HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and Maps1SY f1i'.9�j.T \1 EalV� NOTICE ThI. submittal needs b � eche&W bf a pubk hexfing in eccorda wm timelines set Fortin In the City m Miami CWd .The appIiI d.mis -making bWywill reWewthei nbnnad at the page hearing t. renders recommendation or z final d.dm.,. PZ-22-14674 �\ 06/22/22 City of Miami Planning Department STAFF ANALYSIS FOR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-22-14674 Location 150 NE 19 ST Area 6.170 acres Commission District District 5 — Christine King Department of Human Service Neighborhood Service Center Wynwood/Edgewater Existing FLU Designation Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, & Utilities Proposed FLU Designation Public Parks & Recreation Applicant Art Noriega, on behalf of the City of Miami Planner Ryan Shedd, Planner II Recommendation Approval REQUEST Pursuant to Policy LU-1.6.4 of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP"), Art Noriega, on behalf of the City of Miami, ("the Applicant") is requesting an amendment to Ordinance No. 10544, the Future Land Use Map ("FLUM") of the MCNP to change the designation of the property at 150 NE 19 Street ("the Property") from "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, & Utilities" to "Public Parks & Recreation". The proposed amendment contains approximately 6.170 acres. Small-scale comprehensive plan amendments are those that involve less than 50 acres of property and are subject to the Small -Scale Review Process, as set forth in Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Concurrently, the Applicant is requesting a change to the Miami 21 Zoning Atlas as a companion item (PZ-22-14671). The companion application seeks to change the Property's zoning designation from Cl (Civic Institution) to CS (Civic Space). The Property is legally described in the attached Exhibit "A". The table below summarizes the request. 1SY f1i'.9�j.T \1 EalV� NOTICE Thls submittal needs b � eche&W bf a pubk h—I,g in eccorda wm timelines set Fortin In the City m Miami CWd .The appIiI d.mi--making bWywlll reWewthe inbnna - at the page hearing to render s recommendation or z final declWon. PZ-22-14674 �\ 06/22/22 Summary of the Existing and Proposed FLU Designations and Zoning Designations Folio Address Area Future Land Use Existing Proposed Miami 21 Zoning Existing Proposed Major 01-3136-000- 150 NE 19 6.170 Institutional, Public Cl (Civic CS (Civic Public Facilities, Parks & 0020 ST acres Transportation, & Recreation Institution) Space) Utilities The Property is located on NE 19 Street between N Miami Ave and NE 2 Ave in the Edgewater neighborhood. The Property consists of one parcel with an approximate area of 6.170 acres. The aerial image below shows the site, outlined in red, and the immediately surrounding context. F NOTICE This su bmidal needs b � scheaulee bra public hearing ii cordance wih umelines set Forth in the. city o K— CWe.7he applli decision -Waking bWywill renew the inbnn— at the public hearing to render a reco —dstbn or a flnal dada PZ-22-14674 06/22/22 EXISTING FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION The Property has an existing FLU designations of Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, & Utilities. The interpretation from the MCNP is copied below: "Areas designated as "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" allow facilities for federal, state and local government activities, major public or private health, recreational, cultural, religious or educational activities, and major transportation facilities and public utilities, and general commercial activities intended to serve the needs of the public. Residential facilities ancillary to these uses are allowed up to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential' or if applicable the least intense abutting/adjacent residential zoning district, subject to the same limiting conditions. Areas designated as "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities allow nonresidential uses such as commercial and office to a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 6.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" in the Health / Civic Center District allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 8.