HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0693J-84-546 R84=630 6/14/83 RESOLUTION NO, 84-693 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING; AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $37,000 FROtI THE SPECTAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONT T.N ',E.NT FUP1D, TN SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM OF THF, 1,ATTN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: OF T11E 1114 TTE1) ST A T F, S ( CAMACOL ) FOR PREPARATTON, COORDINATION AND SUPERVISION OF THE FIFTH H EIMISPHERIC CONGRESS OF LATIN CHAMBER) OF C019MERCE AND INDUSTRY TO BE FIELD SEPTEMBER 5-8, 1984 IN MIAMI, FLORIDA; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAtT ADMINISTRATTVE POLICY NO. APM-1-84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984; SAID ALLOCATION BEING FURTHER CONDITIONED UPON THE SUBSTANTIAL, RESOLUTION OF THE OUTSTANDING AUDIT FINDINGS IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY IN A14 AUDIT OF THE FOURTH HEMISPHERIC CONGRESS PROGRAM; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MA14AGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH SAID ORGANIZATION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. An amount not to exceed $37,000 is hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund, in support of the program of the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States (CAMACOL) for preparation, coordination and supervision of the Fifth Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry to be held September 5-8, 1984 in Miami, Florida. Section 2. The herein allocation is conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM-1-84, dated January 24, 1984. Section 3. The herein allocation is further conditioned upon substantial resolution of the outstanding audit findings identified by the City in a audit of the Fourth Hemispheric Congress program. CITY COMMISSION MEE'i'ITvG OF JUN e8 1994 RCMP.{'nS Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with said organization, to implement the herein allocation. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of June , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE, MAYOR -- ATTEST: RALP G. ONGIE, CITY CLE P EPARED AND APPROVED BY: t ROBERT F. CLARK, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: • r J GARCIA-PEDROSA, CITY ATTORNEY TOR T Commerce from the United states, In total, twenty-five nations from the Western Hemisphere will attend the event. The objective will be to continue strengthenin� the Dade County area as P mojor center for international trade sand touvism, The Gi ty I s contr i hut ion of 000 11111 be lit, i 1. ? /:-'d to cov,'r ,Such expenses as printing, Lrovel, rental and purcha3e of oln jpNnnt n Lc Sine3nme of Q m a expenses have already been incurred by the PHOn ChNmber of GowAnrce an! hnve been temporarily C 0 M 0 r C (1 1) ,,, (-) I., 11•--, 1- fund i"I", "OUr"C"; w1lic}l I i:,_] s t b r! reimbursed, the effective data of this contrNiri ot will he Viry I 1984. It should he noted that since thy- City' a internal Aujit VInartnent is in the final stages of completing an nuALL. rep"rt Qn last year's Fourth HeMpheric Congress, this resolution is Mng propozod with the understavding that no monies will he disbursed unLil all outstanding audit issues are rc5olved to the City': satisVcLion. CG/ A R Qu Attachments No 4 Tj Howard V. Gory June 22.; 190; FMQ City Manager . Latin Chnnher of Com— merce V Hemispheric Con<<res; Charlotte Gallogly(`r Director June 26th Commission Department of Econom�1- ic D volopment Meeting Agenda "It is recommended that; the City Commission approve the attached resolution authori zin,; City i-tana_?r to execute an agrf,amont b,t•,,_ !n the Ci.ty and t,'?'. Latin of Ghe United 5tILY P& " Ar ,) f'r)i' t h(! preparnthon "nucJ1quKinn aid ._„p cvTw.P!l of the , l V k h I i o v i . p h a r i 1 i n n g r; s; Of Latin C1r_.:,. Oi• Cn,, , . _ -)nI I n,i1r'y to b`.. In,-, Id 5 -`p4.'iV o Y ')' - , 1'iA1 111 'i i -.'Ili, Florid; ; .