HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-05-10 Marked AgendaMEETING DATE: May 10, 1984 9 are to. 1 pm - City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive MAYOR VICE MA',,.nspi4 xa=r r� �, COMMISS. COMMISS!ORt , ; COMMISSIONEI -AA CITY MANAGER HOWAnn t, nA CITY MALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE C- 3 pm until adjourned Miami Northwestern Community School 7007 N.W. 12th Avenue l 3 9:00 A.M. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Approving the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of April 5 and March 8, 1984, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting of March 29, April 26 and Feb-uary 28, 1984 and Special Mooting of April 10, Ma.•r:h 1" , o-o pry 18 and Janua; ;l +s, 100N4. 9: 45 A.M. "ION - SCHE;JULr D AGENDA ITEMS 10:00 A.M.(PH) Continuation of Cable TV Public Hearing 11:00 A.M.(PH) ORDINANCE - FI:;ST READING (Continued) Amending Zoning Atlas of Ordinance No. 9500, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, by ,hanging Zoni,r,g Classification of approximately 2226 Southwest 25th Avenue ar:d 2511-75 Southwest 22nd Terrace, Miami, Florida, (more particularly described i'erein) from RS--2/2 0:1e f 1mily detached res16en";i al to CR-2/7 com�iyr ci31 +idential (commu- nity) by making i ind�.rgr -,; inn by making all the I:�c,essary changes a+; Page: No. u-11 of said Toning '.t13s made a part of, OrJinan,-�e No. 9500 b,;' rafarence and description in Article: 3, Section 300, thereof; . oritaining a repealer provision and a several>ility clause. City Manager recommends. (The City Commission has requested that the two above items be heard at above times). FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ NOES: CAROLLO SEE M-84-524 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ NOES: CAROLLO CITY SPION AGEN DA !� (Ili tfif4t-) P Fa TIt4C nATE. 11,1 V 10 , 1 a Ps tt PAGE NO: 2 1 1 : 45 A.M. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLF A. Discussion of Annual. Financial Report. B. Discussion of Five Year Strategic and Financial Operations Plan for the Off - Street Parking Authority. C. Discussion of City of Miami representation at Festival Cervantino in Mexico City by Professor Armando Naser. D. Discussion of Federal District Court Ruling on Cubans and other Hispani-,s. E. Discussion of the 1984 G.O. Bond Sale. F. Annual Review of the City Manager. G. Status report on the World Trade Center. H. Discussion regarding a Miami exhibit at the 1984 World's Fair in New Orleans. I. Discussion regarding Police efforts against (A) Narcotics traffic and (B) Prostitution. J. Discussion on the Proposed Aviation Museum at Dinner Key Marina. 1:00 P.M. BREAK FOR LUNCH i e. 'S M-84-523 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO M-84-51G MOVED: I'ERIaZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PLUMMER REFERRED TO CITY MANAGER DISCUSSION DEFERRED DEFERRED BY M-84-531 1,10VED: DAWKINS SECOND: CAROLLO NOES: PLUMMER ABSENT: PEREZ - DISCUSSION :,1—R4 —544 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO • PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP M-84-521 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO t i Auk IYi (-n COMMISSION '�..ili 0`i CITY MEETING DATE. may 1 n , 19 m, PAGE NO: 3 RECONVENING AT NORTHWESTERN COMMUNITY SCHOOL - 7007 N.W. 1 "r.h Avenue 3:00 P.M. PRESENTATIONS AND OCLAMA TJ 0NS 1. Proclamation of May 13-19, 1984 as Historic Preservation Week. 2. The Miami Police Department has selected Officer -Oscar Baez as the Most Outstanding Officer of the Month for March, 1984. SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SEE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA MEETING DATE: M a y 10, 1984 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS -- ITEMS 3-10 3. (PH) ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Setting forth a proposed Charter Amendment, by adding a new section 132 to the Charter of he City of Miami, Florida, subject to referendum, prohibiting opinion _pol.lin by means anye ectroni�ice which is controlled by any cable television licensee, permittee, or franchisee in the City of Miami. City Manager recommends. u. (PH) RESOLUTION Kccept g the completed work of Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. at a total cos o T77 751.25 for City Wide aniT r y -" ewe, - Improvement ovement - llapatlnh Industrial Area - Bid "D" in City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Allapattah Industrial Area District SR- 5497-C (Centerline Sewer); and authorizing a final payment of $8,369.13. City Manager recommends. 5. (PH) RESOLUTION Confirming ordering Resolution No. 84-280 and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for the construction of Ed e_watter Highway Improvement in Edgewater highway improvement District H-4496. City Manager recommends. 6. (PH) Possible Charter Amendment to correct grammatical, synEacticai an in uis is errors; to eliminate obsolete or redundant language. n PAGE NO: 4 CONTINUED MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP R-84-525 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP e CITY COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING DATE: M ay 10, 1984 PAGE NO: a ME 7. (PH) -PUBLIC HE•ARING M-£34-526 Per Resolution 84-841 ; April MOVED: FERRE 26, 1984, a public hearing to SECOND: CAROLLO consider a time extension and NOES: PLUM]KER other amen men s o tie iami Center IT Development r er eso u zond J� "--September 24, 1981, and 82-71; January 280 1982). City Manager recommends. i 8. (PH) RESOLUTION AS AMENDED mew nding the Miami Center II R-84-527 Du ont Plaza Project MOVED: PLUMMER eVe O _mE'n Order" Chesolutidiis SECOND: FERRE 1- 0, September 241 1981; NOES: CAROLLO and 82-71 , January 28, 1982) by amending Condition 26 to extend t.hc iti:ic within which substanti� ]. dcvcloprient is to L begin froiii 'Gwo rears to tv,,o years and , tcvcnty five days of the tecorded dat(.? ot. the DeVellopment Order, - and f:indinff;,� that: such amendment doe = not constitute a substantial deviation per Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. City Manager recommends. .9. (PH) RESOLUTION Authorizing by an affirmative NOT TAKEN UP two-thirds vote of the members of the City Commission, after a duly advertised public hearing, an increase in the contract amount not to exceed $5 000 in the contract between the City of Miami and Evensen- Dod a lncna , -- --e _ ay 1, 981, for providing housing in financial advisory services in Affordable Rental Housing Development Program; said funds to be provided entirely from the general obligation housing bond fund; further, ratifying the City tanager's written finding, supported by reasons, that only one reasonable source of supply exists. City Manager recommends. 