HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-09141-84-727 RESOLUTION 140.84 914 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000 FROM SPECTAL PROGRAMS AND ACCOUNTS CO1NTTNGF11T FUND, AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE AiIE HICAN ACTTON IN CONNECTION WIT1I T.Tr; E i.GEITH ,�NNHAT. MIAMI _ CONFERENCE ON THF, CARTT30EAN To R' IIEI.D IN MIAMT AT THE, HYATT REG17'NCY IIOTFA-, D1.CEMBER 3--7, 198)1; SUI3JEt::T TO THE STATE 01', FI-ORIDA AND 11ETIJ()P0T.IT AN DADS COUEIT7 JOINTLY CONTRI:RUiI.[aG 110 LESS THAN 000 110 THIS CONFERI=;NCE. FURTHER P130VIDIIIG THAT ,SAID ALLOCATION BEING C0NDITT 0NL:D UPON SUBSTA14TIAL. COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NO. APM.--1-811 DATED JANUARY 24, 1984. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. An amount not to exceed $25,000 is hereby allocated from Special Programs and Accounts Contingent Fund, as a contribution to the Caribbean/Central American Action in connection with its Eighth Annual Miami Conference on the Caribbean to be held in the City of Miami at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, December 3-7, 1984. Section 2. The aforesaid allocation is subject to the State of Florida and Metropolitan Dade County jointly contributing no less than $25, 000 to tlii 5 Conference. Section 3. The herein allocation is conditioned upon substantial compliance with City of Miami Administrative Policy No. APM.-1-84, dated January 24, 1984. CITY L 1k--`K11ISS1O1V I: "E'llfdf G OF JUL .31 MEMO, py3j limotioe �►� The City Manager is hereby authorized to •xeot�6e -ef4 s`�reArirant, subject to the City AttorneyI approval as to on and oorreotneea, to implement the herein allooation. day of 1984. Ry�Y 1 p►JltD AND ADOPTED this 31,_ Maurice A. perre MAURrCE ATTEST: C PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: goq4- -�� � Y GiII wttvnnEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: EY a 6` x cur , a{ f b t 1 4 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 34 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Howard V. Gary OATS: July 17, 1984 KILC: City Manager SUBJECT: Special Funding Request { Caribbean/Central Ameri- can Action FROM: Charlotte Gallogly C " l REFERENCES: y y Jul 30t,h Cit. Commision Director j Meeting; Department of Economic De'elopment} ENCLOSURFS: "It is recommended that the City Commission approve the attached resolution allocating an amount not to exceed :25,000 from the Special Progr ants and Accounts Contingent Fund, cont1,i1?1<i'.i_n11 i',O the CAR1i3,3i !' N C'/" ;. I, :l . �.: t _'1C.?',l in ConCIC,'C'; t_i�'is ..,1`t.,. ii"i11_',1- i'iiFami Co11nc' (3, i n Mi 3-7, �, , ;:'��_. :,c �'�,� �:�;' i°..."ovida and)oint.Z.y contr:i_1.)u,,:!,1i;` Sig"+i c.':r" �i�'il�, a(.1f.! t,s.? t}'lia Confcrcilt't. `'':.ti fr.-:l" �:i . ' . 1; t1; i. said a11oC�-,,J ti;li (1 t],�:��li f,il,_ i ,-;nt:i.al c o m p l �; rn i Admini.. t;r,,,iv 1"oIJ_(-2 and authoriainF ,)1e CitjT 1,;-n:t-er to e.,ccute an agreement, .subject to the City Attorney's approval as to form and correctness, to implement the herein allocation." On June 28, 1984, the City Commission passed Motion No. 84-695 providing an amount not to exceed $25,000 to the organization Caribbean/Central American Action (C/CAA), for its forthcoming 19811 Conference on the Caribbean �-,=hich will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Miami. from December 1--7, 1984. The C/C:.A ,a,,5 p nsored the lli«rf}i Confr�rencc on the Car a.11bez� n for tile past Seven years. This annl' 1 confers rice ooll :(ills it —el f wi.tll related to tr�,dc .and oornnirier ce de,%,c-1_oI'),=lent betuteen t!) e Cari lj-buan Basin countries n= tilt- 'I.) n i t e d t. tt_ As the at.,taciied Spec i1-1 !'''u d_J nt iequ St Fo r tti (Ex.hJ bi: t; i ) trldl.c_.s:t:e�t-, this event: hill bring ovc-r 2,01)0 vJi 34 for s toC l flies Il.