HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-0711CITY OF MIAMI. rt_n'R!rn INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. DATE Fil E: Honorable Mayor and June 27, 1984 Members of the City SUBJECT: Commission Miami Center I & II/Bifurcated Ramp System FROM. Howard V. Gary REFERENCES City Manager ENCLOSURES. Attached hereto are copies of memoranda from the Department of Planning, Public storks and Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services which detail outstanding items relevant to the Miami Center developments. The following are the three central issues regarding the bifurcated ramp system. As you are aware, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has advised that it has reached the 30% design stage for this project and now is in need of the right-of- way. It is necessary that these issues be addressed and resolved before September of this year if construction of the new ramp system may proceed on a timely basis and while construction funds are in hand. ISSUE NO. 1: Amount of right-of-way required by Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is greater than what was shown in the Development Order. RESPONSE: Plans shown in the application for development approval were conceptual and in schematic form only; the plans were not detailed working drawings. Also, these plans differ from Figure 3, Page 10 of Resolution No. 81-840 which was passed on September 24, 1981 issuing the initial Development Order for Miami Center II, and is the plan that was recommended by the Dupont Plaza Task Force on 9/2/81 and adoptd by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (Resolution 1-81). The construction plans being developed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) are in accord with the schematic plan as shown in the Development Order. It is important to note that the Development Order stated that the dedication needed to build the bifurcated system would be what was required based on Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Federal design standards, criteria, and guidelines. 84-711 M07'l0N 1 F Mayor and Commission Page (2) ISSUE NO. 2: Height of ramp at Southeast Third Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard Way/Closure of Southeast Third Avenue. RESPONSE: In reviewing the schematic highway system plan contained in Resolution No. 81-,840, it appears that when the east bound ramps crossed Southeast Third Avenue, they were above grade, not returning to grade until mid -way the block between Third Avenue and Biscayne Boulevard. Though Third Avenue is not shown as closed in the schematic, its only function would have been to carry northbound traffic off the eastbound ramp; there would not have been any access from Biscayne Boulevard Way directly onto Third Avenue. ISSUE NO. 3: Dupont Plaza Hotel ingress/egress. RESPONSE: The construction plan, as developed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), does not allow for direct access from Dupont Plaza Hotel to Southeast Third Avenue, nor does it allow direct access to the Hotel from the expressway ramp. This is in accord with the schematic plan as approved by the Metropolitan Planning Organization and included in the Development Order. In effect, the hotel will have basically the same access it presently has; however, it is believed that there is a basis for agreement that in the event the hotel property is redeveloped, it will have the ability to be connected to and directly served by an expressway off -ramp, the same as Miami Center II Garage. S4-711.. - t ' � f l't � I � �•i _ _- -s• •; s � _ if � •� • •. 1_ fI - `.' •.a .r: 1 ' 7nTJt �� •4\ �j �. 1 `DIY '� '-I,�'' I � F':e tJJ ^ '--� yy I- • I : t '1--0 �.- r �r ' ! ' f I \ � �, � lj �` �i :� �'\, .I f I_.____'�' � d) .i 71 71 tI. I r.._. /I .' .�/`,w=-�I ,•.t: i. '�S• • L � 'II ' i�l, � �' rii 4A ' L' .I • -1 - A • �: -_c-_! - �: T_ _� '1_ t . " .7^' ��;,'�i _ • - 1 I I • ..� 1 w 1= i_s ,1'-1 r_'d I: ��1' i _� - �'� III l -L:'-' ` j� .r• li ; I �, �Cil cn +. i✓ Cal •., -' `_�_ 4 ; _ i �• -_: -ems a'T'r_=•- .-.—� _-- � ..,:. - .i_-.:"�_ _ - I _ ti; � s,.�:'. � :. _r _ tit cz JJ I 1 t• a __ 1: t1:1 a �I Ii •'T ;. t�.. 't I I `��• - a � .t� 1 '! I 1 t � tt. (•� l ' 1 f '"� l� \I �\ 1: M . ; I- 1 �. t � J / lI . t � f - ; G H __ • \ _ __ - _.—_ •tea �f�.T.a .-: ,'....:.J t� _ s ��.�I '_`"- `- _ �\t•� �. _rT���' �r� r/ iy ♦ �-..,ma's— .--_ r— _.�� t_— • \•. �♦', ..1 � \t.-_-1'� �. / � /7I �. ;%.�. /� f �• t`�.•yJ v) � •_•_tivlt.^ ,• , 17 13 . 