HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0806657 0 RESOLUTION NO. � ^' A RESOLUTION ACC,EPTING THE BID OF JOE REINERTSON FQUIPMF;NT CO., TNC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF h12 cI, T ,00, I3TD "I)it OF THE PROPOSAL,, FOR CI TY-ET11)1 ANJ_TARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - ;_: , Fv . 16 STh-E- FT1T11 MONIES THEREFOR At.1,0Ct4TED FROM TIII_ "CI.T 17 WIDE SANITARY SEWER FXTFNSIONS IMPROVIHFNT" ACCOUNT IN TIE AMOUNT OF $129,275.00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF :;; 18 7 100 . 00 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $2, 585. 00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERIC TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMPasSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO., INC. OF CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - S.W. 16 STREET IN CITY- WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - S.W. 16 STREET SR-5499 UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF SAID CONSTRUCTION; SAID NOTICE SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-45, ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984, CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. WHEREAS, sealed bids were received June 14, 1984, for City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - S.W. 16 Street; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Director of the Department of Public Works recommend that the bid received from Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. be accepted as the lowest responsible and responsive bid; and WHEREAS, the Capital Improvements Appropriation ordinance No. 9534, as amended, was adopted on December 9, 1982, and monies are available for the proposed amount of the contrL?ct, project expense, and incidentals from the account entitled "City Wide Sanitary Sewer Extensions Improvement", as set forth under Section XX.C. 1 of said ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Charter requires the publication of a notice of public hearing for objections by persons interested in or affected by said improvement as to the acceptance thereof by the Commission upon satisfactory completion of said improvement; CITY COMMISSION MEE-111,; G CF JUL 30 KIM kEsau; 8 `- S C AOL NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FI-,ORTDA: Seet.ion 1. The June 14, 19841 bid of Joe Reinertson Equipment Co., Inc. in the proposed amount of $129,275.00, for the project entitled City Wide '1.mrrovr.,mnnt - S.W. 16 Street }aid "D" of the proposal, based on ""it, pricer, is hereby accepted at; the price stated therein. Section 2. The amount of $129,275.00 is hereby allocated from the account entitled "City Wide Sanitary Sewer Extensions Improvement" to cover the cost of said contract. Section 3. The additional amount of $18,100.00 is hereby allocated from the aforesaid fund to cover, the cost of project expense. Section 4 The additional amount of $2,585.00 is hereby allocated from the aforesaid fund to cover the cost of such incidental items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage. Section 5. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the City of Miami with Joe Reinertson Equipment Co., Inc. for City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - S.W. 16 Street, Bid "D" of the proposal. Section 6. Subject to a report by the City Manager stating that Joe Reinertson Equipment Co., Inc. has satisfactorily completed the construction of improvements designated as City -Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - S.W. 16 Street in City -Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement District - S.W. 16 Street SR-5499, the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish a notice in a new papF,r published in the City of (Miami, Florida, stating that at a meeting of the City Commission to be held at a certain day and hour to be determined by the City Clerk, the Commission will hold a public hearing to any objections by persons interested in or affected by City Commission acceptance of the completed construction of City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - S.W. 16 Street in City -Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement District - S.W. 16 Street SR-5499. Section 7. The notice directed to be published in Section 6 of this resolution shall be published in compliance with the provisions of Resolution NO. 84-45, adopted January 19, 1984, concerning the publication of City notices. