbre de nueutra institucibn, el Koubek Memorial Center de la Escusla de Hstudios Continuados de la Universidad de Miami, la coal represent-.aros Como Director y Director Asistente de la risra, queremos darle lea gracias por nu valiora colaboraci6n en la Seirana de la Hispanidad del pasa.da octubre de 1983. Le reiteraros nuestro agradeciriento g quedamos de usted atentaaente, i j Ren Josh Silva, i Director -05:�74- Pablo Chao, Director Asistente A Rude. hdependerit. { artotiond llra asty An Equd Opportu ky / Affirmotive Action Employer ._- T ARMANDO NASER 345 N.W. 57 Ave, Apt.# 206. Miami. Florida. Telf- 264-4145. OBJECTIVES1 Writing, acting, directing. Usethe theater as a dynamic vehicle to bring about favorable changes that could lead to the integration of the personality when the ideal and the reality do not converge. Transmit each time a more sensible humanistical ap- proach to be used in a positive direccion toward evolution. UCATIOK, National School of Arts (Major in Acting) National School of Direction- (Director) Superior Institute of Arts Havana University- (D,a jor in Drama') Koubek Center University of Niami- Frofessor.in Esc, Arts. _Professional) H-2;1"T"I.-i.encoz. : Actor, ;`nd profesor of Drama- National School of Art. (Cuba) c_L rn _, i Thc,ater, television and movi.c actor. Leadin(,-, .G i in plays by Shakespeare, j�ioliere, Anouilh, ib,,vcn,Irt.hur killer, Tennessee Williams, Coldone, Ger. tr udi : Gomez &-, Inton Che jov, Joaquin Lorenzo Lunces,alocceceio end others. Directing plays:- A street car fumed Desire by Tennessee Williams, Macbeth, Hamlet, Historia de una Escalera by Buero Vallejo,El Dano que hace el Tabaco, Los Cuentos del Decameron, E1 viejo Celoso, E1 Becerro de Oro and other classics such as, Cervantes and Lopez de Vega. Special Interest: Writingi-Poetry and essays: Philosofical, Esthetics, Political and Humanistical. Among others, unpublish materials due to the political situation in Cuba. Broadcasting and Reporting. Political Science, Philosofy, Astronautic and Martial Arts. U Miami, 3-4-1985. SrasAida Levitan-Hernandez. Ano.Vice President for Corporate Development. Estiam-da Was Por In presente le estoy informando acerca del presupuesto que nocesitamos Para producir la puesta en esce- na do In obra que ropresentaria, de ser ac4ptada, a la Ciu- dad do t4laml on al prestigioso Festival C�rvantino a celebrar- so an IR ciudad do Mexico en Octubre pr6ximo. La obra a In quo ha6o referencla as of juguete o proverbio comico quo ancribiera JosA Marti y c"Yo titulo on "A-mor con AAor so ga". 