HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0809J-84-b75 RESOLUTION NO. 84-80 l A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TIIF, BID OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO, TN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $371,465.00, TOTAL BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR WEST FLAGI EIR STIiIF,T SAN1-11ARY SEWER IMPROVEINENT--PHASE II I4ITII r10NIF. S THEREIFOR A1,L0CATF,1) FROI1 TIIF; "W "T F1,AGLF;1 -TREET SANITARY SHGtER IPiPR0V1;M1?rJT-PHASE Lair' ACCOiJNT IN THE AMOUNT OF �',3 7 1 , 4f» . 00 TO COVIzR THE CONTRACT COST; AT,L,OCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF 1',52,005.00 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF +.`l, 430.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE 13Y THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. OF WEST FLAGLER STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - PHASE II IN SR-5495 CENTERLINE UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF SAID CONSTRUCTION; SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-45, ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984, CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received June 14, 1984, for West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Public Works recommend that the bid received from Lanzo Construction Co. be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Apropriation ordinance No. 9534, as amended, was adopted on December 9, 1982, and monies are available for the proposed amount of the contract, project expense, and incidentals from the account entitled "West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II", as set forth under Section IV.B. 10 of said ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Charter requires the publication of a notice of public hearing for objections by persons interested in or affected by said improvement as to the acceptance thereof by the Commission upon satisfactory completion of said improvement; CITY COt. lviIS n�iEE`i'i1� < NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSI N� Ww OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Jut" io 1'?a F.'t 1r ¢ P. --A Section 1. The June 14, 1982, bid of Lanzo Construction Co. in the proposed amount of $371,465.00, for the project entitled West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II for the total bid of the proposal, based on unit prices, is hereby accepted at the price stated therein. Section 2. The amount of $371,465.00 is hereby allocated from the account entitled West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II to cover the cost of said contract. Section 3. The additional amount of $52,005.00 is hereby allocated from the aforesaid fund to cover the cost of projcct c;:pcn3c. Section 4. The additional amount of $7,430.00 is hereby allocated from the aforesaid fund to cover the cost of such incidental items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage. Section 5. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the City of Miami with Lanzo Construction Co. for West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II, total bid of the proposal. Section 6. Subject to a report by the City Manager stating that Lanzo Construction Co. has satisfactorily completed the construction of improvements designated as West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II in SR-5495 Centerline, the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish a notice in a newspaper published in the City of Miami, Florida, stating that at a meeting of the City Commission to be held at a certain day and hour to be determined by the City Clerk, the Commission will hold a public hearing to any objections by persons interested in or affected by City Commission acceptance of the completed construction of West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II in SR-5495 Centerline. Section 7. The notice directed to be published in 1 