2., ¢j CITY %PMR- '"ENNIFISSION MENDA � iv MEETING DATE: May 10, 1984 PAGE NO: 6 10. (PH) ORDINANCE - SECOND READING DEFERRED Wm -ending' the Zoning a3 Of MOVED: PLUMMER Ordinance 9500, the Zoning SECOND: DAWKINS Ordinance of the City of ABSENT: PEREZ Miami, Florida by chin the CAROLLO Zoning classification of area gen"er all y­'b-o—u—n--d-e-7a by S.W. 13th Street on the North, the Metrorail right-of-way on the West, S.W. 15th Road on the South and S. Miami Avenue on the East, from SPI--7.2 to SPIT7: Brickell®Miami River Rapid Transit Commercial Residential District; making findings; and by making all the necessary changes on Page No. 37 of said Zoning Atlas made a part of Ordinance No. 9500, by reference and description in Article 3, Section 300, thereof; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 11. WITHDRAWN PERSONAL APPEARANCES 12. (PA) Mr. Saturinino E. Lucio, II, of Hornsby & Whisenand, Attorneys at Lana has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding the International Currency and Barter Exchange. 13. (PA) Pan American Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Euripedes Riera, President has requested a personal appearance regarding: A. First Pan American Conference of Americas B. Minorit•y Business Office/Center. 14. (PA) Maria Orta, Executive Director of the Instituto De Cultura Hispanica has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding "Spanish Language Day" . 15. (PA) Mr. hardwick and Dr. Pettaway from the James E. Scott Community Association (JESCA) have requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding funds for the Neighborhood Anti -Crime Program. M-84-520 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO CONTINUED TO NEXT COMMISSION MEETING. (JUNE 14, 1984) NOT TAKEN UP M-84-530 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ e CW o ((�iliii�c;.�1�?�1 MEETING DATE: Ma v 10. 1984 PAGE NO: 8 16. (PA) Martin Fine of Fine Jacobson Block Klein Colan & Simon, P.A., has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commision regarding a Proposal of Tax Increment Financing Plan for Downtown Miami. 17. (PA) Representatives of Amistad Productions, Incorporated have requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding the Afro-American Exposition & Festival. 18. Mr. Parker Thomson has requested a personal appearance regarding the proposed Performing Arts Center in Downtown Miami. 19. (PA) Dr. Eduardo J. Padron, Miami Book Fair International, has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding a grant of $50,000 to underwrite the expenses associated with the Miami Book Fair International to be held November 8, 9 and 10. NOT TAKEN UP DISCUSSION NOT TAKEN UP M-84-528 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ CITY P i MEETING DATE: May 10, 19814 PAGE NO: 9 LEGISLATIVE ACTION REQUIRING A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR- 20. RESOLUTION - 4/5ths Ratifying and approving by a NOT TAKEN UP four -fifths affirmative vote of the City Commission the actions of the City Manager in waiving competitive bid requirements and in authorizing the emergency purchase, at a cost not to exceed 000 of printing and graph c ar"i�at services in connection with the distribution of voter information for March 13, 1984 special municipal elections. i a yi r a 5 r _ i 4 f f Y F L] 1 N MEETING DATE: M a y 10, 1981, PAGE NO: 1.0 ORDINANCES - EMERGENCY FTRST READING 21. ORDINANCE E-KRR. VGXx Relating to the City of Miami/Universitz of Miami amen n�i �t Tn�"erna j.ona Center also commonly referred to "as the Miami Convention Center and amending Ordinance Ti o. 34, adopted December 9, 1982, the existing capital improvements appropriations ordinance, as amended, by increasing appropriations for the Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage in the Miami Convention Center enterprise fund in the amount of $248,000 from FY184 Florida P0wet; anc3T Light Franchise revenues to make final payment to Frank J. Rooney, Inc. in the —'amount o--P`1, 000; containing a repealer provision and a severabi.lity clause. City Manager recommends. 22. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY Establishing a new special revenue fund entitled: 'International Festival , and appropriation un s for its operation in the amount of $125,000 composed of $45,000 previously allocated to the International Festival from special programs and accounts, quality of life fund, and $79,500 in revenues received from the sale of tickets and booth rentals, containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP' L] MEETING DATE: May 10 , 1984 PAGE NO: l l FIRST READING 23. ORDINANCE — EMEWMNIM men ng ec ian 1 of Ordinance 95349 adopted December 9, 1982, the existing Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance, as amended, by increasing appropriations for the purchase of litter_ containers in the amount of $170y000 and increasing resources in the 1970 pollution control incinerator facilities general obligation bond fund balance by a like amount, containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 24. ORDINANCE — EMERGENCY AmendingSection"- I nd 6 of Ordinance No. 9684, adopted September 29, 1983, the annual appropriations Ordinance for the fiscal year ending September 1984, as amended by increasing the appropriations ror the Enter rise fund Orange Bowl Stadium in the amount o $39and by increasing revenues in a like amount from FY183 Orange Bowl Stadium retained earnings and transferring same to the Miami Stadium Enterprise fund to partially fund the needed improvements to the Miami Baseball Stadium Press Box; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. ail FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP 11 • Aid Dfti 1--i I I -A!, U H I I MEETING OA.TE: May 10, 1984 RAGE NO: 12 FIRST R1.nt)3NG 25. ORDINANCE - EMT.I �,GF"N GIT Amending Ordinance 9534 adopted December, the existing capital improvements Ordinance as amended, by increasing resources and appropriations in the Miami Stadium Enterprise Fuhd in id amoun�: of $300 000 to establish a new project- the Miami Stadium Enterprise Fund entitled Miami Baseball Stadium Press Box Repairs, XVI C.2, revenues in a like amount are available from a transfer of $53,000 from the Orange Bowl Stadium - Enterprise Fund, and $247,000 from Miami. Stadium Fund Equity; containing; a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommclnd�s. 26. ORDINANCE - E14ERGENCY Amending the code of the City of Miami., Florida, as amended to provide for discontinuin the International" -,Trade Promotion epartment, and tranferrin, all personnel records, equipmentan budgeted funds o7 said nternational Trade Promotion Department to the Department of Economic Development, and further providing that all functions heretofor performed by the International Trade Promotion Department shall be managed and supervised by the Director of the Department of Economic Development and be administered as a Division within the Department of Economic Development, bearing the designation "International Trade Promotion Division"; further amending the City Code by repealing Section 2- 171 , 2-172, 2--173, 2-174 and by adding a new section 2-85; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP MEETING DATE: may 10, 1984 PAGE NO: ORDINANCES a SECOND READING 27. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 8719 adopted October 26, 1977 as amended, the Summary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, by establishing a new trust and agency fund, entitled Communi,ty. Development Count upp 111 t ( -; and appropriating T? for the execution of same; repelling all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and containing a severability provision. City Manager recommends. (This item WPS pa: sod On First Reading at the Hiarch 8, 1984 Commission 11Ccti1)g . It was moved by Comm. 111um►►rer and seconded by Comm. Dawkins). 28. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Section 1 of Ordinance 8719 adopted October 26, 1977, the Summary Grant Appropriations Ordinance, by estabishing a new trust and agency fund, entitled Communitz Develo ment Block ran ent h Year an appropriating .00 for the execution o same; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and containing a severability provision. City Manager recommends. (This item was passed on First Reading at the April 5, 1984 Commission Meeting. It was moved by Comm. Perez and seconded by Comm. Dawkins). ORD. 9833 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ ORD. 9834 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ e � cn,V) CITY CQMMISSIDN AMDA (C�;�'�� MEETING DATE. May 10, 1Q18 4 29. ORDINANCE -- SECOND READING mending Seotlons 14 and b of Ordinance W,. 9684 adopted September 29, 1983, the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, by increasing the appropriations for the internal service fund central stores in the amount of $25,000 for the purpose of establishing an inventor-y of Burroughs B-m20 sup—p'ie' for use by various City Departments; increasing revenue in a like amount from available funds of various City Departments; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager rccotnmcrlds. (This item was passed On First Reading at the April 5, 1984 Commission 1•leetinE,, It was moved by Comm. F I uilimer and seconded by Comm. Perez). 30. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Ordinance 9332, the City of Iliami Cable Television License Ordinance; amending the appendix to said Ordinance relating to Technical Specifications and System characteristics by deferring the requirement O implementing two-way interactive services until a determination not later than December 31, 19841 as to whether the technology of the industry has made such services to residential subscribers feasible; providing for annual reviews thereafter and amending all provisions of the Ordinance conform to this amendment. City Manager recommends. (This item was passed on First Reading at the February 28, 1984 Commission Meeting. It was moved by Comm. Carollo and second by Comm. Plummer) . PAGE NO: 1.4 OIJ). 9,932 MOVED: PLvr'MER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ CAROLLO ORD. 9831 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO o ., _ (r CITY COMMISSIDN MEETING DATE: May 10, 19 814 PAGE NO: 15 31. ORDINANCE — SECOND READING C,(-)taTT tI _1) 0 :��;T -T mending the Zoning A t 1 a s of , ij) :'"nNlrac Ordinance No. 9500, the Zoning (5 7./1/81a) Ordinance of the City of PI,TJr1MER Miami, Florida, by chan -i-n. SECOND: DAWKItIS ABSENT: PEREZ the Zoning Classification of' tea generally bounded by CAROLED the Miami River on the North, the Metrorail right-of-way on the West, S.W. 8th Street on the South and a line approximately 190' West of and parallel to Brickell Avenue on East, except that, between S.E. 6th Street and S.E. 7th Street the line is approximately 390' West of an parallel to Brickell Avenue, from SPI-7.1 to SPI-7: Brickell-Miami River Rapid Transit Commercial Residential District; making fundings; and by making all the necessary changes on Page Wo. -,6 of said Zoning Atli,a made a part of Ordinance No, 9500, by reference and descrip`: in Article 3, Section 300, thereof; containing a repealerr provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 32. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Sections 1 and 6 of Ordinance No. 9684 adopted September 29, 1983, the annual NOT TAKEN UP appropriations ordinance for fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, by increasing_the appropriations io t e general Fund, special programs and accounts, in the amount of $1,433 and by increasing general fund revenue, miscellaneous revenue in a like amount, to provide for the allocation of said monies to the burn unit at Jackson Memorial os i a. con pining a repealer provision and a severability clause:. City Manager recommends. ('Phis item was passed on First Reading at the February 28, 1984 Commission Meeting. It was moved by Comm. Plummer and seconded by Comm. Perez). aEj --'-i E-, Ll M% �O�l ((l l:�Q1 itlD MEETING DATE: May 10, 1984 PAGENO: 16 ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 33. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Ordinance No. 9534 adopted December 9, 1982, the existing capital improvements appropriations ordinance, as amended, by increasing the appropriations for the 1970 pollution control and incinerator f'aci ities enera Obligation and and in t e amount O - 0 from fund balance and establishing a new project entitled Acquisition of Computer'' and ssoeia ed 11e hera s Item t-( and trans erring said resource and project to the capital improvement fund item IX-C(i) 16, by decreasing appropriations for central data base computer system III.B(6) in the amount of $252,300 and appropriating $252,300 to establish a new project entitled Acquisition of Computer and Associated Peripherals Item III.C(1) and transferrinc, ..aid res0rar'CQ and project to the c,O t,-1 in�pro� c il�ent fund item TX.X(i.)10, I>y increasing the approprS.ation 1''01' t.h 1975, 1976 and 1980 sanit ry sewer general c)1)7 ignt on bond fund in the amount of !32,500 from interest earnings and establishing a new project entitled Acquisition of Computer and Associated Peripherals Item IV.C(4) and transferring said resource and project to the capital improvement fund item IX.C(i)16, increasing appropriation for the 1970 Police Headquarters and crime prevention facilities general obligation bond funding the amount of $301,000 from interest earnings, and decreasing appropriations for project Central Data Base Computer System item VIII.B(5) in the amount of $112,000 and appropriating said resources to establish a new project entitled Acquisition of Computer and Associated Peripherals item VII.C(2) and transferring said resource and project to the Capital Improvement fund item IX.C(i)16, by allocating $973,400 from the FY'84 general fund budgets of the Police Department, $102,000 and the Computer Department, $871,400 to the capital improvement fund item IX.C(i)16, and increasing the appropriations for the Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $1,721,200 and establishing a new project in said fund entitled Acquisitions of Corputer and Associated Peripherals Item IX.C(i)16; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ Lj MEETING DATE: Mpy 10, 1984 34. ORDINANCE READTING Im—endinF, th C, text of Ordinance No. 9500, the Zoning Ordin;;ncf-,, of the City of Miami, Florida, by Amending subsection 515.1 to delete an erroneous reference, Section 606 to permit certain facilities in planned development districts, subsections 612.6 to clarify language pertaining to light planes, section 1568 to clarify Off -Street Parking space requirements, subsections 200.1.1 and 2000.1.2.1 to clarify language relative to variations in floor area ratios and open space requirements, subsections 2003.5 to clarify language pertaining to home occupations, 2008.6.1 to reduce the height -of fences, walls or hedges without special permits to 6 feet, 2000.8.1 to clarify restrictions applicable kmultiple family 4-0 ' districts, 2102.1 to include one - family -cmi -dctachcd, �-ncf, t1-:0--family detached ,,nd ,dd.Jnr, new languz,C,c to tlhc uL­,Q Of non-confuric inr, ;,,10; " 1. I t. 0 provide S'or C4 I ( C ­­cj,)_ perij0ts for urer,, c(-jujv,,;.I-cnt to onc­fr mily and dh­t,:achod dwc].1-ings, 2510.2.3 (-A "'. f- j f y height a n d light pinne_s, 2510.''.2 to provide for notice , 2- 5 10 . 2. 3 to clarify height and light planen, 2510-3.2 to provide for notice; by deleting subsections 2802.2, 2802.2.1, 2802.2.2, 2802.2.3 and subsections 2800 and 2802 to abolish preliminary applications, sections 2803 relative to standards and final review of construction documents and 3004 pertaining to notice requirements, subsection 3101.1 to prohibit floor area ratio variances, and 3602 to change the definition of "Family"; further, by amending the official schedule of adding "Residential" to the title of tables 1 and 2; page 3, RO-1, RO-2, RO 2.1, RO-3, RO-4, residential office, transitional uses, structures and requirements, to provide new transitional requirements and limitations and adding "Non -Residential" to the title of tables 3 and 4; and Page 4, Cr-2, Commercial Residential (Community), permissible only by special permit, by applying the provisions to "new" automobiles; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. M carlr olo,2"�wflTio PAGE NO: 17 NOT TAKEN UP 0 COMMISSION AGENDA MEETING may 10. 1984 TING DATE: PAGE NO: 18 35. ORDINANCE -- FIRST READING Amending Chapter 514 oT the Code of the City of Miami, Florida entitled: "Streets and Sidewalks" by .smP g ecton- 5 entitled: "Construction, Reconstruction or Repair required in New Construction or Construction of Five Thousand Dollars or more in value or exceeding Six Hundred Fifty Square Feet in Area" by increasing the cost amount in subsection (a) from Five Thousand Dollars to Ten Thousand Dollars; adding a new subsection (e) in the event of non-compliance by an applicant; adding and modifying--tcrninology throughout Section 51-1--115 for clarification Purposes; repealing < l.l. code sectiono or pzt rt,t_ thc: rcof in conflict thcy are in conflict; e nd cont,r�i.rii.ng a severabilit,y provision. City Manager rccommend a . 36. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida entitled: "Streets and Sidewalks", by adding a new article V1 entitled: "Sidewalk Cafes" providing for the establishment of Sidewalk Cafes in the general area bounded by NE/NW 5th Street on the East, and the Miami River on the South and West, and the area of Coconut Grove currently designated SPI-2 in the official Zoning Atlas made a part of Ordinance No. 9500; further, providing for permits, fees, rules regulations and appeals; providing for review; and containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. NOT TAKEN UP FIRST READING MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA art' lAMA�a .=`. �4F_ TiNG OATE: tip v 10, 19811 PAGE NO: 1.9 37. ORDINANCE -- FIRST READING Xmending ordinance No. 9538 adopted January 13, 1983 which prohibited the use of Cable Television for distribution o one or indecent material by repealing Sections thereof and substituting new sections to redefine the violation of Ordinance 9538 as the knowing distribution by wire or cable of any material which has been judicially determined to be obscene or indecent and to establish grounds and procedures for imposition of'i penalties for violation of Ordinance No. 9538. City Manager recommends. 38. ORDINANCE- FIRST READING Amending Chapter 22, entitled "Garbage and Trash'' of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by amending Sections 22-3, 22-12, 22-17, 22-18, and 22-43 of said Chapter 22; providing by said amendments the following: an additional. requirement for placement location of dumpsters in new commercial or multi --family residential buildings; a clarification of fees due and payable during periods when structures are temporarily vacant; that certain individuals other than owners shall assume increased responsibility for the condition of property and violations which occur on said property; that citations be written by sanitation inspectors resulting in penalties if said violations are not corrected within a specified period of time; that all receptacles owned by private sanitation companies are marked and identified with the Company name and telephone number; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. CONTTNUED MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ UNANIMOUS NOT TAKEN UP 4) aR� (7(�fil f �-0 Air �ro 1, , PAFI TiNG DATE: tiny 10, 1984 PAGE NO: 20 RESOLUTIONS 39. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Florida Ex orters and Importers Ssociation K. X"ar professional services -'by the [ ass�g and supporting participation by the black minority business sector during the 1984 work program of the F.E.I.A. with City funds therefor allocated in a sum not to exceed $35,,_000 from special programs and accounts, contingent: fund, said allocation being conditioned upon compliaince with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APH-1-84, dated January 241 19841 City Manager recommends. 40. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute the negotiated agreement in substantially the form attached hereto, between the City of Miami and Albert R. Terez Assoc., ?.A. to provide -�_rofessional services related to the esign an construction of the Blue aagoon —Pgark Develoomen� �Pro_ject, using previously a1To'cated funds to cover the cost of such services. City Manager recommends. 41. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute the attached amended agreement between the Little Havana Development luthor1 and the City o Miami for professional services of said aority in the "13evelo me.nt of a Latin Quarter in the Cityo 1am1 nnaacccordance with the terms and conditions as set forth therein. City Manager recommends. R-84-545 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ R-84-547 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ R-84-546 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ MEETING DATE: -May 10, 1984 PAGE NO: 21. 42. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement, in substanta.a ly the orm attached hereto, with the Department of Off -Street Parkin for the sublease of a portion of o. ' Marti Riverfront Park for a unici-- pal parking facility. City Manager recommends. 43. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute supplemental agreement #4, in substantially the form attached, with Wallace Roberts & Todd rA c�ii ec G ,-' i`ar pL,o ss iona services_'flit o+�z� final scopeY of cry 0c-'> but unforescen ,:-t the tJmcl of the origin,-,? � � ��ecrncnt , rc1�-:tcd to the do-,,v 11,,rtj Park Devel.z:���mc:r;t, I., It o,jC,ci,, with compen5ata or, f'or said additional amounting to $6 907.90 usi.nC funding previously appropriated for the project. City Manager recommends. 44. RESOLUTION Authori" ng the City Manager to negotiate and execute a professional services agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, with the firm of E.H. Friend & Com an , for expert actuarial assistance in pension matters a££a'- cost not to exceed �$5..0_t 000 with funds therefore allocated from special programs and accounts, contingent fund. City Manager recommends. R-84-561. MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ R-84-548 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ R-84-549 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ MEETING DATE: 2 May 10, 1984 45. RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) Au Tioi; z ng the City Manager to execute an agreement in substantially the form attached hereto, with the Downtown Miami. Business sso61a�ion nc. I n an amount not to exceed 1750,000 from the special program accounts contingent fund for the purpose of institutingayear- round advertising campaign es gned to develop business for the Downtown Merchants and to promote the Downtown Business District to the local South Florida community. City Manager recommends. 46. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the form attached, with the Greater Miami United,, Inc in an an amount not to exceed $100 000 for the purpose of becoming a funding partner in the local initiative support corporation (LISC)/Miami Project, whose objective will be to provide loan and grant funds to local Community Development Corporations (CDCs) or Community Based Organizations (CBOs) for the purpose to their becoming involved in Capital Investment Projects; the allocation of said funds will be contingent upon the City of Miami receiving an $11,250,000 HUD Grant to implement the FY184-85 Community Development Block Grant Program. City Manager recommends. 47. RESOLUTION Authorizing and instructing the City Manager to solicit proposals for the sole managing underwriting of the issuance of $95es 000 000 of mortgage revenue bonds�or the construction permanent financing of the Overtown/Park West Phase I P�rro_.JiM..�. My anFi Mg rrecommends.. PAGE NO: 2 2 R-B4-535 MOVED: PLU14MER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ CAROLLO R-84-540 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP WSTING DATE: May 10, 198), RAGE NO: 23 48. RESOLUTION Allocating $1.890 from special programs and accounts: contingent fund, to the Industrial Home for the Blind Tore period 7rom e ruary 1, 1984 through September 30, 1984, authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the aforementioned agency. City Manager recommends. 49. RESOLUTION uM horizing the proper officials of the City of Miami to accept fifteen (15) deeds of dedication _ or ig way purposes and approving the recording of said deeds in the public records of Dade County Florida. City Manager recommends . 50. RESOLUT1014 Allocating $75 000.00 of Community Jobs P roY gram funds previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 9631, adopted June 9, 1983, to the Downtown Miami Business Associatio'�`n 7M ag er Street Planter Area Tile ro iect; further authorizing the City Manager to enter into negotiations with said agency substantially in accordance with the proposal submitted by said agency and to bring the negotiated agreement back to the City Commission prior to execution thereof. City Manager recommends. 51. RESOLUTION om�� mending Congressman Claude Pepper for his unflagging efforts in obtaining Federal funding necessary for "ine design studies in connection w1th the proposed tunnel to provide access to the Port of Miami on Dodge Island. R-84-550 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP R-84-537 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ CAROLLO NOT TAKEN UP If\ CITY COMMISSION AAEETJNG DATE: May 10, 19811 PAGE NO: 24 52. RESOLUTION AS AI�IFNDED a _ Authorizing the City Manager to amend the Legislative 73017F;D: PLUMMER Services Agreement, in SECOND: DAWKINS substantially the form AF3SENT: CAROLLO t attached, with the Law Firm of PEREZ Cramer Hoffman & Haber P.C., ounselors at Law, to extend the Agreement through April 22, 1985, in an amount not to exceed $42 000 per year with funds hereby allocated from special programs and accounts. f t 53. RESOLUTION Allocating a sum not to exceed R-84-543 $7, 500 from special programs MOVED: DAWKINS and accounts, contingent fund, SECOND: PLUMMER to support . the "Miami ABSENT: CAROLLO Conference 11romen `s !Action f`or PEREZ 'fro,re5, C: 1 ibbc�n erI.t � 1. . T�m"ic<.I t_.`�) hc`le ()R l GY 196-1 1)N �,i?f`1.�y: _.,.uf .0 11 frrcli o twit, said �. .r?�w,<<t.ic,,►I being conditionc,d U1)r.�rt cOrl1)j a11ce with City of, Miami Administrative Policy No. A.PM- 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. 54. RESOLUTION AS AMENDED Authorizing the City Manager R-84-552 of the City of Miami to expend MOVED: PLUMMER $26, 297. 35 from special SECOND: DAWKINS programs and accounts ABSENT: CAROLLO contingent fund to reimburse PEREZ the South Florida G510 ment -Training an 'Consortium TSFEM573r 197 -79 CETA audit disallowances. City Manager recommends. 55. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager NOT TAKEN UP to execute a restrictive covenant agreement between the City of Miami and the State of on `�epartrnent of -.5ta e, Division of Archive History ART ,ecor s Management substantiality in the form attached hereto for a period of ten (10) years from the date of execution. City Manager recornrriends . CITY COMMISSIDN AGFNDA MEETING DATE: MAY 10, 19811 PAGE NO: 2 a 56. RESOLUTION W oca .ing certain monies from R-84-553 specified sources to MOVED: PLUMMER Metropolitan Dade County for SECOND: DA6AKINS administrative services in ABSENT: CAROLLO connection a.