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of July , 1984. Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR ATTEST: Q c RA H ONGIE, CITY CLRRK- PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: A4YeX_ I R-A-Wk OBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ARCIA-PEDROSA /IS—ER.- TY ATTORNEY -3- 84 f3i jTjM S.W. 16th Street Highway Tmpr. B-4488 I— — - - - 83-84-75 PtIR TOTAL Total- $1,605,734.16 A.M C-014 'I P.N.M. Corporation 3780 N.W. 22 Ave. A $ 766,171-.64 K" BB Minmi, Fla 33142 B $ 364f120.31 D $ 1015,706.00 FRE Construction Co. Inc A $ 675.531.50 6767 N. W. 74 Ave B $ 340,599.50 5% BB Miami, Florida 33166 C $ 271,085.75 Russell Inc. A $ 669,191.14 10400 Griffin Road,Suite 201 B $ 325,230.31 Cooper City, Fla 33328 C $ 241,844.71 Ric -Man International, Inc. B $ 452,721.00 P. 0. Box 10229 D $ 188,035.00 5% BB Pompano Beach, Fla 33061 Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. 2027 N. W. 7 Ave. Miami, Fla 33127 D $ 129,285.00 5% BB Lanzo Construction Co., R.R. 2, Box 904 D $ 198,913.00 5% BB Pompano Beach, Fla 33067 Goodwin, Inc. 7275 N. W. 61 Street D $ 222,190.00 5% BB Miami, Florida 33166 C/ f Oecelw*4 jjj,& %Ia. v to jd*(rj 16,bd tktcks #k Ia of— -- 19 --.. 4a"w"ghb. Ok &CCOUwTikC bllvllt�ow Bid No. 83-84-75 �► ADVERTISEITENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for cons t_r, ur Lion of S.W. 16 STREET HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT B-4488 and CITY WTD17, SATITTAR.Y "'FI ER U.-WROVETIENT a- S.W. 1.6 STREET B-5499 will. he Y eceiVed by the Catand the itx-_-,, Commission Of the City of Miami, I'1or.i.dn at 11.:00 a.M. on th.c 14 day of .Tune,. __.19.84' at the City Commi_ sz.on Chambers, f i_r. t: fl_nor of tt�e Iij =mi Ci_ty Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Di_iiner Key, Miami_, Florida. 331.33, at which time and place they will be publ_i_cly opened and read. Briefly, the project will include the construction Of approximately 2.0 miles of streets and approximately 0,5 mile of sanitary sewers on S.W. 16 Street between S.W. 17 and 37 Avenues and on S.W. 20 Court between S.W. 16 Street and approximately 300 feet north. Construction will include the following: clearing, and grading, construction of asphaltic pavement, concrete curbs and/or gutters, concrete sidewalk, storm sewer facilities, 8" and 10" E.S.V.C. sanitary sewers and landscaping. The cngineer.'s-st-imate for this project is $1,270,000. The project will- be divided into four different phases, estimated as follows; I3i_d "A" -- $620,000; Bid "B" - $290,000; Bid "C" $210,000; Bid "D" - $150,000. New requirements will allow the successful lo%a bidder_ to furnish a performance bond in accordance with Resolution Tdo. 84-423. Work under construction at anyone time raav not e::ceed the amount of the performance bond. For technical. questions regarding the plans and specifications please contact William A. I -lackey, P.E., Highway Design Engineer, at (305) 579-6865. All bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. The first set of plans and specifications may be obtained free from the office of the Director, Department of Public Works, 275 N.W. 2 Street (4th floor), Miami, Florida, on or after I -lay 2.4', 1984. Additional sets may be obtained for a $20 deposit for each set. Deposits will be refunded only upon return of plans and specifications, unmarked and in good condition within two (2) weeks after the opening of the bids. Prospective bidders are alerted to the provisions of Ordinance No. 9775 regarding allocation of contracts to minority vendors. Those minority or target area contractors/small businesses interested in submitting bids are advised to contact Contractors Training and Development, Inc., 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, telephone (305) 754-4903, if they require assistance in preparing their bid packages. Proposal includes the time of performance, and specifications contain provisions for liquidated damages for failure to complete the work on time. The City Commission reserves the right to waive any informality in any bid, and the City Manager may reject any or