HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0569J-84-433 RESOLUTION NO. 84-- 56 S A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CTTY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AMENTNIENT , IN A FOPI`t ACCEPT- ABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNFY ,TO ARTTCT.E IV OF THE MEMORANDUM OI? AGREEMENT RF T »EEN THE OVERTOWN FCONOMTC DE'VELOPP;ENT CORPORA- TION (OEDC) AND THE CTTY, DATED APRIL 21, 1981, TO PROVIDT, A LINE -ITEM BUDGET INCREASE OF $6,787.75 TO OEDC FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING PERMANENT COMPREHENSTV1" INSURANCE (PUBLIC LIABILITY, FTRE AND REPLACEMENT OF STRUCTURE COVERAGE) FOR THE OVERTOWN SHOP- PING CENTER; WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $6,787.75 FROM THE SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FUND. WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 81- 158 on March 17, 1981, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Overtown Economic Development Corporation (OEDC) for the leasing, construction and management of the Overtown Shopping Center, with funding from the Economic Deve- lopment Administration and a local match; and WHEREAS, the CITY and OEDC did execute a Memoradum of Agreement on April 21, 1981, for the purpose of improving and rehabilitating the Overtown area and to stimulate its economic development by constructing a shopping center, thereby creating jobs and stimulating additional commercial activity in the neighborhood; and i WHEREAS, Article IV H of this Memorandum of Agreement specified the services to be performed by OEDC and provides that the OEDC may be reimbursed; and WHEREAS, the OEDC has incurred expenses for legal services, accounting services, advertising, travel and personnel and de- sires to hire a clerk of the works and a secretary/Administrative Assistant to perform services related to monitoring construction programs; and WHEREAS, the City has identified a sum of $35,000 to provide the advance payment requested by OEDC in a memorandum received by the City of December 14, 1982; and CITY COMMISSION MEETING GI' MAY 10 1984 E WHEREAS, Article IV of the Memorandum of Agreement between the City and OEDC, dated April_ 21, 1981, was amended on December. 20, 1.982; and WIIEREIAS , such amendment attached and incorporated a j line -item budget total.incl $69,380 to the Agreement and stipu- lated that any increase in the budget total required a written amendment to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Overtown Economic Development Corporation (OEDC) indicated in a letter, dated April 23, 1984, that it needed additional_ funds in the amount of $6,787.75 to cover the costs of acquiring permanent comprehensive insurance (including public liability, fire and replacement of structure coverage) for the Overtown Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, the City has identified funds to cover said costs of the compreliensi-�7e insurance in the Special Programs and Accounts Conti.ncJent Lund. NOW, THEREFORE, L'E IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY of MIAMI, FLORIDA- Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to j execute an amendment,in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, i 3 to Article IV of the Memorandum of Agreement between the OEDC { and the City, dated April 21, 1981, to provide a line -item budget increase of $6,787.75 to OEDC for the purpose of acquiring permanent comprehensive insurance (public liability, fire and replacement of structure coverage) for the Overtown Shopping Center. i Section 2. A sum not to exceed $6,787.75 is hereby allocated from the City of Miami's Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund. PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: r OBERT F. CLARK, D PUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: 14 -vct� E GARCIA-•PEDROSA, CITY ATTORNE__Y 8Y+J56C}' 0 AMENDMENT An AMENDMENT to a Plemoratidum of Agreement dated April 21, ' 1981, betw(,en thn City of Miami-, hereinafter called the "CITY" and the Overtown Economic Development Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "OEDC". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 81-158 on March 17, 1981, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the Overtown Economic Development Corporation for the leasing, construction and management of the Overtown Shopping Center, with funding from the Economic Development Administration and a local match; and WHEREAS, the CITY and OEDC did execute a Memorandum of Agreement on 7�pi- 1 121, 1981, for the purpose of improving and rehabilitat_.in(4 the Overtown area and to stimulate its economic development i)y constructing a shopping center, thereby creating jobs and stimulating additional commercial activity in the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, Article IV H of this Memorandum of Agreement specifies the services to be performed by OEDC and provides that the OEDC may be reimbursed; and t WHEREAS, the OEDC has incurred expenses for legal services, accounting services, advertising, travel and personnel and desires to hire a clerk of the works and a secretary/Administra- tive Assistant to perform services related to monitoring con- struction programs; and ' WHEREAS, the OEDC has submitted to the CITY a line item budget requesting $69,380 for administrative services as speci- fied in Article Iv; and WHEIZEAS, the CITY has idenfitied a sum of $35,000 to provide the advance payment requested by OEDC