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3-84-435 5/3/84 rr/D7 M84-37, 1/19/84 RESOLUTION NO. 84,535 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $50,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, TO THE DOWNTOWN 111A1 T i311SIN1--5 ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR T11E PURPOSE OF INSTTTUTT_NG A YEAR-ROUND ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN DESIGNED TO DEVELOP BUSINESS FOR THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS AND TO PR01101F TILL 10WNT0WN BUSINESS 1)I511?ICI 10 T11E LOCAL SOUTH FLORIDA COMMUNITY; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIA1 I Ai)HINISTRATIVF POLICY NO. APM-1 -84, DATI:-0 JANUARY 24, 1984. WHEREAS, to tourist industry has traditionally been regarded as a major factor in the economic support of the downtown business district; and WHEREAS, the tourist industry can be and has been affected by the economic recessions in other countries; and WHEREAS, the downtown merchants have developed a dependence on the tourist market for their businesses; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami has benefited by the tax revenues produced by the downtown merchants and the business district; and WHEREAS, the City continues to recognize the potential economic impact of patronage of the downtown business rt district by the local South Florida community; and WHEREAS, the City can benefit from all the promotional activities that will result from the implementation of an advertising campaign; and WHEREAS, on January 19, 1984, the City Commission passed Motion No. 84-37 authorizing the City Manager to locate the sum of $50,000 for a promotional campaign organized by the Downtown Miami Business Association, Inc.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: F�t�,�ECI ��IMISSION ING OF PAY io 19 , y RESOLUIIOi, ,,,,4t7iJ REt"Akti Section 1. An amount not to exceed $50,000 is hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts, Contingent Fund, to the Downtown Ili ami Business Associ_af.ion. inc. for the purpose of impir-mcritinq :In-ridvrrti_sinq crImPaion fo assi.st in developing hirsi_nesr; frir the dok,nt.own husinc, district, and prompt.inq thF: dnvintou:n section of the City of tliami to the local community. Secf.ion 2. The herein allocation is conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Hinmi Administrative Policy No. APIA-1-04, dated January 24, 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED this loth day of May , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre Y ATTEST: G. ONGIE, L PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORII AND CORRECTNESS: - /104� 4 GARCIA-PED �TSA TY ATTORNEY h 84-535 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pagq Article I 1-1 Contract Provisions I Article IT `. --------------------- 2.1 City Authorization 2 2.2 Scope of Services 2 2.3 compliancei'iit1i Federal, State and Local Laws 4 2.4 Contract iiodi_fication 4 Article III - - 3.1 tjax.i.mutn Compensation,/Method of Payment 4 3-2 Reimbursement--Titmely Submission 5 3.3 Salaries, Fringe Benefits, Job DescriptiorLs 5 3-4 Financial Accountability 6 3-5 Financial. Records 6 3.6 Ren.tention of Records 6 3 _ 7 .Bondi.ng. and insurance 7 .. 3 _ 8 Subcontracts 7 3.9. Repor-ts, Audits and Evaluations 8 .l2'i:: ticln ' -V" 4.2 11c��.l.c;.T i?)'� c: , kin .tY 9 4.3 f�crxti�:I:.i.<:~i. e>.;: a=-tturests 9 4.4 1 Jon, 1Q 4.5 i; 4.G 1'tia<chii-,i..TICTT:nventory 12 4.7 I3iscJ..o tzrc of Y'tends 12 4.8 Final Report , 12 4.9 Ownership of Documents 13 4.10 Award of., Agreement 13 { 4•. U. Non-Delegability 1' 4.12 Construction of Agreement Article V . 5.1'Max in, um Compensation 14 5.2 Time of Performance' 14 5.3 Obligation to Re -new 14 5.4 Recapture of Funds t 14 Article V7 , 6.1 General Assurance and Certifications 14 6.2 Anti --Kickback Provision 16 Article VII 7.1 Te m ination Clause 16 P.rticle VIII Signatories 17 84-53s. I,CorlOt-IT(" DEVELOPMENT (7t',TT ?TV'T 41 51- THIS AGRFFI1IF T, Ont.errcl i.nt-_() 111, 1n:I thfn. City of Miami, a polif is i_ :_Ii- r;; -1t:n fj t''�!)1'7.!7 ), lif r.P_inafter referred to 7S t:11- "Ci t". tl1.d i.1t it<)'iil (,"tl •iJ "; 1',i r> ;r � mi F' ; n �� ocyir�tion (DMBA) , ruff!-Y"( d i;o] },r)rty, fltl l.Y organized7 and ex_stinq an(l by Zii 1-t i-In Ofth(1,1.1-) (.?f t_h�? ,<:1 tf� 0f- F1.n iJ dia a r�1 non-profit cor.porationt ha-v3.W1 its F?t'i.nc;iF1r11_ office at. One Biscayne Tower, 20th Floor, Miami, Florida 33131. for the period beginning May 1, 1984 and ending February 28, 1985, Funding Source: Special. Programsand 'Aecounts Contingent Fun6 in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein- after set forth, the parties hereto agree: ARTICLE I: As a necessary part of this Agreement, the Contractor agrees to provide the City with the following standard requirements. 1.1 CONTRACT PRO IISlO"`S 1. Copy of- contractor's Articles of incorporation, Charter and 1351-.1aws . 2. List of Present Principal Governing Board Officers and Members of the Hoard (names, addresses and telephone number). 3. List of Key Staff Persons, with their titles, who will carry out this program. 4. Copy of Contractor's current Fidelity Bond (applicable for all persons vho are authorized to receive and disburse funds under this contract). 5. completion of T,uthorizcCl ,epresentative Statement (on form supplied by the City) . 6. Completion of Statement of 7�ccountinq System (on forri supplied by the City). 0 7 CPA letter,veriEying t1-Ie CC1 current Alzdit RCPo.rt_ ("thT_ch t:,,-T C 11,-r_:'.ct)r:'r., in— ternal controls as ad quaLc to saf_-nq,z�rd the c�rr�ani zation'_s `asset=s) _ 8. Final T;.cpenclitures Report (to be submitted 30 dayn aftdr Contract 9. Work Program and Line-Ttem Budget (subject: to approval by the Depa.rt.meat~ gal Economic Development). - 10 _ Proof- of Workricir.Compensatiort insurance_ ' ll_ Contractor's Corporate Seal (to be affixed to Signatory Page) - 12. Corpo.rata Personnel. Policies and Procedures_ 1,3. Corporate, Pes©lutioxz att 4�Lozi.:�zitg. execcrtian of this Contract_ IYRTZCLE ITS• GENER,M, OBLIGATIONS .2..1. CITY AUTSORIZATION • - k'or the purpose of this contract tR9 City • of Mimi., Depart -- bent of Economic Development *111 act in behalf of the City . in the fiscal control, programmatic: rcenitoring and y�io3i ficatioxz of this Contract_ 2.2 SCOPE OF SERVI(MS • ' - The Coatract:or will provide the following services: A- The Contractor agrees"to carry out the project as pre- scribed in its Work Program in a lawful, ,;atisfactory and proper manner, in accor(lance with the written pol.ici`s and procedures, and requ.irc>i,ients as :art this Agre`i:ient:, as set 'orth by tilt tlniLrvc3 t,i:.< .`secretary of Treasury, rind. the City of Nizirrli. 1 cIPLILtr.t .'t Of LCOTIO,ic Developpleht., all other SLZIL_, artd .o,c. ll in Z�c:corartce i 1 With th� r'C1ll1��Ci�.