- Z City programs PEREZ dealing with Community Devleopment and Housing Bond Land Acquisition activities performed by the Dade County Department of Housing & Urban Development: $165,000 from the Housing Bond Fund.s for the Scattered Site Program; $38,000 from Community Development funds. for the Community Development Block Grant Program as it relates to the Garment Center Expansion Program; $12,000 from jobs bill funds for the Fair Housing Program; further authorizing the City 11janager to entcr into an ag cc_ment with Hlcropoli,t<-,n 1)=de County for the "dCi1j,ilj_Ert.r�ati_o1) of cert�,i» Cit f' 11 J, i Communi.t..y 1)('1-v :1 1)11) C. nt and Housing, B[.7nd I,�-C)d /c(, uj.5jtion activi.ti-cr, perf.'orij�(-i 1.)y Dade County of lir u� 3ing & Urban Devc1op)mcnt on behalf of the City as set forth above for the contract period which commenced June 16, 1983 and expires Junes 15, 1984. City Manager recommends. 57. RESOLUTION L, mending esolution No. 84-63 R-84-554 adopted January 19, 1984 which MOVED: PLUMMER approved the selection of SECOND: DAWKINS Three Land Surve Firms to ABSENT: CAROLLO provide services for the City PEREZ and directed the City Manager to negotiate professional services agreements with the three firms; this action being necessary to include a fourth approved firm. City Manager recommends. _lA COMMISSION AGENDA -CITY MEETING DATE: 11,1Y 10, 1981, PAGE NO: 26 58. RESOLUTION Authorizing and permitting R-84-541 Mayfair III, a Florida General MOVED: PLUMMER -Partnership, to construct and SECOND: 'DAWKINS maintain a pedestrian overpass ABSENT: CAROLLO and waa w over and across, PEREZ F17ida Avenue approximately 21.7 -+- feet West of the monument line of Rice Street connecting Mayfair III with Mayfair IV. Subject to the execution of a covenant to run with the land; said covenant to be prepared by the City of Miami and conform with the requirements of the City of Miami Law Department and Public Works Department. City Manager recommends. 59. RESOLUTION Transferring the right-of-way of Westa g e r btreet 0etween NOT TAKEN UP S.W. /IJ .W . 27th Avenue and '7N:_W .Avenue a n 5.14./t4.W. 2nd Avenue and i.sca ne oulevard. t in the City of Miami to the jurisdiction of the State Highway System in conformance with Section 337.29 Florida Statues and shown on right-of- way plat to be recorded in the public records of Dade County, Florida; and authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk and the City Attorney to execute the plat. City Manager recommends. 60. RESOLUTION llocata%ng an amount not to NOT TAKEN UP exceed $25 000 from special programs M accounts, quality of life fund, to Coconut Grove Marketing, representing the cost of in -kind services to be provided in connection with the "Taste of the Grove Food Festival" to be held in Peacock--I'ark on June 30 and July 1 , 1984; aut i�or rg "the` City Manager to execute an agreement in substantially the form attached hereto. City Manager recommends. \���r�ij (I1l�itrc�lll���tl CITY MEETING DATE: _ may 10. 1984 PAGE NO: 27 61. RESOLUTION NOT TAKEN UP Authorizing Coconut Grove Marketing, coopers -on w717 uscular Dystrophy Associ.atTon, Eove 914 Radio, and the 'produces of the Coconut Grove Bed Race to stage a "Taste of the Grove Food Festiva " in eacoc. ar on une ad Judi yP"; furt er authorizing a permit for the sale of beer in connection with said event. City Manager recommends. 62. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to James L. MOVED:DARKINS Butler Jr., sum o wen SECOND: PLUMMER SECOND: Fl vy e I Oyu s a n d Do a r s ABSENT : ($25,000), Without the PEROLLO PEREZ �gd mzssiorI of liability, in full and complete settlement of all bodily injury, property damage, personal injury protection liens, worker's compensation liens, claims and demands against the City of Miami and the City of Miami Police Department and upon execution of a release releasing the City from all claims and demands. City Manager recommends. 63. RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) Allocating an amount not to 84-556 R-VED: exceed $17,730.30 from special LUMMER MOVED: PDAWKIN programs and accounts, quality SECOND: DARKINS of life fund, in support of ABSENT: ROLLO the JND Concert Foundation PE PEREZ Inc., Eo cover o cos o e rental fee of the Miami Convention Center in connection with a concert featuring Luciano Pavarotti held March 10 -9}�T; said a oca ion Feing conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM--1-84, dated January 241 1984. City Manager recommends. CITY COMMISSION AGFNDA MEETING DATE: May 10, 1984 PAGE NO: 2 8 64. RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, with John PachivaRe ional Director of tt eU.S. arat Association, or an amount not to exceed $4 500, in connection with the y's sponsorship to be held June 23 and 24, 1984, using funds previously allocated and earmarked for the purchase of awards. 65. RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) Allocating an amount not to exceed $145.00 from special programs and accounts, quality of life fund, to cover the cost of the rental and event insurance for an evenE heldy j the Asociacion Internacional De Amigos re El galvador at the Manuel Artime Community Center Auditorium on March 22 1984; said allocation being conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM- 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. R-84-557 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ R-84-558 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ MEETING DATE: M a y 10, 1984 PAGE NO: 2 9 66. RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) bating an amount not to exceed $45 from special programs and accounts, quality of life fund to the Desert_ of Florida Kaza Tem.pP.l.eo cover .; -t e cos ____o eve nts insurance; further allocating a sum not to exceed $7 493.70 as follows: $4,993.70 from the Operating Budgets of the Police and $2,500 from the Solid Waste Departments for in -kind services in connection with the First Annual Black Shriners Gala Day Parade to be held May 26, 1984; further authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness, with said Tempie for holding said parade; said allocation being conditioned upon sub,9tantia1. con) 1) .ance with City of 11iami Administrative Pol.ir. v 1.o. APM- 1-841 dated January �,141 19a14; further authorizing closing certain street: to vehicular traffic on that date during specific hours and establishing a pedestrian Mall, said street closing subject to issuance of permits by the Police Department and the Fire., Rescue and Inspection Services Department. 67. RESOLUTION uthorizir.g the City Manager to amend six (6) individual contract agreements to extend the due date for generating e req6ired project revenue in the amount of $12 250 from A ril 30 1964 to May 31 City MaWager recommends. 