HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #39 - Discussion ItemCITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Howard V. Gary DATE: May 29, 1984 FILE: City Manager SUBJECT: FROM: Jose Garcia -Pedrosa City Attorney City Commission Meeting, 5/24/84 REFERENCES: Item #22, #23, #24 and #25 ENCLOSURES: (2) This will confirm receipt by this office on March 16, 1984 of a copy of Clark Merrill's attached May 15, 1984 memoranda to you with respect to the above items. By adopting Items #24 and ff25 (Park and Recreation Bond Ordinances) on second reading on May 24, 1984, and by adopting the "Housing and Redevelopment" Bond Ordinances (Items #22 and #23) on first reading also on May 24th, the City Commission apparently intends to conduct the scheduled public hearings for the purpose of receiving public input on proposed expenditures for both of these bond issues as authorized by the bond ordinances. Accordingly, we have informed the City Clerk's Office that there is no legal objection to the continuing publication of the notice of public hearings (for public input) on the scheduled dates of June 14, June 28 and July 12, 1984. The Clerk is being advised by a copy hereof that there should be no further advertisement of an original proposed ordinance to authorize issuance of $20,000,000 for the SE Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Area. This ordinance had been adopted on first reading on March 29, 1984. As a matter of �,OW law, this earlier action by the City Commission , may not e considered as having been abandoned by virtue of its decision to adopt a proposed ordinance on first readinq on Hay 24 authorizing the issuance of $30,000,000 for housing and redevelopment. Provided that the item be published by June 4, as a second readinq ordinance, the second reading can take place as early as June 14, 1984 ($30,000,000 Housing and Redevelopment Bond.). You may want to check with the Clerk's Office on this point, since Ive understand that the policy of the Clerk is to publish all deferred nonplanninq and zoning City Commission items for the next scheduled nonplanning and zoning meetinq (first meeting of the month). JGP/RFC/rr/O-M cc Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Manny Alvarez Clark Merrill /jb1�It USS i o A✓ CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Howard V . Gary DATE: May 30, 1984 FILE: - City Manager SUBJECT: City Commission Meeting, - 5/24/84, Items #Z2 - #25 FROM: Jose Garcia -Pedrosa REFERENCES: My Memo to you of 5/29/64 �. City Attorney (1) ENCLOSURES: 1€ In the third paragraph, line 6 of my memo to you dated May 29, 1984, please change the word "not" to now". The sentence should now read: "As a matter of law, this earlier action by the City Commission, may now be considered as having been abandoned by vitue of its decision to adopt a - proposed ordinance on first reading on May 24 authorizing the issuance of $30,000,000 for housing and redevelopment." JGP/RFC/rr/D-M cc Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Manny Alvarez Clark Merrill CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA l INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Howard V. Gary DATE: 5/15/84 FILE: City Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Parks=- and Recreation Bond Issue 1 �� ;- FROM: ''C5lark Me{rill REFERENCES: Assistant to the City Manager for ENCLOSURES: Intergovernmental Affairs/Cable It is recommended that the attached Ordinance providing for issuing $35,000,000 in General Obligation Bonds for Parks and Recreation facilities be presented to the City Commission for the purpose of allowing the public an opportunity to make comments to the Commission relating to this Bond issue. The attached Ordinance provides for the issuance of $35,000,000, subject to an election, for Parks and Recreation facilities as more completely described in the attached information prepared by the Department of Parks and Recreation. This follows the process established by the City Commission that will provide four (4) public hearings during the next four Commission meetings that will allow the public to provide input into the