- �:11)r;�i•;-,,11 b,i�1 with Ci ty or Ki a i Adni ;l..._ _.r a V i va Pol icy said n1 l_ocat i _ln h�!D ; CaUhcr _olidWoned upon the :;'.. h3t".'in`, , ._1 r . ! Ili• i_on oC 11,l . out.star,'17_ng .'-i).t l i.n(i I (lE i_l by the City in an audit DF the ,'ourQ-; Heminph _ri , ConEr'ress ProW '.ls. Funding in the amount of 07,003 is availabla in th Special Progr=s and Accounts Contingent Fund.'' On June 141 1584, the City C:ommiasion passed ;lotion Rn 84-630 approving in principle the Latin Ch_ tuber of Co;mnerce's request for funding, or the nnn" _ event, the Fifth HemiSpharie Congress of Latin ?* } er" C ) " C irr! , try and Pei�lr1an r? Secretariat Program C h. ,„ J �� ., o f �. c .r,:.: r c .. and I �. � L; , �• t l_ (PS ) :jai) juaL to tho amity itia11n;ar and Uhm ot'npnlz tioo wjocessfully re s a v i n g olltsi',=;W o n ';1_!i.tkr s of conparn Lo t.ho .,'-ty. As the attached Spacial F'andinE IFoinn (Exhibit 1) i.ndicL_ .t -s, the Lhr'ee-:I _?y subjeco jo!1gres s w i.11_ be held in Miami from Se?i.t:mber 5th throigh the `:nth, 1924 4 . The City of Miami h,.s funded this pr•ograc; since 1930. The Congress will brine to Miami members of key Chambers of Commerce of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as, Latin Vhat0ers of 84-693 3 �3 of c o r r o r I :I z I i- C, 1 of zi n. zn c lb, A (Ild is I.-' i 7 ✓r la: s I n o pre-) ud .1, -1 ;,:i it c -1 C. r o c ,.,I r -.3 -A.,) ri, i r 'Lllr� Wl PCI ill. MI -I -',I. I s c 2) ctnd Co:: in r, (I S r- i c s p, t a r- i f' typ:a of sz�rvico an -i $ v u auJ eF;1p r n gc1tde cby-d,par6 n 5 i o 1.1 Facility r o o Ll NO h U 1 t rj r f t C. 84-693 ,. r: r" 'lip') � •- ?... _.. .. _.•.. .. .. ... .. .. t. ..._ ...i :.. ..:i :1z1t_ �,:t l•c:'.::'. '.: ti rJ a_il.. t.!� t!is r. f;. Sv:.' . ? is ::_... .. .-:}i, ... �'_:i ...•': �!'. �;:Uil i•I. � Ot� is l!i1 Ci:i. Tl: �, li? •:.�_ (fir: .. (;c: Li:'_ �i.�i..•'�. �'1'): ,lt;:, .'? .)::-- ::)".... _':CU:::::� '�. L.._. o m Z3 ;:ion r c ' a o O n?,Lr- C:U' .•rn f'rc:, r _ _.: ..rt .it; c c 1:..`.:;,1:vr1-1;, 1 , tl� r1 l.i Ur• 1.-.:t._ i)rr: 'I 1<' f t.� �. �. li 1'-�:1:? hl,:i T.-� ,. iy T•1 , .. �.�•: "� �.:l.�y_. .•(:i'. ii:l'_i c !; t, l``-! _ ., _. r'�.'IL:i11!:..i r' �' j•:':) � ..i: /�.,: . � ' j� T. l i i.V` iJ Ga.. i _::i'. C_"J'Ili. f !)1•L�i ,:. iil. C.:? i? �U:_t_ 7�. :ii:'_c: ion z; :71:r:I;r! i't 2.11:.LC'2 (' i'_ So :, C)ill orga!:}.z,a(•10t11 : capability to ?rl ai CC: Jf t:1v_- I1.S.t1. rl,]:, j.;"_'E.'il :1�C.' '::•^.i: i.i,._ �1'`:('..tt1 ...`l�l�; i! is .,I .a? :t •'I:it ,1 :.:� .-i i.. oL T ?'•.`ihE., !..t':,r .'1 If:ton pl'Ut:1,:= ' _n is"LI ili!4•_ C'U: .•:l 1 ii: C1�:� ail: `.'.. i`...Yi.. :rich ciil it .ncl, or (t'c: .. ' i. -. Q i f!::1'.. .. 1 i'o::, :..^ j 1 12 :•l is .•�! - _ .. i).r -_ �� �- 41 1 i i , A) ret­ L: 3 31 0 0 CIA' 2) ri.:.%) t: c. Et r it(!e C, 0 v I rJ c v il 11c.") OF: Ik.­.I 1i`111 c C(III,, of 3) Amo t I[! �: I'(; qu C! An For Cc)nZ1,i:css $37 b A, For Peri-.,.anent Secretarlat 93,0,-).0 PA 1.0:t.il V. 1 0 84-69"' TERM: INWIFt wwi � The - Fi t Lh On i Linh vr L"w_ ; yq La t In CI -Cm-qyY s b'r Y i. i c,! i,.� Li! LWn 0: .1a1... c)r goal of thy congreA9 i i r. -r And LPSAM! WK11 NQ U:n n ij- C 7t:o various Lot to W�r Z �wij v,4; i in !�j t in, th 1 i 1; it AL lha &OnY tip.,!, LEO Perwan -nL 5prA cLariAj q: ji, 17CAQW1 . This )N'W­ln_Aj S( '� r. ! ;- j., raproms" a 1 lwu� L o n c�­, q Ircr C;tr rvwO Ut i Ono c"I ca, I K 1 Alowni or an it i4n ni". wr ;.l.t Ti-. v! projon! ;Al V MAJA IaLc j,hw eqtaol ;_ vf 1;•0. Conn: ol. Ow TERM: 11c OWK PIW Vt. th" PerawnY S?crwtarQL .for tli'! DE t1te 1c';17: I Q83--.1 i'E-' fol1'w'.'!;: To ;' !;Yz;tc1:il t:ci privur WOustry Of Win M. rjcv, tho UNDWITI, n:1(1 e:q Ininlin,j Llici.r trade opportunUMN. Jn eevaMpOg nNK01 inted 0M ;!;rctmvn" with thq 01,W71010A OF :Zloriw7n AI(X) 10 J t imp hy 0; 5-AM) i %I, i 11fornno ion S c W-1 tit L h 0 U . I L 1. o 11 (1 2) T n e t 1! 