HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-06-14 Marked Agendaj -7771, V. o cnmkgl 4. LOT �M' M ct1YAAAPtA1�EI� 'OPIERTY OF CIT.'Y' CLERX Ps 6rptu I N ALDoiP{" #: NEVER, LOANED Oft ZsOi.D Misslun AD TY COM CAN. :i MEETING DATE: June 14, 1984 CITY HALL 35M PAN AMERICAN DRIVE 9 am to 1 pm - City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive 3 pm until adjourned .Booker T. Washington Junior High School 1200 N.W. 6th Avenue ITEM 1 THROUGH 5 have been advertised as ?UBLIC HEARINGS and will be heard at 11:00 AM. ITEM 6 is to be heard at 12:45 2.M• — 1,ZMW 7 THROUGH 19 are — PT1BLIC HEARINGS and will be heard at 3:30 _- P.M. ITEMS 20 THROUGH 87 can be _1 heard at any time as time permits. ITEMS 33 THROUGH 38 require a vote of not lees than 4/5ths of the Commission. From 6 P.M. to 7 P.M. community residents will bci given the opportunity to address the City Commission. 9:00 A.M. In%,ocation and .Pledge of Allegiance. Presentations and - Proclamations. i dF'x� ib ke41`>,+� a•:. *Y r,� 's1` ,inn �s r `fie EEL ., {� ? #'f' i Jena` 14 ti 1984 PAGE N�: 9:15 A.M. Aoceptance of report b9 Talbot D'Alambert, Chairman, City Attorney Selection Committee. Discussion of selection of City Attorney. 9:30 A.M. NON-SCHEDULED AGENDA ITEMS 10:30 A.M. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A. Annual Review of the City Manager. B. Discussion of the Miami Outboard Club and the Miami Yacht Club. C. Discussion of pending lawsuit. D. Discussion of the proposed Redevelopment Program for the Olympia Building. E. Die Key (co nner 'lan . I) F. Discussion of the bifurcated ramp leading into Dupont Plaza. DEFERRED TO JUNE 28th MTG. FIRST THING IN THE AGENDA DEFERRED TO JUNE 28th MTG. 1 DEFERRED TO JUNE 28th MTG. M. 84-635 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO WITHDRAWN DISCUSSION T�i x 1� 1"INi3 ATE• i t�. �Y...� 4. PAGE NO, � _ �.� G. Discussion of Mace Track. at'Ma.rine stadium. H. Discussion of Gates Cases Update. I. Discussion of the use of Manuel Artime Community Center Auditorium. J. Discussion regarding an emergency appropriation for modular workstations in the City Clerk's Office (companion to item #37)• K. Discussion of Administrative Costs for Code Enforcement Board Cases and Legislative Proposal of House Bill 818. M. 84-637 MOVED PLOWER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLL0 NOT TAKEN UP CONTINUED TO JUNE 28th DISCUSSION (SEE AGENDA ITEM #37) M- 84-638 MOVED; PLUMMER SECOND; DAWKINS ABSENT:CAROLLO --- .• i f -I• a a 4 � TIJ tE ANr n - MEETING DATE: uh '' PAGE Nth: � 11 A.M. 1. PUBLIC. HEARING Didoussion of Five Year M- 84-636 Strategic and Financial MOVED: PLUMMER e: Operations Plan for the SECOND: PEREZ Department of Off -Street ABSENT:CAROLLO Parking June 14, 1984. 2. BID OPENING M-. 84-84-625 Sealed ids for construction MOVED: PLUMMER of S.W. 16th Street Highway SECOND: PEREZ Improvement B-4488 and City ABSENT: DAWKINS Wide Sanitary sewer Improvement - S.W. 16th Street B-5499• E 3. BID OPENING M- 84-626 Baled bids for construction MOVED: PLUMMER of East Little Havana Highway SECOND: CAROLLO Improvement - Phase I B-4487 ABSENT: DAWKINS and City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - East Little Havana B-5498. 4. BID OPENING M, 84-627 Baled ids for construction MOVED: PLUMMER - of West Flagler Street SECOND: PEREZ Sanitary Sewer Improvement ABSENT: DAWKINS Phase -II B-5495• 5. BID OPENING M•- 84-624 Tor the sale of $2, 000, 000 MOVED: PLUMMER Fire Fighting, Fire SECOND: PEREZ Prevention, and Rescue ABSENT: DAWKINS Facilities Bonds; $18,100,000 Housing Bonds; $3,000,000 Storm Sewer Improvement Bonds; and $79100,000 Highway Improvement Bonds. (companion to item #6) . ( $ 30.2M) 12:45 PM 6. RESOLUTION R- 84-628 Awarding $2, 000, 000 Fire MOVED: PLUMMER Fighting, Fire Prevention, and SECOND: PEREZ Rescue Facilities Bonds; ABSENT: CAROLLO $18,100,000 Housing Bonds; DAWKINS $3,0009000 Storm Sewer Improvement Bonds, and $7,100,000 Highway Improvement Bonds, of the City of Miami, Florida and setting forth the rates of interest and other details respecting such bonds. (30.2M) 1:00 P.M. BREAK FOR LUNCH -1 3:30 P.M. RECONVENING AT 3:00 P.M. LOCATION - BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH 1200 N.W. 6th AVENUE PUBLIC HEARINGS -ITEMS 7-20 7. (PH) RESOLUTION Authorizing, by an affirmative two-thirds vote of the members of the City Commission, after a duly advertised public hearing, an increase in the contract amount not to exceed in the contract between the City of Mlamian vensen- o eInc., dated May T;Td,Z1; or providing housing financial advisory services in Affordable Rental Housing Development Program; said funds to be provided entirely from the General Obligation Housing Bond Fund; further, ratifying the City Manager's written finding, supported by reasons, that only one reasonable source of supply exists. City Manager recommends. 8. (PH) RESOLUTION Authorizing the issuance of a request for proposals for a Unified Development Protect tuvr) ror tine uverzown/earK West Phase I Project, for residential and commercial facilities to be located by nine blocks, irregularly bounded by Northwest 6th Street, Northwest 7th Street, Northwest 10th Street, North Miami Avenue, Northwest 2nd Avenue and Northwest 3rd Avenue, (Miami A.L. Knowlton Blocks 24, 25, 379 44, 45, 469 55, 56 and the portions of P.W. Whites Re -sub of block 36); selecting a certified public accounting firm and appointing members to a review committee to evaluate proposals and report findings to the City Manager as required by City of Miami Charter Section 53(3) (companion to items #9 and 10) City Manager recommends. =f PA09 NO: 5 ,r - R- 84-651 MOVED: DAWKING SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO CONTINUED BY M- 84-639 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO s.e} k�-3rrneiril 41, } 7 f �,_ ME�TINC#bA'1'E: Juife 14. 