10 / OX9 • .fit �y �9�i . � - •• RR �L 84- • 11 CITY of MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Walter Pierce Acting Asst. City Manager FROM:" Donald W. Cather ` Director of Public Works DATE- June 28, 1984 SUnJECT: Miami Center I - Compliance with Development Order REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: FILE: The develop;nent of 'Miami Center I (City Commission Resolution 79-396, May 24, 1979) required the following: 1. Dedication of a minimum 20' wide Bayfront- Riverfront 14a].kway with construction by the developer according to City standards. 2. Landscaping of the easterly end of Chopin Plaza to connect the Baywalk with Bayfront Park. 3. Pay for a portion of the construction of "interim" traffic improvements, and the "permanent" surface street improvements. 4. Construct improvements on -Chopin Plaza according to approved plans. To this date, the developer has done the following: 1. Dedicated the Bayfront-Riverfront Walkway by two separate easements. One, the Bayfront Walkway (approximately 400 feet in length), has been recorded by the City Clerk per Resolution 83-129, February 10, 1983. The construction of the Walkway surface has been completed, but there is no landscaping, benches, lighting, or street furniture. The other easement, for the Riverfront Walkway, is being held by the City Clerk in escrow, per Resolution 83-130, February 10, 1983. The Clerk is to record this easement when the construction is completed, or the year 1990, whichever comes first. Page 1 of 3 84-711 Walter Pierce June 28, 1984 The City is currently holding a surety bond in the amount of $500,000 to cover this construction, and the completion of other construction, noted below. 2. Construction of the concrete sub -base is completed. However, there i.s no landscaping, no travertine surface and no barrier gu irdrai.l . These items are to be covered by the surety bond above. The concrete curb along the turnaround at the bay projected above the surface of the concrete base approximately )I -inches. City forces placed a sloping concrete surface behind the curb to reduce the potential for pedestrian "tri_p and fall" accidents. 3. It is our understanding that the "interim" street improvements have been deleted. However, the "surface street improvements", as delineated in the "Report and Recommendations" of the South Florida Regional Planning Council included as Exhibit "B" of the Development Order for Miami Center II, are attributable to Miami Center I and II, and Southeast Bank. Paragraph 15a, page 12, of the Development Order requires the developer to "fund, bond, or provide a letter of credit" in the amount of $813,200 for surface street improvements. $481,598 of this amount are attributed to Miami Center I. We have made an allowance for approximately $52,000 for work done in Biscayne Boulevard, leaving a balance of $429,598. All amounts are in 1980 dollars. Paragraph 15b, page 12, requires that the City shall insure that the total amount above be provided prior to issuing "certificates of occupancy for any portion of Miami Center I". (See attached table for cost allocation.) 4. The developer submitted plans for Chopin Plaza which were approved by both Public Works and Off - Street Parking. Construction was completed with the exception of the final travertine surface on the sidewalk along the north side of the street, and those items mentioned in item 2 above. This department gave final inspection and sign -off on the parking area only. Page 2 of 3 84E-'711 Walter Pierce June 28, 1984 In addition, it is our understanding that the developer has not fully compensated the City for the use of the former bandshell. By agreement dated July 1, 1981, the City was to be paid $5,000 per month for the use of the area. The developer i•ra., also to grade and sod the area if negoGiati.ons with i:he City for a fountain could not be concluded. The fees for the period ending July 1982 have been paid, arnounti_ng to $6't ,750, including ;ales tax. The fees for the period August 1982 through January 1983, amounting to $31,500 including sales tax, have not been paid. Also, the bandshell area has not been graded and sodded as specified in the agreement due to our effort to negotiate with the developer to build a fountain. GVC:rj cc: Sergio Rodriguez, Director Planning Department Miriam Maer, Assts. City Attorney TABLE 3.17: C057 ALLOCATION FOG SLRFACE STREET 1 W'POvEmENI S F!in^I F!ia^ri Southeatt Crcttr I Center 11 6.�^k - -- I Interser_tIon A1.r,7 30.79 77.58 ------- AD. 31: 27.275 3-,al Surface Street IxgrCwes-�rn4s ype of r - Irprove- Cnst 5ta�c 1, f'na=_e r^rnt Fsf ir^.,1e i. Pesiripc 1-9; Cr?nn<clnr r,nd Pesurfncr 1.. A,000 1,E1r-60 1,0^jl n� r 1,.eG.40 2. Sipr.irig for 1-95, Pr;0itII And nisceyne L 10,C�0 4,C)'_1 2,727 ',O 3,21,1.00 3. Add Inrc on SF Ind Ave., 3rd Sf. - f-0W L 2 5, 0 CID 10,07C l5 6,018.75 V.107.50 A. Add Inn* iia" Ind hve, - 3rd AvA. L 1C,(x)0 E,150.40 A tf,[.On 5,185.