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" in the Urban Central Business District allow a maximum FLR of 37.0 times the net lot area of the subject property." PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS The proposed designation of Public Parks & Recreation is described below: "The primary intent of this land use classification is to conserve open space and green spaces of a park while allowing access and uses which will not interfere with the preservation of any significant environmental features which may exist within the park. This land use designation allows only open space and park uses with recreational and cultural uses where the total building footprints and impervious parking area surfaces in parks of one (1) acre of more may cover no more than 25% of the park land area (See related Policy PR-2.1.3.). Both passive and active recreational uses shall be permitted including but not limited to nature trails, interpretive centers, picnic areas, playgrounds, canoe trails and launches, small concession stands, restrooms, gyms, swimming pools, athletic fields, cultural facilities, marine and marina facilities and other facilities supporting passive and active recreational and cultural uses. Lands under this designation with specific qualities that make them desirable for commercial photography shall be allowed to be used in this manner conditionally, and only when it is determined that conducting such commercial photography will not 1SY f1i'.9�j.T \1 EalV� NOTICE Thls submittal needs b � eche&W bf a pubk hexfing in ecco',a wm timelines set Fortin In the City m Mlami CWd .The appIiI d.mi--making bWywill reWewihe inbnna - at the page hearing to render s recommendation or z final declWon. PZ-22-14674 06/22/22 endanger significant environmental features within the area. [Added 3123199 by Ordinance 11782.]" The map below show the existing and proposed future land use designations for the subject property. Existing Future Land Use Map Proposed Future Land Use Map wI� 9I1 � i i i 70 JLbanal -- - - - - -- -- - NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT-SOCIODEMOGRAPHICS Planning Department Staff retrieved data from the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) to analyze the sociodemographic conditions of the area surrounding the Subject Property. Staff utilized the Census Bureau's 2016-2020 ACS 5-Year Estimates and observed various data points for Census Tract 27.02. The table below shows the various data points for both the Census Tract in which the Subject Property is located and the City of Miami. Summary of Census Data for Subject Census Tract: 12086002702 Topic Population 3,884 461,080 Households 1,486 180,676 Avg Household Size 2.61 2.55 Owner -Occupied Housing 5.6% 26.2% Renter -Occupied Housing 81.5% 60.1 % NOTICE this submMal needs b he scheduled bra Public hearing ina Ida WMt lneUhm set Forth in the City of Miami Code.T, applies Websision-maXing hotly will rewewthe Inbnnetion at the public hearing to n:nd er e reco —detion or a final decitlon. PZ-22-14674 06/22/22 Vacant Housing Units 12.9% 13.6% Median Household Income $52,305 $44,268 Median Home Value $555,300 $344,300 Median Gross Rent $1,670 $1,242 0-Vehicle Households 18.2% 18.1 % Census Tract 27.02 is just under 250 acres (about 0.39 square miles) and consists of the area bounded by 1-195 to the north, Biscayne Blvd to the east, NE 15 St and NW 15 St to the south, and the FEC Railway to the west. Census Tract 27.02 includes some notable parcels with uses that preclude them from residential development including FPL, Cemex, Braman Motors, and the Old City Cemetery. These parcels account for just over 24 acres. After accounting for these uses, the density of Census Tract 27.02 is estimated to be 17.21 people per acre, which is far lower than the maximum density permissible under most of the Tract's zoning transects. According to ACS data, Census Tract 27.02 had a population of 3,884 people living across 1,486 households for an average household size of 2.61 in 2020. This is only marginally larger than the City of Miami's average household size of 2.55. In addition to average household size, both the City of Miami and Census Tract 27.02 have similar housing vacancy rates and are majority renter -occupied. While both geographies' housing characteristics are similar overall, it is important to highlight that drastic difference in the share of owner -occupied housing. Census Tract 27.02 has an owner -occupied housing rate of only 5.6 percent versus the City's 26.2 percent. For every 20 housing units in Census Tract 27.02, only one is owner -occupied. For every 20 housing units in the City of Miami, five are owner -occupied. Households in Census Tract 27.02 earn more than the typical City of Miami household. The typical household in Census Tract 27.02 earns $8,037 more than typical Miami households. Despite the higher earnings, the median gross rent almost equalizes the median household incomes of the City and Tract 27.02. Renters in Tract 27.02 pay $418 per month more than the typical renter in the City of Miami. This translates to $5,016 extra in rent per year. The median gross rent of Tract 27.02 is $1,670 per month, which equates to $20,040 per year, or 38.3 percent of income. This is considerably higher than the typical household in the City of Miami, which has a median gross rent of $1,242 per month, or $14,904 per year, which is 33.7 percent of income. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development classifies households spending more than 30 percent of their income on rent as being rent burdened. The typical household in both Census Tract 27.02 and the City of Miami are rent burdened, however, the burden is higher for households in Tract 27.02 despite their higher income. Home values in Tract 27.02 are 162.3 percent higher than the City of Miami's median home value. The typical home in Census Tract 27.02 is worth $555,300, which is $211,000 higher than the City of Miami's median home value of $344,300. This is important because homeowners in Census Tract 27.02 can generate more wealth through homeownership than the typical homeowner elsewhere in the City of Miami. While this is a great opportunity for 1SY f1i'.9�j.T \1 EalV� NOTICE Thls submittal needs b � eche&W bf a pubk hexfing in eccorda wm timelines set Fortin In the City m Mlami CWd .The appIiI d.mis -making bWy Wil reWewihei nbnnad at the page hearing to renders recommendation or z final declWon. PZ-22-14674 �\ 06/22/22 homeowners in Tract 27.02, only 5.6 percent of all housing units are owner - occupied, meaning far less households are capitalizing on this opportunity. While the median home value is lower citywide, more than one-fourth of all housing units are owner -occupied. This means more homeowners citywide can capitalize off potential wealth through homeownership than within Tract 27.02. The frequency of households without personal vehicles is nearly identical between Census Tract 27.02 and the rest of the city: 18.2 and 18.1 percent respectively. While 18.2 percent is a decent share of households without vehicles, a sizeable portion of Tract 27.02 is within a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Area. Tract 27.02 is served by the School Board Metromover Station and Adrienne Arsht Metromover Station. Roughly 104 acres — or 41.6 percent — of Tract 27.02 falls within a TOD Area. In addition to the Metromover, Tract 27.02 is also served by Miami Trolley's Biscayne, Wynwood, and Allapattah Routes and at least seven different Miami - Dade County Metrobus routes. Miami -Dade County is also in the process of creating a protected bike lane network that serves part of Tract 27.02. While many households in Tract 27.02 do not have their own personal vehicles, there are ample public transportation options that improve access to employment, education, and other important destinations. Overall, Census Tract 27.02 has the infrastructure of a highly urbanized area and the property values and housing costs of an urbanized area. However, Tract 27.02 has room to grow as evidenced by its lower population density. This area has experienced tremendous growth with regard to housing supply as over 2,000 housing units have been delivered to the market over the last five years within the boundaries of Census Tract 27.02. NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT: GEOSPATIAL ANALYSIS Staff inventoried the future and existing land uses in a quarter -mile area around the Property. The study area is shown in the map below. 1SY f1i'.9�j.T \1 EalV� NOTICE This submittal needs b � eche&W bf a pubk heaang in eccorda wm timelines set Forth In the city m Miami Code.The appIiI d.mis -making bodywill reWewthei nbnnad at the pubs hearing to renders recommendation or z final declWon. PZ-22-14674 �\ 06/22/22 EXISTING LAND USE INVENTORY 6Jwl 23RD_5T- ` NE 23R(0 ST i NE 23RD ST NE 23RD ST.. ` L I - p QGGYER'"- NW 22ND_ST NE 22ND ST - rr 22ND ST NE21ST ST NW 215T ST • 4 Light n ndustrlal NE 20TH TER - -� V A • III 9aTH ST • N Nw HST '7 _� IJE 20TH ST • NE_I9TH TER r� /o �Py g s T � rdW 19TH ST a • • ? . U kkss D Major PUB FAC W r • Z Z NE 1ElTH ST w Z � Nw_18T11 ST w _- NEI7THTER `�rF,Q'y aerSeG NE 17TH.ST NW 17TH ST rIW 17TH ST NE 17TH ST • r I � • g fJE 16TH ST � NE 16TH ST NW 1BTH ST U' * �'m a rn NE-1,- 5T1'I TERT Z NE 17 ST z•� NE 15TH 57- �' NW 157H 5T 114 Mile Study Area + Multifamily Residential: 3+Units Q Subject Property • Condominium Residential N • Mixed -Use Residential Parcels • Commercial Existing Land Uses • Industrial Single Family Residential • Institutional Duplex Residential 0 250 500 1,000 Feet Parking Townhouse Residential Vacant The table below summarizes the inventory of Future Land Use designations within the study area. The area is heavily designated for mixed -use, with the majority of FLU designations consisting of Restricted Commercial and General Commercial. The area currently has about the same proportion of Public Parks & Recreation as the City as a whole. Comparison of FLU Designations in Study Area & Citywide Study Area City of Miami Future Land Use Acres % Acres % NOTICE This submittal needs b � eche&W bra public h-ing In eccorba wm tnndinm set Fortin In the City m Mlami CWd .The appIiI berm n-making bWywill reWewthe inlormatlon at the public hearing t. render e recommendatbn ,a finalde iaon. PZ-22-14674 \\ 06/22/22 Restricted Commercial 68.89 35.1 % 3,795.98 16.8% General Commercial 63.73 32.4% 967.02 4.3% Major PUBFAC 25.15 12.8% 2,105.96 9.3% Industrial 15.95 8.1 % 449.46 2.0% Conservation 