development of the Bond Ordinance. These public hearings will be held at 3:30 p.m. as follows: 1. May 24, 1984 - Miami City Hall 2. June 14, 1984 - Washington Junior High Comm. School 1200 N.W. 6th Street 3. June 28, 1984 - Miami City Hall _ 4. July 12, 1984 - Manuel Artime Community Center 900 S.W. 1st Street This Ordinance was adopted on first reading on March 29, 1984 and must be adopted on final reading on July 12, 1984 if it is to be paced on the September 4, 1984 election ballot. z 1-J -- � - 4 - 3 (Z,4 1984 PARKS AND RECREATION BOND PROGRAM The 1984 City of Miami Parks and Recreation Neighborhood Improvements Bond Program is designed to improve the park and recreational facili- ties throughout the City. The Bond Program consists of three main elements: I. Neighborhood. Park and recreation Facility Improvements $100000,000 II. Neighborhood Seimming Pool Improvements 10,000,000 III. Regional Park Improvements: A. Bayfront Park System 5,000,000 B. -Virginia Key Park 5,000,000 C. Recreation and Art Center 5,000,000 Bond Issue Total $35,000,000 The following are the major goals and objectives that will be met by this program: • I - Neighborhood Park and recreation Facility Improvements • Cost: $10,000 E000 • Goals and Objectives: o Increase usable recreation facilities at parks which have a high user demand • Increase the number of facilities to accomodate Miami's increase growth in population • Improve lightingsystems, so that recreation activities can be extended in major parks • Eliminate safety hazards • Initiate environmental protection in parks with significant shoreline deterioration • Beautify the parks through the planting of additional trees • II - Neighborhood Swimming Pool Improvements • Cost: $10,000,000 • Goals and Objectives: • Establish swimrnin as a major recreation activity in the City of Miami. o Expand the swimming season by incorporating enerav efficient heating into the design of new pools • Establish Miami as a host for major Local, State, National and International. events • Eliminate safety hazards o Reduce the operating costs associated with maintaining and operating existing pool systems 37 r7 2" Air L-1 • ZII - Regional Park Improvements (i Cost: $15,000,000 *'this funding.would initiate major improvements to the Bayfront Park System, the development of Virginia. Key into a major waterfront park, and the acquisition and development of the Naval Reserve Training Center property, located in —` Coconut Grove, into a Recreation and Arts Center • A - Bayfront Park: $5,000,000 • Goals and Objectives: o Continue the redevelopment of the downtown a Bayfront System • Coordinate the redevelopment with Bayside and other major projects which will significantly • enhance the increased usage of the Bayfront Park System • B - Virginia Rey Park $5,000,000 • Goals and Objectives: • Establish Virginia Rey as a major natural resource -based park e Establish the City of Miami's only beach facility o Create a revenue producing campground as a destination point for residents and visitors o Protect and enhance the environment of Biscayne Bay • C - Coconut Grove Recreation and Arts Center: $5,000,000 o Goals and Objectives: o Acquire the Naval Reserve Training Center property and develop a major Recreation and Arts Center • Extmand cultural and artistic opportunities for Miami's residents and visitors e Preserve and reinforce the Coconut Grove art tradition • Add the last available large open space tract of land in the Bayshore Drive corridor to the public park system 38 Howard V. Gary City Manager arl Kern Director Department of Parks and Recreation December 22, 1983 (Revised January 13,17, 1984) 1984 Neighborhood Park Improvement Bond Program The Parks and Recreation Department recommends that a $35,000,000 Neighborhood Park Improvement Bond issue be placed on the election ballot to be held in March, 1984. This bond issue would include the following major elements: • I - Neighborhood Park and Recreation Facility Improvements $10,000,000 _ • II - Neighborhood Swimming Pool Improvements 10,000,000 - • III - Regional Park Improvements: - • Bayfront Park System 5,000,000 • Virginia Key Park 5,000,000 _ • Recreation and Arts Center 5,000,000 (Naval Reserve Property in Coconut Grove) Total $35,000,000 The following discussion outlines the major goals and objectives used in developing the Bond Program. Tab A shows the improvements by parks which were utilized to develop the total Bond cost. Tab B is a summary of the proposed expenditures based on the predominant ethnic use of the parks. Tab C is a map showing the major City parks. • I - Neighborhood Park and Recreation Facility Imo_revements • Cost: $10,000,000 • Goals and Objectives: • Increase usable recreation facilities at parks which have a high user demand. • Increase the number of facilities to accommodate Miami's increased growth in population.. • Improve lighting systems, so that recreation activities can be extended in major parks. Page 1 of 6 39 1-1 Howard V. Gary City ;tanager December 22, 1983 • Eli-minate safety hazards: • Initiate environmental protection in parks with significant shoreline de=ericration. • Be=utifv the narks through the planting of additional trees. • Discussion: .• An analysis outlined in the City's recently completed .Ccnnrehensive Park and Recreation Master Plan shows • that Miami is fortunate to have substantial park land assets which -are generally scattered through- out the City. The element which limits the effec- tive usage of these lard assets is the lack of usable recreational facilities. Many of the iacil- it_es are old and include items suchasballfield lighting systems that do not work, old recreational buildings which are in poor condition, and broken and missing playground equipment, etc. Additionally, mere basketball courts, ballfields, playgrounds and other active recreational facilities reed to be added to the.existing system to acconmodate the greatly increased population demands on the City parks. The ten million dollars funded in this section of the Bond Program would significantly enhance the usable recreational facilities avail- able in the major City parks. •• .13: — Neicht^r.nccod SwZmminQ pool ITICr iV�II_'rIt i Go Cost: $10,000,0•JC, • •Goais -and Object.iv,ss; • •o Establish swimming as a major recreation activity in the City of Miami. • Exaand t-he swimming season by incorporating i solar heating, into the design of new pools. 1 • E•stabli--h Miami as a host- for major Lo-cal, State, National and International events. • Increase swimming opportunities available to tourists. • Eliminate safety hazards. • Recuca the operatina costs associated with maintaining and operating old pool sys,tnms. Page 2 cf 6 Howard V. Gary City Manager e Discussicn: December 22, 1983 e Presently, the City has nine _swim_„cina _nools plus the Jose Marti cool which is under construction. of the nine pools, Williams pool ij the only one which is less than ten years old. The remaining eight pools were built between 1.951-1954, and consequently are in bad condition. e Most o1 these cools have deteriorated mechanical systems and need new pipes, filters and electrical - fixtures. Many of the iaools have structural vrcblems and also have old restroo*,, and shower facilities which are substandard. In order to alleviate these conditions and equally important, to expand swimming_ as a recreational program, the folloving program is proposed: e Three new competitive size 50 meter pools would be built at: Hadlev, Mornina_side and Grapeland Parks. These pools would be the core or magnet pools which would service the swim.-mers and teams from the smaller neighborhood pools. Additionally, one of the 50-mat-er pcois would be specifically designed to meet oly:-pic cc-netitive standards so that Local, National and International swimming events could be hosted by the City of Miami. s Four smaller 25-meter wools would be built to replace existing pools in the following Darks: Range (for-nerly Edison), Shenandoah, Virrick and West End. The existing pools at Curtis, Gibson and Williams would be renovated and brought up to standard. The following is a summary of, the Pool Prcc-ram: r Had.lcy^ Replac:o cxist-3- nq 1:001 Morningside to Is It Grapeland New pool site 25-meter cools: Range (-rdison) Replace existing pool Shenandoah " to of Virrick: " of of West Enc! - P.enovnted pool Curt-s Renovate and add new fences Gibson of is " Is '1 Williams " nt'--.. Jose :!arti Presently un.',:r• eon..tLuc i=.. Paq 3 o' r 41 - jam 0 Howard V. Gary City Manager • III - A, B & C - Regional Park Improvements • Cost: $15,000,000 December 22, 1983 • This funding would provide for major improve- ments to the Bayfront Park System, the develop- ment of Virginia Key into a major water front park, and the acquisition and development of the Nava]. Reserve Training Center property, located in Coconut Grove, into a Recreation _ and Arts Center. • A - Bayfront Park: $5,000,000 • Goals and Objectives: s Continue the redevelopment of the downtown Bayfront System. • Coordinate the redevelopment with Bayside and other major projects which will significantly enhance the increased usage of the Bayfront Park System. • Discussion: • Presently, Miami is in the process of redevelop- ing Bayfront Park. Major elements of this redevelopment include the $6,000,000 baywalk and seawall project funded by the Corps of Engineers, the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain which will be the terminus of the main Flagler Street axis, and the Bayside project which will revitalize the use of Miami's Bayfront. The cumulative results of these projects will be a people oriented active park which will share many of the same charac- teristics with Baltimore's Harbor Place and Boston's Quincy Market. In addition to serving as the center piece and symbol of Miami, the park's successful completion will also generate significant economic development through the creation of new jobs and expanded employment opportunities due to the increased spending of residents, office workers and tourists in Bayside and the adjacent Central City. • The total cost of the Bayfront Park portion of this project is approximately 520,000,000 not including the already funded 16,000,000 Corps of Engineers baywalt:. 'Thy r5,000,000 funded in the Bond Pronra.m will enable the City to complete mucl7 of the cark i i::'rastruc- ture and cren saace areas adjacent to the bavwalk. The Bond funds can also b` us.ed as the City match when applying For coy:ernmental A67 U c Howard V. Gary City Manager December 22, 1983 • B - Virginia Key Park: $5,000,000 • Goals and Objectives: • Establish Virginia Key as a major natural resource -based park. • Establish the City of Miami's only beach A acility. o Create a revenue producing campground as a _ destination point for tourists visiting Miami. • Protect and enhance the environment of Biscayne Bay. • Discussion: • Virginia Key is one of the last remaining large open spaces on Biscayne Bay. The City of Miami owns approximately 650 acres on Virginia Key of which approximately 500 acres are suitable for a regional park. The development of this park would provide Miami with its only beach facility as well as making available expansive picnic and festival grounds, camping areas and nature trails. The recently completed master plan for Virginia Key has a preliminary cost estimate of approxi- mately $10,000,000. The $5,000,000 provided in the Bond Program would allow for the development of the beach area and supporting facilities. Because of the availability of numerous grant programs to develop natural areas such as Virginia Key, a significant portion of the Bond monies would be utilized as the City's match in applying for these funds. • C - Coconut Grove Recreation and Arts Center: $5,000,000 Goals and Objectives: • Acquire the Naval Reserve Traininq Center property and develop a major Recreation and arts Center. • Expand cultural and artistic opportunities for Miami's residents and tourists. • Preserve and reinforce the Coconut Grove art tradition, • Add the last available large open space tract of land in the Bayshore Drive corridor to the public park system. Pace 5 of 6 W, �L:F. i Za i Howard V. Gary City Manager cg December 22, 1983 e Add needed classroom meeting spaces and indoor recreation areas to accommodate Miami's expanded e Discussion: e The Naval Reserve Training Center, located in Coconut