HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-0747El RP.,F 11 ONGT Er CITY CT, REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF MIAMI/OADE COUNTY SOUTHEASIT OVERTOWN/PARK NEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE I DEVELOPMENT JULY 16, 1984 DRAFT RFP JUNE 15, 1984 �., CITY OF MIAMI MAURICE FERRE, Mayor DEMETRIO PEREZ, Vice Mayor JOE CAROLLO, Commissioner MILLER DAWKINS, Commissioner J.L. PLUMMER, Commissioner HOWARD V. GARY, City Manager Manager Proposals Due: DADE COUNTY STEVE CLARK, Mayor BEVERLY PHILLIPS, Vice Mayor BARRY SCHREIBER, Commissioner GEORGE VALDES, Commissioner BARBARA CAREY, Commissioner RUTH SHACK, Commissioner HARVEY RUVIN, Commissioner JAMES REDFORD, Commissioner CLARA OESTERLE, Commissioner MERRETT STIERHEIM, County 2:00 p.m. October 29, 1984 Herbert J. Bailey Assistant City Manager Office of the City Manager P.O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 Tel. (305)579-3366 v4r-747 0 Gentlemen: Thank you for your interest in the planning and design, construc- tion, lease and management of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community redevelopment Project. The Project is a joint endeavor of the City of Miami_ and Dade County, with the City assuming the major responsibility for project implrAmenta.tion. Fnclosed is the City of " tam.i_'s P —cost ,`-0r Pro��os i1.s Nal�i_ch Cietai_ls ':11.e prOjevts goals anc.1 proposal ;unmi_ ssion projected resident demographics, significant area project reports and pertinent legal and obl i.gn.tory documents. All proposals must meet the major objective of the Phase I Rede- velopment Program which calls for the creation of a new quality residential_ community within the downtown area geared for the expanding downtown employee population. The development of mod- erate income housing for families with income levels between $15,000 and $50,000 through a mixture of rental and homeownership will meet our development objectives. Responses to this RFP are due no later than October 29, 1984. The City retains the option to require a more extensive and detailed submission prior to a final determination of a developer operator should the selection process warrant a second stage review, as well as the right to reject all proposals. Please carefully review all of the the enclosed documents. It is important that each proposer comply with all requirements of the �r submission detailed in the R.F.P. All information and material - submitted will be carefully analyzed and independently verified. Proposals must present a definitive development program, project definition; site plan and design concept, completion schedule, financial strategy, and management plan respecting the require- ments of this Request for Proposals to form the basis for selec- tion by the City. All questions or requests for additional information should be addressed in writing to Herbert J. Bailey, Assistant City Manager. Any response that could potentially impact proposals will be furnished to all bidders in the form of addendum. Proposals must be delivered to Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk, City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, P.O. Box 330708, Miami, Florida 33133 by 2:00 p.m., October 29, 1984 and will be publicly opened on that day. The City will conduct a pre -proposal developers conference on August 30, 1984. For information regarding the conference, contact the Southeast Overtown/Park West Project Office, 275 N.W. 2nd Street, Miami, FL 33128, (305)579-3366. Please indicate by August 15, 1984, your intention to participate in the conference and how many persons will attend. Sincerely,," Howard V. Gary City Manager 84-74C Lo TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. PUBLIC NOTICE ................................................ 1 II. PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Summary ................................................... 2 MAP: Southeast Overtown/Park West Location Map ......... 3 B. Project Description ........................................ 4 C. The Site ................................................... 7 MAP: PIfaSeI Development Program ...................... 8 D. Commitment of Funds ........................................ 10 1. Land Lease ............................................. 10 2. Affordable Rental Housing Development Program .......... 11 3. Tax Exempt Financing for Rental dousing ................ 13 LOAN TO LENDER PROGRAM ............................... 13 OPTION 41 - Collateral Purchase Program .......... 14 OPTION fit - Direct Bank Loan Program ............. 15 OPTION 43 - Surety Bond Loan To Lender Program ... 15 4. Dade County Homeownership Assistance Loan Program ...... 15 S. Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) And Housing Development Grant Program ................. 16 6. Public Parking Facilities .............................. 17 7. Construction Financing for Homeownership Housing ....... 17 E. Project Schedule ........................................... 18 III. PROJECT PARCEL DESCRIPTIONS A. Parcel No. 24............................................... 19 B. Parcel No. 25............................................... 22 C. Parcel No. 36............................................... 25 D. Parcel No. 37............................................... 28 E. Parcel No. 44............................................... 31 F. Parcel No. 45............................................... 34 G. Parcel No. 46............................................... 37 H. Parcel No. 55............................................... 40 I. Parcel No. 56............................................... 43 IY. PROPOSAL FORMAT AND LEGAL REQUIREMENTS A. City of Miami Charter Section 53(c) ...............•.......•• 46 B. Definition of Uses .......................................... 49 C. Commitment of Services by the City .......................... 49 84-746 M m PROPOSAL SUBMISSION GUIDELINES AND FORMAT A. Proposal Development Consideratf0ns ......................... 51 I^ Project Dgn;ity TO. Prn'rct Timing 2. Dwelling Unit Mix ll- Minority Participation 3. ON2lliOg Unit 3iZg 12. Pr0jcct Financing Strategy 4^ DvielliRg Unit ArmnDities 1.3. Land LeaSQ 5, Project Amenities 14, Redevglopm-nt Area 6. Parking U2qWiro0gOts 15. Parking 7~ Project Rent Schedule 16. Contract Tcrms 8. On -Site Improvements 17. TinetabYe 9^ Project Development Sites B. Proposal Format ............................................. 56 1. Credentials .........^........,,,,,,...,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,, 56 2. Project-, Proposal ....................................... 56 3. Other Requirements ,,,^~'.~..,^~..,,,.........,,....,.,. 57 VT. EVALUATION PROCEDURE ...~.,..,,...,......,.^.,,,,,,,,,,,,,^, 59 A. Evaluation Criteria ....,.^.,,,^.^.........,..,,...,...,..... 60 1. The Experience of the Development Team ..,..,.,...,...,. 60 2. Financial Capability, Level Of Financial CoRnDitment ,... 60 3. Financial Return to the City and Equity Positions to Former Property Owners ,....,...,,., 60 4. Overall Project Des�.gn ..... 61 5. Extent of Minority Participation ,^,,...,~^,,,.,.,,..... 81 G. Conformance to the Recommended Development Program .,... 61 7. Priority Ranking Of Developers (UMTA Parcels) .......... 62 f Contiguous Parcels 63 �. �r0p�58l� �r �n Ou�u� Gr�� � .,.,,^.,,...,,,,..,,... V11~ DECLARATION .................................................. 64 VrJI° FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE AND PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION .... 65 Proposer..,,,,^,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,, 66 PrVposer'S Architect .,...,..,,.....,...,......~.......,........ 72 PropOser's Contractor or Construction Manager ..............,... 74 Proposer'S Management Contractor ,.,.,.......................... 77 PrUposer's Project Sunnnary Form ..........,..,.................... 80 IX. GENERAL CONTRACT TERMS .....................~......."....... 83 X. APPENDIX A. Southeast 0vertOwn/9§rk West Community Redevelopment Plan Summary .................. .................. A~1 B. Market Potential & Development Strategies for the Southeast OvertowD/Park West Community Redevelopment Area Executive 5Ummary..................,^...... B~1 C. Affordable Rental Housing Development Program --Summary of Financing OptiOUs.....,..........,........^...... C-1 D. Metropolitan Dade County Homeowner Assistance Loan Program.... O-} E. City of Miami Code, Section 18-73,,.,,...,..,,......^....~.... E~1 F. City of Miami Resolution 83-297.,.'.,..,...................... F~l G. Dade County Ordinance ..........,............... G-1 H. Black Equity Participation PrV|ran.........,...........,...... H~l I. Proposed Urban Design Guidelines and ContrOls................. I~l J. Proposed Zoning Ordinance /3PI~15\............................ J-i a ���� ��� O�r��� W t. PUBLIC NOTICE The CITY OF MIAMT in cooperation with DADE COUNTY is inviting inter- ested parties to submit Unified Development Project proposals for the planning and design, construction, leasing and management for the residential and commercial development of a nine -block area within the Southeast Overtown/Park ',hest Community Redevelopment Area. The Southeast Overtown/Park 'lest Redevelopmrnt Program entails the redevelopment of 200 acres of primp real estate adjacent to the I'liami Central Business District for new residential and commFrr_ial activ- ity. Phase I redevelopment includes the public offering of nine City blocks (approximately 28 acres) for the recommended development of 1,875 residential units and 250,000 square feet of coin ercial space. The City intends to issue tax-exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds to provide below conventional rate construction and permanent financing for rental housing projects developed through the program. ,may All proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Request for Proposals documents which may be obtained from the City Clerk of the City of Miami. These documents contain detailed and specific infor- mation regarding the property being offered for lease and the City's goals for the use of the property by the successful proposer. c The City of Miami reserves the right to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the City, to waive any irregularities in any proposal or to reject any or all proposals and to re -advertise for new proposals. In making such determination, the City's consid- eration shall include, but not be limited to: the proposer's experi- ence, the dollar amount return offered to the City, the proposer's financial qualifications, the professional reputation of the pro- poser, and the evaluation by the City of all information submitted in support or explanation of the proposed use and development of the property. Howard V. Gary City Manager 8 r{ r7 4t i 84--'74 G 6�1�84 Page 1 W • 5 1 1 i PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Summary The City of Miami is extending invitations to qualified developers to submit proposals for the development of residential and com- mercial structures within a nine -block area adjacent to the Over - town Transit Station (23+ acres), a portion of which is already in public ownership. Proposals shall include planning and design, financing and construction of site improvements, construction of residential and commercial structures to be owned and managed by the successful proposer under a long-term lease agreement with the City. The development program calls for the recommended construction of 1,875 residential units and 250,000 square feet of comercial space betacen 1985 and 1989. The City will deliver the cleared land to developers. Recommended levels of commercial and resi- dential development have been established for each of the devel- opment parcels. Certain restrictions have been placed on certain parcels relating to the type of development, i.e. ownership or rental and associated sale price and rental ranges. The recom- mended levels of coniiercial and residential development are simply recommendations and should be used solely as a guide. On three of the parcels, proposals may be submitted that contain alternative land uses. Alternative land uses are uses that meet the overall redevelopment objectives of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Rede- velopment Project but not listed for each parcel in Section III. Alternative land uses shall include institutional activities and public facilities including ancillary development. Proposals will be evaluated on their conformance with the densities and land uses delineated in the recommended development program. The City intends to provide a number of development incentives and subsidies for the project which will include flexible long-term land leases based on a land cost write down, second mortgage assistance for homeownership housing, application by the City of Miami for assistance under the federal Urban Development Action Grant Program and other federal programs, infrastructure improve- ments, low-cost construction financing, and permanent financing through the issuance of tax-exempt bonds. Residential development within the Phase I project area will be geared tp families with annual incomes in the range of $15,000 to $50,000. A —1114 Sks s•�;. b/1/84 Page 2 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/ PARK WL-b'l- wil 1 0 LOCATION MAP 0 750 1500 -f, 84-74t6, 84-7,10' The project area lies within the 200+ acre Southeast Overtown/Park 'hest area, which will be redeveloped jointly by pi.rblic and private i nvestm�,nt for residential and cnTmerci al ricvel onmf*nt during the next year-,. I'lark-i: prn'lnc"'inn...i call i or rho' c(on`.t.ructlon of over 0,O(ln rnsidratial uni" s, 1. 