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J-84-468 6/l/84 RESOLUTION NO. 84-589. A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 1221 BRICKELL AVENUE PROJECT (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), A DEVELOPMENT OF k GIONAL IMPACT PROPOSED BY AMERISWISS ASSOCIATES; AUTHORIZ- ING A DEVELOPMENT ORDER; APPROVING SAID PROJECT WITH hIODIFICATIONS AFTER CONSIDERING THE REPORT AND RECOM MENDATIONS OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL AND THE CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER, ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A", THE APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL IN- CORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE, AND THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL, ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "E", INCLUSIVE:, AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE; MAKING FINDINGS; PROVIDING THAT THE PERMIT SHALL bE BINDING ON THE APPLICANT AI4D SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST; AND PROVIDING THAT THE DEVELOPMENT ORDER, AS APPROVED, IS CONTINGENT ON SUBSE- QUI✓NT ISSUANCE OF A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT; FURTHER, DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO SEND COPIES OF THE HEREIN RESOLUTION AND DEVELOP- MENT ORDER TO AFFECTED AGENCIES AND THE DEVELOPER. WHEREAS, Ameriswiss Associates has submitted a complete Application for Development Approval for a Development of Regional Impact to the South Florida Regional Planninq Council pursuant to Section 380.06 Florida Statutes, and did receive a favorable recommendation for a proposed development order as set forth in the Report and Recommendations of the South Florida Regional Planning Council; and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting held on May 2, 1984, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 33-84 by a 6 to 1 vote, recommendinq approval of the Development Order for the 1221 Bri.ckell Avenue project, a Development of Regional Impact; and WHEREAS, a recoi-,irnendation from the Miami Planning Advisory Board has been forwarded as required by Ordinance 8290; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has conducted a public hearing on May 24, 1984, having considered the Application for Major Use Special Permit and the Application for Development Approval and the Report and Recommendations of the South Florida Reqional Planning Council; and CITY COMMISSION MFr� T Irti OF ml"IY 21 1984 WHEREAS, the City Commission has cieterrsined that all legal requirements have Loren co-plie-d -i th; and WHERF"Ali, the Ci_tt,. Commission deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general E•-elfare of the City of Miami to issue a Development Order as hereinafter_ set forth; and, WHEREAS, the City Commission has noted with approval that Ameriswiss Associates has offered to contribute the sum of $25,000 to the City's Housing Trust Fund or to contribute the cost of constructing a tennis court in hioore Park, whichever sum is greater; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: FINDINGS OF FACT Section 1. The following findings of fact are made with respect to the project: a. The Commission has determined that the project is in conformity with the adopted Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. b. The Commission has determined that the project is in accord with the district zoning classification of Zoning Ordinance 9500. c. The City Commission finds that the project would not create adverse impact on air quality, ground water, soils, animal life, vegetation, waste water management or solid waste disposal, and further finds that it would have a number of positive impacts including: (1) Over 1,602 permanent new jobs would be generated by the project. Nearly 987 temporary full-time construction will also be generated, with nearly $31.8 million increased in total wages and $40.2 million in value added to the regional economy. (2) An annual surplus of over $1.5 million dollars to taxing jurisdictions with approx iinatel y $642, 013 for Miami, $449,434 for Dade County, $416,027 for -2- - -- w the School District, and $39,539 for the South � "= = Florida Water Management iistrict and special _ districts combined. (3) Access and circulation to and from the site should ~� � be substantially improved by street and siqnaliza- � - tioo changes at Brickell and Southeast 7tb Street, Southeast 8tb Street, Southeast 12th Terrace, Southeast 13tb Street, Southeast 14th Street, and Southeast 15tb Road. e° The City Commission also finds that: (l) The project will have a favorable impact on the economy of IC -he City; and (3) The project will efficiently use public trans- -- portation facilities; � ilitieo; and (3) The project will favorably affect the need for � ^� ~ people to find adequate housing reasonably � _ _ accessible to their places of employment; and (4) The project will efficiently use necessary public _~ -m � _ facilities; and (5) The project will have a favorable impact on the _ environment and natural resources of the City; and (6) The project will not adversely affect living conditions in the neighborhood; and (7) The project would not adversely affect public safety; and -- (8) That there is a public need tor the project. Section 2. & Development Order' attached hereto as Exhibit °A" and made o pact thereof by reference, approving with modifications, the 1221 8cickell Avenue Project, a Development of Regional Impact, proposed by Ameciswiss Associates, for all of � B-L-K Subdivision, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Records 117 at Page 70 of the Public Records of bade County, Florida, at I221 8rickell Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted and issued. Section 3. The Application for. Development Approval is incorporated herein by reference and relied upon by the parties in discharging their_- statutory duties under Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. Substantial compliance with the representa- tions contained in the Application for Development Approval is a condition for approval unless waived or modified by agreement among the parties. Section 4. The Report and Recommendations of the South Florida Regional Planning Council, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" are incorporated herein by reference. Section 5. The development order, as approved, shall be binding upon the applicants and any successors in interest. Section 6. The Development Order, as approved, is contingent on the subsequent issuance of a Major Use special permit by the City Commission. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and ® directed to send certified copies of this Resolution immediately to: the Florida Department of Veteran and Community Affairs, Division of Local Resource Management, 2571 Executive Center Circle East, Tallahassee, Florida 32301; the South Florida Regional Planning Council, 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140, Hollywood, Florida 33021; and Ameriswiss Associates, 8181 Northwest 14th Street, Miami, Florida 33126. Section 6. The recitals of fact referred to in the herein "Whereas" clauses are true and correct and made a part thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24th day of May , 1984. ATTEST: RALV G. ONGIE City Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: OafeD ( �� 0JO L L. tIAnG\i LL s istant City Attorney -4- Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: zv-A�— �OSE GARCIA-PEOR08A City Attorney JEM/wpc/Pb/280 84-589. 11 DEVELOPMENT ORDER EXHIBIT "Al' ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 4.589 MAY 24, 19W Let it be known that the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, has considered in public hearing on May 24, 1984; the issuance of a Development Order for a Development of Regional Impact pursuant to Section 380.06 Florida Statutes, said development to be located in the City of Miami, at approximately 1221 Brickell Avenue, being all of B-L-K SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Records 117 at Page 70 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ALL OF THE FOREGOING SUBJECT TO any dedications, limitations, restrictions, reservations or easement of record. and after due consideration of the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Board and after due consideration of the consistency of this proposed development with pertinent regulations and the Report and Recommendations of the South Florida Regional Planning Council pertaining to the Development of Regional Impact takes the following action: Approval. of Application for Development Approval subject to the following modifications: FINDING OF FACT WITH MODIFICATIONS Development 1. The development proposed 789,965 square feet of floor area, comprised of the following elements as specified by the applicant in the Application for Development Approval. Page 1 of 9 84--585 U Element Office Tower (26 stories) -- Offices (25 stories) -- Retail (1st floor) -- Restaurant -- Loading Dock Tower Subtotal nr ca k 0I t+C / 409,694 6,981 3,000 4,241 23,91 Parking Garage 366 049 830 Total 789,965 This project proposed a landscaped plaza of at least 12,343 square feet in area at ground level; the height of the office tower proposed is an average of 337 feet above street level (Brickell Avenue) as described in Elevation Sheet A 6.04, dated September 30, 1983. The project is further limited by applicable provisions and procedures of City of Miami Zoning Ordinance 9500, as follows: Per Sections 1540, 1552.3.1, and Section 1550 Brickell- Miami River Residential Office District, Zoning Ordinance 9500, the Urban Development Review Board, on March 21, 1984, approved the project, per conceptual plan and design schematic plans on file dated September 30, 1983 with further revisions dated 10/11/R3, and 1/26/84, with the following parameters for the site under development, bounded by Brickell Avenue, SE 12th Terrace and SE 12th Street. Element Office Tower (26 stories) Retail Restaurant Total Floor Area (sq.ft.) 409,694 6,981 3,000 1�19,675 Floor Area Ratio 3.43 0.05 0.02 3.50 Plaza (ground level) 23,500 sq.ft. Parking Garage ( stories) 830 spaces Open Space 12,343 sq.ft. Pedestrian Open Space 68,681 sq.ft. Height of Office Tower 365 ft. elevation above grade Height of Parking Garage 64 ft. elevation above grade The project, as defined immediately above, meets the requirements of Zoning Ordinance 9500 pertaining to the issuance of a Class C Special Permit as required by Section 1552 of the Zoning Ordinance. Page 2 of 9 84-589 FS 29 THE APPLICANT SHALL: 1. Use only native and other non-invasive species adapted to South Florida climatic conditions in project landscaping. 2. Implement best management practices to minimize air pollution to include: . Traffic flow improvements pursuant to Condition 7 below; Provision of mass transit information, such as bus and metrorail schedules and routes, to project tenants and in project common areas; Provision of at least two percent of all parking spaces for car or van pool parking, all to be located within a maximum of eighty feet of the elevator on the third and fourth parking levels, and at a cost no greater than sixty percent of the cost of a standard parking space; Establishment and operation -of a van or car pool program in order to encourage ride sharing and make information readily available; Provision of bicycle storage areas in the first level of the parking area. 3. Incorporate thc: follot-ling energy conservation measures into the development: Individual]y metered tenant -controlled air conditioning. . Air distribution using a variable air volume system. Minimum use of incandescent lighting, with maximum use of task lighting in work areas. Centralized energy control system that will provide start/stop optimization, time of day scheduling, electrical demand limiting, night temperature setback/setup, programmed maintenance, and building lighting control. Computerized elevator control equipment using the Elevonic 401 or equivalent. Non -electrical energy will be used in the project restaurant for heating and cooking, except for microwave use. Page 3 of 9 84-589. F1 0 4. Prior to the issuance of building permits, dedicate, subject to City approval, adequate right-of-way to properly align S.E. 12th Terrace with S.E. 13th Street at. Brickell Avenue. Within two (2) months of an agreement by FDOT, the County, and the City that both the transportation improvements recommended as a condition for approval of this development order and the publicly programmed transportation improvements assumed in the ADA are compatible with the long-range improvements recommended by the Council, City, County, and FDOT, design, obtain FDOT, County, and City approval of, and construct (or provide a bond or letter of credit for $200,000 in 1983 dollars), within an additional six (6) months, the following improvements, as described on pages 50 through 51 of the Council's Impact Assessment: Brickell Avenue/S.E. 12th Terrace/S.E. 13th Street - geometric changes and signal rephasing - $80,000 (1983 dollars). Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14th Street - curb reconstruction, striping, signalization - $70,000 (1983 dollars). S.W. 13th Street/S.W. 15th Road/S.W. 3rd Avenue - striping, signalization - $50,000 (1983 dollars). The difference between the $200,000 (1983 dollars) and the Applicant's $100,000 (1983 dollars) fair -share contribution shall be a front-end, short-term loan to the City, repayable under terms of' maturity dates and interest rates jointly agreed to by the city and the Applicant; provided, however, that a) any loan must be repaid within five (5) years of the date of issuance of this Development Order; b) the bond or letter of credit shall be reduced by an amount equal to the fair -share contribution of other developers to these traffic improvement cited above, and c) if not implemented by the City, the letter of credit shall be returned to the applicant five (5) years from the date of issuance of this Development Order. 5. In the event the transportation improvements required pursuant to Item No. 4 above are inconsistent with the transportation improvements recommended in the long-range study, the Applicant will design, and provide cost estimates for improvements compatible with the recommended long-range improvements, upon the same financial terms and amounts, and • shall submit this information to the City, County, FDOT, and the South Florida Regional Planning Council for review prior to amendment of the Development Order. Page 4 of 9 84-589 6. Develop, within one year of the date of issuance of the development order, a fair share agreement with the City to provide a contribution to support necessary improvements in fire and police service in the area of the project. 