'Iculo consciente Como Diroctor do la niarra he olavorado, un ca que coaaista cn Ion nievienten gnotoss 1- Encenografia y Utilcria ------------ $ 1.600, 2- Vdatuario Or Epoca SiGlo XTX — 000. Director, Jo-fo do Frecnn. Y 3,300. do r,',ucb1-re.,1n-- 1,500. 5- Total----- 000. 21 presupuesto dado part,, 1rk 1-Pago por eiwDyo y ' durante nu ortanoir. 6o. 15 dint.: (',n 11r,,Jco'y Como compej -isacl(,n por (-nf-,wn 'Grab, -,jog du - rants or periodD.Nue pu(,i6r, c)-Acnoerre un saes si al - grupo or Como es yd oabido por Ud, y con stat Ada por c_arlk'a del Honorable Consul do Vexico, cl gasto, do lCrancporte do cocenografia y pasa- jes de avion quedaria-n tambien a cargo de la Ciudad, de modo tal que teniendo en cuenta la convereaci6n anterior sonde Ud,me mani- festo festb 1a posibilidad de conseguir los pasajes por Acro-Mexico, solo quedwria, el easto de transporte, ue or no ser FL4y agaratono -loll irrsr �.' %tvwwwve� a ;6 --t�usv- contrario, aumentarse la cantidad de acuardo a to exigido por la compahia de aviaci6n. AcompaRant eate informe copia de carta Consular a mi nombre donde so alas explicito el contenido y la importancia de este festival. Agradeciendole su mas pronta atencion, de Ud, Atte. It ActorsDirec or,Prof,de Artes Escenicas.0iversidad de Miami. I Sraskida Lovitan-Hernandez. Ass.Vice President for Corporate Development. Estimada Aidas Por In presente le estoy Informando acerca del presupuento quo nocesitamos para producir la puesta en esce- na do la obra quo representaria, de ser ace'ptada, a la Ciu- dad do Miami on el preatigioso Festival Ce�rvantino a celebrar- so en 19 cludad do Mexico on Octubro prdxinto. La obra a la quo hago reforencia es el juguete o proverbio c6mico quo ascriblera Josh Marti y cuyo titulo 00 "Amor con Amor so Paga". Como Diroctor do la nisr..A he olavorado un ckculo consciente que consisto en IoD siguiontcs gastost I- Esconografia y Utileria ------------ $ 1.600. 2- Viatuario do Epoca SiGlo-ITN -------- 600. z-- Director, Jcfe dc Pqccnza y 3,300. R i a c c n c r, , T r.- n o p o r 1-1 c d, c i'­, uz c b I P, o - - I , 500. 5- 000. 31 presupueato dndo prim la cn '))T(;()'f-)31­1 3n'oluycnt I-Pago por CnCGY0 y pc).-r)onales durante ou estancie... (1c, 15 rn V,(')-jco,y Como compencacj4n pox, 1a. cry rnw '�,ra.bajos du- ranto opta periodo-Nuo, po(do (­�,I;cndci*_.',uo un mes zi Como es ya° sabido por Ud, y conotata.do por ct.i.rta del Honorable Consul do 111exico, cl gauto do tranaporte do cGccnografia y pasa- Jos de avion quadarian tambien a cargo do la Ciudad, de modo tal que teniendo en cuenta la convereaci6n anterior donde Udrme mani- festo -la posibilidad de conseguir los pasajes por Acro-Mexico, solo quedaria el gasto de