000,On(i s rr<;re r^et of office space, and 1 4sl,nno sg,rare feet of re'.ai 1 space ty :he year 2000. Public participation in later stags of thi s prnje- t will be throuoh the sale of Tax Incre;?nnt Revenue Bonds. The Tax Incre- ment District was Established by Dane County Ordinance 82-115 in 1982. This project is an integral component of the overall rede- velopment- program for downtown Pliami. Priority ranking will be given to developers in later stages of this project who are successful developers in Phase I. The City also encourages developers to submit proposals for multiple parcels. B. Project Description The Southeast Overtown/Park 'Test Project Area has been designated a community redevelopment area by Dade County under the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 163. The redevelopment plan has been approved by the Commissions of both the City of Miami and Dade County and certain redevelopment authority has been granted to the City of Miami for project implementation. _ This request for proposals seeks an integrated development package including planning and design, construction, financing, and man- agement of residential and commercial facilities. The project is divided into numerous development parcels. Proposers may propose on any or all of the parcels, but the proposals must allow the City to choose one or more parcels. The Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Program entails the redevelopment of 200 acres of prime real estate adjacent to the Miami Central Business District (CBD) for new residential and commercial activity. The general redevelopment concept for the project area is directed toward the provision of a wide range of housing opportunities within a downtown setting, including support uses necessary to serve the area's future population. During the next ten to fifteen years, this area will be transformed from a neighborhood of blighted and marginal residential and commercial land uses into an integral component of downtown Miami. As Miami has rapidly become an international center for finance and trade, the downtown area has experienced new growth and vitality. 4""t48 6 1/ 4 Page 4 Projections call for a doubling of the employee population by the end of the century from 72,000 employees to 155,000 employees, primarily due to a continued strong expansion of the office market. The New Oownto gin that: is cmergi nq will tic a ba i anted community with retail, office, r-ecr-ationaI, and residential act! vities. The Sotit:heast 0ver _own/Park Wcs : Project area will provide the resource for residential development within the down- town core area, an essential ingredient for the establishment of a viable downtown which moves beyond the 9-to-5 routine. By the end of this century the project area is envisioned to have the capability of supporting over 9,000 new residential units, and over 1,000,000 square feet of commercial development. The area will have an estimated nnn(iiation of 22,000 people according to a recently completed market analysis by the rationally renowned firm of Hamner, Siler, George Associates. The City of Miami, in cooperation with Dade County, is assuming the financial and redevelopment responsibility, and Metro -Dade County, which is assuming the acquisition and residential reloca- tion responsibility, are jointly sharing the public roles in this major New Town --In Town redevelopment project. The role of the public sector will be as project facilitators. The City will assume some of the costs and risks normally borne by the private developer. This project will be one of the largest joint private/ public undertakings in Florida and it is estimated that over $100 million in public funds will leverage approximately $1 billion in private funds during the next 10-15 years. Public sector involve- ment will be focused on land acquisition, relocation, demolition, _ project marketing, construction of public improvements (including $' the construction of the 9th Street Pedestrian Walkway), parking facilities, and the provision of gap financing where warranted. In addition, a special zoning district will be established for the area which will contain development incentives. A Development of Regional Impact Statement (DRI) will be prepared for the full a project area and an updated marketing study for the total project area is available to potential developers and investors. The certified public accounting firm selected by the City Commis- sion at the public hearing will specifically evaluate the financial viability of the proposed development team and their proposed financing strategies, ability to maintain prices at proposed levels, and will assess comparatively the short and long range economic and fiscal return to the City. Their report shall w be submitted to the Review Committee and the city manager for h4s` recommendation to the City Commission. aaa///�111 �j `� V 21� — I ^ 6/1/84 Page 5 The City of Miami has established the Southeast Overtown/Park West Project Office under the city manager to coordinate the develop- ment of t hi ` cr-i ci al project. The project, particularly the initial phase, will be coordinated and bull', in ssidh a manner a7. to crnat;o sufficient critical mass to change perceptions about thR project area and to support the significant public i nve tment program required. There are certain activities occurring within and directly adja- cent to the project which further reinforce its development potential, including: - the ongoing expansion of the Downtown Government Center which will have an employee population of over 15,000 when completed; - the construction of the Overtown Transit Station within the project area, which will be one of only three stations serving the Downtown/ Brickell area; the construction of the Downtown Component of Metrorail (DCM/People Mover) which will link major portions of the project area directly to the rest of the downtown core; - the continued expansion of the Port of Miami, which ranks as the world's largest cruise port, serving in excess of 2,000,000 passengers annually; - the scheduled and proposed redevelopment of the adjacent bayfront park system which provides a regional amenity; - the proposed construction of the Bayside Speci- ality Center at Miamarina, to be developed by the Rouse Company, which will generate over 6,000,000 visitors annually; and - the proposed expansion of the Omni -Midtown com- mercial and residential node located directly to the north and the Flagler Street Core Area located directly to the south. Government participation during Phase I of this project will focus on public investment adjacent to the Overtown Transit Station and along the 9th Street Pedestrian Walkway. A nine -block Transit Station Impact Area has been identified as the location where 6/1/84 public investment will be concentrated, This area was selected due to its strategir.. location adjacent to the Overtown Transit Station and the. Onwntown Governr:rnt Center. Pedevelopri-int; within this area ,ill m xini;.e benefit, tin hoth the Par!: iqo t and Over -- town portions of t he project arr.,) ind pr^Vi otts capital improvement. cxpendi `'.urc!; pl+as c:nr-;,i tI I porhl is funds (Urban Initiatives Project). There are strong development opportunitics along the nine blocks surrounding the proposed 41t.11 Street Pedestrian Walkway and the Overtown Rapid Transit Station. Preliminary calculations indicate that this nine -block area is capable of supporting the development of 1,875 residential units, 250,000 sq.ft, of commercial space and alternative land uses. Proposed residential development for the Phase I redevelopment will be geared for families with annual incomes ranging from $15,000 to S50,000 (note the Nagler, Siler, George Associates market study summary in the appendix). A mixture of homcownership and rental housing is proposed to attract an expanding downtown employee population. Funding for Phase I redevelopment is provided through a number of funding sources including a grant from the Urban Mass Transit Administration, City of Miami General Obligation Housing and High— way Improvement Bonds, and an anticipated loan from the federal government through the HUD Section 108 Loan Program. Land acquisition has been initiated for Phase I development along with relocation and building demolition. C. The Site The City is providing 28+ acres of land, located on nine parcels, for development. The parcel descriptions included in Section III provide base information on each of the parcels. It should be noted that par- cel numbers 24, 25, and 37 are recommended to be developed under the City of Miami Affordable Rental Housing Program. Development proposals for the remaining parcels can be developed for either homeownership housing or rental. Consideration under evaluation criteria number six will be given for the development of parcel 36 for homeownership housing utilizing the Dade County Homeownership Assistance Program and priority consideration will be given to the development of homeownership housing on parcels 44, 45, 46 and 55. s 4,7 T;j 8 6/1/$4 4S Page K �U HIJ qL] LIU ULI 1_1_1 UL) c6:,ff—,_J CIL] [1] F1f� l ( 1 36 � w I 9T mor RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Legal Approx. Commercial Description Acreage Residential (office A retail) Miami North Blacks 24 4.1 350 units 30,000 sq.ft. 25 2.2 175 units 15,000 sq.ft. 36 3.7 200 units 25,000 sq.ft. 37 4.1 350 units 30,000 sq.ft. 44 3.6 300 units 25,000 sq.ft. 45 2.0 100 units 25,000 sq.ft. 46 3.4 200 units 0 sq.ft. 55 3.4 200 units 0 sq.ft. 56 2.0 0 100,000 sq.ft. Total 28.5 1,875 units 250, - 000 sq.ft. SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST &I-J- METFORAIL RIGHT OF WAY PHASE I - D C M 56 PARCEL NUMBER PHASE I REDEVELOPMENT AREA 0 WSW PHASE I- M:"'� 1111! 1 1 1 ^ 0 200 400 600'\_� 84-7-W 6/28/84 Paop 8 ----------------- N �ww.uuLLJwwLiu bm--iUI.- I'Ll EELJ f am - r ' I III �.•--.....�.-,.-.._ R' �i 1 I I! 1 or F ! ' w k!1 � y Elll� PROPOSED MINIMUM DEVEL.OPUENT PROGRAM Minimm Legal Approx. 41nintn comercial Descriction Acreage Residential (office 3 retail) Miami North Blocks 24 4.0 350 units 30,000 sq.ft. ZS 2.2 175 units 15,D00 sq.ft. 36 3.4 200 units 25,000 sq.ft. 37 4.1 350 units 30,D00 sq.ft. 44 3.9 300 units 25,000 sQ.ft. 45 1.9 100 units 25,000 sq.ft. 46 3.4 200 units 0 55 3.4 200 units 0 sq.ft. 56 1.9 0 I00,000 sQ.ft. Total 29.2 1,875 units 250,000 sq.ft. SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST '6Ri3 METROAAIL AlaHT Of WAY �1 Pr4ASEi-0CM 6/1/84 M C 5B PARCEL NUMBER a� PHASE ! REMELOPMENT AREA PHASE I- r � o�II+ 200 400 600� s'ag6 `�8 Developers are encouraged to submit development proposals that conform to or surpass the recommended Phase I Development Program as delineated in Section 111. The City will ar.cept: for review proposals for each of the nine parcels ':hai: do not: ,,eel, i.h^ rpcom- mended levnls of cn .nerci al and f l si rlen':i a 1 drvrl npm-nt: ;tilt_ oval u- ation criteria number six consideration will hn given to those which meet: or .,urpiss the Rec;or?m+7,nd-d Phase 1 Developtn^nt Program. In addition. for parcels 24, 37, and 4- , the C i ty will also accept proposals that include a change of land use from those delineated in Section I II . proposals shoal d be in conformance with the rede- velopment objectives of the Southeast Overtown/Park 'lest: Redevel- opment Project which is to create a new residential/commercial community. Under evaluation criteria number six, consideration will also be given to development proposals for those parcels that conform to the recommended Phase I Development Program. Proposals that include institutional uses, public facilities, and related activities are the types of land use changes that may be consid- ered acceptable for alternative development proposals. It should also be noted that if public support for land acqui- sition is to be provided for parcels 24 and 37, they must be developed under the City of Miami's Affordable Rental Housing Pro- gram. If alternative land uses are proposed, the proposal must include a guaranteed funding source for land acquisition and relo- cation. The Southeast Overtown/Paris West Project Office will pro- vide estimated acquisition and relocation costs for these parcels on request. The City will fund the construction of Phase I of the 9th Street Mall which will be built from North Miami Avenue to N.W. 2nd Avenue. The right-of-way of the mall will vary from 50 to 100 feet. For proposal submission purposes, assume that the City will fund the full construction cost of the mail and developers of adjacent parcels will be required to provide the necessary pedes- trian connections to the mall. Northwest 7th Street between N.W. 3rd Avenue and N.W. 1st Court, and N.W. 1st Court between N.W. bth and 8th Streets is proposed to be closed to vehicular traffic. No additional right-of-way is proposed for these pedestrian streets. Developers are encouraged to submit proposals that exceed the recommended development program. The City is looking for pro- posals that entail quality development that will be able to competitively attract moderate -income families to the area. In addition, developers will be required to abide by the Special Public Interest (SPI) Zoning District regulations and Urban Design 6/1/84 �� Page �9 Guidelines and Controls which will be established for the South- east Overt-own/Park West Project Area (note appendix), unless submitting alternative development programs for parcels 7.4. 37, and/or 44. The draft: SPI and Urban Design Guideline. and Controls should be utilized for purpose,. of preparing a response to this RFP. It: should he noted that: the Floor Area Ratio.. WAR) are based on gross floor areas pursuant, to Miami Compre-hen siVe Zoning Ordinance No, 9500. Responses to the RFP may also propose the utilization of Urban Development Action Grants and other federal programs, but pro- posers should provide financial pro formas for the project showing the utilization of the federal program and without the federal program. D. Commitment of Funds The City intends to provide no direct mortgage financing to the development, however, the City nay issue tax-exempt mortgage revenue bonds in the amount not to exceed $95,000,000, provided the developer/manager assumes responsibility for the revenue bond A debt services. This has been approved by the Miami City Commis- sion through Resolution No. 84-668. A number of programs may be available to projects within the Phase I redevelopment area to assist in project financing. Proposals should note hoer these funds can be utilized to assist the project and reduce costs. Projects should be economically feasible based on a long-term land lease agreement and the utilization of pro- grams delineated in this section. The following items include a list of available resources to assist development within the project area: 1. Land Lease The City will enter into a long-term lease agreement with developers. The duration of the leases are anticipated to be for 50 years and the lease agreement will be structured in a manner that the City will, receive a base rental and percentage of the income to be generated by the project in future years. 