('0 5. Add Inne d r-d. end Ave., 2nd - 3rd Sis. L 25,D�, 10,076.75 6,618,75 1q,102.50 6. S;pnnt Al 7nd St, end 2nd Ave. 1 30,000 17,A87.00 9,239.0'D 8,274.00 7. Eiisceyne Plvo., 3rd S1. - 2nd ST. L _130,000 52,409.50 35,457.5D 42,133.00 II. Rc vine Fartinp on Ev3M L E-0,Dao 24,1E9.00 16,35:.00 19,C46.00 9. Tra!fic Signal. 1 35,0.00 14 562.50 10,778.5G 9,659.00 Gates, 1i1in1enanCe, and Contingencies L 110 ODf1 4J 3�6.50 3rJ 007.50 35,651.00 Singe 1 Su5-tofa1 445,000 iP.J,746.`_-0 173,C_5?.5D IA1�091_G+J Staoes 7 t 3 t, Pesurfece cart (:es*ripe 1-95 L 5,D00 2,015.75 1,3E,3.75 1,620.50 2. 1-'t)Cify Signal 3rd S1./2nC Ave. 1 15,000 6,243.OD 4,620.0c 4.137.00 3. 3rd Ave., 2nd S1. - 3rd S1. L 90,ODO 36,763.50 24,54'.5C 29,169.00' A. 3rd St., 2nd Ave. - Eiisceyne _ L 145,000 52,45E.75 39,54E.75 46,994.50 5: 4--Cify Signal 3rd 51.73rd Ave. 1 15,000 6,744.00 A,619.00 4,137.00 6. K:c- Signal 3rd St./Biscayne 1 35,000 l4,`C9.Cr0 10.776.00 9,E53.00 7. No. Signal - SE Garage 1 35,Cr00 14,9. DO 10,778.D0 9,653.00 S. Resurface and Fesiripe 2nd St. L - A0.C}DO 16,176.00 10,91C.00 12,964.00 9. Penxwe Parking L 5,000 2,015.75 1,363.75 1.670.50 10. SE 2nd St./2nd Ave. I 10,000 4,163.00 3,079.00 2,758.00 Gates, F+aintr.m ce, and Cont'rngs-ncies L 110 ODD t4 340.50 30,OJ:_57 31.,E51.x Staoes 2 t ? Sub-iptal 5^5 000 70`. 03-.75 1t1 610 „ 115E 357.5t Project Total 950,000 3�5,27E,75 2C�,.M. 75 299.ccE.50 Contingency (75%) 237 500 9 1 319.`9 661 31S-1E 70.8E=.)2 GRt NO TOTAL 1,187.500 481,595.C4 331,590.93 374,31G.62 P i t r cnt 1b0.00 AO.56 27.92 31.52 m c r t. IAI,1% rt()9'IDN 33131 3;1.4200 t i3051 HOLYWELL Mr. Howard Gary - _ �• - . t .^ -- _ .._ . -_ -:n - - -. • ' City Manager :. - - _ G- •< ';• _ - _ .._ _ .. .. :o n' T_ CITY OF MIAMI - _..' ... _. r•rr 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. nary• -- .. ' - . _. ,; i-D - The 1-lolywell ;Construction Companj and Mr. Theodore B. Gould, ("Developer") hereby submit for your cons: io_r, on the following proposal' - for the temporary use of the south -end Band .hell _-)r of i3ayfront Park. 1. The City of Miami ("City") gran, ti to Lievelo,per 11,r 'exsive use ' of the Bandshell area of hayfr,.nt Park as c!ttlined on Exhibit attached hereto. Y 2. Developer agrees that no "batch:ng plant" will he erected on said _ property, and that the property will be used to earl: construction trailers and parking for the ernployees of Developer, its Contractor, sub -contractors, affi fates and related entities. 3. The term of this Agreement shr.11 cornmence on July 1, .198I and end on February 28, 1982, both dates inclusive. 4. In consideration thereof, Developer agrees to: . (a) Pay to the City a monthly sum of Five Thousz-.ad Dollars - ' ($5,000), said sum to be paid to the Trust ,'account - established for the Redevclopmeni of Bayfront Park; (b) Pay all costs for the derno)hion and removal of the existing Bandshell; (c) Allow the continued opera ion of the parking lot loa:ated on Block 2 of DuPont Plaza; (d) Fence the perimeter of : aid Bandshell arez. and provide ' security personnel to patt 11 said area on a full-time, 24- hour-day basis; S. The Developer further agrees that: (a) No trees will be removed from the Park area except as may be neces aiy to demolish the Bandshell; (b) No part of Bisca} nc Boulevard or Biscayne Boulevard Way . . will be closed to public Itaffic_, except, when necessary, those portions v.•hcre casements exist to install or service _ f utilaty lines, storm srwers, telephone equipment and such _ other under -street work as nay be necessary from tirne to time, �'. 6.� The City of [Miami and Developer agree to enter into _ negotiations for the funding of a fountain in the proposed _ �cG NoSuchi Park. In the went an agreement cannot I}"c reached )r 7- OS regarding the funding ofsaid fountain, Developer r,�g(ee5 that, subsequent to the cxpiration of the Agrecrncnt,5`•a'nd at the request of. the City, it will sod the area described herein. reement, Developer and"City will be Upon your acceptance of this Ag bound by the terms outlined above, for the term hercin specified. Sincerely r yoursir: 1 -J?` , HOLYWELL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ' By: Theodore B. Gould Agreed to and Accepted: TTEST: City of Miami CITY CLER By: oward Gary -- --- City Manager cl i n71:.::E r June 9, 1984 Mr. Theodore Gould Miami Center Joint Venture 300 Miami Center 100 Chopin Plaza Miami, Florida 33131 Re: Miami Center II DuPont Plaza Proiect Dear Mr. Gould: You are hereby notified that certain conditions of the Miami Center II DuPont Plaza Project Development Order (Resolu- tions 81-840, September 24, 1981; 82-71, June 24, 1982; and 84-527, May 10, 1984) must now be met by Miami Center Joint Venture. Prompt action on your part is necessary to avoid a delay in the Florida Department of Transportation design process. Therefore, compliance with the following obligations is required within thirty (30) days from the date of this letter: 1. Dedication to the State of Florida of the necessary rights -of -way now owned by Miami Center Joint Venture and required by the State of Florida for transporta- tion improvements, specifically the bifurcated ramps (I-95 Downtown Distributor Extension) including the dedication along the North right-of-way line of S.E. 4th Street (Biscayne Boulevard Way), pursuant to Condition 13a of the Development Order. 