9.42 4.8% 330.14 1.5% Med. D. MF Residential 8.10 4.1 % 1,440.74 6.4% Public Parks & Recreation 5.26 2.7% 1,323.37 5.9% Single Family Residential 0.00 0.0% 6,176.28 27.4% Duplex - Residential 0.00 0.0% 3,993.70 17.7% Med. D. Restricted Com. 0.00 0.0% 900.76 4.0% Light Industrial 0.00 0.0% 511.86 2.3% Central Business District 0.00 0.0% 199.22 0.9% High D. MF Residential 0.00 0.0% 168.89 0.7% Low D. Restricted Com. 0.00 0.0% 147.80 0.7% Low D. MF Residential 0.00 0.0% 54.94 0.2% Total 196.50 100.0% 22.566.12 100.0% Below is a table detailing the inventory of existing land uses within the study area. The most abundant land use is Condominium Residential, reflecting the great amount of residential density in the area. Existing Land Uses within'/4 Mile of the Subject Property Existing Land Use Folios % Condominium Residential 1,224 73.3% Vacant 133 8.0% Commercial 121 7.2% Industrial 64 3.8% Parking 55 3.3% Single Family Residential 19 1.1 % Townhouse Residential 18 1.1 % MF Residential: 3+ Units 17 1.0% Institutional 17 1.0% Mixed -Use Residential 1 0.1 % Duplex Residential 1 0.1 % Total 1.670 100.0% NOTICE This submittal needs b � eche&W bra public h—I,g in eccorba wM tnndinm set Fortin In the City m Mlami CWd .The appIiI berm n-making bWywill reWewihe inlormatlon at the public hearing to render e recommendatbn ,a finald-iaon. PZ-22-14674 \\ 06/22/22 SITE PHOTOS Site photos obtained from Google Streetview: Image: Looking west along NE 19 St with the Property on the left Image: Looking south into the western end of the Property Concurrency Analysis The Planning Department tested levels of service as required for this application. The Levels of Service (LOS) testing is based on a potential increase in population. For this request, residential density would be eliminated under the proposed FLU designation. Because no residential density would be generated, the only concurrency testing required is for Transportation. Schools Schools concurrency is not required because the request reduces density from 9 du/ac to zero. F NOTICE This su bmidal needs b � schedi,W bra public hearing ii cordance wih umelines set Forth in the. city o K— CWe.7he applli decision -Waking bWywill renew the inbnn— at the public hearing to render a reco —dstbn or a flnal dada PZ-22-14674 06/22/22 Recreation and Open Space The MCNP requires a 10-minute,'/2-mile barrier -free walk to a park entrance for 72 percent of the City's population to meet public Levels of Service (LOS). As the request will expand available park space, this application will help the City improve its performance of this LOS. Potable Water Potable Water concurrency testing is not required because the request reduces density from 9 du/ac to zero. Sanitary Sewer Transmission Sanitary Sewer Transmission concurrency testing is not required because the request reduces density from 9 du/ac to zero. Solid Waste Collection Solid Waste Collection concurrency testing is not required because the request reduces density from 9 du/ac to zero. Transportation The MCNP has updated its LOS standards for the City with the most recent update of the Transportation Element. The application was analyzed for the impact the request would have on trip generation for traffic. The proposed FLR and density have the potential to result in a decrease of approximately 13,500 daily trips and 1,200 P.M. peak hour trips. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANALYSIS The following is an analysis of the application relative to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the MCNP. Criteria 1 Policy LU-1.6.4: "Any proposal to amend the City's Zoning Atlas that has been deemed to require an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan Map by the Planning Department, shall require a level of service (LOS) review and a finding from the Planning Department that the proposed amendment will not result in a LOS that falls below the adopted minimum standards described in Policy CI- 1.2.3, and will not be in conflict with any element of the MCNP. Based on its evaluation, and on other relevant planning considerations, the Planning Department will forward a recommended action on said amendment to the Planning Advisory Board, which will then forward its recommendation to the City Commission." Analysis 1 See the section above titled "Concurrenc Analysis". Finding 1 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy LU-1.6.4 NOTICE This submittal needs b � eche&W bra public h—I,g in eccorba wm tnndinm set Fortin In the City m Mlami CWd .The appIiI berm n-making bWywill reWewthe inlormatlon at the public hearing t. render e recommendatbn ,a finald-iaon. PZ-22-14674 \\ 06/22/22 Criteria 2 Policy PR-2.1.1: "The City has a no -net -loss policy for public park land and will adopt procedures to this effect for park land in the City Zoning Ordinances, as described in the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan. These will allow only recreation