84-7,10 6/28/84 Page 10 Condominium Proposals The leases must be assigned to the Condnminium Association and control transferred in accordance with Florida Statutes Chap- ter 718. No residual interests shall ,,e maintained by the Proposer, The financial return to the City nay be structured as a low flat rate renta????9or the first: five years, thereafter to a percentage of assessed value of all units. Rental Property The financial return to the City may be structured as a low flat rate rental for the first five years, thereafter to a percentage of gross rents. The City would expect to receive a percentage of the gross sales price of any eventual conver- sion to condominium ownership. Any eventual conversion must also provide for the transfer of control of the lessee's interest in the lease to the Condominium Association in accor- dance with Florida Statutes Chapter 719. Commercial Property The financial return to the City may be structured as a low flat rate rental for the first five years, thereafter to a percent of gross rents. All lease hold commercial improve- ments shall revert to the City upon the expiration of the lease term. Mixed Use Projects The financial return to the City may be structured as a combi- nation of the above or the parcels may be subdivided, allowing for a different financial return based -upon the use of the resulting sub -parcels. 2. Affordable Rental Housing Development Program The City of Miami, in conjunction with Metropolitan Dade County, has established a rental housing development assis- tance program called the Affordable Rental Housing Develop- ment Program (the "Program"). Parcels 24, 25, and 37 are recommended to be developed under this program. The City intends to issue.tax-exempt Multifamily Housing Rev- enue Bonds to provide below conventional rate construction and permanent financing for rental housing projects ("Projects") developed through the Program. See the appendix for a summary 814�- 6/28 84 Page ~ll of financing options. In order to secure the bonds, it is expected that the City will be required to comply with cer- tain covenant,. agreements and conditions affecting the Pro - jests and fi:h�, f i n:tnc i nq fh r�'nf In addition ';o the varirws monchanirm7, forth in the bond documcntl s. ":he 11'ro,-Jects will he subi-ct A:o the 1954 Internal Revenue Code rcgOrcmnnts, a, amender", and the regu- lations promulgated thereunder (the "Code"), which require that at least 15": of the units in each Project financed with tax-exempt obligation bonds must he occupied or available for occupancy by persons of low income (80" or less of the area median gross income) ("Loy -Income Tenants") for a period beginning on the later of: (a) the first day on which 10% of -the-Project units in the Project are first occupied; (b) the date which is the midpoint of the maturity of the obligations having the longest maturity after the date on which any of the units are first occupied; or (c) the date on which any assistance provided under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 terminates (the "Qualified Project Period"). For the period prior to the later of the First day on which _ 10% of the Project units are first occupied or the date of issuance of the bonds, 15% of the occupied units must not be occupied by tenants other than Low -Income Tenants until a sufficient number of units are first rented to Low -Income Tenants. In addition, all units of a Project must be held in rental status on a continuous basis for a period equal to the longer of the remaining term of bonds or the Qualified Project Period. However, in the event of a foreclosure these restric- tions will cease to apply, provided either the bonds are redeemed or amounts received as a consequence of such foreclo- sure are used to provide a profit that meets such require- ments. In addition to the Low -Income Tenant requirement, the Program requires that the balance of the tenants be persons of moderate income (8113 to 150% of the area median gross income). Sponsors will be required to enter into written rent regula- tory and management agreements with the City to assure that the Projects will be economically accessible to low- and mod- erate -income families for the period described above. 84 i 84-70 6/1/84 Page 12 All Projects financed through the Program will be required to meet South Florida Building code standards and other standards as may be applicable to the construction and design of multi- family hnii-ing in i1iiri. 'Florida.. 3. Tax --Exempt Financing for °ontal Housing The City of "iami anticipates floating S95,000,000 Mortgage Revenue Bonds to finance multifamily rrntal housing within the project area 11 is anticipated thit these bonds will reduce construction and permanent financing to 37 below the prime interest rate. This program can be utilized for rental devel- opment on any of the redevelopment sites. The City has estab- lished a set of guidelines contained in the invitation for Proposals for Developers to consider- i ` order tc sec:;re tax- exempt financing through the City's program. Any of the financing structures outlined below may be utilized for a project depending upon the specific characteristics of the developer and the project. All Proposals for Development submitted utilizing tax --exempt financing for rental housing must follow the aforementioned requirements of the Affordable Rental Housing Program. The proceeds of an issue of tax-exempt bonds may be loaned to a Lender or directly to a Developer. The repayment of the loan proceeds must in any event be secured by (a) the guaran- tee of a rated institution; (b) a letter of credit ("LOC") of a rated institution (the "Bank"); or (c) some other form of security and/or collateral which would generate an investment grade rating on the Bonds. The financing techniques that may be utilized include: LOAN TO LENDER PROGRAM In a traditional Loan to Lender Program, the Issuer will issue tax-exempt revenue bonds (the "bonds"), the net proceeds of which will be used to make a loan to the Lender in an amount equal to the par amount of the bonds. The Loan to the Lender (the "Loan") will be a full faith and credit obligation of the lender and, if necessary, will be additionally secured by col- lateral in order to establish a credit rating. The repayment schedule of the Loan will be calculated to pay debt service on the Bonds, and payments under the Loan will be rude monthly to the Trustee for the Bondholders. Bonds �l;_p,;yor , ,4 nterest 84-'74S 6/1/84 Page 13 semiannually and the principal at maturity, which is antici- pated to be ten to twelve years. The interest rate on the Loan will he at least to t:he int:ernst rato on the honds. Pursuant to an agrcement het won, t:h Is suer, thin 0-ve10-per, and the Lender, the Lender will he oh l i aaa l rrf %n make a con- struction and permvinen nort.gagc loan (the "Developer Loan") to the Developer in an amount equal to Fond proceeds to finance a multifamily housing project ( the "Project"). Costs of issuance and bond discorant will be paid as a. fee by the Lender at Bond closing with reimbursement being made by the Developer upon closing the Developer Loan. Those amounts may be capitalized in the Developer Loan, depending upon negotia- tion between the Lender and Developer. All of the real estate risk of the Project is borne by the Lender, and the terms and conditions of the Developer Loan will be negotiated between the Lender and the Developer. In order to increase the credit rating of the Bonds, thereby reducing interest cost and to also lower the Lender's collat- eral requirements, the Issuer and the Developer may choose a method of financing which includes a credit enhancement. The options available are outlined below: OPTION #1 - Collateral Purchase Program Under this structure the Issuer will make loans to local savings and loan institutions and/or commercial banks (the "loan"). These loans are secured by the general obligation of the participating lending institutions and collateral in the form of government obligations and/or single family mort- gages. As a credit enhancement for the Bond issue, the Issuer and the Trustee will execute an agreement with a rated bank ( the "Bank") . in the event of a default by a participating lender, the Bank would be required to purchase all or a por- tion of the defaulting Lender's collateral thereby ensuring repayment of the Bond issue. Collateral requirements will be approximately 1250 for government obligations and 130% for single family mortgages. The participating lending institutions, the Bank and the Issuer are compensated in such a manner that aggregate fees will not cause the yield on either the Loan or the Developer Loan to exceed maximum permissible yields. 84-",4(5� 6/1/84 Page 14 4. OPTION #2 - Direct Bank Loan Program Under this structure the Issuer will make a direct loan to the Bank (the "Loan"). This loan is secii.red by the general obli- gation of the Bank. The Bank %.ii i 1 make direct loans ( the "Notes") to the Developer. If required by the Bank, the Devel ooer must; secure its note from the Bank with a standby commitment from local savings and loan institutions and/or commercial banks (the "Participants") or other security acceptable to the flank. The Participants secure the Notes by committing to purchase the Note from the Bank if the Developer fails to meet its obligations. The Participants standby commitment is collater- alized approximately 125�; for government obligations and 130% for single family mortgages. The Bank, the Participants, and the Issuer will be compensated in such a manner that aggregate fees will not cause the yield on either the Loan or the Notes to exceed maximum permissible yields. The Participants will be compensated by the Developer. OPTION #3 - Surety Bond Loan To Lender Program Under this structure, the Issuer will loan the proceeds of the Bonds to a Lender (the "Lender Loan") who will be obligated under the terms of the Loan Agreement to fund the construction and permanent mortgage loan of a multifamily rental housing project. In order to secure the obligations of the Lender to repay the loan from the Issuer, the Lender will secure a sure- ty bond from a qualified surety which will ensure the timely repayment of the Lender Loan. The surety bond will require collateral in the amount equal to 110" of the outstanding obligation. The form of collateral may include M government obligations; (M FNMA/FHLMC participation certificates; and (iii) other acceptable forms of liquid/marketable securities. Dade County Homeownership Assistance Loan Program A program has been established by Dade County funded through the Documentary Surtax to provide second mortgage assistance for homeownership housing which includes condominiugs and 8 4 ,' , 84--7` 6 6/1/84 Page 15 cooperatives. Developers will be required to submit an appli- cation to the Dade County Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Program hisz been established to provide onport uni ties to low- and moderate -income families to purchase hnnn, using a combination of private financing for first mortgage and pub- lic funds for second ror l.:gages . Thn program rs!duccs income required to buy housing because the second mortgage will replace the firs": mortgage monies that have higher interest rates, and immediate payments will not be required on the second mortgage. The loans will be secondary financing at an interest rate of three percent for low-income families and six percent for moderate -income families. A borrower will be required to obtain as high a first mortgage from a conventional lender as the borrower's income will permit. See the appendix for additional information. S. Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) and Housing Development Grant Program The City of Miami will assist in the preparation of applicat- ions for assistance under the Urban Development Action Grant Program and the Housing Development Action Grant Program. Urban Development Action Grants are awarded to cities and urban counties to leverage private investment for industrial, commercial and neighborhood projects. The selection process is a nationwide competition and the proceeds of the Grant are usually in the form of a loan from the City to developers. A ratio of $2.50 in private funds for every Action Grant dollar requested is a minimum requirement. Projects with a higher ratio can be considered more favorably. The average ratio of approved projects is S6.00 in private funds for every Action Grant dollar. A maximum of $15,000 per residential unit is available under this program. Under the newly enacted Federal Title III Rental Housing Development Grant Program it is anticipated that grant 84-"746 6/1/84 Page 16 i ' assistance for any structure may not exceed 50 percent of the total cost of development, including acquisition. Additional information concerning the Urban Development Action Grant Program and the Pental Housing Development Grant Program will be provided by ..he City of Miami. 6. Public Parking Facilities Parking requirements for each parcel may be met by obtaining the participation and cooperation of the Department of Off - Street Parking. The Department will consider any parking proposal and could enter into a separate negotiation with the developer. The Department will expect the developer to enter into a "Capital Lease" to insure an annual rental payment from the developer in an amount equal to the debt service, opera- tion, management, and maintenance cost less the operating revenue of the facility. Developers would then be able to utilize the tax benefits of the facility, obtain a lower in- terest rate for financing of the facility, and share in net revenues at the time the facility operates profitably. 7. Construction Financing for Homeownership Housing The City of Miami anticipates issuing three year revenue notes. No pledge or guarantee is provided by the City. The revenue notes can provide construction financing for finan- cially responsible builder/developers at less than a 7b rate. this program is restricted to homeownership developments. 84— 7 47 - S 6/1/84 � � � g� 11 El E. Project Schedule* Publication of Request for Proposals Pre -Submission Conference Proposal Submission Deadline Interview>fs with qualified Proposers Recommendations to the city manager from the Review Committee and C.P.A. firm City manager's recor7.endation to the City Coranission at the regular monthly Commission Meeting Begin contract negotiations with the successful Proposer City manager submits contract for City Commission Approval County Commission Approval *Anticipated Schedule 6/1/84 J k July 16, 1984 August 30, 1984 October 29, 1984 November 15, 1984 December 3, 1984 January 1985 February 1985 May 1985 June 1985 8Ij -7 - ,, 134-746 Page 18 84---74 , 84r-74 M Information relating to 'zoning in this Request for Proposals is based on the pro- posed SPI 15, 16, 16.1, and 16.2 being prepared for the Southeast Overtown/Park West Project Area. Proposals should be based on the proposed zoning. Final plans for development projects within the project area must adhere to the adopted zoning. 