7. Construct the building to allow for emergency hovering helicopter evacuation from the roof of the office tower, as shown in plans on file. Further, the applicant shall at any time that a feasible solution is found, provide roof space for a communications antenna and supporting structure for the city's emergency communication system, said antenna and appurtenances together with necessary services shall be at City of Miami expense. The applicant shall retain the right of architectural approval. $. Collaborate with the City to incorporate security measures and systems into the design and operation of the project; security systems and construction documents to be reviewed by the Miami Police Department (at their option). The applicant shall report within ninety (90) days of the issuance of this Development Order how and to what extent security systems and measures have been incorporated. 9. Install an air quality monitoring station and conduct air quality monitoring for two weeks, with the monitoring location, parameters, and reporting requirements to be agreed upon by the Applicant, the City, the Council, and the Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management. 10. Obtain all necessary permits from Dade County crater and Sewer Authority Department provision of water and wastewater services to serve the project. 11. Conform to all requirements of the water service allocation program imposed on construction by the Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management, covering a part of the Piiami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority service area, including the project site. 12. In the event any potential significant historic or archeological artifacts are uncovered, notify State and local historic preservation officials and delay construction for up to 3 months, if requested, for survey and excavation of the discovery. 13. Work with the City to prepare a Minority Participation and Employment Plan to be submitted within ninety (90) days of the issuance of this Development Order. Page 5 of 9 84 589 59, 14. Work with the City to develop a Minority Contractors/Subcontractors Participation Plan to be submitted within ninety (90) days of the issuance of this Development Order. THE CITY SHALL: 15. Enter into, within one year of the date of issuance of the development order, a fair -share agreement with the Applicant to contribute to necessary improvements in fire and police service in the area, which contribution shall conform to the criteria currently being developed. 16. Collaborate with the Applicant to ensure the incorporation of security measures and systems into the design and operation of the project, including adequate allowance for emergency helicopter hovering evacuation from the roof of the office tower. 17. Establish an air quality monitoring program in the Brickell/Omni area requiring monitoring by other developments in order to obtain accurate and reliable baseline data for the entire area, and coordinate and set study parameters for the installation of all monitoring stations designated by this program, in cooperation with the Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management. 18. Withhold building permits until dedication of adequate right-of-way for the alignment of S.E. 12th Terrace and S.E. 13th Streets at Brickell Avenue along the south side of S.E. 12th Terrace immediately east of Brickell Avenue. 19. Ensure that the required funds, bond, or letter(s) of credit have been provided, or Applicant construction of the recommended roadway improvements has been completed, within six months of the determination by the City and the South Florida Regional Planning Council. that the recommended improvements referenced in Item No. 4 of the South Florida Regional Planning Council DRI Assessment for this project, are compatible with the improvement recommended by the City, County, FDOT, and Council, as part of the long-range transportation study being conducted for the traffic impact area. 20. In the event that the Applicant front -ends funds to the City to construct the recommended roadway improvements according to Item No. 41 secure, from other developments in the Brickell area or from City funds, reimbursement for that portion of the cost determined to be in excess of the Applicant's fair -share. Page 6 of 9 84~-589 �ft 21. In the event the transportation improvements required pursuant to Item No. 4 above are inconsistent with the transportation improvements recommended in the long-range study, review the proposed design and cost estimates for comparable improvements compatible with the recommended long-range improvements developed by the Applicant and in consideration of the comments and recommendations of the County, FDOT, and the Council, modify the Development Order to incorporate any changes in the require transportation improvements. General 22. The Applicant shall submit a report, twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of this Development Order and each twelve (12) months thereafter until a final Certificate of Occupancy is issued; to the South Florida Planning Council; the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Resource Management; all affected permitting agencies and the Planning Director. City of Miami Planning Department. This report shall contain, for the preceding twelve (12) months. A general description of construction progress in terms of construction dollars and employment compared to the schedule in the applicant's Application for Development Approval. A cumulative list of all permits or approvals applied for, approved or denied. A statement as to whether any proposed project construction changes in the ensuing twelve (12) months are expected to deviate substantially from the approvals included in this Development Order. Any additional responses required by rules adopted by the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs. The Planning Director, City of Miami Planning Department, or a project director to be named later, is hereby designated to receive this report, and to monitor and assure compliance with this Development Order. 25. The effectiveness of the Development Order shall be stayed and no development permits thereunder shall be granted, until such time as an Amended ADA, providing updated information, is submitted to the Council, County, and State and an Amended Development Order issued, if the following activities are not substantially completed within two (2) years from the effective date of the Development Order: Page 7 of 9 84-589 Construct, or provide the funds, bonds, or letters of credit for recommended surface street improvements required by Items 4 and 5 herein; Dedicate right--of--way for the alignment of S.E. 12th Terrace with S.E. 13th Street at Brickell Avenue pursuant to Item 4; and . Obtain all required permits. Should the Development Order be stayed pursuant to this condition, nothing herein shall be construed to limit Item 24 below that this Development Order runs with the land and its terms and conditions are binding on the Applicant, its successors, and/or assigns. 24. The applicant shall record the 1221 Brickell Development Order with the Clerk, Dade County Circuit Court, pursuant to Section 38O.O6(14)(d), F.S., specifying that the Development Order runs with the land and is binding on the Applicant, its successors, and/or assigns.. The Applicant shall give notice to Richard P. Brinker, Clerk, Dade County Circuit Court, 73 West Flagler Street, Miami, Florida, 33130, for recording in the Official Records of Dade County, Florida, as follows: a) That the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, has issued a Development Order for the 1221 Brickell Project, a Devclopment of Regional Impact located at approximately 1221 Brickell Avenue. All of Subdivision, according to the plat thereof, in Plat Book 117 at Page 70 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. b) That Ameriswiss Associates, developer with offices at 8181 N.W. 14th Street, Miami, Florida, 33126. c) That the Development Order with any modifications may be examined in the City Clerk's Offices, 3500 Pan American Drive, Dinner Key, Miami, Florida 33133• d) That the Development Order constitutes a land • development regulation applicable to the property; that the conditions contained in this Development Order shall run with the land and bind all successors in interest; it being understood that recording of this notice shall not constitute a lien, cloud or encumbrance on real property, nor actual nor constructive notice of any of the same. Page 8 of 9 84--589' li 25. The Applicant shall consolidate all original and supplemental information submitted to the Council and City into a revised Application for Development Approval (ADA) and submit one copy of the document to the Council, City, and Florida Department of Community Affairs within ninety (90) days of the effective date of 1221 Brickell Development Order. 26. The City shall incorporate the Application for Development Approval, as revised by reference into the Development Order for 1221 Brickell. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The 1221 Brickell Avenue Project, proposed by Ameriswiss Associates, complies with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, is consistent with the orderly development and goals of the City of Miami, and complies with local land development regulations being Zoning Ordinance No. 9500; and The proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the City of Miami; and The proposed development is generally consistent with the Report and Recommendations of the South Florida Regional Planning Council and does not unreasonably interfere with any of the considerations and objectives set forth in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Changes in the project which do not exceed development parameters set forth in the Application for Development Approval and Report and Recommendations of the Regional Planning Council shall not constitute a substantial deviation; under Chapter 380 Florida Statutes, notwithstanding City zoning approvals which may be required. Page 9 of 9 84-589_ 11 Exhibit "B" on file with the Office of the C-t.Y Clerk with Resolution May 24, 1984 r. t, co DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT E2 1221 BRICKELL Located 1n the City of Mlamt, Dade County 23.12 SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL April 2, 1984 `.? LJ a soufh floridglr, ,�4 pq�r �lpnning council 3440 hollywood blvd surQ 14 � f+� �3 1 bro-%vold (305) 961-2999 b�' dole (305) 620 4266 April 3, 1984 The Honorable Maurice Ferre, Mayor City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mayor Ferre: The South Florida Regional Planning Council has officially adopted the enclosed Regional impact report for 1221 Brickell Office/Retail Development and forwarded copies to the Florida Department of Community Affairs, and the South Florida Water Management District. This report is provided for your use in reviewing the Development of Regional Impact pursuant to Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes. While the staff of the Council is available to assist in the resolution of any matter regarding the report, the Council has no legal mechanism through which it can act on this report again, except through appeal procedures. Chapter 380.06, amended, requires that 1-ne City render a Development Order (an order granting, denying, or granting with conditions) on the subject Application for Development Approval wltnin 30 days of the local DR I puL? 1 1 r_ hearing ddl-e . The Development Order must Include Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law regarding th(,, extent io �,,hich: "(a) The development unreasonably interferes with the achievement of the objectives of an adopted state land development plan applicable to the area; (b) The development is consistent with the local land development regulations; and (c) The development is consistent with the report and recommendations of the regional planning agency." Moreoever, as required by recent amendments to Chapter 380.06, the Development Order: 84-589. 2 The Honorable Maurice Ferre Page 2 April 3, 1964 111. Shall specify the monitoring procedures and the local offlcial responsible for assuring the development's compliance with the development order. 2. May establish expiration dates for the development order, Including a deadline for commencing physical development, for compliance with conditions of approval or phasing requirements, and for termination of the order. 3. Shall specify the requirements for the annual report designated under subsection (16) (Chapter 380.06 Florida Statutes amended), including the date of submission, parties to whom the report is submitted, and contents of the report, based upon the rules adopted by the state land planning agency... 4. May specify the types of changes to the development which shall require submission for a substantial deviation determination under subsection (17)(a) (Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes amended). 5. Shall include a legal description of the property." Copies of any development order issued with regard to this project must be transmitted to the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Caimmunity Affairs for their review. Tne statutory 45 day appeal period is triggered by receipt of your development order. During 1-h i s period, the. Council 0 It determine whetner the C i ty' s development order Is consistent with the CounciIIs report and recommendai-lons. If we can be of further assistance, please have your staff call Joseph Goldstein. Sincerely, M.tBarryP erson, AICP ExTrector MBP/bh Enclosure cc: Ms. Sarah Nall Mr. Harvey Bernstein Ms. Susan Coughanour Ms. Patricia Bourquin Mr. Roy Kenzie Mr. Joseph McManus Mr. Herb Zebuth Alan Gold, Esq. Mr. Carey L. Rawfinson Mr. Bert Martinez TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTOF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PART 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2 A. APPLICANT INFORMATION . . . . . 2 B. PROJECT INFORMATION . . . . . . o 2 PART II. SUMMARY OF PROJECT IMPACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 9 B. ECONOMY . . . . . . . . . . . 0 13 C. PUBLIC FACILITIES . . . . . . a 16 D. TRANSPORTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 PART III. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 A. EFFECTIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IN THE BRICKELL AREA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 B. FUNDING PUBIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . 50 PART IV. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 0 Af 410 LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title Page 1 Location Map . . . . . . . 3 2 Master Development Plan (Soutn Elevation) . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Site Plan . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Plaza Plan . . . . . . . . . .'... 7 5 Traffic Impact Area . . . . 26 6 Existing Peak -Hour Levels -of -Service . . . . . . . . . . . 27 7 Programmed and Planned Transportation Improvements . . . . 