68. RESOLUTION ccccep i�' ng the findings and recommendations - of the Overtown Blue Ribbon Committee in Efie 14Mm '5r Eheir ina report, 1983-84. City Manager recommends. R-84-517 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO PLUMMER R-84-560 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ DISCUSSION MEET)NG DATE: May 10, 1984 69. RESOLUTION W-u-thorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment, in substantially the form attached hereto, to ,Article IV of the memorandum of agreement between the Overtown Economic Develo vent Corporation TOEDC3, and the City, dated April 21, 1981, to provide a line -item budget increase of $62787.75 to OEDC for the purpose of acquiring permanent comprehensive insurance (public liability, fire and replacement of structure coverage) for the Overtown Shoppi.ns Center Faith funds �ie—re 1'o- reallocated in `sn amount no%, to exced $6L787.75 from the spcc`,i al proEr, ms sin accounts contingent fund. City Manager recommends. 70. RESOLUTION Authorizing and directing the City Manager to make funds available, subject to the City tt?� orney's approval as to form and correctness with Rockwood Systems Corporation 777=e purpose of purchasing a Rockwood System Facrroo1'oam, Macro en Generator and Macrobar 13arriers for the amount o� �. or the City of Miami tolice Department. City Manager recommends. 71. RESOLUTION XuuEor�iz ng the Director of Finance to pay to _C,00per Oldsmobile the sum of 9 022.9without the admission of Liability, in full and complete settlement of all property damage, loss of use, claims and demands against the City of Miami and Manuel Orosa, and upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami and Manuel Orosa from all claims and demands. PAGE NO: 30 R-84-569 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP -. i (F CITY COMMISSION AGENDA VVW, MEETING DATE: May 10 1984 PAGE NO: 31 72. RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) R-84-518 ocating $3,000 from the MOVED: PLUMMER general fund --special programs SECOND: DAWKINS and accounts contingent fund ABSENT: CAROLLO to the Puerto Rican SEE M-84-519 Opeortunity 7—en er nc., MOVED: PLUMMER authorizing t; e City anager SECOND: PEREZ to amend the agency's 1983a-84 ABSENT: CAROLLO contract to include said $3,000 in the agency's total allocation, thereby increasing the maximum compensation by $3,000 from $160,000 to $163,000. City Manager recommends. 73. RESOLUTION lA locating from R-84-539 _$_2_5_z �0_00 special programs and accounts MOVED: PLUMMER contingent fund, to Greater SECOND: DAWKINS Miami Ur?i1ted, Inc., to 7--o-71—Ke ABSENT: CAROLLO support to the ar;0r,�cyIs PEREZ e or 'tip to fici.1 it at.( � )7 s between the pubic +rid private sectors i.n de County, authorizing the City Manager to enter an agreement in substantially the attached form with the aforementioned agency. City Manager recommends. 74. RESOLUTION oca ing $1,283,644 of Tenth R-84-559 Year Community Development MOVED: PLUMMER Block Grant funds previously SECOND: DAWKINS appropriated by Ordinance ABSENT: CAROLLO No. 9834 adopted May 10 , 1984, PEREZ to previously approved social service programs and one (1) Historic Preservation Pro ram or the period commencing July 1, 1984 and ending June 30, 1985, further authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreements with certain social service agencies for said aapproved projects. City Manager recommends. .nnullw �7� (�r� CITY MEETING DATE: May 10, 1984 RAGE NO: 32 R-84-542 75. RESOLUTION MOVED: DAWKINS Amending the Phase I Overtown SECOND: PLUMMER Station -Imp-a-ct AFea ABSENT: CAROLLO e e_v_eOpmen roposal for'Ehe PEREZ tFUTI ei ast- c vertown%Park West Redevelopment Program approved by Resolution 83-972 to include additional land for acquisition. City Manager recommends. 76. RESOLUTION CONTINUED Authorizing the issuance of a MOVED: DAWKINS request for proposals for a SECOND: PLUMMER Unif ied Develo ment Pro ect ABSENT: PEREZ EMT for the 0vertown/Park CAROLLO West Phase I project, for residential r.nd commercial faci iLicsf o i)c� :1.oc a - cam on nine bloc lt , irrcL,al.arIy bounded by Nor t I I v, e: t. 6th Street, 1%lot,thwe,,,it, 'lth Street, Northwest; 10th Street, North Miami. Avc►luc, 14ort:,hwest; 2nd Avenue a nd Horth%acat 3rd Avenue, (11i. ami. /t. L. Knowlton Blocks 24, 25, 37, 44, 45, 46, 55, 56 and the portions of P.W. Whites Re -sub of Block 36); selecting a certified public accounting firm and appointing members to a review committee to evaluate proposals and report findings to the City Manager as required by City of Miami Charter Section 53(3). City Manager recommends. 77. RESOLUTION R-84-567 Loan�ing�a� sucn of $25000 from MOVED: DAWKINS the FY' 84 special programs and SECOND: PLUMMER accounts budget, contingent ABSENT: CAROLLO fund, to the Department of PEREZ Off -Street parkingto fund the en�tin� o he City owned 01 m is Build���i�i�_2�_L located at -"�ast Flagser= Street. The Department of Off --Street Parking will repay said loan from. their FY'85 budget. City Manager recommends. MEETING DATE: May 10, 1984 PAGE NO: 33 78. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto, which has been negotiated with Zyscovich and Grafton Architects, for all planning, esi.gn and construction observation and consultation for the "Curtis Park Elderly Meals Facility" i a oea ing un s ere ®r in the amount of $50 000 from Federal Jobs Bi and Community Development Block Grant contingency funds already. allocated to the project by Resolution 83-p468 dated June 91 1983, and Resolution 84-396, dated April 5, 1984. 79. RESOLUTION uA ETiorIizing the Director of Finance to pay to Roy Herbert the sum of $ir,,o )o without the admission oo�iability, in full and complete settlement of all bodily injury, personal injury protection liens, workers' compensation liens, claims and demands against the City of Miami and Robert Anthony Nigro, and upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami and Robert Anthony Nigro from all claims and demands. 80. RESOLUTION Authorizing an increase in the contract between the City of Miami Florida and Russell, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $9, ` 30 for the completion of City Wide Paving Project S;W _ t� Wvenue and North River Drive, said amount to be provided from the account entitled City Wide Paving Improvements. City Manager recommends. R-84-534. MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ CAROLLO R-84-568 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP CITY COMMISSION AGE NDA MEETING DATE: Na v 10. 1984 PAGE NO: 34 81. RESOLUTION Authorising the Director of Finance to pay to Steven Eu ene the sum of $20,000 and o )onna Michaelson, his attorney, ,e sum o $5,000 for statutory, attorney fees and costs, in full and complete settlement of all workers' compensation claims or demands against the City of Miami upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami from all claims and demands. 