�Tt�:,`_.� C.C°SCY1_hc'�1 ill � CC t)csu;�'�_tlhc'_Ct.;. of F;Conornic 11()13 cies Zltl(� 1)C'C C01-tt.)L\7' S ti;`ZIUal EOr Carn;nttri:t.tti Dzi--tt-c1 C1r.q.trt�i; ��L.ic�►1S t ohich is ctttciched to and 2 -. 84-535 B. Maintain records reflecting that the City's monetary contri- bution to the program has been matched on a dollar for dollar basis. C. Incorporate the name and logo of the City of Miami on all brochures,_ directories and promotional materials published by the Corp- oration. D. This Agreement will not begin until the Management By Objec- tives (MBns) work program and budget have been received and approved by the City's Department of Economic Development (DED) . E. Develop promotional activities designed to give maximum exposure to the Downtown Miami area during the holidays of Mother's Day and Father's Day. F. Organize a mutiple media advertising campaign for the major holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas for the purpose of attracting business to the area and its merchants. G. Provide outdoor advertisement through the printing and mailing of various brochures and pamphlets promoting the holiday and special event activities and sales opportunities in Downtown Miami. H. Establish and coordinate a Speaker's Bureau for the purpose of marketing the Downtown Miami area as a place to do business on a year-round basis. 3- 84-535 Aft A* 2. 3 COMPI.XANCE 0-TTEi FEDERJKL, STATE AND LOCAL M'► IS Both piarti.e_� comply all appl_icatote laws.. ordi- nance_ ana cncic� of 1-c-Cif-r.al, Stat.:e, and local governments_ 2. 4 CONTRACT i,10 'J'_ TC T:r0L The City or C'oat.ractor may, from time to tine` request changes .5_n the t•Tor%, grog: aL.t to be performed. hereunder_ Such ciia ig�-a;,. 'inc.Luding an increase or ,dGcrcase in. the . amount of Contractor co;mpensa,tiort,. 'which are mu`ual. Y agreed upon by and, between the City and the Cdntcactorr nust be incorporated in writing to this Agreemeat and must. be executed by the City anti the Contractor- ana aro stLbj ec-L to the pz oui.sio:i cont-ained ia tha roiicies and Procedures M1� for Com]F~ una.t 13asecl Organizat? ons_ ARTICLE III 3W1 MAXIMUM COMPENSATION/METHOD OF PAYMENT All payments, unless otherwise stipulated, shall be reimbursement for expenditures incurred only in this contract period, and in compliance with a previously approved line item budget. Such reimbursement requests shall contain a statement declaring and affirming that all disbursements were made in accordance with the approved budget. All documentation in support of such request is made and all invoices should have been paid by the contractor nzior to sub.-Assion, All reimbursements must be in line -item form and be in wow 84-53,K4;. accord with the Agxeeieent. All expenditure.; must- be verifie(l by Orlrji nai_ invoicer with a copy of the check whJch eta_; i1� �,(I to Pay t_�r�> sper, i_ i.c: i.nvc�' _ Tra case tbat -In a copy of the i n-,,roice 1R cIY cate the eXact amount- paid by viarious funding sour_c`s equaling the, total of the .nvaj-ca> )\11 pc!tty cash accounts zn.ust. be jus.--i_fied with pr_opYr docum-2titation. Requests for budget line -item changes are allowable with prior review and approval by the Clty. 3.2 REIMBURSEMENT -- TIMELY SUBMISSION Requests for payment shall be made on a monthly basis. Reimbursement requests shall be submitted on the fifth (5th) wor)-, ?_ng day of each :north. Reimbursement requests for ex.pejAitures, incurred during the life of this Agree- ment shall not be honored unless received by the City within thirty (30) days following the e;cpiration date, 3.3 SALARIES, FRINGE BENFITS, JOB DESCRIPTIONS No reimbursement for salaries or other costs associated with administrative and personnel expenditures will be considered. s 84"535 3„ 4 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY At any time or times prior to final pay-ment under th.a.s con.--_ tract, the City may have the Contracfior's financial rccords audited- Eacli payment hc�r_ef:oforc mad.o sha.l-L reduction for ax oun_ts incLu.dedd in _nvoico or - voucher which are found by the City- Nanage?9 , on the basis of such audit, tZot to constitute allowable 'cost_. Any payment, xnay lae reduced for paymenta, or Increased for u.nd=:!r- pay-ments, on preceding invoices or vouchers or to repay any amotint s .• . 3..5 rINANCIAL. RECORDS ---The Contractor shall Maintain a separate accounting record of the fw3d .; iinder t_hLz Agreement. Accounting records mt'st reflect~ f-und _:, provzd'ed by the City have been matched dollar_ foz dollar by the contractor- 3-6 RETErrrION OF R_rCG?MS Contractor agrees to retair& all financial records, supporting ,docu,tents, statistical reco'a-;, and all other records pertinent to this contract P for a period of three (3) years. The retention p.2!r_iod �,t_larts from the date of submission Of the final report - Records for rion--e xpenc2able prof?,,t --ty .zc :ui_r,_C With funds under tiiF� Cantr. lct�, shi-il.l }� �_c>t.xir (2 d for a period of: three ye,-Ars of te. its final. Said records slIall t.e reL-ained b--yond tti � three year period if the audit findings have not been resol•.zd. --6- f N4-535 3_ 7 I300C�t Duri.etc{ t:t,r, ;,- z m c' z. Z;_�. zgremF_�R,-n.t Lh - Contractor- Shall ij ,e,e7:."_1z1(.r!, .te2rl h'--)ncIi_r.�g c_ov r_ tg*�� fecc.,c taIet to. the C'7_$_.� ,AgrE'eEi1 Tit.,, i:i2r' f:C.7Il :T lCi::t:)i.; `= I%Z1_� f:e l,t it 1:0 thrF cit-y certifi_c al-r-s of inset-,Ince a.nd honrl.ieng that th Contractor_ is in co�pliar_ce Iaith the provisions of th"s article. - The Contractor shall provide the following coverages_ a) insurance coverage that reelects sound, business practices acceptable to the Ci.t<y_ . b). Fidelity 3;oz'di<ng for all persons handling• funds received or disbursed t.mder ti-ti_s Agrreement in art amount cgixal to or greater thact the Ma.-dmt= ancun� of Cash held at any one time: $10,.000. ! z 3 . 8 SUBCONTRACTS ' 1 -=•-:-Contractor agrees to give advance notification, in writing to the City of any subcontract. Norse of the work or ser- a . f vices, including, but no1i r Led to, consultant �,orla or . services, covered by this contract sha]_I. be syCbc:antraeted without prior written approval of the City. Any iyork or Services subcontracted hereunder sha11. be subject to each i i provision of this. contract. Proper documentation in ac— cordance with the D-epartnztent- of Economtc Davalop,- ent and E City gLlidC,Ii.rze_, must IJ'a subnii:ted to .-11-1 :.I?,3. CDVec± by tile # City prioi_ t.Q tb� t'::ecelti(:)n of any �;ubcOnt! act. i The City rcLst-rves tlic�t t.o rev -:it -lam Gila bi.d doca-�;��nts both -Oi.th tilt:- Private Non -Prat -it Cozitr, ctor, <�nd other en— tities, ande to revie;a and audit books and records related to the bidding process. The advance notification process shall include the following: .7s 84�53s i2) �{t�`T�t:z_ 2.