Grove between Tigertail and Bayshore Drive, has approximately three (3) acres which would become available to the City of Miami for acquisition when the Training Center relocates to new facilities. This land is adjacent to other publicly owned lands and, most importantly, is the last available large tract of land remaining in the Bayshore Drive corridor. The acquisition of the Training Center site would enable the City to develop a major.Recreation and Arts Center. This Recreation and Arts Center would provide greatly expanded cultural facilities for Miami's residents and visitors. In addition to preserving the last remaining Bayshore Drive open space, the acquisition and development of this site would also preserve and reinforce the artistic traditions which have historically been a unique feature of Coconut Grove. 44 19U4 Nt1tlNlUtaKIOD pN4R IMl'IKMl11Tr MID PIXaGIV44 S»ral im lwks,fen- Site, etitaal 1.71:itizr- [rrar,tii Plal._ Mnnking Now than atrl 1;.vcicrarnL 7trtal citr3, 1Rn•- Gyre ;�xartnrlcld uufl" Ix"Is a4cxuxi ricrs. S Co m-t atxl mxt Cart txpanalon luilJing .. rccrcnt Park 1'rt p- lOrk, fur- surfacing Irrigation Lighting n,:nt niture ----- �- 500,000 500,000 0 0 African 0 0 0 Fu Squire t_ 50 meter 2,155,000 l p,nrles 20,000 20,000 15,000 200,000 1,900,000 ti? tta<llc} S 130,000 1'; t�sn�n ! 10,000 2G,000 100,000 Cil} (( --- ----- 25 meter I,750,600 1,OOa,000 l 3e 20,000 10,000 480,000 200,000 �j 20,000 20,000 0 rretcr ,3 n.,r,<a. ---- 2,4oa,oao -�` 290,000 1,900,000 200,000 w tt:rnin:sir', 10,000 170,000 590,000 fa0r000 ` g0,0a0 50,000 50,000 200,000 t' 20,000 100,000 _ 20 000 50,00o lo,000 I Gitsun rr `y ----- - 60,000 �400,000 100000 100,000 20,000 t Ij ,100,000 t -----" 5,000,000 5,000,000 500,000 50,000 is p^rnaS --'^--""'--- ____--,_,_-..-.. JO GCO S05,D00 200,000 300,000 t5,000 10,004 30,000 ----"'� I n Rilks, ren- 1984 RETClOQR1MD PARK IM'Rf -7-INC WNU 11IMPN4 Site. 5r)r►;1ltr_ mrtuxl Hors, Site G xrrt and ix)rtsCicld nuilding !kw Swinming Iti , t»- U;1�ri Park lJlC1�p_ Ir�rk, Rrr- Surfacing Irrigation aril C nirrt Expansion wilding I'cx�I Uon onil I rvcic�ncnt 7t>tal Want Lighting Perwyvation Wia mm-nt niturc Fern Isle 20,000 200.000 60,000� 300,000 myore 300,000 400,000 700,000 Virginia Vey 5,000,000 5,000,000 Grrrve Re- creatirm b 5,CCC,000 5,000,000 t±r t_Lssntec Vari rr is Security Fencirx3 400,00 205.000 240,000 1,245,000 400 , 000 "Ai, 275,000 550,000 540,000 225,000 3,100,000 1,265,000 590,000 10,000,000 590,000 17,735,000 35,000,000 n.., �PP4� .:.n� 9�q�Pv'4�ud"tlPF���re�+uki91, .. �{� ., �r?r�,?� ,Bo�'79�9R �i,��9�k�r.q.:lll�lal�l81a7p�111ra1�'I@plCrCrlvil�iiiu�el•Iror�il lu nail e ,.,r�a ,�,_. 1904 NUtt710( !WD PA11K 11�TT1t21M 1XfN t'Ixli'/J4 9rnr^1 Irr. Walks, Fen- Planting Site, Srrin St�l:iliza- G•:cr�il flap- cite, ttu'- Gvr Stnrt,firld nuil,ling 1>nN Lion arrl tr_vctcrrcnt 7�rtal yt'nurxl ricrs, Site Court alul nn<1 Court ' Lxpannion lntllding Pt»ls Pat !%NIP" Irrigation fThancci�nt lurk, 1Ur- Surfacing 9 t,iyhtinry mcnt niturc 25 Tutor 200,000 1,565,000 flizatxtlt 50,000 100,000 200,000 1,000,000 Virrick 15,000 300,000 700,000 CCCiii Virrick 400,000 fff;mtCc�.,st i� S:p,,[3 i711J. 200,000 X Aticc! 190,G00 icS ti'lirm-riiht 10,000 75,000 205,000 Ik.n,l^rs^n 10,000 50,000 20,000 50,000 100,000 43cw or.,rrt^ [k ll 20,000 65,000 15,000 Co.., I t 5 25 meter {t _ 1,000,000 120,000 1,185,000 ;}ten-vrh*d, 10,000 30,000 25,000 50 meter I 1,900,000 1,`300,000 --- 50,000 430,00C tL't_ lint 20,000 250,000 50,000 ti 11„t, 20,on0 so,000 25 mctrr 1,225,00( I� tacst i'.n1 � 15,000 20,000 10,000 180,000 1,000,000 200,000 465,00( a Al! q.,ttnkt 15,000 20,000 200,000 C,an'a,*'!; 70,000 1n,Onn _ -- -_- ,t On, OM : 'A i t+'tl Zn,non 2nn,ann In0„ nn 30,000 10,000 30,000 30,000 250,000 Curl is li TM ::$I: SUMMARY OF PARK NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS BY PREDOMINANT ETHNIC CO'IPOSITION OF USERS BLACK African Square 500,000 Overall Redevelopment _ Demolish amphi- theater, booths, play area and wading pool, refurbish basketball court, develop new playground, fit core, half court, site furnishing, planting. Charles Hadley 2,155,000 _ New 50 