29 8 Projected 1986 Peak -Hour Total Traffic 35 9 Recommended Roadway Improvements Brickell Avenue/S.E. 12 Terrace/S.E. 13 Street . . . . . 36 iQ Recommended Roadway improvements Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14 Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 11 Recommended Roadway Improvements Brickell Avenue/S.E. 7 Street/S.E. 8 Street . . . . . . . 39 _1 :tea LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Title Page ILocation Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Master Development Plan (Soutn Elevation) . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Site Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Plaza Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'... 7 5 Traffic Impact Area . . . 26 b Existing Peak -Hour Levels -of -Service 27 7 Programmed and Planned Transportation Improvements 29 8 Projected 1986 Peak -Hour Total Traffic . . . . . . . . . . 35 9 Recommended Roadway Improvements Brickeli Avenue/S.E. 12 Terrace/S.E. 13 Street 36 iD Recommended Roadway Improvements Brickeli Avenue/S.E. 14 Street . . . . . . . 38 11 Recommended Roadway Improvements Brickell Avenue/S.E. 7 Street/S.E. 8 Street . . . . . . . 39 LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page 1 Proposed Development Components 5 2 Construction Costs . . . . 13 3 Construction Impacts 15 4 Permanent Employment . . . . 0 14 5 Permanent Employment Impacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 b Fiscal Impact wltn 3O1 New Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 7 Prograrmned Transportation Improvements Summary . . . . . . . 28 8 Project Percentage of Person -Trips by Transit . . . . . . . 31 9 Peak -Hour LOS Deterioration on Area Roadway Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 10 Project Traffic Composition at Critical Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 11 Under Constructions and Proposed Projects . . . 45 11 84-589. 11 INTRODUCTION This assessment of the proposed 1221 Brickell office building has been prepared by the South Florida Regional Planning Council, as required by the Florida Environmental Land and dater Management Act for all Developments of Regional Impact. Tne assessment is based on information supplied by the applicant, by Miami and Dade County staff, official plans, consultants, and field inspections. Additional research relative to specific issues was conducted by Council staff where needed. In accordance wtn the Act, this assessment and report is intended to provide the City of Miami and the State of Florida with an overview of the positive and negative impacts likely to result from approval of the proposal. The recommendations are Intended to assist the City Cammisslon in reaching a decision on the proposed development tnrouan contildcration of regional, as well as lc,, -.:al , Impacts and i5sucs, Tney are not intended to foreclose or abridge the legal respons1r,011ty of local government to act pursuant to applicable local laws or ordinances. Copies of any "development order" (an order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a development permit) issued with regard to this project should be transmitted to the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. 1 84'. 585_ PART I - PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. APPLICANT INFORMATION Project Name: 1221 Brickell Applicant: Ameriswiss Associates Joint Venture c/o 8181 N.W. 14th Street Mlami, Florida 33126 Date of Acceptance of Application: January 4, 1984 Date of Recelpt of Notice of Local Public Hearing: March 21, 1984 Deadline for Council Action: May 10, 1984 Date of Local Public Hearing: May 24, 1984 Type of Development: Office/Retail Location of Development: Miami, Dade County 13. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed 1221 Brickell project is located on the east side of the Brickell Avenue corridor between S.E. 12tn Terrace and S.E. 13tn Street (Figure 1). The site is currently vacant. A 26-story office structure and an adjacent eight level, 366,000 square foot, parking structure are planned for the site (Figure 2). The tower will include 409,694 square feet of office use, 9,981 square feet of retail space, and a 4,200 square foot truck dock. The project will total almost 790,000 square feet (Table 1). �4 84--589 A, AL FIGURE 1221 13RILL LOCATION MAP 191SCAYNE SAY SOURCE: ADA fs it — 5 SC.,(. cr UIEAR ICKELL (X AUNUE W FIGURE 2 1221 sniCKELL MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN SOUTH ELEVATION OFFICE TOWER PARKING GARAGE -u ..... ...... ..... LLJ I EAS-T-- SOtIRCE: ADA .00go. WEST U Ll TABLE 1 PROPOSED DEVELMMENT C4"e'ONENTS Approximate Gross Use Square Feet Office Tower 409,694 Retail Area' 9,981• Parking Garage 366,049 Truck Dock 4,241 TOTAL 769,965 • Includes 3,000 square foot restaurant. SOURCE: ADA The 9,981 square foot retail area, which includes a 3,000 square foot restaurant, is located on the first level of the panhandle shaped area of the garage. The eight -level, 830 space parking structure will not be roofed on its top level, but is, instead, covered by a series of trellises wnicn provides a visual amenity to the tower offices looking out on the parking structure. Too structure is ve.ntliated naturally and lncorporaies cxtenstve planting areas Into lis deslan (Figure 3). The parking structure mill be accessed frcrn Lain S.L. 121n Terrace and S.E. 13tn Street, midway between Brickell Avenue and Baysnore Drive. Much of the first floor of the building is surrounded by plaza area to encourage pedestrian access to the building. The plaza area, according to the Applicant, will contain ample seating and will focus on a water feature located adjacent to the northwest corner of the building (Figure 4). 5 <> mph I MORE 3 1221 BRICKELL SITE PLAN S.E. 12T". T11"Act PLAZA ,� Y � f � j ,iil�.,_J u;�. OFFICE TOWER GARAGE ARE,A" lilfin Mfi i I � 1; - I III , !.!I I X I . , 1! 1' Ii 1, _mmi 1.11111 IM, 7 MR nit !FIN S.11. IST". STUNT Sol IRCE ADA Ll 111111111111111111 1111fill 1' 1111111 I!i I '1 11,11 '1 lj�jjpj pil I I Ill .111 11" 1 1 I.J., 1, � u Ihllii I I FIGURE 4 1221 1CKELL PLAZA PLAN I•.t. 1ltM ttAl1AC! __ -- --- - - __ --- - - -- i LOWER PLAZA I I M 11 �... N O- .-.;' ', swAa- I f muck dock �• �,, {i ILLS R o PARNMO LOWE11 GARAGE PLAZA i I UPPER'1 n fir. I I PLAZA' . ?� n RETAIL ilEA9E I{ I out1 Al/ �•--w-"" S.l. t7TN Sfft it . _-�r-------"+r ._ .. -••-ter--- „^""�w"'� t RETAIL SOURCE: ADA 40 40 Project completion is expected during the third quarter of 1985, In one construction phase. Construction and land clearing have begun on -site. Tne Appllcaf�ft intends and has existing permits to build the project as a 17-story, 267,000 square foot structure. Once the Applicant decided to expand the scale of the project beyond presumptive DRI thresholds, an ADA was submitted. The Applicant Intends to continue construction and, if the project is dented DRI approval, will cap the building at 17 stories and 267,000 square feet, as originally planned and permitted. The property is zoned SPi-5 (Brickell-Miami River Residential Office District) according to the City of Miami Zoning Text, September 23, 1982. According to the text, "It is intended that major portions of principal buildings shall in general be to the form of slender towers, leaving ample open spaces at or near the ground, minimizing impediments to portions of the norizon involving Important vleivs, and protecting the open character". Established under a 1962 amendment to the Miami Zoning Text, the Special Public Interest (SPI) District for the Brickell area requires a special permit for construction of any new principal structure, or modification of any vehicular ►xay or exterior configuration of an existing building. The uses proposed by the Applicant - office, financial institutions, ancillary retail, restaurants, and off-street parking - are consistent with the uses permitted in the zoning district. The Miami Comprehensive Nelghbornood Plan 1976-1986 designates the area as "Brickell Office" and proposes to "concentrate office development along Brickell Avenue and reinforce pedestrian activities." 8 84-589, n PART It - SUMMARY OF PROJECT IMPACTS A. ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Air Complex source permits are no longer required by either the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) or Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM). However, one- and eignt-hour average carbon monoxide concentrations were estimated by the Applicant using the metnodologies previously required for a complex source permit application. Existing concentrations for the area were estimated using data generated for the James L. Knight Center and Tishman-Speye,/Equitable Joint Venture projects. Concentrations for 1986 were estimated using the dispersion model. Worst case carbon monoxide concentrations in 1954 are estimated at 15.3 and 9.2 mg/m7 for one -hour and eight-nour periods, respectively, with predicted 1966 (project buildout) concentrations of 15.3 and 9.2 mg/m3. These values do not exceed State standards of 40 mg/m3 for a one -hour period and 10 mg/m3 for an elghf-hour period; however, the Applicant should encourage the use of mass transit, bicycles, and ride sharing to reduce air pollution generated by the project. i 3 9 ' 0 Speclficaily, mass transit information, such as bus and metroralI schedules and bus routes, should be provided in project common areas; at least two percent of all parking spaces, all to be located within a maximum eighty feet of an elevator serving that floor, on the third and fourth parking levels, and at a cost no greater than 50 percent of the cost of a standard parking space, should be reserved for carpool and vanpool parking; a car and/or van pool program should be implemented to encourage ride sharing and make ride sharing information readily available; and bicycle storage should be provided in the first level of the garage area. In addition to these measures, transportation improvements recommended for construction by the Applicant should improve traffic flows in the area, further reducing air pollution created by the project. While modelling undertaken by the Applicant did not predict exceedances of air quality standards, no actual ail- quality monitoring, to provide reliable data, nas been donee in this part of Briekell Avenue for several years. Due to extensive development activity currently underway along the Brickell Avenue corridor, and the associated increase in traffic, it now is evident that monitoring is necessary in order to establisn baseline data for accurate impact analysis of all future development, Including the cumulative effects of non-DRI projects. Tnerefore, the Applicant should install an air quality monitoring 10 84-589. station and conduct air quality monitoring for two weeks at a location to be agreed upon, along witn study pare -meters and reporting requirements, by the Applicant, the City, the Council, and the Department of Environmental Resources "anagement. Also, the City should establish an air quality monitoring program of fine Brickell to Omnl area and require monitoring by developments In order to obtain accurate and reliable air quality data for the entire impact area. This program should coordinate the installation of monitoring stations throughout the area. 2. Land, Water, and Wetlands The 2.06 acres of the project site have been cleared and project construction has begun. Soli on -site consists of a layer of sand, varying from 2 to 6 feet deep, underlain by a dense crust of oolltic limestone on top of sands and sandy limestone. According to the Applicant's soil znalysls, the subsurface condlilons should not pose any consiraltills to the development, in areas ;here organic soil is found, it will be removed and replaced by fill. The Applicant proposes to control any wind erosion by spraying or wetting of exposed surfaces. There are no water bodies or wetland associations on -site. Groundwater in the vicinity is brackish to saline, rendering it unfit for human consumption or irrigation. I 0 3. Flood Prone Areas The site Is classified within Zone Aa-14 of the Federal Flood Insurance Maps, witn a 100-year first floor flood elevation of 11 feet (NGVD). The Dade County Flood Criteria Map for 10-year storms prescribes a minimum ground elevation of 5.0 feet (NGVD). The first floor elevation of the office tower will be 13 feet (NGVD), two feet above the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) requirements, and the floor elevation of the first parking level will be 5.5 feet (NGVD). 4. Vegetation and Wildlife Prior to recent clearing, the site contained several species of trees, including desirables such as black olive and Cuban royal palm, and undesirable exotics like Australian pine. The Miami Urban Design Board nas approved a plan that retains many of the existing desirable trees as part of project landscaping, relocates otners, and eliminates otners. Most on -site trees have been either relocated or destroyed according to the plan. When construction is complete, the relocated trees will eitner be brought back to the site or permanently relocated wltntn the City. The Applicant has stated that only non-invasive species adapted to South Florida climate will be used. 12 i 84-589. A1W A1, 5. Historical and Archeological Sites The project site, according to the Dade County Archeologist, does not contain any recorded archeological or historical sites. lne initial excavation was monitored by Dade County and no sites were found. A historic site, Dr. Jackson's house, is located directly east of the project at 190 S.E. 12tn Terrace. in the event of uncovering any potentially significant nistoric or archaeological artifacts, State and local 'historic preservation officials should be notified and construction should be delayed up to three montns until tney can survey and excavate the site. 8. ECONOMY 1. Project Cost As indicated in Table 2, the project is estimated by the Applicant to cost a total of S80.i million (1983 dollars). An estimated 569.7 million, or 87 percent, is to be spent in the four -county region (including Palm Seacn). TABLE 2 CONSTRUCTION COSTS* Percent Cost Item Cost in Region Lend 16,500,000 100 Labor 22,516,371 100 Material 22.516,371 70 Interest 18.108,000 80 Preliminary Planning 450.327 i0 TOTAL 80.091,068 87 0 Single phase. SOURCE: ADA 13 84--589. 11 Ll 2. Construction Employment and Associated Re_glonal Economic impact Tne Applicant estimates th;a' obout 987 temporary full-time equivalent (FTE) construction jobs wouiO be sopporfpd by the project over the two year construction period. Construction wages are projected to total $22.5 million (1933 dollars) wltn an average $22,813 per employee -year. Using the Council's computerized input-output model, developed specifically for the South Florida Region plus Palm Beach County, the cumulative effect of project construction is about 1,75E jobs in the four -county area, representing �31.8 million in total wages, and S84.1 million In output value, of which S41.2 million could be net value added to the regional economy (Table 1). 