84-747 84-74 6' llw ra A. PARCEL NO. 24 1. LOCATION NAP 2. PARCEL MAP 31 6111$4 N.W.- 10 ST. 10 9 8 7 24 18 6 19 5 4 3 2 1 II 12 13 16 17 20 21 22 23 { 24 14 15 N.W. 9 5T. en 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Miami A.L. Knowlton B-41, Block 24 Lots 1-24 4. ACREAGE 177,450 sq.ft. 4.07 acres S. PROPOSED ZONING Uses Multifamily Residential Commercial --Office, Retail Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.6 Commercial 0.4 Total 3.0 6. RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Residential Square Footage 592,900 Commercial Square Footage 91,200 Total Square Footage 684,100 Parcel No. 24 Approximate No. of Units (593) 7. PROPOSED MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT Residential knits 350 Commercial Square Footage 25,000 6 1 / 44 84--747 84-746 Page 20 Parcel No. 24 S. REQUIRED DWELLING UNIT MIX* 1 Bedroom 40% 2 Bedrooms 40% Other 20% 9. MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR DWELLING UNIT SIZE* Studios 400 Square Feet 1 Bedroom 600 Square Feet 2 Bedrooms 750 Square Feet 3 Bedrooms 850 Square Feet 10. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 1.0 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 700 sq.ft. of net leasable commercial space 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS -- To be developed under the provisions of the City of Miami's Affordable Rental Housing Program if the City is to provide funding for land acquisition.** -- An additional setback of 25 feet may be required along the 9th Street frontage. -- Mandatory commercial along 9th Street frontage. -- City will review alternative development proposals (land use). 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease for rental housing developed under the Affordable Rental Housing Program. -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing. * For units developed under the Affordable Housing Program. Developers are encouraged to propose larger units. ** The City will accept and review alternative uses for th Sly—'747 , parcel. �p 8 4 -`n 6/1/84 Page 21 AM B. PARCEL NO. 25 1. LOCATION MAP J I I I 1 1! 1 I 1! -;;nt=4 LLJ n." ,e p,tF. 0 ]T. ` 2 I 37 a f L w. n, 8 3T cc 44 5 I I I I ' r �. � �ii i:li Ili � ! "� METRORAIL RIGHT OF WAY ! ! 2. PARCEL MAP W Q N 2 6/1/84 NA!0ST. in �• I � I � 10 9 8 7 6 I � 5 I 25 � I I � I 1 12 13 14 15 I � 16 17 ' I I � I I. 542S l N. VIA 9 ST W d 39 2d 84-p'74 ' 84-'74 6 Page 22 ,7' 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Miami A.L. Knowlton 8-41, Block 25 Lots 5-17 4. ACREAGE 96,250 sq.ft. 2.19 acres S. PROPOSED ZONING Uses r Multifamily Residential Commercial --Office, Retail Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.6 Commercial 0.4 Total 3.0 6/15 84 Parcel No. 25 6. PROPOSED MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT Approximate No. of Units Residential Square Footage 390,400 (390) Commercial Square Footage 60,100 Total Square Footage 450,500 7. RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Residential Units 175 Commercial Square Footage 15,000 84--74'7` 84-74C Page 23 6/1/84 Parcel No. 25 S. REQUIRED DWELLING UNIT MIX* 1 Bedroom 40% 2 Bedrooms 40% Other 20% 9. MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR DWELLING UNIT SIZE* Studios 400 Square Feet 1 Bedroom 600 Square Feet 2 Bedrooms 750 Square Feet 3 Bedrooms 850 Square Feet 10. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 1.0 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 800 sq.ft. of net leasable commercial space 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS -- To be developed under the provisions of the City of Miami's Affordable Rental Housing Program. -- An additional setback of 25 feet may be required along the 9th Street frontage. -- Mandatory commercial along 9th Street frontage. 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing * For units developed under the Affordable Housing Program. Developers are encouraged to propose larger units. f36,' 7 4 84-74 Page 24 IA C. PARCEL NO. 36 1. LOCATION MAP t Li—Li17. 25 IL 55 ij - I I i 1 AY I METRpRAIL RIGHT OF YJ 2. PARCEL MAP N W. 9 ST. 347."4_ 2 3 7 6 10 11 15 14 16 19 23 2-2--- 36 26 27 31 30- 34 33 39 36 42 46 37 3.j 1 S 9 16 W Q 17 _ 24 2S 4 32 33 40 41 4S 84 ,o, V Page 25 6 / 28 1414 I �,� Parcel 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION 35 (g_34) P,W, White Re- Sub of Qlock 6 7, 8, 9, 10, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4' 1.5, 5 , 16, 17, 18. 1q, 20, 21, 34, 11, 1?_, 13, 1-4, 27, 30, 31, 32 , 33, 22, 23, 24, 25, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48 35, 38, 39, 40, 4. ACREAGE ft. ( approx.l 162,300 sq. 3.70 acres 6/2S 5. PROPOSED ZONING Uses Residential Multifamily Retail Comr1erci al --Office , Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.6 Commercial 0.4 3.0 Total MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMApgroximate 6. PROPOSED No, of Uni is 23 , 300 (423i Residential Square Footage 465,1�0 Commercial Square Footage 489,400 Total Square Footage COMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 7. RE 200 Residential Units 25,000 84i,74edr Commercial Square Footage P age 26 4 n F REQUIRED parcel No. 36 �. Il�tELLIP�G UNIT MIX For development only under Dade County Homeowner=hip Adz ist,ince Loan Program 1 Bedroom 1071 ? Bedrooms 40` Other 20 Other Proposals -- None 9. MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR DWELLING UNIT SIZE For development only Lander Dade County Homeownership Assistance Lean Program Studios _ Square Feet 1 Bedroom 950 Square Feet Z BeUrUUlll'a 7:71J JyUtA► C Feet 3 Bedrooms 1050 Square Feet Other Proposals --- None 10. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 1.0 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 800 sq.ft. of net leasable commercial space 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS -- An additional setback of 25 feet may be required along the 9th Street frontage. -- Mandatory commercial along 9th Street frontage. -- Priority consideration will be given to proposals which include the development of units of homeown- ership housing funded through the Dade County Home- ownership Assistance Loan Program. 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing. -- Dade County Homeownership Assistance Loan Program. Dade County has reserved $1.05 million surtax funds for this project in FY'86 and consideration shall be given in the future to reserve a similar amount in FY'87 -- Construction financing assistance for homeownerV-7, housing. 47 6/1/84 $P age 27 r; y 0. PARCEL NO. 37 1. LOCATION MAP 2. PARCEL MAP m w 4 ±lr 11 u t0 9 6 T 6 37 5 4 3 2 1 t 11 13 16 17 1 S 19 20 21 22 23 24 14 15 L- - 591.5, YJ 611184 N.W. 8 ST. 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Miami A.L. Knowlton B-41, Block 37N Lots 1-24 4. ACREAGE 171,535 sq.ft. 3.94 acres S. PROPOSED ZONING Uses Multifamily Residential Commercial --Office, Retail Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.6 Commercial 0.4 Total 3.0 r Parcel No. 31 6. PROPOSED MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT Approximate No. of Units Residential Square Footage 592,900 (593) Commercial Square Footage 91,200 Total Square Footage 684,100 7. RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Residential Units 350 Commercial Square Footage 30,000 84-747' 84-746" 1 / 4 Page 29 pk Parcel No. 37 $. REQUIRED DWELLING UNIT MIX* 1 Bedroom 401, 2 Bedrooms 40% Other 20% 9. MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR DWELLING UNIT SIZE* Studios 400 Square Feet 1 Bedroom 600 Square Feet 2 Bedrooms 750 Square Feet 3 Bedrooms 850 Square Feet 10. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 1.0 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 800 sq.ft. of net leasable commercial space �1 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS -- To be developed under the provisions of the City of Miami's Affordable Rental Housing Program if the City is to provide funding for land acquisition.** -- An additional setback of 25 feet may be required -' along the 9th Street frontage. -- Mandatory commercial along 9th Street frontage. City will review alternative development proposals (land use). 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease (if developed under the Affordable Rental Housing Program). -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing. * For units developed under the Affordable Housing Program. Developers are encouraged to propose larger units. ** The City will accept and review alternative uses for th44`7 4' ' parcel. 84 -7415, 6/1/84 Page 30 E. PARCEL 40. 44 1. LOCATION MAP J LLLi i i i_U � z i 2 aal 2. PARCEL MAP 6/1 84 W> 9 mw. 1 .7 1. 84-`7 zi Page 31 Parcel No. 44 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Miami A.L. Knowlton 8-41, Block 44N Lots 1-13, 1644 4. ACREAGE 156,385 sq.ft. 3.59 acres 5. PROPOSED ZONING Uses Multifamily Residential Commercial --Office, Retail Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.0 Commercial 2.0 Total 4.0 6. PROPOSED MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT Approximate No. of Units Residential Square Footage 427,100 (427) Commercial Square Footage 427,100 Total Square Footage 854,200 7. RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Resi denti al Uni is 300 ►-4 Commercial Square Footage 25,000 8 Page 32 6/1 / 44 8. REQUIRED DWELLING UNIT MIX None 9. MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR DWELLING UNIT SIZE None l 10. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 0.6 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 1,000 sq.ft. of net ti leasable commercial space 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS -- Priority consideration will be given to proposals which include homeownership housing.** -- City will review alternative development programs. 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing. -- Construction financing assistance for homeowner- ship housing. ** The City will accept and review alternative uses for this 4 _,� 4 parcel. A 84--''� 6/1/84 Page 33 F. PARCEL NO. 45 1. LOCATION MAP 11 1 1 1 1 11 M.R. 10 ST. AL 45 F-:: � T .iMM METRORAIL RIGHT OF WAY 2. PARCEL MAP N.W. a ST. N 2t r/ 1 —/84 6 5 4 3 2 1 45 7 8 9 10 11 12 292.5, N.W. T 5T. 101 84-747-. 84-7 -c Page 34 PAr el No. 45 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Miami A,L. Knowlton 8-41, Block 45 Lots 1-12 4. ACREAGE 87,750 sq.ft. 2.02 acres S. PROPOSED ZONING Uses Multifamily Residential Commercial --Office, Retail Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.0 Commercial 2.0 Total 4.0 6. PROPOSED MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT Approximate No. of Units Residential Square Footage 245,000 (245) Commercial Square Footage 245,000 Total Square Footage 490,000 7. RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Residential Units 100 Commercial Square Footage 25,000 6 7113 / 44 84-747 .. 84-'7 V Page 35 1 8. REQUIRED DNELLINE None 9. MINIMUM THRESHOL[ None 1.0. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 0.6 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 1,000 sq.ft. of net leasable commercial space 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS Priority consideration will be given to proposals which include homeownership housing. 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL'SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing. -- Construction financing assistance for homeowner- ship housing. S11--747" 6/1/84 Page 36 PARCEL NO. 4_6 1. LOCATION MAP LL��Lul 25 I I 24 IT. -7 2 7 37 36 m, 46 c 55g. Tin; SAIL RIGHT Of WAY 2. PARCEL MAP ttvL a ST. 11 10 9 7 6 5 2 1 uj ui z * 46 to 7 3� z z 5 616 IT a 19 20 4 3 z N.VL 7 ST 84..�74 5,.-'7 "Vr Page 37 3. LEGAL Miami A. B-41, B- Lots 1-: 4. ACREAG 147,750 3.39 5. PROPOSED ZONING Uses Multifamily Residential Commercial --Office, Retail Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.6 Commercial 0.4 Total 3.0 6. PROPOSED MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT Approximate No. of Units Residential Square Footage 500,500 (501) Commercial Square Footage 77,060 Total Square Footage 577,560 7. RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Residential Units 200 Commercial Square Footage 0 61 4 84-'74: 84-'74 6 Page 38 Parcel No. 46 8. REQUIRED DWELLING UNIT MIX None 9. MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR DWELLING UNIT SIZE None 10. PARKING REQUIREMENTS 1.0 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 800 sq.ft. of net leasable commercial space 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS -- Priority consideration will be given to proposals which include homeownership housing. 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing _ -- Construction financing assistance for homeowner- ,. ship housing. 6/1/84 84-74 r 84--'746* Page 39 0 Ul 6/1/84 H. PARCEL NO. 55 1. LOCATION MAP lit56 N.A. 1T. ._. _. _.._..._ .._._. _.. it •@NM- METRORAII RIGHT OF WAY 2. PARCEL MAP ui a 3 Z N.W. 7 ST. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 55 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 �492.5� 84-'74 y 84-'74C ?age 40 Ak 6/28/84 Parcel No. 55 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Miami A.L. Knowlton B-41, Block 55N Lots 1-20 4. ACREAGE 147,750 sq.ft. 3.39 acres S. PROPOSED ZONING Uses Multifamily Residential Commercial --Office, Retail Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.0 Commercial 2.0 Total 4.0 6. PROPOSED MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT Approximate No. of Units Residential Square Footage 385,000 (385) Commercial Square Footage 3851000 Total Square Footage 770,000 7. RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Residential Units 200 Commercial Square Footage 0 84-74 84-` 4C Page 41 Parcel No. 55 8. REQUIRED DWELLING UNIT MIX None 9. MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR DWELLING UNIT SIZE None 10. PARKING REQUIREMENTS AM� 1.0 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 1,000 sq.ft. of net leasable commercial space r 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS -- Priority consideration will be given to proposals which include homeownership housing. 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing. -- Construction financing assistance for homeowner- Ar housing. 84--74C 6/1/84 Page 42 PARCEL NO. 56 I. LOCATION MAP ,J 1 (III 1 I I 1 1�-' n M.R. 17 �T25 •.r, a er_^T -4MW METRORAII RIGHT OF WAY 2. PARCEL MAP NW- T Sr 6 5 4 56 9 3 10 2 1 T 8 11 12 292-5, 1 KW. 6 ST. 6/1/84 V mm 84-'74 1 . 