all bids, and readvertise. (B-4488 and B-5499, Req. 0658) R. G. Ongie City Clerk Avi an do Lir i t Propuestas selinday pnvn P,w, 10 7TIVET nTOWAY TmrPnvFmEnT y CITY WIDE SAMTTAVY =En j;,;;, I A STREFT p-5499 qnr5n recibidw per -al y in comiqjAn ;i- in cj"Ano on Miamir Florida, P mom Unyday a 1Aq 11:nn A,m, vI din 14 dq j"nin 0- 3984f en la Comnin &- Vomipiro, primmr pjpn, vV"nvnmjnnKn Aq Minmi, 3500 Pan fir, eriann Drinn, Mpner Kwy, mipmjjo , Fnrin, hQra y en c"yf l Agar SwrAn Este proyncLn compronde: in ann strucc ton fl� 1. T,-v-)dvMCntv 2.0 millas de caller y aproximadamante 0.5 millas de alcnntarilladns sanitarins en la S.W. 16 Street, entrc las S.W. 17 y 37 Avaniday, y en !a 20 Court entro las S.W. 15 y 16 Streets. La construccAn incluirf In siguiente: Ifinpicza y nivclaci%, pavi-- mento asfiltica, contenes y/o cunetas de concroto, accras 6e concrnto' faciliaaaes para drenaie pluvial, y alcantarilladop sanitarios de 8 y 10 pulga6as do dilmetro, El estimado de construccOn para este proyecto es de $1,270,000. El proyecto so dividirl on cuatro fases diferentes, con los siguiontes estimados: "A" - $620,000; "B" - $290,000; "C" - $210,000; "D" - $150,000, Nuevos requisitos permitir5n al mejor postor proveer un mono do cumplimiento de acuerdo con la Asolucion No. 84-423, El trabajo bajo construcciin on ningun n"wento dads podrl oxceder la cantidad de dicho bona. Para preguntas tKnicas acerca do los planos y especificaciones-11ame a William A. Mackey, P.E., Ingenioro de Diseio de calles, al (305) 579-6865. Todas las licitaciones ser5n sometidas do acuerdo con las instrucciones, a los Licitadores y las Especificaciones. El primer juego do planos y especificaciones podrd obtenerse gratis on la oficina del Director de obras P6blicas, 275 N.W. 2 Street, (4to. piso), Miami, Florida, a partir del 24 do mayo do 1984. Jucgos adicionales podrin obtenorse con $20 do dep6sito. Estos dop6sitos sor5n devueltos 6nicamento si los planos y las especificaciones son devueltos sin marcas y en buen estado, dentro do un plazo de las dos (2) semanas siguiontos a la apertura do las licitaciones. Se le avisa a los intresados do las provi5iones do la Ordenanza No. 9775, 0 cuaJ se refiere a !a otorgaci6n do contratos a minorlas Aquellos contratistas/pequeios negociantes do minorfas o do zonas objetivas quo ost6n interesados en prosentar sus propuestas pueden COMmunicarse con A Contractors Training and Development, Inc. on el 5800 N.W. 7 Avenue, Suite 212, tel6fono (305) 754-4903, si requieren asistencin para preparar Pus licitaciones. Las propuestas incluywn el tiempo do ejecucj6n, y las especificaciones contienen provisos para da&os liquidados incurridos por falta de completar el proyecto a tiempo. La Comisi6n do la Ciudad se reverva el derecho a descartar cualquier informalida6 on cualquier licitacauln, y el Administrador de la Ciudad puede rechazar cualquiora o todas las propuestas, y reanunciar. (B-4488 and B-5499, Req. 0658). , re, REQUISITION FOR ADVERTISEMENT This number must appear in the advertisement. DEPT/DIV.— ACCOUNT CODE DATE PHONE APPROVED t3Y: PREPARED BY M1; DIRECTOR OF ISSUING DEPARTMENT Publish the attached advertisement times. (number of times) Type of advertisement: legal classified display (Check One) Si7C: _ Starting date 24 First four words of advertisement: Remarks: DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR USE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT ONLY. LINE PUBLICATION DATE(S) OF ADVERT ISF.MENT INVOICE AMOUNT 0 A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 E-5 F3 F4 F5 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 LINE TRANS VOUCHER DUE DATE�- YY MM DD Adv. Doc. Reference VENDOR INDEX CODL OBJCCT PROJECT 11 0 1 13 17 _ 2 4 1 —t 18 25 V f' .. — — — 34 39 — - — 42 45 50 2 0 2 —-_1_TI.�_ 51 56 ��. 