3. Permanent Employmen' The Applicant projects 1,602 ;crnanent employees at project completion, with 24 In retalIIng and personal services and 1,5-78 in office activitles typical of Brl(:keli Avenue (Table 4). Baseo on the results of three market studies of firms ozcupying offices on Brickell Avenue, an estimated 613 ('58 percent) employees would be new to the Region. TABLE 4 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT s1 Average Number of Percent Phase 1 Income Employees In Reg ton 1 Retell 13,681 24 100 finance, Insurance, and 22,824 792 100 Real Estate 21,388 755 100 Services — 1,572 100 TOTAL e 1983 Oollars. 84-58R t N1PrF : ADA -1 14 Wm {ate ,y z ;.; � .,. r, 11 40 A A. EMPLOYMENT TABLE 3 CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS FROWARD DADS' "--'10E SO. FLA. REGION PALM BEACH AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. AGRICULTURA, SERVICES 1. 1. 0. 2. 1. MINING 2. A. 0. 6. 0. CONSTRUCTION 32. 1039. 1. 1072, 18. MANUFACTURING 18. A6. 0. 64. 15. TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 10. 51. 0. 61. 5. WHOLESALE TRADE 5. 22. 0. 27. 3. RETAIL TRADE 62. 98. A. 163. 32. FINANCE, INS. AND REAL ESTATE 32. 67, 1. 100. 15. SERVICES 44. 106. 2. 152. 23. GOVERNMENT 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. TOTAL 205. 1432, 9. 1647. 112. 13. TOTAL WAGES (1000 S) AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING 4, 15. 0. 19. 43. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES 8. 13. 3. 74. 9. MINING 24. 53. 4, 81. 42. CONSTRUCTION 653. 21177, 36. 21866. 368. MANUFACTURING 270. 669. 4, 1144. 187. TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 202. 871. 12. 1016. 97. WHOLESALE TRADE 104. 415. 7. 526. 62. RETAIL TRADE 650. 946. 46. 1645. 328. FINANCE, INS. AND REAL ESTATE 513. 1166. 18. 1697. 273. SERVICES 580. 1330. 39. 1950. 321. GOVERNMENT 17. 38. 1. 56. 10. TOTAL 3026. 2095, 170. 30092. 1740. C. VAj.UE OF OUTPUT (1000 S ) AGRICULTU9E, F O'�ESTT:Y, FISHING 20. G9. 0. 69. 204; AGRICULTURAL SERVICES 24. 40. a 77. 26. MINING 76, 172. 12. 260. 134. CONSTRUCTION 1651, 53579. 91. 55321. 931. MANUFACTURING 1532. 4929. 24. 64C5, 1058. TRANSPDg7&TIC!N AND UTILITIES 698. 500x. 43, x?44, 336. WHOLESALE TRADE 209. 676, 13. 1050. 125. RETAIL TRADE 1444, 2107. 10'.. 15G54. 728. FINANCE, INS. AND REAL ESTATE 1255. 2656. 43, W5 . 668. SERVICES 1267. 2.905. C6. 425. 702. GOVERNMENT' 23. 54. 1. 76. 14. TOTAL 8201, 70540. 425. 79166. 4925, D. VALUE ADDED (1000 %) AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING 10. 34. 0. 44. 102. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES 14. 23. 5. 42. 15. MINING 45. 102. 7. 155. 80. CONSTRUCTION 725. 23528. 40. 24293, 409. MANUFACTURING 616. 1983. 10. 2609. 476. TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 430. 1852. 26. 2309. 207. WHOLESALE TRADE 134. 531. 9. 673. 80. RETAIL TRADE 746. 1088. 53. 1888. 376. FINANCE, INS. AND REAL ESTATE 880. 2000. 30. 2911. 468. SERVICES 773. 1773. 52. 2599. 428. GOVERNMENT 18. 44. 1. 63. 11. TOTAL 4393. 32959. 234. 37586. 2602. Note: Numbers Tay not total due to rounding. SOURCE: SFRPC 15 84-589, 0 0 Council estimates for the four -county area indicate that new permanent employment In the project could generate 1,104 new jobs (with 130, 899, 6, and 69 in Brossard, Dade, Monroe and Palm Beacn, respectively), $19.3 million in total wages, and $27.7 million in value added to the regional economy (Table 5). 4. Fiscal impact The project would have a net positive fiscal impact upon Miami, Dade County, the Dade County School District, the Soutn Florida Water Management District, and the miscellaneous (Library and Downtown Development Authority) taxing districts. Using 1983 i millage rates and an assumption that 30 percent (481) of the 1,602 jobs will be new positions, the net fiscal impact would be an annual surplus of $542,013 for Miami, $499,434 for Dade County, i $416,02.7 for i•ne Dade County Scnool District, and $39,539 for the Soutn Florida hater Management District and special districts combined, for a cumulative annual regional surplus of $1,597,013 (Table 6). C. PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. Water Supply The Council estimates potable water consumption to average 49,500 gallons per day, to be supplied by the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority, wltn a peak demand of 148,500 gallons per day. Tne Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management 16 D 11 A. EMPLOYMENT TABLE 5 PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS i?1tO"AnO OADE 1Xk Of SO. FEA. REGION PALM BEACH AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES 0. 1. 0. 1. 1. MINING 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. CONSTRUCTION 2. 3. 0. 4. 1. MANUFACTURING 6. 16. 0. 22. 5. TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 5. 27. 0. 32. 3. WHOLESALE TRADE 3. 12. 0. 15. 1. RETAIL TRADE 43. 70. 3. 116. 23. FINANCE, INS. AND REAL ESTATE 30. 382. 1. 414. 14. SERVICES 40. 369. 2. 430. 21. GOVERNMENT 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. TOTAL 130. 899. 6. 1035. 69. 13. TOTAL WAGES (1000 S) AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING 3. 10. 0. 12.1 28. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES 6. 9. 2. 17. 6. MINING 1. 1. 0. 2. 1. CONSTRUCTION 32. 45. 2. 70. 16. MANUFACTURING 85. 275. 1. 362. 59. TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 139. 397. 9. 744. 67. WHOLESALE TRADE 56. 220. 4. 280. 33. RETAIL TRADE 442. 659. 32. 1133. 223. FINANCE, INS. AND REAL ESTATE 725. 6360. 25. 7110. 366. SERVICES 596. 7657. 40. 8293. 330. GOVERNMENT 39. 92. 2. 134. 22. TOTAL 2122. 13926. 116. 18164. 1173. C. VALUE OF OUTPUT (1000 S) AGRICULT(r,E, F0:ES1'R;Y, FISHING 13. 45. 0. 58. 133. AGRICULTU:a. SERVICES 17. 28. 6. 50. 18. MINING 2. 5. 0. 8. 4. CONSTRUC11014 203. 290. 11. 504. 115. MANUVACITP( NG 519. 166E. 8. 2195. 358. TRANSPORTaT10t4' t,140 UTILITIES 432, 1859. 27. 231E. 208, WHOLESALE TRQL 112. 444. 7. 56t. 67. RETAIL TRADE 1005. 1498, 72. 2575. 507. FINANCE, INS. M4) RE41 ESTATE 1488. 13060, 51, 1460C`. 792. SERVICES 1188. 15274. G0. 16543. 658. GOVERNHE1n 53, 127. 3. 1V V. 30. TOTAL 5033. 34296. 266. 39597, 2690. D. VALUE ADDED (1000 S) AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, FISHING 7. 22. 0. 29. 66. AGRICULTURAL SERVICES 10. 16. 4. 29. 11. MINING 2. 3. 0. 5. 3. CONSTRUCTION -35. 30. 2. 87. 20. MANUFACTURING 184. 592. 3. 779. 127. TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 291. 1252. 18. 1561. 140. WHOLESALE TRADE 72. 265. 5. 361. 43. RETAIL TRADE 509. 758. 36. 1303. 256. FINANCE, INS. AND REAL ESTATE 1024. 8983. 35. 10042. 544. SERVICES 838. 10766. 57, 11660. 464 GOVERNMENT 43. 103. 2. 149. 24. TOTAL 3013. 22831. 162. 26006. 1699. Note: Numoers may not total au• to rOuntling. SOURCE: SFRPC 17 84-589. TABLE 6 FISCAL IMPACT WITH 30% NEW JOBS P)•Cpi taaMt tXR1El • e e sewea.r s e OeTss+He DATE 03/14/P4 TIP* 2 IT ► R wm Opt D[VELOTRat 1221 INFRICkt FLAT LOLATIO• CITY ")AM) LOUT Y We SPECtohL DISTRICT itJCCL DISTPICl TYPE or tffvtL0rT%r41 floo &ttclENTIAL TYPE Oft ONK"Im UNIT ML71-00IILY "MILE KUPIKR OF L"ITS 0 O 0 MJlMER Or slucons PER UNIT 0 00 0 00 O 00 K.nK.R OF rTIYf-014 MM 1&11 0 00 0 00 0 00 TOTAL 1 ev" OF 1/NITS 0 TOTAL MANINER W SYLIMM1S 0 RStIVIEl11 rurIULATION 0 Kipmp CIF [ v%DYUS MI 40ift Ytlt C&CLICTED USIMO AVERAGE CAErt ICIENTS EI►EINDITIPE C:ATEQORIEI CITY COUtrtY SPECIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT 01F ERAS D0vvo0SX1 0 17029 0 7025 • 14 P110UC SwItTv • E9707 0 049♦ • 0 1EALIK Mm WILLFARE • 54" • 07" 0 204 RECREATION AM CLLTORE 0 7.00 0 27516 • 0 TRAMSI tJm T AT 11" • 44" 0 1%.71 • 07 NAll%Aa RL.ul1ALES 0 1713 • Soe. 0 14 PUOL 1, 1/Y t. • N.NK, 0 Kam` • 144: - RIKEIAAeA.� • 114" 0 16134 ♦ ♦44` l'OL[ATICb CI0'EIC`1fugE� � h E )LIC AT I ON 0004JK Orr' Vr%�I''E AMG 'Atilt, O-ILG. 0 fA WtCIAL CAPITAL TACILITY AW00AL E t PE "V 1 T 1.041• • t+ • O IT O t 0 REVEMJE CATEOORIEE CITY CCrINTY W-MAL DISTRICT Srw.v..>L DITTUCT PROPERIV YATES 0 "S10; • 4724#,4 0 4L17♦ t 41M:7 OTTER YATES 0 70*1 ♦ 7318 0 0 21KIIVICS CwNROEf 0 U44 • 42710 • 1172 OTTER ImIN-TAI LOCAL PINt E 0 3310 • 2705 0 0 STATE 11r1RROQ4R+04 IAL A. 4479 0 1002: 0 0 P'EtONI IrrIEPODVIO"wWTAL 0 MU 0 24744 0 AO STATE EDUCATIONAL • 0 PE31101105. tAtAT 1 ONAL t 0 t11SLTj."G D11t 0 CO104 0 •06" S 116" t 0 0111•T1109 RR1RIO S 0 0 t 0 S O t 0 CITY COINTv •IMIAL DISTRICT Si7140I. D1tTRICT TOTK TOTAL itw 81106I1L EMOOITIMS 0 777" • 742M 0 01 0 O 0 14001� 'TOTAL MM ARtAMAL, RSVbt;t 0 710012 • wml♦ • 44.727 0 41.027 0 17.7•Ae 0f? SUOLUt 1 RVICIT 1 0 442013 0 490434 0 V"" • 4160211 0 150700 834-589. 18 MERM) Is currently regulating all development, including this project, that would be served by the Alexander Orr Water Treatment Plant, while it Is being expanded. DERM is supervising this WASH -administered allocation progr m and has indicated that 11i projects not to be occupied before May 1984 may receive a conditional building permit subject to an estoppel, in tnat certificates of occupancy will not be issued until the water treatment facility expansion Is completed. This expansion to a 150 mgd capacity is expected to be completed in August of this year. Peak potable water demand of this project amounts to 0.12 percent of the proposed water treatment capacity Increase. 2. Drainage The drainage plan for the proposed project specifies that runoff from the ground and roof areas will be collected in catch basins which will discharge to sedimentation boxes. Injection pumps will then pump the runoff from the boxes Inio drainage wells rrnIcn w I I I discnarge the runoff into the sailne reaches of 1-ne underlying Biscayne Aquifer. The system will be designed to handle a 5-year rainstorm of unspecified duration, as required by Dade County. Currently (before and during construction) runoff from the site is discharged onto adjacent roadways where it is collected by the roadway's drainage system and discharged Into Biscayne Bay. Applicant estimates of existing pollutant runoff load In pounds 19 • per year are: suspended solids - 24, biological oxygen demand - 2, total nitrogen - 0.5, and total phosphates - 0. Tne proposed drainage system +sill retain all the runoff of the design storm (six inches) for over 12 hours on -site. Because on -site retention of at least the first inch of runoff reduces annual runoff pollutant loads by at least 80 percent, Applicant estimates of annual pollutant load tin pounds per year) after construction is completed have been reduced by 80 percent to: suspended solids - 324, biological oxygen demand - 28, total nitrogen - 5, and total phosphates - 0. 3. Wastewater Tne project is expected to generate 47,700 gallons of wastewater per day wltn a peak flow of 143,100 gallons per day. Tne Applicant has stated tnat no hazardous or toxic wastes requiring special treatment will be disposed of in the wastewater. Tne Applicant entered into an agreement wli-n Mlaml-Dade WASA in October 19ST for WASA to provide sewer facilities for the 266,050 square foot office building originally platted for the site, but Is currently seeking to update the agreement with WASA to approximately 427,000 square feet of office and retail space. 4. Solid Waste Solid waste generated by the project is expected to consist primarily of packaging and other paper waste, with some organic 20 I], 11 waste produced by the project restaurant and occasional landscaping debris. An estimated 4.83 tons, or 17 cubic yards, per day of solid waste materials, would be collected by a private hauling company under contract and disposed of by the Dade County Solid Waste Disposal Division, which has indicated its ability to process and dispose of the material wltnout adversely affecting the system. 5. Energy Tne developer proposes to use electricity as the primary energy source for this project, althougn natural gas may be used for cooking and water heating in the on -site restaurant. Annual electrical consumption is estimated by the Council to be 9.4 mill ion KI`H U�l.n bl I i lon 131"Us), Tnis corrcEponds to the energy content of approxlmalely 5,©p2 barrois of residual all. Tnree times tnis amount of energy, or c)ver 15,247 addll lon,�l barrels of residual oil, will be consumed at. the potger plant to provide tnis energy to the site. Restaurant use of natural gas Would amount to about 3 percent of the total on -site project energy use (966.7 million BTUs) . Both Florida Power and Light Company and Peopie's Gas System have indicated tnat adequate power and facilities are available to serve the proposed development. Emergency power will be supplied by a 500 KW standby diesel generator. The developer has proposed the following energy conservation measures: • individually metered tenant -controlled air conditioning. • Air distribution using a variable air volume system. • Minimum use of incandescent lighting, witn maximum use of task lighting in work areas. • Centralized energy control system that will provide start/stop optimization, time of day scheduling, electrical demand i uniting, night tc'+iperature sel-back/set-up, progr&Mmed ma 1 ntenance, and bu i I d i fig i I ghl i ncg c.ontro i. • Computerized elevator control equipment using the Elevonic 401 or equivalent. • Non -electrical energy will be used in the project restaurant for water heating and cooking (excluding micro -wave ovens). 22 C 11 The Incorporation of these energy conservation measures reflects a commitment to energy conservation, a positive regional impact. 