HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 1984-07-31 MinutesCITY OF MI AMI CO MI IS S 1 OF MEETING HELD ON J ULY 31, 1984 PLANNING & ZONING PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HL L RALPH G. ONGIE CITY CLERK Mra 2 3 ITEM SUBJECT NO. 14 11 INDEX MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA :JULY 31, 1984 ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK:"BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT I DISTRICT H R CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF "CORAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT-SR-5463-S. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK" DURHAM SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT SR-5486-C. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION "ALLLPATTAH INDUSTRIn AREA hi( Y' TrrEOVEMUT-FHASE 11-H- 4495. REPORT OF :'.7TUART ()U(';_ TPIJNING CENTER, MAKF-UP OF 'j.ift 1 (» I HYDROF011--(TVIA DFITRRPJ) POINT). DISCUSSION 5 CLOSURE OY COOIWUT ONCia-OCIODER 20T11 AND 21ST PURL:Ufir: TO NEOUE::::T ry rocolnyT GROVE CHAP:DEN OF OOMIROL DIRECT CITY P:ANAEP, TO WOE • WITH PROPMERS OF DADE COUNTY-2ND ANEUAL EICYCLING DAY TO EE HELD DURING THE HONTH OF OCTOBER 1984. 10 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH MORTY FREEDMAN. "INTERNATIONAL FOLK FESTIVAL- 1985". MOTION APPROVING A "GERMAN BANDS" EVENT IN CONNECTION WITH "OKTOBERFEST" TO BE. HELD SEPTEMBER 22, 1984. 12 AUTHORIZE CITY KANAGER TO EXECUTE "MINORITY PARTICIPATION AGEEEMENT"-HAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER, 13 APPROVE PARKING GANAGE kGREEMENT EETaEN bAYSIDE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND TW DETARTE.ENT OF OFF- STREET PARKING. AL 30 HAKE PROVISION FOR A FIFTH FLOOR POSSIELE ADDITION TO PARKING STRUCTURE. PROVIDE FOR USE OF FACILITY BY THE "MIAMI GRAND PRIX" FOE A FIVE YEAR PERIOD. 14 INSTRUCT CITY MANAGER ID NAME NEXT CULTURAL CITY PROGRAM IN HONOR OF HE. JORGE VALS ARANGO. 15 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE DRIVE-IN TELLERS SUNBANK MIDTOWN 1400 N.S. 201H SIRED. LEGISLATION PAGE NO. R-84-843 R-84-844 R-84-845 R-84-846 M-84-847 M-84-848 DISCUSSION ITEM: AWARD OF BID FOR SEATS IN THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM. DISCUSSION 12-14 R-84-849 M-84-850 R-84-851 M M (1) 1 2 2-3 3 4 11 11-12 14-18 18-20 20 M-84-852 23-32 H_8 R-84-854 32 34-35 16 WAIVE FEE FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM. UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS. SEAT SALE TO BE HELD AUGUST 11, 198'i TO INCREASE THE SEASON'S TICKET BASE. M44-857 35-37 17 RATIFY AND CONFIRM FINDING OF THE CITY MANAGER: WAIVE FORMAL SEALED BIDS FOR PROCUREMENT OF MAINTENANCE SERVICES, COMPUTER OUTPUT MICROFILM SYSTEM EQUIPMENT. R-84-858 37 ==7- = 20 - 214 ==, _.•■•••=x 30 (2) 18 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH TWO SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: OFFICE OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL LIAISON, MIAMI JOB DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. ORD. 9866 37-40 19 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE. INCREASE APPROPRIATION FOR ENTERPRISE FUND 2 90,00O FOR A PRACTICE FIELD FOR THE UNITED STATES FOOTBALL LEAGUE TEAM. ORD. 9867 40-42 AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF FOOTBALL PRACTICE FIELD OF THE 'NORTH 2" & RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING LOTS AT ORANGE BOWL STADIUM FOR U.S.F.L. R 42 21 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE. APPROPRIATE . ,267,000 0 TT 7LB5 COMPUTERS- AIDED PTEATCP SYSTEM FO THE FIRE PEPhRTMENT. ORD. 9868 42-44 22 SECOND IITI,1(74:; ITY1; :A1P-SEC (A) OF SEC, 1-J OF TU colT :u;c1F coaosITION OF THE 1)0TO 1)FvFLary.T AUTEOR1TY FROM 17 TO 19 MEHPER. ORD. 9869 44-46 ORD. 9870 46-47 23 suoup 11hrI55 0 APNWITIATE ADDITIONAL $5,479,910 TO COMENITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. TENTH (Inn SECOND LEliDINfl OPDINANCE AMEND CHAPTI THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ENTITLED: ' AND SIDEVALKS". 54 OF TREETS 25 SECOND BELDING ORDINANCE: AMEND EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE BY APPROPRIATING $2,219,000 FOR LAND ACQUISITION FOR CONVENTIONAL PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. ORD. 9872 47 26 DISCUSSION AND DEFERRAL OF AN ORDINANCE WHICH WOULD INCREASE APBNOPIRATIONG TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE FOR AN ADDITIONAL PLANNER III POSITION. 27 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SEDC.8-3 OF CHAPTER 38 ENTITLED: "PARKS AND OTHER CITY PROPERTIES-GENERALLY". 28 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND SEC. 4 AND 6 AND ORD. 9684, TEE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE. INCREASE / i i 1 i I '5 TO THE TICfEKNAL SENVICE FUND CENTRAL 51 OSAGE-$5,000 805 THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING 1-20'Z': INVENTORY SUPPLY. 29 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AarND SUP-SEC (A) OF SEC. 30-5 ENTFILED: "GREEN FEES, CART FEES AND SPECIAL LT GOLF COUh:LE", FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND PARMAAPH 2 AND 3 OF SEC. 30-26 OF nL CODE FUR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING FEES CHARGED FOR THE DAY CASE CENTER PROGRAMS. ORD. 9871 47 DISCUSSION 49-51 1ST READING 51 1ST READING 52 1ST READING 53 1ST READING 54-55 32 IT wins. 31 35 ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE SPECIAL FUND" TO ASSIST HISPANIC AND TILAcK MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND CHAPTER 39 OF THE CODE "PEDDLERS, SMITHS AND TOOL GRINDERS, ICE CREAM VENDORS, ETC." AND INSERT A NEW ARTICLE ENTITLED; "SIDEWALK AND STREET VENDORS". 33 ACCEPT BIDS: "A" FOR WESTERN DRAINAGE PROJECT E- 54. 34 ACCEPT BIDS: "H" AND "C"-WESTERN DRAINAGE PROJECT E-54, DISCUSSION ITEM: COMMUNICATIONS EOUIPMENT. 36 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE NEGOTIATION OF EXTENDED USE AGREEMENT WITH EDUARDO AND GUSTAVO ROSAS FOR THE USE OF THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER TO CONDUCT A SERIES OF THEATRE PRODUCTIONS. 37 ALLOCATE U5,950 IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI "YOUTH BASEBALL ACADEMIES, INC." 38 AUTHORIZE CITY UNAGEN TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT UITF TFE MTC,A3 fli'T.TIITE OF ARCHITECTS TO PROVIDE NE TO .2,0(0 IN FUNDING FOR PE:' •1 )'OR TEE , Tour cFrTH MALL DESIGN COMPETY 1ALL) FOR SOUTHEAST OVERT0WN/1 UPST ENO31 T 39 APPROVE AU ASSIGNMENT IF FORM ACCEPT/IDLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY OF THE LEASE FOR CONSTRUCTION/OFFUATJOH OF VORED TRADE CENTER FROM DADE SAVIUGS AND LOAN ASOCIATION .10 CENTRUST REALTY tx CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (A WHOLLY( WNED SUESIDIAPY OF DANE SAVINGS ti 10114 ASSOCIATION). 40 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO TRANSFER FUNDS TO MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT (McD'S) IN THE AMOUNT OF $56,204. IN WIDER TO INCREASE MCDI"S ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET. 41 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. TO PROVIDE $500,000 INN FUNDS TO INCREASE THE EXISTING $1,300,000 REVOLVING LOAN FUND. 42 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL. CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH NINE NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, IN SUBVSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, FOR THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED FOR EACH, TO CONTINUE IMPLEMENTING L NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGIJ,P; WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED THEREFOR PROM THE TENTH ILIA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LEOCK GRLRT. 43 APPROVE AND AFFIRM ACTION OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION FON THE DESIGN PORTION OF THE BIFURCATED RAMP S'YSTFM IN THE DUPONT PLAZA AREA AS A LIMITED LC(1333 FACILITY 44 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT WITH METROPOLITAN DA DE COUNTY TO ACCEPT Al AWARD OF FUNDS FROM U.S. DEPARTMENT 00 COMMLRCE-CITY OF MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC FLAN AND STRATEGY. (3) 1ST READING 55-56 1ST READING 56 R..-84860 57 R-84-861 58 DISCUSSION 60 R-84-862 R-84-893 60 61 R-84-864 62 R-84-865 63 R-84-866 64 R 65 R-84-868 66-69 R-84-869 69 R-84-870 70 45 AUTHORIZE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO DISTRIBUTE AND PUBLISH THE ENCLOSED REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO FEDERAL AND FLORIDA CHARTERED BANKS, 46 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND EXISTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE FIRM OF E.H. & FRIEND COMPANY FOR EXPERT ACTUARIAL ASSISTANCE, 1 47 48 49 50 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PUBLISH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, FULL SERVICE BANK, TO ESTABLISH A BANK AT THE OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER. 51 APPOINTMENT OF PERSONS TO THE MIAMI AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. 53 APPOINT COMISSIONER J.L. PLUMMER TO SERVE AS A DELEGATE TO 'fl FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES 1984 CONVENTION. 54 APPOInT VAi.OS INDIVIDUALS TO THE HERITAGE CONSFRVVOOR 55 APPOINT JWLVIDUALS TO THE ZONING BOARD AND THE PLANNIN ti)VJORY• BOARD-INSTRUCT CITY CLERK TO FE- 01 RECEIET OF APPLICATIONS FOR CONTINUED VACAPCIL, 56 57 58 CREATE A MINORITY PROCUREMENT BID BOND VOUCHER PROGRAM. DISCUSSION AND DEFERRAL OF PROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN BARGE CLUB. ALLOCATE 4,658 FROM FY-83-84 F.R.S. FUNDS TO THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTER OF DADE COUNTY,INC. CEJAS PROJECT). APPOINT CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. APPOINT INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD. APPOINT CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERMS OF JOSE GONZALEZ AND WILLIAM JOHNSON. 59 CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILIES OF FORMER MAYOR JOSEPH MURPHY AND FORMER MAYOR J. DERMER OF THE CITIES OF CORAL GABLES AND MIAMI BEACH. 60 AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT WITH ALL PROJECTS, INC. FOB CONSTRUCTION OF DINNER KEY MARINA-DOCKMASTER'S OFFICE RENOVATION 61 RATIFY CITY KANAGEPS FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE- WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS 100 HYDRAULIC BANK VALVES FOR DEFT, OF LUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. 62 RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE - WAIVE COKELTITIVE BIDS 1 APCOR TELEMETRY UNIT FROM MOTOROLA CUMMUNICATIONSS AND ELECTRONICS AT A COT OP t.1,CRA.50 FOR DEPT. OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. 63 AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT WITH FRANK J. MORAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS-1984. R-84-871 R-84-872 R-84-873 M-84-873.1 R-84-874 R-84-875 R M44-878 R44-879 R-84-480 M-84-881 R-84-882 R-84-883 R-84-884 R-84-885.1 R-84-885.2 R-84-886 R-84-887 R-84-888 R-84-889 71 (4) 72 72 74 75 75 77 78 79 80 82 84 86 86 87-88 89 90 91 64 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ADVERTISING AND RECEIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR FIRE RESCUE TRAINING CENTER, R -84 -890 92 65 AUTHORIZE . ; uANcr: OF R.F.P -' S. FOR UNITED DEVELOPMENT PROM (IJDP) FOR THE RETAIL RESTAURANT MID OTHER C[1LT11RA1. REUSE OF THE HISTORIC BIJI1. D1PG ENOI'1N AS FORMER FIRE `NATION NO. 1 1 66 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ADVERTISE AND RECEIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR MOLDED fOTTOi',_ PLASTIC BENCH —TYPE SEATS FOR THE ORANGE HOWL. R - - 892 96 67 APPOINT MEMBERS TO REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. ENOWN AS SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN PARKWEST DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. 68 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE 9639, APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL AMOUNTS TOTALING $1,357,124. RE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS - (9TH YEAR) . 59 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: AMEND THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORPITNCE BY INCREASING REVENUES AND APPROPRIATION OF HE PENSION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND TN TIT ;ii `I)t. OF 793,q09. 70 ALLCC 1, < " ;' i' s 'W .;i "1., 1? ::15,000 AS PART OF y '1`N!? "' )H: :IF !'lily FLORIDA LAVE JUN 1 MI;' ,)11 I l:_ ( ail 71 GRANT QU LUNICE LIBERTY TO APPEAR Y Cai; : i'I'.; f.i 1'ROPl11f-.`I"F: I3OARI) IN CO11' }.t; :' N i I; i:l: - iM. . HME'N7' Of A HALF -WAY HOUSE FOE l`L.'J'1,'/ J L J'1 1 . 72 INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A CHARTER AMENDMENT EXPANDING G ;E1'RF:ESHIE OF THE OFF — STREET PARKING BOARD OF THE CITY FROM 5 TO 7 MEMBERS. 73 PUBLIC HEARING — CABLE T.V. 74 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING CLASSIFICATION 3930-4024 N.W. 7TH STREET FROM RG -2/4 TO CR-2/7. 75 ESTABLISH AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO RECOMMEND FIRST SOURCE AGREEMENT POLICY. 76 SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING CLASSIFICATION 725 N.W. 35TH AVENUE FROM RS -2/2 TO RG-1 /3 77 SECOND RE D11 GG ORDINANCE: APPLY HC-1 GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAT DISTRICT TO THE CUSHMAN SCHOOL LOCATED 592 N.E. 60TH STREET. 78 CHANGE ZONING CLASSIFICATION 3521 5. 1- IA I AVENUE AND 50 S.W. -7hD ED. 1 "1;C)1`: E ' /2 '1u GU. 79 FIRST h LL 1 ,G C; ii': ! I,.,NCE: APPLY LC' 1 GE NE L USE HERITAGE CON, FI LVAT ION t Eft L/ 1 _:,.i l : f 70 " P ` 4` - i 'c 1 ' ' f' �._. _ 1 t V��CA��. �:�:' 7 ....0 ..� .��i 1�t�1..1�_�t.�. :1.. �C) ...4e. 32ND ROAD, 80 DISCUSSION AND TEMPOHAN'y Lw L E OF REQUEST FOR ZONING CLAESTFICA` ICN CHANGE GI 6450- -6490 W. FLAGLER ST. FROM RG -3/5 TO CI -2/7. R -84 -891 R -84 -893 97 1ST READING 98 1ST READING 99 R -84 -894 99 -101 M -84 -895 ORD. 9873 R -84 -898 ORD. 9874 ORD. 9875 ORD. 9876 (5) 92 -95 102 SEE:R -84 -918 102 -105 SEE : R -84 -934 103 -123 122 -131 131 -133 134 -135 136 -137 136 -137 1ST READING 138 DISCUSSION 138 -142 94 95 96 97 81 PUBLIC HEARING: DISCUSSION AND CONTINUANCE FOR COMMISSION INSPECTION-REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AT 277 N.W. 17TH ST, FROM RO TO CR-3/7. 82 FIRST READING ORDINANCE: TEXT CHANGES TO THE ENVIROMENTAL PRESERVATION DISTRICTS, CORRIDORS ATLAS CONCERNING ENVIROMENTAL PRESERVATION AND THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CORAL WAY, SPECIFICALLY REGARDING TREE REMOVAL. 83 DISCUSSION, TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF A REQUEST FOR STREET CLOSURE EAST:-WEST ALLEY SO. OF N.W. 37TH ST. BETWEEN N.W. 29T1i CT. AND N.W. 30TH AVENUE. 84 DISCUSSION AND TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF A REQUEST FOR STREET CLOSURE LOCATED N.E. 30TH ST. BETWEEN N.E. 1ST CT, AND THE P.E.C. RAILWAY. 93 FIRST READING ORDINANCE:ZONING TEXT CHANGE - SEC. 35-13, FAILURE OF CITY comnIssior TO ACT - ADD PROVISION THAT COMMISSION MAY CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF A NECOMMENDA1ION 10 h DATE CERTAIN THAT INTERVENING TIME SHALL NO BE COUNTED; ETC. ACCEPT BID: BID "E" OP PROPOSAL FOR CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT EAST LITTLE HAVANA. ACCEPT BID: 1311) "A" EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4467A ACCEPT MD: L1 1) "E" - EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4487F, ACCEPT MD: MELVE13 SIGNS, INC. ($74,630.00) COMMERCIAL DlnRICIS SIGNS; COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EPoCK GNANT LCCOOUNT, 98 ACCEPT LID: blb"b" LAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4487. (6) DISCUSSION 142-152 1ST READING 153-154 DISCUSSION 153-156 DISCUSSION 156-157 85 ACCEPT PLAT: IZNAGA GARDENS. R-84-899 157 86 ACCEPT PLAT: ST. HUGH OAKS. R-84-900 158 87 ACCEPT PLAT WHITE PLAZA. SUBDIVISION R-84-901 159 88 ACCEPT ITT HUEY. SODDIVISION •R-84-902 160 89 AUTHORFIE tJTIJCIA1ON FOR FINAL MAJOR USE SPECIAL 11 PLAZA LIMITED TERRPrifJ - Jrc., LOCATION :AVIATION AVENUE, 0 PAYSHORE DRIVE. R-84-903 161 90 ESTADL)SH fl1 0c01FR 5 1984 A5 THE DATE FOR A MJ( U1,1M:; rol;CFkMG ISSUANCE OF DEVELOPMPNI o H15 TFALE); CF.TEli PROJECT, A DEVELOPMHT CT 1:10!W,_, JMI'ACT R-84-904 161-162 91 ESTABLISH JJ3Df1 JOLiLL 11, 1904 AS THE DATE FOR A FULTC HUJAIHG COIZCEMING THE ISSUANCE OF A DEVELOPMENT 00 i1-i30 BAY OFFICE PROJECT, A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT. R-84-905 162-163 92 AUTHORIZE APPLICANT TO FILE FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT "BRICKELL STATION TOWERS" (AMERIFIRST FEDERAL, AS TRUSTEE FOR BRICKELL STATION TOWERS, INC.) R 163= 1ST READING 164 R-84-907 166 R-84-908 167 R-84-909 167 R-84-910 169 R-84-911 170 99 100 101 ACCEPT BID: BID "C" AND "D" EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-4487. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: ALLOCATE $10,000 FOR THE REPAIR OF THE "BAY OF PIGS" MONUMENT. FORMALIZATION: ALLOCATE :125,000 AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CARIBBEAN/CENTRAL AMERICAN ACTION TN CONNECTION WITH "8TH ANNUAL MIAMI CONFERENCE ON THE CARIBBEAN" AT HYATT REGENCY, DECEMBER 3 1984 102 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS FOR LEASE OF BAYBOTTOM LAND IN CONNECTION WITH THE FISHER ISLAND FERRY TERMINAL. 103 DISCUSSION AND CONTINUANCE TO SEPTEMBER MEETING REQUEST FOR CLOSURE OF EAST/WEST ALLEY IN N.W. 37TH STREET BETWEEN 29TH COURT AND 30TH AVENUE. 104 AMEND DUPONT PLAZA II DEVELOPMENT ORDER BY EXTENDING THE TIME FOR A SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT. R-84-916 105 DISCUSSION AND DEFERRAL OF CONSIDERATION OF TEXT AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 9500 FOR PD DISTRICTS, SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST DISTRICTS; ETC. 106 PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF ROBERT TRAURIG ON DEHALF OF THE DEVELOPE1 1 1l( 111C1 11 f1 REGARDING A PROPOSAL FOR ALTERNATE ;1..TE FOR NCOKE HOUSING ORTGTHM,EY CHEDULED TO hJ OET THERE. 107 108 109 111 DISCUSSION 'i)010);UY DEFERRAL OF THE DINNER KEY 1=7LR ESTAIMIH TEE ANNUAL SALARY OF CITY ATTORNEY LUCIA hELEN DOUGHERTY. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A CHARTER AMENDMENT TO INCREASE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD FOR THE CITY FROM FIVE (5) TO SEVEN (7) MEMBERS. 112 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE APPLICATION UDAG GRANT FOR BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER-LAYFRONT PARK REDEVELPMENT PROJECT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE AMPHITHEATER AND REDEVELOPRENT OF ADJACENT 20 ACRES IN BAYFEONT PARK. R-84-912 171 R R-84-914 M-84-915 DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DISCUSSION R-84-917 R-84-918 R-84-920 (7) 17 1 172 173 174 176 DISCUSSION 176 182 182 195 196 110 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: SERT FORTH PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT 00. 1 FOR NOVEMBER 6, 198D TO INCREASE THE MEMBERS OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD FROM 5 TO 7 MEMBERS. ORD. 9877 196 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE THE APPLICATION OF SUN CITY PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, MID-SIZE SHOPPING CENTER IN THE LIBERTY CITY AREA. R-84-919 199 113 APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE APPLICATION OF THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPER FOR SUBMISSION OF A UDAG GRANT - CIFicA LIMITED, ThE BARNES ORGANIZATION, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 111 RENTAL UNITS -- HOUSING PROJECT UNDER '1110 CITY'S AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT RhOGRAM. R-84-921 200 199-200 V,!P 114 DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO ARRANGE A MEETING BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE CITY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONS TO REVIEW THE COUNTY'S CURRENT PRACTICE REGARDING UTILIZATION Off_ INDO: PONDS IN THE ATTEMPTED RELOCATION O MIAMI P1 111ESSF INTO THE UNINCORPORATED r\nrA 115 CHANGE DATE OF THE SECOND SEPTEMBER CITY COMMISSION MEETING TO NOW SEPTEMBER 20TH. TAKE PLACE ON 116 GO ON RLCORD THAT ALL MATTERS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 27TH WILL NOW BE HEARD ON SEPTEMBER 20T11; FURTHER SETTING SEPTEMBER 10TH AND 11TH AS TEIE DATES FOR BUDGET WORKSHOPS. 117 ALLOCATE 41,600 IN SUPPORT OF THE "MIAMI BANDIDOS SOFTBALL TEAM". 118 REFER TO CITY MANAGER REQUEST RECEIVED FROM I.N.S. FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM ON SEPTEMBER 17TH FOR SWEAR —IN CEREMONY FOR 10, 000 PERSONS. 119 RESOLUTION CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION STRAW BALLOT FOR STRONG MAYOR FORM OF GOVERNMENT; EXPANSION OF MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION; AND METHOD OF ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION. 120 DISCUSSION OF P1.ACEUEVT OF 11OU iii= FOND ISSUE IN THE NO\`1 1,x 1; BALLOT: CO ' I . 1: 11.17 N SC'USSION OF POSSI i'1.,I:: ( 1 E°i'1j'.Ei n1' 1':1 I?1': N':i' FOR NOVEMBER REGARDING THE STRONG; 1D, . O , 1 OP (;O E RNR[NT. 120.1 CONTINUED DISCU� : SON OF FOSSIFLE CHARTER AMENDMENT FOR 1 .'O't "F M I i� (' IihD1 NO THE STRONG MAYOn FOJ11 00 (( }1'1:1t' 1 2 1 DECLARING THAT A L 1 :' [10: [nFV1OUFLY SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD AT 1 0hl l: :Gs:1: T, f ! K ON SEPTEMBER 27TH, SHALL NOW 1 1_: 111':A1;Ii AT CITY HAL:1. OH SEPTEMBER 20TH.(AGEN i ITEM NUKHER 12 1I: DINNER KEY MASTER PLAN WAS CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 20TH. 122 INSGTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE FOR PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT REGARDING THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR — MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT AND FIRST READING ORDINANCE PLACING THIS MATTER IN THE NOVEMBER BALLOT. 123 ESTABLISH DATE OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 AS DATE OF SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING TO CONSIDER SECOND READING ORDINANCE ON STRONG MAYOR FORM OF GOVERNMENT TO BE PLACED ON THE NOVEMBER 6, 1984 BALLOT. 124 125 126 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $7,000 IN CONNECTION WITH THE HYDROFOIL TAXI PROJECT. AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF $50,000 FOR THE TACOLCY CENTER WITH CONDITIONS. INSTHUC1 C'1'J Y 0I 1,AGi1h TO C'0101 NAC'1 'WITH "URBAN FELLOWS IoR ONL 1 003 YU! 1N 1 S Il;111 li MANNER AS LtS'i YEA1. 127 RESOLUTION E ItI LZING THE ACCUMULATED PENALTIES AND 5 A '1103 HE 100031TION OF ADDITIONAL PENALTIE:. REGARDING CROSS WIRING IN CONNECTION WITH CABLE: TELEVISION FRANCHISE. M -84 -922 M -84 -923 M -84 -924 R -84 -925 M -84 -926 R -84 -927 DISCUSSION 211 -214 DISCUSSION 214 -219 M - 84 - 928 R -84 -929 M -84 -930 223 M -84 -931 M -84 -932 M - 84 - 933 201 -202 203 204 204 205 205 - 210 220 220 -221 223 224 224 R -84 -934 225 128 DISCUSSION ITEM: PORTABLE CLASSROOMS. 129 DISCUSSION ITEM ON THE PLACING OF THE STATUE OF SIMON BOLIVAR 130 DISCUSSION ITEM: CONFUSSION REGARDING DATES THAT CARNIVALS CAN BF HELD IN THE CITY OF MIAMI 131 SWEARING IN CEREMONY FOR LUCIA ALLEN DOUGHERTY, AS CITY ATTORNEY. 47 DISCUSSION DISCUSSION DISCUSSION CEREMONY 226 228 229 230 On the 31st day of July, 1984, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, met at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:17 O'Ciock A.M. by Mayor Maurice A. Ferro with the following members of the Commission found to be present: ALSO PRESENT: ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Howard V Gary, City Manager An invocation was delivered by Mayor Ferre who then led those present in a pledge of allegiance to the flag. 1. ACCEPT COITLETED 11011V ' VISTA. HIGHWAY IMPROVEllEn - PHASE 1 DISTEICT 81 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice-Mayor 1)4:metric Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro Jose R. Garcia-Pedrosa, City Attorney Ralph G. Ongie, City Clerk Matty Hirai, Assistant City Clerk 1 RESOLUTION NO. 84-842 Mayor Ferre: Item 8, this is accepting the completed work of P.N.M. Corporation at a total cost of $1,039,593 for Buena Vita Highway improvement. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on this issue? Is there a motion on item 8? Mr. Dawkins: Hove 8. Mayor Ferre: loved by Dawkins. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor ferIL: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF P.N.M. COEFONAT1ON AT i TOTAL COST OF $1,039,93.R0 FOh BUENA. VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE 1 IN BUENA VISTA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I DISTRICT H-4475; AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OF $112,129.99. July 31, 1984 AYES: OMMINMINOSSIONfewp,m, 1 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- NOES: None. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Viee-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayer Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo NOES: None. Commissioner 2. CONFIRM ASSFSSNEHT ROLL IMPROVEVENT - 5R-5463-C. Mr. Perez: Second. J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Ferro: We're on item 12, confirming assessment roll for construction of Coral Sanitary Sewer improvement in Coral. Is that a)1 riEht? D005 anybody have any problems with this? This in the assessment for central sewers that was 677,=08.73. Is there a motion? Moved by Dawkins. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-843 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CORAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN CORAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5463-C (CENTERLINE SEWERS); AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. Upon being seconded by Commis:3ioner Perez, the motion W83 passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Comv.1::Lioner Miller J. Dawkins Vicf,-Mayor Denietrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, 31 2 Jr. 3. CONFIRK ASSESKENT ROLL FOR COKSTRUCTION OF 6 'CORAL SANITILI SEWER IP.P110VEKLLT - SE-5463-S" CORAL SANITARY SEWER Mayor Ferre: ten 1 iunt. (.1t of Coral Sanitary Sewer improvement in Coral Sanitary Sewer district, SR- 5463-S. ls there a motion? July 31, 1984 BY Mr. Perez: Move. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Perez. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins; Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution WPS introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CORAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN CORAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR-5463-S (SIDELINE SEWERS); AND REMOVING ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution vas passcd and adopted by the following vote- NOES: None. RESOLUTION NO 84-844 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. ) AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vico-Mayor Dcmetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice I Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo CoMmissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. 4. ACCEPT COMPLETED WORK: "DURHAM SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMEET SR-5486-V. 5 1 Mayor Ferre: Take up item 14, accept the work of Lanzo Construction Co. at a total cost of $923,384.73. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferro: Moved by Dawkins. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Is there further discussion? Call the roll on 14. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-845 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE COMPLETED WORK OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. AT A TOTAL COST OF $923,38 FCA DUIWAk SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT Sh-586-C AND AUTHORIZING A FINAL PAYMENT OE $101:221.69. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 3 July 31 1984 AYES: NOES: None_ NOES: None. AYES: Commissioner Miller .1. Dawkins Vice-M;?yor )Thmetrlo 0, rerez, Jr. MnyOr MPUriee A. Ferrc ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J,L, Plummer, Jr. RESOLUTION NO. 84-846 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- 5. CONFIRM ORDERING RESOLUTION "ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHNAY IUPROVENENT PHASE II - 1,74495". Mayor Ferre: Take up item 15, confirming ordering Resolution 84-664 for the construction of Allapattah Industrial Arcs Highway Improvement-Phase II. Does anybody wish to disc that? Is there a motion? Mr. Perez: Move, Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Perez; seconded by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION CONFIRKING ORDERING RESOLUTION NO. 84 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOE SEALED BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ALUPATTAH INDUSTRILL AREA HIGHWAY IKPROVEMENT-PHASE II IN ALLAPATTAH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT-PHASE II, H-4495. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice-Mayor Dernetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 21.1 was temporarily deferred. July 31, 1984 6. hEPORT OF STUART SORG ON NAVAL RESERVE TRAINING CENTER; MAKE—UP OF MEMBERS OF THE POARD; HYDROFOIL — (temporarily deferrrA pt this point) - .11100wrol.m.rtwasr. Mayor Ferre: Ve are now on item 34, which is Stuart Sorg's report to the City Commission. Mr. Sorg, we're ready to listen to you. Mr. Stuart. F,org: Mayor Ferre, I've distributed to each of the members of the Commission a list of 11PMC7 thnt the Commission instructed that 1 come back with of those who would be on a development committee and an arts advisory board for the purpose of developing a working center for the arts out of the naval reserve center. I'd like you to review it and notice that down on the left hand sidc there's appointment positions for City Commission appointees or you can revise the entire committee. If you recall the reserve center, assuming it passes a bond issue, would be a working center for the arts with retail npaccs for artists and residents, art classes, art library, outdoor concerts, performances, meeting rooms, space for P.A.C,E., dance, Miami Ballet Concerto, just to name a few things, indoor performonces. The names that you have on the committee list are only proposed list. The things that would be happening to the center won) d :711F_FeSted 1 d likc tO ho .' you a drawing of it.TILAUDIELE ('( 7 f fl i i FROM THE ( ij Ma 'or Forre: ;ro norg, oo boo 'Moo roito o oh o n Th s a very ni cc r t.h ihrt' all very nice, but t v ui trt i this whole i8SUC. Arc you iinj;: your prc;. Mr. Sorg: a decision f3i1 I'vo only hmittcd you WMCs to make on it, Mayor Ferre: Let nc ask you a couple of questions. noticed, I'm not the hest person for picking names and who's Black and who's White, because it's hard to tell from names, but I know that most of the people you have here. I nec two Blacks. I noticed that you have 35 proposed appointments. This is in Coconut Grove. You think two Elocks is representative of the community? Mr. Sorg: No, 5ir, I don't. That's why I want you to make suggestions. Mayor Ferre: Is that because you don't know any more Blacks? Mr. Sorg: Yes, sir, I do, but I know most of them in Coconut Grove. These are where they are from. Mayor Ferre: I think we need to have a balanced committee. By balanced, not because I'm out defending the need for more Blacks or anything. I would do the same thing for any group that 1 feat wos not properly represented. Mr. Sorg: 1 rd you're absoautely right, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Perre: Let me ask you this. Do you recall the discussion when 1 asked be appointed? Do you remember the timing of it? Mr. Sorg: No, sir, I don't. Mayor Ferre: Let me refresh you memory. The date was February 1D, 1983. The minutes of the meeting are here before me. I'll be happy...you can get them from the Clerk's office. s l 5 July 31, 1984 :73 Mr. Sorg: Any delay is only because we have tried to decide what would happen about the funds, if they were going to be available to buy the facility. Mayor Ferre: J'm not talking about the delays, Mr. Sorg. I'm used to P year and a half passing when things should be done in P month or two. You are not the only one where that happen, so I'm not worried about that, T. PM, however, concerned ...there are several things that if yon go through it, I talked to you about Crying to make sure that in the committee you had Blacks and Whites, Latins. Carollo popped in and said "Don't forget; the Trish." You said, "Where do we go from now? Do 1 get back with Howard?" I aaid, "We would..." Mr- Gary, "What we will do, Mr. Mayor, is we will - get together S committee that would...all the a= representatives of Coconut; Grove, let them know what our ideas are, get their input and their recommendationa and come back before the City Commission with those recommendations and also invite those people." Then the Mayor says, "Mr. Sorg, you work through the Manager and you come back with a recommended committee. I don't want anybody excluded." Mr. Sorg, let me just mention something, just like Mercy Maavidal, they are into things like this. We have got to go beyond the City. How are we going to do that? "Well, that's fine," said 1, "I have no objections to getting Mrs. Manvidal or anybody ciao like that involved." The thing continued. Joanne Holt7lIonser got up to start _- complainjna. I said, "Look, thia is not going to be _ excluajonaryu 1 lc)] t alai n a a t 7( ' ',. n o 4 :_•, :7 a v i roi a at (1 ,1 u d e a Ferre urc:,eao6y ncc6::: lo -H:(i thc 1( Oh h :1 has shown the lait:vt ad e aaiaiiti a dojaa j am a SUp1)0Vicl' (;C:ihr kl:Ay thflt 1 have 5 n Pi rprl )) of the Coi.c:H:1 ‘'n ; ao, thtt acid: Chi (a:ado lid en t he ataaa Adminiatratioa; -ii d thvec, HaA acd. he eae)ntjonary and that includea you, Miaa Holtahontat," Mr. Sorg: Tat 'a why you have five addtjonal appointee positions down there to do what you want I... Mayor Ferre: Stuart, it's my opinion that board, number one, with 35 people ia much too big. A 35 member commission, that's just one man's opinion. It's bad enough dealing with a five-member commission. Imagine what happens to 35. I think you ought; to come to a reasonable commission of maybe nine or ten people, or eleven or something, but no more than that. Number two, I do think that it ought to be a balanced commission, both ethnically, geographically, and by interest groups. In other words 1 do think you ought to have both Black and White Grove representatives. You ought to have Latin representation. 1 think you ought to have the art coutunity repreaented. 1 also feel that you need to have the input of people that care about this naval reserve as an arts center outside of the Grove. 1 mean there are people that live outside of the Grove that have an interest in this. Mr. Sorg: Very much Lo. 81 6 Mayor lerft: I think you ought to include the civic organizaticaa u (•coaut Grove. That means Tigertail, the Coconut Gr,vt: Organizatjons, the Chamber.... Mr. Sorac,: 1 have two of ter up there. Mayor Ferre: Wtic, are they? Mr. Sorg: One from the Chamber and Clara Lou Harding from the Tigertail Association; Bob Harding's wife. July 31, 1984 , _—; sl Mayor Ferre: That's fine. I have no objections, so long as 1 the group is not exclusionary. Mr. Sorg: All, right sir. Would you like me to rework this and come back? Mayor Ferre: I think what you ought to do is what I asked you to do in February 1983. That is work with the Manager and then come back with a committee, unless somebody has a different idea, of nine to eleven people, which in plenty big. You ought to have it as balanced ns you can and as representative. I'd like for that by September. Mr. Sorg: All right, sir you'll have it. Mayor Ferree: I don't think we need to wait another year and a half. Mr. Dawkins: The Mayor brought out the point that there is only three Blacks. I see four Lptine. Do you see more than four, Stuart? It's not vho 1 larut. It a matter that you should have had them on here. You sec you architectural advisory board, you don't have one Black architect in there or a Latin architect. Don't tell me whet the hell I wnnt on there. It's what you should have come back with Mr. Sorg: The last psgc, 1,7hich you just received, is folloleina introcLionL7 of t_hc !narer, rc have . (7)red a Waterborne Th 1 jrat take a moment . to ecevi( e ve bve rrolH I.,hc city of Corea , elab.a, aeca CYky of Beach, Pi Co;:lrry i i our 0001 (.p::htljon of persci,s r(10 j oyiicht to reviev a(,; ;A you hve, Thia i3 functiogin ));(• L6 H)rc.( We are putting tfh(r 1 thhk :11, will be one of Lift. forcoL vcfl1 rct waterborne transportetion Goin, Mayor Ferre: Stuart, this looks like e good group. I would caution you with what Killer sometimes cautions me. We always end up going to the same Blacks and the same Latins. I want to tell you there are other Blacks other than Thelma Gibson. There are other Latins other than Raul Masvidal. I think it's important that we... You know, we have Raul Masvidal on this other one and you have Thelma Gibson on this too. Mr. Sorc: She's very popular. f t , Mayor Ferce: 1 realize that, but there are other people r that we need to get involved. I'm not against it. I'm just ri saying don't, pleeee, put the same people on every committ(e . i Mr. Dawkins: I'L againLt it for the situple reason that you use them up. 'You put 1r. Gibson on five oolv!Littee. There is no way in hell he eau attend fIvt the on one week and what have you. That's okA 1 tell the hayor All you White people do in recycle the satile Llack people. There are other Elack people in the eounity other than thc ones you keep recyoliht„, Mayor Ferrt: So I think iLportht, a.uart, that we begin to cAher than the :-Janie fees, 1 hot trying to say that Thel CiLo n Lhouldn't be, involved in 6ny of these committeee, 1 n lut saying that one or to is fine, but I don't thin nhe and haul MavidaI nhould be in every committee. This is a very important project. 7 July 31, 1984 Mr. Perez: I think it is important, Mr. Sorg, that we try to improve the grass roots relations at a community level. That's why two or three time I suggested to you to contact the different Latin Chambers of Commerce in the Latin community nnd with different cultural asrociaiions that I think can contribute to this project Mr. Sorg: T'31 ic glad to rewor1( thia Waterborne Transportation Board and do that, if you They have all been voted on, but we have room for other pr'ople. Mr. Perez: The majority of the names that you have in both boards are the same persons. For examp3e, 5n the Latin community pre the same face, and T thinl we have better participation if we can choose rore different facea. Mr. Sorg: Right, I'll get with you and get some names from you. Mr. Perez: You need to eatablish to improve the communication, especially in this case with the Latin community. I would like to assist you in order that you have opportunity to attend to different community meetings, but to attract more people to this project. Mr. Sorg: Let me say this board ie a first time we have ever gotten four commissions together for a single common purpose of r,lcrborne transportetion. So I think it's a major rtep lc) r:‘, Mayor Fclec: 1 think it is too, Stuart. Let me ask you who is the Cheitncreon of the Waterborne Transportation Board? Mr. Sorg: 3 ;no, sir. Mayor Ferre: We a3so have a committee on the relocation of the nava) reserve center. Is that the same committee? Mr. Sorg: h lot of the people are the same, However, you'll find e lot of new names. If you'll notice also.... Mayor Ferre: No you didn't follow my question. One is the Waterborne Transportation Committee...the other one is the Naval Reserve Working Center for the Arts Development Committee and Advisory Board. That has to do with this piece of property in Coconut Grove. The third project is the relocation of the Naval Reserve Center. Hy question is is there a committee for that too or is that the name as this? Mr. Sorg: No, sir, if you recall, the the Admiral Levy was down here a month ago, we 1' t. that opportunity. It's gone to Carol City. However, we are now still working on trying to bring a naval vessel program into downtown Hiami. Mayor Ferre: I there a ecIttce that functions on that? Mr. Sorg: 1 will b gl ad to put that together. As soon as I get together with tht [011ILLer, 1 will do that, I ve been working more with t10 City on that individualy. Mayor Ferce: Stuart, you know how high we all regard you. We have the higneLt akiiration for your dedieetion, tenacity in all theee thinee. 1 don t think you eee spread yourself so thin that you are going to be the chairperson of all of the committees. Mr. Sorg: No, sir. sl 8 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: So I think it is important that you spread that around a little bit, so that we give an opportunity to other people to chair some of these committees. 1 don't think can chair them n11. Mr. Sorg: The Reserve Center will be delighted to have a recommendetion to whom ever you think should be the chairman of that, Mayor Ferro.: That's something that we can deal_ with later on. It seems to me that also in this arts thing or the Waterborne Transportation, you ought to choose what are you want to dedicate yourself to. There are different functions and I think we ought to have different chairs. Mr. Sorg: I would like to also say that Commissioner Schreiber and Commissioner Ruvin have been tremendously contributory to that program. They are really strongly behind it. Mayor Ferre: leery good. Anything else? Mr. Sorg: No, sir, just that pocket item that you have on the hydrofoil. Mayor Ferre: This is a letter to Howard Gary, June 19th. Mr. Sorg: Yee, what we are requesting is ;,1,000, which would enn 0-cay study and then we'd go with en R.F.P. on the hydr°ofca . !J.1en I)onberg of Greenberg Try ur would draw up . Mayor Ferre: recommendation? Mr. Manager, does this have your Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, what Stuart is trying to accomplish is good. This would be the third time we brought this hydrofoil. down.. We have participated in this hydrofoil. I would hope that after this allocation of funds that we would get off deed center and go off with an I.F.F. and get a private perr_:on to come and do this and stop messing around with it. Mayor Ferre: I would hope that the Rouse Company would take a serious look at it and give it serious consideration. I might point out, I just came back from Seattle, Washington. I know this is not Seattle; there it's a matter of transportation, because amazingly enough, people actually live across the bay and they take these ferries across to get into Seattle, which is a city somewhat larger than Miami. It's amazing how much water is used in Seattle. People really use the by to move around in. We don't use it at all for transportation. I think it is an extremely valuable transportation ribbon that can be connecting different parts of tItie community. I would hope, Stuart, that your dream, , which r y you have been the one that has kept its fleele alive, would come to reality. I really think the Manager is telling you two the ergo t.het you have to heed. One is that this is third time that we've gone in this direction. It can't go en forever. Secondly, you have to get the pri\ eta:: sector involved. I can't think of a better opportunity then with keu c Mr. Sort. 1 think ye u .r e 1 r • Mayor Ferr . If we eveetu 11y develop Watson Island, that might be a second opportunity. 1 think it's essential that you get the private sector involved. Mr. Sorg: This will be a 30-day study which will give us a lot of media exposure. Mayor Ferre: We have already made a study. Mr. Sorg: We only went for a week and it wasn't enough time This would give us pn opportunity to get all the.... Mayor Ferre: What do you mean we went for a week? We spent about $25,000! Mr. SOrg; rO, 211r, we only spent about $5,000. Mr. Gary: No, we spent more than that. We did the study. We gave you money. Mayor Fevre: Who did the study? Wasn't that an accounting firm? Mr. Sorg: Fort Nuckley did it, but they only did a mileage and a eost computation study. This will be sort of a marketing study, which the Chamber of Commerce will be involved in, Mayor Ferro: Who is going to do thi5 5tudy? Mr. Sorg: We're going to have a form that will be filled out by every writer and we'll publicize the writing opportunity. Mayor Ferre: The question is who will be doing the study? Mr. Sorg: The Chamber and I will put it together, sir. Mayor Ferre: You will do the study? Mr. Sorg: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Sorg, you are qualified in many things, but don't you think it would be good if we would get somebody has some name recognition? Mr. Sorg: I think it would be fabulous. Mayor Ferre: Where would the $7,000 go? Mr. Sorg: It would go for fuel cost, captain cost; it's a very minimum amount of money to keep the boat running for 30 days. If you want to fund somebody to ride the boat and do the study, 1 would heartily support that Mayor Ferre: Let me put it to you this way 1 would, Mr. Manager, if this is nomething that you would approve, I would vote for monies being allocatAA through you no that in conjuotions with the other Eovernmentn around hero, namely, Miami Beach Metropolitan Dade County, a marketing feasibility ntudy could bc made in conjunction with a private sector organiation such as the houne Company or somebody e tilt you 000 ld chooe that would come back with a rsarketina feasibility study. Mr. Sorg: That wculd be tremendous, Mayor Ferry: 1 wouldn't mind marking up to $10,000 to be used at your discretion, but certainly leaving it in your hands. Mr. Sorg: I support that completely. Mr. Sorg: Thank you, sir. Mr. Gary: Yes, sir. NOES: None. MOTION NO. 84-847 ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Ferre: I said we would only take up non items. Evidently this is controversial. If you'll wait, we will be back with you sometime today. 7. CLOSURE OF ThEETS IP COCONUT GROVE - OCTOBER 20TH AND 21ST PURSHAr;T 70 BEQUEST BY COCONUT GROVE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Mayor Fevre: Item 36, Coconut. Grove Chamber regarding the closure of certain streets for the Banyan Festival, Mr. Manager, does that have your recommendation? Mr. SorR: T'm a member of the board and I'm here to represent the Chamber on that. Mayor Ferre: Does that have your recommendation, Mr. Sorg? Mr. Sorg: Absolutely, sir. Mayor Ferro: In there a motion on 36? Mr. Dawkins: Move. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins, second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO CLOSE CERTAIN STREETS IN COCONUT GROVE ON OCTOBER 20 AND 21, 1984 PURSUANT TO REQUEST MADE BY REPRESENTATIVE OF COCONUT GROVE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mayor Frrrr: Pn yrr whAt it is? g. DIRECT '4(TY A!' (P TO 1, 707 - PT:W.MTF'RS OF DADE COUNTY-"2ND ANN11AT, F TA" TO r UFLD DURING THE MONTT? OF 0(7.TO7F,P, 194, Mr. Gary: rr, May0T on item 35 is it necessary for that gentlemp.n br brrr. Mr, Gary; Tr the bicycle race that we have in the Coconut Grove areP, This would br the second or third time they've had thin. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, hut they wanted more money or something than what we were prepared to give them. Mr. Gary: No money a; all. They're going to pay for off- duty police. All they want to do is have the street closing, Mayor Ferre: This in to request appearing before the City Commission for cooperation in affecting certain constraints on vehicular traffic on Sunday, October 7th in the vicinity of Coconut Grove. No funds are being sought. My appearance is solely to inform the Commiion and the Administration of what is planned. Do you want to move? Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: That the Manager be in.7tructed to work with Herb Hiller nnd thc Second Family Bicycling Day and the Dade County Bioyeljng Colition, the nr;mi Hernid for the closing of the upropte :Itl in COeonut trove on October 7th for the p of boldinG thi r;7,oe Second by Perez. Further dincnion7 Cn11 the roll on item 35. The following motion introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice-Mayor Dernetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. 9. DISCUSSION ITEM: AWARD OF BID FOR SEATS IN TiE ORANGE BOIL STADIUM Mayor Ferre: iterL 39, Wililer Stubbs OrLnge Bowl. seating. Ms. Olivia Franklin: I'm Olivia Franklin, 74 N.E. 150 Street, Miami, Florida. I represent Wimer Stubbs, who is 31 MOTION NO. 84-848 A MOTION AUTHUTZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGF E TO ITAK VITH THE PROMOTERS OF THE DLDE COUNTY JACYCLING COALITION, INC. FOR THE CLCSI1LE OF THE APPROPRIATE STREETS IN COCONUT GEOVE FOR AN EVENT KNOWN LS THE "II ANNUAL BICYCLING DAY" TO BE HELD DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1984. 12 No. July 31, 1984 81 13 the factory representative for Hussy Seating Company of Northbrook, Maine. 1 would like to address bid number 83 - 84 which was opened on June 18, 1984. The bid called for furniahing and installing 20,000 molded, plastic bleachers type :7=et: on p contract basi7 for the Department of Public Wors. The hicth bidder was Sport,7; Seating Company at $497,600, Our firm Wimer Stubbs A7sociptcs was the low bidder at 362,000, our hid WP7 257, lower than the high bidder and represented p saving to the City of Miami taxpayers of $135,000 Wilmer Stubbs Associates is a 26 year old firm with offices in Deland and POOP Tipton, Florida. Our primary business i public seating in atadiums. civic centers, and auditoriuma. We hold n Dade County Certificate of Competency Permit for public aeating, We have furnished new or replacement seating for the Gator Powl, Tampa Stadium, Sun Dome, Steven O'Connell Center Gymnasium, Orange County Civic Center, Florida Atlantic Univeraity Teaching Gym; these a just P few. Mayor Ferro: Of the john that your company has done. Ms. Franklin: That our company has done in Florida. Hussy Seating Company, our auppliers, for the Orange Bowl bid is a 149 year old family owned business with p reputation that has been gained the hard wy . They've earned it. Recent outdoor nenting projects by Hussy using molded plastic seats include the Fulton County Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia, home of the Atlillta Frvc.:: and the CAE Stadium in Toronto, home of the Toronto Dlucjcqs. Mayor Ferro: Is that the competitor? Ms. Franklin: No, this is from us. This what we have done, sir. Mayor Ferre: I tell you dear, if you'll forgive my interruption 1 shouldn't say that that way because Steve Clark got in trouble by calling.... Ms. Franklin: That's perfectly all right. Mayor Ferre: This i new day. We don't call people sweetheart anymore or dear, and 1 apologize to you, because I don't call Cesar Odio sweetheart dear, so why should I call you. Can 1 interrupt you, Ma'am, and ask Mr. Odio to explain to us. Mr. Ccaar Odio: Firat of all, 1 would like to say that their company is very reputable and we have nothing against their company at all. Mayor Fevre: Why did you choose the firm that charged $135,000 more? Mr. Odio: We have not chosen any firm. We decided that the bids were not good enough for the City of Miami, that the specificatiens, as they were spelled out were not sufficient for us to obtain the qu3lity that we want at the Orange Bowl. Once we replace the it - 1 re tLlking about a long, long term arrangemrents. We. cannot ro with the quality of seats ve would gt with this bid. 1'11 OO ou the difference, kr. HL„yor. This is what the specs, Ei5 they read, we could have received. This ia what we're looking for, which is the sturdy, E-AiliriUM bast and a wider 5eat. See the width of arto to that out It would be very uncomfortable. Mayor Ferre: I don't mean to be crude about this, but as 1 understand it, what this is going to do is it takes care of your tail, but it doesn't take care of your back. Right? July 31, 1984 Mr. Od i.o: Of crowding each other out. In other words, no relief for the back. What this does is it delineates where people seat so we don't have this problem of whose seat a.s . .. . Mr. Gary: Hr. Mayor. banAcally r. -that we are proposing is that all the bids he re7ecte(t, that we redo the specs to conform pith rjhnt wc thin!: the City Commission and the City wants in terms of quality. This firm, as well as any other firm, can re bid based on the specs. I'd also like to add too, Fir. Tiayor, that we got; a call from Mr. Robert T. Franklin, T guess you represent him. Ms. Franklin: Yo5. 1 do. Mr. Gary: He said he had no problems with the bids being rejected, as long as he had an opportunity to re -bid, which he will have that opportunity. Ms. Franklin: With one exception, our price has now been exposed and we have answered every objection that has come up. We have shown you that, granted we do not have a totally put together exhibit for you. The factory said, Hussy Seating Company said that they would he happy to gold it to conform with whatever was reasonably comfortable, because no two people's derr.icres ro the same, You have to the �'� ar' r��, . r�la<�t�::.ve'r that go with �, ,.._. ��C � � t __._ answer ; no re 17ei.ise , nothing, in tr'i tl nc,. nothing regc.,r C: in t . )r(: i,; 1 ,, }tor1C' to ( th prtierlar offcr conform. or m. i , ( < 11 t.c ' : i, i.a not. (? C' ` or i ,11') e Lny flat, i'. , c;. . J nr, (` iii r t- 1' 1' , 1.' '1 not CC)n err. S .1r, r , H ovfir i't`, `'x.'u are si.t: a ? tr -' 1'+ 11 r)1r 1 11? it( i' 1;(';'1' 1� 0:r thin plarAic, ii1 A,, 1.1r. C:'1 l)C )..1) 1,1 l'< a '1` ti,F� uay, 1...h. .: I could ,)1,.)u ,` u col „1.1pi .1.. Thil l,)11( i ,;r p(1 -i i9` -o that one that a? ri €_ i)('. . no't'e!, Lily rj.gjd € i''t. h(:corlea a little x. unCOfi'i.�(1 i ; � l.c i ,t " riC: ;!'i �i r7 � ri[: t. e , 1'1ti; r, 1 you ar e rat, a sportSlij (:'.`€.1 ;1. r?: ::j1 Y you [Jt );( scL :l1af -; there c:- : €.r°1 your seat dead pan, if you're i.r1L0 `i.t , you're c C,`:,,('5 t.( i and you are moving a little bit. With regard to comfort, rr111C you have a padded chair, you're not going. to be too comfortable at any sporting event anywhere. Mayor Ferre: We need to conclude this matter. As far as I'm concerned, I sympathize and I'm sorry that you had to go bid something that's going to be re-bid, but I understand that the City rude an honest mistake and that I certainly couldn't vote for going ahead with a seat. It simply is not acceptable. We'll have to rebid it under the new specs. Good luck to you. I hope you win. Mr. Franklin: I would like to recommend at this time that when this goes to bid, that c performance bond be included, because any reputable firm will be able to.... Mayor Ferre: 't think of recent the City has a pretty good record of bid procedures . We haven't had too many problems with that. I'm pretty sure that the C,u1 ni ;trr tior; will take all c1f that into account. al 14 July 31, 1984 Mr. Franklin: I understand that and I thank you very much for your time. 10. AUTHORI. CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE lit WITH MORTY FREEDMAN - "INTERNATIONAL FOLY EESTIVAL - 1985" Mayor Ferre: Morty Freedman, go ahead so we can get done with you. By that time, maybe Carollo will he here. Mr. Morty Freedman: T. believe you have P report on your desk there on the Tnternational Fe:7tival, which WPS held June 2nd to June 10th. T PM hire tO rCPOrt t.o voi As the Executive Director that H. n Rrent success., very harmonioue. 1. believe that we've rebuilt the fentival into the type of event that the City wants it to be I just want to read to you from a letter that was in the Miami Herald, I don't know the lady who signed it TL is eompltely unsolicited pnd she said in this letter dated Jnne 17th: "To the editor of the Herald. Last week-end was one of the better wee-ends since we came to live in Miami. Whoever thought up to orgenize the International Festival nt Dinner Key has done more for Miami than n11 the talk and getting no where in a hurry at various meetings. People from many countrie3 now living in Miami, were there. It Was really a United Nations. It was great to ece so many families tasting rich other's food and enjoying each other's music and dancing. The costumer of the dancers were pretty, varied and colorful. We learned quite LI bit about each country represented. Everyone 1. er:sy to get along with end te1h to eed leeeeege wee certainly no barrier c; swsy rejoicing that we are able to h this grer.t City of 1;iami with so many wendel fel people." End quote. let ie rhet it' all ebout, really. Mayor Ferre: Is that written by a relative? Mr. Freedman: I swear it; I don't know the lady. Mayor Ferre: A relative of yours or your wife. Mr . Freedman: Maybe some of you might know her. He name is Mrs. James D. Valance. I never heard of her before. I know you are in a hurry. I'm not going to go through all the events. We had more than 70 nationalities and ethnic groups represented this year. It's the first time we moved from downtown to Dinner Key. It turned out fine. We had just one event to mention, the International Dell Show had 1,500 entries, 1,500 dolls, to give you an example of the enthusiasm. We had 50 food and bazaar booths. We gave away $4,000 in prices for the most outstanding entries. We also had a greet parede of nations through Coconut Grove and many nationalities and ethnic groups were represented in that. At the Internetional Ball, which was the first event, we honored three ILdies of Miemi alio had a id., to do with the festivel, cur honorary lk)wl Cheirmee, Kee. Mereedee Ferre, Rose Gordon, former City Commieeioner, who's the one who introduced the reLoIution :etting up the feetivel, end Mrs. Thelma Gibeon, the widow of the lete cennon and City Commiion(:r, Thecdort Gibon, both of whow had been very great eupportere of the fLItiVI LL relLtions vehic1(:. I uLnt to Ltt juL,t into ti. 1 know you are intercstto in thzA. 1 u hLppy to rcport tht you grantcd u n J,ITropribtiGn of 3 in 4'Itlition LL which there Ln 11,500 ih Eruht for the ut:,t; of the auditorium. Tee epproprietiee 1ci iy LL:,ILYy vntirely septt., frol:1 the (.1)(ti Pudt:et the 1 Lo the City'e cOntribUtion to tilt 01,v,in bedEC u.s actu&11y $45, eouhthE the 1h-L2hd (ontribUtlori, We Etn in addition to what the City 8ave u.';, we gellerattd '“I2,000 in revenue through the International Bali ticket sales for the ball, admission tickets for the entertainment and other 31 INIeWe 15 July 31, 198t Mayor Ferre: In reference to what? 31 events and booth rentals. I'm very proud of that Of the total expenditures of $88,21, whieh includes the in grant for the auditorium, n total of .7'06,251 wee paid to City Departments or else to City mp1oyes So our operating budRet, exclusive of my salary, hPd revenues of $88,215; nYprnditlir of t81.299; leaving P SUrpins of $6,316 to return to the City. I think you'll agree it's unusual when you get money back from P festival. Mayor Ferre: Amen to that. Mr. Freedman: Our attendance of about 6,000 was less than we had hoped for due to several factors. One, we had no . funds available for advertising, since we had to spend so much on refurbishing the festival with new signs, new decorations, and large mailing lists. Secondly, the only available date we had for the exhibition center was in conflict with the outboard regatta, which was unfortunate. Third, many people who attended the festival during the past couple of years were reluctant to come back and believed it would be a similar experience. We had great cooperation from the City Administration and the highlight of our entertainment program wan the martial arts demonstration in which City Manager, Howard Gary, broke a block of wood with a single ohop of hi.; hand and one City Department Head was heard to say, "Can you imagine what he can do in the way of a chop of a proposed budget?" Mr. Plummer: That's only at 2:47 in the morning. Mr. Freedman: But it was very inspiring. I believe that we can increase the attendance at least four fold next year if we increase our expenditure for advertising. We really need about $15,000 to advertise this throughout south Florida. It would in turn bring in about $36,000 in additional revenue. Mayor Ferre: Morty, in the interest of time, because we do.... Mr. Freedman: One other thing, there is an on your agenda, which is a recommendation the Director of Parks and Fecreation. Mr. Freedman: In reference to International Festival increasing it some bills that we have where because I did not have a purchase order number into that fund se that it can be paid the hotel where we had the ball. Mayor Ferre: Let me ask you a question. addition to what we have already paid? item number 118 from Carl Kern, the funds for the in order to pay out of the time involved, • This is so it goes out for example, to Is this in Mr. Freedmen: No, this is part of Mayor Ferre: Kr. Carl Kern, can you explain this to me, sir? Mr. Carl Kern: Kr. Freedman contracted Lome bills personelly. I told him the only way they could be honored by the City woole be to present this in f of the City COMMICA1 for their decision. it is rot reouiring extra money, in that he was fortunately ebIe te 'eaerate enough money to pay these bills. The only problem was he didn't go through all the procedures on some of them. 16 Jul)? 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Are you recommending this? Mr. Kern: Yes, I think we have to clear these bills up. I am recommending subject to a final report by internal audit and the proper documentation of all the bills. Mr. Dawkilw;; If e pay the $15,000, he still had a profit of $10,000. In that what T,Te're saying? Mayor Ferre: $6,000. Mr. Kern: Right now he will have a total profit of $6,000, I believe. But that is subject to the final report by internal audit, Mayor Ferro: In other words, this is $6,000 on top of the $15,000, so tbnt we cud up with a deficit of $8,000. Mr. Kern: No, no deficit. Mr. Freedman: There is no deficit. Mr. Kern: After the bills are paid we'll have $6,000 left over. Mayor Ferre: In other words the $15,000 that we are going to advance them is part of the total $88,000 so that we still end up with the $6,000 surplus. Is that correct? Mr. Kern: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion? Mr. Gary: No, wait a minute. If he needs $15,000...how much surplus do you have? Mr. Freedman: $6,000. Mr. Gary: So, we only need to give you $9,000 more. Mr. Kern: No, sir, that money has already been received. The way the $6,000 relates after all the bills are paid out, there will be $6,000 left over. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Kern, let me tell you what you don't understand. If you leave that in that account, and you give him $15,000, that's Giving them an additional $16,000 for next year, and wc'12 deal with that next year. Mayor Ferre: No, no. Mr. Plummer: Ycl:s yes. Mr. Gary: He has *6,000 left over, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Xanager, as I understand it, what he's sayin i once ue release the $15,000 that he will have a surplua L:11 biM are paid and all that of $6,000. Is that correct? Mr. Kern: Yes. Mr. Gary: So all he needs is $9 Mayor Ferre: So all he really needs is $9,000. Mr. Plummer: That's correct. Mayor Ferre: correct? Mr. Plummer: That is correct. Mr. Kern: I'm not sure about that. That would bring the account to zero: Is that Mr. Freedman: That's right, if you want to zero. bring it to Mr. Kern: That's right, after all bills are paid, including these. Mr. Plummer: That wipes the slate clean. Mayor Ferro: Let's do it this way, the motion would be that sufficient; monies will hr proffered so that the $15,000 of outstanding bins wil_i be pale and when I say proffered beyond the F6,OOO surplus, not to exceed $15,000. Is that acceptable to everybody? Mr Gary: That's good, yes. Mr. Freedman: talking about Mayor Ferre: I. understand. NOES: None. I'd like to stress that this money we're is not additional beyond what I've reported. Mr. Freedman: That's included in there. Mayor Ferro: Look, the way I worded the motion, out the mathematics of it. That give~ the Manager of latitude to work it out. Is there a motion? moves. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 8 - -8'49 A RESOLUTION WI THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN L ENDf ENT TO THE AGREEMENT WITH MORTY FREEDMAN, IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,000, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS; ALLOCATING $15,000 FROM THE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL, 1984 SPECIAL REVENUE ACCOUNT TO COVER THE COSTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES PROVIDED FOR THE 1984 INTERNATIONAL FE '1 IVf L. (Here fo11er•, body of resolution, omitted here and on file_ in the Of f1ee of the City Clerk. ) Upon bein sedotided by i sioner_ Dawkins, resolution w -:. passed and adopt AYES: Commissioner - Miller r J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. I'.sumuer, Jr. Mayor M ur ct L 1'E -re ABSENT: Vice - Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo you work all types Plummer Call the the following vote- the July 31, 1984 11. MOTION APPROVING A "GERP4AN RANDS" EVENT IN CONNECTION WITH "OKTOBERFFST" TO DE HELD sEPTITIDER 22, 1984. Mr. FrePdmnn: The German Americo!' community in Dade County is putting on n huge pnradr on SeptPmbnr 22nd in Coconut Grove. They're bringing peoplr from Germany, bands from Germany. Thry're bringing German-American hands from clubs all over the :',tatP of Floridn and the i.!outhenst. They're going to have all sorts of ethnic groups taking port in the parade. After the parade disbands at Peacock Park, they want to set up a tPnt and sell food and beer and haw- hand concerts all during the day. It'll be n great attraction, Mayor Ferro: Morty, let's cut through and get; right to the heart of it. The issue is that for the first time in Miami, we're going to bring some German vmph hands. Is that what they're called? With the big drums and thr horns and what have you. There are already almost a dozen that have signed up. Mr. Freedman: We don't know yet exactly how many, but there are going to be several. Mayor Ferre: They are going to fly in from Unich and from other parts of Germany and it's going to be a great event for Miami. These are the types of events.... Mr. Freedman: here. Tours are already sold in Germany to come Mayor Ferre: We need to sponsor to bring German-Americans from all over the U.S., and we'll bring people from Germany on tours. This will be an Octoberfest. How much is involved in this whole process? Mr. Freedman: What we're naking for are the baracades for the parade and the use of Peacock Park with two policemen there during that one day. Mayor Ferro: Does anybody have any objections to that? Mr. Freedman: We think it will be about $6,000 in-kind services. Mr. Plummer: Morty, I'm assuming there is going to be a profit made. Mr. Freedman: The profit would go to the Octoberfest, which is one week later. Mr. Plummer: So then you are asking us to sponsor two. Let me tell you what I think is fair. 1 think what is fair is that this Commission allocate X number of dollars that we will uant if there is a deficit. but to ask us to pick up a tab if a profit is being made, I kind of have a problem with that Mayor Fevre: That's fair. In other words, the motion that 1 hear you Naking, COL:miSSiOrICtr, is that the City of Miami give the appropriate permit to elosint.1 off the street etc. like Qt do with everybody ti that the City will pick up the tab tot police, insurance, clean-up and whatever provided, however, that an audited repc;rt acceptable to the Manager shows that you had a deficit. if on the other hand, that the Octoberfest Festival has any profit, that they will pick up the expenses for this event. 31 19 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, 1 couldn't have said it better myself, except if you say that motion, there is one problem; it will fail. That is you forgot a very important German ingredient, beer, Mayor Ferre: And that we give them a permit to sell beer. Mr. Plummer: No, we allow them to, they have to get their own permit. Mr. Freedman: They have their permit. Mayor Fcrre: That we alloy them usage for selling beer for that particular Octoberfcst. Any other additions? Plummer moves. Who seconds? Mr. Plummer: Morty, you can probably get yourself a prime sponsor from one of the beer companies. Mayor Ferrc: You wouldn't be leaning toward Budweiser? Mr. Plummer: 1 didn't say that, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its rdeption: MOTION NO, 3J - P:)0 AYES: NOES: None. 3 1 A . MOTION APPROVING A PROGRAM TO ACCOMMODATE VISTT3NG GFWAN BANDS IN CONNECTION 1'3TH THE "OKERFE:7T" EVENT TO BE HELD 71!J COnNG CCTOBER AND FURTHER ( ij C:TTY NAGEE TO ALLOCA 1 J o PEOVIDE rOE JW-KIND SERVICES (POLICE, SAHITLTJON, IflSUEANCE, ETC.) FOE SAID EVEKT UEICH IS PRESENTLY SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE IN PEACOCK PARK; PROVIDED, HOWEVER THE CONTRIBUTION OF IN-KIND SERVICES IS CONDITIONED UPON AN AUDIT TO BE PERFORMED WHICH WILL GUARANTEE THAT THE CITY SHALL BE REIMBURSED IF A PROFIT IS MADE AT SUCH EVENT; FURTHER APPROVING THEIR REQUEST TO SELL BEER DURING THIS EVENT. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion Wa3 passed and adopted by the following vote- Commissiener Miller J Dawkins Commissioner j. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice DelY.etrio O. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commisiontr Joe Carollo Mrs. Joanne HUlihouLer: Pm Joanne Holzhouser, 4230 Ingrehil Highway in Coconut Grove. I was fortunte enough to be one of the ec r6embers for the international Fetivi 1 wnt to tell all of you if you want to see how the ethnic mix of Miami working, everyone should have been at that fair. It was magnificently managed. When you get Morty Freedman, you get Mimi and the kids for one thing. 20 July 31, 1984 You get a guy who works 20 hours a day and 1 have never seen such genuine love and the responsiveness from all ethnic groups as I saw with that man in the committee meetings and the work. When you see everybody in Miami limboing together at 11:30 on n Saturday night over there, you see the future of Miami inr festivals. As sorn of you know, that's my dream; we're the festivA1 city. W awe Mr, Freedman And his family P huge debt of 1 ant to acknowledge he's a wonder. 12. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE "MINORITY PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT"- DAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER. Mayor Ferro: Mr. Manager, we're on with Rouse. remember, that was S As I Mr. John Gilchrist: On May 24, 1984, the Commission approved in principle the ground lease agreement between the City and the Rouse Company for the Bayside Specialty Center with the reservation that we come back before the Commission with the additional exhibits to the agreement that had not yet at that time becn negotiated. The reason that we proceeded with tlye ground lc z1:73c v:ls to ::;ty en time-trzlek in order to t: to open thc projcct in October 1986, The Rouse Comuny 11;7:f pvc uith thc cl rnd cnejncerf7 in the prcH:1 of conctruction 60cuent Uc continu,i the vc.ror h;-s twc .tems before 1 agrecIct, eih(l• the BayfJ.dc On thc. which ). c;,n vcl•v •ujek)y with y(1), w( to ho.. n ;:,T r, which 14L: b it since ;“)1.), 1 an Lrt:ic).c vth dput-c tht ry the fulfiilrt(?nt_ of thc EoiL thc ir,vcccnt for the ROUG Cc); It :.libtituter,:, thc: le5t 1oct of your document that furni: to you caviler lst week, Mr. Plummer: John, 1 just want to make sure that this is not an agreement separate and aside from the rain contract. Mr. Gilchrist: No, it's an exhibit to the main contract. Mr. Plummer: This is a part and parcel of. Mr. Gilchrist: Ye, Mr. Plummer: And is also a reason for violation or cancellation. Mr. Gilchrist: Ueli, what we have is an article 9, which deals with disputes that separately sets out damages to be paid by the house Company as a result of arbitration, should we have the condition where we believe that they have not used diligent best efforts to a,chieve the gols estblished in that agreement. I think I would just like to state that the goals, whiQh can only be diligent, good faith efforts on the part of the house Company to accoplish, are set higher than we norilly with. There are , i5% of construction contracts, 5M.: tet a,side L,paees for niinority tenants, 75% tenant el*loyees, (!: of 1- Cowpany operational employees, aria tU. mLnagement of the house Colflpany local entity. Mr. Dawkins; Back to that Didn't the City of Miami come up with a 50% set aside? sl 21 July 31, 1984 31 23 any way would have any objections in its efforts to get good P.R. and attempt to help this community. Mr. Gilchrist: I'd like to have Jim Douseh respond to that. He's here ror the Rouse Company. Also, Commissioner, the $1 million en711 nontributjon to the park wan nn incentive to be selected offered by the Rol's(' Company nt the time they made their prorospl. You artked me about thr n1 miflion for Bayfront rark. Thnt Ha:7 offered in the nroposnl from the Rouse Company.. Mr. Dawkina: This is another $1 million going to Bayfront Park. Mr. Gilchrist: It's a $1 million cash contribution. Mr. Dawkins: That is all I need to know, where it's going, sir. The other thing I need to know. -and 1 want everybody to know I'm not anti-this. I'm going to vote for it, but I want everyone to know my concern- on article 5, page 9, you say that we will create and administer a loan guarantee program etc. You just had a similar item, or whatever we want to call it, thrown out by the court a dealing with the T.V. company. is this legal? If it's not legal, there is no sence in or putting in here to come down the road later and find that it's illegal and therefore, it cannot be enforced. Mr. Gary: You are talking about the foundation. Mr. Parn: Yes, it s:ays thc dcNOoper 1 establish a foundo, Tht the ,Plc thinr, uc id about the T.V. franchc, the T,V, you6 do ctc., and etc. Then ue uht to court, thc cLur thvt w we were askinr. 0: the TA!, hr6 notIni.nr. do Oth tho T.V.'a compnhy 1)() nc Cy Thel it was illcaa, Lro tcJlv kouA: cun6. vbjch down the rod ',1)cy don't hvo to 6o Mr. Gary; Firt cf thuy hEvc to do it jl( difference between thi, CommisLioner 1 , crid the cDle T.V. is the fact that in the cable T.V. the iaauc W2:7: not whether or not the cable company was putting money into a foundation. The issue was the percentage that the City could receive in dollars completely from the cable T.V. for any purpose. You follow what I'm saying? So what they did is they took all the dollars they were going to get from the cable company and they were saying there was a 5% limitation on the license fee. They included the foundation amount, as well as other amounts, and they said it exceeded 5%. They did not say that the foundation itself was illegal. They were saying that there was aome question about the amount of money they paid totally. Mr. Dawkina: Lift when it was agreed on, Mr. Gary, the T.V. company could not have eared less. All they wanted was a franchise. So they got the franchise. Now that they have the franchiac, they found loopholes in which to back out of it Mr. Gbny. Mr. The reason for that is there w,.$s au over riding difference betwe:en cable and tni. That there is Federal legislation Lhat reEulates cable T,V. On. of the point of their legislation is that the- citie c local Eovernments can charge " they go up upon apt.,aI to the F.C.C. In that rulinL, the F.C,C, u dia4 they were going to bppeal, said that the fouhdation amount, or the money we contributed to the foundation, has been included in the 5% which we disagree. July 31, 1984 === - 11! Mr. Plummer: Sir, I understand what you're saying. understand the law. But that isn't what this document says. Mr. Dawkins: What I said applies to them more so than anybody else, because they are a part of the City. Mr. Gary: There is a difference, retail. Mr. Gilchrist: The reason for that is that's the leasing portion of the agreement. Iii Mr. James Dousch: So that's $J1 11oo for Latins, $4 million for Blacks and $8 Lillion for others, total dollars. Mr. Dawkins: All Ilm saying is, I'm not going to sit here and vote to penalize the Rouse Company by attempting to force them to do something and you and us did not force the cable T.1/. to do. That's all I'm saying. Mr. Robert Sechen: Commissioner Dawkins, the 10% minority foundation eontribution is, in fact, additional rent under the ground lease. A such, it leRal, Mr, Plummer: But the big difference is one is regulated by the Federal government and one of them isn't. Mr. Gary: Commissioner Dawkins, Plummer said it appropriately. One is regulated by the Federal government; the other isn't. Plus, they proffered it. Mr. Gilchrist: The Rouse Company also proffered that as a...it was not n requirement of the City in the R.F.P. Mr. Gary: Any other questions, Commissioner Dawkins? Mr. Plummer: I'm not happy with section 8.4 page 14. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. understand about the fund Why is the Off-Street Parking Authority found by the minority set aside in construction as everybody else in this City? You read what it says here. Mr. Gary: it's in the parking agreement. Mr. Plummer: Sir, my good friend Father Gibson says, I read Engl:;h: "Not uithatnnding any other provisions of this igrcc;':ic0, or Tease to the cry, the gosl set forth in article 1 1 shall not apply to the oonstruction and operation". I understand the operntion. I understand the foundation. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, I'm speaking only to the construction. Mr. GilehritA: You're: coin to hear the arrangement for the parking garage in just a minute. Mr. Dawkins: What is the total cost of the parking garage? Hr. Gilchrist: It's estimated to be 416.6 million bond issue. Mr. Gilchrist: Covimissioner, 06 i thing5 like bond discounts and so forth. The ac tuai constructi6n will be around $)2 er Lillicn. Mr. Dawkins: All right, $13 million; see, when you all get through with cost over run and what have you, it'll be $14. s l 24 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: We'll be lucky if it's that. Mr. Dawkins: Right now, and definitely when you come, I want to see it spelled out one fourth total dollars contracted with Latins, one fourth total dollars contracted with Blacks, and 60% with any other you care to. Mr. Jam ea Dooech: Comminaioner, we have agreed to that and that's what wrire going to do. Mr. Dawkins: Thank you. Mr. Gary: If T. might, Commissioner Plummer, this section says specifically, "Notwithstanding any other previsions of this agreement or lease to the contrary, the goal set forth in article 4 shall not apply to the construction and operation of the parking garage." Mr. Plummer: Mr. Dawkins was telling you that all construction is included. Mr. Gary: If you would allow me to finish, please. Article 4 deals with the leasing of the retail space. Obviously, that isn't part of the parking garage, because it's not applicable. But it applies to the construction, it applies to use in this, and it's also in the other document. Mr. Plummer: I'm only referring to the one subject. It's clarified. Mr. Dawkins: like I said these are the thngn I'll be looking for when it comes back. I no longer wish to detain the people from Rouse, therefore, I will uot go into a longer diecuesion on this. I appreciate their staying over and what have you, I do have a lot of concerns with the administration on this. Mayor Fevre: Hr. Manager, what is it that you recommend that we do now? Mr. Gary: I guess some more money to take Commissioner Dawkins out to lunch. Mr. Dawkins: O.K., let me make it crystal clear here. I don't care how many lunches Howard Gary buys. Beginning in September, once I vote no, it will be no if he buys six lunches in one day. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, I'm available at noon. LAUGHTER. k F Mr. Gary: We're reedy for action by the Commission. Mr. Douseb: Ve're eeking the authorization from the Mayor Ferre: Is there any dispute? I understand this minority agreement article 9 is in dispute. Commission to have the Manager execute the agreement. Mr. Gary: No Mr. Dousch: No, eir, it has been resolved. Mayor Ferre: So there are no disputes outstanding at this time? Lett me ask my question here. The parking garage agreement, Otieh hoger Carlton sent to all of us, a very thick Oocument, is this part of this? Mr. Plummer: No. 51 25 July 31, 1984 Unidentified Speaker: It's a separate motion. Mayor Ferre: It's separate motion? INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD - Mr. Plummer: They delivered it. It's called the Roger Carlton Retirement Fund, 1r Dawkins, are you comfortable with 5-107 Do you move it? You're not, that comfortable. Are you comfortable enough for me to move it? J. move item S Mr. Perez: Do we have a second? You run the meeting, I second. Mr. Dawkins: It's been properly moved and seconded- Item S-10 any further questions or discussions? Call the roll, please. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: Upon being reeonded by Cmmisioner Perez, the resolution was passed End cptcd by the following vote- AYES: Commissicner ] ler J, 1); ykih2 Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. RESOLUTION NO, 84-851 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MINORITY PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT, IN SUPSTANTHLL): THE FoRr ATTACHED, SAID AGREEMENT F011 TIT PIMI) C CENTER BETWEEN THE CITY OF AND BAYSIDE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, Were follows body of reolution, omitted here and on file in thc Office of the City Clerk. ) ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ON ROLL CALL: RF7 Stop the roll call. May I have the representatives of the Rouse Company come forward, please. Will you identify yourself for the record and what position you hold with the house CompiJiy? Mr. Dousch: My name is Jmes Dounch, I'm a Vice President of the Roue Compzwy. Mr. Pluer: Live you reLd this; agreement that is before us, sir? Mr. Dousch: The minority participation agreement? Mr. Plur: Yes, sir. Mr. Dout::Qh: Ye:, I have. Mr. Plutuet: You have read article 9 in reference to disputes? Mr. Dousch: Yes. sl 26 July 31 1 Mr. Plummer: For the record, you so stipulate that everything herein contained you agree to? Mr. Douseht Absolutely. Mr. Plummer: Continue the roll call. Mr. Carlton: 1,600. Mayor Ferret That's 400 per floor. 31 27 13. APPROVE PARKING GARAGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BAYSIDE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND THE DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STREET PARKING. ALSO MAKE PROVISION FOP A FIFTN FLOOR RO5SIBLE ADDITIOn 70 PARKING STRUCTURE; PROVIDE FOR USE OF FACILITY BY INF "MIAMI GRAND PRIX" FOR A FIVE-TEAR PERIOD. Mayor Ferro: While we're at it, on the parking garage agreement on the Bayside Limited Partnership, you want to bring u - up to date on that, Roger? Mr. Roger Carlton: Yes, sir, Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, this is an agreement between. the Department of Off-Street Parking and the Roue Company to build n parking garage to .7crvo Mirt projcct. The ,sgreement has been negotieted uith the nssistancc of th.: Cfty Utorney's office, EourC (,1;ry Offiec, 1.11C (fi-trect ParkW oYhcr peopl 1 i Thc ty-rpge is 1T3 ppro) 1,:Tho hut jJ. cpt71.):1_c to apprmjmy ),6(ee fle,0 ej:fet Lee pre.je.e (e:ei)eete. Basiceril 1 1 1 1 =H?y niLHM: cash flow hei.hg prov:id( j.n • pet 1:n1 Dpany and totel)y 1.he 1 )1)Lr: 1:)j.6ary. e';:plidnrd in a cover reeee, We fe( e [116 vensonb(: egreement. It. Ucc.n rTpvoyc 1)y Loard— It has theie eeeemleendnien to your Mayor Ferrc: Roger, es you P:nou, J.L. nummer is well known for two obeessions that he hes. One is for black olive trees and the other is for increasing parking garages to the maximum potential. I know he's sitting there anxious to ask you the question as to how many more parking slips you can add to this, so let me beat him to the punch and ask the question. Mr. Carlton: Mr. Mayor, in the proposal that was originally submitted by Rouse, it was a three-story garage with approximately 1,200 cars. Recognizing that concern and also expecting that the demand will be great for the spaces, we have a design concept that would take it to four stories and expand it to 1,600. We believe that is the maximum that the site can carry and still have a nice view from Biscayne Boulevard. Mayor Ferre: That is something that needs to be determined in t1 future. Whet I would like to see is for you to take it to a fifth story, to have the foundations for a fifth story. The additional expenditures in the foundation would not be sufficient to make that much of a difference. Aesthetically, we'll hive to deal with that in the future. As I understend, therefore, you said 1,700? July 31 1984 F 4 Mayor Fcrrc : 1 r 1 mind you thet this ir not the first -_—_. time we've donc %hit I might reziijn() von Ihst when we „ ee started out wilh ibc terde -whet' ihe 1“1 (": Uorld Trade • Center Duildinee le eierted out eith , 00, Ylommcr kept plugging ewey el it until we ended v l'jh heY ncny? --, --,-- Mr. Plum: 1,)199, Mr. Mayor, thet'e hOi what l'm saying. e., What I'm neying is that the Rouse Compeny bar; agreed to pick up any deficit financing. You would have to go back and renegotiete with them if you add additional liability as to revenue. Mr. Gary: Why dou't we put a clause in the contract that says that the City of hiami will contribute whatever the cost is for additional foundation wotk. Mr. Carlton: It's more on the base and it goes up a little bit each time. Mayor Ferre: 1 realize, because it's a pyramid type of an effect, the way you're designing it. 1 would like to, in the bnek portion of the pyramid, that would go up to a fourth floor pt itelt g np to P fifth floor. That certainly wenld not be objectionable. At least it would give us that. alternative, Mr. Carlton: Mr. Mayor, design Pnd try to achieve that. Mayor Ferre: No, not design, look at it, T want to put it into this document, not this look at it stuff. Mr. Cerlion: Mr, Mnyor, the question is this. The incremental cent of thorn foundPtione to go to one story is estimated right no-', and remember we haven't really done the design yet, between :' and :'500,000. Mayor Ferre: Thet'e fine. Mr. Carlton, 1 want to assure you that yon will come up with the money. If not, the City will come up with the money for you Mr. Plummer: Then you have to address it, Maurice, and I'm with yoe, 1)1)1 I thin you have to address another problem. That is deficit finoneine. Mayor Ferre: J.L., all I'm saying is that we would figure out a way to cover the additional *.t200,000 in foundation expenses. 1 think I'm not going to add that floor now, but I am saying that in the future, there will be another couple of floors added. We're not going to take that valuable piece of property and put up a three f3tory garage and then have a success story that way exceeds Baltimore and everybody else and then house comes back and says, but we're going to need another chunk of that park land because we need another 400 parking spaces. I'd rather gamble on the money of putting another 200,000 into the ground and have it reedy, because that's cheaper than the land house 15 going to want to put another 400 parking garge. Mr. Plummer: So can that be covered In the U.D.A.G. grant? It's what we did in the World Trade Center Mayor Ferre: Le te go up to the fifth floor, whatever parking thet allows in the future, and it will be up to the Rouse Cpany and youreives to decide whether you want three floors uow or four or whether you want to go to the full five or -,111.eVe Mr. Carlton: Mr. Mayor, 1 think we have a solution to the question. That is that we will design in to go up to five al 1- ,“ Riad to look at that in 28 July 31, 1984 • stories. As relates to the cost and possible negative cash flow, we're not deciding to build the extra stories now until the demand is proven. Mayor Fcrre: Mr. Carlton, I repeat again. T'm not asking you to build pny more than what you and the Rouse Company have agreed to build. All I'm askinR is that yon nut the foundation viren and the 01 10] tubes and whatever it is that is needed so that if someday, in the wisdom of a future COMM1Sioll five or ten years from now, it is decided there is a need for more parking, that we will have invested $250,000 that will guarantee that you will be able to increase that extra floor, which will give you another 400 parking spaces. Mr. Carlton: Mr- Mayor, we'll do that. Mayor Forre: My idea of the way this is going to work is that you are going to need...we're going to have Rapid Transit, People Movers, things moving along. Mr. Plummer: We're going to loan the Off-Street Parking Authority that money to be paid hack from profits. Mayor Fcrre: Mr. Manager, do you have any problems with that? Docn anybody have pny problems with that? I'd like to f;1 ;y that into a motion, so that there is a clear motion of 1 1 17,0vo Lhat the centraet thn. before us be eFicliCc.6 ;c) oevc7 1 Ire 1)CCD orncd this mornnr. Hle Ctv of D.CPJ tO the Off-Stl: cc i,71• r3).7 yvt nceded , if nco( 7 1 ) 1 ( o the otAfti• to pari;inc, cjlrz).ge to be built t:o 3' t.i fl c thcrc in a denire to expand it flOO ,Jiditional parking spaces can be added to the 7troew ao move, Mr. Plummer: Second. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-852 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO AMEND THE PROPOSED CONTRACT BETWEEN BAYSIDE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY OF MIAMI/DEPT. OF OFF-STREET PARKING TO PROVIDE FOR RENDERING OF MONIES,. IF NECESSARY, 13? THE CITY OF MIAMI TO THE OFF-STREET PARKING DEPARTMENT TO ACCOMMODATE THE FOUNDATION, ELECTRICAL CONDUITS, PLUMBING, AND ANY OTHER NECESSARY PREPARATIONS TO EVENTUALLY ACCOMMODATE A FIFTH FLOOR ADDITION TO THE AFORESAID GARAGE WHEN AND IF NECESSARY. =RI Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. R. Plummer, Jr. Vicr! Drnic J. Perez, Jr. MnYor A. F(!rre NOES: Non. ABSENT: Commi:73ionr Joe Cnrollo Mr. Plummer: Page 1411, article 5.13, Miami Grand Prix, I have spoken to Vr. Carlton in reference to this. I was uncomfortable. 7:1 Mayor, with the thing that says that they can more or lens set their own figure. I have asked Mr. Carlton and he has agreed to for five years an amount of $5,000, which is to be used by the Miami Grand Prix for the purposes of t--hat in presently being used by the auditorium. Mr. Carlton: Five per year. Mr. Plummer; Five per year for five years to be renegotiated after that. I would like to formalize that in a motion. Mayor Ferre: Repeat the motion. Mr. NuFmer: The motion is that the wording be inserted: "that fcr the nae of the parking structure by the Miami Grand Prix„ it ui?,1 be as art fee of 5, 000 per year for five days renegotiable aL the end of the fifth year Mayor Ferro: Mr. Manager, do you have any problem with that? On the record. Mr. Gary: So 1 have to buy a second lunch. No, I have no problem. Mr. Plummer: There are no free lunches. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody have any problem with this? Rouse is O.K. on it? Roger, you're O.K. on it? Mr. Carlton: I love it Mr. Mayor, Mayor Ferre: Perez, do you second that? He says yes. Is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer who moved its adoption: MOTION NO, 84-653 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO AMEND THE PROPOSED PARKING GARAGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BAIDE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND THE CITY OF MIAMI/DEPT. OF OFF-STREFT PARKING TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL PAMENT OE t5 ,000, FOn L FIVE- YEAR PERIOD, BY THE PROMOTERS OF THE MIAMI GRAND PRIX EVENT, FOR USE OF THE PARKING STRUCTURE; FURTHER PROVIDING POR RENEGOTIATION OF SAME AT THE END OF THE FIVE-YEAR PERIOD. 30 July 31, 1984 AYES: AYES: 0 NOES: Pone. Mayor Ferre: That's correct. NOES: NonQ. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- Comminnioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Viee-Myor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Murce A. Fevre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Ferre: Now we are on the main motion. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: So move. 4r, Mayor, this as well as all other motions, are tied in and pending the final document to be signed by the City. Mr. Plummer: None of these documents are in effect and enforced until the main document is signed. Mayor Fe:rye: Tint. i eorreet We are now voting on item 126.1, vhich thc gnrege pErcoment with Bayside Limited P,71 ,imgndcd by Lbc two amendments. Further diellion? Moved by Plunmcr, Seconded by Perez. Further diellon? thc ro2) The following resolution uLL introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its .(j.opton: RESOIAVJON NO, 84-854 A RESOLUTION LUTHWJZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PLMUNG GAUGE AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FUM ATTLCHED, SAID AGREEMENT FOli THE BAYSIDE SPECILLTY CENTER BETWEEN THE CITY or MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF OFF- STREET PARKING, THE CITY OF MIAMI AND BAYSIDE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. (Here follows bcdy of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was pared and adopted by the following vote- Comminsioner Killer J. Dawkins Colmissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Dmetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Fevre ABSENT: Commiioner Joe Cerollo Mr. Pl Ller : NOU I L:A: the Manager, Mr. Manager, when is the fun docment going to be signed? We have relieved Commi>, Dakin5' anxiety relating to signing the full document but,e of" the pLrihg Lnd nA.nority. That has been done. When are we going to have a toating drink with house in Refleetion ori the , ,•igning of the final. document? Mr. Gary: When I get back to you. 31 July 31 , 1984 s l Mr. Plummer: No, I don't want you to get back. I want to know now. Mr. Gary: I can't give it to you now. 14. INSTRUCT CITY VIA, I (Wf 0 TIME NEXT CULTURAL. CITY PROGRAM IN k3r MOR OF MR- JORGE VAL Z "MANGO. Mayor Ferre: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time, it is a great honor for me to welcome Hr. Jorge He Val Arango to our community. As you know, those of you who watched television last night, Mr. Val^ Arango arrived after 20 years being in a Cuban jail.. 1 would lime to, out of courtesy to Mr. Arango, this proclamation has been written in Spanish. If he would join us, 1r. Arango. Mr. Plummer: He speaks perfect English. 1 heard it on T.V. last night. Mayor Ferro: He speaks perfect English because he was a professor of English. Why don't you come over. Would you escort, him up, p1. e,-rn :` COMMENTS IN SPANISH. Ladies and gentlemen, before T introduce r.y colleague Dcmct.rio Perez for a rev t o d . in Ensliah .1. t mull 1.1i;C to ?n. (`h t;i.r cs some of 1 , ; , vith VhOP ! d n i J cl o J ,. , tell •time in t,hc or : 1!'. he C'.!\'( I'. ) i ` very difficult l i'I( 3 .t' t b t e s:'!'n I of the r i i „ � 1 ' L'i ( 1 ' - S �� t } vhs LLcv because k .i ( ' 2 'l it; n) ( 'li 1 don't )t t k r.. e,s 172ie(`: [:; t theory, people;` i. i ��',,��, ', i nne(ly H t,i;! a� t;_,� (� ° <. �. r(a so many pee p ) {. i- "_lit i1L'. `� !' ( ( ',;(- , (; much and vho 2'.c 2 e I1 Li 1, wOU1(i be herd . . 1 2 , , t " , X : ) ' . 1 v r tl!C .i f , t think there 15 truth t.(; the 7 e (m(t,t, ccr uiidcr ; t 21t,.,inF, vli' t, ether r people feet.. To ora : :I% .n.i :=.h ",(;1c: ski.rir friends I`1_,o say, "Why are the Cirb nn so emotional?" 1 try to snsver, depending on who's asking, if the person happens to be , for example, of the Jewish faith, 1 say, "Why does the Jewish community feel so strongly about Israel." I'd reject also that is difficult or impossible to understand the aspirations of world Jewry to protect Israel, but I understand that. 1 feel it just as deeply, even though I'm not a Jew. The Cubans have lost their country to a tyranny, which is as oppressive 55 a tyranny can be; it is a communist tyranny. I don't know whether we fully understand what it means to be 20 years in jail just because you happen to be opposed to your government. I don't know that we fully understand, because none of us have really lived it what it means to lose your homeland, your property, your fam .ly , people, families that are divided, things that are lost, that become just memories. Here is a Than who symbolizes s this suffering. But he symbolizes it not only in his own presence pence raid by having liven up 20 years of his life, but while he was in jail, he was one of those select who refused to do anything he was tole by his oppressors, therefore, 1o4 treated in the most inhumane of ways in the most cruel of ways. He was deprived of tho most basic human decencies t1ti: t. we all so take for granted. nted, :ieY e was a man who was literally stripped ppe'd to the bone, who had to stand and !n a d.brh cell naked and deprived of food and i and talk and care: and concern ern and the ability to de 1 with otf r . . - t [ : human f �. << f u e:' ' t �'.:� c `; c: ; t equal. . 'La ii ,�, Through it a1 l , not only did he survive, but he became a source of inspiration through his poetry. Ti or f err as we f r k y� r honor Jorge Val s , we honor not only a patriot, we honor not only a symbol, but perhaps as important, because he becomes 32 July 31, 1984 a light for so many, we honor a poet. A poet who in the depth of his despair and suffering and out of his fellow prisoners understood and shared his love and his understanding with others. It is a speril honor for me as the Mayor of the City of Miami to welcome to our eommnnity Jorge Vats. 1 wish his star- here....% told him when T met him, but I didn't hope that he world be with us long because I know that wha t be want:-, 17, the freedom of Cute, But that I hope that his .74t ,71y with ra.^ trill. be 1 fruitful one, i certainly think than his pen, that is °:o much stronger than the sword, will be a major factor in inspiring no many to do the right thing in the eause of the freedom of Cuba. At this time, I would like to ask try colleague, Deraetrio Perez, if he would, to please introduce Mr. Val.^ and then we will make the presentation. Mr. Perez: I think that after the words that we have listened from the Mayor, I, think that would have the best description what in the whole personality of Jorge Val s. As Abraham Lincoln said one titre, "A house divided cannot stand." I'm sure that this morning the hors at the City of Miami is united to stand the warmest welcome to Jorge Vals . Jorge Val.s is a symbol of dignity, of justice, of freedom, of liberty. 1 think that's the kind of citizens that we have to be, not, only proud, we have to be very outstanding. I would like this morning to recognize the efforts of the wife of Jor Ge Vals ` al, l.°ho is with him today, 1 wan c witness of all t.1 c effot in ration of the frcc cio of Oor;°:e V,: 1s for y City ' . i ears and 4-�.. " t';- � l!!' ( i t i L �?1 „ i jl ;1 } Toiy, l would (: l ? k(' to pr Q (n l. t on t L ? t l . r : { ( _ ; r ' . . C; 1 1 would l i k e to move a po t-iC`il i voct m10 iC` ii ollv City to assign the gwm..c i a' , t(1 t. C? i >hr 1i t eul't, ter ,.! l`roGrati1 of the City Miami, The t' : the motion that l would uld like to move Mayor kt'{ rr e? ' l ' 11 accept that «s a motion at this time. Is there 4. ;;ccGnd? is there further discussion? Call the roll on that motion. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and ,adopted by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None. MOTION NO. 84-855 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO NAME THE NEXT CULTURAL CITY PROGRAM IN HONOR OF HR. JORGE VALS ARANGO, A RECENTLY RELEASED CUBAN POET. Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Lumetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mayor Ferre. Now ladies and gentlemen, won't you give a warm s'tandinE ovation to Jorge Va15. APPLAUSE, Mr. JC:tg, 'Vr:.1 33r M tic . fe;rre to the authorities of this City, . yL:u ,l . , t.L y 1 c.peh my heart and express my greatfuir,ess ' thanks to all of you. 1 accept this homage, not to me because that would mean only vanity, but as a homage to my people and to those 1 have left suffering sl 33 July 31, 1984 in the prisons of Cuba. A man who suffers any place in the world under oppression is living and is suffering for all humanity. The cause of freedom is eternal and universal. This is my only nationslity: I am universal. I feel my heart with yo h Pnd 1 nm Rind to he here. May I enhrace you and 711;4y 1 Fivr yen my APPLAIMF. Mr. Vals: comirmir, U :;PAH1,7 Mayor FPrre: 1 ould like to invite Mr. John Cosgrove, who is also a member of the legislature, along with Humberto Cortinp nnd ;judge Margarita Esquiroz, Mr. HPnager, if you would join us and Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa, the City Attorney, if you would all join on for thin presentation. Mr. Vais has given to me n copy of the poems that he has written in Cuba and he will also give a copy of this to all the members of the Commission and the City Manager and the City Attorney. On behalf of all of 115, my congratulations to the Vals family and God speed the very best to you. APPLAUSE. 15. APPROVE IF PRITICIPLE DRIVE TELLERS. SUPBANK MIDTOWN 1400 TLV- 20TH SMEET. Mr. PlUMmcr: All 1 i.ould like to do in Get CDC pocl..ct item that 1 promincd the, people of MAitown Sunan. o'.; a drive in tOjer that Ia. vould Ove thcL ;n pi)i in principle, to th(y Yod )u0oc.6 uth vc;lovaOnS. They Bove vcccvc:d othcr approvn cro • tbc I3oa and tiwy vo).d bl;e pLoocd, 1 ivor, at this timc, i Myc)r„, In thc r(m1,1(:. Ilidtown Sunbani: thc architet hcr? raycy, thcy have surrr vowld mLke motion at thin time that vc appr6ve principlc the drive-in facilitic2 which they have nhovn to the Zoning Board with approval. What we are technically doing is approving it in principle. I so move. Mayor Ferro: Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Mr. Dawkins, for the Sunbank of Midtown I have gone over their plans. Mr. Dawkins: Second, Mayor Ferre: Mr. on Murphy My name Don Murphy. 1 ii wi Buckley, 2.,chull and jornaorn. My mailing address S.W. 40 Strt, Mi3mi, Florida. Mr. umm(: You undrstand, for the record that an approval in pl and that you will have another lir Lefore this Commission but this approved in priniple? Mr. Murphy: 6ir. Mr. Plummer: CblI the roll. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. Further discussion? Mr. Manager, this meets with the approval of the Administration? Mr. Plummer: For the record, sir, give us your name and the Mailing zAdrc ;h Post, is 6850 this is to have will be The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Mummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A, Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo . - . . . SIIIIDIMMO01111101MIIIIMINV ...IMMO.. 411111.•• •••■ yr. •••••• • NOTE FOR THE IIECORD: Agenda item 43 was temporarily WiTERW7 Agenda item No. 46.1 was withdrawn. -- ----- NM SM. wee 111Mi.V..104.ffiertOW,mt ememmeeveRowelatmaacamet*tweamoefonvameenw.a 16. WAIVE FEE FOR USE OF MIME BOWL STADIUM - UNIV. OF MIAMI , DEPT. OF MUT:KS - SEAT SALE TO BE MELD AUGUST 11, 1984 TO IKCPaSE TEE SUSOF TICKET BASE. Mayor Ferre: We're on item L3 now. You ready, Plummer? Mr. Plummer: A MOTION APPROVING TN PRINCIPLE THE DRIVE-IN TELLER FACTLITTES FOR THE SUN BANK-MIDTOWN, LOCATED AT 1'400 N.W. 20TH STREET, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PROCEDURES WITH RESPECT TO SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS WILL HAVE TO BE FOLLOWED BEFORE FINAL APPROVAL, Ye MOTION NO, 84-856 go ahead. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Dawkins seconds 43, which is the University of Miami's request for a waiver of fee for the usage of the Orange Bowl for one special occasion. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED 'INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Monty Trainer Mayor and Commissioners, my name is Monty Trainer from Coconut Grove, This is something the University of Miami is trying to do to stimulate interest in the University of Miami football team to bring about our seaon ticket sa es. What ue're trying to do is getting people to gone cut there and pick their seats out have a little fun doing it I promise that Commissioner Plummer uilI he invited to the University of Miami director's box, Mayor Ferre: Kr. Trainer, in the goad old days, and I tell you where they were heavily used, I remember Irwin Christy always useC to have his box fun and members of the Commit useC to have a box down.— Mr. Garei No, no, don't get into that, Maurice. Mayor, don't get into that. s) 35 July 31, 1984 Mr. Gary: Maurice, leave it alone. Mayor Ferre: ....because the seats really were not that hot. Would you talk to my consultant about that, J.L. Plummer. Mr. Plummer: fee, Mr. Trnincr : Mr, Mayor, the University of Miami is very pressed when it comer to the use of the Orange Bowl., so we need this, really. Mr. Gary: LePvc At alone. Mr. Plummer: We rant them to continue to use this. Mr. Trainer: I'll )cave it alone. Mayor Ferro: This is not tick for tack. 1 mean we're going to vot.c for this one way or the other. But would you please talk to my consultant? Mr. Dawkins,: What he he's saying, Monty, is we boy a box with Dolphins and each Commissioner gets two tickets. I don't even go. Like s said, the only time I'll see the Dolphins play is when they play in ......... Mayor Ferro: We get two tickets? How come I never got my two tickets? Mr. Dawkins:: I, always see your son in yours. LAUGHTER. Mr. Trainer:. We've been working with the City Manager's office, and We're developing a Hurricane deck, and we'll put you on the Hurricane deck. Mayor Fcrr Are we ready to vote on the University of Miami`: Mr. Plummer: I move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferro: Plummer moves, Dawkins seconds item 43. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plumner, who moved its adoption: AYE MOTION NO. 84-857 857 A MOTION GRANTING A WAIVER OF FEE FOR THE USE OF THE ORANGE JOWL STADIUM PURSUANT T REQUEST M A D E BY THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS, IN CONNECTION WITH A SEAT SALE TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 1 _` , 1984, FOR THE PURPOSE OP INCREASING THE SEASON'S TICKET 1b. ik . Upon being dGd by ComIl ior, - r- bawl Fs, the motion W83 passed 8nd aC 4 {p ed by the following v'o;..t -- Commi„. er killer J. A6 o Jr. �iTiZ ., �e1t.irr �� . L. u t'F...,r✓r' , Vice-Mayor Dery .trio J. Pre , Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro 31 36 July 31, 1984 NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo tab 17. RATIFY AMD comunm FINDING OF THE CITY MANAGER: WAIVE FORMAI, SEALED BIDS FOR PROCUREMERT OF MAIMTEMANCE SERVICES. COMPMTFR ODIT"MT MICROFILM SYSTEM EDIIIPMENT. Mr. Gary: This is the maintenance contract. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Mr. Plummer: Second. AYES: al NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Killer J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre RESOLUTION NO 84-858 Mayor Ferro: Now we're on item 47, which is the computer output microfilm equipment. Mayor Ferro: Are we ready to vote on this? The Manager recommends. Does anybody have any objections? Who moves it? Mayor Ferro: Plummer seconds. Further discussion on item 47? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins t who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING THE FINDING OF THE CITY VANhOER, BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF NOT LES THLN 4/5THS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY corilIssioN, THAT THE REQUIREMENT FOR FORMAL SEALED BIDS BE VAIVED AND D THAT THE EMERGENCY PROCUREMENT OF MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR COMPUTER OUTPUT MICROFILM SYSTEM EQUIPMENT, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR (1) YEAR WITH PROVISION TO RENEW ANNUALLY SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENTS AND TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS, FROM 3M CORPORATION AT A TOTAL PROPOSED FIRST YEAR COST OF $22,690.00 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTERS BE APPROVED; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPARTMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being Leconded by CoLmissioner Plummer, the resolution paLed Lnd Ldopted by the following vote- 37 July 31, 1984 1111q.P.,,,wsott. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 48 was temporarily 7 49 was deferred. 18. EMERGENCT ORDIRANCE: ESTABLISH 7110 SPECIAL REVENUE FUPD:7. OFFICE OF INTERGOVERrMEMIAL L.. —MIAMI JOB DEVELOPMENT rnocrAm,. Mayor Ferre; Item number '30 established the two Special Revenue Funds entitled Office of Intergovernmental Liaison Miami Job Development Program and $57,783 and $750,000 respectively from the United States Department of Labor and authorizes the City to accept a grant from the United States Department of Labor to enter into the necessary contracts. Is there a motion? Dawkins? Dawkins moves 50. Perez seconds. Further discussion on this ordinance on an emergency basis? Read the ordinance. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, Mr. Manager, if the trainee placement quota that you're supposed to have is not met, what happens? Mr. Gary: We don't get reimbursed the full amount from the Federel Government, That applies to all C.E.T.A. That's the new regulation thst csme into effect last year that I informed the Cemmirsion on the record and in writing about this ucv Federal woliCY. Mr. Dawkins: So there is n possibility that if we accept this $783,750 part of it might be refundable because the C.B.0.5 that you contract with did not meet the quota. Is that correct? Mr. Gary: That's correct, Commissioner. I informed the Commission at that time thet we ought to inform the Federal Government that the City could not eccept that liability. The City Commission wcnt on record saying that ye would accept the liability because we could not, afford to turn the money back. We had to make e good faith effort. The only problem with this is that this is tied to the economy, which this City Commission does not control. If' the economy does not have jobs, and you can't place people, then therefore, we won't be successful in meeting our goal, and therefore, it could result in the City not receiving reimbursement for some of the money we spent for this program. Mr. Dawkins: Of the last monies We received, were we not reimbursed for any of it? Mr. Cary: We have estimated that, the figures will come out. We probably won't cet reimbursed ehout $20,000 for last yeer's programs. Mr. 1)E S'') we've lost $20,000 to help the economy. Right? That's not bad. Mr. Plummer: Weit a minute. Let we tell you whLt is bad. Mr. Gary, 1 want you to justify to me, sir. Thie IL exactly last year which you very strongly recommended against. Mr. Gary: Well, 1 learned.... Mr. Plummer: I'd like to know why it's now being done at 180. Mr. Gary: Why it's being done at 180? The City Commission has established the policy which I am required to uphold. That is that we have to accept this program, take the risk, take the liability. Mr. Plummer: No, we don't have to‘ We can and we elect to, if this Commission so ordains. Mr. Gary: But the only alternative is to turn the money back. Mr. Plummer: No it's it not turn it back to the consortium from which the City took it away from and reduced all of the other C.B.0.s. Mr. Gary: That's not correct. Mr. Plummer: yes it is Mr. Gary: No, listen to me. If we turn it back to the consortium, we, as a consortium member, have liability for all programs throughout Metro Dade County and Monroe County. Mr. Plummer: Not we individually, the eon.sorti.um does. Mr. Gary: 'c:° , but that includes us too. Mr. Dawkins: fell, Mr. Gary, Co we I <'y you to give us what we want or give us your pro t c _ , (>na' advice. Mr. Gary: l gave my proi'caional a dvice last year.... Mr. Dawkins: But you're not giving it to me this year. Mr. Gary: No, no, no, no. Mr. Dawkins: It's changing. TAPE 4 Mr. Gary: It's not changing at all. It's a continuation, this City Commission has established a policy, which this City Manager has to follow. That is we will accept the money and then permit the programs to the best of our ability. That's what we're doing. Mr. Plummer: Let's make the record clear. Let's make the record that the consortium did not recommend this from the inception. The consortium recommended something differently and the City in its wisdom, the City, our representative sought to gee $500,000 for the City's use in house. As such, the rest of the C.B.O.s were deducted from and this money given to the City. The only thing I'm putting on the record is that least you very strongly opposed this because of the potential liability. Mr. Gary: Let me clarify your record, your memory. The City of Hi i , and I've been here since 1976, Iias always received portion of the C. i . T.P:. funds to administer programs in the City of Miami. This is not a departure from what has occurred in the City since 1976. Thank you, Mr. Dawkins. Mr. Plur:mer: The bottom line is the City's potential liability is $500,000 if this thing doesn't work. Am I correct in that statement? Mr. Gary: Maximum but not oi" realistic liability. Mr. Plummer: The potential. sl 39 July 31, 1984 NOES: None. AYES: NOES: None. sl ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Gary: The potential is beyond that. It's for the total amount that the City consortium gets multiplied, divided by 5. Mr. Plummer: That's increment financing in payment. Mr, Gary: I don't make Federal legislation or Federal rules, sir. Mr. Plummer: Proceed. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote now? Call the roll, please. Mr. Ralph Ongie: Did you read the ordinance? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Item 50 has been read. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING TWO NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS ENTITLED "OFFICE OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL LIAISON (FY '85)" AND 'IMIAMI JOB DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (FY APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THEIR OPERATION IN THE ANCU? TS OF r_17,000 AND $783,75o RFrECTIVELY 17POV 'ME UNITED STATE. T)PP[RTITU Or AND AUTHORNG GjYY IO CEFPT THE ( 1 1 1 `i:ATES DEPARTRi 0): HTFI jNTO THE J,(TrIki GONTRIXTC:,) NWOR AGREPUNI() 1 1 (.)tri); FLORIDA EMPLOY LPY) TRIUP )11,0Liy1l To ACCET irr GhhT rowu RFFLLER PEOVIjON LT) -1 ,MILJTY CLLW:,E. Was introduced hy Commaioner Dawinr and seconded by Commissioner Perez, for adoption an emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was agreed to by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said ordinance by the following vote- Commisioncr Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L..Plummer, Jr, Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice I. Ferre SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED 0RDI4ANCE ?'0. 9866. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 40 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: sl DURING FIRST ROLL CALL: 1 vote no. Mr. Garcia You need four fifths. Mr. Plummer: Wait n minute. I'm sorry. I was trying to make a point. T can't do it because of four fifths vote. I vote yes. I've made my point. 19. EMERGENCY ORDINAMCE; AMEND THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE IFCREX3E APPROPRIATION FOR ENTERPRISE FUND $290,0110 OR A PRACTICE FIELD FOR THE WITTED STATES FOOTBALL. LEAGUE TEAM- Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, can we go back to item )18, When you read differently the resolution rather than the title, I have no problem with the resolution. I so move item 48. For the record, i would only like to include that I've asked Mr. Gary to please made that field sufficient that soccer could br: p1 ycd in that field, as well as football, and he has agreed to it T so move- jt. Mayor Fevre: Tr. City Attorney, do we have to read the ordinance over again? Mr. Garcia -Pedrosa: No, sir. Mayor Ferre: We have before the Commission item 48. It was moved by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Dawkins. Just so that there is no misunderstanding and we don't have any ill feclinu vith our eollcaFue, Commsioner Carollo, a you know, he have an opposition to ths. T don't know why he's absent lo6; I'm sore he hs very ki reason, like Out of ceurtcsy to hir, if he oishes to take this matter up when he rctorrs, I will vote for this on the condition that we all onderstcnd that if he wishes to discuss it, we'll reopen the issue. Does anybody have any objection? Mr. Plummer: No, sir, but I think it your obligation as Mayor of this City to tell Mr. Carollo that we're going to deduct 44 cents an hour that he makes if he doesn't show up. Mayor Ferre: Anything else on this item 1 18? Call the roll. 41 July 31, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO 9684 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE ENTERPRISE FUND, IN THE AMOUNT OF $290,000 FOR ORANGE BOWL STADIUM AND BY INCREASING ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE IN THE SAME AMOUNT FROM ADDITIONAL REVENUES EARNED IN FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING CERTAIN ORANGE BOWL STADIUM IMPROVEMENTS, CONSTRUCTING A PRACTICE FIELD FOR THE UNITED STATES FOOTBALL LEAGUE TEAM, PAYING FOR INCREASES IN WATER USAGE, AND INCREASING FUNDING FOR EVENT STAFFING AND CONTRACTUAL CLEANING AND CROWN CONTROL SERVICES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION; AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer mid seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption pn mi emergency measure and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which was screed to by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Millel J. Dawkins Commissioner J. j Mummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9867. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 20. AUTHORIZE COUSTRUCTION OF FOOTTUL FUCTICE FIELD OF THE *NORTH 2" & UCiEkT1OULL VEHICLE PLUKIEG LOTS AT ORANGE BOWL STADIUR FOE U.S.F.L. Mr. Plumwer: 1 wove itew 1?, which the companion item. Mayor ['erre: Is there a necond? sl. 42 July 31, 1984 * -~--- Mr. Da~rkins: Speond. Mayor PPrre; P~arther discussion? With the same stigi~lat~.(~r~, as ahc~~eg that our colleague, Carollo,... Mr. F]_ur~:~e?-° .t ~~~tr3~r^rancl, Mayor ~'€'rr~; }~a,n ;~ ~'uJ..l. right td a~~ ~~rn a; i~i_s opinion and }~t i.n~ 3-.}~'3_;^ ~a~ ~~,~r a .,ecc~nr} vote, f'c~~~ a rr.,.~vote. Mr . I'3.~~nnrM : hf R: ~ .~ tc~ t>~ tanderstaod as o~ today. Mayor F'a-7~re, tin th.^ a7:ar4.i.c~ul.ar issue. Mayor f'eri°er fioc3~~,=, yt~re, Mr , Garen °--I'eci ~"c~.~a ; }1r , P~layor, let the record reflect that no one ~~clcr, t~~ ~~e heard on this public hearing matter. Mayor Fer~•-e~ J_.,> S;here ~^n~r further discussion an item 17, cor~pa~~ic~n t;c; ~~~? Ca1_l. ~:l~e t-o~.l., The fc~:~..l.o~~~r~~. r~~{~a.t~~;ic~n ~.~,,, i.n~rod?aced }?Y Corrrnissioner Plummer, h}~L~ r~t~~~~ci 7.~.~~ s,~%a }, ;. i. :pra: A PF~;tI}..[,~ ,~°„ ' (1 ,t'-;T, .~''~ !I`~, i`-C~P~~~1'F}UCaIC~1~~ QF' M1}-1' 1~(~ ,;~ ~ j' ~ ,, (,i?1~ It t f ~1,. { '~'i ~ (•., 1' ' CII~ ~T'}`ii lii ~~I' '~~i~}% 1'~:`:i'}~ i ~( . , .i ; i.i~.ia ~i.l~° f~ ~- I,,~ f.i~i~ I ~;~~I; J ,`I~ !`~i~- (~,}.. '1: r' C:; ~C)[.tl;-~'h ~ aTx I}~ lli1`t?l:iti( CCiI;} ~.: :I'a'i1r? z~.~.i }, }wC~~'ui! 1;~;ii..td ~C 1}~' CJ t P R R :i:t~! ~ UC +.:G lfk: ~ C:C)?t1 i ~ •~? }~'>> C )}~~ ': t;~~C` ~C i( ~:} d p t~ ~~~ t t~ + Y^7 S T t 1] t Y t t t [^ 11~ tf.Vl}~{?SEl[.. ~t}~7 ~.`. [i C;~ t,:.}1t`.. ~lG } lti ~~,3 1~U It~EI dY L i.~'iF 1~ t ~ j. [~1 L.;. OPEN' }~iAF;}:};i C?}~ ~}~QUIF}}:~ }'liC~,.i~.C1" PC}~Ta At~D SUPPLIr~;.S T}; A TaTAI_. At`UUlr'i }~C?i TC) EXCEED ~115,QC}G 6~~IT'}~ F`U}rUfi T},E}iLF'C7R AL.I.C)CATED HERE?},} e ~°'UF:T}-}}?ft IsUT}~0};]:~ I}~~G, SUI3J }"Cfi ':t"0 THE AVAILA~3I}.I T Y UF" }"U}DS, ~'HE~ CITY }~A}~ACrE}~ TO EXECUTE >/};}~€~Gc~l,CY }'Ui~C}}ASE alrllFRS AS , NECESSC~R~'t Tn il~`~E S~sII:) F`IF'.}..}~ }'I3EF'I~F,i~L~ Ii~l TI}~Tr S~OF~ 't }}L START C~}~ 'T}L l1~FL ~ S '~'I~ATt~ ING (}}crc f`~i~o~_ t~c~.:i}~ of Y'c~-~ltat~,c>~~p r,~t~ittad here arici ~r~ f°ilc- zt~ tl~t> Gf'~'ic:c= cif' ~::}y~ Cit,}~ Clark..? Upon 1.~t4=z.:~;F snccc,-~~~:zrt kt~~ C~c,~:i~~~.~~crat>~• ~~~~;~1:>.ns, the resolution -~:~U.. l1~v:•t's1 ;~r~d ~c~~al~t.~:c l},~~ t..l~e 4°c~lltaa~in~ r.rate- AYES: Cc;d~r~ ~:~ict;~-r° }.,;z~ 1~ i' .t. };~~~:a:,.a - `/VLIIlI1i.~.::;iGtlC':i' ~J. I_. !`~lli:tltlE;1', ~,~r„ ~~.~;a--IF:~\'C.~t° ?2t:' .,c't~.:~~.~ J6 }'et`+~~, fir. '=~ ~ i :~ ~ C? t" ! i « lx T' 3 i.: ~' ~i . }` t° Y' Y` E3 _? NOES: h~cr~~ . ASSENT: Coc~~~issioner Jae CaroZlo S iilETRI q~ D.FdD :m 4r~s. sl u3 Jury 3~, ~g8~ 21. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE: AMEND THE EXMITNG CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE - ArPPnPRTATE $1,267.000 Fon TYT.h.c COMITER DTnrAicH r.YgTEM FOR WV rirF DEPARTMFMT- Mayor Frrrn: On the firrfiEhtrrs now. dons somnhc h;lve a problem? Mr. Mummer: Mr- Mayor, 1 brute- been informr-d by the Manager he has afforded me the opportunity to visit on this, ss well ss the radio:1, which 1 think are tied hand in hand, and ss such, I will move it Mayor Ferro: Is there a second to item 49? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Call the roll, AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- Was intro6noc6 by Commioncr Mummer and seconded by Commissioner l'cro for ;(loption an an omergency measure and dispensing vih tho requi.renov)t of reading same on two separate day, which was auced to by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None. AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED; f TITWPnATIFG HON THE 1981 FIREFIGETING, riv ERFVFNITOF AND RESCUE FACILITIES ECTE EENE fiThEI:E BOND SALES ;JWINST OF 1 TO ITEM fINH) CONT/iJr: 1;L'IAJ 1 vIJo AND SEVERAMIJTY (;t1' Commissiontr 1j33cr J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Perez, adopted said ordinance by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner J. Dawkins Commissioner 3. L. Mummer, Jr. Vioe-Mz.yor Dtreirio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor urice L. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: CoLmissioner Jot CarolIo SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and LtiliOUtiOd that copies were available to the members of the City Commisioh and to the public. 51 9868. AT THIS POINT THERE IS A BRIEF DISCUSSION PERTAINING 44 July 31, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, on this none of this money comes out of the '83 bond issue? Mr. Gary: You are talking about item. 52? Mayor Ferre: No, he's talking about Mr. Gary: That's bond money. Mr. Dawkins: But Mr. Plummor: From the Fire Department, yes. Mr. Gary: This ir the Fire Department. Mr. Plummer: '84 tho Police. Mr. Dawkins: O.K., no problem. Mibirailgrale,•••••••"•• 22. SECOND RUPTFG ffDIFANCE: /MEND SUBSEC.(a) OF SEC. 1- 26 OF 7TIE CODE IVCREASE COtIPOSITION OF TUE DOWNTOWN DEVELOMENT AlgilORITY ITOM 17 TO 19 MEnBERS Mayor Ferre: Take up item 52 on second reading. Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: It was moved by you, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Perez: Move. Mayor Ferre: Perez moves. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Yes, I'll second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- passed en 14, 1984, title and seconded thereupon passed and AYES: NOES: ABSENT: si I mean 1 any Commissioner Joe Carollo 1 19. of this money the '83. •MM•M•rtm Pie ee, Ve 1m er•V lam ' 6, W. 0. tA, le Pea MeV me •■•••• mmm en•MMm ran M wre, •'M OM. WM IMW IMO MO VOW 11. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS (a) AND (c) OF SECTION 14-26, OF THEE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY INCREASING THE COMPOSITION OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOMENT AUTHORITY BOARD FBOM 17 TO 19 hEMBEBS; THE TWO NEW MEMBERS BEING THE HANAGER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE nNAGER OF METEOPOLITAN DA DE COUNTY. its firL,t, readinL by t t1 t he v.leeting of June uas taken up for heeend and final reading by adepti. Oh totioh of Colil!nis:.Aoner Perez, by Ce;ilipLiionet Pluu,wer, the Ordinance was givt it :eond z,nd in reading by title and adopted by the folloui.hE vote- Cothtioher L, Jr. Detnetrio 3, Jr. 1j.y KL,uriee L. F'ert Cowmiti:.Aoner Hiner J. Dawkins. • 45 July 31, 1984 THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE N . 9869 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. Mr. Perez: Second. NOES: ABSENT: None. Mr. Plummer: Move it. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- Commissioner Joe Carollo 23. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL $5,479,910 TO COMUUNITT DEVELOPVENT BLOCK GRANT —TENTH (10TH) TEAR, AYES: J. Dawkins COInliibritr J. L. Plunmer, Jr. Vice DLAtrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTInN 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9834, ADOPTED MAY 10, 1984, BY APPROPRIATING THE ADDITIONAL TOTAL SUM OF $5,479,910 TO THE EXISTING TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENTITLED "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (10TH YEAR)" IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: THE SUM OF $2,164,910 FROM PREVIOUS YEARS' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS (3RD THROUGH 9TH YEARS); THE SUM OF $371,000 FROM ANTICIPATED CDBG PROGRAM INCOME; AND AN ADDITIONAL 10TH YEAR CDBG ALLOCATION OF $2,944,000, FOR THE EXECUTION OF APPROVED GRANT ACTIVITIES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. ....v....1m". We. Mayor Fcrre: Take up item 53. It's on second reading, $5,479,910 for Community Development Block Grant, tenth year. Does anybody have any objections? Staff recommending the funding be divided between King Heights and East Little Havana. Mayor Ferre: The C.D. Board recommended that the funding be solely for King Heights. Do you understand where we are? Does anyone want to talk on this? Any objections? Moved by Plummcr, Mayor Ferre: Seconded by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 214, 1984, uas taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote- THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9870 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and pnnonneed that copies were available to the member of the City Commission ;Ind to the public. 24. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND MATTER 54 OF TfiE COPE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ENTITLED: "STREETS MD SIDEWALKS". Mayor Ferro,: On item 54, second reading, this increases from $5,000 to $10,000. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves. Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: No one seeks to be heard. Mayor Fcrre: Cn).1 the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED - passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 14, 1984, taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Dawkins, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reding by title and passed and dopted by the folIowinE vote- AYES: sl AN ORDINANCE. AMENDING CHAPTER 54 OF THE CODE 0) THE CITY OF MIAMI., FLORIDA, ENTITLFI' "T RENTS AND SIDEWALKS" 13Y AMENDI) 3 01 r ENTITLED "COW3TRtiC))0R, NEC(g11Th OR REPOR REOUflU) JN NF,! CORThUCTION OR CONSTRUfliJnN 1 1 ACAN',AND DODLARS OR VW+. VLDh Y.XTUG SIX HUNDUD HJA 'IN AU:Au BY INCREAU:6 (() LMOHNT :APLETION (a) FROM FIVE THOKLND 3 OLL1 P5 TO TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR:3; ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION (e) PEETLINING TO EVENTS OF NON-COMPLIANCE 13Y AN APPLICANT; FURTHER ADDING AND MODIFYING TERMINOLOGY THROUGHOUT SECTION 54 FOR CLARIFICATION PURPOSES; AND CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Commi:5sioner Mill&r J. Dwkins Comminioner J. L. Plummer, Jr, Vice-Mayor Demetric 3. Perez, Jr, Mayor hurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: covioner Joe Carollo THE ONDINANC 14::3,1NA'LF1) ORDINANCE NO. 9871 The City Attc read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Cowmission and to the public. 47 July 31, 1984 •••• ago rom vow. 25. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: AMEND EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATION:3 ORDINANCE BY APPROPRIATING $2,219,00o FOR LAMD ACOMSTTJOTI FOR COMYENTIOPAL PUBLIC HOUSW 01!T PROGRA”. Mayor Forre: Take up 55 on second reading. Plummer, do you still want to move this? Mr. Plummer: Yes. Mr, Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, Perez seconds. Does anyone wish to be heard on this? Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, may I ask Mrs. Spillman some questions? Mrs. Spillman, are these the little houses that we sec in tho City of Miami that are growing up looking like match boxi's'i Mrs. Spillman: These are the homes that Dade County H.U.D. is building throughout the neighborhoods that arc single family snd dupicy, Mr. Dav1;n: Why is it that the County is allold to come into the Ciy and tsko people lot that they die not to sell, r.ive thio uhat they v:anted arid put up tho;e little rnat;c c ot 6o5nr thia Cou:AyY There arC aa many va(Art payee) proporty in thr County as there the City, :1,6 yet ye , J ran. you to underatam, 1w)t the koorer that we bui16 ;]dr.i opr hssc.. Eou, if they ()°v rent hot me, hsve s puohlem, but these sre hdmes that go on the ts): roll that heri our ri) I'm not arguing from thst stand. point. 17:ut the point I do have a problem with is that they took pople'L. lot thst callcd me who did not want to sell them, yet they could find three vacant lots in the County that they County could have taken. Why is that? Mrs. Spillman: Commissioner, that's a very good point. The answer to that is that the City Commission has allocated millions of dollars in housing bond money for provision of housing for people. Dade County has riot made a similar commitment. Therefore, they don't have any money to buy land. They are very happy to cone into this City with our money, but the County Commission has not nlade a similar commitment. Therefore, they are not esrrying out as large of a program in Dade County. Mr. Dwkins: A5 long as they are single family homes, I have no problem with it. Lut don't the City of Miami accept any more money for multiple unit, low rent housing if the County will not accept some. Thank you. Call the roll mr. Mayor. Mr. Garcia Let the record reflect no one seeks to be heard. Mayor Ferre: Call the roll. sl 48 July 31, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9534, ADOPTED DECEMBER 9, 1982, THE EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE, AS AMENDED BY APPROPRIATING THE AMOUNT OF $2,219,000 FOR LAND ACQUISITION FOR THE CONVENTIONAL. PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FROM ANTICIPATED LAND REUSE PROCEEDS PROVIDED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HUD TO FUND THE SITE ACQUISITION FINANCING SHORTFALL; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its firnt reading by title nt the meeting of June 28, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Mille ,. IMWr.ins Commisnioner J. I ;;.' Jr. Mayor Maurice A. NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayer Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo THE ORDINANCE Wh. DF.IGNATED ORDINANCE NO 9872 The City Atterncy rend the ordinance into the public record a nd nolnecd thA copic:3 were available to the members of th(: City on tmd to the public. OM. i/ON.IIIM • . . . _ - SO. WNW .1111.•■•■••••••.......** :7 26. DISCtJSSiC MD DEFERPAL OF Ji OLDIHAECE fl 1ICU WOULD INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS TO TUE PLANVIVG DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE FOR r ADDITIOHAL MAUER III POSITION. Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Mayor, I ruove that item 56 be continued until the Downtown Development Authority show me its list of applicants so that I can see that it actively attempted to recruit a Latin or 151zek planner. Mr. Plummer: Second the motion. Mayor Ferre: We have a motion and a second that the item be continued. Mr. Manager, Walter, does this create any problems? Mr. Walter Pierce: Mr. Mayor, we're going to use the existing, staff in the Planning Departmen't ;_nd recruit a new person to fill that position. Mayor Ferre: Will this person he report:HE to you? Mr. Pierce: h(t'1 be r(,;portin tO t Rodriguez, Planninil Director, who reports to ule. Mayor Ferre: 1)o you have any problems with this being deferred? 1 don't care one way or the other. si 49 July 31, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: How he can have a problem with it when I'm the one requesting that it be deferred, Mr. Mayor? Mayor Ferre: You can psk. I'm the Mayor, and I'm the Chairman of this Board, I'm nsking the Administration to put on the record if he has any emergency problems, 1, you know —it doesn't affect me a bit. 1 couldn't care less. You may find it very humorous, but to play games that affect the efficiency of government iG something that 1 , a matter of serious concern. Mr. Dawkins: First I want you to explain in the record who is playing games at this. Mayor Ferre: T don't see what'n o funny nbout this. Mr. Dawkins: Who is playing games? You shouldn't say things in the records that will come up at, a later date when people pull the minutes and then they read them and then you said that people were playing games and it doesn't add up, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferrc: It does add up, because there is no question as to the feelings of both you and Commissioner Plummer against the D.D.A., which you Pro entitled to I respect that. But when you deal with things that derail or curtail the efficiency of an importnnt function of government. then I consider tht ti a r;cciou:7 matter, I vould like the Manager to eplin if he 11,; no problem in along with what you've YOU CflP VOtC you knnt, have a right to : : 1 or) the record and ' doing no. Mr. Daukin::: 0, hut it my he your opinion that this is derailino the 0:Teriey of govornment. Mayor Ferro: 1 je my opinion. Mr. Dawkin: Uut it doeGn't necessarily have to be a fact. Mayor Ferro: That does not say that it is. It is my opinion. Vir. kanager, would you tell us on the record if you have any problems with letting item 56 go by, or is this a matter of importance to you? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, I'd like to begin by giving you historical background. When the D.D.A. came before this City Commission to expand its boundaries as well as to improve on its functions, this Administration proffered to this City Commission that the D.D.A., even though it had the rights to expand its boundaries if the City Commission so desired, that they needed to provide money to the City of Miami to provide overall planning functions, uhich is the responsibility of the City of Miami and not D.D.A. As a part of that agreement for thew to extend the boundaries, they agreed to give ua of their money V43,500 for a Planner III, uhich will be hired by us utilizino their money to do planning for downtown. This is getting beck some of the money that we've been giving to 11)D.A. free of charge, because they have net paid for planning services, We have been doing it all ourselves. This is a benefit to the City. This is aot Oving any money to D.B.A. I would recommend that we do this for the mere fact thet they're paying for it, but secondly that we'll tJ abi e to provide services that the City of kemi texpayers heve been paying for Mayor r(7rre: Tiink you, Mr. haneger. The matter now is a motion for neferrzi,l, Mr. Plummer: kr. Kanager, I appreciate your four answer. 1 would now like a simple yes or no to the Mayor's question. 31 50 July 31, 19S Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, Mr. Manager, are you opposed to this matter being delayed? Mr. Gary: 1 would prefer to have it acted on today. Mr. Plummer: Do 1 interpret that to be a long yes? Thank you, I. think 1 understand the Manager. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on the request for continuation? Call the roll. THEREUPON MOTION DULY MADE AND SECONDED, ITEM 56 TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS TO THE PLANNING DEPT. TO PROVIDE FOR A PLANNER III POSITION, WAS CONTINUED. Mayor Ferro: Let me just for the Member, of the public -and I'm sorry i flew a little bit out of hand. You see this doesn't, do anything for the D.D.A. On the contrary, it takes money from the D.D.A. , gives it to the Manager for what the Manager wants, which is to hire a planner to deal with the D.D.A. So this has beneficial to the planning proce3^ of the City. This is something that falter Pierce, the Assistant City Manager and the Manager have been after for a ions: time. I'm voting for the extension 1:.ecrarrae we do this out of' .t. 'C. 9 ; i ai,.i.ve courtesy to members of the Commission, l'il't, can the o her h nd, I j 't. r-a:nt. 1, put into the record, t~ 1..`, t ;: C e r l ; . t1de ^ i t ("?(: , 1.7hr 1t` r r oninf behind thi s was, i revs i F c; r c on 27. FIRST PEADIr 01 J ; <l,i` ;`F: /HUD SEC, 3D-'1. O CHAPTER 38 ENTITLED : t'PAt I D DTBEE CITY ' PROPERTI1• S m C: =i €' 1 'PLLT.? Mayor Ferre: Now we're_ on 57. Parks and other City.... Mr. Plummer : I second it. Mayor Ferre: Is there a motion on 57? Mr. Dawkins: He seconded first, I move it. Mayor Ferre: Commissioner Dawkins moves 57. Is there a second? Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Read the ordinance.:. Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. Mr. Durklns: Under discussion, to the Purchasing Department, is there any Latin or Black distributor of Borroughhs Company that this amount of paper could have been purcha, rid fr ml. Mr. Plummer Wait a minute. We're talking about the Artime Center. /r we? Mr. Dar;; ire,;. No. Mr. Ralph 0), . Yes, item 57. Mr. Daw Mov e 57 . Mr. Plummer: Call the roll. Mr. Ongie: We did already. We're ready for roll call, 81 51 July 31, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- Was introduced by Cornmi.snioncr Dawkins and seconded by Commissioner Plummer and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice Demetr io Perez, Jr. Coj my s i on er Joe Carol to The City Lt t : rtrc •y rer..d the ordinance into the public record and ; thot: copies had been furnished to the City Commission t-Ii; is c oO cs were available to the Public. Mr. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 38 OF CHAPTER 38, ENTITLED "PARKS AND OTHER CITY PROPERTY GENERALLY", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY CHANGING THE NAME OF THE LITTLE HAVANA COMMUNITY CENTER TO THE MANUEL ARTIME CENTER, AND BY PROVIDING THAT NOTHING CONTAINED IN THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL LIMIT OR RESTRICT THE RIGHT OF 'THE CITY COMMISSION TO ESTABLISH AND FIX SPECIAL CHARGES OR SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF THE MANUEL ARTIHE COMMUNITY CENTER OF LITTLE HAVANA. 28. FIRST REt:DII G ORD:W J N(1 : AMEND S1 C. 4 AND 6 AHD ORD. 968A, THE f.I.Ltii L LRFROi Ri.lia'iOI; S 0T DITUNCE - INCREASE APPROPIII TIORS TO THE TET I..F LFL SERVICE FUND CENTRAL STORAGE - 25,OOO- - OR HE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING 8 - -20'S INVENTORY x. "ORY SUPPL a . Mr. Plummer: Item 58. Mr. Dawkins: Move it. Mr. Plummer: Moved by Dawkins. Seconded by Ferre. Anyone wishing to discuss item 58? Read the ordinance. As amended by Commissioner Dawkins to read.... Gary: Amended to be what? Mr. Plummer: He wan it to read that if there is a Latin or a Black bu .°iness that this can be dealt with, he would prefer it. that your kio;cndment, Commissioner? Mr. Dawkins: Trays fit,. 1 Lt , correct, sir. Mr. P1ut mt, Any further discunsicrn'. Coil the roll. Mayor Err: (' t do it that way legally. Mr. Robert Clark: Mr. Plummer, this is an ordinance, 1 would sugg`t.... Mr. Dawkins: Pass it as it is. Move it. Mr. Clark: You can make a separate motion. Mr. Plummer: No, you don't need to. Mr. Gary understands. Mr. Clark: All. right. Mr, Plumper: Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO 9684, ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1933, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984, BY INCREASING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE INTERNAL. SERVICE FUND CENTRAL STORES IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ADDITIONAL INVENTORY OF BURROUGHS B -20 SUPPLIES, REVENUE IN THE LIKE AMOUNT BEING AVAILABLE FROM VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS: CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins and seconded by Mayor Ferro and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner filler J. Dawkins Commissioner ,. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice ,ti. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice -hr y r° i>er,ctrio Perez, Jr. Comm Joe Carolia The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and ,stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were: available fable to the public. Mr. Plummer: Move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. 29. FIRST I EItDI ORDINANCE: LUND SUS -SEC (a) OF SEC. 30- 53 Ef TI TLED: "GREEN FEES, CAST FEES AND SPECILL RATES AT GOLF COURSES.' Mayor Ferre: We're on item 59 on first reading. Is there a motion? Mayor Ferre: This increases 48,000 golf course... Plummer moves. Mayor ierre: Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. sl 53 July 31, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- NOES: None. sl AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBSECTIONS (A)(1) AND (2) OF SECTION 30-53, ENTITLED "GREEN FEES", SUBSECTION (B) OF SECTION 30-54, ENTITLED "CART FEES", AND SUBSECTION (e) OF SECTION 30-55, ENTITLED "SPECIAL RATES", OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, 13Y REVISING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR CITY OF MIAMI GOLF COURSES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins nnd passed on its first reading by title by the following vote- AYES: Commiss5oner Miller J. Dawkins Comminsjonor J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Corolla The City Attorney rend the ordinance into the public record and :;tnte6 that eope: 1d bcen furnished to the City Commission i that ooN.cE ucre 7x to the public. IIMMWIMR.O.MMMv NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agcnda item 61 was temporarily deferred. GOMPMIKmewMrnmm Mr, Dawn: Second. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- Mr. Plumm(-r: Movc- it. • . ....... 30. FIRST READING ORDIELECE: MEM) PARAGRAPH 2 AHD 3 OF SEC. 30 OF THE CODE FOE THE PURPOSE OF IHCREtSING FEES CURGED FOR THE DM CALE CENTER PROGRAMS. Mayor Ferro: We're on item 62, which is an ordinance on first reading amending paragraphs 2 and 3 of section 30-26 for the purpose of increasing the fees charged for the day care program. Mayor Fcrr(7: Flulmer moves. Seconded by Dawkins. Further discussion? Does anybody here wish to be heard on this? Read the ordnanee. Call the roll. Al ORDINANCE AMENDING FARAGRAPHS (2) AND (3) CP SECTION $0-26 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY O IAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, FOR THE EUEPOSE OF GENERALLY INCREASING THE FEES CALL USE OF CITY DAY CARE FACILITILS Was inti'odnd Ey ColLmissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissionr 1.11m and passed on its first reading by title by the following vote- 54 July 31, 1984 v~• j. AYES: Geammiss3.oner Commi.ssi.aner Mayor P1ar~r~_c NOES: inn. Hiller J. narakins .T. LA Plrammer, Jr. ~#. ~~rre ABSENT: ~ri~.~_~``~~`c~r_ ~~~ra~tri.n }'~e e~, Jr. 'Thy C.t:~;= f^t: t,csr-nc~~ ~~ad i.ho ordinance inta the public. record ~ rid .t;a#:~d t:}gat cc~pic.~ had been furnished t,o the City Commi:~sa.on ~~?~} t;ta~t; copi.e~ wire available to the put~~.ia. A10'TE FGr. ~~}F }~r::.COB}~: A~e~c~~ ite€n No. ~ ~a^ ~~~~~~~df ~~.-;r. _ ~ Ern ~ t,~~ ,~o~'~'~aas 'ter~p€ar~ril~= ~3~9'~a r'~cl _ .. . +.e-....~......+.i.+.-.-...n.•..~..-..~-...,..wee-.~.-+....a-~..-..-.-~.~....:--~...~ -- - ~.eT.,-~--~^,-...-...~..~.~...-~-....~....e`-~++..,...._.-~...~.~,.-+--.~m.....a~-~.+...+ i 31 a ST~iG~~IF I} W1T'}~' ti }'~Cl:!",I.~ R~~I"iYi1} ~}~I.'D r:~~TIT~<F,I~: ~"~}I~3(~RIT'Y !l~tUSIEtG:' ~'t'A4~.~I'til~F ~F~"CI.At, Fx(alt~}[~M `fi't) ~5~1 ~T. I~~ AP~}I~IG AND -? i3~.~~.C;Fa I`}r'~'3rR );~`t~ }~tIR_•.FI $.`~ ~ ~I,~>elts R.r_~F,~*. i .,~_. _., ,.,,.~J.~_~,__---_ _~,.._.w .~... ~ ~___..._ ...~~,T.._._..._., r ~_......_ A_....,..~. ~... _......P....__.~.,._.,.,.._...,._.....__.__~.,- . Mayan A~c:~_r.c.: t°'c ~ ~°,- z-,r•~ i . ~~~_ ~,5 nc~,,:,~ i~3rtc'r°s.Le` Dr~sa.ness Enter}~t~x..x~ `;pc~c_~;1_ 1°•r?~lci tr t~~~rc~ ~;r~t'~r~r~i, ~~f' ~~: r,i?0~ ~o cstablish Blac}c E~nr. III i'~t„r~c~ ri?.;~c~r .`rt~~ ~~t~: ~nc~s~~ €>nt:er~I~rises. Mr. F1un7nsF~r° ~ 1. :~c~cc~nd t,}7c ~~aation . t Mr. Da~ai;i.n;~.' SeGOr7ci. ~ Mayor Ferro: U~~~l{a.ns mpves; Plummer seconds. Further discussiUn'~ ilcad fi:hc t~rdinance. Gall the roll. ~ AN tJRDINk~iCE 1`}tiTX T. LED-- '± AN OR17I}~'A}SCE ESTABLZSHII~G A }~E1~ SPECIAL =' REVENUE FGIID Et~TITLID: '°t~IIdORITY a BUSINESS EIvTEIZPRISE S}'IMCIAL FUND" = APPROPRIATING r Ut~US IId TI•:I Af~,OUtJT OF _ . j ~i,000, 10 l3E USED II. Ea"I`ti~LISIiI}aG A _ PROGRAM 'i:U ASSI:~T' I3~,AC~; AI~ll III SPAidIG MINORITY' ~i)SII~I'SS= E}~TFI~rI~il:sC:~ IN SEGURI}dG }3C~IdD"1}sC FO}t CI:`1' C~F },IAI~I PROCUREI~SE}~T t=.CTI VI "TY ~ t~}~h IRi = = ES~'ABLISi{I Id(~ }'}~C~C,I~t.IS 1`(J }~k,IdDER _ FINAhCIfbL t~S~"~IS:CA}CL: `I'Cs I1Lt~C}4 AMID HISPANIC 3=',I}~(7F~IT~ ~U;:;:~~ItF,SS Ie:ItiTFFi~'RISES; GOIyTt,IIFlI4C ~ IIt~,'It.L~I~ }'I~GE'ISIO}~ ANI) A - SEVE€iAIIL1'1'' C`;.t{l?::}~ e Was int.rc.~csrrcc~ca be~~ C`c~r~~~~i:.~~ic~ri~r l7aula.ins and seconded by Comtaissianer i='.~~r_~?ii t: r- .~r~~I I~~~~.s~:d a~, its z irst reading by title by thc. f'uI1~>t~si~- z~~}t~~~ AYES: Cc~u=i;r,:i•~~cf~;c.r~ i~<ii'cr J. I~~r~~kins Corrrrn;~~icr~er° ~. L. I'1 Lattrr.ety, Jr. NOES: }dcr,~. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor- llerr,etrio Perez, Jr. GGmmissianer Joe Carallo . ~; sl 55 July 3~ ~ 19>3~ ~:..4 . _ _s __-__-_ --- ~~. .. :, ~`~ -==3 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. - - . OOP WI. .1.1.■.••••.* 32. FIRST REAPIYG ORPTMAPCE: AMEMD CHAPTER 39 OF THE CODE - "PEDDLERS, :;MITMS APD TOOL GRIPPERS, ICE CREAM VENDORS, ETC." AMD INSERT A MEW ARTICI.E EVTITLED: "SIDEWALK AND STREET VENDORS". Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Mr. Dawkins: Second. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ThAMJ, AS AMENDED, BY DELETING ARTICLE II, ENTITLED "PEDDLERS," OF CHAPTER "?,9 -"PEDDLERS, ITINERANT MANUFACTURERS, LOCKSMITHS AND TOOL GRINDERS, ICE CE[ VENDORS" - IN ITS ENTIRETY, AHD INSERTING, IN LIEU THEREOF, A HEW ARTICLE II, ENTITLED "SIDEWALK AND STREET VENDORS"; DELETING EXISTING ARTICLE V, ENTITLED "ICE CREAM VENDORS;" PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION, LOCATION, AND OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS OF VENDING ON THE STREETS AND SIDEWALKS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; ESTABLISHING RESTRICTED VENDING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF TERMS THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. AYES: Commi5.5ioner Miller J. Dzwkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A- Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vide-Mayor Demetrio Perez Jr. 3c CLrollo Mayor Ferrc: On first rending, item 66. Doe nybody wish to be heard on this? This establishes restricted vending districts. Only food and fresh cut flowers would be permitted to be sold. Vendors would allowed to locate only within designated vending zones. Vending may conducted only by push cart. Those are the outstanding issues here. Anybody wish to be heard on this? Is there a motion on first reading. Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Further discussion? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. Was introduced by r_cio1 Plumer and seconded by Commissioner 1 and pacd on its first reading by title by thu following vote- The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. si 56 July 31, 1984 = = Mr. Gary: NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda item 66.1 was temporarily 33. ACCEPT PIPS: "A' FOR FESTERN DRAINAGE rROJECT E Mr. Robert Clarlc: Item 92 was taken off the (Consent) agenda. It has seen become two resolutions, instead of the one item, since there were multiple bids that were B and/or C and D. You now have the item 92, which was for a particular bid. Then the.... Mr. Plummer: Do you recommend item 92, Mr. Manager? Y e , Mr. Plummer: I move the "A" portion. Can we do it both together? Mr. Clark: You should take a separate roll call on each one. Mr. Plummer: 92-A first. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved and seconded. Is there further discussion? Call the roll on 92-A. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF MIRI CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $770,663.00, BID "A" OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR WESTERN DRAINAGE PROJECT E WITH NONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "LOCAL DRAINAGE PROJECTS" ACCOUNT IN TH 'Y OF $770,663.00 TO COVER TL. (2: COST; ALLOCATING FRO LAIL , :TL ADOUNT OF $107,893.00 TC) L COSI OF PROJECT EXPENSE; 1:evi SAID FUND THE AMOUNT H,;.;.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH / ADVERTISING, TESTING LAbORAT hi E'2, AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CJT KANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. (Here fc)liov body of resolution, omitted here and c; file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and cipted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner kallei J. hakins J, L 1) Jr. Mayor Rut a,e A, 1rre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Dettrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo sl 57 • • • July 31, 1984 34. ACCEPT BIDS: "D" AND "C" - WESTERN DRAINAGE PROJECT E- 5 few*wsw.z Mayor Ferre: Item 92-B. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Sceond. Mr. Clark: Actually, 92 is a resolution for bid B and bid C. Mayor Ferro.: That do you want us to do? Mr. Clark: Just move the resolution together. They combine B and C az one resolution. Mayor Ferre: The motion for hoth 92 B and C. It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plumer, who moved its ndc-Ttoioll: A RESODUTICN ACCEPTING THE BID OF GARCIA ALLEN CONSTRUCTION CO. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF H,0)183, 1 BIDS "B" AND "0" OF THE PROYOL FOR U•STERN DRAINAGE PROJECT E VYJH MONIF THFREFM ALLOMED FROM THE "LOM, flAIN/J,;E NWJECT" LccourT TN THE AMOUNT OF 1,0;H JO COVE THE CONTRLCT COT; LLLOCATING FRO UJD FUND THE AMOUNT OF :.1;135 ,0'39JA TO CO'M TKL COST OF PROJECT EXPF ALLOCLTING VRO LAID FUND THE AMOUNT ,F *20,867.00 TO COVEh THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIFS AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. (Here follows body of reaolution, omitted here and on rile in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and c.dopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Kauricc! A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo RESOLUTION NO. 84 35, DISCUSSION IILMz COA4UNIUTIO&S EQUIPMEKT. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Dawkins, you had something on item b8? al Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Manager, according to this, we're going to use for item 68 we're going to use fiscal year '84-85 Polio Mr. Gary: Yes, this money comes from Police and Fire bonds. They are coming from the current bonds that were sold for police. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, that is police. At the September meeting, you lee, you have gotten this together, and you are ready to go. At; the September meeting, I want the plans and everything ready for those police stations. Now, if you can sell the bonds and have them ready to this, then you can have the police station ready to go, okay? Mr. Gary: T. understand what you are saying. I have no problem with moving ahead with those substations, but let me just explain the difference here, Commissioner Dawkins. The S.E.C. got us on a deadline for getting rid of our current system, and to preclude us from being without radio or poor radios, PC had to move on thi.5 firrA, 1 will make Number one priority, thoee substatione for you. Mr. Dawldn2: I ondortand vhat you are saying, but 1 am saying thet juet Mik the SJ].C. is important to you, the police r,taton i;; importnt to me. Mr. Gory z We had no choice. That is the Federal government, Communications Commission. Mr. Dawkins: Okay,they don't vote with you up here. If you ore oing to satisfy, then you have got to satisfy both of them. Mr. Plummer: Let me say one other thing - Commissioner Dawkins, this matter here has been worked on for almost nine months - this total package, and 1 understand what you are saying and 1 don't disagree with it, but if we don't get those frequencies, we are going to lose it. Mr. Dawkins: 1 have no problem with understanding clearly what you are saying, but 1 m just saying when you set your priorities, you also have to take all into consideration. Mr. Pluwmer: Okay, but we have been working on this for nine months. -_,==e • Mr. Dawkins: Well, I've got people out there that have been drawing plans for Eix months! Mayor Ferrel Commissioner Dawkins, 1 am going to appoint Commissioner Plummer as the City of Miami Commission's liaison on this whole communications business and EE. Commissioner Pilmmer, your instructions are that you are to ee--7 keep this Commision inforflied in deling with the Adminietretion end speaking for this Commission on any --e. matters de with this whole LeTehertz problem and what -_----_. have you. Mr. Dawkins: i have no problems with that. Mayor Ferre: You have got to deal with it. Now, you take him to lunch! Mr. Plummer: No, no, no Gary is never going to buy me a lunch! 59 July 31, 1984 36. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE NEGOTIATION OF EXTENDED USE AGREEMENT WITH EDUARDO AND GUSTAVO ROSAS FOR THE USE OF THE MANUEL ARTIME COMMUNITY CENTER TO CONDUCT A SERIES OF THEATPE PRODUCTIONS, Mayor Ferre: All right, we are now on Item 115, which is approving In princip3c and negotintion of extended use of agreement of extended use dealing with Eduardo and Gustova Rosa. This is companion to "D" and 57, which we did yesterday, In there a motion? That is for the usage. Mr. Mummer: We were this is just in principle? Yes, very definitely. I hope they find two more just like him. Mayor Ferro: Okay, we have got a motion on 115. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second, further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved it adoption: A RESOLUTION NTwviu TN YRINCTFEE THE NEGOTIATION OF MENDED 1.1r AGNFEMENT WITH EDDANDO LED (11 \'() ROZAS FON THE USE OF Tu !urni. AR7Ita COM',UNTTY CENTER LUPOUM TO MNAICT f:TkIF. OF THEATRE Ek0I)UCTION ':)UkjECT TO THE CITY MANAGEN NT':)ENTING UGOTIfITED AGREEKENT FOR CiTY COFhJS1O1 AFFROVAL PRIOR TO THE EXECDT3ON THEFEOF; FUNTHER SUBJECT TO THE LEENMENT OF LEPLI(ULE CODE PROVISIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. May)r Muriel A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayer Dematrio Perez, Jr. Commioner Joe Cc.rollo • IIIMOMimmammimage....*www.pat, 37. ALLOCLTI. *25,9u IL SUPPOkT OF THE CITY OF tlIkHI "YOUTH BASEBALL LUDEkIES, ITC." Mr. Plummer: Second. RESOLUTION NO, VI -- --------- -- .6* Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves Item Number 116. Is there a second? Mayor Ferre: All right, any discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NCI. 893 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice: A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor ])ernetrio Perez; Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo EXCEED f--625,950 OLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT AND n TO EXCEED :C' E� FROM SPECIAL IAL 6 ROGRAMS ND ACCOUNTS, QUALITY OF LIFE FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI YOUTH BASEBALL ACADEMIES, INC., IN CONNECTION WITH THE THIRD ANNUAL CITY OF MIAMI YOUTH BASEBALL WORLD SERIES: SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM 84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 38. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO E R INTO COUTRliCTUAL AGREEI FLT WITH THE AMERICAN it sTITUTE OF AtICHITTECTs TO PROVIDE UP 1.O 2,00) IF FUNDING FOR PRIZES FOR THE "TOWN CENTER nu DESIGN CG;:PLT7 1'70I' (9TH 1T. MA.) FOR SOUTHEAST psi 0 VERTOW /P PN WEST PROjEC °. Mayor Ferre: (MAYOR READS RESOLUTION INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD) Would you explain to us ghat that means, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gary: We are going to have C. competition among the architects in this town, and for the person that comes up with the best design, we save money by doing this. Mayor Ferre: Hest design for hat? Mr. Gary: For the 9th Street troll in Park West /Overtown. Mr. Plummer: Mr . Gary: No. at comes from the one-half percent of art. Mayor Ftr r e : 42,000, Plummer! Do you want to argue with it a little more until Dawkins gets back? Mr. Plummer: No, 1 tai nt to taste advantage of this - is luting htr e from r - there .. t. - Federal c:r° l in reference to Item a 119? I've got . question, fir. Gary. 1 don't thind doing, and I uhderL and ticat it is c whole owned subsidiary of Dade Federal, but 1 know the Pinar ci.al backing of Dade Federal of this other con:pahy. Mr. Gary: I tell you what, you want the one of the new company! Mr. Plummer: Maybe I do, but I want to know that on the record. Mr. Gary: Well, I will put it this way - in terms of the protection to the City, this assignment; gives us better strength and leverage in terms of making them comply with what we want to clo with regards to the World Trade Center. Mr. Plummer: So, you are telling me that this company called Carat; u.st Realty and Construction Company has better assets than Dade Federal. Mr. Gary: Yes. Mr. Plummer: That doesn't say much for Dade Federal, but Mayor Ferre: Well it says a lot for Centrust. Mr. Plummer: Okay, I just want to make sure that we are well protected there a; we ,ore on the other. Mayor Ferro: All r j gh , Plummer moves 117. Dawkins second, . The Mn pr;c'r r cr <mn;;_ :nd; . Is there further discussion o n this x p n c' i.,= r„ c of 2 . 000. A l l right, call the roll. The following r ° {: ;, ' J t ti ou i a introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adopt ('n: fi f:' ?; 01.,11'1' 7 O I NO. (i ►a - 8 6 r1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE :CUTE AIr AGREEMENT IN A FORM ACCEPTADLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE ) EHiCU INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, FLORIDA SOUTH CHAPTER, PROVIDING UP TO 2,000 IN PRIZES FOR THE WINNERS OF THE DESIGN COtPETITION FOR THE TOWN CENTER !MALL (9TH STREET MALL) FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN /PARE; WEST PROJECT WITH FUNDS THEREFORE ALLOCATED FROM THE SOUTHEAST. OVERTOWP /PARE: WEST REDEVELOPMENT, CONSULTANT CONTRACT SERVICES ACCOUNT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being scoonde by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was pJs rud and L:doptrd by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner M.I:!er J. Dakkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice ur'ice t;. Fevre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Dethetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo A 40. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO TPANSVFP ruNDS TO MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT (MCDT) TN Ttir A“oUNT OF $56,204, IN ORDER TO INCREASE MCDT AWITNT!.;TRATIVE BUDGET. Mayor Ferre: Agend,q ftr',m 1;73, MCDT. Mr, Gary: Thin 1.77 money comIng from Dade County to support the Administrntion of Mimi Cpitpl which they receive services for. It is their money, I think yo tl are going to take it, Mayor Ferre: Got riny problem with that? All right, Dawkins moves. Pere7. seconds. Further discussion- Call the roll on 123. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TRANSFER FUNDS TO MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. (HCDI) IN THE AMOUNT OF : TO BE RECEIVED FROM DADE COUNTY CONTINGENT UPON THE RELEASE BY THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY COMMISSION ON SUCH AMOUNT; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WENDING MCDI'S REVOLVING Lo. rvp MM CONTRACT TO rnovr FON u INCREASE IN MCDPS !IATVT• RUPET HY THE AMOUNT OF VOR )11E NANAGLMENT OF MCDIs 1.0f,N (Her( ()Pw 1 )v o) )(: omitted here and oh 11 ; l ()fic( of thc City Clerk.) Upon beinp, r( by Perez, the resolution was pL.;(6 [1 cptcd hy Ihf fc vote- AYES: Commissioner Eiiir J. DukinL Commissioner J. L. Fluv.mer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Dernetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 41. AUTHONIU CITY RIMER TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH MUM CAPITAL DEVELOFKLNT, AC. TO PROVIDE $500,000 IN FULW) TO 1NCNFASL TI1E FAIST/LG 41,300,000 REVOLVING LOAN lOn. Mayor Ferre: TzAe up Agenda Item 124. This increases the revolving 1 fund by $500,000. Mr. Plummer: Move it— M r. ere: L,cCurICI. Mayor Fc:rr di5cussio0 Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. RESOLUTION NO. 8'4-866 Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion. Plummer moves, Perez seconds. Further AYES: id NOES: hone. 65 Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Gary, we are getting ready to put $1,300,000 into a revolving fund that we put $500,000 in. How much of that $500,000 in revolving now? Ms. Gall ogl The 1 , 2 million has been put into the revolving loan fond, and that loan - , those dot l ar I. about $960,000 of those have been committed the balance has been committed during this fiscal . year. f 500, 000 in new money that is going to be added to the revolving loan fund for the fiscal. year. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, last year, how much was put into the revolving fund? Hc»z much of that is revolving now? Ms. Gailogl $60,000. Mr. Dawkins: Revolving? Ms. Gallogly: $960,000 committed in terms of loan dollars. Mr. Gary: There is a question of how much money has come back into the fund to be loaned out again. I think that is the question. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, Mr. Gary. Mr. Gary: lie would have to come back with the information on that. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, thank you. Mayor Ferre: Ready to vote? All right, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved it r.. do ption: E LA,LU 1 NO. 8 -86 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. (MCDI) WHICH PROVIDES $500,000 IN FUNDS TO INCREASE THE EXISTING $1,300,000 REVOLVING LOAN FUND (RLF) AND WHICH ALSO PROVIDES $120,000 IN FUNDS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MCDI; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONVEY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT, FUNDS AS ALLOCATED FROM THE 10TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. (Here follow body of resolutions, twitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by C%oi. sionter Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- Carr:;ils2ioner° Miller J. Dawkins Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. July 31, 1984 ■ .111••■•■■•■••yoremrp,.. 42. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH NINE (9) SEIM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, TM SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACNED LIETIETO, FOR TUE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED FOR EACU, TO COFTUTUE INFLEMETiTING A PEIGHDORNOOD ECOTIOMIC DEVFLOPNErIT PROGRAtl, WITN FU4D3 ALLOCATED 70EREFOR FROfi TUE TENTN YEAR COMIRRITY BEVELOPMEPT BLOCK GBANT. Mayor Forre: We are on Item 125 which is the CDO's. These are nine neighborhood economic ,.. Mr. Dawkins: 1 move to defer that until they have got the issuance straightened out with the Martin Luther King Development. Mr. Gary: You have already resolved that. You told me to pay them yesterday. Mr. Dawkins: o, I told you to give them one-twelfth of what they were to receive until you have resolved the issue. Now, that is ellat 1 said, I think. Mr. Gary: Veil, the way I underatood, when you finally decided, ('iii oncr Dawkins, was that ws yrre to fund this agency 3n thc pa:A if we hnventt funded them, and to continue t STend to fund them and that the differences is that they heve, are their differcnces. Mr. Dawkins: Hr. Clrk, if in oily vay well, if that is what thrt is not yhrt Mr. Gary: What I meant yn, that if you have a difference with them, and thrt you fund them to tie tune of one—twelfth of what it js until you rcselve that difference. Mr. Gary: Ohay. We will do Let me just clsrfy your intent. For :,ome time now, we have not paid them, Lo we are going to pay them up to now and from now it will be one- twelfth on a month to month basis, because one-tuelfth won't do them any good for the mere fact that wc have not paid them for three months, therefore you are not resolving any problems, because they still have financial problems, so everything from the time we stopped paying them up to yesterday, we paid that, and from now on from one-twelfth, we start today. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, well if that is what you are going to 10, I will move 125. Mayor Ferre: Ail right, there is a motion on 125. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayo Ferre: Seeeel t, -mmissioner Perez. Mr. Gary: Under discussion, Mr. Mayor. We are constantly working with the CbO's. We have submitted to you a report on the stetus of the CBO's, end we would like for you to read that, uci 1.10., it, at yt.Jr rt-quetA, kr, Plor, in terms of how well they are (10:Int:. We h,,ve SCA:it problems with some of the C130's. We butt ycu reed thet report and we will schedule it EA the next meeting in September. id 66 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Well, by the report, you mean what is contained in 125? Mr. Gary: No, sir, we sent out a separate report on the FYI. This is in response to a question made during one of the Commission meetings. Mayor Fevre: Some of those CBO's are in trouble, 2nd you know, ve need to either straighten them ont, or RrA new faces, or just forget them nnd there is no use spending the money uselessly if they are not being effective. For example, who is taking over now that Calone is gone, and the other guy died. Who is running the Wynwood CDO? Mr, Gallogly: There 13 an individual there, I have forgotten his name, but is the second in command that has recently assumed the directorship in the Wynwood Corporation. Mayor Ferro: Well, I will tell you, 1 am very impressed if you don't remember his name. Ms. Galiogly: He was on individual that has a major problem with some of the CBOts, Mayor Ferro, is that we have people with very limited eyperience who have been brought on, you !mot', to tend hrlp out the community. Mayor Ferye: Tht is true threurbeut the nation, Ms. Gallogly, you bno< CEO perrebnCi thot eous out of the neighborhood oue)ly ere roeple uhe hot heve pro'liciency in mimilpic Mnly 1 1 1 live in the gh(l_to, cv the. neghtvbee(; 0 (h'ePoots or what hnve hnve rGt te (e) .beH Ah6 the fact is, thet jn net elvnys the one but s. the case. Whet ey soying thnt th(to Jo putpeso in deal wth thet lo thore basic understanding thet is 1 (,fl tho pert of the Administroh, ):eu, thore eve CBO's thnt avc o'ztremely successful round the country, but that is when the Administration recognizes who they nre dealing with and learn how to deal with CBO's in an appropriate manner, and when we do that, then we have successful CBO's, and you will end up having people who went to fifth or sixth grade that end up being great success stories because they are properly motivated and they dealt with, but it requires a lot of effort on our part. Mr. Gary: Vr. Kayor, we have given that effort, and we are going to continue to give that effort, but the intent of those controts 4:C15 not for those corporations to hire any incompetent or unqualified people to head it up. We have constantly worked diligently with them. Mayor Ferre: Are any of them, in your opinion, incompetent and unqualified, and if so, we ought to get rid of them right auey. Mr. Gary: Well they are CBO'S and we can't tell them who to hire. Mayor Ferre: We need to identify ... we funded them and that certainly is a part of it, and without the money, they can't do what they want, so if we have incompetent people, we shouldn't he putting up with that Mr. Gary Vell you Lhou, I twuId just like to refresh your memory that ue Gn a numner et occasions have said that some of these ChUos should he discohtinued. It has been the wishes, desires el the Commission to, continue them. I would just like fer you tc read the report and we can discuss it at the next meeting, if you would like. ld 6? July 31, 1984 t ~~ Mayor Ferre: 'That is why the decision is not Left completely to thA Adm~.nl.stration, because it must be tempPr~E1 r~i_th c7ther issuQ~ that are 3.taval.ved i.n the eommtani.t;a'. ~I ~- T a~ #;r~•i.nP, to ^~}~ i.:^ t;lint; t,h~ c~r~e thing that ~ 17~trr l.~a°_ri~.d £~rnrr the Fn^-Et 1~c`~~r~clat.,nrT, ~ttcl fry„ t , .~ ._ and iiC. ~Ert C)t;i)nr' nr'F;~)l1~.:3t.1()il.`' 13_iE~ t,?lfi ;ZC}rt~ 6? ;'!~1?S~~~at;1t-)p. t". $1r gnt;Pf l~ri.,`=~' ~'~~Ttilc9a3,it~r~, S;}~~t. %~r`~ ^rrnr_r:^,^fra7. to t,t~~ Ur~it.rd .~',tc~tr_:5 j. Fl ("~~~.l.rlf? 3.3 J. $;).i tit 7. ._. 1 .",`17(* ~.. i;h~i, ~'11nr1 'i t ,^,I"}C?('.rG`Ej , is z~o$; ~.rheT~ fora }wire ^rtt)cr qu~al.j fi'tseci t)~Cy~J.n t:}~at ?-=€'r)i: t;c? r a HarvarEl, i)E-ca~..r.rte norie of t:.lzoAe pectin, })ccat)se nranE~ ~1. ~;hc~se people :~L- G1~0' ~ r~~eri t; t;o flora ar°ci , T.t z - r~hen trnta 1~Tav e an Admi.ni_.~tr-.~Tt; ,on ;;il~t i.^ T'nc er ~t~ncl S.ng of , anc3 lnc~tiT~ hr?~r t;a deal. t~i.k:h„ %~nrl mnti.vat;e, rnc} 1?taj.c}c ^nEt P,;~:~i.; t; t.hesE' nei.ghL~Eari~ocr} ar,~,ani; at-.7,or~ i;a dE? uhaf; ~che,y Eio1~T 4 e~ 1:~TOr~ hoer to do, wiai.cl~ i:~ ac~rT_ni.^t;rr franEt:_,; arTEl ~c }et, e,Eaoc3 l~cni~l.e with no ed>aaatic~ra, 1`.ut, Cara kae ;got;i.v~t;ed to clo t;ttc~ r~z(?i1t; thing: you E?nct rp ta.tl~ T1i.rarrer,S j hat i. ~ Earar° r°E~^pon^ya.bzl.ity. and if the b<rtsi.e ~tail_i.ty of ~.ho^r p~:~n}?1.c' a~,=ra°t: there, +,}~r.ri r~ae need to find Inc} i,ci€~ni~~.f ~ 'g;hE~ se people iri t;laE~ cranr;~uni.t.v ghat:, are willing f;o prat t;he ei'fort anEl c3o th~~ r•rork, ~~nd ^rrcceed, knit the reapEan.>i,i_~i.ii.t;v, tine c~nrasg i.s an a;, a^. rruc}~ as :}_t a~ an them. Mr . Gnr k' ~ ~~rid i ,.tr°,->e 1"~ ~ c,t~T t_ii~- ~., r1~ ~ ir=-~ ~~?T^ , ~..n<t i- T~ou d like t:.a r~ '.:~c ^ii<r°c T-,•? f.ir ~`c?i~ t.1~F~ r~r~ .^nrr k r-c~r~~ . s . t,tie~~ ire \tCi'1` Kf'rS' CCi 7.~'!:' !ri t, ;`<'~ {'r°~.~:,^, ;?~ t'1TC;' i ~1(`,• ('('t.. }~i':rr 1;n~E, , and r•.~n €;:f;' , .-rs ~. !~'~.r, ..~ fit, . "~ ._ 1' i.t'.. i ii' i.lf'.r i'~7C1 t_.1 ... 11 5 par'(.1 C'. Ir ~ 'r., ,.. t t' "i 1,1~ ~- f- i.` .. t { ~! r, _~l l'i` i 1` . '` t ~ 1 ~' ~ il'~'C' deci.EiE- i .. {; i.i + ~ ~ ,- I~1"i. ~( ~ ~ C''i i :i! i ~'t`. t ~~. ~ . t' ~.t: ~;,u , and 1.i ,it'1~ ~t c' Cr!C'~' 'l'~ ', ( 'r ~~IC ~ i i' ttC' 't ii, 'i ,'i;= 4.17.;:4; t~C' can ,r>. ~ ~r t' ~. ~- , ,~i~t~ :. . 1~.. ` 11=;,~~~ ;~t>t; ~ . ;~t ~;_' c~,r;.1~~i ~ c~rl' i~E~c;i?le in l~a t:~c'~ ~ .'~ ~~`, t. l ~=1, c1 a.n 1. ± t.t ~~ t: 1't~v t~l,," , il'tEr ~,~ 1. .. }~.~t `i~i~il that knC34 r.'~1~'}• 1.1i'~1' ~P~"E.? [i(;J rr(;. }~C' i~iilvrE' ~;c'~ 1„E' C:'~ ~'('1~:=i.1 (.!ri;~ ~:,it<'r"e`, Par . 1=? i `~ r: , . yr r,~ r 1~` c:= r r h4 a c~.. C11 ~ E 4 ~~ , Y:r tr t., a~ € ~ 1 ~ ~~ ...: t ~ ti r'1; i. l'1 a r~ o ci , ~: r e. ~., .T ? i }c ~. i-'t' n r y , r/+(I 1 E n s;) 1 C r ~ (;. ~ s rS C,: 1 ~ c r I R~ Q' 41 ~` E1 (, c t. 1 } , (i r` 1 i ~' ry ca 1 ! f r :'; (1 r! .r r c.~ Y` ~. T~ t;r t ~ f' have ,sri c; ,?prJr'c,unityr to r~, <.I~E~; .~~rlr~E t}E<at t,iiE~ peT,:.;c>r7 t;;i~ut i.s E c~ n t, r;; e ~ n t e l: E•. a. (;; r~ ~. n g s e 1. e c t:; c <:; , ..., Ev o~ p c. i; c r°, t, , ~ r; E; i ~ ` t. e.. ~s ~ t; Pis. GE:iiE~~:.i~r, t.)Tri; __ rot:l.d r°c~e.cr~~,.r>r~r~ tlr~.t .~lir. lc;ir°ri i,i;c n~:r~e of t1Fc pcr ~a;; t;i~,o ~ i:..~ 4 sang to 1a c t.iie ii c:~:c~ ad ~~.1it C}30 in ~ynT~?E~6ad s~rid ti1~=t T~haulci k,e ~Tr~ ir;dicUtic~r, too c~€~, tip{st at l.c:ast she i~ tat=ir,t~ a ecr°t,~in ~mcunt of` int;cr-~st j.n that partieu7ar~ C}3Cr, and ~~hen ~l~ic~ dc~~sr1't; kna6~r tiae nc~rnc of the person, it, ~.~1. o ind i ca te~Y t<.v rrTe. tii~t at; t, lac top level of that l~E:pUr°tu~~:r~t, tlie~c is:r` v r~~uE;.h i.ntc:rest in .hat is going on. St ~cE~~~ tca rite i~riat~r.f.ng the ~~t~~ ~d pE;r~EaE;' ~ tr~mE~ is kind of b~aic. tEa d~r~l ink, Frith th~~t; i~E:r'.c;n. T Eiarz't icr~E7e. ~`©u ... what do ycu c~11. main, ktF° . P1t~"? M,r. C~alic).11~~. i~o, i~sy°~;r I;c~e`rE:, u~ ~-ut.r krlc~t<k tliE~°e ir~zs been a E;hc~l~(~,c ar~r tliE. i~~t c;;ouplc~ ai' r=eE::1~, €,nEi ~c= ii~ve an appair,t.r::cr~it fr;at,i: t}ic- r~l circct;cr- `o gc~ ur.zt 4:ici uE:•r~: him. One r:,1in~ 1 sacauid i:~.icc tc) }itur ~~ r;ii:1, yc;u, i~~ ttr~nt t<iirEaul3h th@ (;%srii.l°c=c;t, L1,E~ Lis1~ ;illr'''1~.~' 1.3cs~a€::c1 G`r'(?.c:;ril;,4i~,1~r1..r' and the ~t~f'~~~,i?:l 1'r~vc:. t:i't~ ~:1)1~vr.tariit,y tc> €°,~ca ~~ v~t`i~:t~ 4f speci~rl.i~EEi t.r°~irri.r,g tc. u4, t; <sc~ra ti;~ir- :~,p:i?1.~; 'ri t1rE:: ~cc>r~ccarriic developri)i~rtt ~r E~ri~,, ~r~ro~ tlrt-r`E- gar°r t.ilr Esc =1?«'~ k iE; t~rc,j~r~ams that ar=k: t;~r•~'<<t.r-c1 i,1 t:1.~= ta~::~_:i t1,r-E~~~ r;~c;r°rt1',~, ~c) iicl.ef`laliy that will ta~1;~ E:Ei,. Mayor k ~. r- r' c-.: 1 t c; u ': ti ~ i !'. c ~~ E; ,., y r~, ~ c 1: t c~ la~ n c~ to Y-i r° . ~t X " ~ ~ n a to e next ti~r„~ r.E~ t:_~1;. --_ Mr . Gal is--~l v : I,~ gi ~d trc~ give it to you. Mayor Ferr~~: Ail. right, are we ready to vote? Is the WOtion Ct2ddc? Id b8 July 31, l9$~ .~.v ~,. .~~ - 10111••••• .. Mr. Ongie: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: All right, ready to vote? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins. who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-868 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS WITH NINE (9) NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED HERETO, FOR THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED FOR EACH, TO CONTINUE IMPLEMENTING A NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM, WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED THEREFOR FROM THE TENTH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Co7missioner Perez, the resolution was pa5a,cd and sdent7d by the following vote- AYES: Cor:; :cnc L5 j. Dakina, Comnirioner j. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayo:' Dcmetric J. Perez, Jr. Mayor IThurioc h. Ferro NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 1■11.0111• .... 43. APPROVE AND AFFIRM ACTION OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE DESIGN PORTION OF THE BIFURCATED RAMP SYSTEM IN THE BUPOUT PLfiZA AREA iS A LIMITED ACCESS aCILITY. Mr. Plummer: I pulled Agenda Item 102. 1 Mayor, I covered that in the instructions to the City Attorney ... The followng rGtiolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who fioved 1 t. doption: Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to move it now': Mr. Plummer: ... in protcctinc our interests as to whatever it might be. Ye, sir, I move it Mayor Ferr: IL there u :-,econd to Agenda Item 102? Mr. Dawkins Mayor Ft.-Jr: Sc,no by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. RESOLUTION NO. b4 . . A RESOLUTION hFPNOVING AND AFFIRMING THE . . . ACTION 01 THR 'ACIIFTARY OF TRANSPOkTAT10N, FDAIDA DEPPATMENT OF TRANSPOPTATION, DESIGNATING A LONTION OF THE BIFURCATED RAMP SYSTEM 1N DUPONT PLAZA AS A LIMITED ACCESS FACILITY. NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOTE FOR RECORD: Agenda Item No. 126 was continued to September meeting. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution wes pnssed nod adopted by the following vote- 61••••■••••••••••••■••••..••••••••• 44. AUTFORYa CITY rwGET7 TO FCUTE T.GREEFEST UITH RETROFOLTTA.E DTTE COUFTY TO TCCEFT u rmy) OF FUMDS FROM THE U. S., T)EFITTNErT oF corurcE ..,:- CITY OF nu!' CO1P1 ECOrOMC pLiT TED • MOSOMwm.immoommmotmew.rmesve. Mayor Ferro: We are now on Item 130. Mr. Plummer: I move Item 130. Mayor Ferre: This is $42,000 plus 25% of the local match. Mr. Gary: That money is from Dade County. Mr. Plummer: They are giving us money. Mayor Ferre: All right, Plummer moves, Dawkins seconds, further discussion? Call the roll on 130. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-870 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND METROPOLITLR DADE COUNTY IN ORDER TO ACCEPT IA AWARD OF FUNDS FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT 01' COMMERCE FOk PLANNING ACTIVITIES AnSOCIfiTED WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN LRD STF“:TEGY. (Here fcAlov, body of reolution, otbitted here and ch file in the Office c. tE. City Clerk.) Upon beinE eechded by CoiLL Dawkins, the resolution piLted io cioptt-d by the following vote- AYES: Commitioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, jr. ld 70 July 31, 1981 =-- NOES: None. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ••• 101. ea. 45. AUTHORIZE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE. TO DISTRIDUTE AND PUBLISH THE ENCLO5ED BEQUEST FOR PROPO3A15 TO FEDERAL AND FLORIDA CHARTERED BANKS Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item 131, which is Mr. Dawkins: Move it. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TUE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO D EUTE AND PUBLISH THE ENCLOSED EroNET FOR 1 wm:7J. (REP) TO FEDERAL AND IIOIMY.GUi;TERED BANKS LOCATED 1 : TEE CTTY ITMIT FOR ALL BANKING 1:KVIC. REOMRY0 Yr; THE CITY FOR A MEL YEAR pria(w. AYES: Commissioner 1;iJler J. Di Commissioner J. L. rlumer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ••••••••m• - . Mr. Plummer: Move it. RESOLUTION NO. 84-871 • • Mayor Ferro.: Dawkins moves, Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: • (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. ) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- NOTE FOR TUE RECORD: Agenda Item Ho. 141 was withdraun -------- 46. AUTHORIZE CITY KAKAGRE TO LED EXIST1EG PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGEEEKELT 141TH TUE PlEK OP E. II, t FRIEND & COMPAEY FOR EXPERT LCTUARIAL Lssisma_ Mayor Ferre: We z:rt on Agenda Item Number 133. This is E. H. Friend. Ahybody havf.. any objections to that? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer, second by Dawkins. Further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE EXISTING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH TH4E FIRM OF E. H. FRIEND & COMPANY, FOR EXPERT ACTUARIAL ASSISTANCE IN PENSION MATTERS BY INCREASING THE COST OF SERVICES BY AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED n5,000 WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted hy the following vote- AYES: Commissionor Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vicc-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 47. CHUTE A HIE PROCURE:UHT BID F3OUD VOUCHER PROGRAM. RESOLUTION NO. 84-872 Oloalmwomowmemsom= 4f*Oe S0.,*.M.a*AC”an.O., Mayor Ferre: Agenda item 13 guarantees that a selected bidder does not accept award of bid, City will be compensated for actual costs incurred. Mr. Dawkins: Hove it. Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins, second by Plummer. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its a:eoption: RESOLUTION NO 84-873 A RESOLUTION CREATING A MINORITY PROCUREMENT HID BOND VOUCHER PROGRAM WHICH ESTABLISHES A POLICY RELATIVE TO THE REQUIREaNTS OE BID BONDS FOR MINORITY d S (J CITY PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND I1 CITY PROCUREMENT OF GOODS LED SERVICES; SAID POLICY AUTHORI2ING CONTRACT PAYMENTS TO BE HAILED TO DESIGNATED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. Mr. Plummer: Wait, wait a minute. AYES: NOES: None, ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo .—-. WW Mr. Dawkins: Oh, yes! Mr. IMwkins: Or the Ebony Rowing Club! (Here follows body of resolution, om'tted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- Commissioner Miller j, Dawkins Commissioner J. L, Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A, Ferro 48. DISCUSSION ATM DEFERPAt OF PROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT MTH AUERICAB BARGE CLUB- Mayor Ferro: Mr. Manager, on Item 135, which as you now as been delayed for three years, 1 think we need to formalize, Plummer, that this be deferred to the September meeting, and that we got n letter of opinion from the Planner, if he is prepared to give us such an opinion, a to whether or not the Amerienn Prc Club'r 30,000 rquare foot request fits in the VirOnj. Kcy mter plan Mr. Plummer: No, no, vc (..:nt this already to a consultant. Do you want to do something different? Mayor Ferre: Yes, just defer the matter until September, so it comes back. Mr. Dawkins find when you come hack, Mr. Gary, there is a Black rowing club that ju2t started, since they can't get into the others, and I want you to take into consideration that they may be asking for some land to put their rowing club on the bay out there. Mr. Plummer: 1 think what we need to do, because I have the name of the casino, and the Casino Club has approached me, and I have put them off, so I think what we need to do is to send all three of them Lo the consultant. Mayor Ferre: That is fine with me! I would hope that the Casino Club would not have to wait three years like these people have been. Mr. Plumpier: And for the record, casino has nothing to do With gambling. Mayor Ferre: 1 just want to tell you that it is my intention to vote for this matter in September. Call the roll on deferral of this item. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the 'oflowing vote- AYES: Commissioner Mi3ler J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, jr. Vice-Mayor Denctrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Puree A. Ferro NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 1•••••••■••■•■• NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM NO. 136 WAS WITHDRAWN. . . 1.sep p A MOTION DEFERRING CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED LEASE AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN BARGE CLUB, INC. FOR LEASING OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF LAND ON VIRGINIA KEY TO BE USED AS A ROWING CLUB FACILITY FOR YOUTHS AND THE HANDICAPPED: FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE CONSULTANT WORKING ON THE OVERALL MASTER PLAN FOR VIRGINIA KEY TO OBTAIN A LETTER OF OPINION FROM THE PLANNER AS TO WHETHER OR NOT THE REFERENCED PROPOSAL FITS INTO THE OVERALL PLAN FOR VIRGINIA KEY. Mr. Dawkins: Move It. Mr. Plummer: Second. MOTION NO. 24-873.1 49. ALLOCATE :34,658 FROM FY.413-84 F.R.S. FOUDS TO THE LITTLE HAVAVA ACTIVITIES AHD HUTRITION CUTER OF DADE COUETY, TIC. (hr. CEJAS' PROJECT). Mayor Ferro: Now on Agenda Item No. 137, which is allocating $34,658 to Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Center. Mayor Ferre: It has been moved and seconded. Is there further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: Upon resolution AYES: NOES: ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO. 84-874 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $34,658 FROM FY 1983 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS TO THE LITTLE HAVANA ACTIVITIES AND NUTRITION CENTERS OF DADE COUNTY, INC - SAFE HOUSE PROJECT TO OPERATE A RESIDENTIAL SHELTER AT 600 N.F, 1ST STREET FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 1, 1984- SEPTEMBER 30, 19G4; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE EXISTING FY' 83-8'! FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING AGREEMENT WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCY IN REGARD TO MAXIMUM COMPENSATION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, was passed and adopted by the following vote- Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Commissioner Joe Carollo 50. AUTHORIZE CITY HAMER TO PUBLISH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, FULL SERVICE MINK, TO ESTABLISH A BANK AT THE OVERTOWN SHOPPIrG CENTER. Mayor Ferro: Take up Agenda Item 137.1. Ready to go on that, Miller? Mr. Dawkins: I don't see, Mr. Mayor, (and this is just my personal opinion) how a bank can survive in that neighborhood, so I mean to me, it is an exercise that is really and truly fooling the public. Now, there is nothing in that neighborhood that will support a new bank. Mayor Ferre: $5,000,000 deposit will!. Mr. Dawkins: Yes, but, where is the walk-in ... am finished! the nothing, I Mr. Gary: Well, the market is going to determine that, and what we are going to do is give them some incentive. It gives them the $5,000,000 guaranteed in City deposits per year. 1 think Commisioner Dawkins, that one of the conditions is that they have to also loan k in that area I think that ue have got to look at the future as well as the present, in terms of trying to attract Mr. Dawkins: Lnd the future is the development of overtown- Park West, and if you truly wante6 to help that collAf)unity, you put a titl on the fringes ef t('t 1 areas that would support it. ow, that is just lily 1ersoL opdy,ion, Mr, Gary Veil, that a ue 0 t reclud(, ft happening, but 1 thtt-,, tht,, pople north tho.t e)4resLway, as you have been try inE to cctivince also nteOs services - people north of Phase I, in w'e have a ti :w shopping center there; I think it would be good to hove e anchor bank there in that facility along with the grocery store. ld 75 July 31, 1984 Mr. Dawkins: Okay, you want a branch bank you don't want a new bank. Mr. Gary: I'll take any kind of bank we can get, branch ... Mr. Dawkins: No, no, if you are going to get a branch bank that is already established, I nm with von, hut if you are going to start a new bank, it 13 going to fail! Mr. Gary: No, it in for existing banks, Commissioner, Mayor Ferre: you going to move it? Mr. Dawkins: !love it All right, are you ready now, to vote. Are Mayor Ferre: Dawkins moves 137.1. Plummer seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: Upon being Leconded by C.(7J6iionor Kummer, the resolution wis ped Tnd adopted by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo -----__ ld RESOLUTION NO. 84-875 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PUDLISH A REQUET FOR PROPOSAL (ur:), IF r THE FORM ATTCUP, elnET7IFD FULL SERVICE BLI. 10 EANK IN THE OVITITOE riIkTHER AUTHOE FIVE (..r CITY MONEY TO h FIV CERTLEIME DEPOH:i: OF UPC'E UFETEI;, (Here fu))ov hody - cduton, omitted here and (1 . 11c n ■.he (Y:A( of the City Clerk.) Commissioner Hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 51. APPOINTREPT OF IT.RSONS TO THE MIAMI AUDIT ADVISORY COMH1TTEE. Mayor Ferre: We art.: now on Aundd 1 t Thte are the appointment of board,s dnd nomittees. An right, for a year and a half on a Lohthly batiis hdv(Lf been dtikihg you to appoint ,'L=body to the Lu6it Ldvicey Coittee. 1:0 you have any Lppointllent rcddy? If not, 1 hve Iist of people thdt 1 would 1:ik(, to rc,00llIond. will re:ad them to you: Lcot L kd, who d C, L. She_ Li4Jpens to. be a Chinese LqICJ 6 1h; L j1.0 who 1 . black C.P.A., hiLhly (.1to to be wth or,t of 8, and now has 1 0t CCOU0L hil flri Mr, Fred Santizigo whom we all know id the: Wyhwood : Mr. Kenny Medina, who is a prominent businessman and used to be active in the 76 July 31, 19814 ~~ accounting business, and that leaves one. Anybody have any further names? Would somebody make a motion to those four? Mayor° Perm: I'~.~t~mcr § don't, yo>~ gave any .~nglo accountant friend.~s Mr, 1'~.,~rmcf hc~L don' ~: ;-rant ~,o ervc. I'hest don't. have the tune E;o ~cr~e, Mfayor Per r•ce 12ar~ha ],~., aaixat: tyre you doing these days? Mr. P?;.~r•s?~c~°: ETras4:. "~.ircd9 Mayer ~'rrrce you air dust the per feet guy. 'This is not a commi.tt~°c, r~rhi.ch is a very important committee, and I rememl,~cr ~-nu in the i,c~p,slature, you were the ... Marshall _ Harri t I'laanlc iron, sir, Yau know Manny Medina. All right, Marshal.:~. t~~arr~; , is there a motion then that this become the Audit: Comrni.t ec. M r . i? a t•Tlc i. t~r ::~ : 1^ z e v c* i t . Mayor Pcr~s~c': f',ar hall, Mould you serve as chairperson? Doc E n°t>~,;~ ifavc~ f n~° prabl.e~ms ~-~itl~ that? All ra.ght, the Audi."~ Cc~r;~; 1.i..cc~ z7nt~7~ 4 t. 1e~;~st. .~S't.cr erc<<r ~;i,~cl oxle~ll4lf is fill.c'c?~ ,'a '~:Il 7'.,- ~'~~'° tl'>t,1*1 "13r"1'F"~i;C`tl is?1l C) II;C'(a 't:? ?C b,'it.t'1 price; ,';illl ;i-~ :i''ri ,~C s `-i"::'fit ;~~)it ~~~`C`~ `iii"' i.~'•r'iia" j:t. . (>1~i7 t'34~CC91?Tif,:~.l)~°- :i ]t`. ;'( ~'s~. s'~': ;tt;'~i;, i~'1?i"1` l,.`C l<i' l .~t'~ (7: t~~_ ~Q be ~ (',. I'~ ,: ~ °~'-. 1( ~ ~ ~-i. ? i~.'1 r~lC' . , < if4. ~ . ~ (s('ili. (~~~ c~ ~ery ~,t ~~;~.: `C-:i~1i<Il°~' .it .: ~ tl~ ..~ 1, ,,i`i is ~ 1~_;:1, ~ .]:. F1':l"")1'fx,°,~, Plut~tner ra€= r>~,~:. a I izi . is {_~ _~~.~ ~~i~ ;~i; i.,~~', ~~`~.~~ :.1 sl~~;= ro1l. 'The f`i~l:i.cts~`~:r~ r~:.:i,~J.t',,~t~>i~ i. ,.~ :~r,.,r~~~iirc:ti:~s l;ti~ C;o~~~n~issioner Aaukins, r~hc3 rnc,v~~rl ~i4.; r~;~~?}-~t::i~~r~i: I ~ i:•;.:_ t.,i I~ [.1 `i" is ~~ c ` i~~ O ~ t~ t ~. ~~ .f ~, A R~sc~~ ~ r:ol~ .j~;~~~z t~~~~~r~~~ cEKTAiN INAIVIe~UF~LS TC) T}~~ I;I:~,Y~`s1 ~~UUIT ADVISORY COMMIT~'E)w . (Here i'olloE~Ts l~roctynf r~: olution, omitted here and ors i`i.lc in t;ho Office of the City Clerk. ) Upon being seconded by Corr~issidner Plummer, the resolution ryas 1°;~ssed ~rret ~aotated try tt.c~ fo3lo>raing vote- AYES: Commi:~:~iot7c~t° F-S? il.e:r° J K ~aE.~l.i>~is Corornissic~rt~i~ ~,. L. Plru>rc>~}er, Jr. Vice-hi:~yor T?err;etrin J. 1:3er~2, Jr. Mayor ~9aurice A. ~'erre NOES: gone. ABSENT: Cornriissicarrer Joe Carollo ON ROLL C~LI.~ Mayor F'~r•re : L€: u t:li~ r~cc~rd reflect that Marshall Harris is also e~ptaer;it°i . €~ cti~ar~~~::r-;~c>t~ u#~ t.}~e ~i~tc~it Gots~rnittee. N Y s ~ r ®...~ ~.-...- w..: ~ h. ~ ._. .....:;.. «..-......J. b ................~. u. a-.r. u:......... r. W .... ,.. u. +... ••...u c« e:v ..~. ...+.... aw .....~ ~ w.'W ._. w m ~.~ re+. agar axs P ws r ~$~~`~ l~C_~~ lt~~ ~~i:;fJ~~.~; ttat:~~~)~ l`~c: ~~€.~~. ~,~.~ ~:~t~ r~r1~CO~~EI~ r ._ .. ._ _ ~ _ ._ ,_ ~_ 52. R~At~!'irhl t,._. ;ii~'. I'}_}; Ii. '!u .:LF;;1': OIL Iit:Dt~ ~Oi :~1"~` , Ee:t"i;i:: L' r ~ ~ t F" ~ . ~` L !' i td i~ f~ Ci !` t Ct ~) ~> e.i 1 r 2 L ,..... ......., ..,,. ,...,_ _. .... W ~ ..: a,o W., _r. a...,. ~, 6...,~ w L;c[ai~ G=f ~"ecaUP°3.CvC 1~~rre ~C? - ~~r"V~ (.dri {. ~.t ~~C~~ ~: cirlti` L ~c~' lf~ CG~~ ~.~1. ~ d ~`a . ~ ~ ~: ~~rE a ~'i G t 1 u Yi `a - r l .1 is 1 t' ,, ] .~ ti "~ __.: Mr. Dawkin4; Moved. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Dawkins, seconded by Perez. Further discuss~.crn i Call thQ roll on 140. The #'ollorainl, rc^>,~1_ut#on raas introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, ratio moved i.tA aetc~rjtzc~n; Izr.>oi_UTZOr~ ray ~ X11°-E~77 ~: A RESOLUTION I31r~AI'POINTING t9A.Y~JR MAURICE _ A. FERRI~ TO ..>I~RVI~ AS A i1EMBER OF THE - BOARD Off' AIRECTOIIS OF TIME DARE COUNTY LEAGUE OF CS%It~>, IPdC. (Hera t'al~.or:~s t~od~j cif resolution, omitted here and an .I"a.la i,n i,t~e Of£~.ec~ off' the City Clerk. ) Upon taci.ng .:+cennded jiy Comm~.s~ ioncr Perez, the resolution t~'~-1 ., pa:;sc~d and adopi.ed h~' the fallowing vote- AYES: CocrZmissS.one~r° P~iI.7.er' J. 1"~ar~*kinS Cannissa.oner J. I.., i'lunr:ter, Jr. Vice-AiaYor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. P~9ayor t~9aurice A. Ferre NOES: tJanc. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ram rmree sm~ma on am. rm ur rn eu+~r.r .• lrwws v •• _ ~. .• -~!!lawr!lN1~!!.~!!!!!iN 53. APPC11'~aT LOl"~tiI.SSI.QNER dT. ~,.• F'LUNEMER Ta SER~IE AS A F~ELEC~zk"E:: Ttl THE FLiIHIDA i.EAG[iE OF CI'ttES I~~4 Mr . Plrtr;lr;~~~r : t~~uur~ ice r ~~or~ treed a rnotian appointing me as the City's dcle~;at,e to tl-1e Florida Lc~:gue of Cities convention in !ar~pa in October. Mayor Fcr~re: Day°kin:= r~ov€~s, Perez seconds that J. L. Plummer be al5pointed as the city's representative to the Florida Lc~~gue of Cities convention. F'urtr2er discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who roved its adoptic~rl. 1~aTXCta too. >~a-~~€~ A MOTION f~l'I'C~I~t~`1"1t~G Cbf~i~S~IiJt3Lft J. L. PLU~tt9ER fi.~ 'T`!a!; C'Z`I'Y' ~ r~~I'I~'IC-I.C~L I:~EI~EGATE TO THE F~`?rC1I~1li~5 ;.:1'r;GliE C?I= C:I'I'I ES' A~t~hUAL Upon beir',~ sz•c~ol,cr~c~ k:~d' t`arilr:i:~:~~ ~lit~r I'er°ez, the motion waa passed a1,d ~~c3c~t:LC-~i t,~~> ilie_ f`,~lic~ai;fT vcf~c- AYES: Cort~rli sic>r,c:rt ~iJ.:i.r.~ ~t. 1)wtI~ir1 C (51x2'11 ~ ` .`: 1 C: I i ~-1" ~ , ' ~. ~ `r' ± ~ r;;,: n is rw , J r . VYC~;-~}~~y~c;r- t;~t~~tr°~c_, ~1, t>erez, Jr. Mayor t~~ ~: r~ r~ i c c ~-:. }~ ~: r~ r NOES: Bone: , ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo ld 78 duly 31, lg$~ 54. APPOINT VARIOUS CONSERVATION HOARD. INDIVIDUALS TO THE HERITAGE Mayor Ferro: Agenda Item 139, go ahead. All right, Plummer moves, Perez seconds Andres M. Donny, Paul Georg and Lola Bohn. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84 NOES: None. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vicen4layor Pcmctric 3, Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Forre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo • . - - . . • . . . - . SIM ..... woor rev ....Fr Ps, wog .11••■■■•■ 55. APPOINT INDIVIDUALS 70 Ti HE ZONING BOARD AND THE PLAHNIKG PDVISORY BOARD INSTRUCT CITY CLERK TO RE- OPEN RECEIPT OF ITPLICATIOUS FOR CONTINUED VACANCIES. Mayor Fort Demetrio Perez moves Lorenzo Luaces. Plummer seconds. Further discussion on 111? This is on the Zoning Board. Mr. Plummer: Maurice, this in your appointLent. Mayor Ferro: But you are making it, what is the difference? Its my appointment. Mr. Plummer: The other one it-, an alternate. Mr. ld Dawkins: We, I've got a full appointment. Mayor Ferre Fine, Mr. Plu=:t.r: Uho that': Mr. Dawkw.,: 1 don't tive t.ny. Mr. Plow t ,Tpruve the one as submitted. Mayor lcllu: i.re Loving that Lorenzo Luaces be moved to fill the v, of the - 4oning board. That is Mr. Pluriumer: 1 move. 79 July 31, 1984 • Mayor Ferre: It has been moved and seconded. Further discussion on 141? Cali the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. NOTE: Mayor Ferre: there? A RESOLUTION APPOTNTING CERTAIN INDIVTDMA1:' TO THE CITY OF MIAMI ZONING BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Mr. Plummer: Co Mayor Ferre: That's yours. RESOLUTION NO. 84 - • • • • - • • • .• • • • . • - • • ^ - • • • • • • • missioner Carollo arrives 12:25 P.M. 11•1•11110011111■0••■■■••■ NIORWIE"SIW ............. .......... VIMMOVVIO■■410..0.1.1■OKOOM.OPS■ Explain to me, do we have any other vacancies Yes, one. Mr. Perez Lugones: We have another vacancy on the Zoning Board, and ... Mr. Perez Lugones: If' I may refresh your memory, and this is in your packet, you have a copy of the Clerk's reports going back to ... Mayor Ferre: Well, simplify it. Whose appointment is it? Mr. Perez. Lugones: You have one appointment, Mr. Mayor, and Mr. Carolle) had the other appointment, Mr. Dawkins: Is this the Planning Board? Mr. Rodrigue No, to the Zoning Doh:rd, and Kr. Carollo and Mr. Dawins h.o an appointent to the Planning Advisory Board, but nobody hpied for thoe poLdtionn. Mr. Perez: How do you have the applicent Alvaro ho:nero? Mr. Perez Luone5: Livaro homero pl lcd - I thin it is a miatake. He iH tel ... his ter is due to expire at the (Thd of the ych,r, then he w:Al be .1)1e to reapply at the end of the yehr. Mr. hick up so I know where we are going. We increased these boards, and everybody got appointments, right? 1 that correct? id 80 July 31, 1984 Mr. Perez Lugones: Yes, sir. Mr. Dawkins: And I got an appointment to the Planning Board, beenuse T sm due, right? Mr. Perez Lugones: That is correct, sir. Mr. Dawkina: So, now 1 will have to open it up again so I can appoint aomebody. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Carollo, you have got an appointment to the Zoning Board, that we ... Mr. Carollo: That in correct. I apologize for being tardy this morning. It is my understanding that out of the appointments that we have, there is one that I have for the Zoning Board and one for the Planning Board. Is that correct; , then , Mr. Mayor? Mr. Plummer: Well, except they said there has been no applicants in Planning, so it is just Zoning. Mr. Carollo: What I would suggest that we do is that we open up the advertisements for both boards again, and then have it ns early as we can in the next meeting in September when wc mce aaain. Mr. ROCICI Okay, you will direct the City Clerk to proceed Oth that Mr. Carollo: Mr. Clerk, will there be any problem with that? Mr. Plummer: Well, excuse me, the Mayor has made his appointment, so what you are saying is, after that, reopen it. Mr. Ongie: He appointed Lorenzo Luaces. Hr. Carollo: All right, what I would like you to do is have the Planning & Zoning advertisements put out again so that individuals that had applied, but did not do it within the scope of the time, because it was so up in the air that they really didn't know about it would have the opportunity to do 30. Mr. Plummer: Okay, then, Maurice, we approve your appointment now, then the remaining portion be reopened and readvertised. Mayor Parra: Okay, I've got no problems with that. Mr. Perez Lugonea: Hay I .. Mayor Perna: it i moment, we need a motion for that? Mr. Plummer: Sure. Mayor Parra: Plummer, you want to make the motion? Mr. Plurnl!ler: Well, have we approved the Mayor's appointment on 141? Mr. Ongie: Lorenzo Luaees. Mr. Plummer: Now a motion is ordered to reopen for vacancies and readvertise on the one for Zoning and both for Planning. 81 July 31, 1984 'OM Mayor Ferre: No, no, you now have three, because Lorenzo Luaces who was my appointment to Planning has now vacated that, and T have his letter of renignation now that he has been appoJntnd to the Zoning Board, no 1 hereby resign Loren7o Luner-a nnd von hnv thr oe:. to nppoint, of which one is mine. 3 don't knox ITho hnr; thr: other. Mr. Plummer: Tine, we will argue about that. Mayor Ferro: Okay? Mr. Perez Lugonen: That is correct. Mayor Fnrre: Now, so you have three appointments, because Luaces was previously on the Planning Board has now moved to Zoning and there is a vacancy left. Mr. Perez Lugoncn: That is correct, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Fcrre: All right, so advertise for one in Zoning and three in Plrnning, is that, correct? Mr. Perez Lugoncs: That is correct. Mr. Plummer: Do you need a motion to that effect? Mayor Ferre: Yen. Mr. Caroilo: There is a motion to that effect. Mayor Ferre: All right, call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Caron°, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-881 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ld A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY CLERK TO REOPEN NonrATIors AND READVERTISE FOR VACANCIES IN THE ZONING BOARD AND THE PLANNING ADVISOEY BOARD, AND (b) ONE (1) VACANCY IN THE ZONING BUM). 56. APPOINT CERTAIN InIVIDUALS TO THE CODE EHFORCEMENT MAID. 82 Mayor Ferre: appointment .., Mr. Plummer: Who dropped off? Mr. Rodriguez: Frank Cobo's term expired. .1*Iozaw OW! We are now on Item 142, which is the July 31, 1984 21110. Mayor Ferre: He wants to be reappointed. Mr. Plummer: So moved. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moved. Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Fevre: Dal4kins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: (Here follows body of reso) ution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being sceondcd by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: CommionPr Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maoriec A. Ferro NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. ..... erw*Weerst.......aotsfrem ww.•••■■•Mas.......ssowwwwasenr000s NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda Item No. 143 was continued. • • -1 .... 57. APPOINT INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF HIAHI AFFIR1ATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARD. RESOLUTION NO. 84-882 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD TO SERVE A THREE YEAR TERM, s • - • . Mr. Garcia Pedrosa: Eight Mr. Mayor. • • •- • ••• •• • •• • • • . • *I.M. ftM.M*4.W AM M. , Vi*We am . Mayor Ferre: On Agenda Item 144 1 would like to recommend the reappointment the following people: Laura Pierce — Walter, if that is all right with you. 1 am still a male chauvinist pig; Mariano Cruz, (and 1 will ask Mrs. Cruz) and Lawrence Crawford. Now, we have five more vacancies beyond those that I have just read. The people that I have read are one Black female, one Black male and one latin male, just so you keep that account. The following are people that are anxious to nerve: Nora Kurell, Director of institute, Miami Dade CmrLunity College; Ariliondo Frammel, pharmaceutical %ales rep.; Edna Martine:L., Puerto Rican assistant to ct.h Gordon of the Chan.ber of Cowtierce; Hannibal Cox, who 1 Viee-President of Eastern Airlines; Gladstone Coop(.:r, busihess'EJan; hob .1.Ls, uho is a consultant; Atirt Price, 12.1 ac fniale, Florida Melliorial ColleEe zho U of id.; Ltici Dorothy Sibley, who is Whi tt U0 ul tIt. CoLnty Gf Cornwisioners. Any other suggestion? Lll right, who knows something about this in the Aetlinist'ration? how Lz7Jiy vacancies do we need to fill? Anybody know that here? 83 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: There is a total of eight? Well, we just filled three, so we have got five left. You tell me which one of these you want to fill. Mr. Plummer: 1. will recommend Dorothy Sibley. T know her. Mayor Ferre: All right, anybody have any objections to Dorothy Sibley? Mr. Plummer: _ will _ recommend also, Cooper. Mayor Ferre: Gladstone Cooper? All right. Mr. Dawkins: Anna Price. Mayor Ferro: Anna Price. That is three. You have got two to go. Well, 1 will recommend Edna Martinez, who was successful, that i3 four. Now, how many Latins do we have? I think we need Armando Franil Anybody know him? Anybody know Armando Frmil_? Anybody have any objections to him? Mr. Plummer: I move the name an recommended. Mayor Ferro: Wait minute, we are missing one. Mr. Plummer: That, i it! Mayor Ferre: You Marc right. Mr. P1ur, =rrer: I move file names as recommended. (INAUDI:IBLE BACKGROUND COE DINTS) Mayor Ferre:.. Let's make a correction here. Instead of Armando Fr, mil , the recommendation is Nora Hernandez Murrell, Director of institutes, Miami Dade Community College. Is that acceptable? Mr. Plummer Sure. Mayor Ferre: All right, the appointees therefore are Laura Pierce, Mariano Cruz, Lawrence Crawford, Nora Hernandez Murrell, Edna Martinez, Gladstone Cooper, Anna Price, and Dorothy Sibley. Mr. Plummer: How about Marshall Harris? He is retired! Mayor Ferre: All right, moved by Plummer. Seconded by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll on those appointments. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ND. 84-883 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY BARD AND REAPPOINTING C RTA R NDa VI I;UL `-a TO SAID BOARD. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) ld 84 July 31, 1984 Mr. Pier : Oh, okay, what was the main problem? Mayor Ferre: He doesn't have one. heady? • Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: C0mMirzllionr Jor Crolio Comminsioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. 58. APPOITIT CERTAIN InDIVIDUALS TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD TO FILL TOE VMEXPIPED TERMS OF JOSE GOPZALEZ AND WILLI! . Mr. Gary: Mr, Mnyor, on Item 1)3, enn 1 ask the City Commission for reconsideration, We are having problems since your memo in getting ... Mayor Ferre: It was Mr. Dawkins who asked that this item be continued We can't get a quorum, and we have got; a lot of code violations that we cannot take any kind of legal action. Mr. Dawkins: I offer the name of Maude Newbold. Mayor Ferre: Maude Newbold. All right, is there a second? Further discussion? How many vacancies are there? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: There is two. Mr. Plummer: No, that is it. 142 and 143 covers the vacancies. Mr. Gary: No, we have got two more vacancies. Mr. Dawkins: Two more or one more? Mr. Perez Lugones: 113 is two vacancies. The other one has been already covered by Mr. Cobo. Mr. Gary: We need one more. Mayor Ferre: All right, we have one name. There is still one vacancy. Moved and seconded. Further discussion on 143. Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: Wait who did you move? Mr. DawkinL-.: Maude Newbold. Mr. Plumme.y': And whnt bout the other vacancy? Mayor Ferte: That is Carol)o's The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: ld 85 July 31, 1984 AYES: NOES: None, ■•■•■•■•••••■.■••■* id RESOLUTION NO. 84-884 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD TO SERVE DESIGNATED TERMS OF OFFICE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- Commissioner .Joe Caroflo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. 59. COF3DOLEfCE3 TO THE FTMILIES OF FORMER MAYOR JOSEPH MURPHY Trp Forru PUITOP L. DEPHER OF THE CITIES OF Cori, (;T1.ILE trD rula Mayor Fol C(.onc rowij.na f000nds a resolution c y c otoph Murphy, former r oF Cor:1 Ow recently rna(170. away, and who vler ocrtn.l.y nct5vitA i t1 oomliunity. Further discurion? Mr. Plurmor: Mr. Clerk, did we likewise do one for the former Mayor of Miami Beach, Jay Derrner? Mr. Ongir: I don't think we did. Mr. Plummer: 1 would also ... Mayor Ferre: And one for Jay Dermer. Mr. Pluracr: Yes. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion on both of those? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 04-885.1 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING DEEPEST SYMPATHY AND SINCEREST CONDOLENCES OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF JOSEPH MURPHY, FORMER MAYOR OF THE CITY OF CORAL GALES, FLORIDA, UPON HIS DEATH. (Here follos body of resolution, wilitted here and on file in the Off:ice of the City Clerk. ) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- 86 July 31, 1984 AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins CombIssioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Mayor Msuriee A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Viec-Myor Drmetrio Perez, Jr. The following resolution wns introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved ts adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 8D-885.2 Upon beinF seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by Lhc following vote- AYES: 40 A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING DEEPEST SYMPATHY AND SINCEREST CONDOLENCES OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF .1f,Y DFRMER, FORMER MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MIAMI PEACH, FLORIDA, UPON HIS DEATH. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and en file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Commirioncr Joe Cro Commisioncr Millr J. Dawkins Commissioncr J, L. Plummer, Jr. Kay or tluriec Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Dcmetrio Perez, Jr. 41••••■■•••111.11. MOTE FOR THE nECORD: AGENDA ITEM 110. 6 WAS DISCUSSED AND COI TO THE AFTERNOON SESSION. MMMOO* 60. AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT WITH ALL-TYPE PROJECTS, IC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DIENER KEY MARINA - DOCKUSTEE'S OFFICE RENOVATION. Mayor Ferre: We are now on Agenda Item 11. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: All right there is a motion by Plummer, seconded by Dawkins. Further discussion? We need two- thirds vote. That is why we haven't done it. Call the roll on Item 11. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon ben by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution 1-Tas passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None, RESOLUTION NO. 84-886 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $20,000 IN THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE, CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND ALL TYPE PROJECTN, INC., DATED DECEMBER 29T11. 1983, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DINNER KEY MARINA DOM:MASTER'S OFFICE RENOVATION WITH FUNDS FOR THE INCREASE TO DE PROVIDED FROM "MAJOR MAINTENANCE - DINNER KEY MARINA" ACCOUNT FUNDS ALREADY ALLOCATED TO THE PROJECT; FURTHER RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING THAT THE HEREIN INCREASE RESULTED FROM EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 2/3RDS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION, Commi5ioner Miller J. Dawkins CommiLsioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 61. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE - WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS 100 HYDRLULIC BANK VALVES FOR DEPT. OF BUILDING & VEHICLE MIETFUFCE. Mayor Ferre: We ctre en Agenda Item 18. Is there any problem with 18? This requires four-fifth vote. Al]. right, Plummer moves. Perez seconds. Further discussion, call the roll on 18. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: • - • - , • • • . • • - • ■•• 0111.1110•410•11111•10D ld 88 July 31, 1984 AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO. 84-887 A RESOLUTION, BY A FOUR -- FIFTH (4/5THS) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFT A DULY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLI_:- SOURCE; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENT FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF APPROXIMATELY 100 HYDRAULIC BANK VALVES, AS NEEDED, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE (1) YEAR, FROM DYNEX /RIVETT, INC., THE MANUFACTURER AND ONLY REASONABLE SOURCE OF SUPPLY, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE ) ll AT A TOTAL PROPOSED COST OF :vz5,CO0.00; ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THAT DEPAn — MENT; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon bey; nE , c condcd by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was p l .cd .nd adopted by the following vote- Commissioner Miller le r J Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carol.lo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice..i yor Uc.rnetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor nuri ce A. Ferre 62. RATIFY CITY fIAIeAGER'S FIHDII G OF SOLE SOURCE - WAIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS 1 PPCOR TELEMETRY UNIT FROM (MOTOROLA CORRUEICATI:0I -S & ELECTRONICS AT A COST OF $T,001.50 FOR DEPT. OF BLDG & VEHICLE I-tzil3' EtAtCE. Mayor Ferre: On Agenda Item (lumber 19 we again need four /fifths vot. ThiL< is the $7,001.50 item. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Plummer. Second by Dawkins. Further discussion. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: id 89 July 31, 1984 AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO. 84 -888 A RESOLUTION, BY A FOUR- -FIFTH (4/5) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AFTER A DAILY ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING, RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVING THE REQUIREMENT FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF (1) APCOR TELEMETRY UNIT FROM MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS, INC., THE MANUFACTURER AND SOLE SUPPLIER, FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AT A TOTAL COST OF $7,001.50, ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM THE 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE, RESCUE AND INSPECTION SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THIS EQUIPMENT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and en file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon icing r ccondcd by Ccmr i;?..ioner X, the resolution was passed and : dole -eC i1i s,1 i o1; i ni vote- CoMM:?. 0 ;1 cr i 1 Dr ) i, i C(?T lli_ t)i1 r L. l' E_urilrler , Jr. Vice....1 ;' r ).)crt trio Perez, Jr. Mayor 1'i : +1a! 7 ct; A. Fcrre 63. AUTHORIZE I CREftSE It~7 CONTRACT >IITU FRANK J. HORAN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ORAL GE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEHU TS - 1984. Mayor Ferro: Agenda Item Number 20 requires two/third's vote, $15,000 ... Mr. Plummer Move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor F'err ;: Plummer moves. Dawkins seconds. Further discussion. Cull the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: id 90 July 31, 1984 Upon resolution AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. OWWWWW011.000ftwo....1.,..+www Mr. Perez: Second. RESOLUTION NO. 84-889 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $15,000 ON THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AND FRANK J. MORAN, INC., DATED APRIL 30, 1984, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ORANGE BOWL FIELD LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS WITH FUNDS THEREFOR TO BE PROVIDED FROM TOURIST DEVELOPMENT FUNDS; FURTHER RATIFYING THE CITY MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING THAT THE HEREIN INCREASE RESULTED FROM EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 2/3RDS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Here follows body of rer,olution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the was passed rnd adopted by the following vote- Commissioncr Miller J. Dalqkins COmmir;nioncr Jct Carol lo Cornnii;i (F1(1 1. L Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Dcmctrio Perez, Jr, Mayor Maurice A. Ferro . . . - . . . • — • . . . . . . . . MO. NW IMF MN. 64. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE PLANS, SPECIFICATIOrS, ADVERTISIVG AND RECEIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS FOP FIRE RESCUE Tuirarc CEKTRE. •••••••...*161WWWW.WWW ■ MOP WOw * m woe us. taw .... saw ws. pa. Ws. woc wWw W.. al, awn W..4. mew. kW.. WWO tWa. Waft' 4WO 1WW .WW Wm. Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda item 21. The City is currently in dispute with contractors - pool leaks and fire fighters are unable to use it. The money is never received and Plummer moves. • • • Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: AYES: SO* OM MON. Mr. ld RESOLUTION NO. 84-890 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ADVERTISE FOR AND RECEIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS, EVALUATE THE BIDS RECEIVED, AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE LOWEST ACCEPTABLE BIDDER FOR FIRE RESCUE TRAINING CENTER - TRAINING POOL REPAIR AT A TOTAL COST NOT TO EXCEED ,25,000 WITH FUNDS FOR THE CONTRACT TO BE PROVIDED FROM THE FIRE COLLEGE TRAINING AND CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION ACCOUNT; FURTHER RATIFYING THE MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING THAT THE HEREIN PROJECT RESULTED FROM EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 2/3RDS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Here follow: body of resolution, omitted here 'and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon beim:, !cce:Icic.C1 by Commissioner Perez, the resolution 1::< co opL by the following vote- NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Commjul• Dawkins Commol)er Crrollo Commlocr J. L. nummer, Jr. Vipc-Myor Demetrio Perez, Jr, Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mayor Ferre: Take up Agenda Item 21.1. Mr. Plummer: Move it. *0.011■■■lommmifteomemo 65. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF R.F.P.'S FOR UNITED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL (UDP) FOR THE RETAIL RESTAURANT AHD OTHER CULTURAL nEUSE OF THE HISTORIC BUILDING KNOWN AS FORMER FIRE STLTION ED. 4. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. The sooner the better. Wait just a minute, the City Attorney is asking for time out. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: You have got to do thinking at that point. Mayor Ferre: Ve need to select a C.P.A. We need appoint members to the Youth Committee, and so on and so forth. Mr. Plummer: Or' 21.1? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Yes, sir. P1uer hv re you going that route then? 4s1' Mr. Rodrigue'z: Because this is an R.F.P. for unified development project and we have to have an Accounting firm 47 selected, and ... 92 July 31, 1984 • Mr. Plummer: Why? 1 mean, why not just lease it out? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Because you decided Mr. Rodriguez: Ve felt that because 1t was upon the property on which there is n lot of interest, that following the unified development project approach would be the most advantageous approach to follow. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Commissioner Plummer, the Commission, at last month's meeting, adopted a resolution indicating that the UDP method was the way to develop this. You don't have to do it, but ... Mr. Plummer: 1 mean, why is it desirable? That property is not huge in size. Why is it best that we go for a unified development which takes U3 through all of this cockamamie process, when ye could just lease the property as a concession. Mr. Garcia No, no. You have to put it out for bids. Mr. Plummer: Okay, but put it out for bids. 1 am saying that? Mr. Gary: T think the '1hint i5 if yon look the RFP, Commirioner, fir::it oi 11 it hitorleal erce, There is going to he a lot of intcret, 71)5 rci, norc rill he a number ef lternvc prebood link it in the bct of Hic CjLy CoLLion that ever ythin „, (ieUi rero P\ body with s pcople rot t;omething about ckvelopri of 1-enurnt and retail arc, Go with it Jr J Mr. Plummer: Ye2, it is called hureacracyt Mr. Gary: ko, the Private Sector is involved too, so ... Mr. Plummer: Hey, all you are going to do is make 55 winos unhappy because you are removing them from their premises. . Mr. Gary: That's fine! Mr. Plummer: The place is a disaster! Mr. Plummer: What happens if the winos want to make it a historic wino Mayor Ferre: Wnere are they? Mr. Gary: Tbcy ure o the second page. Mr. Rodriguez: They are after page 3 of the resolutions. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, Private Sector - Jack Lowell, Allen Morris, David Harrison, Andres Duahney, Edna Mingo, Raul Rodriguez. Mr. Gory: k:e will make it a liaison! (LAUGHTER) Mayor Ferre: L11 liEht, 011 the .!_eleetion of the committee, Mr. Manager, if you will look on page 3, you will see the recot!meneed how rac,ny do we need on this? I would recommend J.::ck Lot:t Allen Molrin, Jr`. ... Mr. RodriEueu: Mt. Mayur, you have recommendations from the City H and y-u have to center? July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Touche ROS3, all right. Mr. Gary: Leventhal & Horowitz. Well, I've got a problem with them. Touche ROS3, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Too many! Oh, that is all right. Okay. Mr. Gary: I've got to take one of these off, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Take whomever you want off. Take- Duahney off. Mr. Gary: Okay, Duahney ii off. Thcn havr! : City officiplr - McDeth. 13odr1Guez, Donald 5tewart. Mayor Ferro: Al) right, who do you 1 to be the auditing firm, 1 mean the CPA? Mr. Gary: Well, we have a rotation sytem. The last one we did was Touche Ross. We are hack to Coopera. Mr. Plummer: 1 am not; going to go with Touche Ross. They Were selected yesterday. Mr. Gary: 1 don't want them. Mr. Plummer: We had them before. Who is next in line? You've got a minority firm? 1 think that is great. Mr. Gary: I've got Thompson & Kuntz. Mr. Plummer: How about Freddy Santiago? I'll recommend Freddy Santiago. Mr. Gary: Okay, Freddy Santiago, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: A11 right, and as a backup, Mr. Manager, and in case you don't, do that, your second choice is Thompson Kuntz. Mr. Gary: Thompson Kuntz. Mr. Dawkins: Thompson Kuntz would be the next one up. Mr. Numver: Fine. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on that now? Is that all we need now? Mr. PlumLer : Hove it. Mr. Gare:a Well, and that is also the issuance of the BFP that you will be approving in the same vote. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on this? Sergio, is there 4nything thA we missing? Mr. Rodricuct: E4), Mayor Ferre: All right, it has been moved and seconded. Call the rot 1 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: Upon being r,ccondcd by Commisioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and rdoptcd by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO. 84-891 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (IIDP) FOR THE RETAIL, RESTAURANT, AND/OR CULTURAL REUSE OF A UISTORIC DIMMING. FORMER FIRE STATION NO. LOCATED AT 1000 SOUTH MIAMI AVENUE INCLUDING THE SURROUNDING PARCEL OF PROPERTY (NORTH 100 FEET OF LOTS 1, 1 AND 3 OF BLOCK 74 OF MIAMI (A. L. (NOWLTON SOUTH); SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINTING MEMBERS TO A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER SECTION 53(C). (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Commiaioncr Millcr J. Dvkins Commisnioner Joe Crrollo Commisioncr J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice—Myor Demctrio Pcrez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 66. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFIC/AIMS, ADVERTISE AHD RECEIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS FOR VOLDED BOTTOM PLASTIC BENCH-TYPE SEATS FOR THE ORAEGE BO1:L. discussion? Csll the roll. Mayor Ferre: Agenda item 21.2 stadium bleacher seat project. Go ahc:A. Mr. Gary: Thi: has been a rejected bid - readvertised and awarded to the lowcst bidder, Ir. Mayor. This is a matter that we talhed about carlicr, where the seats were not according to bag Mr. Plummer: 1 thoue.ht you were going to readvertise! Mr. Gary: We are. Thin allows me to do that Mr. Plumer: You reserve the right yourself to throw out all of this. Mr. Gary: Eo, this says it allows me to prepare plans and specifications, to advertise and receive competitive bids, evaluate th bids .„ 1 Mayor Yferre: Pluufier m.oven, Dawkins seconds. Further The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO. 84-892 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, ADVERTISE FOR AND RECEIVE COMPETITIVE BIDS, EVALUATE THE BIDS RECEIVED, AND, WITHOUT ANY FURTHER CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL, EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE LOWEST ACCEPTABLE BIDDER FOR MOLDED BOTTOM PLASTIC BENCH TYPE SEATS SIMILAR TO SEATS USED IN OTHER N.F.L. AND MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL STADIUMS AT AN INITIAL COST OF A85,000, THEREBY WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING CODE PROVISION REQUIRING THAT THE CITY EDMMISSION TAKE FURTHER ACTION, WITH FUNDS THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM ANTICIPATED RESORT TAX REVENUES; FURTHER RATIFYING THE MANAGER'S WRITTEN FINDING THAT THE HEREIN PROJECT RESULTED FROM EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 2/3RDS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN TIE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION. (Here folloNs body of reNolution, omitted herc 2nd on file in the Office of the City Clcrk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution wns pasNed and adopted by the following vote— AYES: Comm ionoN Hil)cr J. Dawkins Commis:loncr Joc CNrollo CommiNiNn(r J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-ENyor Dernetrio Perez, Jr. Kayor Maurice A. Ferre NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Agenda Item 7 on the Planning & Zoning Agenda uas continued. SIM 67. APPOINT LEtWERS TO NEVIFX CITE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AKD t?PD1 FINDINGS FON Pi. UL IPIED DEVELOPHEHT PROJECT KEOWN AS SOUTHEAST OVEETWE PARKWEST DEVELOVHEIT PROjECT. Mayor Ferre: Pere hel on Qenda Item 5. Is there anythincl e1L,e need on 5? ther a motion on 5? Ai right, Plu, hIcveL, Pere second6- Further discu6sion on Call the rcli. The followinL reolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO. 84 -893 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (UDP) FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVER T OwN /PARK WEST PHASE I PROJECT, FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL FACILITIES TO DE LOCATED ON MINE CITY BLOCKS, IRREGULARLY BOUNDED BY NORTHWEST 6TH STREET, NORTHWEST 7TH STREET, NORTHWEST 10TH STREET, NORTH MIAMI AVENUE, NORTHWEST 2N1) AVENUE, AND NORTHWEST 3RD AVENUE (MIAMI A. L. KNOWLTON BLOCKS 24, 25, 37, 4 4 , 45, 46, 55, 56 AND THE PORTIONS OF P. Wa WHITE RE — SUB OF BLOCK 36) ; SELECTING A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND APPOINTING MEMBERS TO A REVIEW COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE PROPOSALS AND REPORT FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF MIAMI CHARTER SECTION 53(3). (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here rnd on file in the Office of the Cii y Clerk.) Upon being recorded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demet,r .o Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mr. Garcia - Pedrosa: Let the record reflect that there one here that seeks to be heard on this matter. Mayor Ferre: Does anybody wish to be further We did that yesterday. heard is no on 5? 68. FIRST REAI)1LG 0 DTULKCE: AHELD OLD. 9639, APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL, , MOUNTS TOThL.IFG $1,357,124 RE COMMUNITY DEVELOI'MI N T E LOC : GUM T' F UN DS 9TH YEAR). Mayor F r .. r e: !.Es: nd 1 tc :r:s 61, Lre: I3 there L t;oti.oi;, on i.rst Re- u;.di.r,L Mr. PinrA Mayor Ferre.:: Mr. Carollo: Mayor Ferre: First Reading? 4"1 t.i V f , : i 4 . It the a second? Second. we ready only? to vote on 61? Second by Carollo. Further discussion on Read the ordinance. ld 97 July 31, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO, 9639, ADOPTED APRIL 6, 1983, BY APPROPRIATING THE ADDITIONAL TOTAL. SUM OF 1 , 357. 124 TO THE EXISTING TRUST AND AGENCY FUND ENT ITLED "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (9TH YEAR)" IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: THE SUM OF $586,016 FROM ADDITIONAL COMMUINITY DEVELOPMENT. (LOCK GRANT (CDBG )1 FUNDS; THE SUM OF :2,000 FROM BTH YEAR CDBG FUNDS REALLOCATED TO THE 9TH YEAR; AND THE SUM OF 69,10B FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM INCOME FOR THE EXECUTION OF APPROVED GRANT ACTIVITIES; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERAF3ILITY CLAUSE Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Carollo and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 69. FIRST i_.1 LDIE G ORDINANCE: AMEND THE PJ UUAL APPfO'r'P3! i IC'ES ORDINANCE BY II CfEF._SItrG REVENUES AND A PROPRIATIOU OF THE PENSION ADMINISTRATIOE RUST FUND III TUE f MOUET OF n,793,909. Mr. Mayor Ferre: I assume that Agenda item 64 is still pending? You have not had a chance to talk to Bob Alexander? Mr. Gary: YeE , We have, and there was some confusion. He has no problems with it, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Okay, is there a motion on 64? You talked to Dean 1- is :1ke? Mr. Gary. 64, (°r, Mayor, everybody is confused, and nobody has any pr ~oble : ::1. Mayor R rr Ar e we all set? Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: roll on 64. Commissioner Jce Caroiio Commissioner 11 .11cr J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor 1:)cmct.r io Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Plummer moves. Dawkins aeconds 64. Call the ld 98 July 31, 1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins and was passed on its first reading by title by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Dcmetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Fcrre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5 AND 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 968 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 29, 1983, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984, BY INCREASING REVENUES AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE PENSION ADMINISTRATION TRUST FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,793,909 TO RECORD MONIES RECEIVED BY THE CITY FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA UNDER CHAPTERS 175 AND 185 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES FOR THE POLICE AND FIRE PENSION TRUST FUND; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. . . - - . . . • • . . . . . . - . ...... eamp. rrV■ern.rT,*.m.7 memo...rem immormirem.. 70. ALLOUTE L.N rilourT LOT TO ETCEED 1.5,000 fS PART OF THE 1964 "SIMMER TOUR OF THE FLORIDL. V!VF JUVIOR DRUM AND BUGLE CORP; Mayor Ferro: The Bugle Corp. people are here. Mr. Plummer: Mr, Mayor, 1 can simplify that for you if everybody is in accord with the recommendations of the Administration. Mr. Gary: What is it. mr. Plummer: Vhat is it? You wrote it! Mr. Gary: .0,000 to be granted ... Mr. Gary: Nc.! Same thing as we gave them last year. Mayor Fevre: J. L. the only way 1 can vote for this is to vote the salce ,ti:ount as we voted 1 t tiule. We have been through this and I need for us to understand this. Mr, Rondinaro is here. It is a great program; we are all proud of him and it; we want to support. it 1 want you to understand .,. Mr. Piuutnr 1 ove as recommended. Mayor Ferre: 1 want you to understand - Mr. Carollo, so we understand this. The Bugle Corps. people come from Naples, they come from Central Florida, from Merritt Island, from id 99 July 31, 1984 Mayor Fer Broward County and Palm Beach. I don't think you have got more than 5% of the total membership that lives within the boundaries of the City of Miami. I don't mind coming up with the t10,000 ..T Mr. Plummer: $15,000. Mayor Ferrr: 11cw much was it we gave them last year? Mr. Plummer: $15,000. Mr. Gary: 1.1hnt did we give you last year, $15,000? Mayor Ferro.: Metropolitan Dade County as 1 understand it, has not put up any money. Coral Gables doesn't, Miami Beach doesn't. Merritt Island doesn't. Naples doesn't. Nobody in any of these other cities -- 1 don't; • e that the taxpayers of the City of Miami should be _Hank $15,000 is a very generous amount of money. 1 :m not going to qualify it which we do with everything_ else, if you get an equal amount from Metro, .;o this is $15,000 without conditions. l ;just; want one thing to read into the record. Is there one Miamian on the Dugle Corp.;.? Bow many do you have? I a°: not in any way trying to belittle the operation. It is just. that 1 went it understood ... Mr. S:_ e it nC: n _.r t should elerify thet I, am speaking here purely in the c pe i ty of a ye untccr director on the board of t he I'r it end ',Ingle Cc r° pe . end in no other capacity as a new: n s n , or w et ever . l would say probably, off hand, about five. Mayor Ferro :. Out of how many? Mr. Rondinaro: Out of approximately ninety -five this year. • . • Mayor F erre: Has anybody else given you any money? Mr. 1c.nd:,narc,: x';15,000 over e three e r° period. we have grown to Mayor r err : Okay, I ,just wanted it totally understood, that are five out of ninety-five - I am still voting for it, but I went you people to understand that this is a responsibility that should be shared by other governmental entities where these ninety other ki.eis live! Mr. fondinarc: To which G: ,e have appealed and without a doubt, the City of Miami has been the most generous. Mr . !fond i mere : I n the past, Pembroke Pines has. We have appeared to then. Hew much did you get from Pembrook Pines? Mayor Fer : 0Lc y, 1 em reedy to vote. Plummer moves. It is $15,000. Hillt•r, are you seconding it? Dawkins seconds. Further dist.ussion? Call the roll. ld 100 July 31, 1982 AYES: • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 1;15,noo FRO rECTAh PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FOND, TN SUPPORT OF THE 1984 SUMMER TOURS OF THE FLORIDA WAVE JR, DRUM AND BUGLE CORPS; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO APM1.:. 84, DATED JANUARY 24, 1984, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and. on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote— NOES: None, ABSENT: None. Commissioner Miller O. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Caron() Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Donctrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre RESOLUTION NO. 84-894 Mr. Plummer: If you will prepare an application for the T.D.A. of which I am a member, we will accept it. Mr. Rondinar0: Thank you very much. mo■ ft.**Yia 71. GRAFT BEQUEST UBE BY HS. EUNICE LIBERTY TO APPEAR BEFORE THE APPROPRIATE BOARD IN 00HRECTIOH PITH THE ESTLBLISHMENT OF A HALFIZAY NOUSE FOR 1111 YOUTHS. Mayor Ferre: Miss Liberty, I apologize for not having recognized you before. Co ahead, Miss Liberty. Ms. Eunice Liberty: Thanks so much, Mr. Meyor and the rest of the Commission. I came for the same person I came for before asking for help, and we are in d tre need of help. We can't use the house that we have, and it :Is in the City. Mr, Plummer: Eunice, let me explLin. Hero is the problem, Mr. KLyor. She hs a house next to her present house, which she wants to turn into, Iike a ktlf-uy house for young people. It is a wortn-wh project. She : before this ComlqisLiori. Ve told het we viold help ier. She went to the Zoning DepiartLet Luc: she the peep were full of busy work. She did hot have the resources to get a survey, She does not hLve the resources ... Mayor Ferr: 'YOU CZ:J1 waive it, you have to give a $300 ... Mr. 11uiouer: Okz_y, Kr, Gaty Mr. Waltet Pierce: Basically, we found out that legally , w t7 11.0uLht it b3 5 a legal problem. We found a way to do it legaliy . lt requires a zoning public hearing, and until that application is made, we are stopped. 101 July 31, 1984 AYES: Mayor Ferre: She doesn't. have $300! Mr. Plummer: She doesn't have the money to pay for it! Mayor Ferre: So, you make a motion ... Mr. Plummer: T make n motion that n grant be forth coming to ... what is the name of the organization? Ms. Liberty: International Council of Negro Woman. Mr. Plummer: For the necessary funds to proceed for the hearing, and the survey, and whatever other requirements set forth by the City. Mr. Dawkins: Second, Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: NOES: None. MOTION PO, 84-895 A MOTION GRANTING FOUEST MADE BY MS. EUNICI KitbETY TO AFPFT FFFOIT THE APPROPMTir ro::1J) courcTio rJT11 THE EST! 11 i*:)-UtT FOR WAY.1 1M:) W1. LFYJ rt'0 l'RSENT HOME, FiHHALR LM:HHH.ift; )1fl: CITY MANAGFR TO 1:1:1 Wr ffkTIRENT APPEAMCF 1- '.(111tklAt HEARING, i:, , CMVC.CI:WW THFUVITH. Upon being 5ccondG6 1:ry Dawkins, the motion was passed and Ldopted by t,1 tollorn vote- CommiL:sioncr Mil3cr J. Daul:ins Commi.snioncr J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Myor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor M3uricc A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 72. USTRUCT CITY ATTOBNEY TO MITT A CEILLT1M LNELDMERT EXPANDING MEMBERSHIP O1 1U1 OFF-SYTEET PARKIEG BOARD OF THE CITY FlOB 5 to 7 MILERS, THEREUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO A BRIEF RECESS AT 1:05 P.M., reconvening at 3:15 P.M. with all members of the Commission found to he present except for: Commissioner Joe Carollo and Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez. OM& OM, aiimiR• mom • Y., • ■•• ••••••••"••-•• •.- ••--•••+, • •••■•• -••••-•••• ••••••••••••••••••..•••••■•.,•••• • Mr. Willy Cu rt: Kr. Kayor I L1 for bH. LinE this as a pocket itc, but unfortuniAely tjCelle: of tho time, 1 ncLi to cu Wt urt. UL(; her when we, t1.1eci about diffrk-2nt Orinc. that ',it=.6 to do downtown to itt,prove i}u E,Ez and ttlk, ft flow and so Oh lh the dntw r vfL., :cried with the Miami Parking System quite a bit, and wt i oc up with some teal good projects that have to the benefit of the id 102 Jul 3i 1984 downtown and to everyone in the City of Miami. Now, we are requesting a charter amendment to the Off-Street Parking, requesting that the board members be inereneed, the number of board members, from five to seven. Mr. Plummer: Yoe meen thnt agency that is trying to kill the Grand Fr? Mayor Fevre: Go alleacL Is this something that you have taken up offieielly. or het? Mr, Gort: Thie ie nomething that we talked in the past and we Mayor Ferre: I know we have been talking about this for year now. Mr. Gort: It was approved by ... we created an advisory board for the parking system, and the parking system has brought this to their board and the board has approved it. Mr. Plummer: Whet about your board? Mr. Gort: Yes, sir. Mr. Gort: Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Now, the question is, the demand, or the request, when that came before this Commission to increase it from five to seven Mr. Plummer: ... was so that there could be input from the downtown merchants. Mr. Gort: Right. Mr. Plummer: Is that part of the expansion? Mr. Gort: It will be part of the expansion. The building procedure will take care of that. At the same time, all of the board members that come, they have to be confirmed by the City Commission. Mr. Plummer: I understand that, but are we really accomplishing what we set out to do from day one. In other words, are you going to put two members that are merchants eee- out in Homestead, or are you going to put two people from the downtown who are vitally interested Inc concerned. ee Mayor Fee re: All right now Roger? Can we hear from you, and then we will hear from Mr. Gort again. Mr. Roger Carlton: Hr. Hoyor, when thie came up lest time, the language that eppeered potentially for the 'pellet was to increase to even membere thet were reflective of the ee community, believe is the way it wee worded. fee, the question thzit J. L. rai ie ehut ie the essureece that one ee. or both of thee new L.ember epecificeIly repreeentative of the downtown cona:Amity. That w the originel iesue. Mr. Pluttr: Cort'uot, Mr. Carlton: L ihteri Mayor Fer: And tneee ie preceden for that Let me tell you where the veQto:et it.. Tee precedent of course, is in the 13richI1 kvenue - the expanL.in of the D.D.A. to include Brickell I but aet It toil you how that wee done. It was not done by puttieg it into thoee by-laws. It wat done by commituient by the D.D.A. thet it would select from within that area, „, _AtiOtaltalMe -4- 1.Matag) 3 4 4 Mr. Carlton: Well, the Off- Street Parking Board has reviewed this discussion, and they spent quite a bit of time on it. As an interim mea: trr e because there was e problem with getting it on the ballot for last, spring, it wasn't put on on time they c :- ahl i.rhed an adv i.^ory ooenei_l., which is completely n ^de up of downt.or.fra merehan t . and that eonnni, 1 has been meeting to edva.; ^o. They have- reviewed one budget request. They h ?ve done a number of t.i i i er .. in addition. the corn i.tment is there from the Off-Street Parking Board that the nddit;ionel members wi.l.l represent; the downtown interest.s :and they propose to hnedl.e it in the same way that you hnndJ.od it from . . Mayor Ferro: There i.e another side to it, end that is, supposedly the Off- Street Parking Department doe: not represent just downtown. It supposedly i3 supposed to take cage of Coconut Grove and Aliapnttah, and other portion a of the Ci.t;y. Mr. Carlton: Mr. Mayor, that i. s the reason that they did not want it to be specifically enumerated in the charter what geogr<ephic <rrce it .should come from, but the commitment is there to .,. Mayor Ferr c : So tell us, r- hat i it vcur bcr,rd recomr;icnd s? Mr. Carlton: The b er C recee cede the -'1} r C1 emendment be put on for 1 the uproprt.c election t`!?.,- fall to incr c : c the t)i e � tvec'i; i' ';r "t; 7 r1(; lit; i j to z members and whatever other relevant 1')C.`nt.1C`n5 of t he c`. `•'t<;r, such as three year term e, two ycF?r tG'l'•`t ? 1111: +t.c vt r` 11 to be adjusted. Mayor Ferre: J. L. , what do you went; to do on this? Mr. Plummer: Hr. Hayor, that: i,r fine vi.th me. If it has got to go to a referendum, 1 move that we send it to the referendum. Let the people decide. Mayor Ferre: t.11 right, P].um cr° moves, Dawkins seconds that the City !.ttornev be inetrueted to prepare for a vote at the earliest possible election. Mr. Plummer: Give me what you have for the numbers as far as what we asked for in budget. Mr. Clark: November Gth is the ... Mayor Ferre: The increase of the Off Street Parking Department from. five to seven members. Does that cover it? Mr. Plu:arner : We hold veto over who you recommend, right? Mr. Carlton: You confirm; the appointment, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Okay. Mayor Ferre,: Ready to vote? Call the roll. AYES: ld THEREUPON THE FOREGOING GOING MOTION, duly introduced by Commissioner Plummer er anci seconded by Commis - sioner Daukiri pLsed € r1d adopted by the following vote-: NOES: None. Commissicner r J. Dawkins Coerrmis Mir. sier J. L. Pluu Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 104 July 31, 1984 ABSENT: Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo (LATER FORMALIZED INTO RESOLUTION T0. 84-918) 73. PUBLIC HEARIVG CABLE 7.V Mayor Ferre: All right, Senator Myers, we are on the issue of cable television. Sen. Kenneth Myers: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, Kenneth Myers, 1428 Drickell Avenue, Miami for Miami Cablcvision. Mayor, members of the Commission, one of the issues concerning cable television, which will he under study by the consultant you will appoint is the 1.7.50C of the method of construction of certain portions of the system. Before you decided to nppoint n consul trnt the City Mnager had commeneed imposing pounities of - ,t2,500 n drY, Plus $2, 500 r cloy for . Tnillire lo Lhc r',cou7itv road out of which thoor fct f; , 1 - c. to- com..truot in nerl thot lit I Pt - - I 'Jon to tz en f‘ or thEri, ; 1 ; ‘,1 t % In 5 ?It IT_ 't 1. h 11: Our pos e cc, co : 5 ;.lypoint a (:(ii 01, or inappie;r5i.oio (on:t000Hos r jo:o ',ntt the penaltioL , -hLt Lo 1J cease and bc 1:nt thL 11 1 jy„ 7hat is it, pure AL pir, tc penalties outstandin tmoont to ov(r Mr. Plummer: Hey, you know, look, s far as I am concerned, my understanding is , 1 think it is immaterial. I am going to tell you ... Sen. Myers: If they would ... Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, but as far as I am concerned, if there is an understanding and an agreement that if in fact, the consult:arites report says they are wrong, fines will be reimposed, that is it Mayor Ferre: Of course. Mr. Plummer: if the consultant says the City is wrong and the fines &re eliminated, that is it! Mr. Gary: ',hat is nol. ... no, no. Mr. Plummk,r: :L.,uve it is! Mr. Gal y: o that was not the purpose of the consultant. Sen. Myets: Well, either bide may have a right to contest what the oonsultant says. Mr. Plummer: namerd' day. 44P You can contest but there has got to be an Mayor Ferre: Well yes, See, you can contest whatever you want and we can contest whatever we want, but we do what we at4gR0 Adkl • r. think is appropriate and the the three of us make a decision here, and the point 1 m trying to make - 1 would imagine, Mr. Manager, that the consultants will go ... Mr. Plummer: And the other one WPS n cross wire. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, let's define in broad terms the scope of what the consultant is to do once_ that firm is chosen. The consultant in to „. Sue, 1 don't want to even look at that; until 1 make a statement to you as to what I expect a consultant to do. The consultant will look at the totality of the contract and would look and see if what we have is reasonable, because what is going on throughout America, (and 1 an not playing games now) whether it is Knight-Ridder Newspapers, who is in this business, or Cox Newspapers, who is also in this business, or Storer Broadcasting, or the Washington Post, or the New York Times, or Warner Ames - they are all pulling out of variations of systems throughout America, and they are saying, "We don't want that. We can't live up to that. It is impossible, that doesn't work." Now, we need to revisit the whole issue, as to what we can live with, and to see if what we gave now is reasonable or unreasonable. Now, that includes fees, that include cross wiring, that includes variations of the contract, that includes the whole spectrum of issues that arc before us. Thnt is my idea of vhrt a consultant is going to look at. Or consultant We may need more than one. Mr. P1yr Let me yoy anoter that havo been bringing P;, CC■ 5.1) Gar y funny 1 1 ; I have. blAi...1 ing y , y• thr• about th e Ciry • (f) h 1 1 j t11 i):; l ia in tCr(:::: thu t n i.hj a ( 1 , this department haa; douhle6 in 1, :It has rwhe :;:rom 13 pC() ple to people, lt 1 gohe ;: uf : to 4,1,5 Sow, thoe are thc figuru.:.„ ar,6 Onee sgnin, I will now be able to pull the budEet hooka; irom Dade County and compare, because I unnt a cons,ultant to look at that to see if it is necessary for 23 people plus ;.1 part time! Mayor Ferre: J. L. you are comparing apples and oranges That is like saying that you are going to compare a G.T. race with a Rabbit Volkswagon operation. I mean, you know, we have a state operation here. You can't compare that. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, a consultant knows that, and that is what I am saying! The consultant 1 want to look at that. Mayor Ferre: I accept that. That is a valid point. I think that is richt. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, can the other side talk? Mr. Plummer: You have already spoken. You are in the written word, Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Gary: Mr. P4z,yor, first of all, I'd like to respond to Commissioner Flummtr's comments about the staff, and I can tell you ncv that part of the staff is due to the prograi,,.minc Lhieh thi.t, City Commission vent on record suppurtihc 0,en they had the license, they had prograw,ing deals ' it} ; the commuhity, Let me tell you, tht other staff, 1 would probably say, Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission is probably shorter or leaner, than it should be ld • 106 July 31, 1984 1 Mr. Gary: Weil, we are talking about ... Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Ms. Sue Si Yes, 1 am. • in view of the problems we have with this company that constantly failed to violate the law, which is the cable ordinance. Mr. Plummer; No failed to violate! Violated! Mr. Gary: You nre right - not failed to violate, but violated. As nn example, if we didn't have to have all the violations they have, we would not need all those people running behind them to make them correct their error. As an example, just most recently, and we just fined them again, Mr. Mayor, in the Liberty City nre a on the boundaries of 17th Avenue, from 58th Street up to 71st Street, this company hooked up the City of Miami residents, not with Miami Cable, but the cable thnt exists in Dade County, which is inferior to the cable that you agreed to allow them to have. You want to know why we need more people? That is why we need more people. These people constantly violate the ordinance. They have no intention of living up to that law which this City Commission passed. It constantly occurs, Mr. Mayor, flow, in addition to that, Mr. Mayor, you passed pn ordinance which requires us to do programming. that is the additional staff that we have here. Now in terms of the study, Mr. Mayor, I understood what you said in terms of the economic viability, or whether our brdinance is too stringent to mnhe this of economically viable system. Mayor Fevre: See, but that incluOcs eh things ns cross wiring, rilid teehnioH. thaGs oC that natuv, mr. Gary: Oky, rw„ rDyor wooJd pcgeat a130, and 1 agree with that being one ()T the veQurements, that we conduct a management audit to ascertain the depth and the cause of the .problems besetting Miam Cul))c. Mayor Ferro: I accept that. 1 think that is reasonable. Mr. Plummer: That was part of the agreement. Mr. Gary: And to make recommendations for the correction of these problem Mayor Ferre: 1 accept that. Mr. Gary: The third is to make a comparative evaluation of Miami CablevisJen systems to those of a similar market, including a r(vake of the :Aate and comparisons of cost ano Mayor ['erre: Eight. Mr. Gary: I think those three things should be there. Mr. Plummer: No disagreement. Mayor f:rre: let me tell you one last thing. Sue, are you awl,re tht t Dingle bill is not dead? Are you aware there s e theeting going on on Thursday now between Congreeeeen - Chairman Ding: despite ... Mayor Ferre: Well, I will tell you, you don't laugh at Chairman Dingle. ld 107 JuJy 31 1984 .",76-11WM ■••••=Ws Ms. Smoller: Oh, let me tell you, he has done a super job on behalf of the City. Mr. Plummer: I not laughing at him, 1 am laughing at his last name - "the Dingle bill". Mayor Ferro: Well, let me tell you, the Chairman is a highly respected individual, When he says "This is it", that is it, nnd everybody goes with him, and our fate, the fate of Miami's cable television is hanging by a Dingle! Ms. Smoller: Mr. Mayor, to your memo that 1 received last Friday. 1. am prepared to answer verbally and also 1 have it coming to you in writing. Mayor Ferrc: Are you aware that there is a meeting on Thursday of the League of Cities? Is the Conference of Mayors involved in that too? Ms. Smollor; Yes, it is, the whole coalition. Mayor Ferre: Are wo going to he present? Ms. Smoller: We can be, if you wish. Mayor Ferro: I don't 2CC how ...this whole thing is going to be decided on Thursday. How can we not be there? Ms. Smoller: Well, to a certain extent it is going to be decided. Mayor Fcrre: Or our representatives, Mr. Manager. I don't care whether it is our attorneys in Washington ... Ms. Smoller: Oh, we will definitely have a representative. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, they have been on top of all of this at all these meetings. As a matter of fact, they even started a new meeting of cities to help fight. Mayor Ferro: Howard, let me give you a 30 second synopsis of which .,. this thing came up before and Congressman Tim Worth from Colorado was the Chairman cf the nubcommittee and in my opinion he is greatly influenced by the industry, who is mainly based in his district in Colorado. Congressman Worth came up - the committee came up with a committee bill, which kills Miami. You understand that? In other words, we would have been dead. We would have been wiped out. Chairman Dingle, after an appeal from American cities decided that the committee's bill was not appropriate, and so, he carte up with a substitute bill, which is now called a committee bill. The committee bill was good, except that the industry was waiting for a tell tale sign. The tell tale sign was Miami. It made hi story. When the F.C.C. decided the way they did in the Miami cas.e, the industry then decided to pull out &nd did and it announced a week ago that it would not t5upport the committce bill. Congressman Dingle is having a rceting which will 6c:cid& the fate of this whole thing this coming Thursday, At that meeting will be present represontativcs of the industry, the League of Citie and the Conference of KayorL, who went against the League of Cities, rcversed the whole thin and saved he day, thank God! 14<z. Saiol.le-r: Hr. Mayor (INLUkIBLE)...leaderhip of the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre This study that we are talking about is child's play compared to this bill that is coming out of Congress, because we could study this thing to death and if 108 July 31, 1984 Sen. Myers: Mayor, if I could get back to the issue at hand, I respectfully ask that the Commission stay the penalty pending the Consultant's report, You lready have $900,000 out of that security fund ps penalty. There was only $2.000,000 totPl initially ... Mayor Ferve: It was f last year. Sen. Myers; And it in rapidly and dangerously deteriorating. We simple ask - there is no rhyme, reason and logic for allowing the penalties to continue while the consultant's report is under study. thin to a head. Now, Mr. Mayor Ferre: We need to bring Manager, your recommendation? Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor, let; me respond, if I might. The fines with regards to the little black box was put. back. The fines with regard to the cross wiring is approximately $507,500. Now, let mo tell you about this Cable Company in terms of how it abused the laws of the City of Miami. the laws of the City of Miami, according to that ordinance and the license that they signed said that if they were fined and the City Commission has not rescinded those fines, that they would replenish the fines, This firm ha5 said to the City of niami - "Vc nrc going to do vhat iC 1,7m1t to do We are not going to replenish the fines ;:ceording to ln", snd thcrefol'c they hve icon rscsseC, nothor ::,500 for violating y•nr In nddition to Met havr ehrge.d them intr tt ro hrtut iota up to $977,;Wr7 Thin firm conatanty th(.. Mayor, and tiwt sione, hy not roplinishing, hfC.: this City Commisch han not t:Jct( d to :01) the jncs, tiwy in defnullt of their )icene, And areondJy the ::r1.orny here con5tnt1 y rcelobers 1> 1 we hsv tov hut he constLnty forgets what T.C.T. 6(,r (f,ty of Miami. He eonst;:ntly :Torpets a).1 thr vjoJt:ions that his client tcrrtjnc to notc, nayor, that once you to:il theft, that they rre F:aking a violation, we don't fine them initially - we Lend them a lottcr, Hr. Mayor, and vc thorn to correct the violation. You ought to see all the letters and complaint we have got from people. They don't go out and correct it. They force us to fine them because we give them adequate time to correct the situation, which 1 think is very, very important, Mr. Mayor, that not only do we go out and follow behind them to do work that they are supposed to be experts in but they come back and lie to us. They say "It has been corrected". They say that in black and white , and we go back out there and find the same problem, and the worst part about it, Mr. Mayor, is that these problems are happening in the depressed areas of this community - people who don't have the right to fight back. That is appalling for them to make that connection in Liberty City from Dade County wiring, instead of our wiring, which has two cables as opposed to the four, which we have in the City of Mimi. Mayor Ftrrt: te you know, 1 have got to ay, Senator, and much as 1 Lympathi and want to be of e1p 1 ave got to say really that thoz-..e are pretty strong words that the Manager in - and those are strong accusations, Sen. Myer51 Mayor, yes, they '6,re accusations, but may I respond, kr, kayor? Mayor Ferre: Yes, of course you may. Sen. Myers: Getting to the specific issue at hand ... id 110 July 31, l984 Mayor Ferre: But, I mean (let me finish) if they are facts, then I think we have some serios problems. If they are false, then that is something else. Sen. Myers: I nm not Interested this afternoon in getting into a 14,nr with the City Manager PS to what has been violated Pnd whet has not been violated, I am not interested in making self-serving statements. Now we arp in compliance, or li5tening to self-serving statements that we are not in compliance in various Prr:!PS The only issue, at hand i5 the question of the continuntion of the penalties, end 1 respectfully submit that tbe City is not hurt by sLying i;h» penalties now, but the Company could very well he hurt by the depleting the security fund down to zero by the time the consultant comes out with his report and says that these construction demands of the City were inappropriate, and our security fund has been depleted! And then there may be SOMC claim for release, or default under the license ordinance. What 1 m saying, Mayor, it, doesn't harm the City to stay the penalties now. It severely harms us to continue this. The reason why they hnven't been replenished is we arc contending that the penalties were inappropriately and illegally imposed; that legally we are not required, and under our contract with the City, we are not required to do the work that 15 now demanded inordinately rJ, a cost in OYCC of 15,000,000, which is only going 1,:,o be en subscriber rates, at an enormous amount down the road. Whet v7c arc saying is that thst (i is not cslicd for TeGTy or equitably, and thercSore the penalty i cfPJ sll ve ask is (and a court would do the same ;h n: is put the status quo in stay it until you hear from the eonultant. Mr. Gary: Hr. Hayor Mayor Ferre: Hold on. Are you concluded? Sen. Myers: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Manager. Mr. Gary: Mr. Mayor - thank you, sir. Attorney Myers, is from inception has attempted to interpret and write our laws and also to interpret the agenda. This agenda, Mr. Mayor, is a continuation of a cable T.V. public hearing, which is by law required, which is being continued meeting after meeting, at the request of this attorney. This agenda item is not just to deal with those fines. It is to deal with the annual review of the cable T.V. firm, which I present to you, which, on its merits, Mr. Mayor, and on the facts, is enough to terminate this license. Now, he comes in here and he wants us now to only deal with the matter of the fines. That is not the purpose of this agenda item. Mat could be one of the tcm that could be discussed, Mr. Mayor. would also inform you Kr. IJIyor that as this City Commission, and particularly you, in terms of this cable T.V. company, you asked Lt: to sit down and resolve an issue with this ecny, Mr. Mayor, we resolved everything. We gave the all kinds of latitude and the only issue that was remaining, Kr. hayor, 1J how do you corupute 10 Liles of streets? L tlean, something as small as that, where they got ail of their fines back for the :little bla,eh box; tnt issue with reLald to the cross w'ire, we even IL,ade autemeht, Mr. Mayor, on tnat to give hoIf of it haul:, Leoau:::e they are in violi,tlon, i'vt was agrt.to &>n t.M:1 the 10 miles of :;,treet, And all of sooden, thty staot thinking, "Well, 114ayhe we eon gt:t a.1 1 of Gut tit s be instead of 50%, eveh though we ,f, in violetion", and all of a sudden, the deal fell through, Vit. Mayor, 1 would also le to say, in closing, that our professional interpret'ation, and the id 111 July 31, 1984 1 legal interpretation of what we are doing with regards to cross wiring, interpretation of that ordinance, is correct. The Attorney for the Cable rompnny has the right to go to court if he thinks omething in wrong, hui II- wants to get the easy wav out thn w,ny thoy hvr 1 doing Pll along in trying Ln PL vhnl 1,11"y t4Pni.. T!ir only thinc: tin nrn king for, Mr, r in Cnirnn: for thn eilAznnn of rinmi- We are going tc) do the consultant sr which in going beyond the cp1) of duty, All hr- ha:°, to do ir7. corr( this cross wiring, ngrer to do 10 miler; of street, iid we are fine. Mayor Ferre: Al). right, the last rebuttal, Senator, and then we have got to move one way or the other. Sen. Myers: Mayor, what Mr. Gary has been talking about is the very 13300 that is going to be before the consultant. Whether or not the demand of the City Manager, as to construction of certain portions of this system are legal, are appropriate, are equitable, and everything elne in the light of all the past history - the submittal of plans, the approval of plans, the legal, the usual, the customary way the cable television systems are constructed, and all the other issues that the consultant must look at and render his opinion to the Commission. Why in the world, then, would you pro-judge that something has been done wrong by the continuation of penalties. Prfore we know it the $2,000,000 41 ity clIn6 tht ve pot up for the City i3 going o b on c Th 1. Ioncy n! to bc stoprec' Pycti - hc It stays in yo ir hr rny way, , 13 y ; he laa4 yo;) .1H al] ai v»v 1 ;tion to ala J (Ian (,)' ;= (0? F., t, whatevi ; : HA Ht F or goodnc: non n1'( ; 1114 ce,:,j Hy he fore a decisicn cveh by 1,11e coy,:13:('LL'ht 1,hiY, 1L r4' l!rong. All WO thi:J. the pcm]aty 1!( for a cancellation of the pcnaltieL of :', to 'ohir 6, All we are asking is that it be stayed untii the consultant decide. Uc respectfully ask for you to do th‘7t. Mr. Carollo: Well, 1 think we ought to be fair about this and I will make the motion to throw these people out and have Mr. Gary pick one of his friends and have the contract. We should be fair about it. Get one of his friends and award him the contract! Everything will be fine, and we will have no more problems. Mayor Ferre: No, no, the committee that has been appointed will be doing ... Mr. Carollo: No, you don't understand, 14r Mayor, I am sayinc just throw these people out take that contract away from them, have GLry get one of his friends, z:.ward him the contract, and everybody is fine! No more problem, no more fighting. I al4, s,.ure we won't have other problem with the Cable Co4apany again! Mr. PIuLlmea: Wow! That woke me up in a hurry! Mr, Garolio: And I at!:. willing to go before a Federal Grand Jury and say the sanle thing too. Mr. Plummer: ld Can 1 L que5tion, Mr. Gary? Mr. Carollo: One additional thing, not forgetting about this. If I could get some written information on it. If I 112 July 31, 1984 recall when 1 was in Washington for the Super Bowl, 1 represented the City in trying to afford the Super Bowl — there WAS rornet.hi that came up before the Commission, and 1 wasn't: here. In fact, you Commissioner Plummer, were surprised whin you heard that the Manager land `"ent, out an R.F.P. to give Dinner Key Marina away to private enterprise, and the iannge?r nt the time was fickle and stated that the Commission hnd ordered him to do that.. You said "No way, the Commission did noti" T don't recolleet whatever happened to that, even though T understand that an R.F.P. was ordered on Dinner Key Marina to he placed out for bids. Since thin marina has made the City of Minmi. some .1;700,000 in the past year, I nm really fickle why the Manager er wants to do that, in pert:i.cular when the Commission never five any orders for that to be done. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Carol.io, the Manager did answer me to my satisfaction, and I am sure he would be glad to do the same for you. There were ... Mr. Carollo: 1 would like it in writing, particularly, since an individual came to nee me not long ago. It is a very close friend of the l'ianager that was looking to get into the marina business. 1 would like an answer in writing, Fir Manager. Mr. Plummer: Okay, lir. Manager ... Mr. Gary: Well, let me just respond ... Mayor Ferre: Well, are we going to get off on another issue? Mr. Gary: No, I am not, if that is not appropriate for me to respond to that. I am not going to dignify that with a response. Mr. Plummer: Can I ask a question, then? Mayor Ferre: Yes, can we keep it to cable television? Mr. Plummer: I would like to. Mr, Manager — is it my assumption, how is the balance of the fine ... excuse me, what is the balance of that deposit account? Is it approximately $1,000,000? Is that what it is? Mr. Gary: Approximately. A little over $1,000,000. Mr. Plummer: Ol :ay, so in other words, the total account was $2,000,000. The fines are roughly $1,000,000, and we still have 41,000,000 in the account. Is that correct? All right now, Senator yr r :, speaking for the company, ny, a_rrd obviously there ':bust be eome re eson -- 1 don't under tand theft you want these fine to stop. I understand the ueuai litigation stays all matter until. In speaking for the company, sir, are you c i 1l incv to eti pu1ate `t thi e time that you are underst4ridinl that if in fact a c. c;rieUl t;r,ri>~ comes back to this CorLi,.1 sior, and eeys "Comp .ny, you were wrong, that this Commie iorr i:_ fully expecting to lout those fines back into effects ". Sen. Myers: You Bare esking rue to wake a commitment for the company to that effect? Mr. Pluru ... Sen. Myers: Is the City willing to commit just the other way around — that if the consultant comes back and makes ... id 113 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Mr. Myers, I can't speak for the City. I can speak for J. L. Plummer. 1 think Maurice is already on the record. You know, hocause T want to put this on the record. I think one of Lhe things that is roally crazy in this whole thing, is thnt Mr. Hormanowski, tho ovnrr of th'" eomPanY, and H r Gary, And t Commi: hPvc- Pll Oc ic on(' hnsic conclusion that r wnnt t() do PR it 7r'fr'T LO ihr Oros wiring %Thai is right. The only di7sRrof'ment in how we are going about 5t, pnd ho nz fPRt t-7e nrr- going to go phont it. You know tho fines he dpmnod. 1- want to clean up the street 1-rr wpnt to NIFO:r look nice. Pd things of this s. nature. Put, speaking for one on this Commission, if the consultant eomeR back sand sayR the City in incorrect, yos, for one, will commit to you that T nm bound by the consultnnt's opinion, and if he says the City was incorrect, I will vote tomorrow to eliminate the fines. Sen. Myers: Lot me say ... Mr. Plummer: Conversely, if they say the company is wrong, and they did wrong, I will vote to impose the fines. It is fair. Sen. Mycrs: The company, along with the City, is satisfied with the character, rnd integrity and independence and objectivity of the consultant that is ultimately appointed. I believe the company would be willing to abide the consultrnt's decision. Mr. Plummer: No, I am not giving anybody any authority, okay? All I am saying to you from where I am coming from. I am only speaking for one. I said that from the beginning. Sen. Myers: I think 1 stated the position of the company pretty plainly. Mayor Ferre: All right, further questions? Mr. Dawkins: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Dawkins: Along the same lines, and if I am in error, correct me please, Counselor. The reason that the company is desirous of stopping the fines, is that they have a cash flow problem and do not want, or cannot afford to replenish the fine fund, is that correct or incorrect? Sen. Myers: No, sir, the cash flow problem has nothing to do with this particular issue, Commissioner Dawkins. This issue relates to the security fund itself. The rapid and dangerous deterioraAion and depletion of the .t2,000,000 security fund before the City Commission has made a final decision on the very issue we are being fined on. It is like somebody hanginc, the man before Fe has been found guiltyt What we are sying is sty the penity until you find us guilty or innocent - until the consultant .tays that we what we are doing is right or wrong, or in between. Mr. Dawkins: "i the cowpany agreed with the City of Miami that it uculd maAntain 4'',2,000,000 fund, is that a correct statetl)ent7 Sen. yr,5: Mr. Dawkins: Now, is it, or is it not creating a hardship on the company for the company to maintain this $2,000,000 fund? ld 114 „ July 31, 1984 •••• • • ee, Sen. Myers: Yes, if we were required to replenish the fund, OS being mandated now by the City Manager, it would create a tremendous hardship, because it would cot us some 1;500,000 to this day to do tht. We don't have the money to do that. Mr. Dawkinn: B the rIPTI tol':C-1, 19 the nvent that the consultent ruicr, in the City of mi's fnvor, would you also have a problem finding the money to pay the fine. Sen. Myers: Nell, we have to. We would have to abide by what we Tee wonld believe to be pn independent and objective consultant report — jur;t ar; the City would. 1.1c would have to go out rand borrow the money. Mr. Dawkins: No, no So, therefore, in the event that you do not put up the fine, and n coneultent decidee tbat we are correct and you decide to go out of busincs, then we do not have our fine, sir! Sen. Myer At the eame token, Commissioner Dawkine, if you decide to put us out of business, as Mr. Gary says, or implies that he would like suggest, and thnt is, to say that we are subject to cancellation of our license ordinance now. If that license ordinance were to be canceled now by the Commission, we would be out $ 1,000,000. What we are eying is, let net meke eny further deeinions regarding who is right, or 'ho is wrong, and severely penalizing the company until the coneultent coree in with the decieion. Mr. Deekinr:: Dut, Counselor, why is it that the City Manager if tie only bad guy in this? Sen. Myer:: I'm not saying he is a bad buy. He is expressing his opinion. Mr. Dawkins: Wait a minute! Are you finished? Now may 1 finish? Sen. Myers: Go ahead. Mr. Dawkins: Okay, why is it so that the City of Miami then, for that matter, must walk the last mile. Why is it that because you have an agreement with the City of Miami and those individuals charged with looking out for the interests of Miami is looking out for the interests of Miami, and they are bad guys? Sen. Myers: No. Commissioner Mr. Dawkina: But, when you come before the Commission and demand what you want for your company, and because we won't do it end you have to go out of business, and we drove you out of business when you did not meet everybody half way, and everybody i reeponeible, Counselor! Mayor Ferre: Well, I want to say something. We have got 10 minutes to go and then we are in zcning, Sen. Kycrs: Excuse me, Sir, 1 don't want to wake this a personality contest. lt is not, It doesn't have anything to do with . personalities involved. it is a question of legality or illegality. What we are claiming is those penalties zre illegl, unenforcable, and not appropriate in equity Or in law, We arc asking. that they are stayed until .2 ultiv.1:ate deeation he ItJade. Mr, Gary Comitissidner Lis Mayor Ferre: Well, we need to conclude this. ld 115 July 31, 1984 a Mr. Gary: Your City Attorney has stated that the fines are legal, and he is saying they are illegal. Now, they are two attorneys - they have different views. There is body that arbitrates that, that is the courts. Yet, again, he is not rushing to court if h thinks they are illegal when our City Attorney says it is legal, Mr. Dawkins: No problem. Mayor Ferre: Wait P minute. When you say "our attorney", you mean Mr. Garcia and firm, or do you mean Arnold & Porter? Mr. Gary: Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa. Mayor Ferro: Okay, with regards to Arnold & Porter, how much money (I've ask you this question, Sue, and you haven't answered it yet) to date have we spent with Arnold & Porter? Ms. Smaller: Yes, you asked me the question last Friday. Again, I sajd it would anakeer it and Mayor Ferrc: Well, i5 it over ..1,000,000? Ms. Smeller: Nte, actually it is a little under $400,000 ... Mayor Ferre: That is not bad. Ms. Smoller: ...and I can break it out for you, sir. I have the fire a here. Mayor Ferre: ) don't need it; now, but. I do need it evetit;ua11y 1 ant all of it from Day One. If it is $400,000, in my opinion, believe it or not, that's one hell of a buy. :Tf ,000,000 and we lost it to the F.C.C. Ms. Smolicr: We fildn't lose. We won a lot. The F.C.C. was wrong but VO WON, Mayor Ferr(: Okz I am not going to get into a discussion of that. Look, we need to make a decision here one way or the other. You 1:now what the Manager has stated. You know what the company has requested. We have got to make a decision. Mr. Dawkins: Let me read into the record one or two of the many letters of complaints that I have gotten so that the public can understand that when we say things that we are not saying out the tops of our hats. (TAPE NUMBE8 9 L.D.) "1515 S. 18th Street Miami,Fioride, June 5, - x Mr. Chevlee Hermanowski, President Miami eLble‘iion Company 1306 N. W 7 tb Lvcnue Miami, Florida Dear Mr, HerIciLnowLki: Once Lt2„L,ill it t:A7.t:!; necessary to write to the preeident of ti hw organization and to the various consumer veteellea agencies in order to effect enl:Luoioatt- with Mi6. CLblevision. My several ud phont cI hve gain been ed ici woLhswk-reo. My ok_14:iL,1 ht this time, beside yc,‘,P 1 of c1-nlEiGo1 ot2oo, 15 continued char fur ery 1e trou Jz,nury 9 to February 7 for three premium channels which you L were supposed to discontinue on January 9th, which you continued it for another month until February 7th. We were told we would not be billed for it, and have P work order stating thnt we were not to be billed, However, neverpl times I requested an itemized bill showing that these charges were dropped, Of course, I never got one. Finally, on May 19th, my wife stopped in your office, spoke to Mr. Mario Figured° and it was determined that these charges should have been dropped, but never were. He assured my wife that everything would be taken care of He made photocopy of the work order, which we had On the evening of May 23rd, your Mr. Kelly called at dinner time saying we still owned these name charges. My wife answered the phone; she was quite upset. While she was trying to explain the situation to him, he hung up. Of course her dinner was ruined. Words cannot express what 1 think of the services of your company. Again, we are trying to attain an answer I do not enjoy writing letters of this nature, but 1 don't know where else to get your attention- This i5 the second letter I have written, with copies to the Miami City Commission, Better Business Bureau, Consumer Protection Agency, Action Line., and I hope it will be the last. J. am thoroughly disgusted with Miami Cablevision, its service and how it treats well meaning and well intentioned customers. Philip G. Philips, City of Miami" Mr. Dawkins: Here is another one. "July 27, 1984 - Dear Commissioner Dawkins, the enclosed letter to Miami Cablevision President. What a shame an important city like Miami has such poor and inexcusable cable television sets. Richard B. Vermer, First Vice-Pres." Mr. Dawkins So 1 just want you to know that we are not just saying these thing off the top of our heads. Mayor Ferri : Lli right, Commissioner, just for the record, I might tiz:iy thLt we huve 'all received either phone calls or lettera, 4nd you know sometimes wo „. Ladies and Gentlemen, please understand - we Eet here h:b0 elock on these COMMiLbiCN days an4 soetiftes ve stay until 9:00 o'clock in the evening wori:itiL on thote things, and if it were not for little Loehts of l(2.vity It would really would be unbearable ut t4 tit throogh 4111 thit. please forgive ut, we ace trying to get down to the boiness as quickly its possible. ‘(7 need now to conclude this matter one way or the other because we need to get on to the zoning agenda. So, what is the will of this Commission? "Mr. Charles Hermanowski President, Miami Cablevision Dear Mr. Hermanowski: Your irresponsible installers have cancelled or failed to show up for their fourth and final installation appointment. Being rude, etc., the total insensitivity of another person's possibly busy schedule is inexcusable. In fact, I have made four appointments. In fact, you have canceled one appointr!ent. In fact, you showed up two hours late for the cond appointment, and iu fact your people did not show up for two ,ppointments", etc. 117 July 31, 1984 Mr. Carollo: Well, Mr. Mayor, I again don't have any letters to read, but I will say this for the record - what I see that has been happening here for quite some time is that you have a heck of a cat and dog fight between Mr. Gary and the representatives of this firm. There is no question that Mr. Gary dons not like Mr. Hermanowski, for whatever reasons are. They apparently have a very strong dislike for each other, even though everybody says they' don't want to get into the personalities involved, that is exactly what has been happening, and what I am seeing is this is not being handled objectively. This is not being handled in what is truly the best interests of the City of Miami, the people of Miami. These people aren't angels, but neither is Mr. Gary. I think that; the only conclusion that we en come to, that is fair and objective is to try and find a consultant that is going to be just that - truly objective and is not going to be lend by the nose at the will of the Administration is forced down his throat or the will of the cable people, it is not going to be forced down their throats. Get somebody that is real independent and tell this Commission really what is right and what is not. Are these people right? Is Mr. Gary right? Are they both partly right and partly wrong? Based on what I am seeing here, all that I am seeing are per son ni ities 1 haven't seen Mr, Gary go for the throat in any issue that can't recall in all the years that I have been here, with the exception maybe when he has mentioned ne a few times, then this issue here. Mayor Ferre: What is your motion': Mr. Carollo: My motion, nr. Mayer is for this Commission to go out and find the best objective consultant that he can. Mr. Plummer: We have already done that. Mayor Ferre: That is what T am tlkinr about, Mr. Mayor. I am talking about how the issue of fine. Mayor Ferro: Yes, well , the w;,y wc left it is this. We read a list of names that 1;r. Gary was supposed to choose five to seven people from. He has already chosen them. Would you read the list on the record one more time who constitutes the committee? Mr. Gary: This committee is made up of names that were given to me by the Commission. Mayor Ferre: In a resolution. Mr. Gary: Exactly. Mayor Ferre: Go ahead. Mr. Gary: The ones 1 selected from the resolution is Dr. Willy Robinson, Mr, David Blumberg, Mr. Mondo Codina, Mr. Bill Allen, Rev. }trick O'Neal. Mayor Ferre: Let's identify, Bill Allen is the President of Pan Affierican Bank, Go ahead. Mr. Gary: Reverend Patriek 0*Neal. Mayor Ferre: 1 1/,t He:-Acent of Biscayne College, now known as *Ihe_eL okay, thank you Mr. Gary: SitAtt Jei U Mayor Ferre: President of Barry College. ld 118 July 31, 1984 Mr. Carollo: Now, besides this committee, Mr. Mayor, this is the point that T sm getting to is to Also go out and have a consulting firm that ts knowledgeable in this srea Mayor Forro: Thin committoo in going to pick a consultant so that the consultant in not piokrql by r Mr. Gary or this Commisnion. r*r Herminno=431d and Compnnv- Mr. Carollo: When 13 supponed to he Mayor Ferro: Mr- Manager? Mr. Gary: We nre trying to get; the committee organized. This just happened a week and one-half ago to get them, along with their busy schedules, to agree on a meeting date. Mayor Ferre: 1 guess the point is this - will we have a committee selected by the meeting in September? Mr. Gary: -ir done, Mr. Mayor? Mr. Carollo: Okay now between now and September, the point that 1 am seeing is that if these people are partly right in what they are eteting, not even fully right, that means that they are going to get I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, so 1 for one, have no problems in welting for the outcome of whatever the recommend is of the consulting firm to :70.0 who is right, who i wrong, who is partly right, who is partly wrong. Mayor Ferre: Well, what is your motion - in other words, that ... Mr. Carollo: My motion, Mr. Mayor, would be then to wait for the outcome of the recommendation of the consultants before the City of Mi2Mi Further reinstate.s any fines on the issues that are being quctinncd here. Mayor Ferre: In other words, what is being fined stays fined, and all that we are doing is stopping any further fines until there ie e conclusion, is that what you are saying? That ie kind of a middle ground. Mr. Carollo: What we are talking about is putting a freeze on any more fines and ... Mayor Ferre: A freeze on anymore fines. Mr. Carollo: On any more fines ... Mayor Ferre: So that $900,000 stays on as fines and we won't fine any further until there is a conclusion to this. Mr. Carollo: And, since there is a question whether the $900,000, or t950,000, whatever it is wan taken out of justifieble funds or not that that amount that wa taken out of the ecurity fund (ice not ve to be replaced until the decisiou la3de by the oent-;ulting firm. Mayor Ferre: L11 right, ie there a second to the notion? I think we all underbtand it Mr. Plumnler: e11 Iet Le asiL the maLer of the LLotion, Joe, when you 1 ree'2.e, it doesJI't ILLean that if in fact, the consultant ea batik and sLiys the cethpny is wrong, that it is frozew at tht figure that it is today, Mr. Carollo: 1 affl talking about a freeze until the consultant cones back and 'let's us know what the outcome of their findings are. 119 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: I second the motion. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? Mr. Gary: Under discussion Mr. Plummer: Yes, let's understand. Mr. Mayor, I am seconding this motion for one reason, and I am not going to rehash this whole damn thing. Let's recall from Day One when we entered into this disegreement. Our consultant, Arnold & Porter, their engineer accepted a plat which showed cross wiring, and that is where from Day One T naid we had to have an independent come in nnd make P determination, the most important lector to me is that it is n proper procedure doring any kind of litigation that fines are stayed, but still have $1,000,000 of their money to draw from if they are wrong, If they are right, they have $1,000,000 which will be reinstated, but we still have the money in our pockets. We have it in our treasury, and all we are doing is waiting the outcome of the consultant's report. Mayor Ferro: All right, ue have a motion and a second. Mr. Gary: Under discussion, Mr. Hayor. Mayor Ferre: Yee, sir, Mr. Imager. Mr. Gary: 1 would suggest that the City Attorney's office respond to that motion in terms of the impact of the stay as it relates to if it is found that they are in violation of the law, that they should pay fines retroactive. Mayor Ferre: Al]. right, Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Plummer: They have agreed to it, if I am not mistaken. Mr. Gary: You can't agree away your rights. Mayor Ferre: Is there a City Attorney? Mr. Carollo: He is looking for the paperwork. Mayor Ferre: Let me say that what Commissioner Carollo has proposed and Commissioner Plummer has seconded is the middle ground position. In other words, rather than to say in effect that all $900,000 in fines are wiped out, that it leaves the fines as they are, and it holds everything else in abeyance until the conclusion. This of course, puts pressure on the Administration and the committee to quickly conclude this matter and come up with a consultant and puts pressure on the consultant to conclude the stuiy, so that we can then come to a quick conclusion on this. All right, there was a legal question asked. Mr. A. Quinn Jenes: Mr. Mayor, after consulting with the City Attorney, I think the better course of action would be for the Commieeion, of eourse it is the Comieeioner's ultimete decieion, but in terms of the posture that it is in now, end ie terme cf preeerving the City's legal position, would be to continue the finee, but rescind them. The problem I heve Mayor Ferre: What you mean, "but rescind them"? Mr. Jones: Rescind them at some point in time. The reason that I ... id 120 July 31, 1984 •i Mayor Ferre: Well, how can we continue them and rescind them at the same time? Mr. Jones: Let the fines run, and at some point in time, if the consultant finds that the fines are unjustified, you always have the po!..4er to rescind the fines. Mayor Ferre: Oh, T soot Mr. Jones: Okay, and the reason 1 say this basically, is because I hsve problems if the consultant comes in and says that the fines were unjustified, and you are talking about retroactive application, Mayor Fevre: It is half dozen of one and six of the other. What you arc saying, you are saying the same thing in reverse, Mr. Jones: But it; is not really the some in reverse. The effects are quite different. Mr. Plummer: Now, lot me tell you whore there is also a big difference. If this company goes out and has to borrow a million dollars to replenish that fund, they have got to pay interest on that. If in fact, the consultant comes back and says that they are right, and the City is wrong, I think rightfully so, they ore going to demand of the City, the interest. I am not goinE to pay it. Mayor Ferre: Well, I think vhonc we ore is this. Mr. City Attorney, you draft up you )nee the 3ogis1ative intent of this Commission. If this wove to pass, the legislative intent in for the !,900,000 to he frw7en, or not, to be replenishod, and that no tu lr nes bc imposed. Mr. P3 C? P;r. Eayor, )'ve got to Ad with the approval of the maker of the motion, one smendmont, and that is that this motion, in in effect ... vh;3t I 1:N to say is that if the fines Lurpass the amount of our deposit ! then this matter hss to come back before this Commission. Mayor Ferre: Yes. 4 Mr. Cbrollo: I think the way of putting it is for it to then come back to the Commision, not make it null and void and we make 6 new motion. Mr. Plummer: in other words, what 1 am trying to say is, if that $1,000,000 that we are holding in the bank in reserve at this present time, if this thing were to drag out to where it exceeds, and we do not have the guarantee of the money in the bank, that this motion is null and void. Do you understend what 1 am saying? How do 1 say that, Mr. Manag(.r? Mr, Plumtner: Veil okay then. In other words, you have fined then $1,000,000. There is ..,1,000,000 in that account. 1-1 If for Loe on this thing were to drag out to where that other $1,000,000 was eaten up, that it not go beyond that. Mayor the problem is, ht is envisioning that we are going to continue fining, which this motion in effect stops tht. Mr. Plummer: Well, the replenishing is what 1 am getting at. Mr. Caroni): That is correct, this motion is putting a freeze on those particular fines from now on, until those results. id 121 July 31, 198 4 N=ggagak 4 .2 Mr. Plummer: Yes, but I've got a problem. Mayor Ferre: But it doesn't speak to any new fines, for example ... Mr. Plummer: Well, hut it does speak, Mr. Mayor, to the point that if they are wrong - they, the company are wrong - we, I am going on the assurance that we have the money in the bank. We don't have to say to them "Okay, now pay up". We have got their money, Mayor Ferro: Commissioner, we now have tapped $900,000 of that $2,000,000, nnd what in effect we are nnying is, that that $900,000 does not have to be replenished until this thing is decided, Number one. Number two, what we are further saying is, that the ongoing penalties that are accumulating at $5,000 a day are being frozen. If there are new penalties on new items, the Manager cnn of course, impose those new penalties on things - unrelated, 1 mean. If they go out and spy "Well, now that we have thin, we are just going to nhut; down the system", that is a different matter, but. I don't zee how we run out of n $1,000,000 that quickly I m7ould assomla that j.f the Hanager saying that the consultant is foi.n.c to be chosen hy Lho Soptomhor recting, which is Soptenber r7ould hope that that report would. be in n nolTlc c :7;onths aftor that, ;-c) vhst I am saying is certainly by the end of October, the beginning of November, ec oeeht to hava fJnslied roport. Mr. Plummer: Where are we? Mayor Ferro: We are ready to vote. Any further discussion on the rot ion? This is a motion of legislative intent. Mr. City httorney, your instructions are to writo this in a manner that is proper and legal and you may have to reverse the order and put it in different words, but 3s there any question in your mind as to what the legislative intent is? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: I guess I have to :ay , Hr. Mayor. 1 understand the the freezing of the “?00,000. I am not certain about the second part of your statement with respect to additional penalties. Would those be continued to be .e Mayor Ferre: No, sir. Suppose tomorrow there is e brand new violation that has nothing to do with any of these issues that have been brought up todey, Is the Manager entitled to impose a penelty? The answer is yes, as I understand thie Notion. Now, is he entitled, for example, to keep on accumulating ::,000 a day on the penalties that have elreeoy taken the to a1 of $900,000 and one odd dollars? The answer to thet iL no. Mr. Gary: Thet ie crose wiring. Mayor Ferre: Cross wiring, that is correct. Is that correct? You Lire the 1Laker of the motion. Is that what I understoce? Mr. Carollo: Yes, that is very clear. Mayor Ferre: Mr. City Attorney, is the legislative intention Mr. GLrei-Pdrosa: Yes, sir. Mr. Pluumer: The only thing, since I can't get through the motion, the part of the motion that 1 want is amended - Mr. Mayor Ferre: I15 there further discussion on this item? Manager, at any time, if this penalties imposed were to exceed $1,750,000, it is your mandate to notify this Commission. Mr. Gary: Ts this Mayor Ferre: We will put that into the motion. Does the maker of the motion neeept that? All right, anything else? Mr. Gary: Yes, just this. Are you are aiso going to waive the law uhich requires them to replenish the fund? Mr. Plummer: Id; this time, yrs- Mr. Carollo: Thrt 1 part of the motion. Mr. Gary: We need en ordinanee. Mayor Ferre: It need to by put into an ordinance. Mr. Gareia-Pedrona: No but there is no replenishing to be done. Mayor Ferre: Is that whrt you are saying? Mr. City Attorney, en ve do thin in 2 resolution? It is an exception to Pn rxistine orcUnence. Mr. City Attorney? Mr. Garcin Yea, sir? ;e.e Mayor Feere: The clee;:elon it,' this - we have an existing ordinance, We e(,, now coin contrary to that ordinance. Do we need an mendlont to the ordinance? Do we need a new L, ordinance, or can ‘e: do it by resolution? v.:...... Mr. Garcia You can do it by resolution waiving W that portion or the ordinance. We are just contemplating PX the ordinance ftr, Kalov. Vt e4A Mayor Ferre: Thank you, sir. Further discussion on this motion? CL11 the roll. THEREUPON THE FUEGOING MOTION, duly introduced by Commissioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Plummer was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None ABSENT: None (LATER FORMALIZED INTO RESOLUTION NO. 84-934) AT THIS PC,IN THE CITY COMMISSION FORMALLY BEGINS TO TAKE U1 l'IWS SCHEDULED IN THE PLANNING AND ZONING AGENDA FOk THIS DATE. f 74. SECOND READING ORDINANCE: CHANGE ZONING CLASSIFICATION , 3930-4024 N.W, 7TD TRIFT TEOM RG-2/6 TO CR-2/7. Mayor Ferre: We are on w - zoning atlas at Second Reading. Otto Espino Aldo Hunot, Gerald Held - you don't look like (..Flry to mri Mr. Robert H- Trwri 1 PM a little older, fatter, balder! Mayor Ferre: Al) right, 11117 17 n petition on ordinance 9500, atlas change from an RG- On First :?/ to CH-2/7. Reading it wan moved by Perez. seconded by Plummer. Ferre and Dawkins voted "yes"- Carol lo was absent. Arc there any speakers to thin? All right, would you make thr statement for the Department? Mr. Richard Whipple: Yes, Mr, Mayor, Richard Ifhipple, for the Planning Department, The Department hoe recommended approval of this change of zoning request. Mr. Traurig: Mr, Mayor, not only did the Planning Department recommend approval .,. excuse me, for the record, my name is Robert H. Traurig, 1401 Brickell Avenue, but the Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval and the City Commission on First Reading, pansed this. Subsequent to which, we have complied with our commitment to submit a covenant to staff which we have done. Mayor Ferre: Is the covenant acceptable to staff? Mr. Whipple: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on this? Is there a motion? Mr. Perez: I move. Mayor Ferre: All right, it has been moved by Perez. Is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds. Is there further discussion? Yes, sir, do you want to be heard? Please step forward - name and address, make your statement. Hr. Roy Levi: iv name is Roy Levi, and I live at 3889 N. W. 6th Street. At the last meeting I listed different reasons why 1 was against this change in zoning, and it is my intentions to do the same thing at this meeting, but it appears that you have limited me to three minutes, when ... Mayor Ferre: How much time do you feel you need? Mr. Levi: 1 don't know how much it will be. Mayor Ferre: All right, Mr. Levi, I will be as lenient as I can if you nee yeu need more time, but try to speak within the three minutee. 4 A 4 A 124 July 31, 1984 Mr. Levi: 1 think 1 have edded something to it that I hope will he inetrumentel in encouraging you to turn this traversity of jutice down. It is completely contrary to our established land use patterns. it is a residential orientated nit5iEh14orhood, If you heve heard Mrs, l'(eisman speak, ehe hee been there 37 years. 21. i4lpears t e that in 37 yeays you uould have, by thf.s. time est.A.)1shecl a land use pattern on this ,IrtfL. 31 . uuld sc) district unrelzAed t. adeht and ne;,,rby The boxing effet u eeein he brought inte eiTeet, because from vat I understand at the last eetting, they ,,re cing to give us an eight foot fence, or eight foot wall in the back of the property on 6th Street, it is completely out of ld scale with the needs of the neighborhood, or the City. Our needs are completely satisfied. This, is in accord with what 1 said at the last meeting. This is ...meeting it a little bit, and that does not go out of effect. It will as s materially inolatc the popul It h to, be of ation, the nature of the complex. The traffic problem, of course it will materially obviate the population density pattern. It will increase the load on public facilities. it is not necessary due to change, or changing conditions in our family orientated neighborhood. The only change has been brought about by the Zoning floard. It will adversely affect the living conditions in the neighborhood. As the population increases, of course the traffic will inerea3e. It will create an excessive increase in traffic congestion and affect the public welfare. If you can imagine the type Of project they have proposed to us, and 1 say this to the attorney and the petitioner, it would spew the traffic out on 7th Street in such a manner that of course you cannot enter V. W. 7th Street and make a west torn on it without creating SOMC sort of traffic hazard. This will throw the traffic to the east. They would have to go to - -i9th Avenue if they intend going west and then go down 6th Street if they intend to do it in this manner, and then maybe they can make a westerly exit from the property proposed change. This of course, and the drainage problem, 31 don't know. They wcrc .pponeci to look up r.n d. tell wl 1-71 kind of proble oos, h ;.-; ; C ThOt 11 El M73 indioacd, th; to : tho thcy goine to be puttino in dry or roncthi.ng 11) to (inoudib20„ 1:' : you, it ha s . youi cnn ;11 ):! yew' n nd good„ iwt ) Mjr times that to! loo,o o thr 131( for tY( i,hcv hi,vf nrolTht up onc thinF. thc nc4h1Y ;7, hLY 51- 6(7.t; on 7th Why con't vc riht the only thihg thoy havc cvcv doh. , Lnd uLjhe the - 1 - ro: . 5 the City of 1in5 id I undornd th; the echticmen thr_it just spoke from thin podium haL c.pproved it yct, h‹ ho never at any time, any of them have ever brought up any of these reasons that are set down in the petition or in the legal proposal that we saw at the last meeting. Mr. Roy Levi: They say that 7th Street is an isolated street and should be treated differently. That it should be alienated from six street. It's almost like a siarnese twin. The petitioner or the petition rather has let his twin die and then he is coming down here and say well let's kill the other twin to save the on twin. 1h is trying to say let's kill 6th Street to save his property that he has let go to heck. find the only way it can affect... it will only affect adversely the property value on 6th Strcet, At no time has the attorney said "well, it won't affect your value of your property. None of the things that were brouht up or that were supposed to be given to us and Lupposed to be taken apart of Us have they ever broueht to as and sz.y well we are not going to do that. Ve are going to eive you a wall. We are not going to do anything else. That's it. May be put in trees. They said toLethihE about puttih trees back there. That ue can constitute or erant a pecial privilege to the indiv:idual owner n .,4ith the protection of the pubIie welfare. This is a Lain interest petitioner, no other way, I think it would he a trave6ty of justice to put this commer property against residential 125 July 31, 1984 A property. I believe it's awfully wrong. I believe no considerations have been brought in for the taxpayers and the homeowners snd the voters in our neighborhood. I think it's wrong AS it's going to he. And the only thing that 1 can come down to.— of course . you.— I know everybody here is rerIllY np on this stuff and not me 1 p, jut kind of dumb of about it, ht. I think it's Hrong 1 think to pull this on us, to pot it in onr neighborhood, to docrense the land value In snob n way thai someone may come alonR and pick them up nt n reduce value nand then nt a later dnte come back before this city COMMiSSiOn Moeting and sny well, 1 need a parking lot. There 5s only three properties from what I understand nt last meeting that cnnot be turned into a parking lot. He earn turn... if the petitioner sequires the property he can turn all the rest of it into n parking lot and have rxists from the property in question. 1 think it would br extremely wrong. I think it would... as we have had veiled threats nt some of the meetings from the attorney, that well if he loses, he can go to the courts and so forth like 1-hat. Mayor Ferre: Levi. Mr. Levi: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: I have let you go now for about eight minutes. I would be very grateful if you wind up your statement. All right. Mr. Levi: Thank you, sir. Mayor Ferre: Any other speakers? Mr. Plummer: I would want Mr. Whipple or the department briefly... you have heard Mr. LCVI area that he feels of concern. T would like for you to put into the record why you feel that it's atilT your recommendation to approve, predicated on his areas o concern. Mr. Whipple: lir. Levi, has vcry zmd correctly referred to the guidelines of the zoning ordinance as to matters to be considered and considering a rezoning of property. Of course, the evaluation of those individual factors and the judgment related to it differ between Mr. Levi and the department. It is true as he states in one point that there is a major change in the land use. That change in the land use is that we are taking residential property and we are changing it to commercial property and probably commercial development, but there has been no substantial change other than for commercial development along the rest of the area In other words, when the ordinance talks about substantial change in land use it is not necessarily talking about one block strip, but what is happening overall in the area. The residential area is still intact to the rear of the commercially zoned property along 7th F,treet knd in fact as we pointed out to you before and pursuant to your' reQuest at the lat meeting we felt the best wav to illustrate the existing land us;e in the area wan to just briefly mark up a or quickly Nrk up an aerial photograph. For the record thbt's a erieL of four aerial photographs thowinE Ncrthwest 7th treet between Nortet 1na Avenue and Le Juene hcA and rtit 32nd Avenue and it show 'in close pre4i4dty to the subject property bz ye.11ow the 1 Track, the Central Shopping Li the pihk shc:ws the ecerei&.1 'zoniug and oommeroiLA th::vellopcnt estih thA are. Sd, aa you see th:L% bloe ohe half of the next bock zY the only two areas that are, buLtier Gr:e, residehtially :Lobed and residential used, We believe this establishes a very firm character cf commercial development on 7th Street. So, that where our opinion differs with Mr. Levi. The other... id 126 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Mr. Whipple, why did your department not recommend 38th Court to 39th Avenue likewise since that is the only remaining non-commercial? Mr. Whipple: We prepared to recommend that. The applicants did in fpct approach the property owners to partake in the re7.oning in conjunction with their property. They decline for whatever the reasons to do that and tt is a privately initiated hearing, not a rezoning initiated by the department. If it was initinted by us we would have included and we would recommend approval of it when it does come in. We understand there is some change in thinking and we will probably be seeing it. Just two quick points. One, if there is concern regarding the wall, the covenant is set forth and Mr. Traurig can clarify, 1 believe gives the Planning Department the review snd approval of the landscape material and the height of the wall and when that issue comes to past we will surely meet with the neighborhood to discuss those items and what i5 desirable and not desirable. The last item has to do with the impact of traffic- We feel the impact is there. We recognize that any commercial development in proximity to residential in a liable to have some impact, but when you look at the total strip being commercial, look at the total activity of Central Shopping Plaza and Flagler Dog Track, we believe that the impact by this proposed rcToning by itself is not 5ignificant. If you have any other quctionL: 1 will be glad to answer them. I didn't vant to covcr cvcry point that Mr, Levi covered, but that's thc of it, Mr. Robcrt i Mr. Mayor and members of the Commissioner, a1tholTh 1 would like to make a few remarks, Mrs. lici:won, ona of thc neighbors who objects to this applicetion aakcd uhether or not she could speak and would not Vhi. to prcolode hr that opportunity. Therefore, I would 1:H:c to FC1jUL aftcr ahc e0001 u6ca Pearl feismsn ty nac Pcar). Icianan 1 live at 3961 Northweet 6th Strcct in thc ccntcr hack of the proposed property chance. I would juet like to say a couple of things because my complaint is ntill the same as you have on your records. But I would like to eey to the Commission and to Mr. Mayor, this is my third meeting to be here. 1 have had a very liberal education. 1 can't express the enormity of your jobs and your views and your opinions and I think that more people should attend these meeting so they would more fully understand the enormity of your positions. I am a native Miemian and 1 have never miseed e vote and 1 never realized how much is involved at these meetings until today and 1 have been here since a quarter of nine. I would like to say one other thing and this is when you find that your businees runs ever from one d.ay to the next, post a ign out there so people uho come in for e 9 o'clock heering will know, beceuee it's not only a conveuienee and in justice to them, but think ebout their umployur. To gut bek to this meeting, 1 till em oppoeed. I cen't sLiy euymere. 1 have lived in t,4 hoe for ovur thirty year. lt's part of me and to have this five— Mayor Ferre: Vhich one of thee properties is yours? M. Pearl keisLn: Directly in the center. Mayor F(.,r-r: 19? Ms. Pearl ian: No, next. 16 I think it is. I don't have the legal with me. Mayor Ferre: 16. Yes, ok. ld 127 July 31. 1984 Ms. Reisman: No 1 think it's right in the center. Mayor Ferre: Well, it's close enough. Ms. Reihman: Yr To envision a five to seven story building and T have driven all over Miami looking at propertihs, rhhidhntial backed up with commercial residentiel to live in a shadow like that is beyond me and that' my view, Mayor Ferre: Bob. Mr. Traurig: MT. Mayor and member of the Commission, very briefly, We have met with these neighbors a number of times. They are nice and they are concerned and we haven't yet been able to convince them that 7th Street is a different street. You must distinguish between 7th Street and what lies to the South of 7th. Street. 7th Street from 12th Avenue all the way to Rod Road practically is zoned commercial on both sides of the street. That was recognized by the Planning Department. We have an old apartment building forty-eight units, one story, no parking on the premises, that bnilding really has to come down, It is under productive. We can not continuo , uo put money into the building . i.(71 renovate it becau:7o it haa very Lore rentalr and conscquenty vo havc redevelop thi : - L c c vihh which vc yccAcicT th of the same comria) oh;n'ae;ea of us and to th HoHt ;n10 to c 17cc- you to follou ;.011)c. 6 1 ec o 1 1 ; aa this on second rt:nr, uw0.0 y Ve helieve that 1.1w hhjht'ijvh ht tehhh th aiojar types of uses 1 1 zoc tu 1 1 will be consisttht. )t voll be ( 'ror :J.1) their acighbol and put a CGMM(:.0 the middle of the rooidr:,ntial, Tt's eTILJiy t.r) hove the residential in the middle of what ia atrip oemm.rcial zoning. Therefore., we urge you to be cc ns:,;:tcht to approve this en accond reading End kw than you for your attention. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Traurig and to both the gentleman and the lady that spoke from the neighborhood, this government as is most other cities is continually confronted with the dilemma of what to do with major arterial streets that end up being commercialized and back up to residences. It's nobody's fault. It's the fault of the people who laid out the city, you know, seventy or eighty years ago and it's the full of the zoning, laws that were set in 1935 or in the 30's that we have been living by What happens is whether it's Coral Way or any other of these so called commercial streets, is that unfortunately, right behind the lotL that are being commercialize are residences. It's a :Alime that that whole block was not originally conceived as having alternate zoning, but it wasn't done that wLiy beouse the people uho did this back in the thirties never that Miami would ever boom to where it's booming, 'find so they thought that like ttlost people de, they didn't sV any vision for the future. They thought that what uLb true in the 1930s woul6 be true the '30's, CO's, 70's 80's and here we are in Nid t)O's and we have got people wantinE to build commercial properties along these main LtVt:A';Ue. The question then is, what does the City do'f cu th(-, eity can do one of three things, hopefully, we try to find the middle Ejrld. Ctt u :! do Lcid tnst s tuLh, It dotti't always huppens, Me other thing th,.t we oo, in a mans' home is his castle and we say titiL1Arhoc,d5 are sacrosanct and they cannot be touched and the residency... the provisions of a residential community stand. The third thing we do is we aay the well being of the 14hole city has to supercede the particular needs of one neighborhood or another And I want to tell you everybody thinks that the hard decisions around here deal with cabln television and they deal with a lot of these other issues. They don't. The tough decision here deal with people's homes. Those are the on that 1 lways have the hardest problem voting on. And 1 got to tell you every time we come up against one of these, 1 swear to you 1 don't know what to do, because 1 see both side s of the argument nnd 1 nlwnys have to put myself in lot ; or 16 or wherever you live and say would 1 like it if 1. lived there and I got to tell you 1 would agree with you. 1. ean't sny that I would feel any different than what you feel. The question, however, is what is hest for the City and this 12 where the dilemma always comes. We don't always agree with the department, but the department is usually fairly conservative about protecting the residential community. 1 would like for you Mr. Whipple to explain one more time as to why the department concluded that this was a reasonable approach to a complicated problem, in simple words. Mr. Whipple: A complicated problem in simple words? Mayor Fcrre: Thnt's correct Sec, that; the problem is that you bureaucrats always want to take simple problems and put complicated words to it c,nd vhen thcy are complicated problems you put noper nrmpliested words and all T'm asking you to do is to put ripplc uords to a complex problem. Mr. Whipple: The 'c1 em to r prolilem like this focuses on 7th Street prirrjly being the u jor arterial and what the character of thrt„, Mayor Ferro: Don'1 ;pei : tG 7th Street, speak to that lady who's home goAng to be in the a'haiow, Mr. Whipple: I'm coinc to j.n juat a moment Mr. Mayor, if I may use the continuity of it. The character of that street is commercial, except for this block and a half. On both sides of the street hocking up to this commerical property is residential development. It is good. It is sound. We believe that the regulations contained in the zoning ordinance as it applies to act:backs and as it applies to light planes and as required of residential development is the most reasonable protection that can be offered while still allowing the commercial development to occur along 7th street. it isn't always an ideal situation, but in... we have found that in most instances it is acceptable and eventually palatable and has worked else where in the rest of the community. It again, isn't the ideal situation. If we were starting from a new things would be a lot different, but we are dealing with ownership patterns and street pattern: which cauae some alight inconvenience to residential areas in some instances. Mr. Plummer: (One lor the only one question I wanted to ask and 1 recalled frol:a the last ering to three lots that you own, you were willing to give a covenent that they would not be a later time asked for for conditional use of parking, Would you client be willing to stipulate that none of the other lot OH the back side be ineluded in that covenant, beci:oust the one thing of Ny ocheeen that the day could occur uhere ileet; :i could he asked for to Northwest Oth Street tJtich would in fet crut u traffio proble, Mr. Itmurig sjr, have drafted a covenant which provices tO Le tit tLy C!OlAfirM orally i;AIO Wt: Win ee:liver a covenant uhi.elt says that if the owners oi the prcperty that front on 7th Li,treet i,icquire arty of thi. 'properties that front on 6th Street, those properties that front on 6th Street cannot be used by those owners for transitional uses. id 129 July 31, 1984 4 • • Mr. Plummer: That's lots thirteen through twenty-four? Mr. Traurig: Yes, sir. Mr. Gareinarrdrosa: WP need to add that to the covenant. Mr. Plummr.r: Wr h- said that he would give that to you. Now, I'm faoina to makr th motion subject to that. Mr. Garciaarrairosa: Fo, no Mr. Mummer: Oh, it's got to be volunteered. I'm sorry. Mr. Traurig: Well, we have... Mr. Plummcr: Hold on our legal beagle has got a problem. Mr. Traurig: I am going to give this to the City Attorney, but I would any to you that; we would confirm that the owners agree that they would not utilize the owners contiguous property which ia defined here as the properties that front on 6th Street aa transitional lots in conjunction with the uses and development of the developmental parcel which is the property that front; on 7th Street. So, we have therefore, confirmed to you, Mr. Plummer, that we won't use those lots for parking lots. Mr. Plummer: Well, Bob, I'm more concerned about ingress and egress. Mr. Traurig: Nor for any other use than residential use. Mr. Plummer:_ Fine. Mayor Ferre: All right, at this point... all right, I would like to recognize Representative Hal Spaet and Jefferson Reeves. Cortine we recognized before, but 1 will recognize him again. I guess it's a new 5ct of voters that are here. So, we want to recognize over again. Are they still here? The three representatives? L1.1 right, Mr. Spact and Mr. Reeves, would you please stand 50 you can be acknowledged? Mayor Ferro: (cont'd). All right, we will take up you pocket items in a little while. Now, Counselor, we have heard from all sides. Are there any questions that this Commission wishes to pose now? If not, then I think we are at a point where we can vote. What is the will of thi Commission? Mr. Pltuamer: Rr. Mayor I think there is a motion and a second en the floor. Mayor Verre: All right, the motion was... I'm sorry, I had a serious matter to... Mr. Plummer: The motion made by Perez and seconded by Plummer to ipprove. Mayor Ferre: 'Is there further discussion on this issue? Are we ready to vote? --a Mr. Plummer: No, 1 think the ordinance has to be read. Mayor Ferre: Read the ordinance on second reading. Call the roll. ld 130 July 31 1984 AN ORDINANCE - • • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF APPRO:' lATELY 3930 - 4024 NORTHWEST 7TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) FROM RG- 2/4 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL TO CR-2/7 COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL (COMMUNITY) BY MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO. 32 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3 SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 28, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Perez, seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Comminjone;' Joe Crollo Commistjonc:1 J. Dawkins Comm isionr J. 1.. Plulmcr, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez , Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: one THE ORDINANCE UAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9873. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 757ksfailisti a HiTilt fiONNUUTIFTTOT SOURCE LGREERELT 10L1CY. Mr, Altro: hy pleure, + Mayor Ferre: All right, we now go on to Item t2. Mr. David Altro: My name is David Litre). I'm an attorney with Broad and Cassel, 1 bi 1 m here in place of Al Cardenas who is unavailable today. Mayor Ferre: Counselor, uould you mind very much. We have got three busy representatives who rt very outstanding representatives of a tri-etnnic coiLmunity and here they are representing Ecogrphioz:,1Iy Lind ethicliy J1 portions of this comiLunity vhich they ilve bone with Lreiat tuccess and quite utti Voud you forgive us if Commissioner Dawkins presents poeket iteni th6t's of interest to the three of the, Mr. Dawkins: litpresentative Spaet was talking about a first source agreement. So, if you will come up and explain it and then We can get into it please, the three of you. 131 July 31 1984 -t • • Mayor Ferre: 1 might point out just for the record that the City of Miami has had three exceptional good friends in these musketeers that are here before us and 1 might point out that they really gone to bat time and time again for the welfare of things that are of interest to the people of Miami and we are very grateful. All right, who in the spokesman here? Mr. Hal Spaet: Thank you, Mr. Mayor. I guess me first. Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, we approached about a year and a half ago this group by letter, frankly, some of the City ntaff working particularly in the job opportunity employment area and presented to them the concept of the first source agreement. The fact was that that a lot of us kind of felt n3 though minority employment was having the difficulty of not being able to get sufficient support from industry and that has been the problem in minority employment in this County pretty much since the beginning. So, the first source agreement really is a device thnt is presently being used by cities around the County like Pao Alto Portland, Chicago has even now entered into one. And what it does /5 it requires every single company doing business with the City, every single company who get benefit e through the City, thnt's Community Development funds or rny other 1;ind of fond::; even though they are federal foncl anci they run ciovn li ou rh Lhe r requirce tnee - riFn :o117'e. :1 r with ')(. C:L.y yr il;1; ( fc instenee H V o j or rbc, ¶ y v cj thie ts • )1 C' '; '‘IW i n the = 17 (.; pyHcot„ htmv) uot 6rm w2 ever yr)“ ij d , ■( of your ot1L f CiCt(1". c,von tallccd tr; V. V( hc, (,ff they ere vcr' , xciecd eneue Ole; r(1,SD ecoeieeiener Dawkine enc.; 1 L bocn thiE; fc,y ovcr yc;:,r, On Friday, I sew the layor L.nd not, of you over at tho MAP Conference. We diecovered that in the MAP book, they now are recommending first source agreement too. And in fact, Metro Miami Action Plan selected it as one of its three principle items to recommend not only to the State, but to the City and County. And there were some comments in the Metro/Miami Action Plan that really were incorrect. We would like for you to take a look at an opinion written on the request of Commissioner Dawkins by your extremely able City Attorney about first source employment and the interesting portion of it which I really wanted to mention to you... first of all, it says that it legal. I know that's important to you And it says thet it's really fine a idea, but the most important aepeet is on the third page of this opinion. ln Item "D" it's pretty el ear the City Attorney sbys that the City of kialni really doeLnit have a first source egreement plen, becaus Metro/Miami Action Plan was under the opinion that you al did have that because of the . ,, , 4,reement you uorked cut with the Private Industry Council bud the Pouee Compeny, but thet pertieuler egreement is not e first :,,ource aEreettent in the strict f.,nd standard terms. 11. n Ltretment with regard to that specific project. t:Lat we WilhttA to ree'CIMIA:Nd to you UL::!, to eoneider adoptiee L 1. seuree ordinance: and an order f6t you to do that ee Lrt ::;uatL.tilip to you that you appoint z, c involvinE City ,„emihis.trstion, tne City kLnaLer, someone from the City Lttothey's Off::,ce Luc Ij Lifono, who is very necessry f,Dr idriv. Industry Counil Lhd . else who you thaNk iLportztut 1 u the employment to put on this little group, that can come beek to you brie' present to you a form for first source employment ordinence. ld 132 July 31, 1984 -,,, A . 2 7 1,1 4 MANOWItt "tgEWS0 RESOLUTION NO, 84-B98 AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Mayor Ferre: 1 think that's a very good suggestion. Are you ready to move it? Mr. Dawkins: I move it. Mayor Ferre: All right, Dawkins moves, is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Second, Mayor Ferre: Carollo seconds, is there further discussion and then we will appoint the committee. Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO RECOMMEND A FIRST SOURCE AGREEMENT POLICY FOR IMPLEMENTATION BY THE CITY OF MIAMI AND APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SERVE ON SAID COMMITTEE. (NOTE: The appointed individuals were: CommissIoner Miller J. Dins Commissioner Joe Carollo Quinn J011 rset. City Attorney Walter ",'irle,), f;J rinL Ciy E Challoil C 1 ,f)- - r ei n , of Deno p,. of Commvki v k, ) ! t, n' (1:en Reeves Florj6; t v( Cortina Upon ben c[oTA(36 by Commlioner Caron°, the motion was p2fc(ii (jopted by the following vote- Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Killer J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mayor Ferre: All right, I would like to now appoint Commissioner Dawkins on this Committee. Joe, you want to serve ON this or not? All right, Commissioner Carollo. I would alLo like to... ilr. Manager who would you like on... Charlotte Gallocly, r,:ho else? Mr. Gary: Gallogly, Dena Spillman, that's enough. t/11-0 'MTN 1 Di:tIL Spillman, all right. Ok. From the City Attorney' Office. Mr. Gareia Quinn Jones. Mayor Ferre: Quinn JOI1, Anybody else? Mr. Gary: And l'ierce. Mayor Ferre: Fierce, Ok. Is that it? I would like for the three of you to be part of that committee too, if you I -t would serve on the committee. I think that pretty well rounds it off. You have enough experts there to keep you business ten times longer than you need to be. Mr. Spaet: Mr, Joseph Alfono. 1 know you put Dena Spillman on, but you need... Mayor Ferre: Mr- Joseph Aliono, All right, anybody else? Ok. Commissioner Dawkins... Mr. Dawkins: 1 would like to suggest one I think her name is Diane Smith. (BACKGROUND COMMENT OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferre: Representative, the last question we have of you. We notice you have got a 5tnr there on your tie. Is that because you are a lone ranger or is that because the sheriff gave you that? Mr. Jefferson Reeves: I'm a lone ranger and I'm running alone. Mr. Mayor and the Commissioners, the three of us would certainly like to thank you for the fast movement that you have made on this particular item and we will never forget it. anc3 Ye think ue can move off base one and thanks a lot. Mayor Ferre: Thc,n1 you, nir. • • • • - • - • _ - • • • ■ • ■ - • • - ■ • - 76. SECOND 117 1) ,f4D7ANCE: CHANGE ZONING CLASSIFICATION .i.: ES FO 1G-1/3. .• • en. VW *OA arna Mayor Ferro right, ye are on Item P2 on the zoning matter. Counselor, thank for your' indulgence. All right, sir. Mr. David Altro: My name is David. I'm with Broad & Cassel, 1 Biscayne Tower, Mimi. I'm here for Al Cardenas. He was unable to attend today. You passed this matter unanimously on the first reading and we respectively request that you do the same on the second reading. Mayor Ferro: All right, is there anybody here that wish to speak on Item 2. This is a... Let's hear from the administration. Mr. Whipple: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, the department has recommended against this request of change of zoning to allow two units in a currently single family zone. As we pointed out to you at the previous hearing, only the rear portion of this 1ot abuts duplex zoning and otherwise, it is surrounded on three sides by single family zoning and single family use. We believe this is a bad eneroachment into the single family arc:a. It L pr€cedeNt toward future zoning which we don't think is warranted because of the sing1E family charaoter of the area and threfore, I recommend the denial of the arange of zoning Mayor Ferre: M.1 are there any people from the neighborhood who wish to speak on this issue. Is there further discussion oh this itet All right, time around it L;ovc by CotLmissioner CLrollo. You still want to move thi:.:;? 1r you seconded. Further discussion? All right, read the ordinance. Ali right, eall the roll. Id 134 July 31, 1984 . fSt44- w 1 1 V AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF APPROXIMATELY 725 NORTHWEST 351H AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) FROM RS-2/2 ONE FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL TO RG-1/3 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL (ONE AND TWO FAMILY) BY MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGE NO. 26 OF SAID ZONING ATLAS MADE A PART OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500 BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 28, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final, reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Dcmetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO 9874. The Ci.ty htorney read the ordinance into the public record nnd ateted that We: had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. Mr. Altro: Vayor Ferro, may 1 say something else? I have a... I mentioned to you before which is back on your resolutions. Item 12, Mr. Cardenas had asked me to ask you if you could put on... have a committee set up to revisit the question. The feasibility of rezoning to light industrial. It was his understanding that you were going to or had already set up a committee and he just wants me to check whether that was done and 1 mentioned it to you at the break and you said your understanding was somewhat different. Mayor Ferre: 1 don't know what you are talking about and don't know what he is talking about and I don't know what this... We don't operate out of committees like that, you know. We have a atLff. The staff has its function. The Commission orders the staff to do something and we have done it. They w 111 come back. We will see you when they report back. I don't know what you are talking about. Mr. Cardenas has never talked to me about a committee. I have been here for fifteen years, we have never done a restudy of a neighborhood zoning area through a committee, Mr. Piummer We did have committees in relation to 9500. We had neighborhood„. Mayor Ferre: Yes, ye6, but that wasn't a zoning... that was the whole thing. Mr. Plummer: Well, we did have committees. Id 135 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: But that's to try to work out the whole zoning plan for the whole City of Miami. Mr. Plummer: That is correct. Mayor Ferrc: But this is a neighborhood in a specific area and this is about the third or the fourth time we revisited this issue. .i think circumstances have changed and we will have to wait until the staff comes back with a recommendation. Mr. Altro: OIL. Thank you 77. SECOND R ADI:F'G ORDINANCE: APPLY HC - GENERAL USE Uttj aAt t 'rA`A'TUI'� OVERLAY DISTRICT O xUE CUSHMAN SCHOOL 1 E 592 N.E. 60TH h TREET . Mayor Ferrc: Take up Item 3, Cushman School on second reading. In the representative of Cushman School... We are on Item 3. Is the Planning Department ready to... Do you have a letter? Ms. Meyer: Yen, sir, you have it in your packet. Mayor Ferre: All right, i.r there further discussion? Does anybody wi. ,h to speak can thin? Mr. Plummer: I moved it before. Mayor Ferre Plummer moves, Perez seconds, further discussion? Read the ordinance. All right, now call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC -1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "THE CUSHMAN SCHOOL ", LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 592 NORTHEAST 60TH STREET, (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); MAKING FINDINGS; AND BY MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON K P NO. 14 OF THE ZONING ATLAS MADE APART OF SAID ORDINANCE tt0. 9500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCRIPTION IN ARTICLE 3, SECTION 300, THEREOF; CONTAINING 1 REPEALER PROV,VISION AND 1: SEVEI;ABIL.1TY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading by title Fit the t_teting of June 28, 1984, was taker up for its r cond and final reading by title and adoption, On r:otiou of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Coi r_ifssioner 'ere-:., the Ordinance was thereupon given its second wd fin l reLdi.rr ;e by title and passed and adopted by the f on c ,,; r vote- AYES: WOES: None. Cowmissior Je tom i sicr,er J. L. F1unimer, Jr. Vice-Mayor r Demetrii Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ld 136 July 31, 1984 ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 9875 The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that eopie,7 T,Inre available to the members of the City Commiion and to the public. 78. CHAVGE 7.0NITIG CLASSIFICATTOP 3521 S. MIATII AVERUE AND 50 S.W. 32MP P. FRM TI..;=-2/2 TO GU. Mayor Ferro: 1 vote "yes". Take up Item 4 Mr. Plummer: reeve it. Mayor Ferro: Plummer moves, is there a second? Perez seconds. Does anybody wish to speak on this item? If not, read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- passed on its first reading by title at the meeting of June 28, 1984, was taken up for its second and final reading by title and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Plummer, seconded by Commissioner Perez, the Ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading by title and passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ORDINACE OF THF CITY OF l'YTAnT, FLORIDA, BY CUNGING CLAWFICATION OF 1.0CAT .1 3251 SOU !Y.Wc1 ; Y.0 32ND ROAD (1:0); HEREJN), FilLY DETACHFD GO (GOVERILL W Y LND BY VI:JHN Lu in NIJI cul;(31 ON PAGE NO. 1 1 1 OF rPO J'ALU UDE A PART OF TLS (ANKANCF ()500, BY REFERENCE AND DESCIPTION II:. ARTICLE 3, SECTION SOO, THEREOF; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 74 NOES: None. ABSENT: CoLlaiL5onvy Mille J. Dawkins THE ORDINANCL G iJ T1.D 01;D1NANCE NO. 9876 The City Ltturney re,L.c, the ordinance into the public record WIC -11Lut.INCO th,A, copIe,t ;e.re available to the members of the City Corwat-,sion and to the public. ld 137 July 31, 1984 n„i Vn;Inin.Pana,M1,:nAnnnifn.q/nE.„ •1•111.111. Oft 79. FIRST READTMG ORDINANCE: ArrLT MC-1 GENERAL USE ER Iiir VA ot1 OVERLAY PInTRICT TO "VIZCAYA" - 3751 r.0, MIAMI AVr. AriD S.fg, 3 ROAD. Mr. Plummer: Move it. Mayor Ferre: All right, AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED-L. AYES: :10( (r01)0 Comir:on(r Millcr J. Dawkins Comm12sionLr J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, THE ZONING ATLAS, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA, BY APPLYING THE HC-1: GENERAL USE HERITAGE CONSERVATION OVERLAY DISTRICT TO "VIZCAYA", 3251 SOUTH MIAMI !VENUE AND 50 SOUTHWEST 32ND ROAD WORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN); rA,,TNG FINDINGS; AND EY MAKING ALL THE EFGESSRY CUNGES ON PAGE NO 44 OF ::71 ATUS rAi: A FAFF OF 0hJ 1 1 ¼ ¼ 0 500 TrrymAxE AND DEsci;Jri)0 n: '' 300, TU1 1 LYITI,EE):k PROVISION AND A Th'R[PL'O'l Mayor 1 Take up Item 5, Do you have the proper information? Plummer moves, is there a second? Carollo seconds, rend the ordinance on 5. Call the roll. Was introfluce6 Gc)i iqummer, and seconded by Commissioncr.er0:00 pcd on its first reading by title by the coMoun The City City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission and to the public. 80. DISCUSSION Mil) TEMPORLRY DEFERRAL OF REQUEST FOR ZONING CLASSIFICATIOH CHANGE 6450-6490 U. FLAGLER ST. FROM RG- 3/5 TO CE-2/1. Mayor Ferre: 'fke up item 6, Mr. Whipple: Er. Kayor, if 1 may start off pursont to the request by the City CoLafision in conjunction with a similar matter. The fi rt tti todz,y we were Lisked to point out what the difference was between the two reoni, As you know, we are opposed to this ehane of 2.oning to commercial classification because we feel it spot zoning. It's in the middle of a re5idential area along the Flagier corridor and ld 138 July 31, 19 4 • I have prepared a similar aerial map as 1 did for the first item which shows you the residential character which is not shown in color And the nearest proximity of commercial development in this en mile strueteh of Flngler. The pink as 1 indient Ir eommrrcipi zoning, 0.0mmcs.-nin] ”sc, The property on both sides of Flagler in residential. primarily in the form of npnrtmenta nnd the apot in yellow is the subject property P2 T. indicated is a reoueat for a spot chang f zoning. We find no merit Ln extending the e o commercial development. Fe find no need for additional commercial development in this area. Wo would like to promote some of the strip commercial problems that occur else where_ and on that basis we recommended denial. We have also prepared just for the four or five block area immediately adjacent to the subject property what the land use is by description and as you will ::cc the entire northerly nide in residential except for the commercial node at 67th Avenue. Mr. Plummer: All right, sir for the record your name and address and proceed. Mr. George Orta: Thank you, sir. Attorney George Orta for proponents of this change. From my order of illustration this Honorable Commission the last time we uero here on June 28th we hrid more or less discussed the situation about the zoning Fnd 17hy crlet vcrc 7oning rnd P1N going against a rccorn(fttion for d17r ncoud:71... of' n change. We r3tted tirc fnnt yd no Cilf(1 br:Lucon a prior e;t C j 1:1 r y y mr Whipple of rh ih nnd that there is sei.ually no IA'! re go back to thd tTot onjnL. j y in here it veu) y v hAfc the same situvn„ 11c nnArghcot (1y M.r:q1li Flaglor '; nr coeve1i do7 tVs is all we are doing poin. Inc p) point allows uaGc of thc prcperty rot:(A ;te 11)idn by the way it'n a very run down building vhich presently what exist Et the property. How, tEking into condcration that Flagier Street one of the grin :Arcct n of the City of Miami this motel site is totally non-productive at the present time. It give no revenue to anybody. It's going to cost ua a lot of money to convert that property and pump anymore money to preserve it as it is and it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Last time the question arised at what was supposed to be our attempted first reading and should the Commission act upon our request were we going to be able to get a building permit, if you in fact granted our petition. At that point, and time that's when it came the situation of the fact that there was a question about the sewage and the pumping station and everything else and this Honorable Comission directed us to riake an atternpt to get together with Zoning and with the Sewer Department which we did. We had our engineers get together with the Sewer Department and wt worked out a solution. As a Inbtter of fact, 1 have submittd in the record and I believe that you have in front of you a letter City of Miomi, July 20, 1984 and signed by Rr. George CaNpboll, Asistont design engineer saying exa:ctly that thtre is a solution to the problem as far as building a proposed shopping center if wo were to be granted the cheAlge thot we ore L:„king for AI1 it tkes is a pumping station ond 5 v:;.oin force. All they ore osk inE for US to do is to dedicate the mzA.h force to ---ond this is exactly whLt we ore going to do. lo tnt letter itself just as well as it was nought Gut in the redord the )_st time, there is the fa.ct tho:t Wotet .d t0t kdthonity is in fact preparing a pumping staticn, is in toct preparing lines to built in here probably within o year or less, By the time... if we were to be approved, by the time we get ld 139 July 31, 1984 k 1 ra4 7777: - I building permits, by the time we do everything else probably all of this will be academic, but we are in fact prepared as we told Mr. Kay when we met with him that we will in fact build n private pumping station in our property, will maintain it, will do the mPin force and will give them the main force. ,Tio, nt this point we are in Inc:I prepared to do that if the Commission in fact determines that tie zoning situation is similar to the Northweet 7th Street situation at the corridor. It's not our fault. The City of H1rni is a dynamic. 2ity. It's growing. We have people back to back. We have a corridor in the middle between the properties on Flagler Street and the properties south of our properties. We will be even willing to build a wall and there is an alley in the middle as indicated in the property. As to zoning we have nothing much more to say. As to water and sewe, we are prepared to do what they want by giving them the main force. It in the letter and it in the reply of the letter from Oscar Rubio, P. E. which you also had a copy of it with July 30th. City of Miami, James Kay, telling him what the out put of the water gallonage will be in there a projected. We anticipate a small shopping center, a one story shopping center. We anticipate more parking lots that the building code is asking us for and the total out put of water gallonage that we would need, it's five thousand six hundred. As it is the notel site right no has a projected water out putage of about two thousand sj:: hundred. not too rlich pore of a differeTw( 1 rYr ri.vc t.hc forec. Therein:lc, v( 1 01,0( r? ;in —c (( that ci 1 e y h SOMetbjflr vhlt it ee, ov er 1 1 e L ehieh 5:- lioS 1):Hr 1 ite --; witI l7( 1 o f hc anWA(r hy wirht totcl like ye eee in • lee ef t1 7 r: G of the F)n1e1 Mayor Ferre: J;. vin t() rTe in opposition? Yes, Ma'am. Plea2c come owir6 your name and address for the record and make your 'ztatement. Ms. Charlotte Maxwell: Good afternoon. I'm Charolotte Maxwell and I live at 121 Southwest 65th Avenue. I have a petition I wish to present to the Commission for their inspection, for I represent the neighborhood that is in question. Before I go any further I want correct an erroneous remark by the gentleman representing the property owners wherein he said it was a motel site. They have said this previously. It is not a motel at all. It is a triplex and it is not in horrible condition. Actually, it is in much better condition than the small shops they are planning to put up along the street for us. They have deteriorated our neighborhood by erecting a numerous amount of its shops with no parking facilities. As a result the overflow comes into the neighborhood and it's completely destroying our neighborhood and we are beginning to look like the slums in Hialeah and I'm not exaggerating. I don't mean to cast dispersions, but I think what they are trying to do is to put more bueinessee in and we don't need anymore businesses, because we right new have a terrible traffic congestion as it is, two 1 would eppreciate the board giving us consideration and to read my petition beceuee this is the second one 1 eve Eiven to you and I would appreciate your help in keepine our neiEhborhood from becoming e elum area. Thank you all very t:L:uch. Mayor Perre: u16 you pees me the petition and I will be happy to put it into the record and please consider it into the record. AI1 right. You want to reply? Mr. Orta: If 1 may reply Your Honor. 140 July 31, 1964 '441 Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir. Mr. Orta: Yes, sir. Your Honor, last time when we were before this Commission and today again, we will point of the fact that we have submitted into the record six signed petitions of property owners within the area which are an fact in favor of us having n shopping center over there and who in fact think that this is n worthy nnd need shopping Not only thnt we have also a center in the community. signed petition from the prnsident of the condominium association which 1. the Royal Arms Condominium Association at 6580 West Flagler Street. Now, this is R condominium association with about fifty-onn people in approximately thirty units and these people had n meeting of their board and they voted unanimously to approve and help us in the petition and we have in fact have n signed petition that we have also given to you. In other words these people are in favor and not opposing. Mr. Perez: no we have nny other comments of the people in reference to this case? Pc we have any comments in favor or against the public hearing? Do we have any comments from the Coam5aalon? Jorge, you mentioned here the group of merchantr 1 i upporting the project of fifty-one merchant you rcntioPed, Mr. Ortr: Vice-nyor. We are specifically speaking ea 11 Ly 11: Condominium Arnociption which is a : h ri hi n he prorerty pnd these people c1( elaae :iiy•ob, p(1,Y,wr in hcrr pnd '1'.out thirty apartment H 1)1 'h hr p 3 1 , f 6 w h a t we propw( •L ;h6 thzi it d(vOIT, That they d 3 r; ); f ; ' C'j ; lli ore in SiZe. L (,);( :!;;;;L: vfni() v1Hul, '.1,(y think it will la v(ry, v=ry t 11,(1 (1,i1 needs which thf.y hi!, Ly it'a eiiaelee :;:a(',t 1 :1 17.,ver of our pettjen. Pcr,dcr ;.1cu; , more property eancre ;ne ; erkmirr '2.nto two three or four different persens per houLc :hid}: Lre also in favor of all of thee . Not only thet, applying the standards zoning of going back to Northwest 7th Street, although, we have apoken to people in the community and I mean buninesamen in the community that have indicated that they would really like to ace all of the area changed to commercial. We have not bothered to bring them over here today, because we didn't want them to come ahead and ask for that at this point, but we have had... and I can represent that we have spoken to people that are really interested into thee z ht?eaus(- this is in fact a commercial corridor and thia is Flarler Street. Mr. Perez: 1 think thet ye have a lack of quorum. Mayor Ferre: 1 will be IlLppy to see if anybody else wants to make any coaaent, If not I will open it up for any motions. (COMMENTS INLUDILE) Mayor Ferre: Nobody is either for or against. Hr. Ptre: Kr. Mayor, after I think that we have the opportunity t hear about this cae in the last Commisaion meetioL, Lu Per ,tonally I hear wh6t the actor tied ie t-.1Lphsi 1 a:I1 f6T:Thz,r v;ith the .6rea, especially, polit catupaLu tilLe and 1 think 'v:e live to support 14ha,tever Ci:A1 t in fa of We have a lot of motels in the area, but I don't think that it hurts ld 141 July 31 1984 P a. - r= the contribution for this community and in this case 1 would like to present a motion to propose the approval of what they are requesting at this time and that's the motion that have Mayor Ferro: All Everybody wants to That's the wsy this works. count down here. Mr, Plummer, All right, would you repeat your and see if we get a second out of it? Mr Perez: After analyzing the different situation there in that neighborhood 1 am completely in favor of this project and I move the motion to approve the project Mr. Plummer: Mayor Ferrc: Mr. Plummer: Mayor Ferre: Mr. Plummer: No, I understand that, but there are five member r; of the Commission rnd I think the applicant has the right to !Irv(' r feclin from all five. Mayor Fcil (: liD( Ve Yill return when Commissioner Carello Eor Lit.? That gives you an even chance of [(iijnc Mr. Orts: I repectfully request.... NOTE FOR THEBECORD: Agenda Item No. 7 was deferred. 81. PUBLIC ETIMUG: a ILSPEG CLASSIFICATIOH AT 377. Mr. Plummer: This Mr. Whipple: Thi.*: Mr. Plummer: This Mayor Ferret Excuse me, I have Commissioner Carollo has left and o'clock or later, he is not apologizes, but obviously, taking a lot of his time because time yesterday or today. ld right, in there a second to that motion? go to heaven, but nobody wsnts to die. All right, 1 will start the you understood the motion? motion Commisnioner I'm not seconding the motion? We have no second. Where is Commissioner Carollo? I'm not Commissioner Carollo's keeper. .0••••••■• DISCUSSIOU AND CONTINUANCE FOR UEST FOR7 OF ZONING H. ,. 17TITSa% FROli R6:3/6 TITTT: is Northwest... is Northwest 27th Avenue. 5 where the trailer park is. ju..5t will :urt, when he ther(-. 142 Mayor Ferre: We are on Item 118, Heliodoro and Gisela Cabrera. This is a Planning Department's recommendation for denial. The Zoning Board recommend approval four to three. Mr. Whipple: Just 2outh of the trailer park. The trailer park is up there where the revised is. gotten notice that not be back until 6 uill be bLick and he must be something that's he has not spent to much Mr. Plum1r,e1 : ht . Mayor, 1 think it wou'du be only fir to the applicants t:VtIl though I hbVe incicated the way I am going to vote. 1 think it '16 only fir to the applicants that they have the right to a full Conaission ano if they want a defer 1 would move such, Mr. Mayor. July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: You are talking about Item 8? Mr. Plummer: No, the Item previous or if they wanted to wait until Mr. Carollo returns, Mayor Ferre: nre talking about Item 6. Item #6. Are the peonid fron 6 here? Mr. Plomner: The indieation ii he is coming bnck at 6? Mayor Ferre: . L., 1 enn't tell when Carollo 1r going to be back. He ent messnge to my office to indicate to me that he would not be bore untiI 6. Mr. Plummer: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, I stand corrected, you cannot take a deferment from today because in tNenty days lcRislatively... Mr. Garcia.:-Pcdrosn: No, no, August doesn't count. Mr. Plummer: August does not count? Would you two guys confer, you are telling me one thing, he is telling me another, Mayor Ferre: Let me put it to you this wny, Commissioner Perez made a motion, there vas no r-econd. Obviously, nobody feels that they agreed with the motion thnt tar made. So, right... Mr. Plummer: We have a slight war going on over here. Mayor Ferre: Now, if Commissioner Carollo comes back there would be a second to the vote and then it would be in a vote. Mr. Orta: Right. We would rather wait for today because of the twenty-one day situation. 1 understand the Commission will not meet together until September. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: No, let me clarify that if 1 might Mr. Mayor. The month of August under ordinance 9500 which is the zoning ordinance of the City of Miami does not count. Now, there is a Commission meeting on September 13th. However, the second reading would be after twenty-four days unless a special Commission meeting were called. Mr. Orta: Right. So, we are in jeopardy at this time Mr. City Attorney should that happen? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: You are in jeopardy, but it's not altogether infeasible. Mr. Plummer: Veil, I think you alternatives are, one, to remain here today and hope Commissioner Carollo returns or two, take yGur chances of taking a deferment until the September Lecting. Mr. Orta: Mr. CorLiiioner, we win attempt to extinguish option sometimes by tonight, then we will defer it if we can't. Mr. Plummer: Lave :_oit bez;t, Mr. Orta: ILanit you, sit. Mr. Pere L11 right, we re. on Item 8. Mr. Piuthmer: I am trying to get orientated here if you could wait just a minute. This is on the South side of the River, correct? ld 143 July 31, 1984 Mr. Whipple: Yes, sir. (BACKGROUND COMMENT INAUDIBLE) Mr. Whipple; Yes, sir. Mr. Plummer: Ok. Mr. Plummer: All right, where is the street that I drive into the firemen hall? Mr. Whipple: South River Drive or you may go up Delaware Parkway. Mr. Plummer: Where is Delaware Parkway? Is this where the fruit stand is? Yes. What's in this... Mr. Plummer: Al], right, and what is there presently in the property proposed to be changed. t/12—gl F7,Vrhipple: Believe there is one or two residential units on it nt this time. Mr. Plummer: All right, but the fruit stand is on the corner of 17th Street and 27th Avenue? Mr, Whipple: You might take a quick look at the aerial in your pneket, it may orientate you a little bit. Mr. Plummer: No, I'm not in the ball park. Mr. Whipple:. The German Amercan Club, I don't know whether it's still in existence or not, but at least the old one is right across the street here. Mr. Plummer: No, the German American... not that the Polish. Ye5, I know where you mean. Mayor Ferre: Well, again, the question and the point is you know you have a four member Commission here. Plummer has stated that... Mr. Plummer: No, no , this is Item 8. Mayor Ferre: 1 m on Item 8, but the same thing that's applicable to 6, I'm sure you will give them the courtesy as you did to the others. Hr. Plummer: No, question. Mayor Ferre: 1 want to make sure that you understand you do not have a u'll Commission. Now, I'm perfectly willing to proceed and vote on this if you are. Mr. Plummer: tell, Mr. Hayor, I think you should explain it ; g't a little bit more. As a matter of courtesy, not of law g applicant before this Commission have the right of having a # full Cc present. lt is your option, sir to elect 4 whether you wish to proceed with four Coi or you ., q0. want to bLV(t. 6 deferLiht 6kd L:Lit for the fifth. That's .zi your rd.E.h, sir. Emilio Caballero: Yea, 1 understbhd thbt Mr. ConitLisioner but the prcble is thbt 1 doh't hhu; 1.. 6 o'clok is IV we are going to heed GI:hr Ghe uc, iintr aien• Mr. Cbrollo comes imeL 1 ebhnLt. afford 4 weeting, because we are tied te a contract for purchase that is :.-..uppoed.., We already have a continuance in this case and then for that reason, ld 144 July 31, 1984 ff.= Mr. Plummer: Not before this Commission you haven't. Mr. Caballero; No, no, before the board. And for that reason we had add an addendum to the contract we had for purchase of this property. It is supposed to be due at the beginning of October, then we have the first reading now and we cannot have the second reading until the last week of September. Mr. Plummer: Sir, without being mean, that's your problem. Mr. Caballero: All right, I take the risk. Mr. Plummer: We give you your options. Mayor Ferre: Ok. We are Item 8, proceed. Mr. Whipple: Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, the Planning Department recommends denial of this item. We believe the request of change of zoning constitutes spot zoning because the area is surrounded either by RO or RG zoning, but not a commercial classification except along 27th Avenue. We believe that; the change is not in accord with the comprehensive plan and it encroaches into the residential area and we helicve ii1 have an adverse affect. We find no indicated need fel additional commercial zoning, particulalgy a CfltCr thia reaidentially 'zoned and used arca all6 would he out of character with the developiwnt an6 that exi5t. On thz hain we have recommcndc6 (BACKGROUND COMMENTS OFF THE PUBLIC RECORD) Mayor Ferr: sorry go ahead, this in really an amazing story in itelf, Go ahead. Mr. Georrc (AL).: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, for the record GeorEc Campbell, representing the Department Public Works, 'awn this came up originally there were some illusion rialde to the fact that this was an extreme hardship. One of the reasons for the questioning or for the request for the rezoning was that this was an extreme hardship by virtue of the fact that the City had "taken" a large portion of these properties. If I may refer to the map, originally under the plat of Paradise Park the four lots in question extended southerly to a little bit down there, to the south line of that center there about to that point which left the street running through there. Subsequent to that time when the parkway was constructed the City in fact did acquire, not take, acquire the properties by deed through there to widen the street which would indicate that the then owners whoever they were they then owners were fully recompensed for the property acquisition through there. I'm merely bring that to you attention so that, the applicants have acquired the property or are acquiring the property in full knowledge of the 3 of it The City has not done anything recently, This was back in 1941 when we acquired the property through there for the construction of that street through th(Jre and it has been built. So that the City has not taken from the applicants that property. The applicants own only what is shown ih yellow iand the City has not taken something Y'rori them to reduce their holdings. Mr. Plummer: Under the present zoning what can they build there? Mr. Campbell: Mr. Whipple. ld 145 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Mr. Whipple, department. Don't everybody jump at once. Mr. Whipple, what is the present zoning allow them to build their now? The Mr, Whipplfs: Tht snui1d en office structure of some type or n r r.ght - Mr. Plummer: And wh-fl, th-y are nsking for the CR would allow what? Mr. Whipple: It would allow fruit stands, grocery stores, bicycle shops, nny commercial activity in a limited range of the retail nren. Mr. Plummer: Limited commercial. Mr. Whipple: Uh huh. In other words, you couldn't have a paint and body shop there. Mr. Perez: Mr. Caballero, do you want to... Mr. Plummer: Are you going to make s presentation, sir? Mr. Caballero: Yes, 5ir, My name is Emilio Caballero, attorney, 1647 r.,outhuc:.3t 27th Avcnue, 1 n representing Mr. and Mrs, (71 the o1,7ncr:7 of this property. The main reason 1 1.nnt to r1r i pr o. ro e don't have a plin quorul Geun (7xpnc. 17cfore becaun(n hvc a dri:Ti('h rTiy hsd the mc: prohLio hrCou.J Lh '/cv).r:. ;T-1 nor woul 3. ik that quoru, on ,.loolm YTHy tlhat what 1 J y i 1) ;'" 1 W to do with Public ka5n t.h it is... thi [::urrouneyd hy Vhich is not ixuc pro 3 tl.G n d I would 3 tD you brif 1,eL 1 ow you we have in tho Cront of our property 17th 'J.Lvt;.:;ct Nrthvest, 17th Street Northwest snd the preLenttion fror rublic Works was explaining at 2 cortai.n time took pLrt of this property in order to hz.:Arc u wide street in front of our property. 