1994 Items 9, 10, 11 and 12 will also be heard as public hearings on the following dates: June 28, 1984 July 12, 1984 9. (PH) ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Authorizing the issuance, subject to the election herein provided for, $30 000 000 Housina and Re eve ovmen nonns ror yommunit ev a za F,. ro ec s in e City of Miami, for the purpose of paying the cost of land acquisition, residential and business relocation, demolition, site and infrastructure improvements, construction and modernization of public facilities, financial assistance for the construction of low and moderate income housing, economic development, historic preservation, and the construction of replacement housing for the residentially displaced, and providing for the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes to pay such bonds. (companion to items #10, 62 and 65). City Manager recommends. 10. (PH) ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Providing for the holding of a Special Municipal Election in the City of Miami, or a, on November 6 1984, with respect to te issuance of $30 000 000 for Housing and Redevelopment onds. compan on to items , b2 and 65). City Manager recommends. c 00r: N0 CONTINUED TO JULY 30th MTG CONTINUED TO JULY 30th MTG. i1A nNO ©ATE: JU66 14 r 11. (PH) ORDINANCE _ -DISCUSSION FOR Authorizing the issuance, subject to the election herein provided for $35 000 OOO Park and Recreation Facilities .bonds of the city or Miami, 7I®r da, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring, constructing, developing, extending, enlarging and improving public park and recreation facilities in the City of Miami, including facilities properly appurtenant thereto, the acquisition and the improvement and Pilling, of land for such purposes and the acquisition of equipment therefor; providing for the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes to pay such bonds. (companion to item ##12). 12. (PH) ORDINANCE DISCUSSION FOR Providing for the holding of a Special Municipal Election in the City or Miami, r.loriaa on September 4t 19849 with respect o the issuance of $35 000,000 for Park and ]Recreation raclidties on s. (companion to item . 13. (PH) RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work or V.B.M. Uor oration az a total cost of $1,037,593.80 or Buena Vista highway Improvement - Phase I in Buena Vista Highway Improvement - Phase I District H-4475; and authorizing a final payment of $1129129.99. City Manager recommends. DISCUSSION DISCUSSION CONTINUED BY M- 84-643 TO JUNE 28th MTG. MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ s ME"NG DATE: June 14, 19134 14. (PH) RESOLUTION aalvina the requirements and rohibition contained in citi o e Section 2-302 st by n ng,'ter a duly advertised public hearing, that it is in the beat interest of the City to permit Gabriel Francois employee of the Solid Waste Department, to participate in the Home Renovation and Rehabilitation Program administered by said Department's Housing Division through the Community Development Block Grant Program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. City Manager recommends. 15. (PH) RESOLUTION Instructing the City Attorney o ra a ar er Amendment or submission to the electorate at the Beptember 1984 electioiT, to be Icnown as "Charter Amendment No. 1119 amending the City Charter, for the purpose of correcting grammatical, syntactical, and linquistic errors; eliminating obsolete and redundant provisions; and restructuring and renumbering Charter sections and parts thereof for clarity. 16. (PH) RESOLUTION Accepting the completed work of Joe Reinertson Equipment CO. at a total Cost O M 751.25 for City Wide Sane ar Sewer Improvement - apattah Indus -trial Area - Bid "D" in City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Allapattah Industrial Area District SR- 5497-C (Centerline Sewer); and authorizing a final payment of $89369.13. City Manager recommends. PAGE -NCB: g R- 84-652 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-650 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO (SEE RELATED FIRST READING ORDINANCE IN CITY CLERK'S REPORT) R- 84-653 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO qtJ'� 4' izBA 8 NO DAT9: fund, 14 � 1984 17• (PH) RESOLUTION cA epMg the completed work of Lanzo Construction Co-, Inc. —at a total cost of $616 817.51 for Central Sanitary''Sewer Improvement in Cent a an ary Sewer in Improvement District SR-5481-C (Centerline Sewer); and authorizing a final payment of $739677.58 18. (PH) RESOLUTION Authorizing and directing the City Manager to make funds available sub ect to the City XTfo—rney,s ap roval as to form an correctness with Rockwood s e Corgoration for the purpose Of urchasin a Rockwood System Macroroamp Macro en Generator and acro ar barriers or e amount o or the City of Miami Pow Department. City Manager recommends. 19. (PH) Continuation of Cable T.V.- Public Hearing (companion to item #64). PAGE NO: q,wow R-` 84-654 MOVED: PLM MER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT CAROLLO R 84-655 MOVED: PLUMMER .SECOND: PEREZ ,ABSENT: CAROLLO WITHDRAWN Si''CT'i if f r'.• .., I MCETINa DAIT ... June 14. 1984 PZRSOXAL APPEARANCES 20. (PA) Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding the creation of a review committee for the Minority Procurement Program. 21. (PA) Caribbean Central American Action Committee (C/CAA) has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding $25,000 in support of the 1984 Miami Conference on the Caribbean. 22. (PA) Pan American Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Euripedes Riera, President has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding: (A) First Pan American Conference of Americas and (B) Minority Business Office/Center. 23. (PA) Paul Hollenbach, President of Palace Players has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding the City of Miami Marine Stadium. 