meter pool complex, additional site furniture, football field lighting, sod and planting, parking lot surfacing. Lemon City 130,000 Game court surfacing, planting and irriga- tion, court lighting. Athalie Rance 1,750,000 Game Court surfacing, ball field lighting, building expansion, new 25 meter pool, new playground. Theodore Gibson .100,000 Pool fencing, new playground, court surfacing, planting and irrigation. Williams 4001000 New basketball court, building expansion, swimming pool renovation, field lighting, new playground. Elizabeth Virrick 18565,000 Game court resurfacing, sports lighting, building renovation, new 25-meter pool, new playground. = Total improvements in predominantly 6,600,000 Black User Park--. LAT I N Roberto Clemente 590,000 New playground, game court surfacing, planting, irrigation and building expansion, sports lighting. Douglas 585,000 Game court surfacinq, ballfield lighting, new playground, new building, site furnish- ings. Page 1 of 3 rI&I Henderson , Game court surfacing, court lighting, buildin5 expansion, new playground, planting and irrigation. Orange Bowl Courts Two new lighted basketball courts, resurface two existing courts, new playground, planting and irrigation. Shenandoah New 25 meter pool, new playground, planting and irri.cation, court resurfacing. Grapeland New 50 meter pool with diving well and competition support facilities. West End Game court surfacing, ball field lights, new 25 meter pool, new playground, court resurfacing, planting and irrigation. Curtis Game court surfacing, ball field lights, swimming pool renovation, new playground, site furniture, planting and irrigation, shoreline stabilization. Fern Isle New playground, overall improvements and ball field lighting. Total improvements in predominantly Latin User Parks. MIXED Morningside New building, new 50 meter pool, boat ramp improvement, shoreline stabilization, new playground. Lummus Overall redevelopment - lighting, walks, building renovation, planting and irriga- tion Virrick Gymnasium Total renovation of gymnasium, including restrooms, locker area and boxing gym. Parks and Recreation Deoartment building renovation. Page 2 of 3 TAB "B„ 205,000 100,000 1,185,000 1,900,000 1,225,000 670,000 300,000 6,760,000 2,400,000 500,000 700,000 49 Alice Wainwright Replacement of damaged bulkhead, new playground. Robert King High Sports field lights, court resurfacing, campground improvements, bridge replace- ment, neTa playground, building renovation, planting and irrigation. Allapattah-Comstock Ball field lights, new playground, court resurfacing, planting and irrigation. Moore Ball field lights, completion of overall redevelopment. Total improvements in predominantly Mixed User Parks. VARIOUS PARKS Sports field and court lighting, security fencing, building improvements. Total neighborhood improvements including pool improvements. Bayfront Park System Continued redevelopment of Bayfront Park Virginia Key Develop a major natural resource based park. Coconut Grove Recreation and Arts Center Acquire Naval Reserve Training Center property and develop into a Recreation and Arts Center. - TOTAL BOND PROGRJk%I Page 3 of 3 TAB "B" 200,000 430,000 465,000 700,000 5,395,000 1,245,000 20,000,000 5,000,000 51000,000 5,000,000 $35,000,000 50 TAB "C" \ wM.r � �r Ee .•M: e.... rN. .� , L __,Aaar.MLFt;^(ems H'» Y ARWI rr..y+� #. \, 'P'• � IF� a 77-7 77-77 ~ ;• i.-. CITY OF MIAMI • PARKS 7 1984 PARKS AND RECREATION MEIGMBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS 130ND PROGRAM The 1984 City of Miami Parks and Recreation Neighborhood Improvements Bond Program is designed to improve the park and recreational facili- ties throughout the City. The Bond Program consists of three main elements: I. Neighborhood Park and Recreation Facility Improvements $10,000,000 II. Neighborhood Swimming Pool Improvements 10,000,000 III. Regional Park Improvements: A. Bayfront Park System 51000,000 B. Virginia Key Park 5,000,000 C. Recreation and Art Center 5,000,000 Bond Issue Total $35,000,000 The following are the major goals and objectives that will be met by this program: o I - Neighborhood Park and