1 really don't want to discuss if it happened in 1942 or in 1982, the thing is that it is there and we have in front of our property a real wide street and the nearest neighbor we have in our front when we stand in our property in the limit of our property looking south is more than double the distance that we have in a regular street. It's very difficult that what we are planning to put in that place that is a marine hardware retail store. A very little store is going to bother anyone in front of our property because of this circumstance. If we go to back of our property we are going to place there the only thing we are going to build. The only thing we are going to build is a concrete wall over seven feet ano the only reason is not to bother anyone in the back of cur property. All the traffic in and out is going to be through the 17th Street. Nothing through the back C the property, They are not going to receive sny inconvenience because of people going in and out of this !Acre looking to theAr property or bothering in any way. lheh let's go to the eLst o the property Li1U it is very important on the ( Lt of: our prOpt±rty we hove a cafeteria. 17th and 27th Ce,feteri is the nLnhe and besides that catetwrla we have a fish 1 kno t t heV are their t f the gr44nuebthering beef iel:A regulation. It's all rignt but ho ttt tht earn is these store hve Leen there for several year;:,, ,;:creS are now there uha those store are going to re there no matter what the - ,.',oning classification they L.:-e. They are going to be there and it a reality, tbey are going to stay there. Besides that immediately through the 27th Court we have a parking place for trucks. What LS the reason and what does it mean. This is n lot that this has the front to the 27th Avenue, but no matter it has the front to the 27th Avenue, every traffic: they have, All the in and out of those trek- are going through our corner, through the 27th Court. And It is n reality that it In P commercial absolutely. T. know it's n difference because it Is the front looking at the 27th Avenue, 1 spy again that 14e have look what we have, no where is the right because it is looking this out there. In the other side if we looked at the west of the property we have immediately the German Social Club. This club, mainly, now is renting for several activities, social activities and different kinds of activitica. It has a huge parking lot, more than three hundred cars. Immediately to the German Social Club we have the American Dade, The American Dade is a division of American Hospital Supply Corporation. It is a three story building. And if you ask me what they have there I can tell you that if you go to the telephone booth you can see that they have diagnostic manufactory, technical customer services, warehouse that makes research laboratory, etc., and they have also n big parking lot there. Mr. Plummer: Wait, n minute, Point that out. Where is the American Hoopital Supply? Where does it start? Mr. Whipple: It starts about here beyond and runs on up Delaware Parkway. Mr. Plummer: Thank you Go ahead. Mr, Caballero: The Hain reason for our purpose to have a beneficial purpoac for this community and for this part of the 17th Str(2ct in because it is going to be of great help to all boat ovners and mechanic shops in this side of the River and I en teJ1 you th:A thre are r:ny of them in this side of thc They won't l) to go out to 27th Avenue where the re a) jnlImed traffic alrec,dy They arc going to find everything they need in thia little atere and they don't have to go to create more problems with the traffic in 27th Avenue. We arc riot going to have fly parking in front of our store, no parking at all as we are having on the fish market on the other side, because we already in the plan enough parking places for the kind of clients we are going to have. It is not the kind of store that they suppose to have several clients at the same time. We arc going to have eight, or nine parking places in the east side of our property. If you look at the photos that we have on the file you can see what we have now for you having a better view of what our purpose is. 1 would like to show you a view of what is going to be in substitution of what we have now. Mr. Plummer: Question. Are you willing to give a covenant on that... a voluntary covenant on that rendering? Are you willing to give a volunteer covenant on this set of plans? Mr. Callabero: it 1:1.r. As you can see and I repeat we are not aoiaa to hve any traffic at all . We are going to have all the pring spaces inside, including two parking 1 space:.; for the ep]c.jc.5 because NeVt7T iL suppse to be more 4 than iVrcuS Lt the Lit t2tLe in the 5,-1..Gr. Jr e only one change that the atructure, the actual structure is supposed to have ia in the fut. Th16 is the only one thing we are going to change. The front of the actual Mr. Mr. gi Callabero: Plutamet • Yes, COntinUe. 147 July 31, 1984 V-PMEW structure. We are not going to build anything. We are not going to change anything, just the front and this is in order and asthetical problem. What we want is to make a real pretty thing. What we are going to do is of benefit of this community of thin side. Although, there, is part of the City... We are not going to build Pny other thing, only the concrete wall that is going to be built in the back of the property and as 1 said before is with the purpose of eliminating any inconvenience to the neighbors who are living in the back of the property. We area not going to make any demolition at all. We don't have to make any demolition because the little structure we have there and you can nee it on the view plan I gave you right now is going to remain there as an storage. We are not going to demolish anything. We are not going to build anything. We are going just to wash the face of the structure to make it more pretty and more proper for that community. In reference to the green. We have plenty of green. T could say that more that the green that is required . In the third plan you can see that everything has been taken care of in order to maintain the regulation in reference to the green that we need in a place like this This is a store that is going to work just during working and day hour. That means Hondny thru Friday from 8H0, 9:00 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the evening • No night working, not hol iday 1Torking, not overtime 1-7orl;ing. Seturdare from 9 to 1 rn6 uorl;:inc, from f:1:30 to 5 o'clock, no T:orr than that. UC ;1:e rrc not /.ojn! to paint or lo y ; • ;'olijhc (-1 : That Paean: tH )' 1 111') ■ )c PO3 3 . i CI) ; nt ; 1) 111 ) 1 .1 1') :■ ) ;; not r,Jhi: i, 11)t ;1 iro to.ni Os )) ny motor: )H ;.ny hoet. Therr uo 1(11"c.n Yhy 1):1 h; yr to ((l1r ;ny no:if of any 1.0AuLJ,I1 CM:1y Majority 6; 1,1') . ?1) 1)()Y( th;.t. oh, t thir kind of bueinee: -!(!y c 11,1 rc4mf eeet that thie diner 1cp1c:cnt o LL ( von:IC, 1,h't, is the i- of n y neighbor to o on p1 nujtb(r in the Zoning t3oaro meeting, nor in thie ones todey. Everyone look at our project as an asset for this community. Mr. Plummer: Sir, you understand not everyone. See the red up there. Mr. Callabero: Yes. Mr. Plummer: They don't believe it's an asset, sir. So, they don't think it's an asset. They drop a couple of letters off' that word. Mr. Callebero: How many letters, sir? Wht are they? I tell you I have been in thet over tire ehd everything I have there end 1 heve gone door to door. 1 spoke with several of them and everyone ie beekine this project and some of thru Lre herc.- right no,:. Mr. Plummer: 1 know what doors you didn't knock at, sir. Continue. The red means they object, sir, That's not communist, that objectors, Mr. CaliLhero: 1 uould like to eee there Irons here giving the etplenetion for the ebjection or where they come from, becust Lo far a I know the fla€ wt, had long time ago when 1 previou5ly taw this file three or four months ago, 1 eew four cards of votee end from those four cards two of them later called my office and said they were not going to vote against the project. gl 1148 July 31, 1984 gl Mayor Ferre: All right, what's the will of this Commission on this item? Mr. rammer: Wait n minute, you haven't heard from the Public yet. Mayor Ferre: Public hearing. Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Plummer: Are there any members of the public who wish to speak on this item? Mayor Ferre: Anybody? All right. Mr. Whipple: Mr. Mayor, I wonder if I might make a few comments. I want you to recognize or know that the request is for CJ-3/7 zoning and as you are aware the 7 has a very intense type commercial zoning district, whatever it's used for be it office or commercial development. There is a particular notice here that as the property is surrounded by streets the gross lot area would likewise allow quite an intensity. And 1 would also like to correct the comments 1 made in response to Commissioner Plummer's question about what type of retail activities. The CR-3 is not quite as restrictive cs I have indicated. It does repair some service esteblishments, bars, saloons, dancing live entertrinment, rescue missions and similar type uses. 1 would like to point opt thnt ve believe e reeseneble use of this ite h cbi.rJncd 1•.71.th L1)c senne. We believe es oliiec 6vi, )mcicr thc W er eeedential dev el ememe cese eei eie remm s mem be in g suggeetee ) oy ve are haS Seen f 1( CO' that th 1 j we feel thet 1 )11 1 ctivity is wrong dey, Mr. Plummcr: ftc, Vh4;p1c, Lj.nut.e. Sr, what did you say that you intended to 0nel ou t of this location? Mr. Callabero: We ere going to operate a marine hardware retail store. Mr. Plummer: Kr. Whipple, what is the minimum classification they need to comply with the law? Mr. Whipple: They would need a CR-3 under retail establishment that states equipment and accessories for sale, boats, marine motor, parts, equipment and accessories. Mr. Plummer: That's a CF(-3 what? Mr. Whipple : lhe sector number can be any sector number with r(, to the intensity. You would have to hsvc the CR-3 for tile use end thew as to the intensity you would have to make e d(terminetion to the sector number. Mr. Plummer: You are saying that we can't hold them to this set of pis? Mr. Whipple: Re, sir. Mr. Plummer: If they give a voluntary covenant, we can hold then:? Mr. Whipple: Well, I'm going to have to defer the Law Departmest. The department has consistently had problems with the proffer of covenants to the exercise of the change zoning. 149 July 31 1984 4 Mr. Plummer: Mr. Law Department. Mr. Whipple: The Law Department feels that a proffered covenant covers the situation , that's their opinion. Mr. Plummer: Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Garcia-Pedronn: What's your question? Mr. Plummer: Mr, City Attorney, if they give a volunteer covenant including in that covenant all of the things which this gentleman hal stated on the record. Is it binding on them if the application t approved? Mr, Garcin-Pcdrona: That‘ been our position Commissioner Plummer. The problem that I think is being pointed out to you is really with enforcement of thnt covenant. Mr. Plummer: Well, for example, they have proffered that they are not changing the building, they are changing the facade and that they will keep it, to a one story. The concern of the department is that thin is unlimited with no height, they can go up many, many, many stories. If they give a volunteer covenant, volunteer, 1.5 it binding and is It defensible in court? Mr. Pedrosa: Yrs. Mr. Vii. lissioner Plummer, the reason the departcht C(Jeva to the Lay Department is that philosepkly re have a problem in that when you zone somethinr :ohinr ordinance is so designed and so addresse pl'operis that we figure all properties within a particulaT :ioning classification should be uniform and equal. Mr. Plummer: You mean the domino theory? The domino theory? Mr. Whipple: Well, the domino theory is a result of the rezoning if it is done. Yes, sir, that creates a precedent for adjacent properties. Mr. Plummer: That's the problem here that they are in the middle of the domino. They have got retail fish market and everything else to the east of them and they got a damn big company to the went of them and they are in the middle. Mr. Whipple: Well, th3t may sound like a terrible imposition, but if you look at the area it is not. You have residential development to the south... Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: domino. No, what he is saying is there is no Mr. Plurimer: There is no dori:lino to the east and there is no domino to the west, That's what I'm saying. Mr. Whipple: There is domino to the south and to the north. Well, it's jwA,.. 4 ahere i5 a parkway in between. Mr. Plut=erz Sc ttt: t 1 buffer to the south and there is a tri:iiler pari to the w(irth? Mr. Whipple: ):o, there is multiple family residents in the nort L(:re the red there. Mr. PlumLel : That' a t,ta2ier park. Mr. Whipple: hc ir, the trailer park is north of that river where it says Paradise Park revised, that's where the trailer park is there. gl 150 July 31 , 1984 • Mr. Plummer: No sir. Mr. Whipple: The area immediately south, the red area is an apartment structure if you will look on your aerial photograph... Mr. Richard Whipple: The area immediately south, the gray area, is an apartment structure, if you will look on your aerial photograph. One of them is an apartment structure. Mr. Plummer: The trailer park in to the south of the river. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Dawkins: Does the applicant understand what we are saying that with the 95 ordinance, because of the irregular shape of 48 and )49, you can, you have almost unlimited dennity. Applicant: Unlimited? Mr. Dawkins: Yes, that's right, if you didn't know it you know it now. Ny concern, sir, is that once we give you this zoning, and you go and do what you are going to do, two years from Doi; you may come in and we would not be able to stop you from going a high as you want. That's my concern. Mayor rerrC: ArQ WO ready to vote on this? We're on item number 8. We've heard both nides. This matter has been properly dicuacd. The questions have been answered. It is now timc to vote. Is there a motion? Mr. Pere: t:ayor, I am ready to follow the Zoning Board's recommendation and to request the approval of the petition. That is the motion that I want to make. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second, if there is a covenant proffered.... Mr. Garcia-Fecrona: Oh, oh, no. Mr. Plummer: Volunteered. Mr. Dawkins: ....without solicitation, voluntarily that whatever is put there won't go over one story. Applicant: 1 accept. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: No, no you don't accept. You're offering the Commission that covenant. Applic4nt: ir. 1 offer. Mayor Ferre: fiauy to vote? Mr. plur: , I'LL torn both ways. To the maker of the motion, I guess, and to the seconder, there were a lot of other stipulations plaeed in that by the attorney for the applicant. Let we just wake sure that all of those stipulations which he volunteered are included in the 1 • = covenant, that no Saturday And Sunday, no pollution, no motors, no after the dark. Mr. Perez: That' part of the voluntary covenant that you are going to present to the.,„ Applicant: That's right, I would like to inelwde the site plan and the view plan to be part of the file in order to follow whatever we arc going to do to he part of our change of zoning.. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO 1HE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Plummer: Wnit, this is first reading. Let ne say I'm going to vote no. I'm going to put on the record that I'm going to vote no. But; I'm going to rose-ye my right, because of your problem with timing.... Mayor Ferro.: No, you're not, because you hnve two no votes. Mr. Plummcr: Now I'm really back in a bind. No, I understand that. I wns hoping to go out; and look at it in the interim time. Sec, he can't take a deferment. That's the problem. Mr. Garcia You have time. It's 90 days. Mr. Plummer: Well, he has a problem 0th the time. But that's his problem, Sir, I'm GoinG to toYA you where I'm at. I want to be riGht up front u5th you, roc both sides of this issue, I :5.cc that oori(i ljOy justify either vote, yer or no, 1 Iwye ecynccrwi- I'm going to 60 you N (1 you dr:Wt :md move for 0 con, jvolhc. The:: ycn[ "J r.j1r,r tc: ,1)t, if have to voLe todhy, I to vot layo,r is indicatj.nr coin is denied Do y(7)u undcrtn6 Mc two votes is as dcnil. I'm poing to rov fc;r continunce, so that I ccn go out and look at the property, You raybe don't like that because of your desdline of October. Mayor Ferro: There is a substitute motion an the floor to continue this item until September so that the Commission can better inform itself by going out to look at this property. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: A continuance. Mayor Ferre: Continuance. Mr. Plummer: Continuance for further information. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Dawkins: Second, Mayor Ferr: Which mern ti you dropped your previous motion, so we only hve one wotion on the floor. Further discussion? Mr. Plummer: Thst's at the option of the applicant. If you don't wrt tht, you know what the other answer is, sir. Mayor Ferre: C7.4 the roll. gl THEIILUPON WA10k DULY MADE AND SECONDED THE COMMISSION VulED TO CONTINUE THE MATTER OF A ZONING ATLAS CHANGE. AT 2737 N.W. 17 STREET TO THE SEPTEMBER 201H MEETING. 152 July 31, 1984 82. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: TEXT CHANGES TO THE ENVIROWIENTAL PRESERVATION DISTRICTS, CORRIDORS ATLAS CONCERHIRG ENVIROPMEtiTAL PRESERVATIOTI AND THE NAT OF COPAL FAY, SPECIFICALLY REGARDIFG TREF REMOVAL. Mayor Ferrc: We're on item 9, nn ordinance, environmental preservation and transportation corridors. Let's take up item 9. Does anybody have any major objections? This is a right-of-way of Coral Way. This requires P public hearing and approval of Heritage Conservation Board prior to a permit being issued for a removal of any trees within the median7„. Thin is the banyan tree issue. Does anybody have any objections to the banyan tree issue? Are we ready to vote on this? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect no one came forward. I move item number 9. Mayor Ferre: I. there a second? Mr. Dawkin: Second. Mayor Fcl Seconded by Dawkins. For the record, the Planninr, Pcpariment recommended approval and the Advisory Board unonimom recomm(ndcd it at 7 to O. There were 28 opponent thA 1:c1( prc: at the meeting. Evidently none of them are here. Any of ihcm hero? Does anybody wish to speak to thif.? Ms. Joyce Meyers: Proponents. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Proponents, for. Mayor Ferro: Proponents, beg your pardon. Two opponents, are any of the opponents here? Ready to vote? Read the ordinance. Call the roll. AN ORDINANCE ETITLED- Was introduced Ley Commisioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dukins zrd passed on its first reading by title by the followine, vote- gl AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION DISTRICTS AND SCENIC TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS ATLAS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BY DESIGNATING THE RIGHT- OF-WAY OF CORAL WAY (S.W. 22ND STREET AND S.W. 3RD AVE)UE) FROM 1-95 ON THE EAST TO SOUTHWEST 37TH AVENUE ON THE WEST, AS A SCENIC TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR; MAKING FINDINGS; AND MAKING ALL THE NECESSARY CHANGES ON PAGES NO 37, 38, 39, 4o, 42, 43 AND 4 OF SAID ATLAS; CONTAINING L REPEALER PhOVISION AND SEVERABILIn CLAUSE, 153 July 31, 1984 11110.11• • AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission pnd that copies were available to the public. 83. DISCUSSION, TEMPORARY DEFERRAL OF J' REQUEST FOR STREET CLOSURE EAST-EST ALLEY SO. OF N.V. 37TH ST. BETWEEN N.H, 29TH CT. AND N.V. 30TH AVENUE. 810,00■TeWee.*: Mr. Plummer: Arc there eny objectors? Mr. Perez: Second. them ownerehip. • Mayor Ferro: Take up item 10, street closure east-west alley R.W. 37 St. between N.W. 29 Ct .. Mayor Ferre: Doce anybody here wish to speak to this? The department recommended epproval. Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect no one came forward. I move item 10 for approval. Mayor Ferro: It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Now, both sides of the property owned by whom? Mr. Jim Berker: We are leasing this property, Mr. Meyor, to build service center there. We will 11: 300 off-ntreet parking epace e and 150 employee:: that will hvc the email vans that we have. I'm Jim Barker, Dietriet Manager, Southern Bell. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Barker, are you going to be the new owner of this alley? No, sir we are going to be leasing this Mr. Barker: property. Mr. Plumee(r: Who will become the owner of the property? Mr. Barker: The owner ie the lady that is listed here. Mr. Plumuvr: is he present? Mr. Berkev: Ni Mayor Ferre: how doee that translate ieto.... Mr. Plummer: What value would you say there a square foot is worth? Mr. Plu=er: Kr. Whipple. Mayor Ferre: No, but they have a lease that in effect gives ; Mr. Plueeer: Ie thet a 99 year lease? Mr. Whipple, how many squi, tc.tt le that approximately? About 3,100 feet? Mr. Whipple: About $10 a square foot. Mr. Plummer: So that in about $31,000? Mayor Ferre: How msny trres does that buy? Mr, Dawkins: No, how many trnnin courts will that build? Mr. Plummer: Wait n minute, I got here first. Mr. Dawkins: Wo don't need any more black olive trees. I keep telling you that. Mr. Plummer: I told you I'm still looking for white alive trees. Mr. Barker: It's going to be completely landscaped, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: You bet your bippy it is. How much is that, sir? Mr. Barker: T might dd also, Mr. Mayor and Commissioners, that this is in conjunction with the business assistance center of Liberty City Pnd it's going to be all Black contrpctors ]ocary. Mr. Dewkin: In k::t event, the two tennis courts will have to go in p IJAin ne:aborhood. Mr. Barker: We're just trying to do our part. Mr. Plummer: We're going to make sure that you do. Mr. Barker: We always do, Commissioner, always try Mr. Plummer: What did WC: figure, out? About $31,000? And how much in a tennis court, Mr. Gary? About $15,000? Mr. Gary: I have a better recommendation, Commissioner Dawkins. Mr. Plummer: What is your better recommendation? Mr. Gary: That they pay us the $3.3 million they owed us from last year and the $3.3 million from this year, the divesture of A,T.&.T. Mr. Barker: Mr. Gary, if I might comment, maybe you can go to Washington and get that money because they're the ones that did it to us. Mr. Gary: But you collected money. Mr. Darke!': No we didn't. Mr. Plumr: Would you give 4;c: a quarter so 1 can call? Mayor Ferro: We said nu controversial things. Now you have an itct before you. let's et on with it Mr pIuwL,er: Kr. bz3 it has been the custothary practice before thi ccn tha Uc IOVk: to hear wnat you voluntarily w- going to do, Llr. Seeing as how, uudtr your lease, you will be getting 3,100 square feet. Mr. Whipple: 4,650 to be exact. g]. 0 • to. 155 July 31 8 1984 41 " Mr. Plummer: My, that's three tennis courts. You wouldn't have otherwise, and are not entitled to, and that is City owned property. The City would like to work in conjunction with you. if you would like to m=ake a gesture to t..hin Cl .ar on behalf of that you do, or don't. Mr. Barker: Wh at might t. hat. c. Mr. Plummer: IL'n called three tennis courts. voluntary, good you might acquire if Mr. Barker: Where would we put the trucks and cars that we're going to nark? Mr. Plummer: No, they're not going to go on your property, sir. Mayor Ferro: So long as they are within the City of Miami in a nice park. You pick it. We'll name them after you. Mr. Barker: Well., I can't commit to that today, Commissioner. Mr. Plummer: Is this first reading? This is the only reading.. Let's be careful. You see the next item? It's a banana company. Mayor Ferre: Bendy? Mr. Plummer: You can't be ready because he said he can't speak. Jim, why don't you go over and speak to Mr. Whipple for a minute? ttcoyhe he might be able to help you. Whipple, put your mask on and get your gun. NiIO. .wnu..MM....m-eMrc. Wvm.n-Mr..m..-snmeaa.ne.w I, rt+.erWmsbnT 84. Ducts TOP AHD TEUOE!1 Y DEFERRAL OF A REQUEST FOR STREET C LCSUflE LOCATED H.E. 30TH kT. 13ETEfEEN N.E. 1ST CT. LLD TUE T[11 F.E.C. F ILVL. Y. Mayor Ferre: We are now on the Thatcher Hans rte ... You heard the previous conversation. What size tree do we close on this one? Mr. Joey Matthews: 1 am terribly sorry, sir. My nacre is Joe Matthew,, 25 S.E. 2nd Avenue. I am here standing in for my partner, who in turn, repre ent.s as a lawyer the owner. I am terribly sorry, sir. Mr. P1ur How you know why he didn't =how up. LAUG}}TEf. Mr. Matthews: He's on ve cction. H I'm terribly sorry. .r have HO comet :n cation Mayor Eer So we can s i m p l i f y , r age your law associate....... Mr. P1 ump ° -. +° And approximately i would you estimate it is worth? valuable neighborhood. pay too. t h e m . Mr. Plummer: How many square feet would they be acquiring of City vUrtce property? Mr. Mitt nets: It's about 150 feet 1owg and it 50 feet wide. It ld be out 7,500 square feet. that neighborhood what 1 mean that's a very gl 156 July 31, 1984 Mr. Matthews: It abuts the railroads. Mr. Plummer: That's even more valuable. Is your client here, sir? Mr. Matthews: No, sir, Mayor Ferre: He'll be here next time. Mr. Plummer: Is this the same Thatcher that has the property down on the river? Mayor Ferre: Yes, Mr. Matthews: I'm afraid so, sir. Mayor Ferre: Yes, we have no bananas. Mr. Plummer: riot; a poor boy. Mr. Whipple: Sir, I really can't put a value on it. If it were $10 a square foot, it would be $75,000. Mayor Ferre: O.K., that's good enough. Mr. Plummer: Tht's close enough. Did you wish to make same hind of voluntary covenant, sir? Mr. Matthews: I wish 1 could, sir. I'm sorry, sir. Mayor Ferro: Why don't; you just come back. at the appropriate time on that and talk to your client about it. See if he whispers something into your ear. . . . — — . „ . • • . .0.111.• •••• !An. OP 85. ACCEPT PLAT: IZNAGA GARDENS. •••■•••• gl .94■41.na,x01197.57......qapeloat 4110.07.0WWWW*.....new 4.100. Mayor Ferre: We're an item number 1, accepting a plat. Is that a problem? The FlzA Committee recommended approval. Is there a problem on that? Is there a motion? Mr. Plummer: ls there Lnyone in the public who wishes to speak to item 137 Let the record reflect no one came forward. Mayor Ferre: Plummer seconds the motion. Further discussion? CaIl the roll on 13. The following utIonwz ws introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved it:3 Lidoption: RESOLUTION NO. 64-899 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED IZNAGA GARDENS, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MUM; AND ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY RACER AND THE CITY CLERK '1'0 EXECUTE. THE BEAT AND DEOVIDING FOR THE hEOOLDAT1L1 OF SLID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS. O DALE (OUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 157 July 31, 1984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote AYES: Commissioner Miller Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. rerez, Jr. Mayor Mrliwier: A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Jo.- Carollo 86. ACCEPT PLAT: ST. HUGH OAKS. Mayor Ferre: St Hugh Oaks, Miami Equity Corporation plat acceptance. Does anybody here wish to speak on this plat acceptance, item 14? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect no one came forth. I move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Fcrre: Second by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll on 14. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: AYES: NOES: None. RESOLUTION NO. 84-900 A RESOLUTION hCCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED "SAINT HUGH h SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; LND LCC[PTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SID FUT; IXCEPTING THE COVENANT TO kur IITH THE LL IM POSTPONING THE IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS UNTIL EEQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC VORES; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (Here follows body of rclsolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- Commissioner Miller 3. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 158 July 31, 1984 87. T ' ACCEPT PLAT WHITE PLAZA SUTVDTVISTON, Mayor Ferre: white Plara Cori Way Properties, Plat Committr ipprovL there anybody who wishes to speak to the Cemmi'7,'=ion on thi item? Mr. Plummer: 4a1t, this is aeeepting the plat. Have we closed that street yet? Mr. George Campbc31: Yes, sjr, that's been closed. It's not a street. It's the alley. Mr. Plummer: The alley has been closed. Mr. Campbell: Oh, no, that, has not been physically closed. Mr. Plummer: The street has not, but the alley has. Mr. Campbell: The alley has, provided by your action, been closed. Mr. Plummer: Did they volunteer something to this Commission? Mr. Whipple: As I remember, yes they did. Mr. Plummer: What did they volunteer? Mr. Robert H. Trmlric,: It. was P $25,000 contribution. Mr. Campbell: They also volunteered to work with us on the labor and materials or whatever it is on the area traffic study. Mayor Ferro: Is there a motion on 15? Mr. Plummer: Is there anyone in the audience who wishes to speak against item 15? Let the record reflect that no one came forth. I move it. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: AYES: RESOLUTION PO. 84-901 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLAT ENTITLED WHITE PLAZA SUBDIVISION, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI; III) ACCEPTING THE DEDICATIONS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLUNK TO EXECUTE THE PLAT AND PROVIDING FO!. THL NECONDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PUbL1C RECORDS or DADE COUNTY, FLORIDL. (Here follow:: body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seeonded by Colimiaaioner Dawkins, the resolution was passd and adoptei by the following vote- Commissioner Millt:r J. 1 .)wkins Commissioner J. L. Plumea, jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre gi 159 July 31, 1984 A.YES: NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 88. ACCEPT FtAT TORT SUBDIVISION. Mayor Ferrn: Take up Item 16. This is a plat acceptance. The Plat Committee recommends. Does anybody wish to speak on this? Mr. Plummer: Let the record reflect no one came forward. I move item 16. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll on 16. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its rdoption: RESOLUTION NO. 134902 A RESOLUTTOE LUCErT.TNG THE PLAT ENTITLED NUR SUT PTVJS I 1,1FDIVITON IN THE CITY OF tT 1 fl.rTJN6 TEE ITI)ICATIONS SHOWN h Mfl.) [COTTIT THE COVENW J'vT1'.o THE IMMFAXIL 1 IMPROVFian (:)UF1) THE DEPARTaAD APTEOR AND 1 1 1 LED CJIY CLERK j 1 1 PUT LND PiOVIP FOR THE RECOI:ELT H,AT YE 'iHF PUBLIC RECORDS OF bLUE (OUNTY, FLOPIDA (Here fo)lcw body cf renolution, mitted here and on fiae ln the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being :ceonded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed i.nd adopted by the following vote- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre TB: IICORD: Egenaa item No. 18 was discussed and temporri1y deferred at this point.. 89. ATITnoppPLTcATTo Top rT7JAJ. !TT 'PEPflTI (:iT 1 'iA.A 1*.A INC. LOCATTON AvTATTON Av7 Ari) r;f:L TIAYSTIORE DRIVE. Mayor Ferre: Item 1 G P Fi TerrrmPrk and Bayshore. Thi7 in nuthol PpnliePnt ior Tnrrnmerk to file n final application frq nio r npeeinl permit with the Direetor of 112nning, urouiding env Establish 3:30 Thurndv, 0..c ?51h n public! henrinrz dnte for the consideration of the- finnl npuliePtion. Mr. Plummer: Move it, Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. gl RESOLUTION NO 84-903 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICANT FOR THE TERREKARK CENTRE PROJECT LOCATED AT AVIATION AVENUE, TTGERTAIL AVENUE AND SOUTH BAYSHORP MU; WOU PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) "W ['TIE Flru UPFTQTION FOR MAJOR tjF FFTT J'Th Tu DiflECTOR OF Phis CVV!.; AND ESTA1LE)1;'(; TLURY, OCTOBER 25, ()1 n(:ovHJ: rFm6, THE PUBLIC FF!jH i)LTF COI:kfiTION 01 SAID LIEU MJ(C FOR !JON USE SPEML (Here - j; (V: h(Ay FcoloLion, omitted here and on f5 .1G in the 0Moc of thQ City Clerk.) NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo _ . 161 July 31, 1984 That's before this Commission. Correct? I Mayor Ferro: Second by Perez. Does anybody wish to discuss item 19? This is a public meeting resolution. It doesn't determine nnything. All it does is the same as 18, it sets a date for n henring. Call the roll on it The following resolution wan introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved it; adoption: Upon being ccohd(6 by Col wi::rjonrr Perez, the resolution was pLsscd rJbd ade'dtcd by thc following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commi:isioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 90. ESTABLISH THOMDtY, OCTOBEE 25, 1984, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HELNIEG COMCERLIEG ISSUAECE or DEVELOPHEtT ORDER FOR MUM/IRE CLLYLE PLOjECT, A DEVELOVREhT OF kEGIONAL IMPACT. Mr. Robert H. Trz,urig: Mr. Mayor, thEtre is a companion item. A letter elitributed th1 morning b tke Manager. Mayor Ferre: item 27. Mr. Traurig: Well the companion item that deals with the application for the D.R.I. hearing date. That would have to MN === NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo O.MM.01ftwd* Mr. Plummer: You agree? gl 162 be a pocket item. We'd ask you to resolve to schedule the D.R.I. on the same day that special major use permit is being scheduled. Mayor Fcrrc: Does the department have any objections to this? Mr. Whipple: No, sir, Mayor Ferre: Do we need a motion to that effect? Mr. Whipple: Yes, sir. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-904 AYES: Commissioner Miller j. DavBins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro Perez seconds. Further A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1984, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING ISSUANCE OF A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE TERREMARK CENTER PROJECT, A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT TO DE LOCATED AT AVIATION AVENUE, TIGERTAIL AVENUE, AND SOUGH BAYSMORE DRIVE, AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO NOTIFY APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. (Here follows body of resolution, eitted here and on filo n the 01The of the Cfty Clerk. ) Upon being seconded by Comissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and dopi. ed by tAle following vote- 91. ESTABLISH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1984, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING COI THE ISSUANCE OF A DEVELOPMENT ORDER BRICKELL BAY OFFICE PROJECT, A DEVELOPHENT OF REGIOULL IRPACT. Mr. Traurig: Kr. Mayor, the z letter asked for the same kind of nction that a pocket iten! which would Let the D.R.I. hearing on the Brickell Bay Ofi'ice Tower for October 11th. If this board could do that at the Zirti(:: now while I'm standing here, we would apprecia„tc it. Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to go on that? The department agrees? Mr. PluLmer: Which item is the initial item? Mr. Traurig: There is DO initial item, special major use permit has already been set. 1 July 31, 1984 - 7_ --_ gl Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Which one is this? Mr. Plummer: This is on the Terremark Center. Mayor Ferre: No no, no, Mr. Plummer: Well what are you giving me here? Mayor Ferro: We've already voted on Drickell Bay. You have to stay awakc on these things. Mr. Plummer: Mr, Mayor, I'm reading from what he just this minute put in front of me, He's complying with the law. Mayor Ferro: That's an error. Ready? This is for Brickell.... Mr. Traurig: Day Office Tower public hearing October 11th. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Dawkins seconds? No, Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption; NOES: None. RESOLUTION NO, 8fl-905 A RESOLUTION L.PL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 198 rr i 'Ti r runic HEARING CONCERNIN 111/.Pi Cr ',.:',VY:POrl.W.NT ORDER FOR nt 1 FROJECT, A DEVLI ( 1 F LOCATED Al' 100!) UTH PAHORF DOVE, hND DIRLCTING THE CI:a CLM TO WTIFY LPPROPRIATE AGENCIP:- (Here fojoti body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. ) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, jr. Vice-Mayor Dcmctrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 92. AUTHORIZE LPPLICAUT TO FILE FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PEEKIT ' STATION TOWERS (LATRIFIRST FEDERAL, TnUSTEE FOE bRI(:LELL SILTIOR TWEES, INC.) Mr. Plumtr: 1!,LJA to 18. Mayor Ferre: ItetiA 18 is the .same as item 19, except it's a different projt. Mr. Plummer: Setting the date, I'll move it, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves item 18. Is there a second? O•lio OW. *AM 1.11. 1 A 163 July 31 1984 Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: Dawkins seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPLICANT T FOR THE BRICKFLL STATION TOWERS PROJECT LOCATED AT SOUTHWEST 9T11 STREET AND SOUTHWEST 1ST AVENUE (MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN) TO FILE A FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT KITH THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING; PROVIDING CAVEATS; AND ESTABLISHING 3:30 P.M., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1984, OR A RECONVENED MEETING, AS THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR CONSIDERATION OF SAID FINAL APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed rild adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Da•kins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Moyor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo „ , „ , . , „ , . - . • • . . NM MB.. alma a a v. 10...10oadM■■■■•00.1■4..1■■41.41. NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Person scheduled to appear on Agenda Tairilo. 26 - did not appear. • - • ' • • • - - • - IIIMO■a*A.Vi** • gl RESOLUTION NO, 84-906 164 93. FIRST READING ORDINANCE: ZONING TEXT CHANGE - SEC. 35- 13 FAILURE OF CITY COMMISSION TO ACT - ADD PROVISION THAT COHMISSION HAY COETINUE COKSIDEKATION OF A RECOMMEHDATION TO A DATE CERTAIL: THAT IHTERVEKIEG TIME SHALL HOT BE COUNTED; ETC. Mayor Ferre: Item 21, 2oning text plLnning amendment would provide tha4t item my be continued to dLite certLin up to 60 days beyond norml 90 day time limit, Mr. Garcia-PedrosL: T•fnA's mechnical, Mr, Hayor. Mayor }err : This Eivcs the Commission more flexibility on first rediric,. Does Lnybody wish to speak on this? The department pprco00,t';. Mr. Plufilaer 1 it, July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Ihe Planning Advisory Board recommended it unanilL'ous.ly. PluiLluer moves. Perez seconds. Further discussion? head the ordinance. a AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner~ Joe Carollo AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TEXT OF ORDINANCE NO. 9500, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. BY AMENDING SECTION 35 -13 OF ARTICLE "15 BY ADDING A PROVISION THAT THE CITY COMMISSION MAY CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF A RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING ADVISOR Y BARD 09 THE ZONING HOARD TO A DATE CERTAIN AND STAY THE TIME WITHIN WHICH THE ITEM IS TO BE LEGISLATIVELY DECIDED DURING SUCH CONTINUANCES; FURTHER, PROVIDING THAT IN THE INSTANCE OF A REFERRAL. TO A BOARD OR A CONTINUANCE TO A DATE CERTAIN, THE INTERVENING TIME SHALT. NOT BE COUNTED AND THE NOTICE REQUIREMENTS OF TIIE CITY CODE SHALL NOT APPLY TO THE ITEM UPON ITS SUBSEQUENT CONSIDERATION I3Y THE CITY COMMISSION; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. Was i..ntrcducccd by C..ommi: sionrr Plummer and seconded by Commissioner t erc. and ; -a'. ^led on its first reading by title by the following v,; AYES: Cemt3 :i: ienc M _.. ) J J. Dawkins Commi sicnc J. L. Mummer, Jr. Vioe -i- ; -yor° Dcr c tr i J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commis 4.n6 that copies were available to the public. FOR CITYLVIDE SANITARY MOTE FOR THE RECORD: A onda item 27 VU5 continued. 911. ACCE , BID: HID "E" 0 PE SEWE4`: IpP OF'EidEN EASE LITTLE HAM A. ., Mayor Fer'rc up item 28. Does anybody have a problem with item 28? i oeL anybody wish to speak to 28? Is there a motion? Mr. Pere: Mayor Ferro. : Ferez moves. Is there a scond? Mr. DawL iu : Second . Mayor Ferre: Second by Dawkins. Further discussion? Call the roll. gl 165 July 31, 1984 AYES: NOES: None. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-907 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO, IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF 218,395.00, BID "E" OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - EAST LITTLE HAVANA (BID "E") WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS IMPROVEMENTS" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $218,395,00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $30,575.00 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUNDS THE AMOUNT OF $;4,368.00 TO COVER SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. OF CITY-WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT - FAT LITTLE HAVANA Tr CITY- WIDE 1 1 TVPROVH;EET DISTRICT - EAST LIITU EAVAEA n-5 UYON F;ATTSFACTORY compuTle!: AIP coucT roTICE SHALL IT COM.JANCr MTH THE PRovislor ;1.1 , ADOPTED JANUARY 1, CORCERNING THE EUbLICATION OF CITY NOW (Here fo 1)ody of resolution, omitted here and en Mc j.n the (rfice of the City Clerk.) Upon being Lceonded by Commissioner Dawkins, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demctrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 95. ACCEPT BID: BID "A" EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT 1-4487A. Mayor Ferre: Take up itclu 29, similr watter Mr. Plummer: Does anybody wish to speak on item 29? Move it. Mayor Ferre: Plumm(2.r NbVt5. Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll on 29. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who woved its adoption: gl 166 July 31, 1984 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Byer TDe.mctr io J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Nauricc A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo gl (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) RESOLUTION NO. 8 -908 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF IRWIN- GREENWELL, INC, IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $194,823.75 1310 „J OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT -PHASE I (BID "A") WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "EAST T L 6_.TTLE HAVANA STREET IMPROVEMENTS" ACCOUNT TN THE AMOUNT OF $194,823.75 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FNNi) THE AMOUNT OF $27,275.25 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUNDS THE AMOUNT OF :3,896.00 TO COVER SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER R TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT KITH SAID FIRM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY TIIE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY IRWIN- GREENWELL, INC. OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT IN EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY DISTRICT H- 1 4'487 -A UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF SAID CONSTRUCTION; SAID NOTICE SHALL. BE PUBLISHED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 84-;15, ADOPTED JANUARY 19, 1984. CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF CITY NOTICES. 96. ACCEPT PiD: BID fl F" - EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVE [ EN T ` H-4487 Mayor Ferr'e: item 30 Mr. Plurrr2Lr: 1 le Lhyoiit wiLJ1 to speak en :i.te.n 30? Mayor ►.`'crr e E tovc:: Is there second? Plummer seconds. Furth& -r d i cu ien": Does anyon wish to speak on this? C'r.3.1 t.E, roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: 167 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: Mr. Gary, we're all in favor of motherhood, apple pie, and great signage, but $74,000 worth? Are they up? Mr. Gary: Shortly. Mr. Plummer: Does that go along with your $90,000 flag pole? Mayor Ferre: I guess there is discussion, so we're not going to pass this. Is that 11.? Are we ready to vote? Yes, or no? Dawkins MOVe5, Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Dawkins, who moved its adoption: Upon being :seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Comm toner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 98. ACCEPT BID; 1311) 11 W EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEHEET 11 Mayor Ferre: Wet on iteu. 32, East Littic lavana Highay improvetuent bid, Are these the bid figures? Is this the tabulation, Mr. Mzaiger7 Highway iu4)rovetuent H-4487, bid "B", second biddin, hio-kan International, and so on, is there a inotiou on this? Mr. Plumuler: Do we have nutubers? Mayor Ferre: $393,596.50, are we ready to vote? Who makes the motion? Mr. Plummer: Move it. gl A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF MELWEB SIGNS, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $74,630.00, BASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS - SIGNS; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF fig4,630,00 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FEOE SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF 4 TO C0\ THF COF,T CF PEOjECT EXPENSE; 11.1,0CATYNC; VYJM ;r,TT) FUNP THE AMOUNT 1) C - fo IFF COT OF SUCH LABORATOO EiUTfiUF; !.)) fMU0k1.7.ING. THE CITY TO EXECUTE A CONIY;ACT WITH SAID FM. (Here follows, body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) oVO 6.46. .1141111WOMMODASSOMMAIS RESOLUTION NO. 84-910 1 69 -------------------- July 31, 1984 1 The following resolution wan introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its Noption: Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Further discussion? Call the roll on 32, hid "B". RESOLUTION NO. 84-911 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID OF RIC INTERNATIONAL, INC. IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $393,596.50, DID "D" OF THE PROPOSAL, FOR EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS (SECOND BIDDING); WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "EAST LITTLE HAVANA STREET IMPROVEMENTS" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $393,596.50 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $55,103.50 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $7,872.00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCH ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY. CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY RIC-MAN INTERNUTOFAL, 1.1,T 01° FAST LITTLE HAVANA hi (;11'CAY - j1IFWVFIVNI 4 IATTLE HAVANA 1 1 1 1 wvyurT 1 1 11-0187 UPON f CTONY C01;11 L.0 ON or SAI D CONSTRUNTON; A?1) WICT 1 rr rV IN COMFLIANCF 111 1 EroLUT1ON NO. 84-45, LYIPFTit or c)v; (Here fol)o• N )('Ay 1 omitted here and on fil jh Lh‘ Olfjcu of the City Clerk.) Upon being : ecnN(d by Commiarioner Perez, the resolution was parNeC :nd rCoi ted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Hiller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 41. 99. ACCEPT BID; 1311) hC" AND "Dh EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT H-448T. 411e. sae ye Mr. Dawkins: Mr. Fluihwer: Pove it Second. discussion? Call the roll. 170 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferret C) "C" Lind "D" you have before you, East Little Havana improvement bids "C" and "D" FRE Construction, $1,141,748.42. Are we ready to vote on this? Mayor Ferre: It's been moved and seconded. Further 5 RESOLUTION N O. 84-912 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE ?3ID OF FRE CONSTRUCTION CO, INC, IN THE PROPOSED AMOUNT OF $1,141,748.42, T11_DS "C" AND s "D" OF THE PROPOSAL„ FOR EAST. LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS (SECOND BIDDING) ; WITH MONIES THEREFOR ALLOCATED FROM THE "EAST LITTLE HAVANA STREET IMPROVEMENTS" ACCOUNT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,141,748.42 TO COVER THE CONTRACT COST; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $159,844.58 TO COVER THE COST OF PROJECT EXPENSE; ALLOCATING FROM SAID FUND THE AMOUNT OF $22,835,00 TO COVER THE COST OF SUCII ITEMS AS ADVERTISING, TESTING LABORATORIES AND POSTAGE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM; AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR OBJECTIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION BY FEE CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. OF EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT TENT DISTRICT H-4487 UPON SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF SAID CONSTRUCT 1 O , SAID NOTICE 1,AI 1 PE PUPLISHE D IN COMPLIANCE ANC ., ; 7 H TEE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO, W1-45 , APOI :I1 JI OF CITY NOTICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice - -Mayor i)crctrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 100 FOLWL RESQLUT1Oi : ALLOCATE $10,000 FOR THE REPAIR CF I`1UE.: ''` IILY OF PIGS" 11O UI;ENT. Mayor E g ° re: +tern 3 �;, this is for the repair of the.... Mr. Plumr;r: Hove it Mayor Ferret Plummer moves the Bay of Pigs monument. Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: 171 July 31, 1984 NOES: None. gl RESOLUTION NO. 84 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1O,00() FROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND FOR THE REPAIR OF THE BAY OF PIG 3 MONUMENT LOCATED ON CUBAN MEMORIAL BOULEVARD (Here follows body of resolution, omic.ted here and on file in the Offi.eo of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commisioner Perez, the resolution was parsed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commiszioncr Miller 3, Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio 3, Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 101 FOR! LATIO: ALLOUTE $25,000 AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CARIB5EMICEFTUL, MERICAN ACTION IR CONNECTION WITH "8TH Luou TJAUI CONFEREUCE ON THE CARJBBEAF" 4T HYATT REGENCY, DEC 3-7, 19,84 .■.. . y.a pw n .m .,.. wlclwth. , m , m=VmleeEfcn. , A , T..W.Jrraln.wr.*W,EmWAmntwoOWutM■■■OWMOMGI Mayor Ferre: Take up item 34 $25,000 C.C.A.A. Mr. Plummer: We agreed to it I move it. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Perez seconds. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion, there is another group out there, the Caribbean Chamber of Commerce and I went to Tallahassee with them. They do have $75,000 coming from the State to put on a Caribbean something. So I would hope that if they need more money, that the City of Miami would see it fit to give them what they need also. That's all Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to go on item 34? It's been moved and seconded. Call the roll. The following resolution vas introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 84-914 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED t2';,000 EROM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CONTINGENT FOND, AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CARIBBEAN/CENTRAL AMENICAN ACTION IN CONNECTION WITH ITS EIGHTH ANNUAL MIAMI CONFEFENCE ON 1H1 CAFALBEAN TO BE HELD IN MIAMI h THE HYATT REGENCY HOTEL, FEGEMBER 3-7, 19E4; SUBJECT TO THE S.TATE CA' FLORIDA AND EILTROPOLITAN 1LPE COUNn JOINTLY CONTRIBUTING Na LP3S THAN ".?5,000 TO THIS CONFENFEGE FURTHER EhOVIDING THAT SAID ALLOCATION P,E2NG CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH CITY 00 MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM.-1-84 DATED JANUARY 24, 1964. 17 2 July 31, 1984 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being rtr.s.00nelnd by Commir-si Perez, the resolution WPS nnd adontr by thc following vote- AYES: Comminsioner Miller .1, Dnukins Commissioner J. L. Mummer, Jr. Vice—Mayor JThmrtrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo 1010 102 AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER AHD CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS FOR LEASE OF BAYBOTTOM LAND IN CONNECTION MITH THE FISHER ISLArD FERRY TERrIPAL. Mr, Robert H. Trnurig: There was another pocket item that David Pierson spoke with you about earlier that hasn't come up involving Fi,7her Island. Could you call that item at some point? Mayor Ferre: Dvid Picra“rm vpproval of permit for a building of Fisher Ferry terminal on McArthur Causeway, They just received Cabinet approval. They vill complete a boavdw:lb ymintajn the sNne that will be worth $50,000 u“.1 j).1 py (±:t to the Ciy 1 ,00, The board tey ;1.)ou is south of the Holiday Inn; he' t1 ;1{ of i deneci by Sasaki Yne— ricrrion fcir inc. Mr. ViLliccr, I'L 1 - )ni1 v, it to yoll, Give c)FIL ',,c) the Clerk, for the record 1 don't want enc. Ls yeti ny cc11, I'm the one that hcld thi.;?; matter up askng the to proffer something substantive. Er. Manager, I think this points to one very clear fact about. Mr. Plummer. That is that there is something else in life other than black olive trees and tennis courts, Mr. Dawkins. As far as 1 am concerned, since I was the culprit to hold this thing up, it's O.K. with me. The rest of the Commission will have to make a decision. What's the will of this Commission? Mr. Plummer: Well , you're the culprit. Mayor Ferrc: 1 mcve it. 1 Itiove that they be granted their Fisher island ferry ter inal bi',ybottom land, which is basiclly what they 1,:ht from us, right? Mr. Mr. gi Trz:iurig: yes_ VP 173 Plumm;r: I'll eeciid 1 t . How long is the lease, Bob? Mr. Traurie_: uculd be 3 99 year lease which would run concurrently vIth tt eLse we're getting from the State on COfltiUOLJ b.y tAlteftt. Mayor Ferrt: 1 LnbulLt- thi still has your - pprova - 1? Mr. Gary: It hat,, us approval. This is conditioned upon our making a final review of the plan. We agree with the concept. July 31, 198M —1 Mayor Ferre: By the way, the $50,000 is not part of my motion. I don't, know what that will cost. Whatever that is, it has to be done first class. Mr. Traurig: jr. Mayor, let me nay one more thing. We had agreed not only to do thin, but to pay an annual rent of $2,500, not the 1,500 that t4, mentioned. I want to make that clear. We bad mentioned that earlier to the Manager. Mayor Ferre: Thank yon for correcting me, Mr. Plummer: Let me ask this. We would be smarter not to take any grant. Your lease is 99 years. Are you putting that in concrete? Mr. Gary: No, no, that's in addition to. Mr. Plummer; I understand, Mr. Gary, but if they put it in as a wooden dock, in 15 or 20 years it , s going to be gone. Mr. Gary: It's concrete. Mr. Plummer: What. I'm saying is we'd be better off not to take rent to guarantee for the 99 years of their lease that this thing will be done. I asking a question. Mr. Gary: no. Mr. Plummer: The answer is no. Thank you, sir. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, does this meet with your approval? Mr. Gary: Yes, it does. INAUDIBLE BACKGROUND COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Mr. Perez: Do you have any discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 84-915 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING BOTH THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY AGREEMENTS FOR THE LEASE OF CITY-OWNED BAY BOTTOM LAND IN CONNEC11ON WI 1H THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FISHER ISUND FERRY TERMINAL, AT AN ANNUAL REM', FLU 01' ,2 ,500. Upon being seconded by Commi5sioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissionc.r Miller J. Dawkin5 Commioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio J. Perez, Jr. Mayor Murice h. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Carollo gi 171 July 31, 1984 ,,S4gan't 103 DISCUSSION AND CONTINUANCE To SEPTEMBER MEETING REQUEST FOR CLOSURE OF EAST/WEST ALLEY IN N.W. 37TH STREET BETWEEN 29T11 COURT AND 3oTH AVENUE. Mayor Ferre: We're on Item number 10. Mr. Richard Whipple: Mr, mnyor, 1 explained to the applicant what the Comminsion's concerns were. They did point out to me that this came.- a problem to the extent that they are leaso-holdev 25 or 30 years, and not the property owners, I just wanted to pass that information on to you. It's up to the applicant. Mayor Ferro: We'll take this up next time. Mr. Jim Barker: Can you defer it to September 13th? Mayor Fel Sure. Mr. Barker: have to get back with the property owners. I can get with you and find out exactly what you want so I can tell them. Mayor Fcrrc: Jim, my guess is that the property owners are going to say, "Hey, you got it for the next 99 year3; you worry about that." Mr. Barker 25, but •brit would the COMMill dire? Mr. Dawkins: 'Chet it, is 5. th: vhcn hve: given variances and vlia.t live you, and cnhan value of the property, ao'Hutr;le the tcojp: o i;;Mni that they offer tc. donatj.oH L.HC to fl)u City. J.L. Pluracler haa intvrc:iJC o)vr tvc, ''ve been saying thsl.. w5 s■n City - s ploca Ovelun, Vnwood, par in Wynwood. 1 1M,)L what have ycu, tnt ncr_ ajd that we G L 1 1„ y a n■ F r) to hG w to compete on f Lhcy ncver Lo, Kr. Traurig has becn gcncrou onourh to put two clay courts at Moore Park. So, now, ,inec: you havo all BlLek contractors, it wouldn't be bad if you put two or three clay courts in Little Havana or Wynuood. Mr. Barker: Ve thought with this project in working with that Commissioner Dawkins, that this would off set that Mr. Dawkins: Thht's what I'm saying. You all figured that if you came in here with all Black contractors, we don't look at everything else. But it just didn't work. Did it? Mr. Barker: No, this was at a request through the D.A.C. Not overlook anything, I mean we've always tried to be staightforward, just like we are now. Mr. Dawkins: That's what we're being with you, straight up front. Mr. Barker: Thank you. MOTE 1 TEE LMEA): Lgenda itej o. 6 was continued to gl 175 THEREUPON MOTION DULY MADE AND SECONDED THE ISSUE OF CLOSURE OF EAST/WEST ALLEY IN N.W. 37TH ST. WAS CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER, W. %W....W... July 31, 1984 NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Caron() Commissioner J.L. Plummer, Jr. 01•11.40 gepo 105 DISCOS:3IWI !tTSi) DEFERBAL OF CONSIDERATIOR OFF TEXT AMEHDMENT 70 ORD. 9500 FOR PO DTTRICTS, SPECIAL PUBLIC IMTERE5T DTSTRICTS; ETC. Mayor Ferro: Take up item 20, Ms. Isa Hernandez: My name is T5a J3ernandcz 1 live at 485 S.W. 78th Place. I'm here to protest the passing of the amendment because we feel that it is under-inclusive in that it does not include RG-3 properties. We have spoken, we have tried to get reasons for the amendment, also reasons for the ordinance, but we have not received either. We feel 11G--.3 is being discriminated against because there is no reason why not to include it in the amendment. We also a reasons for the amendment and what is the basis for it The 50-foot; minii7um requirement, we feel in the ordinance is not proper. ThcT i. DO rcrlon for j.t, We fcc7i. it should have or Veen di lo requir pereent,pe minimum, instead of 1 rnimum, However, thc ;mendr61t seems to be rectinr :omr: of t oF)cm Fut we f it )1:7 not complete, 1:e would lhe to no prJs thi amendront until further :tudy doue, Mr. Ser0 cuc: PaLieally, thi F, the one that hecn rojnfl beforc 1h(. Zoning orVnanoe ncview Committe for n tii;( the )ady' dcabni, with small section o; the who)c c) 5 to(In 21, They would like include c:iic that we're propw:ing, that (J(ft ith :7,ing1e-fmily id duplexes, in eafLes where you don't moot the requirement for yard and total area We, at this point, canhot recocmend the proposal by the applicant. We believe that the recommendation that we have takes care of the major points that we had before with the ordinance. In a future day, we will come back and address the issue that the applicant is proposing in relation to multi-family. Ms. Hernandez: Mr. Rodriguez has recognized that the amendment isn't rectifying our end of the problems. We don't feel why the amendment should not be passed to rectify all of it. Mayor Ferre: Because there are so many problems that there is no way that we could rectify all of the problems, so what we're doing 15 pas5ing the main of this and we're going to come back aid tart amending it tomorrow, becu:se yours is one of about 300 amendments that have to be made to this document_ Mr. Rodrgue Actually, we Lj not propcng in her ease that we're going to make an amendment. We're going to look into thbt tAtuation to see if there is any grounds to change what we have. Lt th:is point, what we believe we have is a good reconimendation that has been awoved by the whole committee. Ms. Hernande2: 1 ubmit that a good recommendation is complete and this is just not complete. Mayor Ferre: There is no such thing. It's like telling me that the immigration bill that is going to be passed is going to resolve sll when th Simpson Bill is complete. There is no inch thing. There in no nomplete immigration bill. There is alway n P fP31PeV. WhAt 3T1;1tOr 3iMpnen is saying 1 thnt pns:- it nn(1 71,P1 0 07 - retjng it tOMOrrOw; othf7,.rwirze. we're going to get no immiRrption bill and we nrefi onr denperptely. l'm yin bont this and what the department says In thin is something that we been working on for years. we've been haggling and hannling and moving and trying to Ret thin thing through, nd we're finally getting nomething through. We need to get this document through. We know it not n perfect document. There in no perfect donument. Ms. Hernandez: But the time wasted in between for us and thousands of people who are going to be affected by the amendment, not including RG which really, there is no justifyahle reason, because the density is going to be the same. Our 51C property, the front requirement of 50 feet just plain like that is not a basis for denying somebody a multi-structure, Mayor Ferre: Say it into the record. This is a public meeting. If you have anything that you want to tell me, say it into the record, Ms . He r 11 P11 Ci hri. he t referring to is thnt he 5 paid taxes for oy ci t c r: on c multi-structure, the right to bui d 1 1 1 f' property, Uo 1 s being dcpie.6 fecit that it's rl tkinE of his property, cei.oH.ly, hcesusc they're not allowing him to use his propetty the maximum thrt h.' has 1.1(:(1) payinr taxes for over 1.(11 year. Mr. Rodvigue: 1Then the Zoning Ordincnec 9500 came into effect last year, thc applicant would have in allowed to have one ni family unt, bcew7.c the ordinimce„rhe has an unconforming :tot. Uith the proposal that we hve here today, he will he allowed to hcye two unit in that property. He would like to have at least three units, because it is a multi-family development. Lt this point we believe that requires further study. 1 think this other item that is before you today is really holding a lot of people that would like to build and have been waiting for this amendment to pass. I think that the most logical way to proceed with this, if 1 may recommend, is that we approve this today and we look into that situation and the effect that it may have with them and other properties and to the City. Ms. Hernandez: Actually, what we want is a four-unit apartment, because the whole area is buildings and apartment. . There are people like us who are waiting for the amendment to include us and to as an amendment now excluding us, there 1 no reason for t. It would simplefy everything. Mr. kodrigue:Lt Anyhow, today wt: cannot deal with this amendment that they are proposing because it has not been advertised. e're only dealing with what you have in front of you Something like this, 11 you want to ask. us to study further and come back in a future date, after we go before the Planning Advisory board we can dG that. Mr. Plummer O w an 0(..,10 itt, Mr. hodrigue2: You could deny the item. The only point that 1 was trying to make before is that this has been going before you for a while. There are a lot of people that are sl 178 July 31, 1984 --riatz; Mr. Mr. Pluilser: What zoning is presentiy there? a A, A, Mr. Rodriues,: I believe he has a LG right? ; waiting to build based on this amendment. It's part of the recommendations from the committee that you appointed. Frankly, 1 think that you should approve this today. Ms. Herrandr7: If T may, T nndrrstpr,d that thv hove been studying this for ovp- two vpArl. 1, w h y - , „ If it hn - 7lueb n wf- all Lht the amendmrut not br- h- fwthr : arid t-"" feel that on it going to 1 r that oil- prIsition is correct. Ncorc prople too, Pnd don't. want to hPve to go through all the amendment process again. Mr. Rodriguez: They will have to go through th- whole amendment process again. Mr. Plummer: Tell me where your property is again. Ms. Hernandez: Flagler and 32 Avenue, facing Flagler. Mr. Plummer: There is a big apartment house right there. It's about four stories, five stories. Ms. Hernandez: We have over 7,000 square feet in the property, 6,109. The regulation requires 5,000. Mr. Plummer: I understand, but I also understand that there is multiple family in that area. How wide is your property? Ms. Hernandez: Thirty-seven and one half inches wide, 128 feet long. A Mr. Plummer: Which is substandard. A UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: It's a legal-sized lot right now today. I got a bunch of buildings over here with the numbers the people build multiple unit, 50 x 100; it's 5,000 square feet. ily house is 47 1/2 x 129; 1 have close to 6,000 square feet. By criteria, what is the difference between 50 by 100 is 5,000 square feet maybe. As allowed today, Line hi 6,000 square fees net, )j_.rft: L;;;L; 47 1/2, it's a icEall tized lot Flagler that way, pay tax for eight years with this kind of zoning. Why Is the difference between 50...? Mr. Plummer: Yes, but what they're saying is thnt if it is done now. if they don't, have to go through nn individual hearing, they don't have to file an application. Mr. Rodriguez: You can instruct the staff to look into this situation end come hack in no many days from now. They cannot file an application beepuse this will be anyhow a zoning text nmendment. It in not a zoning map nmendment. The problem we have in allowing multifamilios, in the case of a single family nnd duplex, it's easier to control to a permit in which you Cflp reviev7 the situation, beepu.7e the difference in vidth jn the property doesn't have so much of an effect. Vhen yon'e dealing with multi-fnmily, the impact is much higgeT, End that's why we vmnt to tic careful as to what conditions or what criteria should be involved in the le8inlA.jon. Plumer: Will that aliow the 11Ju1ti? Mr. Roerdue'L: That would allow a multi, yes. Before, under CCA-71, he would have been allowed to have three units over there. They would like to have, because of the s1 179 July 31, 1984 7 lessening of requirements in the ordinance as to minimum size per unit, four units in a lot that is under-sized, basically. Mr. Plummer: still, he's been paying taxes on multi-use; that is what he has been paying taxes on. Mr. Walter Pier: J.L. three uni.ts Is a muU,Irle use. Mr. Plummer: But I'm saying that he been on paying taxes as if it were three units or four , or five or more. What you are proposing is to make him R single family? Mr. Rodriguez: What I'm proposing in the amendment is to correct a mistake from 9500 that would only allow you to have one unit, because he was under the ie that was required. That was my first amendment. What we have here today will allow him to build two units. He would like us to revisit thin situation with him in multi-family cases and see whether we will allow properties which have less than the minimum Si7C width or area that will allow him to go into multi family with full benefits. What we're saying is we're willing to do it at this point with single family and duplex. This in our recommendation at this time. The other one we can come back in the future, present it to you and let it decide on that issue by itself. INAUDIBLE F COMMENTS NOT ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD. Ms. Hernandez: If not, Mr. Plummer, we'd like to defer this matter until September when we can get an attorney to present this better to you Mayor Ferre: This is a very serious matter that is going to affect millions and millions of dollars of property. We have builders that arc ready to start construction. This is not somethinE.„ We've ben dca with tW.s thing or two years. Nov st the last moment, Gn sesond reacing,„ I tell you, whatever the majority wants to do, i'r awfully sorry, I'll vote with you to help you on particular prcTerty, but we're not going to hold up E. whole army just because one soldier has a.... Ms. Hernandez: It's not just us , Mayor Ferre. Mayor Ferre: ....well, because three soldiers have.... UNIDENTIFIED SPEhKER: There's lots and lots in Miami, Mayor. Ms. Hernzldcz: F1-fly lots are legally platted with less than 50 front in LG.-3. Row there is not oven a variance allowed. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Everybody in Miami, he knows, there are a lot of lots platted with the 49 point something, 48 point somethinE, hll over Miami, Silver 131uff Subdivision have a lot of lots in that way. It's not only r. Mayor, it a lot of people. in :4 pos-ition. NOTE FOR nth: RIXORD: CO1=1/011CT Csroilo euterd ueeting at sl las. Ms. Hernandez: I'rL sure that once everybody is aware of the amendment that is being proposed, more people will be here complaining. 180 July 31, 1984 Mr. Rodriguez: you wouldn't be it has not been can do i send start the process pgnin, second reading Pnd then situation they are prsentinR The point I'm trying to make is that today able to act on whet they are asking, because advertised in such a wny. The only thing we it hnek to the Pinning Advisory iloard and otheT than anting on this notion on Instrnet the staff to look into the Ms. Hernandez: We submit that it be sent hack and be further studied and then let's do it right once. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, I'm afraid that we vote upon this on second rending, that we might be committing a great injustice to n lot of people. The point that this man has brought out, deserves a closer look for the Commission, think. We're tnlking about lots that are between 40 and 49 feet, that basically what we're going to be telling these people is, "Weil, you can't build." Mr. Plummer: We're tolling them they can't build multi- family. That's the problem. The man's been paying on multi-family. Mr. Carollo: ;7)orc, that's not fair. Ms. Hernandez: We suggest you submit which. includes everything. Ms. Hernsnde:!.: TtiLt',,, right, al another amendment, Mr. Carollo: 1 don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not voting for this with those restrictions that it has. Mayor Ferro: The way to solve this is to apply individually each one of these things for a resolution, and I would be willing to vote for it. What in effect we're doing is, we're holding up a whole army becaue there are a hundred soldiers thet heppen to have bnd shoes. Mr. Carolio: Yes, but Hr. Mayor, 1C 1C supposed to be doing justice up here, not just passing lsws for the sake of passing them. This iL Eoing tO affect more than just 100 soldiers. City-wide, it going to affect a lot of people. What's worse it going to affect the little guy. It's not going to affect the big boys in downtown and Brickell. It's going to affect the little guy. Mayor Ferre: The problem is that this is something that we've been dealing with now for two years. This is a major item. It is perhaps one of the most important zoning matters thet we've taken. The Planning Department has been bringing this up es the text change of 9500, end well, I'll do whatever the mejority wants to do. Mr. Rodrigue2.: If I mr4, Cormissioner Cro1lo, if you don't vote on this today, what we're trying to do today is correcting e mistakc th3t will .11ow people to IlLve non- conforming lots tody. Mr. CE,rolic): ht I'm eeing is you racy be correcting some other mitAak, but you're Liking zan even bigger one if you're going to let tLis go by Mr. Cz:rolIo: Either yow tell me how we correct this today, or if two other r of this Commission go along with me, or for thet ntter, orie fore, because there are only four of us here now, it's going to be shot down. 181 July 31, 1984 Mr. Pierce: Commissioner, if I may, by not acting on this item today, you don't help these people at all at this point. If you approve this item today and staff comes back with an appropriate amendment processing it through the Planning Adv1:7ory floard, that will address their question, their Problem . t413 1 take fht me ri)unt of timp7. There is nothing th7lt wi11 bp peclomp1inhed by ho1 d5nR thi :-; today. Mr. Cprollo: wa1ter, Tot me say this to you. Thu' 'r good at investigations, T think you ean understand this, I have Mayor Ferre: What's the mill of this Comminsion? Mr. CSr0110: Mr, Mayor, I v/ant this item deferred until we can give these people 70171r justice in this particular point. to investigate this further. Mayor Ferro: There is a motion. Is there a second? Mr. Garcia To a date certain? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Fcrrc: To September 13th, call the roll. Mr. Garcia Excuse me, is that the September 13th or the Pl“nning rnd Zoning meeting? Mayor 27th. Ferre: I'm sorry, I stand corrected, to September THEREUPON )0T1 011 DULY MADE AND SECONDED, THE COMMISSION UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO CONTINUE ITEM 20 TO SEPTFIWN ;:7, 1984. Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, can I make Enother motion? Instructinr the Pinning Department to come before on that same rnectnr vfth the uproprito solution5 to give all these people rolicf? Ms. Hernandez: Is that September 27th? 51 182 106 PERSONAL APPEARANCE OF EODFRT TRAUNIG ON BEHALF OF THE DEVELOPERS OF CLAUGHTOE ISLAND REGARDING A PROPOSAL FOR ALTERNATE SITES FOR LOW-IECORE HOUSlFG ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED TO DE BUILT '1NERL. Mr. Robert H. Treurig: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, my name is Robert H. Trourig. I'm an ttorney with offices at 1401 Brickell Avenue. There is in item on your agenda that is described as discussion rogarding Claughton Island. I would like you to know that I represent the current owners of ruost of Claughton Island. Those owners arc E joint venture known as the Briokell Key joint venture. That's cenlposed of the Cheezam interest and the Squire interest, end the CIeughton family, E nd Susie Claughton Hathews on o small portion of the islnd still. So that the iilegA)ers of this Commission 'will underLtand the history of the deve)cpiie:nt of ClauLnton Isiond I uld call to your attention that in 1975 a eualpony io Tuli:a, knows as the Frate Properties, 1to urehe6 frol;, the Claughton family the bulk of CIauPhtc 1.1and, around 7/1ithL of the island, At that time, they went through a loi.g proee55 which u1 tea not only in a D. h? being considered by a Regional Planning Council and by this Commission, but also July 31, 1984 4 the passage of an ordinance, which was the forerunner of a whole bunch of the SP' ordinances. Part of the development order that WPS issued to permit the development by the Frates interest wan p provi:lion that within ten years, and that 13 to expire on February 12, 1925 , that developer would build 200 units of housing for low income families on the island. Lear income families was defined in the development order. :lubsequent to that time, the mPrkrt place changed and the Friedes properties interest could not begin to develop the island and sold the bulk of the island to the Cheesham and the Squire interest. When they acquired their 7/8th s of the island, they were well aware of the fact that this development order had that provision in it Interestingly, there have been two extensions of time for the commencement of construction. One in 1978 and one in 1979, which said that the commencement could be deferred for a year, but that didn't really extend the time for the completion of the low income housing. That low income housing provision remains unchanged and appears to expire on February 12, 1985. Our clients bought their interest in the island in early 1980 and commenced development at that time. They built the first building which was a little over 300 units and sold about 907, of those unit a. They began the second building and they only got to the fifth floor and they stopped construction hr.causc the marketplace no longer is reeentve to that type of condom.inium unit An the Brickell Avrnur Corridov or on thi ir:l:md or anyuhere where the pi Wi ij H)L la 5 at 1)u5:i a rat hi ng offered iel Tharcicia. a( h;v the preseat 1 r L:;n1 (:jHh) units on the iaA ah,11 it 'ata e aaah Ha have been ao: e 1;:1 ot orot Lhey have o ota ( or) i ; toot ; o a t ; by low oet•ia J Hi 01 •c;( L ; OCOMe unita on tha h.a,a v(1 , ea, acaa aern about 1 :ny (,h Lhj: - )H1;),t; th:: becauat oa orra(ao arf, ro Lao hnildHr was started and a(.. htvcn't (van contihued rith 1 i t t have three dif t(r :t v:i i c>uI d likf, you to hear about and to rcact to. Onc. i to ctcnd the time for U5 to build these units on the ialand. Two is to give us an opportunity to change the development order so that our obligation is different and perhaps transferred to another location. Three, is to just go ahead and build, despite the fact that the market place is unreceptive at the time and we recognize that there are some serious marketing issues that would result from our building the low income units at this point in time, when we haven't the opportunity to integrate them into a large development. There was a anticipation that there would be thousands of units built and that there would be federal programs that would be available for us to use in ordt- to create the low income housing. When 1 say us, 1 n not (=Veh really talking about the current owners, because as 1 indicated earlier, they inherited this commitaaent. but preaume that the or developer had anticipated that the federal programa that were applicable in 1975 would be equally applicable in 1985. But those programs do not exit at the present time. Very intereatingly, as the Urbah League report indicates, over 500,000 unita of federally aaaiated low-iacome housing were built in 1975 and thi year it Is anticipated that only about 5'i. of thot would be built hationaaide and that there are tiO p 0LratL Pvt., to your Community Development DepartLeht aaa I've ta'lked to a huLber of other people and there are no fect:IL.l 1J1 rc LC: WW1° ESk you to COLL-Ir OttItt Li;Lf; aeclaatit thot we build immediately. In ordt:r for u to uhatrL.tho the problem batter, though, Lad becauae we re-LL reapeot for the Urban League, we asked the Urban League to do a stuov, which they did through the Theodore h. Gibson Institute to reach a sl 183 July 31, 1984 conclusion as to whether or not the transference of the units from the island to some other location within the City limits of Miami would be appropriate and how they could be funded, etc. Their conclusion, and I think that each of you has received ; copy of the Urban League report, was that it would be appropriate from a sociel standpoint to move the units from the island to anothee location. Bot that the units to bc built, which shonld he TOY ineome units, not moderate ineom2 nits, and they ought to be bnilt in order to assist Tow income families because there l' -r greater need for Tow income family housing today than before primarily because the federal government snbsidies are no longer available. So then, If KC were g the opportunity to move the requirement, the mandate from the islnnd to some other location, what should we build, who nhoold pay for it, etc.? To refresh your recollections, the Urban League report said they ought to he moved to someplace else and they ought to require approximately 5.7 million dollars of funding of some source, not necessarily funding by the developer of the owners or investors on Claughton Island, but perhnpn a combination of governmental and private investment, and thnt investment ought to be somewhere else; whether it, ought to be in one neighborhood or a multitude of neighborhoods and how many unit; ought to be built in which neighborhoodn, is something that we won't even ouggest to you. But we do nuggest that a very grent responsibility should 17)-c borne by n - clientn, We ;77. prcparcd to bear a very grcn1., I ; ry to you that I origineInIy 1hn LemIc contri.bution by our ci lent t I ()Ont) Lhcv c.rfl units !,, in rceet j et tfo htt ;Thy en( tel le n t neu b u til ttto tttntt ; tweij e(: t\t jeH i.net would e ceteen: nn0 nen 000 tent Lt with 1. citid deein et et tie end :nt teej nt the ■ C,7!e. m(,rt,; y stamp now permit ft.7, for 1;J311.j.LJ± IJ.01 as single . JThmi.ly, : of the c)thcr 1 v c r tourees that the City cif 1. that thcvc uill bc r,ori public funding avi1;7.ble. We would you to contider referring this motter to your staff, to the City Mennger, to Ms. Spillman, to others with whom we would work in order to come up with some kind of a proposal for your consideration. That in one of the alternatives, and from our standpoint, the favorite alternative. We don't ask you to give us an extension of time for creating the housing. We think that the needs of the City are such that someone ought to embark on this kind of a program as quickly as possible, and to ask you to extend it [mother five years, we think would be anti- social. We would not ask you to consider that. Nor will we ask you to consider any other particular kind of relief to us. If you think that our proposal is unfair and inequitable and not in the best interest of the general community of the City of Miami, and if you want us to build these units on Claughton Island, we're Laying to you we will meet our responsibility. L'e think, though, that the Urban League report ie faitly well etettd and docueiented, that the best interest of the City is to neve the units built where the need eurrently the greatest and where the social interaction will be better than if these uni t are forced unto Cdaughton I1 and at this point in time. Se w ask you to consitr it and we eek you to advise us what you would like u to do. We will not shirk our responsibility. Thank you Mayor Ferre : Counselor, that's an important statement that you made on behalf of your clients. It shows social conscience and 1 would just point out. Hind sight is always 31 185 better, but if in 1980 they had embarked upon building 200 low cost houses, they could have probably done it for a $1,000.000; gotten 236 programs section 0 and what have you and thosr units would hp up now. It. iou1d hnvr cost $1,000, nod thirl wnnid a11 hr bfshin0 11 Tbnt's no use crying OVPr onillrd milk. 11 think the point th;lt we hRve now 12 14hat, do w do, T think your reeemmendntion 37 Rn approprin1.r one. 1 for on, Mr MPTIngo-, unleos you are ready to eommr-nt on that propooal. T think the thing to do is junt to hnvo otnff nnplyze it. They are up to $2,000,000, He star at t1,000,000, now they are up to $2,000,000 for 200 bourses. Mr. Gary: I'm ready to comment. Mayor Ferre: Oh, you arc? Go right ahead. Mr. Gary: We'll comp: back to you. Mayor Ferro: You mean after dinner? Mr. Gary: No, we'll take hi o proposal. Mr. Dawkins: No, you won't either. Well, O.K., I want to discus3 it. Mr. Gary: bet me Ove you my recommendation, then. First of all, the commj.tmel“, (f 200 units, and Mr. Traurig has said LI:17f they 1 up to the 200 commitment. Whether or not thc cl:7tc(71 that time, and I've o:1(3 c( t - , for that firm to W, up .'00 uhiH , H.11c1 :hcy fc:dcr. money or not. it 1 t!“, fjl of all let me ju:71. y:Ton6, 1)12 1 .i bcneficial in Claughton ;*) e()1.0 bencficial in Overtownai,IT 1 1 331;: ;c 1 in Overto;m j 10J0 th(n);1 ) r.corld alternative 15 accepted, T h;Hve cw) vth, that the firm, Mr. Traurip'a ebe5t, v(:)1)16 1 for huilding 200 units of 6ccent houng, rcEel of the co:;t, and regard'less of vhother he gets fcdcral oncy cr not 1 don't see any joint program vith thc City unleE,s the City has a program which is not going to coat it any more reaourees or cause it to divest its resources which were planned for other purposes. To the extent that we have existing resources that are not planned and are not going to cause hardships for other people for him to meet their commitment, then that's fine; but 200 units should be built by them, regardless of whether money exists from a federal source or governmental source or any other source. There is a U.D.A.G. program and a H.O.D.A.G. program that are now in existanee, 1 don't know how long they are going to be in existanee, but obviously the City of Miami could not be a joint partner in terms of applying for the money beciiuise it has to be the a private ector kind of deal. Therefore, the private :sector to be reponLible for making the application. That 1:3 basically what 1 have to say, Mr. Plummer: So whA you ar(: syiug bat3ically 1.5 that whether they arQ built on Clughton 1.1and or built in Overtown, tlicy the re,: of 200 unit:i, where ever they build the. Mr. Gary: LigLI, i.haLL\er the cot lb that is thcil 000 the! Mr. Do.,.kios: 2 ho t ap•e oith the i!onaLer partly. I would ice to lotce the builders tJ but 200 units on Claughton Island, because they threatened we. I mean 1 feel I was threarento. lou know and I know that 200 low cost July 31, 1984 housing on Claughton Island is not compatible. There is not a one of us sitting up here who does not know that. Because you cannot sell a $400,000 unit and then expect someone to come in on low income and be nompatIble. It just won't work. But If the builder Cools that he wants to do this, then I'm for it 100 because then it's up to me to find Urban League and others to attempt to assimilate these individuals Into such n setting, which 1,Tould be very hard to do, sir, I feel that the builder should build 200 units, that's what he promised. It's very had that the economy took a turn for the worse, but when you spoculato, that is the gamble that you take. I'm in favor of 200 units of low cost housing being built at your expense. But I'm not in favor of putting it in Overtown/Park West. We have given enough bonuses to the developers in Overtown/Park West. But there is nothing that says that 50 units cannot go in Liberty City, 50 units in Wynwood, 50 units in Coconut Grove, and 50 units in East Little Havana. Four times 50 is 200; that would be 200 units of low cost housing in the four sectors of this neighborhood that need it Therefore, I'm not in favor of doing anything else to help any builders Overtown/Park West. I'm for developing the rest of the City of Miami. Mayor Ferre: Let me recommend something to you, Bob, and through you to your olient,:e. nr. Rouse is noming into town again on August 9th- flo's coming hero looking for 1•7ayn for solving vcry, vcry co7Iplcx problcm. He trying to do it . rat hcen to Jubilee 17bieh or(: of the optrat tha.t ( :Moot of ent(!rrF:,e 1) ,f)oyo to 12 cities, ..hoy "10)::nr PHT1, se riot' ot•:- un INA)? d s tro n v (1(6 y u cm- r elient ihcy with C\ erybody. 1 yc Fih 1 3j.7 r uu vi th sorticthinr„ unieb bc tc eil going to L. 13 hc GVC'"LCVh < 2 n Lh r operation which hca.6cd by the Entc,rpric Fc:un(fttion who wants to look. at Liberty City and other plLoe:', 1i 1i town. Through thcm there might be nolution for joint ventures. I think what the City basically is saying is that we want the 200 units built. It's up to you to build them but there might be avenues that arc acceptable and reasonable for your clients that you can piggy back ride on and work with Marty Fine or Jubilee Housing or Enterprise Foundation or any other private sector group in accomplishing these goals. Mr. Traurig: I thank each of you for these suggestions. I think that each person who has spoken -Mr. Plummer hasn't spoken, but Commissioner Dawkins, the Manager, and you, Mr. Mayor have indicated that you felt would be appropriate for the housing to be placed in other neighborhoods. The suggestion which you made, Kr. Dawl is certainly something which we ought to consider at great length. To talk to you about and talk to the City administriAion about, and that is to it this among the neighborhoods that are most ilLpacted. We will take your advice to heart. Unfortunately, 1 personally am leavinc the City tomorrow and will be gone for a bit, but we will p on this and we will continue to wor1 . with your staff and come back to you with some indication of what we think is an equitable solution to the problem at a very early date. Mayor Ferre: Would you have somebody present at the.... Mr. Traurig: Yes, we will definitely have someone present at that meeting, even if I'm not personally there. 186 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Mr. Bermello. Mayor Ferre: Let me tell you there is a group that is coming together for s meeting that is going to include Mr, Jim Bad snd the President of Knight-Ridder Newspapers and perhaps the President of Ryder Trnek. Mike Add1er is going to be thoro. Mr. Dave Illumberg or his wife in in town, Hank Green; we wore hoping to invite you. pn 1 recall, to have a small gpi.horing with Mr. Rou-;e for this purpond. Put you won't hr in town, so T don't know who elso.... Mr. Traurig: T. will have to contact my office and discuss this. 1 will be leaving town in the morning and I will call them and I will arrange for someone to be present, and I'll call Mr. Youngling of Squire and we will definitely have someone present because thin is... We recognize that the deadline is February 12th, which is a very date, because it's Lincoln's birthday. We will not let this responsibility carry for an unreasonable period of time. We'll get back to you after we've had this opportunity to discuss these various things that you have mentioned, Mr, Mayor, and that is the Enterprise Foundation, the Jubilee Housing Marty's Miracle Housing, and the solution being joint ventures, etc. So we thank you for giving us some guidance. Mayor Ferre: Is there any action that we need to take on this Mr. Manager? If not thank you very much. WHEREUPON, THE CYTY cortlissioN WENT INTO A BRIEF RECY .rJ 7;30 P.M., RECONVENING AT 7:50 E.M., WYSH ALL MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION ECM) TO Pr PRESENT. mommammwmommwmempM■IPMM.M.MMOIlm.mmdm 107 DISCUSSIOM AND TEMPOURY DEFERRAL OF THE DINNER KEY MASTER PUNS Mayor Ferro: }r. Manager, the Chair recognizes you on the Dinner Key Master Flan. Howard, let's go; pass it down to who is going to present it.. Mr. Luft, the Chair recognizes you. Mr. Jack Luft: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, one year ago you set in motion the Dinner Key Master Plan. We hired the firm of Bermello, Kurki, and Vera and five additional subconsultants to prepare this study. The study was completed in May. We have gone through our public hearing a and we are 'before you to present a summary of our findings. I would only add that there are a lot of things that have been net in motion for Dinner Key in the last several years. There is a tremendous momentum that' s built up; thinEs re happening. Part of the problem is that we haven't adequately prepared to deLl with the impacts of those activitie. We're left with the difficult problems now of comics bac Lnd trying to fit :110M of thi toe,ether, where it. doun't Lnd zceommodate Lome of tee new needs that were not taken into account. Mr. Berello hz defined a series of public policies that 1 think are well worth considering as guidelines for this master planning effort, Willy. sl 187 July 31, 1984 Mr. Willy Bermello: Mr. Mayor, Commissioners, I'm going to try to summarize in a very brief and concise presentation the key issues which are embodied in the master plan and then I'll respond to any questions, comments that you or any member of the public may have following this. The basic six elements that I'd like Lo address tonight, one is public access, the second is reclamation of open spade, the third is parking, the fourth is public utilization of major facilities at Dinner Key, the fifth in the Merrill Stevens lease hold, and the sixth is lease management and implementation guidelines for all of Dinner Key. I'm going to use a series of slides to go through these six things. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask you a question, Willy, what you will be presenting to us tonight, is that the plan which you originally developed or is it going to be the plan as from what 1 have seen and maybe heard greatly modified? Mr. Bermello: Mr. Plummer, we're going to present the plan as modified, but also showing those areas where changes were made, so that you clearly understand the original concept of the master plan and where we have made modifications as a result of meetings with members of the public. The first issue i3 public access. The public access has three parts. One was a consideration of how to increase public access between Dinner Key end the surrounding areas, primarily the Village Center snd other areas to the south. One of the considertins vas leFarland lead end how we co1 1.6 achieve for a 1)( Pf.:ooci Park dc:inc:7, the southert th=:. projco r ro the e y::v t.hc r y 13a :T; (.r! v r tit; t par ; olH1c1r. r 1 removc y6cH vc the paved y;:r pyovj6(: ni)d contioutien of of nh<:rrot(..r you now Fcrl„)y thc: Collodore 1":1 FjThway arc L116. LI h s Lhc Orw_e Lo the connection o 7,:outh IThyhore Drive ;:n ;:(7)id, you have this situation where you have a nmnber of trees that block viewf3 to the bay. We think those trees need not be there. Landscaping should be there, but providing access and view towards the waterfront. The parking that you see beyond, we don't think that as the best location for parking. We think that basically people-oriented spaces should embrace the waterfront and not parking at that location. In a sense the parking should be in other areas, where parking is already located. So along this area, for example, we are recommending the removal of parking and converting: that into what we have called a promenade that basically slopes very gently toward the water's edge. Once you reach the water's edge, the promenade would go southward. At that point you se the Coconut Grove Sailing Club in the background. In an area where there used to be a number of picnic shelters we are calling for a walk-way to extend into thin area, bringing back those shelters, replanting of the coconut palm trees that gave Coconut Grove its name and hopefully, maybe at a future time allow for the possibility for an eY.tennion later en to connoct into the barnacle through the waterfront as a possibility. It provides for that passini.lity in the future. At tht base of Bayshore Drive and KeParland again ye are recomending the beginning ef what we call the l'iyshore The promenade aasieally ia jut a wi',IL-y that uan pLrIlel and meancer iy frcAi:1 llyhore Driv, wen-paved wide enough 50 tht, eofortb rdt lAcycIes, wC11-11t to provide for tft.-ty for ptdetri, buiy tyinE up and c onnectin Peacock, Kenny P:eyeTn Pork all the way up to shot D Dave Kennedy P 14 ark in tne ortn, Tnat of ave Kennedy Park. That is a eross-section howing what one of al 188 July 31, 1984 • these areas could look like where you see Bayshore Drive on the right and the two areas that Jeck showed to basically one walk-way that meanders away from Bayshore Drive and one that parallels Bayshore Drive toward the center of the public right-of-way, 1,n P sense what t. saying is that we don't have the present infrastrnetnre to provide a good linkage and good movement eirenlation s,ystem within the Dinner Kcy nre a for people to go from one place to the other and achieve n higher level of public access within the open space system, as evidenced by this slide. In addition, once the promenade is in place, it will provide for hopefully a better maintenance of the area around Bayshore Drive, which right now in many cases you see sites like this. Essentially, it would be an open space system connecting the southern part connecting all along Dayshore Drive all the way to the north. The third aspect of.... Mr. Plummer: Wait, what happened to the bay-walk? Mr. Bermello: I'm coming to that; right now. The third aspect of public access is the bayfront. The problem here is that there are some places along the bayfront; at Dinner Key where there is really no access because it is interrupted and this is a prime example. There are other places where there is access but nothing much is happening. The opportunities presented by the bayfront really have not be taken advantage of There are other places that are just sitting nnd 1 for something to happen. in addition, you have e lot. of rc; 1.1ierc VC have need for restoration of the shoreline ancl the huTkhcnd nrcds improvement. What we arc rccomcndjng in tic : ot' continuous bnywalk that voui6 :ol16 from thr Duner Key h:-j11 riGht around here ncyt to this buildjng all the way up to Monty Trainer'e. Mr. Plummer: Why not from Pccook Park? Mr. Bermeflo: Peacock Park in a r,cnse already provides it, because it'f, nn open r,p;,ce. We arc recommending a portion from Peecoch Perk to the eouth, We do have the Coconut Grove Soiline Club, which ie there. It presents a given...in the sense that we cen't do it et thet location and would basically hamper their operetions totally, so we're basically saying that from Peacock we go south from Kenny Meyers basically we go all the way north to the point of Monty Trainers. Mr. Plummer: Why didn't you tell us that before we gave them a liquor license. Mr. Bermello: The next important iseue, aside from public access, is what we are terming reclamation of public open space. What we mean by that is basically this There is land in the Dinner Key area which should be preserved and turned into public park land. Thera are basicelly two areas here. One is right at the foot of Pan American and Bayshore Drive. By the wby, thene parcels of land that we are talking about are colored in oran[! in the slide. This is an area that when you drove over to the building today, you must have seen all the cars parked there. It really should be open space. it a defacto parking lot. We think it's one of the Lost critical elements in tht entire plan that e decision be Let in Lotion that will preserve this very precious two-acre parcel of 1Lnd that Lateway into City Hall Lud 1n Lmerican Drive as open space. This is land that basically extends 011 both sides of Pan Lmerican in front of the Coconut Grove Exhibit Center c we'll as 11) front of the Coconut Grove hey Marina and MerryI 3tevens leaseholds. Basically this slide shows you the concept of taking that area on both sides of Pan American and making it 3 1 aa40 „a - 189 July 31, 1984 a tropical garden, an open space, something that coins and marks the entrance to Pan American Drive. The landscaping will also how also n couple of water features, something that will highlight the pier' of that eniranee. Pan American Drive itnelf Is n road of hiatorie celiher in the national register. vie eoneider this road also needs to be iMprov not only in terms of the eeeement. hat also the.... eieeeneee3ieeneo4LiVfirie. Mayor Ferre: How come the trees haven't grown in 30 years? Mr. Bermello: That' a one of the things we think needs to be taken care of Mr, Mayor. One will be the landscaping, better paving along Pan American Drive, preaerving this as a historic landmark which it is and should be. These are some of the features which we are recommending at the entrance in terms of new landscaping and some water features to coin and mark the entrnnee. Another view of the cross section along Pan American Drive and how it would frame the view toward this building which i5 right at the terminous of the vista, toward the water's edge. The other aspect of reclaiming land for public open space has to do with the islands. The City of Miami bee fourteen acres of land sitting out there that could become instantly park-land for the people to use, additional beech front within the City of Miami. One of the things that ue arc recommending is for the restoration of the islands, planning of mangroves on the inter side and this part ioulrT island restoring rome hcach front and having possibly :•omc v; tsxi service to the mainland, no direct vehicular c.cs::, 1)y foo, or vehicul' to thc island; everythiee eeela he ny noet, e vice of th t i.rlands today. H CL 1.1 1) L)). SiDCrCf7C of just 1_11)6 r reeee eelie ient; one) neve ieee ;-.1'i open space 1 );cy riji a icoo) c L)cie. en analyee e •ile eietine denianda Li;J3 Lbc oc parking and h: couJd ())::1)flc leireheeming year: e eeeelt ( n Lhc ;ro.3 of Peacock E 60Obt thc ,re in the Cc.)ec5ut Grove ;:i1J.hg Club j.11 add :;ht to that. Originslly, :;11. tho plan to had a rocomenciaton -and Mr. Plummer, you yore asking in terms of nrcas of uhere uc have made eome changee- and we had two locations primarily for parking. One within the Peacock Park area which Jack will point to. One which abuts in the immediately adjacent to the Coconut Grove Sailing Parking. As a result of the meetings that we've had, we deleted the one within the park. That basically is about 60 spaces. That doesn't mean that our figures were incorrect. This just means that the community was very strongly opposed to having any parking there. There will be parking problems. If you aek me what is going to happen where the people are going to turn away and not come to Peacock Park, I'm going to tell you that is ludicrous. People will keep coming and where they co. .they may spill over into some of the Coconut Grove Sailing Club's parking. They may go to St Steven's Church. They may park in other pieces, but right now the way that we have it in the plan is a revision which deletes the parking in this location and has parhing only in this location, abutting the 4 parking fro. the Coconut Grove Sailing Club, uodifying the entraneee 50 thet they both have e COMMON ehered entrance from Ikiv::.;hore. Drive as oppoeed to the current P.eFerland hoed entrenee. At Kenhedy, by the way we've said this many timee, ie L jewel of binner Etys It does have a pi,n problea L. e°, Our solution, in his pertieuler ceee is to take the 'LW() 'XiLtitie parking LCS ene improve them. The one in the north end the one toeera the eouth. In the north we preeeetly hue perking. It'e being itliproveA actually right now before we even completed the plan, not as a result 1 of the plan, but 1 am assuming motions that were set in 51 190 July 31, 1984 al before we began to study and in the southern extension, we are recommending parking in area where people presently park. It's just not improved. It's gravel and dirt and all those kinds of things. We're also recommending in that southernmost area when we improve the parking, to also plant additional royal palm trees that will keep the character of the long view estate across the road. Thin is a cross- section of the parking area in the north portion of the Dave Kennedy Park. The key issue and the most volatile question concerning parking has to do with the parking areas right immediately around us, what we refer to as Dinner Key basin. On this slide the amount of parking spaces that we have today, which is just slightly under 1,300 spaces. Sorry, that is a demand existing supply is just over 1,100. If you wonder where is the balnnce, where do those people park that won't find a space to park when you have an exhibit going on, when there may be a meeting in this hall. Well, they park in that very beautiful piece of land right; at; the foot of Pan American Drive and Bayshorc. Basically, one of the biggest challenges that we've had 15 that the parking problem is not always realized or visualized because the negative balance of supply versus demand, those people are parking in areas where they really shouldn't be parking. If we look at the fact that the Dinner Key Marina is going to increase in .rJips, from 375 to 550; if 1 consider the premir thnt the exhibit hall Fay :increa:Te its u=gc to 25% zidditiona cycnt days year; if yc asaume that Mr. Monty Tr;cr Ccv(jrps !I0.000 developliont, which dorn v(-.rajcn propoc6; for the Vi-rck 1 lk.vc L 1,947 by thc: hh, hhhhhch , vh a6C 831 00 Ix recommcninv• aquired by simply r )knc But that frnhly in just hcA chmurh, "There is s big, gap. There no uy that you . ft that gap \Ther(. yGu don't have the )and. The only to solve that is hy going up. In addressng, the lnnd use question in terms of parking, we looked at different alternatives. One of these vas to wrap a parking deck three levels around the Coconut Grove Exhibit Center. The second one was a four deck in front of it. Both of these we thought had a lot of negatives and none of the positives could out-weight those negatives. Our preferred alternative was to have a pyramid shaped, four- level parking deck, landscaped, hugging the two leaseholds of the Merryl Stevens and the Grove Key Marina. Basically, that would do a number of things. Number one, that would allow the City to comply with its obligations to 1r. Trainer to provide for him the ability of having parking to meet the Code requirements of his lease hold, number one. Number two it would allow the City to have parking situated equidistant fronl where the demand was going to be generated: basically Monty Trainers to the north, the exhibit center to the south and to Lome extent the Parina and the nJarine uses at Dinner Key. Third, it could allow for any kind of joint development cr joint sharing possibilities that the City may want to entertain with any private use directly across the street. In alternate plan was develcped by a number of oitizen5, and their pIL:ri, they eLiue up with a diiTerent version as to how to -ddress the parking situation, 'Instead of the one structure thLt we proposed, they at up with two struetu! e Cae Gf these structures basically hugged the exhilAt ho) to Ohe cf the owes that we studied, excert this vas )ut,t twc level parking stiuctore. The other L.trocture prc;pcsed by the citieh,ti group is in the area we the hortherhtilost hanger of Merril Stevens is presently located. It in an area where in our plan we are 191 July 31, 1984 Vit recommending open space as a replacement or substitution of that northern hanger. After some meetings with members of that group, we came to n modified solution, an option that although not our preferred option number one Hint we would consider to be acceptable and workable. Basically that envisions a smaller parking deck immediately opposite the Coconut Grove Exhibit Hall. What this does, ss opposed to the earlier version, is it allows vicW3 to the hay, which we felt the other alternative blocked too many views of the bay, and created better feeling of openness in the Pinner Key area. We basically agreed with him in terms of the location of the parking being in the area where the northernmost hanger of Merril Stevens presently is located. It does sacrifice an amphitheatre, pn additional open space that we were thinking about, but it is what we think would be an acceptable option to our original recommendation. Basically, both the original recommendation, the citizens alternate plan, and the modified version that 1 just presented to you, they say the same thing in many ways. That is that this area at the be of Pan American and Bayshore Drive which you see right here used as parking right now should be open space and people shouldn't be parking there. It also says that the entrance to Pan American Drive need to be beentified. in eesence, here you see the final version which :;hous the two parl;ing etrocture locationr, T Mould like to ssy that onc On Lira lcft has two levclL the one On yonr riFht IL fcur )cr() pc-rking garage, d( DC,Ci, the G.1 f which le': erejea ejli he the (icr = the year 1990 The c:,t jL. facilitjc, (d; Ohc:, 1:h) ch y(. ( upper right, by thc thiL L3j6c r,Ahr yyu as to how thIr ticd )0fj: m Whet we're veconding for thr (yi, :a hc;fly for an increeeed misad f;djity, not, OnLy L(11 of boxine, hut to hve Lom,: en)tny prorr,a, rhieh mould serve this com76unity vcry vell ;iid to hr.ve those tvo ehare that 5pace In tcrms of City Hall, our recommendation IL t.hnt this structure, which 13 in the national register both in terms of the interior and the exterior, at the time the Commission move to a different location, that this building be converted into an adaptable use. One that is compatible with the surrounding area. We believe that nn aviation maritime museum combination would be a most responsive use of this facility and that in feet, in terms of history, it would add to the substantive importance of thin building at this location. Finally, the Coconut Grove Exhibit Center, we think that there's opportunities for expansion of thi facility in terms of banquet and meeting room facilities and improving some of the infrestructure which would serve these two uses, primarily rest rooms, kitchen facilities, thet sort of thing, that would make this facility used more around the year than is presently being used. The r,€rrii. Stevens leasehold is a fifth What we're recommending is th::It in this property the privJary use be marine related, Rore specifically, s full service marina for major Lhel minor boat repair rp 1 nc Lo Lt =,,,torE Point number two, waterfront access on the waterfront, Point number three, that additional con,patble uses of marine, commerciel nature Lc al:;o al 1 i t i 1 ,h1t, property erea. Number : that the iesLehold be cohLoildated and that the northernmost heeeel be deletcd iro 11e pr to -,„110w for either the Optn 5ace kJ12ch ,LILLIeLi in our preferred alternative, Or the neekihe structure in the version thet i been a ti,ouificu versicii of tht- waster Plan. Fifth, that considerable repair of the bulkhead, shoreline, and iwprovements of the buildings, and additional 192 July 31, 1964 landscaping be provided similar to the improvements that have been done on the adjacent leasehold to the south. Finally, and most important, this is something that we're going to be recommending not only for this leasehold but others, in the fact that the :).7 expiration date nhould be no longer than the yeaa 2012, Ti e reason foe this is that the year 2012 is the year that the Chart House sublease with the Grove Key Marina 14111 expire. and thie will give the City the opportunity to consolidate 'J 1. of this property. On that yeer and nt that time decide in a eomprehensive fashion in terms of the development and the manegement of all of that very valuable, precious land on the waterfront. In terms of lease management guidelines, a couple of principles here, one is the commonality of payment structure. What we mean by that 1 that similar use leasing land from the City should be primarily paying on the same criteria banis and that payment structure should be based on a degree of public service. In other words, those services and those facilities that are providing a higher degree of public service should not be asked to pay the same amount, at the same percentage on their gross revenues at those facilities that are basically ef a more commercial nature. We are calling for the creation of a Dinner Key Coordinating Committee that would incorporate various City departments under the City Meinager'a office to banically not only handlo review of lease agreements, but alo the maintenence iMprOVC:F011t within thc entire Dinner Key area, Uc bclicv t.h 1. hr T-,v rcquirciflont, which i-!(7 LiconfA fer 1:cri 1 .,, tcvcn:7 property or leascho)C hrt :u yi hrr,h(q1. the her ieeeeeeo, ot eie ye eye r Se ie. - 31, S. ie ev cn t that it' n r eesai ei:j thni el the ileoeH nmeeene lee* e d provide the tsii.y (1(1A ..y.;j1M1 or term n t h Ci t;. =.1) ( r hi . tc y c 1 e ar t.h e •ty j1 v c.nt tht. hey wan t, t.( Ian: ied n n p e h h FinElly, thc City nced hnvc some provisions, for Loditichl funding for mi'2inten;mee upkeep of the entire Dinner iy Thi levited by establishing e 2% override to create a copitel improvement fund for this particular project site. In terms of 50M0 of the strategies, I mentioned already the coordinating committee, the improvement fund, lease consolidation, the year 2012, institutional sponsors, getting the private sector to adopt park, adopt activities within parks and either to pay for some of the capital improvements or operations of some of these facilities. Joint development opportunities, user fees for group recreational activities, and beautification programs. How much this would all cost? The price tag is just under $14,000,000 and whet were referring to here is basically the capital improvements embodied within the plan, with the exception that the marina improvements and the restoration or adaptive re-use of this building are not a part of this estimate. Finally, the plea eddreeeed the areas from which the City could tap for edditionel funding to implement some of the capital improvements embodied within the plan recommendetions In eummery, Hr. Mayor and Commissionere.„. Mr. Plummer: You didn't LpeA to the ramp. What happened to the ram0 Viei the beef? Mr. BerLello: The Mr. Plummer: We have two ramps, which are very important to the public. You haven't spoken to either one. NOTE FOR RECORD: THIS ITEM TEMPORARILY DEFERRED. on the 26th of July of 1984. I will submit this to the Clerk and make it part of the record. Now, it is PhundPntly elear, since it is almost 8:30 P.M. and we have not hePd the sliernale presentation, which we will hePr in n morent hut the-e is no wav that WP are going to go beyond rprienlpi it this evening. Those of you that nrr here em other Jlem1, I think we pre going to have to continue them until the next meeting. 1 PM hoping we can stay here_ and conclude this matter this evening. 108. ESTABLISH THE ANNUAL SALARY OF CITY ATTORNEY LUCIA ALLEN DOUGHERTY. Mayor Ferre: At this time we will take up Agenda Item Number 20 hich is the salary of the City Attorney, and I recognize Plummer for the purpose of making a motion. Mr. Plummer: Tir. layor, we find ourselves in a peculiar situation in which her assistant is long time, and has been here and 12 m:kin g za very justifiable salary. I would suggest, Hr. Hayor, that wc pey the new City Attorney $1.00 more than her assistant. Mayor Ferre: And what is her assistant making? Mr. Plummer: What is her assistant making? Mayor Ferre: $85,000. Mr. Plummer: Whatever $85,000 is, yes, which is less than we are payinE the present City Attorney. Mayor Ferre: Plur so moves, is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. Mr. Plummer: The other things are outlined in the item on the agenda. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 64 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL SALARY OF 85 00 FOR THE POSITION OF CITY ATTOENEY WITH A PERSONAL EXPENSE ALLOWANCE OF V2,500 PER YEAR; SAID SALARY AND PERSONAL ALLOWANCE TO BECOME EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1984; PROVIDING FOR A VACATION OF 30-WORKING DAYS PER YEAR AND 12 Jfl 0AL SICK LEAVE, (Here foi1om body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ■IIIVO*01111,11.9.1WP. Comminsioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 109. FORMALIZING RESOLUTION: INSTRUCT CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A CHARTER AMENDMENT TO INCREASE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE OFF-STREET PAW BOARD OF TME CITY FRW1 FIVE (5) TO SEVEN. (7) =nuns. Mr. Plummer: Yes, sir. Mayor Fevre: All right we will now take up the resolution before you This is a resolution authorizing and instructing the City Attorney to draft a Charter Amendment expanding membership of the Off-Street Parking Board of the City of Miami from 5 to 7. Plummer, do you still want to move this expanding the board from 5 to 7. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves. Perez seconds. Further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. sl RESOLUTION NO. 84 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT A CHARTER AMENDMENT EXPANDING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE OFF PARKING BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FROM 5 TO 7 MEMBERS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dar Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Dometrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 196 July 31, 1984 hi 110. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE! SET FORTH PRor0srn rNAPTPR AMENDMENT NO. 1 FOR NOVEMBER 6, 194 TO TNCREASE THE MEMBERS OF THE QFF-STREET PARKING BOARD rRnm 5 TO 7 /11 Mayor Ferre: Now, on the ordinance, Plummer moves, Dawkins seconds, rend t 1 ordlnanee please. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS "CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1", AMENDING SECTION 23-A.1(B) OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY EXPANDING THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD FROM FIVE (5) TO SEVEN (7) MTMBERS, AND PROVIDING FOR INITIAL TERMS OF OFFICE FOR THE TWO ADDITIONAL MEMBERS; SAID PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT TO BE EFFECTIVE UPON ITS APPROVAL BY THE ELECTORATE AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 6, 1984; AND CONTAINING A SEVERAI3ILITY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, for adoption ns an emergency measure and dispensing uith the requirement of reading same on two separate days, which 1.25 pgrecd to by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. Whereupon the Commission on motion of Commissioner Plummer and seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, adopted said ordinance by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Deraetrio Perez, Jr. Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: None. SAID ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO 9877. The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and announced that copies were available to the members of the City Commission &id to the public. 111. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE TaE LITLIUTIOR OF SUN CITY PLAZA LIMITED PALTVEkSalP, KID-SIZE SHOPPLEG CLETER IL THE LIBERTY CITY LLEL. sl Commilencr DcwaFic Pcrcz, Jr. Commiiener Joe Crollo Commicucr J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vicc-hyor 1i11c J Dawkins Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 197 ---------- Mayor F'(:rrt.: up AgendL Iter,1 S-1, which i eL approving in principle the application of Sun City Plaza Limited Pz:rtn(:rLhip for UDAG for construction of a mid- 3ized shopping center. Is there any discussion on this July 31 198 issue? You read the supplemental material. Dena, did you on record tell us that the Administration recommends this? Ms. Spillman: Yes, sir, we do, It is the first UDAG we will he submittinR as the second UDAG in the Model City neighborhood, Mayor Ferre: Any questions? Mr. Plummer: Well, let me put on the record, that at no time...I think Dena, in the future you should inform people that even though the City 1r joining with them to get a UDAG grant, that in no way, :Thabe or form, is that sn automatic approval of the City for them to build what they want. Now, you know, I know in this particular case, I have seen the plans, and T. have heard from the Administration that they are not going to recommend it. Now, 1 don't know if that is true. Mayor Ferro:: Wait n minute — who is the Administration? Mr. Plummer: The Administration said that they are not going to recommend what is being proposed in this plan. Mayor Ferre: You mean our Administration or the ... Mr. Plummer: Our Administration. Mayor Ferre: Well then, why are we making application? This is Sun City Plaza Limited. Mr. Plummer: Okay, Mr. Mayor, excuse me. Let me just say for the record, 1 am not going to pick on any individual application,.. but I think it must be stated to these applicants - that remember the application over on the Seaport, that was another one in which there was a discrepancy. Mayor Ferre: Well, we never passed that. Mr. Plummer: Okay, but 1 am saying that in the future, I want it to be fully understood by any applicant who joins with the city to apply, that that is not an automatic grant, or approval of their aTplication as it relates to zoning. Mayor Ferre: Vr. Plummer, as 1 understand it, this is a vehicle Lltarted by the Carter Administration, continued by the Beagn Administration, wherein a person applies for Federal Funds, wherein they ( Federal Funds, and then flow through nd come back to tie City. I know nothing about this application of Claude. lAiderLon, Krs. Anderson, Mr. James E. Yahn, nnd Lonny turry. I know nothing about the issue, I've never herd of it beiore. TI is cming to me now with the recol:mendzition of Lei pi 11n and the Manager, and that is fine. YOU know, Firviingham, has applied or )40 of tee, gc;t 1 don't know how many — over 100, snc 2 think it it: time for us to try and get ... you know, thrc no euL,rntee this is going to pass, all this is is an Lpplicct'..on. Mr. Plummer: 1 fully concur. Mayor Ferr: right, who is going to move it? Mr. Plutilr: uVt i Mayor FeTre: 1 there a second? Is there a second? Sun City Plza Liwited, Esquire. Mr. Carollo: Second. That is to apply for the UDAG grant? sl 198 July 31, 19B4 =I NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 11111•1111•■••••■■47.0primmica......a.cms.r...e.rear.kftute sl Mayor Ferre: Agenda Item S-6, Bayside. Ms. Spillmcn: S-6 is the Bayside UDAG. 199 Mayor Ferre: That is to apply. All right, further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION t1O - 84-919 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE APPLICATION OF SUN CITY PLAZA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP FOR SUBMISSION BY THE CITY OF MIAMI TO THE U-S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A MID-SIZE SHOPPING CENTER FOR COMMERCIAL AND OFFICE SPACE IN THE LIBERTY CITY AREA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner joe Corollo Commissioner j. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 112. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE APPLICATION UDAG GRANT FOR BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER BAYFROHT PARK REDFVELOPMEUT PROJECT FOR CONSUUCTION OF THE LEPITHELTEP AND REDEVELOPMENT OF ADjACEUT 20 MIES IF BAYFEONT PARK. .41.744.121 Ms. Spillman: No, sir. Mr. Gary: City of Miami. Mr. Pluil,mer: Thank you. Mayor Ferrc: Is there a motion on S Mr. P1 tmll,([1 Love it. Mayor Ftrit: Ilu L Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mr. Plummer: Let me ask a question about that, Dena. Dena, this as 1 read it is an application for Bayside to receive the money. Mayor Ferre: Is there further discussion? This is $12,000,000 UL)AG grant application to the Federal Government to help the Bayside Specialty Center, Bayfront Park July 31, 195 4 - = Redevelopment Project. Is there further conditions? Is there further discussion? Call the roll on S-6. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its mioption: NOES: None. ABSENT: None. RESOLUTION NO. 84-920 A RESOLUTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE, THE APPLICATION OF BAYSIDE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP FOR SUBMISSION BY THE CITY OF MIAMI TO THE U.G. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT ACTION GRANT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 10,000 CAPACITY OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATER AND REDEVELOPMENT OF THE ADJACENT 20 ACRES OF BAYFRONT PARK. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed mid adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commisioner Joe Cool lo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Dcmetrio Pcroz, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferro 113. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE APPLICATION OF THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPER FOR SUBMISSION OF A UDAG GRANT - CIRCA LIMITED, TUE BATHES ORGANIZATION, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 111 RENTAL UNITS - [MUSING PPOjECT UNDER TEE CITY'S AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. e tfteiaar. Ow. dd. AVID OW PM Ca rt. se. OA* Mk YAW alpit Mayor Ferre: Agenda item S-8, Housing Development grant for Barnes Organization. Are they in or out? Ms. Spillman: This is the only one that has remained of the HODAG. Mayor Ferre: All right, this is, as you remember, one of the four units that we had for the 1,000 affordable housing units. This is, as I understand it, a Black owned corporation, and this is an application on their part and we want to help th&z uch as possible. Is there a motion on S-6? Mr. Plummer: So moved. Mayor Ferre: Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. 200 July 31, 1984 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner X, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Dernetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None, ABSENT: None. 31 RESOLUTION NO, 84-921 201 A RESOLUTION APPROVING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE APPLICATION OF THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPER Foil :;1111MITON PY THE CITY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR A HOUSING DEVELOPMENT GRANT: CIRCA LTD/THE P,Ar,NES ORGANITATIOH FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 111 RENTAL UNIT HOUSING PROJECT UNDER THE CITY'S AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) NOTE FOR THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM NO. 11'-S WAS CONTINUED TO THE SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 HEFTING. 114. DIRECT CI UHAGER TO ARRANGE A HEETIEG BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE CITY AND COUNTY COMHISSIONS TO REVIEW THE COUNTY'S CURRENT PRACTICE REGARDING. UTILIZATION OF INDUSTRIAL BONDS Ii THE ETTERPTED RELOCATION OF MIAMI BUSIVESSES INTO THE UNINCORPORATED AREA. Mar ME.AMIOW.O.1.1,1,0m7 Mayor Ferro: Kr. Manager, I will continue the Coopers Lybrand matter to September, but 1 wish to point the following thing out, nnd I would like to instruct and ask the City Attorney to research the laws. My problem really is with Metropolitnn Dade County, and not with Coopers Lybrand. Metropolitan DiAe County has Ernted u multi- million dollar to fro bond package to Coopert-; Lybrand to move out of downtoun Kiami. Now L11 th(.:y are doing is moving from downtown Miami to the County, and I :ant to tell you thi'A it 1 abolutely ... you are talking Lbout the Dingle z,.nendmt, if Kr, Pickle of Congress ut to find out, and that one is. called the Fickle amendment! Tbe Fickle amendment snys tnoo zilLlt not LiJuse tne largess of the Federal government to industrial revome t)cnds for Mickey house proects, 4.nd th,A uhLt this and 'hat this doo:-J, it 200 people that art- presently Lorkng in downtown MiL11,i, Loves them three Liles out t Eetvcpolitan Dade County, &nd you, the tbxp6yers subsidi it, and 1 think it is against the law, it is illegal, Lnd I think we ought to put in a lawsuit to immediately stop that, and ask July 31, 1984 M = AYES: COMMiSL,i01 Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commiss 3. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre • Metropolitan Dade County to cease and desist playing these games where they are tal king about industrial development, and all they are doing is raiding downtown and taking people out of downtown sand moving them to th- unincorporated areas. As a matter of fact, just forget Coopers Lybrand. T'd just like to mnkc n motion that the Manger be in3truptp(1 to sit down with his counte7-part .in th Couniv, to see why Metrope)itan Dade County does this, where elsn they have done it nnd would they please cease and desist, and at the same time, ask the City Attorney to investigate the possibilities of a lawsuit to stop this illegal use of industrial revenue bonds and illegal use of tax dollars. 1 so move. Mr. Dawkins: Second. Mayor Ferre: You have got a motion and a second. Mr. Perez: Call the roll. Mr. Dawkins: Under discussion. The County Manager, regardless of what he says, he has to go to the County Commission, SO 1 would be more in favor of us appearing before the County Commission and ask them what they are doing. Mayor Ferro: I will amend my motion to include both the Manager and the Commi!5sion. Mr. Dawkins: 1 second it. Mr. Perez: Do we have any other discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: NOES: None. ABSENT:, None. MOTION NO. 84-922 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ARRANGE A MEETING WITH MEMBERS OF THE CITY AND COUNTY COMMISSIONS AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY'S AND COUNTY ADMINISTRATION TO REVIEW THE COUNTY'S CURRENT PRACTICE OF THE UTILIZATION OF INDUSTRIAL BONDS AND TAXPAYERS' DOLLARS IN DADE COUNTY'S EFFORTS TO RELOCATE CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES UNICE ARE PRESENTLY BASEL) IN THE CITY OF MIAMI TO OTHER AREAS OF DADE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Dawkins, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Because it is discussion to explore, I am voting "yes". 81 202 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Mr. City Attorney, as soon as you get an answer, 1 want you to come talk to me, because if I've got to call a Special Commission Meeting to stop this abuse, I am going to do it.. AXES: NOTE FOB TUE RECO ,D: AGENDA ITEM 22 CO TTHUED TO SEPTEMBER. ZONING MEETING. NOTE FOB THE RECORD: AGENDA ITEM I TAO- 35 OP THE REGULAR AGENDA REGARDING PORTABLE CLASSROOMS VAS TEM onARILX DEFERRED., 115. CHANGE DATE O THE SECOND SEPTEMBER EIMBBER CJ1 TY COI*113.3ION RE PLACE ON SEPTEMBER 2OTTE MEETING TO ['o NOES: None. ABSENT: None. The following motion ws introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: MOTION NCO. 84-923 A MOTION CHANGING TIIE DATE OF THE SECOND SEPTEMBER COMMISSION MEETING WHICH IS PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 27TH TO NOW TAKE F'L,I,(i. OU SEPTEMBER E'BE 20TH. Upon being ,econded by Coaioncr Dawkins, the motion was par e n ".n7d! opted by the following vote- Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre 116. GO ON RECORD THAT ALL MATTERS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED FOR SEPTE BE R 27TH WILL MOW BE HEARD OH SEPTEMBER 20TH; FURTHER SEr 1 T11 G ;JEPIEMDFk 10TH AE D 111H AS THE DATES FOR BUDGET EI ORKSUOPS . The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: July 31, 1984 MOTION NO 84-924 A MOTION OFFICIALLY GOING ON RECORD THAT ALL MATTERS PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED TO TAKE PLACE AT THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27TH WILL NOW BE HELD AT THE RESCHEDULED MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20TH; FURTHER SETTING THE DATES OF MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TH AND TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IITH AS THE DATES FOR THE HOLDING OF CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOPS FOR THE FY 1984 OPERATING BUDGET, Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: None Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre .. amm .. ■ 117. ALLOCATE $1,600 IN SUPPORT OF THE RHIANI BAXDIDOS SOFTBALL TEAM". oleasmap.K.WMA.mdm. m . m .c o m e m ermiwa , srensemmosimmoulmwswwwummammok.*wa Mr. Carollo: Mr. Mayor, yesterday we passed a motion for the Miami Bnndidos, the softball tetra that is going to represent the City of Miami, We have to formalize it in the form of a rco]ution today. I so r Hr. Mayor, that we approve th( ::1,600 for the monies needed for the tee shirts as you suc,cetej. Mayor Ferre: is there a second? Mr. Plummer: Second. Mayor Ferre: Further discussion? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Carollo, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. E4-925 Upon being seconded by Commi33ioner Plummer, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote- 31 A RESOLUTION LLLOCAT1UG AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,600 FLOM SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS, CONTINGENT FUND, IN SUPPORT OF THE MIAMI BANDIDOS SOFTBALL TEAM TO COVER THE COST or MANSPONTATION TO THE NATIONU TOUNNAMENT IN MASS ILLON OHIO, AUGUST 7 19; SAID ALLOCATION BEING CONDITIONED UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH C OF hIAMI ADMINISTNATIVL POLICY NO. APK-1 DATED JANUAWY 24, 19L4. Her omitted fitre j ON e n tn.tr_ Office of the (t', 2O4 July 31, 1984 - • • ".= AYES: • • NOES: None. ABSENT: None. U,O.2.100M+rn+, Mr. Perez: Call the roll, please. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 31 MOTION NO, 84-926 205 Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre A MOTION REFERRING TO THE CITY MANAGER A REQUEST RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS OE THE IMMIGRATION LNT) PATURAENATION SERVICE (I.N.S.) FOR .iSE oF ORANCA 2OWL STADIUM ON SEPTEMBER 17TH FOR THE SWEARING IN CEEEKONY AND ELTURALIZATION OF APPROXIMATELY 10,000 PERSONS; FURTHER REFERRING THIS REQUEST TO THE CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW AND DECIDE SAKE AT HIS OWN DISCRETION. 118. REFER TO CITY MANAGER REQUEST RECEIVED FROM I.R.S. FOR USE OF ORANGE BOWL STADIUM O1 SEPTEMBER 17TH FOR :WEAR- IM CEREMOMY FOR 10,000 rusoms. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, we have n request here by Mr. Perry A. Ridkin, District Director of the U. S. Department of Justice, I.N.S., that they want to swear in 10,000 people on September 17th at the Orange Dowl, and we are turning this over to the Manager, and Mr. Manager, I move that you be instructed to vor) thir, out if you feel it is possible and I will leave the discretion completely in your hands. So moved. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- 119. RESOLUTION CALLING AND PROVIDING FOB SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION STRAW BALLOT FOR STRONG RAYOT FORM OF GOVEREhaT; EXPANSION OF KEKBERS OF THE CITY COMISION; LLD RLTHOD OP ELECTION OF 1E I:; o THE CITY CO.KKISION. • Mayor 1- t: Un the cluetion of tne so-cafled atfun hyor petitioh that w-e 1,cen around will! foi all this time. 1 thinh Coh-ci Pef na a Lood idca and that ia one, that we vat it on a straw 'ballot in Septewber which we can do. If it passe::: in SeptelLher.... July 31 1984 4 , 4 4 = 3 =.3 = - 3 -= 3 .a; • • Mr. Carollo: Is that the 4th? Mayor Ferro: Yes, then if it passes in September, then we can put it on effectively ... Mr. Garcina:Tedrosa: Cnn't put it on - can't do that, Mr. Mayor, Mayor Ferro: Yos you can for a straw ballot. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: No, if the Supervisor of Elections will take it within 45 days ... Mayor Ferro: The Supervisor will take it, because it is a straw ballot. It is a straw ballot, so my recommendation 13 that vo put it on an straw ballot wait a moment. If it pare then in November we would put the real thing on. If it doc-rn'i pas7, vould ITithdraw the motion that I am about to mal:c for r - t - ronf - ; inyor in an ordinance form. That is the t of to ror)da. Mr. Carollo: 1 agree with that. I second that. Mayor Ferre: So, I will accept any motions if you want - you are the author of this Demetrio. Do you want to make that motion? Mr. Perez: .es, i want to make it in the for of a motion. Mayor Ferro: All right, that we put on the September ballot a straw ballot 15511C for a strong Mayor. Is there a second? Mr. Carollo: Socond. Mayor Ferro: After that, we are going to then put in the November ballot the real thing. Is that agreeable? Mr. Carollo: That is agreeable - September 4th the straw question and then November the real thing. Mr. GarciaLPedrosa: Where i5 the. resolution? that are you putting on the ballot? Mayor Ferro: But we have to pass it tonight to do it. Mr. Eladio ;kr Mr. Mayor, my question 13 this - we have two different questions .-- one, the strong Mayor; the second, the nine Commis5ioners; and thind, the election form of the nine Commiaaionera, five by diatrict and four at large. The three questions will be in the straw ballot or only one, the strong Mayor? Mayor Fear, : The three questions will be aeparately in the straws ballot, Mr. Aresto: Separate in the atraw ballot? Mayor Ferre: Ihieh ever portion of it passes will be in No vember. Mr. Dawkins: I would like le add 4 fourth to that. I would also like to 4dd on the straw ballot that in the event that a strong kayor pasaea, which mean he Kaa to be full time, that four Commissioner also be full time. al 206 July 3I# 1984 va Mayor Ferre: Yes. Mr. Dawkins: Or they will be at a disadvantage. No, it is not in there! Nobody said that. Mr. Armestc: No, it is not, in there, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Forrn: No, no, sir, wait n minute. Mr. Armesto, you are going to eonfuse issues. You have to go by what the lawyer says. Whni, the 3s•yer says in the ordinance says that the nine members= of the Commis,sion, should that pass, would have their ohoice of either tieing full time or part time, okay? Mr. Armesto: Yes, but what Mr. Dawkins says 13 just a lit- tle change - letter "g". "The person of the Commission is to serve on a full-time basis and the remaining members of the Commission may serve full time". Mayor Fcrrc: "May"! "May"! In other words, if that person selects to serve ful3 time, he has the right to serve full time, which means that he has to be at his job full time. Mr. Armento: Okay now, the other question is this - that the effective date of the ordinance if it passes, will be in 1987? Mayor Ferro: November of 1987. Mr. Armesto: November of 1987. That is not here. Mayor Ferre: It would not be applicable in November of 1985. Mr. Armesto: Right, that is one of my main points. This will be taking effect in November, 1987. Mayor Ferre: That is correct. Mr. Dawkins: Will there be anything in there as to the com- pensation - will it remain what it is or it will go up or down, or what? Mayor Ferre: Kr. City Attorney, you have been working on this. Would you pass this matter, this thing on it? Mr. Dawkins: No, no don't pass me nothing, because ... Mr. Plummer: What the hell is the difference? Today I am working full time at this job for 5,000. What are you go- ing to do tomorrow? Mayor Ferre: That is your choice, Plummer. That is your choice. Mr. Dawkins: Don't pass me i if you ... Mayor Ferre: Nobody is forcing you to work at this job for $5,000 - or Lc! You know you like it because you are a mas- ochist! We all know that. You like that cruel and unusual punishment. Mr. Plummer: It hurts when I can't argue back! Mayor Ferret You like cruel and unusual punishment. Mr. Carollo: He likes other things. 44. - 1 Mr. Armesto: Mayor, Mr. Armesto: There will be three items on the ballot, one for the straw Mayor, the second for the nine Commissioners And the .., Mayor Ferre: Mr. Armesto, you must not confuse things. You are reading from the resolution. You do not lInv the ordi- nance. No, no T. PM not rending from the reaolution, Mayor Ferre: You are reading from p resolution. Mr, Armesto: No, I just want to be clear that the straw ballot will reflect three different items, You can vote for two, for three, for one, whatever you wish. It is not all tied together. That is the most important ,.. Mr. Dawkins: I agree with you. I agree with him. Mr. Armesto: Number two, that will be in effect in Novem- ber, 1987? Mayor Ferre: The resolution which will be prepared will have three nepernte pointa: One, do you want a strong Mayor form of government - yea or no?.. .to be applicable in Novem- ber of 1987. Two, do you vent an expanded Commission? Mr, Armesto: To nine Commissioners. Mayor Ferro: To nine Commissioners, five running at large, four from districts. Mr. Armesto: Not Five districts and four at large. Mayor Ferre: 1 am sorry - five districts and four at large. The third question is - what was the third question? Mr. Armesto: Nine Commiasioner, yes or no. How, the third question le the election form of the nine Commissioners will be five by district end four at large. Suppose a person wants nine Comminnioners? Mayor Ferre: I understand, okay. Those are the three sepa- rate ballots. Now, if it passes in September ... Mr. Armeato: It goes into November. Mayor Ferre: and then it goes into a regular vote November and the people wilI have a riEht to choose that system or not. -, Mr. V1uLmer: leit e minute. He and 1 can Lily this , Maurice cee't. 2 think you : lecaina ohe ti E ieeue in - = here, and th,t i:. the term of the 11,:yor. 1 Mayor Ferre: Sr, that ie covered in the ordinance, if it passee. If you u:mt to put ... I don't have any problems, as 1 won't be runninE. Mr. Plummer: No, no you don't Mr. Carollo: You :n't teke th1 here now. You have got to deal with th e. ordihnce forui later on. Mr. Plumaee: No, you ceett Jee, because it is a Charter a- mendwerlt, a 1 uhderLtand it, to 1creae t to four years. Mr. Armeeto: Kr, Plummer, I understand that, but if we don't touch that, that part of the Charter will not be changed. 