10 (21 .Ai InKazy of LaLL11 America, Me Stribbe-an, alni !Atil: (11 'n'­!rS it! tho 84-693 c! _wi of L Q L; iuw; LIM will l V:Z­ 1*. :.n skills of NuMissawnt Ercwt LAcJ:! ia%:_-i ie.,. f r J T C, A I r tl,., I -I -:,t; L arc. pl. .7 -I thf. t, o I C i f; Lta C, . u Lt) V ht- G j. Tt: 7.3 1,y t:l!.-. pr,-, t.lif- Z: !-It o f dt:aI as it: lri rf ", Ll f y 1!1c t--, C. Ci. rl Pe n I- S r have L-. 11 t lir"i t: y L c. L t. t: h i,; L kcal" t o ii,,j 1. 11 Oh v a. To p I an n 1) romcj L u anal conkc' uc. L Hic Fifth 14. t'iai.Fnplh C-- ric Co n..,,rt s. o lu If n o ', Com--:4.! i%: ct aitl T w" ry m I). To the Lilf., Fout",li Congrez;7'. c. To plz!-: and Lit.-, cl To s v ':-oil pri V(t!_v -;c- iu i.c. A;m-:-.,.,cn .nncl the Cit " ib') -,a*.i u" r!-, Hit: 11 it S t-c ret Z, t as tlti! C.-.C.Cutive buivil­ of Lljc! it 1 r u t C) n:; Lf ! I -I. L f E.,: t ': I. :;-tr, ' of " !!..! -, ,f, 1 n -. *: - t":! :!rlo; 1 -, clI-,:;ll) -_-rs vc) f -C i I i.r• c! ro ial op;- ttv!it is 1. 110� i r r. 84-693 A,; f Lv i t t 2, TERM: �`. i:...,s' f...!r (�;) ;.:1: i:.. rl:. t.t•:L .'+.:� (1 7_) .. _. '):.::� a= ti:e I L']' t+. Tr. i t!•, i....., it C,F J::1 1.9;>/; t:,t(: -)t', ,. ..:i2:1_ S^cl:ct_at W L t I J, 41• Ui, J1.1 �.,'''(1C: �:(. :iit:, � '•+ t:it !� `.i: '.i. lJ'. I�:J t .. 1. li a.l. ..o / _ 'L r"• .. ... . .. S C.rota: 1: 1., an ('oo- f! .il.-a? .. ti: _ itCi:l'Ja �.• 1�... Itt�, t-!1 .ic);,4t! C)(. T:fj �' •ft:'t_f/�•'.'(, .i()�' tti:. .)i�X..:.,:t+l._ C,11 a.. Zc;::A I:atir...' i 1: .1 I ('L'_i.. ( l i 11' .4: ... i..'C•:..'1` 1 O:." ''.:its "1 �.. ..[ .:('t t it .. C.U: -;C•i 'pa _ 1•l . U: is .. i:'• U:. .._.'(!I ...)�_ I :).: a't (.'•1 tll).L)' ,'1: .. il�..... .: ('i`a +,�.LL_.. ) ..i;.. C:f tic',)c coI:�..'!,: CI_ _ Ui. C:Oi.. .: i:C :':'ICl !t.'i:.,:ti: V 'v...11, L:. 1N'?(l a.. •_ •t C),.: i!� IIU: i•] . ' _ C. h.-1.:�" r:... ISOili:I1`. C1(•.t::i:/)il'.'I•'_i�:.�t.'.::�:c .', �.iC��i t1ii' ... ....-._...'.IiI: ;,,; ;j".'! _. _r.'_ :;r:t) i ...11.l. (`'�.4�1i71i_. [l:i t:Ui?� •L'.,.. Z!1'.: i.. li[a?..__ a' tt ,t n.� f 1)1Ir1.t':,'�' t i:i P.!va llt. Ctj ��Ci Clt)f r �:..:U'.I' ..^CR: C_[itY:...!' .it �. t:.l;. Cc,:.ii).il.a 1! l?�: I,t!`•.: d.:tZS t?LECE:::!,ary t_� �)tC:i)t!l:i:1)C 1 t 1iU f• TI. *0 .... ..l1 o! ',.U'!1!... c::", 19 tl(•. _'i!la....... lip 7:1(,(pit„ i .'1.1, t l!flCt. t (.i ( : it t:.__i: L:lf! _ _ 1L rC ct . is of 1'.._I .:ti:. , l.J�'i tt:• 'f C ..a`:i: S!'_- :t:_ .at +...t i! 0-1 i):;1.1'.: r.f tl::. II':::1 '�:1?:r.c C:. ,., t:: 1 r::?;.. tl:•, c,.. �;... ris, '),- V an:'. for i 11..-.. Tl a.il" 1':a)I1 �:1:)i •. ).. .':�, ('t'1 .l (I.i �• i.. 1+.. i'i. .... ... .. ..__'t .. .'. :.. p. _illf J. .. i:.al !�!•�1.'. :"t. U'r Lfl" 11, .:)[. _:la:^t.'_. i.; :1;.i'. .. 84-690 - - 4V1! VI Q•. 1. 1'1Q IIQ�,�1 • 1 TERM: 84- 693 CITY OF I•SIA;i_[ r FLOR LATIN CHAMBER OF UN I.•1'l:i:) STA'i ES AGREEMENT This Agreement entered into this day of 19841 by and between the City' of Miami, a municipal corporation of Dade County, Florida, thereinafter referred to as "CITTY", and a not for• profit corporation of the estate of Florida, hereinafter- referred to as "GRANTE'E". WIT11ESSE TH : WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. __, the City Commission allocated an amount not to exceed $37,000 in support of the progra;n of the Latin Chamber' of Commerce of the United States for the preparation, coordination ind supervision of the Fifth He-misplN•.:r•io Congress of I.at,in Chambers. of Commerce and Industry to be held September 5 - 8 , 1984 in Hiami , Florida; and �:athorized the City Manager to execute an Agreement between the CITY and the GRANTEE. NOW, 'THERI"FUFE, in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants and obligations herein contained, and subject to the terms ans cr)nditions hereinafter stated, the parties hereto underr�tand and agree as follows: DEF1,1TTi01'1:3: CI"TY City of Miami GRANTEE Latin Chamber- of Commerce of the United States CONGRESS Fifth Hemispheric Con-ress of Latin Chamber of "'xti- merce and Industr•;; DED Depart:aent of Development, to serve as Contract Tanager • � I. TERM: The term, of t.hi si `� e(-,T t. t ''n t of AST ins_ 1`I � 1;1 } }. ['. : (�� � `''1 tt. _ 'lay execution and terminate one year latter. II. SCOPE OF SERVT(rS: GRANTEE'S scope of services will include: 1) The C;ri,' WTEE shall prepare, coordinate and supervise the Congress. 