and cultural facilities to be built on park land, will limit building footprint on any such land, will require that conversion of park land for any other purposes be subject to public procedures, and replace the converted park land with land similar in park, recreation or conservation value in terms of usefulness and location." Analysis 2 This request is a companion to PZ-20-6114 and PZ-20-6123, the Miami Freedom Park Special Area Plan and its own companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Those applications propose converting approximately 23 acres of park land to other uses. This application, along with others, would satisfy the no -net -loss requirement, as detailed in Policy PR-2.1.1. Finding 2 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy PR-2.1.1 RECOMMENDATION Based on the above background information, the Planning Department recommends approval of the request to amend the designation on the FLUM from "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, & Utilities" to "Public Parks & Recreation" for the property located at 150 NE 19 Street, Miami, FL. Digitally signed byTrone, ue Trone, Sue SDate:2022.06.22 09:23:15-04-00- Attachments: Exhibit A — Legal Description Attachment 1 — Concurrency Analyses CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY MEMORANDUM Sue Trone, AICP Chief, Community Planning FROM: Collin Worth Transportation Analyst DATE: FILE: SUBJECT: June 13, 20 PZ-22-14674 n�la� NOTICE rniae inai neadam to 1hedaiee mr a Pabn hearing in—rean�e ith nn,,[— aetforth in ma Citynr M., CWe.7he appl-de tlmi—n-making bWy will re a, the intcnnaWn al the public hearing tg n:nbera nso —d—or a final aeci— PZ-22-14674 06/22/22 Transportation Concurrency Analysis REFERENCES: PZAB File ID 22-14674 ENCLOSURES: Based on existing and proposed FLR and density for the applications for the project located at 150 NE 19t" Street, the maximum potential impact as it relates to trip generation was calculated. The proposed FLR and density have the potential to result in a decrease of approximately 13,500 daily trips and 1,200 P.M. peak hour trips. Based on this preliminary analysis, additional information is needed to help determine the impact of this application. At the time of redevelopment, a traffic study may be required. The traffic study should include traffic mitigation if significant impacts to operating levels of service are identified. DAILY TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON EXISTING DAILY TRIP GENERATION �tisz nFt! .. NOTICE ThIs submittal needs b be sch.&W d br a public heming In aceortlana wM1h tlmellnes set forth In the city m em Mli Cotle. The appll�d, decisbn 1,1ng bWynill renewthe Information at the public hearing to re,d,, a recommendation or a final decidon. PZ-22-14674 A\ 06/22/22 A4 ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS• . ® �41 O o mmmv®m•m•mm� • ••• om•m•� • ••• omm� • ••• om■ms ITE Land Use Code Rate or Equation Total: mm� • • • om•m•� • • • omm� • • • om■m, b 1 u Y=b.Z9-(x)-34b9.1Jb PROPOSED DAILY TRIP GENERATION .ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS•. ITE Land Use Code Rate or Equation Total: mm� • • • o��� • • • omm� • • • o��� 411 Y=U.b4-(X)+bb.4b IN 1 OUT I TOTAL NET NEW TRIPS -6,747 -6,747-13,494 K:\FTL TPT0\042258128-W0#28 In-house Support\Correspondence\FLUM\June 2022\TRIP GEN 11_Redevelopment.xlsx: PRINT -DAILY 6/13/2022,4:30 PM �tisz nF t PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON MI NOTICE ThIs submittal needs b be sch.&W d br a pubic heming In aceortlana wM1h tlmellnes set forth In the city m em Mli Cotle. The appll�d, decisbn-mahing bWynill renewihe Information at the public hearing to rentler a recommendation or a final decidon. PZ-22-14674 j EXISTING WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION 1W7Q-, 06/22/22 .ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS: • • •�V1 E}jV C•4 o m�mam�®m��m�m�mm • ••• om�mamm. • ••• o��� • ••• o��� ITE Land Use Code Rate or Equation Total: m�ma� • • • om�mamm. • • • o��� • • • o��� 610 LN(Y) = 0.64*LN(X)+2.27 PROPOSED WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION GENERATIONITE TRIP ® •. ITE Land Use Code Rate or Equation Total: mmm • • • omm® • • • o®m® • • • o®m® 411 Y=0.06*(X)+22.6 IN OUT TOTAL NET NEW TRIPS 414 -782 -1 196 K:\FTL_TPTO\042258128-WO#28 In-house Support\Correspondence\FLUM\June 2022\TRIP GEN 11_Redevelopment.xlsx: PRINT -PM PEAK HOUR 6/13/2022,4:30 PM PUB4./C.y� a � i PUB F'L-ZZ-lob/4 / General Commercial Z 0 AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-22-14674 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESSES: 150 NE 19 ST 125 250 500 Feet �M1Y eta' eL '`b 1 NOTICE This sob."" needs to be soheColad fore public hearing In e¢ortiance wM timelines ad forth In the City of Miami Code. The eppllra tie decision -making body YAll reN_the Information at the pu Me hearing to render a recommenCag on or a final tleclC on. PZ-22-14674 06/22/22