HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit BEXHIBIT "B" *10:r10.119 _,11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PARCEL 6748 PART -I A portion of the Existing Right of Way of NW 13th Street, of Corrected Plat of Block One Baldwin Oxar & Oxar Subdivision, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, at Page 43, of the Public Records of Miami Dade County, Florida and as shown on Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map for State Road 836 / 1-395, Section 87200, F.P. No. 251688-1 and more particularly described as follows: Commence at the point of intersection of the City of Miami Monument Line of NW 13th Street and NW 1st Avenue as shown on said Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map for State Road 836 / 1-395, Section 87200, F.P. No. 251688-1; thence N 87°46'56" E, along the prolongation of the City of Miami Monument Line of said NW 13th Street, for a distance of 117.12 feet; thence S 02° 13'04" E at a right angle for the previously described line for a distance of 25.00 feet to a point of intersection of the Existing Limited Access Right of Way line for State Road 836 / I-395 as shown on Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map for said State Road 836 / I-395, Section 87200, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described parcel and a point on a non -tangent circular curve concave to the Southeast, whose radius bear N 31°44'09" W from the center of said curve; thence southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly along the arc of said curve to the left, having a radius of 85.00 feet and a central angle of 60°21'31" for a distance of 89.54 feet; thence S 02°05'40" E for a distance of 51.71 feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the West; thence southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly along the arc of said curve to the right, having a radius of 449.00 feet and a central angle of 18016'21" for a distance of 143.19 to a point of reverse curve concave to the East; thence southwesterly southerly and southeasterly along the arc of said curve to the left, having a radius of 399.00 feet and a central angle of 04°22'34" for a distance of 30.47 feet; thence S 20011'16" E for a distance of 4.67 feet to a point of intersection with the Limited Access Right of Way line; thence S 87049'11" W along said Limited Access Right of Way line for a distance of 13.58 feet to a point of intersection of the East Right of Way line of NW 1st Avenue; thence N 02016'12" W along said East Right of Way line of NW 1st Avenue for a distance of 265.93 feet to a point on a circular curve concave to the southeast; said point bears N 74°59'26" W from the center of said curve; thence northeasterly along the arc of said curve to the right, having a radius of 135.00 feet and a central angle of 15°59'46" for a distance of 37.69 feet to a point of intersection with the Existing Limited Access Right of Way line for State Road 836 / 1-395; thence N 87°46'56" E along said Existing Limited Access Right of Way line for State Road 836 / I-395 for a distance of 71.05 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 11,801 Square Feet more or less. LEGEND: PC Point of Curvature P.O.B. Point of Beginning PT Point of Tangency R Property Line FDOT Florida Department of Transportation LB. Licensed Business F.P. NO. Financial Project Number LT Left STA. Station No. Number SEC. Section SR State Road TWP. Township SQ. FT. Square Feet RGE. Range R/W Right of Way EXIST. Existing RES Resolution ORB Official Record Book (P) Plat PB Plat Book OFF- Offset PG. Page SYMBOLS: PI Point of intersection a Central angle Baseline of Survey ESMT. Easement Center Line L.A. Limited Access Monument Line COR. Corner Spring Line T Tangent L Arc Length of curve R Radius 708 Parcel Number P.O.C. Point of Commencement Subdivision Block O Number UPDATE TITLE SEARCH CEA REVISION BY Carlos E. AI so Date Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Cert icate No. 6669 Licensed Business: LB-2439 13960 SW 47th Street Miami, Florida 33175 NOT A SURVEY THIS DOCUMENT CONSISTS OF FIVE (5) SHEETS AND SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID, AND COMPLETE UNLESS EACH SHEET IS ATTACHED TO THE OTHER. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE ROAD NO. 836 (DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAY) / I-395 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BY DATE 12/19 DRAWN DH 09-19 DATE CHECKED CA 09-19 PREPARED BY: MANUEL G. VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC. LB#2439 F.P. No. 251688-1 DATA SOURCE SEE SURVEYOR'S NOTES SECTION 87200 1 SHEET 01 OF 05 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PARCEL 6748 PART -II A portion of the Existing Right of Way of NW 13th Street, of Corrected Plat of Block One Baldwin Oxar & Oxar Subdivision, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6, at Page 43, of the Public Records of Miami Dade County, Florida and as shown on Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map for State Road 836 / I-395, Section 87200, F.P. No. 251688-1 and more particularly described as follows: Commence at the point of intersection of the City of Miami Monument Line of NW 13th Street and NW 1st Avenue as shown on said Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map for State Road 836 / I-395, Section 87200, F.P. No. 251688-1; thence N 87°46'56" E, along the prolongation of the City of Miami Monument Line of said NW 13th Street, for a distance of 86.62 feet; thence N 02°13'04" W at a right angle for the previously described line for a distance of 15.00 feet to a point of the Existing Limited Access Right of Way line for State Road 836 / I-395 as shown on Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map for said State Road 836 / 1-395, Section 87200, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described parcel and a point on a non -tangent circular curve concave to the South, said point bears N 34°38'21" W from the center of said curve; thence northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along the arc of said curve to the right, having a radius of 135.00 feet and a central angle of 39031'18" for a distance of 93.12 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave to the North; thence southeasterly, easterly and northeasterly along the arc of said curve to the left, having a radius of 1,897.45 feet and a central angle of 03°30'34" for a distance of 116.22 feet; thence N 54056'40" E for a distance of 11.47 feet to a point of intersection with the East Right of Way line of NW Miami Court; thence S 02°18'15" E along said East Right of Way line of NW Miami Court for a distance of 10.40 feet to a point of intersection with the Existing Limited Access Right of Way line for State Road 836 / 1-395 as shown on Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map for said State Road 836 / I-395; thence along said the Existing Limited Access Right of Way line for State Road 836 / 1-395 for the following three (3) courses; (1) thence S 87046'56" W for a distance of 187.45 feet; (2) thence S 67°54'36" E for a distance of 12.15 feet; (3) thence S 87046'56" W for a distance of 38.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 2,206 Square Feet more or less. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: - Bearings and coordinates are relative to the State Plane Coordinate System, Florida East Zone (901), Transverse Mercator Projection, North American Datum 1983, 2007 adjustment (NAD83/07), where the Monument Line of NW 13th Street bears N 87046'56" E. - Additions and/or deletions to survey maps, sketches or reports by any party other than the signing party are prohibited without the written consent of the signing party. - Not valid without the original signature and seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. - Baseline of Survey and Right of Way Lines shown on this Sketch and Legal are based on a Right of Way DGN file of State Road 836 (Dolphin Expressway) / I-395, Section 87200 prepared by CH Perez & Associates Consulting Engineer, Inc., F.P. No. 251688-1, dated November 20th, 2012 and provided by Florida Department of Transportation, District VI. - All stations and offsets refer to the Baseline of Survey. Title Search 29642_3951312 & P23 Pt2 from American Government Services Corporation, dated November 1st, 2019. I hereby certify that the Sketch and Legal Description was prepared under my direction and that said Sketch and Legal Description is in compliance with Chapter 51-17, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Manuel G. Vera & Associates, Inc. does carry Professional Liability Insurance for Surveying and Mapping Services. LINE TYPES: SECTION LINE CITY LIMIT LINE -- EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY LINE — — - BASE OR SURVEY LINE I I EXISTING LIMITED ACCESS R/W LINE RIGHT OF WAY LINE — — EXISTING EASEMENT - - - - - - - VACATED/ORIGINAL LOT LINE NOT A SURVEY EXISTING NON -VEHICLE ACCESS LINE THIS DOCUMENT CONSISTS OF FIVE (5) SHEETS AND SUBDIVISION LIMITS SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID, AND COMPLETE UNLESS EACH SHEET IS ATTACHED TO THE OTHER. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE ROAD NO. 836 (DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAY) / I-395 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BY DATE PREPARED BY DATA SOURCE MANUEL G VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC , 33175 LB82439 SEE SURVEYOR'S NOTES 13960 SW 47th STREET MWM. FLORIDA UPDATE TITLE SEARCH CEA 12119 DRAWN DH 09� 19 REVISION BY DATE CHECKED CA 09-19 F.P. No. 251688-1 SECTION 87200 SHEET 02 OF 05 EXHIBIT "A11 SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 S., RANGE 41 E.MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA PARCEL NO. OWNER'S NAME PARCELS AREA REMAINDER COMMENTS 6748 PART-1 6748 PART -II FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ± 11,801 SQ. FT. ± 2,206 SQ. FT. N/A N/A P.O.C. INTERSECTION OF If NW 13th STREET AND ISj3, rti NW 1st AVENUE CORRECTED PLAT OF BLOCK ONE 812 BALDWIN OXAR & OXAR SUBDIVISION NOT A SURVEY P.B. 6, PG. 43 THIS DOCUMENT CONSISTS OF FOR PARCEL 6748 PART -I FIVE (5) SHEETS AND SHALL NOT GEOMETRY SEE SHEET BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID, AND COMPLETE UNLESS EACH SHEET IS FOUR (4) OF FIVE (5) AND 1 0 30 60 120 180 C ATTACHED TO THE OTHER. 16748 PART -II GEOMETRY SEE NOTE: FOR LINE TYPES LEGEND SHEET FIVE (5) OF FIVE (5) SEE SHEET TWO (2) OF FIVE (5) L Scale: 1" = 601 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE ROAD NO. 836 (DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAY) / I-395 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BY DATE PREPARED BY; DATA SOURCE MANUEL G VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC. LB#2439 SEE SURVEYOR'S NOTES UPDATE TITLE SEARCH CEA 12/19 DRAWN DH 09-19 13960 SW 4 . STREET, TREET MIAMI FLORIDA 33175 REVISION BY DATE CHECKED CA 09-19 F.P. No. 251688-1 SECTION 87200 SHEET 03 OF 05 EXHIBIT "A" SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 S., RANGE 41 E. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA EXIST. L.A. R/W LINE , -—---514+ 9.22 ,sue P.O.B. PART -I NW 13th STREET R=135.00' A=15059'46" L=37.69' FOF S,q R�l�i + R p Sr R 836 A , \NO �cS 8 MgPR)Ln 64 0 / N in rn Ln to N w fV w �. > ° r, Q o' ° o 1 z, z z r w Lu z Z J J c I cc Ln Ln in w I w 3 N 87046'56" E 71.05' 00 ;O/���O �N R-Sq1,26„ W� w _ A[ RADIAL '^r 1515+08.65 Fun 16.56' LT. C� 1515+32.93 v1 62.22' LT. EXIST. L.A. R/W LINE OF SR 836 PER FDOT R/W MAP, SEC. 87200, F.P. No. 251688-1 ` PART I yfN Fkp RO pFks R 'SS FPR 4.,q S�i{/,q a SI6 8 Mqp SOPS 39S) Ln o: Fc ) 836 m � 11 �06 Lri _j a 1515+79.06 +'^ 197.14' LT. rn 6 R=399.00' tnN A=04°22'34" � L= 30.47' S 20011' 16" E 1515+88.72 LIMITED ACCESS R/W LINE I230.18' LT. S 87049111" W 13.58' CORRECTED PLAT OF BLOCK ONE BALDWIN OXAR & OXAR SUBDIVISION P.B. 6, PG. 43 NOT A SURVEY 0 30 60 120 180 THIS DOCUMENT CONSISTS OF FIVE (5) SHEETS AND SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID, AND COMPLETE Scale: 1" = 60' UNLESS EACH SHEET IS ATTACHED TO THE OTHER. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE ROAD NO. 836 (DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAY) / I-395 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY UPDATE TITLE SEARCH I CEA REVISION I BY BY DATE 12/19 DRAWN DH 09-19 DATE CHECKED CA 09-19 PREPARED BY: MANUEL G VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC LB#2439 F.P. No. 251688-1 DATA SOIL RCE SEE SURVEYOR'S NOTES SECTION 87200 I SHEET 04 OF 05 EXHIBIT "A" SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 53 S., RANGE 41 E. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA WEST R/W LINE w 1516+47.9 ;n6748 204.40' LT. o PART II 1515+35.24 N 54056'40E 11.47' o 149.36LT. 1516+42.37 L=93.12' R= 194.37' LT. <1,897.4 �3903°30=6.22' 15 6ER0D85 6n 1310LT 84 Q`�WLNW 12.15S °54S 671516+52-85 P.O.B. PART -II 2 11\ 154 195.23' LT. NW 13th STREET 514+66.3 +9 1075 LT LT. �\ 3 S 746'56" W O EXIST. L.A. R/W LINE OF SR 836 U PER FDOT R/W MAP, SEC. 87200, '°S4'36„ •-• F.P. NO. 251688-1 w 88 I Z STATE ROAD 836 DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAY (I-395) CORRECTED PLAT OF BLOCK ONE BALDWIN OXAR & OXAR SUBDIVISION P.B. 6, PG. 43 NOT A SURVEY 0 20 40 80 120 THIS DOCUMENT CONSISTS OF FIVE (5) SHEETS AND SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED FULL, VALID, AND COMPLETE Scale: 1" = 40' UNLESS EACH SHEET IS ATTACHED TO THE OTHER. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION STATE ROAD NO. 836 (DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAY) / I-395 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BY DATE PREPARED BY DATA SOURCE MANUEL G VERA AND ASSOCIATES INC., LB#2439 n°an <W A7 h CT—T u SEE SURVEYOR'S NOTES UPDATE TITLE SEARCH CEA 12/19 DRAWN DH 09-19 - - ...-- -- - — - REVISION By DATE CHECKED CA 09-19 F.P. No. 251688-1 SECTION 87200 SHEET 05 OF 05