82. RESOLUTION Xuthorizing the City Manager to execute a covenant with various private in ividuals, partnerships, companies or corporations for the right to construct operate and maintain a communication system system,,, within the public rights -of -way. City Manager recommends. NOT TAKEN UP R-84-538 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ E MEETING DATE: May 10, 19 814 BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 83• RESOLUTION ee2220intin three (3) members of the Private =ndustry ounce o'South or a or the period of July 1, 1984 to June 30, 1986. 84. RESOLUTION Expanding the Committee known as the East Little Havana Committee, to include rormer members of the East Little Havana Task Force and five residents of the area to provide for the effective monitoring of the implementation of the projects and programs recommended by the East Little Havana Task Force. 85. RESOLUTION Establishing a Task Force, to be known as the West Little Havana Task )force, to reeommen a revitalization action plan for the West Little Havana area as more definitely described herein; establishing objectives and appointing certain individuals to serve as members of the Task Force. 86. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the City o Riami Commission on the Status of women. 87. RESOLUTION Appointing certain individuals to the City o_ Miami Affirmative Action -Advisor Board. PAGI; NQ: NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP R-84-562 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ NOT TAKEN UP NOT TAKEN UP I 88. RESOLUTION pppointing certain individuals to serve on tTie ME 3 Waterfront Board. 89. WITHDRAWN NOT TAKEN UP / rM 7- CITY COMMISSION AGENDA N4E ING DATE: May 10, 1984 CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items 90 thru 97 constitute the Consent Agenda. These Resolutions are self explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, adopted unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda comprised of Items 90 thru 97 be adopted." 90. (CA) RESOLUTION Authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute an instrument formally cancelling thF"ru��ry, 1972 covenant' to run with the land executed by Xoan Zaifer & Ernestine Zaife s Wit e and O uez rano ri sa e o��rigg_uez is wi e wlic was recor�e-3 on t ebruary 22, 1972 under Clerk's File Number 72R- 139044 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, relating to a temporary 4-inch Sanitary Sewer Force Main serving the apartment building at 4393 N.W. 11th Street, Miami, Florida. 91. (CA) RESOLUTION Authorizing and directing the City Manager and City Cerk to execute an instrucment formally cancelling the remainder, of the October 29, 1962 covenant to run with the land `executed by the Tenth venue Land r oc-r-atlon relating to a portion of property included i:, the- Plat known as the following described property; second addition to 13ecical Center , as recorded in Plat book 123 at Page 28 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PAGE NO: 37 R-84-563 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ R-84-564 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT- CAROLLO PEREZ MEETING DATE: May 10, 19814 92. (CA) RESOLUTION cc ptiing the completed work of Lanzo Construction Co. Inc. at a tota cost o T-6T6 817.51 for Central 5anitary 6ewer Improvemeen n Central Sang Lary Sewer in Improvement District SR-5481-C (Centerline Sewer); and authorizing a final payment of $73,677.58. 93. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. at a total cost of T77,751.25 for City Wide anai��v �c�aer� Irn�r'cavemel�t - u- Bid I'ID" in City I't'1de Sz31nit;ar y Seger Al1apattali Industr j,�., . j1►,ca I:District, SR_ 5497-C ( Cc:nt;rrl.ine Sewer—); and authorizing a final payment of $8,369.13. 94. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of M.R. Harrison Crane Service, Inc. or furnishiRg four ) hydraulic cranes on a rental basis for three (3) days at the Marine Stadium to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total proposed cost of $9,781.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of the Office of Stadiums; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. PAGE NO: 38 WITHDRAWN NOT TAKEN UP R-84-536 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: PEREZ : 18 MEETING MATE: May 10, 1984 95. (CA) RESOLUTION ccep ing the bid of Southern Coach for furnishing labor and Merials � r e rereiurbbisFiment of one fire Uum err apparatus -hose No.5 Fo ht a Departmennt pf 7ire, Rescue and'Inspeetion Services at a total cost of $10,323.44; allocating funs therefor from the 1981 fire appartus acquisition, replacement and modification bond fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this service. 96. (CA) RESOLUTION ccepting the bid of Litton Office Products Center for urnis in and ins allin modular and ree s andin office urns ure or the apartment of ire, Rescue and Inspection services at a total cost of $20 871.30; allocating funds there or from the 1981 fire fighting, fire prevention and rescue facilities general obligation I bond fund: authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. �� (7p, (i°ri111`I, PAGE NO: R-84-565 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ R-84-566 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ CITY COMMISSION AGENDA -1 MEETING DATE: May 10, 1984 97. RESOLUTION - (FORMALIZATION) normalizing Motion 84-327) Allocating an amount not to exceed $2 000 from special programs a� n accounts, quality of life fund to Coconut Grove Senior Citizens, nc. in connection with a a Lay" said allocation being conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. PAGE NO: 40 R-84-522 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PRESaTTATIONS Commission Meeting _ flay 10, 1984 Proclamation: On the occnsion of flne Centennial of the birth of Presented President lhrry 5. Truman. Proclamation: Richard P. Br, i ni_cr Day. Presented Proclamation: Carlos_.) _Arbole;_a DaK. Presented Certificates of To the mcmbers of the Overtown Blue Ribbon Committee. Appreciation:' No Show Certificates of To the participants in the Miami. Police Department's Appreciation: Creative Crime Prevention play -writing contest. Presented Proclamation: Creative Crime Prevention Day. No Show Proclamation: Historic Preservation Week. Presented to John Clark, Presented airman, Heritage Conservation Board, and Arthur King, Vice Chairman. Commendation: To World Wide Shoes. Presented to Barry, Paul, and Presented Michael Hanna, owners. Proclamation: Semana de los munlcipios de Cube- en el Ftilio. Presented No Show to Desidc:rio Per(lomo, President. Proclamation: Ileitis arn.i Col iti.s Avureness Wech. Presented to Mr. Jules Presented Gorlitz, Chairm m o±-:dine Gorlitz So. Fla. Chapter of Nat'l Foundation for Ileitis and Colitis. .A"