24. (PA) Representatives of the Miami River Management Committee have requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission. wA r� 0.,. NO SHOW DISCUSSION NO SHOW M- 84-644 MOVED: FERRE SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO DAWKINS M- 84-645 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO Iu SE IND DATE 25. June ` 14, 5 CW. 'AGM PAGE NO, (PA) John Goo Department to give a A bifurcated 7r, DuPont Plaza. Florida Drtation t on the ng into 26. (PA) Representatives of the Dade Marine Institute have requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding a proposed environmental awareness center and work program for youths. (companion to item #49)• 27. (PA) Representatives of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce have requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission. 28. (PA) Mr. Parker Thomson, has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding the Performing Arts Center. 29. (PA) Angelo Rutherford, Editor in Chief of the Culmer Press has requested a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding funding for Culmer Press. 30. (PA) Mr. Stuart Sorg to report to the City Commission on: a. Relocation of the Naval Reserve Center. b. Blue Ribbon Committee Study on the use of the Marine Stadium. c. Update on the Waterborne Transportation Board. DISCUSSION M-, 84-630 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO DAWKINS M- 84-646 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND PEREZ NOES: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO M- 84-647 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO DEFERRED ifl f a.fwt •"I =IBM AWBA MEETING DATE: dune 14 r 1984 PAGE NO: 1 2- 31. (PA) Mr. Ulrich, Publisher of Boating Magaz requested a persona ce before the City of Commission regarding an in -the - water boa show at Bicentennial Par . 32. (PA) Representatives of the Coconut Grove Sailing Club have requested .a personal appearance before the City of Miami Commission regarding private liquor license and pram storage permits. LEGISLATIVE ACTION REQUIRING A VOTE OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR - FIFTHS 33• RESOLUTION - 4/5ths By a four -fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission after a duly advertised public hearing, ratifying the City Manager's finding of sole source; waiving the requirement for competitive sealed —bids and approving tne urchase of six life Pak 5 battery support systems or TH-e-Mepartment or Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; from Physio-Control Corp., the only known supplier; at a proposed total cost of $8,400.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for this service, subject to the availability of funds. City Manager recommends. M- 84-648 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-656 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO ORDINANCES i- EMERGENCY 34. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY - 4/5ths Establishing a special revenue fund entitled: ecreation Programs 'for" the `—len' to yv e ar a Year)". appropriating Tunas for its o eration in the amount o compose o $131 74e.00 from the btate or Florida: DepartmenT of eH-TtF- and Rehabilitative Services, $25,000 from fiscal year 1983-84 special programs and accounts: Matching funds for grants; authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant award from the State of Florida: Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and to enter into the necessary agreement to accept this grant; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 35• ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY - 4/5ths Establishing a new a ecial revenue fund entitled: "Entrant ssis ante Program - 1984-8511, and appropriating funds Tcr the operation of same in the amount of $525,973 from the United a es Department of Health and Human Services; authorizing the City Manager to accept Grant awards from the State of Florida and the South Florida. Employment and Training Consortium to provide manpower employment services to refugees and entrants; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. EMERGENCY ORD. 9849 MOVED: PLiT OMR SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO EMERGENCY ORD. 9850 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: PLMTER ABSENT: CAROLLO t1 31 AGMA MMNG WeACE Nth: „y.= June 14, 19�� 36. ORDINANCE - EMERGENCY 4/5ths Nmending urainance No. 9534, adopted December 9, 1982, the eaisiting capital improvements appropriations ordinance, as amended by appropriating the amount of $2 219,000 for land acquisition for the Conventional Public Housing Development rogram from anticipated land reuse proceeds provided, by the U.S. Department of HOD to fund the sit acquisition financing shortfall; containing a repealer provision and severability clause. City Manager recommends. 37. ORDINANCE -EMERGENCY - 4/5ths Amending ec on 1 of Ordinance No. 9684 adopted September 29t 1983, the annual appropriations ordinance for fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, by increasing the appropriation in the general fund for the City Clerk's Office in the amount of $20,000 and by decreasing the appropriation fo. special programs and accounts contingent fund in the like amount for -the purpose of providing funding to purchase modular work stations to accomodate the installation of work processing equipment; recently acquired by the City; contains a repealer provision and a see*erability clause. (companion to item J). DISCUSSION EMERGENCY ORD. 9851 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO iNPnNG DATE! June 1 �, 1 38. ORDINANCE -EMERGENCY - 4/5ths men nOrdinance No. 9534, adopted Decem er Vq V9820 e existing Capital Improvement appropriations Ordinance, as amended, by establishing Ba side Special Center Advance as a new project in e capital mprovemen fund and appropriating an amount of $650,000 from a loan from the capital improvement fund; containing a- repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. (companion to Item #48)• s c r PAGE NO: EME$GENCY.. ORD*. 