(.:r�F:i.C1Ti C?f. 3���!-x r:t.��l[;/7f?�_i 2-t!:T.�fJY' r`_1Tt{�, :i�_'?_'•I.I_C�'_•:�• e�.'.�3 b) The price tojel-I-Y5?Zr UT�_i l? it and of t bat price on a coi!?ponent'... • by c) Xdezlti fj_r-ti_j_Caz-i oj: t;h type of subcontract to be used- d) Summary ,oE act-J-on taken to select the subcontractor_ 3.9 MPORTS, ZUDITS,- .AND EVALUATIONS The City shall cooperate �,TiLh the Contractor in the conduct o.. activities delegated under this contract as reasonably requested and as descri_becl in the Policies, and Procedures. Manual for Community Based Organizations- she Contractor agrees to subrti-t to the City such reports as may be required - The Contractor also agrees to prepare and retain and permit the city to inspect as it deems necessary for grant purpo- ses record,--; th'at may be relevant. to Federal, State oz: - .=--local cia.t c c.f a.ti1e�s. Contractor iAl.l. t=ransniit to the City, in writing, manth?.y report regar air_g current activity and the progress of thcc-- Contractor's activities in the forrat'presented by the City- . At the request of the City, Contractor will trarts_*u.t to the City written statement of contractor's official policy on specified issues relating to Contractor' acitivities- The Contractor further agrees that the City :,lay- carry lout monitoring and evaluation activit i-e!, to ilic.lud,-: at 4a =-ti n— imum, visits and obser v atioTzs by the CIA-, P and will effectively ertsure tlhc: cooPc:rtio:-i Of tlr,= U tlt2 c1ct'S .employees and board 111,-�r:lbctrs ill ;Uch MI reports, audits, and evaluations either.- -InIj;tit.ted to the City oa a monthly basis, or acquired through on -going rtonitoziing an, -a- 84-53s 1-ty t e« t. 7.nI'.7.2,C? ,.>. i evalurt.iou,r '•a0_I. (Jute l C i_1 4� .!)t t: ��.alcl 1.. q z.i_ c.=A)� to 'terminate this at any time the)eafter_ ARTICLE TV GENEPUNL •CONDITIOMS 4.1 PROJECTS PUBLICITY ' The Contractor must abide by affirmative action regulations in informing residents of the. geographical area to be _ w served hereunder, of the services to be offered by util.i,--' zing any available means for advertisement:, as necessary for recrui.t.ment and outreach - All pW-31i.ci.ty or Promotion re-- gardi n( i-.ht .. E.'ont,x:aCmi:o ' ;s act:ivJ Lib's will he aU.`. m-itted icy the .l_C:!V_i_0_W and-ppLoVal prio'..s tC) t=}:?a )-o- .easu or dzs�ri.Iatlt.T.clrz.F No press conference will Jae scheduled. with -- out prior writte. i notice to the City_ 4.2 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The contractor agrees that there will be no di.scriminatio:z against any employee or person served art account of racer • color, sex, religious creed, ancestry,, national origi;r_ or physical, handicap .in its pexfortzance of this contract; and it is expressly understood that upon the receipt of evidence of such discrimination, the City shall have the • right to teiquinate this contract. 4-.3 CONFLICT OF INTERESTS No official or employee of the Contractor may be -admitted directly or indirectly t:o any share or part of thin con- tract or to ariy tO fl:OM 11or own or acquire any persorl.il inLecest. :in z:ny ��rc5p;3rt}�, contract -or proposed contract which would conflict with or relate -9 84-535 f to �:��.�' c Orf?1<?ttC! j t tlE' 1.{'f'.r_�7C7CI'_i7 �J1I_il:?C�.ec this C..oilt=l: 1C:f:._ Ti^ Y or is �;na £utilre <a.C:qti or �iE'2_-`*f?Ilci.�t_ �_1"1?.�i:+-••�E:, }lC'j�:�lr- �;�1.<LI.�t ?.T`'";^C`i,l.'t.tx`'_I_.�° {')_=':�'I_f� r`' such 7_T1�=E`?,E' i, iJ-) i 1lC C -ty %+rtCj (ot-X3-'l- at'ap?_r?f>r a_t,r, Upon �iltcl2 . her par L is ipa i-Ji_o n a_ is such participation, is con Lrary to • td -. . public int_c:res t _ The Cont-rac:t:or' 475-1-1 comply with all'£ederal, State ar_cl -local. conflict of interest lairs and requirements_ - 4.4 Z%ID.tt.'iZk'SC31TT0`3 The Contractor_ understands and agrees that it is an irc-- dependent. Contractor and agrees to indemnify and. save the City harmless from and against any azul all cl ait :s,. li abi.-- z litites i ! 05 � i3? tC C cill`_iC o �1Gt=1_C1?T F Ivt2J C}1 I:�' .t� ar2 a'e, out of the Con Lra.ci-or' eluding all other_ acts, ox- •L) -Ict- on tha pa_T-t o the corit�r_ acigr car anyc� f: :including any person acting for or on 11is or th-r-2 i:r and., from and against any, orders, judgTieT1t::: or c_Iccrces which may be ent crec? and frc;:r and against all costs, at+torney's fees, e::nensas anti liabi- lities incurred in the defense- of any such clai cos, or in, the investigation thereof. Tn addition, tiic,- ui 1 hold the City harmless and will indeiiutify the City for atn"; which the ' ICity is obligated to rc}ffund the S'ederal gowarn- Taent arising out of the conduct of activiLies and tration of the, Cont.racLor_. In czi``.c- suit is _nst: t_ut.rycl in order to obtain funds from the Cont-ract_or for which the City is obligated to refund ra,. t_i� , 1'f ct�_rri? C*o%r_arr; e:ct, the Contractor agrees to tray any a-lditioi�zil fee which the .court may adjudge reasonable as a.ttorney's fees. -Io- 84-sw 4-5 r7 i. LEVEL OF SERVICE It zs e,,pr`ed LhaU funds a- ye- pro,,,r_t(j(-cj to insure ua311_-y Service to ('11,1--v for 'a or any 0Q3_,rj-' 5-ri ths? Depcartw.en'(_- of i.�; T-_0 lv, int y jivIi-ng all- pertinent and indi— i�51 or conbh4- -On VJ1Cn SerV-7---aw/-i-Tt: - Understood ana agreed that the level, 'oE f;�rv.i='-, activi— ties and expenditures by the Contractor, i7a existence Prior to -he initiation of services hereiinder, shall ba 7f Continued and not be reduced ii-i any -,,;ay as a results of - this Contract except for reductions unrcldtea to the pro — vislorits or purpase� herein statod- It i-::-; further under- stood and agreed that the program fi-meled 11-1rai-Igh Can — tract will Slot 'resu'lt- in the disnlaccmenL o.E' c-mlployed en-J-S.-t-inc cojiLracts for ser-Irices or result in IAIQ:!� iz�a.;tri_ir>tt ors of ;`_:unds allocated under this Contract: for funds in connection with work which would have been performed even in the absence of this Contract PURCHIASING AND INVENTORY The purchase of supplies and equipment is considered to be part of administrative expenses and therefore is excluded under this contract. -.11- 84-Sa!i The C::cnr+t_r. i:t.c,t: f h;ba .l cli.sc lose all sources. (Public ana Priva- te) , and f_?trtds whether ley ?_zc= r i of ftt the co--r.nz,C� :G"^:7 of the contract pai:3_od, as well_ any chartrih- in ;_hc_ of funds through prOq.r_am i_z1Cor�.� c�_r_ c�i_.t�z sou cC s during the vexmi of ag.reerten.� , withia Lhir_ty (30) days of such change, Examples' cis; in -kind funds to include free rent, labor, office equipment., etc. . 