57 62 ��- 64 DISCOUNT 69 63 65 Gu 71 =_� 8� 7 1 j j 2 _ i2 Atv40Utgf T 80 12 3 4 7 8 V P 12 13 14 15 DESCRIPTION 36 5 2 0 0 2 0 1 Approved for Payment White — Purchasing Green — Finance Pink — Department 87 TO. Howard V. Gary City Manager CITY OF MIAM1, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM: Donald W. Cather Director of Public Works DATE: July 5, 1984 F,LE: p_,tic1 SUBJECT: City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement -- S.W. 16 Street Resolution Awarding Contract REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: (For Commission Meeting Of July 30, 1984) The Department of Public Works has determined a low bidder for the City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - S.W. 16 Street. The proposed attached resolution accepts the bid received June 14, 1984 of Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. in the amount of $129,275.00, authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract on behalf of the City, and directs the City Clerk to advertise for a public hearing upon completion of the work. Bids were received June 14, 1984 for City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - S.W. 16 Street. As reflected in the tabulation of bids, the $129,275.00 bid of Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. is the lowest responsible bid for the base bid of the proposal. Funds have been allocated under the "City Wide Sanitary Sewer Extensions Improvements" account, and monies are available for the estimated amount of the contract, for project expense, for such items as advertising, testing laboratories, and postage. Thirty-three contractors p.Lcked up plans and specifications (minority contractors: 6 hispanic, 5 black); 7 contractors submitted bids (minority contractors: 2 hispanic, 0 black). The engineers estimate was $150,000. EMP:td Resolution attached cc: M. Alvarez RECOMMENDED BY: Q4,_ \ *`, —Adrienne M. MaccBeth Assistant to City Manager 4 BID AWARD FACT SHEET FOR THE CITY MANAGER PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION - CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT-S.W. 16 STREET, B-5499. BID "D" (SANITARY SEWERS) S.W. 16 Street (22 to 27 Avenues). PROJECT SCOPE - Construct approximately 2,800 lin. ft. of 8-inch or 10- inch sanitary sewer in conjunction with S.W. 16 Street Highway Improvement. ENGINEER ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST - $150,000. DATE BIDS RECEIVED - June 14, 1984 NUMBER OF BIDS RECEIVED - FIVE (5) NAME OF LOW BIDDER - JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. AMOUNT OF LOW BID - $129,275.00 TOTAL FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED Contract: $129,275.00 Project Expense: 18,100.00 Incidentals: 2,585.00 Total $149,960.00 LENGTH OF TIME ALLOWED FOR CONSTRUCTION - FIFTY (50) WORKING DAYS SOURCE OF FUNDS - Capital Appropriation Ordinance 9534, XX.C.1 "Citywide Sanitary Sewer Extensions Improvement" Prepared By: D. C. Brenner 6/15/84 84®8OL I. CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - S.W. 16 STREET JOB NO. B-5499 CONTRACTOR'S FACT SHEET Joe Reinertson Equipment Co. 2027 N.W. 7 Avenue Miami, Florida 33127 Phone: 324-5547 Principals: Bruce 14. Reinertson - President Contractor is properly licensed and insured. Subcontractors: None required Experience: 26 years Convention Center - Ph. II - Site Work $224,000 Convention Center - Ph. II - Site Prep. $ 93,000 Convention Center - Ph. I - Site Excay. $ 88,000 Buena Vista C.D. Sanitary Sewer Mod. $ 64,000 Wyndwood C.D. Paving Proj. - Ph. VI $ 98,400 City 'Aide Sanitary Sewer Imp. - Allapattah Ind. Area $ 85,000 Lynwood Sanitary Sewer improvement $315,000 City Wide Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Overtown Ph. I $163,700 Not a minority contractor 314 advertisements mailed out by regular mail 33 contractors picked up plans and specifications (minorities: 6 Hispanic, 5 Black) 7 contractors submitted bids (minorities: 2 Hispanic, 0 Black) 6/26/84 84-806 I -ADULATION OF UJU:D 1-UH 'r7 T /S;-6-;'99 Rncelved by Ole City C,.r.. „ssion, Lily Clerk, City of Mio,ni, Florida at aldde, /7U_ S G G r /� -- -- - — /�. N. N1 % /G • MraN /Zc/n�E2r�o::1 C.4�/�� GD.�OrL//N -- — Licensed G Insured [l,d Bond 1,m:,unt�--_-- ��, Ili o itv ot,t�ed it0 Yes Yes No NO No NO ,-�� ,i.. ', .. i� r _ /,� 1.� '?;/' 4 .f� ��i:� �/1 rr.7/� 3c�•r, /� ri�i %�/,7 � /:)J %J �/Q .t�.+,Lj r.! 1 /e r•� ' t' f 3 / r nr� /✓c% iJ/'� ��.�i w� i� l �.�✓� O'er. ����� �� %J. 1 Ifr )t 4 �� /• ... r..jo Fnwer-nt. ,rprnr� LfLdo,,, os Iv Cot,-Iol r Svrolvs of Bonding Company C _ C,—rctcd E,Iensrons V _ F'roposol Unsigned or improperly S,gncd or No Corporate Seal It ,7 C.. [G - Improper Bid Bond H - Correcred Bid r_ J �f Frcr. 6Y: ��.✓"/ice /�'-'7 c`/I-•---�/�Y �%%{�/�� !%7/�r��/: ��!^.j . � �'(i•• - d jy s-L r JC iY LJ. ice,=*-f '3 ; 1