9852 MOVED: FERRE SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO :mot_ "WCO, June 14, 1984 P AGE NO' 16 ORDINANCES - SECOND READING 39, ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Relit ng to the Cit of am n vers o am James n International ona en er a so commonly ref erre to ae the Miami Convention Center and amen n r nance o. 9534, adop ed December Capital _, he existing p Improvements appropriations Ordinance, as amended, by increasing appropriations for the Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage in the Miami Conven'�;ion Center Enterprise Fund in the ar,;.ount of $248 000 f r om FY 1984 Flori'�Tower and Light Franchise Revenues to make final payment to Frank J. RooneZ, Inc. in the amount o ; contain ng a repealer provision andCita severability clause. Manager recommends. 44. ORDINANCE -SECOND READING Imending Section I of r inance No. adopted December 9, 19820 t e Existing Capital Improvements Appropriations Ordinance, as amended, by increasing appropriations for the purchase of litter containers. in the amount of $170,000 and increasing resources in the 1970 pollution control incinerator facilities general obligation bond fund balance by a like amount, containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. ORD. 9853 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO ORD. 9854 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO s APJUA MEVING DATE: June 149 1984 PAarz NO: . 17 �.: 41. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending r nance 9534 adopted Deoem er 9, , the Existing Capital Improvements r nance as amended, by ncreasing resources and appropriations in the Miami Stadium Enterprise Pund in the amount of $300,000 to establish a new project in the Miami Stadium Enterprise Pund entitled Miami Baseball Stadium Press Box Repairs, XVI,C.2, revenues in a like amount are available from a transfer of $53 000 from the Orange Bowl S arc u m Enterprise Fund, and $247 000 from Miami Stadium "�' nd Equity; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. 42. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Chapter 54o the Code of the Citz of Miami Florida entitled ' "re`ets and ids ewalks " by addina a new r icle V1 entitled idewalk Cafes" providing for e establishment of sidewalk cafes in the general area bounded by NE/N'9 5th Street on the North, Biscayne Boulevard on the East, and the Miami River on the South and West, and the area of Coconut Grove currently designated SPI-2 in the Official Zoning Atlas made a part of Ordinance 9500; further, providing for permits, fees, rules and regulations and appeals; providing for review; and containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. ORD. 9855 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO (See related M-84-657 Moved; Plummer Second; Dawkins ABSENT: Carollo) ORD. 9848 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO ------------------------- (See related First Readin amending Ord, 9848�in C :CK Report) M 4 4 -------------- 1 emr' MenNO DATE: { A June 14# 1984 43. ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Aiending Chapter en tied ar a e and Trash". of the' Code- of the city of Miami, Florida, as amended by amending Sections 22-3 22-12 an OX Bald t-hap; providing by said amen men s the following: an additional requirement for placement location of dumpsters in new commercial or multi -family residential buildings; a clarification of fees due and payable during periods even when structures are temporarily vacant; that certain individuals other than owners shall assume increased responsibility for the condition of property and violations which occur on said property; that citations be written by sanitation inspectors resulting in penalties if said violations are not corrected within a specified period of time; that all receptacles owned by private sanitation companies are marked and identified with the company name and telephone number; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. PAGE NCB: 1 CONTINUED TO JUNE 28th MTG • l• 4 MEETING DATE: June 14, 1984 44• ORDINANCE - SECOND READING Amending Ordinance No. 9534 adopted December 90 1982, the existing capital improvements appropriations ordinance, as amended, by increasing the appropriations for the 1970 pollution control and incinerator facilities General Obligation on and in a amoun oT s5o 000 from`d balance and establishing a new project entitled Acquisition of Computer and ssociate er era s Item and transferring said resource and project to the capital improvement fund item IX-C(i) 16, by decreasing appropriations for central data base computer system III.B(6) in the amount of $2529300 and appropriating $252,300 to establish a new project entitled Acquisition of Computer and Associated Peripherals Item III.C(1) and transferring said resource and project to the capital improvement fund item IX.X(i)169 by increasing the appropriation for the 1975, 1976 and 1980 sanitary sewer general obligation bond fund in the amount of $32,500 from interest earnings and establishing a new project entitled Acquisition of Computer and Associated Peripherals Item IV.C(4) and transferring said resource and project to the capital improvement fund item IX.C(i)16, increasing appropriation for the 1970 Police Headquarters and crime .prevention facilities general obligation bond funding the amount of $301,000 from interest earnings, and decreasing appropriations for project Central Data Base Computer System item VIII.B(5) in the amount of $112,000 and appropriating said resources to establish a new project entitled Acquisition of Computer and Associated Peripherals item VII.C(2) and transferring said resource and project to the Capital Improvement fund item IX.C(i)16, by allocating $973,400 from the FY184 general fund budgets of the Police Department, $1029000 and the Computer Department, $871,400 to the capital improvement fund item IX.C(i)16, and increasing the appropriations for the Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $1,721,200 and establishing a new project in said fund entitled Acquisition of Computer and Associated Peripherals Item IX.C(i)16; containing a repealer provision and a severability clause. City Manager recommends. PAGE N0: 19 ORD. 9856 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO 1, 2S Julie _ 14, 1964 PAGE NO .. 