Section 6 of this resolution shall. be published in t compliance with the provisions of Resolution No. 84-45, adopted January 19, 1984, concerning the publication of City l notices. _ 2 - 84-80S PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of July , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR ATTEST: Q PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: e ` ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY _ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: v SE R. GARCIA-PEDROSA ov ITY ATTORNEY RID SECURITY West Flagler Street Sanitary I'tt II p�T� ��ps vt[Ct1YI E� June 114, 7-954 11 :00 ar" ITM fi ..^b Seer ImTm r. r Lan;,n Consi.r?icti.on Co., 1']. Rural Route 2 Box 904 $371,465.00 2 112' BB Pompano Beach, Fla 331.67 P.N.M. Corporation 3780 N.W. 22 Ave. $376,601.50 5% BB Miami, Fla 33142 Madsen/Barr Corporation $380,375.00 2 1/2Z Rn 3579 N. Dixi.e 111 gliway Ft. Lauderdale, Fla 33334 Goodv4in , Inc. 7275 N. W, 61 Street Miami, Fla 331-66 $444,940.00 2 1/27 BB Ric -Man lnternational, Inc. P. 0. Box 10229 F2�1/27 Pompano Beach, Fla 33061 No total BB 4tecuiv- 1 'k "Vv to O*f ul6Yi C6,tks vk k qiy �� _. �'C3@t t�CtCatkLt`itk1C �t���F�� i n�Z%T �> � i ; �T F,;:i R' j•'ii i 4 i':'j a Sealed b i do fn:r` ro i s!.i 1)r.i-i_+')11 r} r.Ts" FFT ATUTAR N' S,EWE, R I�1PRO�IE tIi� I F ii11 ,T 7T t�-) i r �m7I �l l �7� , t t Ira a r� and the Cis r �:t�, rul,.oil r)i il�' ( 1 f. r) Ti - 3a 3i,� c <r 1'_ j.l}P ( i. on the ���[�-s'3 C)t I1111 � ,. 1 t)�;. floor of i ({ �_�_, `7400 1',) /�TIM- i-C=111 D i_Ve' t3.t tr ier ley, Miami, Florid, 33133, if- whirh i.me and place they wi_1_J_ be publicly opened and rend. The work w.1.1. colisist of construction of: 4,300 1' li.nea.r feet of 8--inch to 12-inch extra strength vitrified clay or ductile iron pipe sewer with the deepest cut being 16 feet; 1,900 ± linear feet of 6-inch extra heavy cast iron soil Pipe laterals; 15 manholes from 4 to 16 feet in depth. The cngineor's estimate for this project is $290,000. New requirements will allow the successful loca bidder to furnish a performance bond in accordance with Resolution No. 84-423. Work under construction at anyone time may not exceed the amount of the performance bond. For technical questions regarding the plans and specifications please contact .James J. Kay, P.E. , Sewer Design Engineer, at (305) 579-6865. All bids shall be submitted in acco-r]ance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. The first set of plans and specifications } may be obtained free from the office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4th floor), Miami, Florida, on or s after May 24, 1981a . Additional sets may be obtained for a $20 'f deposit for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening, of the bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9775 regarding allocation of conti"acts to utinorlLy-veadors, Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc,, 5800 iJ.t,'. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telephone (305) 754-4903, if they require assistance in preparing, their bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. (B-4487 and B-5498, Req. 0659). R. G. Ongie City Clerk propuestas sel .l.:)dac l}a.J-;j ,r . -+` t, ,f r T:r` ;TM -,FT r-J�NTT11RY' SEWER IP�PROVEPIENil A PHASE -TT Fi- 5�1?> sit in t-nr i.l}-i..i,�r, 4,�,; �-�1 1rr�?}i;t�_�f �- dnJ' y la Com7.szon de 3- (,iudad 0, mi.ami., 1 ,}. .fi ;i,;I ?T"'�1T l 1a 11 :(l{� a i(1 e1. dl.a. 14 de Jun in (1- 19 /1 (`(ili';it'7) t)J_li1el- I'71.r c?, ayJ�nt:a- mi.ento Or? jIi<�ili r .a':'i)() }failF1.oricia, a cuya hc>J a y ;l c:11}'rl I(tUa.7_ n -'' 1 r -- ali_r 7:4_.aS y le%das. Este pro'y-r'_cf.o Ct,)iT}rl1"�'(ldn 1 %3 C'!?]J {:T'17�'�'l_t>Tl cle: ±4, 300 pies l;-neales de tJabeJ:"I'a d.n arcilla vitrificada, y de hier_ro dflctil. de 8 a 1.2 pulga.clas de diimetro, a una profundidad m }_4:.ima de 1_6 pieF;; ±1,900 pies li.nealc s de tube.r.ia. lateral de 6 pulga.das de