2. The provision of funds, a performance bond or a letter of credit in the amount of $971,800 (the equivalent of $813,200 in 1980 dollars) for construc- tion of surface street improvements in DuPont Plaza, less a credit of $52,000, pursuant to Condition 15a of the Development Order. 84-711 Mr. Theodore Gould June 7. 1984 Page T "70 . 3. Front-end funds in t hp nc�ltint of $1.3.96 million (the equivalent of $1.1. 0S m i_1.1.i.on i.n 1980 dollars) for constn-icti.on of the bi_" rcat e(1 ramps (1-95 Downtawn Distributor E- ten.si_011) pursuant to Condition IS of the Development Order. You are further notified that you remain obligated to perform all other conditions and requirements set forth in the Development Order. Sincer�l.;,, i H wa y City Manage HVG/GMM/bjr Certified Mail #P417 108 169 Return Receipt Requested O� .c ry {i. P o, P 417 1.08 1, RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL c, NO iNSIJP .'• - _ E ? IC 1i•�C �.w.�l:-•ram. ��h�� fscr Sent o Yheodore Gould Stree, and Nr Chop P.O., State sna ZiN Cooe Miami Florida 33131 Postage S 1 { Certified Fee Specie, De<«e-y f ev Rest*scted CCf s•y Fee Return Races' Sr-o.:.r., ;to whor anc Derr: pe'.'. iRE1u'r Fr r, i A D-�^� ate an AJ7' TOTAL PcWtge end Feoe i- Postmari or Data i .Tune 7, 1984 't `VMM M I AM I CT—NTE 0 J 1~TT VFr4nJJiE 300 Minm—i Clrz"t,a-.r 100 Chopin Vl-i7l M i am i , t" I c�:a 33131 June 12, 1984 CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Howard V. Gary City Manager City of Miami Post Office Box 330708 Miami, FI orida 33133 Dear Mr. Cary: In reply to your letter dated June 9 regarding the Miami Center Phase II DuPont Plaza Project, the Miami Center Joint Venture has not approved the proposed design of the bifurcation system and will not dedicate right-of-way prior to the final design being submitted to the Joint Venture and being approved. The present design is not acceptable. Insofar as a performance bond or letter of credit in the amount of $971,800 for surface improvements, it is my understanding that it is not necessary to provide those funds prior to the issuance of a building permit or a Certificate of Occupancy (Condition 1SB). The front -ending of funds for the bifurcated ramps is specified in Conditions I8 and 17 as amended - it is based upon arranging loans or bond purchases from appropriate governmental agencies using the increased ad valorem tax revenues. f corn the Southeast Financial Center, Miami Center I and Miami Center II in funding the improvements. "ere y urs, Theodore B. Gould Managing Joint Venturer TBG:fm cc: Umrles Zwick er 84-'711. CITY OF MIAMI, FLOPIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Howard V. Gary BATE- June 27, 1984 FILE. City Manager sU9JECT. Miami Center II DuPont Plaza Project Development Order FROM ,� , REFERENCES S g o Rodriguez, D rector arming Department ENCIOSURE5. This memorandum describes the current status of the development, obligations under, and conformity to the Miami Center II DuPont Plaza Project Development Order (Resolution 81-840; September 24, 1981 as amended). Current Status ' The prepared development allowed is as follows: Gross Bldg. Gross Leasable Area Units or Element Area (sq.ft.) Area (sq.ft.) sq.ft. spaces Office Tower (59 _ stories with elevation of 860 ft.) Office (exclusive of retail) 1,731,101 1,575,342 Condominium Tower (74 stories with elevation of 774 feet) 694 Residential Use 11490,286 Mezzanine and Lobby 141,190 Retail in Office Tower, Condominium Tower and con- necting Galleria 126,903 96,747 Garage _- Page 1 of 5 84-711 Howard V. Gary City Manager June 27, 1984 ( 15 stories with elevation of 204 feet) Parking (10 F1 . ) 1 , 733, 100 4, 000 Retail (3 Fl.) 263,520 1990104 Restaurant & Health Club (1 F1.) 19,200 Tennis Courts & Stands (1 F1 . ) 1'73, 310 TOTAL 3p645,200 No building permits have been issued; there is no development on the site. Unless substantial development is completed by July 26, 1984, the Development Order will expire (see Condition 25). Miami Center II Conditions Obligations 1 Description 2 South Florida Water Management permit 3 Air quality procedures 4 Emergency helicopter evacuation 5 Fire Department Review 6 Notification of State Historic 7 Incorporate security systems Page 2 of 5 Developer Conformity No conformity; no building has been issued. No record of permit. Superseded; permits suspended by State. No conformity; no building plans have been filed for permit. No conformity; no building plans have been filed for permit. No conformity; construction has not commenced. No conformity; no building plans have been filed for permit. 