26... . MEETING DAi`E: ORDINANCES - FIRST READING 45• ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Aienaiiig Subsectlons a and e or Section , of the o e of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, by increasing the composition of the Downtown Development Authority Board from 17 to 19 members; the two new members being the Manager of the City of Miami and the Manager of Metropolitan Dade County. 46. ORDINANCE - FIRST READING Amending ection of Ordinance No. 9534 ad-6pted May y appropriating the additional total sum of $5,479,910 to the existing trust and agency fund entitled: "Community Development Block Grant (10th Year)" in the following manner: the sum of $2,164,910 from previous years' Community Development Block Grant Funds (Third through ninth year); the sum of $371,000 from anticipated CDBG Program income: and an additional tenth year CDBG allocation of $2,944,000 for the execution of approved grant activities; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and containing a seerability porvision. City Manager recommends. (Companion to Item #61) FIRST READING MOVED: FERRE SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO PEREZ ----------------------- (See related M- 84-641 Moved: Ferre Second: Dawkins Absent: Carollo Perez) W.I MEE`rWO OATS: �Une 14 1984 47. ORDINANCE -FIRST READING Amending a eerr � of the Code of the ClAy of Miami, Florida entitled: "Streets and Sidewalks", by amending Section - 5 entitled: "Construction, Reconstruction or Repair required in New Construction or Construction of Five Thousand Dollars or more in value or exceeding Six Hundred Fifty Sqare Feet in Area" by increasing the cost amount in subsection (a) from Five Thousand Dollars to Ten Thousand Dollars; adding a new subsection (e) in the event of non-compliance by an applicant; adding and modifying terminology through Section 54-45 for clarification purposes; repealing all ordinances, code sections or parts thereof in conflict insofar as they are in onflict; and containing a severability provision. City Manager recommends. G. PAGE NO: 21 FIRST READING MOVED: DAWKI14S SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO d N MEEi'INO DATE: Jane 14. 1984 PAGE NO: _22 RESOLUTIONS 48. RESOLUTION Authorizing and directing the City Manager to execute an agreement to purchase the remaining lease term rom es aurae't Associates industries of Florida,'Inc. or the Miamarina Restaurant Facilities. City Manager recommends. (companion to Item #38). 49. RESOLUTION Approvingin principle only e concept of the Dade Marine Institute entablishin an Environmental Awareness en er and WorkProgram for ou ad j u ca a or vari ous misdemeanor, at Virginia Key. (companion to item #26). City Manager recommends. 50. RESOLUTION Creatinga Minority Procurement i on Voucher rogram which establishes a policy re a ve �'to the requirements of bidon s or minority rms on Citz Public Works Construc ion Projects ana in city Procurement o goods and services; said policy authorizing contract payments to be mailed to designated financial institutions. City Manager recommends. Am R- 84-659 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-633 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO DEFERRED TO JUNE 28th MTG. 51. RESOLUTION Authorizing the Director of Finance to pay to Rosa B. Smith the sum of dory thousana dollars , with6ut the admission of liability, in full and complete settlement of all bodily injury, personal injury protection liens, worker's compensation liens, hospital liens, claims and demands against the City of Miami and Upon execution of a release releasing the City of Miami from all claims and demands. 52. RESOLUTION Allocating a sum not to exceed $5 200 from special programs anA accounts, quality of life fund, in support of the 1984 Holida es va , to b e e ecem er n a ront Park, Au d i FoMum, with proceeds going to the University of Miami School of Medicine; said allocation being conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM-1-840 dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. 53• RESOLUTION Permittingthe applicant for the Eayside Project, located af approx mately499 Biscayne Boulevard, to proceed to file a final application for major use special perm with the Director of— Planning; providing caveats; and establishing 3:30 P.M., Thursday, June 28, 1984, as the public hearing date for consideration of the final application for major use special permit. City Manager recommends. R- 84-660 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO --------------------- (See related M-84-661 Moved: Plummer Second: Dawkins Absent: Carollo) R- 84-634 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-662 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO 54. RESOLUTION Autiorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement, in a form acceZa:ble to pe My Xttorneyp with The National Center for Municipal Development, Inc. to continue representation of the City of Miami in Washington Program; further authorizing the 2ayment of $18 000 as a fee or said services, payable In 12 equal monthlyinstallments; further authorizing an additional sum not to exceed $4,000 for reimbursement of out-of-pocket disbursements; with funds therefor allocated from special programs and accounts, special services, liaison, man in Washington Program, code no. 920207-270. City Manager recommends. 