HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0906J-84-724 7/19/84 RESOLUTION NO. 84-906 A RESOLUTION AUTHORTZTNG THE APPLICANT FOR THE BRICKFLL STATTO N T01•aRRS PF:OJEXT LOCATED AT SOUTFFIgF;ST 9 T H STRi;F T AND f3OUTHWEST 1ST AVENUE (MOPF PAI?TTCi)T,ARLY i)F;CF?TnFI) 11T.11.EIN) TO F?II,F A F"1NA1, AT'PT)IC,�ti:�'3.OI�I hOR I^A�70R USE SPECIAL } EP'11T'.i' G^,T71I T}IT PII-)I C T 0 R 0F €.T,7\NNFING; PROVIDIFIG CAVEATS?- A111) FSTi\11)F,ISFi_%NG 3:30 P.M., THURSDIli#:, OCTORFR 25, 1.984, OR A RECONVI-IIFD PIE'E T TIIG, AS THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR CONSIDF,RI�TTcIN OF SI,Tr) IFTHAJ, APPLICA— TION FOR I° AJOR, II;; I, >T'i'CTTiI, PF;F FaIT. WHEREAS, Article 2 8 of Or(; .nance No. 9500, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of rliami.,. Florida, requires developers of Major Uses, as defined in Sccti.on 2801 of said articl.c, to apply for, and receive, a Major Use Special Permit het:or-e applying for a building permit; and WHEREAS, Brickel.l Station Towers Project, located at Southwest 9th Street and Southwest 1st Avenue, meets the criteria for Major Use designation, as set forth in said Ordinance and Article at Section 2801; and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of July 18, 1.984, by a 7 to 0 vote, after reviewing the Prelimi- nary Application for Major Use Special Permit, adopted Resolution No. PAB 81.-84 recommending that the developer be permitted to proceed with filing of a F'i.nzil. Application for Major Use Special Permit; and WFiERLI':,'3, the, Cii;y Commis lion ha r.E:viiwed the Preliminary Application mzzz-jox ti;c .Fc,cial Permit and considered any additiornt. l �< r�± c,x c: s;cc s, i el ex r< 1: , or materials brat may be required l'- ic'x Lo consideration of the F;nal Application for Major Use Special Pcrrmi t ; NOW, TIIEFILF'ORE, BE: IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The applicant for the Brickell Station Towers Project, located at Southwest 9th Street and Southwest 1st Avenue, more particularly described as Lots 6 through 1.0 less the North 10 feet for right-of-way widening and Lots 11 l try, Block 56 South, A.L. Knowlton according to the plat as thereof recorded in Plat Book B, at Page 41 of the Public Record of Dade County, Florida, is hereby authorized to file a F'inal. Application for Major Use Special F,2rmi.t.- with the Di-rect: F of 10-1- Mit S e C t i. (-) 11 2 No v i. 11 1- v, F r- 1- (I () n the (,onr v a pp ca 111: ") v th (- C i o M M i- 7, �-' i r an t J n g t. o J J) 11 3. 11 q . 1) 4- r if) 1 r; f2q J o n proceed t Fin�J- 11ppl icotion. This resol ot i-on i, n0f- to be deemed aipl)roval- of- the (](,-velopmielit Prop(--),q'11- Secl-Ann ri1f-2 coli)Tni.ssi -on herel)y 3-30 1-.M., Thursday,, Octobcv 25, 1984, or a as the date for a public h-a-i-n(I i of t-lic 1,,,i -1 1. -� :) .p'. na /, I i cr t ion for Majo-, Use Special. 1'erlpit I-J)c- TIIJ.cl-,ell Station Towers, located at Southwest 9th Street and Sokitliwest lsft Avenue. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31 day of r 1984. ATTEST: Co �RAUL G. ONGIE City ' ity Clerk PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: A Aslistart City 7/torney Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE, Mayor APPROVEID 'S.S TO FOR[-, A11'4D CORRECTNESS: 7SE GA]ZC1A-PL'1)1WSA ity Attorney JEM/wpc/pb/303 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 18 INTFR-OFFICE MEMORANDUM D A T C FILE Howard V. Gary July 19, 1984 City Manager SUEIJE1_: RESOLUTION - RECOMMEND APPROVAL BRICKELL STATION TOWERS SW 9 ST & SW I AVE uao es REFERENCES Planninq and 7oning Boards ENCLOSU�c-'; C0*11SSION AGENDA - JULY 31, 1984 Administration Department PLANNING AND ZONING ITEMS it is recomm-nended by flie- Planning Advisory Board that the pre- liminar,y cipplication for IliajorUse Special for firickcll Station lw.'!.'T�- : 19 Stree,4- -;ndi 'A' Avr--ntle be a p 11 r C, V The Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting of July 18, 1984, Item 9, following an advertised hearing,, adoptedResolution PAO 81-84 by a 7 to 0 vote, recommending approval of the preliminary application for Major Use Special Permit for Brickell Station Towers located at SWI 9 Street and SW 1 Avenue, also described as Lots 6 through 10 less the 14 3.0' for right-of-way widening and Lots 11. throunfli 16, Block 56 South, A.L. KNOWLT011,11 (8-41) and recommending the t the applicant be permitted to file a final application for same establishing a future public he-aring date-, all in accordance with Article 28 KAJ0";' USE SPECIAL PEPIMITS: DETAILED PZEQUIREM-ENTS, Sections 2802.2 and 2802,2.1, it) accordance with Zoning Ordinance 9500, as amended. Backup iEtiorri ierr is includcd for your revicw. A RESOLHI(AN to provide for the above has been prepared by the City Attorneys Office and submitted for consideration of the City Connission. AEPL: I I I cc: Law Department NOTE: Planning Department recommends: APPROVAL PLANNING FACT SHEET Brickeil Station Towers, Inc. APPLICANT (Ken Kinsella and Peter Wenzel) June 25, 1984 PETITION 9. SW 9TH STREET AND Sty 1ST AVENUE (BRICKELL Lots to %h,,.-intuit 10 l in s the I'lorth 10 feet for }. 0 g i. S. f' t 1 ri 9It ���-r , -���� � < , � ri:, � ��► 1 �= � 1 l i;itrrs,ott 1 S, Bloc), ,oit . h. A a , _ ,, ,n,'. , top of 0 .,r= to the plat as tkvcair i ct iw K in F r ; t Pcctat Page 41 of 10 11 i it i, v of i,. ( rwily. Ficrida. Consider :l 1(m &_ 11w loo 1 it ni ppl lion for h.:' i� �!� `iG.�i,l. .,,r:i, f h;, pr1 r-?lttf. to ti Ic 10i i opplichGon for, sc?_mo establ i h Fit', Y=uvr .r ` - in acccrk rich Pik 01 1ALF V3 `, [C +i`k SPECIAL PERMITS: D110110 F' � Soclien 2802.2 and 2002.2.1, in occorkrice with Zoning Ordinance 9500. REQUEST A To review the Preliminary Application for (=Fa jor Use Special Permit and recommend that the applicant be permitted to file a Final Application for Major Use Special Permit. BACKGROUND Certain antc=rrd r nts to Article 28 w Major Use Special Permits - Detailed Requ i regents which would have deleted extrancous. pr_eliviinar°y procedures were rt con;<'r2nded in Aaandment "F" to Zoning Ordinance 9500. r , ,nd nt "F V expired ' May 12, 1984, because of t. i t,,r� limit within which the ComOssion luctrslat vely decide an itor:l. lltt.r�i� rcY it i� nct_z>ss. ary to follow the existing prolirtin r~,j procedures. Zoning Ordinance 950U f;';'� E 'il � i siri.