diametro; ±1.5 (maplaole-s) de 4 a 1.6 pi.,s de prof.undidaa El estimado de construcci()n Para este proyecto es de $290,000. Nuevos requisitos permiti.ran al mejor postor proveer un bono de cumplimiento de acuerdo con la Resolucion No. 84•-42.3. El trabajo bajo construccion en ningun moment-.o dado prods exceder_ la cantidad de d.icho bono. Para preguntas t('-Icnicas acerca de los planos y cspeci.fica.ciones flame a James J. I:ay, P.E., Ingeniero de Diseno de alcantarillados al (305) 579-6865. Todas las licitaciones scran sometidas de acuerdo con las instrucciones a los Licitadores y las Especificaciones. El primer_ juego de planos y especificaciones pods obtenerse gratis en la oficina del Director de Obras Publicas, 275 N.W. 2 Street, (4to. piso), Miami, Florida, a partir del 24 de mayo de 3-984. Juegos adicionales podran obtenerse con $20 de deposito. Estos depositos seran devueltos Gnicamente si los planos y las especificaciones son devueltos sin marcas y en buen estado, dent-ro de un plazo de las dos (2) semanas siguientes a la apertura de las licitaciones. Se le avisa a los interesados de las provisiones de la Ordenanza No. 9775, la cual se refiere a la otorgacion de contratos a minorias. Aquellos contratistas/peq,zenos negociantes Oe minorTas o de zonal objetivas que est6n interesados on presentar sus propuestas pueden eommunicarse con el Contractors Training and Development, Inc. en el 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, tel6fono (305) 754-4903, si requieren asistencia Para preparar sus licitaciones. Las propuestas incluyen el tiempo de ejecucion, y las especificaciones contienen provisos Para danos liquidados incurridos por falter de completar el proyecto a tiempo. La Comision de la Ciudad se reserva el derecho a descartar cualquier informalidad en cualquier licitaci6n, y el Administrador de la Ciudad puede rechazar cualquiera o todas las propuestas, y reanunciar. (B-4488 and B-5499, Req. 0659). Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk r 10 REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT This number must appear in the advertisement. DEPT!DIV. ACCOUNT CODE DATE ' ? PHONE APPROVED BY: PREPARED BY DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT Publish the attached advertisement times. (number of times) Type of advertisement: legal classified display (Check One) 1984 Size: Starting date First four words of advertisement: Remarks: DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE PUBLICATION DATE(S) OF ADVERTISEMENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE 11 13 TRANS 4 , -� 17 VOUCHER 18 25 P 8 V P 12 13 14 15 DUE DATE YY MM DD 34 39 Adv. Doc. Reference 42 45 z 2 50 VENDOR 51 56 INDEX CODE 57 62 OBJECT 63 65 PROJECT 66 71 _1-%7TZ- 112 2 3 4 7 DESCRIPTION 36 64 DISCOUNT 69172 AMOUNT 60 0 0 2 01 _ - LLI�I�77Z Approved for Payment White — Purchasing Green — Finance Pink — Department o Howard V. Gary City Manager FROM: l I Donald W. Cather Director of Public Wor CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE, July 5, 1984 F,LF: D-54-15 SUBJECT: WEST F LAGLCR STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT -- PHASE II - Resolution Awarding Contract REFERENCES: (For Commission Meeting ENCLOSURES: Of July 30, 1 984 ) The Department of Public Works has determined a low bidder for the West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II. The proposed attached resolution accepts the bid - received June 147 1984 of Lanzo Construction Co., in the amount of $371,465, authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City, and directs the City Clerk to advertise for a public hearing at the completion of the work. Bids were received June 14, 1984 for West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II. As reflected in the tabulation of bids, the $371,465.00 bid of Lanzo Construction Co. is the lowest responsive and responsible bid for the total bid of the proposal. Funds have been allocated under the "vest Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II" account, and monies are available for the estimated amount of the contract, for project expense, for such i,lems as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage. . Twenty-three contractors contractors: 4 black, (minority contractors: $290,000. *mP : td Resolution attached cc: M. Alvarez picked up p1:3ns and specifict_�cns :r,irori ty 4hispanic); 5 contractors subriitted bids 1 hispanic). The en4 ineer5's �:.;n- to was RECOMMENDED BY S C G 146tK,) Adrienne 1•1. �-1acbe i Assistant to City Manager 84-80S I. V. WEST FLAGLER STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT -PHASE II JOB NO. B-5495 CONTRACTOR'S FACT SHEET Lanzo Construction Co. Rural Rt. 2, Box 904 Pompano Bcach, Florida "'3067 Phone: (305) 979-0802 Principals: Quirino D'Alessandro - President Olindo D'Alessandro - Vice President Antonio Evangelista - Secretary Contractor is properly licensed and insured. Subcontractors: J.C. Williams (Paving Concrete) Bannerman (Landscaping) Experience: 19 years Riverview Storm Sewer Prof. - Ph. I $2,150,294 Koubek Sanitary Sewer Improvement 1,009,000 Central Sanitary Sewer 640,000 Durham Sanitary Sewer improvement 988,000 Kinloch Sanitary Sewer Improvement 715,500 Lynwood Sanitary Sewer Improvement 1,500,00.0 Not a minority contractor 314 advertisements mailed out by regular mail 23 contractors picked up (4 hispanic and 4 black) plans and specifications 5 contractors submitted bids (including 1 minority hispanic contractor and 0 minority black contractor) 6/20/84 84- 809 BID AWARD FACT SHEET For The City 11anager PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION _ West Flagler Street sanitary sewer improve- ment - Phase IT - SR 5495, Located in West Flagler Street between 48 Court and 54 Avenue; between 59 Court and 61 Avenue. PROJECT SCOPE, Construction of sanitary sewers by a drivate contractor under contract to the City. ENGINEER ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $290,000.00 DATE BIDS RECEIVED June 14, 1984 NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED 5 NAME OF LOW BIDDER Lanzo Construction Co. AMOUNT OF LOW BID $371,465.00 TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED Contract: $371.465.00 �= Project Expense: 52,005.00 Incidentals: 7,430.00 Total $.430,900.00 LENGTH OF TIME ALLOWED FOR CONSTRUCTION 75 Working Days SOURCE OF FUNDS Ord. 9534 Sec. IV B. 10 "West Flagler Street Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Phase II" Account Form P.W. #389 9/83 Prepared by: E.M. Pelaez Date: 6/20/84 M 84-80!1. City Monager, C-4y-iefk A. M. Received by the City Commission, City Clerk, City of Miami, Florida at -p-M. I � I Bidder Licensed f: Insured as Per City Code ry Metro Ord. Bid Bond Amnvnt lrtf Qvl Ot.taf [. _ c 11 inor t: ovnnU r C �7 NO Yes e.S 7 �i C) No F I t r(,;�p,s 171ES LEGEND F, _, p:n 1,0'ec"'t as tc Capitol S Surplus of Bonding Company %1%I% C _ Co—ctfd c arns'ons P _ Proposol Unsigned or improperly S,gned or No Corporate Seal ri' ,� i3 v�-c5'�-'� r _ BIc r b G _ improper Bid Bond , — Corrected Bid r_ _ JCg No. 1 Plev. By: rnnv r- 40. r ' 6 Ci�dd��li�u,l�{ilmlu II I III li 1 6 J i I I I I i i F I It � I I I �I���I��I������ �IIW�l�� d � � � i II III. � I TABULATION OF SIDS FOR ✓ City Monoper, City Clerk A. M. Received by the City Commission, City Clerk, City of Miami, Florida at P. M. Bidder r,$we & Insured as Per City Code S Metro Ord. ------------------ Bid eiond kmount --- {rrei�Fl oririrx ii . } L i IRR=EGULARITIES LEGEND y IT IS RECOMh1ENDED THAT A — No Power-aF- Attorney B _ C _ Corrected F-ornsFons Q _ Proposol Unstpned or improperly SFynt? or No Corpore" Stol BID t 1 t F G _ Improg'w• Bid Bond Joe Bid N l - 6 � ,� ih' !h` 3 0 8 A 1 J 1 — YpsC R}S kr tT t'F& '�1. .,�re�' x ,.F r, a,armvaa P,nca'�„�r" ".'�. t�"^�i.�fi�+�fl�i,�l�� su+ $ • xt� ' � , �9�F ", �1Y1.7 �.. s . � F , i I , I . r ,..BI?. r v��'��i�5?'�� t.1i� �u �"';�ii' A,G"'uc�l�,h3.. ...