HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-06-14 AdvertisementAND t)AILII R110"41 Published Cltily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Dada County, Florida, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY bit Ub6: before the undersigned authority personally appeared Karen patient, who on oath says that she Is the Assistant to the Supstvlsw of Legal Advertising of the Miami Review and Daily Rstsotd, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal WWays) newspaper, published at Miami in Dade County, Florida, that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF MIAMI Re: Public Heating June 14, 1984 In the ............... ..?{ ..x.. X.............. Court, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of May 30, 1984 Afflont further says that the sold Miami Review and Dolly Record Is a no published at Miami In said Dade County, Florida, and the he said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Dade County Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday are L I Holidays) and has been enbred as second class the post office in Miami In sold Dade , Florida, for o dod of one year next preceding the t publication of the ttachod copyIr of adverfisemen afliont further says 1 she has MItMr paid nor any person, firm or discount, robsto co sion or refund for 1 socuring this adwrtf t for publication In paper. ``��0woyn tb Lrld•before me this 'w.o. Is.. 84 ' •. 0 ca �r R►tb rt if of Mbrlds at Large (SEAL) �. �q • • tf 1. �` .` My Commisslori4'Rbs Jurte.l, Ist�ZP�.� 1 ' X ''i111. lnters,ltect tt�;a�s,.tmmaal if9' 4d, iitilff `shahIivar,i�tul {iunchae4._' hid �Y held et tne.tt* lend"ptace 6*10ed.tiai $lll>it�d.9ny:•inri.tl�tl('eltiappeal8n i7�bi1„ti�i�`t�i�+oin' mission With elrpilpi.WAny,matter =6 deist At thlii, ri.. ,Ahit P091101n A) ati .t3ftli0i+t►'; that .. 41hverbailin roWdprst4'iyit an 5►"tippe1at madit; Indludin"af'jftifitp' and evdence- maybobadl l . (Logo) a CI'IYCLERit..,.,:t.. C11Y"OF MIAIM I=1i FdDA iv- Publicition of this Nalr.� bri the 30 day of nnay;�981: J No A "Wit-hearin will he heirs by the Comm ..ofAf% Of ; p g s the City of Miami, Florida for the purpose of to ing a possible amendment to the City Charte+ complish the following: A. changes in grammar, style and language; B. elimination of obsolete or unnecessary provisions; and C. reorganization and renumbering of provisions. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning the amendment. The hearing will be held at the time and place specified below: 1. Thursday, June 14, 1984, at 3:30 P.M. in the Auditorium of the Booker T. Washington Junior High -Community School, 1200 Northwest 6th Avenue, Miami, Florida. ( # 1847 RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK The 610 Memorywriter .lust remember that Vou Can OW11 I XerOX 610 Memorv;vriter for only 'S)1.195. Remember, too, that the Xerox Memo n,writer lets you make revisions withouL hay ink to ret\ ne the entire letter. The ON Nlemorvwriter is a part of Team Xerox, a k\ I& array of products, people a11c1 service", t() help yoU meet all dou`r earnXerOx matiorl needs. W1111c:h is solllethii1�1 ourcom- Petitor511LIv to tell \'()LI. Call Tearer X&rox at 305-446-3100 or 30501-3100. L] -- T, 5 . l NOTICE OF.PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the Commission of the City of Miami. Florida for the purpose of discussing a pos- sible amendment to the City Charter to accomplish the foN lowing: A. changes In grammar, style and language; B. elimination of obsolete or unneceisary provisions; and C. reorganization and renumbering of provisions. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning the amendment. The hearing will be held at the time and place specified below: 1. Thursday,'June 14, 1884, at 3:30 P.M. in the Audi• torium of the Booker T. Washington Junior High - Community School, 1200 Northwest 6th Avenue, Miami. Florida. RALPH G.ONGIE City Clerk (1847) ------�--- �A __ 900 N.W. 541h STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 r� -- - --- (305) 757 1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida S'I'A7'E OF FWI1lDA SS Colt NNTY OF 1)A1)E j PRt)OF OI' PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared 1%1I1ES M. JOIINSON, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of 'FIIF. MIAA1111ME:S, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: JUNE 07, 1984 Affiant further state that TIIF. M1ANII TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore horn continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has heen entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, DadeCounty, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceeding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement. further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, cone nisson or refund for the purpose of sercuring this advertisement for publication in this newspaper w ng Editor Sworn toandsubcriledbefore meontliis,the_29th day of JUNL A1).1984 N()"�' Ill' PUBI,Ic' S'1'A1'E cIF FL(51ttt)A ,., A'1' 1.A1tGE hly cone nis.5ion expires: JJA Ll 900•341-1450.' AVISO CUBRIENDO AP... (URA ^rtas jelladas� seran recibidas pot The S County, Florida, para los, proyectos aqui mencic hora local del Mattes dfa 19 de Junio, 1994, Segunda Avenida, Miami, Florida, siguiendo o tan ptonto como el Board pueda atender las seran publicamente abiertas y lefdas y tabula torium, Room 204, Segundo Piso, pot un rer del Board. EI Board despu6s hard la adjudic basados en Jos resultados de las tabulaciones y regulaciones aplicables. Proyecto No. 00027 School Park Site Improvements Hammocks Junior High School 9seq Hammocks Blvd., Miami, Florida Una conferencia antes subasta tendrA lugar en to ofic Group a las 9 a.m. el Martes Junio 12, 1984. PARTICIPACiON EN NEGOCIOS PROPIEDAD U OPERA RAZA NEGRA. Esta oterta esib limitada a aquellos indi gocios en clue individuos de la raza negra sean propieta radores, clue aparezcan ep.. listas de Miami -Dade Chamb meni Management Division del Metropolitan Dade Cou taci6n; o que ptesenten suficientes datos que verifique u operaci6n en el momento de la licitaci6n. La adjudi mAs baja oterta que Ilene esta y otras especificaciones Los interesados pueden obten6r uno o dos juegos de tratos de la oficina de Consulting Specialty Group, 26 33133 en y despu6s de Mayo 29, 1984, sin dep6sito documentos sean devueltos en buenas condiciones y que el contrato sea aceptado o negadas las ofertas y tores pagaran al The School Board of Dade County, I dichos documentos anterior a obtener documentos de proyectos. El Board se reserva el derecho de renunciar informali a y todas las ofertas. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools � y t tU#'n'.t UlIO1 ar.11i1.fJut'-9-t. Provecte No, A0012 Mew Etemn school State 8ct R 8940 west. , Avenida, Hialeah, Florida OEERTAS Los interesadas pueden obtener t fool Board of Dade de ofertas contratos de la oficinl idos, hasta las 2 p.m. 7000 S.W. 62 Avenue, Miami, A,y 29. 1984, sin dep6sito, en condici6 �oom 609, 1410 N.E. devueltos en buenas condiciones in dicha hora y lugar lismas, dichas ofertas quo el contrato sea aceptado o ret 3s en el Board Audi- devueltos Jos postures pagar6n al 1 sentantee autorizado Florida el valor en dollares de Bich :i6n de los contratos documentos de ofertas y contratos ubiertas pot las leyes El Board se reserva el -derecho t rechazar cualquiera y todas las ofer THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, FU na de Consulting Specialty OS POR PERSONAS DE LA iduos de la raza negra y ne- os de (51 %) o sean los ope- n of Commerce o la Procure- ty, con anticipaci6n a la lici- y certifiquen esa propiedad con se hao al Iicitador con requerimientos del proyecto. ocumentos de ofertas y con- S.W. 27 Ave., Miami, Florida en condici6n de que dichos entro de los 10 dfas despu6s no fueren devueltos los pos- orida, el valor en dollares de ofertas y contratos para otros y de rechazar cualquiera nq) CITY OF Mfb1V11, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Una audiencia p6blica Serb Ilevada a cabo por la Comisi6n de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, con el prop6sito de discutir una posible enmienda a los Estatutos de la Ciudad para Ilevar a cabo to siguiente: A. Cambios de gram3tica, estilo y vocabulario; B. Eliminaci& de provisiones obsoletas o innecesarias; y C. Reorganizaci6n y reordenticbn n6merica de provisions. Todas las personas interesadas est6n invitadas a asistir y set oidos acerca de la enmienda. La audiencia tendr3 lugar en la fecha y lugar abajo especificados: Jueves, 14 de junio, 1984, a las 3:30 P.M. en el Auditorio del Booker T. Washington Junior High -Community School, 1200 N.W. 6th Avenue, Miami, Florida. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK AVISO DE AUDIE EL CONCEJO DE LA CIUDA CABO UNA AUDIENCIA PL 1984, A LAS 3:30 P.M., EN EL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 120 TOMAR TESTIMONIO REFEF PROPUESTAS PARA UN PR( UNIDO A LAS AREAS DE PARA INSTALACIONES CO CIALES EN SOUTHEAST C LOCALIZADAS EN 9 CUAC UNIDAD POR NORTHWEST 7 STREET, NORTHWEST 10ti AVENUE, NORTHWEST 2nd i 3rd AVENUE (MIAMIA. L. KNC 24N, 25N, 37N, 44N, 45N, 46i CIONES DE P.W. WHITE RE- (B-34) AUTORIZANDO LA EP LECCIONANDO A UNA FIR PUBLICA CERTIFICADA,Y SELL DE UN COMITE ANALISTA PUESTAS Y REPORTES. DE C DE LA CIUDAD (CITY MANA POR LOS ESTATUTOS Y COD Todas las partes interesadas podran i al respecto. La audiencia tendr3 It mente especificados. Si una persona desearia apelar cualq La Ciudad con respecto a cualquier I reuni6n, dicha persona se asegurara d literal de las actuaciones, incluyendr sobre la cual cualquier apelaci6n teng, RA C I' $1668 CI'i STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Enrique J. Perez, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Advertising Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in on the following days: Signed DIARIO LAS AMERICAS I N iI -Ag 3 g,3 6 6 P. D.#/S 4=7 ORDERED-**gevrc-c�?- t-zetle Sworn o an sub cribed fore me this day of 19_, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Notary Pub v u �� NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All interested persons please take notice that a public hearing will be held on June t4. 1964 at 3:3o P,M., in the Auditorium of the Booker T. Washington Junior lligh- Community School, for the purpose of receiving If t from the public regarding the proposed bond issues input follows Park and Recreational Facilities Bonds Housing and Redevelopment $3o,o0 D,ppp All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such matters. The hearing will be held at the time and place specified above. Ralph G. Ongie C6tyofc�,Miami Florida erk (No. ]85ti1 - S •�,� 900 N.W. 541h STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 (305) 757 1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE. OFFLOI1IDA 1 SS PROOF OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF DADE l Before the undersigned authority personally appeared M II,ES M. JOHNSON, who on oath mys that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: JUNE 07, 1984 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceeding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiart says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, cornmisson or refund for the purpose of sercuring this advertisement for publication in this newspaper naging Editor Swon1 to and subclibed before me on this, the_ Z 9 t h _day of JUNE A.D. 19 8 9 -e NOfAllY PUBLIC STAI'E OF FLO li)A A1' LARGE. My commission expires: 8A e The! Yiami Nr,ws 0 Monday, Jung 4, 1984 Wild west fun and Barnes 7hr, horse niay not hip ahle to talk like Mr. Ed, but pid ,inch from its pleased expression, it does h"jvc- a few other tricks up rts sleeve. Rodeo conie,dy perfoinler Bunkie Bogert toasted the crowd after he illid Kav✓Ilga performed dunned the Wild Wc:st Rude() in New Orleans. NOTICE TO ME l UBILIC F I: m; • e IBd ( s rt, (.,-,, ,; LI�Ci +! ,t a j ,;1 uc hearm ; w L,• h,'d nn June 14. 1Q84 . , i• f 'r, t'• `.,::,(nn., r7'Gr t1,; ,6:: r.f•r T. ,as' ' ;1: Jur,,,,r H ,n-Ci rrm y $Ch001, for ranI'Jt'� rh 1'^�r • !