HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0553J-84-391 4/20/84 rr/D7 RESOLUTION NO. 84�553 A RESOLUTTON ALLOCATING CERTAIN MONIES FROM SPECIE IED SOURCF-5 TO HETROPOL ITAN DADE COUNTY FOR ADHTNISTRAIIVE SERVICES IN CONNECTION WI III CITY PROGRAMS DEALING WITH COMMFINTTY DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING BOND LAND ACQUISITION ACTIVITIES PERFORMED RY TIIE DADE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING �: URBAN DEVELOPMENT: $165,000 FROM THE HOUSING BOND F-UNDS FOR THE SCATTERED SITE PROGRAll ; $38, 0011 FROM COMMUNITY DFVELO[IMENT FUNDS FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENI BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM AS IT R E L A T F S TO 111E GARHFNT CENTER EXPANSION P130GRAll ; $12,000 F13OFI J0135 13ILL FUNDS FOR THE FAIR HOUSING PROGRAM; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGRFEM1ENT WITH METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY FOR Tf1F ADMINISTRAT ION OF CERTAIN CITY OF 111Af11 COMFUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING 130NP LAND ACQUISITION ACT IV IIIIS PFRFURHFD RY DADE COUNTY DFI'ARTf1EN1 OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPHIENI ON BEHALF OF III[-- CITY AS SET FORTH ABOVE FOR THE CONTRACT PERIOD WHICH COMMENCED JUNE 16, 1983 AND EXPIRES JUNE 15, 1984. WHEREAS, Metropolitan Dade County has agreed to provide the City of Miami with certain administrative services in connection with land acquisition activities implemented through the City's Public Housing Scattered Site Program; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Dade County has agreed to provide the City with certain administrative services in connection with land acquisition activities implemented through the City's Community Development Program; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Dade County has agreed to provide the City with certain administrative services in connection with the implementation of the Fair Housing Program; and WHEREAS, Metropolitan Dade County's Department of Housing h Urban Development has been providing these administrative services to the City on an ongoing basis; and CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 10 1984 KSUuiiiuI% lttha,kt,` WHEREAS, $1659000 is determined to be an equitable amount for the administrative services provided in relation to the City's Public Housinq Scattered Site Program: and WHEREAS. $3111000 has heen determined i.r, hn art er7ui table amount. for the administrative services punvirind for the Block Grant Program as it relates to the Garment. Center Expansion Program; and WHEREAS, $12,000 has been determined to be an equitable amount for the services provided for the Fair Housing Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The sum of $165,000 of Housing Bond funds is hereby allocated to Metropolitan Dade County for administrative services provided to the City of Miami in connection with the Public Housinq Scattered Site Program by Dade County Department of Housing & Urban Development. Section 2. The sum of $38,000 of Community Development Grant funds is hereby allocated to Metropolitan Dade County for administrative services provided to the City by Dade County Department of Housinq & Urban Development in connection with the Community Development Block Grant Program as it relates to the Garment Center Expansion Program. Section 3. The sum of $12,000 of Jobs Bill administration funds is hereby allocated to Metropolitan Dade County for services provided to the City by Dade County Department of Housinq & Urban Development in connection with the Fair Housing Program. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement. with Metropolitan Dade County for the administration of certain City of Miami Community Development and housing bond land acquisition activities performed by WZW 84--553 Dade County Department of Housinq & Urban Development on behalf of the City as set forth above for the contract period which commenced June 16, 1963 and expires June 15, 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED this IOtI, day of May , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre ATTEST: PREP 'QED AND APPROVED BY: DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: r � ,4* ITY ATTORNEY .3- WE 84-55&2 56 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANOUM TO. Howard V. Gary City Manager Awl- 11_YrZV_*"4J FROM: Dena Spillman, Director Community Development DATE: April 11, 1984 FILE: SUBJECT: City/County Agreement of Understanding REFERENCES! City Commission Agenda - May 10, 1984 ENCLOSURES: It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached. resolution allocating $215,000, with monies therefor allocated from the Housing Bond funds for the Scattered Site Program in the amount Of $16 5,000; V ith 111011i.e5 therefor allocated from Commu.11i.ty P(:'N-Cl ormc�nt foi- t:hc Center in t}:)c: �:nicuult of. ;�:<<, OC)0 ; �.)