4.8 FINAL EXPENDITURE REPORT A final budgetary report including addited financial state— mentS shall. be sub. % ttcd to the City within_ thirty (30) days after the ex.pirat. can or- tha cont:3_act pcziad_ T1-1; report should rca 1_c�ct �tc.ttt,a.l i�r:����ztci.a_i_rzrr s, by Liza -items, versus praposcd' subm teed at the beginning of _. _the Contract. year. 4z.9 OMERSKIP OF DOCUMENTS All writings, diagrams,- tracing, charts, and schedules developed by Contract -or under this Agreement, shall be de- littered to the City by :-a-id Con`ractar upon completion of the work and shall the property of t.h.2 City, without restriction or lirctitation can their use•.. Cont:rJ.ctcar agrees i that all documanLs, record,- and rcpoLt and ge- nerated pursuant~ to this contractual relat.ic3n ,Rita U�tcr�ott the City and Contractor shall be subject to 1-t1:l. provisions of the Public Records Laws, Chapter 1:.9, Florida Statutes. -1,2- 84- 53.5 Xtw j,S ill.'-l:.tr�'t lC t::.f:�)r!(° i?�,` 7itr�i. 11� ..T•!R_^. C1 °^tia Part 1.-'4 that u P rnraf:r_7rt_ cl.ac:�tr,?�.c�L�.� r�0 ):t Cyr any c-)t ir-.�, �,, +:^d: i 1 .�P.. r�r �tc.y: t•t?i_c tx j._ cJi_=.r at? i_�°i 1'.I� * Ci.t *� f cz the Cc?a�t..��.c;t_c�r f�ut �:z.ztt. �:c� t �? �., Acir_r_r�;en.t-;1.?<<.1.1_ :,.tr :z.1_ xejnaiz? t.1zE: ? opart-y of ;lac ('i.ty ana tea?_1 not. be c:Secl by the Coni.:ract_oz- J-ar any other purposes whatsoever without the writ —ten consent of the City_ - 4 .10 AWARD OP. JAGREL;_ -- M- ' - The Coo tz: ac tors warrant tha: they have not employed or retaizied any company or persons to . solicit or secure this _ Agreement and tha;, they have not offered to pay, paid or - agreed to pay any person or company any fe^, cammission,• percentage, brokerage fee, or gifts of any Yi-r_d contingent upon or z!2sulting from :.he award of ma"King this Agreement, ---- The Cc nx--?.acLors. arc, aware of the can"t i ct� af= interest laws of i.1?c. (::i_t.-v C)E Miajd. (',I1_ani City Coda Chapter 2, Article V) " Dade C oui'it.y, 1 lor�T da• (Dade County Code, Section 2—IZ_1) and • tho. 7`larida. Statutes, and agree that they will fully comply in: all respects with the tern, s of said laws_ 4 _ 11 NON—DELECABYL71TY Itis understood and agreed that the obligations undertaken by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement shall not be delegated to any other person or firm unless the City shall first consent in writing to the parformance of such servi— ces or any part thereof by another person or firm- 4.12 CONSTRUCTION OF AGIREEMENT The hereto agree that this Agreement shall be - construed and enforced according to the laws, statutes and • case laws of the State of Florida. 84-535 �It'l'.tCLM V hp ��tP co11 '1:_1S T i0'i I-IETIIOD 'Iiie Ccittir��rt:ox_ agrees to accept: as full pairreenta for prof-- fessiona.1. sc!rlk; i.ce!. x.enclex�-d i.1- ataanne:_ 'gat i_-fyc�nry t o ih� City, the cif- l�uc7�� ied, eli.f}i.ial_c, approvE-d ('_:{P)c T1d ?_ L11re s, =trill elict?C=[�)r .72C=�"--; M t.(7.C.' ))X the Corttracter fox tlie, purpose of carrykng out- the sc,3-- ices hereunder during the P��riokl of this Agreement_ It i,s expressly understood and agreed _hat in no event:, shal3_ -the total compensation and/or xc:i_rtburse-nQzit. to be paia hereunder exceed the maN i_num sr,-n oz 5 0 r) . n n ' S.2 TIME OF PE:RFO-P-MM`ICE This Cont-?-act shall become effective upon execution,, and the s�:z tri..c,.e:.= oE- ,-he Contractor. are to commance on *lay 14,, 1984 a11cter-1i hate • on' February 28, 1985. 5..3 OBLIGATT,Oi`+ TO PE -NEW . Upon termini -.it -ion of this Agreement, the Contractor agrees and under'- ; ta pas that the City has no obligation to rip -news this Contract. 5.4 RECAPTURE OF FMNDS - The Ci - shall reserve the right to .recapture funds whert - the contractor fails to. comply .with the terms of tha agreement or refuses to accept conditions imposed by the City. ARTICLE VI G"M EP-M, ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATIONS �.1 THE CONTRACTOR AS_SUTtES ANID CERTIFIES THA' : 1) It xassessr- , 1 .y��1 .�Llt-.i-jority to enztcr into this Con- tract; �x rc_ a'ltiLic t�, i;col ozi, c�.t i-lar acticia has been duly adopted or pcAA ;sed as an official act of the . (Jo=.••--�rnincj LL)Oy, .tut,to--i::ing tl;ir c,x:�-_Utiol of tile. Contract, including all understanairy;' an3 -14- t • I. :. �, r•i is zinc t !ln ��. Y-�a�a[.i 7_[�,?dt .7_ l.s_r�. .)... a}t t F ? ... i_ T i� s titre czl: i:ltn t�°Lt[Zl�t"ttr.:cid' t_c� =tc:f� ?.t c�ozzn�F.4 -_�7;z �•r?.g_ti �_.t:�,,. i i Contract �x1c3. € �� j�r_c�` mlc r:ttch ��ddif:i_Onal info_ jr t ;on a, _ _ mayt,e �� c�_��, i_,_ ea A 2) Xt wi_)X' comply wi_t'h the provision of L-he I1atch Act which Yir..iits the political activity of employees_ 3) i It will conp7_y with the require-ment that no prograa + under this Contract shall involve. political activity• . (Section 710) 4) Jt will establish safeguards to prohibit employees I from using their positions for a purpose- that is or F! gives the appea�ra_nce of fog .atzuatecl h des ire fog private gain fox- theTi?selves or others, parti cu? arly those with i�ihod-a thcy have fan, il.y,. business or other ties (Section 702 (s)) - . 5) Particiraants or employees in the prcgranv found pur— suant to this Agreement, will not be employed on the • conslxuc�.ion,,, operation or maintenance of that part of any fz-Tcili•ty which is used. for religious. instructiniz. or worst ip (Section 703 (s)) _ —e 6) Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situation's will he maintained (Sectior_ . 703(5)). 7) Persons erlpl.oyed in ptiblic service jobs cinder thi Contract shall be paid vages t.;hicli Shall Jzot. be la:s4r than whichever is the highest oi: (c_t) thct fitiTli:C.Ua t';,-ga which would be applicl:bl e to tl:<> emp]_oyei- nndc>_ t`1e Fair Labor 'Standards c t of 1938, if S<_�cti_oa G (a) (1) of such title r.pp? i.c_s to ticks pizrt-i.cip'i:zt- :geld if he were not- oxernpL_ tin(ler s(-_,Ct;io.t 13 (b) the Stc`Tt:E` of local Tll:t,T1.L1:lLli:l tt;1lJC' .t.L)I" Ll1c' TtoaL"lV C3►:.— parable covered eirzploy:tient, or (c) the preivailing rats Uf p.--y f,,jl-I r lDl::) _ c.��.L:_ tions by tttN June empiover (SectioT-►, 20,1 (") (^) - 84""53 0) It: t i• 6.2 r and r!<.tt _ t ) t __� .• ffll L'11E? �1M�"r1Clf'C7. r3<� ?_nC�)ri y r ,CT 9) It will C:ompl_y wi_Ul tI1c. 31-!-�(-_T0_,-0-_i_C)TiS a.!10 r(7'glJ.irCl"t',ent:; of the Of: f i.,ce of mana.gemne-aU aizc? Rcsc?