84-'7,11" Page 43 Parcel No. 56 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Miami A.L. Knowlton B-41, Block 56 Lots 1-12 4. ACREAGE 87,750 sq.ft. 2.01 acres 5. PROPOSED ZONING Uses Multifamily Residential Commercial --Office, Retail, Hotel Floor Area Ratios Residential 2.0 Commercial 2.0 Total 4.0 6. PROPOSED MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEVELOPMENT Approximate No. of Units Residential Square Footage 245,000 (245) Commercial Square Footage 245,000 Total Square Footage 490,000 7. RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Residential Units 0 Commercial Square Footage 100,000 61/4 84--747. . 84-746 Page 44 Parcel No. 56 8. REQUIRED DWELLING UNIT MIX None 9. MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR DWELLING UNIT SIZE None 10. PARKING REQUIREMENTS •0.6 parking space per residential unit 1.0 parking space for every 1,000 sq.ft. of net leasable commercial space 11. DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTIONS None 12. AVAILABLE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THE PROJECT -- Land Lease -- Tax-exempt construction and permanent financing for construction of rental housing. -- Construction financing assistance for homeowner- ship housing. 84-'74 ". 84--746 /1 4 Page 45 IV. Proposal Format And Legal Requirements IV. PROPOSAL FORMT AND LEGAL REQUIRIEWNTS A. The CITY OF MIAMT CNARTH Section 53(c) provides the following: UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ncafi ni Minn Unified development project shall mean a project where an interest in real property is owned or is to be acquired by the city, and is to be used for the devel- opment of- improvements, and who-rc. the commission deter- mines that for the development of said improvements it is most advantageous to the city that the city procure from a private person, as defined in the Code of the City of Miami, one or more of the following integrated packages: (i) Planning and design, construction, and leasing; or 40 (ii) Planning and design, leasing, and management; or (iii) Planning and design, construction, and management. So long as the person from whom the city procures one of the above mentioned integrated packages provides all of the functions listed for that package, such person need not provide each listed function for the entire unified development project nor for the same part of the unified development project. Requirements of Requests for Proposals Requests for proposals for unified development projects shall generally define the nature of the uses the city is seeking for the unified development project and the estimated allocations of land for each use. They shall also state the following: (i) The specific parcel of land contemplated to be used or the geographic area the city desires to develop pursuant to the unified development project. Hi The specific evaluation criteria to be used by F the below -mentioned certified public accounting fi rm. 84 -"74 d 6/1/84 Page 46 4& 4W (iii) The specific evaluation criteria to be used by the below -mentioned review committee. (iv) The extent of' the cii;y' proposcd corm itment of funds, property, and services. (v) The definitions of thy^ ter„ �s .rah sta.nti al increase" and "material ai tern t ion" that will apply to the project pursriant to srihsection (e)(iv)hereof. (vi) A reservation of the right to reject all pro- posals and of the right of termination referred to in subsection (e)(iv), below. Issuance of Request for Proposals; Selection of C.P.A. Firm; Appointment of Review Committee After public notice there shall be a public hearing at which the commission shall consider: (i) The contents of the request for proposals for the subject unified development project; (ii) The selection of a certified public accounting firm, which shall include at least one member with previous exper•lence in the type of devel- opment in question; (iii) The recommendations of the City Manager for the appointment of persons to serve on the review committee. Said review committee shall consist of an appropriate number of city officials or employees* and an equal number plus one of mem- bers of the public, whose names shall be submit- ted by the City Manager no fewer than five days prior to the above mentioned public hearing. At the conclusion of the public hearing the commission shall authorize the issuance of a request for proposals, select a certified public accounting firm, and appoint the members of the review committee only from among the persons recommended by the City Manager. Procedure for Selection of Proposal The procedure for the selection of an integrated pack- age proposal shall be as follows: a e ounty officials or employees shall also be appointed. I 6/1 84 Page 47 �s. (i) All proposals shall be analyzed by a certified public accounting firm appointed by the commis- sion based only on the evaluation criteria applicable to said certified public accounting firm contained in the request for proposals. Said certified public accounting firm shall render a wri ttrn r-port of its findings to the City Manager. The review committee shall evaluate each pro- posal based only on the evaluation criteria applicable to said review committee contained in the request for proposals. Said review commit- tee shall render a written report to the City Manager of its evaluation of each proposal, including any minority opinions. (iii) Taking into consideration the findings of the aforementioned certified public accounting firm and the evaluations of the aforementioned review committee, 'tie City Manager shall recommend one or more of the proposals for acceptance by the commission, or alternatively, the City Manager may recommend that all proposals be rejected. If there are three or more proposals and the City Manager recommends only one, or if he recommends rejection of all proposals, the City Manager shall state in writing the reasons for his recommendation. In transmitting his recommendation or recom- mendations to the Commission, the City Manager shall include the written reports, including any minority opinions, rendered to him by the afore- mentioned certified accounting firm and review committee. (iv) All contracts for unified development projects shall be awarded to the person whose proposal is most advantageous to the city, as determined by the commission. The commission may accept any recommendation of the City Manager by an affirmative vote of a majority of its members. In the event the commission does not accept a proposal recommended by the City Manager or does not reject all proposals, the commission shall seek recommendations directly from the aforementioned review committee, which shall make a recommendation or recommendations to the commission taking into account the report of the aforementioned certified public accounting firm and the evaluation criteria specified for the review committee in the request for proposals. 6/1/84 Wage 48 F] C) After receiving the direct recommendations of the re- view committee, the commission shall by an affirmative vote of a majority of its mem?ers: (1) Accept Any ; rcnmi —nda iJ on of the rev-, efd committee; or (2) Accept_ any previous recommendation of the City Manager; or (3) Reject all proposals. Execution of Contracts All contracts for unified development projects shall be signed by the City Manager or his designee after approval thereof by the commission. . . . The provi- sions of this charter section shall supersede any other Charter or Code provision to the contrary. B. Definition of Uses Each proposal must fulfill the objectives of the Southeast Over- town/Park West Community Redevelopment Plan for that parcel, which is included within the development restrictions delineated in Section III of this document, and must be in accordance with the November 1983 economic feasibility study by Hammer, Siler, George Associates. Proposals must present a definitive development program, project definition, site plan and design concept, financial strategy and feasibility and a guaranteed time of completion schedule that can be realistically evaluated under the requirements of this Request for Proposal to fora the basis for selection by the City. C. Commitment of Services by the City Service such as police and fire protection, equal to those pro- vided any private development within the City of Miami, shall be provided by the City. All additional security, etc., shall be the responsibility of the developer. The developer will be expected to pay all taxes on all land and improvements. 84-74: 84--'749 6/1/84 Page 49 0 6 1/84 As required by Item (e)(iv) of Charter Section 53A "substantial increase" shall be defined as a 10' increase to the City's pro- posed commitment- of funds, property and/or services and "material alteration" shall be defined as failure to comply with all aspects of the proposal except as specifically permitted in writing by the city manager. 84 4'' , 84-74f Page 50 V. Proposal Submission Guidelines And Format WOR V. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION GIIIDFLINES AND FORMAT A. Proposal Develofmf-nt Consideraticns Respondents to this Invitation are advised that the following factors must be considered and adhered to in the development of Project Proposals and will be critically evaluated. 1. Project Density Section III indicates the recommended number of dwelling units and amount of commercial space acceptable for each Project Development Site. A greater number of housing and amount of commercial space may be proposed. 2. Dwelling Unit fix Proposals must conform to the dwelling unit mix for each parcel if specified in Section III. 3. Dwelling Unit Size Proposals must conform to minimum dwelling unit size if spec- ified in Section III. All development parcels must adhere to the South Florida Building Code. Quality of development is to be evaluated in the overall project design criteria I evaluation. 4. Dwelling Unit Amenities Dishwashers, trash compactors and balconies, etc. are con- sidered amenities for the purpose of proposal development. Ranges, refrigerators, and air conditioning units are con- sidered essential unit operating fixtures. 5. Project Amenities Preliminary cost estimates must be furnished for major pro- ject amenities (i.e. swimming pools, play grounds, recrea- tion rooms, etc.). 84, ��. .1 °- 6/1/84 Page 51 '_%h /.�_l 6. Parking Requirements Respondents should not anticipate variances from City of Miami off-street parking requirements. All required parking should be located in a parking structure. 7. Project Rent Schedule The City of Miami has determined that low- and moderate - income families should pay no more than 30h of gross income for rent, inclusive of basic utilities. This should be considered a guide in determining rent levels. therefore, respondents should consider average per unit utility costs in calculating proposed rent schedules. Respondents are encouraged to contact local utility companies for information on average per unit utilities operating costs. 8. On -Site Improvements Respondents should calculate the cost of on -site improvements (i.e., peripheral sidewalks, curb cuts, etc.) in developing project cost estimates. Respondents for development sites 24, 25, 36, and 37 should, for purposes of this proposal, assume that all costs associated with the construction of the 9th Street Mall will be funded from other funding sources. 9. Project Development Sites Section III provides key information on the project develop- ment sites. Respondents should propose lease payment terms. 10. Project Timing Respondents should submit a schedule delineating their pro- posed development schedule and project phasing. Development should commence within six months from the transfer of the land to the developer through the lease agreement. A rever- sion clause will be included within the lease agreement between the City and the developer to insure reasonable com- pliance with the proposed implementation schedule. 84-- 0 �I * 84- , -16' 6/1/84 Page 52 ;a 11. Minority Participation 48 The City of Miami and Dade County have established minority participation goals for the Southeast Overtown/Park Test Redevelopment Flan. The goals were incorporated in the redevelopment plan approved by hot:h the City and County. The following goals have been established for the Overtown portion of the project.: area, which is represented by parcel numbers 25, 36, 45, 46, 55, and 56: -- 5070 equity investment goal in project development; -- 50% black construction goal in City sponsored activities; -- 25% black contracting goal overall; -- 50% black construction hiring goal; and a -- 60% black retail space ownership goal. The following goals have been established for the Park West portion of the project area, which is represented by parcel numbers 24, 37, and 44: -- 25% black construction goal in City sponsored activities; -- 25% black contracting goal; -- 25% black construction hiring goal; and a -- 25% black retail space ownership goal. Respondents will be required to comply with all applicable federal, state and local fair housing and affirmative action legislation and regulations, including City of Miami Code Section 18-73, and City of Miami Resolution No. 83-297 adopted April 6, 1983, and Dade County Ordinance (see appendix). Respondents are advised that legislation is pend- ing before the Miami City Connission which may amend the aforementioned section of the City Code. The Miami City Commission and Dade County Commission have created a Property Owners' Equity Participation Plan (see appendix) for parcels purchased through a grant from the 8 6/1/84 4�-`7`� Page 53 S : 1` ' United States Department of Transportation, Urban Mass Transit Administration. The purpose of this equity plan is to provide development opportunities to large ser.ments of the population t.h ,t, because, of race. Jere excluded from participating in urban devni npri-n ;. kn i tbi n t:he City of Miami in prior year,. Thp Plan affected srm^nts of the population to p.nrti ci pai:e by giving priority to onn of the evaluation criteria iised in malting a srlection of a final developer for each parcel. A 507, Black Equity Investment Goal has been established for the UM TA parcels. The equity plan must be adhered to for development of parcels 45, 46, 55, and 56. Minorities are expected to be an integral part of the devel- opment team, participate substantially in construction contracts and jobs, and comprise a significant part of the permanent management team, as well as all businesses and work force created by tie dc-cloprnert_ While minority equity participation is not a requirement for parcels outside the UMTA area defined above, true equity positions with local minority partners ( not rent-a-ci ti zens ) will be viewed favorably in the evaluation of proposals. 