� adl t.i. ? n'JGwV the participation of vsrious Unites: States and foreign dignitaries, This fact alone should ensure a heavy national and inter -ationa1 media coverage, which will reinforce Miami's image as an "International Center for Trade and Commerce." Since the agreement, bet wnnn the City and the C/CAA has to be approved by you according to the attached resolution, we are recommcndi.ng that besides the :standard scope of service activities, required in all special funding requests, this. particular grantee be also subject to the following condition.:: 1) Ensuringthat: in all promotional materials used, the City t4Ti 11. i)e listed not: only as a host of the conference, but. also as a sponsor. 2) Agreeing to waive the rogistr 3ti.on fee requircments to both the c-;po5ition and the conf^rcnce (does not include mc,+,Js) for a minimum of twcrity-five minority businessperson located. in the City of' '°'Iiami_ (A list of said �,i1.1, t)r pi-o-vi d c d by the DepartL�cnt: of cnnoiiiio. DcvC loriel nt:,11, lit cri)at. iona1. Trade Pr'OtisC?t=_ot1 i:C ;7y l?otil the cit'; or tii, 3) Aereci.ni t.ht;,t tlic` ,000 i;i t,, subject to the Statef of Dade County jointly cotitributing no is :, tli�31-1 y(2:5 000 to this Conference. We feel that these additional requirements will ensure that the City of Miami obtains maximum benefits from sponsoring this event. CG/EA/AR/ju Attachments EXHIBIT I SPECIAL FUNDING REQUEST DATE, April 26, 1984 -r Program: 8th Annual Miami Cofiference on the Caribbean 71rogram: 7, 1.98 4 Dec(-Tnbcr 5 Caribbean/Central Amnrican Action Alicia Pla 446-4618 G n, as Entrance, Suite 202 C o Y7 a 1, G. b I e s _11. 0 r.i. (71,1 33134 progi im/event (includinF 7 or 'i �m) : , number of people : date c-!�t,,�nd progt-7 Car icin Action in coops -ration with I -lie U.S. I)-k, Cit:-,,, of Mifnmj Metropolitan Dade Covint-y rinc,' 11,,t i� C_ _ 7 C1i. , (d;C^ ttacbed 11!1) . .. ....... - ----- 5 1, n C C n t i f v v, 11i c r c po:^!3 i b 1 c Lr cnt will bri -rl(-, o%7(,r () 00Visitors to Mianii, directly _ r c s u I t-i n g - jja-L_z--� town Miami are,a:.._Hyatt Regency(headquarters), Pavillon, (see attached #2) T 25, 00. :5 e r es (soecify type of service and $ value as ,---ttrnine-- zr �5-inated by Lhe providing department): u,� r A.n, : Facility from City: --525. 000. iucpor' in previous years? Yes X No P 1 -7 i2 C: letter from,a certified public accountant er, c of c C 0, u "I'L 1 P0, sy�temti and internal -eceived a curio' n�� lf YOU 1l'iavt� r r ail 6 t� in,� tilt� txpeuditure of nr p r n v t P e c i f y p a t t City NDy-,_ Dec� I -) 5 , 0 0 Q 29 -) Dec. 5 7 1982 20,000. Nov. 23 25, 19800 anC4/or received funds from other governmental NO x Sources Amount (Indicate if received, still pending, or rejected) -Me-tr oVDIijAn D A-dg Af $25,000. Fending 25,000. Pending mea sures easures will be taken to insure adequate -inc accounting of funds: and accounting for the Miami Conference are m a f finaince officer, iindcr the CJ.ose surer vjs-j.o11-oftbc accounting firm of Touche ross & Co. v7hich also-provid.ps a full-e-VC19t audit upon compIcti.on. information relative to your Z z a t i o n -Pax of internal f -i nanc i.al controls and letter f rc:7 cer ea public accountant verifying accounting syst;ems SnC internal cont.1-cal--;' A cop.; f the p r o j e c t. r. d I ine item budget reflecting expen:::'.,.;rys and ztnt'of:j.t:,'-'!.ed revenues, for protect./.event; a r; C :�5 nc-� ;7 0"-)C- C""ertf please attach a copy of a n, -,3,' on, 'n n n u,, 1, budget indicating a 11, sources o r E 4 n -i --- a c capability to accomplish eve~ Caribbean - I -tra.1 1�,rnerican Attic :s n I Miami office has a Conference _LS1e! D Pri )t de.ji.cated year-round tothecoordination and management -Jani Conference on the Cari-bbean for the P ik-s.t- %�' eet 1- E, 1 t i z;. W (� 1. 