55. RESOLUTION Ordering Alla attah Industrial A-r—ea-7ighway Improvement -Phase II, E-4495 and designating the property against which special assessments shall be made for a portion of the cost thereof as Allapattah Industrial Area Highway Improvement District Phase II. City Manager recommends. 56. RESOLUTION Allocating $15,000 from the general fund special programs and accounts contingent fund to James E. Scott Community Association to provide $50UUU twat the agency's neighborhood anti -crime program and $10,000 toward computerization of the agency's Accounting Department; further authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with the aforementioned allocation being conditioned upon compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. City Manager recommends. R- 84-663 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKIN__ ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-664 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-665 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO 7 MEE ZING DATE: Jitho 14, 1984 57. RESOLUTION u�th rizin the aR21icant for e 1221 Brickellrose, locatedat approx ma e y 1221 Brickell Avenue, to proceed to file a final application or major use special -permit witH e Director or Planning; providing caveat's; and establishing 3:30 P.M., Thursday, June 28, 1984, as the public hearing date for consideration of the final application for. major use special permit. City Manager recommends. 58• RESOLUTION eclaring that a Unified Development Project ( . s e most advantageous ` method or eve o n e vacant __ C—it-y-owned HistoriF building Wn-d Lanaaree Former Fire Station ITo. 4) located at approximately 1000 South Miami Avenue (more parcticularly described herein), for purposes of retail, restaurant, or cultural use, or combinations thereof; authorizing the City Manager to prepare a draft request for proposals (R.F.P.) for a U.D.P.; establishing a public hearing date of July 12, 1984, at 3:30 P.M., or a reconvened meeting, for purposes of taking testimony regarding said R.F.P.; and listing action to be taken at the conclusion of said public hearing. City Manager recommends. PAGE NO: R- 84-649 MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-666 MOVED: DAWKI:: c SECOND: PEREZ ABSENT: CAROLLC y l Y 'i•Y MUTING DATE.' juris 14 t 1984. PAO NCl: 26 43 59 • RESOLUTION WITHDRAWN AuTH razing the City Manager to execute an agreement, substantially in the form acceptable to the City Attorney, amending the existing agreement between the Consulting rm of Bermello-9 Kurrci and Vera,Inc. and the City oMiami for Master Planning ery ces to bg j renTe-red by the consultant; by increasing the agreement amount to $98,500, an increase of $8,000; allocating funds thereefor from general fund: special programs and accounts City Manager recommends. I i t i R- 84-667 60. RESOLUTION MOVED: PEREZ ec aring that the boundaries SECOND: DAWKINS of East Little Havana are ta ABSENT: CAROLLO Westerly r -o -wa ne o Th-e—letro Rapid Transitr of -way on the East, the Miami ver on the North, SoufRweg Street on the Southy anif Northwest/8ou wes venue on the est. City Manager recommends. 61. RESOLUTION R_.84-642 ut orizing the City Manager MOVED: DAWKINS to submit the attached SECOND • PLUMMER addendum for the approved ABSENT: CAROLLO grant grogram final statement pEREz to the U.S. Department of 1 Housing an r an DeveloDment requesting increase un n in the amounto — f or the i y s propose Community Development Program during 1984-85; further authorizing the City Manager, upon approval of said addendum, to accept the grant and negotiate the necessary implementing contract and agreement. City Manager recommends. (SEE ITEM # 46) i i i 11 I ,.4 t � II TY CV0MUM MEMO Wg: June ,14 > .1984 POE NO'2"� _ _ --- 62. RESOLUTION ARE rizing and instructing R- 84-668 the City Manager to solicit MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PE:irZ proposals for the sole ABSENT: CAROLLO managing underwriting of the issuance of up to $95 000 000 of mortgage revenue on s for e construction and germanent financing or the uvertownlyarlE West ass I Project. (companion to Items ff9, 10, and 65). City Manager 4 recommends. ! 3 63. RESOLUTION DEFERRED TO JL-NE 28th MTG. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment in ' substantially the form attached hereto, to the $1,300,000 revolving loan fund and $120,000 Administrative Contract between Miami Capital Development, nc. and the Citz I or Miamin order to extend e contract performance period from June 30, 1984 to December 31, 1984. City ! Manager recommends. e� 64. RESOLUTION NOT TAKEN UP Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a professional -; services a reemen w die I-ceounting Firm of Touche RosF o., In a form acceptable To the City Attorney, in an =1 amount not to exceed $50 000, or a purpose o s ass �.ng the cable communications agency in conducting a -' financial analysis of the operations of Miami Cablevision, cable licensee of the City of Miami. (companion to item #19). City Manager recommends. o f A' I= iV enNO DATE. dune 14, 1984 I�AC4 N0: ,28 N 65. RESOLUTION Authorizing the City Manager to amend the agreement between the City of Miami and Hammer- =er,,George Associates from o o provide aT=onal compensation for additional services provided beyond the original agreement for the preparation of an opportunity analysis for the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project authorized by the Miami City Commission (companion to items #9, 10, and 62) City Manager recommends. R- 84-669 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLLWMR ABSENT: CAROLLO 1 `� �,. dune i't t �`+� BOARDS AND COMMITTEES RESOLUTION Appointing an individual to serve as a member of the City of Miami Professional Boxinfilling and Wrestling the vacancy created by the resignation of George Sands. 