Recreation Facility Improvements o Increase the number of usable recreation facilities o Improve lighting systems o Eliminate safety hazards o Initiate environmental protection in parks with significant shore- line deterioration o Beautify the parks 0 II - Neighborhood Swimming Pool Improvements o Replacement of unusable pools, renovation and new construction result- ing in 3 competition and 6 standard size pools o Establish swimming - as a major recreation activity o Expand the swimming season with energy efficient heating o Host major Local, State, National and International swim- ming events o Eliminate safety hazards S:� -- o III - Regional Park Improvements o A - Bayfront Park: o Continue the redevel- o Increase the usage of the opment of the Bayfront Bayfront Park System Park System o B - Virainia Key Park: o Establish Virginia o Create a campground Rey as a major for residents and natural resource- visitors based park o Establish the City's o Protect and enhance only beach facility the environment of Biscayne Bay o C - Coconut Grove Recreation and Arts Center: o Acquire the Naval o Add the last available Reserve Training large open space tract Center as a major of land in the Bayshore Recreation and Arts Drive corridor to the Center public park system o Expand cultural and o Preserve and reinforce artistic opportuni- the Coconut Grove art ties tradition 53 ffjv�___ C C] N 1984 PARKS AND RECREATION 17EIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS BOND PROGRAM The 1984 City of Miami Parks and Recreation Neighborhood Improvements Bond Program is designed to improve the park and recreational facili- ties throughout the City. The Bond Program consists of three main elements - I. Neighborhood Park and Recreation Facility Improvements $10,000,000 II. Neighborhood Swimming Pool. Improvements 10,000,000 III. Regional Park Improvements: A. Bayfront Park System 5,000,000 B. Virginia Ecy Park. 5,000,000 C. Recreation and Art Center 51000,000 Bond Issue Total $35,000,000 The following are the major goals and objectives that will be met by this program: o I - Neighborhood Park and Recreation Facility Improvements o Increase the number of usable recreation facilities o Improve lighting systems o Eliminate safety hazards o Initiate environmental protection in parks with significant shore- line deterioration o Beautify the parks o II - Neighborhood Swimming Pool Improvements o Replacement of unusable pools, renovation and new construction result- ing in 3 competition and 6 standard size pools o Establish swimming as a major recreation activity o Expand the swimming season with energy efficient heating o Host major Local, State, National and International swim- ming events o Eliminate safety hazards 54 11 T ■eneomen o III - Regional Park Improvements o A - Bayfront Park: o Continue the redevel- o Increase the usage of the opment of the Bayfront Bayfront Park System Park System o B - Virginia hey Park: o Establish Virginia o Create a campground Key as a major for residents and natural resource- visitors based park o Establish the City's o Protect and enhance only beach facility the environment of Biscayne Bay O C - Coconut Grove Recreation and Arts Center: o Acquire the Naval o Add the last available Reserve Training large open space tract Center as a major of land in the Bayshore Recreation and Arts Drive corridor to the Center public park system o Expand cultural and o Preserve and reinforce artistic opportuni- the Coconut Grove art ties tradition .55 7�l REVISED 5/15/84 IGA/cm ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SUBJECT TO THE ELECTION HEREIN PROVIDED FOR $35,000,000 PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES BONDS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE COST OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, DEVELOPING,EXTENDTNG, ENLARGING AND IMPROVING PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATION FACILITTES IN THE: CITY OF MIAMI, INCLUDING FACILITIES PROPERLY APPURTENANT THERETO, THE ACQUISITION AND THE IMPROVEMENT AND FILLING, OF LAND FOR SUCH PURPOSES AND THE ACQUISITION OF EQUIPMENT