84-'711. 11 11 Howard V. Gary City Manager 0 9a 10a 11a -12a 13a Native species land- scaping Truck loading operations Joint funding of design and construction of pedestrian promenade Upper level pedestrian connection between Miami Center I and II Upper level pedestrian connection between over SE 3rd Avenue Upper level pedestrian connection to DuPont Plaza Hotel Cooperated with Southeast in Upper level pedestrian Connection to DCM station Joint funding of Upper level pedestrian connec- tion to Pan American Bank Design parameters, plan and schedule of pedes- trian circulation system elements Plan modifications to DuPont Plaza traffic system June 27, 1984 No conformity; no building plans have been filed for permit. No conformity; no building plans have been filed for permit. No conformity. (see letter of June 9, 1984 from the City Manager and June 12, 1984 from Mr. Gould.) No conformity Conformity as to submitting proposed modifications; however, no agreement with FDOT on modification; the Recommended Highway System Plan adopted by MPO Resolu- tion 1-81; January 26, 1981 has never been amended. Page 3 of 5 84--'711 Howard V. Gary June 27, 1984 City Manager .4 Dedication of ease- ments and rights -of - way for bifurcated ramps, subject to variances and condi- tions uses 14a Prepare design and engineering plans for bifurcated ramps system 15a Fund or bond $813,200 (in 1980 dollars) or 971,000 (in 1984 dollars) for local street improvements Additional DPM Station Costs 16 Construct ramps from Miami Center II Garage to bifurcated ramps 16a DuPont Plaza Hotel Cooperation 18 Front-end $11.68 million (in 1980 dollars) or $13.96 million (in 1984 dollars) for construc- tion of the bifurcated ramps if no public sector financing 19 Promote energy conservation 20 Cogeneration feasibility analysis Page 4 of 5 No conformity (see letters of June 9 and June 12, 1984 attached). No compliance; superseded by Florida Department of Trans- portation. No compliance except $52,000 credit (see .letters of June 9, and 12, 1984). Note: this condition also relates to Certificate of Occupancy for Miami Center I. No compliance. Not applicable as yet DuPont Plaza Hotel is not proposing development. No compliance (see letter of June 9 and 12 1984). No compliance; no development on site. No compliance. 84-'711 Ej Howard V. Gary City Manager 21 Incorporate energy conservation 22 Minority contracting -23 and employment plan 24 Restricted Transfer of Ownership 25 Monitoring report 26 Development Order termination 27 Filing with County 28 New complete Applica- tion for Development Approval �1A T__ ___-__ _1 t _- _ n ♦ ram w Page 5 of 5 June 27, 1984 No compliance; no building plans No conformity; no construction on site. Not applicable at this time. No reports received. No construction; Development Order terminates July 26, 1984. No record of filing. No compliance. 84-"711 0 Mr. Theodore Gould Miami Center IImited Partnership 300 Miami Center 100 Chopin Plaza Miami, Florida 33131 Re: Miami Center I (Ball Point) Development Order Dear Mr. Gould: June 9, 1984 At out, meeting of November 2, 1983, we agreed that you would be obligated to satisfy certain conditions in the Miami Center I (Ball Point) Development Order (Resolution 79--396, May 24, 1979, as amended) prior to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy. These obligations as yet unsatisfied, are as follows: 1. A covenant to provide the amount of $250,000 (in 1983 dollars) or whatever the amount of the lowest responsible bid, whichever is less, for an overhead bridge from Bayfront Park to the DPM station on Biscayne Boulevard, between SW 1st and 2nd Streets to be utilized at the time the overhead bridge is found to be necessary by the City of Miami or Metropolitan Dade County, failing which, a lien will be placed on the Miami Center II property in DuPont Plaza. (Conditions,9). 2. A covenant that an overhead pedestrian connection will be provided over Biscayne Boulevard connecting Miami Center I with Miami Center II. (Condition 6). 