in a memorandum received by the City on December 14, 1982; and EN WHEREAS, Article IV of. the Memor_a.nOiim of Agreement between OEDC and the C7TX, dated Apt:.i.l 21, 1.9s11_ wits )m—nded on December 29, 1982, and WHERrZr,, st1c'h amendment attached and a line - item budget t.ota_li_ng $69,380 to the Agreement and stipulated that any increase in the budget total required a written amendment to the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Overtown Economic Development Corporation indicated in a letter, dated April 23, 1984, that it needed ad- ditional funds in the amount of $6,787.75 to cover the cost of acquiring permanent comprehensive insurance (includes public liability, fire and replacement of structure coverage) for the Overtown Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, the City has identified funds to cover said costs of the comprehensive insurance in the Special Programs and Accounts Cont.inc�ent fund. NOW, in recognition of good and valuable con- sideration and upon the promises and mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Article IV of the Memorandum of Agreement be- tween OEDC and the CITY, dated April 21, 1981, is hereby amended by adding the following item: 0. A line -item budget increase request of $6,787.75 is attached and hereby incorporated and made part of this Agreement as "Attachment A". This budget increase is Allocated to cover_ the co:;t_:� of acquiring permanent comprehensive insurance (public liability, fire and replacement of structure coverage) on the Overtown Shopping Center. 84-56 w It is understood by both parties of this Agreement that all other condi-t:i_ons ontli.necl under the original Memorandum of Agreement, Ape 1.1_ 71 , 1.9U., rnmai_n in t=till_ force and effect wi.thoi3t. Tno(li.f i_c at:i_on, Qx-cc jet a provi-deci, 1�er - -i THIS AGREt t-'iENT shall. tai;e effect- upon if.; exec-ut=ion. IN WlTiqrSS WHEPEOF, the parties, hereto have caused these present to be executed by the respective officials thereunto duly authorized on this _ day of 1984. CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida ATTEST: By RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERK 01 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECT- OVERTOWN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, CORPORATION, A Florida corp- oration not for profit By JOSE GARCIA-PEDROSA, CITY ATTORNEY President ATTEST By Secretary (Corporate Seal) 84-SGS r ( ^1 -', CIIARLEu CASH OVERTOWN r.CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Prr.av;d en t CUARLFS <IOHNSON Vier rr"idpnt IM NA CHAPMAN ,Srrrrfrry Treasctrer April 23, 1984 PoAT?0 Af1.-*M lF.RS —" IA ftF,S T. RARNES LAURA t3E,THEL RICIIARD DAVENPORT -� rF'17YESTON Ms. Charlotte Gallogly �� •'� ,ti IVNIE HOOKS Director, Economic Development b> WILLIAM T. JOHNSON JACK LINDSEy City Of Miami GENE McCLEAN 174 East Flagler Street JOYCErAI?KS Olympia Building 7th Floor DONALD G. STEVENSON r Gr'ORGFTURNER Miami, Florida 331.31 ADVISORYBOARD Dear Ms. Ga.l.logly: � :== ANN MARIE ADKF.R WARREN L. III,ACIiD10N Because of the construction delays and leasing problems, we, OEDC, have exhausted our administrative budget for the Shopping Center. Therefore, we are requesting that our administrative budget be modified to cover the cost of acquiring permanent insurance on the Shopping Center, This com- prehensive poli-(:�r includes public liability, fire and replacer ilt of the st-ructure at a cost of $6, 787 .75. If there are m)y questions regarding this matter, don't hesiU-,t.e t.() contact me. Si.I cerc-ly, Jot/ph 1';7ilson Executive Director JW:cc 4`6 c 807 N. W. 3rd A VENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33125 (305) 374-1171 CITY OF IVIIA+11, (LU�?IL7^•, ( — ��G {� { INTER -OFFICE MEMORnNi:'lt. M `f tt» J j✓_ µ ^l` TO Howard V. Gary DATE, April 24, 1.984 FILE: City Manager sua�EtT Provision Of A Line -Item Budget Tnc reasr, Of $6,787.75 To The OV<?T'f=f_)4�?-1 Economic Charlotte Gallogly � De-1rel.op:rnel�t: Corporation FROM Director � REFERENCES Department of Economic May 1.0 Commission Agenda Development ENCLOSURFS "It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached resolution authori7i_ng the City Manager to execute an amendment to Article IV of the Memorandum Qa of Agreement between the Overtown .. Economic Development Corporation �y --.1 " (OEDC) and the City, to provide LLN .-, a line -item budget increase of $6,787.75 for the purpose of acquiring permanent comprehensive insurance on the Over_town Shop- ping Center; with funds there- Q fore allocated from the Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund." On April 23, 1984, the City of }li.ami Department of Economic Development received the ;-_3ttached letter_ from Mr, Joseph Wilson, Execut.i.ve T)i.r. c ct.ol. of the 01,7erto1%:n Economic Develop- ment Corhor.aLi on (CiI IBC') , i-cmle:,ting the num of $6,787.75 to cover thr2 c.,oc;t of acquiring I-)el.ma.nrnt comprehensive insurance (i rl lt7de: }:lI}:71i_c ] i a}�i_1_i_t:y, fire and replacement of structure coy-<r-:gc) for the Overto,,,,n Silo})ping Center. Previously, through an amendment: executed on December 29, 1982, the Cit•,� provided OEDC with funds in the aTllOUI-It of $69,380 for administrative expenses related to the manage- ment of the shopping center. It is recommended that the attached amendment be executed so that OEDC's administrative budget can be increased by $6,787.75 for the cost associated with said insurance. CG/AR/ju Attachments