transporte.taue or no ser mum ,X atarat000 1_ -IOU 'Pr7ww. yeb alfvd'd; contrarlo aumentarse la cantidad de acuerdo a to exigido por la compaRia de aviation. Acompalan, este informe copia de carts Consular a mi nombre donde on mas explicito el contenido y la importancia de este festival. Agradeciendole su mas pronta atencion, de Ud, Atte. .0 IrIn-Ad 0 Naser. Actor,Direcor.Prof,de Artes Bacenicas,Uftiversidad de Miami. Wonsula9a 9e eYexicu Okftmi Miami, Florida a 27 de febrero de 1984 Sr. Armando Nasser, Director de Teatro, Miami, Florida. Manifiesto a usted que el proximo Festival Cer- vantino que se celebrari en la ciudad de Guanajuato tendri lu- gar la segunda quincena del mes de octubre del presence ario. Las condiciones que ofrece la organizaci6n del Festival Para las companias extranjeras que desean participar son las siguien- tes: l.-"Gobierno ese pals cubrira transporte internacio- nal, honorarios, carga, seguros instr=entos „ ves - tuario y escenografia. 2.- El Festival. Xnternacional. Cervantino proporcio- narA transporto local, hospcdGije 3, alir, cntos y/o gastos do m,-,po, -c fln to IncelPde:do cn c,7da caso. 3.- Part l.<1..p4:iC:1.C`i] ?,Il 1.124' DI'(?..`'.•E I"lt•i Gw:c.najuato, dos ft'1lGi.c?1iC;' C1ltC I?d i X1.C�� 1' �,a-l`�:?. j?I'C�4' lii 7_? de a cuerdo con N."'a_Oxio I c-,,i- .,gnen- cia en l'n %1)*)- 'u(J cite I t.c.I'e.:.> que tJcne u;,tc:d y 4u gru- po de pa.rtac.-J p,. r c:n cr'-Ax I c=: t 7 v : ]., lc: c `,t.) r,_ficic? 1rA pr c::.xrnte, co- munickdolc+ c;vE ^cHa ruIx;, quc, "_a ct,I_;daci cue I-iia.rai pudlera pi.-I'tiC a.j:icil' c',n ialrun�' on el e- vento de cur ac tr t;a. Una vez que usted pueda, de mancra oficial, in- dicarnos sus posibilidades de asis.tir, le agra.decere inform3r - noslo para hacer la propuesta a las autoridades del Festival. j Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterar a unted las seguridades de mi atenta consideraci6n. FERN •'i L+:IJ If' ,,!r•: IJur.r•r. to l:v Sp,uu; inmcstt•1 ilu'sc the rR'rdi O: ttw' o'f,aing ite rrrw,'.IhloUYIesJLLAKnto t,�v✓"" "�.. ,"z±;.t1;' IrI rfl('Ir rkxm' (iN19UF [. g' tI .ice S xdu3c: Uvll tx- trill from tv-,.r 6r-e1.hy'to 1`1`13CIy. cf,N�-2PM t(re 4k^e1. a: e^Eft fc F.f a t rJ: stuJ 'rS Till: PVIKI- J I rVT In S; krrs' I wall re�elvr 1 1 r 1 J Y" I(' '., it 1, 0' UJI c V,:I r V Sr I+d1,+nu. .I; ?�., AI �,•• 11 rY a, . fI ,T ow+ u-<+ours. o )'L,I 0J 1 i.Ilrf1_', Coj'RSES OFFERED [NIFFORIALAii GENERAL E I" vl r,-( 1111 rI•I', Ct'rr " 6_• I + Fr.,_u •Id (J ESI0Ci4T, tllrll (xNK (,n,.c<Y_�I,[(NnU.1.3y1h�.t),U (. IntrS.t [U-SJStit' Pnnln, r,+ Et!.r, to vr, Y, hrr txy.l u1,n1J { (nsan; Y) t,l U,Ird ((Yl rl pu,ixls,lo (t(• txlnduWerr su p(;)rJ {, )'>IL)jIIj tO Or suprrarse Invlerta en si (II.iTY,) y a.xa>t. rnxvas {xrlbllldc0p, Fe" de Matrici L,o, ' 2 I ctrcn) 4. 