�:., l! 1"Li or.2 Use �!whor'4-by i Permit . Special �)P��)(.ets (Article 2b) defined major uses {'cqui p 'u c, t °_ E i r r i.sy' ttiv> _ P1atrir`Advisory 4(W Erd c(nvtiCi on and author k3ti on by tu« Ci ty p(>�,reI indnary brid t-1€aI) U �,rwc cons tr ct:�t;, can be 4Rrrt. e r \ i.4_. u. ! €ik pt .. L e V, Devel off} • en i s of 3;et projects (as the Majar use S t:ca11I P e rT iit threshold is leaer) It in ;lit jjAvin of th,,4 Major Use Special Permit to i nc uac i n one action, any granges in the: cangreh nsive plan, r Item e'er Page 1 N O,` O l ei., Apt zoning district classifications, other zoning actions, and other City ordinances that would be necessary for a building permit application to be considered - The sequence of events to this point, is as f ol 1 0,vis: Meeti no/Ile-a-ri n_q Bric-ke-11 Station Towers P1 a nni no P�11,4 f;01-y P, oa r d F uh i c July 18, 1984 P160L, 16, Q V I C 7-, (A f P I mi t ApE>t 1 C i tv c (if; 1k, c'. o i t i on July 31', 1984 G r a ril. i r) 1) t.G f i I e a F i n a. I I AIJ ilrl for, Ha Tor Use S p Q C i a, l,;:, uly 31 1984, ih­)w the ring on Final c t-i" on. ANALYSIS The Ear ickoll Silation Tokt-ers development proposes a 20 story office building of approximately 277,600 square feet, a retail area of approximately 20,294 square feet at ground and mezzanine levels, the retention of an existing 45,000 square feet of office building, and 516 offstreet parking spaces. The initiation of this preliminary approval does not constitute approval in that the, Planning Department i s still discussing � I, i t h the applicant the intensity of the propose ,d projcc­ RECOMMENDATIONS PLANNING DEPT. R e c opune n d that -t [ i cT ay E,l i c & p t, t e d to file a Final Applicati,_�jj f'oj- a c- S C Permit. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD At a public j cai '0) 18, 19 _Teti- Planning Advisory tic, ro adopte _QHUtiG11 fltkb 1_)l-84 by a 7 to 0 vote, recommet-idii-qj approval of the above-. PAB 7/18/84 Item #9 Pace 2 SM --t!06 oo- Imp 1 2 G 7 n ,107 P 10 1 1 13 14 15 110 C...7 G 5 � i ri i i n 1 .7 o i APPLICATION FOR A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT �7 A - �T 00 0 !��f -P File Number MU-84- It is intended Vint major use special permits be required where specified uses and/or occupancies fnvolvc VInUM, ("CCUIC(I to "W of c(tv-wide or area -wide importance. Tne City Comnrizis,,;o-N ?-,(Al 1W for 6(2tCT-rnit1nfi0r1,z oT1 aPpliCatioris for major- use, accfal pclrmifs, 0 The City Cornmissioi ,,he - 11 oll 1 1 fo,- nic-,,Jor usc 1 spcc.�al pertzifts to the Plaiviing Advi,,ory 1*-,,-)(wd (mm, to :;i"; (—� 1�,( � I t, � I k , - I I , of Plarznina for ".'-n v I I r l :.o 00 C', 4' 1 . brj(-Jic,s, or o' icers, either throLrQrt th(, for and/or techrifccilc. ,I. C t qj r of Plan- K-i n,� r� A I Ti (4, P �.!)p,!v lo lhc Dir C) ning of the Cil>, fc-,,r G-1 �V�c; C) r ',!)c provisions of Article 70 of City (31' x Addres's of Property corner of SU 9 Strut and 'tl 1st. Ave. X Nature of Proposed Use (Be specific) nii Y, ed use dove I -)W"(`n -, n =med Brickel I Station Towers constitutinc, 277 GOO sn . ft . off ic 14,694 sq.ft . retail at -ea. oround 1-11 oc)r_-_ 5. retail area rnezzani rif, ; 2 , '411 1 soft. i,,i i s c e 1 1--, nia ou c, A/C areas ( I obb corri dot's rvuir 0 f ice 163,170 s q , f t p a r il i n q structure ( 5 16 S () a C t- �; ) Preliminary Anvhcciliyn I attoch tht! follc,--;,-inj in ,uppoo or e�Xplanation of the Prelirninaty Application: v., C) C C; I U t, u I v e)e of t 11 V p r C,;) (' r I Y PteP,11 