2) The GRANTEE shall prepare, a wort; prograin and timetable of activities which sh:111 be attached hereto and made part of this Ag r•ee,iir?nt; (Exhibit. 1) . 3) The GRAtd'CEE sha11 incorporate in all promotional materials the City of Miami as co-sponsor of the Congress. 4) The (3RA'dTEE shall prepare and submit to the City through the reports on a monthly basis, frorn the date of the execution of this Agreement regarding the status and progress of the work program in preparation for the Congress. 5) The GiWITEE shall prepare and submit to the City through the Dill a final report within thirty days of the conclusion of the Congress making an evaltaation of the event, the attendance and expected benefits to be received by the City as a result of this Agreement, examining the advantages of the use of Chambers of Commerce as an avenue for the fostering of inter- american trade by private enterprise. C014PEIISATIOII A, CITY shall ray GRANTEE, as maximum compensation for tine services required pursuant to Par,-j};:•.-jph IT hereof, the amount of $37,000 -is reflected in the line item 'rud et that is att••.)c:hed hereto and made part. of the Agreemeii; (Exhibit 2). 84-693 D. Upon or Chis �1*r'�c:anl, �n] oitk : xriL\pn roquont from tb(� CR8QT[[, the CITY /;hoi]- advance 1/6Lh mf thc apprnpriated f'undo tn the GIN 0UIF, F, It is undprot«od tbot vitbin cn (16) wnrkinQ dayr, efter exeoxtioo or thia by both parties �nd opno ^ apprnvol Of tho advanec request, the CR8QTE.E' will he elirihle to receive payment, of one sixth or � the totol contract amount of $37,000. Prior to C reimbursement, of fiscol year, vnriFicntinn zr initial.odvanoo mo�t be muhmitted, All puynm)t» �balL~ be for expon'fitVros, inourrcd only in the 000trycL period, and 1n omoylian;o with a previouoIy approved line-itc-m budCct. Such writCon rcguez�t shall contain a otntement deoIorin, C and of firming. tbaC all d1zbUr3ementu were m�de in accordance with the a?proved budget. All doou/nentztion in support of' such request shall he submitted to the CITY at the time reQuost is mode and all invoices are required to be paid by the |' GD1J1TE[ prior to submission. All reimbursements must be in lino -item form and be in oouOrd with the Agreement. All expooditures must be verified by oriQinal invoice with a copy of the non -cancelled check which was used to - pay that specific invoice. In case an invoice is paid by various funding sources, m copy of the invoice may be submitted but muSt indicate the exact amoV]t paid -� by various funding sources ugUaIiocy the total of the invoice. No miscellaneous categories will be accepted _ � as a line -item in a budget. Request for line-ite m, changes are allowable, with prior review and approval- by ' the CITY . C. BegUeoto for payment shall be made on a monthly bzui�. Reimbursement requests shall be submitted DO lat.Qr than _ thirty (]O) days after the last date coYerk�d by ourh raguest, 8pimbursemen� rcguoS t S for exye—dito/`�� incurred durin{l �he life of' the shall not bp honored unTesa received by t• s:' r:l.T 4it.i-sin 0 da Ys following, thl? expi.ration date or It, .f:f;reenierlt. D. The CITY shall have the right; In- review and audit the time records sand 1,c").at'-:1-1 records of the GRANTEE pertaining to any pay'nents by the CITY. IV. COMPLIA14CE WTF11 Fi;DE:RAI. ST'AT-F MID LOCPO.