1984 Horarlo de Matricu!a: Lu(Y^s A VK�IfI('s 9-5 PM . Satk,:Yn IY.• 9-1 PIA Combnzo de los 1 Err Io 23-28 Durad6n de bs Cuza Certilicado de Aslstesrclz `,« r n Irq l,.f Uri rtKuh (NJ) dt' + Stem Ia l l.r lu�.du nrrr, y,r <+✓stars. f prruarn 11 Su Y , Pta (Y I rf11 rr 1 bQY 3`' u p S I. !>,h'•rr t n) n�', t rrx•1 1.1.,nrin C I;Pf. 21U`, tbl iS. t3',+n Er 113 7' 1. r l+ ui. u:.l I F I O e't I, t1 CI-r r l •'�, In - I) (I rIJ0 0 r• u; U r, rn + , I , r. t _,ul ,_cxd l ,w. l;r 11- VOciJi. 1, Y r1B:)1-) dr- rI-0., (r It lr f+r'1'J `URSOS OLIE SE OFRECEN Pr®gramas Espec ales r: 1 . I " I I �''�I I JUFE I!. A!.1' PI' -A EAE 19Li KC IN'3 ES PAEJ+ (A�\'IiJ.cs E IJ E Uh Si25UJ i >wtt+1 tp, F� L '• 1WAT L Ir.t. Lures . I;Alercole ) J,r'`^•',����`• �r l y II, b O UJ 8 ' ! M� 0 P20rESS1101* �L COURSES � AE2(d)KC LIf:E^.RP.NDAkI{tl1ECIIJRAL Ui'rli,4' I r J(1 SEi(J (10 9 31) A f„ 1 1 1 3U A M 111A flfv) Sall-) • At 161 KC IMPC RI INf , AND EXPORIING S80 W it r5 In ✓rylk,Aktl Irw p.klu wrs(Y(tuc o xxw[prp"e rf k Tr )hate•+ �s un Irk• (., kkTr I,r r Lrli,+l (Y Clrck( J ;,Itur(1,)•, 9.30 A N4 11 30 A M " LeLrl 11 S•Iturd,y. 11 30 A M -1 30 PM Ltv,i I Hof Chia) f uthnes ■ At l6E3 KC IN I R(X)UC I K Ml 10 FASHION SR)00 Icx•scSly b UO PM -8 00 I'M Plot Loi V00(ki cw G,li • Al : 70 KC fill CIRO`.4/11I C)F CC)RI'ORA1K)NS IN It it, USA AND LAIN AMER" (A ((tif gml,li Study( SKJ (X) %, j! +y I 1 O0 A tw1 100 I'M Hu! G Hug.) VIw • Af : 11 KC LE I I I F'S OF CRFDIT Sit') 00 S +turil l,; 113U A M 1 30 I'M H�r1 Altrr(},R(a.tnyurt • AF : 14 i SUPERVISORY 1FCHNIOUES IN BUSINESS ALJMINISIRAl" S.+urlry' 930AM-II31L)AM • !+E ; 1S KC BUSINESS MANAGE ME N I I 1 S.rtul(1+j: 11 30 A M - 130 I'M (,: e• LEVEL If 13J PM 3 30 I'M �,r:=•� LF VEL I Hof k)se L Lt�a,ln CURSOS PROFESIO v •LES ■ At .'td) K1 1 "1 ' Ir + I rr u r t r / iltl( Ir4a,I 180(NI ,114AI,K, 9 to A M I I KI .A M Plot 111,Ar'AW • AT 162 KC IMP( WIA( I(NJ Y FkP()RLA(KJN SA) W IseI,'(.n,rAN.lhay.U1.+A• ,k',Ile(UNI (o1r W11111 w. w t n , , v t r ,rlli<r w n (, r, el Cuso de (,*I. is (Y Crntkh, C,krk•rl.'it " 1 SattKb 9 10 A M II 10 A M Ltvrl II 51tkt Kf. I I TO A M 1 30 PM l,%,II PloT C 1. IIri I Ue1 lit's • AL268KC (()N(xIMIItJto',6FNEPAT f%L1E LA M( A IA S80 00 TIA ules. 6 00 PM 8 (A) PM RUI L(xy "'mot LI ()e (Atit 1,1 ■ AE 27U KC (RI (IMIf pit( ) I N I AS F MI WI SAS ENIO',E if YLNIAAMIRKA LAIINA (l )n rshabU c(klyAwn(rvvl S80 00 I I (K1 .A M I IK) I'M Plot G I Iu{u V-) • AF217KC CARIASUE (REIA10(0iR(LAIFS S80 00 S•,t),w ll,. 