` (ir'�i:, F..J LGn� rSS,:eS B'. (u..o,%s rdark and Fiecrseliont l F aalrirca Bonds iicusrnc� end Redci�lripmtr',t ':�r�db S�G,6;I,i,Q;k7 1 t = t• : � a t:� P( , =.t Ito r;,.r ., ,' j� -. - . �, r _ `"�•-..;. RALPH G. ONGIE NX !, l.lt'i r,?! r,41l,L!I, FLOTiIGA l�K, i1 Lk- 1t ffyyA r 41 'T' Ft ' i' F@,1 New rules kii:_ give fuller about med TWO New Yak rtrnee Item $or"" WASHINGTON -- A proposed change In federal policy would, for the first time, give the public de- tailed Information comparing medi- cal care around the nation, Includ- Ing surgical mortality rates for Indi- vidual hospitals. The proposal by the Department of Health and Human Services has touched off a heated debate. Organ- lzed medicine opposes the change, arguing that information comparing specific doctors or hospitals can be misleading and that releasing it would destroy the existing system by which doctors evaluate the work of their peers. A variety of business and con- sumer groups favor the change, saying they must be better in- formed about the quality and the price of the health care they are buying. The federal government gathers detailed information evaluating thousands of doctors and hospitals that treat Medicare patients. It is proposing to release more of that Canadian Mounti The Now Yak Timm New& Service REGINA, Saskatchewan — Th; school here where Canada trains its legendary Mounties is a shadow of its former self. The dormitories are nearly deserted; the number of in- structors has recently been cut from 90 to 24, and a horse has not resided on the premises for a gener- ation. "We have no recruits to train," said Superintendent David Pearce, director of training, with only slight exaggeration. Just 48 men and women are tak- ing the six-month training course to become full members of the iZoyal Canadian Mounted Police, com- pared with 700 several years ago. 7r ` AssocialM Press Wild west fun and games 1-his hor: e rn,iy not he ,ihle to talk like Mr. Ed, but judgmg 1tom its pi1,,lsed c:xpression, it does hiive a fE,w <rthr t tricks up its sleeve. Rodeo c,ornt dy lwriornlr'r Runl.ie. Bogert toasted the crowd ,:ftc( Ile .old Y,�wllga performed during the VVlld West in Nov✓ Orluwis. Ar Yk i. al TM Mea Yesk Ttmsf Nse s Ssr rice WASHING'TON --- A proposed change in federal policy would, for the first time, give the public de- tailed Information comparing medi- cal care around the nation, Includ- ing surgical mortality rates for indi- vidual hospitals. The proposal by the Department of Health and Human Services has touched off a heated debate. Organ- ized medicine opposes the change, arguing that information comparing specific doctors or hospitals can be misleading and that releasing it would destroy the existing system by which doctors evaluate the work of their peers. A variety of business and con- sumer groups favor the change, saying they must be better in- formed about the quality and the price of the health care they are buying. The federal government gathers detailed information evaluating thousands of doctors and hospitals that treat Medicare patients. It is proposing to release more of that Canadian Mount Tve Now Ylrlt Tlmos Ntws Ssrvlce REGINA, Saskatchewan — The school here where Canada trains its legendary Mounties is a shadow of its former self. The dormitories are nearly deserted; the number of in- structors has recentiv been cut from SO to 24, and a horse has not resided on the premises for a gener- ation. "We have no recruits to train," said Superintendent David Pearce, director of training, with only slight exaggeration. Just 48 men and women are tak- ing the six-month training course to become full members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, com- pared with 700 several years ago. tip! in1E. ,,P1e. i.,`S, )s r 1 , 1.r oa ; v Jl br, ht,J t June 14 1984 i.j. I r, 1` '1 .1f '1:. q Ni ;h C i q ,, rn,v ScNcd lot t!�, I'IP�: �!•J �4'1 K:L,Y^ 35 tG JKS perk en3 Fiecresticnaf Fncditw L''.n s v, 5.kKo, Yho dousing nnG F;edsre;o; rnrr,1 Gcnc: ih^,tA'1v",��� PAL PH G. ONGIE \ l Y Oi t,'IAtAI, I IOWDA ITJA P F i_" - /'.'.