�LI S: Both part.tcs ..ha11 comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and codes of Federal, State and local governments. V. GENERAL CO NDIT CONS: A. All rnotices or other communications which shall or may be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by personal service, or by registered mail addressed to the party at the address indicated herein or as the same may be changed from time to time. Such notice shall be c;::omod given on the day on which person�,l-ly served; or, if by mail, on the fifth 1 day after bein posted or the date of actual receipt, whichever is earlier. CITY OF iA1-111 CONTRACTOR 3500 Pan Amorican Drive 1417 West Flagler Street bli.ami �_FL 3,133��_,_ Pdi.�zmi, F'L_33135 _�4 B. Title and paragraph headings are for convenient reference and are not a part of this Agreement. C. In the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any terms or conditions contained in any attached documents, the terms of this Agreement shall rule. D. No waiver or breach of any provision oC this Agreempr•t shall constitute a waiver of ariv subsequent breach of the same or any other provision hereof', and no waiver shall be effective unless made in writing. 64-693 6 V1. O;a;IERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: A11. documents developed by GRANTEE. under this Agreement shal1 be dcl i.vered to CITY by said GRANTEE upon eompletior, of the services regr_►i.rc-,d pursuant to Paragraph II hereof and shall become the property of the CITY, without restriction. or limitation on its use. GRA3".--L _'I-: agrees that; all do -urr,erats rvainta i n �d ar►d generated pursuant-, to thi.; contractual relationship between the CITY and GRANTEE shall be subject to ill provisions of the Public Records Law, Chapter iiq, Florida Statutes. It is further understood by and betwei en the parties that any information, writings, maps, contract documents, reports or any other matter whatrso,=:ver which is given by the CITY to the GRANTIEE pursuant to this AGreem--nt shall at all times remain the property of the CITY and shall not be u:,-cd by GRANTEE f'or any other purposes whatsoever without. the %-mitten consent of CITY. VII. NORDELEGABILITY: That the obligations undertaken by GRA14TEE pursuant to this Agreement shall not be delegated to any other person or firm unle:;s CITY shl-11 first consent in writing to the performance of such services or any pars; thereof by another person or firm. VIII. AUDIT RIGHTS CITY reserves the right to audit the records of GRANTEE at any time during the performance of this Agrees-ment and for a period of one year after final payment is made under this Agreement. Prior to the release of any funds to tine GRANTEE, the GRANTS —I? sha11 provide the CITY a letter from an independent Certified Public Accountant: (CPA) w:lic11 estabIished that the. GRANTEE 13 internal controls -:ro adcquat.e to sa('ejruard its assets and properly reconcile transactions. The CITY wi `1 84--69k'i not relcas:� any f ands to the GR1' )IT1 1" pr for t(-) r,e(;1�i 1," (.,f th is letter, The CITY will audit all. GRANFEI:S rece;i.ving :015,000 or more. All GRANTEE'S receiving `25,000 or r+rore agree to submit_ to the Citypartment of Cor,;mr.rIIity 1)evelup.nc:nt an indr�pendent; audit, by a certified public accountant, which must i.neltioe the expression of an opinion on 'Ghc, finanni-rl tatr�n� rht.:� :r�hcl .rc�out} ;s of funds. Sr;i.d aL)(Iit 7,,hall be suLmit:l;ed to 1;1rr: Cit.y's, Dep irtme.it j of Community Development no latter than ninety (90) days after the termination of this Agreement or final receipt of CITY funds, whichever i applicable. j IX. A4ARD OF AGRE'EM IT: The GRANT E warrants that he/she has not. employed or retained any person employed by the CITY to solicit or secure this Agreement and that he/she has not offered to pay, paid, or, agreed to pry any p-21-son employed by thk2 CITY any fec, commission percentage, fee, or gift of ,any kind contingent upon or, resulting fro. -a the award of this Agreer.rent. The GRMiTEE is aware of the conflict of interest laws of the City of miami (Minrni City Code Chapter 2, Article V), Dade County, Florida (Dade County Code, Section 2-11.1) and the Florida Statutes, and agrees that they will fully comply in all respect with the terms of said laws. X. COUSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws of the Stag of Florida. XI .. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGN'S: - This agreement shall be binding upon the parties herein, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. XII. INDEMNIFICATION: The Gi?.M TEE. shall i.nciemnify and avc_ C;i-` Y tr trr;l.c :: frori arr:-1 against. any 3nd 811 c1.aiTnS, IiabiI tif�.~, land causes of action which r =Ty arise out; of GRANTEf:'.� rc t;ivit.ies ran�l�r this Arreemen i nr. trd inf all other act^ or o,ni^sion:, to act, on the part of GRANj"I"F'>, i.ncludinL; any person acting for, or on his/her behalf, <-rnd, from :ind against any orders, jud"rnents, or cic.cree:� which may be entered and from and against all costs, attorney s fee3, expens,rs and Ii.abi1itie.. incurred in the defense of any such claims, or in the investigation thereof. CONFLICT OF I'JT►'REST: The GliAN'DEIF is aware of the conflict; of interest laws of the �� - City :i �1 ri 1 %; iT ( C ; 1� � �f i•;ia:,;i Code Miapter 2, Article V), D-ade — County Florid-, (Dade County Code Section 2-11.1) and the State of Floridn, and ;;;re^s that he;/she will fully comply in all. respects with the terms of said lags. The GRANc.E covenants that no person under its employ who presently ex21-cises any functions or responsibilities in connection with this Agreement has any personal financial interests, direct or indirect, in this Agreement. The GRANTEE further covenants that, in the performance of this Agreement, no person, havini, such conflictinS interest shall be employed. Any such interests on the part of the GRANTEE, or its employees, must be disclosed in writing to the CITY. The GRANTEE, in the performance of this Agreement, shall be subject to the more restrict law and/or guidelines regarding conflict of interest promulgated by federal, state or local government. IINDEPF.NDENT CO;iTRACTOR: The GRANTEE and his/tier employees and agents shall be deemed to be independent contractors, and not agents or employees of CITY, and shall not attain any ri-irts or benefits under the Civil Service or Pension Ordinances of the CITY, or any rights generally afforded classified or unclassified employees; further 84-692 N 11C�5ht? sYl 1l neat. E)F? �iC: l �?CI cn';i-ttnd ter` 11--h' I'tor'id-J Workers' Compensation benefits ors -,n employoe oC f,he CITY. Xv. TLj1',.jTNATIt-II 0, CONTRACT' CITY retains the right• t;o terminate this A�reement at any time prior to the completion of the services required pursuant tc Paragraph II hereoC without ponalty to the CITY. In that event, a sixty (60) day notice of termination of this Agreer►err`- sh=,11 be in writing to the GRANTIEF:, who shall be paid for these services performed prior to the date of his/her receipt of the notice of terini.nal,ion. In do case, howevei•, ►•;i 11 CITY pay the GP,AN 'EE an amount in excess of the tot;ll- sum provided by this It i.a hereby understood by and bet,,;een the C (TY and the GRA',dTEE the-it<:ny p.i,,ments made in accordance rritt, this Cection to the GRAIITI:F. shall bc made only if said is not in default under the t.err;s of this Agreement. If the GRi�XTEr' is in default, then the CITY shall in no way be obl i g-ated and shall riot pay to the GRANTEE any suia whatsoever, except for all worl: conforming to this AGreeraent which was performed prior to the date of notice of default. XVI. NOIIDISCRIMIUATION: The GWITEE agrees that he/she shall not discriminate as to race, sex, color, creed or national origin in connection with his/her performance under this Agreement. XVII. MI14ORlTY PROCUREMENT COMPLIANCE: The GRAIITEE acknowledges that he/she has been furnished a copy of Ordinance No. 97'(5, the Minority Procurement Dr3inance of the City of Miami, and agrees to comply with all applicable. substantive and procedural provisions therein, including any amendments thereto. XVIII. j COciTItdGE�?dCX E�Uti?