12. Project Financing Strategy The proposer is expected to provide financing for all build- ing and site improvements including public spaces and ancil- lary amenities associated with the development. Development on parcels 24 and 37 that do not entail development under the Affordable Housing Program must provide funding for land acquisition and relocation. City -owned property is held in public trust and cannot be mortgaged or subordinated in any way as a part of the lease agreement. The City is prepared, however, to accept the secondary position of lease payments, a form of subordina- tion, to the extent determined to be reasonable in helping the successful proposer obtain financing. The term of the lease agreement between the successful pro- poser and the City of Miami should be reasonably related to the financing strategy. All improvements upon the site will revert to ownership by the C i ty of Miami at the expiration of the lease term. The proposed term of the lease agreement will be one of the factors considered in the evaluation of proposals. Development proposals incorporating UDAGs and f 6/1/84 Page 54 0 00 other federal assistance programs should include two finan- -� cial strategies; one utilizing the federal program, and one withorat federal assistance. 6/1/84 13. Land Lease All parcels are offered only for lease on a long-term basis to developers and will be freely assignable to condominium associations in accordance with Florida Statutes and, with City approval, to other qualified entities after the comple- tion of all phases of construction, development, and leasing of the project:. 14. Redevelopment Area Proposers are advised that all development sites are part of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Area. All development must be in accordance with the development cri- teria as specified in the redevelopment plan dated December 1982. All dispositions of real property, either by lease or sale, within the redevelopment area must be in accordance with Florida Statute 163.380. 15. Parking Parking requirements for each parcel may be met by obtaining the participation and cooperation of the Department of Off - Street Parking. The Department will consider any parking proposal and could enter into a separate negotiation with the developer. The Department will expect the developer to enter into a "Capital Lease" to insure an annual rental payment from the developer in an amount equal to the debt service, operation, management, and maintenance cost less the operat- ing revenue of the facility. Developers would then be able to utilize the tax benefits of the facility, obtain a lower interest rate for financing of the facility, and share in net revenues at the time the facility operates profitably. 16. Contract Terms Section IX provides numerous contract terms that the proposer must incorporate when making a proposal. Proposers must pro- vide specific suggested clauses for inclusion into the lease with the City. Page � The eventual contract negotiated between the successful proposer and the City may incorporate any other terms, conditions and benefits for the City that the City, in its Judgement, may seek to include by way of negotiation. 17. Timetable The timetable for completion of the proposed construction will be considered as a factor in the evaluation of pro- posals. All proposed development must be bonded to insure completion within the specified time period; or if phased development is proposed, the proposer must post a bond to insure that additional phases will, in fact, take place as planned. B. Proposal Format A separate submission is required for each site being proposed. Proposals submitted in response to this invitation must include the following information: 1. Credentials (a) Identity of respondent, including respondent's organizational structure and names and addresses of principals. (b) Respondent's experience in residential and com- mercial development referencing specific projects and respondent's role. W Evidence of respondent's financial capacity to undertake the project(s) proposed. 2. Project Proposal Respondents to this Invitation may submit proposals for one or more of the project development sites identified in Section III. For each project proposal submitted, the following informa- tion must be included: (a) Project site plan (preliminary) 84-'7:1tr . 84-'74(T 6/1/84 Page 56 (b) Project elevation (preliminary) (c) Project floor plan., (preliminary) (d) Schedule of d�,mllinq i+nit amenities, if applicable (e) Schedule of project amenitics, if any (f) Proposed rent schedule and annual rental escala- tion proposed or proposed ;ale price if applicable (g) Project management plan (h) Project development and operating pro forma including proposed lease payments (i) Project implementation schedule (j) Project advertisement and promotion 3. Additional Requirements In addition, proposals must include the following: (a) Financial Disclosure and Professional Information as detailed in Section VII of this document. (b) A detailed response, including proposed contrac- tual language, to all aspects of the General Con- tract Terms as detailed in Section IX of this document. (c) The dollar amounts for minimum annual payments to the City. (d) A schedule including all steps of planning and design, construction, and operation, including any proposed future expansion. (e) Letters from financial institutions documenting the proposer's ability to finance the proposed development. (f) Letters indicating the proposer's ability to obtain required bonds and insurance. (g) Letters documenting the proposer's past experience in related development and management. 84-'74'0 . . 84r74C 6/1/84 Page 57 rl E7 6/1/84 Mk (h) Resumes of key individuals to be involved. (i) Documentation of minority participation pursuant to City of Miami and Dade County requirements. The proposers are expected to make all disclosures and decla- rations as requested and to deliver along with the proposal a cashier's check for S5,000 for each parcel which shall be non-refundable to the successful proposer. These funds are intended to cover expenses incurred by the City in preparing and issuing this Request For Proposals and evaluating the proposals received. If such expenses exceed S5,000 for each parcel, the successful proposer shall provide funding for the additional expenses. Section VI11 includes forms that must be submitted along with the development proposal. Thirty (30) copies of each pro- posal are required (information requirements are delineated in Sections VI, VII, and VIII). 86j-747 84r- %4C Page 58 No VI. EVALUATI0N PROCEDURE Review procedures and the selection process are set by City Charter and Code, of which applicable excerpts are included in the appendix to this document. The City of Miami Commission, consisting of five elected officials, including the Mayor, will recommend the successful proposer based on the recommendation of the city manager or of the Review Committee. The Oade County Commission shall make the final selection, and shall select a developer that first has been approved by the Miami City Commission. At a public hearing held June 14, 1984, the City Cormnission authorized the city manager to issue this Request for Proposals and at that sa�mne hearing appointed a Review Committee from recommendations submitted by the city manager and further selected a Certified Public Accounting firm, both to evaluate submitted proposals. The Board of County Commissioners approved this Request for Proposals on June 19, 1984. The review committee established by the City Commission at the public hearing will make recommendations to the city manager regarding pro- posers' qualifications and experience. The conni ttee has the author- ity to recommend none of the bids if it deems them not to be in the best interest of the City of Miami. However, the Committee shall have to explain its reasons for such a decision. A. Evaluation Criteria The following specific evaluation criteria matrix shall be used by the Review Committee for each parcel as applicable: 1. Experience of the development team, including specific experience on similar projects .............. 15 2. Financial capability, level of financial commitment* ... 20 3. Financial return to the City ........................... 10 4. Overall project design ................................. 20 S. Extent of minority participation (Latin/Black) ......... 20 6. Conformance to the recommended development program ..... 15 7. Proposals for contiguous parcels, maximum bonus points 15 S. Priority ranking developers -- UMTA Parcels 45, 46, 55, and 56, maximum bonus points 15 *For UMTA parcels 45, 46, 55, and 56, also included in the financial return is consideration of the type of equity participation plan offered to former property owners. 84$�/� r746 6/1/84 Page 59 .A r"'~-1%1 Proposers are encouraged to have their proposals conform to the following factors will be utilized by the Review Committee in evaluating the proposals: 1. THE EXPERIENCE OF THE DEVELOPMENT TEAM, INCLUDING SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE. ON SIMILAR DEVELOPMENTS (a) Qualifications and experience of project leaders, team members, and consultants. (b) Specific experience of the development team in relationship to work on primary housing, condomin- iums, and cnm3nercial developments. (e) Quality and organization of management team, mar- keting strategy, tenant mix if applicable, methods of providing maintenance, and special security arrangements, etc. 2. FINANCIAL CAPABILITY, LEVEL OF FINANCIAL COKw1ITT1ENT ti ,1 (a) Financial capability of the team, including the equity commitment, financing strategy, access to construction and permanent financing, and the demonstrated ability of meeting the objectives of providing moderate —income housing. 6/- 1/84 3. FINANCIAL RETURN TO THE CITY AND EQUITY POSITIONS TO FORMER PROPERTY OWNERS (Equity positions to former property owners pertain only to UMTA parcels 45, 46, 55, & 56.) (a) Annual lease payment to the City for the first five years of the lease. (b) Annual lease payment to the City for years six through the end of the lease term, including min- imum guarantees, an inflation factor, and, where property is to be used for rental housing, a percent of net operating income must be included. (c) Any additional financial benefit to the City. (d) Lease Term 134~ `47- 84-7` Page 60 U ri I (e) Contract Terms (f) The terms and amounts of equity positions to be offered to former property owners of the site being developed in accordance with the Equity Participation Flan for parcels 45, 46, 55, and 56. 4. OVERALL PROJECT DESIGN (a) Innovative and imaginative siting of facilities. (b) Innovative and imaginative design features. (c) Security, energy efficiency, accessibility for the _ handicapped, imaginative and creative use of graphics, lightingi landscaping, water features, public spaces and pedestrian areas. (d) Project density, unit mix, dwelling unit size, amenities, and on site improvements. (e) Timetable for completion of the proposed construction. (f) Fulfillment of the established development objec- tives of the City and County. S. EXTENT OF MINORITY PARTICIPATION (LATIN AND BLACK) (a) Minority participation within the development and management team. (b) Contracting and hiring practices during the con- struction phase. (c) Special business development opportunities for minorities, hiring outreach and training oppor- tunities in relation to operation and maintenance of facilities, etc. 6. CONFORMANCE TO THE RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM All proposals that meet or surpass the recommended Phase I development program as delineated in Section III, including types of land uses and development densities. 84~-746" 6/1/84 Page 61 1 6 1/ 4 7. PRIORITY RANKING OF DEVELOPERS (UMTA PARCELS 45, 46, 55, & 56) (a) The ?Miami City Commission and the Dade County Com- mission have rcquired that, former property owners and other designated; groups receive priority rank- ing for the UMTA area in the rival uati on of their proposals upon competitive compliance with the Request For Proposal ( RFP) . Former property own- ers were offered the right to prequalify for this priority by submitting a Request For Qualification Application (RFO). ( b) The Selection Corxni ttee will evaluate all propos- ers for parcels in the UMTA area according to the following priority ranking and will grant up to 20 bonus points to: (i) Former property owners who have prequali- fied for priority ranking under the RFQ process (up to 20 bonus points); (ii) Former property owners for development of parcels which encompass their former prop- erty (up to 15 bonus points); (iii) Prequalified investment groups composed of a minimum of 50% former property owners from the four -block area (up to 15 bonus points); (iv) Investment groups composed of a minimum of 50% former property owners from the four - block UMTA area (up to 15 bonus points); (v) Community Based Organizations (up to 10 bonus points); (vi) Responsive black developers (up to 10 bonus points); (vii) Joint ventures which include black devel- opers (up to 5 bonus points); and (viii) Other (0 points). 84-'747. . 84-746' Page 62 A 6/1 84 8. PROPOSALS FOR CONTIGUOUS PARCELS (a) Bonus points to a maxirmim of 15 points will be given to each dpvel npm�int proposal that is sub- mitted by a devnInpr-r for contigtious parcels. (b) Each develoamemt proposal to qualify for bonus points must ho determined by the Review Committee to meet the objectives of the redevelopment program. (c) Bonus points shall be awarded based on the following schedule: 2 to 3 Parcels ...... 5 points 4 to 6 Parcels ...... 10 points 7 to 9 Parcels ...... 15 points 84-''74'7 84-°74 6' Page 63 Howard V. Gary City Manager City of Miami, Florida Submitted 1984 The undersigned, as proposer, declares that the only persons interested in this proposal are named herein, that no other person has any interest in this Proposal or in the Agreement of Lease to which the Proposal pertains, that this Proposal is made without connection or arrangement with any other person and that this Proposal is in every reSDV('t fair, in faith, and ;: i thout CO i i u-. i uri Or rraU . The proposer further declares that he has complied in every respect with all of the instructions to proposers, that he has read all addenda, if any, and that he has satisfied himself fully with regard to all matters and conditions with respect to the Lease to which the proposal pertains. The proposer agrees, if this Proposal is accepted, to execute an appropriate Lease Agreement for the purpose of establishing a formal contractual relationship between the proposer and the City of Miami, Florida, for the performance of all requirements to which this Proposal pertains. The proposer states that this Proposal is based upon the Proposal Documents and addenda, if any. Nave of firm, Individual, or Corporation Signature Signature Title Title ar � El`�� ? 