6. Recreation and Open Space The site plan calls for a 23,500 square foot plaza area primarily focussing on the northwest corner of the ground floor of the site. A large area with seating and containing a fountain will be accessible to tenants and visitors. in addition, the Applicant plans to landscape the plaza and the additional 18,500 square feet of pedestrian open space surrounding the site. 7. Heaith Care and Fire Emergency medical service is available under Dade County's contract with Randle -Eastern Ambulance Service, the closest branch of whicn is near- S.W. 1st Street and S.W. 27tn Avenue. Average response time of Randle -Eastern Is estimated at 8 minutes, with a minimum response of 3 minutes. Tneir conlractwith the County requires a minimum response time of no greater khan 15 minutes. Also, the City of W ami Fire Department Rescue Squad will respond in both non -emergency and emergency situations, wltn an emergency response time to the site of under four minutes. Fire response would be from Station No. 4 located at 1000 S. Miami Avenue. Back-up response is available from Stations No. 1 and 3, witnin 2-3 minutes of the development site. City fire officials 23 have recently expressed some concern that proposed and approved development In the downtown f4lami area represents an additional demand upon Fire Department and Emergency Rescue Company services without any commitment of increased funding to assure the availability of the necessary facilities and services. Tne Miami Fire Department Is presently developing an Impact Fee Ordinance to be imposed at building permit issuance and calculated based upon the cost of additional facilities in proportion to development need for such facilities. Tne 1221 Srlckeli project should contribute to required capital facilities based on the criteria to be adopted in the Fire Department's impact fee ordinance. Given the height of the proposed office building, the Applicant should insure tnat the building can be evacuated in an emergency. In addition to whatever otner measures mignt be required by the Fire Department, the Appiicant should ensure that the office tower allows for emergency evacuation by helicopters hovering over the roof. B. Police Police protection would be provided by the City from Its downtown station at N.W. 2nd Avenue and N.W. 4th Street. City police officials have recently expressed concern that the proposed and approved development activity in the downtown area will pose traffic enforcement problems due to increased traffic. Also, the 24 v 84~--588. Applicant indicates that a representative of the Police Department will meet with the project architect, review the plans and make recommendations for security measures. These recommendations should be incorporated in the project design. D. TRANSPORTATION 1. Existing Traffic The traffic impact area (Figure 5) is bounded by the Miami River on the nortn, Biscayne Bay on the east, South 26tn Road on the south, and 1-95 on the west. Of the fourteen major roadway segments studied, four are operating below level of service (LOS) "C" on a daily basis, and two are operating at or below LOS "C" during the peak -hour. In urban areas where frequent signals control roadway operation, ADT levels of service are generally less meaningful than peak -hour conditions. Of 1ne eight critical Iniersecllons in the traffic impact area, only tnree are, projected io operate below LOS "C" during the AMA peak -hour after project completion: Brickell Avenue/S.E. 12tn Terrace/S.E. 13th Street, Brlckeil Avenue/S.E. 14th Street, and S. Miami Avenue/S.W. 8tn Street. Four Intersections are projected to operate below LOS "C" during the PM peak -hour after project completion: Brickell Avenue/S.E. 7tn Street, Brickell Avenue/S.E. 12tn Terrace, Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14tn Street, and Brickell Avenue/S.E. 15tn Road. Figure 6 25 •d • FIGURE 5 *- TRAFFIC IMPACT AREA I LL NOT TO JCALE TRAFFIC IMPACT AREA BOUNDARY Aft. GURE 5, TRAFFIG IMPACT /\REA ELL NOT TO SCALE BOUNDARY ; FIGURE 6 EXISTING PEAK -HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS t ec / J V lei • l S C� tr �� 1963 AM PEAK-HoUR LOS SOURCE: SFRPC E 1983 Pr. PEAK -HOUR LOS NOT TO SCALE DIRECTION OF PEAK FLOW 84--585 11 El illustrates 1981 peak -hour levels of service on the fourteen study roadway segments. 2. proNcrammed and Planned Roadway Improvements Numerous transportation improvements (Table 7), estimated to cost $23,827,000 (1983 dollars), are either programmed or planned within the traffic impact area, the majority of which have been budgeted. As most of these improvements were ldentlfled on an ad -hoc basis and not through a coordinated transportation plan for the area, the developers of both the Lincoln/Nasher and the adjacent Tlshman-Speyer/Equitable Developments of Regional Impact have agreed to undertake a transportation analysis for the Brlckell Avenue area to identify necessary improvements to accommodate long range development wltnin the area. When the analysis is completed, both currently programmed and recommended roadway Improvements illustrated in figure 7 must be reviewed in terms of their consistency witn necessary Ionq-r,;nae improvements. TABLE 7 PROGRAuIMED TRANSPORTATION I W'ROVEMENTS SUMMARY Year of Improvement Construction Cost* S. Miami Ave. Bascule Bridge Structure 1982-83 S 6,910,000 S. Miami Ave. Bridge Approaches 1983-84 7,840,000 S. Miami Ave. Bridge Approaches 1984-85 1,710,000 S.M. 2nd Ave. Bridge (Design d Rlgnt-of-May Only) 1985-86 1,100.000 S.M. 7th St./S.W. Bth St. Widening 3 Reconstruction 1983-84 3,308,000 S.M. 8tn St./1-95 Interchange Reconstruction 1984-05 476.000 S.M. 10tn St./S.W. list St. Transit Mall 1984-85 483.000 Metrorail, Rapid Transit (Brlckell Service) 1982-83 N/A Metromover, Downtown People Mover (Brlckell Service) 1986-87 N/A TOTAL $23.827.000 * 1983 Dollars. SOURCE: SFRP(-' W 84"589 FIGURE: 7 programme art Manned TranSPcrt ticr� ImprQ�vements is�ty a: tA widening < �o U;r', epAlJ�!®!!__ . T;Shmon DRi C eeeeeeee eeieeaeeoee� �e ee®eefeees a �e �_ Nwsh« ORI �Rxr,�ncted POWWON efar Y7 salsas _ S@sae®eee Imprav�mer�tS fr Igloos eGOE% Rem® ®leeellleelelee..i =: Mof3 f C4tlott5 Q AMA < o i • �n5�rscLrian � � by � i�rxxl tzax ke!/ �S Rec pv4 SE '44 sr � t w \ S * Sot - 84-585 Source : fF�PC � �4:..ac4rzx Ci 0 The most significant roadway improvement programed in the area is reconstruction of the Miami Avenue Bridge and approach ramps, anticipated to be completed In FY 1984-85. More immediate improvements, scheduled for FY IQ-B3--84, are the widening and reconstruction of S.W. 7th Street to I lanes, one --way westbound, from Brlckell Avenue to S.W. 12 Avenue and the resurfacing of S.W. Btn Street from 1-95 to Brickeil Avenue. Tnis will improve access to 1-95 northbound from the Brickeil area. Peak hour reversal of the direction of traffic on S.W. 7tn and 8tn Streets has been recently analyzed as a means of Increasing peak -hour capacities for AM peak -hour eastbound and PM peak -hour westbound flows. Joint meetings were held among City, County, and State transportation staff, wno concluded that such operation is not feasible given the cane -way cross streets and numerous driveways. Transit improvements and increased patronage are critical to improving Brlckell area access over the next five years. Metrorail is expected to begin revenue service from Dadeland south to the downtown Government Center Station tnis Spring. The north leg is projected to begin service during December, 1984, connecting the Government Center Station with the Okeechobee Station in Hialeah. The Brickeil Station, four blocks northwest of the project at S.W. 1st Avenue and S.W. 11tn Street, is the 061 • •. Metrorall stop closest to the project. A transit mail, along S.W. 10th and lith Streets, is programmed for FY 1984-85 to provide feeder bus service to the Brtckell Station. In addition, completion of the Phase I extension of Metromover (the Downtown People Mover) is estimated for 1988, which would provide the project witn convenient access to many points downtown from a station on S.E. 13tn Street immediately west of Brickell Avenue. �. Project Traffic a. Trip Generation Based on project proximity to the Brtckell Avenue Metrorail Station, 25 percent of dally trips and 30 percent of peak-nour trips in 1986 were assumed to use transit (Table 8). Remalning are 413 AM and 402 PfA peak -hour vehicle trips, approximately 13 percent of total daily trip ends for eacn peak -hour period. TABLE 8 PROJECT PERCENTAGE OF PERSON -TRIPS BY TRANSIT Year Dal IV Peak -Hour 1986 25 30 3S 1990 30 2000 40 45 SOURCE: ADA 31 84--589. Em b. Trip Assignment Distribution of the 3,096 dally, 413 AM peak -hour, and 402 PM peak -hour vehicle trip ends was based on the results of the Tishman/Speyer DRI origin/destination survey for office uses conducted during July, 1982, adjusted for the more southerly location of the project and for projected population growtn rates in Dade and Broward counties. Under the proposed plan, vehicle access to and egress from the site would occur from both S.E. 12tn Terrace and S.E. 13tn Street between Brlckell Avenue and S. Bayshore Drive. c. Future Traffic The Applicant projects tnat, for the fourteen study roadway segments, peak -hour levels of service will deteriorate below LOS "C" on four addltlonal segments, as shown in Table 9. TABLE 9 PEAK -HOUR LOS DETERIORATION ON AREA. ROADWAY SEGMENTS Segment Roadway From To Brlckell Ave. Miami River S.E. 6tn St. S.M. 7tn St. S.M. 2nd Ave. S.M. 3rd Ave. S.E. Stn St. Brlckell Plaza Brlckell Ave. S.M. Btn St. S.W. 2nd Ave. S.M. 3rd Ave. SOURCE: ADA 32 LOS LOS Existing Mitnout Mltn LOS Project Project C D D D C D A D D D E E Tne project comprises lap to 34 percent of peak -hour approach volumes at the eight critical intersections identified in Table 10, which also shows the percentage attributed to project traffic at each intersection. Wltn project traffic, peak -hour levels of service wilt deteriorate below LOS "G" at seven critical intersections: Brickell Avenue/S.E. 7tn Street, PM peak -hour LOS "D"; Brickell Avenue/S.E. 12tn Terrace/S.E. 13tn Street (wltn recommended improvements), AM and PM peak -hour LOS "D"; Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14tn Street (witn recommended improvements), AM and PM peak -hour LOS "O"; Brickell Avenue/S.E. 15tn Road, PM peak -hour LOS "D"; S. Miami Avenue/S. Btn Street, AM peak -hour LOS "D"; Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14tn Street (unslgnalized), AM and PM peak -hour LOS "F"; and S.W. 15tn Road/S.W. 13tn Street/S.W. *�rd Avenue (unslgnallzed), AM and PM peak -hour LOS "F". T WJ IC PROJECT TRAFFIC COWOSITION AT CRITICAL INTERSECTIONS 0 Percent of Totat Approecn Vollf^e Intersection W_ 58 EE 1t8 Brickell Avenue/ 0 5 • 0 S.E. 7tn Street Brickell Avenue! 0 6 4 0 S.E. bin Street Brickell Avenue, 1 12 Is 15 S.E. 13tn Street Brickell Avenue/ 2 1 0 0 S.E. idtnStree Brickell Avenue/ 2 2 0 0 S.E. 15tn Road S.W. i5tn Road! n 1 ! 1 S.M. 3rd Avenue S. Miami Avenue/ 0 • • 0 S. 7tn Street S. Mlaml Avenue/ 0 • S • S. bin Street • Movement not possible. SOIRCE : ADA PM Percent of Total Aooroecn Volume MB 58 EB ME 1 • 0 7 !! 2 3 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 3 S • • 1 6 , 1 84-58S 33 Figure 8 illustrates 1986 peak -hour traffic with project I traffic added (unfunded roadway improvements are not considered in LOS calculations). Tne following section delineates improvements necessary to offset project impacts and the extent to wnich they would achieve this end. 4. Recommended Improvements Various roadway improvements in the immediate vicinity of the project, combined with several transportation systems management (TSM) strategies, can reduce the adverse impacts tnat would otherwise result from the project. To provide the adequate ingress and egress for 1986 project traffic, it will be necessary to align S.E. 12tn Terrace with S.E. 13tn Street at Brickell Avenue, whicn are currently offset by approximately 50 feet. The Applicant as agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-way ($630,000 estlr,iated value) for i-nls lniprovemcni- (;;00,000), which wi i I a Iow al i 1urn Ina ni.ive -ienl s ai 1ne InftrsoctIor) to be made (Figure 9). This inierse lon Improveneni includes: (1) a soutnbound BrickelI Avenue left -turn lane, (2) three westbound lanes to provide right -turn, through -left, and exclusive left -turn movements, and (3) resignalIzation. Witnout project traffic and without improvement, Brickell Avenue/S.E. 12tn Terrace/S.E. 13tn Street would operate at LOS I'D" during the AM peak -hour and LOS "C" duringthe PM peak -hour. Upgrading the intersection as outlined above will yield LOS I'D" during both peak -hours wltn project traffic. 34 84-58S r FIGURE 6 PROJECTED 1986 PEAT; -HOUR TOTAL TRAFFIC SOURCE: SFRPC NOT TO SCALE 13 _ N D !S a � N r M i t AL ORr 1tw 13 Tr 1 - ft rp t[ee Y 1221 BRICKEL a E +� - L +i i r i ©- 1996 Ar PEAK-11OUR LOS ® - 1966 Pr PEAK -HOUR LOS - DIRECTION OF PEAK FLOW 8-585. S.E. 13th ST. S.E. 13th ST dam- mo- SOURCE : ADA j t( RPCW�� TEN TS: Brickell 12mi ST, S.E. 12th Terr. EXISTING l �1 1�r S.E, 1pth SIGNAL e �rr, 0 PROPOSED Terr. MODWIED SIGNAL rr / 84-589 Two otner intersections in the impact area, Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14tn Street and S.W. 15tn Road/S.W. 13tn Street/S.W, 3rd Avenue will operate at LOS "F" at project buildout if not signalized ($50,000 eacn). Provision of an exclusive westbound left -turn lane is proposed for the intersection of Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14tn Street (Figure 10), with minor restrlping necessary for S.W. 15tn Road/S.W. 13tn Street/S.W. 3rd Avenue. It is not anticipated tnat these pavement marking modifications will add significantly to the cost estimates for signalization. Several other improvements In the impact area are slated for construction by developers of the Tishman-Speyer/Equltable and Llncoln/Nasher Developments of Regional impact (DRls) before but Idout of the 1221 BrIckeIi projecl. Brickell Avenue from north of S.E. 7tn Street to soutn of S.L. Bit) SiFeel (Figure 11) wi I I be widened from 4 to G 1 �7n��s F r i i-n double l of i- l urn lanes at botn S.E. 7tn and S.E. 81-n Streets. Tnis will require removal of the existing median on this block, with the 6-lane cross-section tapering to 4 lanes Immediately north of 7tn Street and south of Stn Street. The only necessary additional right-of-way is on the southeastern corner of Brickell Avenue and S.E. 8tn Street, which will be dedicated by Tishman-Speyer/Equitable Joint Venture Development of Regional impact. In addition, an exclusive right -turn lane will be provided for eastbound to southbound 37 84--589 m FIGURE 10 RECOMMENDED ROADWAY It1RROVEtlENTS: Briekell Ave. l -9-E- 14tn ST• EXISTING t I qr 1,1/L 1t 8•E• 14th ��MIgQ ems. '� ►k Inn s•E• 14th sr. 1�i41�p� i i .d W cc 11 SOURCE: ADA PROPOSED P 1 L NEwSIGNAL Y 84-58R F I Gitl 1-1 0 E II: OTFIEVI IMPFIMEMENITS Bric`.',ell Ave. /Bay -st-,we 30 0 150 Scale C. IN r Y thcn a DT h 0 19no 'Tishman -Speyer/ A Equitable DP! a 87 4 �,S 8 S, eProposed �an, Configuration Lane 11 U movement and left -turns for westbound to southbound movement prohibited at S.E. 8tn Street. These improvements, estimated to cost $260,000 (1983 dollars), will significantly improve levels of service at tnese two intersections: 3rickell Avenue/S.E. 7tn Street, from AM peak-nour LOS "C" to "B" and PM peak --hour LOS "F" to "D"; and Brlckell Avenue/S.E. 8th Street, from AM peak -hour LOS "f " to "C" and PM peak -hour LOS "D" to "A." To improve the intersection of South Bayshore Drive and S.E. 8tn Street, the existing median along S.E. 8th Street will be removed and striped by the Llncoln/Nasher and Tishman-Speyer/Equitable developers to allow for exclusive left -turn lanes of adequate length to provide access to botn the Llncoln/Nasher and Tishman-Speyer/Equitable developments. in addition, Soutn 8ayshore Drive will be restrlped to 4 lanes, wlth parking removed from the soutnbound lanes between S.E. 81n Street ana .Ambassador Drive. An exclusive left - turn lane will be needed for nortnuouna to westbound move -men', at the In', er seal Ion, w i l n s 1 ana 1 1 z,=1 1 on necessary by 19BG. These improvements, estimated to cosl S-65,000 (1983 dollars), would Improve levels of service from MA peak -hour LOS "f" to "B" and PM peak -hour LOS "F" to f'C." In conjunction witn reconstruction of the 1-95/S.W. 