11 30 A M 130 PM Rol Allied)Rra3rIIJUrt • AF 274 KC Stiff RVISK IN F N lA ( A(MNNISIMCON DE NE000K)S S80 UU S.u,,ii930AM II 10AM 1 IYUI knr' Geed t" P—1 ■ AI 21 1 KC AI)p6uriMI2ACKNJ DF NF(iOC(CK ;Ito W ;. •tL.KI. II iUAM I WPM t 10 t 11 ff I it) PI.1 I iu VM 69 1 ��` lrtirl I �w r p_ �` ` �,� 1 S T— ;I �I •!li 1 �t i ;i lI h•.(..... i Koub*k MGM01 l CMnt(ar 2703 S.W. 3 3t. 141am1, Fla. 33135 (305) "9.3446 i 74i1 I I re 1.4 `+ a 1 a s ?" F t # �'RWi�a z•� a 'MAIM" t t a c€ I ` c c t c i c c' z uu V U u N I � t t 5 €$ a 'r W U: I 7. u; <0 U4, R 4p< c0 f� 0UJ ozo 4J UJ � �V7, Qzr� V < u 5u> c�g QV <0 Z J 5� 0 11 CULTURAL. COURSES ■ At 119 CC L'I:AW S60 00 lu r L ry 7 00 111l 10 00 PM Rca IV I I Lv 0) N+,rf ■ AE 121 t.0 V_)IJ ANDDICTION S60 (YJ VIA-01 r_sa ry 800 PM-10W PfA Rol AfmandD • AE 145 KC LIT, EKATURE Of SPAIN S60 00 Tu sJay. 3 30 I'M 5 30 PM Rof Nnunbrkr R Cacetes ae Herulquez ■ AE 199 KC POPULAR GUITAR Sbo 00 1u stiiy. 7 0(1 NA -9 00 PM Rof Jove Oirvea • AE 216 KC OIL PAINTING DESIGN AND COMPOSITION S60 00 TueiWj 8 oo Pm -10 00 PM Pro! Jilto Fill narr"Y':-fc>Jo • AE 2/2yo� KC FABRIC PAINTING S60 00 Sanraay. 10 00 A G4 -12 00 Nuon Rol Consuelo Vazquez • AE271 KC V,rP.TERCOLORAND CREATIVE Dp"". 'ING CURSOS CULTURALES ■ AF 119 vC AI - I E (MAtMd N_. U x,o art Mane". 100 PM - 10 00 YM Ruf Anrlair 0)11 ■ At I i I KC V I7 Y DICC ICNJ S60 00 Nv.• cok-s. 8 00 PM 10 00 PM Rof AmiLuk)U I lax, • AE 145 KC LII I RAT URA ESPANOLA S60 (Ki NLult-s. 3 30 PM -; 40 PM Rol AnikintlfN R C,K0t-S de I "IfIquez ■ Af 199 KC GUITARRA POPULAR S60 00 NLutes, 100 PM 9 00 PM Prof kM OIIveia • AE 216 KC PINIURAAL WO MEMO Y COMPOSICION S60 00 M;u tes. 8 00 PM -10 00 PM Rof Juho KMr arxkz-ko)o ■ AE2/22�/0� KC TELAS PINTADAS A AMNO w oo SA-oW.1000AM-1200M Rol C(xtweto Vazq-z ■ AE 271 KC RN 1URA A LA ACUARELA Y DIBU)O NATURAL Y DE CREACION 1 00 S60 00 Sa! u!c)ay. 9 00 A M- I 1 00 A M Sabado. 9 00 A M- I 100 A M Hof O�J,Iia Edwzaileta ae FeffwoeZ Rol Ck)d a EctKz nrr(a defe,rkuKtez ®: AE 285 KC INTERIOR DECORATING ■ AE 285 KC DECORATION INTER" sbrri 00 sw 00 Sa:u'oa): 1 30 PM -3 30 PM Satk#W. 1 30 PM -3 30 PM Rof Idanue Aram Rof MerluelAyoitir 6 AE 287 KC GRAPHIC DESIGN ■ AE 281 KC UtSENO GKq K O S69 03 S60 00 Saruro3y900AN1-I100AIzt S�t� ,900Af1-1I(rJAh1 LEVEL I LEVEL I k�[urda} 1I00AM-100PM Slate. I!00Afi I0)YM :1 LEVEL It LEVEL it Rof Rupert Satv,rOeeuz Rol Rupert Salvaeau n0 OZ iz!�t=ox D5�C00 Om T m �>anrn —' 1c0, y0?fzz A0j0-nC 0 � Wrno>C)> C m 0 z N M University of flifiami 23 de Erxro - 31 de Marzo Centro Educattro sin fines de tucr0 January 23 - March 31 Non-profit EducatIonal Center