4 ` t 1 _ dune 14, 1984 67. CONSENT AGENDA Unless a member of the City Commission wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda, Items 67 thru 87 constitute —the Consent Agenda. These reso u ons are self- explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion. Each item will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions, unanimously by the following motion: "...that the Consent Agenda, comprised of items 67 thru 87 be adopted." Mayor or City Clerk: Before the vote on adopting items included in the Consent Agenda is taken, is there anyone present who is an objector or proponent that wishes to speak on any item in the Consent Agenda? Hearing none, the vote on the adoption of the Consent Agenda will now be taken. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of Better Business Forms Inc. for urns h I ng computer stock ppap�e�r, as needed, on a contact basis for one (1 ) year, with the option to extend, to the Department of Computers at a total proposed annual cost of $125,000.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for these materials, subject to the availability of funds. PAGENO'. 301.w R- 84-671 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO i 3 To MWINO DATE, June 14, 1984 PAt B NO: - 68. (CA) RESOLUTION u , or ing the City Manager to execute an agreement in substantially the form attached hereto, with each of the followin eca ne Engineering Co.,,c we e- s n and Associates,Inc,, Campanile and Associates,Inc! and Manuel G. Vera & Associates-, inc. to provide MET surveling services on a ro aving basis in conjunction with contracted 'construction projects, with funds therefor allocated from the project expense fund for each individual project. 69. (CA) RESOLUTION Autobi `r'i zz ng the City Manager to enter into an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Sarah E. Eaton, for services as a consultant, in connection with e of Miami's Heritage Conservation Project, with funds therefore to be expended from 10th year C.D. 70. (CA) RESOLUTION Providing for temporary staff ana logistical support to the committee for Responsible on s for People an Parks in order to p oviae e uca oval material with regard to said bonds and allocating an amount not to exceed $35 000 from e contingen fund. Rl- 84-672 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO WITHDRAWN R- 84-673 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO Asp bl= ION WN MErnNO 00t: June 14, 1984 PAdt NO32 : 71. (CA) RESOLUTION Authorizingthe purchase of origin_�.ae u men "an11iac tur'er ea er automotive parts, on an as neeaea basis Trom nine 9) suppliers under a currently effeclTve Metropolitan Dade County contract for the Department of Building andd Vehicle Maintenance, as follows: Hollywood Chrysler - Plymouth, In.c. in the amount of $25,000.00, Max Grosso Chrysler Plymouth, in the amount of $3,000.00, Fincher Motors, Inc., in the amount of $1,000.00, Palmetto Kawasaki, in the amount of $2,000.00, Palmetto Ford Truch Sales, Inc., in the amount of $5,000.009 Miami -Lincoln Mercury, in the amount of $15,000.009 Figueredo Chevrolet, Inc. in the amount of $2,000.00, L.A. Chevrolet, in the amount of $7,500.00, and Metro Fors., Inc., in the amount of $5,000.00, for a total proposed cost of $65,000.00,; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 operating budget of that department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for this equipment, subject to the availability of funds. 72. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bids of Bove zieezriC inc. ata cost Or 0.00, Gra bar Electric nC. a a cob o , R-a-yTro Electric SuRpi Inc. at a cost o , and Richard ec r c Supp1F com an at a cost or $19b54-UU for furnishing various electricai materials for feed oxen to the Department of Conference Center at a total cost of $5,004.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1980 City of Miami Convention Center and Parking Garage Revenue Bond Fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for these materials. R- 84-674 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-675 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO A4{ r � r t M NO OATS: 'v i e , r, Tjj ;i r N AGM �(= nj PAGE NO: 73. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of Dadeland en - ar nce or furnishing six fifteen - passenger vans on a, snort -term lease basis for approximately ten (10) weeks to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total proposed cost of $12 000.00; allocating funds therefor rom the 1983-84 operating budget of the of the Department of Parks and Recreation; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchast. order for this equipment. 74. (CA) RESOLUTION Accevtina the bid of Florida uiiica sang uompany, lnce ror furnishing approximately- 2000 cu c yards of red clay on a contract basis for one (1) year, with the option to extend for an additional period, to the Department of Parks and Recreation at a total proposed annual cost of $32 700.00; allocating funds therefor from the 1983-84 special programs and accounts fund, Parks Improvement Projects; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue purchase orders for these materials, subject to the availability of funds. R-_ 84-676 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-677 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO 0 by .- 1 _ Mtr"NG DATE: ?5. >f LK a ne 14; 1964 (CA) RESOLUTION Aoee tin the bid of Ace Refrigeration u es ne* or furnishing two air- cooled con ensors for the _air condit oning system az zne municipal services building to the Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total cost of $10 360.00; alloc'a=ng MIN— therefor from the 1983- 84 operating budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. 76. (CA) RESOLUTION Accept the bid of Cummins Southeastern PowertInc. for furniphing and installingtwo eoitrol units on emergency electric enera ors a o ee Headquarters Tor e Department of Building and Vehicle Maintenance at a total cost of $6,600.00; allocating un s ere ofrom the 1983- 84 operating budget of that Department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. 