5 1 7:4 0 Mr. Plummer: I think it should be! 1 think it is ludicrous to make a man run for Mayor every two years. He never stops running. Mayor Ferre: Tell me about it! Mr. Plummer: No, no, 1 M sorry, you can't say that, but I can, because 1 enjoy a four year term. - Mr. Carollo: Some say it should be every year! Mr. Armesto: They do it for the Congressmen for the House of Representatives. Mr. Plummer: That doesn't make it right! Mayor Ferro: There is no other Mayor in the United States of America that goes to the torture that the City of Miami Mayor goes through. Every Mayor in this country Mr. Carollo: Hialeah, and over three investigations! Mayor Ferro: Hialeah is the only exception and Miami Beach, but other than ... Mr. Armesto: And Svcctvator! Mayor Ferro: —,thi:3 community, there isn't a city from Bangor, Maine to Seattle, California. Mr. Plummer: Seattle, California??? Where in the hell is that? Mr. Armesto: It is not in California! Mayor Ferre: Seattle, Washington and San Diego, California. All right, are we ready to vote on a straw ballot? Mr. Plummer: Well, wait a minute, can we see it? Mayor Ferre: A straw ballot, there is nothing to see. You have heard it,. There is nothing written. Mr. Armesto: It is number one ... Mayor Ferre: They would have to write it though. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Wait a minute, let's do it this way Mr. Mayor, because I can't do it in two and one-half minutes. Would the Commission adopt a resolution, if it 50 desires, embodying the three questions, and 1 have written them down as you have stated them, Mr. Mayor, and also indicate to the Clerk that this 1.5 an accomplished fact, and that we are merely coming bbck with a typed version of yhat you ay here now, so thLt that might co on the hzAlot in 3ept(Allber, al- though 1 will be caning, you, or my .t i1 whn Mr. Leahy lo", because we don't have the phyLical piece of paper embodying those three questions. 1 have it written down. Mayor Ferre: Will the maker of the motion incorporate it that way? Mr. Perez: Yes. Mayor Ferre: All right, further discussion on the motion. This is a motion, it is not a resolution. 31 209 July 31, 1984 Mr. GarciaPedrosa: No, no This is a resolution now.(END TAPE 19) It is an accomplished fact, that was the point I was trying to make now Mayor, that we can't come back to you with the actual resolution because of the time factor, Mayor Ferre: Are we ready to vote on the resolution: Does everybody know what we are voting on? Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: ABSENT: None s1 RESOLUTION NO. 84 A RESOLUTION CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE LITH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1984, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) STRAW BALLOT QUESTIONS: (1) PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A STRONG MAYOR FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI TO BECOME EFFECTIVE IN 1987; (2) EXPANDING THE CITY COMMISSION FROM FIVE TO NINE MEMBERS; (3) PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF FIVE CITY COMMISSIONERS ON THE BA IS OF TNC7I-F MEITEE DTSTRICTS AND WITH FOUE CJ (i rim MING E- LECTED ON E 5hSI, (Here follows body of rcoluton, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Carollo, the reso- lution was passed rated adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Plummer: Only the Wizard of Oz votes on straw. I vote Mayor Ferre: 1 think this is the way to do it i to first of all, see if the people of Miami are in principle for it. If they are then we will put it to a real test, and the second item before us now is the actual ordinance. Mr, Plutflmer: Mr. yor, acA, 41e sTeak up to you sir. I would much prefer to wait LLnd put this issue off in Novem- ber, a ballot, get it properly prepared, get all of the bugs ironed out of itnd go to the b6liot in November. 1 think we ma mike to do it v.. Mayor Ferre: Well, ve will have to have a special meeting, then. Mr. Plummer: No wy. Mr. Carollo: Do we need to do anything else now to get on the ballot in some form? 210 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Yes, we need to have it on November, other wise, the motion was dependent on having an ordinance to pass on November, otherwise it doesn't go in September. That was the motion, Mr. Carol lo: Well, let's pP,ss the ordinanee, then, Mayor Ferr: Well the ordinance in being copied now, and will be in your hands in secondn. Mr. Armesto: Mr. Mayor, what about a committee - to create a committee like you did for the bonds. Mayor Forre: That is a secondary step, Mr. Armesto That is not legally required today. We can do that any time. 120. DISCUSSION OF PLACEMENT OF HOUSING BOND ISSUE IN THE NOVEMBER BALLOT; CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE CHARTER A.MENDHENI FOR FavErnER REGARDING THE STRONG MAYOR FORt OF GOVFMIENT, Mayor Ferre: r. tanager, is their any other issues that we have thet have not been brought out that we need to discuss today? Mr. Gary: We need the bonds, Mr. Mayor, items 6 and 7. It was continued agenda from yesterday. Mayor Ferre: The way 1 see it is that you have two votes on this Commission. Mr. Gary: Can you call the vote? Mayor Ferre: Yes sir, I will move Item 6. Mr. Gary: Public hearing, first reading. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Vice-Mayor, I pass the gavel to you to do this formally, and I move Item 6. Mr. Perez: Do we have a second? Mr. Carollo: i. this Item 6 from the morning agenda? Mayor Ferre: Yesterday' agenda, we were carrying it on and on. it i 30,000,000 bond issue. Mr. Carollo: For the tht hou:Ang? Mayor Ferre: For Overtown and 00,000,000 for East Little Havanz— Mr. Perez: That is for the No\e:Jber election? Mayor Ferre: The November election. If you don't have a second, let's move along, Mr. Perez: Do Le have any :Jecond? P Mr. Plutufier: Well, wz*,:.it minute, let me understand. This Mayor Ferre: $20,000,000 goes to Overtown; $10,000,000 goes is for the .. how i thing split up? to Eat Little Havana. 1417 Wel a* Mr. Plummer: What happened to the conversation of $10,000,000 for Liberty City? Mayor Ferre: I don't know about you, but I came to a decision, put it in a nemorandum and sent it to you about a week pRo You've got it in your office. l've come to the conclusion that the 1.anager is correct; 1 support him. That doesn't mean we won't do Liberty City Otis, Pnd we will have to do it some other time. we can't bite al) of the s things off at the same time. Mr. Plummer: Mr. Mayor, let me political on the record for a minute. This thing has been turned down once by the voters. It appealed to me that if you gave Liberty, which would encourage them to vote for it; you gave to East Little Havana, which would encourage them to vote for it, and I think then the people of the Park Wcst/Overtown Mayor Ferro: Well, let me put it to you this way - can we get three votes if we do it that way? Mr. Plummer: Well , Mr. Mayor, you will pct my vote. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Manager, I thini: we have to he pragmatic, and I am to nmend ry po:Tition, if we can't get three votes - I not 7,111 vc ern nt three votes on this. Mr. Pluipc! Vcr J hrvc I y en c , if this honj rm chrr) up Park West/Ovci l'vc :t 1 tell you, 6(ic Hi; r vol", will noi olyi t h ! r, and give i_hc3 I )1:1 1 ; 5 ( ( ( 11;1 ‘qh t you a r r h H,"; preple Ov er touu yon (1 Jr 1 0 c o t .1 - ri • f or them without put:,nr, your r,oncy uhcic your riiouth in, ; if that is thc u no 'longer continue to Pc a part of a fraud. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Gary, I am ... Mr. Gary: And that is the philosophy, that is why you need to keep the $20,000,000 where it is ... Mayor Ferre: You got my vote on that Mr. Gary, if you don't have another ... I will one more time make that motion. If I don't get a econd, then I am going to Liberty City. I move that we go 20,000,000 for Overtown and $10,000,000 for East Little Havana, and I so move. Mr. Perez: Do we have a second for the motion? Mr. Dawkins: Well, since everybody has discussed it and wants to get politici. I am not going to vote for any bond issue. P:onth; are paid for with ad valorem taxes. We just read iu the afternoon paper where the Manager has recommendd a 1 1 have ju5t been told that the Manager is goini:! to .5C you with *60.00 irbaEe fee, which laLA year you got Loced with *28.0U garbaEe fee and your garbage didn't get Ficed Lny better thin iue. 1 do live in the City of hiatut, t;o 1 will not be votitig for any bond isue that ls to Pe paid for with ad vale taxes. Now, I 14E,ve Lone political, now anybody else can go political who want to Mayor Ferre: L.ii right, for the last time, I so move, Mr. Vice-Mayor. Mr. Perez: Do we have any second? Mayor Ferre: Hearing none, than I will move that the following bond issue be placed on the ballot this coming November - $10,000,000 for East Little Havana, and $10,000,000 to Overtown, and $10.000,000 for Liberty City. I so move. Mr. Plummer: .1ceond the motion. Mr. Perez: Further discussion? Hearing none, call the roll, Mayor Ferre: No, wait a minute. You have to change the ordinance. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Yes, sir, as amended. Let the record reflect that no one seeks to speak at this second reading. As amended, the ordinance now reads "An ordinance authorizing the issuance subject to the election here and providing o $30,000,000 housing and redevelopment funds for community revitalization projects in the City of Miami for the purpose of paying the cost of land acquisition, residential, and business relocation, demolition, site and infrastructure improvements, construction and modernization of public facilities, financial assistance for the construction of low and moderate income housing, economic development, historic preservation, rid the construction of replacement housing for the residents displecd, and providing for Lhc 1 cvyin nd colico,tion of v,21orcm taxes to bc 1 1 1 1 1 n 'Hie n Sco o r c th e amendment j CN ":1 ! f or t JJ 111 p,;y nr Lh Pn other v - f r, t h c it v ) for low ; :Heop,'T fr1 cv(1 cc)ity redeve)opeut :ror arce 6c5nrtcd by ihc iV 71 as arc:. co‘ 1 v 1 ; .A1 on based on oond t :C. on s ( t 1 ;1b3 /or economjc dcoijn(: krjthjn fhe Cify '! after referrcd to Lhc and here tho ; ":ThutL(.:a:A OVCVL 1' 1' West Community 117.6c kfIttle Ilayna, and Liberty City".„flnd thcn it goeL en from there without amendments. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready to vote? Call the roll. MOTION FAILED. Motion to place on November ballot bond issue for $10,000,000 each to East Little Havana, Overtown & Liberty City failed by following vote: AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner Joe Carona Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. ON ROLL CALL: Mr. Carollo: Before 1 vote, I would just like to state for the record, that b3 1 hz;ve tALted on many occasions, yes, I believe that tc tJlould try to help Lit L,z people as we can at the City CO=itiOh 1(:Vt1 , but 1 LEI eLpitalitA, don't believe ln oc1.1in, and 1 jut Eettih8 a little too fed up olth ztleeint evry yeLr rainL tht. IfiCre and more and oor Ube t.by o the othet 1 ot too darned hard for my money, but I ',like to help peopl, but it colLes to the point that you have c,ot to sur1 helpinE, yout:::elf, and what I tl1) i that wt it losinL the tiliddle cIa,s of Miami. That is the hear, the backbone of this City, the people who pay the taxes. That is why you see, the minute you go out of Dinner Key here, scores of homes for sale. It is the people cannot afford to pay the taxes anymore, and they are moving. you have individuals that have lived here all their lives, their homes pre paid up for and still- they are paying VIOn, t500. ' 'On plul n month. just to pny their taxes. ;that; atasrard. That's why T can't vote for it. I vote "no". Mr. Perez: In voting "no" T would like to explain my position. I nm in complete favor of the intention of the motion, but T nm against; -- l don't think that it is the proper time. I don't think that; we can increase the taxes more in this City sand at this time, we have mentioned two or three times Hialeah tonight, l think that we have to take the example of Hialeah, that with the tax rate, they are decreasing the taxes and T think we have to take on a strong position on this i;:r.stac, for that reason, I vote "no ". Mr. Carollo: Now that it has been voted down, we save ourselves a heck of a lot of dollars in taxes for the year. 120.1 CONTINUED DISCt1SSIOET OF POSSIBLE CUftfTEi ATIMMEHT FOR T OVEMDE R REGARDING THE STROM; MAYOR EOM OF GOVEfUriET a.. Mr. Carollo: We have before us, Mr. Mayor, the ordinance for November. I will make the motion to approve it. Mayor Ferre: All right, now that we have this ordinance be- fore us, let me, if I may go over the ... it in basically the same type of a strong Mayor format t.hat exit >ts in most American cities and in t hi a community, in Hialeah. It exists in the City of (.)r .) 1!(io 1. iT) p J ;e E i v.!ne •°. a:.S I said, most American ei t , doe, it makes the Et car t:f7o e} ic1 t e'(Utfi_ve: on iu11 tir6e basis. It increases or, . .d. .:in from o':i fivc t.leribt'r to nine. Four will be at 1 r Quid ii. ,e will be from da: ;tr Basical- ly, it substitutes the word Mayor for wherever it says City Manager. Mr. Arrnesto: The effective day, Mayor? Mayor Ferre: The City Manager is chosen by the Mayor and has must be approved by the Council, and he in effect, serves r s the Deputy-Mayor. I t is another name for Deputy - Mayor. The Boundaries Committee is rnade up of ten members and they set the boundaries. It is the same thing that we have had before the Chief Judge of the Eleventh Court will be the chairperson, and then the President of the Dade Coun- ty Bar ;and the other b r s ... you have seer) thi... :language With ` before, i =itl! a nine member 1,t�er Commission, you go to a two - thirds Vote rather than a four-fifths vote bec :e of the fact you hove nine. 'There ,., an additional section that vi Yr . . . t`L 1 lic; er s and dut?.t' i )i ch t:. * executive in nature shan be exercised and performed by the Mayor or such other executive officer ia.. the R.,yor Lay Cat ,it,tt , That designee t: ;y' include the City n . der° who sift, perform or such duties z.s asii by the l ayor" . ... 4 c>r,', when t'e get to . the qu et ion , test` `.t:we`r, �f 'Cu will .cck at t.. �i cf } t ; Page C9, it i j'., the folloiug ... tt The lire: : ident of the Commission wi i se:rVe on a full time basis. 'Hie remaining members of tht Commission .." - J. L., this is your ques- tion. Mr. Garcia- Pedrosa: Mr. Mayor, I can do that for you, if you want. sl 214 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: Go ahead, please. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: On Page 9, the last full paragraph, the following changes. First of all, anywhere in the ordinance where it talks about the president of the Commission, we want it to be called the Chairman of the Commision, Sec- ondly, the Mayor's salary well, let me start off: "The Commission shall set the salary and compensation of the May- or, the Chairman of the Commission, and the Manager Pt the time each fiscal year budget is approved, The Mayor's sala- ry will not exceed 110% of the salary of the chief executive officer of Metropolitan Dade County" ,.. and then we should add: "Or its successor entity" -., The Manager's salary will not exceed that of the Mayor. The salary of the Chair- man of the Commission shall be 60%" ... not 50%. Mr. Armesto: It say 5 507 here. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Yes, well, we are changing that to 60% 040 "of the Mayor's salary". "The salary of the members of the Commission, other than the Chairman of the Commission shall be specified" ... and then strike the words in the Charter, and instead put "by the Commission". So the sen- tence now reads: ".,.shall he specified by the Commission, but the Commissioners who choose to serve on a part time ba- sis shall receive 207 of the salary paid to full time Com- missioner Mr. Plummer: What is the full time Commissioner's? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: As set by the Commission. Mr. Carollo: The motion, Mr. Mayor ... Mayor Ferre: Yes, is there a motion? Mr. Carollo: Second by Demetrio Perez. Mayor Ferre: There is a motion by Commissioner Carollo. Is there a second? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Under discussion? Go ahead. Mr. Plummer: Under discussion, I don't find in here where it speaks to the Council having the veto over the Mayor, the Mayor having veto over the Council, which is common in all other charters. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: What it say:-.3 on that on Page 7, is not really a veto, but it says - new subsection (f) right at the top - "The Commission shall ratify by a majority vote, a City Manager selected by the Mayor." Mayor Ferre: He is not talking about that - he is talking about a traditional veto and override powers. You have to put a claue in there that says "The Mayor shall have veto power over all actions of the legilative body, which can be overridden by a two-thirds vote". Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Okay, letlb add that to Pe of subsection (h) , vnich is at the very tep. Mayor Ferre: Lo iu other word the kiwi of power the Manager has, we can have wuch shorter uleetihgs. Mr. Gareia-Pedrosa: What did you say, two-thirds vote? 31 the end that if 215 July 31, 1984 Mr. Armesto: Also, Mr. Mayor, the effective date is not in that paper. Mr. GarciaLPedrosa: No, we will take care of that in the ordinance calling the election, Mr. Mayor. Mr. Armesto: The effective date? Mayor Ferre: the effective date is November of 1987. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Only the election! Oh, are we going to take care of the effective date? Mayor Ferro: Arc we ready? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Wait a minute, Mr. Mayor. Are we going to take care of that there, or do we take care of it here? Mr. Mayor, since we are not passing that ordinance now, let's go back to Page 2 and pick up the point that Mr. Armesto just inquired about - the fourth line from the top, it reads as follows: "The following proposed Charter amend- ment shall repeal all Charter sections or parts thereof in- sofar as they aro inconsistent, or in conflict with the pro- visions of the proposed Charter amendment, and shall become effective on...", and you want to say - November 1 1987, instead of August 1, 1984 as it appears in the draft in front of you. Mayor Ferre: Not November 1, the election day, which is the 2nd bet Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Well but, wait a minute, Mr. Mayor ... Mayor Ferre: It is the third Tuesday in November - second Tuesday. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: I am thinking though, of the qualifying Mr. Clerk for office for November. Mr. Armesto: Can we get a calendar for 1987, and we will know exactly what day will be the second Tuesday. Mayor Ferre: All right, are we ready to vote on this? I want to say on this ... Mr. Garcia No, wait a minute. We have got to re- solve that question. Mayor Ferre: You have to resolve the question. Mr. Garcia May 1 ask, Mr. Mayor, of the Clerk, a question with respect to qualification for running for these districts? Mayor Ferre: Yes, sir, go ahead. Mr. Garcedrosa: Mr. Clerk, will August 1, 1987 be suf- ficient? Mr. Ongie: For qualifying? Mr. Plumuler: August 1 is when the Senate is usually done, so you can dri;'w together a committee to draw the districts. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: ko, no. What 1 was going to suggest is that we mal:e the effective date August 1, 1987, except for the Boundaries Committee, which of course, has 180 days to do its work, which shall be in effect as set forth in sub- section (e). si 216 July 31, 1984 Mr. Plummer: It doesn't make sense. Mr. Plummer: Why not say after the next regular election after August 1, 1987. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: No, because then the boundaries commit- tee will not hpvP Any opportunity to do its work. Mr. Armento: In 1 the second Tdav 031 he November 10th. Mr. Garcip-redrof Th;It 1r what T nm saying - August 1 will be plenty of time for people to consider running, ex- cept for the Boundaries Committee. which shall become effec- tive as set forth In subsection (c). Is that acceptable, Mr. Mayor? Mr. Mayor: I am sorry, I wasn't ... Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: My suggestion is that on Page 2, the effective date be stated to be August 1, 1987, except for the Boundaries Committee, which shall become effective as set forth in subsection (c). Mayor Ferro: What day would that become effective? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Well, subsection (c) says that they shall begin their work after the next regular municipal e- lection and completed within 180 days. Mayor Fevre: Fine, that is acceptable. Mr. Armesto: Mr. Mayor, it will be November 10th, the day of the election in 1987. Mr. Carollo: Okay, let's go. Mayor Ferro: All right. Mr. Plummer: There is a mistake. You can't do this. It says here - this is on Page 4: "If another Commissioner de- sires to run for Mayor..." (I am condensing this down, now) - "...he has got to put in a resignation, 90 days prior to the election..." Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Where are you reading that? Mr. Plummer: Right here, on Page 4. "...and the Commission shall make public announcement of the resignation, instruct the Clerk to accept qualified candidates to run for the e- lection of the unexpired term." He doesn't actually resign until the day of the election. There is to unexpired term. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Well, Commissioner, you are reading from the Chorter z1 it preL;cntly exists. Mr. Piuner 1 a r(Ldirag fror thi page, and that is quot- ed from the Charter? Mr. GL,rei-YiArolia: That i corret. That is a verbatim transcription of that sectiou of the Charter. The additions are underlined. Mr. ArmeLto: That will be struck down when this goes into effect. Mr. Garcia I agree with you, J. L. The present Charter is all screwed up. That is why we changed ... Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: That is another thing, Mr. Mayor. I think the Commission should be aware that in November of 1984, this coming November, we have on the ballot an entire revision of the Chnrter. T am nntirtfied thql thirz (ITI carry over, but thil mnv not b the SPrIf': heenu-,e the wording in new Charter will ehnnFe if the ;Ipprove of that Chnrter revision in November of 198) Mayor Ferre: Mr, Citv Attorney, ns you know, thie- 1r n mat- ter that we heve been dealing with, between you and my of- fice for quite aome time, so 1 frankly think that we are ready to vote on this, and I would hope that it is in suffi- cient good shape for it to stand up in court. If it is not, than you need to say no. Mr. Garcia-Pedrono: No, Mr. Mayor, that is not the point I was trying to make. The point 1 was trying to make lz that Commissioner Plummer was reading from what in ndmittedly poor language in the old Charter, in the present Charter, but that may change thin fall, nnd I just want to make sure we understand that. Mayor Ferro: 1 would hope oo. Okay, are you ready to vote now. Do you have anything else to add, Mr. Plummer, Mr. Carollo, Mr. Perez? Mr. Carollo: No. Mayor Ferre: Mr. City Attorney, do have anything you want to add? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: No, sir. Mr. Armesto: Mr . Mayor, I would like to ask a question to Jose. If a. person wants, according to what Mr. Plummer said, if a person wants to resign right away, that is his privilege to resign 1 away, if he wants to resign and make effective his resigns the day of the election like Ruth Shack did this year in Hetro, that is nlae his privi- lege. He can resign right away or MEC effective resigna- tion date ix months after or three months, cr aiyty days! Mayor Ferre: Mr. Armeeto, my advice to you is not to com- plicate the thing. We are about to get a vote. I wouldn't get into any further is5ues. Do we need Commissioner Perez? Do you need four? Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: No this will do. Mayor Ferre: Are you ready on this, J. L.? Mr. Plta,mcr: 1 ar., not votinr for 6u days. Mayor Ferre: Well then, let'e not waste any more time on it. We don't have four votes, we've got three votes, so the matter therefore dies for lack of 466 Mr. Carollo: 1 wish you would have neie th8t 20 minutes ago! Mr. Pluutler: Wea 1, 1 voted NILliwA it before. by that a surpriee? Mayor Ferre: All rieht, we will not weete eny more time on this issue beeauee it do ee not have the four-fifthe required votes. Mr. Garei t a-.'eorosa: Wait 31 Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute he says you maybe can, hold on. 218 July 31, 1984 Mayor Ferre: So tell me the day. Mr. Armesto: September 5th. Mayor Ferre: Are you ready to vote? 3 1 (INAUDIM:E LACKGY:OUND COMMENTS) Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: If you do it in sixty days, second reading, sixty days from September 13th. October, no,no...the only thing to do is to have a special meeting in the very ,.. third day of September, or something like that, o r ... Mayor Ferre: 1 will call a special meeting - on what day? Hr. Garcia-Pedrosa: Well, you need sixty days before the election. Mr. garciaPedrosa: Well, sixty days before November 6th is around let 'a see, October has 31 days and five is thir- ty Mayor Ferrc: September 20th? Mr. Gareia-Pedroaa: No that is too late. Mayor Ferre: We will he meeting on the 10th anyway. Mr. Garcla-Pedrora: Let me figure it out, Mr. Mayor. Mayor Ferro: Okay, this is an ordinance on first reading only. Now 1 prefer to do it in two readings, that way it will give you time to perfect the language. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa: That is fine. You need it by September 7th, Mr. Mayor for second reading. Mr. Garcia Now, if you will pass a resolution in- structing me to draft it. • • , 121. DECLARING THAT ALL ITEMS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD AT MORKINGSIDE PARK ON SEPTEMBER 27TH, SHALL NOW BE HEARD AT CITY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 20TH.(AGENDA ITEM NUMBER 12 RE DINNER KEY RASTER PLAN 1JAS CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 20T11). iiii001.01110 Mayor Ferre: Ladie end Gentlemen, 1 see an awful lot of distraught fees out there! Do you wint us to continue this thing this evening, or would you rather come back on the 22nd? Is that your preference? On the 20th, I beg your pardon. Is the 20th time certain? Mayor Ferre: At 7:00 P.M., is that correct? Does anybody object to thLt? 700 P.M., time certain. September 20th at 7:00 P.M. Anybcidy hve my objections to that? All right, there is yotion then by Con:rnissioner P1uLer seconded by COMM1S.5i011(±1 Crcilo. 1 mber 20th is here? Mr. Garyl kurid e Elementary, Mayor Ferrt.: . i=dverti,t,.e(i . for Morningside? Mr. Gary Well, you had it on the 27th, now you have moved it back to 20th. 219 July 31, 1984 THEREUPOU THE FnunnTuG motion cP11ing for Agenda Item 12 to h confirmed to Septc 20th at regular Commission Chambers %-tas passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre Mayor Ferre: Scratch Morningside on the 20th and have it here, and so we leave Morningside for some other time? All right. The meeting of the 20th wi11 be fully here and we will meet on Item 12. All right. Plummer moves, cprollo seconds that item 12 be continued to September 20th at 7:00 P.M. at Dinner Key. Further discussion? Call the roll. NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Ferro: Yes, sir? Mr. Garcia You need a motion rescheduling the mat- ters to continue for that Planning and Zoning Meeting at Morninsid n o cone hnck here. Mayor F(rr jr notion by Plummer, seconded by Perez thal 11 'cl rcrc scheduled to be at Morning- side nor b( 11f(ti«; lo Dinner Key for the meeting on that datc. 111111)(1 6i: call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Plummer, who moved its adoption: A MOTION OFFICIALLY DECLARING THAT ALL ITEMS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD AT MORNINGSIDE ELEMENTARY ON SEPTEMBER 27, 1984, WILL NOW BE HELD AT CITY HALL, ON SEPTEMBER 20, 1984. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Killer J. Dawkins • 51 MOTION 10. 84-928 122. IUSTRUCT CITY LTTORNEY TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE FOR PROPOSED CURTEU LkEKOAEKT IA:GANA:KG THE EXECUTIVE HATOR FON or GOVELKkELT Litt) FIRST READIRG ORDIRANCE PLACIEG t“:17TER 1L TUL EOVERDEK DLL:LOT. Mr. Garci-Pedros: You hive cot to do Item NunA)er 122, Mr. Mayor, which is the resolution instructin8 me to draft this Charter amendment first and then the Charter amendment. 220 July 31, 1984 • . . . . . . . AMPARtekaln Mayor Ferre: All right, Demetrio Perez moves, Joe Carollo seconds. Further discussion on the resolution? Call the roll on the resolution instructing you to write it. Call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Perez, who moved its adoption: AYES: ld RESOLUTION NO. 84-929 A RESOLUTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTOR- NEY TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE PROPOSING A CHARTER AMENDMENT CREATING AN EXECUTIVE MAYOR-MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI; DEFINING QUALIFICATIONS, FUNCTIONS AND COMPENSATION; EXPANDING THE COMMISSION FROM FIVE TO NINE MEM- BERS; FIVE OF WHICH ARE TO DE ELECTED ON THE BASIS OF SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS AND FOUR OF WHICH ARE TO BE ELECTED AT LARGE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being 7c,eondeci by Commiiencr Cm the reso- lution was ptised Jnd rdepted by the fo).lowing vote- Commii01)er 1 o Cnrollo Vicyor Pcmctrio Perez, Jr. Mayol' iThul A. Forre NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Mayor Ferre: All right, now on the ordinance. Mr. Carollo: Moved. Mayor Ferre: Moved by Carollo, seconded by Perez. Read the ordinance. 221 July 31,1984 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED- AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS "CHARTER A- MENDMENT NO. 1", AMENDING SECTIONS 41, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, AND 15 OF THE CITY CHARTER TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF AN EXECU- TIVE MAYOR-MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI AND DEFINING QUAL- IFICATIONS, FUNCTIONS AND COMPENSATION OF THE MAYOR AND MANAGER; EXPANDING THE COMMISSION FROM FIVE TO NINE MEMBERS, FIVE OF WHICH ARE TO BE ELECTED ON THE BASIS OF SINGLE - MEMBER DISTRICTS AND FOUR OF WHICH ARE TO BE ELECTED AT LARGE, AND DEFINING THE QUALIFICATIONS, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND COMPENSATION OF SAID COMMISSION, W1-IICII SHALL SELECT ITS OWN PRESIDENT; ESTABLISHING A BOUNDARIES COMMITTEE WHICH SHALL BE INITIALLY IMPANELLED IIIMEDI ATELY TO DETERMINE THE ORIGINAL DISTRICTS, AND WHICH COMMITTEE SHALL BE REIMPANEI..LED AGAIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE OFFICIAi.. RESULTS OF EACH FED- ERAL DECENNIAL CENSUS TO REDEFINE SUCH DISTRICTS: REPEALING ALL CHARTER SEC- TIONS OR PUTS J hERFOF IF CONFLICT; CON - TAINING I: L-.I -L EC` IV[ DATE OF AUGUST 1, 1987, AND SEVENI,E L1 TY CLAUSE. Was introduced by Commissioner sioner Carollo and seconded by Commissioner Perez and pwssed on its first reading by title by the fol1.ow nI', vote- AYES: Commissioner Joe Carollo Vice-Mayor De:rretrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins The City Attorney read the ordinance into the public record and stated that copies had been furnished to the City Commission and that copies were available to the public. (TAPE 21 - LD) Mr. Carollo: Moved. 123. ESTABLISH DATE OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 AS DATE OF SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING TO CONSIDER SECOND READING ORDINANCE ON STRONG MAYOR E'0LE OF GOV'E[ NIaEN':€ TO BE 1RLE CEI) ON THE iOVEHBER 6, 1984 BALLOT. Mayor Fors e: ?11 right treat, when will the second re on this matter tie': Mr. Gar i.a I`ed r'osi Mr. Mayor, you have to do it before September 7th, : special meeting. Mayor Ferri What day do you want? 6th or 7th? How about the 6th? Mayor Ferre: All right, there is a motion that the second hearing on this item be on the 6th day of September, which ld 222 July 31,198L1 legally we have to have. All right, Demetrio Perez seconds. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commission- er Carollo, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote- AYES: NOES: None. MOTION NO. 84-930 A MOTION ESTABLISHING THE DATE OF SEP- TEMBER 6, 198 AS THE DATE OF A SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING TO CONSIDER THE SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE STRONG MAYOR FORM OF GOVERNMENT QUESTION TO DE PLACED ON THE NOVEMBER 6, 1984 BALLOT. Commissioner Joe Carollo Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins • 124. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE $7,000 IN CONNECTION WITH THE HYDROFOIL TAXI PROJECT. Mr. Plummer: }$r. Mayor, 1 understand that Mr. Sorg has worked out with the Manager for a trial basis of the Hydrofoil water taxi, for amount of $7,000. Mayor Ferre: Who seconds? Mr. Perez: Second. Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion? Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: Upon being st::Qonded by Cot=_, iciner Perez, the motion was passed and udopte a by vh following vote- AYES: NOES: None, MOTION NO. 84.931 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ALLOCATE A SUM NOT TO EXCEED :'l , 000 I N CONNECTION WITH THE HYDROFOIL TAXI PROJECT. C011aili i0rie r ?. L, Ll lt[Titier, Jr. Vice - Mayor i e: t 1 io Perez, Jr. Mayor Maur A. Ferre. ABSENT: Comwist= ic:,rsrr Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo 125. AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF *50,000 FOR THE TACOLCY CENTER WITH CONDITION,. Mayor Ferre: 1 would like to move that we authorize! the expenditure of $50,000 to Tacolcy so that the United Way will match us for $50,000 and Metropolitan Dade County with $50,000, so as to solve the problems of Tacol.cy, and 1 so move. Mr. Plummer: Second. Let's get it, read clear on the record. Mr. Gary, this is for the Tacolcy playground. Mr. Gary: Tacoley e I was called by United Way who informed me that. Tacolcy Youth Center, which this City invested money to build, which is a Youth Center, was utilizing monies which they had for operational purposes. Mayor Ferre: It is explained in your July 30th memorandum. There in a resolution attached to it. That is the resolution 1 am pessing . Okay, are we ready to vote on it? Mr. Perez: Call the roll. The following motion was introduced by Mayor Ferre, who moved its adoption: Upon being seconded by Commissioner Plummer, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote - AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice -Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre NOES: None. MOTION NO. 84-932 A 'MOTION AUTHORIZING M EXPENDITURE OF UP TO V30,000 FOE THE TACOLCY CENTER PROVIDED HOWEVER THAT EQUAL CONTRIBUTION ON 1''1- RECEIVED FROM METROPOLITAN DA DE COUNTY AND FL O1 UNITED WAY (FOl A TOTAL CD} TDI UTlON OF $50,000) IN 0 DEL; THAT THE PROBLEMS PRESENTLY EXISTING AT TACOLCY CENTER CAN BE RESOLVED. ABSENT: Commissioner Miler 3. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Ctarolio 126. INSTRUCT CITY BA. LGEL TO COLT ACT WITH "URBAN FELLOWS" FOR O E ko is YELL IN A SIMILAR t A 4NER AS LAST YEAR. Mayor Ferret h , the Urban Fellow thing, do you want to do that, ee Lot? Mr. Gary: 1 don't have a problem with it. Mr. Plummer: What is it? -- ----- - -- - -- 224 July 3111964 Mr. Gary: It is a continuation of hiring minorities and it is a training program in the City. Mayor Ferre: It is a good program, the only thing is, I don't runt the guy in my office. As long as he is used by one of the members of the Commission, Mr. Gary: If you :atop Carol Anne from talking to him, he can work in my office, Mr. Plummer: Wait a minute, Fkrb Dailey has nothing to do. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves, Perez_ seconds that the City of Miami that the Manager be instructed to contract with the Urban Fellows for one more year in a similar manner to last year's Urban Fellow, Is there further discussion? All right, call the roll on Urban Fellow. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: NOES: None. Mr. Plum er: Yes. MOTION NO. 84-933 Upon being t c'conc$Cd by Comm :ioncr Perez, the motion was passed and adopted by t)ra i'cl tor, i ng vote - AYES: Commissioner J, L. Plummer, Jr. Vice-Mayor Demetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO CONTRACT WITH "URBAN FELLOWS" FOR ONE MORE YEAR, IN A SIMILAR MANNER AS LAST YEAR'S URBAN FELLOWS, 127. RESOLUTION FREEGI: G TUE ACCUMULATED PENALTIES AND STAY'IIG T HE IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL PENALTIES REGARDING CROSS WIRI G IN CONNECTION WITII CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE. Mayor Ferre: Plummer moves a resolution freezing the accumulated panralties... (MAYOR READS RESOLUTION INTO THE RECORD) . Moved by Plummer? Mayor Ferre: Second by Perez. Further discussion, call the roll. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Plummer, who moved its adoption: id 225 July 3l ,1984 NOES: None. !.O ld RESOLUTION NO. 84 -934 A RESOLUTION FREEZING THE ACCUMULATED PENALTIES, STAYING THE IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL, PENALTIES RELATING TO THE CROSS WIRING OF CABLE, PERMITTING THE IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL PENALTIES FOR OTHER VIOLATIONS, AND REQUIRING NOTIFICATION TO THE CITY COMMISSION ONCE THE TOTAL.. ACCUMULATED PENALTIES REACH THE SUM OF $1,750,000., OR WITH RESPECT TO THE VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES IMPOSED BY THE CITY MANAGER AGAINST AMERICABLE OF GREATER MIAMI, LTD., A JOINT VENTURE KNOWN AS MIAMI CABLE VISION PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 9332. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted her and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Perez, the resolution wan panned and adopted by the following vote- AYES: Commissioner J. L. Plummer, Jr. Vice - Mayor pernetrio Perez, Jr. Mayor Maurice A. Ferre ABSENT: Commissioner Miller J. Dawkins Commissioner Joe Carollo Ike.ft Okt■ env Om. 128. DISCUSSION ITEM: PORTABLE CLASSROOMS. Mayor Ferre: Anything else? Mr. Plummer: Yes, this young lady here. Mayor Ferre: Yes, Ma'am? Ms. Lyla Caloff: Thank you Mr. Mayor and members of the Commission, my name is Lyla Caloff. I am the Assistant Supervisor of site planning for the Dade County School Board. 1 am before the Commission today to request that with the placement of two portable relocatable classrooms on the Ath.alie Range Park. As the ConlrliS5la11 1s probably well aware, in the last; five years the Edison Little River area has experienced a considerable amount of student population growth, Thin n is has had a severe impact on Edison Park Elementary c.}vtl and Shadow Lawn Elementary School. They are currently operating ating beyond program capacity 1ri a K througL r facility. i;crning_side is also operating beyond progra., capacity, but. as as K through 6 facility. The School Board relief plan for this area of the City is two -fold. One, ye are 1 n the process of f'ir,4al i _ inp the Mor ni ngside eXpafis ion , and two, we have is c r2t1 f i eis a relief site that will Park and ' do awn }_1e r'.<e =rat �:r y t: }tC::ci1 . 1)u 3ti tl:.., interim ..: a L, c ,� period, :( t e w t br c b; C Ui 'i t a r : Lt- ILno and btu l c' I tine the new elementary I b . . ,. �, e r C� �.• ! , � e. �; r e, r � ;lac _ � � r � ( e t . �: t- the 1 N C' � ? Y� " f • Miami grant our re:,tioest to p ice; to ::( . e r ea ocat.able c1a sr gores on tne J.thai it- } anEe- site. We have to accommodate 180 additional students at Edison Park Elementary. We tried to place six portable relocatable house an eler:er:tcrry school that tv? 1J. relieve Edison 226 July 3119811 classrooms on the school site. We could only accommodate four. The other two can only be placed on the park site if we are to accommodate those students. The City Administration has reviewed our request, and it is my understanding that they have a concern shout the undesirable precedent that this would set, but 1 earl tell the City Commission tonight that T. don't think the School Poard will be coming before the Commission again with such a request. We see this as an interim relief plan for the School Board. We have a relief school plan that should be opening in three years, and we are finalizing the expansion of the Morningside site. In view of all of this, our request is that you grant a three year non-renewable lease agreement to the School Board for the placement of two portable relocatable classrooms on the park site. In addition, the School Board will be making some improvement to the park site. We will be providing irrigation for the north one acre of the park site. We will also sod that area of the park site, and we will also make perimeter fence repairs to the north, west, and east portion of the fencing in close proximity to the school. Thank you. Mayor Ferre: tr. Manager, do you want to answer to that? Mr. Gary: Yes, Mr. Mayor. First of all, this sets a bad precedent, Secondly, we can't afford to give up the land. Thirdly, thc School Board has a school called Edison Senior High riGht 4:, the trcct. vheh val-over bridge, and I faj to rby h our land and not use h, 1::. Fel yer, ye are in the process or ullrbhjnG Lwn ' this bond issue passes, vc up Y;nty: l'ork, and we cannot allow an hY(: three ye;:21 Mayor Ferre: Vurthcr discussion on this item? Ms. Caloff YQS, just one point that I would like to respond to that the City Ina; er raised on the possible accommodation of the students at the senior high school. the Department of Education would not allow elementary students to attend the senior high school facility. If we could accommodate them at the senior high school, or at the middle school, we would have made that effort, but the Department of Education does not allow that. Mr. Plummer: Can't afford it Mayor Ferre: A11 right, are we ready to move along? Mr. Plummer: Is there a motion before the Commission? Mayor Ferre: I am the Chairman, I'm listening. Mr. Plummer: Well, it is an item on the agenda, is that correct? Mr. Gary: It is a discussion item. Mr. Plummer: Discussion only? Mr. Gary: She wants act on. 1 don't want any. Mr. Plummer: No, no, Then there is no action. Mayor Ferre: All right, thank you very much, Ma'am. it on the agenda for discussion? id Mayor Ferre: Not questioning that. 129. DISCUSSION ITEM ON THE PLACING OF THE STATUE OF SIMON BOLIVAR. Mayor Ferre: Mr. Kern, before we leave, see this man here? His name is J. L. Plummer. See this man here? His name is Demetrio Perez, and 1 am Maurice Ferre. Once in a while we go to a place called Colombia, sometimes we go to Venezuela. The five countries that are supposedly the Bolivian countries of the hemisphere are gathering on Friday to censor the City of Miami for having had Bolivar'a statue in a wood crate in a warehouse for the last three years, and we are going to be very embarrassed, and 1 don't like being embarrassed that wey. Now, what is it we need to do to get the liberator of Latin America out of the crate on a pedestal? Mr. Plummer: Bring him over to the funeral home and I will take care of him for you! (LAUGHTER) Mr. Jim Kern: If you recall sir, we received that statue. It is a. very lovely statue - n 300,°00 statue. Mr. Kern: From the Venezuelan government. Mayor Ferre: Three vcarr nge! Mr. Kern: At that t 3 rlt the Parks Department was going to put in Bayfront Parh fl he every other statue. The Venezuelan gevernent 6j6 not feel the setting was suitable, and they 6cedcd throimh 60cRlitiow which theY newt up here r,CV(1 t,PC: 1,C) h1 16 a very )avge plaza to pice the statue in, loctcci in Fyfren1, Prk, ;: they lere going to pay for it, ip 100, 000. Due to 5ome filw;ncial difficulties, they were not oblc to come up with the money. They did not want us to install the statue. They wanted this plaza around the statue, but never could come up with the money. Subsequent to that, it has been on hold. That is where we are today. Mayor Ferre: So that we don't get the blame, do you want to put that in writing by Friday 5o that those consuls when they get together, know where they can nut the blame on, because 1 don't want it on us. Mr. Kern: Sir, on top of that, we should come up with some policy, or some program for the statue. Ue really should. Mayor Ferre: All right, 1 would like to appoint Commissioner Plummer and Demetrio Perez at3 a committee of two to deal with the Colombian and Venezuelan Consuls and the other Bolivian Consuls and come to a conclusion a5 to where you want it and who is going to. for it. You come back with in Septtmber or October with u ruconchition to this Cotemoe. Mr. Odio: B'ayor, when we had the ceremony with Mies Univeree - hill Colombia and Miss Venezuela, we told them what happened. The ConLul Genera) kl lA Mayor Ferre: Yes, but 1 am tired of getting blamed for it I mean (1) the City of Menai. - that ee ere doing this and we are doing that, and 1 think it is time for us to put this in 228 July 31,1984 ,11 writing, and officially...Plummer, you try to work it out with your cohorts in Venezuela. There is a new Venezuelan Consul, there is a new government; I am sure they would be happy to come up with some of the money, Let each of them put up 120,000 or $3n,nop and We will_ get it done, 130. DUCM53TOM ITEM: CORFUSIOF REGANDTMG DATES TMAT CARNIVALS CAM LIE MELD In TUE CITY OF MIAMI. Mr. Plummer: Mr, Mayor, couple of meeting back, we passed an ordinance called 9857 in reference to carnivals. It was the clear indication of this Commission that there were certain criteria as to what days and where they could be taken place. It was elso very clear that anything other than those days of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the Marine Stadium, the Orange Bowl, and Watson Island, were, and could be as subject to thin Commission's approval, you would take a Commission action to go beyond that tretch of time. Okay, that is not the way the ordinance reads. The attorney has sent me a letter stating that my amendment was not added in when he read the ordinance from the Clerk. So, I am saying to von, would you pleeae make sure that the amendment, which this Commiesion voted upon, was included in. Mr. Clarl:: O. L. hc ttol tsicd to me, I've spoken With Joe 1;'c 1 The ordinnee does, provide - "unless otherwise providd by the City Commission" - that it; for the time There is Jlao provision that talks about the place. Mr. Plummer: Right. Mr. Clark: There is no "such otherwise provided by the City Commission". Mr. Plummer: Yes, there was. Mr. Clark: All right, if that is the case, we told them that we would get the transcript and do whatever the Commission indicated. Mr. Plummer: It was understood by this Commission that anything other than those places designated would take a thing before this Commission. Now, do you need me to reiterate that here? Mr. Clark: No. We will either handle it as a scrivener's error, or we will come back without that ... Mr. Plummer; Would you please contact this Mr. R. J. Scott, and take care el' it, all right? Mr. Clark: Yes, sir. 131. SWIALING IN CELEROla FOR LUCIA ALLEN DOUGHERTY, AS CITY ATTULLLY. Mr. Plummer: Cr we .t.wer at the City Attorney and swear in the young lady? I have nothing else. ld 229 July 31,1984 Mayor Ferre: All right, let's go. Ladies and Gentlemen, the faithful moment has arrived. It is not 2:47 P.M. yet, but. Mr. Garcia-Pedrosa, you pre FIRED! (LAUGHTER) All right, we reluctantly accept your resignation :-. are you sure now? yew don't WPTIt to change your mind? Mr. Garcia- Mr. Plummer: Six bourn early! Mayor Ferre: You can change your mind. You are sure now? All right, He accept your resignation nnd thank you for your two yearn of service, It has been a privilege and you certainly have added a great deal to the City. We thank you and we wish you God's speed. At this time, if you will dis- occupy your neat. Mr. Plummer: No, not yet, we have ot to swear her in first. Mayor Ferro: She will be sworn in right there where she belongs! Mr. Plummer: The first official act is the Mayor has put her in her place! Mayor Ferre: All right. Mr. Clerk. (SWEARING IN CEREMONY FOLLOWED.) ADJOURNMENT i. s 9:47 P.M. men, it There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. ATTEST: Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk Matty Hirai Assistant City Clerk Maurice A. Ferre Mayor C I STING DATE: JULY 31, 1980 oft II, II -4495. ACCEPT TI11 CO'1PLETI D 1 v'OR1C OE P.N.M. CORPORATION AT A COST OF 1 , 039, 593.80 FOR BUENA VISTA I!IGHW7 IMPROVI M NT- PHASE T. AU HOPIZE 7 FI5AL PAYMENT OF $112,129.99 CONFIRM ASSESSMENT N`F DOLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CORAL SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN CORAL STNTTARY SFP'E IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT , R- 5463 -C, AND REMOVE ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CI ?R TIFII1D. CONFIRM ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CORAL SANITARY SA1'1ER IML'ROVEMENT IN CORAL SANITARY SEA'S? IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SR- 5463 -S; AND REMCNE ALL PENDING LIENS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT NOT HEREBY CERTIFIED. ACCEPT THE COMPLETED WORK OF LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. AT A COST OF $923,384.73., FOR DURHAM SP.NITA- RY SEWER IMPROVEMENT ST- 5486 -C AND AUTHORIZE FINP PAYMENT OFr101,221.69 CONFIR ORDER RESOLUTION N0. 84 -664 AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY CLERIC 'IO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE COMSTRUC'I'I Cis OF ALLAPATTTH INDUSTRIAL AREA HIGHF;AY 1511'REVFmENT -PHASE II, IN ALLJ:PATTAII IN- DUSTRI.TAL AREA 111 GIIt "7.Y I! DISTRICT-PHASE AUTHORIZE CITY I'iA1'ACF;P /CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT '1'O THE AGREEMENT WITH MORTY FREI:D1IAN IN AMOUNT OF 1 5, 000. , ALLOCATE $15,000 FROM 9511E INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL, 1984, `1T) COVER THE COSTS OF GOODS AND S1:RViCI AUTHORI11; i'111' MANA:IER '10 EXECUTE A MINORITY PA_R- TICIAT05 ;CJ 1 :1 :511 :51 , FOR TIIF BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CENTER 1111`\;1'.1:1 T E (1TY OF MIAMI AND BAYSIDE LI- MITED I=;.1 <'0 1 :5511II'. AUT'HOF1:LL CITY '1ANA:CER 'T0 EXECUTE A PPeKING GA- RAGE AGREEMENT, LOB THE BAYSIDE SPECIALTY CEN'T'ER BETWEEN 'I'11). 01'1'Y 05' MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF OFF -STREE PARKING, THE CITY (.1F MIAMI AND BAY SIDE LIMITED PARTNERSIi1 r.. RATIFY AND C( 111 1134 THE FINDING OF '1'1151 CITY 1'131- - AGER, THAT 'I'i1L 1 <.l_O4 1REME5 "' OR i'f11t1'_1L, SEALED 0111-' BE WAIVED AND `1`IIJ-.T THE EMERGENCY ER E? CY PROCUREMENT GE NIPINTEN7 NCI' :'F,'1 V1 01 I'01 COMPUTER OUTPUT MICRO- FILM SYSTEM EOU11. 41'N'1'. , ETC. AT A TOTAL FIRST YEA COST OF $22,690.00 1 COtTMISSION RETRIEVAL. ACTION AND CODE NO. 84 -842 84 -843 84-844 84 -845 84 -846 84.849 84 -851 84-854 84 -858 DOCUMENT fk)EP T1 • E latIi-1 x a 1 N ANn AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF FOOTBALL PRACTICE TICE I'1:ELI ON `rH0 NORTH 2 AND RECREATIONAL VEIITCLE PARKING LOT'S OF THE ORANGE POWL, STADIUM FOR THE Pt?P.T'OSE OF MEETING TIIE CITY'S CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION I''IT THE UNITED STATES FO0'PI37LL T,17'GUE (1 ?SI'L) . ACCEPT `1'111; 1311.) OF 0101 CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN AMOUNT OE $770,663.00, 111D "A" OF PROPOSAL, FOR WESTERN DRAI0,i(1 PROJECT E-547 AND AUTHORIZE CIT MANAGER TO EXECUTE i. CONTRACT WITH SAID FIRM. ACCEPT THE PIP OF (1701 1' 7`1,1,110 CON TRUCT'ION CO. IN TLTE 7\MfUN'T OF r; 1 , 0 i1 1 , : i1 3 . 1 11 , 0I DS "13" AND "C", OF TH1' Pi;_t: P( AL , \1 .' '1'.,131 DRAINAGE PROJECT E - AND 7'0'1'110)0.1_, E 1i' C; i Y MANAGE E TO ENE CUTE 7 CON — TR7' C'1' 1':] T E p:1 :=A1D . 1 R' .. APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE THE NEGOTIATION OF AN EX— TENDED USE AGREEMENT l'?ITH EDUARDO AND GUSTAVO ROZAS FOR 01HI1 USE OE 0H17 MANUEL AI ?TIME COMMUNITY CENTER AUDITORIUM TO CONDUCT 7' SERIES OF THEATRE PRODUCTIONS. ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,950., IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI YOUTH BASEBALL ACl!— DEMIES, INC., I1 C( '1NECTION 141'I'H 'I131" THIRD ANNUAL CITY OF 0)AOl YOUTH BASEBALL WORLD SERIES. . AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER/CITY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE AN AGRIIEf11IPT WITH 0H }1 AMERICAN INS"'1TU'I'E OF 110 — CHITECTS, FL03711)7' SOUTH CHAPTER, AND PnovIDr UP TO $2,000.1N PRLZES 0OR THE I'II'NFR5 OF THE DE— SIGN COMPETITION FOR TIIE TOE CIINT1 R MALL ( 9Th STREET MALL) FOR THE SOU'I'H111`.ST OVERTOrE PARK t?ES'I' PROJECT. APPROVE AN ASSIGNMENT, ACCEPTABLE TO 0110 CITY 7'TTORI /I:Y , OF '111)1 LEASI: FOR THE 00053'RUCTI ON /OPER TI ON OF '11111 l' C)I LI) T'U ;0F CENTER 1'370) 1)1' 1)1': 57.01 N'G AND LOAN A0S O01 2, 11 017 TO (71:N'1 RUST REAL'i'Y AND C0NS— TION CO PLY, i, l71 01. ±,Y -_O NI :D ;'UHF1DIAI_ 01' DADE SAV110 ;WI) JOAN _ .'SiWI ATI O . -1 THORI -11 �'I I ., l,i;l.1 -.:1�. '1'( I i•:I.I `;1 1 1) 1(0 IX' x CAP TAE, T)I_. ,'1.Lt)) '11331', 1 .:(', (1 ) 1 (1 TIP 01301)11'' O1 $56, 204. ,'1'il FE 1 1. `1:_ 10 I) 1;(;t` 1:1`:IA_ (k iT 'j' ' C CW: I T: GENT UP(3) 1>1 __i1i, t' I? _ 0) )1 1 'T ., 1>::1)] ('0101'0 CO.h1M1111(.;N :i1' 1 1')) 13'.uU111'. 11 11O1 :111_ CITY MANAGER CITY 1•s']' ORNR ' 1° ?:__OUTH AN AGREEMENT RE;EMENT TO AMEND MCDI' 5 i',11V'01..IE ,0 _I) FUND. AUT'1IOR1 �'1.: CITY MANAGE /CITY A'T'TORNEY TO ENTER INT A CONTRACT (41'11)1 MIAMI CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. (MCDI) . 84 -859 84260 84-861 84 -861 84 -862 84 -863 84-864 84 -865 84 -866 814_862 RII 1 VA AUTIIORIZJ', CI'T'Y ?IANTGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL CON TRA.CTUAL AGREEMENTS 1'7I'I' 1 NINE (9 ) NEIGHBORI ?OOD ECONOMIC DIVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, WITH FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE TENTH YEAR COM1'1UNITY DEVELOP- MENT BLOCK GRANT. APPROVE/AFFIRM THE ACTION OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA TION, DESIGNATING 1'_ PORTION OF THE LBIFURCATED RAMP SYSTEM IN DUPONT PLA7I' . ,ETC. AUTHORIZE C1'1T MANAGER TO EXECU'T'E THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI AND METROPOLITAN DADE COUN TY IN ORDER TO ACCEPT AN AUARD OF FUNDS FROM U. S. DI PAP'i �PPJ OF Cc CI '1'O PLAN ACTIVITIES '7IT THE CITY OF J S 1 ,i ;1 COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOP t, ENT I'1 7 ?1) ,_'i'57.TEGY . AUTHORIZE !'H? DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO DISTRIBUTE AND PUBLISH J1_;0UES'T' FOR PROPOSAL (REP) TO FEDERA AND FLORID) CII7CFERED BANKS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY LIIPJ.'I'S TOR ALL BANKING SERVICES. AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER /CITY ATTORNEY TO AMEND THE PROFESSIOIv1.L SERVICES AGREEMENT, PITH THE FIRM OF E. H. FPILIID F COMPANY, FOR EXPERT AC- TUARIAL ASSIS'17 NCL IN PENSIOI'? MATTER BY INCREA- SING 7HE COST OF SERVICES. CREATE A MINORITY PROCUREMENT BID BOND VOUCHER PROGRAM 11IICH STAHLISHES A POLICY RELATIVE TO TH REQUIREMEN'T'S 0? I1ID BONDS FOP MINORITY FIRMS ON CITY PUBLIC WORKS, CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, AND IN CITY PROCUREMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES . , ETC. ALLOCATE; S,;34,658. FROM FY 1983 -8U FEDERAL FEVENUI SHARING FUNDS TO TEE LITTLE I?AVi NT A0'.1'IVITIES AN NUTRITION CEN'T'ERS OP DADE 0000' Y , INC. TO OPERA- TE A RESIDENTIAL SHELTER AT 600 N.E. 1 <:;t STREET FROM FEBRUARY 1, 1980 TO S1'.I''I'1:?'0I? 30 198/i. AUTHORI111 C1'1''i MA.NGER '1°O AMEND 1]1) LY1 S 1 100 Fi'' 0 3-° 84 FEDEI1i-.I, }0 ViI'I'.UI 8I_11111i81 ;:.C;EEEMl ii'1'. ,1'1'i'. AUTHOR1 'L? C I ij1; I 'Itii3O1111 TO IULE1 011 1. PL oFES ' FOR PROPOSA.I_, (PIT), FOR I. oFAL] 1 1 1:D 1 lii,1 `=1'5 ?7C? I3ANh- TO STAB i S11 Z 101i0.'11 P1 I1, THE OVER i L11P FEOPHI I G CENTE R , . E'1'C . APPOIIv'` i NG CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE MIAMI. 210 - I.I_ 71 ,.'I:.'C .. RE- APPOINTING I'1SYOR MiAURICE A. FERRE TO SERVE AS MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OP THE DADE COUNTY LEAGE Or CITIES, INC. 84 - 84 -869 84 -870 84 -871 84-872 84-873 84874 84-875 84 -876 84-877 C,OtiMIS ON APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIA MI HERITAGE CONSERVTTION BOARD. APPOINTING CERTAJ1N JNDIVEDUALS TO THE CITY OF MI MI 'ZONING POTRD. APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL TO THE CITY'S CODE ENFO CEMENT BOARD TO SREVE A THREE YEAR TERM. APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIA MI AFFIRMARIVE ACTION ADVISORY BOARS) AND REAPPOIN TING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO SAID BOARD. APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 'PC srrvn DESIGNATED TERMS oF OFFICE. EXPRESSING DEEPEST SYMPATHY/SINCEREST CONDOLENCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF JOSEPH MURPHY, FORMER MAYOR OF RHE CITY OF CO RAL GABLES, UPON HIS DEATH. EXPRESSING DEEPEST SYMPATHY/SINCEREST CONDOLENCE, OF THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ITS CITIZENS TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF JAY DERMER FORMER MAYOR OF THE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, UPON HIS DEATH. AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE IN AN A1OUT OF $20,000. IN THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORI DA AND ALL TVPE PROjECTS,INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTI OF DINNER LEY MARINA DOCKMASTER'S OFFICE, FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED PROM "MAJOR MAINTENANCE-DINNER KEY MARINA",ETC. RATIFY CITY MANAGER'S FINDING OF SOLE SOURCE; WAIVING TEE REOUIREMENT FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS AND APPROVE THE PURCHASE OP APPTOXIMATELY 100 5IEP7UL1C BAN VALW OP CU'TRICT BASIS FOR ONL (1) YEAR rom DYNEVEIVETT, INC., THE MANU1']C1 l5 /ND ONLY FETSONABLF SOUFCI, OF SUPPL\ FOR THE 1LPirT oF BUILDING AND VEHICLE MAIN- TENANCE AT TOTAL Cr,S'i ob,0(30. AUTHORIZE L'.! iNORPSI. IN THE (3( '151-5'] AMOUNT OF $15, 000. , I-I.''s1 N THE ( 111553 AND FRANK J. MORAN, 11O. 103 THE CONSTRUC'IMN OF ORANGE BOWL- FIELD. AUTHOR1rrE CMY MANAGED TO P]\1.1 1-11: pi, NS, AND ARVIJTIEE BLCIP‘IT COMPE- TITIVE El D, EVALULTL TrI 5.1 55 2.. 5 EI.:CDTE A CON TRACT WITH THE 2;'t/EST 5.3 555.5 FOR EIRE RESCUE 'IRA NING CENTER-TRAiNiNG POOL REPAIR AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $25,000. 84-879 84-880 84-882 84-883 84-884 84-885.1 84-885.2 84-886 84-887 84-889 P4 0 DOCUMENT II)EN T I F I Ct ION NTi AUTHORIZT THE ISSUANCE NCI, OT' J REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A (UDF) FOR THE RETAAIL, RESTAURANT AND/OR CUL- TURAL REUSE 01" A 111F'i'CPIC BUILDING, FORMER FIRE STATIONNO 4, LOCATED AT 1 0(30 SOUTH I1i7 FT AVENUE, INCLUDED SUI'RONDTNG PARCEL OF PROPERTY. 1',IJ`I'NORIIL CITY 11ANTG1;i: `1'C} I'T <; ;mv1 ]:'IAV AND ;('.nr_ CIFICATIONS Ai VET 1 1 (=F. 1'(?R f F' Prr i:-c;r. r- OMPETITIVE BIDS, EVALUATE T113 1111)S AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH THE LOi'E:. BIDDER R I'OR MOLDED D0F F00 PLASTIC BENCH TYPE SEATS SIMILAR TO SEATS USED IN OTHER N.F.L. AND 0AH0I1 LEAGUE BAST'.:BALL STADIUMS AT AN INITIAL COST OF 85,00(.00. AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A UNI01I,I) DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR THE SOUTHEAST OVER'FO1';N,%P PHASE I PROJECT FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL FACILITIES TO BE LOCATED ON NINE CITY BLOCY , BY NORTHWEST 6th STREET, NORTHWEST 7th STREET, NORTHWEST 10th STREET, NORTH MIAMI AVENUE, 310YTI1WFST 2nd AVENUE AND NORTHWEST 3rd AVENUE. ALLOCATF AN 7lIOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000. , IN SUP- PORT OF TIlli 1984 SUMMER TOURS OF THE FLORIDA WA- VE JR. DRU11 AND BUGLE CORPS. ESTABLISHING 'AND ADVISORY COMMITI E TO REC01' END A FIRST-SOURCE AGREEMENT POLICY FOR IMPLEMENTATI BY THE CITY OF ACCEPT TEE 03,7`T ENTITLED IZNAGA GARDENS AND THE DEDICATI('00-1 0000N ON SAID PLAT; AUTHORIZE /DIRECT CITY , IA07.(11:0 /CITY CLERIC TO EXECUTE THE PLAT. ACCEPT '1'1131 1'ETT "SAINT HUGH OAKS" , 7`ND `1'HI'' 0110] - CIITION ` IiC1' LI SAlD PLAT. 7- CC310`I' "_'110 CCNVI'1 A? 'I' TO RUN 0] `1'13 THE LAND AND POSP0110 '01131 I' - :"t 1:DIA'!'E CONSTRUCTIUN Ci CERTAIN 101'ROVI- M1;I'1TS AND AUTH0.EI- ZE /DIRT 0. CITY . 1r l;1 x' /01 1'0 CLERK "0 EXECUTE THE PLAT. ACCEPT THE 1'3,1 '1 l3 1 'i: PLAZA SUBDIVISION, AND THE DEDICA'1100 01'(11°.: 1 31 .0]1) PLAT. AUTHORIZE/DIRECT TN_E CITY 0101.111:'' ("1'1'1' CL101K '1`0 EXECUTE THE PLAT. ACCEPT THE 1 tJ., l'l l 0 0100] 01 `- 1 ('01 , AND THE DEDI CT, TION SHOO 1 t r-_! 1_> 11±T, 00001>' ' THE C0NVENA 1'!' '10 RUN 1• :11 7'13 '1'I!1: Li ND i01) THE 1 CONS TRUCTIOU C ;1 (1'17') 1., 1 ":i l ir, 3 -'i I;'l'. 7-U'T''HORIZF,/I:fI- RECT 01'1' :1 1 '0: 0 c .L11 ' „1 3 :03'0/'`1'1_ '1110 1 -LAT. AUTHORI031 ±{I: TI') :RLHAkv. 000'i'_r E PROJECT L('(' T3 1 1 . 1 V'1:IIUI'. , 1 1 ( 1 0 0 0 ] ' ] 0 NUF AND 01'173 31 1:.. 10131 X00 1 - .I 'E , 9 1q T'i L0 1? FINAL APPLICA'T'1011 I ('To 0 -.J0IR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH TH DIRECTOR OE 'T'HE PLAN. 1 CT” SS), ON '._-` VAL. m.. AP_ GP&?- 4 , 84 -891 84 -892 84 -893 84.894 84 898 84 -899. 84 -900 84- -891 84 - 9902 84-903 X ESTABLISH THURSDAY OCT 25, 1984,AS 'I'HT DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERN ISSUANCE OF A DEVI?LOPI.1EriI' ORDER FOR THE TERREM7 RC CENTRE PROJECT TO BE LO— CATED AT .AVIATION AVENUE, TIGERTAIL AVENUE, AND SOUTI} 13PYSHORF DRIVE. DIRECT CITY CLERK TO NO — TIFY APPROP i_AT% AGENCIES. ESTAI3LISII THURSDAY OCTOBER 1 1 , 1984, AS A DATE FOR A PUBLIC HETARING, CONCERN OF A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE BFICI:ELL BAY OFFICE PROJECT TO BE LOCATED AT 1005 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE AND DIRECT CITY CLERK TO NO`I'TI'Y APPROPIATE AGENCIES. AUTHORIZE THE APPLICANT,FOR THE I3RICKELL STATION TOWERS PROJECT LOCATED AT SOUTHWEST 9TH STREET AND SOUTIIEEST 1ST AVENUE TO FILE A FINAL APPLI— I CATION FOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE PLAN. ACCEPT THE BID OF JOE REINERTSON EQUIPMENT CO. IN THE AMOUNT OF $;21 8, 395 . 00, I31D "E", FOR CITY WIDE SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT -- EAST LITTLE HAVANA AND AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT i:T'I'II SAID FIRM, AND CIREC"' CITY CLERK TO PUBLISH 11 AIOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I'OR OBJEC— TIONS, ETC. ACCEPT THE BID OF IRWIN— GRENUELL,1NC, IN THI:. AMOUNT OF $ 1 94 , 823.75 , BID "A" OE THE PROPOSAL, FOR EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PHASE I, AND AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE 7. CON — TRACT 1. I`i'1} SAID FIRM, AND DIPECT CI'T'Y CLERK TO PUBLISH T, NOTICE OF 1' PUJ3LIC HEARING FOR OI33EC— TIONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION; ETC. THE ACCEPT l !III I'31 .. � i�' ETC—MAN - I,'1'I..Nn.TI ONA L, I.C. IN THE AMOUNT 01 $742,492.00, 11D "I'" OF THE PRO— POSAL, FOR 1176'1 LITTLE HAVANA L'1 0ll!' 216 IMPROVE— MENT —PHASE 4; AND AUTHORIZE CITY 11/.7;2.01.1: '1'O EXECUTE i! CONTRACT VI '1II SAID F I R M ; AND DIRECT CITY CL1..R1'. TO PUBLISH 7? NOTICE or PU10,10 HEARING 1H ACCEPTANCE AI3CTit1t;;: TO THE ACCEPTANCE 13Y CITY COMMI— SSION; LTC. . ACCEPT THE HID OF IUILWEI3 SIGNS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $74,630.00, EASE BID OF THE PROPOSAL FOR C0 'H1_LC1? 1, D1S'I'PICTf — SIGNS; AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO 1_ ?;1:CU'1'1_: r: C'i' C`!' W 1 ' 1 1! S A I D 1 1 PM. ACCEPT '1'lil: F11) UF 14 (-.1711 I1<'11 LTIGAE, INC. IN THE A M G U N y ( , 1 s , 1 t , . ` , i _ i , 1 , i 1 i „ 1 21 THE 11-00— SAL, 1 ' ( i i i 1 _ l r ; : ' 1 ' LITTLE H121,1-112 li 1 O3 . Y 1? il'1'O"EMEN'I'S AU T'HORI 31: C! ' 9' MYW i 1i . J `j'O 1 '_L C.'(_I' ±'L t't t ONTRAC'! WITH SAID . 111 131, AM) 211212101' (1 10' CLERK TO 1'UPLIS1] A NOTICE OF l't'PL,1 C 111_ `:8411 FOR (3133LC1GNS TO THE ACCEP'I'LNCL' F,Y C1'i'Y COMMISSION; LTC. [1: •: 84 -904 84' -90.5 84.!06 84.907 84-908 84-9.09 84 -910 84-911 EN ACCEPT THE HID OF FIR; CONSTRUCTION CO. TNC . TN THE AMOUNT OF $1,1(T1,7 BIDS "C" AND "D" OF THE PPOPOSAL 1 EAST LITTLE HAVANA HIGITWAY IM- PROVEMENTS (SECOND BIDDING) ; AND AUTHORIZE 'TIE CITY II?INAGI:R TO PPLCUTC A CONTRACT 811TH SAID FIR/ -; AND DIRECT ('_! TY CT 171 _K TO PEPLI S11 A NOTICE OI' PU- BLIC HEARING 8011 087 PCT1 ONS TO THE ACCEPTANCE NCI BY CITY CPI811fiSS1ON; FTC. ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT HOT TO EXCEED $10,000, FOR TH REPAIR OF 7871 PAY OF PIGS MONUMENT LOCATED ON CUBJyN MEW AL BOULEVARD. ALLOCATE 1 TI L'( NOT TO EXCEED $25,000, AS A CONTRTI3I'TION TO THE CARIBBEAN /CENTRAL AMERICAN ACTION IN CCNN ''TION 'WITH ITS LIGHT ANNUAL MIAMI CONFERENCE ON THE CARII3BEAN TO BE HELD IN MIAMI AT THE ImYrT REGENCY HOTEL, DECEMBER 3 - 7,1984; ETC. AMEND TIIE 1311)111 CENTER 11 DUPONT PLAZA. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT OEDI11, BY AMEND CONDITION 26 TO EX- TEND 'I`HE RIME II'; IJIN I';11TCI1 DEVVELOPMENT IS TO BEGIN 7R(i Tv() E781 $ 7.8) EIGHT D705 TO TWO YEARS AND ONE 81181)8871) TND SIXTY-FIVE DTYS OF THE RE- CORDED 1)7 OE 11 DEVELOPMENT ORDER; DIRECT CITY CL1:17II TO TRI)h 1117' COP:I88 OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE 11187 P.1'MEIIT OF COMMUNITY 7)FFA188; ETC. ESTABLISH AN ANNUAL SALARY CE 005,8(3.00 FOR THE POSITION OF 01TY ATTORNEY 917'11 A PI'IRSONTAL EXPEN- SE ALLOWANCE OF $12, 5(10. 8ER ')'EAT:; SAID SALARY/ PERSONAL ALLOWAINCE '1 BECOME EFFECTIVE 7 UGUST 1, 1984; ETC. AUTHOT111: AND INSTRUCT STRUC'1' CI'TY ATTORNEY Y TO DRAT I' A CHARTER 7=8 EXPANDING 1l1i '891?'SI3FRS111P OF THE OFF -S 7111'7 PAlill) 88 BOAR) OF THE Ci TY OF MIA- MI FROM 5 `i'0 7 1 13181185. APPROVE TEE 7 811 )173) O8 OR 518 CITY i'L1 Z1v LIMI- TED PARTNESEJP FUR 81FI: 1H I CN EY THE CITY OF MIAMI TO THE HUD; I oR < (.::;?' 1;.L GT' ON 1 (1 7. MID-SIZE SIIOPPINC? 1- )I1. ('(. '_r;) 1711 I.i, 1)81) 01'1') 11' SPACE IN THE E1 1,LR'i Y 5 1 1 3 APPROVE '1111'_ ._1 1 .ICr_110'( or 81YSIDF. LIMITED 1'1)R'1 NERSHIP I'(:.8 ;'88 8177 i(1; BY T'IHE CITY OF 711/211 TO T118 F.". r f7 ' r ( r' HUD, FOR CONS'1'RUCTION 08 A 10,000 C!)i AO 1 ` _ GUT DOOR AMPHITHEATER AND RE- DEVELOPMENT OF TIII: ADJACENT 20 ACRES OF BAYFRON PARK. :UMMISS' ' VAL 84 -912 84-913 84 -914 84• -916 84-917 84 -918 84-919 84 -92Q CL1a.a1.1I5` [iN VAL. PDCUMEM' 'DEW I FICA T. ON APPROVI '('111_; i1TPLICJ`TION OF THE VOLLONING I;i,v1;1,OP1', FOR SUBMISSION BY 'L'IIE C i TV OF MIAMI U , ;? . DEPART— MENT R t' -- I1EN'.1 OF IIUD; FOR A CIRCA I�T1 /TIIF BARNES ORGANIZA— TION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OV r 1 1 1 RI NTAL UNIT I10US++ ING PROJECT UNDER THE CiT7'S AI'Y( ?Hh,%v13T,1' RENTAL HOUSING D1'V1LOPMEET PROGRAM. RESCHEDULING '1' III, REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 27, 1984 TO `MANE PLTACE ON SEPTEMBER 20, 1981; AT 9:00 7M., PROVIDING THAT THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE ENTIRE RI MEETING OF SE01'LMI31 R20, 1984 BE THE CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT CITY MALL, DINNO001,Y. ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,600.00, IN SUPPORT OF THE MIAMI I3ANDIDOS SOFTBALL TEAM TO COVER THE COST OF TRANSPORTATION TO THE NATIONAL TOURNAMENT IN MASSILLON, OHIO, AUGUST 7 —13, 1984 ETC. A RESOLUTION CTALLING AND PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BF HELD ON THE 4TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1924, FOR 91111 PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE 01 7 1 1 I'1 T',13 ELECTOR0 OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR 7111_ I 0 1v PP OVt..1, OR DISAPPROVAL TIE FOLLOWING THREE (3) '1 F T,1 BALLOT QUESTIONS: (1) PROVIDING FOR THE CRE '1'I-U0 01 A STRONG MAYOR 00R0 OF GOVER— MENT 000 'i'iiL CITY OP 1117111 TO BECOME 131 EFC TIVI IN 1987; (2) EXPANDING THE CITY C OUI1T00)03 FROM FIVE TO MINE M.013ERF: (3) PROVIDING BOP. THE ELEC TION OF FIVE CITY COMMIFSION113C OF THE 11713 I0 OF SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS AND V1'111 FOUR C'1'?'Y C01i— MISSIONERS 1103 NG ELECTED ON AN A7'— LI;R311 17703.13 . A RESOLUTION I N 3T1(1.'C''10G '.1'1(0 CITY ATTORNEY TO DRAFT AN ORDINAN('13 PP(1P0119G A CI10I1311 P 001100!IIIOT CREF.TING AN EYEC11'1'107 MAYOR- 11/_'1:00113 FOR OF GOVEJ`.1 MEN`I' FOI3 TEE CITY TY :113 111 0M1 ; 1)19 11111113 TIOF,S i1911131](!10 1.1y1) 01311311111301] 11 ; EXPANDING THE COMMISSION 1 1'.O ?i 1'111: TO 1133 NL 1111131 1 1=;0, 13101 CY SINGLE i 111!11?11I:, 01131 t_` (1- 1X3(3 113 (1P 01' 1';111 C11 01 .1' 1'C1 BE ELECT'I:D ON '( 0.1 11.1 1 3 0 13311131313 1:1.1110. 131 7 1'111 C'1 AND 00UL (9' 1103 HI f.1 TO 011 ELECTED AT 1,1 :31:. FR11'7.1NC I C'(('11(11:; '1'1 11 l'1.1.i.1 ] 1::' ,!''/9'3'1'1( STA':H1'.:O '1'1111 IMPOS T'1' u9 Cif 1:1,101 '1' ON _ 1, i'1_:i. /.1.'1'1 - - PLEATING '1 THE CROSS 31 1 //133 (H3 x`01 1) , 11.1 ,111 3. ?0.1 '1l ?I' IM1'0 -- cT`T1 C 1 `1') 0 I +1_. 1'I:111.1a LIP 11.71', 0 / 1(1.1: V1 0LL— '1'ION,, :__ ( +'" "c N(.TI1 .'I "„r, '1'111 CI`T`Y COMMISSION ONCE THE TO`1'IL ACCUMULATED 0I:NAL'1I3;' REACH THE SUM OF $1,750,000., ETC 84-923 84-925 84 -327 84-929 84 -934