8tn Street interchange, it is necessary to change S.W. 3rd Avenue between S.W. 7tn and S.W. 8tn Streets to two-way operation so that traffic 40 westbound on S.W. 7+h Street may turn left at S.W. 3rd Avenue to reach the Interchange immediately south of S.W. Stn Street. The Council recommends a 3-lane cross-section for S.W. 3rd Avenue between S.W. 7tn and S th Streets, with left -turn lanes provided at both S.W. 7tn and 8tn Streets. The Applicant proposes several traffic management procedures that can reduce peak -hour traffic flow: (1) preferential and/or low-cost parking areas for high occupancy vehicles, (2) participation in a car pool program for the entire Brickeii corridor, with ride sharing Information boards conveniently located within the project, and (3) secure bicycle storage areas within the parking garage. With the increased mount of development that Is allowed by the revised City zoning, It is unceri-aln whether or not the above improvements, although minor, wouid conform Ol n inose necessary to serve the Increased intensity aiioven by ine, ncv�,Tonincg over the long term. Consultants for the Tishmanrt-Speyer/Equitable and Lincoln/Nasher developments recently began a long-range study of the transportation needs of the 1-95/Brlckell Avenue area. Before any of the publicly -programmed or developer -proposed roadway Improvements within the study area are constructed, location of a transit mail determined, or plans to extend Brickell Plaza to S.E. 7th Street rejected, it Is in the best interest of all parties 41 11 11 Involved, both public and private, to have an approved long-range transportation plan for the area which analyzes the need for and timing of improvements, including those currently programmed. Thus, recommended Improvements to be constructed by the Applicant (See Part III, n below) would not commence until completion and approval of the long-range study, at which time a determination can be made as to whether these improvements are compatible with required long-range improvements. With the proposed construction of this and other projects east of Brickeil Avenue, pedestrian traffic will also increase. However, until both the transit improvements and the planned developments are In place, pedestrian volumes at particular crossings are difficult to project. For this analysis, only at -grade pedestrian movement was considered, wltn pedestrian volumes esilmated for the Intersection capacity analyses. i;itn tnlrty percent of al trips and thirty-five percent of peak -hour irlps generaicad by the developments planned for the B rlckell corrdor expected io be transit trips by 1990, the pedestrian volumes crossing Brickell at that time may require one or more above grade crossings, especially if the proposed transit mall along S. 10tn and ittn Streets is successful. 42 0 0 5. Parking Tne Applicant desires to provide 830 parking spaces, 131 In excess of the maximum allowed by the City Zoning Code, in an eight level garage. Five service and delivery vehicle loading docks and two percent handicapped spaces will be provided witnin the garage. As previously discussed, at least two percent should also be dedicated for car and van pool use. 6. Mass Transit The Dade County Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) currently provides bus service to the project site with seven local and ten express routes. However, before Metrorall begins operation, the entire MTA bus network will be redesigned and redistributed to provide feeder bus service to rail stations, improve service in areas already served by MTA, and expand service into unserved areas of the County. A 25 to 33 percen' increase in local and express service by 1966 Is envisioned for the Brickeil area. 43 +M PART IiI - DEVELOPMENT ISSUES 0 A. EFFECTIVE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IN THE BRICKELL AREA Tne past several years have seen unprecedented development in the vicinity of Brickeil Avenue as well as in other subareas of downtown Miami. A significant portion of development is a response to the scneduled opening of Metrorail and the proximity of Metrorali stations which permit and encourage higher density development. Absorption of office space on Brickeil Avenue from 1965 tnrough 1979 averaged only 86,000 square feet per year. The rate for the last three years has been over 12 times greater, with an average of over 356,000 square feet per year. Yet, in spite of more rapid absorption, the vacancy rate in July, 1982 was only 0.8 percent, which represents an extremely tight market. Of the ten major projects (Table 11) proposed or under construction in the Brickell area, nine are located on Brickell Avenue or South Bayshore Drive. Only one project Is proposed for the immediate vicinity of the Brickell Metrorali Station. Altogether, over 3,285,000 square feet of office and retail use, and 1,115 residential or hotel units are under construction or proposed. Tne cumulative and collective impacts of developments in the Brickell Area are of regional as well as local concern. The long-term security 44 i 0 TABLE it UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND PROPOSED PROJECTS BRICKELL AREA Estimated Project Co;spletion Name/Locatlon Type Size Status Date Brtckell Bay Office Tower Office 316,000 U/C Oct., 1984 1101 S. Baysnore Drive sq. It. Brtckell Key (Ciaugnton Residential 375 U/C March, 1985 island) units One Brtckell Square Office/ 465,000 U/C 1985 (Tisnman Speyer/Equiteole) Retail sq. ft. DRI S. 9aysnore Dr. 3 S.E. 8 St. Lincoln/Nasner Office/ 750,000 DRI 1986 9rickell Ave. & S.E. 8 St. Retail sq. ft. Helmsley Center Office/ 342,000 proposed 1986 S. Baysnore oetwe-on S.E. 12 Retail/ sq. ft. and S.E. 14 Streets Residential/ 1546 units Hotel 285 units Brtckell financial Center Office/ 291,000 Proposed 198S-96 1301 Brtckell Avenue Retail sq. ft. Granvier Residential 67 Proposed N/A 1155 S. Baysnore units Interoank Center Office/ 185,000 Proposed 1985 1177 Brtckell Avenue Retail sq. It. One Brtckell Station Plaza Office/ 329,000 Proposed N/A S.M. 1 Ave. & S.K. 8 St. Retall/ sq. ft. Residential 42 units N/► S.M. 1 Ave./S.M. 8-9 Sts. Office/ 265,000 Proposed 1985 Retail sq. ft. 1060 Brtckell Avenue Office/ 322,OOC Proposed 1986 Retail sq. ft. TOTAL 3,285,000 sq. ft. 1,115 res./ hotel units Nate: Status: U/C - Under constructlon ADA - DRI Application for Development Approval Suomltted DRI - DRI Approved SOURCE: ODA 45 84_S85. 11 E of major private Investments and realization of the beneficial returns that these projects represent to the Region In employment, construction expenditures, economic diversification and stabilization, and property taxes for essential services, all depend on theavailabilityof adequate public services and facilities, including transportation facilities that provide the competitive accessibility needed to support existing development, as well as to attract and accommodate future development. The importance of competitive accessibility to regional activity centers is underscored by the following Council policy: Competitive accessibility within and between regional activity centers, as measured by acceptable levels of service on local and regional access routes, and provision of adequate parking, snould be maintained and, where possible, enhanced. (Section 29J-2.045(5), F.A.C., Policy 2). The distinctive character of the Brickeii corridor is being changed by developments tnat have received local approval without a full assessment of the individual and collective impacts tnat development will nave on tna area or on the balance between the capacity of and need for public facilities. City police and fire department officials nave expressed concern that, white a single project may have little effect on the ability to provide service, the collective number of individually -approved projects pose an adverse impact on service capability. 46 L • 0 The need for the City to undertake an infrastructure capacity study, focussing on balancing the amount of development permitted with the existing and feasible expanded capacities of the public infrastructure serving the development, was recognized by the Council and the City during review of the 1980 Nasher Plaza DR1. A condition In the original Development Order for Nasher Plaza required the City to: ...prepare, in conjunction with the Muni Accessibility and Mobility Study, wltnin twelve months of this Development Order, a small area growth management study to balance the desired use of the Brtckell, Miami Avenue, and Dupont Plaza area as a major business activity center witn the public infrastructure improvements necessary to support such use. The study must result in recommended land use plan and a program to support the Intensity of activity that will be permitted in the study area. Tnese recommendations shall be transmitted to Dade County Department of Traffic and Transportation and the Regional Planning Council for review and comment, prior to their adoption by the City. Further, to implement the adopted plan and program of Improvements, the City arils formulate mandatory procedures to evaluate the comprenensive and collective impacts of development occurring wltnin the Brlckell/W aml Avenue/Dupont Plaza Area. The City has yet to complete this study, however as working on various growth management strategies to accomplish the study objectives. For example, recognizing the significance of transportation infrastructure and the limitations to desl-able development created by an overburdened transportation system, Council, City, County, and State staff, In consultation wltn the Lincoln/Hasher Joint Venture and Tishman-Speyer/Equltable Joint Venture developers, agreed that a long range transportation analysis is necessary, whlcn agreement resulted In the following condition being included In the subsequently -issued development orders for these two DRis: 47 Conduct, and complete, within ten (10) months of the date of issuance of the development order, Individually or in cooperation with other consultants approved by the City, a long range, year 2000 transportation study for an area, no smaller than the traffic Impact area for the Lincoln/Nastier Joint Venture DR1, to be determined by the Council, City, County, and FQOT, incorporating projections for growth in background traffic; ultimate development traffic within the traffic impact area, based on existing and proposed zoning; transit ridership; pedestrian movements; programmed and planned transportation improvements; evaluation of alternate improvemets and their estimated costs; and transportation system mangement strategies, l.ncluding on -site and remote parking policies and standards. The study will also include recommended Improvements and their costs, recommended land use regulations, and any necessary changes in City zoning, or Identify limitations on ultimate development imposed by the capacity of the transportation system, and submit to the Council, City, County, and FOOT for review and approval. This analysts, currently being undertaken by consultants for the two developments, will be based on the amount of development permitted under existing and proposed zoning witnln a suitable area (no smaller than the traffic Impact area used in the ADA for this project), growtn In background traffic, projected transit ridership, pedestrian movements, programmed and planned transportation improvements, and management strategies including on -site and remote parking. The study will include recommended feasible transportation improvements and their costs, as well as any changes In land use regulations or zoning needed to maintain competitive accessibility of the area and acceptable levels of transportation service, and will identify limitations on ultimate development imposed by the transportation system when expanded to the maximum extent feasible. M1 11 E Since it is conceivable that the transportation improvements recommended to provide needed capacity in 1986 in support of previously approved development and the 1221 B rtckell 11Ri may be incompatible wltn the transportation system necessary to serve the area when It develops to the limit of existing or proposed zoning, the Applicant should not construct these improvements until their compatibility witn ultimate improvements is determined. Should there be any inconsistency, the Applicant should construct other improvements, at a comparable cost, to mitigate the impact of project traffic on the downtown area. In tnls manner, the integrity of the long-range transportation plan can be maintained. In its review of ne Tlshman-Speyer/Equitable Joint Venture QRI in June 1993, the Council also recommended that the City take advantage of the long range access study by determining current capacities and capacities after optimum expansion of all otner public facilities and services needed to support development in the area. Inis information would allow the City to manage the amount of development permitted by Its plan and zoning to ensure that the level of service provided by public facilities does not impair the economic vitality and competitive advantage of the Brlckeli area. The recommendation remains appropriate. 49 84-589. 