77. (CA) RESOLUTION Author z ng the purchase of five (5) video cassette recor ers-repro ucers with extended warranty service at a cost of $1 813.50 each from Florida Video —Systems, Inc. under a currently effective State of Florida contract for the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services at a total cost of $99067.50; allocating funds therefor from the telephone franchise fees; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. PAGE NO: 34 R, 84-b78 MOVED: PEREZ, SECOND; DAWKINS ABSENT; CAROLLO R- 84-679 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-689 (AS AMENDED) MOVED: PLUMMER SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO ".. WnNG 0AII: 78. (CA) RESOLUTION Accepting the bid of United einreQran ne . ncI— . for rurnisnin all iaoor anu ma er a s or a up ca on of pproaimately 180,000 microfiche to the Department of Fire, Rescue and Inspection services at a total proposed cost of $27,000.00; allocating funds therefor from the prior year reserve fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this service. 79. (CA) RESOLUTION Authorizing the purchase of three (3) comple a central _ 33a3on s s ems an ive _ additional transcribers from an er business Froductso Inc. under a currently effective State of Florida contract for the Department of Police at a total cost of $14 408.00; allocating un s therefor fromtre 1983-84 operating budget of that department; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to isue a purchase order for this equipment. 80. (CA) RESOLUTION Accept n — the bid of J.C. White Uffice Furniture Company or furnishing eight �hotoiraph file cabinets to e Department or Poir—ceat a total cost of $5 680.00; allocating funds ere or rom the prior year reserve fund; authorizing the City Manager to instruct the purchasing agent to issue a purchase order for this equipment. R- 84-680 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-681 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-682 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO -Mgg'1`INt3 nA'1T. June 14'r 1984 81. (CA) RESOLUTION e-.ep ng the completed work of P.N.M. Corporation at a tote cost o5 for UPARR- Handicapped access Improvements - Package "C"; and authorizing a final payment of $2,922.97• 82. (CA) RESOLUTION Authorlizing the proper Officials of the CiY15) of Miami to accept fifteen Deeds of -nca t i on for g way purposes and approving the recording of said deeds in the public records of Dade County Florida. 83. (CA) RESOLUTION Authorizing a reduction in the retainage from en percent to one-half of -one Percent in the contract a ween The Citz f Miami and Better Cons ruc ior. Inc. for the construction o To —se Marti Riverfront Park. PAGE NO'. R- 84-683 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-684 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-685 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO MEETING DATE: Juri�a 1 i 84• (CA) RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) Allocating an amount not to exceed $200D rom spec a programs and accounts, quality of life fund, in su Rort of the Israel 1136" celebration walRathon to Be held on a 1984, staged by the Jewish U"ommunity Centers of south Florida, Inc.; said allocation being conditioned upon the contribution of similar amounts by Metroplitan Dade County and the City of Miami Beach; said allocating being further conditioned upon Miami Administrative Policy No. APM- 1-84, dated January 24, 1984. 85. (CA) RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) Allocating $15 000 from Tp—ecial programs and accounts, quality of life, as seed funds in support of cultural activities provide bythe Performing ArtistGuild Ensemble,Inc. Turtagr author z ng the City Manager to execute an agreement, in a form acceptable to the city Attorney, with said agency said allocation being conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM- 1-84, dated January 24, 1984• 86. (CA) RESOLUTION (FORMALIZATION) Allocating an amount not to exceed $15 000 from special programs and accounts, quality of life account to cover the use fee for Miami. marinU Stadium on July 4, 14, and 21, 1984 -by en -a- an nd, Inc. as sponsor of the Greater Miami Opera Association for the purpose of resenting Summer FoRs Concert series, saia allocation a rig conditioned upon substantial compliance with Administrative Policy No. APM 1-84, dated January 24, 1984• PA019 NCB: R- 84-686 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-640 MOVED: DAWKINS SECOND: PLUMMER ABSENT: CAROLLO R- 84-687 MOVED: PEREZ SECOND: DAWKINS ABSENT: CAROLLO CITY MISSION Imam MEETING OATE: June 14 s 1984 PAGE NO: 8 r- 87. (CA) RESOLUTION -(FORMALIZATION) R., 84-688 Amend in Sections 1 and 2 of MOVED: PEREZ Resolution Boo 04-51bo adopted SECOND; DAWKINS_ May 109 1984t X c allocated ABSENT: CAROLLO General Fund - special programs and accounts; contingent funds to the Puerto Rican Opportunity Center Inc., by providing that We original allocation of $3,000 to the Puerto Rican Opportunity Center, Inc. be increased by $5,000 to $8,000; that the period February 1, 1984 - April 15, 1984 be changed to February 1, 1984 - June 30, 1984; authorizing the City Manager to include the $8,000 allocation in the total City allocation to the aforementioned agency, thereby increasing the maximum compensation by $8,000 from $160,000 to $168,000. ,� �':� a -i-� k3c a as � • ?a ' _ �, ata . r" � Ar Ilk COT1 s IfVMA s; cATIONS 0 3ssi6w`we0hg June 14, _ 1984 , i Distin&ishea Mr. Isao Coto, ExecutiveVice Presidefit of Viito7c Japan Development 4 C0nstrtuti0II f0npiMy► Ltd. S ED i §tin$uished Mr. Wsami Takahasi, Senior Managerthe of the Visitors: 3ritama, Bank of japan. PRESENTED. Proclamation: Eugene B. Gunn Day. (former Deputy Chief of - PRESENTED Police). Conmendation: Mrs. Ofelia Sherman. For her services to the 0 SHOW Boara of DDA. Proclamation: Honor America and Americans DaY. In commemoration RESENTED o Flag Day. K