�cI �. i. L_]� n��,�))i therefor alloca c:6) i_y oi; o to?t_= fu)l Housi.no 3.7] thc.-3mollnl- (-�J 7 ;� , 0(�(I, t.0 Aietrofac�l.i_t,,r, I:)r_cic County f,.�r i�3)c �_sriln��ni:�rt:ra.f�.ion of certain City of J�li:'t'�it.7 coC,ililr:n t'.y find Housincl PonCi lr t")C.1 acClt7]..:',.tiofi p( rformed by Dade County Dcj.��:.x�i_r�<< nt� of. Url)an Development on behalf of: the City for "_Ihr_- contract period which commenced June 16, 1983, and expires June 15, 1984; further authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Metropolitan Dade County for this purpose. In implementing its Community Development Block Grant and Public Housing Scattered Site programs, the City has found it necessary and desirable to contract with Metropolitan Dade County (DCHUD) for administrative services in connection with the undertaking of certain project activi- ties. These include family and business relocation, land acquisition services, property management, site clearance, land disposition administration and fair housing. In addition, Dade County provides the City of Miami with assistance in the planning and administration of redevelopment plans necessary for the implementation of CDBC: assisted neighborhood improvement programs, as required. On June 15, 1983, the funds allocated to DCHUD for administration of the above mentioned activities expired under the 1982-83 Agreement of Understanding. Since that date, Dade County HUD has acquired real property in the amount of approximately $1.1 million of Housing Bond Funds for the Scattered Sites program. This amount represents V 84-553 Howard V. Gary City Manager April 11, 1984 page 2 about 90% of the total $1.2 million that is anticipated to be spent by June 15, 1984. Also, DCHUD has spent approximately $115,000 of CD funds for acquiring land for the Garment Center Expansion program. This amount, represents about 45% of the total anticipated amount of $250,000 to be spent by June 15, 1984. The sum associated with the administration of land acquisition activities represents 13% of the total expenditure for those activities. In addition, through subcontract the County will provide the City with all service: necessary to comply with the Fair Mousing Act. Therefore, it is that $12, 000 l..)e included ill the contract for the of the Fait_ liousi.ng program. In viei�, oi tl)(: Z"J))vc,, it i.. = 3.ccommcndcd the-,.t the City of. ,'iiami and Metropoli.t�-';,a ]_ adc C'oi—inty enter into contract for :said. amount of $215, 000 f.car DC:liUD to admi ni: ter the above mentioned activities on behalf of the City of Miami for the period from June 16, 1983 through June 15, 1984. /cr encl. `J Howard V. Gary City Manager April 11, 1984 page 2 about 90% of the total $1.2 million that is anticipated to be spent by June 15, 1984. Also, DCHUD has spent approximately $115,000 of CD funds for acquiring land for the Garment Center Expansion program. This amount represents about 45% of the total anticipated amount of $250,000 to be spent by June 15, 1984. The sum associated with the administration of land acquisition activities represents 13% of the total expenditure for those activities. In addition, through subcontract the Count- will provide the City with all servi_c:cs necessary to comp7_,,= with the Fair Housing Act. Therefore, it is rcca;n,let-)dcd that: 12,000 be .i.nclucloc3 in the contract:for i<he of the Fair pro( -,Tram. In vict,,, of t h(-'. 1: c:vc i_t: i. YCCO] 11C!)6(".J thz t the, City of Miami and Metropoli.tL:ii I a6k., C'all.ilt�' i31to colit.rac:t fo7. 'said amount of $215, 000 f or L)C IU11) to acb-lii.ni.".,t:c3_ the above, mentioned activities on behalf of the City of Miami for the period from June 16, 1983 through June 15, 1984. /cr encl. 84- 55a Howard V. Gary City Manager April 11, 1984 page 2 about 90% of the total $1.2 million that is anticipated to be spent by June 15, 1984. Also, DCHUD has spent approximately $115,000 of CD funds for acquiring land for the Garment Center Expansion program. This amount represents about 45% of the total anticipated amount of $250,000 to be spent by June 15, 1984. The sum associated with the administration of land acquisition activities represents 13% of the total expenditure for those activities. In addition, through subcontract the County will provide the City with all services Weems,-iry to comply with the Fair Housing Act. Therefore, i-k is roc ortimciidc_ci that:. $12,000 be included in the contract for the admini:-(:_ration of- the Fair Housi.nq program. In vict,, of the i i_ i i:ccomau ndcd that the- Cit.�� of. Miami and Metropaol_ A;i)a! Dj-.dc= comity entc%r into contract for said amount of $215, 000 for D"IlUD to a6minitVtor the above nientioa)cd activities on behalf of t-hc� City of Miami for the period from June 16, 1983 through June 15, 1984. /cr encl. t