0 B. FUNDING PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS The Council policy holds that financing required transportation Improvements should be shared between the public sector and private development interests: Development sponsors should pay the marginal costs of upgrading existing transportation facilities, or the full cost of constructing new facilities, required by a specific development proposal. (Section 29J--2.045(5), F.A.C., Policy 73), and The public sector should fund those improvements which support the general welfare of its citizenry; promote public goals, objectives, and plans; are required by existing or anticipated traffic from previously -permitted development; or that result from normal growth in "background" traffic (Section 29J-2.045(5), F.A.C., Policy 74). As previously noted (Table 7), nearly $24 million of publicly -funded roadway improvements are programmed in the traffic impact area, not including public funding for transit construction and operation. Additional transportation improvements necessary to mitigate the cumulative Impacts of project traffic projected for 1986 nave been estimated to cost $40,000 (1983 dollars) for constructing a right -turn lane, a combined tnrougn and left -turn lane, and an exclusive left -turn lane on the westbound approacn at the intersection of Brickell Avenue/S.E. 13tn Street/S.E. 12tn Terrace. In addition, signal rephasing of that intersection ($40,000) will be necessary. Signallzatlon of the intersection of Brickeil Avenue/S.E. 14tn Street ($50,000) is recommended, along with restrlping the westbound approach for a combined through and right -turn lane and an exclusive left -turn lane. Also, part of the curb on the north side of the west leg should 0 be removed to allow for a more direct through movement since the east and west legs of S.E. 14th Street are slightly offset. The above geometric improvements for the Intersection are estimated to cost S20,000. At the intersection of S.W. 13tn Street/S.W. 1511h Road/S.W. 3rd Avenue, signalization ($50,000) and some restriping Is requl-ed. Tne above improvements to the three Intersections total $200,000, not counting $630,000 that the Applicant estimates to be land value of the right-of-way required to properly align S.E. 12tn Terrace and S.E. 13tn Street, whicn the Council considers a cost associated with developing the parcel of land, not part of an equitable share of funding necessary roadway improvements, as recommended in both the Lincoln/Hasher and Tlshman-Speyer/Equitable DRIs, reviewed by the Council in 1983. Under the conditions of the Lincoln/Nasher and Tlshman-Speyer/Equitable Development Orders, the Applicants contributed an equitable share of the cost of recommended roadway improvements for the 1985 analysis year, based on the volumes of tra! f 1 c; tney 4; l I I contribute to intersections in need of lmprovt:nent, and, since a development order for one project would be issued prior to the issuance of a development order for the otner, to loan the unfunded cost of the Improvements to the City (whicn could be arranged through they purcnase of bonds under terms witn interest rates and maturity dates mutually agreed to by the City and the developer, or other financing arrangements) until the City would be repaid by other developments contributing to the need for the improvement. In this case, the Council was able to allocate 100 51 84--589, E3 23 percent of the cost of necessary roadway improvements to the two Developments of Regional Impact in the event that no other area developments were to apply to the City for approvals before construction of the required Improvements. The fair -share improvements cost allocation for the Lincoln/Nasher and Tishman-Speyer/Equitable DRis resulted In a contribution of between $0.24 and $0.29 per square foot. Using this square footage cost as a surrogate measure for traffic generation, the 1221 Brickell developer would be required to fund between $100,000 and $120,000 of improvements or all improvements recommended for Brickell Avenue/S.E. 12tn Terrace/S.E. 13tn Street, and the geometrlcs improvements suggested for Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14tn Street and S.W. 13tn Street/S.W. 15tn Road/S.W. 3rd Avenue as his fair -share. Signallzation of the latter two intersections would initially be Applicant -funded by a front -ended loan to the City if the City could not obtain contributlons from other developments in the impact area, Since: much of the development in the Brickell corridor is not of DRI status, it would be unfair to assume that DRis should bear the burden of funding all necessary roadway Improvements wltnin the impact area. Tnerefore, after a set of long-range improvements for the Brickell corridor Is determined to support a desired level of development wltnin the study area, the City should incorporate a provision in the SPI-5 zoning ordinance for area developers to contribute an equltabie share of funding necessary transportation infrastructure improvements. Until such a provision is 52 • � i In effect, the Applicant should be responsible for implementing the above Improvements, subject to reevaluation by the City once the long-range study is completed. PART IV - SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary The Development of Regional Impact assessment for 1221 BrIckell indicates that the project would have a number of positive regional Impacts: • Over 613 permanent new jobs would be generated by the project with an additional 989 relocated from existing office space in the Region. Nearly 1,759 additional full-time Jobs would be generated in the four county region, wltn a $31.8 million increase in total wages and a $20.2 million in vaue added to the regional economy. • An annual surplus of nearly $1.6 million dollars to taxing jurisdictions With approximately $642,013 for Miami, S499,434 for Dade County, $416,027 for the Dada County School District, and S39,5z9 for the South Florida Water Manaaem ent District and special districts combined. Council evaluation indicates that the proposed project should not create adverse impact on ground water, soils, animal life, or vegetation. In terms of adverse regional impact, the project would: i• Increase potable water demand by an average of 49,500 gallons per day. • Increase annual energy demand within the Region by the equivalent of 15,247 barrels of residual oft. 54 • Generate an average of 4.83 tons, or 17 cubic yards, of solid waste per day. s Generate an average of 47,700 gallons of wastewater per day. • Place additional unfunded demands upon police, emergency rescue, and fire services, although the public agencies responsible for providing these services have indicated adequate facilities to serve the project. • Generate nearly 3,096 dally vehicle trips on the downtown street network and, along wltn other development traffic, reduce levels of service below "C" at seven intersections. However, Applicant participation In funding intersection improvements will maintain service at an acceptable level. Recommendations Based on conslderdtlon of the above specified positive and negative impacts, It is the recommendation of the Council to 1-ne MIcyni City Commission that the App l i cal- i on for Development Approve l for 1 221 Br l cl«! I I be APPROVED subject to incorporation of the followincg condltlons Into the Development Order to increase the probability of realizing the positive regional impacts and to reduce adverse regional impacts: 55 84-58�`. 2 11 THE APPLICANT, ITS SUCCESSORS, AND/OR ASSIGNS WILL: 1. Use only native and otne- non -Invasive species adapted to Soutn Florida climatic conditions in project landscaping. 2. Implement best management practices to minimize al- pollution to include: ♦ 'Traffic flow Improvements pursuant to Condition 7 below; • Provision of mass transit information, sucn as bus and metroraii schedules and routes, to p-oject tenants and in project common. areas; ♦ Provision of at least two percent of all parking spaces for ca- o- van, pool pa -king, all to be located witnln a maximum of eignty fez' of the elevator on the tni-a and fourtn pa -I ng levels, and at a cost no g-eate- tnan sixty percent of the cost o` a stanaa-d parking space; • Estabilsnment and ope-atlon of a van or car pool program in order to encourage ride sna-ing and make information readily availd:,le; ♦ Provision of bicycle storage areas in the first level of the parking area. 56 3. Incorporate the following energy conservation measures into the development; • Individually metered tenant -controlled air conditioning. • Air distribution using a variable air volume system. e Minimum use of incandescent lighting, with maximum use of task lighting in work areas. • Centralized energy control system that will provide start/stop optimization, time of day scheduling, electrical demand limiting, night temperature setback/setup, programmed maintenance, and building lighting control. s Computerized elevator control equipment using the Elevonic 401 or equivalent. • Non -electrical energy will be used in the project restaurant for heating and cooking, except for microwave use. 4. Prior to the issuance of building permits, provide, subject to City approval, adequate right-of-way to properly align S.E. 12th Terrace with S.E. 13th Street at Brickeii Avenue. • 57 5. install an air quality monitoring station and conduct air quality monitoring for two weeks, with the monitoring location, parameters, and reporting requlr mnents to be agreed upon by the Applicant, the City, the Council, and the Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management. 6. Obtain all necessary permits from Dade County WASA for provision of water and wastewater services to serve the project. 7. Witnin two (2) months of an agreement by FDOT, the County, and the City that both the transportation improvements recommended as a condition for approval of this development order and the publicly programmed transportation improvements assumed in the ADA are compatible wltn the long-range improvements approved by the Council, City, County, and FD01, design, obtain FDOT, County, and City approval of, and construct (or provide a bond or letter of credli for S200,000 in 1983 dollars), wltnln an additional six (6) montns, the following improvements, as described on pages 50 through 51 of the Council's Impact Assessment: • Brickeil Avenue/S.E. 12tn Terrace/S.E. 13tn Street - geometric changes and signal rephasing - $30,000 (1983 dollars). • Brickell Avenue/S.E. 14th Street - curb reconstr:+ctlon, striping, signaiization - $70,000 (1983 dollars). • S.W. 13th Street/S.W. 15th Road/S.W. 3rd Avenue - striping, signalization - $50,000 (1983 dollars). 58 The difference between the 1200,000 (1983 dollars) and the Applicant's $100,000 (1983 dollars) fair -share contribution shall be a front -ended, short-term loan to the City, repayable under terms of maturity dates and interest rates jointly agreed to by the City and the Applicant. S. in the event the transportation improvements required pursuant to Condition 7 above are inconsistent with the transportation Improvements recommended in the long-range study, the Applicant will design, and provide cost estimates for improvements compatible wltn the recommended long-range Improvements, upon the same financial terms and amounts, and shall submit this Information to the City, County, FDOT, and the Council for review and approval prior to amendment of the Development Order pursuant to Condition 28 below. 9. Develop, within one year of the date of issuance of the development order, a fair share agreement, which is based on appropriate criteria, with the City to provide.a contribution to support necessary improvements in pol ke and fire service in 'the area of the project. 10. Construct the building to allow for emergency helicopter evacuation from the roof of the office tower. 59 • . • .• 11. Collaborate with the City to Incorporate security measures and systems into the design and operation of the project. 12. Conform to all requirements of the water service allocation program imposed on construction by the Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management, covering a part of the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Authority service area, including the project site. 13. In the event any potentially significant historic or archeological artifacts are uncovered, notify State and local historic preservation officials and delay construction for up to 3 months, if requested, for survey and excavation of the discovery. 14. Consolidate all original and supplemental information submitted to the Council and City into a revised Application for Development Approval (ADA) and submit one copy of the document to the Council, City, and Florida Department of Community Affairs within ninety (90) days of the effective date of 1221 Brickeli Development Order. THE CiTY WILL: 15. Enter into, within one year of the date of issuance of the development order, a fair -share agreement, which Is based on appropriate criteria, with the Applicant for necessary Improvements in police and fire service in the area. • 16. Collaborate with the Applicant to ensure incorporation of security measures and systems into the design and operation of the project, including adequate allowance for emergency helicopter evacuation from the roof of the office tower. 17. Incorporate the Application for Development Approval, as revised pursuant to Condition 14, by reference into the Development Order for 1221 Brickeli as follows: "The Application for Development Approval is incorporated herein by reference and relied upon by the parties In discharging their statutory duties under Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, and local ordinances. Substantial compliance wltn the representations contained in the Application for Development Approval is a condition for approval unless waived or modified by agreement among the Council, City, and Applicant, its successors, and/or assigns." 18. Establish an air quality monitoring program in the Brickell/Omni area requiring monitoring by other developments in order to obtain accurate and reliable basellne data for the entire area, and coordinate and set study parameters for the installation of all monitoring stations designated by tnis program. 19. Incorporate the Council DRI Assessment by reference into the Development Order. 61 0 20. Provide that the effectiveness of the Development Order shall be stayed and no development permits thereunder shall be granted, until such time as an Amended ADA, providing updated information, is submitted to the Council, County, and State and an Amended Development Order issued, if the following activities are not substantially completed within two (2) years from the effective date of the Development Order: • Construct, or provide the funds, bonds, or letters of credit for recommended surface street improvements required by Conditions 7 and 8 herein; O Dedicate rignt-of-way for the alignment of S.E. 12tn Terrace witn S.E. 13tn Street at Brickell Avenue pursuant to Condition 4; and • Obtain all required permits. Should the Development Order be stayed pursuant to this condition, nothing herein shall be construed to limit Condition 27 below that this Development Order runs with the land and its terms and conditions are binding on the Applicant, its successors, and/or assigns. 21. Designate an official to monitor compliance wltn all conditions of the Development Order, and specify monitoring procedures in the Development Order to insure such compliance. 62 84-589, 0 22. Specify requirements for an annual report in accordance with Section 380.06(14)(c)(3), F.S. 23. Withhold building permits until provision of adequate right-of-way for the alignment of S.E. 12tn Terrace and S.E. 13th Streets at Brtckell Avenue along the south side of S.E. 12tn Terrace immediately east of Brickeil Avenue, as shown 1n Figure 9 of the Council's impact Assessment. 24. Ensure that the required funds, bond, or letter(s) of credit have been provided, or Applicant construction of the recommended roadway improvements has been completed, within six months of the determination by the City and the Council that the recommended Improvements referenced in Condition 7 are compatible r;ith the improvewnents recommended and approved by the City, County, FDO1, and Council, as part of ine long-range transportation study being conducted for the traffic impact area. 25. in the event that the Applicant front -ends funds to the City to construct the recommended roadway improvements according to Condition 7, secure, from Other developments in the Brickeil area or from City funds, reimbursement for that portion of the cost determined to be In excess of the Applicant's fair -share. 