` ,km 'y t-14 f'r li k . iq I r would details lical nformation than has ever been dis- •losed as part of a program design- td to keep closer track of the Medl- :are program, which helps pay the :ost of medical care for the elderly. The proposal would require the government to disclose information about Individual hospitals and about doctors who practice in surgical groups. Individual physicians' rec- ords would not be released, but the department has requested com- ments on whether they should be disclosed. In its present form, the proposed rule could give the public access to information including how much hospitals charge for various proce- dures, the reasons patients were ad- mitted to hospitals and how long Lined up in opposition to substan- tial parts of the proposed disclosure regulation, published in April in the Federal Register, are the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, the Associa. tion of American Medical Colleges and other major health-care organi- zations. es not bountiful The major reason for the drop is that the 13,071 current Mounties like their jobs too much. Traditionally, some 4 percent of Mounties have left the highly mod- ernized force each year. Now one - tenth that many move on, largely because in this recession -racked country a good job is hard to come — by. The starting salary of a Mountie is 25,740 Canadian dollars (about $19,800 in American money), .ind Canada's unemployment rate ex- ceeds 12 percent. As a result 1,000 applicants who _ have already undergone medical and other tests and been judged fit .'or service are waiting to be called. Some 9,000 other applicants are in line behind them. THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUB- LIC HEARING ON JUNE 14, 1984 AT 3:30 P.M. AT BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 1200 N.W. 6TH AVENUE, TO TAKE TESTIMONY REGARDING A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN THE SOUTH- EAST OVERTOWNIPARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL FACILITIES TO BE LOCATED ON NINE CITY BLOCKS, IRREGULARLY BOUNDED BY NORTHWEST 6TH STREET, NORTHWEST 7th STREET, NORTHWEST 10TH STREET, NORTH MIAMI AVENUE, NORTHWEST 2ND AVENUE, AND NORTHWEST 3RD AVENUE (MIAMIA. L. KNOWL- TON (B-41), BLOCKS 24N, 25N, 37N, 44N, 45N, 46N, 55N, 56N AND THE PORTIONS OF P.W. WHITE RE - SUB OF BLOCK 36 (B-34) AUTHORIZING THE IS- SUANCE OF AN RFP, SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINTING MEMBERS OF A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY CHARTER AND CODE. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard concerning such request for proposals. The hearing will be held at the time and place specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings Is made in- cluding all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK nnipCITY OF MIAMI (moo c 6yJc� Pig. 12-DIARIO LAS AMERICAS MARTES 5 DEJUN DE 1984 �--- =— NUEVA YORK, Junio 4 (EFE)-- El jugador argentino del Barcelona, Diego Armando Ma- radona reconocf6 que las con- versaclones Para su traspaso al f6tbol itallano "estfin un poco pa- radas", Pero relter6 que "me qulero Ir al Napol6s". Maradona, que jug6 aqua con su equipo contra el Fluminense, de Brasil, afirm6 que sigue respe- afkadl6 Maradona. El astro argentino lndic� espera que el lunes se read` las conversaclones entre los cutivos del Barcelona y los Nfipoles, y que seguramente rardn toda la semana, porque es ffiefl que un pase se haga tanto dinero de por medio Respecto a sus planes inme- diatos, Diego Armando regresarfi que por la noche con sus compaSeros den rumbo a Barcelona, "y luego me eje. 10 de vacaclones con Claudia, y el despu6s viajar6 a Argentina. Sl u• no hay acuerdo, volver6 al Barce. •' o Iona, y sl fo hay, viajar6 directa- co mente de Buenos Aires al NApo- les". tando al f6tbol espanol. Aunque confia que las nego- claclones culminen de acuerdo r con sus deseos, relter6 que de no c "Para mi los aficionados espa• ser asi cumplirfi fielmente los nl doles no tienen nada que ver con ailos que le restan de contrato con al to que nas6 dentro dP la cancha". el Barcelona. "De todo esto se puede decir un ont6n de cosas", dijo Maradona cordando que to mismo ocurr16 ndo pas6 primero al Boca Ju- o s, y aun mfis cuando marchb Itarcelona. creo que se quedarfi en el Barye e na", dfjo el vicepresiden. Ffitbol en lberoamerr-m-y to del equipv, I"Pels Casaus, qul'n c trat6 al "Pelusa" re y 5 cord6 to bi6n las incidenekas de Locales Ganan en Colombia a aquetla c trataci6n. a BOGOTA, Junio 4 (EFE )— Un total de dlecisdis gales fueron "Es muy difiell adquirir un Ju mareados en 1a primera jornada del Torneo Nacional de Fut• gador de is alla de Maradona", bol Profesional Colombiano, jugada ayer. agreg6 