<_,eg C.i_rctalal_ 11-142 "Uniform Adn,inist ratzon for to St -ate and, Local Government-s" and S'cc'er l Mana ;cmaaa- Circular 7 R-a, "Principles for Determining. Costs Applidable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local. Goverrmentsm" ANTI-K1CKBA.CK.bP,OVIS ION The Contractor will comply with the Anti--Kickbac:. Act,. Title 18, USC Section 874, and provisions' of the Federal .Labor Standards,. Title 2.3 ,ARTICLE VII 7«1 TERMINATION, CLAUSE E The City, by giving written notice specifying the effectiJe date, nay terminate this Contract in w1hole or in pa._*-t fo:- cause which shall include (1) Fai?ure, for any reason, ®f the Contractor to fulfill in a tirzel.y and proper manner its obligations under this Contract, iacluda.r_g compliZnc-2 with the approved Work prograra and attached cozcliti.onsp the k)olicies and Procedures Manual for CO:r-: i.V+i.':V Based Organizations, and such dizrect:iv a_, may b`come generally applicable at any time, (2) sua:;ci.ssinz by the Contractor - to the City, of report__- that are incorrect or incur ;p? ,_�t-ct in any material respect. rurthe-r,it is acts-�, c3c: that the C011traCt_.Or Slt..11 irrl,nediately, iipori by tj-+.Y City, cease and ally activitio.!3 but not l imi t eCl to d i vesti„Yr(i itlz"If ar.d a:rLy st>:�ia--_Y ( ) of specific and/or projects anc2 that- upc):z de ar.d of ttj.,:� City arty and ItIl _tCCL'_nuLati.or:s, drnti e-red to thy- C'lty iin,! fl_?C'.L"'lt[la tlt ` -Z6_ Ail t:hE* upon t.h those t:t_ no. aram `?. z�_1_ be mo(I r. f _cart -,(:) ty of t.he t.�itc1,;_ In th(c eVC-rzf_ +b1 'L thc_ rtl?.st i:z termi,naLc(l due to t 1le n:- rc'cle;_a.1_ fund.7�, the Contractor shall be erzti_1-1e:d only to recover_ th.c• �i cL-ual amount- of a.dmina_sEra I. -Ave costs incurred up to the date of - termination, which in no event shall exceed the a oun.t allocated for administrative costs under the Agreement. ARTICLE VIII SIGNATORIES IN WITNESS TvldEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their naza-es by their duly au- thorized officers and :.he corporate seals to ba a=zzi xed heretai, all as of the day and year first above writ~ten- S-11TNESS our hands and seals on this day •oL ATTEST.: RALPH G. ONGIE, CITY CLERti. ATTEST: SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTMESS CITY OF' MIAMI, a rtun? Cig'al Corporation of the S�.ate of Florida HOWARI. V _ GARY, CITY .`•i�LKIAGE2Z BY PRESID£ST JOKE R. GARC tA-YEDROSIA., CITY A t TOLUNICY Nianli Tl,,i, t n dcsire.13 1.111-o all i-.iic and lift tll(c jlclar(i ()E- Dixec.":or,-. ata.v Itc-ld corpo- rate meeting haconsid,-�T-cccl the matter in accordance the By -Laws, of the corporation; NOW, THEREFORE, BZ IT rtESOLVED BY TME; BO.kRD Or- DIRECTORS that the president and secretary are hereby- authorized and insA% -ructcd to cntor into a contract in the name and on behalf. - o-F this corporation v;ith the City of Pliami upon the terms contained In the proposed contract to which this resolutiorL is attached_ DATEDthis day of 198 CHAILEWERSON OF THE BOARD OF DI-2—rCTORS SECRETARY 84-53L f p SPECIAL FUNDING REQUEST D A T = : 2/13/84 Name of Event, Project or Program: _ Downtown Miami Business Association Institutional Adverti_sinq for IbwntoFm Mi,7tTn Date of Event, Project or Program :,Sa_y 3.4, 1984_-Fel). 0, 1985 Name of Organization: Dort ztown Miami. lhlsiness Association Name of Contact Person: Wilfredo Dort Teleohone: Wor!•t: 579.6675 Hom._ : Mailing Address: Suite 2099 One Biscayne 7.bwer Brief description of prograim/event (in^_'_udin;; number of people expected to participate or attend progrim): Qorrgalete institutionalized aclvertiz]qLx�r_Qq L 4 pzl�,tK?te a d,_�l�anc-,, the Eocnmtow-n Business Cc ranity. Benefits to 'the City (quantify where possible): With D`I' having the hugest ta,: base for the city, increase of revenue through 1)romDti.on of DT for business will only enhance the tax base paid I- tll� I-Y)-vrntown Business Ccnmranity Support Requested: Cash Grunt: $ 50.000.QQ _ In -Kind Services (specify type of service and $ value as determined or estimated by the providing department): 2 9 3 , 3 2 3 . match will be provided by the private sector to this Fee Waiver $ Amount: N/A Facility N/A Date(s) Total $ Requested from City: $50,000.00 I3az City Provided .:ur;port in previous y-ars? Yes X 110 If yer., please: attach a ? _' * per from a cortifie.,i public accountant verifying th,.- Of 'cco urtil i, :,ystem,,s and internal financi:il controls during ,eriod. Ii you have received $25,000 or mor, , audit. reflecting Llle expenditure of those funds !::u_,b12 pr9Vid'?,A. Also, specify past City support and oi' uV-111- or activity. t_tac}-kz�l 84-53L tn1...-. r->Dr-- -,-, �Sf ail n7("t?(*);,"l�-':L".rt�t Ha4/e you requested and/or received funds from other governmental entities? Yes X t10 List all Fundini; Sources Appi ied to: Dade County Cnunci.J_ of Arts & Science Amount indic.. t_ if received, :it i 11 pending, or rejected) $29,500.00 Please indicate what -ne=3sures will be ta'>:en to insure adequate financial controls and accounting of funds: See Attached) �iease att3C;l the f�11owin`; infor"lntion re1at11;e tyour -�� or;-nnization to tnis app1icazion : JtUt^ Ch�3i"t 'r; Tax :zero,^ Cart;i i'ic .tic: 591743641 j. DoCU:i ('_Ilt"i` ]_Gn of inn, 'rn�iI fir,�::cial controls and letter pU'_1 C a0countant verlfyin accounting ' syst r, L�:Id in'�ereal controls; 4) A cope c:f t.ie 1)roje cted line item budget ref_ecting exi er}di. z;ures and anticipated revenues for project/.event; and 5) If t1hi.:, i.:.> not a one +..iln= event, pleas` attach a copy of the. organ izution 's annual budget indicating all sources of fencing Please describe organizatien's capability to aeccmplish program/event: The Downtown Miami Business Association has been established since 1977 and has mazlaged a wall balanced budget of over $125,000 annually. Various programs have boen successfully acco]Tplished in the Mast including present crrants provided by the City of Miami. Economic D,,_velo,-iryant NI!T)P Pra3ram. I hereby certify that tt,(> inf'c; oration provice�_ herein is : ue and accurate and that the funds provided by th Cicy wi11 be upended in accordance 14it11 the cernrnitlnents approved by the City Commission. Further!nor,? I the Ci�y '�ti:.1_ be pravi:.ed ;:i � an accounting of expenditures and receipt:, withi:I thirty (3J) days after the event' _ conclusion and/or receipt of funds from the City, whiche✓er is applicable, aion., wit11 any other docu^znts or data reyuest,_d by the City: MIKE BRAZLAVSKY PROS-I'DE 1T GF CORPORATION DOWNTOWN M I AI,1 I BUS I NEss Assoc I AT I ON _tIAt4F OF ORt;a�J IL tTiOt1 SIGt1 aTU3 E CORPORATE aZ., 84-530 I It Internal Dote: ,BAN 16 1� o D Downtown lli_ami Business Association, Inc. One Biscayne Towers Miami, Florida �3131 Internal Revenue Code: Section 501(c) (6) Form 990 Required: ® Yes ❑ No Accounting Period Ending: April 30 Dear Applicant: Based on information supplied, and assuming your ope=Gtions will -be as stated in your application for recognition of exemptic=, we have determined you are exempt from Federal income tax under ire provisions of the Internal Revenue Code section indicated above. Unless specifically excepted, you are liable for tars under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. (social. security taxes_) on remuneration of ti;50 or more to cash of your employees dur:_.F a calendar quarter. Ancl, unle.-; c4:ccptcd, you are also liable for ta= under the Federal llncriployE)e.nf. T,-,x Act on remmneralion of 50 or. mc:-e to each of your emplr.