6/1/84 g Financial Disclosure And Professional Information 84„''7 47 84—'740; YIII. Ffl WIAL DISCLOSURE AND PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION 6/1/84 PROPOSER`5 QUESTIONNAIRE A proposal for the development and management of the Project shall not be considered unless all the information requested in this ques- tionnaire is provided by the proposer. Statements must be complete and accurate. Omission., inaccuracy or misstatement shall be cause for rejection of a proposal. Statements and answers relating to each question in this questionnaire may be answered on the page on which the question is found or by attaching 8.5 x 11" supplemental sheets. Photographs or other illustrative materials should be placed in an envelope or bound into the proposal and identified by the proposer's name and address and the page number of the questionnaire to which the supplemental material is applicable. By submission of a proposal, the proposer acknowledges and agrees that the City of Miami has the right to make any inquiry or investi- gation it deems appropriate to substantiate or supplement information contained in this questionnaire and authorizes the release to the City of any and all information sought in such inquiry or investiga- tion. If an independent general contractor, construction manager and/or operational manager is to be involved, then the applicable pages of this questionnaire should be completed for each such entity, 84-'747 "Page E PROPOSER Name: Address for purposes of notice or other communication relating to the proposal: Telephone No. ( ) The proposer is a: ( ) Sole Proprietorship; ( ) Partnership; ( ) Corporation; or ( ) Other (explain below) 6/1/84 84--'7 47 `P�ge �60 PARTNERSHIP STATEMENT If proposer is ,a partnership, answer the following: 1. Date of Omani iati on 2. General Parta�n-rshin ( ) Limited Partncr_hin ( ) 3. Stater?cnt of Partnership recorded? Yes ( ) No Date Book Page County State 4. Has the partnership done business, in the State of Florida? Yes ( ) No ( ) When ? Where? S. Name, address, and partnership share of each general and limited partner. (If partnership is a corporation complete the following page for rnrnnratdnn l General/ Limited Name Address Share 6. Attach a complete copy of the Partnership Agreement. 6/1/84 84- 7412. _ 8 age 67 CORPORATION STATEMENT If proposer is incorporated, answer the following: I.. When incorporated? 2. Where incorporated? _ 3. Is the corporation outhori Loci to do business in Florida? Yes ( ) "lo ( ) 4. The corporation is held: Publicly ( ) Privately ( ) 5. If publicly held, hoes and where is the stock traded? 6. List the following: Authorized Issued Outstanding (a)Number of voting shares: (b)Number of non -voting shares: (c)Number of shareholders: (d)Value per share of Common Stock: Par S Book S Market S 7. Furnish the name, title, address and the number of voting and non -voting shares of stock held by each officer and director and each shareholder owning more than 5" of any class of stock. If more than 5% of any class of stock is held by one or more corporations, then each owner -corporation must also complete separate pages (type corporation name on said pages and for identification purposes) and furnish the financial statement required on page. If said owner -corporations are owned by other corporations, then these other corporations must also complete separate pages (type corporation name on said pages for identification purposes) and furnish the financial statement required on page. The City requires information on all corporations that directly or indirectly have an ownership interest in the proposer -corporation. 8. If an individual or corporation will be guaranteeing performance of the proposer -corporation, state name here and also complete pages and if corporation ype corporation name on said pages for identification purposes), furnish financial statement required on page for the individual or corporate guarantor. 6/1/84 84-746' Page 68 A PROPOSER'S EXPERIENCE STATEMENT Describe in detail the duration and extent of your business experience with primary residences, condominiums, public housing, and commercial development. Also state in detail the names and pertinent experience of the persons who will be directly involved in development and management of the business. List the names and locations of currently owned cormerr,ial real estate and your percentage ownership, and any such facilities currently managed by you. In addition, please also provide photographs or other illustrative material depicting projects that will demonstrate your ability to complete. a quality development for the Project. The name and address should be given for each project identified as well as persons familiar with the development who will respond to inquiries from the City. You should also identify your specific role in each project. PROPOSER'S FINANCIAL DATA Financial Statement Proposer, owner -corporations of proposer, and any person or business entity guaranteeing the performance of the proposer must attach a complete report, prepared in accordance with good accounting practice, reflecting current financial condition. The report must include a balance sheet and annual income statement. The person or entity covered by the statement must be prepared to substantiate all information shown. Surety Information Has any surety or bonding company ever been required to perform upon your default? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond, and the circumstances surrounding said default and performance. Bankruptcy Information Have you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, state date, court jurisdiction, amount of liabilities, and amount of assets. Pending Litigation Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, liens, or claims involving any participant in the proposal. 6/1/84 84-I4 84-'74 C Page 69 no c� PROPOSER'S REFERENCES List four persons or firms with whom you have conducted business transactions during the pa-,t three years. At least two of the references named are to have knowie ft, of your debt payment history. At least one reference must be a financial institirrion. Reference No. 1 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: Reference No. Z Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: 6/1/84 84-747 - 84-'7411r Page 70 0 6i LO Reference No. 3 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ! ) Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: Reference No. 4 r"4 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: /1/84 84-7 .11':r . - 84 9'746 WJ 4 LO W-A PROPOSER'S ARCHITECT Name, address and telephone number of architectural firm: Name: Street Address: Mailing Address: Telephone: Names of principals and their titles who will be chiefly responsible for the planning and design of the Project: Name Name Name Title Title Title Names, addresses, and telephone number of other design consultants who will have a major role in designing the Project. Name of Firm Street Address Mailing Address Zip Code ( ) Telephone Number Name of PrincipalContact 6/1/84 Name of Firm Street Address Mailing Address Zip Code Telephone Number Name of PrincipalContact 84 -`7 . i 84-` 45 Page 72 EXPERIENCE STATEMENT OF PROPOSER'S ARCHITECT Describe in detail the duration and extent of ,your architectural experience with Special emphasis upon expnr•iencn relatQd to primary residence, condo- miniums, public housing and corm°ercial development. Also, state in detail the names and pertinent. experience of the principals who will be directly involved in designing the Project. In addition, please also includo photographs or other illustrative material d€-pi cti ng projects that will demonstrate your ability to design a quality development. for the Project. The nave and address should be given for each project identified as well as for persons familiar with the developmcnt who could respond to inquiries from the City. You should also identify your specific role in each project. REFERENCES OF PROPOSER'S ARCHITECT List two persons or firms for whom you have completed projects during the past three years. Reference No. 1 Name: Firm: �1 Title: Address: _ Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of business association: Reference No. 2 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of business association: 6/1/84 84-'7' 4`i . . 84— l a6* Page 73 PROPOSER'S CONTRACTOR OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER Name, address and telephone ntimber of contractor or construction manager: Name: Street Address: Mailing Address: Telephone: ( } Names of principals and their titles who will be chiefly responsible for the construction of the Project: Name Name Name Title Title Title Names, addresses, and telephone number of other contractors who will have a major role in construction of the Project. Name of Firm Street Address Mailing Address Zip Code ) Telephone Number Name of Principal Contact 5/1/84 Name of Firm Street Address Mailing Address Zip Code Telephone Number Name of Principal Contact 84-747 84-74 b Page 74 w A GER CTOR OR CONSTRUCTION �`NA Pr1ence QROPOSER'S CONTRA architec} exP ENT OF of your residence ST A7F and extent to pr�m.ary state in EXPERIENCE durati on el a�i�'d �cl op '7 Al so, Wince r - de , _ m--n ��h° will be i n detail the eYperi _. erri �} i1 a1 s° include i be hasi s upon and comet tt��' Pry nci P } ea. Describe eci al emp hou si na ,eri enCe of ad.di ti on ,' that adi 11 The with Fniums, publi 'rtinen� ex.i project' In ting PrOj�cts*he Protect• condomin' try nac��As an.. P de Sni ng ttje �tQri a} deP� c ment for well as for detai volvrd in illustrative �'` aual�fiy devPl���ntified as ies from the directly hs or other design `� each project and to �nqu ect• photograp ability to . _n fort who could respond prof demonstrate y°uy role in shoal d be level oPm._n eci f i c name and address with the tify your sP �_ familiar al So iden person You should city- MANAGER ONTRACTOR OR CONSTRUCTION IAA OATH FOR PROPOSE F INANE ti n9 accouninclude a wi The o port mustb Statement ropared in accordancegoo entity covered Y Financial ort, P i al condition' te p,r information shown complete rep ,nanc tiny current f tatement al Attach a reflecting incomes substantiate practice, t must b prepared to balance sheet and e the statement f rm upon Your Inf ormati on Surety or Has any surety es default? If YeS' attach the of bond, ever been required to Per o company date, amount b,ndi n No any the surety ° d bonding auI t and performance' statement naming ding say circumstances SurrOUn Information aankruptcy r been declared bankrupt? Have You eve If yes, state date' assets - court Jurisdiction, Pending litigation on attached sheets provide claims involving liens, or Yes ( ) No ( 1 aunt of liabilities, and amount of regarding Pending detailed information nformat �° the proposal. any Participant 1 i ti gati on , 84, "7 47 84,146 page 15 REFERENCES OF PROPOSER'S CONTRACTOR OR CONSTRUCTTOM MANAGER List two persons or firms with whom you have completed projects during the past three years. Reference No. I Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of business association: Reference No. 2 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of business association: 6 / 1 //84 84-'74 C` 84--'746 Page 76 PROPOSER'S MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Name, address and telephone number of management contractor: Name: Street Address: Mailing Address: Telephone: ( ) Names of principals and their titles who will be chiefly responsible for the planning and design of the Project: Name Title Name Title Name Title Names, addresses, and telephone number of other design consultants who will have a major role in designing the Project. Name of Firm Name of Firm Street Address Street Address Mailing Address Zip Code Mailing Address Zip Code Telephone Number Name of Principal Contact 6/1/84 Telephone Number Name of Principal Contact 84--7 i 84-7,16 Page 77 EXPERIENCE STATEMENT OF PROPOSER'S MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Describe in detail the duration and extent of your management experience. Also, state in detail the names and pertinent experience of the principals who will be dir^ctly involved in the r,anaaenent of the Project. In addition, please also include phn'-1--nqraT)h!q or other illustrative material depicting projects that will demonstrate your ability t:o ,, Manage a quality development. The name and address should be given for each projcct identified as well as for persons familiar with the development, who could respcand to inquiries from the City. You should also identify your specific role in each project. FINANCIAL DATA FOR PROPOSER'S MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR Financial Statement Attach a complete report, prepared in accordance with good accounting practice, reflecting current financial condition. The report must include a balance sheet and annual income statement. The person or entity covered by the statement must be prepared to substantiate all information shown. Surety Information Has any surety or bonding company ever been required to perform upon your default? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, attach a statement naming the surety or bonding company, date, amount of bond, and the circumstances surrounding said default and performance. Bankruptcy Information Have you ever been declared bankrupt? Yes t ) No ( ) If yes, state date, court jurisdiction, amount of liabilities, and amount of assets. Pending Litigation Provide on attached sheets detailed information regarding pending litigation, liens, or claims involving any participant in the proposal. 6/1/84 84--74 r _ 84-74C Page 78 1 REFERENCES OF PROPOSER'S MANAGEMENT CONTRACTOR List two persons or firms for whom you have completed projects during the past three years. Reference No. 1 Name: Firm: Title: Address. - Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: Reference No. 2 Name: Firm: Title: Address: Telephone: ( ) Nature and magnitude of purchase, sale, loan, business association, etc.: 6/1/84 84-74 Page 79 01 PROPOSER'S PROJECT SUMMARY FORM A. Parcel No. B.. Development Team: C. Proposed Development Program: 1. Number of Owel 1 i ng Uni is _____--- 2. Covmercial Square Footage 3. Number of Parking Spaces 4. Open Space Square Footage D. Dwelling Units: ..�. 