3. A performance bond in the amount of $971,000 (April, 1984 dollars) ($813,200 in 1980 dollars) for local street improvements in DuPont Plaza provided, however, that an appropriate proportional credit, as determined by the Department of Public Works, will be deducted for permanent local street improvements completed by the developer which are shown on Table 3.17 page 79, Exhibit "B" to Resolution 81-840 "Development of Regional Impact Assessment for Miami Center, Phase II and Southeast Bank Financial Center" prepared by South Florida Regional Planning Council December 1980. It is understood that the maximum credit for any single sheet improvement is shown in the column headed "Miami Center I" of Table 3.17 and that the credit, if any, is offset against a base of $813,200 (in 1980 dollars). (Condition 8 as it pertains to Condition 15a of the Miami Center II Development Order). Page 1 of 2�-� FICE Of THE CITY 9ikNkC-1fR 15(fll Pan Gmrnr,,n Dtive'A1 ami fln rig lll�i/rinCrS70-Fnen Note that the Department of Public Works, by memorandum of October 28, 1983 has credited the developer with $52,000 of improvements pertaining to this obligation. You are also reminded that you must comply with the various notices of building deficiencies from the Building and Zoning Division, Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department. Sincere y, Howard V. ry City Manage Certified Mail #P 417-297-840 Peturn Receipt Requested i P 411 297 840 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO MSURAN'CE CO'JE',AGE M`r'IDEO— `;OT FOR :NTERNA110NAL MAIL lSee Reverse) Sent to r{ore. GOLt�� St` N& U 0 O P. sto and ZIP ode �iS>; �L I a� Postage S Certified Fes Special Desivery Fee Restricted ! 'liver) Fes Return ReC•• Pt Showing I to whom any Date Delivered Return Rece:,,t Showin8 townom, Date, and Ac : ecs of Delivery rTOTAL Postage and f Oat $ Postmark or Date 1 Page 2 of 2 84-'711 MIAMI CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 300 MIAMI CENTER 1W CHOPIN PLAZA MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 (3051 374-6102 (305) 371-4200 June 12, 1984 Mr. Howard V. Gary City Manager City of Miami Post Office box. 330708 Miami, Florida 33133 Re: Miami Center I (Ball Point) Development Order Dear Mr. Gary: None of the conditions specified in your letter as being conditions of the Miami Center I (Ball Point) Development Order are in :fact conditions of the Phase I Development Order. Since the City of Miami has not yet issued a final Certificate of Occupancy for the construction of the Edward Ball Building and the Pavillon Hotel, it is not my intention to engage in any additional negotiations with you. We have not had a single meeting in which it has been possible to clearly define the conditions required for the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy based upon the building permits that were issued for the construction of the Miami Center Phase I. 5i erely yours, heodore B. Gould General Partner TBG: fm Attachment 84--'711 EXHIBIT J Condition 6: 6. In the event that the developer is successful in acquiring ownership of at least three of the four blocks in adjacent DuPont Plaza, then the Applicant shall consider the provision of an upper level pedestrian connection from this project to, the Applicant's future development in DuPont Plaza. Condition 9: 9. The Applicant will reserve the land located west and south of the eastern right-of-way of Biscayne Boulevard extended, and will dedicate that land to the appropriate government agency if the land is required for construction of a Miami River crossing or, in the event that such construction does not proceed, wi 1 l dedicate that land to the City of Miami for a public purpose. e 0 TO Howard V. Gary City Manager CITY Or MIAMI. FI,ORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM FRZM S gio Rodriguez, Director Planning Department DATE. dune 27, 1984 FILE SUBJECT Miami Center Limited Partnership Conformity to Miami Center I (Ball Point) Project Development Order REFERENCES ENCLOSURES: The current status of the development, obligations under, and conformity to the Development Order (Resolutions 79-396, May 24, 1979, as amended) is described in the following narrative. Current Status MIAMI CENTER I PROJECT as Approved as Built Component Phase I Office Tower 805,400 GSF 805,400 GSF Retail 85,000 GSF 85,000 GSF Hotel (630 units) 658,400 GSF 658,400 GSF Parking 1670 sp. 1145 sp.*** Phase II* Residential 324** not See constructed Parking 695 SP. 3-65 sp. *Foundation Permit is under consideration for termination by Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department. **Reduced to 324 units: letter from Mr. Gould January 21, 1983. ***1145 regular spaces can accommodate 1485 valet parking spaces. The conclusions are: 1. The developer may delete a portion of the project e.g., phase 2 residential units and parking. The Development Order limits the project, but does not require that all parts be built. A similar situation pertains to conditional use approval. Page 1 of 4 84-711 U 80vard V. Gary 11 June 271 1984 A he diser epancy between arned about t the dev eloper and Department is conce 3roffered by provided? for the This amount of parking a I and b) actually er proceeded the 8) d by the Commission However y the develop approve an, hotel. issued by the City. 