}-ces c:niririf; ncalcric3mir c}uar,.cr if', during the e;i_ rent or procedin(; yc.�zr-, you. i! .v( un(:= o:, viorc e.:rp3oyees a any time in each of 10 c .7cr;r;';}r r cc }:;>: or )-"aV <;ctl,c, of 3., >00 or more any calendar quarter. -1 y-c a }7 !.ve e:ny c}ues tic;}ir; r:l>r>i:. c :rS c: e, erploynen-1, or other Federal clrc. then to t};i_:. off'ice. Tf yc:rr pur;>ases, c?,aractor, or nothod of operation =s changed, you must let u:> }:now a--o ,;e can consider the effect of the change on your exemr-t--tatus. Also, you must inform us of all changes in your name or address. Z The block checked at the top of this letter shows whe-.Ler you must file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Ir_ccme Tax. If the Yes box is checked, you are only required to file For- 990 if your gross receipts each year are normally more than $5,000. if a return is required, ;t must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth mcz::l after the end of your annual accounting period. The lavr imposes a per sty of $10 a day, up to a maximum of $5,000, for failure to file the ;eLurn on time. Form t.-179 (Rev. 4--73) 84-535 It L"Jil.^.Sftl 1. j vote: 7202;Bobinson v Downtow-n tliamt Busi--1Qss Association, Inc. One Biscayne Towers Miami, Florida _-3131 Internal Revenue Code: Section 501(c) (6) Form 990 Required: ®lies ❑ No Accounting Period Ending: April 30 Dear Applicant: Based on information supplied, and assuming your ope:—ations will -be as stated in your application for recognition of exemptic_, we have determined you are exempt from Federal income tax under tts provisions of the Internal Revenue Code section indicated above. Unless specifically excepted, you are liable for tax=s under the Federal Lsurance Contributions Act (social security taxes-) on remunerat'_on of '.50 or more to each of your employees dur__g a calendar quarter. j17cl, unless c,Xepted, you are also liable for t u.,der the Federal U;-icr,,loyment To,x Act on rep u.ncrr Lion of 50 or rc-e to each of your emplcyees 611ri.1-IF, e c.alcnciar quarter if, during the c,._ : ent or precedinL; cr-,lcndar yez-,,r, you hate one ar more- t-raj)loyees a-� _ny time in each of _'.C) c.r.lcrui r t'rc 1,. oip'1 `r<!f e.> of ,'1,600 or taore — any calendar quarter. :if y(.)la hive r ; y questions �,I)out excise, et::ploynen:, or other Federal i,.} e:_ , pl wise acld.res s therm to office. If yc,_.r purposes, character, or method of operation fs changed, you must lct us }:now so we can consider the effect of the c ange on your exer•.i;'—status. Also, you must inform us of all changs= in your name or acdress. The block checked at the top of this letter shows whe-.Ler you must file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Inccme Tax. If the Yes box is checked, you are only required to file For-- 990 if your gross receipts each year are normally more than 55,000. If a return is required, it must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth Lcn-:; after the end of your annual accounting period. The laj, imposes a Fe_a::y of $10 a day, up to a maximum of S5,000, for failure to file the _eturn on time. Fcrm 1-179 (Rev. 4-73) 84-53S you arr, 511 of -I - 1)11 T 11, 4, -i '4 r 0 111 e 7 1 111 i T ta X Ir- e T x't- e� th e r any of yn,—p 0 r , ,. j, (111 71] bi isi n r-s 7-, r- j jjrj i -1 e; 1I k"h Coz I yr)l I (1 0.11. i f i i, i W! T11 I YCT rq j(jnr�jjfj�rj tj Oil r''IT - D -,,ot o2 your application, a nlml)nr vili be ;i)Q(l 11,0 ynit in(i yoi) v- j. I 1 1?c , -I (Wi Of it. plea!7:e 11,Se tbRf, WIMI)CY OT1 -11-1. J- 1 0 and. _n all correspondence with the Internal Reveivir) -Please keep this determination letter in yonr records. Sincerely yollrr— ne� District Director EuMpt ftanizaUons described in 5040 Gf -Yr- Ubmall Reveiue Code, other than Private wfth gross rereip!s not normally in ex-,ess of $10,033 Wi flat have to file Form 990 for tax years ending on cr after Per:grl,-,r 31. 1976. 1 'A DEPARTMENT OF STATE *DIVISION OF CORPORATI I certify that the following is a true and cottect copy of GER71MATE OF INCORPORATION OF DOWNTOWN MIAMI BUSINE'SS ASSOCIATION, INC. riled in this ()ffice on the 1301 day of June 19 77. Charier Number: 739337 a (NE S —qR, GIVEN under my liz.nd and th6 Great St -al of the SLate of Florida. at Tallaha-sr-ee, the CapiUil. this the J- 14 Lh, day of June co" v"31 1977 L sa,iu. uty OF '-ZTATE CORP. 101 (Carp. 94) a-13.76 . . -,?",T�Tr fir rt e� J t 1 T 1 C 1 4 ! `) 7 1?Ri_TCF A. S�-l4.iftFRS P. R. R1TJT-,F,, Director srcne.vnnuv� s� Tc_ Division r)f Cnr potations s 904/48 -31�,0 Mantic~=J Diner, rsq. Suite 200 White Bldg. 209 Ea;t 1'lagl.er Street ttiami., Z'1 33131 DAVID C. NlAcN.OIARA ASSISTANT StCnETARY OF STATE SMUECT: DOWNTOWN MIAMI BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, INC. DOCUMENT NUMBER: 739337 This will acknowledge receipt of the following: 1. X C1lec)<0;) totalling $ 38.00 2. X Articles of Tncorporation filed June 13, 1977 3. Anc•ndTncnt.s to Art ir)es oI Tncorporation fi led 4. Art icics of *;c rt,cr or Conr.olidation f I led v 5. Certificate of i.i thdrat,al filed i 6. !_ Limited Pnrtncrsltip f iled I 7. Limited Far-tnership Annual Report filed I'II 1 8. Tradenark App) icat ion f iled 9. Appl icat icon („r gi,al i f icat ion filed _ �. It Is no lc,nk,,.r reyuircd to i:Fr.uc a permit. A certificate under seal to this effect may be obtriined for $5. 10. Reins t.icement f iled 11. Articles of Dissolution filed 12. OTHER: ENCLOSED: 1. X _ Certified Copy(ies). 2. Certificate(s) Under Seal. 3. Photocopy (ies). 4. OTHER: IU4 b a ; 84-535, Jose L. Urrechaga, C. R A. Antonio S. GrS U, C. P. A. Henry L.Janus, C. P. A. Joseph W. Curran, C. P.A. Gerardo Hevin, C. RA, Dimas D. Ortega, C. R A. Lelis A. Torres, C. P. A. Stephen Penza, C. P, A, August 1, 1983 Grau , Urrechn- ga & _b rIUS , P.A. certified p0lic; ancot;ntants 21 SOUTHEAST Fif?"i AVENUE MIAMI, FLCRIDA 33131 (305) 373-Ot23 WEST PALM F!¢ACH 105 SOUTH NAPr, ,Sv!; syw11= WEST PALM E3Phr•+, cLpRi')•_ :»,.•: •� (305) POMPAW) nc A,C�f #lot EAST cr.,• LE r. -e) POMPW40 nEAC"'-i p-1;.nn a•e.--. e... 10, BOLA PATON C�FfCF. 1700 S.01XIE H�G�-*'f!M1v, ^u'TE 1C SOCA PATON,FLOn1OA 31sJ2 (305) J95-5335 Department of Trade and Commerce New World Tower 100 North Biscayne Blvd., Suite 901 Miami, Florida 33132 Gentlemen: As requested by cur client, Downtown Miami Business Association, we submit to you the follcving information: 1) We have been the accountants for the Downtown Miami Business Association for the past four years. 2) We found that internal control, that is, the plan of organization and all coordinate rr} �asur.-cs and methcds within the Downtown Miami Business Association Lo s<:)ic:-ard it as:1�t".