Casa La fecha se caractertz6 por el triunfe de los locales con ex- El directivo areclonista mani- a cepci6n del Deportes Tolima que empat6 con el campe6n Am& fest6 que eso d los siete millones R rica a un gol. de d6lares es s6 "para empezar a hablar", Y afi mb que la pre- Resultados: sencla del astro a entino ha sido un gran negoc[o de de el punto de Millonarlos 1 Independiente Medellin 0; Atl6tico Nacional 2 vista econbmico, porque "el lndependtente Santa Fe 1; Deportes Tolima i Am6rica I; Once cach6 del Barcelona a subido un Caldas 2 Deportivo Pereira 1; Deportivo Call 3 Deportes Quin- ;: 300 por clento". dio 1. Y. l<_ a E1 partido entre Cucuta Deportivo y AEI6tico Junior foe apla• irse to Anadib que no pue\is zado. 2, mismo del rendimlenortivo Gana Cobreloa Chile x este ac3o, por Ins lesila he• en A patttIs que to han nno ale- SANTIAGO DF, CHILE, Junto 4 (EFE)-- El equipo de jado de las canchas,a que precisamente de ahi n las k Cobreloa vencl6 a 2.0 a Iquique, en partido correspondlente a dtficulkades de Marac el la quanta jornada del torneo Polla Gol dlsputado por zones, pu6lIco, del que se haeI do. entre los equipos de primera divisl6n chilena. Los resultados de la jornada fueron: t: Casaus y Maradonrosrigentes del equipo, o toPalestino 0 Magallanes 2, UniversidadCat611ea1 Audax Ita• jugadores barcelonistascotnel. liano 1; Universidad de Chile 1 Unl6n Espanola 1; Colo Colo I dieron totalmente en las quejas Wanderers 0; Trasandino I San Felipe 1; Everton 0 La Serena ;` sobre los arbitrajes en los dos 0; Coquimbo 2 San Luis 0, Rangers 0 Green Cross 2; Iluachlpa• partidos que han jugado en dispu- to 4 Naval 1; Fernfindez Vial O'Iiiggins 3; Arica 0 Antofagas• to de la copa desubo trasatluntf- to 1; Cobreloa 2Iquique 0; Atacama 1 Cobresal2. co, que retuva el Cosmos, tras impata Univeisrtano en Peru r, derrotar primero al Barcelona, por 5.3. y troy al Udinense, de Ita• >, lia, por 4.1. LIMA, Junio 4 (EFE)— Los resultados de la d6cimoquinta jornada del Campeonato Peruano de Futbol de Primera Divi. si6n, fueron los sigutentes: Maradona dijo sobre rl ai bitro no pudimos ganar err el partido Uuiversitario 2 Juventud La Palma 2; Municipal I Espinosa porque cada i ez true triciwos un 0; CNI 4 Cristal 3; Chalaco 2 Huaral 11 JT't'C S Jntb GAIvwt 0- k1ol A flit tuin#•Jt4" vol,ii, it ar- 0 a STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF DADE ) Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Enrique J. Perez, to me well-known, who being duly sworn deVoses and says that he is Advertising Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days: Z Lv V._7 4 O R. D E R E D 'Ys. GeOj'' za L i iW e.- Signed Sworn to and/ subscribed fore me this day of 19_Q__� , in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Notary Publ (RC, �' ff rnn_s�'xlf j NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL _HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 14, 1984 at 3:30 P.M. AT BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 1200 NW 6th AVENUE, TO TAKE TESTIMONY REGARDING A REQUEST FOR PRO- POSALS FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN THE SOUTHEAST OVER- TOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA FOR RESIDEN- TIAL AND COMMERCIAL FACILITIES TO BE LOCATED ON NINE CITY BLOCKS, IR- REGULARLY BOUNDED BY NORTHWEST 6th STREET, NORTHWEST 7th STREET, NORTHWEST 10th STREET, NORTH MIAMI AVENUE, NORTHWEST 2nd AVENUE, AND NORTHWEST 3rd AVENUE (MIAMIA. L. KNOWLTON (B-41), BLOCKS 24N, 25N, 37N, 44N, 45N, 46N, 55N, 56N, AND THE POR- TIONS OF P.W. WHITE RE -SUB OF BLOCK 36 (B-34) AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF AN RFP, SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND AP- POINTING MEMBERS OF A REVIEW COM- MITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY CHARTER AND CODE. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard concering such request for proposals. The hearing will be held at the time and place specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any deci- sion of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any ap- peal may be based. Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk City of Miami (No. 1868 ) 0 = �e Aliardi Timtg 900 N.W. 541h STREET • MIAMI, FLORIDA 33127 - _ 13051 757-1147 Published Weekly Miami, Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA 1 SS COUNTY OF DADE f PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MILES M. JOHNSON, who on oath says that he is the Managing Editor of THE MIAMI TIMES, weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues of: JUNE 07, 1984 Affiant further states that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida for a period of more than one year next preceeding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement; further affiant says that he has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corporation any discount, rebate, commisson or refund for the purpose of sercuring this advertisement for publication in this newspaper naging Editor Sworn to and subcribed before me on this, the 2 9 th _day of JUNE A.D. 19 8 4 NOT RY PUBLIC STAT OF FLOR DA AT LARGE. My commission expires: ROT -TRY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA fJ,Y C37,wISS!0t4 EXPIRES DULY it 1987 V HYD 1HPU CLN: i.f.L U14D 8t!t}-�41.1 tF11. it AVISO CURRIEN00 APEh. JRA DE OFERTAS Ofertas selladas ter3n rOcibidas por The School Board of Dade County, Florida, para los proyectns aqui mencionados, hasta.las 2 p.m. hora local del Martes. dfa 19 de Junio, "1984, Room 609, 1410 N.E. Segunda Avenida, Miami, Florida, siguiendo con dishg hora v lugar o tan pronto Como el Board pueda atender las mismas, dichas ofertas seran publicamente abiertas y Ieldas y tabuladas en el Board Audi- torium, Room 204, Segundo Piso, por un representantee autorizado del Board. El Board despL16s hatA la adjudicaci6n de los contratos basados en los resuitados de las tabulaciones cubiertas por las leyes y regulaciones aplicables. Proyecto No. B0027 School Park Site Improvements Hammocks Junior High School 9889 Hammocks Blvd., Miami, Florida Una conferencia antes subasta tendrA Lugar en la oficina de Consulting Specialty Group a las 9 a.m. el Mattes Junio 12, 1984. PARTICIPACION EN NEGOCIOS PROPIEDAD U OPERADOS POR PERSONAS DE LA RAZA NEGRA. Esta oferta esta limitada a aquellos individuos de la raza negra y ne- gocios en que individuos de la raza negra sean propietarios de (51 %) o sean los ope- radores, que aparezcan en listas de Miami -Dade Chamber of Commerce o la Procure- ment Management Division del Metropolitan Dade County, con anticipaci6n a la lici- taci6n; o que presenten suficientes datos que vetifiquen y certifiquen esa propiedad A operaci6n en el momento de la licitaci6n. La adjudicaci6n se har6 al licitador con m6s baja oferta que Ilene esta y otras especificaciones y requerimientos del ptoyecto. Los interesados pueden obtener uno o dos juegos de documentos de ofertas y con- tratos de la oficina de Consulting Specialty Group, 2650 S.W. 27 Ave., Miami, Florida 33133 en y despu6s de Mayo 29, 1984, sin dep6sito en condici6n de que dichos documentos sean devueltos en buenas condiciones y dentro de los 10 dfas despu6s que el contrato sea aceptado o negadas las ofertas y si no fueren devueltos los pos- tores pagaran al The School Board of Dade County, Florida, el valor en dollares de dichos documentos anterior a obtener documentos de ofertas y contratos para otros proyectos. El Board se reserva el derecho de renunciar informalidades y de rechazar cualquiera y todas las ofertas. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools n CITY Of MIAM1, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Una audiencia publica Ser6ll Ilevada a cabo por la Comision de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, con el proposito de discutir una posible enmienda a los Estatutos de la Ciudad para llevar a cabo to siguiente: A. Cambios de gram3tica, estilo y vocabulario; B. Eliminacion de provisiones obsoletas o innecesarias; y C. Reorganizacibn y reordenaci6n numerica de provisiones. Todas las personas interesadas est6n invitadas a asistir y ser oidos acerca de la enmienda. La audiencia tendr6 lugar en la fecha y lugar abajo especificados; JUeves, 14 de junio, 1984, a las 3:30 P.M. en el Auditorio del Booker T. Washington Junior High -Community School, 1200 N.W. 6th