�: Fcindin for tlii.s Agreement is contingent; or, tine availability of funds and continiied authorization for 'prior-rm activities and is subject to amendmenL or termination due to lack. of funds, or authorization, reduction of funds, anti/or change in regulations. XIX. DEFAIJT.T PROVL-;10N : In the event that the GRANTEE shall fail to comply with each and every term and condition of t-hi;3 Agreement or fails to perform any of the terms and eonditions cont.ai1rE.d hcroin, then CITY, at its sole option, upon written notice to th-, G,3A?i;:�E may cancel and t3rmin=:te this Agreement, and all. pay!nent:s, adv,inces, or other compcns;jtion paid to the GRANTEE by CITY t-rhile the GRANTEE vial in default of the provisions herein con`:,: -lined, shall be forthwith returned to CITY. In the clvont of default, the CITY may cancel and terminate this Agreement,, and said Agreement shall be null and void of no further force and effect. XX. BONDI?•;G AND INSURANCE: a) During the term of this Agreement, the GRANTEE shall maintain bondinLs and insurance coverages in amounts as determined by the Risk Managcinent Division of the CITY. Whenever applicable, the CITY shall be named as an additional insured. b) The GRANTEE shall furnish certificates of insurance: and bonding, as required, to the CITY prior to commencing any activities under this Agreement. ASSURANCES AND CERTIF.ICATI01jS: The GRAIITEE assure---, and certifies that: a) All expenditures of funds will be made in accordance with the propos-iI anti r i n e ILew Budget (both of :.rti'.(:h are attAched as F.x:ribits 1 cand 2), approv'�d by the City b) CJ;`!'Y f�,nds wi_1l. not bcz o-a)inf;ny othc.,r fur,-i,, and that separate bank accounts and account:i.ng records will. be maintained. c) The expendituri�s of CITY funds .rill be properly documented and such documentation will be maintained. d) Periodic progress reports as requested by the CITY will be provided. e) Th-- GRAUTFE will be personally liable for any CITY funds expended th=�t were not consistent with the pro -rain approved by the City Cofal"ssion or any funds expended not in accordance with propc�r- accotintincL, standards as dle'G -.rmined by competent auditing authority. f) tic) activity under this Agreement shall involve political activities. g) The GWA TEE possesses legal authority to enter into this Agreement; a resolution, motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the GRAi:TEEIS governing body, authorizing the execution of this Agree;nent, including all unjerstandings and assurances contained herein, and di.recl,inL; and autijorizir,- the person identified as the official representative of the GRANTEE to act in connection with the GRANTEE and to provide such additional information as may be required. WAIVER: No waiver of any provision hereof shall be deemed to have been made unless such waiver be in writing signed by the City Manazer. The failure of the CITY to insist upon the strict performance of any uF t'ae provisions or conditions of this Agreement sh-31.1 be not c_)nstruefl as or relinquishing; in the future any such covenants or conditican:; but the same shall continu+-- and remain in full force and effeci:. XXIiI. - tics arneuarr .rrf.:, to this Ag rc:r must, .ither party in t•rrit;inf; and signed by boUh party,:-.. IN WI`CIJE.�S WHEREOF 1 the p.+rtf.^s 110-i-01.0 have this Agre+ -;ncnt to be oxecut".ed in their name;; by their duly authorized Officers and Lhe corpor'aLe se..,! 5 to be 9f fi XOd hereto, 31.1 is of the :fay and year first above Flr"i.Uf^n. CITY OF �tif1;- I, a municipal Corporation of th,� State of t+loricia ATTEST: By RAi.PH G. OIIGTE;, CITY CLEREC V. GARY) CITY 1-ANA(3ER GRANTE:F.. Latin Amleri �,.an Chamber Of Commerce of the Ut-sited States ATTEST: Corporate Secretary _ President__. (Corporate Seal) - APPROVED AS TO IcNSURANCI, REQUIRE— MENTS DIVISION OF RISK I. ANAGLMENT APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JUSE R. GARCIA—PIrDROSA, CITY ATTORNEY 84- 69 s . f yl fa Ca to i e r: r� C, u f-, C, ' I I { 1 `�` I r-, of j� � \ ( i \•.