�, check reliabi.li.ty of the account- ing data, prcuo)tc efficiency and encourage adherence to the ire:-crik-'M r,1:n eri_a1. I-\')Hcics is adc�gmate for the canpilation of financial" 3) We have 11onthly financial information and preparing annual i.nc~ct;r lax r-etuLi-is during the period. Very truly y(-xjrs, GRAU, URRECIAGA & JANUS, P.A. L / Jose L. Urrechaga 84•-53S, r � �� . ASS asso'coak- --- BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Srazlaysky pMBA INSTITUTIONAL President A.,rnando .1. Oucelo, Jr. First vice President FOR 012,11E0'4N 14I A" I _ I Q ems+ flny f;en7ie S,cond Vice President Us;-xGnetnn CHANGES APE TAKIN.; PLACE= IN THE DOWNTOWN(DT) RETAILING Serretary BUSINESS TO SATISFY TIT NEEDS 0- THE LOCAL BUYERS. FREE Riy Naw n,osurc.r PARKING COI.�'0N BOOKS, TRADE G(('D`, AT I_(TW PRICES AND SERVICES D:HECTORS ARE BEING PROVIDED BY THE RETAILF_RS. UPdFURTUNATELY THE LOCAL Tony Alonso COMMUNITY STILL HAS TIME PERCEPTIOPI OF CRIME=, NC) PARKING, tie-nry Berg?r NO BRAND GOODS AND HIGH PRICES IN THE CUNTRAL_ PU I MESS ,,na Man Brechner DISTRICT (CIT) . I mr110 Cruz EIi Feinberg 1ar.k Kuper THE P-1BA' S PRIDPO SAI_ WILL [IF A YEAR F-(IC ND INSTITUTIONAL .1 i,,,r.s E McDonald CAMPAIGN I NFOP71I NG THE SOUTH FLORIDA CCtilMtY l I TY THAT DO'1';NTO'.yN t,t nny Palmeiro T,,,m Po ;l MI AM I IS ' f71LTr E THAN JUST A f-1ALL , IT" `.7 A NETROPOL I S' . N1,chael Rice THIS ADVERTISING THEr•^E VI I I -I_ I NCO! FPnPATE T NFORMAT I ON t:ngel Rodriguez �, , ON THE Di',BA S FREE P<+RKItJG PRO.:,F�A"r, DT. CULTURAL FACILITIES, 11erbSnahn EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR — -- SERVICES AND ACT I V T T I C_S IN' Tf i= CIT . vv.iredo Gort THE E:EC(!r,;;-1FfJDS TII(_ UCF CIF C0'•1MUNITY NEWSPAPERS,, I-, H I CI t t !AVF /% TP TAE._ C I RCUI-AT IU, I OF:: 141,000 DIRECTED TO ALL FACEI.= 07 Tilt: DT. VAP11-(-TIt,Ir NF : !,- IT V- At `�fl FOR THIS FORM OF ADVEPTI5IN:: TU APPEAIi SIf'iULIANECIUS WITH RADIO STATION ADVERT I `-J:f4E=_NT S AND C Ui't_ T C c+--f' V 1 CE A1,,Nr7t.t"lCFt,;ENTS . TO Cf IANGF_ THE PF-RCE_hT I()rd OF D():;N T OVJN f4I AMI , MULTIPLE EXPOSURE IS NEEDED. OUTDr—;,!)R ADVERTISING TO MAINTAIN THIS ALL YEAR POUND IS ALSO REUTt4[-.ENDF-D. OTHER FACETS OF THIS AD CAMPA I C,N WILL I t tLCUDE A MAILOUT DIRECTLY TARGETED TO ZIP CODE AREAS, ALONG WITH THE MANUFACTURING OF 25,000 COLOR DUTTONS WITH THE SLOGAN 'I LOVE DOWNTOWN MIAMI' TO BE WORN HY DOWNTOWN EMPLOYEES. . 84~53: one biscayne tower suite 2099 • miami, fla. 33131 - (305) 579-6675 1. Lading zone;:, should l,e i,ir'ic-t. d n IN-' ,r.-.ri Okzt rK,r,sil)le r^ir:ed with parking; meters. it ti i , fru;y 1(), in-. valida L er parking shoi1.1d I'E'. rP3?Tl`:c?IiF'(l V! ?r' ?Y>'7"'!d, L;14!1 1 f�1rr' T111 f'llls;, �:! litLrllr lT%wl Garages . The tiff--Sh_rcet Varking,-Auth6Tli.fiv I 1.11 rt,:l its I'-_+'�,I c_�f Rireef-ors f_o a11cFv1 2 represm- tati- yes fn i the i-,:,taD I)tr ;ir;c1.1I; (,(frnc,rrity. r i ,truly that affects Dawntcrm i-iiami should have the input 2. The police service that is rrirint��ir,��r1 duri.r t1r� Ii��1ic'::��s, frcrr 7;30 a.m. to 8 p.m. should continue year, rourn-1 wi th _idcli. -i r,.: t1_; «-:-:tencl ;,ier�Aces to Mia.,i Ave. WE. l St., 2nd and 3rd Stets,, S.E. 1st. St., .)rid Zircl I . Presently the Central Di. trlct- 1S a i, , ;'.V':1l r1f .: lrlry,1' dlstr'1c`_' thl zone coverage shou1ci be reduced to pr vicar I,r t-t r r.rt.;cctir,n .it nip,ht suggested boundaries, SoLrtl i the River, l Cork h G th Street, l qq , t I1 i : x-a'vT :c t?u, r levard and l'lest the River. 1, 3. Sanitation trash receptacles chxrld tre miiril.,incrl c1cr.�rr rand z mini: -,,.on of fc•,rr receptacles per M c) 1- on each side. 'Dicv shcxi l d 1>e n? a^cd one .,it Pecan end and th;c other two evenly, -the mi6lle W, tllc blrx•�; on S.W. 1 St. and I1.h. lst Street, th,, Averr.ua for tern I',1.7)e1 The rcst of the Cen'.-ral Busines_-c P-il,—)Iv.ict: :,lu .rlv have tt:o per block. Sidewalkrs °,Air-uld lY,2 pressured clean once a week r7uid t:hr streets should be -m,:ept at least t1.3o tines a wee};. Pick up service slv .ir;d be ex.D.urcicd to Saturday of ternoon . 4. There is a need to finalize the ` on(lors and "!dL%-i r l}: Cafe 0-1,1rrnrrcc. 5. Cmce the previous mentioned servioes are c .;t�lbl!;;1u-.!, t'.itlrt, t1i11 be a n0C,ct to cm -ate a FTxxYjtion and Advef-tisin- Cx:�r�aifns t't;,r, ..i11 hi.}hlir;lrt T.�.:n Cr,. 1-lia:d and its services. i ,Rl% has put to eilri'r such I'rtr;;,)t il;rr ('a►rrt)Cril rr with the tc,tal. budget of $ 3 30 , 000 dollars and we •-u yo re, luest i n;7. r h. r t HiC- City with $50,000 dollars. 6. City of Miami con tzract with Rouse Co. for l he - P . tv.- idt inclu _'e a condition that a t-ransportation sy:Aer t intF_'iv,. nllr wt- inFl the Port, r'•^_'.i , 0--nt.r:l j Business District and P.r'ickell should be established prior to co,imlet ion of 84--5351 Dr PAwr,mi-,N-t Or i.:,1:(,,,o:.iic NEIG11130RHUW) NEIGHBORHOOD 1-cot'lon 1 c 1)1.vf PIZOGI' 'PAM contract No. Project Title: �EUIMA Institutional for WWItown Miami 1984 Contract Ver1od: Contract Aimoutit: $501000.00 Code No - Personnel Services W11 Salaries & 1-;ages 3.00 FICA Taxes 1.,:, 0 Group Insurance ISO Worker's Coe-qnensation JLGO Unemployment Cwpc�nstltlon 11 Ex PC n_e 270 Pro 'Ossional :JCL -Vices 280 Accouutiny and 420 Travel :1 pc,i: it -era--Oth_•r 510 520 533 5-10 610 IZQnL ---J,c.1UJJ'- ',lit 620 cc_ 640 Prop- ert.tr 670 P.cpair t, 11-ii-nLomAiice .-Yervices G30 rrinting zm3 690 Advertildng :36.660.Qo 700 Office t, Op, --rating 760 q, pUblical 1j00% -.io.i!; F, c1pital Outlay 840 1-1actlillery .f S50,000.00 TOTAL *Enclosed Is a full d,�t,0111(-() 1111di*t", ()I, .1..Jvr-r1 84-swi BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Brtxiaysky President Armando J. i3ucelo, Jr. First Vice President Roy Kenzie Second Vice President Oscar Gaelan Secretary Ray Now Treasurer DIRECTORS Tony Alonso Henry Berger Ana Vlan 8rechner [mdbo Cruz Ur Feinberg Jack Kuper Jamul L McDonald IAanny Palmerro Tom Post Michael RICO Angel Rodriguez Herb Spahn EXECUTIVE OiRECTOR ► dr.,do Gott i 4 F p fassociation DOWNTOWN M 1 AM I UU`, I III S'. AS SUC I AT I Ott ADVERTISING BUDUT PROPOSAL February 1984 through November 1984 Submitted: January 6. 1984 84-535 one biscayne tower • suite 2099 - miam1, fla 33131 (305) 579-6675 DOWNTOWN M I A H I BU_. 