1 E t z i b 1, i s Ir e d e c t c a t lk'z I C I 11 - d � 3 i)rovidcd herein tru4e GI C prcvided t;y 'Lh 4C i- t v 'VII i 1 .1 bte C:-Xper;dt�d C om m i t t") (f 1) t -% v e d b Y t CJr t' y iIc City 11 4d 1." r a V I c, t Q, Q ck t s wi.ttl11'1 t1lirty d a Y:�� zot -2v5-.-on and/or receipt of funds ft-oln the e a, 10 rig wi,h any other documents or DIVE DIRECIDR PEM B, J0t1N2S'[-'-1'1 1,14TI(M AMON -914 C014 W # I will hold the 1984 Miami Conference on the Caribbean at the Hyatt , -Regency Hotel on the first week of December, with an estimated audience of 2,000 persons. This annual conference concerns trade, development and commercc br.tween the Caribbe,�n Ila:-;ill countrj.cs and the U.S. Program format. will include major policy pr(�:7c.ntations by Caribbcan Basin of governmen4E. and top U.S. officials, as well as working sessions on practical business issues. # 2 Holiday -Inn Brickell Point, Riverparc, Dupont, Four Ambassadors, Omni. (1983 usage: 5,000 room nights) - Increased ai ' r transportation traffic flow, both passenger (1/3 increase of norMal daily activity) and cargo, through Miami International, 47ki-rport. - Stimulation of retail store sales, as well as restaurant business and tourist all -tractions. - Usage of the City of Miami's James L. Knight Convention Center for 3 days. - Participation of U.S. and foreign dignitaries, as well as the prestige a:'-sociate(l the eve-r-it, results in he-avy naltional and international mutlia coverage, c%,hich reinforces fliami's image as the GatE ti. y to the, - Opportunity for- vi.sitjJ.ny to fir-,thand any posy ibilil_iu't!)10 tar is offk''-; for thuir (;',vn bu_Jnedealings. - The rerlkfrat ud by the conf erenc'�_ 3' 1-1 t a t i Ir" o zlei rin s reszult.anq i!-, 11,(-,v(_-Ii�k_'Y1'k' 01 rjL�o­'1v: c'ild� 01: aoodi"_� thr-ough 14i'aal1.'.s air and., Le�� profIl-, ga--necl from the Mii;jtil Gil tlie Caribbean are channeled dil:ectly to C/CAA*s Miami brdrich to maintain its operation year-round. 50 0 4 #3 Central Americrlfl?t 7 widely recognized both in the Caribbean Basin countries and in the U.S. as the meetii1f: place for busi-ness and political leaders of the area. A increase in t-lic, li-C . 1,800. Miilr 11-W and registv' 'uit records) , yl"o!'-11 is .11)cul-re d end of the cyr I'S f rom J i throughout 11-11C V(��13'5 k"C' yj L7 coordinating the hosting cnt.A-'tJ(-, �11, 11c begs l I! i, 0'- tl,c PTOCC55 50 coo t 9 operations can proceed. SUITE 1010 i333 NEW HAMPSHM AVENUE, N.W. e WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 * Tekphom (202) 4667464 & Telex 904059 WSH AN AFFMAU OF THE ANDUCAS SOMM Mr— ... .. ..,.v..-..,. u-wv.i�. e.W nw ..,��.•..ow •.x.�l t.�w+A.u,r._.. 1W- �z.Y"Wtlsy7 .-.�,�, ��, ... f r - Yk � �KIGI��L�L r, �%,� �` 1�t+�`".. !"i� ,�i',+rk'�3,,a'��'Y Hwy„ - •t''!� � �'. n % -if>r k >• i�{ i � � : i. i 3v 1 .>�:xaar sr+r.•. ,us •xi,<mwsw!m. i,�,.n.�^^ai:�.� . oa.^a•�.s..^.mrnbrr.^^rama,= .f,a•: v,r.l ^r,�",�,ani.,-wi- f.�a ai .. 4.r x�!tr.,• x 1 _ f� f� i Ppnt ! " r ..� opt set --«__. •.. ... _ �. .._ .... �. 1, f ?1 s %61 yR. „At►, IMINUMENS yNq r..�pfh•��i, i ..- i `i i� "• ��.rd WAY��r ."'+•.f iP-"-tom- h WO� , �.m5., +,! '1 .�'�' .u�fm T ii:,a /'�� N *-1 .�, f �4 `•y �g ,�1 fr d,„f 14✓R.✓i¢ "4 B 1 ik Cox F�) �'."�., lam_. �-�-- -wamv alu M6 CIA, t31 SGHYN� ........ .. m I ... ..... .. S'S 1 �' ��;5 �1 � �,,,� � `�».,r''"� � try � 'r ` � � 1� `�� � � �_V Kh 15 G fi Y N - t5 110 AI lL Pit t, t Al �f A I .' IA ANP WA v4kL-� - 7C, Sasaki AssodatesInc � I . L3 cl"fl ',�_,,)ircrmertai Serticas A!cani-Awl-nU�2, Cc' 11 C, 01 3 2 3 7 o A 7 A L D 71A 71'.1 1 7V Orl— POO t a4l -l-_:-n WA,441 L,t 64 �4T JINI eA tA-S-i LEE-- ,I �� �,. � ... ��: �. � �, ,.: :. .. �, . , �...;.. :��<�, �.. �,�. � �•� �• -�•. ��� ���fiHl,i,lililA4�d IIIII�III�I �Ih,lll 4p� ,;. cl�z� F-:, At) KE�QC