THERFOR; PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES TO PAY SUCH BONDS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. For the purpose of paying, with any other available funds, the cost of acquiring, constructing, developing, extending, enlarging and improving public PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES in the City of Miami, Florida (the "City"), including facilities properly appurtenant thereto, the acquisition of land for the construction, development, extension, enlargement or improvement of such facilities, the improvement and filling of land for such purposes, and the acquisition of equipment therefor, there shall be issued, under the authority of the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, including particularly the Charter of the City and tha Municipal ;iome Rule Powers Act (Chapter 166 of the Florida Statutes, as amended), ani subject to the election hereinafter provided for, bonds of the City in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding Thirty Five Million Dollars ($35,000,000), such bonds to be issued at one time or from time to time and to mature, in the years and principal amounts respectively as follows: Years After Years After Date or Dates Principal Date or Dates of Bonds Amount of Bonds 2 $380,000 14 3 410,000 15 4 450,000 16 5 500,000 17 6 560,000 18 7 620,000 19 8 670,000 20 9 740,000 21 10 830,000 22 11 910,000 23 12 1,010,000 24 13 1,100,000 25 Principal Amount $1,220,000 1,360,000 1,500,000 1,640,000 1,820,000 2,020,000 2,200,000 2,460,000 2,690,000 2,980,000 3,290,000 3,640,000 W_ .....M— 0 to it being estimated and declared by the Commir,oion of the City (the "Commission") that the probable life of said facilities is more than twenty-ftve (�?5) yemrn mfter he cnmpIe�inn 01' acquisition and construct -ion of said rncilitien. Such bonds sbRII he in the denomination of 4115,000 each or any integral multiple thereof, shall bear interest at n rate or rates not exceeding the rate provided for by statutes of the State of Florida, obmIl he in such form and shall be executed by such officers of the City or any financial institution and in such manner, as the Commission shall provide by resolution adopted prior to the issuance of the bonds. The bonds shall be issued as fully registered bonds; provided, however, that if the Federal law, which presently subjects to Federal income tax the interest on municipal bonds that are not in fully registered form, should at any time be repealed or nullified, tbe bonds may then be issued as coupon bonds or as bonds registered an to principal only or as to both principal and interest, or in any other form, consistent with applicable law, as the commission shall provide by resolution prior to the issuance of the bonds. Section 2. The Commission reserves the right to make all or part of such bonds redeemable prior to their respective maturities at such times and prices and under such terms and conditions as may be fixed by resolution prior to the male of any of the bonds. Section 3. For the prompt payment of the principal of and the interest on such bonds, there shall be levied and collected annually an ad valorem tau upon all taxable property within the CITY, over and above all other taxes authorized to be levied by the CITY/ sufficient to pay such priDcipaI and interest as the same respectively become du* and payable. Section 4. & special municipal election is hereby called to be held on Tuesday, the 4tb day of September 1984, for the purpose of' submitting to the electors of the CITY, authorized by law to participate in such election, the question whether such bonds shall be 1u�ued. Section 5. Pursuant to applicable provisions of law, this ordinance ohall go into effect immediately upon its passage and shall not be subject to the right of referendum. PAGE 2 ' PASSED ON FIRST READING BY TITLE ONLY this 29 day of March, 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING BY TITLE ONLY this day of , 1984. ATTEST: MAURICE A. FERRE Y 0 R RALPH G. O G E, CITY CL R LEGAL REVIEW: BERT-f.-- LARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JOSE R. GARCIA-PEDROSA CITY ATTORNEY PAGE 3