1 NP, S A'," OC I AT I rPN ADVERT I I I NG BUDGET PPA)P0,fI MEDIA A PRINT: Miami Times - 4 Cots. x 13` 2 pre -event tickler ad,, plus I ad for each of the tollowitiq events: Valentine's Day Easter Mother's Day Father's Day Thanks g i v i rig e $8.25 per Col. Inch $ 69435.00*(_t3000.0r, Miami Today - 4 Cols, x 13 same events and ticklers as above. $6.92 per Col Inch $ 5,400.00 a r i o I a s Americas 't Cols. x 1311 4 pre -event tick] v r -ids pl,,!s 2 arts f o r each of t 1w )hove event s $ 14 35 per Col - Inch Community Ncwspaper e. (North side) 1 A pack ad 2 x pur weel, for 26 weeks $6.75 per Col. Inch 80424.00 Welcome Weekly (Tour;,,t En,jlish) Full Page lB P $3 - 50 p c r ad for 26 weeks $ 9,100.00 Bienvenidos Weekly (Inur;st Spanish) Full Paqc SSW r ,D $2.85 per ad for 26 weeks $ 7,410.00 PRINT TOTAL $59,149.00 *City of Miami Funds -2- 11 B. BROADCAST: WI NZ -AM Nea:s/Talk WWWL Adu It Cara t emporary WQBA-AM/FM Latin Mor/Contemporary WGBS MOR WHY I Con L r•;;)o r;i ry WTMI CIos^.i .nl WSHE AOR WRHC L.r t i n N(-ws I o I k WEDR Sonq'/P i ack & Ang 1 o WSUA L.i t i n Cant einpovary WEZI Adi,l t ror)tcrnpnr.rry c Approximately 1,800: 60 sec. spots to be placed evenly during r the campaign according Lo ovvnLs. TOTAL BROADCAST $125,774.00'`($181010f C. OUTDOOR ••Ackerly, & 2 . Lezz. Eni;:i re Bustards, Taxi = Darla Rotary February March/Apr i I May/June July/August Sept./Oct. ! November TOTAL OUTDOOR D. COLLATERAL Postal Delivery Systems I)180,000 Housedrops P 6c per event 2)25,000 - 2 color buttons E. PRODUCTION COSTS 'Loge design and treat i ve Layout L copy Mechanic3ls lzpeography/photostats Veloxes Production & printiny of rnailees TOTAL PRODUCTION TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET *City of Hiami Funds $ 60,000.00 $ 32, 400. 00,. 9,000.00" 4,500.00 2,500.00 $7,000.00' S 2.93, 323 c%q""kiQS li:, f.,.... Ct3i,m.i w}..._. v,.,�w. �.cv`nM4I.l�.akW .La`5 'U� . .. . �..: �..' �. .mil• . • c.. `.�.._..._ ..._� �.—_.._.-- —_ . ,vim: G" L Z uEN on -going activity (extend a line from Uc beginning to Lne com�ic:Livn uuLcs. Completion I i BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Brazlaysky President Armandn J. Hucelo, Jr. First Vice President Roy Kenzie Second Vice President 0�car Gaetan Secretary Ray New Treasurer DIRECTORS Tonv Alonso Henry Berger Ana Mari Brechner Emilio Cruz Eh Feinberg J2ck Kuper James E. McDonald Manny Pelmeiro Tom Post Mir;hael Rice Angel Rodriguez ticrb Spahn (_XECUIIVE DIRECTOR V,':fredo Gort association March 19, 1984 Ms. Charlotte Gallogly Department of Economic Development Olympia Bldg. 174 E. Flagler St.- 7th Floor Miami, F1. 33131 Dear Ms.Gallogly, On January 19, 1984, the Downtown Miami Business Association (DMBA) requested $50,000.00 from the City of Miami Commission. These monies will be used as matching funds for a year round institu- tional promotion and advertising campaign for downtown rliaini and its facilities.. The D14P7,, suUmi.ttcd a proposal in which all the city funds be used for advertising and promotion. The match from the private sector will come from participating merchants utilizing the Br/)adcast Barter Bureau. Si tc /rely, ifih cdo Gort F�ecutive Director DOWNTOWN MIAMI BUSINESS ASSOCIATION WG/rm 84-°535 one biscayne tower • suite 2099 • miami, fla. 33131 - (305) 579-6675 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Aa INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To Dena Spillman DATE April 25, 1-984 FILE Director Department of Community SUBJECT May loth City Commission Development Meeting Agenda Item Special Funding Request Ll For The Downtown Miami FROM. Charlotte Gallogly 11 ERENCES ss Association Director Business Department of Economic ENCLOSURES Development - In accordance with APM 1-84, Special Funding Request, attached is the required contract documentation along with the appro- pria-t.e agenda material for the Downtown Miami Business Association. The�Department of Economic Development is requesting that this iteffi be forwarded to the City Manager's office for inclusion .,6n the May .1.0th City Commission agenda. !jIf you have any questions, please advise. CG,46j u c.-.) — a- Cj Attachments 84-535 •.d 1 CITY OF MIAMI. VL,0 !rDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To Howard V. Gary DATE April 24, 1984 FILE City Manager SUEIJECT. Special Funding Request From Downtown Miami 13usi.- Charlotte Gallogly ?�+ neSs A soc Inc. Director C r� �= l FROM Department of Economic ) "FFE"G"'=` play 1 0 Commission Agenda Development F NCLOSVRES: "It is recommended that the City Com- mission approve the attached resolu- tion authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement in substantially the form attached hereto, with the DOWNTOWN MIAMI BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, INC. in the amount of $50,000 for the purpose of instituting a year- round advertising campaign designed to develop business for the down- town merchants and to promote the downtown business district to the local community. funding is avail- able from the Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund." On January 19, 1984, the City Commission passed Motion No. 84-37 authorizing the City Manager to locate the sum of $50,000 for a promotional campaign organized by the Downtown Miami Business Association, Inc. (I)MBA) . The Association, along with the Downtown merchants, are proposing an adverti si.r)g pro?i ern for a one-year period to promote the Downtown section of the City of Miami as a major retailing business center for the local community. The Association has been instrumental in attempting to change the negative image of the Downtown area by addressing such issues as parking and accessibility. The merchants have also initiated measures of their own, with respect to the goods and services provided, to attract local community business. However, it is apparent that these actions have not been suffi- cient enough to stimulate increased business activity. Therefore, an advertising campaign capable of reaching a large audience with the ability to have an economic impact, should be considered. 84-535 Ah Page 2 The advertising under this program will be divided into three categories, print-1 media, broadcast media and outdoor activities. These are as follows; Print Media The placemcn'U, of ads in local English and Spanish weekly news -- papers for a. 26-week period to include special_ holiday advertise- ment. A total of $16,000 of City funds has been identified to be used for advertising in the Miami Times, Diario Las Americas and Miami_ Today. Broadcast Media The placement of approximately 1,800 sixty-second spots during the year and in conjunction with special events. A total of $18,000 of City funds will be used to place these spot adver- tisements with various local radio stations. Outdoor Activities The printing of: posters and brochures for special events to be distributed throughout the community. There will be $9,000 allocated to produce 25,000 color buttons and the remaining $7,000 will cover the production cost of the posters and-- brochures. It is understood that this $50,000 will be matched ch,:,llar for dollar by I')ri_vatc investments from the Downtown merchants. The promotional activities will be organized to coi_nci_do with several annual holidays, specifically, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Aside from this, the DMBA will also promote a Speaker's Bureau as part of the campaign. CG/EB/ju Attachments 84-535