Avenue, Miami, Florida. RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK 11847 Pro Icto No, A"" New Eter "1111 School State Schww-" SM West 2" 4da, Hla! h, Florida Los interesa ros puede obtener L de ofertas y contratos d la oficint 7000 S.W. 62 Avenue, iami, FI1 29, 1984, sin dep6sito, e condici6 devueltos en buenas con iciones que el corlttato sea acept o o rec devueltos los postores pag On al I Florida el valor en dollares a dich documentos de ofertas y c tratos El Board se reserva el der cho c rechazar cualquiera y todas I ofer THE SCHOOL BOARD OF DADE COUN Y. FLI AVISO DE AUDIE EL CONCEJO DE LA CIUDA CABO UNA AUDIENCIA PL 1984, A LAS 3:30 P.M., EN EL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 12C TOMAR TESTIMONIO REFEF PROPUESTAS PARA UN PR( UNIDO A LAS AREAS DE PARA INSTALACIONES CO CIALES -EN SOUTHEAST C LOCALIZADAS EN 9 CUAC UNIDAD POR NORTHWEST 7 STREET, NORTHWEST 10t AVENUE, NORTHWEST 2nd j 3rd AVENUE (MIAMIA. L. KNC 24N, 25N, 37N, 44N, 45N, 46 CIONES DE P.W. WHITE RE (B-34) AUTORIZANDO LA El LECCIONANDO A UNA FIF PUBLICA CERTIFICADA,Y SEL DE UN COMITE ANALISTA PUESTAS Y REPORTES DE E DE LA CIUDAD (CITY MAN/ POR LOS ESTATUTOS Y COE Todas las partes interesadas podran al respecto. La audiencia tendr6 I mente especificados. Si una persona desearia apelar cualc La Ciudad con respecto a cualquier reuni6n, dicha persona se asegurar6 c literal .de las actuaciones, incluyend sobre la cual cualquier apelaci6n tenc Rr Cl 11868 Cl STATT OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF DADE ) _ Personally appeared before me the undersigned, Enrique J. Perez, to me well --known, who being duly sworn deposes and says that he is Advertising Manager of Diario Las Americas, newspaper of general circulation, published daily except Monday, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. Affiant further says that the above named newspaper has continuously published daily except Mondays in Dade County, Florida, for more than one year immediately preceding first publication of said Legal Notice or advertisement and was during all such time and now is entered as second class mail matter in the United States Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, and that the Legal Notice or Advertisement, all copy of which is hereto attached, was published in DIARIO LAS AMERICAS on the following days: I PJ V'4ji 3 9 3 -7 � z 0 RD E R ED:Ns Ge0r-`a LjlZe Signed Sworn to and'subtCribed/before me this �? day of l9_Y�, in Miami, Dade County, Florida. M., j Vpj;na 'r Wit'• ' �; V ��- �; ;�� 2�. I�i �n Notary Publi R �4 CITY OF MIAMI public Hearing June 14, 1984 AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE Publication �pi • T � �, ricas P.O.# 1868 DATE: May 31, 1984 Please publish the attached advertisement ji) times. number of times) starting date: Jung 1984 Local Section .3 2 Columns/8 inches Please send notarized proof of publication and invoice to: Ralph n_ nna;n, city CICerk. P. O. Box 330708, Miami, Florida 33133 For further information contact: Georgia Little telephone no. 579-6065 FORM 7776 CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 14, 1984 AT 3:30 P.M. AT BOOKER T. WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 1200 N.W. 6TH AVENUE, TO TAKE TESTIMONY REGARDING A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AREA FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL FACILITIES TO BE LOCATED ON NINE CITY BLOCKS, IRREGULARLY BOUNDED BY NORTHWEST 6TH STREET, NORTHWEST 7TH STREET, NORTHWEST 10TH STREET, NORTH MIAMI AVENUE, NORTHWEST 2ND AVENUE, AND NORTHWEST 3RD AVENUE [MIAMIA. L. KNOWLTON (B-41), BLOCKS 24N, 25N, 37N, 44N, 45N, 46N, 55N, 56N AND THE PORTIONS OF P.W. WHITE RE -SUB OF BLOCK 36 (B-34)] AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF AN RFP, SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINTING MEMBERS OF A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY CHARTER AND CODE. All interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heared concerning such request for proposals. The hearing will be held at the time and place specified above. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. RALPH G. ONGIE (#1868) CITY CLERK (CITY SEAL ) CITY OF MIAMI,