'ding ,,it issu office buylid building pe va under a (mami center 1) D velopmen- e v Order' Tn'3 s Ob 1 12-- project description ct considerations: Project amenities --riverwalk tment trea _-facade and river views ..bay y landscaping --Podium and Baywalk Riverwalk easement dedication, and construction maintenance Chopin Plaza (east lend) 4. landscape treatment Upper level pedestrian i connection tDCM .n Bscayne station I Boulevard Consider upper level 6. . an connection pedestrian MiamiCenter and 11 Developer COnfor-ELt (See status [aboveD Compliance prior to issu- ance Of building permit for Phase phase unresolved Partial compliance- bay - walk surface constructed (pbaSe 1) but planter boxes are missing; a in performance bond f $5001000 the amount 0 is being held by the City to guarantee con- struction of the 2), and RiVerwalk (Phase lk easement the Riverwa being held (Phase 2) is in escrow, Partial compliance: land - surface installed; scapinS missing. No compliance June 9, (see letters Of 19B4 from City Manager and June 12 , 1984 from 14r Gould attached) ded No compliance; superseded Center 11 Devel- opment ""M"Order. (see opment of June 9 and letters June 12, 1984) Page 2 of 4 1 Howard V. Gary Conditions 7• Obligations Payment or bond for equitable share of interim traffic improvements at a time set by City - super- seded by Condition _ of Miami Center II Development Order re- quiring funding or bonding of $813,000 (in 1980 dollars) or $971,000 (in April, 1984 dollars) prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy for Miami Center 1. 8. Funding four traffic improvements adjacent to site -- superseded (see above) 9. 10. 11. r 12. Dedication of .land which allows extension of Biscayne Boulevard southerly to River Chopin Plaza parking provision. Provision of parking spaces for condominium equivalent to Dade County Zoning Code Analysis seawall impact on marine communities 13. Notice to Dade County Historic Survey of project start 14. Complex source permit Page 3 of 4 June 27, 1984 Developer Conformity No compliance; except credit of $52,000 (see letters of June 9 and June 12, 1984) No compliance (see above) Compliance Compliance Phase 2 Condominimums not started; developer may delete a portion of project (see Status above) No record of compliance Compliance Superseded: issuance of complex source permits by State suspended 8 4-71 1.. Howard V. Gary June 27, 1984 Conditions Obligations Developer Conformity 15. Construction commence- Compliance ment in two years (May 24, 1981) 16. Submission of a complete Compliance Application for Develop- ment Approval SR/JWM/vb 0 Page 4 of 4 84r71 f� CITY OF MIAMI, F't_OPIDA. N INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Walter Pierce Acting Asst. City Manager Donald W. Cather Director- of Public Works DATE- .1 u n e 2,1 , 19 8 1 FILE: SUBJECT Miami Center II (Blocks 2 ,3,11-Dupont Plaza) - Compliance with Development Order REFERENCES ENCLOSURES. Under the development order for Miami Center II , the developer required to do the following: 1. Dedicate all easements and/or rights of way required for the construction of the bifurcated ramp system of the "Downtown Distributor", 2. Provide $813,000 (in 1980 dollars) for construction of surface street improvements in the Dupont Plaza area. This covered the allocated costs attributed to both Miami Center I and Miami Center II. The above funds were to be paid prior to issuing any building permits for Miami Center II or certificates of occupancy for any portion of Miami Center I. We estimate that the value of improvements to Biscayne Boulevard completed by Miami Center I is approximately $52,000. The remaining, funds due, approximately $950,000 in today's dollars, have not been paid. The attached schedule shows the cost allocation for each project in the Dupont Plaza area. The amount attributed to Southeast Banks has been paid. 3. The developer was also required to "front end" a portion of the cost for design and construction of the bifurcated ramp system, pending public sector financing of the project. This is a moot point since public sector financing has been achieved. However, immediate dedication of the necessary right of way is necessary to ensure that.i-hese funds are not lost to other projects. Page 1 of 2 was 84-711. Walter Pierce June 27, 1984 All of the above were required in the development order for Miami Center II, and were among the items stipulated to show "substantial development" under requirement 26, page 16, of the order. GVC:rj cc: Miriam Maer, Asst. City Attorney Sergio Rodriguez, Director Planning Department Page 2 of 2 84-'711 TABLE 3.17: COST ALLOS:ATION FOR SUOrKt STt?fFT Io*__')OVFx4FN7S I 1 C^_r.