HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-06-14 Minutes1. - 141 i .. L 6- - �-_ MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON June 14, 1984 (REGULAR) PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL RALPH G.. ONGIE CITY CLERK INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA JUNE 14, 1984 ITEM SUBJECT NO. LEGISLATION PAGE NO. n�. 1 RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCES TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF OFFICER FRANCISCO SANTANA ON HIS TRAGIC AND _ UNTIMELY DEATH. R-84-610 1-2 2 PLAQUES, PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ITEMS. DISCUSSION 2 3 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT SUFFICIENT FOR THE RENTAL FEE FOR ONE DAY'S USE OF BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUIM FOR THE ORGANIZERS OF "PUERTO RICO DAY", JULY 21 AND 22, 1984. M-84--611 2­4 4 RESOLUTION RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND APPROVING ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER-ANHEUSER BUSCH UNLIMITED RACING REGATTA HELD JUNE 109 1984. ALLOCATE $35,000 TO PARTLY UNDERWRITE THE "FOURTEENTH ANNUAL BUDWEISER UNLIMITED HYDRO— PLANE REGATTA" PLUS AN ADDITIONAL $109000 AS A GRANT OF SUPPORT. R-­84-612 4t8 R-84-613 5 DECLARE CITY COMMISSIONS'S SUPPORT OF EVENT TO BE HELD AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM ON THANKS- GIVING WEEKEND ENTITLED: "FUN TRANSPORT AFFAIR RUNNING MEET" TO BENEFIT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI BURN CENTER. M-84-614 8-=10 6 OFFICIALLY DECLARING THE CITY COMMISSION'S SUPPORT OF HOLIDAY FEST EVENT TO BE HELD AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM DURING THE THANKSGIVING WEEKEND, NOVEMBER, 1984. M-84-615 10-11 7 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE 485,946 TO SUPPLEMENT COST OF CONSTRUCTION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY AT 150 N.E. 69TH STREET. R-84-616 10-13 8 RESOLUTION RESCHEDULING THE CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS FOR JULY TO NOW TAKE PLACE ON JULY 30 AND 31, 1984. R-84-617 13-14 9 DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO TAKE STEPS TO CLOSE FLAGLER STREET FROM BISCAYNE BLVD. TO THE AVENUES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FORTHCOMING "MISS UNIVERSE PARADE". M-84-618 14-15 10 GRANT REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANT'S ASOCIATION TO PERMIT SALE OF MERCHANDISE ON PUBLIC SIDEWALKS FOR FATHER'S DAY SALE, JUNE 16TH. M-84-619 15-16 11 AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE INSTRUCTIONS TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO DESIST FROM ASPHALTING PLANTERS ON S.W. 8TH STREET, ETC. M-84-620 16-17 12 DISCUSSION ITEM. KEEPING OF ANIMALS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ON DOUGLAS ROAD TO BE DISCUSSED AT A FUTURE MEETING. DISCUSSION 17-23 13 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $9,000 REPRESENTING ONE HALF FEE FOR USE OF THE CON- VENTION CENTER FOR THE "NATIONAL PARKINSONS'S FOUNDATION FUND RAISING EVENT" WITH CONDITIONS. M"84-621 23-24 PAGE 2 14 DISCUSSION ITEM: POINT SYSTEM UTILIZED BY HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT FOR VETERANS IN CONFECTION WITH ENTRANCE AND PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS, TO BE DISCUSSED AT A FUTURE MEETING. DISCUSSION 24-26 15 GRANT REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PARTIDO REVOLUCIONARIO CUBANO AUTENTICO FOR THEIR "SECOND NATIONAL CONGRESS' WAIVER OF FEE FOR USE OF THE MANUEL ARTIME CENTER, AUGUST 4 - 5, 1984. M--84-622 26-27 16 DISCUSSION ITEM AND CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF SELECTION OF CITY ATTORNEY TO REPLACE POSITION BEING VACATED BY JOSE GARCIA PEDROSA TO THE MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 28, 1984. M44-623 2T-36 17 OPEN BIDS FOR SALE OF $2,000,000 FIRE FIGHTING, $18,100,000 HOUSING BONDS; $3,000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND $7,100,000 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS- REFER TO CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND REPORT. R-84-624 36-37 18 OPEN SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF S.Y. 16TH STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT B-4488 AND CITYWIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT B-5499. REFER BIDS TO CITY MANAGER FOR EVALUATION AND REPORT. M-84-625 37-38 19 OPEN SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I. B­ 4487. AND CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT EAST LITTLE HAVANA B-5498 AND REFER BIDS TO CITY MANAGER FOR EVALUATION AND REPORT. M"84-626 38-=39 20 OPEN SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WEST FLAGLER STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PHASE B-5495. REFER TO CITY MANAGER FOR EVALUATION AND REPORT. M-84-=627 39-41 21 DISCUSSION ITEM OF REQUEST MADE OF ITEMS TO BE DEFERRED BY COMMISSION MILLER DAWKINS AND OFFICIAL DEFERRAL OF PENDING LAWSUITS REGARDING FORMER POLICE CHIEF KENNETH HARMS. DISCUSSION 41-50 22 DISCUSSION ITEM: BIFURCATED RAMP IN THE DUPONT PLAZA AREA DISCUSSION 50-60 23 DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF THE 5-YEAR PLAN FOR THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY. DISCUSSION 60-=64 - 24 AWARD $2,000,000 FIRE FIGHTING: $18,100,000 HOUSING BONDS: $3,000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVE MENT BONDS: AND $70001000 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS TO PRUDENTIAL BACHE SECURITIES. R-84­-628 64-66 25 CITY COMMISSION GOING ON RECORD DEMANDING OF DADE COUNTY AND H.U.D. TO MAKE PROVISIONS FOR PERSONS WHO ARE ASKED TO MOVE FOR VARIOUS REASONS AND TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY IN RELOCA- TION. R-84-629 66-70 -_ 26 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE REQUEST MADE BY CAMACOL FOR THE HOLDING OF "FIFTH HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN AMERICAN COUNTRIES" SUBJECT TO RESOLV- ING OUTSTANDING MATTERS OF CONCERN TO THE CITY. ( SEE LABEL N0. 34) . M4--84-630 70j-71 27 DISCUSSION ITEM: PERSONAL APPEARANCE CLAUDE ANDERSON REQUESTING AN EXEMPTION IN CONNECTION WITH OPERATION OF LIQUOR BUSINESS IN THE 7TH - AVENUE CORRIDOR FOR MINIMUM DISTANCE REQUIRE- MENT, REFERRED TO THE MANAGER. DISCUSSION 72-73 28 ALLOCATE $5,000 IN CONNECTION WITH "MISS. AFRO AMERICAN PAGEANT" TO BE HELD JUNE 23, 1984. R-84-631 73 PAGE # 3 29 ALLOCATE $T59000 TO THE INTER AMERICAN ANNUAL. CONVENTION OF MUNICIPALITIES INC. IN CONNECTION WITH THE "THIRD INTER AMERICAN CONGRESS OF MUNICIPALITIES". R-84`632 74 30 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE CONCEPT OF THE DADE MARINE INSTITUTE ESTABLISHING AN ENVIROMENTAL AWARE- NESS CENTER AND WORK PROGRAM FOR YOUTH. R-84--633 74-=77 31 ALLOCATE $59200 IN SUPPORT OF THE "1984 HOLl- DATY FESTIVAL" TO BE HELD DECEMBER 1 AND 2, 1984 AT BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM, PROCEEDS TO UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. R-84-634 77-78 32 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE PLAN PROPOSED FOR REDEVEL- OPMENT OF THE OLYMPIA BUILDING SUBJECT TO NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHOR- ITY AND THE CITY MANAGER, ETC. M-84-635 78-80 33 DISCUSSION ITEM: CARIBBEAN CENTRAL AMERICAN ACTION COMMITTEE REQUESTING $25,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE "1984 MIAMI CONFERENCE ON THE CARIBBEAN" TO BE DISCUSSED ON JUNE 28, 1984. DISCUSSION 80-85 34 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE 5-YEAR PLAN PRESENTED BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY INCLUDING STRATEGIC AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS. M-�84-636 85-88 35 ACCEPT DRAWINGS FOR A PROPOSED RACE TRACK AT MARINE STADIUM. REQUEST CITY MANAGER TO FORWARD DRAWINGS TO PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DRAFT- ING OF THE VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN. M-84-637 88-90 36 DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE NECESSARY CODE AMENDMENT TO ADJUST THE FIGURE TO $100 PER APPEARANCE FOR PERSONS SUMMONED BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. M-84-638 90-92 37 DEFER CONSIDERATION OF ISSUANCE OF R.F.P.'S FOR UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR THE OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT. M-84-639 92-98 38 LEGISLATIVE REPORT AND CONGRATULATIONS TO RICK SISSER, ATHALIE RANGE AND MARILYN REED FOR THE FINE WORK DONE IN THIS LAST LEGISLATIVE SES- SION. DISCUSSION 98-101 39 DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED $30,000,000 BOND ISSUE _ TO BE PLACED ON THE FALL BALLOT. PUBLIC HEARING AND CONTINUED TO JULY 30TH MEETING. DISCUSSION 101-111 40 DISCUSSION ITEM: $35,000,000 PARKS AND RECREA- TION BOND ISSUE FOR FALL BALLOT. DISCUSSION 111-113 41 FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: ALLOCATE $15,000 AS SEED FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF CULTURAL ACTIVITIES - PROVIDED BY THE PERFORMING ARTISTS GUILD ENSEM�- BLE, INC. R,-84-640 113-114 42 COMMISSION GOES ON RECORD AND CONTINUES TO FUND - EXISTING PROGRAM IN THE HAITIAN COMMUNITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $109000, ETC. M-84-641 114-120 43 FIRST READING ORDINANCE; AMEND ORD. 9834 APPRO- PRIATE AND ADDITIONAL $5,479,910 TO EXISTING TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED;"COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. 10TH YEAR". 1ST READING 120-121 44 SUBMIT ATTACHED ADDENDUM FOR APPROVED GRANT - PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (H.U.D.) FOR INCREASED FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,944.00. R--84-642 121-122 PAGE # G 45 MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK BY P.N.W. CORPORATION FOR THE "BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT. PHASE I-HG 4475" M-84-643 46 INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO MEET WITH A GROUP KNOWN AS THE "PALACE PLAYERS" IN THEIR REQUEST FOR THE USE OF THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM FOR THE STAGING OF MUSICAL PLAYS AND EVENTS FOR THE EVENTUAL ISSUANCE OF R.F.P.•S, ETC. M-84-644 47 DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE LEGISLATION FOR PROVISIONS SIMILAR TO 731 THROUGH 749 OF THE DADE COUNTY CODE, CONCERNING THE IDENTIFICA- TION, NOTIFICATION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSITION OF DERELICT AND NUISANCE VESSELS FROM THE MIAMI RIVER. M-84-645 48 GRANT REQUEST MADE BY PARKER THOMPSON, OF THE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, IN THE AMOUNT OF $409000 WITH CONDITIONS. M-84-646 49 REFER REQUEST FROM MEMBERS OF THE CULMER PRESS FOR FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 TO THE CITY MANAGER. M--84-647 50 DEFER CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST MADE BY REPRE- SENTATIVES OF THE COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB REGARDING ISSUANCE OF PRIVATE LIQUOR LICENSE AND PRAM STORAGE PERMITS. M-84-648 51 SECOND READING ORDINANCE; AMEND CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE ENTITLED:"SIDEWALK CAFES" (SEE RELARTED FIRST READING ORDINANCE MAKING PROVISIONS FOR COCONUT GROVE AS A SEPARATE ENTITY). ORD. 9848 140-143 - 52 AUTHORIZE APPLICANT OF 1221 BRICKELL PROJECT TO PROCEED TO FILE A FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF - PLANNING WITH CAVEATS, ETC. R--84-649 140-=144 - 53 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE, ADD NEW SEC. 5417 RE: VEHICULAR ACCESS TO A PARTICULAR STREET, INTERSECTIONS; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR PROHIBITIONS, CUL-DE-SACS, TURN AROUND ON STREETS, ETC. 1ST READING 145-148 54 PERSONAL APPEARANCE: BILL PERRY REGARDING -- DISCUSSION OF CITY ADVERTISING POLICIES; PARK WEST/OVERTOWN UPCOMING BOND ISSUE; CRIME JOBS FOR YOUTH, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. DISCUSSION 148-158 55 INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT CHARTER AMENDMENT TO BE KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT _ NO.1" FOR THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTING GRAMMATICAL, SYNTACTICAL AND LINGUISTIC ERRORS, AND ELIMINATE OBSOLETE PROVISIONS. R-84-650 158 56 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: SET FORTH PROPOSED "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO.1" TO CORRECT GRAMMATICAL, SYNTACTICAL AND LINGUISTIC ERRORS; AS WELL AS OBSOLETE PROVISIONS IN THE CHARTER. 1ST READING 159 57 INCREASE CONTRACT WITH EVENSEN DODGE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $,45,000 FOR PROVIDING = HOUSING, FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES IN THE - AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. R-84-651 160 _ 58 WAIVE REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN CODE SEC. 2-302 TO PERMIT GABRIEL FRANCOIS, AN EMPLOYEE OF THE SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE = HOME RENOVATION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM. R=84-652 161 #S 59 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK. CITY FIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT "ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA. BID — "D"`SR-5497-C. R-84-653 162 60 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK. "CENTRAL SANITARY IMPROVEMENT SR-5481--C. R-=84-�654 163 - 61 ALLOCATE $12,000 WITH ROCKWOOD SYSTEMS CORP. FOR PURPOSES OF PURCHASING A MACRO -FOAM, MACROGEN GENERATOR AND MACROBAR BARRIERS FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT. R-84-655 163-16*w— 62 RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE _ FOR WAIVING OF COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS FOR 6 LIFE-PAK 5 BATTERY SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR THE _ DEPT. OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES. R-84-656 164-165 63 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED:"RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED 9TH YEAR". ORD. 9849 165-166- 64 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND ENTITLED:"ENTRANT ASSISTANT PROGRAM.1984t85". ORD. 9850 166-167_ 65 DISCUSSION AND DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF AN —_ ORDINANCE WHICH WOULD HAVE APPROPRIATED $2,219,000 FOR LAND ACQUISITION FOR THE CONVENTIONAL PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. DISCUSSION 167-170 7 66 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: INCREASE APPROPRIATION IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR $20t000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDING FOR PURCHASE OF MODULAR WORK STATIONS. ORD. 9851 168-171= 67 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH "BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER ADVANCE" AS A NEW PROJECT IN _— THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND AND APPROPRIATE AN — AMOUNT OF $650000. ORD. 9852 172-178 68 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND 9535 CAPITAL — IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE. INCREASE APPROPRIATION FOR THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE ENTERPRISE FUND IN THE = AMOUNT OF $248,300. ALSO FINAL PAYMENT TO FRANK — J. ROONEY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,250,000. ORD. 9853 178-179 69 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND 9534, EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE PURCHASE OF LITTER CONTAINERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $170,000. ORD. 9854 179=-18C 70 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE 9534• EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE BY INCREASING RESOURCES/APPROPRIATIONS IN THE MIAMI STADIUM ENTERPRISE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000. PRESS BOX REPAIRSo ETC. ORD. 9855 180-181 71 FUND CONSTRUCTION MODIFICATIONS AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM TO INCLUDE PRESS BOX REPAIRS AS HAS BEEN DONE AT THE MIAMI STADIUM. M-84-657 181-182 -- 72 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ORDINANCE CONCERNING PURCHASER OF COMPUTERS AND ASSOCIATED PERIPHERALS. ORD. 9856 182-184 73 GOING ON RECORD DECLARING THE DEPLORABLE CONDITIONS AT BOOKER T. WASHINGTON WHICH RESULTED IN A PORTION OF THE AUDITORIUIM CEILING FALLING OFF DURING A CITY COMMISSION MEETING. R-84-658 184 #6 74 INCREASE THE COMPOSITION OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD FROM 17 TO 19 MEMBERS BEING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE COUNTY MANAGER. 13T READING 185 75 AMEND CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE ENTITLED:"STREETS =` _ AND SIDEWALKS CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR BY MODIFYING THE TERMINOLOGY THROUGH =- SEC. 54-45 FOR CLARIFICATION PURPOSES. 13T READING 186 76 AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE REMAINING LEASE TERM FROM RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES INDUSTRIES OF FLORIDA, INC. FOR MIAMARINA RESTAURANT FACILITIES. R-84-659 187 s= 77 CLAIM SETTLEMENT: ROSA B. SMITH, $40,000. R-84-660 188 = 78 INSTRUCT MANAGER TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURE WHERE METRO, THE STATE OF FLORIDA, OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY ERECTS A SIGN ON OUR SIDEWALKS THEY WOULD BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE, PERMIT AND ANY APPLICABLE FEE. M-84-661 189-190 79 PERMIT APPLICANT OF BAYSIDE PROJECT TO PROCEED TO FILE A FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; WITH CAVEATS, PUBLIC HEARINGS, ETC. R-84-662 190 80 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. FOR CONTINUED REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI IN THE WASHINGTON PROGRAM. R-84-663 191 81 ORDERING RESOLUTION: ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE II-H-4495. R-84-664 191-192 82 ALLOCATE $15,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS TO JAMES E. SCOTT COMOMUNITY = ASSOCIATION; $5,000 TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD'S ANTI - CRIME PROGRAM AND $10,000 TOWARD _ COMPUPTERIZATION OF THE AGENCY'S ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. R-84-665 192 83 DECLARE A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (U.D.P.) - AS THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS METHOD FOR DEVELOPING - VACANT CITY -OWNED HISTORIC BUILDING AND LAND - PARCEL FORMERLY KNOWN AS FIRE STATION NO. 4, - 1,000 SO. MIAMI AVENUE. R-84-666 193 84 DECLARING THE BOUNDARIES OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA. R-84-667 194 = 85 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR THE SOLE MANAGING UNDERWRITING OF THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $8959000,000. OF MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT FINANCING OF OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT. R-84-668 195 - 86 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND AGREEMENT - BETWEEN THE CITY AND HAMMER SILER, GEORGE -- ASSOCIATES FROM $40,000 TO $42,500 IN CONNECTION WITH PREPARATION OF AN OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS FOR THER SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. R-84-669 196 87 APPOINT MARY MCCRAY AND CYNTHIA COCHRANE AS MEMBERS OF THE "COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN. Mf-84-670 197 88 CONSENT AGENDA. 198 i 88.1 BID ACCEPTANCE: BETTER BUSINESS FORMS, INC. FOR COMPUTER STOCK PAPER AT $125,000.00 R-84-671 198 88.2 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT: BISCAYNE ENGINEERING CO. SCHWEBKE-SHI SKIN AND ASSOC. INC. COMPANILE AND ASSOC. INC. AND MANUEL G. VERA A ASSOC. INC. FOR LAND SURVEYING SERVICES. R-84-672 198 - 88.3 TEMPORARY STAFF SUPPORT TO COMMITTEE FOR _- RESPONSIBLE BONDS FOR PEOPLE AND PARKS AND ALLOCATING THEM AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $359000. R-84-673 198 88.4 AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF AUTOMOTIVE PARTS: - HOLLYWOOD CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, INC. $125,000. MAX GROSSO CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, $39000. FINCHER MOTORS, INC.$1,000. PALMETTO KAWASAKI, $2,000 - PALMETTO FORD. TRUCK SALES, INC. #5,000. MIAMI LINCOLN MERCURY9$15,000. FIGUEREDO CHEVROLET, INC. $2,000. L.A. CHEVROLET, $7,500. METRO FORD INC. $5,000 TOTAL OF $65,000. R-84-674 199 - 88.5 ACCEPTING BIDS: BOYS ELECTRIC, INC. AT $1,220.00. GRAYBAR ELECTRIC, INC. AT $19467.00. RAYBRO ELECTRIC SUPPLY, INC. AT $483./00. RICHARD ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. AT $19834.00 FOR ELECTRICAL MATERIALS, TOTAL OF $5,044.00. R-84-675 199 88.6 ACCEPTING BID: DADELAND RENTLA-CAR, INC. FOR -_ SIX FIFTEEN -PASSENGER VANS ON SHORT TERM LEASE FOR APPROXIMATELY 10 WEEKS AT TOTAL COST OF $12,000.00. R-84-676 200 88.7 ACCEPTING BID: FLORIDA SILICA SAND CO. INC. FOR APPROXIMATELY 2000 CUBIC YARDS OF RED CLAY ON -_ CONTRACT FOR ONE YEAR AT TOTAL ANNUAL COST OF $329700.00. R-84-677 200 88.8 ACCEPTING BID: ACE REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES, INC. FOR TWO AIR -=COOLED CONDENSORS AT $10,360. R-84-678 200 88.9 ACCEPTING BID: CUMMINS SOOUTHEASTERN POWER INC. FOR TWO CONTROL UNITS ON EMERGENCY ELECTRIC GENERATORS AT $6,000. R-84-679 201 88.10 ACCEPTING BID: UNITED MICROGRAPHICS, INC. FOR LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR THE DUPLICATION OF APPROXIMATELY 180,000 MICROFICHE AT COST OF $27,000.00 R-84-680 201 88.11 PURCHASE OF THREE COMPLETE CENTRAL DICTATION SYSTEMS AND FIVE ADDITIONAL TRANSCRIBERS FROM LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC. AT $14,408.00. R-84-681 201 88.12 ACCEPTING BID: J.C. WHITE OFFICE FURNITURE CO. FOR PHOTOGRAPH FILE CABINETS AT $5,680. R-84-682 201 88.13 ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK OF P.H.M. CO. AT $29,229.65 FOR HANDICAPPED ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS. R-84-683 202 88.14 FIFTEEN DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY R-84-684 202 88.15 REDUCTION OF CONTRACT WITH BETTER CONSTRUCTION FOR JOSE MARTI PARK. R.--84i685 202 88.16 $2000 FOR ISRAEL "36" WALKATHON. R-84-686 202 88.17 $15,000 FOR LEND-A=HAND FUND, INC. FOR SUMMER POPS CONCERT SERIES. R-84i687 202 88.18 INCREASING FUNDS TO PUERTO RICAN OPPORTUNITY CENTER, INC. BY $5,000 TO $8,000 TOTAL. R-84-688 203 89 AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF 5 VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER PRODUCERS WITH EXTENDED WARRANTY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE, AND INSPECTION SERVICE. R-84-689 203-204 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA On the 14th day of June, 1984, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:20 O'Clock A.M. by Mayor Maurice A. Ferre with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Commissioner Joe Carollo* Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins *arrived 9:28 A.M. ALSO PRESENT: Howard V. Gary, City Manager Jose R. Garcia -Pedrosa, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk An invocation was delivered by Mayor Ferre who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCES TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF OFFI- CER FRANCISCO SANTANA ON HIS TRAGIC AND UNTIMELY DEATH. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, if we could have one moment of si- lent prayer. We had a misfortune this week - very unfortu- nate situation. One of our police officers lost his life. Officer Francisco Santana, and I think in memory we should — have a silent prayer and then I am offering a motion to the normal condolences to the family. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, Commissioner Plummer moves that condolences be extended officially by the City of Miami Com- mission to the family of the officer who list his life. Second by Commissioner Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-610 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE DEEPEST SYM- PATHY AND SINCEREST CONDOLENCES OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF MIAMI POLICE OFFICER FRANCISCO SANTANA UPON HIS TRAGIC DEATH. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) LD 1 6/14/84 ry Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre— NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo 2. PLAQUES, PROCLAMATIONS AND SPECIAL ITEMS. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Distinguished Visitor Recognized: Mr. Isao Goto, Execu- tive Vice President of Japan Development & Construction Company, Ltd. 2. Distinguished Visitor Recognized: Mr. Masami Takahasi, Senior Manager of Saitama Bank of Japan. 3. Proclamation Presented: Eugene B. Gunn Day. (Former Deputy Chief of Police). 4. Proclamation Presented: Honor America & Americans Day. In commemoration of Flag Day. 3. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT SUFFICIENT FOR THE RENTAL FEE FOR ONE DAY'S USE OF RAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM FOR THE ORGANIZERS OF "PUERTO RICO DAY", JULY 21 AND 22, 1984. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Is Alicia Baro here? Alicia, I am not going to give you another award, because you have got too many from this Commission as it is, but I would like to, Ladies & Gentlemen, present to those of you who do not know her, a great American, also a great Puerto Rican - Alicia Baro, who has received many honorary degrees from universities, na- tional awards by foundations in New York and Washington for the tremendous job that she has done for this community. She is currently the president of a national organization, and she has done such a tremendous job, we are very, very proud of Alicia. Now in the newspaper this morning, we have read that the Coalition of Hispanic and American Woman, a group of her peers and I think it is highly significant, Alicia, and I think it is certainly a testimony to you that this prestigious organization made up of woman in Miami have chosen you as their awardee this year, and I think it is particularly healthy because the majority of the woman in C.H.A.W. are Cuban -American, and up until now every single recipient has been a Cuban or a Cuban -American. 1 think the fact that they have chosen you, not a Cuban --American, is not only significant, but I think a very healthy sign that this is not a parochial approach, that they are not looking upon quality in the job that is being done based on national ori- gin or ethnic heritage. I think that is the American way that we take into account people's qualities for what they are and what they do, not where they come from or what color skin or what religion they happen to have, and I think it is wonderful that they have chosen you, and now Ladies & Gen- LD 2 6/14/84 tlemen, won't you join me in congratulating Alicia Baro for the receipt of this new award. _ Ms. Alicia Baro: Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor, and all of you, really. I didn't come here this morning for the pur- pose of being recognized as the recipient of that award. I 2 came for another reason, and I appreciate very much the time the Mayor has taken to recognize this, thank you, but I am_ here this morning to remind you once again that we are f celebrating our Puerto Rico Day and this year happens to fall on July 22nd, that is, we are going to meet on July 22nd, which is a Sunday, and I am here to request the use of Bayfront Park Auditorium as I have done in the past and j at the same time to ask for your support in the entertain- _ ment, that is bringing in a group as we do every year. Mayor Ferre: Alicia, how much does the Commission grant Puerto Rican Festival Committee last year? Ms. Baro: $10,000. Mayor Ferre: And you are asking for $5,000? Ms. Baro: This year, yes. It is a smaller group. I don't need that much money. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Perez: Moved. Mayor Ferre: is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion. When is it scheduled? Ms. Baro: They arrive on the 20th and they will perform on the 21st and on on the 22nd of July. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, can I suggest that pass the motion and instruct the City Attorney to draw up a resolution to for- malize it afterward so we can release the money. Mayor Ferre: Okay, we will do it that way. This is the mo- tion of intent, so - okay, are we ready to vote? Ms. Baro: Do I have to come back? Mayor Ferre: No, you don't have to come back. You just have to work it out. Mr. Gary will tell you who to work with in the Administration and you will work through whoever he tells you to, okay? Ms. Baro: Thank you very much. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. LD 3 6/14/84 The following motion was introduced by Commission- _ er Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-611 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT SUF- FICIENT TO PAY THE RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM BY THE ORGANIZ- ERS OF "PUERTO RICO DAY", TO BE HELD JULY 21 AND 22, 1984, PURSUANT TO RE- QUEST MADE BY ALICIA BARO; FURTHER AU- THORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 AS A CON- TRIBUTION TO THE ORGANIZERS OF THIS E- VENT. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ------------------------------------------------------------ 4. RESOLUTION RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND APPROVING ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER - ANHEUSER BUSCH UNLIMITED RACING RE- GATTA HELD JUNE 10, 1984. ALLOCATE $35,000 TO PARTLY UNDERWRITE THE "FOURTEENTH ANNUAL BUDWEISER UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE REGATTA" PLUS AN ADDITIONAL $10,000 AS A GRANT OF SUPPORT. Mayor Ferre: Now we get into pocket items, and we will start with you, Mr. Plummer. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, the only pocket item I have is to make me legal. I understand after twice passing this I still have to ratify it. Each of you have before you an item marked Fourteenth Annual Budweiser Unlimited Hydroplane Regatta. The Manager tells me that once again we have to ratify this action to keep me from being in a problem, and so move. Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion and a second. Mr. Plummer: On the Budweiser package, it is just ratifying the action. Mayor Ferre: All right, it has been moved and seconded. Under discussion, I would like to... Mr. Carollo: Did William Perry approve this already, or not? Mr. Plummer: Yes, he did. Mayor Ferre: On the record, Mr. Plummer, I would like to, on behalf of all of us, congratulate you in particular. I think a lot of people require congratulations - Cesar Odio LD 4 6/14/84 and staff, and many, many people who have dedicated a lot of time, but we all know, ladies and gentlemen, that over 15,000 people paid to watch the hydrofoil boat races and I understand Lew Price is going to make such a report, and I will recognize him in a second before we vote on it, but I just think, Lew, that you and J. L. in particular, who lit- erally was there almost 24 hours a day - (what are you doing in the late hours of the night, I don't know!) and we are having an investigation made as to why Plummer insists on staying around there for 24 hours, but he literally really just gave up days and days and perhaps weeks of his life in meetings and organizing. He was the original author of this whole process. When we lost our promoter, he went out and found another promoter and was able to talk to the Budweiser people into sponsoring this. It was a risky thing for Plummer to do; it was a risky thing for Budweiser to do; it was a risky thing for Miami to do, but everybody won, and I might point out that I am a great believer that it is events such as Miss Universe and the Film Festival and Calle Ocho and the Kwanza Festival and the Grand Prix and these wonder- ful boat races we had in the stadium that is going to bring Miami to the main stream as a destination point for tourism and visitors, and Lew on behalf, and J. L. especially, on behalf of all of us, and won't you join me, ladies and gen- tlemen in giving them a warm hand? APPLAUSE. Mr. Price? Mr. Lew Price: Mr. Mayor and Gentlemen of .the Commission, well, you did it on land with the Grand Prix auto races; you did it on water with the Budweiser City of Miami regatta. I think this is one of the greatest team efforts I have ever seen since I have been around. This is a perfect example of the City of Miami and private enterprise working together with Budweiser and the Florida Inboard Racing Club. It was great, and Mayor what you said about Mr. Plummer is abso- lutely true. We have had week ends, week days, week after week at the Marine Stadium and there is about 30 different committees, and I mean if you showed up at one of those com- mittee meetings and didn't do your assignment, Mr. Plummer came down on you hard and I certainly want to congratulate ... I hope you will recognize some of these other people who really worked with him: Cesar Odio and Victor Kahill at the stadium. They were just tireless. They worked all around the clock. It was really a team effort here - Public Works Department, Police & Fire. As long as I have been around, the significant thing that I recognize is the City of Miami departments are all working together and taking pride in what they were doing, and as a result, we got probably one of the greatest tourist and sports event ever completed here in the summertime. I think Victor told me, or J. L. told me we took in about $78,000, which is $35,000 more than we have ever taken in before. The national publicity, as you point out I am sure will translate into economic kinds of bene- fits and the City should certainly be congratulated. Mr. Gary: Can we include that in my evaluation? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: That is Item 58. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would just like to add a few words to that, because I think the numbers are going to come out extremely well. As you know, the City put up $35,000 in seed money. We never touched that money. The City will not be one cent out of pocket. As a matter of fact, the City will be recipient of income from the event. I want to reit- erate what Lew has just said. Victor Kahill was there every morning at 5:30 A.M. Victor, stand upi Mayor Ferre: Victor, why don't you stand up, so we can... LD 5 6/14/84 000 Mayor Ferre: Say, Victor, while you are up - do you want to see if we can get that short circuit out of the sign, you know; it says "City of Miami Stadium". I know it can be =_ done. There is a short circuit in there, because every time you put the bulbs on they go out in two or three days, so if you have got to have an electrician go in there and strip -= all of the wires and put new wires in. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: Well, then, I guess we need a new sign. Mr. Plummer: For four mornings he had prayer meetings over there at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. He never left there. Virginia Godoy from Public Information, Walter Pierce, everybody! Mr. Mayor, it was a pleasure to work with these people. I also want to make notation for the record that even though you were chicken and sent your son to partici- pate in the jet ski race, you were chicken. You would not ride in the parasail up a thousand feet. We had all kinds of plans for that. I want you to know, Mr. Mayor, that we put on the jet ski race as you aware, with the five relay teams of five mayors with the press. Amanda Moss will never be the same. She used muscles that she hasn't used in years, but I think the important thing is to know that through that activity, just that one hour of activity, Lit- tle Havana Nutrition, Switchboard Miami, and Urban League are $5,000 richer, so I think that is a very significant point that we did accomplish something for charity. We ac- complished something for the City and I want you to know that the people from Budweiser committed to having a bigger and better Regatta next year. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, I want to say something on this. We all know that (TAPE DEFECT, PHRASE MISSING) ...hop on those things with one foot up and the other one out and then they say "I've never been in one of these things before and they start flipping around and doing all types of exhi- bition, professional type of running around and the fact is that if we discount the wringers, there is no question that Amanda Moss who happens to be here on Channel 6, who is the team captain - would you stand up, Amanda, and take credit. The fact is that you really were first. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I heard those same excuses from you sir, in the mini Grand Prix. Mr. Carollo: And he was partially correct. Mr. Price: I just ... I also... Mr. Plummer: Once again I thank everybody for their partic- ipation. There are hopefully at the next meeting, Mr. May- or, a few presentations that we would like to make; in par- ticular to Mr. Bernie Little. He happened to be the win- ning boat, but this man got into this committee; he never missed a meeting. He didn't have to do that. He is a boat owner. He is a Budweiser dealer and he didn't have to get into the nuts and bolts, but he wanted to make sure this thing was a success and I think we should recognize him as well as some others at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Price: Well, I think you should take pride in the team work and particularly want to thank Virginia Godoy for her assistance. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you, Lew. Yes, sir? LD 6 6/14/84 Mr. Gary: You have two items that you have to vote on with =_ regard to the Budweiser Regatta, one my ratifying my signing of the contract and another ratifying the allocation of the money. Mayor Ferre: What item numbers are those? Mr. Gary: This is the resolution. You have got to vote twice. Mr. Plummer: All right then, how is the second motion word- ed? Mr. Gary: Well, the first one should be worded ... Mr. Plummer: What did we pass? Mr. Gary: Okay, you have got to do... Mr. Ongie: We haven't voted on anything yet. The resolu- tion I had in front of me ratifies and confirms the action of the City Manager in executing the attached agreement with Anheuser Busch and the implementing of $100,000. Mayor Ferre: That has been moved and seconded. Now we need to vote on it. Call the roll, please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-612 ® A RESOLUTION RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE ACTION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN EXECUTING THE ATTACHED AGREEMENTS -® WITH THE FOLLOWING; (1) ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INCORPORATED TO IMPLEMENT PAYMENT OF $100,000 TO THE UNLIMITED RACING COMMIS- SION BY SAID FIRM; AND (2) FLORIDA IN- BOARD RACING CLUB FOR THE USE OF THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM JUNE 8TH THROUGH 10TH, 1984, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CITY SPONSORED 14TH ANNUAL BUDWEISER UNLIMIT- ED HYDROPLANE REGATTA HELD JUNE 10, 1984 AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Ferre: Now, the second motion is a resolution ratify- ing ... Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, that is not it. You simply need to pass a resolution which memorializes - allocating the money. LD 7 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: All right, Plummer moves. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? All right, call the roll on that second motion, on the Budweiser. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-613 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING FROM GENERAL FUND, SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $35,000 TO PARTLY UNDERWRITE "THE ANNUAL BUDWEISER UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE REGATTA" AND AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF $10,000 AS A GRANT IN SUPPORT OF THE SAID REGATTA, SAID ADDITIONAL AMOUNT BEING ALLOCATED IN CONSIDERATION OF ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS PROGRAMING NETWORK (ESPN) TELEVISION COVERAGE OF THE EVENT WHICH ENABLED THE REGATTA TO BE SEEN ON CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION; FURTHER CONDITIONING SAID ALLOCATIONS UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, there should be one other thing I wanted you to know that I think is important. There was a contract signed with ESPN. This race will be shown through their entire 258 channel network ... Mayor Ferre: SIN? Mr. Plummer: SIN and we are guaranteed of 21 showings of that film, so I think that is very important. Mayor Ferre: And I think therefore we should recognize Spanish International Network when you recognize Bernie Little. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda Items 19 and 66 were withdrawn. ------------------------------------------------------------ LD 8 6/14/84 5. DECLARE CITY COMMISSION'S SUPPORT OF EVENT TO BE HELD AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM ON THANKSGIVING WEEKEND ENTI- TLED: "FUN TRANSPORT AFFAIR RUNNING MEET" TO BENEFIT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI BURN CENTER. `- ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Perez, pocket items? Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, first I would like to recognize Mr. Romulo Fernandez Mata who represents the American Interns- - tional Shows, who wants to make a presentation. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Fernandez Mata - quickly, be- cause we are behind in our schedule, now. Mr. Fernandez Ma- ta. All right sir, your name and address for the record. Mr. Steven Sega: My name is Steven Sega. I represent Amer- = ican International Shows, and was very interested to hear the Mayor's comments this morning about the events that you are looking forward to having in Miami. My company repre- sents in Florida a very old established British company that has been in business since 1895. We want to put on two events at the end of this year in Miami. We have just completed an international event here. We had the pleasure of having the Vice Mayor along to one of our events. We had 40 countries represented at this event. Now, the 2 events at the end of this year are events to benefit 3 very fine charities in this area. The first event I want to talk about and take one minute about which is going to be called the Fun Transport affair at the Miami Marine Stadium. It will be to benefit the burn center at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Burn Center. We are already receiv- ing a great deal of very good support, which I am not at liberty to disclose right at this moment. My purpose here is to request nothing more than the sponsorship, the support of the City of Miami. This is not a financial request, simply the support of the City of Miami for this event. Mayor Ferre: I didn't follow you. What is the event? Mr. Sega: The event is the Fun Transport Affair. Mayor Ferre: I don't know what a Fun Transport Affair is. Mr. Sega: All right, I was anxious not to get into too much detail, but we ... Mayor Ferre: If you want my vote, you had better get into a little detail. Mr. Sega: I will. The event is called the Fun Transport Affair. It is an event which is running meet in character and the byline to the event ... Mayor Ferre: Just give us a short version of it. Mr. Sega: All right, the byline will explain what it is - a glorious celebration of impractical ways from moving from "A" to "B". In other words, you are going to see everything from ultralights to jet skis to hang gliders to antique cars to anything which is strange and unusual. Mayor Ferre: And where is this event going to be held? Mr. Sega: At the Miami Marine Stadium, exactly where the Budweiser event was held. LD 9 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: And this is something that you are going to be renting the stadium and paying your Mr. Sega: Right. Mayor Ferre: And it is sponsored - is it a commercial e- vent? Mr. Sega: It is commercial, but is to benefit the Burn Cen- ter. We are working very closely. Mayor Ferre: Are you selling things there? Mr. Sega: We will sell entrances and we will sell booth rentals. Mayor Ferre: And what will the booth rentals have. I mean, what type of things will be sold at the booths? Mr. Sega: These will be products, services, equipment, anything to do with the things that you see on display there. Mayor Ferre: You want to move? Mr. Plummer: What date is it on? Mr. Sega: The date is this Thanksgiving weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday immediately after Thanksgiving. Mayor Ferre: I assume that you have already secured those dates through the proper authorities? Mr. Sega: We are in touch with Mr. Kahill. We know those dates are available and we are ... Mayor Ferre: I think Commissioner Perez, if you make a mo- tion on this, make it subject to the verification and ap- proval of the Manager. Mr. Perez: That is right. They are not requesting any fund.-, only the moral support and they have strong credibil- ity. I participated in the International Dairy Conference jus-:_ about a month ago and they were the organizers of that convention and it was a great event and after that when they mentioned this possibility and what they are looking for is just the moral support of the City. That is what I would like to move to be subject to the Manager's approval. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mayor Ferre: Okay, is there a second? Further discussion. All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-614 A MOTION OFFICIALLY DECLARING THE COM- MISSION'S SUPPORT OF AN EVENT TO BE HELD AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM ON THANKS- GIVING WEEKEND, IN NOVEMBER, 1984, TO BENEFIT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI BURN CENTER, SAID EVENT ENTITLED "FUN TRANS- PORT AFFAIRS RUNNING MEET", SUBJECT TO CITY MANAGER'S FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION. LD 10 6/14/84 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins 6. OFFICIALLY DECLARING THE CITY COMMISSION'S SUPPORT OF HOLIDAY FEST EVENT TO BE HELD AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADI- UM DURING THE THANKSGIVING WEEKEND, NOVEMBER, 1984. Mr. Steve Sega: Could I mention the second event? Mayor Ferre: Very quickly. Mr. Sega: Very quickly - the second event is called Holiday Fest. This is to benefit the Adam Walsh Child Resource Cen- ter and the American Lung Association being held the 20th through the 23rd at the Dinner Key Auditorium and it is ex- actly the same situation. These are ... Mayor Ferre: Is Commissioner Perez going to sponsor this? is there a motion? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Perez under the same conditions. - Mr. Sega: We are asking nothing more than to be able to use the name of the City as a support. Mayor Ferre: The City of Miami supports, as approved by the Manager. In other words, the Commission approves it subject to the Manager's approval. All right, is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-615 A MOTION OFFICIALLY DECLARING THE CITY COMMISSION'S SUPPORT OF "HOLIDAY FEST", AN EVENT TO BE HELD AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM DURING THANKSGIVING WEEKEND, NO- VEMBER 1984. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. LD 11 6/14/84 ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins — __-___._____.,._.s...__...._____..._..,_,..______.,..___---..___®._....,__---____-,.._ , 7. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE $65,946 TO SUPPL % ENT COST OF CONSTRUCTION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY AT 150__ N.E. 69TH STREET. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor we have here people from Dade County's Senior Center and I would like that they explain what is done. Mayor Ferre: Welcome, Mr. Batz. Yes, sir. Leonard, it is always good to see you here. Mr. Leonard Batz: Well, thank you. Mayor Ferre: It is good to see you healthy and happy and smiling and vigorous. Mr. Batz: This is why we have ambulatory organizations so that ... the people disappear among all the rest, you see, but then they are still here. In the last request, or since January, we have been in process of renovating Lemon City Plaza to take the place of Edison Courts so that the people in that area would have the benefit of the Center and the use for themselves, plus the movement of the group of people from Edison Courts to Lemon City Plaza. We are in the process of ... we are two-thirds done and we again appeal for the funds which had been ... we have gone over many times. Mayor Ferre: Leonard, what exactly do you need from the City of Miami? Mr. Perez: We already approved that one, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: We have already approved that? Mr. Perez: Yes, we have already approved. I think that it is only pending. I think that Mr. Batz appears to know more about Mr. Manager ... Mayor Ferre: Well, what is the purpose of your presence here now? Mr. Batz: The purpose to be approved $85,946, which is a short fall construction cost from the City of Miami. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, let me give you a little background on this. If you recall Senior Citizens Center of Dade County receive Federal funds to build a facility and this City Com- mission instructed us to identify locations in the City of Miami that they could place this center. One of the loca- tions considered was Morningside Park. After numerous de- liberations with the neighborhood residents, we found that was not a good place to have it. Mayor Ferre: That is an understatement! Mr. Gary: And the City Commission authorized ... Mayor Ferre: Plummer and I almost had to leave town! Mr. Gary: The City Commission authorized to provide this organization with up to $100,000 for the system in their LD 12 6/14/84 construction. They have now provided us with the informa- tion which says they need $85,000 plus to do that and we have a resolution here Mr. Mayor, that would be appropriate for you to formalize your motion. That would enable us to give them the money in support of the motion that you passed previously. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, this has your approval? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And Mr. City Attorney? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I've signed it. Mayor Ferre: It has your okay? Is there a motion now. Mr. Perez: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Commissioner Perez. Is there a sec- ond? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Plummer. (MAYOR READS RESOLUTION INTO THE RECORD) Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-616 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER TO PROVIDE $85,946 TO SUPPLEMENT THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY AT THE LEMON CITY PLA- ZA SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER AT 150 N.E. 69 STREET, SAID FUNDS TO COME FROM THE SPE- CIAL PROGRAM AND ACCOUNT CONTINGENT FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins e. RESOLUTION RESCHEDULING THE CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS FUR JULY TO NOW TAKE PLACE ON JULY 30 AND 31, 1984. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Commissioner Perez requested of the Commission that the meeting date of July 12th be changed. After considerable discussion, meetings of July 12th and July 26th were changed to July 30th and July 31st, as shown in hereinbelow resolution. LD 13 6/14/64 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-617 A RESOLUTION RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 12, 1984 TO TAKE PLACE ON JULY 30, 1984 AND RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 26, 1984 TO TAKE PLACE ON JULY 31, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins 9. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO TAKE STEPS TO CLOSE FLAGLER STREET FROM BIS,CAYNE BLVD. TO THE AVENUES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FORTHCOMING "MISS UNIVERSE PARADE". Mr. Carollo: The first pocket item that I have is a motion requesting the closure of Flagler Street from Biscayne Boul- evard to the avenues on June 26th for the Miss Universe Pa- rade. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second to that motion? Mr. Plummer: Second Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Mr. Manager, any problems with the Administration on that? Mr. City Attorney? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-618 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY STEPS IN ORDER TO CLOSE FLAGLER STREET FROM BISCAYNE BOUL- EVARD TO THE AVENUES IN CONNECTION WITH THE FORTHCOMING "MISS UNIVERSE PARADE", SUBJECT TO THE USUAL CONDITIONS, APPROV- ALS BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, ETC. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- LD 14 6/14/84 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. -- Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES:. None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ON ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferre: When I vote "yes", Mr. Carollo, that is sub- ject to the usual conditions that the police will approve and the insurance and all the other stuff that is usually.. - .I vote "yes". 10. GRANT REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANT'S ASSOCIATION TO PERMIT SALE OF MERCHANDISE ON PUBLIC SIDEWALKS FOR FATHER'S DAY SALE, JUNE 16TH. Mr. Carollo: The second motion is a request by the Downtown Merchants to allow them to sell on the sidewalks on Satur- day, June 16th for Father's Day. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second to that motion? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Under discussion. Do you have any problems with that, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: Subject to safety regulations. Mayor Ferre: Subject to the approval of the Police Depart- ment and to your approval and all of the other safeguards that we always have on all these motions. Mr. Carollo: If I may, Mr. Gort, would you come up here, please? If you understand the motion ... Mr. Gort: I am sorry, Commissioner ... Mayor Ferre: The motion is, with regards to the merchants selling on Father's Day on the streets and all that. Mr. Gort: Same thing we had last year. Last year we had the first sidewalk Father's Day sale. Mayor Ferre: And the Manager said subject to all the same things that we always had and you are saying yes, and so we are ready to vote now. Any further discussion? Mr. Carollo: None. Mayor Ferre: Okay, call the roll. LD 15 6/14/84 The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-619 A MOTION GRANTING A REQUEST MADE BY REP- RESENTATIVES OF THE DOWNTOWN MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION TO PERMIT THE SALE OF MER- CHANDISE ON PUBLIC SIDEWALK AREAS ON JUNE 16TH, FOR FATHER'S DAY SALES, SUB- JECT TO ALL NECESSARY APPROVALS BY AF- FECTED DEPARTMENTS BEING GRANTED. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins 11. AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE INSTRUCTIONS TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO DESIST FROM ASPHALTING PLANTERS ON S.W. 8TH STREET., ETC. Mr. Carollo: Is Angel de Pedro here, or Hilda Rodriguez? Mayor Ferre: Hilda Rodriguez or Mr. de Pedro here? Mr. Carollo: They have requested the and it was sent, Mr. Mayor, that in the Latin Quarters, they have been placing black asphalt in certain areas that was not what was agreed upon originally in the master plan. Mayor Ferre: I think what occurred is that people were throwing trash into the planters and they decided to fill them up, but there has been a great deal of outcry about that. What do you want to do on it? Mr. Carollo: What they are requesting now, Mr. Mayor, is an immediate stop would be put to the placement of asphalt in those areas and whatever asphalt has been placed, for it to be... Mayor Ferre: All right, Willy, since they are not here, and I am sorry to impose upon you, but you and your family are major property owners of commercial property along 8th Street. The subject is that the planters have been filled with asphalt and there seems to be an outcry of the mer- chants of Little Havana. Mr. Gort: The Kiwanis Club of Little Havana the one time with the seats in Calle Ocho as they have done in the past, as they used brick to fill that area up. That area is very hard to maintain. It needs to be covered up, but the as- phalt that is being used, it really looks kind of ugly. What they would like to see, it could be done in brick ... Mr. Carollo: Red brick. LD 16 6/14/64 Mr. Gort: Red brick, or it could be done even in cement. _ Concrete would look a lot better than the black asphalt. Mayor Ferre: So they are just pouring asphalt into the holes and filling them up so that it is easier to sweep, so Mr. ... Mr. Carollo: I think that the motion should include that it be replaced and done in the same way that the sidewalk has in red bricks. Mayor Ferre: All right, the motion is that the Administra- tion is instructed to correct the situation in the mer- chant's section of Little Havana, mainly 8th Street. Mr. Carollo: From 8th Street to 27th Avenue Mayor Ferre: And to work with the Merchant's Association and with the Little Havana Development Authority in correc- tive measures. Second by Commissioner Perez. Further dis- cussion? All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Carollo, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-620 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. TO DESIST FROM THE FURTHER ASPHALTING OF PLANTERS ON S.W. 8TH ST., MAINLY NEAR THE INTERSEC- TION OF S.W. 8TH ST. AND 27TH AVE: FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE MANAGER TO WORK OUT THE PROBLEMS AND THE FUTURE USE OF THESE PLANTERS WITH REPRSENTATIVES OF THE LITTLE HAVANA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins - ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ------ - -- --- - -- ---r- --- -- ---- - w- ---- --- - --- 12. DISCUSSION ITEM; KEEPING OF ANIMALS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ON DOUGLAS ROAD TO BE DISCUSSED AT A FUTURE MEETING. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Carollo: Last but not least, Mr. Mayor, there were some neighbors here from the Douglas Road section that briefly talked to me coming in on the problem that was brought up at the last Commission meeting while I was repre- senting the City in Washington, D. C., and it is my under- standing the Manager was supposed to bring back a report on a piece of property there that had cages and fences, some- thing to that effect. Mr. Manager? Do you have that infor- mation here, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: Yes. Mr. Carollo: Okay, can you go ahead and give the informa- tion so that the neighbors that might be here can have a chance to respond to that. I'm ready. ld 17 6/14/84 El Mr. Jack Eads: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, we have had representatives from the Police and Fire Inspection and Inspection Services Division of the Fire Department has been out investigating very heavily what action the City can do to see if we can alleviate the problem. This is intended to be an interim report as we haven't finalized all of that yet. There are two major elements we are trying to address. The first is the height of the fence and bring that into compliance with the requirements of the City, and the second is the keeping of animals in the cages within the confines of the property along Douglas Road. The initial information that we have right now and I would like to stress it is not complete, is that the animals are kept under a permit from the State of Florida and our initial information is that we are precluded from interfering with that permit that is is- sued by the State of Florida. Mayor Ferre: Well, so what is the recommendation? Mr. Eads: Well, what I would like to do, Mr. Mayor, if you could give us until the next meeting an opportunity to con- tinue to pursue this and see if we can't come up with a res- olution. Mayor Ferre: So are you telling me now that because these people are properly licensed by the State of Florida that it legally permits them or any citizen to maintain caged ani- mals in a residential neighborhood? Mr. Eads: Yes, it is a permit process and it is the Attor- ney -General's opinion in the State of Florida issued in 1980 that indicates that. Mayor Ferre: And what you mean to say is that legally the City of Miami cannot pass ordinances or adopt any legal .— measures that would preclude a limitation under ... I don't -= see why the City of Miami would not have policing powers. That is what zoning is all about! Zoning is a policing pow- er that local government has. Mr. Eads: Yes, sir. The City Attorney's office has been working with us on that. Let me read from ... Mayor Ferre: Well, let's ask the City Attorney's office then. Mr. City Attorney, would you bring this up to date on the legal ramifications as to whether or not this body has any legal right to under its zoning laws or any other polic- ing laws to limit in a residential neighborhood, the usage of a residential neighborhood for the incarceration of ani- mals in cages - wild animals in cages. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir, but I remind you, Mr. Mayor, that you would have to instruct us to proceed before the Planning Advisory Board and then before the Commission to provide that in residential areas, as a zoning proposition, wild animals were not permitted to be kept. Mr. Carollo: Do you need a motion for that now, Mr. City Attorney? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I don't need a motion, but if you wish, I will take the instructions in that fashion. Mr. Carollo: Okay, if anybody in the Commission objects to us instructing the City Attorney to do that. Mayor Ferre: I think so that we can keep it all legal, I think we should declare our intent. Now, under discussion, I just like to say that I do think, and I will be guided LD18 6/14/84 strictly by the legal aspects of it, that the wiser course — to take on something like this is to put a limitation, rath- er than a prohibition. in other words, we could have that a person can have one, or something like that, because if we prohibit it completely, doesn't that weaken our legal case if you say you cannot have any? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, absolute prohibitions are tougher to defend than the limitation and the general proposition, h� Mr. Mayor, but my ... Mayor Ferre: Just say that for every 10,000 square feet of residential, you can have one, or something like that. Would that make it any easier? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir, it would. I think too, Mr. Mayor, that the whole mechanism of having a Planning Adviso- ry Board, which of course you had set up for these purposes, would permit full discussion of all of these matters at the P.A.B. level and let them come up together with my office with a proposed ordinance that would solve the problem. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Tabraue do you wish to speak to the Commission on this? Mr. Guillermo Tabraue. When we received the notice about the animals ... Mayor Ferre: We need your name and address for the record. Mr. Tabraue: My name is Guillermo Tabraue. I am the father of Mario Tabraue who owns the house on 3940 Douglas Road. When we realized they complained in the City, my son and I bring all the papers, the people from the Wildlife, they have a meeting in this house with the Officer Jack , Mr. Milian and I went to the City of Miami. I talked to Mr. Menuardi to explain, they say ... and I have the letter from Mr. Ventura. He is waiting now for some alterations they make in this. He asked for the architect. I have the letter from Mr. Ventura. In regard to the animals, I have the licenses here from the Wildlife, Captain Hill and another officer from the Wildlife, they went there; they checked everything and this part I know, and Mr. Chacon was the officer , or something like that - the name I do not remember, and I have all the licenses, as you know. It was this - he can have the animals because he keeps all the regulations in regard to the commercial. Mayor Ferre: Understand. Mr. Tabraue, let me ask you a question, so that ... and please, I would like you to under- stand, this is not a personal matter. It has nothing to do Mr. Tabraue: No, no question about it. Mayor Ferre: .... with any individual. It is a question of the principle, like. Let me ask you this, is it an apart- ment or a house? Mr. Tabraue: I live in a house on 34th Road. Mayor Ferre: In your house, if next door to your house was trucks and tractors and they did drilling and welding and they started at 5:00 o'clock in the morning, would you ob- ject to that? Would that bother you? Mr. Tabraue: No question about it, I would object to it. _ Mayor Ferre: It would bother you, right? Okay now, it — starts in the morning and then on the other one at 5:30, LD 19 6/14/84 they start drilling because they have a welding and riveting shop, next door. You would not like that? (INAUDIBLE). -and it says "Where you have a church, you cannot have a bar next to it. You cannot have a night club in the middle of it". Now, the question now is, how about animals? Now, there is already a law that prohibits your son, and anybody else in the residential community from having farm animals, for ex- ample, you cannot have a cow and chickens and roosters. That is against the law. Why? Because cows make noise and roosters at 5:00 o'clock in the morning start crowing. if in a residential neighborhood you had a nightclub, and the nightclub had a patio on the back, where music would come out until 3:00 o clock, because they have a license until 3 : 00 o'clock in the morning, so on one side you have a riv- eting shop next door and on the other side a bar with a nightclub in the middle of it....(BREAK IN TAPE) ... Now, I think that the reasonable way to approach this is to put reasonable limitations. I don't know what they are. We will define those after the P.A.B. deliberates, so we are not trying to be unreasonable. We are just trying to do what is right for the residential neighborhood of this com- munity. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I think that is understandable, and all the parties, neighbors, owners, anybody else that has got involved in this, understands that. The point being is, Mr. Tabraue, what kind of animals are being kept there or have been kept there, do you know? Have you been told? Don't shake up Jack, just go ahead. Mr. Eads: I have tried ...two cheetas, snakes, spider mon- keys, two wallabys, similar to kangeroos. Mr. Carollo: Excuse me, Chief, are you more familiar with the kind of animals that are being kept there than Mr. Eads? Istead of maybe telling him, and...? Chief McCullough: Yes sir. There are two cheetas, about one-half dozen spider monkeys, two wallabys, some kind of a small deer -like animal (I don't know exactly what it was). Mayor Ferre: What are the other two wild beasts, you don't know? Mr. Eads: Wallabys. Mr. Carollo: Oh, wallabys, okay. Chief McCullough: Wallabys, they are like a kangeroo, but they are very small. They only weigh about 10 pounds and they have the snakes in air conditioned cages. I saw no birds when I was there. Mr. Carollo: Okay, that is one aspect of it, and I think that the City Attorney should draft up a proposed zoning or- dinance as quickly as possible. The second point being, which was expressed to me that the neighbors are objecting to, and I think they have a right to, is the height of the fences that have been placed there. Now, it my understand- ing until recently, that the height, that it has just been a few inches or a foot over. That happens. Sometimes you are going to build an eight foot fence, we all understand it, those that have built them already or are in the process of building them, that sometimes you hire some contractors to build an eight foot high fence and they might go over a few inches, maybe even as much as a foot, but when you have a case that the fence has gone 50%, or an excess of 50% higher then the limitations of the law had, there is no excuse for that, whatsoever. Now, Mr. Eads, it is my understanding you have been assigned to this. What is the approximate height of that fence at the highest point? LD 20 6/14/84 Mr. McCullough: At the present time our zoning administra- tor feels that the fence may be in compliance because of the rule of taking the crown of road as zero. We have required the architect to submit as built plans and we won't be able to make the final determination until we have the as built plans. Mr. Carollo: In other words, you are saying that the in- spectors said that they might be in compliance? Mr. McCullough: It may be. Mr. Carollo: Why is that? Mr. McCullough: Using the crown of road as zero, it ap- pears that it may be in compliance. We don't have a set of as built plans which we have required them to stop construc- tion, and we have required them to submit a set of as built plans, which haven't been received. Mr. Carol lc: Chief, in all respect, like the Mayor said, this is nothing personal with anybody. I don't care who comes up here, whether it is the President of the United States, or the poorest person in this town. What is at stake here is, do we have laws that are going to be enforced equally, no matter who it is, or we do not? I personally went to that property recently, and I think my eye vision is pretty good and I don't need no inspector to give me a reported to tell me if that is in compliance or not if they are going to tell me that they are not sure. Any person that would go to that property can see physically that that fence is anywhere from 12 feet or higher at the highest point. I am 5'11", and that fence was twice as tall as I am, so I don't understand just what the heck is coming off here. I do know that it is the same situation would be found next to some of the administrators that we have in this City of Miami, the way it would be handled would be much different than I am seeing this handled, and all that I am asking for is for the people that are responsible in en- forcing the laws of Miami to quit pussy footing around and enforce the laws, because it is not fair for all these neighbors that are here to have to have to pay the kind of taxes that they pay in this City, which is higher than any where else in this county, to have to get the kind of run- ning around that they are getting from this administration when it is something that is physically in gross violation of the laws of this City. Now, maybe it is not the gentle- men's fault. Maybe it is the contractor's fault. That is understandable. The point being is, that there are being violations of our laws right now and they are being ignored by this administration of this City of Miami. Mr. Gary: Well, first of all, we are not ignoring anyone, and I think what he is saying here is, that what we are at- tempting to do, Commissioner Carollo, is because we have a liability issue, is to make sure that when we have the facts and we come before the Code Enforcement Board and cite this gentlemen, that the facts are correct. We are apalled and I am not in agreement with having wild animals in the City of Miami. I don't want it next to my house, just like I don't like carnivals next to my house, and we are going to enforce it, but we are going to make sure that whenever we come before a legal body to take action against this gentle- men, that we are correct, and we are going to do that, and we are going to also follow up on those animals in terms of changing the law. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Gary, according to what the neighbors have stated, that construction has been up well in excess of six LD 21 6/14/84 months. It is probably in excess of eight or nine months. I hope we can get this finished before it has been up for a year. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on this matter? All right. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I would like for this item to be brought up again at the next Commission meeting with the ap- propriate information that the Commission has asked for. 4- Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a request that it be put on the next agenda. Any further discussion on this item? Mr. Carollo: All parties that have an interest in this, ei- ther neighbors, owners, or whomever, to please be notified. Mayor Ferre: All right, any further discussion? That con- _ cludes? All right, thank you. Mr. Tabraue, for a very quick last statement - yes, very quick. Mr. Tabraue: May I say something very quick, like you say. In regard to the fence, I went to see the neighbor, you know, and he was agreeing with me to put some kind of soil in regard to the fence and we are painting and we do what he wants to do. We try to be a friend with him. In regards to the animals, two men from the Wildlife and I have here the law. If I want, I can leave it to you. Everybody can read, you know, about the animals, about the rights of keeping, it is not for commerical purposes, you know, any animals. Mayor Ferre: We have the law. Mr. Tabraue: You have the law? Mayor Ferre: We have the law, yes. Mr. Tabraue: Okay, in regard to the fence, what you say, Mr. Carollo, I went to the neighbor you know, who is living behind my son's property. I was agreeing with him regards to you know, what looks so ugly. We talked to him and we promised him to fill it up with soil, this fence and do painting and do whatever he wants. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Tabraue, even if you bring enough trucks back there to raise the ground up somewhat so you come in compliance with the law, you are going to have to bring in enough top soil or sand there, or rocks and what have you to raise the top soil at least four to five feet, because that fence is approximately in the neighborhood of twelve to thirteen feet tall. That is a lot of trucks you are going to have to bring back there. Mr. Tabraue: I have the letter from Mr. Ventura, about the zoning. He doesn't have any kind of problem with the fence. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Tabraue, I said for a brief statement. We are not going to get into a debate on this. Mr. Tabraue: Okay, I will be notified by the Commission? Mayor Ferre: Yes, this matter will be discussed at the next Commission meeting again when we have more facts, and quick- ly by then the administration will then be ready to make some recommendations and move into this Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, we would like to ask the gentlemen if he can provide us immediately with your as built plans. Mr. Tabraue: Yes. I just spoke to the architect the day before yesterday and he sent a letter to the City of Miami, LD 22 6/14/84 L the Building Director, mentioning about the time he needs to make new plans, and I hope you have it. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, if you will bring those as built drawings to the administration. Mr. Tabraue: We will bring everything to the City of Miami and after we bring them to you, with all the law. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. 13. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $9,000 REPRESENTING ONE HALF FEE FOR USE OF THE CONVENTION CENTER FOR THE "NATIONAL PARKINSON'S FOUNDATION FUND RAISING EVENT" WITH CONDITIONS. Mayor Ferre: At this time I would like to recognize Mr. Nathan Stewart, the President of the National Parkinson's Foundation for a very brief statement. Mr. Stewart? As I understand Mr. Stewart, you have visited all the members of the Commission. Is that correct? Mr. Nathan Stewart: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, Gentlemen, this is something that was requested by Senator Claude Pepper and because of his request, It think we have all visited with Mr. Stewart and seen what the National Parkinson's Foundation is doing and the wonderful job that they are doing for Miami. What can we do for you today, sir? Mr. Stewart: Well, as you know ... first of all, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you. As you are well aware, the foundation is based here in Miami on Bob Hope Road which this Commission so wonderfully designated offi- cially. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Stewart, we are aware of all of that. We have the packet; we have all of the information. Many of us have been there. We know of Senator Pepper's interest. What can we do for you specifically this morning, sir? Mr. Stewart: All right, we would like to hold our major an- nual fund raising event, which is our showcase The Gala Hope at the Knight Center and we expect to generate some 5,000 people at this center. Mayor Ferre: Who are you bringing, Bob Hope? Mr. Stewart: Yes, we are bringing Bob Hope and Dick Clark and many, many celebrities, as usual. And you know, we are trying to generate the maximum funds for Parkinson research and rehabilitation. Mayor Ferre: Well, what would you like from the City of Miami? Mr. Stewart: I would like you to participate in the grant toward the rental of the Center. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Stewart: How much is the rental, Mr. Stewart? I understand it is going to be about $18,000. LD 23 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: What is it you want the City of Miami to do? Mr. Stewart: I would like you to participate in a partial grant of $9,000 and I will ask Metro to participate as well. Mayor Ferre: In other words, your request is the City of Miami grant the National Parkinson Foundation $9,000, pro- vided Metropolitan Dade County matches that. Mr. Stewart: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion? Moved by Com- missioner Perez. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second. Mayor Ferre: Okay, further discussion? It has been moved and seconded. Plummer, this is Senator Pepper's request on the National Parkinson Foundation. They are bringing Bob Hope in. They wanted a waiver of the fee for $18,000. In- stead of that, what we are voting on now, is $9,000 from the City; $9,000 from Metro. They have got to be matched and we are about to vote on that. Ready? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-621 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $9,000 REPRESENTING ONE HALF OF THE RENTAL FEE FOR USE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER PURSUANT TO RE- QUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE NA- TIONAL PARKINSON'S FOUNDATION IN CONNEC- TION WITH A FUND RAISING EVENT, CONDI- TIONED UPON METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY MATCHING THE CITY'S ALLOCATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins 14. DISCUSSION ITEM: POINT SYSTEM UTILIZED BY HUKAN RE- SOURCES DEPARTMENT FOR VETERANS IN CONNECTION WITH EN- TRANCE AND PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS, TO BE DISCUSSED AT A FUTURE !MEETING. Mayor: The last item that I have - Mr . manager, I am not going to take up the Commission's time right now, but I would like to bring up at the next Commission meeting for discussion a controversial issue of veteran's preference pay that is before the courts and is under discussion. I would like for both the City Attorney and the City Administration to be prepared to bring this matter for discussion. The LD 24 6/14/84 subject in general is, and as you know, we have in our rules that individuals that served the United States of America and the Armed Forces bring with them, when they join the Po- lice Department, what is called a preference. In other words, the years that they served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps., or whatever -- Air Force, is counted as service in the Miami Police Department. There seems to be some ques- tion as to how that has been done, and I think there are some court cases pending. Is that correct, Mr. City Attor- ney? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And the question is as to whether or not one, that is the law of the City of Miami, and two, whether you need a policy clarification, and perhaps you might be able to clarify it now and we can get this over with. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Well, Mr. Mayor, there is some pending litigation involving allegations that the City did not award veterans preference points, at the moment, to about seven applicants and apparently there are some more standing by, so to speak. The matter is extremely complex, but to make it as simple as possible, we have, pursuant to the admini- stration's directions, arranged to have those seven claims placed before the same judge, because ultimately, there was one vacancy that is in issue, and our position simplified, would be that even if the veterans preference points should have been granted to these seven individuals and even they haven't waived their rights and so forth and so on - in oth- er words, if all of the issues are resolved in their favor, seven people do not fit into one slot, and so we are taking steps to ask the court to make a determination as to which one of the seven would be entitled to promotion, and then we would be in a position to dispose of the pending litigation. Mayor Ferre: Well, as I understand it, Florida Statutes provides for five points in the promotion exams for any per- son who has been in the military and ten points for anybody who has been disabled. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: Now, the Statute also provides that veterans would be appointed ahead of any person of an equal or lower score, and Federal law also provides that the preference to veterans be given even in a court ordered affirmative action program was in place. Now, the Statute placed a limit on the time in which the veterans's preference points could be used. According to the defense filed by the City in all of the various actions, the City relies upon that portion of the statute which says that five point preference for non - disable veterans expired in 1982 for five years of discharge from the military. In the case of all of the affected vet- erans, '82 was the date on which the points would have ex- pired. There is only one veteran for whom points would still be available and that would be a person who is listed as a disabled veteran. The Statute is quite clear that while the five points expired in '82, the points for disa- bled employees are permanent. Now, my question to you which needs to be answered, is that so, yes or no? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, that has been our position, but I should tell you that the Civil Service Board disagrees with our position on that point. _= Mayor Ferre: You mean, with the Law Department's position? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. We, of course are advocates in front of the Civil Service Board, much as a lawyer would LD 25 6/14/84 be in front of a judge, and what they apparently are about to formally rule is that all of those seven people get their points. Mr. Plummer: Well, it also affects pensions. Mayor Ferre: Well, I think this is an obviously complex matter and I am not saying that we should vote upon it to- day, Mr. Manager, because it is too complex an issue, but I would like to one way or the other, bring it to a head and have your recommendations, the City Attorney's recommenda- tions, and as far as I am concerned, the main issue is whether or not this question of disability is so, and those veteran's points, because if that is the case, that is something that I think we should conclude. If there is only one vacancy, there is only one vacancy. Nobody can force us to create ten vacancies. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENT) Mayor Ferre: Well, that is something that the affected par- ties are going to have to take to the court proceedings, but if there is a clear cut case where the Law Department says "The law is the law and this is the law", and we are out saying that we are not going to do it anyway, I think we ought to bring that to a head and conclude it, and I would like the Manager's advice and the City Attorney's advice and I would like to hopefully conclude it one way or the other at the next meeting. Is that all right, Mr. Manager? Is there anything else on this? Okay. ------------------------------------------------------------ 15. GRANT REQUEST BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PARTIDO REVOLUC- IONARIO CUBANO AUTENTICO FOR THEIR "SECOND NATIONAL CONGRESS" WAIVER OF FEE FOR USE OF THE MANUEL ARTIME CENTER, AUGUST 4 - 5, 1984. ---------------------------- --------------------------------- Mr. Perez: I have this group of the Cuban National Revolu- tionary Party... Mayor Ferre: There is a group here representing the Partido Revolucionario Cubano Autentico. Mr. Perez: Yes. I want to celebrate the convention from August 4 through 5. Mayor Ferre: From August 4th through the 5th at the Manuel Artime Community Center in Little Havana, signed by Mr. Raul Suarez. Mr. Suarez, who is representing this group? Mr. Perez: Raul Suarez ... Mayor Ferre: All right, do you wish to make a motion on this? Mr. Perez: I would like to make a motion in order to ... Mayor Ferre: Is there a second on the waiver of the fee? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: I think that is what, $100, or a couple hun- dred dollars? Mr. Perez: About a couple of hundred. LD 26 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: All right then, the City of Miami will donate that amount of money to that organization. Further discus- sion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-622 A MOTION GRANTING A REQUEST MADE BY REP- RESENTATIVES OF THE "PARTIDO REVOLUCION- ARIO CUBANO AUTENTICO" IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOLDING OF THEIR SECOND NATION- AL CONGRESS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF THE FEE FOR USE OF THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER ON AUGUST 4 AND 5, 1984. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carol.lo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ------------------------------------- ----------------------- 16. DISCUSSION ITEM AND CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF SELECTION OF CITY ATTORNEY TO REPLACE POSITION BEING VACATED BY JOSE GARCIA-PEDROSA TO THE MEETING SCHEDULED FOR JUKE 28, 1984. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. D'Alembert, the Chair recognizes you and apologizes to you for making you wait an hour and twenty minutes for your presentation. First of all, on behalf of - the City of Miami and the Commission, may I thank you and through you, your committee for the many hours of hard work that you have put into your recommendations. Mr. Sandy D'Alembert: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I really have no presentation. I just thought it appropriate to be here in case the Commission has any questions about the City At- torney Selection Committee's work. I know that member George Knox is in the audience also, and it seems to me that since the Commission had requested of us that we give back to you three to five names, and we sent you only two names, that you might want to have me here and I have that in the correspondence. I think the correspondence passed in the mail between Vice -Mayor Perez and myself, but I thought that you were entitled to an explanation from us, and I am here pleased to give it. Let me say before taking any questions you might have, that I don't think there is any member of our committee who has any sense that this is our hands. We firmly believe that it is in your hands; that this is your job, not ours and you are the people that are elected, so we will not take any offense in whatever you decide to do, but there was a reason for the way we arrived and I need to give you an explanation of what we have done. Mayor Ferre: Mr. D'Alembert, I thank you. This is typical of your gracious and intelligent style of doing business and LD 27 6/14/64 0000- I have seen you do that for many years, and we are grateful that you approach it in such an intelligent way, because it is really a reasonable way. There are so many of these bod- ies that are appointed who end up feeling that they have a fiduciary, but a proprietary interest in the results and think that they are the only source of knowledge and wisdom and if anybody disagrees with their conclusions, they take great umbrage. We are happy to see a body that recognizes that the final decision is in the hands of the elected body. Mr. D'Alembert We have not been elected and if the recom- mendations are useful to you, fine, and if you feel that they are not useful that is obviously ..... Mayor Ferre: We are very grateful and they have been useful and we have in past times, both in the case of the selection -= of Mr. Knox who is here and was a distinguished City Attor- ney for many years and who is also a member of your commit- _ tee, and the current City Attorney, Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa, we went through a similar type of a process and I think that both results were happy, at least for me. I certainly feel that we have had exceptionally fine and talented and capable people serving the City through this process. Mr. D'Alembert: I can give you the bottom line very rapidly and that is after going through the process, acting on a resolution from this Commission, which we requested that we have three to five names, having adopted rules of our own, which suggested we would give you three to five names, when we got to the end of the process, the committee, by a very overwhelming sentiment felt that there were two people who were exceptionally well qualified, that their names ought to be brought before you and that it would be awfully hard to put anyone else in the same category as those two people and that is simply what drove the committee to its decision. George Knox may have something he wants to add to that, but I think I speak for the committee on that. Mr. Plummer: How many total applications did you receive? Mr. D'Alembert: I have to first of all tell you before starting to answer questions like that that I am so close to leaving to go to Tallahassee that my file is already there, but my memory is that we had 84 applications total. Actual- ly I think maybe there was one that late that still was looked at, but it was somewhere around 85 - quite a large number of applications. I might tell you that we also went out and sought applications. We really went out beating the bushes and one of the candidates that was recommended to you was a person who originally said that she would not be a candidate, and I personally, and these other members of the committee stayed in touch with a large number of people who we sought to encourage. Mr. Plummer: In ball park, do you recall the breakdown as to Latin, Anglo and Black? Mr. D'Alembert: I had that breakdown in my file, but I don't remember of the 85 - I do know that in the final se- lection review, the people we invited in to interview, we... Mayor Ferre: Were those the fifteen? Mr. D'Alembert: Yes, we had people from each of those cate- gories, and I might say impressive people in each of the categories, they are qualified people. They are highly competent attorneys. The thing that brought these two names to the top is that they were not only highly competent, but frankly, quite experienced in public law, and that is the thing that separated them from many of the other candidates. LD 28 6/14/84 _ There are some splendid people, splendid attorneys, people I would love to see on courts, and other public service, but for this job, the job of City Attorney, where you are con- stantly turning and asking for opinions, we found these two people to just be head and shoulders above the others, but that is not to say anything bad about the other people. 9- - There are some fine people out there. Mayor Ferre: Mr. D'Alembert, how many people are actually on the committee in the final count? Mr. D'Alembert: There were nine members of the... Mayor Ferre: Nine members, of which, as I recall, two were Black and two Cuban -American or Hispanics. Mr. Perez: Mr. D'Alembert, first I would like to recognize all your efforts and the dedication of this committee, but I was very surprised when I received the recommendation that in a group of about 82 candidates, you only have two candi- dates that you support. I would like to ask you two ques- tions. First, how can you explain to this community, how can we explain that we only two candidates in a group of 84 applicants. Mr. D'Alembert: I can't give you much explanation beyond that that I have given again. Again, Mr. Knox is here and may want to add to mine. Let me tell you Commissioner Perez the following. The committee's vote ... I as chairman re- minded the committee about the resolution of this Commis- sion. I reminded them also about our rule, and I asked them to go back and reconsider, to look at this a second time to see if there were not others that they would want to bring onto the list and the committee I must say, with an over- whelming sentiment of all members of the committee, felt that these just were the facts as we found them and I can't tell you much more than that this is the judgment that was shared across this whole committee. Indeed, I must tell you that I pressed the committee myself so I not only do not re- sent your question, I must tell you that I placed that ques- tion even after the vote back to the committee and said "Don't you really want to come forward with other names?" and the sentiment said "No, these are the two people that stand out in such an extraordinary way," that that ought to be the statement to the Commission. Please understand though, I don't think any of these people will have their feelings hurt if you disagree with their judgment, but it is their judgment, and they wanted me to report that to you. Mr. Perez: Okay, could I know what was the attitude of the position, or the minority members of the committee? Mr. D'Alembert: Yes, I borrowed the City Clerk's files, so my memory won't be flawed. The committee members appointed in addition to myself, May Cain, who is President of the Florida Association for Woman Lawyers; and George Knox, who as you know is your former City Attorney; Marilyn Koonce, who is President of the Black Lawyer's Association of Dade County; Dean Ovid Lewis, of Nova University School of Law; Tomas Gamba, President of the Cuban -American Bar Associa- tion; A. J. Barranco, Jr., of the Dade County Bar Associa- tion; Dean Claude Sowle, of the University of Miami; and Steven Zack, who was added to the committee, another Cuban - American lawyer. Mr. Perez: I am familiar with the names of the members of the committee, but what I want to know is what was the posi- tion, or the attributes of the minority members of that com- mission? LD 29 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: in other words, let me be very specific, and one of them is here, who is George Knox. The question is, what was the position of Mr. Gamba, of Mr. Knox, Mr. Zack and Ms. Koonce, and there was another woman, wasn't there? How many woman were there on the committee? Mr. D'Alembert: Yes, Mary Cain was there also. Mayor Ferre: And Ms. Cain - those are five. Five out of the nine basically are either minorities or women. Mr. D'Alembert: I think that is very easy to explain. The motion was made by Mr. Knox, or that was Mr. Knox who Who suggested that. I have got to say that the committee over- whelmingly agreed with Mr. Knox. There were only two people I recall, wanting to revisit the decision - that was myself and Mr. Gamba and then the course of the committee ... Mr. Perez: Who was the other one, Mr. Gamba? Mr. D'Alembert: Yes, and myself. This is other person is... Mr. Perez: Which agreed with the position. Mr. D'Alembert: Mr. Tomas felt that we ought to think about adding a third, fourth, or fifth person to .the list also. We went back and had an additional discussion, the point which I raised and Mr. Tomas was the only one who joined me in that sentiment that we go back and look at it. After having the discussion, looking over the list again and thinking about adding other names, the committee stayed where it was with the two names and at that point, I polled the committee and I said I want to make sure that every mem- ber of this committee will stand behind this because it is going to be a very sensitive thing to go back to a Commis- sion which had recommended, which had asked usl You didn't order us, you were courteous to us too. You made that re- quest of us, and I went around and asked each member of the committee, by name, walking around the room, do you agree with this recommendation, or can I recommend to the Commis- sion that this is your recommendation? And each member of _ the committee, after reconsideration said that I could be _ here making that recommendation, so I am comfortable telling you that in the first instance there was only one person other than myself that had any reservations about having the two names. When we polled the committee, all members of the committee authorized me to tell you that they made this rec- ommendation. Mayor Ferre: In other words, all nine, including Mr. Gamba and yourself were then unanimous in your recommendation, so that the recommendation at the bottom line is that when it was all done and over, discussed, revisited, rediscussed and = when you finally polled, it was a unanimous vote. Mr. D'Alembert: That is correct, and I might say that the person who was hardest to deal with on that committee was your chairman. I had been through this kind of process be- fore and I had severe doubts about bringing just two nomi- nees before the Commission; however, I was unable, frankly, logically to suggest to the committee a third or fourth name that could really qualify with all of the characteristics that these two candidates have, and I frankly became con- vinced myself that the honest thing to do, the thing that we think you might have done, if you had been sitting in our seats would be to identify these two people and bring them forward to you, and I do not want to be where I am now, but I ultimately do endorse the committee's recommendation and it is a recommendation. I am sad to say it is only two LD 30 6/14/84 names, and anyway, I can tell you that these two people are just extraordinarily well qualified. Mr. Perez: Let me ask you something else. Suppose if this Commission asked you for three other names, do you think that your committee would be able to provide those names? Mr. D'Alembert: I think you would have to ask the other committee members. If you ask me, I would have to tell you that my file, which is now in Tallahassee, will shortly be joined by me, and I am just not going to be much service to you now, Mr. Vice -Mayor. I think you might want to put that request to the committee if you decide to do so. I indicat- ed to the committee members that they may well get that kind of request. I don't know whether the committee members would want to serve or not. Mayor Ferre: Well Mr. D'Alembert, I appreciate your being so gentlemenly about this, but the fact is, that you did bring that subject up for discussion and that that was de- bated and that was the conclusion. Mr. D'Alembert: I think the final line that I need to re- port to the Vice -Mayor is that the committee at this point, I think, considers itself discharged, and if you want to... - if you decide to do something else, I think the commit- tee ... you may want to have another committee, or invite those people back for new service, but at this point, at least in my view, the committee has concluded its work and we did anticipate that we might get that kind of request, and I believe the sentiment of the committee, which George Knox can contradict me on, if he wishes, but I believe the sentiment is that they genuinely felt that this was what they would do if they were asked to do it again, they would bring you these two names again, and it was just with judg- ment that they made after going through the interview, so Mr. Mayor, I leave it there. Thank you, and I promise you that there is no sentiment on the committee of outrage if this Commission decides to do whatever it wishes to do. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, if I may, I would like to congratu- late and thank Mr. D'Alembert, and all the distinguished members of the committee for the personal effort and time that you all spent to serve the City. At the same time I think, and I believe that they truly have given the names of the two individuals that they felt were most qualified for the position. I think there were two excellent choices. That however, does not limit any member of this Commission to have to vote for those two individuals. That has always been the policy of this Commission. Mr. D'Alembert: That is correct. Mr. Carollo: So it is not to say that we don't believe that the job that you did was a good job or in the best interest of the City of Miami. On the contrary, I think you went a- bove and beyond in spending time and doing a very thorough job in going through this process. What I would like to say for the record is just my own personal opinion of how I vote and what I am looking at . I am going to look for the best individual for this particular position no matter what their race, creed, color, or national origin might be, just when I voted for Mr. Gary for City Manager, or Mr Garcia -Pedrosa for City Attorney, I voted for the person that I thought at that time, out of the people that we had, out of the possi- bilities of getting three votes for would best serve this community, and I think that that is where we should keep our mind set up in looking for the best person we possibly can, no matter where that person comes from. At the same time, Mr. Mayor, I would like to ask my colleagues if we can defer LD 31 6/14/84 this item for the next regular Commission meeting in July. I have not had the opportunity to meet with neither of the two individuals the committee recommended for that matter, nor have I had the opportunity to meet with other individu- als that applied that I also felt were highly qualified, and I think that they deserve the opportunity of meeting with US, so until I have that opportunity, I apologize to my col- leagues that I just haven't had the time. I would lake for this to be deferred until the next regular meeting in July, and if in the meantime, if the present City Attorney is to resign before that, I would like for him to recommend one of his assistants. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner, I would like to ask whether or not we should take that up at the end of June, on the 28th, rather... Mr. Carollo: You are right, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: .... because the 30th of July ...now, we may have to postpone it beyond the 28th of June to the 30th of July, but I think we should try to target the 28th of June, if possible, and if somebody wishes to defer it further, I cer- tainly would ... on such an important decision, I would have no objection. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, it is going to be hard for me to deal and to meet with all of those people by the 28th of July. Let me say that for the record now, but if you like, we could do it that way. Mayor Ferre: Let's at least try to target it for the 28th and if you want it beyond that, then we will have to go be- yond that and at that point we would appoint someone as Act- ing City Attorney. Mr. Carollo: I would just like to again stipulate into the record that it is going to be very difficult for me to meet with approximately 8 or 10 of these individuals by then. Mayor Ferre: All right, let me ... I am sorry, are you fin- ished with your statement? Mr. Carollo: Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer, before you do yours, I'd like to make my statement into the record, and I think the best way to do that, Mr. D'Alembert, is just to read a one page let- ter into the record and not take any more of the Commis- sion's time. This a letter dated June 6th to you: "Dear Mr. D'Alembert: First thing I thank you and the Selection Committee for the magnificent job of selecting two highly qualified candidates from over 80 applicants for the position of City Attorney. It is my intention to vote for one or the other of the recommended candidates. Am enclosing herewith a copy of a memorandum from Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez in which he asks for an explanation as to why only two candidates met the criteria as "fully qualified". He additionally states that five can- didates should be recommended and that if the com- mittee could not recommend five, the selection process should begin all over again. In your let- ter you state that your two recommendations are the only ones out of 84 who fully "met all of the cri- teria established by the Commission". That this was "the firm decision of the committee", and that "honesty required our report to you of these two names". Though Vice -Mayor Perez' memorandum is ad- LD 32 6/14/84 dressed to the Mayor and Commission, I feel that it should be formally answered by the committee, or by you as its chairperson. I do not concur with Vice - Mayor Perez' opinion, that should you not provide three additional names, the process should begin again. If you wish to provide three additional names that is your prerogative, since in your man- date, the Commission specifically gave you carte blanche to set your own rules and arrive at your own conclusions. Therefore, it is my opinion that the Commission should select from your two recom- mendations at the next meeting on June 14th, un- less, as I said, you choose to change your posi- tion between now and then. Again my gratitude for the tremendous number of hours and careful thought you and this very distinguished group of profes- sionals had given the City of Miami in its selec- tion process," And then I asked you to be here today, which you have, and I thank you. Mr. D'Alembert: Just a report that I did circulate your letter and my response to that to other committee members. I asked, because we are governed by Sunshine principles, I asked that they communicate anything they had to add to my comments directly to the Commission. I think I can report, at least I have not yet received anything - I think I am still speaking for a unanimous committee in making these two recommendations, but again, you people were elected to do this job, and we don't presume to put ourselves in your chairs. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. All right, Mr. Plummer, everybody has made a statement here. Do you wish to say anything into the record before we...? Mr. Plummer: The only statement I have is of course to thank the committee and to say that I back Commissioner Carollo in wanting this deferment. I think it is a reasona- ble request and I vote that way. Mayor Ferre: All right, Commissioner Perez. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like to congratulate again the efforts of the committee, but I would like to emphasize first, my position was very clear. I don't pay attention in this case to any kind of personal distinction or any kind of creed or race or nationality in this issue. I think this is a very professional issue and that is the concern of the betterment of this community. But anyhow, I would like to move a motion to address to this committee to try to request three more names before we have the opportunity to make the formal selection. Mayor Ferre: I will accept that as a motion on the floor, and I now let's see if there is a second to the motion and that is to formally request the committee to again meet and recommend three additional names. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: To recommend more names or to reconsider more names? Mr. Perez: Recommend three more names. Mayor Ferre: Three more names. That is the motion that was made. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I have no problems with seconding that motion as long as it is stipulated that no matter how LD 33 6/14/84 many more people they might recommend, that this Commission still has the right, like we always have had, of voting for whomever we would like to vote. Mayor Ferre: The Charter grants that. That is nothing that anybody can... Mr. Carollo: I just don't want people to say later on that we have gone against a principle that we have established and from the start I stated publicly that I might agree wholeheartedly with whomever the committee recommends, but that I always reserve that right to vote for whomever I would like to vote. Mayor Ferre: You have that right. So, you are seconding the motion? All right, now under discussion, let me, to my colleagues, to both of my colleagues, the maker and the seconder of the motion, tell you with all due respects I will not be voting with the motion and we all do what we think is an appropriate thing. We all do what is in our mind, the thing to do. I have, on all three selections, stated that I would limit my vote to those recommended by the peer group, that in my opinion, carefully weighed and carefully analyzed the professional standards of the people that were applicants. Last time around, as I recall, and Pepe you would know more than anybody, there were over 65 applicants. I didn't know Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa, and I had se- rious doubts, because I heard rumors that he bad been a po- litical opponent, or had been supporting one of my oppo- nents, so I had never met the man before. We had discus- sions and I was tempted to vote for somebody outside of the recommended group. There were three recommendations, as I remember. At that time, Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa was recommended. Mrs. Lucia Allen, now Lucia Allen Dougherty, was recommend- ed, and who was the third? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Terry Percy. Mayor Ferre: Terry Percy. There were three recommendations and it was a similar selection committee, and I limited my- self within that as I had before in the case of George Knox. Now, that is my preference, I do not deny, and Plummer has been, besides Commissioner Carollo, has repeatedly stated each Commissioner has to vote in any way they want and indeed even if I or anybody else wanted, the Charter itself grants that and there is no way that anybody, or Board or this Commission can restrict any member of this Commission in voting his conscience any way he wants on this very essential issue and I respect that. I, myself, in this particular case, I very carefully read the rules of proce- dure established by the committee. I very carefully read the criteria that was established and the judgment and the _ process of judging and I was totally satisfied with the way it was done. Furthermore, the fact that out of the nine members, five members were women or minorities, of which two were Black and two were Hispanic, and the fact that the two Black and the two Hispanic members, at final count, voted that these two recommendations should be the selection of that committee, and it was a unanimous vote, to me, ends the discussion from an ethnic point of view, if you will. I -= don't have any problems. That is not a Black seat. That is not a Cuban seat, as many of my very good friends come to me and say "That is a Cuban seat, and we cannot lose that position", and then my answer to my friends is "If that is the case, after George Knox had been elected to that posi- tion, then from then on, it had to be a Black City Attorney, or a Black City Manager in the case, beyond Howard Gary, and _ the point is, nobody owns any seats around here, and we have to select these positions based on criteria of profession- alism. In my opinion, Howard Gary was selected because of LD 34 6/14/84 his professionalism. Garcia -Pedrosa was selected because of his professionalism. It had nothing to do with their religion, color of skin, racial background, or any other condition of that sort. Now, I think the fact that the Cuban -American lawyers were represented by Mr. Tomas Gamba, the fact that the Cuban community was also ably represented by Mr. Zack, who is a distinguished Cuban -American lawyer, and former president of the Florida Young Lawyer's Associa- tion, and a member of the Cuban -American League of Associa- tions, and so on, the fact that both Mr. Knox and Ms. Koonce was present, along with Mrs. Cain, amply safeguards the point that all criteria were properly met, and that just happens to be my position. I respect everybody else to voting theirs. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, it is important to emphasize some- thing. You mentioned two times that it was a unanimous de- cision, but it was unanimous at the end, but the chairman explained at the beginning that Mr. Gamba and the chairman tried to make more recommendations, but at the end, they a- greed and they made a unanimous recommendation, but anyhow, I would like to have, if it is possible, from the City Clerk's office a transcript of all the meetings of this com- mittee before the next meeting that we have opportunity to select the new member. Do you think that will be possible to have for next week? Mr. Ongie : You are asking for the transcript of the commit- tee hearings? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mr. Ongie: We will try, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, we are ready to vote now? All right, call the roll. THE FOREGOING MOTION REQUESTING THAT COMMITTEE _ BE ASKED TO PROVIDE THREE ADDITIONAL NAMES TO BE CONSIDERED FOR POSITION OF CITY ATTORNEY WAS DEFEATED BY FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mayor Ferre: All right now, I think this concludes this matter for now. I don't think we need a formal motion, do we, to continue this? Mr. Plummer: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves ... Mr. Plummer: Let Joe move it. It is his request. I will second it. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Carollo moves that the selection of the next City Attorney be continued to the meeting of June 28th. Seconded by Plummer. Further discussion? LD 35 6/14/84 The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-623 A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF SELECTION OF THE NEXT CITY ATTORNEY TO THE CITY' COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 28, 1984. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Ferre: Mr. Knox, I apologize. I didn't offer you the opportunity to say something, and I apologize. Did you want to add anything into the statements made by Mr. D'Alembert? (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS) Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you sir. Thank you for your presence today. 17. OPEN BIDS FOR SALE OF $2,000,000 FIRE FIGHTING, $18,100,000 HOUSING BONDS; $3,000,000 STORM SEWER IM- PROVEMENT BONDS AND $7,100,000 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS - REFER TO CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND REPORT. Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item 5 - Commissioner Plummer moves item 5, Commissioner Perez seconds. Further discussion on Item 5? Are you ready on that? All right, call the roll. AT THIS POINT, The City Commission, on motion duly made and seconded, instructed the City Clerk to open the bids. Mayor Ferre: All right, open the bids. Mr. Ongie: This bid is from Prudential Bache Securities - effective interest rates for bonds calculated as described in notice of sale is 10.4086. The next one is from Southeast Bank, N. A. - effective interest rates for the bonds calculated as described in the notice of sale is 10.568678. The last one is from Banker's Trust Company and Associ- ates. Effective interest rates for the bonds calculated as described in the notice of sale is 10.4306. That is all the bids, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Gary: Excellent! Mayor Ferre: The first one was Prudential? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir, the first one was Prudential Bache. Mayor Ferre: 10.40 8? LD 36 6/14/84 0 Mr. Ongie: 10.4086. Mayor Ferre: That seems to be the lower of the three, and that, as I understand it, is lower than our estimate - that we had estimated. Mr. Randy Rosencrantz: Yes, we want to go back and verify all the calculations, Mr. Mayor, and verify the security de- posits . I would point out to you that the bid of 10.408 is below the twenty market index for twenty G.O. bonds. The present index for twenty G.O. bonds is 10.78, and we are a- bout 38 points below that. If you will remember, last year the bids that we received were right at the twenty bond in- dex, so it appears that we have improved our position. Mayor Ferre: Congratulations to you Randy, and to you Howard, I know you have worked hard on this and I think this is an important achievement, Mr. Garcia, for the hard work, and it is another good indication that the City of Miami is on a good strong financial base, so we thank you. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, you need to refer to the City Manager for tabulation and report now that the bids have been opened. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion by Plummer, sec- onded by Perez that these bids be referred to the City Man- ager for tabulation and to come back to the Commission to make final award. Is that correct? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-624 A RESOLUTION TO RECEIVE, OPEN, READ AND REFER TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND REPORT BIDS AUTHORIZED TO BE RE- CEIVED THIS DATE UNDER RESOLUTION NO. 64-601 FOR THE SALE OF $2,000,000 FIRE FIGHTING, FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FA- CILITIES BONDS, $18,100,000 HOUSING BONDS, $3,000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVE- MENT BONDS AND $7,100,000 STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins LD 37 6/14/84 ------------------------------------------------------------ 18. OPEN SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF S.N. 16TH STREET _ HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT B-4486 AND CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT B-5499. REFER BIDS TO CITY MANAGER FOR E- VALUATION AND REPORT. ------------------------------------------------------------ This being the date and time advertised for receiving sealed bids for Highway Improvement for S. W. 16th Street and City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement, the Mayor an- nounced that the City Commission was now ready to receive sealed bids; The follow motion was introduced by Commission- er Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-625 A MOTION TO RECEIVE, OPEN, READ AND RE- FER TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND REPORT BIDS AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVED THIS DATE FOR: S.W. 16TH STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT B-4488 AND CITY-WIDE SANI- TARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT B-5499. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins BIDS WERE RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: Lanzo Construction Company, Pompano Beach, Florida P.N.M. Corporation Miami, Florida Goodwin, Incorporated Miami, Florida FRE Construction Company, Inc. Miami, Florida Russell Incorporated Cooper City, Florida Ric -Man International, Inc. Pompano Beach, Florida Joe Reinertson Equipment Company Miami, Florida Mayor Ferre: I want to note Mr. Manager, that again, our departmental estimate is right on the button, and we seen to have gotten the bid under that, from what it looks like. LD 38 6/14/84 19. OPEN SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I (B-4487) AND CITY-WIDE SANI- TARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT EAST LITTLE HAVANA B-5498 AND RE- FER BIDS TO CITY MANAGER FOR EVALUATION AND REPORT. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-626 A MOTION TO RECEIVE, OPEN, READ AND RE- FER TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND REPORT BIDS AUTHORIZED TO BE RE- CEIVED THIS DATE FOR: EAS`1' LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I (B- 4487) AND CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IM- PROVEMENT EAST LITTLE HAVANA B-5498. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins BIDS WERE RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: = Lanzo Construction Company Pompano Beach, Florida Ric -Man International, Inc. Pompano Beach, Florida Irwin-Greenwell, Inc. Homestead, Florida Joe Reinertson Equipment Company Miami, Florida Goodwin, Incorporated Miami, Florida Mayor Ferre: Let me understand this ... is Public Works here? Maybe you can answer this. I notice that there were no bids on certain items - like for example "B". There was no complete bid for everything, and there was no bid for "B". We got "D", didn't we? Mr. Plummer: No, we got bids on "A", "E" and "F". Mayor Ferre: Were you here for this? Mr. Cather: Yes, I was writing them down. Mayor Ferre: from a casual "B" Okay, the question to you is, it looks just observation that we didn't get a bid for LD 39 6/14/84 Mr. Cather: and "C". "B", foci$ and "Do' we did not get a bid for. Mayor Ferre: Now, why do you think that is? Mr. Cather: I don't know. I will have to talk to the con- tractors and see. Mayor Ferre: Now, does that mean that we will just let out part of it and then we will - I mean is there that much business out there that people don't want to bid important work like this? Mr. Cather: There might have been something unusual about this project. Mayor Ferre: All right, would you come back and give us an explanation of this at the next meeting as to why there were no bids? Mayor Ferre: It seems to me that from what I can see out there, there is an awful lot of lack of work and the people are anxious to get work and I am surprised thdt on important items like that they were not bid. I mean, as I see it, it is almost close to $1,000,000 of work that wasn't bid. Our estimate was $2,205,000, and from what I gather, the three areas that were bid, about $1,200,000, so there is about $1,000,000 worth of work that was just. left out there. Mr. Cather: I think there is a possibility they just picked the ones that they wanted and they figured someone else would bid those other items. I don't recall it happening recently. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion now? Mr. Plummer: Motion to continue. Mayor Ferre: No, no. Motion that these items be referred to the Manager for tabulation and awarded, those that were bid. Mr. Cather: If we can get a complete jobs Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion to that effect? Mr. Gary: Move it to us. You still have to vote on the fi- nal action, J. L. Mr. Plummer: My question is, if you don't do a total job, you can't do it piece -meal, and if you don't have a total, what is the use of referring it? Mayor Ferre: Yes, but J. L., see for example, you and I don't know what "A" and "Do' and "C" and "B" is. "A" may be the beginning of the thing and ... Mr. Plummer: Send them. It won't be the first time they have done useless work. NOTE: SEE MOTION 84-646 HEREINABOVE. LD 40 6/14/84 20. OPEN SEALED BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WEST FLAGL,ER STREET SANITARY SEWER INPRO . PHASE BB-5495 - REFER TO CITY MANAGER FOR EVALUATION AND REPORT. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Perez, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-627 A MOTION TO RECEIVE, OPEN, READ AND RE- FER TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR TABULATION AND REPORT BIDS AUTHORIZED TO BE RE- CEIVED THIS DATE FOR: WEST FLAGLER STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT PHASE BB-5495 - REFER TO CITY MANAGER FOR E- VALUATION AND REPORT. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins BIDS WERE RECEIVED FROM THE FOLLOWING FIRMS: Lanzo Construction Company Pompano Beach, Florida P.N.M. Corporation Miami, Florida Goodwin, Incorporated Miami, Florida Madsen/Barr Corporation Ft. Lauderaale, Florida Ric -Man International, Inc. Pompano Beach, Florida Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Mr. Plummer: Yes, further discussion. On that last one, it doesn't even seem like it is in the ball park. Mr. Ongie: The second figure is almost illegible, after the 100. Mr. Plummer: Is it proper to ask if there is a representa- tive here who could...? Mayor Ferre: Well, why don't you go look at it and into the record, give us your name - look at it and read into the re- cord what your figure is. Mr. Scott Wood: Ric -Man International, P.O. Box 10229, Pom- pano Beach, Florida. Whatever happened was, the total tabu- lation of the whole bid was not written in - in other words, LD 41 6/14/84 the total of all pages was not written in on the total bid = page. What happened was on the total bid page, a portion was written in pencil because the bid was not finished tabu- lated last night. When the final pages were put on this morning, the final figures is not totally added up and put in the total bid item. Mr. Plummer: Well, do you know what that total bid is? Mr. Wood: No, sir, not without tabulating. Mayor Ferre: All right, we shouldn't get into that here Mr. Gary: He has got to add it up. Mr. Plummer: No, no, not after the facts! That bid has got to be thrown out. Mr. Wood: No, sir. Mr. Plummer: What do you mean, no, sir? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, no. J. L., let's not discuss it now. Mayor Ferre: It is a legal matter, J. L. Mr. Plummer: How can you tabulate a bid after the ... Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: If everything is on there, it is just a mathematical operation. Mayor Ferre: That is what he is tell you. Mr. Plummer: I am asking Mr. Ongie. Mr. Ongie, is the total sheet there? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir, and that was a, as he said, penciled figure, which is what I read, but it is almost illegible. Mayor Ferre: Since this matter could become a complicated legal thing, I don't think we should get into it any fur- ther. I mean, the only thing we can do now is to refer it to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, what are you referring to? Mayor Ferre: I am referring to bids that were read in a public opening at 11:25 A.M. this morning and the Manager and the City Attorney will look at it and they will recom- mend what is the proper and legal procedure for us to take. Is there a motion? Mr. Pluixner: As presented before this Commission. Mayor Ferre: As presented before this Commission. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Absolutely! Mr. Plummer: Because then we are looking at that one bid at $107,0©0. Mayor Ferre: I don't know. Mr. Plummer: Oh yes, that is what we are doing, as present- ed. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer, the Clerk, first of all said "I can hardly read the figures". I asked Mr. Scott represent- ing whoever the company is to come before us and clarify. LD 42 6/14/84 He partially clarified and said that the figures were all there, but they were not added. You then questioned whether or not the bid was legal and that is not something for us to speculate on, I think at at this juncture. Now, all I am saying is, that the proper procedure, as always, is to refer the bids for tabulation to the Manager, which of course, im- plies the City Attorney, and that they come back with a rec- ommendation, and at that time, I think would be the proper time to discuss as to whether or not the penciled figures should be added or not added, or what have you. Now, is that acceptable? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I think that you are bordering on, I don't want to say the integrity of the process, because I am sure that was no one's intent, but I think that you have a sealed bid process for a reason. Mayor Ferre: What I am saying, Mr. Plummer, is that we should not become an adjudicatory board here and pass judgment! And I think that is what the Manager and the City Attorney are retained to do and let them come back and then we can deal with the issue, but I don't think we can deal with the issue until all of the facts are before usl Mr. Plummer: And that is why I am saying that I don't think that we should be asked to vote to send these numbers for evaluation without ?snowing what the numbers are. I think that is improper. Mayor Ferre: But that is what we always dol Mr. Plummer: No, no. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let me phrase the motion, perhaps to your satisfaction, Commissioner Plummer. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: The motion would simply be to refer the matter to the City Manager, and if you wish, or if he wish- es, of course, my office would be involved, for tabulation and report, and I might add, with the specific proviso that all legal requirements, Commissioner Plummer, be fully ob- served. Mayor Ferre: Of course! Mr. Gary: Before you vote on the final bid. Mayor Ferre: Of course. This is what we always do. Plummer moves, Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. NOTE: SEE MOTION 647 HEREINABOVE. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, would make a special note there because we vote on so many things we sometimes forget. Would you please when you bring it back remind Commissioner Plummer that this is the issue the he questioned so that af- ter we had proper legal and advice from the Administration we could discuss it at that time, which is the proper time to discuss whether there is a fair tabulation with this. All right, further discussion? LD 43 6/14/84 21. DISCUSSION ITEM OF REQUEST MADE OF ITEMS TO BE DEFERRED BY COMMISSION MILLER DAWKINS AND OFFICIAL DEFERRAL OF PENDING LAWSUITS REGARDING FORMER POLICE CHIEF KENNETH HARMS. Mayor Ferre: We have now done two, three, four, and five, which were the items that were before us. Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my responsibility to read to you the re- quest of Commissioner Miller Dawkins and my answer to Com- missioner Dawkins on that subject. This is dated June 14, IT which is today. it was received at my office at 1:30 P.M. 4= yesterday, which was the 13th. It says " I will be unable to attend the entire morning session of today's (June 14th) = meeting. It is requested that Items "A", "B", "F", "511, _ #tail, 0'9" and "10" be postponed until the afternoon session so that I (he) can be present to discuss this." My answer = to Mr. Dawkins is as follows: I have received your - June..." Mr. Plummer: We did Item 5. Mr. Gary: We had to do that. Mayor Ferre: ... We had to do it. "I have received your June 14th memorandum at 1:30 P.M. today, June 13th. Because of the many conflicts in Commissioners as scheduled, I believe the most equitable thing to do is to follow the agenda as set by the Manager. If however, you wish to postpone or continue to the next Commission meeting any one of Items "A", "B", "F", and "J", 16811, or "10", I will, of course, honor as i always have for eleven years, a one-time request _= for a postponement on any issue that is not critical to the well being of the City of Miami. Now, I would like to point out that Item "5" is a critical item, because the bonds had to be opened at 11:00 o'clock, according to..." Mr. Manag- er, would you please put that into the record again? Mr. Gary: We Mayor, we had advertised for the bonds, and by law, we have to open them at 5:00 P.M., if not, we could jeopardize the sale of our bonds. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. City Attorney, would you put that into the record, so that we don't have any problems with it? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. That is entirely correct, Mr. Manager, and the only other item that needs to be done in the morning, because it was so advertised, is the public hearing item Number one. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I don't think Commissioner Dawkins, nor anyone else would have a problem with addressing the item, since he will have the opportunity later to approve or disapprove. Mayor Ferre: Well, the problem we have is that Commissioner Dawkins has obviously not been here this morning, and he says he wants to discuss "A",. "B", "F", "8", "9" and "10" this afternoon. Commissioner Carollo will not be here this afternoon and as I understand from him, he wishes those items to be postponed. Now, it is a question of discussing of any these critical items that need to be voted on today. The first one is the annual review of the City Manager, which is "A". The second one is the discussion of the Miami Outboard Club and Miami Yacht Club, which is is "B". The third is item "F", which is the bifurcation of Dupont Plaza. The next one is item 8. LD 44 6/14/84 Mr. Plummer, No. "J". Mayor Ferre: I said "A", "B", "F", "811, 11919 and "10". - Mr. Plummer: I am reading from your memo, Mr. Mayor, to Commission Dawkins relating to items "A", "B", "F", "J", "8" and "10". Mayor Ferre: That was a typing error. Mr. Plummer: Okay. Mayor Ferre: "5" we have done, so the next is "8". The next is "B", the Unified Development Project for Overtown, Park West, Phase I. "9" is the $30,000,000 Housing and Re- development Bond. Mr. Plummer: There is a difference between the two memoran- dums. One memo, signed by him, says "A", "B", "F", 115", "8" and "10". Then, in a second memo, also signed by him, is "A" "B", "F", 1151', 118", "9" and "10", so there are two mem- orandums. Mayor Ferre: Well, whatever it is, one says 11511, "8" and "9", and the other says "A", "B", 11F11, 01511. Anyway, the other is "8", "9" and "10 "9" is the $30,000,000 Housing and Redevelopment bonds, Community Revi- talization Projects, City of Miami and "10" is the Special Municipal Election on the $30,000,000 Housing redevelopment bonds. Mr. Plummer: Clarification from his office - there was two memorandums. The second one including Number "9", is the one that he is requesting. Mayor Ferre: Now, Mr. Manager, are any of those item sin your opinion critical to the City's well being and cannot be delayed? Mr. Gary: Well, Mr. Mayor, if I understand, Commissioner Dawkins plans to be here this afternoon. Mr. Plummer: But Commissioner Carollo won't be, so it is just as fair to either one. Mr. Gary: Well, I am not... Mayor Ferre: I've got to be equal in my rulings to both. Mr. Gary: Okay, Mr. Mayor - You have already cleared Item 5. Items 8, 9 and 10 important issues that we should ad- dress. I am not sure if... Mayor Ferre: Those are on the 3:30 P.M., so technically, they are not coming up at this time, so Dawkins in effect is out of order, since they are not before this morning's ses- sions, but Carollo would not be if he is not going to be here, and wants those items delayed. Mr. Gary: Does he want items 8, 9, 10 deferred? Mr. Carollo: I will tell you the items I want deferred from this afternoon is Item "A", Item "F", any decision on Item "C", Item "I". That is it, Mr. Mayor. I don't have any- thing else at this point. Mayor Ferre: All right now, that seems to be a little bit of a different list. "A" is on both of your lists. You have no objection to taking up "B". "F" you both seem to s LD 45 6/14/84 concur on, which is the Dupont Plaza Ramp. That actually is not a discussion, it is really a report, and I am going to _= ask Mr. Goodknight, since he cannot be here this afternoon to make his report and Dawkins can read it into the record, since we are not taking any action. Mr. Carollo: If it is only a report, Mr. Mayor and we are not taking any action, then I withdraw "F". Mayor Ferre: Okay, and then you had "C" which ... g Mr. Carollo: Any action that would be taken on "C". Mayor Ferre: "C" is the Harms lawsuit, isn't it? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is that a matter that has - I think has to be concluded, doesn't it? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Joe, is there any reason why we cannot hear it this morning? Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, Commissioner Dawkins is not here to vote on it. Mayor Ferre: But he did not ask that that item be deferred, you see that was not on his list for deferral. You are en- titled - I cannot tell you not to, but on the other hand it may be a critical thing for the City. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, let me say this for the record. It seems that just about everybody in Miami was finding out in- formation on this item before certain members of the Commis- sion were. It is very disheartening to read in the local papers what is being negotiated and what is not, when you, as a member of this Commission, that are supposed to be a boss to the people in the Administration that are doing the negotiations, you have not been informed whatsoever! Maybe there are some that feel that they don't have bosses any more, or maybe they have certain bosses, but I don't think it is right at all to be going to other people before you go the Commissioners of this City with information relating to something such as that. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Gary, before you answer that, let me just state into that record - now, I have been informed, as has Commissioner Plummer, and has been Commissioner Dawkins, be- cause we were parties to the lawsuit; in other words, we were also being sued, so we each had a legal representative at each one of those negotiating hearings. On the other hand, I do think Mr. Hurtgen, who in effect was retained by the Commission to represent the City had a fiduciary respon- sibility and in his absence, had it been Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa, Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa always has a fiduciary responsibility to report the proceedings before they are concluded. Now, I would in defense of Mr. Hurtgen say that if you will notice in the document that was sent to us, the signatory was be- tween Kenneth Harms individually and Howard Gary individual- ly, and Mr. Gary did not sign on behalf of the City, because it was the ruling, as I understand it, of the City Attorney that that contract had to be verified and voted upon by the Commission, since it does affect a policy matter as defined under our Charter and rules. Now, so therefore, I think what you are saying has some validity, but I think Mr. Hurtgen should have kept the Commission appraised, and that portion of it I think is totally true. The fact that three of us knew what was going on and two of you did not was LD 46 6/14/84 because of the fact ... I didn't get anything from Hurtgen, I got mine from the person representing me. I do think Mr. Hurtgen did have a fiduciary responsibility to keep the Com- mission appraised, rather than through the newspapers. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, first of all, the first part of your comments are correct, and that is, there were more than the administration involved in the negotiation. Secondly, the information that was leaked to the press - the reason they found out before, Commissioner Carollo ... first of all, I was not in town. Secondly, it is our feeling that that in- formation was not leaked on the Administration's side. There were plans, Commissioner Carollo, to meet with every- body to discuss it before it was leaked. It was leaked be- fore the final consensus was made on agreement. This Admin- istration was not giving the information out to the press before we had given it out to anybody else. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, since I have not had the opportuni- ty to review the particular issues relating to this whole 2:47 A.M. panic firing, I would like to have this item de- ferred until the Commission meeting of the 28th of this month so that I can be as informed as the other members of the Commission have been. Mayor Ferre: All right, I will accept that unless the City Attorney or the City Manager rules that it is critical to vote on it today, and if so, they have got to give the rea- son why it is critical. Is there any reason why this cannot be deferred to the 28th? Mr. Plummer: Mr. City Attorney? Is Hurtgen here? Mr. Peter Hurtgen: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Peter Hurtgen and I have, as has been represented, repre- sented the City and the City Manager as an individual defen- dant in that lawsuit. I don't know that I would say that it is critical that the Commission review this settlement to- day, but it was represented to Mr. Harms that I would do all that I could to expedite the resolution for his benefit, be- cause part of the settlement, as you know, provides him with the vehicle to continue his employment with the City, but also seek other employment to further his career by moving on, and with our blessing in that respect, so that if we postpone this thing it will just simply hang it up that much longer. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Hurtgen, I appreciate your concern and the statement that you have made, which I am sure is representa- tive of your conviction and your belief and discussion with Mr. Harms. As you know, the operating procedure of this Commission is that when a member of the Commission asks for a deferral, that the Chair will grant the deferral one time, provided that it is not a critical matter to the well being of the City of Miami, so the only considerations that I would have to reverse my ruling on this is if you tell me that it is critical for the City to vote on this, or if the Manager tells me that, then, and if you explain the reason, then I would rule based on that. Of course I can always be overruled by three votes of this Commission. Mr. Hurtgen: My only statement again your Honor, would be it is a fairness issue to Captain Harms, really, I think, to move it along. Mayor Ferre: All right, I accept that, but is it critical? Mr. Hurtgen: No, your Honor. LD 47 6/14/84 Mr. Gary: If I might, Mr. Mayor. First of all, this agree- ment was at the request of Mr. Harms. Mr. Harms' status is in limbo in terms of City of Miami Police Department, in terms of his future employment. This City, through Mr. Hurtgen, proffered to Mr. Harms' attorney that we would consider this item today so he can fulfill his need and his desire to get other employment. The longer you wait, the more it is going to jeopardize any future employment that he may have to get elsewhere. That is the only reason.... Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, Mr. Commissioner. Mr. Carollo: I can't help but to have to grin at the state- ment Mr. Manager made. The reason that Mr. Harms' status is in limbo is not because of any of this Commissioner's doing. It is because of the irresponsible firing of Mr. Harms by this City Manager! I was not the one that fired Chief Harms at 2:47 A.M. in panic. It was the Manager, so now the Man- ager, for whatever his personal reasons are, all of a sudden is concerned about the safety and welfare and future of Mr. Harms. Mr. Mayor, next thing you know they will be trying to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge here today and I think the intelligence of all the people of Miami has been insulted enough today with those statements. I again want to have the same opportunity to carefully review the agreements, all the documentation that other members of the Commission, oth- er members of the Administration have had in reviewing that I haven't. I have received copies of these agreements some five days ago. I have not had the opportunity that you, sir, Commissioner Plummer, Commissioner Dawkins, and Mr. Gary and scores of other people have had to review these documents, so I am asking for the same opportunity that you all have had to be able to review these documents and make the best decision with my vote that I can possibly can for the City of Miami. Mr. Gary: I guess we ought to both switch positions. Mr. Hurtgen: Well, your Honor and Commissioner Carollo, I would be happy to make myself available now or anytime... Mayor Ferre: I think that would be very good, Mr. Hurtgen, and I don't mean to be overly critical of you, but I do think ... that, you see, in effect what the Commission did is, the Commission retained you to represent the City, which means the Commission and the City of Miami. Now, just so that I can put this on the record, because there was some confusion and I would like to be challenged by the City At- torney on what I told him, that he and I had a disagreement and Mr. Garcia-Pedorsa said that he was no longer responsi- ble, that is - not the case. Mr. Garcia --Pedrosa is the le- gal officer of the City of Miami, and thus has the Charter and fiduciary responsibility of being the legal advisor to this Commission. The fact that in a lawsuit, we retain an outside lawyer who represents the City of Miami in a land taking, for example, or in the sale of bonds, or in labor negotiations, does not relieve him of his Charter and fidu- ciary responsibilities of being the chief legal officer of the City of Miami, so therefore, with all due respects to him and to you, he is not relieved of that responsibility and I want to put that on the record. If that is not so, please tell me that Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa is relieved of that responsiblity and we are only looking to you as to the legal contents of this item. Mr. Hurtgen: Without commenting on his relief, or lack of it, your Honor, it is clear that it is my responsibility, because I was retained by the City to represent the City.. Id 48 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Does this relieve him, sir, as an officer of his sworn responsibility, under the Charter, and the City is a creature of the State, so therefore, it is his respon- sibility, as an officer of the State, to protect the City. When he took an oath, he so swore. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let me answer that, Mr. Hurtgen, if I might. Mr. Mayor, of course, you are correct. It does not relieve me of my responsibility to advise this Commission. I think what you and I discussed had to do with the fact that during the mechanics of handling of the law suit itself and the matter that Commissioner Carollo brings up, there was a counsel, Mr. Hurtgen, who I think should be also not- ed, has done a magnificent job in representing the City, and that you don't want two cooks cooking the same broth, but ultimately, of course, now that the matter is before the Commission, it is very much my responsibility to make sure this document is legally correct. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I have reviewed the document. It is legally correct. That is why, should the Commission decide to proceed, either now or at a later date, I have indicated that it would be entirely appropriate for you to do so. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. I wanted to get that on the record. Please, Mr. Hurtgen, I want to make sure that this, in no way is meant to impinge upon your integrity or ability or the job that you did, all of which, in my opinion, are outstanding. It has nothing to do with that. I just want to make sure on the record, that later on we don't —and es- pecially since Garcia -Pedrosa will not be here beyond the next couple or three weeks, or whatever, that somebody in the future doesn't say, "Well, you know, that was Hurtgen's responsibility. Garcia -Pedrosa had none." That is not the case. Even though you were retained to represent, when it comes up before this legislative body, we are looking to that attorney, who is the legal officer of this City to give us legal advice as to content, which under our Charter, he is not only asked to, but he is required to do. Now he's already made his statement into the record and that's clear. Now, the reason I bring that up, is because I want to, and I just want to put it into the record now so that on the 28th we don't have any questions. I have looked at the docu- ment. I have read it. I have discussed it. I am ready to vote in favor of it. I want to put that into the record. However, I want to make it abundantly clear that in page 6, in that particular paragraph, which deals with the question of whether Mr. Harms can speak ill of Mr. Gary, or whether Mr. Gary can speak ill about Mr. Harms, there is a section and a clause that says, "his agents or employees." I think, and I don't mean to get into legal hair-splitting, I don't think it refers to Howard Gary's personal agents or personal employees. We're talking about City employees. The last I looked, employees are paid for by the tax payers of the City of Miami, and they are employees of the City of Miami, not of Howard Gary. So therefore, I would imagine, and I want to make clear, that when they say employees and agents, they are talking about employees of the City of Miami and agents of the City Manager, not the individual. Because, in other words, we are, therefore, fiduciarily re- sponsible for the statements. Therefore, I wanted to clari- fy that if former Chief Harms at any time is subject to an investigation or an investigation of the City of Miami Po- lice Department, and it be subject to an on -going or a fu- ture investigation that has still not been proposed that might come out of future information that would come from citizens' complaints or from other items that would come Id 49 6/14/84 before the department, that the City of Miami would not be precluded from making a proper investigation and making a proper report although it might be critical; and that it never be construed that any such report could be construed as criticism on the part of agents or employees of Howard Gary or the City; that we would not therefore, be bound by paying $10,000 per mention. I can see an internal report that would mention Mr. Harms name twenty times and we would therefore be liable for $200,000 worth of damages. Mr. Carollo: Not only that, Mr. Mayor, but what happens if the State Grand Jury, or Federal Grand Jury, or other law enforcement agencies request of Mr. Harms to make an appear- ance where they might ask him questions that relate to any- one in the City of Miami. Does that mean that Mr. Harms is going to be denied the right to answer any questions that he might be asked by other law enforcement agencies, by Grand Juries? Otherwise he would have to pay a $10,000 fine any- time he might mention anyone's name? You know, there are a lot of things that are quite unclear in this, quite unclear. Mr. Peter Hurtgen: I think maybe the first point is the one to end with. I will spend whatever time is necessary with whatever Commissioners to resolve those issues. Mayor Ferre: Peter, I am satisfied as to the intent of what you have negotiated and has been signed. All I want is to leave on the record this matter. Because as we all know, there is for example, the Michael Johnson case, which Edna Buchanon, for example, wrote a story on a year ago, which has been under investigation for four years. As of today, that I know of, it has not been concluded. As of two weeks ago, when Gene Gunn had his retirement party and I asked the now Police Chief, Herb Breslow, whether he, in his investi- gation of the Johnson case, had interrogated or had inter- nal security ask the pertinent questions of Kenneth Harms, the answer was no. I said, "Well, are you going to?" He said, "I don't know." If it hasn't been concluded, then ob- viously...and I don't see how it can be concluded without asking the Police Chief specific questions that I think need asking because of certain internal memorandum that exist that specifically directly and indirectly point a finger. In other words, what I'm saying is that I want to make sure that if that thing ever, ever ... and I'm sure we're close to the conclusion of it, that I want to make sure that the City of Miami is not precluded from ever mentioning Kenneth Harms' name in any way. I'm not saying that it's good or bad. I don't know. The last thing that I want to say on this is that as far as I am concerned, I am not an agent or an employee. In a sense, I just want to make sure that is very clear that the Mayor of Miami, Maurice Ferre, is not either an agent or an employee under the definition. I am not bound in any way, by that contract, personally. Thank you sir. We will then visit this item on the 28th of June. Is that correct? Mr. Carollo: That's correct, Mr. Mayor. If it could be placed as the first item on the agenda, just like the other item that was deferred a little while ago, the request has always been for it to be the first item on the agenda, if it could be the first item on the agenda again. Mayor Ferre: I have no objections to that. Does anybody object to any of that? MOTE FOR THE RECORD: Items A, B, C and I were continued to the meeting of June 28th. ------------------------------------------------------------ ld 50 6/14/84 W 22. DISCUSSION ITEM; BIFURCATED RAMP IN THE DUPONT PLAZA AREA. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Goodnight, the Chair recogniz- es you for the purposes... Mr. John Goodnight: Mr. Mayor, Commissioner, thank you so much for the opportunity to come share with you this morn- ing. For the record, my name is John Goodnight. I am Dis- trict Engineer, District Six, Florida Department of Trans- portation. Our address is 401 N. W. 2nd Avenue, Miami. I want to just take up a moment and refresh our memory about the background of the bifurcated ramp, and then share with you some concerns and direction that I think is needed at this point. For about the last ten years, or much of the last ten years, we struggled with identifying precise align- ment and designs that would solve the problem of access into and out of the Dupont Plaza. A short time ago - about two/three years ago we resolved the design issues and pro- ceeded with detailed preparation of the drawings. At this point in time, the project is substantially in place. We have the design for the bifurcated ramp approximately 50% complete. That is funded with about $1,700,000 of State and Federal funds. We have a financial package that is intact. There was originally a commitment of about $10,000,000 of City dollars, $10,000,000 of County dollars, some State, Federal and local developer funds. Last year, we received some Federal approval for funding of parts of the bifurcated ramp system from Interstate funding, that would make availa- ble some $22,000,000 in this current year's budget for the bifurcated ramp. This year our financing package has some $22,000,000 of Federal aid Interstate funds earmarked for the bifurcated ramp for the current fiscal year. That runs July through June of 1985. Mayor Ferre: How much of that is for design and engineering work. Mr. Goodnight: The design is funded $1,700,000. That is already funded. I am talking about $22,000,000 of construc- tion dollars. Mayor Ferre: We are talking about an $86,000,000 package, as I recall. Mr. Goodnight: Mr. Mayor, the portions that I am concern- ing myself with are primarily the ramp and some modifica- tions on I-95 at this point. Miami Avenue and some of those peripheral projects already funded, but I am concentrating on the construction of the ramp in the Dupont Plaza area it- self along with some improvements on I-95. The construction cost on the portion that is eligible for Federal aid funding is $22,000,000 funded this year. The package is - certainly funding problem is in place. There are commitments on the right-of-way over and above that $22,000,000, and those com- mitments are the right-of-way in the Dupont Plaza would be made available to the City and then in turn to the Depart- ment by the Developer at no cost, so the funding package presumes and is predicated on the commitment that the right- of-way would be furnished. While we have a commitment and we understand agreement has been made and prepared that would transfer that right-of-way, we are reaching a point where the acquisition, or the transfer of that right-of-way becomes critical to the project. Our present schedule is moving ahead in a way that would allow it to be under con- sl 51 6/14/84 tract by June, 1985. In order to do that, we have to have the right-of-way clear no later than about January or Febru- ary. That means the right of way has to be transferred to the City and then from the City in turn to the Department. Mayor Ferre: And it is your opinion that we have sufficient money and that everything is on schedule for the proper right-of-way taking? Mr. Goodnight: We have money for the construction, and for some small parcels of right-of-way, but the whole package, Mr. Mayor, is predicated on the assumption that the right- of-way in the Dupont Plaza would be transferred at now pub- lic cost. It might be helpful for me to just recall from our agreement... Mayor Ferre: Well, what you are talking about therefore - let's talk English now. Let's get down to the simple lan- guage of the realism of what you want. What you are saying is since the property that you are talking about is Mr. Gould's, right? Mr. Goodnight: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And since Mr. Gould is objecting to the way you are proposing to build these ramps, the only way we could get that land is by taking, and therefore you are talking about a long protracted lawsuit. Mr. Goodnight: Well, if that were the direction we ulti- mately headed, there is no question it would probably be a long protracted lawsuit. our understanding and the basis on which the whole project is funded is that we have an agree- ment with Mr. Gould ... Mayor Ferre: Do you have an agreement? Mr. Goodnight: The Department has no agreement at all. The Department is working with the City ... Mayor Ferre: The City is not doing that. Metropolitan Dade County does that. Howard, who does the lands that ...? Mr. Gary: In this particular case, it would be Metropolitan Dade County. Mayor Ferre: okay, so I would like to do specifically - let's get right down to the heart of the issue. the heart of the issue is, that until we have a write-off of Ted Gould on the bifurcated system, the Dupont Plaza, we have nothing! And we are going to end up having a long ... Now, where are we on this? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, we have a response from Mr. Gould who is being very belligerent and not cooperative, but our posi- tion has been that the development order that you granted Mr. Gould requires him to give us the land, and I am not a lawyer, but it would appear that - Mr. Jose -Garcia may want to respond to that, we may have to take Mr. Gould to court to force him to live up to the requirements of the develop- ment order. Mr. Plummer: If I may - you see, 1 want to remind you peo- ple of something. I told you the other day when you recom- mended to give a two year renewal - remember? Mr. Gary: That has nothing to do with. Mr. Plummer: Like hell it doesn't have anything to do with it. That is our clout! sl 52 6/14/84 Mr. Gary: That is not our clout. The Certificate of Use is our clout. Mr. Plummer: Buddy, the Certificate of Use is his problem, because he has not complied. Mayor Ferre: But J. L., I will tell you see... Mr. Plummer:...to get a Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Gary: That is the clout, J. L. Mr. Plummer: Okay. No, no, no. Read this letter! Mayor Ferre: But, Mr. Plummer, the Administration, Sergio Rodriguez, Howard Gary, in particular, and the City Attorney in concurrence are saying that it is even more important for us to extend this because we get more benefits than Gould gets and that we have in effect, since we do have some clout - let me tell you what the clout is, the real clout is. Number one, we have a legal document that Mr. Gould signed that says he will do this, and the second clout that we have is a Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Plummer: We have a second legal document signed by Mr. Gould which says he is not going to do itl That is why I am saying that he is not in compliance. Mayor Ferre: Have you seen that letter? Mr. Plummer: This is his letter, Mr. Mayor. It is ad- dressed to Howard Gary. That is this morning, hand deliv- ered. Mayor Ferre: This is a certified letter, and I have not seen this. It says ... Mr. Plummer: He is telling you what you can do with it, and where you can put itl Mayor Ferre: It is signed by Theodore B. Gould, General Partner, June 12th. "Miami Center One -(Ball Point development order. Dear Mr. Gary: None of the conditions specified in your letter as being conditions of the Miami Center 1 (Ball Point) development order are in fact conditions of the Phase I development order. Since the City of Miami has not yet issued a final Certificate of occupancy for the construction of the Edward Ball Building and the Pavilion Hotel, it is not my in- tention to engage in any additional negotiations with you. We have not had a single meeting in which it has been possible to clearly define the conditions re- quired for the issuance of a Certificate of occu- pancy based upon the building permits that were issued for the construction of the Miami Center Phase I." It seems to me that as long as we have not had a meeting with the man, then I think he is entitled to that position. I can' t... Mr. Gary: Well, we have done... sl 53 6/14/64 Mr. Plummer: Oh no, there have been many meetings. There have been many meetings. Mayor Ferre: Well then, he is lying. We have not had a - single meeting in which it has been possible to clearly de- fine the conditions required for the issuance of a Certifi- cate of Occupancy, based upon the building permits that were issued for the construction of Miami Center Phase I. Mr. Plummer: For the record, Mr. Gary, how many meetings have there been? I remember two that took place here. Mr. Gary: Are you talking about with Gould? Mr. Plummer: Yesl Mr. Gary: We have met so many times ... we have met on many.... Mr. Plummer: See, what it is saying is that he hasn't got his way. Mayor Ferre: let him finish. Go ahead, Howard. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I have personally met with Mr. Gould on at least four occasions regarding this matter. Mayor Ferre: Well, it isn't a question of you, it is the City. In other words, you... Mr. Gary: No, that it with me. Mayor Ferre: .... yes, there is you, you as the Manager and your representatives representing the City Administration have met with him on numerous occasions, so in other words, he cannot claim that we haven't met with him. Mr. Gary: That's correct. Mayor Ferre: All he is saying is that when we met with him, we didn't agree with his position. Well, that is his prob- lem. Mr. Plummer: No, it then becomes our problem, because he says he is going to hold up the problem with the bifurcation until he gets what he wants. That is what he put you on no- tice here. Mayor Ferre: It seems to me, Mr. City Attorney, that you need to review our legal position, and you need to come back on the 28th and recommend what legal action this City of Miami must take to safeguard the position, and I think we have to take the strongest possible legal stand that we can to safeguard and protect the City of Miami, and I just want to say on the record and up front that I certainly will be voting for whatever that legal position is that you and the Manager are going to recommend, and we have got to face this one. I think that the point is, Mr. Goodnight, that what you are saying is fine, but it is all conditioned and what I am saying is, let's stop talking around, let's get to the heart of the issue. The fact is that we do not, we are not ready to make that very important move, and it is a critical item. Mr. Goodnight: Mr. Mayor, I need to underscore a couple of points and really ask for the City's help. We have to deal through the City in this issue. You have the agreement with Mr. Gould. The Department doesn't. A whole arrangement is sl 54 6/14/84 conditioned on that transfer of right-of-way. Our whole funding package and everything is conditioned on that, so we have to deal through you, and we need your help. It is our understanding of course, that the vehicles that convey that `— right-of-way is the development order, and we are uneasy a- bout the fact that that may not be extended. We are con- cerned that that... Mayor Ferre: You want to extend it, I understand. A Mr. Goodnight: Well, we want that feature of it extended for... Mayor Ferre: And so do we, because if it is not extended, then I think we have a very complicated legal problem. Mr. Goodnight: I think we have a very serious problem and it may not be just a legal problem, Mr. Mayor. I indicated we have $22,000,000 funded in the current budget year. We are reaching a point in time where we have to finalize that right-of-way business in order to spend that money this year. Mayor Ferre: let me ask you this. If we do this on the 28th, do you have any major problems? Mr. Plummer: Well, wait a minute. Mr. Goodnight: Yes, sir, I don't have any problems there. The time table we are looking at requires that we have the right-of-way in hand by about January or February in order to commit those dollars this budget year. Mr. Plummer: All right, let's go a little bit further. Let's go down the second letter, which I just found. The second letter says: "In reply to your letter dated June 9th regarding the Miami Center Phase II Development Project, the Miami Center Joint Venture has not approved the proposed design of the bifur- cation system and will not dedicate right-of-way prior to the final design being submitted to the Joint Venture, and being approved. The present design is not acceptable." Mr. Goodnight: Commissioner, yesterday... Mr. Plummer: Sir, I am reading from the letter. I am not arguing - I am just saying that if you go on insofar as a performance bond or letter of credit in the amount of $971,800 for such improvements, for surface improvements, it is my understanding it is not necessary to provide those funds prior to the issuance of a building permit or Certif- icate of Occupancy, Condition 15-B. The front end of funds for the bifurcated ramp as specified in Condition 18 and 17 as amended. It is based upon arranging loans or bond pur- chases from appropriate governmental agencies, using the increased ad valorem tax revenues from the Southeast Finan- cial Center, Miami Center I and Miami Center II in funding these improvements. Let me ask a question. Mr. City At- torney, if the Applicant is not in compliance with the de- velopment order, can we extend? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes. Mayor Ferre: You know then what you are doing is you are giving them a legal out; that he doesn't have to do any of these things and then we are in real serious trouble. That is the way it works. sl 55 6/14/84 Mr. Plummer: In other words, what we are saying is, that since we have an agreement, it is better that we not en- force our agreement. The agreement we made doesn't mean a damn thing. Mr. Gary: The way you enforce it... Mayor Ferre: What it means is that the agreement runs out, and unless you extend it, then there is no way for you to enforce it. The only way you can enforce it is if it has legal standing. It will have not have legal standing once it expires - that is the point. Mr. Gary: And that is correct. Mr. Plummer: Mr. City Attorney, if his development order is denied, what happens? Can we take him to court? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No. Mr. Plummer: Can he get a Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No. Mr. Plummer, the expiration, or the failure to extend a development order, as I tried to convey at the last discussion, will actually relieve the developer from the obligation to perform certain things that according to the Administration, and on their face, they seem certainly to be that way, are actually beneficial to the City. So, what you don't want to do is, you don't want to relieve him of those obligations, which benefit the City simply because there are other things he has not complied with. You still have a remedy for his non-com- pliance, and you still have ultimately the enormous clout of a Certificate of Occupancy, but what you don't want to do - I want to repeat it, because it is very important - you don't want to let those obligations lapse, and that is what would happen if the development order is not extend- ed. Mr. Plummer: Mr. City Attorney, it is my understanding that he has a partial C. 0., is that correct? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Temporary C. 0. is my understanding. Mr. Plummer: Temporary. If the development order is not complied with, can the City withdraw that temporary C. 0.? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I don't know that. You know that? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, let's get down to some brass tacks. Mr. Pierce: Mr. Plummer... Mr. Gary: Wait a minute. (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENT NOT PLACED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Plummer: That's right! Mayor Ferre: Then he sues you for... Mr. Plummer: He can sue.. what is he going to sue me for? ... because he didn't comply with the development order? He can blame me for anything he wants! I didn't build his buildings. I didn't have an overrun. Mr. Pierce: Oh, strange, yes. He has got to complyl with all of the South Florida Building Codes. sl 56 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre : J. L. , I think it is important that we pro- ceed on good, sound, legal advice and counsel. Now, just hear me through. I don't think we should superimpose our personal criteria over. .. this is a very complex legal mat- >= ter. Now, Mr. Gould is exceptionally adept at and loves to y litigate things, okay? He has been doing that for a long while. I think we should be extremely careful that we su- perimpose our non-professional opinion over a professional legal opinion in very complex legal matters. Now, if you have ... (Pepe, let me finish talking to J. L., and then you can tell him, because I want to put this on the re- cord) ... if on your property on Flagler Street you have a contractual agreement with St. John Boseoe's Church that they... Mr. Plummer: You are getting close. Mayor Ferre: I know I am getting closel...that they will provide certain benefits to you and to your property, and there is a give and take in that contractual arrangement that you can park your funeral cars in their parking lot, provided that they can park in your parking lot during Car- nival for the next two years, and all of a sudden the time runs out, and the time is June 14th and you do not extend that, and you have a funeral where you need to park your cars in their lot next week, you don't extend that con- tract, you have no legal rights. Now, the thing, as I understand the City Attorney is telling me is, it termi- nates this agreement, and unless the City of Miami extends the terminus point, that agreement no longer exists. Now, we have given them a temporary relief by giving them a 30- day extension, or whatever it was - 60-days - whatever it was. Now, what the City Attorney ad the Administration are telling me is that it is in the City's best interest to extend it because then what he has agreed to do is binding on him as long as that agreement is in effect, and if we let it run out, we lose our legal right, and therefore, that is what Mr. Goodnight is telling you is...Goodnight says the State of Florida (he is the State of Florida) says: "City of Miami, please be very careful, because we are concerned about this whole issue; we don't want you to waive away rights". Now, what the Manager is telling you is: "Plummer, you have got other hammers. You don't have to use that hammer. You have got three other hammers. You have got the Certificate of Occupancy hammer, other hammers that you can use, so leave that hammer alone". Mr. Plummer: Mr. Goodnight, are you not standing there, sir, indicating to this Commission that without some kind of agreement with Gould, you cannot proceed. Mr. Goodnight: What I am saying sir, is that we have de- veloped the project, its design and the funding package with the assumption, or under the assumption that the de- velopment order, between the City and Mr. Gould, would be fulfilled and he would transfer the right-of-way. We can- not build the project without that right-of-way, and we are not prepared at this point to proceed without that kind of a right-of-way. Mr. Plummer: Have you seen his letter, sir? Mr. Goodnight: Yes, I have. Mr. Plummer: All right, sir. Does this letter not, in ef- fect, keep you from proceeding? Mr. Goodnight: I don't...you know, no private party ever has final approval authority over the State design of the sl 57 6/14/84 road. Anybody could write a letter like this. I think what is important is what kind of agreement underlies this thing. What is he bound to under the terms of the other agreement? Clearly, we are in a mood to work with Mr. Gould. We have worked with him in concert with the South- east people and other people in the Dupont Plaza to develop' where we are, and to the extent we can reasonably accommo- date his request, we will do that, but we will not develop a design that doesn't meet, for example, the appropriate safety criteria, simply as a way to get the approval. I think that would effectively kill the project. I think it is a very grave matter, but I think what we understand, are x agreement, Number one, between Mr. Gould and the City in the development order to which the State is not a party and then Number two, our own agreement between the State, the }. County and the City, regarding a funding package that is predicated on the assumption that Mr. Gould and Southeast Bank does their share of the financial commitments. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, what are the other hammers you got? Mr. Gary: The other hammer, Commissioner Plummer is, first of all, we can take away Mr. ...well, first of all, we don't have to give him a final C.Q. We can take away his temporary C.O. and close the facility down if he has not complied with the requirement of the Miami Center I, which does not include the bifurcated ramp, and from discussion with staff, he has not complied with all of those require- ments, so those are two hammers... Mr. Plummer: When does that temporary run out, Mr. Gary? Mr. Gary: The temporary C.O. ... I've got to get the time frame from him. I believe... Mr. Walter Pierce: One of them runs out, I think, on July 10th and the other is a little bit after that. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Commissioner Plummer, if I can make a suggestion, I think what you would like for me to do, and I will be glad to do in concert with the Administration, of _ course is when we report to you on the 28th of June, I think what yo» want us to do is report to you the legal op- tions available and perhaps the strongest legal options a- vailable in response to the positions outlined in two let- ters that you have referred to, and I think at that time it would be appropriate that those options be explored when you have a full report from us concerning exactly what the status of the matter is. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Pedrosa, I have no problem with that. All I am saying ... all I asking ... this man made an agreement to do certain things within a specified time. All I am asking is that those things be lived up to and to be honored. That is all I am asking! Mayor Ferre: All right, sir. We are not going to be tak- ing any action here, so...yes, sir, Mr. Goodnight. Mr. Goodnight: t wanted to just make one other point with respect to clarifi,_7tior on the funding and what I think the consequences possibly could be if we are not able to bring this to satisfactory resolution early on. We had, as you recall, an agreement whereby the City and the County initially would guarantee the funding. We have subsequent- ly gotten Federal approval to establish this as eligible for Federal aid interstate dollars. Now, that is an eligi- bility; it is not an appropriation, so if we are not able to commit these dollars this year, we are going to have to spend them somewhere else. It is not the kind, you know, sl 58 6/14/84 we say it, so we spend it. They have got to go somewhere else, and I just need to underscore that as an important point. Mayor Ferre: Well, the reason why Mr. Gould of course is concerned about that is because he is in such a stable fi- nancial situation and his projects are so well designed and they are so successful that the traffic problems in Dupont Plaza are really of not serious concern to him and he thinks the traffic situation is in real good shape and he is very satisfied with the conditions and transportation into the downtown Miami area. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, if I might, because the last comment concerned me, and I was not aware of that if we don't com- mit them by the end of the year, it would appear that we need to take a position that if it is required to take lit- igation against Mr. ... Mayor Ferre: Oh, no, much stronger than that, Mr. Manager! I want you to come back on the 28th and Mr. City Attorney, with the alternate specifically for us to one, immediately commence with litigation and two, for us to immediately take that property with a quick -taking process, okay? ... and I want you to have those figures prepared by the 28th for action by the 28th; and furthermore, I think we have got to go all the way with Mr. Gould and including de -certify his right to be temporarily occupying a building that he is il- legally occupying and ask him to vacate that building immediately and if Mr. Gould wants to do battle, I am ready to do battle! You have got my vote. Mr. Plummer: Sir, can you come back on the 28th? Mr. Goodnight: Yes, I can, and I would ask as you deal with this issue, because we are dealing with some fairly detailed Federal right-of-way acquisition procedures, that your legal staff work very closely with us, Mr. Manager. I think there are some very important technical details that we have to address. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, are those instructions clear to the Administration and to the City Attorney? Are there any questions by any member of the Commission or anybody here present, because it is my intention to forewith pursue this vigorously on the 28th and make some major headway. Mr. Goodnight: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Goodnight: May I just make one other point. My dis- cussion have all centered around the assumption that that property would be made available through donation. Your discussion about an eminent domain proceeding.... Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Goodnight:....concerns me. Our plan does not envision spending Federal aid or State dollars for that right-of-way acquisition. Mayor Ferre: We understand that, sir. We understand that you have no provisions for that and that it would be incum- bent upon this government of we proceed with eminent domain proceedings that we are going to have to pay for it, but I mean to tell you that we are going to have no choice, just like in the case of Bayfront Park, where we have been prom- ised time and again that he was going to make a major dona- tion for the improvement of the park. Now, we are going to sl 59 6/14/84 have no choice but to pay for it out of our own pocket another broken promise. Mr. Plummer: Once again, Mr. Gary, in the report you brought back to me, in reference to the original order - you did not hit one item that was specified, as I recall, and I want that to brought back also on the 28th. It was my understanding that the matter relating to air space was clarified by this Commission in the development order and spoken to. As you know, subsequent to that, Mr. Gould has written a letter to the County Manager telling him (with you a copy) that lie is definitely the owner of that air space and will no way relinquish his right, and I want you to come back with a report to see if we did not address that issue. I am sure we did, because I think that could also be crucial to you and to the entire problem. Mayor Ferre: Very good. Anything else? Thank you, Mr. Goodnight. 23. DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF THE 5-YEAR PLAN FOR THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY. Mr. Plummer: Go ahead, let's to do item 1, Mr. Mayor, by the scheduled for a public hearing. take item number 1. We have City Attorney saying it was Mayor Ferre: We now take up item 1. Go ahead, we're on item number 1. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: It's a public hearing, Mr. Mayor, there may or may not be some people here. Mayor Ferre: Is there anyone here who wants to present some statements? Mr. Rubin, the Chair recognizes you. Mr. Arnold Rubin: Arnold Rubin, Chairman of the Off -Street Parking Authority, we're down here in connection with the public hearing on the five-year plan of the parking author- ity. All of the Commissioners have been given a copy of this five-year plan that has taken the board about seven months to work out. Basically, what we're doing is to be down here to offer the City support in the development of their economic goals and the minority business goals. We have a very short slide presentation that we would like to make. It'll take about five minutes. After that, if there are any questions in connection with the plan, I'd be happy to answer them. Mr. Roger Carlton: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, my name is Roger Carlton. I am Executive Director of the off - Street Parking Department. This presentation is designed to show you, in a few slides, what is in the 20-page document of the plan. I would like to run through it as quickly as possible. It's a five-year plan. It has been worked out after a retreat of the Off -Street Parking Board, after re- ceiving input from many City departments and many other a- gencies to get their reaction to it. Mr. Plummer: I hope your plan is better than your slides. I can't read them. Mr. Carlton: The objective of the plan is to utilize the resources of the department and our expertise to help to im- plement the City of Miami goals in the area of economic de- sl 60 6/14/84 J_ ; velopment with projects like the garage for Bayside, in the area of community development, where we have under design and soon to receive bids a parking lot in the Martin Luther King area; in the area of affirmative action and minority business goals with many programs that wee have with our own agency and with our Metrorail contract; in the area of traf- fic management, where we have been requested by the City to try to help to keep streets clear; in the area of transpor- tation, where parking is an integral of the total transpor- tation system of the City. Right now, from a financial standpoint, the Miami parking system has $13.8 million in bonds, which were approved by this Commission last year. In order to maintain our rating, which is A and A- from Moody _ and Standard and Poors. It has been determined by the Off -Street Parking Board and by this Commission that we would keep our debt service coverage above 1.5. That way, _ we can maintain those high ratings on our bonds. That's one of the bonds that you all approved. Right now, our debt service coverage is 1.8. So it is slightly above the re- quirement to maintain our ratings. Again, our financial advisers recommend that we do not go below 1.5. This whole plan is geared to the sharing of those revenues above 1.5 from certain new programs with the City. The new programs are, number one, assume responsibility for towing and boot- ing. This is not exclusively. This is in cooperation with the Police Department, because as you know the Police De- partment is in the process of bidding out a contract. We do not intend to do this completely on our own, but with the Police Department. Assume responsibility for the manage- ment and collection of parking tickets. Right now the City receives approximately $300,000 per year from the tickets that our agency issues. You see we intend to expand the role and greatly increase those revenues. We also are now managing facilities that belong to other units of govern- ment. We have facilities that belong to the City that we manage, facilities that belong to the County, to the commu- nity college; and this is beginning to expand. We also pro- pose to develop five new garages, a minimum of five surface lots and a number of other facilities. Then to install 2,000 new meters throughout the City and different areas. We have 10,000 today. A little detail in each one, towing and booting; again in cooperation with the Police Department and after whatever arrangements are worked out, we of course, would present that to the City Manager and to the Commission. That can generate $200,000 more per year. Mr. Plummer: Stop where you are. The towing and booting is only in reference to those in relating to Off -Street Park- ing. Mr. Carlton: That is correct, illegal parkers, not police tows. Police tows of abandoned vehicles and so forth are not part of this program. That's why I said 'in coope- ration'. We may use the same companies, but not without their direction and input, of course. Management of parking tickets, as you know today we write them, as do the police. The County handles them. The collection ratio is 45% and not getting any better. There are substantial funds out there that could be increased, additional $1,250,000 in revenue. This is the management contracts that we have for City facilities, for County facilities, community college. This is the one that we have for the community college; ad- ditional $450,000 in revenue over the five year period; the five new garages and the minimum five new surface lots. This is the Coconut Grove project, which we wanted to discuss with the Commission in more detail, probably during July; but, as you probably read in the paper, it's moving along. The City's World Trade garage, Garage 5 and others that will be brought to the Commission over the years; install 2,000 new meters. The bottom line financially is sl 61 6/14/84 0 that the revenues from these new programs above 1.5 debt service coverage, we will share with the City in some mutu- ally agreeable format. We'll work with the City Manager when he develops his budget to let him know how much money will be available, to work with him to see what the priori- ties are, and to bring that to the City Commission each year when you review and adopt our budget. This is hard to read, excuse me, but the conclusion is that by the fifth year, there will be $1.850 million per year to share with the City. That is a very substantial amount of money in terms of anything that has ever been done in the past by Off -Street Parking. Just as an example on this chart, should the City wish to use that money to help with the deficit of the World Trade and Government Center Garage, this would show you what would happen. 'There would still be deficits for the next three years, but then by the fourth year, those garages' deficits would be funded by this money and there would still be some left over; same thing by the fifth year. This is just the detail. J.L., do you want to see it for a second? That is just one proposal to help with those deficits. You may want to do that partially and build some other project, so that would be agreed every year. The conclusion is again $1.850 million from these projects. What the proposal is from the Off -Street Parking Board is that you approve this five year plan in concept. The ideas are good, that you want us to move forward. Then, as we fill in the details, how will we do the towing program? Where would those meters go? We will bring to you those reports and discuss it with the staff and the Commission and you will know exactly what's happened. Another major factor in this report is something that we've learned, perhaps the hard way, in the past year. That is if we're going to expand our role in community involvement, working with the Chambers of Commerce, the community groups, the merchants, so that when these new programs go in, towing, new meters, they know about it, they are pre- pared, there won't be any surprises for the Commissioners. I think you will see a real change in the way that these new programs are administrated. With that, Mr. Mayor, I know the time is late, and we thank you. Mr. Plummer: How do you propose to increase the percent- age of collection on parking tickets? Mr. Carlton: It's a combination of things, J.L., right now it's done with the scofflaw program in the booting of vehi- cles. Because of the legal requirements that have been put on by the County Attorney's office, if two vehicles a month are booted, it is a lot. Where as other cities, such as -= Boston or Washington or New York, where they have modern ef- ficient ticket programs, they get as many as 200 a day. Mr. Plummer: The question that I wanted to ask you is it possible that the City or ... because I see it as a State-wide problem, not just Dade County —is there any way that we could enter into a program that a person could not get a re- newal on their driver's license or license tag, if they have outstanding tickets, fines, or bench warrants. Mr. Carlton: J.L., that program has been proposed by us to the legislature for three years. The problem is that the computer that supports the vehicle registration system has not been able to expand its capacity to review a ticket file. It could be other things beyond tickets, by the way. It could be fines that the City has. It could be numerous things that could tie in. Mr. Plummer: Let me tell you what I'm saying. Do you know that at the airport, when you come back into the country through customs, your name is put through a computer, do you sl 62 6/14/84 W know that they are making more arrests at the airport for other than something relating to customs than they are of customs? They are getting people there from everywhere like lack of child support to you name it. If they bump out on that computer, they are arrested right there, not for any- thing relating to customs. Mr. Carlton: J.L., that's part of our proposal, that the computerization would be upgraded, the link with the State. The tickets would be handled under contract with the County by the Miami Parking System, which would certainly have a higher priority than the County. So this system could be done and we would be glad to tie it into whatever other no- tices the City wanted us to. Mr. Gary: This is going to be brought up this afternoon. We can continue it. Mr. Perez: Let me ask you a question, Mr. Carlton. In the second phase of the project, you stipulate for development for additional office street lots and garages in East Lit- tle Havana. How do you plan to do that? What kind of land availability do we have there? What are the three projects that you have for East Little Havana? Mr. Carlton: There are two projects that we're envisioning. The first one is the vacant lots underneath the expressway, between 6th and 8th Streets. We have those subleased from the City and leased from the State. There are two different lots. We would develop lots there and beautify that area. That's the first project. The second one is really a part- nership, which is on your agenda later today in your $30,000 000 bond issue, where the proposal is that the City would use a little over a million dollars in that bond issue to buy land and then Off -Street Parking would develop either surface lots or parking garages on top of that land and share the profits with the City, since you all bought the land. So it is two things. Now the specific sites, Commis- sioner, have not been identified. But we will be working with the Community Development people and neighborhood groups, staff, and so forth so that over the next five years, those sites can be identified and the land bought. I understand this is one of the highest priorities, to solve the parking problem in Little Havana. That's what we pro- pose to do. Mr. Gary: Can we bring this up this afternoon when Dawkins gets here? Mr. Plummer: The Manager has asked that this matter be de- ferred until this afternoon for completion. So move. Mayor Ferre: There has been a request. I don't think we need a motion for that. The Chair will say that this matter will be continued. I do think that it is important that we have the Administration's concurrence. I would also like to say, Mr. Chairman, just so that we understand each other. I think the Off -Street Parking Authority has done a tremen- dous job over the years in rendering an important service to the people of Miami. I think, under your chairmanship and under the guidance of your Executive Director, it has gone very well and I'm very pleased. I do have concern, however, about the expressed intention and discussions of expanding the scope of work authority of the Off -Street Parking into areas that do not directly benefit or concern the citizens of Miami. I have no objections, for example, in your getting involved in the Off -Street Parking require- ments of the Metrorail system, because that serves the down- town, Allapattah, Santa Clara, Brickell, and all the other stations served by Metrorail. I do, however, have a problem sl 63 6/14/84 when you get involved in private sector parking in areas such as Dadeland and other areas that don't directly bene- fit the citizens of Miami. In other words, our purpose is not to be a money -making entity. I realize that by servic- ing some parking garages in other places, we can make money, x but that is not really your mandate. I'm concerned about that. Mr. Rubin: Mayor Ferre, to answer your concern, the garage - you are talking about is the green property at Dadeland. We have not taken that garage on from the management stand- point. At the present time there is no intention of it, because the Green Company has notified us that they intend to operate that property themselves. The properties that we are concerned with at the present time, are all in the City �^ t� of Miami, namely, Bayside, Coconut Grove, and Civic Center; those are the garages and parking lots are within the City. We agree with you that we are not really in the money making business. We are not a private enterprise. We are a gover- nment facility and our first priority should be for the good and welfare of the City and the citizens of the City of Miami. Can we continue this as the first item after lunch? Mr. Plummer: As far as I'm concerned, I have no problem. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, can we take up the bids now? Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much and we will see you this afternoon at 3:30. 24. AWARD $2,000,000 FIRE FIGHTING; $18,100,000 HOUSING BONDS; $3,000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS; AND $7,100,000 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS TO PRUDENTIAL BACHE SECURITIES. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, can we take up the bids? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, the item is number 6. Do we have a resolution before us? Mr. Randolph Rosencrantz : Mr. Mayor, there should be a new resolution being passed out for you to review in reference to the bid. Mayor Ferre: Resolution No 84... which is being passed out. A resolution awarding Prudential Bache Securities Inc. $2,000,000 Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention and Rescue Facili- ties Bonds, $18,100,000 Housing Bonds, $3,000,000 Storm Sew- er Improvement Bonds and $7,100,000 Street and Highway Im- provement Bonds of the City of Miami, Florida, and setting forth the rates of interest and other details respecting such bonds, ratifying and approving the preliminary official statement, and authorizing additional provisions relating to the issuance of the bonds mentioned herein, the form thereof and certain details relating thereto. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: Show me in here quickly, Mr. Gary, where is the interest stipulated, what page? Page 3? Mr. Rosencrantz: On page 3, I think if you go through, you'll see the interest for each year of maturity for the bonds. The calculation process, Commissioner Plummer, all the interest rates go through a calculation process to come out with what is called the T.I.C., a true interest rate. sl 64 6/14/84 Mr. Plummer: I would feel much more comfortable, sir, if I had spelled out in there that the interest rate was 10.4086. Mayor Ferre: It doesn't work that way, J.L. For fifteen years that you have sat in this Commission, you have voted on at least 20 of these things. They are all in this form. Mr. Plummer: You are saying this is norm? Mr. Gary: Yes, it is, sir. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is there a second. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. I would like to put into the record before we vote, that the low bid of Bache was 10.4086; that this bid was 38 points below the 20 bond in- dex, which is today 10.78; that the interest savings of this City because of the diligence of the Administration and the fact that we have a well -managed, well -financed City means that the people of Miami will save $2,107,603 over the life of this bond, as compared to other governmental entities that if they bid this today, and would get the 20 bond index rating, such as Metropolitan Dade County, that it would cost that additional money. That last year, when we sold these bonds, we were at the 20 bond index. Today, we are 38 points below the 20 bond index, which certainly shows sever- al things. The reason for that is that these bonds are in- surable by the N.B.I.A. and the A.M.B.A.C. and this is the first time that the City of Miami has ever qualified for A.M.B.A.C. insurance. We were recently rated at A+ at Stan- dard and Poors and Moody has rated us at A-1 with a strong credit report. There are no S.E.C. questions pending. The reasons why we received these favorable bids is because we have a strong financial position in the City due to the fund balance. The timely audit reports, the Gates case is 90% resolved with no lump sum payments, and the M.F.O.A. certification because of the good market, because the supply is somewhat short, and interest rates seem to be moving slightly downward, Miami is now being perceived in a more positive way for good, official statements, some good press, and I would say some quotes, and our visits to the bidders, which the Manager and the Assistant City Manager and finan- cial matters and staff did last week. I would like to, be- fore voting, once again state that for the 12 years that I have been Mayor of the City of Miami, this City has contin- ued to beat Metropolitan Dade County in our bond ratings. We continually receive lower interest rates. We have good support. The City of Miami continues to be highly regarded on Wall Street. We are saving the citizens of Miami mil- lions of dollars because of the way we handle our affairs. We continue to lead the State of Florida. Other than Orlan- do, and what is the other one? Mr. Rosencrantz: Boca and West Palm Beach. Mayor Ferre: Boca and West Palm Beach, the City of Miami is at the very head of the parade. I think this is a major ac- complishment and it's something that we're all proud of. With that, we're ready to vote. Mr. Plummer: I don't know if I want to do it after that speech. Mayor Ferre: I don't know. I noticed that some of the peo- ple didn't applaud, but that has something to do with poli- tics. Are we ready to vote? Call the roll. sl 65 6/14/84 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: — RESOLUTION NO. 84-628 A RESOLUTION AWARDING PRUDENTIAL BACHE SECU- RITIES, INC. $2,000,000 FIRE FIGHTING, FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FACILITIES BONDS, $18,100,000 HOUSING BONDS, $3,000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND $7,100,000 STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND SETTING FORTH THE RATES OF INTEREST AND OTHER DETAILS RE- SPECTING SUCH BONDS, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AND AU- THORIZING ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS MENTIONED HEREIN, THE FORM THEREOF AND CERTAIN DETAILS RELAT- ING THERETO. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The City Commission recessed at 1:00 o'clock P.M. and resumed its session at 3:20 P.M. at Booker T. Washington School. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ 25. CITY COMMISSION GOING ON RECORD DEMANDING OF DADE COUNTY AND H.U.D. TO MAKE PROVISIONS FOR PERSONS WHO ARE ASKED TO MOVE FOR VARIOUS REASONS AND TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY IN RELOCATION ------------------------------------------------------------ (The following transcript is from an audio-visual tape) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: INAUDIBLE COMMENTS —it. was only a matter of maybe 30 days notice that they were supposed to come out. Mr. Dawkins: When they got the notice, were there any agents from the City of Miami or the County, or did anybody come by to help you to relocate? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: INAUDIBLE COMMENTS. Mr. Dawkins: Someone just sent them a letter and told them to find someplace else. INAUDIBLE COM- MENTS. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The only action that has been taken, as far as I know, has been my aunt. sl 66 6/14/84 She's been calling around and trying to find out the different places. Mr. Dawkins: She is 71 years old? The only in- come you have is 71-year old Social Security for your wife and you get food stamps? They have been telling you to move, right? And no one has offered you any assistance in relocating. No one has tried to find you a place that you can afford. Right? They said, "Get out." How long has your wife in a wheelchair for five years? And we don't have a ramp here where she could get in and out. People have to lift her in and out. You? You do all the lifting yourself. INAUDIBLE COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RE- CORD. Mr. Dawkins: You are Mr. Mondevits, right? Mr. Mondevits: Right. Mr. Dawkins: You are 81 and you are 89. The only income you have is social security? Did anyone come out to help you find a place to go? Has any- one told you of a place where you could stay with the limited amount of money that you have coming in? Mr. Mondevits: Not yet. Mr. Dawkins: They just sent you a letter saying you had to vacate. You have to run around your- self to try to find someplace. Mrs. Mendez: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: No agency in Dade County has been out here? Mrs. Mendez: No. Mr. Dawkins: City of Miami? Mrs. Mendez: No. Mr. Dawkins: Dade County? Mrs. Mendez: No. Mr. Dawkins: I'll bring this up in the City Com- mission to see what they plan to do about it. INAUDIBLE COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RE- CORD. Mr. Dawkins: There are three other people that live here with you. Is that correct? So there are five people in this house. When we find some- place, it has to be a place for five people. Thank you. INAUDIBLE COMMENTS Mr. Dawkins: Miller Dawkins, I was asked by Mr. Levits to see if I could assist in any way in helping the people relocate who have been sent letters telling them they have to move. Have you received on of these letters? sl 67 6/14/84 Unidentified Speaker: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: But nobody from the City of Miami or anyplace came out to assist you in moving? Unidentified Speaker: Nobody. Mr. Dawkins: Nobody came to tell you of a place that you could afford. Is that right? Unidentified Speaker: Right. Mr. Dawkins: The only income you have is social security. You have to eat, pay rent, and do eve- rything out of social security; but still they ex- pect you to move, and nobody is helping you do an- ything. All right, I'm going to bring this up at the City Commission meeting Thursday. I and the rest of the Commissioners will be looking at this, along with the Manager, and see what we can refer or what we can do. I can't make you any promises now that I can correct this. But I can make known what our plight is. Right? And I'll be back with you after Thursday to let you know what the City Commission decided. Thank you, sir. Unidentified Speaker: INAUDIBLE COMMENTS. Mr. Dawkins: They said "Go"? Did they say go where? Unidentified Speaker: Nowhere, and I just get $140 a month. Mr. Dawkins: You get $140. How much do you get, sir? Unidentified Speaker: I get $340. Mr. Dawkins; $340 and you get $140, that's $480. That is $120 a week. Unidentified Speaker: And we are paying $140 a month here every month. If you miss two days and don't pay on time, they charge you $3 more. Mr. Dawkins: All right, I'll bring it up at the City Commission to see what we can do about it. END OF AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATION. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, knowing that this Commission does all it can to help people, I've told them that we would do all that we could to assist these individuals. These are people that have been told to move, who have no place to move. I'm going to make a motion and I'm hoping that it passes and that I would be made the Commission liaison to do this. I make a motion that this Commission go on record de- manding that Dade County and HUD provide these people with housing in the immediate future, since they have to move by the 28th, that these people not be put out and be left on their own, as you can look at them and see they cannot find a place on their own without some assistance. Nobody has been out there to help them. Unless we, the Commission, de- mand that something be done, nothing is going to be done. I so move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second to the motion? Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. sl 68 6/14/84 W Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Dawkins, let me on behalf of the rest of the Commission, and I'm sure the community, thank you for your initiative, for your interest, and for bringing a very important problem to the forefront. It is a sad com- mentary on this community that things like this have to be brought up this way and that the pertinent agencies that have not only a fiduciary responsibility, but a legal re- sponsibility to the well being and taking care of people in this town, are shirking that responsibility as it seems. We see people going around figuring out ways to help and make this a better community and things like this are happening. Somehow they are not reported. It's amazing to me that this has not gotten full attention of the written press, the ra- dio, and the media that something like this is happening. I want to commend you for bringing this to this Commission's attention. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, I'd like to read into the record the individuals who we talked to is Mr. and Mrs. Florence, James Evans, who one is 81 and one is 89, will you stand? The house where they live is one of those little things. It's five people living in that little hut. The other gentleman is Mr. Boycemack. Will you stand? Mr. Boycemack has an invalid wife, who's in a wheelchair and there is no ramp. For five years there has been no way for her to get in and out of the house. Mr. Robert Thomas, age 63, all he has is social security. Marie Upgrove, age 72; Andrew Williams, age 74; Ofelia Romeo and Albert Romeo, ages 63 and 66; and Amos Voghn, age 65, these people have been told to move and they have no place to go. If you will meet me at St. John's Church Saturday morning, I will have an an- swer to you as to what they decided to do after this Commis- sion asked them to act on this. Thank you very much for coming. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you a question. Why are they be- ing moved? Mr. Dawkins: Mrs. Evans, will you come to the mike and tell Commissioner Plummer. Mayor Ferre: As I understand it, the buildings don't meet the Code? Bonded is asking them.... Mr. Dawkins: Code violation, bond say to bring them up to snuff, they will just put these people out. Is that cor- rect, Mrs. Evans? Mrs. Evans: Yes. Mr. Plummer: Well, doesn't the County have a legal obliga- tion for relocation? Mr. Dawkins: That's what I think too, Commissioner Plummer, and thdt's why I plan to go and ask them in the morning and tell them this Commission says to meet their moral obliga- tion. Mayor Ferre: See, moral is different. Let me tell you, Mr. Plummer, you have a very good question. Let me tell you what the answer is. This country, the United States of America refused to sign the 1948 Charter of the United Na- tions. In the Congress of the United States, where it was rejected, one of the reasons why we did not sign it, is be- cause the Constitution of the United Nations clearly spelled out that people have certain inalienable rights. One of those rights was to have a roof over their home. The Con- gress of the United States rejected it and specifically stated that there was no constitutional guarantee in the U- sl 69 6/14/84 nited States that anybody was guaranteed a house. That has been the rule of all legislation in Washington. To this day, in the year 1984, the United States of America has nev- er gone on record that anybody has a constitutional right to a house, or to education, by the way, which is another area. Let me tell you that even though -and I say this with all due respects to the Miami Herald and the Miami News and the televised and radio media- the State of Florida two weeks ago broke through in what is a major historical moment in the history of the United States of America when it a- dopted a resolution that specifically through an act of leg- islature makes it law and when the governor signs it, this will be the first state in the United States of America, out of the 50 states, that specifically has a law that says that people have a right to a home, number one. Number two, says that this is a matter that can be legally dealt with in documentary stamp, the usage of money for housing. it is a major legal breakthrough in the country. This has never -_ happened in any state, nor has it happened in the Federal Government. But the answer to your question is Metropolitan Dade County, the State of Florida and the United States of America have no legal obligation. The point is they have a moral obligation. I think that we should call, not only on - Metropolitan Dade County, but we should also call on the United Way, whom we give substantial amounts of money to, to intervene in a crisis kind of a way that I think this matter deals with. - Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, the motion passed, would you call Mr. Stierheim and ask him if I could meet him and whomever he has at Mel Adams at 9:00 o'clock in the morning, please. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner, anything else that you want to bring up to our attention? Mr. Dawkins: No, sir, thank you. Thank you for coming. Mr. Ralph Ongie: We need to call the roll on that motion. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-629 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE UNMET HOUSING NEEDS OF PERSONS AND FAMILIES BEING EVICTED FROM THEIR DWELLINGS IN THE OVERTOWN AREA OF THE CITY OF MIAMI: DEMANDING THAT DADE COUNTY, THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, TAKE ALL NECESSARY STEPS IN FINDING SHELTER FOR SUCH DISPLACED PERSONS AND FAMILIES; DESIGNATING COMMIS- SIONER MILLER J. DAWKINS TO ACT A LIAISON FOR THE CITY COMMISSION IN THIS MATTER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo sl 70 6/14/84 El 26. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE REQUEST MADE BY CANACOL FOR THE HOLDING OF "FIFTH HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN AMERICANS COUNTRIES" SUBJECT TO RESOLVING OUTSTANDING MATTERS OF �= CONCERN TO THE CITY. (See label No. 34) Mayor Ferre: We have the Latin American Chamber of Com- merce. There was a pocket item that this morning we skipped over. They sat there all morning, but evidently we forgot about them. Mr. Eloy Gonzalez: My name is Eloy Gonzalez. I am the President of the Latin Chamber of Commerce, CAMACOL, 1417 West Flagler Street. Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners and City Manager, we are today here to ask, as every year, the approval of the budget for the Fifth Hemispheric Con- gress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and the permanent Secre- tariat of Chamber of Commerce. As a difference in prior years, we have filed through the office of the City Manag- er, all the procedures to have this budget and we are here to file this and to look for the approval of this budget for this year of 1984. Mayor Terre: Thank you, Mr. Gonzalez. Mr. Manager, what is your recommendation, sir? Do we have an answer yet on....? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, this item was brought before interna- tional Trade. It was understood that it was going to be heard for the July meeting. The question becomes that we have some outstanding audit issues on their past program that have to be resolved. The bottom line becomes that we support this function in principle, but we cannot authorize, suggest to the Commission that they give them money until they resolve some outstanding audit issues. So, I think what this City Commission probably should do is pass this in principle until we resolve these audit issues, with the un- derstanding that no money is given until they clean up the audit. Mr. Plummer: So move. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Commissioner Perez. Is there further discussion on this item? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-630 A MOT1014 APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE A RE- QUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF C.A.M.A.C.O.L. (LATIN CHAMBER OF COM- MERCE) IN CONNECTION WITH HOLDING OF THE "5TH HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN AMER- ICAN COUNTRIES" SUBJECT TO THE CITY MAN- AGER AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ORGANI- ZATION SUCCESSFULLY RESOLVING OUTSTAND- ING MATTERS OF CONCERN TO THE CITY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES. Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. sl 71 6/14/84 11 Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins ------------------------------------------------------------ 27. DISCUSSION ITEM: PERSONAL APPEARANCE CLAUDE ANDERSON RE- QUESTING AN EXEMPTION IN CONNECTION WITH OPERATION OF LIQUOR BUSINESS IN THE 7TH AVENUE CORRIDOR FOR MINIMUM DISTANCE REQUIREMENT, REFERRED TO THE MANAGER. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Anderson, Claude, could you step forward? There was a pocket item that we had this morning, and evi- dently we still have that pending. Go ahead, Mr. Anderson. Mr. Claude Anderson: Good afternoon, Mr. Mayor, Commission- ers, City Manager. My name is Claude Anderson. I'm coming before you this morning to personally request an exemption from the current distance requirements for package liquor stores and the 7th Avenue corridor. I would like to have your assistance in this regard for many reasons. First of all because I feel that right now that the economic revital- ization of that community is in danger unless we can do some concentrated economic development. What I am proposing to do is to build a very high quality shopping complex between 67th Street and 69th Street on 7th Avenue. One of the prob- lems that I have run into is that unless we can get some kind of relief from the zoning restrictions, not only in the acquiring of business properties there, but also in the dis- tance requirements, I cannot put that facility in there where it makes any sense because we have to be tapping the high revenue, high sales product items, such as the package liquor store, gas station facilities. Right now, I am un- derneath the limits. I would like to request your consider- ation in that regard. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I told Mr. Anderson to please come before us. This has to be referred to the zoning and plan- ning, back to the Administration; and for the Administra- tion to come back and tell us at the next Commission meet- ing what can be or cannot be done. Mayor Ferre: Doctor Anderson, the issue is that you want to put up a liquor store in a certain area and you are going to have a shopping operation, hopefully in the future. Mr. Anderson: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: The problem is that distance required between the liquor stores is 1,000 feet, and you have 890. Mr. Anderson: It's 800 and some feet, sir. Mayor Ferre: So you are within 200 feet. Mr. Anderson: About 200 feet short. Mayor Ferre: In the past, we have made exceptions, but there has been a reason. Isn't that right, Walter? sl 72 6/14/84 u re, Mr. Walter Pierce: Yes, prior to early 1983, those were zoning requirements. In March 1983 it was codified that is = now in Section 4 of the City Code, not a part of the zoning - ordinance. There is no variance procedure for that require- �. ment. It would, in effect, require an amendment to Section 4 of the City Code. Mayor Ferre: In other words, what you are saying is there is no relief unless we change the Code. Mr. Pierce: Unless you change the existing City Code re- quirement; it has nothing to do with zoning at this point. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but you see, that is heavy duty stuff. Mr. Pierce: Yes. Mayor Ferre: What I'm saying is, and I concur with Commis- sioner Dawkins, we can't go around flip flopping in the world because one particular exception. Unless there is a logical sequential way of doing that, would the Administra- tion come back and see what your recommendation is, then we will take it from there. I tell you, Walter, when you come back, would you also tell us what Metropolitan Dade County and other comparable cities do, Orlando, Tampa, Ft. Lauder- ,Ial n, Palm Beach. Do they have these same type of restric- tions? Would you let us know when you it back, bring us back to see what other people do. Mr. Anderson: Thank you, sir. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. 28. ALLOCATE $5,000 IN CONNECTION WITH "MISS AFRO AMERICAN PAGEANT" TO BE HELD JUNE 23, 1984. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, there is one more pocket item. There is a gentleman from the Afro American Beauty Pageant. We gave them $5,000 and we didn't formulate it. So I would like to move that we formalize this today. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? Call the roll, please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-631 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EX- CEED $5,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND AC- COUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, FOR THE PUR- CHASE OF TICKETS TO THE MISS AFRO-AMERICAN PAGEANT TO BE HELD JUNE 23, 1984; SAID ALLO- CATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRA- TIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) sl 73 6/14/84 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 29. ALLOCATE $75,000 TO HE INTER AMERICAN ANNUAL CONVEN- TION OF MUNICIPALITIES INC. IN CONNECTION WITH THE "THIRD INTER-AMERICAN CONGRESS OF MUNICIPALITIES". ------------------------------------------------------------ Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like to formalize the motion that we approved about the Inter American Congress of Munic- ipalities, that we already voted on. This has to be formal- ized with a resolution. Mayor Ferre: Formalize the motion, a resolution allocating an amount not to exceed $75,000 from special programs and accounts, Quality of Life Fund, to the Inter American Annu- al Convention of Municipalities, Inc., in connection with the Third Inter American to be held in April 17, 1985; fur- ther allocating said monies from special funds. Mr. Dawkins: $75,000? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: Second it. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Is there fur- ther discussion? Mr. Dawkins: This beautiful facility that the graciousness of the Dade County School Board. Mayor Ferre: Is the principal of the school here? Mr. Dawkins: No, he's not here. He left. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, do you want further time on this before we vote? Are we ready to vote now? Further discus- sion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-632 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $75,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, TO THE INTER AMERICAN ANNUAL CONVENTION OF MUNICIPALITIES, INC., IN CONNECTION WITH THE III INTERAMERICAN CONGRESS OF MUNICIPALITIES TO BE HELD IN MIAMI APRIL 17--20, 1985; FURTHER ALLOCATING SAID MONIES FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND AC- COUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, SAID ALLOCA- TION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COM- PLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINiST RATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-£3Y, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. sl 74 6/14/84 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- itition was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: ABSENT: None. Commissioner Joe Carollo 30. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE CONCEPT OF THE DADE !MARINE INSTI- TUTE ESTABLISHING AN ENVIRONMENTAL ANARENESS CENTER AND WORK PROGRAM FOR YOUTH. Mayor Ferre: Senator, we are taking you first. Senator Ken Myers: I apologize to those present, but I have an urgent matter at 4:00 o'clock with a predetermined ap- pointment that I must be at. Mayor and Members of the Com- mission, there is a very exciting program of the City, which we are requesting your approval in general principle with the City Manager, tliereafter to carry it out in detail. The Dade Marine Institute is a program for youngsters in trouble It is a part of a state-wide program consisting of over nine programs state-wide, funded by the State 70% and by private sources 30%. It is nationally known; it's been recognized on national T.V. and I'm sure all of you are familiar with it. It was started by the juvenile court judges here and by a group of very interested Dade County citizens, one of whom was you, Mayor, who was on the first Board of Directors, and perhaps some of the other members of the Commission. We are operating now out of Wometco for a $1 a year on a site of some old school buildings for these youngsters. There are about 40 of them in this program. It is in cooperation with the Dade County School Board. They get credit for going to school during this program. It is a six months' program, non-residential. What we w.vit to do is move the program into a permanent site. We don't know what is going to happen to Wometco. We have discussed this with Carl Kern of Parks Department and the City Manager. They have excit- edly agreed that this would be an ideal program for Virgin- ia Key. Some point in Virginia Key as part and parcel of the overall development of the Virginia Key Park Environ- mental Program. We will build your building for you. Mayor Ferre: Senator, what specifically is it that you would like? What is it you want, Kenny? Senator Myers: All we want is for the City Commission, as recommended by the City Manager to approve in principle the Dade Marine Irial=itute location of a program on Virginia Key at the site of the environmental park that is being devel- oped and with the City Manager's staff to work out the de- tails. Mayor Ferre: Let me tell you, before I even ask the Manag- er, I am in favor of it in principle. I am opposed to it specifically until we understand what the master plan is that we are spending hundreds of thousands and millions of sl 75 6/14/84 dollars to develop, and after we -and we have some very ca- pable engineers and people doing all this work in Washington or Virginia or wherever, and then I don't want to find _ out ... may I see that drawing? ... that we will end up with the right thing in the wrong place. Senator Myers: We will be coming back to the Commission for final approval. Mayor Ferre: This doesn't have anything to do with the - Lumm's project, I mean the McDonald's project on US-1. Does it? Senator Myers: Let me tell you, one of the most exciting things that this City can do and that I have been partici- pating in is to be a part of a program where you take a way- ward youngster who is totally out of society and bring him =- back to the mainstream. We're doing that. Mayor Ferre: Kenny, that's wonderful, and we're all for you. Senator Myers: I know, but what I'm saying is that we are very excited about building this building in cooperation with the City Manager and you all and the Parks Department. All we want you to do is approve it in principle. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I make a motion that these set of renderings be given to the Manager to forward on to the in- dividuals doing the master plan of Virginia Key for consid- eration. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Senator Myers: Can I ask, Commissioner Plummer, that you include in this motion the approval of the location? Mr. Plummer: No, sir. Senator Myers: In principle of the D.M.I. site? Mr. Plummer: No, sir, we'll send it on to the man doing the master plan who will, in fact take it into consideration. Mr. Dawkins: I'll tell you what I will do. I'll add in the motion that you take it to Dade County and see if they'll approve it and we won't even have to be bothered with it. Mr. Plummer: They have plenty of land over there. Senator Myers: No, no. Mr. Dawkins: O.K., we'll leave our motion as it is. Mr. Plumer: We'll wait and let the master planner to recom- mend that. Senator Myers: If you will leave it with the City Manager, I'm satisfied, because I think we can work it out. Mr. Dawkins: No, we want it with the planner. Senator Myers: out. Mr. Plummer: ten years. On this I'm satisfied that we can work it Yes, you can work it out; it will only take sl 76 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: If you say no on the one, you have to be nice and say yes on the other. Senator Myers: Just with the caveat that on this I'm satis- fied he can work it out, because he's as excited about the program as I am. Mr. Gary: I tell you, I'm going to resolve this like I re- solve cable. Senator Myers: No, there is not going to be any cable T.V. in this building. Mayor Ferre: We've heard the ;notion. Is there further dis- cussion? Call the roll, please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-633 A RESOLUTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE ONLY THE CONCEPT OF THE DADE MARINE INSTITUTE ESTAB- LISHING AN ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER AND WORK PROGRAM FOR YOUTH ADJUDICATED FOR VARIOUS MISDEME4'gOR, AT VIRGINIA KEY (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Plummer, that also refers to item 49, too, because that is a companion item. Mr. Plummer: Right, same. 31. ALLOCATE $5,200 IN SUPPORT OF THE "1984 HOLIDAY FESTI- VAL" TO BE HELD DECEMBER 1 AND 2, 1984, AT BAYFRONT PARK AUDITORIUM, PROCEEDS TO UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. ;fir. T'lunLner: Mr. Mayor, could I take an item out of order? I think it is non-coatrov,:rsial. Mayor Ferre: J.L., look, out of courtesy to Shevin.... Mr. Plummer: Bob, will you give me 30 seconds? If I can't handle it in 30 seconds, I'll quit. I move item 52. Mayor Ferre: Item 52, there is a motion on. Mr. Plummer. The lady is here. She loesn't feel well. She'd like to go home. sl 77 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Wait a moment. Mr. Plummer: Hurry upl I only have 30 seconds. Mayor Ferro: Mr. Manager, this has your recommendation? Mr. Plummer: 52, yes. 1.1,iyor- Ferre: Does anybody have any objections? Does any- body wish to speak on this item? Call the roll. The following resolution was introlucel by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-634 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $5, 200 FROM SPECIAL PROG10,404S AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE 1984 HOLIDAY FESTIVAL, TO BE HELD DECEMBER 1 AND 2, 1984 ICJ SAYFRONT PARK, AUDITORIUM, WITH PROCEEDS GOING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTAN`rIAL C;OMPLIkNCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED ,74NUARY 24, 198•4. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file i.n -Dffice of ;--li-t City Clerk.) '1-)o r beiri seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- 1,ir.i )ri wY,; n-t,;::.1 and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Comriissintior Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner. J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vi::n,-741 iy Dr D(.metr, io J. Perez, Jr. Miarice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 32. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE PLAN PROPOSED FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF THE OLYMPIA BUILDING SUBJECT TO NEGOTL.A'PEOMS BETWEEN OFF-STREET PARKING AurHORTTY AND THE CITY MANAGER, ETC. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor F;:rr�,: Mr. Shevin, the nature of the reason why you w,111t to 'hi? l z'c-n out of turn. STi-avin: Yes, Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, I have a conflicting appointment. Our matter was on the agetrl:i for this morning. Because of th,, of some of the discus- siorzs, w,, -i-trN :fort of non -controversial and passed over. Mill-)r Farre: What item were you here on, sir? Mr. Shevin: This was a Committee of the whol.e scheduled for 10:30, item number "D" is the item that I'm iiita_rest,.d in. '4:iy,-)r F..rre: This is discussion of the proposed redevelop- ment hro.jr, i Eor the Olympia Building. This is a million dollar loan to remove the building tie a!i,9 elevators 51 78 6/14/84 and air coni9 i tion i.ng sy t.ems, renovate the scud and the mar- quee. Is that correct? Mr. nevi -I.. Yes, sir, I represent several tenants in the building who have been working with Mr. Carlton of the Off - Street Parking Board in conjunction with an attempt to work out a solution to where t1le City can renovate and upgrade this building and the tenants have been willing to cooperate to Clint effort. My clients have led essentially an organi- zation of the tenants in which they have obtained commit- ments from tenants with long-term leases remaining to put into effect immediately voluntary rent increases designed to assist in the payment of the debt service of the monies nec- essary to upgrade the building, so as to bring it up to the snuff of the r..�st of the downtown facilities. Mr. Carlton submitted a memorandum to the City Manager on May 29th, which essentially requested the authority from the Commis- sion to obtain an architect to reduce the proposals thAt .ir�-� presently general to a more specific nature, obtni_n some estimates of LliJ expected cost, and to also proceed to nego- tiate new leases wi L'z Llli,� t- en-ints designed to put rent in- creases into effect immediately, evert though some of the reriU\?%itioris would probably not take place for quite some time. Tti:� tenants in this building, by and large, have been there for many, many years. One of tri 3 h-is been in the building for over 40 years. I believe that my client has 35 and 26 years of tenancy. They are long-sCanding tenants. They have be?n th:�r ;;'irnugh -p )J and the bad i;i.,v of the City. They are obviously very satisfied with r 10-atinn. They want to stay. They are trying to show their willingri-vss to come i.,itn their own pockets and to as- sist the City in upgrading the property t"n t it owls an:1 making it more valuable for the futu^•. +,. Carlcln is right here and I guess may Have something to add. I think at this point we are looking for essentially a statement t'z3t the concept is something that should be studied so tlia` it can b. 1-iyor Ferre: Roger, I think we can move on this hopefully quickly. I just have two questions, first of all, where does the million dnllars co.na fro,a? You are borrowing it from what? Mr. Roger Carlton: That wnuld be borrowed, Mr. Mayor, from a barik- or a consortium of local banks and rapaid, based on Vie rent increases. Mayor Ferre: In other words, it wnuld be self-liquidating through the rent. Mr. Carlton: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: In oth,::r words, it would not require any back- up by either ':'n,-_ City or the Off -Street Parking Authority. Mr. Carlton: That is correct. Mayor Ferre: It liquidates itself. Mr. Manager, do you hive- any nbjectinns to any of this? Gary: I Jnn't have any objections, but I think that you need to understand that part of the cnn1 it in 'iere is that you have to appropriate more money this year for rents for all City buildings. I think that the rent that the City pays should be less than what the other people are ing, for the mere fact that the City is of the conditions there; that is t,) fi.r, a> t:'i > 17_1ding. We have already spent a lot of money doing that. I think it wr- ;1 '. bll u:ir.a il- ,) ir' City to have us pay the same amount that e✓ :­y'i•) 1y :.l ;)ays, Xi -gin tli,?y haven't done anything sl 79 6/14/84 for that building. The Off -Strut Parking AoL'i,�r �,� .1.•1 ��: give us those renovations Mayor Ferre: O.K., Mr. Plummer moves, prov'i.,1ed, h--)4ever, teat before finalizing it, the City Manager is satisfied on his quest for lower rent, that this be approved in princi- ple. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Is there further discus- sion? O.K., everybody all right now? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-635 A MOTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE PLAN FOR PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF THE OLYMPIA BUILDING, SUBJECT TO FURTHER NEGOTIA- TIONS BETWEEN THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY AND THE CITY MANAGER REGARDING THE AMOUNT OF RENT THE CITY OF MIAMI PAYS FOR OFFICE SPACE IN THIS BUILDING. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ----------------------------------------- --- --- ------------- 33• DISCUSSION ITEM: CARIBBEAN CENTRAL AMERICAN ACTION COM- MITTEE REQUESTING $25,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE "1984 MIAMI CONFERENCE ON THE CARIBBEAN" TO BE DISCUSSED ON JUNE 289 1984. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Mr. Johnson, the nature why you want to skip everybody else in line. Mr. Peter Johnson: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, Mr. Gary, my name is Peter Johnson, with a non-profit organiza- tion here in Miami and Washington, D.C., called Caribbean Central American Action. My request relates to item 21, which is a request for- some financial support, which would go with financial support committed by the State and pro- posed to Dade County, that would provide some initial seed money for the 8th Annual Miami Conference on the Caribbean. Just a word about this meeting, it has become the principle forum for the Caribbean and the Central American countries, where they all come to Miami, last year in excess of 2,000 of them. We expect at least as many this year to discuss and to arrange business, deals in the contracts of the Car- ibbean Basin initiative. I think it is quite fair to say that Miami, as a consequence of a number of things, includ- ing this Commission's leadership, but certainly as a conse- quence of this particular meeting, which began in 1979, has become the center point for business, job creation, and trade with the Caribbean/Central American countries. The sl 80 6/14/84 Washington, of course, are vastly increased. I strongly recommend that this be considered. In your packets, inci- dentally, are Touche Ross audits of last year's program and I believe our budgets for this year's program. - Mayor Ferre: Questions. Mr. Plummer: You are representing the Caribbean Central "— American Action? Mr. Johnson: That's right. Mr. Plummer: Are you non-profit? - Mr. Johnson: We are non-profit. Mayor Ferre: He's the Executive Director. Is that the ti- tle? _ Mr. Johnson: Executive Director, yes sir. Mr. Plummer: It is a totally non-profit corporation. Mr. Johnson: It is a totally non-profit corporation, yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: The question that I have to ask is that if you are the sponsors, why are you asking us for money? Mayor Ferre: J.L., let me remind you that we started them. This is our project. They have been here for seven years. We have funded them for seven years. Every year we fund this same organization. The question that I think you can ask, -if you don't, I will- is where does the City of Miami show in any of these things? Mr. Plummer: Yes, it shows as a host. Mayor Ferre: Because they are the sponsors. We are the hosts. Mr. Plummer: Yes, the sponsors are the ones that put up the money, the host is the host committee. So, I'm asking if they are saying here on these documents that they are in fact the sponsor, why are they asking us for money? Mr. Johnson: We are a non-profit organization with a cer- tain track record. I think that it does benefit Miami in this particular program. Mr. Plummer: I agree. Mr. Johnson: The program itself was initiated in Miami by this Commission, as a matter of fact. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir, I understand that. Mr. Johnson: As a non-profit, we do not have the seed mon- ey to put into a program like this with this magnitude. Mr. Plummer: So, in other words, you are asking us to be the sponsors, but not get credit for it. Mayor Ferre: I think, Peter, what J.L. is asking, is some- thing that I have been telling you about for the last couple of years. Now, let me remind you of the process in this. About four years ago, I guess it must have been the third or the fourth, you said "We're thinking of going to Tampa or some other place. I said, "Fine, you want to go to Tampa, sl 81 6/14/84 you go to Tampa. But I want you to know that will have a — Caribbean conference and we own the title. It's called Miami Conference on the Caribbean. That stays in Miami. If you want to go to Tampa and C.C.A.A. wants to go, fine, go to Tampa, go to New Orleans, go to wherever you want. But _ we are going to continue, and we'll get another major a- gency in Washington and New York to co-sponsor this with := us." There was a time at the beginning, and you may remem- ber, where we had one time when Otto Wright before he AV became famous, was a part of the Society of the Americas, we co -sponsored with A.I.D. and C.C.A.A. or its predecessor and what have you. In those days it used to say, "The State of Florida, the City of Miami, Metropolitan Dade County, A.E.A.," or whatever it is, and "C.C.A.A. invite you to..." { and we were all co-sponsors. I think that was too compli- cated and I agree with you, and you simplified the process } and you put C.C.A.A. is the sponsor and then the City of Miami, Dade County, and Florida are hosts. My objections =- are different from Plummer. My objections are that if you look at these brochures and the photographs, and the public- _ ity that has attended to it, other than the name Miami in the title, the importance of the presence of Miami, of Dade County and of Florida is almost insignificant. I challenge you to show me, in any of these brochures or presentations, where you, in any way, highlight the fact that you get $75,000 from the City of Miami, Metropolitan Dade County, the State of Florida, and other than the usage of the word Miami, if you were to cut out the word Miami, there is ab- solutely no indication anywhere here of where this is, with all due respects. Even though, the first chairman of your board was Bob Graham, our Governor, even though the City of Miami was the co-sponsor from the very beginning of this, even though this has been a City of Miami baby from its in- -_ ception, in this particular brochure there is no mention of _ it at all. In this one here there is absolutely no mention of it. In this one here, other than the usage of the word Miami, it does not exist except down at the very end. Mr. Johnson: Mr. Mayor, could I make a couple of comments? I think on the full -color brochure, you will see the Mayor of Dade County and the Governor of Florida. Mr. Mayor, let me have your attention just for a moment. You and I had this discussion preceding the last meeting. We made a very concerted effort and we're going to do further yet this year, according to our planning to make absolutely sure that every City Commissioner, as well as every Dade County Com- missioner, has a profile opportunity to participate. We intend to put those names in the front of the program. Mayor Ferre: Peter, that's very nice, but that's not really what's important in my opinion. What's important... leave me out, I don't care, and leave Miller out and leave J.L. and leave Demetrio... I don't care about that. That's sec- ondary. The profile is nice, but that is not important. What is important is that if Miami is putting up $25,000, - and by the way, Miam:i-s $25,000 is also the State's $25,000- If Miami doesn't p•,:c up $25,000, I assure you the State will not, and I assure you Metropolitan Dade County will not; be- i.;auJe Lhey do it because we do it and I call them up, as you know, and yow Qall, and we push. So, it's not $25,000; it's $75,000. Mr. Johnson: The City of Miami's leadership is critical. Mayor Ferre: I'm just telling you, Peter, that in my opin- ion, you, with all due respects, and this is nothing person- al, have not done right by the State of Florida, Dade, and the City of Miami, and C.C.A.A. has not given this State, this County, and this City its due. I'm saying, "Fine, you can make up for it tomorrow." There is always tomorrow, but I think it has to be done. sl 82 6/14/84 Mr. Johnson: I think, Mr. Mayor, what we need to do about this, because you know perfectly well that we're prepared to do what is appropriate and necessary to achieve the Commis- sion's objectives. I think you obviously have my commitment that will be done. Mr. Plummer: We're going to give you that opportunity. Come back in two weeks and tell us what you have done. In two weeks, we'll discuss the funding at that time. Please, speaking for one individual, I don't want a profile. We're selling Miami. Mr. Dawkins: Sir, at the last conference that you had, I was concerned that then, that even though you were dealing with primarily Black countries, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Barbados, Honduras, St. Kitts, Jamaica, Haiti, Panama, Trinidad, you don't have no Black involvement. Now you back up here now, I see this big beautiful thing and of all the local, Black people who should be getting invited, you don't have them here. But yet, you want $25,000. I asked some- body to tell you last year that if there was no Black par- ticipation, I would not going to vote for money. Mr. Johnson: That is exactly the reason why in the Planning Committee Mr. Salmon Luis and his group was deeply involved about two months ago. Mr. Dawkins: In the Planning Committee, what did they come up with? Mr. Johnson: The Planning Committee's discussion turned out ultimately that initial flyer that you have in your left hand. Mr. Dawkins: O.K., Caribbean initiative money is supposedly going to the Caribbean. There are Black countries down there. In two weeks, when you come back, show me what Black involvement you have, so that I can vote with you. Will you, please? Mr. Johnson: I'll respond in two weeks, if that's the in- struction to obviously all of these points. Mayor Ferre: Peter, I want to tell you that my assistant, Nestor Toledo, I think told Alicia or told you about this two weeks ago, and when you and I talked in the past, I told you that you needed to, one, visit all the Commissioners - not you, but representatives of the operation, Alicia is fine. Number two, that we needed to show that the govern- mental agency of the City of Miami is somehow involved in this. Mr. Johnson: I think my final comment would be I really have to have some private discussions with you, or with your _= staff to just judge how you want to do this. -- Mr. Dawkins: He just told you that he's not the one. He's told you each of the Commissioners. So, you're discussing it with him would only get one vote. What the man is trying to tell you is that you have to visit five Commissioners and get you three votes. That's what the man is trying to tell you. Mr. Johnson: My only response to that, Mr. Commissioner, was I want to know exactly how we can better profile the City of Miami in this thing. Mayor Ferre: Peter, you are a career diplomat. You are an intelligent fellow. You have headed major organizations. sl 83 6/14/84 You know how to do that. You come up with the answers to that. Mr. Johnson: I'll be back in two weeks. Mayor Ferre: Fine, and I'm sure that in two weeks you'll come up with 50 good ideas, of which we only need two or three. Mr. Perez: Mr. Mayor, I would like to recognize the efforts of Mr. Peter Johnson and the C.C.A. in the last convention. I participated last December. They attract about 2,000 Lat- in American businessmen. I think it was a great asset and I'm very proud to back the event. But, I would like to call the attention of Mr. Johnson to his coming back in the next two weeks, I think it would be better. I am surprised we have before Miami Conference on the Caribbean, and now we have Caribbean Central American Action. Did you change the name of the conference, or is the same Miami Conference on the Caribbean? Mr. Johnson: The organization, Mr. Perez, is Caribbean Cen- tral American.... Mr. Perez: But the convention have the same, Miami, the name of Miami is there? Mr. Johnson: But the point in the conference is to call it the Miami Conference on the Caribbean. We eliminate our name from the program. It's the Miami Conference on the Caribbean. I suppose some could call it the Caribbean Cen- tral American Conference. That wouldn't achieve Miami's ob- jectives, nor our own. Mr. Perez: According to some rumors that I received in my office, you don't plan to delete the name of Miami? Mr. Johnson: Of course not, particularly after this meet- ing. Mayor Ferre: He has a good pair of ears. Peter, I want to also add to Commissioner Perez'.... Mr. Johnson: That is a trademark. -- Mayor Ferre: And it has tremendous value and good will. I want to say that I also subscribe to the tremendous impor- tance of the Miami Conference on the Caribbean to this com- munity and the fact that we bring people like Siaga and Eugenia Charles and President Monje from Costa Rica. It's a tremendous coup for this community. We're very proud and very happy. Please, do not misunderstand what we're saying. We're fully supportive. We just need to do this for obvious reasons. Mr. Johnson: Mr. Mayor, can I make one other comment, be- cause you did mention earlier that we would be free to take it some►.here else. Obviously, we do not want to take this anywhere else. We recognize that the City of Miami could do this very easily by itself. But I would make the point that it has become so successful that the City of New Orleans, the City of San Antonio, the City of Houston, and a couple of others have, as you know, been soliciting, and we have simply told them no. The place for this is Miami and it _- will continue to stay in Miami. Mayor Ferre: I know that, and we don't want you to leave. We want you here. sl 84 6/14/84 Mr. Dawkins: Let me ask you a question. If it is so suc- cessful, why can't it support itself. Mr. Johnson: It can support itself. Mr. Dawkins: Why don't you? Mr. Johnson: It cannot support itself at the prices that permit people of the lower income to come to it if we do not have this kind of a subsidy coming in. Mr. Dawkins: $200 entry is low income? Mr. Johnson: Sir, this is a fairly extensive and complicat- ed meeting. Mr. Perez: Why don't you try to meet with each member of the Commission in order to explain the whole project and when you bring back, you're bringing a better idea. I think that it is very important we recognize formally the whole importance of the City and the City government in this case. In principle, I am supportive 100% of this project. I am very proud of you, of the work of Alicia, of the contribu- tion of the C.C.A., I don't have any doubt. But I think that the City has to take a strong participation, because it has the name of our City of Miami. I think that it is very important at this time for Latin America. Mr. Johnson: I welcome the opportunity to meet individually and to broaden the support and constituency for the meeting. Mayor Ferre: Thank you very much. 34. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE 5-YEAR PLAN PRESENTED BY REPRESEN- TATIVES OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY INCLUDING STRATEGIC AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS. Mr. Roger Carlton: Thank you, Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, as you know we made a presentation this morning regarding the five-year plan. Board members Pantin and Rubin couldn't come back this afternoon. They expressed their apologies. What we're asking is simply that the City Commission accept the five year plan in principle, and then instruct us as we implement those various components, to meet with Howard Gary, to give you reports and let you know what the specif- ic details are. Because if we have that plan behind us, we can now move forward, begin to generate the money for those new programs, set up our community involvement so that we meet with the merchants, and begin to continue this effort to try to improve the parking system. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on this now? We've held it up a couple of times. Mr. Plummer: The reason I'm asking, there was some concern from the Administration. I want to know if that concern has been taken care of. If not, then we'll defer it. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, we think it's a good plan. There are two concerns that we have. The first is the issue of them doing solely towing and boothing... I'm sorry towing. The towing according to the sl 85 6/14/84 Police Chief is he is concerned that they will not have the right to tow and they think it's vital. So, I think that modification needs to be made to the plan or better still there may be some arguments to support Roger's plan. I think it would be appropriate that the Commission accepts in principle with the understand they have to sit down with the Police Chief, resolve those differences and then bring it back to the Commission for final action. Mr. Plummer: So, move. Mr. Roger Carlton: We just met, if you want to hear the resolution of the issue to clarify it. Mr. Gary: No, I don't have time to have a staff meeting now and I would suggest do it that way. Mr. Plummer: Where is my meter? Mayor Ferre: Huh? Mr. Plummer: I want to know where my meter is. Mayor Ferre: Well, what is it you want to do? Mr. Plummer: We recommending to accept in principle except the item relating to the Police Department in towing in which they are to sit down with the Police Department and resolve issue. Mayor Ferre: All right, the is a motion by Plummer. Well, repeat it into the mike J. L. Mr. Plummer: The motion is that we accept the five year plan in principle except that item which relates to the towing with the Police Department and they will sit down and resolve the matter and report back for a final hearing on this matter. Towing and traffic control. Mr. Perez: You have receive the support of this Little Havana Board? Mr. Carlton: What we proposed... Mr. Perez: In reference to the five seconds that I asked in the morning. Mr. Carlton: Well, we do have the support as it relates to the lot underneath I-95. Mr. Perez: But did you meet with the people of the East Little Havana Board? Mr. Carlton: I met with the director about a half ago. Mr. Perez: I think that it's important that you try to arrange a meeting with East Little Havana Board in order that you can explain all these people about what you plan for the second phase. Mr. Carlton: Commissioner, Hilda Rodriguez and I met about a half hour ago and she supports it and you begin to see some of the impacts of it in the thirty million dollar bond issue. Mr. Perez: But did you meet with the people of Latin Cham- ber of Commerce, with the Latin Merchants on 8th Street and all these groups? sl 86 6/14/84 Mr. Carlton: Sir,... Mr. Perez: Sergio is part of the administration, but I think that you need the community feeling also. Mr. Carlton: Yes, sir. I agree with you completely. Mr. Perez: And I think that the second phase will affect the East Little Havana area and I would like the concern of Hilda Rodriguez who is the Executive Director of the Little Havana and the different community organizations. I think that it's important that you meet with these people to explain the project and we receive their suggestions. Mr. Carlton: Commissioner Perez, you are exactly correct and we will do that. Mr. Dawkins: By all means do not leave out no agency located in the Black community . Now, if you are going to meet with those agencies in the Latin Community on whom this affect when you report back here you make sure that you have met with every Black organization out there that is affected. Mr. Carlton: Commissioner, yes, sir. We are all ready doing that. Mr. Dawkins: No, no, you are all ready doing that? Mr. Carlton: Yes, sir. We have met with Martin Luther King Economic. We have met with... and more. Mr. Dawkins: But you see,...Ok. All right, but hear me clearly, every organization that's affected. Mr. Carlton: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready to vote on this now? Anybody else on this subject? Yes, Ma'am. Ms. Joanne Holzhauser: Holzhauser, 4230 Ingraham Highway, President of the Coconut Grove Civic Club. The Off -Street Parking Authority has been most cooperative in Coconut Grove. We have all ready had one meeting with residents involved and we plan to have more and we are satisfied that they are making every effort to address the parking problem and I think we will be able to work things out certainly in Coconut Grove. We appreciate Mr. Carlton and Ms. Ashman's efforts. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, for sharing that with us. Anybody else. We are ready to vote. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Com- missioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-636 A MOTION ACCEPTING IN PRINCIPLE A FIVE- YEAR PLAN AS PROFFERED BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING AUTHORITY INCLUDING STRATEGIC AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS EXCEPTING THE ITEMS RELATING TO THE TOWING OF VEHICLES IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO ARRANGE A MEETING TO RESOLVE THIS MATTER. sl 87 6/14/84 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 35. ACCEPT DRAWINGS FOR A PROPOSED RACE TRACK AT MARINE STADIUM- REQUEST CITY MANAGER TO FORWARD DRAWINGS TO PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DRAFTING OF THE VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN. Mayor Ferre: Item "G". Anybody here on that? This is the race track at the Marine Stadium. Anybody here on that? Now, what is this race track? I have never heard of a race track at the... Mr. Plummer: This is the thing that I think used to be over there in another version. Mayor Ferre: Does this have your recommendation? Mr. Odio: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: Well, let me... look, just to save a little time. Ok. And there is five of us here, four present. I'm going to tell you that this Commission and this Mayor on this Commission has gone on record time and time again, since we got clobbered on that bicycle thing that we wanted to put there that no none water activities are going to go on any of the City of Miami's land on the water in Virginia Key. In other words the purpose of this is... You can put this any where in Dade County and to take a piece of property as beautiful as this on the water and put a land race track you better have three other votes, because you don't have mine. I'm telling you right off the bat. So, that... I don't mean to discourage you, but...find another place. Mr. Grant Hawk: Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Hawk: Yes, sir. Mr. Mayor, my name is Grant Hawk. I live at 2451 Tigertail Avenue in Coconut Grove. We are proposing a ATV race track in the Marine Stadium parking lot in a non -used section as additional revenue for the City of Miami to bring in additional people in recognition throughout the United States. This portion of the parking lot which I realize isn't a Marine Stadium complex is not used effectively for any other purposes right now. Mayor Ferre: Well, I will you... and what you are talking about is a temporary type of a thing that could be removed within thirty days notice. Mr. Hawk: Yes, sir. That is correct. sl 88 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Is that what you are talking about? Mr. Hawk: Yes, sir. Mr. Odin: Mr. Mayor, we will still oppose that. Mayor Ferre: Why are you opposing if we can remove in thirty days? Mr. Odin: Because that when they had it there before we had a very bad experience with them and I told him that before. The dirt was flying all over the place. When it rained we had a mud pie over there. There had a very poor type of set up as far as the bleachers were concerned. We had break ins all over the Marine Stadi- um. We had a very bad experience with this. I told him that personally that I would oppose this as long as I could because that is not the place to have this type of events. We want to make the Marine Stadium some- thing that I would be proud of and not a dirt race track. Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead because we got to move along. Anything else? Mr. Hawk: Yes, sir. The only thing I would like to repute that was I am not or connected with the previous organization that was in there. We have done extensive research in dust control. We also, propose to put a grass area in there to help eliminate the erosion problem, absorb the water from the rain. Mayor Ferre: All right, questions from members of Commission? Mr. Plummer: Yes, have you considered any of the other city facilities? Mr. Hawk: Have we considered them? Mayor Ferre: For example, how about Tropical Park? Mr. Plummer: No, no, for example, the Baseball Stadi- um. Mr. Odin: We told him to look at it Commissioner, and they want Ricken Backer Causeway waterfront property. Mayor Ferre: Sure. Mr. Plummer: Well, you know, at this particular time I would make a motion that these drawings likewise be forward to the administration and the administration can make it known to the master planner. There is no way you can take up the parking lot. No way. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. GL 89 6/14/84 The following motion was introduced by Com- missioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-637 _ A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE DRAWINGS PRESENTED BEFORE THE CITY COMMIS- SION FOR A PROPOSED RACE TRACK AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM AND RE- QUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO FOR- WARD SAID DRAWINGS TO THE PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DRAFTING OF THE VIRGINIA KEY MASTER PLAN FOR THEIR CONSIDERATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------------- 36. DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE NECESSARY CODE AMENDMENT TO ADJUST THE FIGURE TO $100 PER APPEAR- ANCE FOR PERSONS SUMMONED BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCE- MENT BOARD. ------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Anybody here on "K" Code Enforcement Board. I'm talking about non -city employees. Non - board members of City Boards. I'm talking about citi- zens. You can wait. Mr. Plummer: He is on his own private time. He is no longer a City employee. Mayor Ferre: Huh? Mr. Plummer: He is volunteer now. Mr. Peter Padowitz: Thank you and good afternoon. My name is Padowitz. Peter Padowitz, 7899 Northeast Bayshore Court. I have served as Chairman of the Code Enforcement Board for nearly two years that the Board has been in operation. Mr. Gary has made a study of our actions and has found that it cost the City nearly one hundred dollars for each appearance of a respondent before our board and the average number of appearances to obtain compliance is three. So, we have been incur- ring administrative cost on the average of three hun- dred dollars per case. Mayor Ferre: Peter, what's your recommendation. Mr. Padowitz: That we increase the maximum that exist now of fifty dollars to three dollars per case. GL 90 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Manager, does this meet with your approval? Does anybody have any questions on this? Mr. Gary: We support it 100%. Mr. Plummer: You are saying the maximum fine? Mr. Padowitz: No, sir, maximum administrative cost. Mr. Plummer: Who pays it? Mr. Padowitz: The respondent upon being found guilty would pay the administrative cost. Mr. Plummer: Oh, I'm in favor of raising it to a maximum not to exceed five hundred. Mr. Plummer: No, no, J. L., they are asking you for three hundred... don't, you know... Hey, let's not over do it. Have you attended any of their board meetings? Mayor Ferre: Look, give them what they are asking for. No. Mr. Plummer: Fine. Mayor Ferre: No, but I mean he is shaking his head. What are you shaking your head about? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: We are talking about the adminis- trative cost recovery, not the fine. Mayor Ferre: That's right. That's right. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: And what they are saying Mr. Mayor, is that the administrative cost are about a hundred dollars per appearance. Mr. Padowitz: Per appearance. And it's taking an average of three appearances to resolve the cases. Mr. Plummer: And you are collect that from the bad guy? Mr. Padowitz: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: Give them what they want. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds, further discussion, call the roll on Item "K". GL 91 6/14/84 El The following motion was introduced by Com- missioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-638 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY ATTOR- NEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY CODE AMENDMENT TO ADJUST THE FIGURE FROM $50.00 TO $100.00 PER APPEAR- ANCE IN CONNECTION WITH PERSONS SUMMONED FOR VIOLATIONS TO BE HEARD BY THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD; SAID $100.00 TO BE CONSID- ERED AS AN ADMINISTRATIVE COST. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ON ROLL CALL: Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, before I vote. I under- stood that we were going from fifty to a hundred and therefore per appearance in three appearances they would be paying three hundred. Are you telling me that we are going to go three hundred per appearance? Mr. Padowitz: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: Ok, I understood right, it was a hundred per appearance. So, every time they come up it's a hundred bucks. Mr. Padowitz: If they board deems that that's appro- priate, yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Got you. Ok, I vote "yes". 37. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF ISSUANCE OF R.F.P.'S FOR UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR THE OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT. Mayor Ferre: Is there anybody here on Item 8? Please come forward. Just, come forward on Item 8. Are you here on Item 8? Mr. Block, did you have an emergency? Go head. Mr. Henry Hunter: My name is Henry Hunter and I repre- sent several of the property owners in the Overtown area involving these recommended proposals. Most of the major property owners. We object to certain lan- guage in the proposals specifically dealing with put- ting a maximum cap on page 41 of the proposal, if I may refer the Commission. Pardon me sir. GL 92 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Are you an attorney representing a client = or are you a property owner? Mr. Hunter: I am an attorney representing about six property owners, yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Ok. And these are property owners in the affected area? Mr. Hunter: Yes, sir. Mrs. Sawyer, Mr. Symonette, Cecil Sweeting, Mr. Wilson and several others. Mayor Ferre: Ok. Thank you, sir. Mr. Hunter: And I'm here to object to certain items in the proposal, especially those items that will limit the maximum development program in that area. The property owners are there now. These proposals have let out will allow a developer to come in and put a cap as well as a limit as to what the density or the use that the property owner can use his property. I think in the open market that a developer could come in with the property owner, for example, in this case where you don't have any structured zoning and you are going to rezone the area anyway, I think the developer should be able to come in and allow... with the property owner to a establish what the actual zoning should be and what the density cap should be. It is my understanding that the City intends to condemn all of this property to encourage development. Several of my clients want to develop their property, but we are not certain that we want to go along with the 1982 study done by Hammer Silver and George based on a 1979 analysis. My proper- ty owners want to participate in the development of this area. Mr. Sawyer has stated time and time again his entire family has been there since 1912 and he wants his mark put there. These proposals would possi- bility as out dealing with a maximum density limit the development in that particular area. My recommendation is to not put a cap on the development in that area. If you put a cap on the development in the Overtown area it would seem just inherently unfair in view of what you have in Brickell Tower allowing almost unlim- ited commercial development in that area. Overtown influenced by the Downtown People Mover, I-95, the Government Center and that area is prime and right for development and we feel that these citizens who own this property now and want to participate in the devel- opment should not be handicapped as to the intensity or the density that they want to put on their property. Mr. Matthew Schwartz: Matthew Schwartz for the Overtown/Park West Office. The RFP which Mr. Hunter is referring to is what we call maximum development per parcel which is based on the proposed rezoning of the area. These are densities that would be allowed with the rezoning and they are rather lucrative. They allow FARs in the range of three and four that's based on gross under the new zoning ordinance which is very significant. We are talking about residential densi- ties of somewhere permitted of between a hundred fif- teen and a hundred fifty units per acre. That type of density is found on Brickell Avenue. In fact I don't believe there is anything on Brickell Avenue developed to that density. As far as the market study. The market study was completed in October of 1983• It's current. It provides us with a fifteen year program for the redevelopment of the area. GL 93 6/14/84 Mr. Plummer: Answer for me. You sent out request to property owners, I think it was what I read forty-one or forty-three and that you only got back to or three responses. Would you speak to that issue please. Mr. Schwartz: We have only received a response from one property owner in the four block UMPTA area that's being acquired right now. This is the area between 6th Street and 8th Street between Northwest 1st Court and Northwest 3rd Avenue. We sent out letters to property owners. The City is abiding by an equity participation plan which was approved by the City Commission, I believe last October. In that we have asked which property owners are interested in developing and which property owners would care for assistance. Mr. Sawyer, who is a... has shown interest in developing. I be- lieve Mr. Post has indicated some interest, but has not filled the documents that we have requested. Mr. Plummer: So, in other words out of all of that... Mr. Schwartz: Out of forty-three there are only two that indicated any interest in developing. Mr. Plummer: Only two that have been interested. I there anything you want? Mr. Schwartz: We hope to have the... Mr. Hunter: Let me address another property owner. Mr. Symonette, who is here, we have been working on this thing for about three years. Proposals on how to develop, when to develop and what consideration would be given these property owners are constantly changing. Mr. Symonette and Mr. Sawyer and I represented both of these clients are interested in developing and we do _= intend to develop. It is my understanding from the research that I have done dealing with the people who are preparing suit information that they are going to condemn the entire area and then allow development in that area. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, I have a request for propos- al. Then I have a memo of from Mr. Herb Bailey to you which says "Bonus points have been added to the evalua- tion criteria which encourage and benefit developers who submit development proposals for two or more con- tiguous parcels". How can this individual compete with individuals when you are telling people that if they are going to develop the total parcel they will get bonus points which means that they are operating at a disadvantage. Secondly, on that same memo it says the minimum development program for each parcel has been deleted. So, Mr. Gary, in my opinion this says that what's in here is useless. This in my opinion contra- dicts this. What I would like to know from Mr. Bailey is how much... Ok. In parcels 24, 37 and 44 which is East of the railroad track. So, let's call that Park West and let's call anything West of the railroad track Overtown. In parcels 27, 34 and 44 you have proposed three hundred fifty units for two of them and three hundred units. In order to get three hundred fifty units on this parcel how high up would they have to go? Mr. Herb Bailey: We are proposing and those parcels, -= Commissioner, are 3.3 acres in size. -- Mr. Dawkins: Hold it. Hold it. Lot 24 according to your specifications here sir, is four acres. Lot 37 according to this, look, is 4.1 acres, sir and 44 GL 94 6/14/84 according this, sir, is 3.9 acres. Now, in order to get three hundred fifty units on four acres how high up do you have to go? Mr. Bailey: Approximately between eight and ten sto- ries. Mr. Dawkins: Eight and ten stories. Mr. Bailey: Yes. We are requesting that you have at least a maximum of a hundred units per acre and this is high density development. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Bailey, if you are going to put three hundred fifty units on an acre of land approximately how high would you have to go? Mr. Bailey: It's not on an acre, sir, on three acres. Mr. Dawkins: No, four acres. Mr. Bailey: Ok. We are talking between eight and ten stories. Mr. Dawkins: Eight to ten stories. Mr. Bailey: Yes, sir, it's highrise. Mr. Dawkins: Now, if we go up eight stories approxi- mately what would a unit cost to build? Mr. Bailey: To build? We can build... a development can be done in this area for approximately between forty-seven and fifty-two dollars per square "oot. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. So, now what... Mr. Bailey: And that's ready to move in. Mr. Dawkins: So, that rounds out to how much per unit? Mr. Bailey: Per unit? Well, first of all I think... Mr. Plummer: What's the average size unit? Mr. Bailey: The average size unit we are recommending for one bedroom eight hundred fifty square feet, two bedroom nine hundred fifty square feet and for three bedrooms ten fifty. Mr. Plummer: So, the average is nine fifty? Mr. Bailey: About nine fifty, some where in there, yes. And these are rental units. The ones that you are talking about. These are not for sale units. They are to be developed under the affordable housing pro- gram. Mr. Dawkins: 24, 37, and 44 will be rental units? Mr. Bailey: On 24, 37, and 25 will be rental units. Mr. Dawkins: See, I'm asking you, sir about 24, 37, and 44. Mr. Bailey: 44 is on mixed use and that's an option on the part of the developer to either have commercial or residential. GL 95 6/14/84 Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mr. Bailey, my problem is I do not believe that individuals whom we say will be able to afford these homes on fifty thousand dollars a year is going to be able to do it. `-- Mr. Bailey: Would be able to afford these homes on fifty thousand dollars a year income. Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mr. Bailey: They can afford them on less than that, sir. These units are designed to rent between... Mr. Dawkins: Ok. When you let the RFP I want to be sure that it's written in there what the cost of these units will be. Because you see, we are displacing... Mr. Bailey, you are displacing people who cannot afford to go no place else and the pleces that you are going to put over on that side of the track they are going to be condominiums and they are going to sell for more than fifty thousand dollars and the people whom we are sitting up here are going to afford them in my opinion will not get into them. Mr. Bailey: The price ranges will be between forty-five and sixty-five thousand dollars. Mr. Dawkins: See and yet you are telling me that I most pass a sixty-five million dollar bond. I got to pass a twenty million dollar bond and an eighteen million dollar bond to help subsidize this and the people whom you are asking to pass the bonds are not going to benefit. Mr. Bailey: That's not exactly the way it is, Commissioner. Mr. Dawkins: Well, show me where I'm in error. If I'm in error show me. Mr. Bailey: Ok. Mr. Toby Brigham: May I be heard, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, you certainly may. Mr. Brigham: My name is Toby Brigham... Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, is Commissioner Dawkins finished? Mr. Brigham: ... I represent a number of... Mayor Ferre: Oh, I'm sorry. Were you finished? Mr. Dawkins: No, sir, I'm not finished. Mayor Ferre: I'm sorry. I beg your pardon. The Commissioner was not finished. I apologize to him. Mr. Brigham: Oh, please pardon Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Bailey: I want to respond to the Commissioner's concerns. Under the affordable housing program our calculations based on the cost of construction and that's with the land being at zero cost to have a finished unit of good quality construction with a design that fits in with a Downtown living environment which we are trying have in the entire area designed for, those units that are being for rent and that's what the bond issue is for and the first GL 96 6/14/84 eleven million dollars. We have calculated that you cannot come in with a good quality unit, finish, ready to move in that can rent for less than four hundred dollars per month at a maximum of six hundred dollars per month. And I have never stated that based on the economic conditions of the existing residents that the development was going to be design so that we could match the hundred twenty-five dollars a month rent that now exist in the area. It just cannot be done on the existing building cost. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Turn to page 12 of your RFP, sir. Will you explain to me what "A, B, and C" means. You can start up there where it says in addition to. Mr. Bailey: Commissioner, I would like to have our attorney example this to you. This has involved... Mr. Dawkins: Your who? Mr. Bailey: Our attorney who is involved in this request for proposal. Robert, go ahead. If I give you the legal explanation, a layman may not be, you know,.... Mr. Dawkins: Ok. I move that this be deferred until I can sit down with all of you and come up with my answers, because I don't see how... It says here that that fifteen percent of each unit must be rented to low income and you .just told me that you are going to put highrises and I don't understand. So? I move that this be deferred until I can get with you. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Further discussion? Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Well, Mr. Mayor, let's move it to a specific d,3te so we don't have to readvertise. Mr. Dawkins: The next meeting. Mayor Ferre: The next regular meeting, next zoning meeting or what? Mr. Dawkins: Next regular meeting. Mr. Plummer: Next regular meeting, July 30th. Mayor Ferre: Now, Howard, is that doing you harm? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I would prefer since this is a matter that's dear to Commissioner Dawkins heart that we be permitted to have staff to sit down and talk with him and bring it back as soon as possible at the next meeting. Mayor Ferre: Is that all right with you, Miller? Is that all right with you? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, so then it would be to the meeting of the 28th and if not, then it will be further deferred to the 30th. Mr. Plummer: No, the 30th of July. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: It's being continued to June 28th. Mr. Gary: It's being continued to June 28th. GL 97 6/14/84 11 Mr. Plummer: No, he said the next regular. meeting, not the zoning meeting. Mr. Dawkins: Next regular scheduled meeting. with you, next regular meeting? Mr. Gary: If I would beg Commissioner... Regular That's ok Mayor Ferre: The next regular meeting is July 30th. Mr. Gary: Yes, that's the... Mayor Ferre: The next zoning meeting is... the next meeting is the 28th of June. Mr. Plummer: Which is zoning. Mayor Ferre: Now, Mr. Manager, I'm asking you so that... Mr. Gary: I am. Commissioner Dawkins, I would like to do it June 28th for the mere fact that that would make us a month and a half, because... when the next meeting is scheduled. Mr. Dawkins: I have no problem with that Mr. Manager. Mayor Ferre: All right, to June 28th, further discussion, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-639 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THE R.F.P.'S FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR THE OVERTOWN PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT, FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES TO BE LOCATED BY NINE BLOCKS, AS DESCRIBED IN GREATER DETAIL IN ITEM 8, OF TODAY'S AGENDA, PENDING A MEETING BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE STAFF AND COMMISSIONER MILLER DAWKINS; AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PUT THIS MATTER ON THE JUNE 28TH AGENDA FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo GL 98 6/14/84 38. LEGISLATIVE REPORT AND CONGRATULATIONS TO RICK SISSER, ATHALIE RANGE AND MARILYN REED FOR THE FINE WORK DONE IN THIS LAST LEGISLATIVE SESSION. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Rick Sisser, Marilyn Reed. Mrs. Range has a funeral at 5:30 and therefore, Mrs. Range, out of courtesy to you we are going to move you forward. All right, Mr. Sisser. Forget your coat, just get your silver tongue down here and give us your report. Mr. Rick Sisser: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners... would you like to give our report for us? Mr. Gary: I give you a check. Mr. Sisser: You give me a check, ok. Before you is a brief summary of the priority items that the City of Miami and it's legislative team worked on in Tallahassee this session. The two issues that I would like to bring to your attention are first in the nation issues. We were able to include all types of housing, including rental housing and the use of documentary stamp surtax which will now free up that fifteen million dollars a year that Dade County gets for rental housing. We also, were able to solve the problem with the PBA site and we have affordable housing for low and moderate income, including the elderly as part of public purpose for the City of Miami. These two issues are first in the nation issues. We also, passed the Enterprise Zone, the Convention Development Tax, the Community Redevelopment Act, the Wetlands Act which protects the City of Miami and gives us veto power under Charter 253.61, a mild growth management package which will be a priority next year. We are able to get 18.9 million dollars allocated for the Regional Service Center Building in Miami, which was a priority to the Downtown Development Authority. We are able to pass the bill that the Governor vetoed last year regarding public intoxication in the Downtown area. We will be able to rule habitual public intoxicants from the streets. We are able to kill the bill limiting our powers for bonds, State revenues and we are able to kill the bill that would overrule our rights in ordinances regarding guns and ammunition which pass the House, but we were able to kill in the Senate. Athalie Range and Marilyn Reed and I will submit a final report to you as soon as all bills are signed by the Governor and that's our report real quick. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Sisser, how long have you been retained by the City of Miami as our lobbyist? Mr. Sisser: Since 1975. Mayor Ferre: 1975. This is your ninth session? You know -- that about four or five sessions ago I was upset and sometimes critical of you even though it was more on a one to one basis than publicly. I want to tell you that in the nine years that you have been working I have... this is... you have never done any better than you have done now. Mr. Sisser: I had a lot of good help this year with Athalie and with Marilyn and we worked as a very good team. GL 99 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: And I know that they were instrumental, but I want to tell you that I personally think that you did a magnificent job of representation as a lobbyist and that you earned ever penny you made and made thousands, if not millions of dollars for the people of Miami by your representation. I want to tell you that I am so proud of Senator Meek. She.. you know, I spent half of a day the day before the session calling and changing votes on this bill. I know that if it had not been for you it would not have gotten on the floor the House, because Herb Morgan was just determined to sit on it and that thing was a dead bill and I know personally and for a fact and I wish to put it on the record that I know directly and inside that it was your efforts that greatly helped and got that on the calendar. Senate Meek did one of the most unbelievable jobs. She got a lot of credit last year and a lot of people had given her credit last year and she didn't get to much credit this year. Let me tell you as an experienced practitioner and a former member of the Florida Legislature I want to tell you that what she did this year was more significant, more difficult and more important than what she did last year and she deserves every credit that we can give her and I will tell you I want to pass a special resolution commending the Legislature and in particular Senator Meek, Senator Gordon, Senator Margolis and Representative Barry Kutun and I also want to make special mention of the fact that there were some people that for reasons that were obvious had to vote against some of these changes and we are extremely apologetic. Now, there were not too many, but there were some people that had pledged to vote against it and yet bit the bullet and I specifically want to take a special note of thanking Representative Ron Silver who had made a public statement that he had to vote against this and yet when we put a little press on him and I called on behalf of you, J. L. and behalf of all us, Miller. I said "Ron, we want this. We need this. Now, you got to do it for the City of Miami" and he said "well, you know, I have got a commitment nut to vote against this". I said "Well, you got that cured and tell them that you can't keep the commitment and come back and let us know" and he sure did it. He turned it around and I think we owe him a very very very special debt of gratitude. I would like to also, in Item 2 which is the moderate income... This is the bill that allows the City of Miami to take the PBA site and in effect what it does is for the first time in the history of the United States of America means that this meets a public purpose. Now, Dena, knows better than anybody else what an up hill battle this has been and what a great victory this is for the people of Miami. This is a first in the nation and we ought to be very proud of it. Mrs. Range, I know that you on this, on the Enterprise Zone were extremely, were very instrumental and I want to tell you that this was a major, major accomplishment for us. The Convention Development Tax that also got hardly any notice in the newspapers and for which I'm grateful, but the fact is that we turned what was a major defeat around to a major victory and we are now the masters of our own destiny in that money which we did not have before. So, that was another major accomplishment. I might point out that Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa was the real author even though he may deny it publicly, of having changed the PBA site problem around so that the City of Miami can use eminent domain powers to obtain property for the use of affordable housing for low and moderate income families. I personally took the hand written Bill that Garcia -Pedrosa wrote on a piece of paper, he didn't even have it typed and gave it to Barry Kutun. And Barry Kutun read it and said -- well we can't do this. And after a rather cold luncheon and I don't mean the food, he turned around to Ely Fineberg and he said to Ely, do you want this done? Is this important? GL 100 6/14/84 And Ely said it's important to the City of Miami. He said ok, I will do it and he did it and it was a major accomplishment. I really think that for these and all the other things that were passed... The reports that I got on Marilyn Reed on the Waterland Acts was just unbelievable. I got to tell you Marilyn, when you first went up there and you started sending me those hundred pages of hand written notes... oh, yes, you sent me stuff that thick. All these written things and all this. I said oh, my God, what is this woman going to do up in Tallahassee? But the Wetlands Act, the Growth Management, the Dade Regional. I mean, all of those important issues they could not have been handled any better. So, I wanted to say to the three of you, you make one hell of a team and I want to tell you that the City of Miami really owes a great deal to the three of you and the people of Miami for your accomplishments. So, congratulations and our deepest appreciation. 39. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED $309000,000 BOND ISSUE TO BE PLACED ON THE FALL BALLOT - PUBLIC HEARING AND CONTINUED TO JULY 30TH MEETING. Mayor Ferre: We are now on 9. All right let's proceed. Dena, is this yours 9? Who is going to present this? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, Mr. Manager... Mayor Ferre: I'm sorry, we have to start with Sergio. I am sorry. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: I'm going to be speaking in relation to the ten million dollar bonds that is before you for Little Havana. The recommendation that we are making is basically for four major projects in the Little Havana area. We are recommending that five million dollars be used for buying land in the area adjacent to the River for Riverfront revitalization. This will result in approximately four acres of land that we could then bring before the Commissioner with an RFP for the best possible development for the area. In relation to that we are recommending that two million dollars be allocated for housing, one of which will be for housing rehab that will result in appropriately two hundred multi -family units to be rehabed and the other million dollars from the two million should be... we are recommending that be used for in field housing resulting in a total of three hundred twenty units in the area shown in the memo that is before you. In addition to that we are recommending a 1.8 million dollars for the renovation of the Artime Center that will result in a community theatre with approximately seven hundred thirty unit seats and some office in the area. Finally, we are recommending in relation to the 1.2 million dollars that this amount be used for acquisition of land that would result in tandem with money spent by the Off -Street Parking Authority in approximately one hundred eighty parking spaces within the Latin Quarter area and an additional three hundred sixty parking spaces in that area in the Phase II of the project. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you a question. What I'm reading here is a twenty million dollar bond issue for Southeast Overtown. Mr. Rodriguez: The Item 9 has two parts. The first part is twenty million for Southeast Overtown and the second part is ten million for Little Havana. GL 101 6/14/84 Mr. Plummer: That's not the way that I understood.. Mr. Rodriguez: If you look at Item 9 as shown... Mr. Plummer: I'm looking at what is Item 9 in my backup. Well, I'm sorry. Mr. Rodriguez: In the package you should have two portions. The first one dealing with the twenty million and the second part with the ten million. Mr. Plummer: Ok. It was my understanding, Maurice,... Did we not discuss the fact that this thirty million dollars would be ten Liberty City, ten Overtown and ten Little Havana? Mr. Gary: No, you did not vote on that. Mr. Plummer: Oh, yes we did. Mr. Gary: No, you did not. It was twenty... Mr. Plummer: Oh, yes we did. Mr. Gary: No, you didn't. You discussed it, but nobody finalized it. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, let's go over this. Miller, where are you? You better listen to this because this is your baby. Miller Dawkins, this is your baby. You better listen. Is Demetrio around? The question Commissioner Dawkins, is and I know that there are members here that are here to speak on it for both East Little Havana. We have... Mrs. Duran is here. We have got the Little Havana Development Authority. The Chamber of Commerce. We have got representatives from different parts of the Black community. Otis, I know you are here to speak on that issue. The question is how are we going split the thirty million dollars on the bond issue. Is it thirty million dollars. The answer to that is that has not been finalized. We have not decided yet. Let me remind you of what it was that we said. The Manager originally recommended ten million dollars for Overtown. That was put on the ballot and it lost. This member of this Commission unilaterally, arbitrarily and out of the top of a hat just picked number of twenty million. It had nothing to do with Howard Gary or any member of this Commission. I just unilaterally used that number. Now, this Commission adopted that figure for twenty million dollars for Overtown. At first Howard Gary, when he and I talked said don't do that that's too much we should be more conservative, just go to ten million dollars, because that's... I said Howard, let tell you if we are going to pass this we will pass it just as easily twenty million dollars as ten million dollars. So, let's go for twenty. Subsequently to that Otis Pitts called me, Mr. Ed King of the... Ed King called me. I'm sure he called you, Miller and everybody else and we have gotten all these people... all these people started to call to say you are leaving Liberty City and Overtown is this and that. So, I said look, we are having some public hearings if you have an opinion on this Mr. Otis Pitts or Mr. Whoever, you come and express your opinion and then this Commission, Miller Dawkins and J. L. Plummer and Demetrio wherever he is and Joe who is not here this afternoon, but was here this morning, we will decide. And we will decide whether it ten or twenty or twenty or nothing. I mean we haven't decided yet. So, this is up for discussion. That's what a public GL 102 6/14/84 ............ . hearing is all about. So, the answer is this has not been decided. Now, I want to tell you where I'm at... Mr. Gary: And I would like to speak when you finish, before you conclude. Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead, I will give you your chance first. Mr. Gary: I agree with everything you said Mr. Mayor and there was one addition and that is that you asked me before we came... (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mr. Gary: I agree with everything you said, but there was one other thing that you asked me before you came to the Commission and that is could we use another ten million dollars in Overtown even thought that we should not stress that because of the bond market and I said yes, because of inflation as well as the uncertainty with regard to us selling certain bonds. And I would like to say this Mr. Mayor, and I will say it to Otis Pitts and I will say it to Ed King and I will say it to anybody else. When we were spending millions of dollars in Liberty City people in Overtown didn't say what about us, don't do it in Liberty City. I will say if this City Commission wants to do something in Liberty City add some more money, but don't take it away from Overtown. Overtown has been in a deplorable condition since the early 1960s. This community deserves not twenty million dollars, probably five hundred million dollars which we can't afford. Now, for us to now say Otis Pitts, Ed King or anybody who lives in Liberty City now to say we want money and take it away from Overtown I'm in disagreement with that. We are only with Phase I going up to 9th Street. From 9th Street back to 22nd Street it's not being serviced and Mr. Mayor, I would just urge this Commission if they decide to do something in Liberty City which also needs help don't take it away from Overtown which needs it. And I would urge Mr. Otis, Mr. Ed King that if the can't get additional money make sure you support keeping twenty million dollars for Overtown. We cannot allow for the two poor communities to divide that money because it will not have the greatest impact that it needs and if you look at any community probably in the Country, but mainly in the State Florida Overtown is the worst community. We need to put all that money in Overtown. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask this question. All right, let me ask this question. How many people that are here live in Overtown? Raise your hands. I want to see how many people... how many Overtown, not Liberty City now. Six people and we have got three kids. Mr. Plummer: Bill Perry does not live Overtown, he lives over the bridge. Mayor Ferre: All right, now... by the way I might point out that this had been probably the best attended townhall meeting we have had. I have been counting throughout the afternoon at the maximum point we had a hundred sixty-seven people here. I'm sorry to see that we only have eight Overtown residents, but I'm sure that we have had more during the day and more will come back later on. Now, the matter is a serious matter and I think it has to be properly addressed. Now, can we continue our hearing now? Do you want to conclude? Mr. Rodriguez: Basically, that represents my presentation of the ten million dollars to the Little Havana area. GL 103 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Ok, now public speakers. Otis Pitts. Line up here those of you that want to address the Commission on the bond issue. East Little Havana, Overtown, Liberty City or =- whatever thirty million dollars. Mr. Pitts. Mr. Otis Pitts: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, Mr. Manager, my name is Otis Pitts and I am the President of Tacolcy New Development Corporation. My concerns with regards to developing the Liberty City area has not been sparked by the bond issue. I think it's an issue that is well known that my organization that I'm currently the President of and the previous organization to which I was the executive director of has been concerned about the Liberty City area. I did not approach the Commission or the Mayor anyone else about taking money away from Overtown and did not use the fact that Overtown was receiving any money as the basis for Liberty City to receive any money. I simply approached !:he Mayor and other members of the Commission regarding this project because I felt that Liberty City should be included and equally needs to be developed. Unlike Overtown and I grew up at 1131 Northwest 2nd Court in the alley about a two minute walk from here. My father ran a business at 14th Street and 3rd Avenue for many years and a fish market at 20th Street and 4th Avenue. So, Overtown... I'm no stranger to Overtown. I have my roots in Overtown and my family, members of my family live here. So, I'm not at all insensitive to the needs of Overtown and I support whatever efforts are being made to develop Overtown. I just want to add, however, that the zero some gain that sometimes we have to deal with in minority communities where we can only gain if one of us loses is not what I'm about. I'm concerned about developing the community and that's the purpose that I am here today. We have spent a great deal of effort in the community to develop a set of development plans if you will or conceptual plans. They are not as detailed as we can have them with sufficient time and resources to do it. However, this effort represents the efforts of a lot of concerned citizens in our community who volunteered their time, not as a full— time effort, but away from their regular job. We are concerned about Liberty City. It was among the hottest areas hit. It is the largest Black community in Miami. In Dade County possibly and may be even in the State. And its problems are of a similar scale. I do understand the situation that Overtown is confronted with, but I must say to you that we have started an investment momentum in Liberty City on the part of some private citizens. I think that kind of thing has to be rewarded as well as an attempt to revitalize an area and that my purpose of being here today. I provided you with a development plan which we call "Town Center" and if there are any questions regarding the information that we have prepared here today, I wish direct those questions to us. Mayor Ferre: Is this your plan? Mr. Pitts: Yes, it is. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank any questions of Mr. Pitts? presentation, but this is yours. Mr. Pitts: Yes, it is. you very much. All right, I thought this was a City Mayor Ferre: Is this the Tacolcy or the Edison Economic... Mr. Pitts: Yes, this the report that we prepared for the City Commission and the Manager and also for the Planning Department and I do want to say again that the CD Advisory GL 104 6/14/84 v Board has approved the planning concept and there is broad base support in the Liberty City area for this project. This is not Otis Pitts, nor is it Ed King's project. I'm expressing . well, articulating the concerns of the community that has also since been denied. Mayor Ferre: All right, now is there anything else you want to add? All right, thank you very much, Mr. Pitts. The next speaker. Ms. Duran. Ms. Maria Elena Duran: My name is Maria Duran. I'm here as Chairman of the East Little Havana Task Force and the Task Force met to discuss and vote on the recommendations made by the Planning Department as to the expenditure of the ten million dollars in the bond issue for East Little Havana. Let me say first that the Task Force is very happy with the the bond issue and as a group and as members we plan to support it and try to get the people to vote for it. We think it's very much needed. But in analyzing the recommendations of the Planning Department I'm going to be very brief and let me just tell you that as far as the East Little Havana Task Force is concerned they would like to recommend to you that the bulk of the ten million dollars be spent on recommendations one and two mainly. That is Riverfront revitalization and housing construction and rehabilitation. On number one, Riverfront, it should be because there is an and/or, it should be both residential and commercial Riverfront development. And number two, as I said housing rehab. The people are for it and I think you have to spend the money, the bulk of the money where it's going to have the biggest multiplier affect and where it's going to make the greatest impact. The other two which is the Artime Center. It's nice, but it's not a priority, perhaps reduce it, leave five hundred thousand dollars and take the other million three hundred thousand and put it to Riverfront. And on the last, the parking, the same thing. That's basically, what the task force... Mayor Ferre: All right, let me say that I for one accept that recommendation. I do think that you have got to be... that we should be careful and not putting numbers because that is something that has to be done subsequent if this thing passes as we approach the different issues. But I think the legislative intent of the Commission is always important on the record and if that is the wish of the Committee and that's the wish of the Little Havana Development Authority and that's the wish of the Latin Chamber of Commerce that has shown leadership in this whole thing, then I for one am perfectly willing to accept that and make it part of the legislative intent of this Commission. Ms. Duran: I am speaking for the Task Force exclusively as you know. Mayor Ferre: No, I realize that. I realize that and I don't... I'm not saying that you speak for anybody else but the Task Force, but you have made a statement into the record. My only caveat is that we not put numbers to it. In other words what you are saying is that conditions one and two, that is Riverfront and housing ... was it one and three? Ms. Duran: One and two. Mayor Ferre: One and two be given preference to three and four. Ms. Duran: That's correct. GL 105 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: That doesn't mean that three and four is out, that means that one and two is given more preference. Ms. Duran: That's correct. Mayor Ferre: If you leave it at that then I think that is a proper way to couch it and we will deal with the specifics as we get to the bat. We are not at bat yet. Ms. Duran: Thank you. Mayor Ferre: And I thank you very much. Now, I'm only speaking for one person here and I thin the others have to express their position on this... on East Little Havana. Now, I have one other thing which I would like to point out Mr. Manager. Sergio, I have got to say that I think it's important the geographic distribution of those monies also be taken into account. I don't think it's fair to put all of the money on Flagler Street for example, and 8th. Nor do I think it's fair to put all of it at 12th or 17th or on River. I think that it's important that we have proper geographic distribution and I would like to also make a legislative intent into the record that it is this Commission's intent that the distribution of those monies be fairly distributed in the district and so that, you know, not eighty percent of it ends up in one 'sector of the district. Now, again, we are not specifying where, but I think that there must be an accountability before it goes into place that it be fairly distributed geographically. Now, if anybody disagrees with that speak up now. Mr. Rodriguez: The only point that I would like to make on this is that in the recommendation that we are making if we are going to have a Riverfront revitalization obviously we are going to try to concentrate in the area facing the River and if we are trying to make the best of the tremendous amount of public improvements in front of the Jose Mari Park we are trying to get our housing improvements in that area. Mayor Ferre: Sir, that is your opinion. That's fine and we thank you for expressing your opinion to us. We are very grateful for you opinion. Now, this Commission sets the policy, right? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And we are trying to get to the policy setting point. What we are saying, it is the policy of this Commission, number one, that Item 1 and 2, namely, Riverfront and housing be given more strength, more weight, more priority without putting numbers to it. And number two that there be as much as possible a distribution of fund in all four corners of this district. Now, if somebody disagrees with that as a policy matter please speak up. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: In Latin Quarter. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: No, not Latin Quarter, East Little Havana. Stop putting words in my mouth. Ok. Mr. Perez: When are we going to have the Commission meeting in Community Center? In July? GL 106 6/14/84 11 Mayor Ferre: June 28th. Mr. Perez: Huh? Mayor Ferre: June 28th. Mr. Perez: Do we have a public hearing there? Mayor Ferre: We have a public hearing there. We will be able to vote on this issue at that time. Mr. Plummer: When is that Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: On June 28th. Mr. Plummer: So, we are not going to make the second reading today. I think that you... it would be unfair to the people of Little Havana since our last meetings...since we have never had a meeting in Little Havana and since they are an affected area I think it would be fair to let them have a say before we conclude this matter. Mr. Perez: But the only thing Mr. Mayor is that... who make all these recommendations? Who works in this area, Dena Spillman of the Community Development Department? Mayor Ferre: No, there is a Committee. A Task Force headed by Maria Elena Frio Duran... Mr. Perez: Yes, no. I know the Task Force, but representing the administration, who was in the side of the administration? Mayor Ferre: The administration is headed in this study by Sergio. Mr. Perez: I think that it's important, you know, that we get a better accessibility. I think that it is ridiculous that we discuss, you know... I understand a hundred percent your point of view, but I live in Little Havana and I very familiar with the issue and I didn't have the opportunity to express the concerns of the... of the group of citizens and all... and what are the main concern in this area and I think that we have to promote an accessibility to this kind of decision in the same way that Commissioner Dawkins expressed about Overtown, I think... Commissioner Plummer also have business in Little Havana have the concern of the area and I... If we approve on first reading have to be for the second reading in order to take a final decision. Mayor Ferre: Absolutely. This is second reading, but what we are going to do Commissioner, is put off the second reading until the 28th so that the people in little Havana will also have a right to be present. Mr. Perez: Sure. Mayor Ferre: No, 28th of June. Isn't that the meeting in Little Havana? Mr. Rodriguez: It was going to be July 12th and now you move it to July 30th. Mr. Gary: So, it's the 30th now? Mayor Ferre: We cannot wait that long, huh? Mr. Perez: Why? That's a legal... GL 107 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Because of the legal constraints this has to be decided. Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, you can wait until July 30th. Mayor Ferre: We can wait until June 30th? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I mean July 30th. Mayor Ferre: I mean July 30th. That gives us August. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: You want it for November, right? Mayor Ferre: No, no, no. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: For September? Mayor Ferre: Oh, t'Liis is November, right? Mr. Rodriguez: This is November. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That's what I thought, yes. No, problem. Mayor Ferre: Ok. All right, sir. Mr. Perez: Sergio, I would like to meet with you if possible next week to discuss this whole issue. Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Jack Firestone: Mr. Mayor, Mr. Manager, Commissioners, I'm Jack Firestone. I represent Pace Concerts. I'm it's managing director. I'm here to speak in favor of the modernization of the Manuel Artime Center. That's part of the thirty million dollar bond issue. Pace supports the use of this facility. We have had many successful programs there. We would like to use the facility more, but due to it's limited seating capacity and it is now under utilized. We hope that the bond issue will contain the modernization of the Community Center and we feel that it will help its utilization. It was help the delivery of services into the community and we would like to support the concept of neighborhood performing art centers like the Manuel Artime Center. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. All right, next speaker. Yes, sir. Mr. Stuart Merkin: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, I'm Stuart Merkin. I'm Chairman of Community Development Advisory Board and I'm here to speak really about two things. Number one, how the... let me just give you some background. 2.9 million dollars came to the City for community development recently. Staff recommended that the bulk of the funds be divided half going to the King Heights area and the other half going into East Little Havana. At our meeting and given the fact that we are going under the assumption that twenty million dollars is going to Overtown in the bond issue, ten million dollars is going to East Little Havana which probably is a good idea. It can be promoted as a core area around the central Downtown area that the entire allocation of the two million, 2.9 million which is actually going to turn out to be 1.7 million because there is certain other expenditures some for social programs. But the 1.7 million instead of being divided up between East Little Havana and King Heights all go into the King Heights area. This because we know that there is going to be displacements from Overtown and we also know that there is probably going to be overlap in the East Little Havana area with the ten GL 108 6/14/84 million dollars. I think this would fit very well with Otis Pitts's recommendation because the King Heights area is well within the confines of the area that he is interested in. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Merkin, thank you. Let me just say on behalf of the Commission that you should not make any assumptions until this matter is concluded and you know the old saying "It ain't over until the fat lady sings" and I just want you to know it ain't over until the fat lady sings. All right, sir. Mr. David Perkins: My name is David Perkins. I'm of Culmer Overtown. In the last fifteen or twenty years in this Culmer Overtown when these organizations have been coming before you all and down before other Commissioners begging for these funds, budgets, and grants and loans and talking about redeveloping and remodeling up in this Overtown so far five percent within the last thirty years in Overtown has been put there and within the last fifteen years when those grants, budgets, funds, and loans get there they still don't put it in Overtown. Up on you so called planners and these redevelopment planners that has been coming before you all after these grants the poor people and the Black of this Overtown has been railroaded, lied and discriminated behind these meetings. They are away setting up these meetings in Overtown talking about helping, remodeling and fixing up within the community, then they come back before you all with a motion request further assistance. You all have been granting them these assistance, but they are not putting them out there. May I ask you where within the last fifteen years have this has this 87.7 million dollars that went through these so called redevelopment planners concerning Overtown? Can you give one good conclusion? If you cannot I can answer them, right where each penny has gone, because I have done private research investigation under certain organizations that have been talking about redeveloping in Overtown and has not. Here within the last few years they sent out of town and got another so called Black leader to help do some so called redeveloping in this Park West section to help them to get richer and push more Blacks out of Overtown. And it is getting outrageous because Blacks cannot receive a job, businesses or any type of homes in this Overtown. Now, I would like for you all conclusion on that. Can you give any good conclusion? I would like one good conclusion. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Manager, may we have your answer to the solution? Mr. Gary: I will come back with a report on the second meeting in July. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Perkins, he will be back at the second meeting with a report. Mr. Perkins: Well, I will be here. Mayor Ferre: All right, sir, thank you very much. Next. Mr. Luis Sabines: (SPEAKS IN SPANISH). Mr. Odio: (TRANSLATES FOR MR. SABINES). My name is Luis Sabines, Executive Vice President of CAMACOL. CAMACOL is in agreement with everything they want to do next to the River, but what I don't agree upon is that they will eliminate the parking that the businessmen also need parking spaces sr) they can park their... the customers can park there. That's all he wants to say. GL 1O9 6/14i84 (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE). Mr. Odio: Speaks in Spanish. (BACKGROUND COMMENT IN SPANISH) Mr. Wilfredo Gort: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, my name is Wilfredo Gort. My family had a business at 1602 Southwest 8th Street for the last twenty sum years. We have been working the Latin Quarter Concept for quite a long time now and that seems like it's going to become a reality. I think we all are in agreement here on the issues of the housing, of the Riverfront, but at the same time parking like Mr. Sabines said a little while ago is of great important to the Little Havana area specially if we are going to develop it. At the same time the theatre is very important for that area to attract the people back into it. If we don't have the type of amenities to bring people into our area it would not work. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: I thank you, Mr. Gort. Any questions? All right. Ms. Hilda Rodriguez: I'm Hilda Rodriguez with the Little Havana Development Authority and we have stated this before the Commission before and we definitely need parking in the Little Havana area. That's one of the main problems with the businesses in the Little Havana area and unless we add that issue we can't do any more developments in that area. Mayor Ferre: I think you very much. This Commission has gone on record as supporting the recommendations, but with emphasis one and two so that... but that does not do any damage to three and four. All right, go ahead. Ms. Bernice Pierson: My name is Bernice Pierson. I'm the Director of the Black Archives History Research Foundation and I'm here in the audience with the bond issue and we are working in conjunction with the City with the historic buildings Overtown and Kimberly Parker will tell you about this. Mayor Ferre: Thank you, Ma'am. Ms. Kimberly Parker: My name is Kimberly Parker. I'm an attorney represent the Archives and the Archives is working in conjunction with the City of Miami to establish a historic village which is at the terminus of the 9th Street Mall. It's a project that will combine economic development with some preservation of existing structures to add a favor and a purpose for pedestrians to cross the 9th Street Mall over to the Overtown side instead of concentrating all their efforts on the bayside. It will act as a interfacing for the existing Overtown community with the new development and it will heighten the awareness of Black culture and Black history for everyone who is in the Miami area. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you, Ma'am. Rev. Rolle: Good evening Mayor and Commissioners. I'm Reverend Rolle. I'm one of the Overtown supporters of the bond issue and I just want to register my support. I'm also a member of the Overtown Advisory Board and I was just looking for my Chairman who I thought ought to be here speaking for us in support of the bond issue and the other programs. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Thank you Reverend. Anybody else? GL 110 6/14/84 Mr. Octavio Blanco: Yes, Mr. Mayor. - Mayor Ferre: Mr. Blanco. Mr. Blanco: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, I believe that only it was you and Commissioner Plummer when the City bought the property down there where Manuel Artime is today. We spent a lot of time and a lot negotiations to buy that piece of property there. I ask you please don't forget that that was about only with the purpose not to have a church down there, to have a theatre. Let's finish this project that we got there and don't forget it. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. I support that too. All right, anything else? All right, what is the will of this Commission? Mr. Plummer: Continue this item until the 28th. Mayor Ferre: The motion is that this item be continued... Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry. I'm told to July 30th. Mayor Ferre: July. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: You want to do it in Little Havana. Mayor Ferre: When is the meeting in Little' Havana. July 30th? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: July 30th. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion, call the roll. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 10 was deferred to July 30, 1994. 40. DISCUSSION ITEM: $35,000,000 PARKS AND RECREATION BOND ISSUE FOR FALL BALLOT. Mayor Ferre: Now, 11 we have to do. 11 has to be done now, because that September. That's the $35,000,000 Parks and Recreation Facility Bonds. Does anybody wish to speak to the parks bond issue? Does any member of the public here wishing to address this Commission on the parks bond issue? I don't think we need a full discussion from the staff. We have heard it... I have heard it at least five times. Yes, sir. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, 11 has actually been adopted by the Commission. What you are seeking is input from the public. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see. Ok. Item 11... Mr. Dawkins: Has been adopted but it also...I have some comments and I should make them again now and those comments are, we do not have personnel manning the present facilities that we have and now we are going to take thirty-five million dollars and add more facilities. Now, my question to the administration is, where is the manpower to make GL 111 6/14/84 these facilities that we are going to vote on serviceable? — See everybody keeps coming to me and saying I'm anti -bond. I am not anti -bond. What I am anti is not getting the _ service. Now, you have got every park in the City with one individual in it. In fact and... where is Mr. Odic? Mayor Ferre: Cesar, we want you to translate now. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: How many parks do we have, sir? Mr. Odio: One hundred four. Mr. Dawkins: All right, and in those one hundred four how many pers:>ns are in each park to maintain them? Mr. Odio: Let me break down the one hundred four parks. We have forty-seven that are active parks. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. Mr. Odio: Not all of them are manned. The average comes out to one per park. Mr. Dawkins: One per park. And you would say that the average park is approximately how many acres?. Mr. Odio: I would... ten to twelve. Mr. Dawkins: Ten to twelve average. Mr. Odio: Because you have a Hadley Park that has thirty acres. Mr. Dawkins: Yes. I just want the average. Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: So, what we are saying is that we have got one man who is supposed to keep clean ten acres or twelve acres of land. How many recreational persons do we have at these forty-seven parks? Mr. Odio: Well, one. Mr. Dawkins: One. So, all I'm saying is it's fine for us to have these facilities, but these facilities are useless if we do not have people in them to help make them serviceable. That's all. Mr. Odin: Yes, sir. You won't get an argument from me on that. I agree with you. Mr. Dawkins: That's all. Ok. Mr. Al Howard: If I may just add Commissioner. one of the things that the bond program will do is improve some worn out facilities where we really don't need the maintain that we are spending now. We have lights that you turn them on and half of them go off the first night or we have to send people out there to repair them daily. We have buildings that takes constant maintain. As you know the pools were all built between 1950 and 1953• So, it takes more man hours of maintenance. The Bond Program is really going to save us time of man hours. A tremendous number of hours and that's one of the advantages that we will have accomplished. Mr. Dawkins: Ok. That's for facilities. See, but you still aren't hearing me Mr. Howard and what I'm saying Mr. GL 112 6/14/84 Howard is this, if you have got forty youngster playing in a park and you have got basketball, a football field, a tether ball and... it's impossible for one individual to provide the guidance that's necessary. It's not your fault. It's our fault up here. See, we kept laying off people in recreation and hiring policemen. See, that's not your... see, it's no reflection on you. It's the Commission. See, we have laid off all the recreation people to hire policemen. See, but yet now you want me to give better facilities. So, now what you have got to tell me is that we are going to put some people back in them. If not, then there is no since in passing the bond issue. Mr. Odio: No, but please support the bond issue first. Mr. Dawkins: Oh, I support the bond issue wholeheartedly. Mr. Odio: So, that we can fix the parks and then we can put the people. Mr. Dawkins: Well, I support the Bond issues wholeheartedly. Ok. Mayor Ferre: All right, sir. Anybody else wishes to speak on Item 11 and 127 If not we have a request by Mrs. Betty Graham that the matters dealing with the CD amendment... ------------------------------------------------------------- 41. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: ALLOCATE $15,000 AS SEED FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF CULTURAL ACTIVITIES PROVIDED BY THE PERFORMING ARTISTS GUILD ENSEMBLE, INC. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: We also have Will Baskins who has to teach a class at 6:00 P.M. Is Will Baskins still here? All right, come on up Mr. Baskins. This Item 85 and you have got to do it very quickly. Mr. Will Baskins: It's on the Consent Agenda. Mr. Plummer: What Item? Mayor Ferre: Consent Agenda 85. It formalizes the... All right, Commissioner Dawkins moves 85, Plummer seconds, further discussion? Call the roll on 85. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-640 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $15,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS: QUALITY OF LIFE, AS SEED FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF CULTURAL ACTIVITIES PROVIDED BY THE PERFORMING ARTIST GUILD ENSEMBLE, INC. FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID AGENCY, SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) GL 113 6/14/84 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- _ AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ----- ------ --- ------ ------------------------------- 42. COMMISSION GOES ON RECORD AND CONTINUES TO FUND EXISTING PROGRAM IN THE HAITIAN COMMUNITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,0009 ETC. ----------------------- ------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, now, Mrs. Graham, step right up please. Mrs. Graham. Yes, Ma'am. Mrs. Graham: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, I sit on the CD Board and I just wanted to have permission for the Chairperson to address the agenda item. Mayor Ferre: You have it Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Graham: My concern is Item 13 perso„ally. Mr. Stuart Merkin: Ok. Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, I'm back as Chairman of the Community Development Advisory Board. Mayor Ferre: Is this Item 61? Mr. Merkin: 46 and 61. Mayor Ferre: 46 and 61. Go ahead. Mr. Merkin: Concerning the 2.9 million dollars that came down to the City. I said before what the staff recommendation was as far as the various allocations were concerned. What the Board proposed was the following reallocation; instead of dividing the 1.7 million dollars or so and I say or so because there is a difference because there is some that's going to administration that. Between East Little Havana and King Heights the recommendation was to have it all go into King Heights. We felt in addition to what I said before about the relationship with the bond issue that it would be better to put it into one area and see some real results. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but you know, I find that to be highly unfair in this sense that you are an assumption that that bond issue is going to pass in November. What happens if that bond issue doesn't pass? Mr. Merkin: We are still looking to get one area and we are going to be able to see some real results instead of the shotgun approach that we have had before. After program administration for approximately five hundred fifteen thousand dollars the recommendation was that four hundred thirty-five thousand dollars go into social services, three hundred thousand dollars allocated to twenty percent GL 114 6/14/84 increase for each agency and a hundred thirty-five thousand dollars for program contingencies. In addition to that there is a two hundred ninety-four thousand dollar amount for overall contingencies not related to social programs. Also, there were two additional recommendations of board members . One, that the Athalie Range Park on Northwest 62nd Street be refurbished for two hundred thousand dollars, hopefully. And incidentally Mr. Mayor, the Community Development Board is going to be behind the bond issue and we will be organizing to help promote it in the coming months before the vote and that's for two hundred thousand dollars. And in addition that the Roberto Clemente Park be closed down because of the recurring crime in the area and this was from a women who lives near there. She has been saying that for the last year. Hopefully, the bond issue is going to take care of that. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. You are saying that the park be closed? Mr. Merkin: The consensus from the Wynwood area was that it would be better for that park to be closed rather than what goes on there. Mayor Ferre: Please, because I think you are... you made an amazing statement. The park now is a baseball field and there is a refurbished and air conditioned recreation room with bathrooms in the back. Now, what you are saying that goes on there I assume what you mean is the sale and purchase of drugs? Mr . Merkin: Right . Mayor Ferre: You mean to tell me that you think that if you close down the park the kids that are out there peddling drugs are going to stop peddling drugs and the people that are out there drugs are going to stop buying drugs. Mr. Merkin: Well, according to Dorthy Quintona who made the recommendation and she is from the Wynwood... Mayor Ferre: Is that who is your... you gained this recommendation from Dorthy Quintona? Mr. Merkin: That the area... that the park right now and I have been there at night, she has and she said the area right now is in a deplorable condition as far as the drugs are concerned. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but Mr. Chairman, see what you have to understand is those kids are peddling drugs on the streets all over and they do it in the park area. That's true, but you say shut down the park. I mean, what does that accomplish? You think the kids aren't going to go in and sell drugs there behind baseball... the wall, you know, and buy. Mr. Merkin: Well, then put a fence around it and close it down at night. Mayor Ferre: They will go in front of the fence. I mean, in other words that's like saying you know, we don't have enough food to feed the hungry and we are only feeding five hundred them when we need to feed five thousand so let's shut it down. Mr. Merkin: Well, that's not an exact analogy. In any event she is very concerned and the consensus from Wynwood was that something be done about the park. hopefully the bond issue is going to take care of that. GL 115 6/14/84 Mr. Merkin: Mayor Ferre: Mr. Merkin: The bond issue that's coming up in September. Oh, you mean for the parks. The parks bond issue. Mayor Ferre: Let me say to you so we understand each other and I mean this with all due respect to Mrs. Quintana. Mrs. Quintana sometimes is in agreement with the majority of the community and sometime she is in total disagreement with the majority of the community. and just because Mrs. Quintana feels that way it doesn't me that that's the way the people of Wynwood feel, Mr. Merkin: I will relay that to her. Mayor Ferre: You can tell her and you quote me. Mr. Merkin: Thank you very much , Mayor. Thank you, Commissioners. Mayor Ferre: All right, sir. Anybody else wish to speak on this item? Yes, Ma'am. Go right ahead Ma'am. Ms. Bernice Pierson: Bernice Pierson, Director of Black Archives and I'm here in favor of this issue that Kimberly Parker will tell you more about. Ms. Kimberly Parker: My name is Kimberly Parker. I represent the Black Archives. The Black Archives has requested from Community Development that a portion of these funds be used to support the second year of the background research for the development program for the historic village project. Now, for this year Dade County has supported the feasibility study which is being done at this time and we expect it to be finished in late Summer. We have had a little bit of a hold up on that, but it covers the first block of the Village Project has been expanded to cover two blocks now and we would appreciate additional support for the second year to do a more detail architectural engineering analysis. A study regarding the ownership and operation of the various structures in the village project and a further detailed analysis of the second block that has recently been added to the project which would then have it on either side of the 9th Street Mall. That is from 8th Street to 10th Street as opposed to the original design which was from 9th Street to 10th Street. Ms. Mary Smith: I'm Mary Smith from Christian Community Service Agency and I'm here to speak to Item 61, Community Development Authorizing the City Manager to apply for supplemental funds. We are particularly concerned about services in the Overtown and other Black communities within the City in terms of some of the churches that have come to us offering to do community service in terms of food cooperatives and people in the community who have become part of that process. And we are also concerned with what's going on in East Little Havana where we have a center and have been working on basic survival services and employment. CCSA has been in the community, this is our 20th year. We are running services throughout the County, but in the City in terms of employment and survival these are critical areas that we need the City's help for. We originally put in a request to community Development for forty-five thousand. We have been able to reduce that to thirty because we have secured more church funds. I do have some people here from GL 116 6/14/84 those two specific communities to say more about their needs. Mayor Ferre: All right, Ms. Spillman would you... Dena, would you answer Mrs. Smith in her specific request or do you have other speaks you want to address the issue first? Mrs. Smith: I would prefer the speakers address the issue. Mayor Ferre: All right, go ahead. Yes, Ma'am. Ms. Bettina Rod-Inelan: Yes, I'm Bettina Rod-Inclan. I work with Citizen Services of the County Manager's Office and we work very closely with the Christian Community Services and I would like to say that they do provide a wonderful service to the community many times when none of the other services have been able to assist. So, I do think that you should consider the funding towards them. Mayor Ferre: Was this a County funded... Did CCSA fund, Ms. Smith... Mrs. Smith: We have multiple funding where united way agency received twenty percent of our funds from the church, other government... Mayor Ferre: Have you been reduced in the last year by any of these agencies? Mrs . Smith: Well , a lot of our national church grants are from year to year and they are not always to the extent thGt keeps our level of service going. Mayor Ferre: I'm talking about the United Way and Metropolitan Dade County. Mrs. Smith: United Way specifically gave us an increase last year to help keep the level of service going and Dade County has helped us this year with the two centers we are talking about today to help with court diversion and to help with employment services, yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you. Reverend. Mr. Ronald Fox: Mr. Mayor, I'm Ronald Fox from Christ Episcopal Church and we have been on the benefactors of a grant from the CCSA in which we have fed a number of people. We issued food voucher to them and we come to ask for some money to start a food co-op development. The old saying that you teach a person how to fish then he can provide food for his family forever. This is what we are in the process of trying to do. We plan to establish three more food co- ops. One in Overtown, Liberty City and one in Coconut Grove. We also are asking for fifteen thousand dollars for job development, for counseling and for Hispanics and emergency relief. I have been working with them a little over almost two years now and I found that they have been doing a tremendous job in the community. Mayor Ferre: All right, any further speakers Ms. Smith? Mrs. Smith: Unless you want me to talk to Ms. Spillman on specifics. Mayor Ferre: Well, you see as you know we have a Committee and we have a staff. The staff has recommended. The Committee has reviewed. They have recommended. And you are now telling us that you want funding right? Mrs. Smith: Right. GL 117 6/14/84 � writs= Mayor Ferre: And you are asking for thirty thousand dollars? Mrs. Smith: Correct. Mayor Ferre: They are recommending against that as you know and so I would ask Ms. Spillman if she had anything she wants to add and then I would ask you who you want us to take it away from, because that's what it amounts to. I mean, we only have... It isn't the question of making the pie bigger. It's a question of who gets what portion of the pie. That's why we have a community based organization that has well distributed membership and is well managed and well run by a very efficient Chair and you have heard the Chair's recommendation. So, Dena, to you and to Mr. Merkin if you want to address the issue. Ms. Spillman: First of all we are not in a position to recommend any new social service programs under this additional money which I will get into and this is a new program. It happens to be a good program, but it's also new and there is a lot of good new programs. How much money do you get from Dade County? Mrs. Smith: Thirty thousand. Ms. Spillman: If I could just take a minute and go through this, what we have recommended to you is we did have an additional 2.9 million dollars that we got from HUD added to our CD grant this year and what we are recommending to you first is that all our social service agencies funded under CD get a ten percent increase. They have not received any increases, no cost of living and they are really in a bad position and we recommending that they be granted a small increase. We are recommending that the bulk of the funds be split between East Little Havana and the King Heights Model Cities neighborhood for two redevelopment projects which fit in directly with what Otis Pitts was talking about as well as what the City has proposed in East Little Havana. This is not a duplication. We also are recommending that two hundred thirty thousand dollars be used to pick up funding that was dropped to the City which was funding our City wide handicapped program. If we don't pick this up then we are going to have to find that money from the general fund or another source and I don't think it's available. The funds are outlined for you on Page 3 of the memo. I think the best thing I can do is answer questions. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, if I might and this is very important. We were informed yesterday that we were going to lose nine hundred thousand dollars from Federal Revenue Sharing. As you can deliberate on this matter you may want to consider nine hundred thousand of those 2.9 million dollars to offset the nine hundred thousand dollars that we are going to lose FRS for those social service programs that will be affected. I think that's important in terms of your deliberation. Mr. Dawkins: Ms. Spillman, I asked the CAA since they have many of their units within the City of Miami, I asked them to come and see if they could get funds. Did they apply to you for any funding? Ms. Spillman: No, sir, they did not. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, further statements or questions? If not, what's the will... GL 118 6/14/84 Mr. Dawkins: We got one more to go. Mayor Ferre: Oh, yes, go ahead Mr. Despinosa. - Mr. Jacque Despinosa: My name is Jacque Despinosa with the Haitian American Youth Development. Last year we received ten thousand dollars from the City of Miami for our youth program and with many of staff working volunteer we have taken care of over one hundred children. We did send a report in the financial report to the Board and send every- thing back to the Commission so they can review it. But we have been working for approximately more than over two months from park recreation and going down you know, with Community Development. We were asking for forty-four thou- sand dollars to fund the program for hundred fifty kids. So far they cut it down to thirty-eight thousand six hundred fifty and Mrs. Francena Brooke and Mike has been working very hard with us. We do all the necessary things. There is no other existing youth program in the Haitian community and those kids you see here are not Haitian kids. They are coming from various ethnic groups. They are not only Haitian. Plus, in fact those kids will be the future of this Country. I think it's about time we gave them a fair share. It's not the first time I'm coming for the same situation. All I'm having is come back and come back and come back never no response. Only one money. we have right now on hand is two thousand dollars we received from the Miami Herald. What can we do with it with one hundred fifty children? I was working with Francena Brooke you know for... Mayor Ferre: Ms. Spillman, wasn't this recommended? Aren't they funded now? Ms. Spillman: No, they are not. Mayor Ferre: How much money did they get last year? Ms. Spillman: They had previously received ten thousand dollars from the City, yes, but not from Community Develop- ment. Mayor Ferre: All right, where did they get this money, the ten thousand from? Are you going to recommend the same funding this year from the same source? I will tell you what let me... Ms. Spillman: With the Summer Youth Employment Program from the Parks Department from which got... Mayor Ferre: Let me simplify it for your Dena, Mr. Dawkins, I would move that the City of Miami go on record that we will fund this existing ongoing ten thousand dollar program for the Haitian community and you worry about where it comes from. Now, I don't have any objections that ten thousand dollars comes from the two million nine hundred thousand extra dollars that we go from the Federal Government this year. Mr. Dawkins: I second. Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Chairman would you call the roll. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. GL 119 6/14/84 j IIC AAJ1.AA1iYA1JE'j ..n _ 1UL l vV u�.cV AJy V''IIAl111JJi'�U— er Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-641 A MOTION THAT THE CITY COMMISSION GOES ON RECORD THAT WE WILL CONTINUE TO FUND THE EXISTING PROGRAM IN THE HAITIAN COMMUNITY IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000; SUCH DOLLARS TO COME FROM THE $2,9449000 EXTRA WHICH WERE ALLOCATED TO THE CITY OF MIAMI BY THE THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF H.U.D. DUE TO THE INCREASE GRANTED PURSUANT TO THE OFFICE OF THE CENSUS DATA. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo FURTHER DISCUSSION: Ms. Kimberly Parker: My name is Kimberly Parker. I would like to just briefly add some clarification to my previous statement. The Historic Overtown Village Project has been turned down for funding at Dade County for the next fiscal year and we had previously made an application to Community Development for seventy-five thousand dollars for this project which was turned down. We have resubmitted the same application to Ms. Spillman for this round in hopes that we might get funded. Otherwise, the village project will come to a stand still. Thank you. 43. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORD. 9834, APPROPRIATE AND ADDITIONAL 5,479,910 TO EXISTING TRUST & AGENCY FUND ENTITLED: "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT - 10TH YEAR". ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, anything else? Are we ready to vote? (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mayor Ferre: On Item 46. Mr. Manager, do you want to say into the record that you recommend Item ---is it forty-six? Mr. Gary: 46 and 61. Ms. Spillman: 46 is the ordinance which accepts the funds and the 61 is the resolution which authorizes the Manager to submit the application. There is two items. Mayor Ferre: On first reading. Ms. Spillman: The ordinance is first reading. GL 120 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, into the record. This has your =- recommendation? Mr. Plummer: I second the motion. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, this has your recommendation? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, it's been moved and seconded, further discussion, read the ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9834 ADOPTED MAY 10, 1984, BY APPROPRIATING THE ADDITIONAL TOTAL SUM OF $5,479,910 TO THE EXISTING TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (10TH YEAR)" IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: THE SUM OF $2,169,910 FROM PREVIOUS YEARS' COMMUNI- TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS (THIRD THROUGH NINTH YEAR); THE SUM OF $371,000 FROM ANTICIPATED CDBG1 PROGRAM INCOME; AND AN ADDITIONAL TENTH YEAR CDBG ALLO- CATION OFF $2,944,000, FOR THE EXECUTION OF APPROVED GRANT ACTIVITIES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY PROVISION. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. ---- --- ---- - ---- ----------- ---- --- ------ ----- - -- --- ---- --- -- 44. SUBMIT ATTACHED ADDENDUM FOR APPROVED GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (H.U.D.) FOR INCREASED FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $29944.00. -- -- ----------- --- - -- ------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Companion bill 61. Dawkins moves, Plummer seconds, further discussion. The Manager recommends 2.9 million application from Federal Government. Call the roll. GL 121 6/14/84 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-642 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG- ER TO SUBMIT THE ATTACHED ADDENDUM FOR THE APPROVED GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATE- MENT TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) REQUESTING INCREASED FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,944,000 FOR THE CITY'S PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DURING 1984-85; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, UPON APPROVAL OF SAID ADDENDUM, TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AND NEGOTIATE THE NECESSARY IMPLEMENTING CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omit- ted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo - --------------------------------------------------- 45. MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF COM- PLETED WORK BY P.N.M. CORPORATION FOR THE "BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I, H-4475". ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Now, Mr. Manager, I think we were on 13. Is there anybody here on 13? Yes, Ma'am. All right, Mrs. Graham. Mr. Manager, the Chair recognizes you on 13. Mrs. Betty Graham: Mr. Mayor,... Mayor Ferre: No, no, Mrs. Graham, get the Manager to make a statement. This is accepting the completed award of P.N.M Corporation for a total of a million bucks for the Buena Vista Highway Improvement. Are you recommending Mr. Manag- er? Mr. Gary: Yes, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: This is a hundred twelve thousand hundred twenty-nine ninety-nine cents as final payment. Ok. Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Graham: My reason for appearing here this afternoon Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, is that since this is being approved for payment... Mayor Ferre: Final payment. GL 122 6/14/84 Mrs. Graham: Final payment, I think that someone from the Roads Department or Public Works should be able to come out and see the area adjacent to my home that's being washed away since we have had these torrential rains and since I'm being accessed for that I certainly would not agree for you to make that recommendation. It is new pavement and it's being washed away. Mr. Dawkins: I move that this be deferred until someone goes out and reports back to us. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion and a second that final payment be withheld until there is an inspection and report back to the Commission by Mr. rather. Yes, Mr. Cather. Mr. Cather: I have spoken to Mrs. Graham today and shf, informed me of this problem and I intend to go out there and get it corrected completely,... Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. Mr. Cather: I have spoken to Mrs. Graham today and she in- formed me of this problem, and I intend to go.out there and get it corrected �.ompletely, but I would like to point out to the Commission that P.N.M. has had this item for up for final payment since P.arch, and I would like to have check which I will personally withhold the check until this work is redone to my satisfaction and to her satisfaction and then we won't have to hold them up for another three months in final payment. Mr. Plummer: The only problem is you are asking us to vote to our satisfaction. Mr. Dawkins: If their work did not hold up, the check should be held up. If there is reason to doubt that they did not perform, then we shouldn't pay them. Mr. Cather: That is correct, exactly what I said, sir. I want to have authorization for final payment so that when they correct the work, that we can pay them. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I recommend that this item be contin- ued until we can determine whether this allegation is cor- rect or not. Mayor Ferre: All right, this item is continued until the 28th day of this month. Mrs. Graham: My home is located at 298 N. W. 48th Street, and I have a corner lot. I have to pay for the park in front of my home and on the side, and both of these areas are being washed away by torrential rain. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll on the continuation. GL 123 6/14/84 The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Dawkins, who moved its adoption: - MOTION NO. 84-643 A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED WORK RENDERED BY P.N.M. CORPORATION FOR THE BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT, PHASE I/H-4475 PENDING RESOLUTION OF PROBLEMS BETWEEN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND THE CON- TRACTOR. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: NONE ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. -------- --- --------a-a------ - - -------------------------- - --- 4 6. INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER TO MEET WITH A GROUP KNOWN AS THE "PALACE PLAYERS" IN THEIR REQUEST FOR THE USE OF THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM FOR THE STAGING OF MUSICAL PLAYS AND EVENTS FOR THE EVENTUAL ISSUANCE OF R.F.P.'S, ETC. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item 23. Go ahead. Paul Hollenbach, President of the Palace Players. Yes, sir. Mr. Paul Hollenbach: Honorable Mayor Ferre and Commission- ers, my name is Paul Hollenbach and I live at 2621 Noc-a-tee Drive, Coconut Grove, Florida. I am here repre- senting Palace Players, Inc., which is based at 1930 N. E. 2nd Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Palace Players Incor- porated would like to convert the City of Miami Marine Sta- dium into the City of Miami Marine Theatre. We would like to present the popular Broadway musicals year around on a spectacular scale. They can use a use a legitimately trained talent, live orchestra, water ballet, dancing water curtains, fireworks finale, simulcast in several languages with national television coverage; in addition to presenting and recording live presentations of shows, orchestras, water shows, boat races, pageants, contests, sports and other forms of entertainment. We would like to make the City of Miami Marine Theatre available for various studio type pro- ductions, meetings and conventions. It is my understanding that the City of Miami is presently entertaining the idea of placing the City of Miami Marine Stadium out for bids, ei- ther through a Request for Proposals or -Unified Development Project. I am here today requesting, Number 1, that a mo- tion be passed that the City of Miami Marine Stadium be sent out for bids locally though a Unified Development Project, one time one time for as short a period of time as permit- ted by law, and two, that our comprehensive entertainment package or concept, be approved in principle. I would like to take a moment to explain our request for a Unified Devel- opment Project one time, for a short a period of time as permitted by law. We have assembled a group of profession- als in all areas to assure that the success of this project. In doing so, we have gathered a large percentage of the o- riginal theatrical staff from the Jones Beach Marine Theatre GL 124 6/14/84 in New York. These professionals understand the fine art of staging musical extravaganzas with aquatic accompaniment at night on the water under the stars. We also have the former manager of the Chicago Symphony. We cannot expect these people to wait endlessly; we are therefor asking for swift and prompt action from the City of Miami. Continuing on, we feel that the creation of the City of Miami Marine Theatre with a capacity of 6,500 people would Number one, create jobs in a period of high unemployment; two, generate tax revenue; three, nationally promote Miami and South Florida in a positive manner; four, belief from the City making full utilization of a public facility; five, entice tourists in- ternationally, nationally and locally to come to Miami and South Florida; entice tourists in Orlando to continue on to Miami; seven, add to the quality of life through cultural and educational experiences; eight, attract endowments from the Federal Government for the Performing Arts; nine, pro- vide an educational opportunity for locally aspiring talents to develop; ten, encourage community involvement through monetary grants and volunteer labor from the private sector; eleven, tie in with the existing attractions and propose new projects in the Miami area; and twelve, make the performing arts financially available to all. In closing, I would like to make the City Commissioners aware that the City of Miami and Palace Players, Inc. have collectively received numerous letters. At this point, we have 306 of them in support of the project from a wide cross-section of the Miami communi- ty. We at Palace Players, Inc. feel that these letters of endorsement from prominent Miami citizens, business people, and businesses alike, reflect the posture of the Miami com- munity at large. If there are any people left in the audi- ence, we would like them to stand if they are here in sup- port of this project. I think we have lost most of our peo- ple. I do know that Mr. Robert Wright and Mr. George For- rest are in the audience. These two gentlemen are the crea- tors of such famous musicals as Kismet, Song of Norway, and the Great Waltz. These two gentlemen are also Miami citi- zens, and Mr. Wright would like to come forward and to make a statement concerning the City Miami Marine Theatre. Mayor Ferre: All right, sir. Mr. Robert Wright: Good Afternoon Mr. Mayor and Commission- ers and City Manager. I want to make it clear that I am speaking only on behalf of my partner, Mr. Forrest and my- self and as friends and long time residents of Miami. As some of you know, I came here at age 4, and that was in 1918. We were educated in the Miami School System and went from here to Metro Goldwyn Mayor in Hollywood and have been all over the world in the theatre since. We have done 57 motion pictures, 16 shows, a great many things working in and out of the theatre, not only inside, but outside. Our musical have been performed in Jones Beach, for two years the Song of Norway; our version of the motion picture The Firefly, back in 1940. It was done in the Hollywood Bowl. Some of our shows have been floated down the Thames in honor of the Queen Elizabeth coronation. All of these are facts, and I speak only as a friend of a good idea and an idea that I think the time has come. My partner and I have no associ- ation with these gentlemen. They presented their idea to us and I said "This is a wonderful idea! - a marvelous idea! Miami has the water that no other theatres in the world has. Miami has the sky line. Miami has all of these wonderful things." Mayor Ferre; Mr. Manager, sistant City All right, Mr. Hollenbach, all right, sir. do you stand by the recommendation of the As - Manager, Randy Rosencrantz stated May 8th? GL 125 6/14/84 (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENT NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: No, the recommendation is that he should not be discouraged from pursuing this venture, but that it is premature and that he should come back with a proposal to utilize the facility and that he has solid financial back- ing` (INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENT) Mayor Ferre: All right, sir now, Mr. Hollenbach - just to get right to the heart of this issue and just to expedite matters. Let me tell you that I too agree that the summer theatre at Jones Beach and the many other similar types of productions have been exciting and major additions to the New York and other metropolitan areas that did those. You have an impressive number of letters here from important people that we high regard: Saul Geltman, Woody Wisner, Danny Lefton, Carl Fascchauer and George Gill, Pietro Nuti, Tibor Hollo, Harvey Rosenthal, Steve Sonnabend of the Sonesta Hotel and so on.. That is very nice and I think we all agree. It is a great idea. Its time has come. Now, I would like to move at this time, Mr. Manager, that you be instructed that as soon as these gentlemen present to you reasonable, a reasonable financial support, that they have the fiscal ability to bid and proceed with their recommenda- tions, that the Manager then come back to the Commission and that we propose a public forum to hear different alter- natives and that if, after that public forum the Commission would still agree, then we would proceed with an R.F.P. to put this out for a public bid process. Now, I don't mean to be so "iffy" about it, but we have to do it that way. In other words, if you got the money, and after we have a pub- lic hearing and we don't major objections from the public, as their may be alternate uses, okay? In other words, for example, we can't do anything that would hurt Plummer's hy- drofoil races or he would have conniptions, you realize that. We can't tamper with the Budweiser race and Cesar Odio's rowing regatta and everybody else's. Those things you can't tamper with, but if you can fit within that by up- grading the stage and recommending - and you don't do any harm to the Miami Herald and the Barnett Bank Summer Fiesta and all of the other things that the City of Miami has in activities, then we would proceed with an R.F.P., and I can't guarantee you that you are going to be the successful bidder, but certainly I think you are headed in the right direction and we thank you for your interest and your en- couragement, and I so move. Mr. Hollenbach: Thank you. Mr. Perez: We have a motion and a second. Call the roll. - GL 126 6/14/84 The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 83-644 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER THAT, AS SOON AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE "PALACE PLAYERS" GROUP PRESENT TO THE CITY'S ADMINISTRATION PROOF OF A REASON- ABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT AND FISCAL ABILI- TY TO BID FOR THE USE OF MIAMI MARINE STADIUM IN CONNECTION WITH THE STAGING OF MUSICAL PLAYS AND EVENTS, THAT THE CITY MANAGER COME BACK TO THE CITY COM- MISSION AND THAT THE CITY PROVIDE A PUB- LIC FORUM TO OUTLINE DIFFERENT ALTERNA- TIVES; FURTHER STIPULATING THAT IF SAID ALTERNATIVES ARE FOUND TO BE VIABLE, THAT WE PUT OUT R.F.P.'S FOR USE OF SAID FACILITY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Thank you, Gentlemen. ----------------------------- ------------------------------ 47. DIRECT CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE LEGISLATION FOR PROVI- SIONS SIMILAR TO 731 THROUGH 749 OF THE DADE COUNTY CODE, CONCERNING THE IDENTIFICATION, NOTIFICATION, RE- MOVAL AND DISPOSITION OF DERELICT AND NUISANCE VESSELS FROM THE MIAMI RIVER. --- -- -- -------- -- - --- --- - - ---- ---- --- -- ----- -- - -+► -- -- - - - - --- Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item 24. Go ahead. Mr. David Block: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, my name is David Block and I am co-chairman of the Miami River Manage- ment Committee, and I have on behalf of the committee three resolutions before you involving derelict removal from the Miami River, a zoning task force sweep recommendation from the committee, and a resolution involving Paradise Park, which is a City of Miami Park on the river which we would like to recommend signage and maintenance, etc. On the first resolution involving derelict removal, we the commit- tee would like to recommend that the the City of Miami adopt a resolution similar to the code adopted by the County for derelict removal of vessels from the County. The removal of the Ultra Freeze from City property has been almost impossi- ble to do because the City lacks the teeth with which to re- move an abandoned and derelict vessel. We would like to have the City recommend to the City Manager and the Law De- partment to move forward to work with us, which they are willing to do, provided they are given direction to Number one, provide a code section with teeth for derelict removal, and secondly, that they specifically go in to remove the Ul- tra Freeze so that we can quickly take it down the river and GL 127 6/14/84 sink it as part of the County's artificial reef outside Biscayne. That is Number one. Secondly... Mayor Ferre: How much is that going to cost? Mr. Block: It won't cost the City anything. We have al- ready got the funding from the State of Florida. Mayor Ferre: I am all for it. Go ahead. Mr. Block: The second item is a zoning task force sweep, which City Manager is also working with us on this in order to enforce zoning violations along the river to clean up the mess that is caused by d-^elict boats and people along the river, unsightly conditiov.,3 by property owners, and if we could get the support of the City Commission on that item. Mayor Ferre: That is easy. I am sure we will move on that one too. Mr. Block: The last item is a resolution which we have giv- en... Mayor Ferre: Where is Stuart Sorg? Where did the Admiral go? This is just like Stuart Sorg's stufft Mr. Block: Stuart is all with us. He had to leave. The last item has to do with Paradise Park, which is a park owned by the City of Miami. It is a very historical park at the site of an old 19th century mill and the original rapids on the river. Paradise Park is where the Ultra Breeze dere- lict vessel sits. It is actually in the County above 27th Avenue, about 33rd Avenue. We would like to put signage and clean up that park. Mr. Gary: What avenue is that? Mr. Block: 29th Avenue, we think - about 29th Avenue and the river. It faces the new Miami River, but it is also part of the old Miami River, which was filled in about 40 years ago, but it is on the river. We would like to just put signage there and get the approval of the City Commis- sion to work with the City Manager on this. Mayor Ferre: All right, is there a motion on these three items? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Okay, is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? venture an opinion? Call the roll. Anybody want to GL 128 6/14/84 The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84--645 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE LEGISLATION FOR ADOPTION BY THE CITY COMMISSION TO PROVIDE FOR (1) PRO- VISIONS SIMILAR TO SECTION 7-32 THROUGH 7-49 OF THE DADE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE IDENTIFICATION, NOTIFICATION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSITION OF DERELICT AND NUISANCE VESSELS FROM THE MIAMI RIVER; (2) THAT WE ESTABLISH A ZONING TASK FORCE TO ENFORCE VIOLATIONS ALONG THE RIVER AND ON VESSELS INCLUDING THE ISSU- ANCE OF CITATIONS TO RESIDENTIAL OWNERS OR BOAT OWNERS SO AFFECTED; AND (3) FI- NALLY, REQUESTING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY STEPS TO CLEAN UP AND INSURE PUBLIC ACCESS TO PARADISE POINT PARK AND TO MARK THE AREA AS A HISTORIC SITE AND A PUBLIC PARK. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Mr. Block. Mr. Block: Yes, sir, one last item. I was just informed that the Ultra Freeze, the County wants to move it from Par- adise Park and put it at Bicentennial Park prior to moving it to the artificial reef. The City and the Committee wants the Ultra Freeze moved directly to the artificial reef, oth- erwise reef, otherwise it may never leave downtown Miami. Mayor Ferre: Right, I am with you Have a safe trip. 48. GRA■T REQUEST MADE BY PARKER THOMSON, OF THE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER, IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000 WITH CONDITIONS. ------------------------------------------------- ----_-.---- Mayor Ferre: We are now on Item 28. Go ahead, Parker. Mr. Parker Thomson: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commis- sion, Parker Thomson, 1000 S. E. Bank Building, Miami. I am appearing here on behalf of a committee that has been work- ing to develop performing arts facilities in the downtown area. With me is Alan Greer, who is current chairman of the Council of Arts and Sciences. We need, in order to effectu- ate first a plan and then the placement of facilities in town to have a study. We wish to commend this study, this fall, run it six months and then go with it. The total cost of such a study which would be involved in the sizing, the general location, the cost, and the funding sources of fa- cilities, the tie-in between those and Miami Dade Community GL 129 6/14/84 College, where Dr. McCabe has been working with us on this matter. Total cost of this $120,000, estimated. We are seeking $40,000 from the City of Miami, $40,000 from the County, which has agreed to put it in - the Manager is put- ting it in this year's budget and in addition will provide $30,000 of in -kind services and $40,000 form private sources for a total of $120,000 split in that way so that there will be nobody dominant and in effect, the study will be fully supported by private sphere of the City and the County. In that connection, we are here asking for the City to make that contribution towards it. Of course, it is our job to raise a whole pile of money or none will be called on we feel confident that we can raise the additional $40,00d in advance from private sources. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Thomson, are you talking about utilizing that block that the college has in between the college and the Park West that Dr. McCabe is saying that he wants to make available with a dual project between the City of Miami and the college? Mr. Thomson: Dr. McCabe says he can work with any facili- ties that are developed from the government center on the west to Biscayne Bay on the east. We are not fixing exact placements of anything. He says he can work within that sphere, but the educational component.. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Parker, that isn't totally ac- curate. The City of Miami ... I don't know what the Manager is going to recommend or what this Commission is going to do, but the City of Miami isn't about to put $40,000 for you guys to raise money, which you are going to have to raise $100,000,000 in the Feds and the privates and all this other stuff. We don't have that kind of money! And go put this facility in Miami Beach, or North Miami, or Coral Gables! Mr. Thomson: No, no, wait a second. I said from Government Center on the west to Biscayne Boulevard on the East is what I said. Mayor Ferre: Okay, or near Overtown or Park West, okay! Mr. Thomson: I was giving you the east/west boundaries, not the north/south boundaries. Mayor Ferre: Okay now, let me tell you something else, be- cause this is germane. Dr. McCabe said that the City of Palm Beach just got $10,000,000 from the Legislature, be- cause they went through this process, see? Now, for us to get that kind of money from the Legislature, we are going to have to help Dr. McCabe, and these are the type of things that I think put these things in place. Mr. Plummer: Well, let me ask a question. Parker... Mayor Ferre: Excuse me, J. L. Dr. McCabe said that he thinks that he might be able to get $10,000,000 from the next Legislature session, if he can get J. L. Plummer con- vinced and he can talk to Larry Plummer. Now, there is some question whether J. L. Plummer is talking to Larry Plummer! So, other than that, we don't have any problems. Mr. Thomson: That is all right. I saw Larry yesterday and I saw J. L. tonight. I will talk to both of them. Mr. Plummer: with, okay? ing that this ence. Well, let me tell you what I want you all to be aware. study be done for the Council I have a problem You are here ask- nf Arts and Sci- GL 130 6/14/84 Mr. Thomsen: No, only under the auspices of...it has actu- ally been run through Roy Kenzie and the D.D.A., the last part of it. Mr. Plummer: That is even worse! Mr. Thomson: I would add... Mr. Plummer: All right, all kidding aside now, I want you to understand what I am... Mayor Ferre: Now, you know you are not kidding, J. L.! Mr. Plummer: Okay now, the Arts Council o f the 2% bed tax is getting near $1,000,000, correct? Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Thomson: Not that much, I don't think. Mr. Alan Greer: $500,000. Mr. Plummer: It is 20% of whatever is collected. Mr. Thomson: Alan says $500,000, but I... Mr. Plummer: No, no. It can't be. It is $190009000. Mr. Thomson: That is hat it was at one point, no question. Mr. Plummer: All right, it is down a little bit, okay. Mr. Thomson: Yes, it is down some. Mr. Plummer: But for round figures, it is $1,000,000. Now, let me tell you what has happened, so you will know. It was dedicated that 10% (am I correct in this, Parker?) of that money was to be used for local festivals. This year, festi- vals such as Calle Ocho was reduced down from $40,000 to $9,000. Do you know where they are coming for the rest? The Carnival was cut down from $33,000 to $1,000! You know where they are coming for the rest? The St. Patrick's Day _ parade was cut down from $30,000 to $5,000. Do you know where they are coming for the rest? And the same way that they are coming here asking for $40,000. Mayor Ferre: I agree. I move it. Mr. Plummer: Now, the problems that I have got is that they have got $1,000,000 to work with from the 2%, and this does not address the problem that we have got with the money for the ... Mayor Ferre: Parker, if we had that kind of thinking, we would not have the James L. Knight Convention Conference Center! We wouldn't have a lot of the things that this Com- mission - now I will tell you, I know that this may split one way or the other, but whenever you are ready, I want to move that we proceed in helping in this absolutely essential community project. Mr. Dawkins: I would like to know from Mr. Thomson how much money was given to the Sun Street Festival; how much as giv- en to Goombay; and how much was given to the other Black festivals? Mr. Thomson: Commissioner, luckily I can turn those ques- tions over to Alan Greer, because I am no longer on the Arts and Science Council. I have been working generally on this project, which is to get the facility for Performing Arts ld 131 6/14/84 constructed in downtown Miami, not on the operational funds - I am not on the Arts Council. If you would like the answers, here is Alan, he will give them. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, before we get to Alan - to you, on this item, this question - how much did Dallas spend in their report? Mr. Thomson: How much did Dallas spend? Mayor Ferre: Yes, Dallas, Texas. Mr. Thomson: it was about the same, $120,000. Mayor Ferre: $120,000. Let me tell you something in favor of this, okay? There is no way ... this community is not going to have a steel mill. We are not going to have Kodak make a big factory here. We are not going to have I.B.M. coming in here. We are not having high-tech move in. That is the way it is! Now, what do we have? We have got banks, we have got education, we have got ... Mr. Plummer: And a million dollars collected in bed tax just for the Arts Council. Mr. Thomson: For operational and not for facility construc- tion. Mayor Ferre: That is operational and I need to tell you that I think that we have got to spend ... hey, we have Bayside! Mr. Plummer: Oh, I understand! Mayor Ferre: Oh, yes, but you know, we went out and spent the money and we did Bayside. Do you think Bayside is good? Yes! Is it going to bring people to Miami? Yes! Is it go- ing to employ people? Yes! All kinds of people! Is it go- ing to be progressive for the City? Yes! Is this progres- sive? Absolutely! Well you know, do what you want. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Odio, did we get our $250,000 from the County for the Convention Center this year out of the bed tax? Mr. Odio: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: We have got it committed? Okay, thank you. I want to hear from Mr. Greer answer Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Alan Greer: I would like to point out to the Commission and to the Mayor that the tourist tax grant money cannot by ordinance be used for this form of a study program for bricks and mortar type of structures down the road. it has to be used for tourist development programs of specific com- munity related organizations. Now, to come to your actual question, you mentioned 10%... Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, let's talk to the point you just made, because I think you will find that the point that you just made is incorrect, sir. I sit on the T.D.A. Mayor Ferre: Plummer, are these some of your people coming in? Mr. Plummer: I sure hope so. I sit on the T.D.A., sir and we spent almost $200,000 last year, doing a study on tour- ism, so you can use the money for a study. ld 132 6/14l84 Mr. Greer: Well, as the money is passed to the Dade Council of Arts and Sciences, under the ordinance is must be used -- for non -operational type projects. Mr. Plummer: But studies can be done. Mr. Greer: To come to the monies that were actually spent, we went down from grantable funds of over $1,200,000 two and one-half years ago to under $500,000 this year. The festivals have been cut down proportionately, as have all the organizations. Goombay received $10,000 under the original grant. When we were told that we did not have enough to grant across the board what we had proposed, we out all grants by 7% and brought them down to $9,250. Mr. Dawkins: That is what Goombay got - $9,000. Mr. Greer: $9,250. Carnival got the exact same amount. Some of the other organization I can't recall off of the top of my head exactly what they got, but it was in the same range. We expended over 12% of the total funds on festi- vals. Mayor Ferre: All right, are you ready to vote on this? What is the will of this Commission? Mr. Dawkins: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Are you moving for it? Well, that is good news, I will tell you! Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Demetrio Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-646 A MOTION GRANTING A REQUEST MADE BY Mr. PARKER THOMSON ON BEHALF OF THE PERFORM- ING ARTS CENTER REQUESTING A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000 FROM THE CITY, FURTHER STIPULATING THAT THEY PLAN TO OBTAIN EXTRA FUNDING FORM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: a) $40,000 FROM METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY; b) $30,000 IN IN -KIND SERVICES; AND c) $40,000 FROM THE PRIVATE SECTOR, FOR A TOTAL FUNDING OF $120,000, ALL OF THE ABOVE IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRO- POSED CONSTRUCTION OF A PERFORMING ARTS CENTER TO BE LOCATED IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez Jr. Mayor Maurice A.Ferre NOES: Commissioner J.L. Plummer ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ld 133 6/14/84 www.+..w------ -.muse......--a.®n.wi.r.a+-.w--------w.+..ea..a.u.....w..wra.rea..-.+...n-aa-- 49. REFER REQUEST FROM MEMBERS OF THE CUI.MER PRESS FOR FUND- ING IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 TO THE CITY MANAGER. -------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: We agree now on Item 29 Angelo Rutherford, Chief of the Culmer Press regarding funding for the Culmer Press. All right, sir, Mr. Rutherford. Mr. Angelo Rutherford: Mr. Mayor, Mr. City Manager and City Commission. I am making this presentation on behalf of Mr. Steven Nostrand, who is our Board of Director President and on behalf of 15 young people who were here earlier, but had to get off to journalism class, which we have our classes on Thursday night. During the Grand Jury testimony after the McDuffy riots, Richard W. McEwen, Chairman of the Board of Burdines, June, 1982, made the statement that in general, the Anglo and Latin communities provide a quantity of em- ployable workers. He went on to say that the Black communi- ty is significantly deficient and for these reasons, we could not be hiring anyone from the particular Black, par- ticularly Overtown and Liberty City, who are not adequate in communication skills, written or verbal. Burdines does not have employment experience for those folks who do not ac- quire or do not have these skills. Mr. Mayor, Mr. City Man- ager and City Commissioner, since that broad analysis of Overtown youths by Mr. McEwen, an organization has taken on the challenge of providing a vehicle to improve the verbal and writing skills of Overtown youths. The Culmer Press, for the past four years has been a struggling entity that has achieved goals in the quality of community change. We are asking for $25,000 for six months to present our young people in a type of professional setting that is necessary to produce quality work. Manned primarily by an unpaid staff of student volunteers and interested residents, the Culmer Press sought to flex its muscles and put its most vi- tal resource (youth) to work. To diligent labor, the Culmer Press Educational Center has successfully provided training for 175 students since 1983 through seminars, leadership de- velopment courses, and both enthusiastically over its four graduates, who are currently employed in the media. The South Florida Employment Training Consortium, for the past two years has funded summer job training for 20 Overtown = youths, ages 14 to 21 to work with the Culmer Press. Let me run briefly to you some of the achievements that this pro- gram has achieved. The Culmer Press achievements read like a who's who in journalism. They are the official job outreach announcement center for Florida International Uni- versity. They have received a Certificate of Recommendation to the Culmer Press Educational Center from Commissioner Demetrio Perez, 1983• They have received a Certificate of Recommendation to the Culmer Press Educational Center from the American Black Journalist, June, 1983• A proclamation has been proclaimed "Culmer Press Day", June 20, 1983 from the City of Miami. Coming up June 25, 1984, and something that we are both proud of in our community - this page from a January issue, Page 26 will receive a Certificate of Ex- cellence from the National Writer's Institute from Albany, New York. The four students who put together this editorial -= page, their names are: Mr. William McGee, who is now a part time employee, who graduated from the Culmer Press Educa- tional Center is currently working for the Miami Herald. Satalia Washington has received a scholarship in journalism at Georgetown University. She was one of our summer youth - employment program trainees last year in our summer youth program. Alberta Ashley is now working in printing at the Inner City Printing Company and Ted Andrews is now working - at Holiday Graphics, one our youths from our summer youth ld 134 6/14/84 employment program. This page was voted on by, a committee of 50 people who specialize in the journalism field through- out different colleges through the United States. I am most proud of the work that these young people have put into this page, and they will be honored with a certificate from the National Writer's Institute in Albany, New York. Currently, the Culmer Press is training young people in a building that was donated to them. Funds have come in from the community and the community has supported us greatly, but we push our young people towards excellence. Can you imagine reporting _ news with no telephone? Can you imagine sitting in a build- ing trying to get the news out with no typewriter? Success- fully Culmer Press students have done this. Culmer Press students have acquired the skills of professionals from the Miami Herald, from the Miami News and from the Miami Beach Sun, who come in twice a week to sit with our young people S and teach them journalistic skills. The Culmer Press is not in the business of competing with any major newspaper. We are in the business of training young Blacks leadership skills. We are teaching them basic skills as to putting to- gether a sentence. We are teaching them skills as to how to dress and how to speak. We most desperately need your support at this time to help us to continue the successful work that the Culmer Press program has tried and is still doing. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Rutherford, let me say that I think your accomplishments and I think that this page that you men- tioned is indeed very impressive contributions to your com- munity. You should be proud of what you are doing, and we are proud of you. Now, what can we do for you specifically? Mr. Rutherford: Specifically, if the City of Miami could grant us $25,000 for six months to continue our work. We are working in a building. We are trying very, very hard to train young people with no equipment. Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Commissioner Dawkins - the re- quest is that we grant them $25,000. I don't think we can do that unilaterally and arbitrarily, however, I do want to make a motion, or I will second your motion that we should encourage Mr. Rutherford and the Culmer Press and that we would ask the Manager to assign someone to work with them and come back with a realistic budget and see what we can do to encourage. I think what he is doing and what they are doing is worthy of support, and I think this City ought to be supporting them. Okay, we have a motion and a second. Mr. Perez: Yes, I would like to second and also to recog- nize the efforts of this group. I was last year at a pres- entation that they had on 64th Street and I was very sur- prised and very proud of the results of what they are doing. Mayor Ferre: And I want to tell you, this is all original writing. Mr. Rutherford: Yes, that is all original writing. Mayor Ferre: You didn't get any of this from the Miami Her- ald, Miami News! Mr. Rutherford: We do not reprint anything. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. I 135 6/14/84 The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-647 A MOTION REFERRING A REQUEST FOR FUNDING RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS OF THE CULMER PRESS IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000, FURTHER REQUESTING THE MANAGER TO MEET WITH SAID REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CULMER PRESS TO DETERMINE HOW THE CITY OF MIAMI MAY BE OF ASSISTANCE TO THEM AND ENCOURAGE Mr. RUTHERFORD AND THE OTHER MEMBERS OF CULMER PRESS TO CONTINUE THEIR SUCCESS- FUL PURSUITS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote -- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo �-- r -- - - - -- - ----- ------------ --- - ---------- - --- --- --- -- 50. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB REGARDING ISSUANCE OF PRIVATE LIQUOR LICENSE AND PRAM STORAGE PERMITS. ------------------------------------------------------------ Mayor Ferre: All right, Coconut Grove Sailing Club. Mr. Mark Reuben: Mr. Mayor, my name is Mark Reuben. I am an attorney. I practice at 2699•.• Mayor Ferre: Mr. Reuben, to out through all of this, the Commodore is here. Mr. Aguirre is here. I am the guy that kind of held things up before. You want two things. You want a liquor license and you want to build a little shed to hold prams underneath. Now, as far as I am concerned, from what I understand - I have been to the club. I don't think I met with you, but I met with several - the past Commodore, the future Commodore, some of the members, Mr. Aguirre took me through. Let me say that I have never been to the club. I was impressed by it and I was very gratified by it. I think what you have been saying is true and that is that it is an open club and i believe it. Secondly, I would say that as of recent you have been even more open than you have in the past, so all of these things always have beneficial purposes. You tried a little bit harder to get minority members. You have a class of 15 Black, I won't say seniors, but let's say they are not kids. These are older people that are trying to learn how to sail, and that out of that hopefully we would get a membership. I think that would be a wonderful and healthy thing. I would like to recommend two things, and I am going to be . I am just speaking for myself. I am ready to vote for this, but I would like to have two things. First of all, I want to commend you for the efforts and the diligence, especially in the last month since this matter has gotten a lot of press attention. That is not to say you were not trying before. I am convinced that you were, but you have been trying a little bit harder since, and I think that is great. I would like to ask two ld 136 6/14/84 things. The first one deals with a question of that $1,000 entry fee. I think that if a very worthy person, Black or white, now I am not saying which ... Mr. Reuben: Mr. Mayor, let me anticipate what you are going to say. Mayor Ferre: Please do. Mr. Reuben: All right, we have discussed the subject re- garding the cost of joining the club. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Reuben: Now, first let me tell you that this is some- thing that since we built the building - we didn't have fi- nancial problems, we didn't need to raise money until we built the building and I think you understand that we had to build the building in order to stay - in order to exist, so we built the building. We had to raise the money to build the building and that each member who wanted to remain a member paid $525 in a trust. A person going back when we built the building, if you could not afford to join and couldn't afford, you come to our board right then, as you can today and say "I don't have the money. I would like for you to waive it, or give me the right to pay it off over a period of years". That has been true since the very day that we began to build the building. Mayor Ferre: That is all I needed to know. Mr. Reuben: Let me go further and tell you that recently we have considered the problem further, since we appeared here last, and now we have a program - we have enacted and we are working on this program, so that if a worthy member, who cannot afford to pay, who doesn't have a boat, because if he has boat I think he can afford to pay the $1,000. Okay now, talking about a worthy member who can demonstrate that a.) he has a knowledge of sailing and has an interest in ful- filling the purpose of the club. We don't want somebody to just come in off the street. Somebody who has knowledge and ability, who can give something back to the club, like he has knowledge of teaching sailing, knowledge of fiber - glassing, knowledge of working, who wants to work in the race committee. What we are going to do is this - we are going to say, fellow, you come in and join us for one year. We will waive that requirement for one year and each year, if this individual wants to come back, we are going to do it on a year to year basis. Now, if we get one this year, one another year ... as a matter of fact, strangely enough, I got a phone call from a client of mine yesterday and he said "Hey, Martin, how would you like to sponsor me in the sail- ing club?" He happens to be a salesman for a marine hard- ware store, and I said "You are the perfect guy, because you fulfill the bill in every respect." Mayor Ferre: If he is a client of yours and you tell me he can't afford to pay? Mr. Reuben: He is a client on a contingency basis. Mayor Ferre: Okay! I got you. Mr. Reuben: The point is, Mayor, that he is going to come down and join the club and he is going to be one of those that we are going to consider, so we are working on it. Mr. Dawkins: have now? How many minorities, especially Blacks do you Id 137 6/14/84 Mr. Reuben: Commissioner Dawkins, I am past Commodore, and I am Jewish. I am a minority. The present Commodore is ... Mr. Dawkins: How many Blacks do you have? Mr. Reuben: How many Black members of the club do we have? Mr. Dawkins: Black members of the club. Mr. Reuben: We do not have a Black member. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, I defer this and give you 30 more days to see if you can find one! Mr. Reuben: We don't have, Commissioner Dawkins, we ... Mr. Dawkins: I move that this be deferred and give them 30 more days to see if they can find a Black member. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion on the floor which I will accept. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Mayor, I don't know of any time that a request of a Commissioner, a colleague, has been before this Commis- sion that wasn't granted - I second the motion. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Aguirre. Mr. Aguirre: Mr. Mayor, at this time a member of the Sail- ing Club is sponsoring five junior Black members to the Sailing Club. Mayor Ferre: There are five junior Black members that are being sponsored, all right. Mr. Reuben: Commissioner Dawkins, you should also know we have had - we have had Black members of the club. We have had Black children who have been junior members of the club, and ... Mr. Dawkins: How many do you have now? Mr. Reuben: I say we don't have any ... Mr. Dawkins: When you get ... I defer this, sir, and give You 30 days to find one of those that you did have and bring him backs Mr. Reuben: Well, it was a junior member - they were junior members who went through the planned program we taught them. Mr. Dawkins: Then go get him and make him a member and come back before me, sir. Mr. Reuben: And we are continuing now to do the same thing and we are doing everything that we can! As I said, we have a person at the present time who is Black who is picking up an application to become one of those that is in the spon- sored program. Mr. Dawkins: As soon as he becomes a member, come back! Mayor Ferre: Mr. Reuben, let me tell you, look. I am con- vinced that you are in real good faith trying. I don't think there is any question in my mind that that there is a bona fide effort. I think that you have to be understanding that a community like the Black community in Miami that has been so long suffering and involved in being left out, that this is public property, and therefore I think you have to understand how people feel. I am not asking you to agree with it, because I know ... Id 138 6/14/84 Mr. Reuben: I don't disagree, but it is totally open, and Commissioner Dawkins, I just don't understand. We are doing what we can, We have never, ever discriminated. The appli- cation for membership, Commissioner, does not have a place for anybody to complete where it says - "What is your race, what is your creed, what is your country of origin". We don't know. I don't know what any member of the club does unless I go out and I ask them what he does do for a living, or what is he? I don't know, and I think that it is unfair of you to take the position that - you would give us as though we are discriminating, and we are not discriminating! Mr. Dawkins: So you are going to stand here and tell me - how many years have you been in operation? Mr. Reuben: Since 1946. Mr. Dawkins: 1947, and since 1947, not knowing what color an individual was, or what his nationality was, out of all the applications that came through, none of them were Black! Mr. Reuben: Yes, sir, that is..... not true. Mr. Dawkins: All right, then, where are they, then? Mr. Reuben: We have had Black members who have joined the club, who have been a member of the club for one year and have, after they have joined the club for one year, they said "We don't want to be a member anymore. They never paid their dues again. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, point of personal privilege. Mr. Reuben: And that was going back when dues were only $46. Mr. Plummer: I call the question. Mayor Ferre: All right, the question has been called. Be patient, I think we are not too far away! Okay. Mr. Reuben: I think it is unfair! Mr. Dawkins: I agree with you, but I think it is unfair that I have been denied a right to the club! You are right, that is one thing you and I agree on, it is unfair! Mr. Reuben: Sir, you are welcome to join the club. Mr. Plummer: Did I call the question? Mayor Ferre: You did indeed, sir. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-648 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF A RE- QUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CO- CONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB REGARDING THE ISSUANCE OF A PRIVATE LIQUOR LICENSE AND PRAM STORAGE PERMITS PENDING PROOF BY THEIR ADMINISTRATION THAT THEY HAVE AC- CEPTED A BLACK MEMBER TO SAID CLUB. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - Id 139 6/14/84 C AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice --Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo iLaaaia.& as aaas. A&-&-- : :.h'a aaaaasaa...a.raaaa aaa aaaaaaaaar.a 51. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE ENTITLED: "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS" BY ADDING A NEW ARTI- CLE VI ENTITLED: "SIDEWALK CAFES" (SEE RELATED FIRST READING ORDINANCE MAKING PROVISIONS FOR COCONUT GROVE AS A SEPARATE ENTITY). a i.tiIt. IN. 6 a a a �064L a i d6 a as a s as as a a"I&a a�i6aALa aaaaa.:. a 1& as a" as a i Y b a.L a a a ii Mayor Ferre: We are on Item 42. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: Item 42 is a sidewalk cafe ordi- nance. We are recommending that the Commission amend Chap- ter 54 of the Code so that it will be allowed to permit and regulate sidewalk cafes in the downtown and Coconut Grove business district. On February 9, 1984 the Commission a� dopted Motion 84-143 accepting in principle the recommenda- tions of the Administration and the Sidewalk Cafe Committee concerning specific procedures and regulations. That ordi- nance amended Chapter 54 of the City Code is based on those recommendations. Are there any questions? Mayor Ferre: All right, Joanne? Ms. Joanne Holshouser: I think it is wonderful to have sidewalk cafes downtown. I am certainly not hear to argue with them, but I am saying that I think there is a very se- rious issue here about how much more Coconut Grove is going to have to put up with. We got vendors on the street sever- al years ago. It happened at a meeting that was taken out of turn. I wasn't there to yell and scream about it, and I said later to a City employee "You are cutting the stick that will break all our backs". If any of you ever come to Coconut Grove and look at the vendors that we have got out there, I ask you, is that really what you want tourists to see? Is that what you want residents to put up with on the streets of Coconut Grove? We don't like them, we don't want them. We don't want sidewalk cafes unless we can understand exactly where they are, and hew big they are. I've read through - Mr. Rodriguez has been very fair about it, but I am saying I think this is so important and the people of Co- conut Grove need to be told fully about the cafe issue. Mayor Ferre: Joanne, let me tell you something. I have been to San Francisco; San Diego; Long Beach, California; Dallas; all those ski resorts like...Venice,Cities all over Italy the Riveria; New York; you name it ... Quebec. I have yet to see a major, beautiful city that functions well, that does not have street vendors and sidewalk cafes and all the things that you, and all the people of Miami dream about go- ing to Venice, or to Paris, or to Timbuktu to see all those quaint little places that have all those little thing-- like vendors hawking their things and sidewalk cafes, and whether it is Greenwich Village or Coconut Grove, it is there, and I don't think that we are going to be any different. 140 6 /14 /84 a Ms. Holshouser: I think that the people of Coconut Grove who are paying high taxes right now, who are being...the jargon word now I think is "impacted" constantly by things that make us wonderful for tourists and wonderful for pho- tographers. I think we deserve to have a say. I did not - say that we don't want any sidewalk vendors anywhere under any circumstances. As a matter of fact sir, we have several people, who because of private property that does cover a sidewalk area are already vending outside, but I think the people have a right to move along the street in Coconut Grove, the pedestrians who are walking back and forth, for instance, to the Playhouse have a right, and I suggest there _ are probably four places, and I am not going to name them on the public record today, that will be out instantly with ta- bles and chairs and the pedestrians are then going to walk where outside from the cars? I just saying please don't do this to Coconut Grove until we can talk about it. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you a question. This has been properly advertised. It has been in the newspapers. Now, people know about this. This is on Second Reading. You are here. I have got the highest regard and respect for you in- dividually and collectively as when you represent groups. I don't know whether you are here representing the civic group or the Chamber of Commerce, or the Tigertail Association, or you are here just individually as a person. Ms. Holshouser: I am sorry, I should have identified my- _ self. Joanne Holshouser, 4230 Ingraham Highway. I am Pres- ident of the Coconut Grove Civic Club and I am saying for- mally that I believe this item is so important to Coconut Grove that the people of Coconut Grove should be allowed to get together at a public meeting in the Grove when they un- derstand what is going on with this. Mayor Ferre: Has the Civic Club taken this matter up for discussion? Ms. Holshouser: No, that is what I am saying, that I would appreciate it if we could have a chance to have the ordi- nance explained to people and have photographs about it, be- cause my phone rings with people complaining about the ven- dors and I am sorry, I travel too - a lot of people in the Grove travel too, and if anybody thinks that some of the vendors in Coconut Grove are charming, or colorful or pic- turesque, they aren't! The guy with the pom pom hats is wonderful, but they are not all like that, Maurice. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Garcia=Pedrosa, can this Commission legal- ly, on Second Reading, take out the word "Coconut Grove", pass the rest of it, and bring back the same Second Reading only dealing with Coconut Grove. In other words, this is like roulette, you know. Can I spread my bets with two down? I mean with my cards, you know, when you are playing blackjack. Mr. Garcia --Pedrosa: Dollar for dollar, here. I think Mr. Mayor, that you could take out the area of Coconut Grove, but I don't think you can bring it back as a Second Reading in the next time around. Mayor Ferre: Why not? When I have an ordinance and the or- dinance is that we are going to paint buildings green, and it says it will be done in downtown Miami, Overtown and Co- conut Grove and that we split it into two equal ordinances of equal importance, there is no reason why we can't pass one that says we will do this in downtown, but exclude Coco- nut Grove and bring this back on a Coconut Grove issue on Second Reading and defer that until next time. ld 141 6/14/84 Mr. Garcia --Pedrosa: Well, I think the answer, Mr. Mayor is that once you split it and pass this portion that you want = to pass, you have a complete ordinance, and you really have =-- been talking about only an amendment to that ordinance to add back in the Coconut Grove section, and ... Mayor Ferre: Could we take it up on First Reading? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Could you take up at First Reading the Coconut Grove ...? Mayor Ferre: Could I do this....? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Could I take this ordinance, pass it on Second Reading for downtown, and pass it on First Reading for Coco- nut Grove? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir, you could, but let me just make sure that you understand the other problem is if you split them and try to pass them as two Second Readings, is, when would the ordinance become effective? You wo.t',.,d have two different days. Mayor Ferre: I read it, sir. I understand what you are saying. Does anybody else have any objection to this? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Well, let's do one at a time. Mayor Ferre: Of course! That is the only legal way to do it. On Second Reading, only for the downtown area, and excluding...I mean, Miami River on the southwest and every- thing but Coconut Grove. Will somebody move that? J. L., are you all right on this? We are going to split it, and we are going to downtown on Second Reading, and we are going to do Coconut Grove on First Reading and give Joanne an opportunity to go to the Civic Club and talk it out, okay? Mr. Plummer: Fine. Mayor Ferre: All right, so therefore, Demetrio Perez moves, Miller Dawkins seconds on Second Reading, that portion ex- cept Coconut Grove. Would you read it, please? AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA ENTI- TLED "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS," BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE VI ENTITLED "SIDEWALK CA- FES" PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SIDEWALK CAFES IN THE GENERAL AREA BOUNDED BY NE/NW 5TH STREET ON THE NORTH, BISCAYNE BOULEVARD ON THE EAST, AND THE MIAMI RIVER ON THE SOUTH AND WEST, FURTHER, PROVIDING FOR PERMITS, FEES, RULES AND REGULATIONS AND APPEALS; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW; AND CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of May 10, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Perez, sec- onded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Id 142 6/14/84 Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre = NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9848. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. Mayor Ferre: Now Commissioner Dawkins moves, Perez seconds the same ordinance on First Reading limited to Coconut Grove. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Okay, for the record, Mr. Mayor, that would be an ordinance (let me see if I can compose this) a- mending the previously passed ordinance by adding Section 54-109, on the definition of "cafe zone", the following de- scribed area: The area of Coconut Grove presently zoned SPI-2 in the official zoning atlas made a part of Ordinance Number 9500, containing a repealer provision, and a severability clause. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. All right, call the roll on First Reading. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED BY AMENDING ARTICLE VI THEREOF, ENTITLED "SIDEWALK CAFES" WHICH PROVIDED FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SIDEWALK CAFES BY ADDING AN ADDITIONAL DEFINITION OF "CAFE ZONES" TO CODE SECTION 54-109 TO PERMIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SIDEWALK CA- FES IN THE AREA OF COCONUT GROVE CURS RENTLY DESIGNATED SPI-2 IN THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVI- SION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice --Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. ld 143 6/14/84 A aAaiL dC.adadwL d,.L6 ata66aR..R, 1. l46 awbaGl.d6a...A r.a.A e4.GassQ...O.G a.6.a.4 a6lLGGM �'Ra.b eb /i t... 52. AUTHORIZE APPLICANT OF 1221 BRICKELL PROJECT TO PROCEED TO FILE A FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING, WITH CAVEATS, ETC. i,ro..o.:a..ats.azaz.a.e..r..aiz 1061&.*. a is ds .WL w.w.+. awa.e.swar_e�ds s.a a.aa.aa Mayor Ferre: All right, sir. Take up Item 57• Mr. Sergio Rodriguez: Item 57 is permission to file a final application for a major use permit for 1221 Brickell. It is basically a pro forma presentation today. We are asking you to permit the Applicant to file a final application for 431 Brickell project to establish a public hearing day to June 28, 1984 for the presentation of this. This will be before the Planning Advisory Board on June 20th for final application. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is this Mike Adler's thing? Mr. Rodriguez: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: By the way, for the record, J. L. - I called up Mike Adler the other day, Bob, to just kind of apologize for the misunderstanding of things, and he is still a little bit miffed, J. L., at all of us, including you and I think it might not be a bad idea for you to call him. Mr. Plummer: Who is he? Mayor Ferre: Mike Adler. Mr. Plummer: Mike who? Mayor Ferre: All right, okay. Mr. Plummer: I am sorry, I can't hear the name! Mr. Robert Traurig: His name is Mike Adler - A-d-l-e-r-. Mr. Plummer: Okay, and what is he miffed about? Mr. Traurig: Well, perhaps rather than discuss it at this meeting, we could check. Mayor Ferre: Would you, because I think it's for all of us. All right, it has been moved, is there a second? Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-649 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICANT FOR THE 1221 BRICKELL PROJECT LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1221 BRICKELL AVENUE, TO FILE A FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; PROVIDING CAVEATS; AND ESTAB- LISHING 3:30 P.M., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 19841 OR A RECONVENED MEETING, AS THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF SAID FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT. ld 144 6/14/84 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. vice -_Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo alaiaasaasaiaisi.r.f aiaaasa,a,iafasi sa xa,af i fi aaaa ai as iaAs &%i s.aia406a4L 53 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CODE, ADD NEW SEC. 5417 RE VEHICULAR ACCESS TO A PARTICULAR STREET, INTERSEC- TIONS; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR PROHIBITIONS, CUL-DE- SACS, TURN AROUND ON STREETS, ETC. it ai aiaiaiaaiiiii aiiiL ii is i i i i i is i06W6 .ii i i lit. a i a i it ai.& a iirt. ii Mr. Traurig: Mr. Mayor, may I also ask if you would consid- er the ordinance which the City Attorney gave to you this = morning, which amends Chapter 54 by adding a new Section 54� 17. That deals with the prohibition of vehicular access. It is really a request for consideration at First Reading of the ordinance that relates to that Hal White property, the - old Saunder's Hardware property. Mayor Ferre: Bob, I've got to tell you so we understand, Commissioner Carollo is not here. Now, I am going to vote for this, because I believe that this is a reasonable solu- tion. Carollo was against that, okay? Mr. Traurig: If it can be considered on First Reading ... Mayor Ferre: I understand. I will vote for it on First Reading, but I want it to be clearly understood that Commis- sioner Carollo . I think this has to be done on a Public Hearing basis, and it has to be properly advertised, and you have got to let the neighborhood come here and express their opinions! It is the only way we can do it. Mr. Traurig: I understand that. Mayor Ferre: Well, that is the only way we can do it. Mr. Traurig: If it could be considered on First Reading and the Second Reading scheduled for the first possible hearing after. Mayor Ferre: Who wants to move it? Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, there are a couple of chang- es that the Administration proposes. I think they are very good. In sub -section "B", instead of having the owners within the immediate neighborhood being able to request this, they are talking about 1000 feet of the affected in- tersection. In subsection "C", the traffic study may be conducted instead of is to be conducted, and finally, we should add the Police Department in Sub -section "D" to the list of departments which should study any such proposed prohibitions. Id 145 6/14/84 Mr. Traurig: We are happy with that, so if you could on First Reading pass this ordinance adding a new a 54--17, we _ would appreciate it. Mayor Ferre: All right is there such a motion? Mr. Plummer: I move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds on First Reading only, as amend- ed. Read the ordinance. THEREUPON, THE CITY ATTORNEY READ THE ORDINANCE INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Traurig: Now, lastly, could I ask when this could be heard on Second Reading? Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Mr. Manager, does this have your recommendation? Does this have the Administration's recommendation? Mr. Gary: Based on our ability to review it•in a short pe- riod of time, we can support it on First Reading with the condition that we have a chance to review it and make modi- fications. Mr. Dawkins: Before we go any further, is this what the neighbors wanted? Mr. Traurig: yes, just so we can clarify it - this gives the City Commission the opportunity to have a public hearing and determine by resolution whether or not different streets could be closed in this manner. It would require a public hearing and notice to the owners before any of that action is taken. Mr. Dawkins: Are we going to have citizens here on this at the next meeting? Mayor Ferre: You bet we are going to have citizens! We are going to have a lot of citizens! Mr. Traurig: I would ask the Administration and this Com- mission as to when you could conduct a Second Reading. Mayor Ferre: In Little Havana, on June 30th. Mr. Traurig: That is fine. Mr. Plummer: No, no. July 30th. Id 146 6/14/84 Mayon Ferre: I mean July 30th, I am sorry. Mr. Traurig: it can't be heard prior to July 30th? Mayor Ferre: Yes, it can. You can hear it June 28th. Is that enough time, Walter? Is that enough time? I don't want all these people in that neighborhood saying that we didn't give them enough notice and we didn't publish it and all of that. Mr. Pierce: What is he asking for? Mayor Ferre: He wants it on June 28th, and I don't want all that neighborhood coming here and saying "Well, you know, you didn't give me a chance". Mr. Gary: I would recommend that it be done end of July. I don't think that is fair to staff and not fair to the people in the neighborhood. I think we should have more time than that. Mr. Traurig: Well, let me explain the reason that I had re- quested that it be heard earlier. The zoning application has been heard by this Commission twice. Action wasn't tak- en because you wanted to be sure that the neighbors had the opportunity to comment on whether or not that intersection at 22nd Terrace and 25th Avenue should be closed in this manner. The zoning application comes back to you on June 28th. We were hopeful that you could take final action on the zoning application at that time, and we were hopefully also that the neighbors would have an opportunity to react to this at that hearing, so that it all could be considered simultaneously. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I would reconsider my position if Mr. Traurig takes it upon himself to go out to the neighborhood and explain it to those people who are affected. Mr. Traurig: The answer is yes, I shall do that, and they are totally supportive of this ordinance. Mayor Ferre: Yes, but I want you, I want you to understand that you are assuming the responsibility that Commissioner Carollo, who is not here...that Mr. Milian and the other members that were here from that neighborhood and that com- munity organization are going to be told, and that they are going to be represented here. Mr. Traurig: Yes, I understand that fully. Mayor Ferre: Okay. Mr. Plummer: And also, as amended, it goes out to 1,000 feet. Mr. Traurig: I could not hear you. Mr. Plummer: As amended by the Administration, it is not the normal 375 feet. You have taken it upon yourself to go out to the 1,000 foot, so you know, I don't want you to be hoodwinked. Mr. Traurig: We will have to get a new address sheet. I don't know whether or not we can do that. Mr. Plummer: Well, I am saying that is what you volunteered to do. Mr. Traurig: Yes, I understand. Thank you. 1d 147 6/14/84 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, AS AMENDED, ADDING A NEW SECTION 54-17 PROVIDING THAT VEHICULAR ACCESS TO A PARTICULAR STREET BE PROHIB- ITED AT AN INTERSECTION WHERE SUCH PRO- HIBITION IS FOUND TO BE IN THE BET IN- TEREST OF THE PUBLIC; PROVIDING A PROCE- DURE TO OBTAIN SUCH PROHIBITION; AND, PROVIDING FOR A CUL-DE-SAC OR OTHER TURN AROUND ON STREETS WHERE VEHICULAR ACCESS IS PROHIBITED; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Dawkins: I am voting "yes" with the right to change my vote in the event that this is not what the citizens want. — The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. -r- -- - - ------------ ---- -r-- ------ r- - ----------------- ---- -- - 54. PERSONAL APPEARANCE: BILL PERRY REGARDING DISCUSSION OF _ CITY ADVERTISING POLICIES; PARK WEST/OVERTOWN UPCOMING BOND ISSUE; CRIME JOBS FOR YOUTH, AND OTHER MISCELLANE- OUS MATTERS. ----------------- ------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Come on, Mr. Perry, the Chair recognizes you. Are you here individually, or representing an organization? Mr. Bill Perry: I don't know what I am, Mr. Mayor. I am just here. Let me say first of all, I think it is very worthwhile event for you guys to come out to the community. Perhaps we are not responding in kind for the effort that you are putting forth to come to us, but I hope that you will understand that it takes a while to build up a trust relationship with most of you that has been damaged over the years, so I make no apologies for the people that are not here and are not speaking to you. Just an observation be- fore I get into the three or four things that I want to talk about. It would seem to me that it would be very nice if somehow the Commission could come up with some kind of way of halting the professional hustlers that come before this Commission regularly seeking tax dollars to sponsor various events in this community. I think it is rather appalling to me, and I am sure that if many of the other tax payers came Id 148 6/14/84 in here and saw how you just constantly give out money to various groups that come here, I think that other people would be upset too. But, moving right along, there are a- bout four or five items I would like to speak to, and I will be very brief on each of them. I am think it is rather ap- parent that it is probably one of the problems why we don't have people here is, I'd like to say that you don't want them here, because if you wanted us here, you would work to get us here. But, a part of the problem to me centers on a lack of communication, a word that is overly worked, but I think that communication is vastly needed in this community, particularly in the Black community, because we have very, very few means to communicate with one another. You know, the drums went out some time ago; some of us still relate to them, but we have one major newspaper, which happens to be the Miami Times. We also have a couple of struggling Black newspapers. One happens to be the Liberty City News. I saw Brother Rolle here a moment ago. The other one happens to be the Black Miami Weekly. It would appear to me that since the Miami Herald and the Miami News and the other newspapers seem to come to the City trough and get money for the ads that the City runs in those newspapers, which helps to fi- nance those newspapers, it would be a better use of taxpay- er's dollars, rather than to sponsor even Goombay, which is not income producing, as I understand some of these other festivities are: art fairs you have, and carnivals. It would seem much more productive to me to direct some of the City money towards those newspapers so that we could improve our means of communication within the Black community, you know, within our community, and outward into your community. So I would certainly encourage the Commissioners to adopt a resolution, or at least order the Legal Department to put together a resolution speaking to that whole matter as to how the Miami Black weekly and the Liberty News could spe- cifically reap some of the benefits that other newspapers in this community reap. Mayor Ferre: Would you also include in that the radio sta- tions that... Mr. Perry: I am primarily concerned with those two newspa- pers. You may include, you know, whomever you choose. Mayor Ferre: I mean, you have no objections if we include WEDR or WMBM. Mr. Perry: They are not Black newspapers, nor are they Black media. They are White owned institutions. I am talk- ing primarily about Black owned institutions. Mayor Ferre: Well, who reaches more Black citizens? You are talking about communicating, aren't you? So my question is... Mr. Perry: I don't want to get into an academic argument, Mayor, but it would appear to me that if the Liberty City News or the Miami Black weekly had the adequate resources, they would also be able to reach, you know, a vast number of people. They just don't have the resources. Mayor Ferre: That is a valid argument. Mr. Perry: So I mean, if you want to expand that, that is your thing. My other concern is the bond issue. I am going to take an unpopular stand right now. I am opposed to the bond issue - unalterably opposed to the bond issue. Let me share with you why I am opposed to it. 149 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Are you talking about all bond issues? Mr. Perry: I am talking about the Overtown, Liberty City now being tacked on, and Little Havana. Mayor Ferre: How about the parks bond issue? You vote ... Mr. Perry: I am not dealing with that. I am talking ... Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute. Are you opposed to the parks bond issue? Mr. Perry: I haven't even had a chance to study that one. Mayor Ferre: Okay. Mr. Perry: The Park West/Overtown has impacted upon me in such a way that I can't get beyond that. But I thought you had an excellent exercise going over here today where you had two Black groups, two sets of Blacks pitted against one another over some dollars that probably that neither one of them will ever get! So, I don't see how you can set back as intelligent human beings and orchestrate that type of exer- cise, and then you are going to drag in Little Havana, and the next thing we know, we will have Blacks pitted against Blacks, Blacks pitted against Hispanics over a few million dollars that you guys are talking about. Let me get to the Overtown/Park West specifically. One of my major objections to that issue is that I haven't yet seen how persons that currently reside in Overtown are going to benefit from that bond issue. If you listen to the dialogue around the bond issue from Little Havana, you constantly talk about commer- cial development. You talk about the development of the Miami River. You talk about income producing activities that will benefit business people in Little Havana. When you start talking about Overtown, you start talking about a bond issue that is going to benefit land owners, that is go- ing to benefit developers, that is going to benefit current business people that do not look like people who reside in Overtown, so the residents of Overtown do not reap any of the benefits from that money you are talking about in a bond at Overtown. I have also heard discussion about homes that are being ... people can qualify for homes at $50,000 to $60,000 that have an income of $15,000 a year. We haven't got but one halfway owned Black bank in the community, which is people's bank, and I will guarantee you that Southeast and the rest of those banks will not qualify a person making $15,000 to purchase a home at $60,000, and it just isn't go- ing to happen. In fact, you are not going to find that many people that are making $15,000, so I say to you that until such time as we begin to look at what we are doing at Overtown, so that it benefits people that reside in Overtown, and benefits Black business people to the extent that Black folk are able to create their economic entities, hire and train their own people, then you will get more sup- port for the bond issue as it relates to Overtown. I have heard a lot of talk about justification and you are running into a prime example of that if you would just visit Balti- more and I was just there a couple of weeks ago and I lived there quite a number of years. What you are getting ready to do to Overtown has already happened around the inner har- bor area. I can recall that area years ago as the people that lived there. I recalled Southern High School, which happens to be now an apartment building. People that lived in that neighborhood could never afford to reside in that building. I look at the inner harbor area and the housing in there that has been sold after putting people out, such as you are getting ready to do in Overtown. People cannot come back to that kind of community and they are denied the opportunity of living in a clean, healthy kind of climate. ld 150 6/14/84 Let me move on away from the bond issue, and my third issue deals with a resolution that I have proposed before to the Mayor. It deals with businesses in this community that do — business with the City and simultaneously do business with South Africa and Cuba. I am proposing that this Commission adopt an ordinance or at least instruct your Legal Depart- ment to put together a resolution that in fact says - those businesses in this community or anywhere that do business with the City of Miami, if they do business in South Africa, -- or if they do business with Cuba, they will no longer be benefited by taxpayer's dollars in this community that you _ currently give them, and that includes deposits of pension funds, all the way down the line. I think my fourth issue is one that deals with public hous- ing and I know you are going to say you don't have anything to do with public housing, but I think it is a crime and a disgrace for you to be City Commissioners and represent peo- ple, who over half of the people in Dade County who reside in public housing live within the corporate limits of the City of Miami. They are your constituents. You could cer- tainly, if you don't have anything to do with public hous- ing, you could go before the County Commission as elected officials and put pressure on the County Commission to clean up the public housing projects in this community, so our young people do not have to grow up in crime ridden neigh- borhoods and be exposed to conditions that are totally un- bearable. My fifth issue is the one that deals with jobs. I don't want to kick it to death, but I think that you have a re- sponsibility to create the kinds of programs that will cre- ate job incentives in this community, certainly for persons that reside in the downtown area - the poor people, the de- nied people, the rejected people, would have a greater op- portunity for jobs in this community. My last item... Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute! I didn't understand that one. Up until now I followed you. Now, what did you say about jobs? I still don't understand what you are saying. Mr. Perry: I don't have the answers. I am only putting the challenge before this Commission. that when you deal with guys like Bob Traurig, the rest of these folks that coming in here representing these million dollar projects that you threaten to build in there and make some demands that they create certain kinds of jobs that are available to the resi- dents that are in walking distance of those projects. I don't know what to do specifically, but I am certain that with your creative staff, that you can come up with some so- lution so that people in this community can begin to get jobs immediately, rather than have a development come in here and reap the benefit, but leave nothing behind. Mayor Ferre: In other words, you are talking about that ... I think it would be totally unconstitutional and illegal for any government body to force a private sector to create jobs arbitrarily, but what you are saying is, as they create jobs, that they benefit the immediate neighborhoods that are _ within a reasonable distance that are low income neighbor- hoods. Is that what you are saying? Mr. Perry: Mr. Mayor, I don't know how unconstitutional it is, with the Reagan Administration and the Reagan Supreme Court, it is very difficult to determine what is unconstitu- tinnal in this day and time. So, what I am trying to say to you is, that when you give up zoning variances, when you ld 151 6/14/84 give up, you know, certain privileges to developments that are coming into this community, that certainly you attach to, that some conditions that they must meet that will benefit the community. One of those conditions could be that they create, or make sure that they hire "X" number of their em- ployees that reside within depressed communities. Now, I am sure if we go beyond that, do a little brainstorming and find out what is going on in other cities, we could come up with some other kind of ideas. My last item is one that really perplexes me, but before I get to that one, I found it rather interesting listening to you all and I have an application to that Coconut Grove Sailing Club. I will get someone to join if I apply anyway, but it was really ironic, Mayor, that here you belong to the Bath Club, and I know it is private and all of that, to be party of discussions relative to whether or not Blacks can join the Coconut Grove Sailing Club. Miller, I just wish that we had control over the Bath Club too, and maybe we could get our Mayor out of the Bath Club. But nevertheless, the last item of concern to me happens to be an item that relates to our dear City Manager, Mr. Gary. Mr. Gary at- tended a meeting that we invited him to a couple of nights ago at Miami Northwestern. It would was good to have Howard back home. I am sure that the persons in attendance at that meeting got a good feeling, knowing that we have a brother who sits at the head of City Government that we can trust and obviously several other people in this community can trust and have a a lot of trust for and recognize his capabilities. As we listened to Howard talk the other night, I think it was the consensus that Mr. Gary has done an outstanding job in his tenure as Manager of this City government. We are proud of Mr. Gary and in our assessment of what he has done, to the person we said it is exception- al. Now, we know you guys have dilly-dallied, played your little games and delayed, stalled, politicked around the e- valuation and assessment of Howard Gary. I even understand that, and I correct me, I missed this part, that he had to apologize to a man that he fired. Now, if that is correct, that goes beyond all sorts of reasoning, but when I first walked through the door, somebody told me that the City Manager had to apologize at the direction of the City Com- mission to someone that he fired! Mayor Ferre: What? Mr. Perry: Now, that is what I hear, you know ... Mayor Ferre: You know, I will tell you, your source of in- formation and the quality of your information is about consistent this afternoon. Mr. Perry: It is about what? Mayor Ferre: Consistent! Mr. Perry: I am glad to know that it is consistent, but that is not important. That is really not important, Mr. Mayor, and maybe if we get back to my original item dealing with communications, maybe there would be some improvement or whatever, in the information I receive, if you would sup- port those resolutions and see if the Black Miami Weekly and the Liberty News got some ads, but let me finish with Mr. Gary. I hope and pray that in your best judgment, wisdom, that you will do what is morally right and that you will search your heart and your conscience to not reach the same kind of decision that a lot of us in the community have reached. But, it would really gall me, Mr.. Mayor, if you or Mr. Perez would vote to oust Mr. Gary with the understanding that neither of you would be sitting in those seats that you ld 152 6/14/84 currently occupy, if persons that looked lake Howard, and supported Howard, had not supported the two of you. Mayor Ferre: So therefore, the evaluation of Howard Gary is a Black issue, right? Mr. Perry: Absolutely not! Mayor Ferre: Oh, I thought that is what you were saying. Mr. Perry: If that is what you are trying to make it, it is not, sir. Mayor Ferre: No, no. I am asking! Mr. Perez: I didn't understand too clear the message., be- cause what is the real message? Would you repeat that one? Mayor Ferre: In other words ... Mr. Perry: I don't understand. Mr. Perez: I don't understand that part. I would like ... Mayor Ferre: He is asking you to repeat and explain, and I am asking you ... as I understood it, you said "And if we evaluate Mr. Gary with the understanding as to why we are here and who voted for us" ... that is the way you think we should evaluate Mr. Gary? Is that what you meant? Mr. Perry: No, no, no. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I am glad I misunderstood. Mr. Perry: No, no, what I am trying to say to you, is that you two guys should all be indebted to the Black community. Now, I know you are paying a lot of us front, and all of that, but ... Mayor Ferre: Now, tell me what that means! Now, tell me what that has to do with Howard Gary? Mr. Perry: Because you are in a position to render judgment on Mr. Gary. Mayor Ferre: And we should render judgment on Mr. Gary based on the votes that we got in November? Mr. Perry: No, no, no. Hear me now, let me finish. We are asking you to render a fair judgment of Mr. Gary in this whole evaluation process. Mayor Ferre: Are you assuming that we are not going to ren- der a fair judgment of Mr. Gary? Mr. Perry: I only know what history tells me, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: And what does history tell you? Mr. Perry: That you have not been fair. Mayor Ferre: We have not been fair to Mr. Gary? Mr. Perry: Oh, not Mr. Gary. Mayor Ferre: Now, we are talking about Mr. Gary's evalua- tion. Now, we have evaluated Mr. Gary twice. You are say- ing that history says that we have evaluated Mr. Gary un- fairly. Id 153 6/14/34 C Mr. Perry: I am saying that in a previous evaluation. Mayor Ferre: Yes? Mr. Perry: You know, we went through this exercise, and ru- mors were spreading out there that certain ... Mayor Ferre: Rumors? Well, I can't deal with rumors. You deal with rumors. Mr. Bill Perry: I have to. Mayor Ferre: Yes, I know. Mr. Perry: See, because I don't sit there. Mayor Ferre: I know that too. Mr. Perry: Only you know. But I certainly them to your at- tention to sensitize you to them as much as I'm sensitized to them. Mayor Ferre: Dr. Perry, I'm glad.... Mr. Perry: Bill Perry is what I usually go by. Mayor Ferre: Bill Perry, I'm glad to hear to -talking. Last time you and I met, you weren't talking this way, but I'm glad to hear you talking this way today. Mr. Perry: How was I talking the last time, for the record? Mayor Ferre: Last time you and I were talking, you made a statement to me that was a little bit different than your statement that was made now. Mr. Perry: Well, let me hear it, because I don't want the public to go away with the impression that I play the kind of games you play. So, if I made a statement to you, I wish you would repeat it. Mayor Ferre: You made a statement to me, and there was one other person in front, that you didn't, "You don't see me defending Howard Gary now." You know, I feel differently. You tell me one thing now. You told me another thing be- fore. Mr. Perry: And why did I say that? Mayor Ferre: I don't know why you said it. Mr. Perry: Why did I say that? Mayor Ferre: I don't know and I don't care. Mr. Perry: I don't have a need to defend Howard Gary. Howard Gary's work stands for Howard Gary. Mayor Ferre: I'm glad you clarified it today. Mr. Perry: I'm not defending Howard Gary today. I'm simply warning you today. Mayor Ferre: All right, Bill, thank you. Mr. Perez: It is important, Mr. Mayor, to leave very clear, in my personal case, I left Cuba for not accepting political pressure, it's very clear that will have the evaluation on fair terms in Overtown, in Liberty City, in Little Havana, or in any part of the City. But it is important to leave for the record that we don't accept any kind of pressure. 1 ld 154 6/14/84 Mayor Ferre: Any rather statements? Mr. David Perkin: Yes, I have, sir. There was something which was mentioned a little while ago about these jobs in Overtown. It is very funny how you all Commissioners send your agents out to get these jobs available for the public view. A lot of these are Black businesses; there is no job for the Black community. If you go downtown, you go to Carol City, Opa-Locka, or anywhere out there, White loca- tions, Cuban locations, 99% employees there, you won't find but only 2% that is so-called Black people. You find other 4% are little, old Haitians and the remainders are the Cu- bans and the Caucasians. Can I ask why when these jobs are supposedly available for all the community, the Black people does not get their share of jobs? When it comes down to businesses, the Black people does not get their share. When it comes down to construction out here throughout Dade Coun- ty, the police and businesses, why the Black contractors cannot receive their share? I'd like you all's conclusions on those points too. You all know what I'm here about be- cause you all know I've been pushing about certain preju- diced discrimination that is causing too many crimes that are actually occurring throughout a lot of these Black com- munities. When a lot of these Black people go for jobs or businesses, they does not get their share. Go before these budget bureaus, ask them for some grants to try to open up a place of business, they doesn't get their share. They give us a run-around. When it comes down before you all Commis- sioners about these bonds and grants, 90% of those grants, you all are putting them under the table to help your own people and your own nationality, the Cubans. But where are the Black contractors located? Why they does not get their share? I'd like you all's conclusions on these points as of now. This is to helps our problems. Like I said, we don't need crime to keep on increasing. By the way that you all are doing to help your own associates, you are causing them to get richer and you are causing the poor people to go down and causing crime to increase. We don't need crime. We need something that is going to help solve these problems the legal way. I'd like you all's conclusions, please. Mayor Ferre: This is a public hearing. We are listening to the public. Then we will get to a discussion after that. Mr. David Perkin: I'm waiting on your discussion, so what if the public asks me what is your concern, what conclu- sions can I give? See, this is to solve problems and crime. We don't need crime. We don't need all these problems to keep on occurring when you all cannot give your proper conclusions, what you are doing with all these grants, budgets, funds, and loans. Mayor Ferre: Is Erny Fannatto in the audience? Mr. David Perkin: I know you cannot give the right con- clusion, but I can. This is what I'm pushing about, such problems. We don't need them. We want the problems solved. Mayor Ferre: All right, sir. Mr. Irving McKnight: My name is Irving McKnight; I live at 224 N.W. 12 Street. First I would like to thank the Commis- sion for bringing this meeting to our neighborhood today. I offer no apology for so few residents turning out. I sup- pose they too have gotten disgusted with this process. But thank you for coming, and also on your way back, please drive through this neighborhood so you can see for yourself that we need more than a townhall meeting to get things done ld 155 6/14/84 here or to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Overtown, particularly the younger ones who outnumber the older ones about five to one. So, please, on your way home, lock your doors, put up your windows, and drive through the neighborhood and see if this is where you want to raise your children. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. McKnight, thank you. Any other statements? Mr. Plummer: I didn't hear the Manager give a response to David Perkins. He's not a very good manager, is he? Mr. Wallace McCall: The reason I come up here today... Wal- lace McCall... as I've been coming to many City Commission meetings, and most of them when most of you are friends of mine who I admire, because if I didn't admire you, I would- n't support you. But the issue here today and I'm so sur- prised of the people in this community, Miami, and if you go to any other Metropolitan city, you don't see this type of clientele where you see here every week, Black community, Hispanic community, Anglo community. I mean, since when we split up like this? I mean, we all pay taxes. We all vote for the same party. We all work together. How come all of a sudden we have the City split up by the Black community and so forth, like that. You don't see that in New York City. You don't see that in Cleveland, Detroit. Everybody works together because when that money comes down here, Mr. Mayor, I understand that the money is used if it is for urban renewal, if it is for development, I thought that the money is used for the citizens of Miami and the total commu- nity. I didn't think that the money... You got to say this is the money for the Black community. I want you to hear me. What's wrong? Mayor Ferre: I hear you. Mr. McCall: I don't want this money here for the Black com- munity, this money here for the Hispanic community, this here for the White community. We don't need that here. Miami is an international city. If we're going to lose a lot of money, punch, people, and ever, if we keep fighting among ourselves, separate ourselves, we all are human be- ings. We all work every day. We all need money in our com- munity. We all need development in our community. What I'm asking you, Mr. Mayor, as a friend of mine, will you please, the issue, let's get away from this racial thing, there will always be races. Blacks don't like Blacks. White don't like White. Let's not fight races; I thought we comes to Commission meetings to help our community in which we live in. We don't need people to fight people. We don't need White to fight White. We don't need Black to fight Black. We need committees of people in the total community to come up to you all address what we need in the total community to help make Miami a city that it is supposed to be. I have here in my hands a task force recommended July 25, 1983, East Little Havana. I want you, Mr. Mayor, if you can, not today, but whenever you get a chance, this task force that was recommended, the money, as I see in the media, in the paper, has been allocated to a certain extent for the rede- velopment of the East Little Havana. You also have on your agenda today, number 59, I think, or 60, the boundaries of East Little Havana. I have no problem with Little Havana, Anglo, or anything like that. But if they are going to get this type of money for redevelopment of Little Havana, when you have other parts of the City of Miami for so long need redevelopment, so long, and hasn't had the chance of getting redeveloped yet. Why all of a sudden all of this money we getting now and concentrating it on that particular segment. I would also like to say one more thing. You know I know 1d 156 6/14/84 Aga and the rest of the members of the City Commission know that there is never going to be anymore Overtown. You know that. So, if we don't have no more Overtown, please let's put some money and help to develop a part of this town of Miami where people, where all people can live in peace and harmony. Let's not keep kidding ourselves we are going to do this for Overtown. We know who Overtown is going to be for. It's already on the drawing board. What I'm trying to say, please, let's all unite together and try to build and put some money in our community. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: I don't want to get in a long-winded discus- sion, because we only have an hour left, and Miller and I am tired and some of us are getting tired around here. But I just want to say into the record that if it weren't for Miller Dawkins and if it weren't for Demetrio Perez and oth- ers on this Commission, and if it weren't for Howard Gary insisting on monies going to the Black community, a lot of monies wouldn't go to the Black communities. So, it may be a sad commentary, but perhaps that has to be done. But it requires that kind of insistence so that money can be prop- erly distributed. We're not in the evaluation of Howard Gary today. But there is no question that since Howard Gary has been City Manager, there has been a strong move toward distributing what funds come to this community, so that the Black community gets its fair share. I can't say that's al- ways been the case. So, I know it's not nice. I know that in a perfect world people shouldn't do that, but don't you see, look at the contradiction right away. You say that this money should go for Miami and it shouldn't go for any- body like Black Miami or Little Havana and all that, but you don't want money to go to Overtown, because Overtown is go- ing to be a dead thing, he wants money to go to Liberty City or to other parts. Wallace, that is a contradiction. Mr. McCall: Mr. Mayor, let me say one more thing to you. I believe you missed my whole point. I never came to talk like this before. You know and everybody else knows that I do not speak anytime you want to see me, I do not speak un- less I have facts. Facts is what I'm saying. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. McCall: You know and I know I'm not talking about no elevation of Mr. Gary and Mr. Dawkins. I told you, I'm not up here by race ethics. I'm speaking about everybody in Miami. I'm sick of this racist thing. I'm talking about everybody. I'm talking about the whole City Commission, not just Howard Gary. I don't care if he is purple blue and everything,. But that is what we fight against every day, but I'm not speaking about that. Now, you said just then about the money for Overtown. You know and I know that in order to get money in this town, in this county every year, there must be something to get something. If the Federal Government knows today that we don't need no money for urban renewal, no money will come down here. So hand me that Overtown needs this and that. I know that. For so long we've been wiped off and that money has been going to other aspects, as you see fit. All I'm saying, don't give us 100%. Don't give Anglo 100%, Hispanics 100%. Give the money where it's due. When people from other countries come in Miami, we don't want them to say "We'll just come into the Anglo community. We'll just come into the Hispanic community." We want them to come to Miami. We want Miami to be big stuff like every other part of Miami. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: Thank you. ld 157 6/14/84 ---- --- - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - --- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- -- 55. INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT CHARTER AMENDMENT TO BE KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1" FOR THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTING GRAMMATICAL, SYNTACTICAL AND LINGUISTIC ER -- ROBS, AND ELIMINATE OBSOLETE PROVISIONS. --a.a----------- a------------- a./ ----- -aA Garcia Pedrosa: How about item 15, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: We'll take up item 15. This is instructing the City Attorney to draft a charter amendment for submis- sion to the electorate in September for election. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That's the charter revision, Mr. Mayor, that you wanted. Mayor Ferre: Does anyone here wish to speak on the charter revision? If not, is there a resolution? It's the same thing that passed before, Plummer. You haven't changed it. Have you? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: You are instructing me to draft it. As soon as you vote on it, I'll give you the draft. Mr. Plummer: This is the first step. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: That's right. This is step number one. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Is that right, Mr. Plummer? Perez seconds. Further discussion on 15? Call the roll, please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-650 A RESOLUTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A CHARTER AMENDMENT FOR SUBMISSION TO THE ELECTORATE AT THE SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 ELECTION, TO BE KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1", AMENDING THE CITY CHARTER, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTING GRAMMATICAL, SYNTACTI- CAL, AND LINGUISTIC ERRORS; ELIMINATING OB- SOLETE AND REDUNDANT PROVISIONS; AND RESTRU- CTURING AND RENUMBERING CHARTER SECTIONS AND PARTS THEREOF FOR CLARITY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Id 158 6/14/84 ------------------------------------------------------------ Do. FIRST READING ORDINANCE; SET FORTH PROPOSED CHARTER A- MENDMENT NO. 1" TO CORRECT GRAMMATICAL, SYNTACTICAL AND LINGUISTIC ERRORS; AS WELL AS OBSOLETE PROVISIONS IN THE CHARTER. .-------- -- ---------------------- --- -- -- ---- -------------- -- Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Now if we could take up the proposed draft, Mr. Mayor. That would be on first reading, because you want this on the ballot. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, if you want this on the bal- lot, you have to pass this on first reading. Let me read it if I might. Mayor Ferre: This is a resolution we just passed. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, sir, you instructed me in the reso- lution to draft the document that I now have drafted. Mayor Ferre: Oh, I see, go ahead. Read it. Plummer moves, Perez seconds. Right? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS "CHARTER A- MENDMENT NO. 111, AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CORRECT- ING GRAMMATICAL, SYNTACTICAL, AND LIN- GUISTIC ERRORS ELIMINATING OBSOLETE OR REDUNDANT PROVISIONS, AND RESTRUCTURING AND RENUMBERING CHARTER SECTIONS AND PARTS THEREOF FOR CLARITY; INSTRUCTING THE PROPER CITY OFFICIALS TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF SAID PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT TO THE ELEC- TORATE AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON SEPTEMBER 4, 1984; AND CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. Id 159 6/14/84 --------------- ------ =--- mow --------a. --.was--wee,-------------w-.war 57• INCREASE CONTRACT WITH EVENSEN DODGE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $459000 FOR PROVIDING HOUSING, FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES IN THE AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. ----- aw- w---- was------- -- -- -w-- i- w- w ----- - -A ----------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up item 7. Miller Dawkins moves. Demetrio Perez seconds. Further discussion? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: It's a resolution. Mayor Ferre: I'm going to call the vote in a second. I just want to make sure Evensen Dodge, where are they from, Mr. Manager? Mr. Dawkins: I seconded it. Mayor Ferre: I know you did. You made the motion. I'm asking, under discussion, where Evensen Dodge is from. Ms. Dena Spillman: Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mayor Ferre: Are they a minority firm? Ms. Spillman: No, sir. Mr. Gary: This is an extension of an existing contract, Mr. Mayor. They already began the work on the affordable hous- ing program. They are doing all the financial work for us on this. Mr. Plummer: Do we get all the money back when the bonds are passed? Mr. Gary: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let the record reflect no one seeks to be heard. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84--651 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, BY AN AFFIRMATIVE TWO-THIRDS VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $45,000 IN THE CONTRACT BE- TWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND EVENSEN-DODGE, INC., DATED MAY 1, 1981, FOR PROVIDING HOUS- ING FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES IN AFFORDA- BLE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM; SAID FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED ENTIRELY FROM THE GEN- ERAL OBLIGATION HOUSING BOND FUND; FURTHER, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S WRITTEN FIND- ING, SUPPORTED BY REASONS, THAT ONLY ONE REASONABLE SOURCE OF SUPPLY EXISTS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote- ld 160 6/14/84 AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ---- -a- ------ -------a+ aa.--- - ----- ---- -- ------a +--a.+--------- 58. WAIVE REQUIREMENTS CONTAINED IN CODE SEC. 2-302 TO PER- MIT GABRIEL FRANCOIS, AN EMPLOYEE OF THE SOLID WASTE DEPT. TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HOME RENOVATION AND REHABIL- ITATION PROGRAM. a- ------ -r--- r - -- ------------a--a-- +--------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up item 14, Gabriel Francois, an employee of the Solid Waste Department to participate in the Home Renovation and Rehab Program. Miller Dawkins moves. J.L. Plummer seconds. Further discussion on item 14, which per- mits an employee to participate in the Home Rehab Program? Call the roll. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let the record reflect that no one seeks to be heard also, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Does anyone wish to be heard on 14? Let the record reflect nobody stood up. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-652 A RESOLUTION WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS AND PROHIBITION CONTAINED IN CITY CODE SECTION 2-302; BY FINDING, AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, THAT IT IS IN THE BEST IN- TEREST OF THE CITY TO PERMIT GABRIEL FRANCOIS EMPLOYEE OF THE SOLID WASTE DEPART- MENT, TO PARTICIPATE IN THE HOME RENOVATION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM ADMINISTERED BY SAID DEPARTMENT'S HOUSING DIVISION THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PRO- GRAM OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo sl 161 June 14, 1984 -------aw.n-w-----.ns.....e.-----e.-w.rr-------- - ...----r.----- .ewe....---r- 59• ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK; CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE- MENT "ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA - BID "D" - SRa5497-C" - --- --- ----- ai®al.- - --- --- ----- ----- - ------- ---- ---- --------- -- Mayor Ferre: Take up item 16, Joe Reinertson Equipment Com- pany for $77,751.25 for the city wide sanitary sewer im- provement, and authorizing a final payment of $8,369.13. Does anybody want to speak on this issue? Let the record reflect that nobody rose. Who moves? Mr. Dawkins: Move. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Perez seconds. Further dis- cussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-653 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. AT A TOTAL COST OF $77,751.25 FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA - BID "D" IN CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE- MENT - ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA DISTRICT SR-5497-C (CENTERLINE SEWER); AND AUTHORIZ- ING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $8,369.13. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo - -- -- - -- ---- - --- - --- -- - r- - - -- - - - - - -- - - ------------------- - - 60. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: "CENTRAL SANITARY IMPROVEMENT SR- 5481—C" --- - --- - r--- r- --- -------- -- - - -- --- --- - ----- a---r------- Mayor Ferre: The same thing on Lanzo Construction Company for the Central Sanitary Sewer Company, item 17. Does any- body wish to speak on item 17? Let the record reflect no- body stood. Plummer moves; Dawkins seconds. Further dis- cussion? The Manager recommends. Call the roll. sl 162 June 14, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: o- RESOLUTION NO. 84-654 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. AT A TOTAL COST OF $6169817.51 FOR CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5481-C (CENTERLINE SEWER); AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $73,677.58. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------------------------------------------------- ---------- 61. ALLOCATE $12,000 WITH ROCKWOOD SYSTEMS CORP. FOR PURPOS- ES OF PURCHASING A MACRO -FOAM, MACROGEN GENERATOR AND MACROBAR BARRIERS FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPART- MENT. ----------- ------------ -------- ----------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up item 18. Mr. Plummer: Move to defer. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion for deferral. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let's make it to a specific time and date. It's a public hearing. Mr. Plummer: I want to know what it is. Mayor Ferre: Why didn't you read the agenda? Mr. Plummer: I read the agenda. I still do not understand it. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion to defer 18. Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. I'm sorry. I stand corrected. I do know what it is. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves 18. Perez seconds. Further discussion? The Manager recommends. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No one seeks to be heard. Mayor Ferre: Does anyone wish to be heard on the unknown item 18? Call the roll. sl 163 June 14, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-655 A RESOLUTION, BY A FOUR -FIFTHS AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING RATI- FYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENT FOR COMPETI- TIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A ROCKWOOD SYSTEM MACROFOAM, MACROGEN GENERATOR AND MACROBAR BARRIERS FROM ROCK - WOOD SYSTEMS CORPORATION FOR THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $12,000 FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI PO- LICE DEPARTMENT, THE ONLY KNOWN SUPPLIER; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PO- LICE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO IN- STRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PUR- CHASE ORDERS FOR THIS SERVICE, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins =_ Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ra.------------ ---- -----r.---------ar.--a—a—a—ran.----a--aaa—a—a NOTE FOR THE RECORD: No persons appeared on Agenda items 20 and 22; and genda item No. 30 was deferred. ------------ -- -- ------ -- - -a--- --- - - - -- --- ------ ----- - -- -- --- - --- —aa— -----aaa— — —r --- --- -- -- -- 1----- — ---- —-------- ----- --- 62. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE FOR WAIVING OF COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS FOR 6 LIFE-PAK 5 BATTERY SUP- PORT SYSTEMS FOR THE DEPT. OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPEC- TION SERVICES. -- ------ — — — -- — — — -- —`0 — -- --- — — — ----- -- ----- — --+--------------- Mayor Ferre: We're on item 33. This required a four -fifths vote. Waiving the requirement for competitive sealed bid for approving the purchase of six life pak battery support system. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, these are the battery charges for the.... Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Is this Coors or Budweiser? Plummer moves it for Budweiser. Here's a Bud for you. Demetrio Perez sec- onds. Further discussion? Does anybody wish to speak to item 33? Call the roll on 33• sl 164 June 14, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner -- Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-656 A RESOLUTION, BY A FOUR -FIFTHS (4/5ths) AF- FIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FIND- ING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENT FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF SIX (6) LIFE PAK 5 BATTERY SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES; FROM PHYSIO- CONTROL CORP., THE ONLY KNOWN SUPPLIER; AT A PROPOSED TOTAL COST OF $8,400.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS SERVICE, SUB- JECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ....----------------------------- -------------- 63. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH SPECIAL REVENUE FUND EN- TITLED: "RECREATION PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED - 9TH YEAR". i-- -------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: The next one establishes special fund for the mentally retarded. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Dawkins seconds. Further dis- cussion? Does anybody wish to speak on this? Emergency or- dinance, read the ordinance. All right, before we vote, Mr. City Attorney, I would like a ruling, sir. I think an argu- ment could be made that anybody who serves on this Commis- sion might have problems in a conflict of interest in voting for this. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: I think you should all recuse your- selves. Mr. Plummer: That is only superseded by anyone running for State Attorney. Is it true that Janet Reny is auditing the Legal Department? Mayor Ferre: Without further discussion, call the roll. sl 165 June 14, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "REC- REATION PROGRAMS FOR THE MENTALLY RE- TARDED O TH YEAR)", APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR ITS OPERATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $156,748.00 COMPOSED OF $131,748.00 FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, $25,000 FROM FISCAL YEAR 1983-'84 SPE- CIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS: MATCHING FUNDS FOR GRANTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT A GRANT AWARD FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES AND TO ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY AGREEMENT TO ACCEPT THIS GRANT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVI- SION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9849. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. -- -- - ---- - --- - -- - - --- -- - - - -- - --- -- -- -- ------------------ -- - - 64. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW REVENUE FUND ENTI- TLED: "ENTRANT ASSISTANT PROGRAM 1984-850. - - ------------ -- - - --- --- -- - - -- ---- -- - - - - - -- - - --- --- ------- Mayor Ferre: Item 35 establishes new Special Revenue Fund entitled "Entrant Assistance Program." Demetrio Perez moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds on emergency basis. Anybody wish to be heard on 35? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. sl 166 June 14, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "EN- TRANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - 1984/85119 AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF r SAME IN THE AMOUNT OF $825, 973 FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ---- HUMAN SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT GRANT AWARDS FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM TO PROVIDE MANPOWER EMPLOYMENT SERVICES TO REFUGEES AND ENTRANTS; CONTAINING A =— REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Perez and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Perez and seconded by Commissioner Plummer, adopted said or- dinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9850, The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. - - - ----- --- -- ------ -- --- - - - - -- -- --- -1-- -------------------- - 65. DISCUSSION AND DEFERRAL OF COINSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE WHICH WOULD HAVE APPROPRIATED $29219,000 FOR LAND ACQUI- SITION FOR THE CONVENTIONAL PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. - - -- -- -- -- - -- --- - -- -- ---- - - -- -- -----r----------------- --- - - - Mayor Ferre: Did we do item 36, Mr. Clerk? Mr. Ralph Ongie: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: Take up item 36. I thought we had. This is the $2,219,000 for land acquisition for the Conventional Public Housing Development Program. These are land reuse proceeds provided by the U.S. Department of H.U.D. for ac- quisition financing shortfall and so on. The Manager recom- mends. sl 167 June 14, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Where are the locations on 36? -- Mr. Dawkins: Does scattered site mean single family homes, — duplexes, twin homes, or multiple units? Mr. Dena Spillman: Single, family, and duplexes, sir. This is really a housekeeping matter. It is accepting the pro- ceeds. This is something you have already acted on. We're just officially accepting these proceeds into the City budg- et. Mr. Gary: The house is already built, 266 units. This is just a formality. Ms. Spillman: You approved this previously. Mr. Gary: The houses are built where? Ms. Spillman: It was built in Model Cities, Allapattah, Buena Vista, Wynwood, and Coconut Grove. Mr. Plummer: That means you got pregnant and now you are getting married. Ms. Spillman: And Little Havana. Mayor Ferre: Yes, don't forget Little Havana. How about Key Biscayne? Any further discussion? Who moves? Who moves? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, we need this item to close out our liability of $2,200,000 which this City Commission created by passing the program. Mayor Ferre: I move item 36, based on the Manager's recom- mendation. Mr. Plummer: Is there a second? Oh, I'm not the Vice May- or, I second. Mr. Perez: Dena, could I know what are the place, the site you plan to choose? Mr. Dawkins: I get tired every time, the only problem, Mr. Gary, the only problem I have with this is every time I get ready to question where some houses have been built, and I think I have an opportunity to put some someplace where we need them, I'm voting on something that has already been done. I mean, wait a minute, now, it's always all of you can come to me and explain to me up here. You voted on this, but you never found the time before today to come to me and say, "Commissioner Dawkins, this is what we voted on and we want to make sure you understand what we're doing." Mayor Ferre: Mr. Clerk, I would like these words memorial- ized for the evaluation next month. Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mr. Gary: If I might, Commissioner Dawkins, this is a pro- gram that was done, that you approved, this Commission four years ago, four years, Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: I approve of it. You didn't send me that. Why did you all say I approved it? I wasn't here four years ago. sl 168 June 14, 1984 Mr. Gary: I understand that, sir. I'm trying to... Com- missioner Dawkins, would you let me talk to Commissioner.... Mr. Dawkins: Go ahead, sir. Mr. Gary: This was done four years ago. I was trying to demonstrate to you that it's not something where we are try- ing to pull the wool over your eyes and that you don't have the opportunity to participate. The housing was built four years ago. We're just getting the money from the Federal Government to pay for those 266 housing. They were scat- tered site housing throughout the neighborhood. Mr. Dawkins: How big? Mr. Gary: It was 266 houses. We really need to get the bill paid, Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: How much floor space, or floor area was in each one of them? Little match -boxes, right? Mr. Gary: I would have to say that compared with the public housing, they're luxury housing. Compared to what you would probably like to have, yes, they are match -boxes. Mr. Perez: Mr. Manager, I have asked what are the sites that you have chosen for this project? Mr. Gary: No, they are already built. Mr. Perez: I know it was already built, but where are the sites we are referring in this issue? Mr. Gary: Allapattah, Little Havana, Liberty City, Overtown, Coconut Grove. We have a contract. We don't want to lose this Federal money. Mayor Ferre: This has already been expended. This is done. The houses are built. Can we now vote on it? Commissioner Plummer moves. Mr. Plummer: No, I seconded it. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Dawkins moves. Commissioner Dawkins: No, you moved it. Mayor Ferre: I move. Who seconds? Mr. Dawkins: Plummer seconds. Mr. Chairman, would you call the roll on 36? Mr. Perez: I move to continue it. Mayor Ferre: You can't do that now, because there is a mo- tion on the floor and a second. Now you have.... Mr. Perez: That's the same excuse that we always have in all the Commission meetings. You know we have an emergency at 8:00 o'clock every day and we have a lot of paper and we don't know what we are discussing in this issue. We called called several times to Dena Spillman's office. They never give an explanation about what they are planning. I don't think this is the proper way. I think we can discuss for the next June 28th meeting. We have two weeks. Mr. Dawkins: You and I weren't here. We'll get them next time. They said this was four years ago. We won't worry about it. We'll stop all the rest of it. That's all. No sl 169 June 14, 1984 problem. We weren't here four years ago when this happened. So, we dnn't fight it. But you and I stay in the same place. Mayor Ferre: I got news for you, you better talk him into it, because otherwise, I have to accept that motion to de- fer. Mr. Plummer: Let's take a five minute recess. Mayor Ferre: No, we have a lot of work to do. Come on. Let's go to 37. We'll come back to 36. ii- r------ - - - - -----iw- - - - - - - - - 66. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: INCREASE APPROPRIATION IN THE GEN- ERAL FUND FOR THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR $209000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDING FOR PURCHASE OF MODULAR WORK STATIONS. -r--r-r-i------ -- -- - ------r-i------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up item 37. This is increasing the ap- propriation of the general fund of the City Clerk's Office in the amount of $20,000. Mr. Plummer: Oh, not Mayor Ferre: Do I hear $21,000? Mr. Plummer: $20,0001 Oohh! Mother of the blue-eyed goose! Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves item 37. Miller Dawkins seconds it. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Is there fur- ther discussion? Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9684 ADOPTED SEPTEM- BER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEM- BER 30, 1984, BY INCREASING THE APPRO- PRIATION IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000 AND BY DECREASING THE APPROPRIA- TION FOR SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS IN THE LIKE AMOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDING TO PURCHASE MODULAR WORK STATIONS TO ACCOMMODATE THE IN- STALLATION OF WORD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT RECENTLY ACQUIRED BY THE CITY; CONTAIN- ING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice, -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo sl 170 June 14, 1984 Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote- — AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9851. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. Mr. Ralph Ongie: Mr. Mayor, there is a resolution that goes with that. Mayor Ferre: A resolution ratifying confirmation approving by a four -fifths affirmative vote of the City Commission the acquisition of the City Manager in waiving competitive bid- ding requirements and in authorizing the emergency purchase. Wait a moment. Why do we have to have an emergency? You mean you have already bought this stuff? This is a waiver and says we don't have to have competitive bids. Why not? Mr. Ongie: Well, we already solicited three people. I want to get going on this immediately. Mayor Ferre: Are you stating for the record, Ralph, so that we don't get into trouble here, that you have solicited and that you have gotten three bids and that you are taking the low bid? Mr. Ongie: Yes, and furthermore, the reason is that we can- not proceed one more minute with the installation of the computer equipment until we get this project going. Mayor Ferre: I understand. Now let me ask you this. When you put this out for bids, was it an open bid process? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: So that you opened up the bids in front of everybody and there was no question that everybody had equal access and opportunity? Mr. Ongie: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Lastly, you are recommending the low bidder? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: The company of the three that we are taking is the low bid company? Mr. Ongie: Pardon me, sir? Mayor Ferre: The low bid? Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: The least expensive. sl 171 June 14, 1984 Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: And it has your recommendation. Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion on the resolution? Mr. Plummer: On "J"? Mayor Ferre: Yes, this is "J", the item right before you. Mr. Plummer: Move item "J". Mayor Ferre: I have it before me. Do you want me to read it? What it does is waive competitive bidding. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Gary: What is the emergency on this again? Mr. Ongie: Mr. Gary, the equipment is there in the office, the computer equipment is there. But we cannot install it because we're so crowded in there. We need to get rid of those old desks and get in these dividers so that we can connect the computers. Mayor Ferre: This company isn't in that ... what's the name of that place in Michigan? Mr. Plummer: Flint, steel city. Mayor Ferre: This isn't from steel city in Flint, Michigan? Mr. Ongie: No, this is a local firm. Mayor Ferre: Who's moving this? Mr. Perez: I move. Mayor Ferre: Demetrio Perez moves. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Wait a minute, Mr. Mayor, please. We need to take up this on the 28th, Mr. Clerk, so we can com- ply with all applicable legal proc-adures. Mr. Ongie: O.K. ----------------------------------------------------------- 67. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH "BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER ADVANCE" AS A NEW PROJECT IN THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND AND APPROPRIATE AN AMOUNT OF $6509000. ------------------------------- ----....--------- ..------- Mayor Ferre: Did we do 38? Mr. Ongie: No. Mr. Plummer: I've got a problem with 38, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: What do you want to do with 38? Mr. Plummer: Well, let me tell you what my problem is, and I'm going to put it on the record. Okay? On the agenda it shows as an appropriation and a loan of $650,000. In the sl 172 June 14, 1984 ordinance which has just been handed out to us they are ask- = _ ing for $2,650,000. Mayor Ferre: Oh, what's an extra zero here or there? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, First of all, the agenda is not the legal document that binds us to any action. Secondly, when this City Commission acted on Restaurant Associates, and we think this is a major feat, J. L., to unify the Rouse development, it was 2.65 million dol- lars and the original $650,000 was a down payment. We have since renegotiated that to pay 2.65 which was the o n Cnal agreement upon closing. This money will be paid by Rouse for those rights. But we have to advance it first because Rouse will only pay us the money when they possession of the property which is not until March 10, 1985. Mayor Ferre: Now Howard, when are we going to pay Restau- rant Associates $2,650,000? Mr. Gary: When we close. Mayor Ferre: When, July, August, September? Is it soon? Mr. Gary: July 30th. Mayor Ferre: Okay, so it is in the next couple months. Now, what is going to happen to those restaurants when we buy it? Who runs it? Mr. Gary: They are going to continue to run the restaurant. Basically, Mr. Mayor, ... Mayor Ferre: Wait a minute, they're going to continue to run it but they're our restaurants. Mr. Gary: They're our restaurants. Mayor Ferre: Who makes or loses money on it? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, they make the money under the same kind of agreement we had with them before. What we are do- ing is buying away their rights. You remember the rights in terms of them running the facility and having the food. Mayor Ferre: Who owns the rights then, the City will? Mr. Gary: We will. Mayor Ferre: We will then sell them. Mr. Gary: We would then sell it back to Rouse. Mayor Ferre: In March. Mr. Gary: Exactly. Mayor Ferre: And my question is between July and March the - restaurant continues. There is cash flow, you know, meat is bought and help is paid and the waiters and wine is bought and... Okay. And somebody either makes or loses money on that. Who makes or loses the money? Mr. Gary: Well, they make or lose the money and we make and lose money on the same terms that we have right now with the -- restaurant. Mayor Ferre: Okay, but in other words since we now own the rights we're running the restaurant, they're running it for us but we own it. It is our lease, we bought it back, we bought what we gave them. sl 173 June 14, 1984 Mr. Gary: Exactly. Mayor Ferre: Okay, now, at the end of, between July and March there is 7 or 8 months. Okay? If there is a positive cash flow of $800,000... Mr. Gary: We get our share. Mayor Ferre: And who gets the rest of it? Mr. Gary: They do. Mayor Ferre: For what, for running it? Mr. Gary: For operating the restaurant, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: But it is not at the same rate as before. Mr. Gary: Yes, it is. Mr. Mayor, if you recall... Mayor Ferre: Oh, I'd like that deal, if I were them I'd like that one. Mr. Gary: Well, they should, but Mr. Mayor, remember when you came up with this Rouse project you had to sell Restau- rant Associates and Dan Paul and all of those down in that restaurant that it was to their best interest to sell out the restaurant. Now, they have a right, they could take us to court, Mr. Mayor, and it would hold up this project for years. And part of the deal was to buy up all of the rights from them and one of the conditions of that deal was that they would run it until we would close it, Mr. Mayor. We are coming off good on this deal. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, you're closing this thing in July. Okay? And at that point we own the property again. We not only own the fee simple, we own the lease. We re- purchased the lease. You're telling me that after we have re -purchased the lease, paid them $2,650,000 they continue to run it and make the same kind of money as before we bought the lease/ Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, what you are paying for this 2.65 mil- lion is buying away their rights and for buying away their rights they're going to give up the lease. Mr. Dawkins: How long is the lease they're giving up? Mr. Gary: Until 1993. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, you're taking 2.5 million dollars out of your treasury. Who is going to pay interest on that 2.5 million? Mr. Gary: The Rouse Company. Mayor Ferre: Okay, that is different. In other words what you're telling me is that the $2,650,000 that we're putting up and that Restaurant Associates puts in their pocket has an interest payment and it is being paid by the Rouse Compa- ny. Mr. Gary: Correct. The reason that Rouse can't pay it now, Mr. Mayor, is that the part of the agreement is that they don't pay until they take possession of. Mayor Ferre: And how are they paying it, are they paying it... sl 174 June 14, 1984 Mr. Gary: Cash money lump sum to us. Mayor Ferre: They give us the $2,650,000, they also pay us the interest on that money at what per cent, at our cost of money or at their cost of money? Mr. Gary: At our cost of money. Mayor Ferre: That's fine, that's fair, I've got no problems with that. Mr. Plummer: Question. What, Mr. Gary, what has been the Restaurant Associates' annual income? Mr. John Gilchrist: I couldn't quite hear your question, their annual income? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr. John Gilchrist: Through November of 83, that year their income was 4.5 million gross, of which the City got a basic $85,000 guaranteed rent and a percentage based on an array, which it came to $188,000. This year, based on their cur- rent projections, they would gross 6.6 million. They have very much improved since we threatened the restaurant. Mayor Ferre: 6.6, so we should make what, a couple hundred thousand dollars? Mr. John Gilchrist: Well, it is a graduating scale. We get no percentage of the gross until they make 2.5 million. From 2.5, and it goes 5, 6, 7, etc. Mayor Ferre: I'm glad you reminded me. Mr. Manager... Mr. John Gilchrist: About $250,000 this year. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, would you send to my office and to the members of the Commission a copy of the performance at restaurant Associates and I would also like to see the Rusty Pelican and J. P.'s. Who else do we have? Mr. Plummer: We've got a new one going over on .... Mayor Ferre: Charter House, would you send me, I'd like to see a comparison of what it is that we're supposed to get in very simple language, the number that we got in 81-82-83 and the current figures, if you want, estimated through the fis- cal or the calendar year, whichever one is easiest, but ap- ples to apples. Okay? Mr. Plummer: So what you're telling me is that we're losing about a half a million dollars a year. Mayor Ferre: No. Mr. Plummer: Yes, we are. We're paying them roughly $300,000 a year for their remaining lease - 2.7• We got $188,000, we're losing roughly $488,000... Mayor Ferre: No, Plummer, wait a minute. In the first place, it is not we but Rouse who is buying the leasehold for $2,650,000. We are advancing $2,650,000 for which they are covering us for the principle, naturally, plus the ex- pense of the money at our cost. So in other words our cost may be 7% or 8% or whatever and they're paying us whatever our cost i.s. So the cost of money is not a factor. We get repaid the principle and interest and the cost of money. In addition to that, we make whatever we normally make in the restaurant. That this year will be $250,000 that will con- tinue throughout the leasehold which is ... sl 175 June 14, 1984 Mr. Gary: If I might, Mr. Mayor, the key here is, so that we don't jeopardize this. Restaurant Associates could take us to court. Mayor Ferre: That's right. Mr. Gary: They have voluntarily given up their lease. They r= have a right to 1993. They could take us to court and get a judgment of more than 2.65 million dollars. Mr. Plummer: A final question. Is the contract fully nego- tiated, signed and sealed and delivered with Rouse? Mr. Gary: You can't do it until you get in possession. Don't forget our RFP said we would turn over possession of }; the Restaurant Associates to them. Mr. Plummer: What guarantee do I have, if we pay this mon- ey, that we're going to get our money back. Mayor Ferre: We don't. Mr. Gary: You don't, not right now. But you've got an as- _ set. Mayor Ferre: But I've got news for you, if they walk away from it I'm not worried about it as long as we ... that property right now is worth a hell of a lot more than $2,650,000 and the lease through '93 we can make a lot more than that so I'm nor worried about it, it doesn't bother me a bit. But Mr. Manager, let me ask you this. Mr. Manager, listen to me now. When Rouse buys in March of next year the property, gives us the $2,650,000, do they assume the same lease obligations that Restaurant Associates has through 93 or is this a new contract. Mr. Gary: This is a new contract. Mayor Ferre: Okay, and what do they pay in the new con- tract? Mr. Gary: The 35%. Don't forget the contract you negotiat- ed with them.... Mayor Ferre: Okay, so that's included in the main contract. Mr. Gary: Exactly. Mayor Ferre: Okay, it flows into the main contract. It is not a separate lease on the site. Okay, I've got you. Mr. Gary: Correct, because all the revenues they make go into that pot, we get 35%. Mayor Ferre: Now, as we purchase the lease we also purchase their property inside the lease. Mr. Gary: Correct. Mayor Ferre: That includes the wines and the lamps and eve- rything they're got there. Mr. Gary: No, we don't get the fixtures. Mayor Ferre: All right, we're not buying fixtures, it's their silverware and their plates. Mr. Gary: Their furniture and their fixtures. sl 176 June 14, 1984 Mayor Ferre: We're not buying that. Mr. Gary: No, Rouse is going to do their thing. Mayor Ferre: Okay. So in other words how will we, in the meantime until Rouse buys in March, will they leave those things there? Mr. Gary: No, they've got to leave them there while they're running it, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: I see, Okay, I've got it. I understand. Thank you, sir. Mr. Perez: When they repay the loan, how much interest will they pay? What interest rate? Mr. Gary: Whatever the rate is that we're getting now, it's about 10% or 11%. Mayor Ferre: Okay, are we ready to vote? Who wants to move this? Well, let me put it another way, who will move it? ....TAPE #20.....I'11 move it, Mr. Vice -Mayor. Mr. Perez: Do we have any second? Mayor Ferre: That's with an amended amount, it $2,650,000, an emergency ordinance. Let's go, come on, one way or the other. Mr. Dawkins: I second it. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1983, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, BY ESTABLISHING BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER ADVANCE AS A NEW PROJECT IN THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND AND APPROPRIATING AN AMOUNT OF $2,650,000 FROM A LOAN FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Mayor Ferre and seconded by Commis- sioner Dawkins, for adoption as an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two sepa- rate days, which was agreed to by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Mayor Ferre and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre sl 177 June 14, 1984 NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9852. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. 68. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND 95350 CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, INCREASE APPROPRIATION FOR THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE EN- TERPRISE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $2489000. ALSO, FINAL PAYMENT TO FRANK J. ROONEY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1, 250 , 000 . -rrwr--rrrrw----------------w-w-a--. -----ram• ------ r.----- A .r. Mayor Ferre: O.K., we're on item 39. Second reading refer- ring to the City of Miami/University of Miami/James L. Knight Miami Convention blah, blah...increasing the appro- priation for the Miami Convention Parking Garage by $248,000 and pays Frank J. Rooney the final amount of $1,250,000. Is that the final amount, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Didn't we vote on this last time? Oh, it's second reading. I'm sorry. Who moves this? Plummer moves. Dawkins seconds? No? Perez? Mr. Plummer: Where is Vince? Mayor Ferre: Where is Vince Grimm? He's home drinking a beer. Mr. Plummer: Is this the thing we talked about before to buy him out? Mayor Ferre: Yes, and we voted and you made the motion and Perez seconded it. Mr. Plummer: I second it. Mayor Ferre: You moved it and Perez seconded it. Either way, read the ordinance. Mr. Plummer: I want to ask a question. Where is that man? Mr. Hofineister, I asked some time ago, sir, what has been done about the use of that facility by the University of Miami. Mr. C. Dean Hofineister: We had a meeting about three months ago with the people from the university and Mr. Gary and since then, we've had quite an increase e in the number of events scheduled by the university. They have had a reor- ganization of their operating staff at the university con- ference center. We have seen quite an improvement in the operation by the university at the convention center. Mr. Plummer: Second question, I asked what was being done about making the public aware of the parking facility. What has been done about it? sl 178 June 14, 1984 Mr. Hofineister: We have developed a new signag program that will, be put in place as the World Trade Center con- struction progresses. Right now it's very difficult to put in place because we have to have a large protection over the area where the signs will be placed. ; Mr. Plummer: Would you notify us when it is done? Mr. Hofineister: Yes, I will. Mayor Ferre: Ready to vote? Plummer moves. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CITY OF MIAMI/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI JAMES L. KNIGHT INTERNATIONAL CENTER ALSO COMMON- LY REFERRED TO AS THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 95349 ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS OR- DINANCE, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING AP- PROPRIATIONS FOR THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE IN THE MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER ENTERPRISE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $248,000 FROM FY 1984 FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT FRANCHISE REVENUES TO MAKE FINAL PAYMENT TO FRANK J. ROONEY, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,250,000; CON- TAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of May 10, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, sec- onded by Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading )y title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9853 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. ----------------------------------------- ---- --- 69• SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND 9534, EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORD., TO PROVIDE FOR THE PURCHASE OF LITTER CONTAINERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $170jOOO. --- -- ---- --- - -- - ---- - ---- --- ----- ----- - - - - - -- - - ------------- Mayor Ferre: Item 40. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins. Mr. Gary: This is for the concrete litter containers. sl 179 June 14, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Second by Plummer. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, let the record reflect that no one seeks to be recognized on this item. y— Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote? Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDI- NANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PUR- CHASE OF LITTER CONTAINERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $170,000 AND INCREASING RESOURCES IN THE 1970 POLLUTION CONTROL INCINERATOR FACILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND BALANCE BY A LIKE AMOUNT, CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of May 10, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, sec- onded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9854 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. -- r---�-------- �. r---------------------------------------- 70. SECOND SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORD. 9534, EXISTING CAP- ITAL IMPROVEMENT ORD., BY INCREASING RESOURC- ES/APPROPRIATIONS IN THE MIAMI STADIUM ENTERPRISE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000- PRESS BOX REPAIRS, ETC. - --- - - ----- ----------- - -- -- -- - - ---- --------- ---------------- Mayor Ferre: We're on item 41. Dawkins moves. Perez sec- onds. Further discussion? Second reading, read the ordi- nance. Mr. Garcia Pedrosa: Let the record reflect no one seeks to be recognized. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. sl 180 June 14, 1984 El NANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9534 ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ORDINANCE AS AMEND- ED, BY INCREASING RESOURCES AND APPRO- PRIATIONS IN THE MIAMI STADIUM ENTER- PRISE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $300,000 TO ESTABLISH A NEW PROJECT IN THE MIAMI STADIUM ENTERPRISE FUND ENTITLED MIAMI BASEBALL STADIUM PRESS BOX REPAIRS, XVI C.2, REVENUES IN A LIKE AMOUNT ARE A- VAILABLE FROM A TRANSFER OF $53,000 FROM THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM ENTERPRISE FUND, AND $2479000 FROM MIAMI STADIUM FUND EQ- UITY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. on its first reading by title at the meeting of May 4, was taken up for its second and final reading by nd adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, sec- ry Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon is second and final reading by title and passed and by the following vote - Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre None. Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9855 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. -------- _ ----------------- --------------------------------- 71. FUND CONSTRUCTION MODIFICATIONS AT THE MIAMI MARINE STA- DIUM TO INCLUDE PRESS BOX REPAIRS AS HAS BEEN DONE AT THE MIAMI STADIUM. ------------------- -------------------------------- Mr. Plummer: I make a motion at this time that the City Manager be instructed to come back to this Commission by the next meeting with a plan to do the same thing at the Marine Stadium. That includes the press box, the dressing rooms, and the stadium manager's office to fix it up. It is de- plorable and Commissioner Dawkins was the one that was tear- ing me up on Sunday about it. Mayor Ferre: I invoke the five --day rule. Mr. Plummer: I make that in the form of a motion. Mayor Ferre: All right, well, just because you made it in the form of a motion before I invoked the rule, I'll accept it. Mr. Dawkins: I'll second it. Mayor Ferre: There is a second. sl 181 June 14, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: I went in the V.I.P. room the other day. I = was ashamed for something to be called the V.I.P. room, and I went in there. _- Mayor Ferre: Now, now, you sound like Clara Osterle. You don't look like her, though. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-657 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE PROVISIONS FOR FUNDING AND CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATIONS TO THE MIAMI MARINE STADIUM TO INCLUDE PRESS BOX REPAIRS. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------- --------- -- - -- - -- - --a-- -- -----w--a------------------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 43 was continued to June 299 1994. -- ------ - --aa- -- - ---------- -- --a-- - --- -- --- --- --------i-a-- - -- --- --- ---- --------- -- --- -- - - --- - - --- ---- -- --- --- ----- -a- i a 72. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND EXISTING CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENTS ORD., CONCERNING PURCHASE OF COMPUTERS AND ASSOCIATED PERIPHERALS. ----------- --- ------- -- -----a -------------------------------- Mayor Ferre: Take up item 44. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Does anyone have any problems with this? Plummer moves. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Mr. Dawkins: I've been buying computers ever since I've been here. No sense in stopping now. Mayor Ferre: No backup. Mr. Gary: This just consolidates all the money that you've appropriated departments' budgets for computers and put them in a special capital fund; no new money. Mayor Ferre: Read the ordinance. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let the record reflect that no one seeks to be heard. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. sl 182 June 14, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED -- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9534 ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS OR- DINANCE, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE 1970 POLLUTION CONTROL AND INCINERATOR FACILITIES GEN- ERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 FROM FUND BALANCE AND ESTAB- LISHING A NEW PROJECT ENTITLED ACQUISI- TION OF COMPUTER AND ASSOCIATED PERIPHE- RALS ITEM I.C(3) AND TRANSFERRING SAID RESOURCE AND PROJECT TO THE CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENT FUND ITEM IX.C(i)16, BY DE- CREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR PROJECT CEN- TRAL DATA BASE COMPUTER SYSTEM ITEM III.B(6) IN THE AMOUNT OF $252:300 AND APPROPRIATING $252,300 TO ESTABLISH A NEW PROJECT ENTITLED ACQUISITION OF COM- PUTER AND ASSOCIATED PERIPHERALS ITEM III.C(1) AND TRANSFERRING SAID RESOURCE AND PROJECT TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND ITEM IX.C(i)16, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE 1975, 1976, AND 1978 SANITARY SEWER GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $32,500.FROM INTEREST EARNINGS AND ESTABLISHING A NEW PROJECT ENTITLED ACQUISITION OF COMPUT- ER AND ASSOCIATED PERIPHERALS ITEM IV.C(4) AND TRANSFERRING SAID RESOURCE AND PROJECT TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND ITEM IX.C(i)16, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE 1970 POLICE HEAD- QUARTERS AND CRIME PREVENTION FACILITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND IN THE A- MOUNT OF $301,000 FROM INTEREST EARN- INGS, AND DECREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR PROJECT CENTRAL DATA BASE COMPUTER SYS- TEM ITEM VII.B(5) IN THE AMOUNT OF $112,000 AND APPROPRIATING SAID RESOURC- ES TO ESTABLISH A NEW PROJECT ENTITLED ACQUISITION OF COMPUTER AND ASSOCIATED PERIPHERALS ITEM VII.C(2) AND TRANSFER- RING SAID RESOURCE AND PROJECT TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND ITEM IX.C(i)16, BY ALLOCATING $973,400 FROM THE FY184 GENERAL FUND BUDGETS OF THE POLICE DE- PARTMENT, $102,000 AND THE COMPUTER DE- PARTMENT, $871,400 TO THE CAPITAL IM- PROVEMENT FUND ITEM IX.C(i)16, AND INCR- EASING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CAPI- TAL IMPROVEMENT FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,721,200 AND ESTABLISHING A NEW PRO- JECT IN SAID FUND ENTITLED ACQUISITION OF COMPUTER AND ASSOCIATED PERIPHERALS ITEM IX.C(i)16; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of May 10, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, sec- onded by Commissioner Dawkins, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrin J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. sl 183 June 14, 1984 ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE N0. 9856 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the mem- bers of the City Commission and to the public. rarwrwwrrr rrrwr- r iww-w -wrw rwr----rwr ww rwrrwwwwrwwww w wr-rww rw 73. GOING ON RECORD DECLARING THE DEPLORABLE CONDITIONS AT BOOKER T. WASHINGTON WHICH RESULTED IN A PORTION OF THE AUDITORIUM CEILING FALLING OFF DURING A CITY COMMISSION MEETING. ww wr rr r w rr-rw- w - r-w -r+ -w wwrwrrrr -- - w-r --rr w w wrwr ww --------- Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, point of special privilege. Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: I'd like to go on record that this Commission pass a resolution now and send it to the School Board and inform the School Board that the City Commission had a meet- ing here in the auditorium and the ceiling fell and it could have very easily have fallen on children, who were here during the day. We would like to go on record that we think it is deplorable. Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a second to that motion. It's been seconded. I heard you second it. I accepted it. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-658 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE HAZARDOUS CONDI- TION OF THE CEILING DISREPAIR IN THE AUDITO- RIUM OF THE BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND EXPRESSING CONCERN OVER THE RISK OF HARM TO THE LIFE OF STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC USING SUCH FACILITY; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CLERK TO FORWARD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OF- FICIALS NAMED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote -- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo sl 184 June 14, 1984 A.-----------------------A------i.. ----...-.ea-----...-- 74. INCREASE THE COMPOSITION OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AU- =_ THORITY BOARD FROM 17 TO 19 MEMBERS, THE TWO NEW MEMBERS BEING THE CITY MANAGER AND THE COUNTY MANAGER. ------w—e►-----wwaw----.r+.....------------------------- w---------use+ ILL - Mayor Ferre: Let's go to item 45. Roy, you finally came up. You don't mind waiting until ten minutes until 9:00? Mr. Roy Kenzie: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, this is an ordinance on first reading amending the Code of the City of Miami to add two members to the Board of Directors of the D.D.A., being the City Manager and the County Manag- er. This is done by the Board of Directors in a request to this City Commission so that we can add the two Managers to improve communications and understanding and have them as part of our discussion. Mayor Ferre: Members of the Commission, this came out of a discussion at the D.D.A. annual retreat. It was a unanimous request of the Commission; they thought it was essential, Howard and both you and Merritt Stierheim be at those meet- ings. Any problems with that? This is a unanimous request from the board. I'll move it. Mr. Perez: Second. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Let me read the ordinance. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS (a) AND (c) OF SECTION 14-26, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING THE COMPOSITION OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD FROM 17 TO 19 MEMBERS; THE TWO NEW MEM- BERS BEING THE MANAGER OF THE CITY OF Zoo MIAMI AND THE MANAGER OF METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY. Was introduced by Mayor Ferre and seconded by Commis- sioner Perez and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. sl 185 June 14, 1984 ---w...�.ww.we+wb.®wwa®wew.►wwwwww.a pis a..ws®we+. a--------- —w -----. --- 75. AMEND CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE ENTITLED: "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR BY MODIFYING THE TERMINOLOGY THROUGH SEC. 54-45 FOR CLARI- FICATION PURPOSES. --------------------------+w+.d ----a------- ------- ----ir.fJ.r _ Mayor Ferre: Take up item 47. Let's go. We're almost fin- ished. We're getting there. This is streets and sidewalks, $5,000 to $10,000 on first reading. What is this about? — Mr. Don Cather: This ordinance is to raise the price of the cost of where we require street and sidewalk improvements, because the building cost index in 1970 was 836; in 1974 it was 1,200; in 1983 it was 2,384, and this is in line with current cost estimates and it makes it reasonable that we -_ have this increase in cost before we make them execute the new street, sidewalk, curb, and gutter. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: There is no motion, Mr. Mayor. This is on 47. Somebody needs to move it. Mr. Dawkins: 47? Move it, whatever it is. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Perez seconds. Further dis- cussion? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, EN- TITLED "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS" BY AMEND- ING SECTION 54-45 ENTITLED "CONSTRUC- TION, RECONSTRUCTION OR REPAID REQUIRED IN NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS OR MORE IN VALUE OR EXCEEDING SIX HUNDRED FIFTY SQUARE FEET IN AREA" BY INCREASING THE COST A- MOUNT IN SUBSECTION (a) FROM FIVE THOU- SAND DOLLARS TO TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS; ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION (e) PERTAINING TO EVENTS OF NON-COMPLIANCE BY AN APPLI- CANT; FURTHER, ADDING AND MODIFYING TER- MINOLOGY THROUGHOUT SECTION 54-45 FOR CLARIFICATION PURPOSES; AND CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. sl 186 June 14, 1984 esse+a..was.rwarwrw+wrwa.r..w.®arrwraesrrw-----wwwwa.e�e.o.rwrwr. �. �swr..sw w.rewa 76. AUTHORIZE A DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE REMAINING LEASE TERM FROM RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES INDUSTRIES OF FLA, INC. FOR MIAMARINA RESTAURANT FACILI- TIES. w wwwewww+++ .w++wwwwwa�w.wwr.wrw+wri.w w.nrrwwwwrwswwra.+r ---------- Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item Number 48 - Restaurant Associates Industries. Mr. Manager, do you recommend 48? Mr. Plummer: He is being lobbied. Mr. Dawkins: That is a companion to 38, yes. I move it. Mr. Gary: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, Dawkins moves. Plummer seconds 48. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-659 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT WITH RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES IN- DUSTRIES OF FLORIDA, INC. TO PURCHASE ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST TO LEASED RESTAURANT FACILITIES AT MIAMARINA FOR THE SUM OF $2,650,000 TO BE PAID AT THE TIME OF CLOSING UNDER SAID AGREEMENT, SAID SUM TO BE REPAID TO THE CITY BY THE ROUSE COMPANY AT THE TIME OF TRANSFER OF POSSESSION OF THE LEASED PROPERTY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION OF THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER; FURTHER, RATI- FYING THE CITY MANAGER'S EXECUTION OF THE ATTACHED CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT BY MIAMARINA ASSOCIATES, LTD. OF ITS INTER - ES' IN THE LEASE DATED MAY 5, 1970 BE- TWIE'N THE CITY AS THE LESSOR AND RESTAU- RANT ASSOCIATES INDUSTRIES, INC. AT LESSEE, AS AMENDED, TO RESTAURANT ASSO- CIATES INDUSTRIES OF FLORIDA, INC. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Caroller sl 187 June 14, 1984 r rr-w Aw--w-w---I. MS----a.Nf ----------------- ------------ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item No. 50 Was deferred to June 2 th. raraw..wrww.,f.www----------------- ------------------ a.w wr w.n.www r wwwww—w—w.s—.ww—wr—rwrwrwr—r—ww--w�eswrwwis—wreswww.r-rwrw ra+. r.ww—w 77. CLAIM SETTLEMENT: ROSA H. SMITH - $40,000. rarw rwwa+ra w w—w— r —rir w —w a ww www — — — — — — — — — — — — —rwr—w+ — — — — — — — — — — + -� Mayor Ferre: Perez moves 51. Plummer seconds. The City Attorney recommends. Further discussion? Call the roll on 51. That's a high one. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-660 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FI- NANCE TO PAY TO ROSA B. SMITH THE SUM OF FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($40,000.00), WITHOUT THE ADMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COM- PLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY, PER- SONAL INJURY PROTECTION LIENS, WORKER'S COM- PENSATION LIENS, HOSPITAL LIENS, CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI AND UPON EXECUTION OF A RELEASE RELEASING THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM ALL CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Woa! Why so high? That's an awful high fig- ure to be settling. Is this your retirement farewell party to.... Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, Commissioner Plummer, her medical bills alone total $26,000. This lady was badly hurt. Mr. Plummer: Was this a sidewalk deal? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Was it clearly established that it was our li- ability and Metro had nothing to do with it? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: It wasn't a sign that had been erected by Met- ro? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: As a matter of fact, the sidewalk sign had cracked, separated from the rest of the sidewalk in this case. This had been the case for some time. sl 188 June 14, 1984 0 AT THIS POINT THIS ITEM IS MOMENTARILY DEFERRED. a wawaat.e.. a.----a-----war-aa wwwwa------ ..war-is---w-w------awr-aaa 78. INSTRUCT MANAGER TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURE WHERE IF METRO, THE STATE OF FLORIDA, OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY ERECTS A SIGN 0 OUR SIDEWALKS THEY WOULD BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE PERMIT AND ANY APPLICABLE FEE. --w.wawa-------------s ----------------------- ----aa---- Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, I would make a motion at this time that the Administration, if they would listen, be instructed to establish and come back and recommend to this Commission that every time Metropolitan Dade County or any other agency erects a sign in our sidewalk that they have to get a permit and pay a fee. I move that as the recommendation from the Administration to come back. Let me tell you what's happen- ing, Maurice. Mr. Dawkins: Let me second it before you get carried away, J.L. Mr. Plummer: I'm not going to get carried away. I saw a case the other day in which a woman fell on S.W. 8th Street and 17th Avenue. What had happened was there was a sign which obviously was the kind that said "No Parking" or "Loading Zone" or what. Metro had come along and cut it off with a torch and left about that much above the ground. That's what she tripped over and we're being sued because it's our sidewalk. I think it's only right, if they are go- ing to be making us responsible.... Mayor Ferre: Got you. We're ready to vote on it. I think that is a good resolution. Mr. Plummer: Bring it back at the next meeting. Mayor Ferre: Now on item 51, did we vote yes or no? Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute. I'd like a vote on that mo- tion. No, sir, because you have a pending motion. You can't have two. The Chair can't accept two. We have 51. Mr. Plummer: We've already voted on that. Mr. Ralph Ongie: No, we didn't. AT THIS POINT THIS ITEM WAS MOMENTARILY DEFERRED AND THE ROLL CALL OF R-84-660 IN LABEL 77 WAS TAKEN IN FULL. Mayor Ferre: Now I'll take Plummer's motion and second it by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- 51 189 June 14, 1984 er Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-661 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH A PROCEDURE WHEREBY IF METRO- POLITAN DADE COUNTY, THE STATE OF FLORI- DA OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY E- RECTS A SIGN ON A SIDEWALK ON ANY POR- TION OF CITY PROPERTY, THAT THEY BE RE- QUIRED TO OBTAIN A PERMIT FOR THE EREC- TION OF SAID SIGN AND PAY THE APPLICABLE FEE THEREFOR. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ----- --------------------r--i-i /-.-r------------ r- i-----r. --i-- 79. PERMIT APPLICANT OF BAYSIDE PROJECT TO PROCEED TO FILE A FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; WITH CAVEATS, PUBLIC HEARINGS, ETC. ---- ---------- --- ---------------- ------a------ Mayor Ferre: Take up item 53. The Manager recommends. This is permitting the application of the Bayside project. Plummer moves; Perez seconds. Further discussion? Ready? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-562 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICANT FOR THE BAYSIDE PROJECT LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 499 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, TO FILE A FINAL AP- PLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; PROVIDING CAVEATS; AND ESTABLISHING 3:30 P.M., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1984, OR A RECONVENED MEETING, AS THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF SAID FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. sl 190 June 14, 1984 ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 80. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. FOR COX^ TINUED REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI IN THE WASH- INGTON PROGRAM.— f ------------------- ee a------- ^--- ------ Ab---w--ww w�-------- Mayor Ferre: Take up item 54. Plummer moves. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Further discussion on 54? Call the roll on 54. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-663 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTA- BLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. TO CONTINUE REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI IN WASHINGTON D.C. BY MR. MARK ISRAEL, AS PART OF THE MAN IN WASHINGTON PROGRAM; FUR- THER AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF $18,000 AS A FEE FOR SAID SERVICES, PAYABLE IN 12 EQUAL MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING AN ADDITIONAL SUM NOT TO EXCEED $4,000 FOR RE- IMBURSEMENT OF OUT-OF-POCKET DISBURSEMENTS; WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, SPECIAL SERVICES, LI- AISON, MAN IN WASHINGTON PROGRAM, CODE NO. 920207-270. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo -- ---- —1— -- — --- — — ------ — -- — -- — — -- --- — --------r---- -- -- — — -- — — 81. ORDERING RESOLUTION: ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE II - H-4495. ---+ — — -- — — — --- — -- --- -- --- — — --------------------------------- Mayor The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: sl 191 June 14, 1984 RESOLUTION NO. 84--664 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE II, H-4495 AND DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE MADE FOR A POR- TION OF THE COST THEREOF AS ALLAPATTAH IN- DUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - PHASE II. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo a ir.�r.�rrwa—r-----arar a.-----rraa-- ►--------------- 82. ALLOCATE $159000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS TO JAMES E. SCOTT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION; $5v000 TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD'S ANTI -CRIME PROGRAM AND $109000 TOWARD COMPUTERIZATION OF THE AGENCY'S ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. ra — rr rrr—a-- — — --- -- -- -- -- — a -- -- — -- --- -- -- — -- ---- —r a —a— a rra.na Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves item 56. Plummer seconds. Fur- ther discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-665 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $15,000 FROM THE GENERAL FUND: SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND IN SUPPORT OFF THE JAMES E. SCOTT COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION TO PROVIDE $5,000 TOWARD THE AGENCY'S NEIGHBORHOOD ANTI -CRIME PROGRAM AND $10,000 TOWARD COMPU- TERIZATION OF THE AGENCY'S ACCOUNTING DE- PARTMENT; FURTHER CONDITIONING SAID ALLOCA- TION UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM 1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo sl 192 June 14, 1984 e.....---7-------------------r----...---a---w.. ---------w.. --- 83. DECLARE A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (U.D.P.) AS THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS METHOD FOR DEVELOPING VACANT CITY - OWNED HISTORIC BUILDING AND LAND PARCEL FORMERLY KNOWN AS FIRE STATION NO. 4, 1000 SO. MIAMI AVENUE. _s--------------------------e.�.oar rr Mayor Ferre: Item 58. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-666 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT A UNIFIED DEVEL- OPMENT PROJECT (C.D.P.) IS THE MOST ADVANTA- GEOUS METHOD FOR DEVELOPING THE VACANT CITY - OWNED HISTORIC BUILDING AND LAND PARCEL (A/K/A FORMER FIRE STATION NO. 4) LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1000 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), FOR PURPOSES OF RETAIL, RESTAURANT, OR CULTURAL USE, OR COMBINATIONS THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE A DRAFT REQUEST FOR PRO- POSALS (R.F.P.) FOR U.D.P.; ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JULY 12, 1984, AT 3/30 P.M., OR A RECONVENED MEETING, FOR PUR- POSES OF TAKING TESTIMONY REGARDING SAID R.F.P.; AND LISTING ACTION TO BE TAKEN AT THE CONCLUSION OF SAID PUBLIC HEARING. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote -- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo — — -- — — -- — - --- — — --- ----- --- -- -- — ----- — — -- — — — -- -- ---- ---- — — — -- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda Item No. 59 was withdrawn. —r_ra—arr_---.►_—_r—__ra--_r---r—_rr+_—r—_—_--a----- sl 193 June 14, 1984 84. DECLARING THE BOUNDARIES OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA. Mayor Ferre: We're on item 60. This moves the boundaries of the 7th Street. Demetrio Perez moves. Dawkins seconds. Mr. Gary: I want to withdraw that item. Mr. Plummer: I don't want that withdrawn. I want it changed. No, Mr. Gary.... Mayor Ferre: Isn't that what you want, Plummer? I thought this is what you wanted. Mr. Plummer: No, no, not to the Metrorail. The river should be the boundary. Mayor Ferre: It is the boundary, sir, read it. Mr. Plummer: No, north of ... read it, Maurice. Mayor Ferre: It says the Miami River on the north. What do you think the Miami River is, as relates to.... Mr. Plummer: Are you saying Metrorail east? Mayor Ferre: Of course. Mr. Plummer: I'm sorry. I appreciate it. Mayor Ferre: Demetrio Perez moves. Are you O.K. now? Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll on 60. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-667 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA ARE THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE METRO RAPID TRANSIT RIGHT-OF-WAY ON THE EAST, THE MIAMI RIVER ON THE NORTH, SOUTHWEST 8TH STREET ON THE SOUTH, AND NORTHWEST/SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE ON THE WEST. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, also, I'd like the figures on Monty Trainer's, you know those restaurants. I forgot that one. Mr. Plummer: How about all restaurants on City owned facil- ities. sl 194 June 14, 1984 eP�..i.F----------- ------- ------- 85. AUTHORIZE CITY !TANAGER TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR THE SOLE MANAGING UNDERWRITING OF THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $959000,000 OF MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT FINANCING OF OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT. ---wa-- -------- - ------------ Mayor Ferre: Take up item 62. Dawkins, you move? Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: We have not voted on the Overtown Bond. Yes, but this is for $95,000,000, and if we don't approve it. Mayor Ferre: We have to solicit proposals, J.L. Mr. Plummer: O.K., but I'm reading here that it says $95,000,000. Mayor Ferre: That's right, you got it. Mr. Plummer: O.K., as long as it has to come back here. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-668 ® A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SOLICIT PROPOSALS FOR THE SOLE MANAGING UNDERWRITING OF THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $95,000,000 OF MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT FI- NANCING OF THE OVERTOWN/PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolu- tion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ------ --- ----- --- _ - a _ .&._- -a--- ---- - - _- -- w _ - _- --- aa----------- NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 63 was continued to June 2 t . ----------------_-----------------------_------a----r--_---- sl 195 June 14, 1984 —ew— ►----ai---------.-------- ds.e.,:.....m---w+-----e.w �..s 86. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND HAMMER SILER, GEORGE ASSOCIATES FROM $40pOOO TO $42,500 IN CONNECTION WITH PREPARATION OF AN OPPORTUNITY - ANALYSIS FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST REDEVELOP- MENT PROJECT. wars--wrw----ri----------- Aw---r—w-------------rw------ Mayor Ferre: Item 65 is an agreement between Miami and Ham- mer, Siler, George. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved by Miller Dawkins and seconded by J.L. Plummer. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-669 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND HAMMER, SILER, GEORGE ASSOCIATES FROM $40,000.00 TO $42,500.00 TO PROVIDE AD- DITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVIC- ES PROVIDED BEYOND THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN OPPORTUNITY ANALY- SIS FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST RE- DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AUTHORIZED BY THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo — —ra rrr rrr ---- -- — — -- — ----- — — — — — --- — —r—r — -- ---rrr---- --- — — — —r 87. APPOINT MARY MCCRAY AND CYNTHIA COCHRANEE AS MEMBERS OF THE "COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN." — ---- -- — -- - -- — -- — ---- --- -- — — --- --- ---- — — -- ---- — --- ---------- Mr. Dawkins: On the boards, Mr. Mayor, I still have not the two ladies I recommended for the.... Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Dawkins: I move that Mrs. Mary McCray and Mrs. Cynthia Cochrane be appointed to the Status of Women Commission for the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: It's been seconded by Commissioner Perez. Further discussion on that motion? Call the roll. sl 196 June 14, 1984 The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Dawkins, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-670 A MOTION APPOINTING MARY MCCRAY AND CYNTHIA COCHRANE AS MEMBERS OF THE COM- MISSIONON THE STATUS OF WOMEN. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ir+r+rrrrrrrrrrr-...rrrrrr+:rrrrrrrrrr----rwwrirr++++i►irrr----- 88. CONSENT AGENDA. ww+riw.�.rr�.+rrwrrrrrrr+rirrrrwwrrrwr r.�rrrr++rr+.�rrwrrrrrrrr r.. Mayor Ferre: Does anyone here wish to talk on any items be- tween 67 and 87, which is the Consent Agenda? Are there any withdrawals? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Is there anyone present who is an objector or a proponent who wishes to speak on the Consent Agenda? What do you want to withdraw? Mr. Plummer: Withdraw 69 and 77. Mayor Ferre: 69 and 77 have been withdrawn. Anything else? Mr. Dawkins: I'd like to have the bids on 71 and 72 as to minority participation. Mayor Ferre: 71 and 72 have also been withdrawn. Anything else? Mr. Dawkins: No, I didn't withdraw. I just want him to provide me with the information. Mayor Ferre: All right, I'm sorry. I stand corrected. Let the record reflect that 71 and 72 are in, but information has been requested. Further discussion? Are you ready to vote on all items between 67 and 87, with the exception of 77 and 69. Mr. Dawkins: Pull 83. Mayor Ferre: We've also had a request to pull 83. Mr. Gary: Don't do that, Miller. I need that one, 83. Mr. Ralph Ongie: Item 85 was done. Mayor Ferre: 85 has been done. Further discussion? Mr. Dawkins: Put 83 back in. sl 197 June 14, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Perez moves. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll on the Consent Agenda ex- cept those items which have been pulled. THEREUPON, the following resolutions were introduced by Commissioner Perez, seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and were adopted by the following vote. AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 88.1 BID ACCEPTANCE: BETTER BUSINESS FORMS, INC. FOR COMPUTER STOCK PAPER AT $125,000.00. RESOLUTION NO. 84-671 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF BETTER BUSINESS FORMS, INC. FOR FURNISHING COMPUTER STOCK PAPER, AS NEEDED, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE ( 1 ) YEAR, WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERS AT A TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $125,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AU- THORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PUR- CHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 88.2 AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT: BISCAYNE ENGINEERING CO.; SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN AND ASSOC., INC.; COMPANILE AND ASSOC., INC.; AND MANUEL G. VERA & ASSOC., INC. FOR LAND SURVEYING SERVICES. RESOLUTION NO. 84-672 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXE- CUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, WITH EACH OF THE FOLLOWING: BISCAYNE ENGINEERING CO., SCHWEBKE--SHISKIN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.; COMPANILE AND ASSOCIATES, INC.; AND MANUEL G. VERA & ASSOCI- ATES, INC. TO PROVIDE LAND SURVEYING SERVICES ON A ROTATING BASIS IN CONJUNCTION WITH CITY CONTRACTED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLO- CATED FROM THE PROJECT EXPENSE FUND FOR EACH INDI- VIDUAL PROJECT. 88.3 TEMPORARY STAFF SUPPORT TO COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSI- BLE BONDS FOR PEOPLE AND PARKS AND ALLOCATING THEM AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $35,000. RESOLUTION NO. 84-673 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR TEMPORARY STAFF AND LO- GISTICAL SUPPORT TO THE COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSIBLE BONDS FOR PEOPLE AND PARKS IN ORDER TO PROVIDE ED- UCATIONAL MATERIAL WITH REGARD TO 1984 CITY OF MIAMI BOND ELECTIONS AND ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT THEREFOR NOT TO EXCEED $35,000 FROM THE FYI 84 GENERAL FUND: SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CON- TINGENT FUND. sl 198 June 14, 1984 88.4 AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF AUTOMOTIVE PARTS: HOLLY - WOOD CHRYSLER--PLYMOUTH, INC., $25,000; MAX GROSSO CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, $3,000; FINCHER MOTORS, INC., $1,000; PALMETTO KAWASAKI, $2,000; PALMETTO FORD TRUCK SALES, INC., $5,000; MIAMI-LINCOLN MERCURY, $15,000; FIGUEREDO CHEVROLET, INC., $2,000; L.A. CHEVROLET, $7,500; METRO FORD, INC., $5,000; TOTAL OF $65,000. RESOLUTION NO. 674 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER (DEALER) AUTOMOTIVE PARTS; ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS FROM NINE (9) SUPPLIERS UN- DER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY CONTRACT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHI- CLE MAINTENANCE, AS FOLLOWS: HOLLYWOOD CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000.00, MAX GROSSO CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,000.00, FINCHER MOTORS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000.00, PALMETTO KAWASAKI, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,000.00, PALMETTO FORD TRUCK SALES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000.00, MIAMI-LINCOLN MERCURY, IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000.00, FIGUEREDO CHEVROLET, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,000.00, L.A. CHEVROLET, IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,500.00, AND METRO FORD, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000.00, FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $65,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AU- THORIZING THE CITY MANAGEP TO INSTRUCT THE PUR- CHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. 88.5 ACCEPTING BIDS: BOYS ELECTRIC, INC. AT $1,220.00; GRAYBAR ELECTRIC, INC. AT $1 , 467.00; RAYBRO ELEC- TRIC SUPPLY, INC. AT $483.00; RICHARD ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. AT $1,834.00 FOR ELECTRICAL MATERIALS, TOTAL OF $5,044.00; RESOLUTION NO. 84-675 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF BOYS ELECTRIC, INC. AT A COST OF $1,220.00, GRAYBAR ELECTRIC, INC. AT A COST OF $1 , 467.00, RAYBRO ELECTRIC SUP- PLY, INC. AT A COST OF $483.00, AND RICHARD ELEC- TRIC SUPPLY COMPANY AT A COST OF $1,834.00 FOR FURNISHING VARIOUS ELECTRICAL MATERIALS FOR FEED BOXES TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THE CONFERENCE CENTER AT A TOTAL COST OF $5,004.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1980 CITY OF MIAMI CONVENTION CENTER AND PARKING GARAGE REVENUE BOND FUND; AU- THORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PUR- CHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS. 199 6/14/84 88.6 ACCEPTING BID: DADELAND RENT -A -CAR, INC. FOR SIX = FIFTEEN -PASSENGER VANS ON SHORT TERM LEASE FOR AP- PROXIMATELY 10 WEEKS AT TOTAL COST OF $12,000.00. RESOLUTION NO. 84-676 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF DADELAND RENT -A - CAR, INC. FOR FURNISHING SIX (6) FIFTEEN -PASSENGER VANS ON A SHORT TERM LEASE BASIS FOR APPROXIMATELY TEN (10) WEEKS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $12,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PUR- CHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 88.7 ACCEPTING BID: FLORIDA SILICA SAND CO., INC. FOR APPROXIMATELY 2000 CUBIC YARDS OF RED CLAY ON CON- TRACT FOR ONE YEAR AT TOTAL ANNUAL COST OF $32,700.00. RESOLUTION NO. 84-677 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF FLORIDA SILICA SAND COMPANY, INC. FOR FURNISHING APPROXIMATELY 2000 CUBIC YARDS OF RED CLAY ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR, WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL PERIOD, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED ANNUAL COST OF $32,700.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS FUND, PARKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILA- BILITY OF FUNDS. 88.8 ACCEPTING BID: ACE REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES, INC. FOR TWO AIR-COOLED CONDENSORS AT $10,360. RESOLUTION NO. 84-678 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF ACE REFRIGERA- TION SUPPLIES, INC. FOR FURNISHING TWO (2) AIR- COOLED CONDENSORS FOR THE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM AT THE MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING TO THE DEPART- MENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TO- TAL COST OF $10,360.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPART- MENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 200 88.9 ACCEPTING BID: CUMMINS SOUTHEASTERN POWER, INC. FOR TWO CONTROL UNITS ON EMERGENCY ELECTRIC GENER- ATORS AT $6,600. RESOLUTION NO. 84--679 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF CUMMINS SOUTH- EASTERN POWER, INC. FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TWO (2) CONTROL UNITS ON EMERGENCY ELECTRIC GENER- ATORS AT POLICE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL COST OF $6,600.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983--84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AU- THORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PUR- CHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 88.10 ACCEPTING BID: UNITED MICROGRAPHICS, INC. FOR LA- BOR AND MATERIALS FOR THE DUPLICATION OF APPROXI- MATELY 180,000 MICROFICHE AT COST OF $27,000.00. RESOLUTION NO. 84-680 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF UNITED MICROGRA- PHICS, INC. FOR FURNISHING ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR THE DUPLICATION OF APPROXIMATELY 180,000 MI- CROFICHE TO THEE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $27,000.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE PRIOR YEAR RESERVE FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MAN- AGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. 88.11 PURCHASE OF THREE COMPLETE CENTRAL DICTATION SYS- TEMS AND FIVE ADDITIONAL TRANSCRIBERS FROM LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. AT $14,408.00. RESOLUTION NO. 84-681 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THREE (3) COMPLETE CENTRAL DICTATION SYSTEMS AND FIVE (5) ADDITIONAL TRANSCRIBERS FROM LANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS, INC. UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AT A TOTAL COST OF $14,408.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THEE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 88.12 ACCEPTING BID: J.C. WHITE OFFICE FURNITURE CO. FOR PHOTOGRAPH FILE CABINETS AT $5,680. RESOLUTION NO. 84-682 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF J.C. WHITE OF- FICE FURNITURE COMPANY FOR FURNISHING EIGHT (8) PHOTOGRAPH FILE CABINETS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PO- LICE AT A TOTAL COST OF $5,680.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE PRIOR YEAR RESERVE FUND; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PUR- CHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. 201 88.13 88. 14 88. 15 =- try. � x`..�:� re�,i��.,":-�ivtt�a>:.�ay.,:•,-. _ . ACCEPTING COMPLETED WORK OF P.N.M. CO. AT $29,229.65 FOR UPARR .. HANDICAPPED ACCESS IMPROVE- MENTS. RESOLUTION NO. 84-683 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF A.N.M. CORPORATION AT A TOTAL COST OF $29,229.65 FOR UPARR - HANDICAPPED ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS - PACKAGE "C"; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $2,922.97. FIFTEEN DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY. RESOLUTION NO. 84-684 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PROPER OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO ACCEPT FIFTEEN (15) DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES AND APPROVING THE RECORDING OF SAID DEEDS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. REDUCTION OF CONTRACT WITH BETTER CONSTRUCTION FOR JOSE MARTI PARK. RESOLUTION NO. 84-685 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A REDUCTION IN THE RE''fAI- NAGE FROM TEN PERCENT TO ONE-HALF OF ONE PERCENT IN THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND BET- TER CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF JOSE MARTI RIVERFRONT PARK. $2000 FOR ISRAEL "36" WALKATHON. RESOLUTION NO. 84-686 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE ISRAEL "36" CELE- BRATION WALKATHON TO BE HELD ON MAY 61 1984, STAGED BY THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERS OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC.; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON THE CONTRIBUTION OF SIMILAR AMOUNTS BY METRO- POLITAN DADE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH; SAID ALLOCATION BEING FURTHER CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINIS- TRATIVE POLICY NO. APM-1-849 DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. 88.17 $15,000 FOR LEND -A -HAND FUND, INC. FOR SUMMER POPS CONCERT SERIES. RESOLUTION NO. 84--687 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000 FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, QUALI- TY OF LIFE ACCOUNT TO COVER THE USE FEE FOR MIAMI MARINE STADIUM ON JULY 4, 14, AND 21, 1984 BY LEND -A -HAND FUND, INC. AS SPONSOR OF THE GREATER MIAMI OPERA ASSOCIATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRE- SENTING SUMMER POPS CONCERT SERIES, SAID ALLOCA- TION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM 1-841 DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. 202 88.18 INCREASING FUNDS TO PUERTO RICAN OPPORTUNITY CEN- TER, INC. BY $5,000 TO $8,000 TOTAL. RESOLUTION NO. 84-688 A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 2 OF RESOLU- TION NO. 84-518, ADOPTED MAY 10, 1984, WHICH ALLO- CATED GENERAL FUND: SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUNDS TO THE PUERTO RICAN OPPORTUNITY CENTER, INC., BY PROVIDING THAT THE ORIGINAL ALLO- CATION OF $3000 TO THE PUERTO RICAN OPPORTUNITY CENTER, INC., BE INCREASED BY $5,000 TO $8,000 AND THAT THE APPLICABLE TIME BE EXTENDED TO JUNE 30, 1984; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO IN- CLUDE THE $8,000 ALLOCATION IN THE TOTAL CITY AL- LOCATION TO THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCY, THEREBY IN- CREASING THE MAXIMUM COMPENSATION BY $8,000 FROM $160,000 TO $168,000. r rrara a ra a r- w- r - - wr---ririr -rim rr- a-r -- ----- -- r rrr r- ---- r- 89. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF 5 VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER PRODUC- ERS WITH EXTENDED WARRANTY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE, AND INSPECTION SERVICE. -rai rrr+rrrrrara ari------r---------r.-------------r-----r as rr Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, what my problem is, I would like to take item 77 and increase it by one for the Department of Public Information. Mayor Ferre: All right, Plummer moves 77 with that condi- tion attached to it. Mr. Plummer: Is that agreeable with you? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Plummer: I move item 77, as amended. Mayor Ferre: As amended. Mr. Plummer: One additional machine for Public Information. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-689 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF FIVE (5) VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDERS -REPRODUC- ERS WITH EXTENDED WARRANTY SERVICE AT A COST OF $1,813.50 EACH FROM FLORIDA VIDEO SYS- TEMS, INC. UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AND ONE (1) FOR THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION AT A TOTAL COST OF $10,881 WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE TELEPHONE FRANCHISE FEES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. sl 203 June 14, 1984 _ (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the reso- lution was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:10 P.M. Maurice A. Ferre M A Y 0 R ATTEST: Ralph G. Ongie CITY CLERK Matty Hirai ASSISTANT CITY CLERK r AN- - t � 1 sl 204 June 14, 1984 C11-10-y r4p iv`iIAMI i DOCUMENT MENT1140 DATE: JUNE 14, 1984 INDEX DOCUh rf IDENTIFICATIONI 'Ac72eN AND EXPRESSING THE DEEPEST SYMPATHY AND SINCEREST CONDOLENCES R-84-610 OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF MIAMI POLICE FRANCISCO SANTANA UPON HT.S TRAGIC DEATH. RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE ACTION OF THE CITY R-84-612 MANAGER IN EXECUTING THE ATTACHED AGREEMENTS WITH THE FOLLOWING: (1) ANHEUSER-BUSCH,INC. TO IMPLEMENT PAYMENT OF $100,000 TO THE UNLIMITED RACING COMMISSION BY SAID FIRM; AND (2) FLORIDA INBOARD RACING CLUB FOR THE USE OF THE MIAM MARINE STADIUM JUNE 8TH THROUGH 10,1984, IN CONJUNCTION WIT THE CITY SPONSORED 14TH ANNUAL BUDWEISER UNLIMITED HYDRO- PLANE REGATTA HELD JUNE 10, 1984 AT THE MIAMI MARINE STADI ALLOCATING FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $35,000 TO PARTLY UNDERWRITER-84-613 "THE 14TH ANNUAL BUDWEISER UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE REGATTA" AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF $10,000 AS A GRANT IN SUPPORT OF TH SAID REGATTA, IN CONSIDERATION OF ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS PRO- GRAMING NETWORK (ESPN) TELEVISION COVERAGE OF THE EVENT TO ENABLE THE REGATTA TO BE SEEN ON CLOSE CIRCUIT TELEVISION. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE $85,946 TO THE SEN- R-84-616 IOR CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY,INC. TO SUPPLEMENT THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SENIOR CITIZENS FACILITY AT THE LEMON CITY PLAZA SENIOR CITIZENS AT 150 N.E. 69TH STREET. RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 12 R-84-617 1984 TO TAKE PLACE ON JULY 30, 1984, AND RESCHEDULING THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 26, 1984 TO TAKE PLACE ON JULY 31, 1984. TO RECIEVE, OPEN, READ AND REFER TO THE CITY MANAGER FOR R-84-624 TABULATION AND REPORT BIDS AUTHORIZED TO BE RECIEVED THIS DATE UNDER RESOLUTION NO. 84-601 FOR THE SALE OF $2,000,000 FIRE FIGHTING,FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FACILITIES BONDS, $18,100,000 HOUSING BONDS,$3,000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVEMEN BONDS AND $7,100,000 STREET AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. AWARDING PRUDENTIAL BACHE SECURITIES,INC. $2,000,000 FIRE R-84-628 FIGHTING, FIRE PREVENTION AND RESCUE FACILITIES BONDS, $18,100,000 HOUSING BONDS, $3,000,000 STORM SEWER IMPROVE- MENT BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND SETTING FORTH THE RATES OF INTEREST AND OTHER DETAILS RESPECTING SUCH BONDS, RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT, AND AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS MENTIONED HEREIN, THE FORM THEREOF AND CERTAIN DETAILS RELATING THERETO. CONCERNING THE UNMET HOUSING NEEDS OF PERSONS AND FAMILIES R-84-629 BEING EVICTED FROM THEIR DWELLINGS IN THE OVERTOWN AREA OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; DEMANDING THAT DADE COUNTY, THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, TAKE ALL NE- CESSARY STEPS IN FINDING SHELTER FOR SUCH DISPLACED PERSONS AND FAMILIES; DESIGNATING COMMISSION MILLER J. DAWKINS AS LIASON FOR THE CITY COMMISSION TO ACT IN THIS MATTER. CONTINUEDPage 2 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION ALLOCATING FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $5,000 FOR THE PURCHASE OF TICKETS TO THE MISS AFRO-AMERICAN PAGEANT TO BE HELD NNE 23, 1984. ALLOCATING FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $75,000 TO THE INTER AMERICA ANNUAL CONVENTION OF MUNICIPALITIES,INC., IN CONNECTION WIT THE III INTERAMERICAN CONGRESS OF MUNICIPALITIES TO BE HELD IN MIAMI APRIL 17-20,1985. APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE ONLY THE CONCEPT OF THE DADE MARINE INSTITUTE ESTABLISHING AN ENVIORMENTAL AWARENESS CENTER AND WORK PROGRAM FOR YOUTH ADJUDICATED FOR VARIOUS MISDEMEANOR, AT VIRGINA KEY. ALLOCATING FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $5,200 IN SUPPORT OF THE 1984 HOLIDAY FESTIVAL, TO BE HELD DECEMBER 1 and 2, 1984 IN BAY - FRONT PARK, AUDITORIUM, WITH PROCEEDS GOING TO THE UNIVERSIT OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. ALLOCATING $15,000 AS SEED FUNDS IN SUPPORT OF CULTURAL AC- TIVITIES PROVIDED BY THE PERFORMING ARTIST GUILD ENSEMBLE, INC. FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AG- REEMENT WITH SAID AGENCY. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT THE ATTACHED ADDENDUMI FOR THE APPROVED GRANT PROGRAM FINAL STATEMENT TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) REQUESTING f INCREASED FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,944,000 FOR THE CITY'S PROPOSED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM DURING 1984-85; FUR- THER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER UPON APPROVAL OF SAID ADD- ENDUM, TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AND NEGOTIATE THE NECESSARY IM- PLEMENTING CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT. AUTHORIZING THE APPLICANT FOR THE 1221 BRICKELL PROJECT LO- CATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1221 '-RICKELL AVENUE, TO FILE A FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR f' OF ILANNING; PROVIDING CAVEATS; AND ESTABLISHING 3:33 P.M., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1984, OR A RECONVENED MEETING, AS THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF SAID FINAL APPLICA- TION FOR MAJOR USE PERMIT. INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A CHARTER AMENDMENT FOR SUBMISSION TO THE ELECTORATE AT THE SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 ELECTION, TO BE KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1",AMENDING THE CITY CHARTER, FOR THE PURPOSE OF CORRECTING GRAMMATICAL, SYNTACTICAL, AND LINQUISTIC ERRORS; ELIMINATING OBSOLETE AND REDUNDANT PROVISIONS; AND RESTRUCTURING AND RENUMBERING CHARTER SECTIONS AND PARTS THEREOF FOR CLARITY. AUTHORIZING AFTER A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, AN IN- CREASE IN THE CONTRACT AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $45,000 IN THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND EVENSEN-DODGE,INC., DTD. MAY 1,1981, FOR PROVIDING HOUSING FINANCIAL ADVISORY SERVICES 114 AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM; FURTHER RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING, SUPP ED BY REASONS, THAT ONLY ONE REASONABLE SOURCE EXISTS. R-84-631 R-84-632 R-84-633 R-84-634 R-84-640 R-84-642 R-84-649 R-84-650 R-84-651 Li CONTINUED ..e.3 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS AND PROHIBITION CONTAINED IN CITY CODE SECTION 2-302; BY FINDING, AFTER A PUBLIC HEARING,THATI IT IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY TO PERMIT GABRIEL FRANCOIS EMPLOYEE OF THE SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT, TO PARTI- CIPATE IN THE HOME RENOVATION AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM ADMINISTERED BY SAID DEPARTMENT'S HOUSING DIVISION THROUGH THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - ALLAPATTAH INDUS- TRIAL AREA - BID "D" IN CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMEN' ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA DISTRICT SR-5497-C (CENTERLINE SEWER) AND AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT. ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO.INC., FOR CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN CENTRAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5481-C (CENTERLINE SEWER);AND AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT. RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVIN, THE PEQUILREMENT FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A ROCKWOOD SYSTEM MACROFOAM, MACROGEN GEN- ERATOR AND MACROBAR BARRIERS FROM ROCKWOOD SYSTEMS CORP.FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS SERVICE, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUN RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE;WAIVING THE REQUIREMENT FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF SIX (6) LIFE PAK 5 BATTERY SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES; FROM PHYSIO-CONTROL CORP.; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. CONCERNING THE HAZARDOUS CONDITION OF THE CEILING DISREPAIR IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AND EXPRESSING CONCERN OVER THE RISK OF HARM TO THE LIFE OF STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC USING SUCH FACILITY; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CLERK TO FORWARD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE OFFICIALS NAMED HEREIN. AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AG- REEMENT WITH RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES INDUSTRIES OF FLORIDA,INC TO PURCHASE ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST TO LEASED RESTAU- RENT FACILITIES AT MIAMARINA FOR THE SUM OF $2,650,000, TO BE PAID AT THE TIME OF CLOSING UNDER SAID AGREEMENT, SAID SUM TO BE REPAID TO THE CITY BY ROUSE COMPANY AT THE TIME OF TRANSFER OF POSSESSION OF THE LEASED PROPERTY FOR THE DEVEL- OPMENT AND OPERATION OF THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER; FUR- THER, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S EXECUTION OF THE ATTACHED CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT BY MIAMARINA ASSOCIATES,LTD. OF ITS INTEREST IN THE LEASE DTD. MAY 5, 1970 BETWEEN THE CITY AS THE LEESOR AND RESTAURENT ASSOCIATES INDUSTRIES,INC. AS LES`?EE, AS AMENDED, TO RESTAURENT ASSOCIATES INDUSTRIES OF FLORIDA,INC. R-84-652 R-84-653 R-84-654 R-84-655 R-84-656 R-84-658 R-84-659 4f- CONTINUEDPaqe 4 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO PAY TO ROSA B. SMITH THE SUM OF FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($401000) , WITHOUT THE AEMISSION OF LIABILITY, IN FULL AND COMPLETE SETTLEMENT OF ALL BODILY INJURY, PERSONAL INJURY POTION LIENS, WORKER COMPENSATION LIENS, HOSPITAL LIENS, CLAIMS AND DAMAGES AGAINST THE CITY OF MIAMI FROI ALL CLAIMS AND DAMAGES. AUTHORIZING THE APPLICANT FOR THE BAYSIDE PROTECT LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 499 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD, TO FILE A FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; PROVIDING CAVEATS; AND ESTABLISHING 3:30 P.M., THUR.SDAY, JUNE 28, 1984, OR A RECONVENED MEETING, AS THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF SAID FINAL APPLI- CATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT, WITH THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. TO CONTINUE REPRESENTATION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI IN WASHINGTON D.C. BY MR. MARK ISRAEL, AS PART OF THE MAN IN WASHINGTON PROGRAM; FLMIER AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF $18,000 AS A FEE FOR SAID SERVICES, PAYABLE IN 12 EQUAL MONTHLY INSTALINENTS; FUR'IiER AUTHORIZING AN ADDITIONAL SUM NOT TO EXCEED $4,000 FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF OUT-OF-POCKET DISBURSEMENTS. ORDERING ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE II, H-4495 AND DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY AGAINST WHICH SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SHAD, BE MADE FOR A PORTION OF THE COST THEREOF AS ALLAPA'ITAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY DIPROVFMENT DISTRICT -PHASE II. ALLOCATING $15,000 IN SUPPORT OF THE JAMES E. SCOTT Ca4llUNI TY ASSOC. TO PROVIDE $5,000 TOWARD THE AGENCY'S NEIGHBOR- HOOD ANTI -CRIME PROGRAM AND $10,000 TC WD CAUTERIZATION OF THE AGENCY'S ACCOUNTING DEPARDENT; FURTHER CONDITIONING SAID ALWCNTICN. UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM 1-84, DTD. 1/24/84. DECLARING THAT A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (U.D.P.) IS THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS METHOD FOR DEVELOPING THE VACANT CITY - OWNED HISTORIC BUILDING AND LAND PARCEL (A/K/A FORMER FIRE STP.TION NO. 4.) LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1000 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE ( MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), FOR PURPOSES OF RETAIL, RESTAURANT, OR CULTURAL USE, OR COMBINATIONS THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE A DRAFT RE- QUEST FOR PROPOSALS (R.F.P.) FOR A U.D.P.; ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF JULY 12, 1984, AT 3:30 P.M., OR A RE- CaMNIED MEETING, FOR PURPOSE OF TAKING TESTIMONY REGARDING SAID R.F.P.; AND LISTING ACTION TO BE TAKEN AT THE CONCLU- SION OF SAID PUBLIC DARING. DECLARING THAT THE BOUNDARIES OF EAST LITTLI; HAVANA ARE THE WESTERLY RIGHT--OF-WAY LINE OF THE METW RAPID TRANSIT RIGHT- OF-WAY ON THE EAST, THE 11IAMI RIVER ON THE NORTH, SOUTHl^'EST 8TH STREET ON THE SOUTH, AND NORTHWEST/SOUTHWEST 17TH AVENUE ON THE VEST. R-84-660 A 84-662 R-84-663 R-84-664 R-84-665 m4flff-l-T- R-84-667 DOCUMENTINDE CONTINU-ED Page 5 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SOLICIT PRCpOSALS FOR THE SOLE MANAGING UNDERWRITING OF THE ISSUAN- CE OF UP TO $95,000,000 OF MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS MR THE CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT FINANCING OF THE ONERI'OWN/PARK- PEST PHASE I PROJECT. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND TITS AG VT BETPIEET THE CITY OF MIAMI AMID HANIMR, SILER, GEORGE ASSOCIATES FRCM $40,000.00 TO $42,500.00 TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED BEYOND THE ORIGINAL AGREE- MENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERT %i/PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AUTHORI- ZED BY THE CITY COMMISSION. ACCEPTING THE BID OF BETTER BUSINESS FOFMS,INC. FOR FURNISI ING COMPUTER STOCK PAPER, AS NFEDED, ON CON7.'RACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR, TqITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENm' TO ISSUE PU.tUlASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERI SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FONDS. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, WITH THE FOLLOWING: BISCAYNE ENGINER RING CO.; SCHWEBKE-SHISKIN AND ASSOCIATES,INC.; COMPANILE AND ASSOCIATES,INC. AND MANUEL G. VERA & ASSOCIATES,INC. TO PROVIDE LAND SURVEYING SERVICE ON A ROTATING BASIS IN CON- JUNCTION WITH CITY CONTRACTED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FRCM PROJECT EXPENSE FUND FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL PROJECT. PROVIDING FOR TEMPORARY STAFF AND LOGISTICAL SUPPORT TO THE COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSIBLE BONDS FOR PEOPLE AND PARKS IN ORDER TO PROVIDE EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL WITH REGARD TO 1984 CITY OF r;.IN4I BOND ELECTIONS AND ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT THERE- FOR NOT TO EXCEED $35,000 FROM FY'84 GENERAL FUND:SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CCNTIGENT FUND. AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER (DEALER) AUTOMOTIVE PARTS, ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS FROM NINE (9) SUPPLIERS UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE METROPOLITIAN DADE COUNTY CONTRACT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VE- HICLE MAINTENANCE, AS FOLLOWS: HOLLYWOOD CHR'SLER-PLYMOUTH, INC., MAX GROSSO CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH,FINCHER MOTORS,INC.,PAL- METTO KAWASAKI, PALMETTO FORD TRUCKS SALES, MIAMI LINCOLN MERCURY, FIGUERDO CHEVEROLET, L.A. CHEVEROLET, AND METRO FORI INC., FOR A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $65,000.00;AUTHORIZING THI CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PUR- CHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. AOCEPTING THE BID OF BOYS ELECTRIC,INC.,GRAYBAR ELECTRIC,INC. RAYBRO ELECTRIC SUPPLY,INC.,AND RICHARD ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. FOR FURNISHING VARIOUS ELECTRICAL, MATERIALS FOR FEED BOXES TC THE DEPARTMENT OF THE CONFERENCE CENTER AT A COST OF $5,004.; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASE AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATERIALS. R-84-671 R-84-672 R-84-673 R-84-674 R-84-675 CONTINUED DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION Page 6. CDDE -R0.- ACCEPTING THE BID OF DADELAND R13NT-A-CAR FOR FURNISHING SIX R-84-676 (6) FIFTEEN -PASSENGER VANS ON A SHORT TE M LEASE BASIS FOR APPROXIMATELY TEN (10) WEEKS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ACCEPTING THE BID OF FLORIDA SILICA SAND CO.,INC. FOR FUR- R-84-677 NISHING APPROXIMATELY 2000 CUBIC YARDS OF RED CLAY ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR, WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR AN ADDITIONAL PERIOD, TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TI ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THESE MATE SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. ACCEPTING THE BID OF ACE REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES,INC. FOR R-84-678 FURNISHING T<40 (2) AIR --COOLED CONDENSORS FOR THE AIR CON- DITIONING SYSTEM AT THE MUNICIPAL SERVICES BUILDING TO THE DEPAR MENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ACCEPTING THE BID OF CUMMINS SOUTHEASTERN POWER,INC. FOR R-84-679 FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TWO (2) CONTROL UNITS ON EMERGEN ELEC`IRIC GENERATORS AT POLICE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE. DEPART- MENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING, AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ACTING THE BID OF UNITED MICROGRAPHICS,INC. FOR FURNISH- R-84-680 ING ALL LABOR AND MATERIALS FOR THE DUPLICATION OF APPROX. 180,000 MICROFICHE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF $27,000.00; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS SERVICE. AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF THREE (3) COMPLETE CENTRAL DICT-. R-84-681 ATION SYSTEMS AND FIVE (5) ADDITICNAL TRANSCRIBERS FROM ZANIER BUSINESS PRODUCTS,INC. UNDER A CURRENTLY EFFECTIVE STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLIO; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. ACCEPTING THE BID OF J.C. WHITE OFFICE FURNITURE CO. FOR R-84-682 FURNISHING EIGHT (8) PHOTOGRAPH FILE CABINETS TO THE DEPART- MENT OF POLIO; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF P.N.M. CORPORATION FOR UPARR R-84--683 HANDICAPPED ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS - PACKAGE "C" AND AUTHORIZE FINAL PANT. AUTHORIZING THE PROPER OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO R-84-684 ACCEPT FIFTEEN (15) DEEDS OF DEDICATION FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES AND APPROVING THE RECORDING OF SAID DEEDS IN THE PUBLIC RE- CORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. NDEY- DOCUMENTI CONTINUED �e7 DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION AUTHORIZING A REDUCTION IN THE RETAINAGE FRCM TEN PERCENT TO ONE-HALF OF ONE PERCENT IN THE CONTRACT BEIWEEN THE CIT OF MIAMI AND BETTER CONSTRUCTION,INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF JOSE MARTI RIVERFRONT PARK. ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2000 IN SUPPORT OF THE ISREAL "36" CELEBRATION KUKATHON TO BE; HELD MAY 6, 1984, STAGED BY THE JEWIS COMMUNITY CENTERS OF SOUTH FLORIDA,INC. SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON THE CONTRIBUTION OF SIMILAR AMOUNTS BY METROPOLITAN DADE OOUNr� AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH; FURTHER CONDITIONED UPON CC>MPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. AMP -1-84 DTD. 1/24/84. ALLOCATING FUNDS TO COTTER USE FEE FOR MIAMI MARINE STADIUM ON JULY 4, 14, AND 21, 1984 BY LEND -A -HAND FUND,INC. AS APONSOR OF THE GREATER MIAMI OPERA ASSOCIATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRESENTING SUTM'!ER POPS CONCERT SERIES. AMANDING SECTIONS 1 AND 2 OF RESOLUTION N0. 84-518, ADOPTED MAY 10, 1984, WHICH ALLOCATED GENERAL FUND: SPECIAL PROGRAM: AND ACCOUNTS, CONTIGENT FUNDS TO THE PUERTO RICAN OPPORTUN- ITY CENTER, INC. BY PROVIDING THAT THE ORIGINAL ALLOCATION OF $3000 TO THE PUERTO RICAN OPPORTUNITY CENTER,INC. BE IN- CREASED BY $5,000 TO $8,000 AND THAT THE APPLICABLE TIME BE EXTENDED TO JUNE 30, 1984; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INCLUDE THE $8,000 ALLOCATION IN THE TOTAL CITY ALLOCATION TO THE AFORMMIONED AGENCY, THEREBY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM CC114PENSATION BY $8,000 FROM $160,000 TO $168,00( AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OP FIVE (5) VIDEO CASSETTE RECORD- ERS -REPRODUCERS WITH EXTENDED WRANTY SERVICE AT A COST OF $1,813.50 EACH FROM FLORIDA VIDEO SYSTEMS,INC. UNDER A CURRENTLY EF=IVE STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT FOR THE DEPAR MENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES AND ONE (1) FO: THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION AT A TOTAA COST OF $10,881 WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE TELEPHONE FRANCHISE FEES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASE AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. R-84-685 R-84-687