1. Dwelling Unit Mix: 1 Bedroom % 2 Bedroom % 3 Bedroom % Other % Z, Dwelling Unit size: Average Studio Average 1 Bedroom Average 2 Bedroom Average 3 Bedroom Other 3. Dwelling Unit Amenities: 4 Square Feet Square Feet Square Feet _ Square Feet Square Feet 84-747 84-`7 4 5* Page 80 E. Project Amenities: F. Average Project Sale Price and/or Rent Schedule: 1. commercial: S� Per Square Foot 71 2. Dwelling Unit: Per Total Sq.Ft. Studio $___ S 1 Bedroom- 2 Bedroom- 3 Bedroom other G. Project Financing Strategy: 1. Proposed Land Lease Terms: 2. proposed utilization of Public Programs: 6 /_/ /r4 84- 745 Page 81 S -1 i 7 3. Proposed Private Investment: I - H. Minority Participation: 1. Black Equity Investment % 2. Proposed Black Construction Hiring % 3. Proposed Black Contracting % I. Name, Location, and Dollar Value of Other Development Projects Completed: J. Pertinent Previous Experience: 6/1/84 84-745 Page 82 8 4 "--'747 IX. General Contract Terms r s iv 11 IX. 6/1/84 Upon authorization of the City Commission, the city manager shall negotiate all aspects of a lease agreement including planning and design, construction. and management with the successful proposer. The contract shall address, but not be limited to, the following topics: 1. LEASE TERM 2. RENT Annual Rental Payments for First 5 Years; Payments Thereafter Entire Premises Payment Schedules Right to Audit No Counterclaim or Abatement Subordination of Rents 3. PLANNING, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS Description of Improvements Developer's Obligation to Construct Improvements Submission of Plans Approval of Plans Changes in Plans Submission of Plans for Building Permit Contract(s) for Construction Conditions Precedent to Commence of Construction Commencement and Completion of Construction Improvement Progress Reports Payment of Contractors and Suppliers Cancellation or Discharge of Liens Filed Construction Coordination and Cooperation Ownership of Improvements 4. PREPARATION OF PREMISES FOR DEVELOPMENT Developer Assurance S. MANAGEMENT OF LEASED PREMISES Description of Improvements 6. EQUITY CAPITAL AND MORTGAGE FINANCING Sufficient Funds to Construct Improvements Notification of Securing Sufficient Funds Lessee to Furnish Name and Address of Mortgagee Lessee to Notify City of Other Encumbrances Rights and Duties of Mortgagee Obligations of Persons Other Than Mortgagee Acquiring Leasehold 84-'746" Paged33 Is /1 84 7. RESTRICTIONS ON USE Authorized Uses Limitation on slab -Tenants Transfer Rights Assignment and. Hypothecation 8. PUBLIC CHARGE Covenant for Paymr-nt of Public Charges Evidence of Payment of Public Charges 9. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Indemnification of Developer Types of Insc4rancc to be Carried by the Lessee Non -Cancellation Clause Certificates of Insurance Right of City to Obtain Insurance Non -Waiver of Lessee's Obligations Partial Los; of Damage Not to Terminate Rent or Lease Extensive Loss or Damage Rendering Improvements Unusable Agreement Not to Sue Proformance and Payment Bonds 10. MAINTENANCE. REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT Maintenance and Repair Reserve for Replacements Waste Alterations of Improvements Neighboring Excavation 11. CONDEMNATION Adjustments of Rent Proration of Condemnation Awards Temporary Taking Award Taking Definition of Taking 12. DEFAULT - TERMINATION Default by Lessee Buyout Schedule Default by City Obligations, Rights and Remedies Cumulative Non -Action or Failure to Observe Provisions Hereof Non -Performance Due to Causes Beyond Control of Parties Surrender of Premises Ownership of Equipment and Furnishings on Termination Party in Position of Surety With Respect to Obligations 13. OPTION TO RENEW 84-747. _ 84-'746* Page 84 41 6/1/84 ;.` 7 14. REPRESENTATIONS Representations by City Representations by Lessee la. ASSIGNMENT ANO. SUBLETTING 16 MISCELLANSOUS Right of I nsr)rcti on Access, to Premises Recognition of Mortgage Requirements Notices Provisions of Law (teemed Included How Agreement Affected by Provisions Held Invalid Applicable Uavi and Construction Amendments Gender and Number Award of Contract Mortgageable Leasehold Certificates Management Agreement with Department of Off -Street Parking Non -Disturbance and Attornment Agreements Memorandum of Lease Change of Forni of Ownership Reasonableness Arbitration Good Faith Binder Correction or Modification of Descriptions 84-- ! 47 . 84-7460 Page 85 X• Appendix The Appendix is not included in this edition.. 84-'746� S4-747 11 c37 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO, Howard V . Gary DATE, June 4, 1984 FILE: City Manager S.E. Overtown/Park West SUBJECT- Redevelopment Project Request for Proposals v , FROM! Herbert J . Bailey `� REFERENCES! Assistant City Manager v✓ "�„• ENCLOSURES: The Request for Proposals for the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Project as submitted for the May loth agenda has been modified to reflect the following changes: 1. Bonus points have been added to the evaluation criteria which will encourage and benefit developers who submit development proposals for two or more contiguous parcels. A maximum of up to 15 bonus points will be given to developers who submit acceptable development proposals for contiguous parcels. This will encourage developers to bid on multiple parcels. 2. The minimum development program for each of the parcels has been deleted. The City will rc-iiew all proposals for residential and commercial development but priority consideration should be given those proposals that conform or surpass densities included within the recom- mended Phase T Development Program. This will allow greater flexibility for proposers and insure a greater number of d&velopment proposals. 3. The development program for parcels 24, 37, and 44 (Park West properties) has been modified to allow the submittal of development proposals that do not adhere to the recommended development program, although priority consideration will be given to development programs that provide the recommended le,,7els and type of development. On parcels 24 and 37, prol_-)osers that do not select to develop pursuant to the F:i-fordable Housing program must provide a guarantet-.d re%l e.nue source for land acquisition and relocation. (Current funding for acquisition is from the 1976 General Obli- gation Housing Bonds which restricts use of the funds for development of low- and moderate -income housing.) M D r if o1'/t /S � `: E 4 r] Howard V. Gary - 2- June 4, 1984 Acquisition of parcel 44 is from the Section 108 Loan is anticipated to be repaid with the proceeds of the first sale of Tax Increment Revenue Bonds which could be used for alternative uses including facilities such as an exhibition hall/sports arena/co]_liseum, etc. 4. The RFP has been adjusted to allow priority con- sideration for the selection of developers for future phases of this project. Bonus points will be given to successful developers within Phase I, that sub- sequently bid on Phase II. 84-74`7. . 84.,` 4 ` 11 TO. Howard V . Gary City Manager CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: SUBJECT: FROM: 7 Herbert J. Bailey /j✓ REFERENCES: Assistant City Manager -,<` , ENCLOSURES: May 30, 1984 rILE: Resolution No. J84-359 Authorizing issuance of an RFP for the S.E. Overtown/ Park West Phase I Develop- ment for the June 14 Commission Meeting, Public Hearing Map i It is recommended that the Miami City Commission approve the attached resolution authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals for a Unified Development Project (UDP) for the South- east Overtown/Park West Phase I Project; selecting a certified public accounting firm and appointing members to a review committee to evaluate proposals and re- port findings. Through the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement and the Intergovern- mental Cooperation Agreement between the City of Miami and Dade County, the City has been charged with the marketing of land, pub- licily acquired within the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelop- ment Area. On October 25, 1983, the Miami City Commission approved the Phase I Overtown Transit Station Impact Area Redevelopment Proposal (Resol- ution No. 83-972, which calls for the redevelopment of nine blocks adjacent to the Overtown Station. At that time the conunission also approved a series of associated resolutions which provides the fund- ing mechanism to initiate the redevelopment program. The City of Miami through the Request For Proposals (RFP) is extend- ing invitations to qualified developers to submit proposals ?"or the development of residential and commercial structures within a nine - block area adjacent to the Overtown 'Transit Station, a portion of the property is already in public ownership. Proposals shall in- clude: planning and design; financing and construction of site... im- provements; and construction of residential and commercial structures to be owned and managed by the successful proposer under a long-term lease agreement with the City, nine separate development parcels have been established. �C HjAMI J�J 84-'71-' El 0 Howard Gary 2 June 1, 1984 J The development program calls for the recommended construct- tion of 1,875 residential units and 250,000 sq.ft. of com- mercial space between 1985 and 1989. The City will deliver the cleared land to developers, Recommended levels of com- mercial and residential development have been established for each of the development parcels (note attached map). I am re- commending that the City accept proposals that entail development at levels below the recommended levels, but give priority consid- eration for those that meet or surpass the recommended devel- opment program. Because of our financing strategy certain restrictions have been placed on certain parcels relating to the type of development, i.e. ownership or rental and associ- ated sale price and rental ranges. On three of the parcels I am recommending that the City accept for review alternative proposals, thus all -owing for greater developer_ initiative. The Request For Proposal provides a number of development incent- ives for the project which will include flexible long-term land leases, second mortgage assistance for homeownership housing (through Dade County homeownership Assistance Program), ap- plication by the City of Miami for assistance under the fed- eral Urban Development Action Grant Program and other federal programs, infrastructure improvements, low-cost construction financing, and permanent financing through the issuance of tax-exempt bonds these incentives will facilitate residential development for families with annual family income in the range of $15,00 to $50,000. Under the UDP process a review committee is established by the City Commission to make recommendations to the City Manager regarding proposers' qualifications and experience. It is recommended that the Review Committee be composed of 11 mem- bers: 5 from the private sector, 4 from the public sector and 2 members from the project area. County participation on the Review Committee is mandated in the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. Recommended members of the Review Committee to evaluate proposals for the Phase I Development include: Ex-Officio Members Herbert J. Bailey, Cochairperson Assistant City Manager, City of Miami Sergio Pereira, Cochairperson Assistant County Manager, Metropolitan -Dade County 54-14 . 84-746 Howard Gary - 3 - June 1, 1984 Committee Members Rose Gordon, Chairperson --Documentary Surtax Advisory Board (C:ommuriity Representative) Hank Green, Green Construction Corporation (Community Representative) Ralph Johnson, School of Technology -Construction, FIU (Community Representative) Felipe Prestamo, School of Architecture, University of Miami (Community Representative) Garth Reeves, Editor, The Miami Times (Community Representative) Charlotte Gallogly, Director of Economic Development (City of Miami) Adrienne Macbeth, Assistant to the City Manager (City of Miami) (1) Representative from the Overtown Advisory Board (1) Representative from the Park West Association (2) Representatives from Metro -Dade The proposed evaluation criteria and order of ranking to be used by the Review Committee is as follow: 1. Experience of the development team, including —j specific experience on similar projects .............. 15 2. Financial capability, level of financial commitment* ... 20 3. Financial return to the City .......................... 10 4. Overall project design ................................ 20 5. Extent of minority participation (Latin/Black) ......... 20 6. Conformance to the recommended development program ..... 15 7. Proposals for contigious parcels, maximum bonus points 15 8. Priority ranking developers UMTA Parcels 45, 46, 55, and 56, maximum bonus points 15 *For UMTA parcels 45, 46, 55, and 56, also include in the financial return is consideration of the type of equity participation plan offered to former property owners. 8$- 7 6 84- 7 . T L] C Howard Gary June 1, 1984 The RFP documents the strong concern for minority participation in all phases of the project and reiterates the goals of black participation called for in the Southeast Overtown/Park West Redevelopment Plan and the Property Owner Equity Participation Plan for the Overtown Urban iniLi.atives Project Area. In ad- dition, bonsus points will be given to developers that submit proposals for contiguous parcels. It is anticipated that the RFP will be issued on July 13, 1984, with the developer proposals due on October 12, 1984. The RFP must be approved by Dade County subsequent to approval by the Miami City Commission. It is also recommended that the accounting firm of Touche Ross & Co., 44 Brickell Avenue be retained to analyze the proposal pur- surant to the U.D.P. procedures. Touche Ross & Company is one of the firms certified by the manager to perform this task. 84-74"'� . 84...7 6 // aw. at IT. E LIJ vu uu,uu � L-J L za W 25 a w w f tt. Q� Nt • ft m u l > N I 36 31 a y N ■ so, -- 2 r 46 RECOMMENDED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Legal Approx. C=s ercial Description Acreage Residential (office & retail) Miami Worth Blocks 24 4.0 -,50 units 30,000 sq.ft. 25 2.2 175 units 15,000 sq.ft. 36 3.4 200 units 25,000 sq.ft. 37 <.1 350 units 30,000 sq.ft. 44 3.9 330 units 25,000 sq.ft. 45 1.9 lU0 units 25,000 sq.ft. 46 3.4 200 urdts 0 55 3.4 200 units 0 sq.ft. 56 1.9 _ 0 100,000 sq.tt. Total 20.2 1,875 units 250,0W sq.ft. SOUTHEAST OVERTO /PARK WM '��METRORAIL H,4WT OF WAY � VmASE 1 - D C M I 56 PARCEL NUMBER PHASE 1 REDEVELOPMENT AREA REC RE D D PHI - DEVELOPMENT PP.` � 0��� 200 400 600 4 —7 47