`er 9 Outer 11 8++rk 1 � Intercwct iQn 1i,: Al .c,2 T?'7.79 7?,49 ink A0.315 27.275 32.41 Surface _S`re€4 rcYa !ntf TYPe VI ltnprova- Q, Itt Stagy^ 1 i't�ase 1 ra*nt Esti�?3tF � �.�._ .__..• S _ _� 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 6, F?estri�r,p 1-45 Conno for and Resurfac4 Sip -Inc fnr 1--05. E1ricEel l and Biscayne Ado Inn.t on SE 2nd Avo., 3rd St. - 96W Add lar¢ C'77,1, ;end Ave. - 3rd Ava. Ade Inne R rid. 2nj Aye., 2nd - 3rd Sts. SionAl p+t 2nd St. innd 2nd Ave. Siscry" 131vd.. 3ra St. - 2nd ST. 13emravintq Parkir,.p on Mk LA,000 L L L L 1 L L 10,000 25,000 16,000 25,000 30,000 13C,000 60,000 1,(.12_f 0 A,031.:-,0 10,078.75 6,950.40 10,078.75 12,AS7.00 52,409.50 24,1139.00 1,0?1.00 2 727.-A ` _6,018.75 { 4,3T)A,00 6,riIs. 75 9,239.02 35.457.50 16,36:.00 1,29r:..AO 3,241.00 A.102.50 5.ID5.60 11.102.50 £1,274.00 42,133.00 19.AA6.00 F`naSE 2 9. Tral4ic Signel Gates, MFOl tennnce, and Contingencies I L 35.000 110 OOO 14,562.50 44A3A5.50 10,778.5C _M 002.50 9,659.00 35 651.00 Stage 1 Sub-total44S D00 100 2A6.50 123,G62.50 141 091.00 Staoes 2 A 1. Resurface and Restripe 1-95 2. Mocity Signal arc St./2nd Ave. 3. 3rd Ave.. 2nd,51. - 3rd St. 4. 3rd St., 2nC Ave. - Biscayne 5.' Mo.',ify.Signal 3rd S1.73rd Ave. 6--Net Signal 3ra St./Biscayne 7. New Signal - SE Garage S. Resurface and Restripe 2nd St. 9. Remove Parking 10. SE 2nd St./2nd Ave. Gales, Maintenance, and Contingencies L 1 L l 1 1 1 L L 1 L 5,000 15,000 90.000 145.000 15.000 35,000 35,000 40.000 5,000 10,000 I10 000 2,015.75 6,243.00 3G.283.50 58,45f:.75 6,244.00 14,569.00 14,569.00 16,126.00 2,015.75 4,163.00 et 546.571 1.M3.75 4,620.00 24,547.50 39,54E.75 4,619.00 10.776.00 10,776.00 10,91C.00 1,353.75 3,079.0C 30 00:.57 1.620.50 4,137.pC 29,169.00 46,994.50 4.137.00 9,E53.00 9,653.00 12,964.00 1,620.50 2,758.0.) Stages 2 b 3 Sub -focal 525,000 20`.,0`:.:5 let 5gG.25 15E 35'.5: 3 Proje;t Total Contingency (25%) 950,000 237 503 385,27E,75 95 }19.59 265,272.75 65 }15,tP 299,41E.5C 7t,PE:.12 GP.AN0 TOTAL 1.187,500 481,59E,44 331,590.93 374,310.62 P t r nt 100.00 40.5 27.92 31.52 f 84-'711 - -79- CITY Or MIAP11, rl--r'Plflp- INTER -OFFICE HFM0PAr'x1nIj", To D. H. Teems, Drputy Chief DATE June 25, 1984 ME: Fire, Rescue and Tw-pection Services T)�T,-irtmrnt SUBJECT: Actiinl Status of Miami Center Phase I and 11 P PA Santiago Joy V.-Ic—Ven t ura, A.I.A. REFERENCEVO Chopin Plaza Building Official Fire, Rescue and Inspection ENCLOSURES Services Department For your information I am attaching the actual status of the above referenced projects. SJV:cl Attachment cc: L. M. Jimenez J. A. Genuardi C. H. Dul-ce Miriam Maer Reading File Inspection File 6 U LD1;VG D U9 8 -711 4 i{ ;- 171 Center ase I ttnrr y f �l) 3'3atrbing Section ti Spa has not been completed, (2) Zoning Section (a) Zoning i.s not aware of any covenant or bond being submitted to the City to gtaarantee stripping of podium parking area. (h) iSr_. Par-rsns took the par.ki.ng plans for all. areas with him. plc has to enter all missi.aig information on the plans and return them for otjr revicp. we have not received the corrected plans. (3) Fire Pr venti-on Bureau The only outstanding items in the whole complex are lease spaces a in the podium and west of The Brasserie in the office building. -These areas will have to be addressed as separated Certificates of >>pancy for tenant space smoke alarm tests will have to be made re these areas are released. (4) Mechanicil Section (a) Hotel and Office Building_ • w'indow washing apparatus has not been inspected nor has an inspection been called for by the installation contractor. (b) Podium Retail areas between office and hotel on first level have not been smoke tested. Duct from air conditioning unit for these �c;2s has not been completed. Electrical Spa not completed. (6) Building (a) Antennas on roof of office building requires building permit. Installed without benefit of permit or inspection. (b) Spa and racquet court incomplete (These items were to be separated onto different permits). (7) The Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for both buildi'tigs will expire on July 17, 1984. 84-"71.1 F ti NIPPON w L � Actual Statras 1.4?t1 Ctrop3.n Phase TT Condcmi-ni?tm T'loject Permit �t80-`? ;ni. • ti a ( r) OT1 7-e101-rrart- 1 , 1.984, the General. Contractor was notified by Mr. 71107-i,er Rc,0r , C;ri of Pu:i l di ng Inspection Section that Building Permit P80-{a584 (h) On T4-irch 7. 1-984 , ,;r Phi-l-Ti.p Yaffa, representative of the owner, requested an ext-ension of his, Temporary Certificate of Occupancy based Section 304.3(f) of the South rlori.da Bui.l.ding Code. (c) On April. 9, 1.984� 1 recommended a meeting with all interested parties to discuss this problem. t 84-711