63 • 26. In the event the transportation improvements required pursuant to Applicant Condition 7 above are inconsistent with the transportation improvements recommended in the long-range study, review the proposed design and cost estimates for comparable improvements compatible witn the recommended long-range improvements developed by the Applicant pursuant to Condition 8 above, and to consideration of the comments and recommendations of the County, FDOT, and the Council, modify the Development Order to incorporate any changes in the required transportation improvements. 27. Require recordation of the 1221 BrIckelI Development Order with the Clerk, Dade County Circuit Court, pursuant to Section 380.06(14)(d), F.S., specifying that the Development Order runs witn the land and is binding on the Applicant, Its successors, and/or assigns. 64 .• • 4�" CO-9 U Mcgn June 8, 1984 Ameriswiss Associates 8181 Northwest 14th Street Miami, Florida 33126 RE: Development Order Gentlemen: R ALPH G 0',,- It' fok ki AJT Fitt A DEPUTY C I T1 C[IF, � � Robe-z I ling:, FvEIr K'Zo SVIVIa Lr),AmAn STAFF SUPPOPT Lillian Diclrmo- Enclosed herewith, please find a copy of City of Miami Resolution No. 84-589 passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on May 24, 1984, which is self-explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your continued cooperation. er truly yours, tt Ra?G- a, 6 C5? 647� eG. Ongie City Clerk RGO: sl ENC: a/s, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLFRK Cit} Hall'3500 Pan American Drive/Miami, Florida 33133 '579-W65 84-589� 0a I/ . 01 1 June 8, 1984 Florida Department of Veteran and Community Affairs Division of Local Resource Management 2571 Executive Center Circle East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 RE: Development Order Gentlemen:: RALPH G ol—"i, Ci;� Cirr: MrT?1 t1iF,1,r 4s1..,. Cr. CI... DEPUT1 CIT) l:1fEi, Ro'c! rr F. E cho Riv, Syh+a LuKma. STAFF SL'PPOP,T Lillian DtArnon Enclosed herewith, please find a copy of City of Miami Resolution Number 84-589 passed and adopted by the City of Miami Commission at its meeting held on May 24, 1984, which is self-explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your continued cooperation. truly yours, R 1ph G. Ongie i7L) ty Clerk RGO:sl ENC: a/s OFFICE Of THE CITY CLERK/Cn� Hall/3500 Nan American Drive/Miami, Florida 33133.579.60! i 84.. 589. 777 • f June 8, 1984 South Florida Regional Planning Council 3440 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 140 Hollywood, Florida 33021 RE: Development Order Gentlemen: RALPH G. ONGIF City CIf�r4 M4TT1 HIC' Assistant Coo C 1,. DEPUTY CI T `r CLFRK_� Robert F Tmgl. , GeorR,a M. Lirtk- Syhia 11 iE n io?a Sylvia Lowman STAFF Sl PPORT Lillian Dickmon Enclosed herewith, please find a copy of City of Miami Resolution No. 84-589 passed and adopted by the City of Miami _ Commission at its meeting held on May 24, 1984, which is self-explanatory. On behalf of the City of Miami, thank you for your continued cooperation. Very truly yours, R 1ph G Ongie City Clerk RGO:s1 ENC: a/s OFIICf OF Till CIT1 CLERK 'Co Hall 3500 Pan Ameiic an Drnf, Miami. Florida 33133"579.6065 84--589 11 CITY OF MIAMI• FLORIDA 7 INT=R_r)FF10E MEMORANDUM Howard V. Gary DATE May 3, 1984 :E &CitManager'GL B.C�:t RESOLUTION - RECOMMEND APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR 1221 BRICKELL PROJECT = nes Director REFEHEPCcS COMMISSION AGENDA - MAY 24, 1984 Planning and Zoning Board ENClO5VF7i5 PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS Administration Department 0 It is recommended by the Planning Advisory Board that issuance of a Development Order for the 1221 Brickell project be approved:- The Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of May 2, 1984, Item 1, following an advertised hearing, adopted Resolution PAB 33-84 by a 6 to 1 vote, recommending approval, as amended, of the issuance of a Development Order for the 1221 Brickell project, a Development of Regional Impact, proposed to be located at 1221 Brickell Avenue, also described as all of B-L-K SUBDIVISION (117-70), approving said project with modifications as proposed by the Planning Department pertaining to legal description,, property ownership and number of parking spaces and recommending both item 4 and alternative 4 of the Development Order for the Planning Department to resolve with the South Florida Regional Planning Council, per Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. Backup information is included for your review. A RESOLUTION to provide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorney's Office and submitted for consideration of the City Commission. AEPL:111 cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department recommends: APPROVAL, with modifications 11 <'. .. .n-.Y'41...;H,r'e•:;>4`-'j.'"2}` �' •- d>.+i+. +'Y• . ...: �:" ,';�-.;r, i.2?=:r :t '�,a 1N�+�'�0�="`:'+"'.':'�"+51., Kxt`�i'i?.wdrsis•Sertf;•n a%-r. t. w.:.T �„'=. +." a"�;�'i`t`r _ t PLANNING FACT SHEET APPLICANT Ameriswiss Associates: March 9, 1984 PETITION 1. 1221 BRICKELL AVENUE All of B-L-K Subdivison, according to the plat thereof, in Plat Book 117 at Page 70 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Consideration of recommending issuance of a Development Order for the 122I. Brickell project, a Development of Regional Impact:, proposed to be located at 1221. Brickell Avenue, per Chapter 380 Florida Statutes. REQUEST To grant a Development Order for a Development of Regional Impact so that construction documents can be processed by City Departments. BACKGROUND Ameriswiss Associates proposed the Brickell Avenue project, which qualifies as a Development of Regional Impact (DR I) under Florida administrative rules. Per Chapter 380, the developer has submitted an Application for Development Approval (ADA) to the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) for their review and recommendation. Before granting a Development Order, which is a pre -condition to a building permit, the City must consider the extent to which: a) The development unreasonably interferes with the objectives of an adopted state land development plan applicable to the area; b) The development is consistent with local land development regulations; and c) The development is consistent with the report and reconmiendations of the regional planning agency. The sequence of events to this point is as follows: February 22, 1984 South Florida Regional Planning Council notified the City that the ADA was complete and that a local public hearing could be scheduled. March 8, 1984 By Resolution 84-313, the City Commission established May 24, 1984, as the DRI public hearing date. .�r• i•�:-a�ti3 s�_.� +i%rt�-r�.,pS; _ r,;.. �.:;•'1-rt4-;a,?,; �.t�'n'r. `%rg �.:ti�*e: ^'i',r<' .. �`^��� �:: ir:V.Y�ilt .a>...."s:ti;,tw.�'3,'•«.:,;T•,�:,y`Sl •..e• *;r�..v s.. S� 4 =x�^ .. swrv?' �L!! N:i�L1.L "�.. _ _ . . e ANALYSIS RECOM14ENDATIO14S PLANNING DEPT. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD April 2, 1984 South Florida Regional Planning Council recommended approval, with conditions (see enclosed report). May 2, 1984 The Miami Planning Advisory Board will consider a recommendation for approval, with conditions. May 24, 1984 The Miami City Commission will conduct a public hearing concerning the issuance of a Development Order for• the 1221 Brickell Project. (See Analysis attached.) Approval, with modifications. Approval, by a 6-1 vote, May 2, as modified by the Planning Department presentation pertaining to legal description, property ownership and number of parking spaces, recommending both Condition 4 and Alternative 4 (or similar wording) in the Development Order for the Planning Department to resolve with the South Florida Regional Planning Council. !l C ' .1 .. :... r. Y^s:�✓� ti�S'Ws�'^Ndy��°31`4,''5�4?i�.' ... .. .- i ♦.. •� "' '}? `Y�. "✓. - M• _ . „•ib.,,�w a '* - RE Ts 4Nc so boat 2+ TRACT S T. CC 13A i$HORE.rR4ci GARDEpS of r 5 24 n -- Q R r- 100 SION RACJ- 4 ] 3 Ot UAL //^tt 3 + V Fm rp- _S,J-1-11 103 m 1100- n t -• � 70�.•.•. • � r„ 7 i +40 10 t !4 !Qi i& ~ v $ 1 1p SO ao cO 34 zp 2z 24 0� as o `w >rt 2 s ° J'E. ,p 4 � �I h aft, co ry 14 N rn F'{ e•- _ u 1d 3 N (_ f Q 9 S 73 q C_ 26 , h v 0 u x y ? S t4 So( 3, s U�4 . a 4 7- city. �y s � 1y 3 4S 32 2 d' I ° o Mj AS 36 t 4 s 2 Play 19gu- sm US f gi ':: a a 7K r 'S Fr -Top FN c CC j� Al n o co >1 cq C\j LA Y cv t p. Io 44 C/) 17. LIJ co �r g, N Qt", z co 'sr+ _ fP'4+ ( / �•�; _ �;°w'� 1' cy� — '� :.�.=.,t` .� �`' �+R 5-`d•� ";:av' =«`k a 41 via ag� t etrr• -?�� �13 tv -jm '41 .P I 1 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Planning Advisory Board R0M S ,gi —Rodriguez, Director `Planning Department DATE: April 30, 1984 FILE: SUBJECT: Analysis and Recommendation: 1221 Brickell Avenue Project REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES. Project Description Ameriswiss Associates has proposed a project to be located at 1221 Brickell Avenue. The Project includes: -- one 26 story office tower of approximately 409,694 square feet in office use -- retail uses on the first floor of 6,981 square feet -- a restaurant on the first floor of 3,000 square feet -- a plaza at ground level of approximately 23,500 square feet. This project meets the criteria for a major use; being in excess of 200,000 square feet of floor area of office and commercial uses and including in excess of 500 offstreet parking spaces. The project also meets the criteria for a Development of Regional Impact, under Florida administrative rules, being in excess of 300,000 square feet of office use. Analysis Economic and Net Fiscal Impact - The cost of this project is estimated at million o ars , and approximately 987 temporary full-time construction jobs will be generated over a two year construction period. The average construction wage will average $22,813 per employee -year, representing a total of $22.5 million (1983 dollars) for construction wages. After completion of construction, the permanent employment will total 1,602 persons with an estimated 1,578 in office activities, and 24 persons in retailing and personal services. Based upon various marketing studies of Brickell Avenue offices an estimated 38 percent, or 613 persons would be newly located to the Miami area. Based upon computer analysis of the Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe county economies, the cumulative effect of project construction is il about 1,758 jobs, represents $31.8 mlion in total wages, $84.1 million in output value, of which $40.2 million is net value which would be added to the regional economy. The 1221 project will have a net positive fiscal impact on all local taxing units. Under the assumption that approximately 301 of the 1,602 permanent Page 1 of 3 N4 ``-4 1 - _ , .- .�;i "' � ,�w ..y-,�,::r+ �.y`-%s sn(;.:--�:. <:«m:rr5 ¢v+wi,�., �,t--.4• .. ,..:�. _. ,�.l� , � ,;`?i:�"n ., :.1,•.ssd, r�a.K:�..;�4s^�•rtY.':+�-"'C�trs`sC'S{�.iasi�;��}�i#r1;.i�"s•,�F�'�'�:w+z.�;'�.i �i �; �o _ ..'=.r,.�uwAat'+:�=.sH-.�_riiK7„!+If�"'!:rf1t+'MV?t_�7?1r!4Yt`-!!d'�R.`%'r•.�S:t%S:. I Planning Advisory Board April 30, 1984 Jobs will be new positions, the net fiscal impact represents an annual City of Miami surplus of $642,013, and $499,434 for Dade County, $416,027 for the Dade County School system, and $39,539 for the South Florida Water Management District and special districts combined, for a cumulative annual regional surplus of $1,597,013. The Development Order includes Conditions 13 and 14 which provide for the preparation of a Minority Participation and Employment Plan, and a fYii nori ty Contractors/Subcontractors Participation Plan. Environment - The proposed project should not create an adverse impact on the environmen- and natural resources of the City, i.e. air quality, ground crater, soils, animal life, vegetation, wastewc, ter management and solid waste disposal. Conditions are recomi,,iended in the Development Order to assure a) traffic management to minimize air pollution and b) building design to minimize energy consumption and c) address other environmental issues. Public Facilities and Services - Municipal services are adequate for the ric e area. However, as ie Brickell area continues to develop, there is a concern about the future provision of fire, emergency rescue and police services. Conditions are recommended to include a) a one-year study of police and fire services in the area and b) to address any potential future deficiencies. Access and Circulation - Various public and private road improvements are scheduled for the brickell Avenue area between SW 7th Street and SE 14th Street, all which will complement the improvements proposed adjacent to this site. This applicant is responsible for the improvements of three intersections, SE 13th Street/SE 12th Terrace and Brickell Avenue, SE 14th Street and Brickell Avenue and SW 13th Street/SW 15th Road. At the SE 13th Street/SE 12th Terrace intersection the following improvements are proposed: alignment of SE 12th Terrace with SE 13th Street, provision of a southbound left -turn lane; provision of three westbound lands on SE 12th Terrace; and provision of a three phase signal operation, one for north and south, one for east, and one for west. A portion of the NW corner of the applicant's property has already been dedicated to provide the necessary right-of-way. The applicant will also provide road improvements at Brickell Avenue and SE 14th Street which is not currently signalized. In addition to the signalization, the major improvement will be the provision of a separate westbound left turn lane which can be placed within the existing paved area. An adjustment of the Brickell median will be required to provide an additional northbound left turn lane for additional turning capacity. Afterwards, with two proposed improvements, the SE 12th Terrace/13th Street intersection Aft and PM peak hour level of service will be at the "D" level. At that time the SE 14th Street intersection, also with the proposed improvements, will have an AM and PM peak hour level of service of "D". A third intersection, at SW 13th Street/SW 15th Road will also be improved by the applicant with striping and signalization. The applicant will provide a Page 2 of 3 •�3�`9=5�'jQkL�i��F.lYriNi'Y�I'Z'i-rat.'?z�r±�[r' nr� '.PT"=` '•'r - .`,�J ;sic '.: �;,•R%"r, :.:f:-riti,'r,',:';. ,t •ri�}t*�ri=:fit?`.ti;c'ai�^;?d:Siw:�±4.�4.'!�=��.Yiti` .. 7ji�ili+hti�Pei�J.+.•.��"� �.vfi-.4ssl+tti+K-r�.M„�rwv+�+..�?�,fAi!a>�4d.r�`��•i+^t:.-?"_�:''., P1 anni ng Advisory Board April 30, 1984 bond or letter of credit for $200,000 which will constitute a front-end short- term loan to the City, $100,000 of which will constitute the applicant's fair share contribution. Land Use - The project is consistent with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan anU with the SPI-5 arickell-Miami River Residential Office District. Recommendation - The Planning Department recommends approval of this project. Page 3 of 3 84— 7Sr. 84' 596 .. . ........ wo Arl F7 Or M. Aw 51 114, -1 rJ Aw - -j - a- L---f