HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-84-0695CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA T r
TO, Walter Pierce
Assistant City Manager oarE June 26, 1984 FItR:
SUBJECT: Caribbean Central American
Action/Special Funding Request.
F�zoM Dena. Spl.11man REFERENCES ,,Tilnc 28, 1.984 Commission
Director_ Agenda
Department of Community Development ENCl On>uRFS
Attached is a report prepared by Economic Development for the
June 28th agenda in connection with the Caribbean Central
American Action funding r_-egriest for their- 1.984 Miami Conference
in the Caribbean.
The Department of Economic Development feels that they are not
in a position to provide a recommendation in view of the concerns
expressed by the City Commission at the June loth meeLi_ng in
connection withthis conference.
It is our understanding that the Executive Director of Caribbean
Central American Action will be at the June 28th Commission
meeting to address the concerns expressed by the City Commission.
TO. Howard V. Gary
City Manager
FROM. Charlotte Gallogly�
Director J
Department of Economic
DATE: June 22, 1984
SURJF_CT: Caribbean Central American
Act-ion/Special. Funding Request
nEFFi?FNCES: .Tune 28, 1984 Commission
We have reviewed the information that has been provided to us by
Caribbean Central_ American Action (CCAA) regarding the City's
funding of their 1-984 Miami Conference on the Caribbean. Based
on the information contained in a letter dated April 26, 1984
(Exhibit 1) , it appears that last )-ear's conference had some
success in the continuing effort to strengthen this area's posi-
tion as a major center for international trade and commerce.
According to the subject letter, the 1983 conference brought
together approximately 2,000 business and political leaders from
across the Caribbean Basin, the U.S., Canada and Europe.
However, at this time we are not in a position to provide a final
recommendation on this project due to the following reasons:
I 1. At the June 14th meeting, the City Commission expressed
some serious concerns about the manner in which the City's
sponsorship of this event had been credited on the promotional
materials that have been produced in the east for this conference.
2. At this meeting, the Commission also requested further infor-
mation on local black participation in the event and how it
would be listed in this year's conference brochure.
-' 3. Mr. Peter B. Johnson, Executive Director of the CCAA, indicated
at the above mentioned meeting that he would meet with the
City Commissioners and would then come up with a recommendation
at the June 28, 1984 Commission Meeting as to how the two
—! aforementioned problems would be resolved.
At this time, we are awaiting the Conunission's decision on this
matter. Also, we would like to request guidance from the Commission
as to whether City funding for this event should be conditioned
upon the CCAA obtaining matching funds from the County and State
of Florida.
When the above decisions are made and if the CCAA is in substantial
compliance with the City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM 1-84
(dated January 24, 1984) which pertains to Special Funding Requests,
Howard V. Gary
Page 2
we will be in a position to prepare the formal legislation to
approve this project in time for the July 30, 1984 City Commission
Central A}'�^F
Q_: icy
April 26, 1984
Mr. Howard Gary
City Manager
P.O. Box 330708
Miami, FL 33133
Dear Iloi;-ard :
i Attached you will find copies of planning documents which describe
the forthcoming 1984 Miami Conference on the Caribbean. Budgets are,
currently being drawn up and will be forwarded within the month of blay,
as will the Touche Ross financial statements on the 1983 conference.
The miami Conference in December, 1983, building oil previous
growth, brought together about 2,000 business -and political decision
makers from across the Caribbean Basin, the U.S., Canada and Europe. A
very high percentage of the U.S. participation came from the State of
The 1983 program included the investment exposition component in
addition to the conference and was enthusiastically received by both the
Basin countries and the U.S. participants. 'Mis new concept ,gas supported
' by grants from the InterAnerican Development Bank, the V.S. Small Business
`) Administration and from the U.S. Agency for International I]evelopmcnt.
As a function of this concept, i.iterally thousands of individual appointments
were set up ben ecn businessmen and the countries' business development
A teams. The results were exceedingly positive according to the folio,, -up
confirmed by our consultants, USAID and our own survey.
Since it makes no sense to change a ,�inni.ng combination, we plan
this year to solve some obvious administrative problems but stay with
the same foi;nula of extensive market:int , quality cot.nitry displays and
systematic brokering of deals. 7-he Conference itself will focus on
current issues in business development ranging from broad issues such as
public debt to specific opportimities. A key difference will be that
the exj)ositi.on and conference will be scheduled separately so as to
spread out the larger ntuffiers of people over i full week of activity.
The attached chart illustrates this plan.
The dates for the conference are ikcember 3-7, 1984 at the Hyatt
Regency hotel in Miami.
There is little doubt the it the 141,uni Conference has evolved with
the County's cooperation iiito the prei',ier forum of the year for business
and policy development in the Carl bbc an Basin. In light of the proven
SUITE 1010.1333 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, N.W. • WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 • Telephone (202) 46&74fA • Telex 904059 WSH
track record of the conference and As productive results, C/CAA requests
from the City of Miami a grant of $25,000 to stipport the event in 1934.
This is the same 1_eti-el of support: provided in 1933.
As we di co ssecl in your office a few w erl: s 1go, the appropriate
forms h<3ve bcs^n filled o1_at to f0)1fl:-111y Referring to
your Policy memormi(I)rn dated J�immry 24, 1984 and titled
Special Funding Request, C/C:AA requests that a v:aiver be granted on item
one which requires ghat only Florida non-p)-ofi.t are eligible
for city grafts. As you know C/CJM is a. non-profit, but registered. in
the District of Col_tmmia. Otir office in Miami Goes ]lot have separate
Florida stat:i.-s.
.Also, item sever) concerns the question of as opposed
to paymcjits in advance. C/CAA needs up front working capital to undertake
a program as Large as the Miami_ Conference. I'lie City of TIi ami has historically
provided C/CAA with a grant in advance of the conference so that early costs
could be covered.. We therefore request that item sever) be v.-ai_ved and that
the full grant may be disbursed by August, 1984 if po_-sible.
I sinccrel_}- 1101)c this request can meet with the ci.ty's approval.
Clearly, should there be questions concealing the event L will be happy
to come to Mi mili to discuss them. As in the pest, C/CM mill be working
closely- with the city's trade development office to assure that Miami
will maximize its benefit from the.overall program.
Best regards.
CPeter B. Johns n
Executive Director