\, •— - _-_.__._.--- ..._, ��____._�.�._----• t\ �) 1 `i J to tJ I i•I:r'll�c:a'.?:tt'C UI' T• 't);Y:'r:tl: I�i..,'.1tt,�:',. .rTF 11F.7C,:�,;`:• 1;) 1.,(,�..�t;•�j�' jTl..'ti.ilT It'.1:J' )';�� ' CCTnt:)"•t l 1)o. i ro j ect. T.Ulc. V }iC%l:)_:: r.ft't �'.C�%'t.`-' �.iL:�: .fJ.f._�..:.��.-.l.Ll C:tllii:l7�`i'::: of Com)'ri�n:cc_ 1, ind:"---; Lt: j Cot:t.r�:c" I`cric)t2: ,7EinuE�ry ]-_ Uc_L�c1:i:)'-.` 11,-Ic)`S'_ Cnn rac jv^tOtttlt:: $37TC)CY).__.- c01 100 130 ISO 1GC) 270 200 420 510 510 �33 r �i7 C,10 G 2 0 E.: Q 670 C 90 690 700 7 60 3 E;.1i7 7C�1 76! 7z' i'er. rc�n^hl Ser��:�ces ri an ,Min I�cc�:)•.TIC' ... r:n'. T,�::'..'_ir.r Ti n S_.. vice..--icleF�hoac� Ca': •:r,•.:-T �.�r:'_ Ur: < I,..�.j r,•�::--'_ rJ c•:)rct.T'.1 -ail.i.t:y 7:..;t::'ancC/R0ndxng is i.r,t in;; 1..n:3:nr1 C)r t icr 1 cTc>' _ •:`�] _.. _. t ion _. 6 t:r�:-bershis r. l�nora ra�`r: e7r500 _— �50C $ 0oc) $1►000 S 1 ! 000 3, 500 . 4 1, 4 CITY OF MIAMI, 1-1-OR10A INTER49FFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Walter Pierce Assistant City Manager FROM, Dena Spillman, Director Department of Community Development DATE, June 27, 1984 FILE% SUBJECT: Latin Chamber of Conuilerce V Hemispheric Congress REFEREr+cF s C 1 ty COm ii s s i on Agenda Junc, 2�, 19104 EMCL�SVRFS: Attached is a recommendation, legislation and agreement in connection with the Fifth Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Comiierce and Industry in the amount of $37,000 to support the Congress to be held September 5-8, 1984. On June 14, 1984, the City Commission passed notion No. 34-630 approving in principle this request. This item is being submitted for Commission approval with the understanding that no disbursements will be made until all outstanding audit concerns are resolved. Miile this item is not regularly scheduled on the June 28 agenda, it is our understanding that it may come up as a pocket item. /rjf Enclosure 84-693. V/- y_3 To. Howard V. Gary City Manager 1 x' f 1 4 S_ A �}T 0A t `ii�tF��YF L �g 'June 22, 1984 FILE: i.atin Chamber of Com- merce V Hemispheric Congress Charlotte Gallogly FROM: Director I - '- FBI-{-I_FiFNCr1: June 28th Commission Department of Economic D ,vr1opment Meeting Agenda f N17L.0SURE5: I'It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached resolution author'izi.ng the City Manager to execute an agreement between the City and the Latin Chamber of Commerce of the United States (CAtMACOL) for the preparation, coordination and supervision of the Fifth Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry to be held September 5-8, 1984 in Miami, Florida; said allocation being conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. AMP- 1-84, dated January 241 1984; said allocation being further conditioned upon the substantial, resolution of the outstanding audit findings identified by the City in an audit of the Fourth Hemispheric Congress Program. Funding in the amount of $37,000 is available in the Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund." y On June 14, 1984, the City Commission passed Motion No. 84-630 approving in principle the Latin Chamber of Commerce's request for funding of the annual event, the Fifth Hemispheric Congress of Latin Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Permanent Secretariat Program (PSP) subject to the City Manager and the organization successfully resolving outstanding matters of concern to the City. As the attached Special Funding Request Form (Exhibit I) indicates, the three-day subject Congress will be held in Miami from September 5th through the 8th, 1984. The City of Miami has funded this program since 1980. The Congress will bring to Miami members of key Chambers of Commerce of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as, Latin Chambers of 84-693