Ud Lc 'y SijiCI u of I'lorida Registered L w -, d 11-0, i i v c, r )e Z. ,jfj(-',,,:t I Ui f,; p1il_•:jtlUil and disclosure of rrlt .rest fumj 0- (<'w att"IC."t to u'?:AicutZ'At). X 3. Certified ko cA (A rc-cil c.Ltuie wlit-,it, u 3'/S foot radius, frorn the outside boundaries of property covered by this (Furin 6-83, attach to applica- tiort). Page I of 3 Form 16-83 Revised 8 4 - 9HOG X 4. Maps of: (a) existing zoning and (b) adopted comprehensive plan designations for the area on and around the property covered by this application. — >C 5. General location reap, showing relation fo the site or activity to major streets, _? schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical icatr.�r^s in and adjoining the project, and the like... 6. Concept I'lon x (a) Sitc Plaand relevant information. Sections 510.7_.3 (a through h) and n 23014.2.1 (d through h). .� (b) Relationships to surrounding c xistinct and proposed future uses, activities, sysIe-Tis crud faCililles. V; (c} N,o�: �.onccl,t f_cnir;n and adopted eomehensive plan low princil:11cs one:. (if iol: i_,lci ion of any required variances, special permits, .<.mptions. Sec:tioit 2802.3.2(b). %. Developmental irnpaw; `i((,rr op,.lication for Development approval for a Developrnerit of Rcr,io,'iol 11nocci: r, 0Y substitute). -= 8. Other (Be spocir"tc) ;•t 9. Fee of $ ; 6 32 7 5 , based on the following: (a) $.01 per sq.ft. of building(s). Additional fees for any required special permits -- changes of k.onin ry, or variances shell be in accord with zoning fees as listed in Section 62-61 of the City Code. — (b) Fee tal ulcticn Buildina(s) _ _.~C._i�t is 277.600 q.ft. t Other (Specify) ettai 1 20=29 sq �t____ —= Miscclarieous area 2,211 sq.f't. . P a r k i n q 163,170 scl.ft. Total 463,275 X .01 = $4,632.75 Rage 2 of 3 Form 16-83 Signa ture Ken Kinsella Name Pater Wenzel Address 601 1- d F" v e City, State., Zip — Mi drFJ , Fl 33130 Phone Sias -8101 This appli,ation is __,,ipproved denied' in accord .vith City Co,-,irnissioii Resolution No. other Sergio Rodriguez, Director Planning Departrnent Date Page 3 of 3 Form 16.a3 I AFFIDAVIT STA,rr. OF 1101,11DA) I OF DAUF (X)Utrl Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally Ken Kinsella apTx,--Lrc,d _p r - who being by tre first duly sworn, upon oath, do-, M---c-:7, and I. Tlvit 'Vir2 i�; Dvincr, or the legal representative of the owner, sub;-TiMinf; the accnqqvnyinr, application for a public hea-ring as required by Oi-Th-ii,7ince Uo. 9500 of the Code of the City of -i-)ni, Florida erfectimg the rc.31, proT—.-ity Tocated. j-n the City of Mi,,-Imi as ftscribcd and listed on the pogcs at Uiched to this affj.davit and, n-ode a P-Irk,- thercor. 2. That 01 o,,.rnr-rs which 110 rcpmz-.ents, if ar,y, have given their Hill and complete prin-,-Iiission for trim to act in their brChalf for the change or modification of a c1.,.3-5sif ication or rcp, ilation of -,oning as set out in the accompanyiji6r pctition. 3. That thc att-achcd her-c-to and m3de a part of this affidavit cc-nta--:o-i the current nnun-s, mailing. addresses, phone numbe'rs and legal descripl-licris for the real -'property which he is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts -as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 11 day of July 1984 N ot a at UmZe ,N ELI Y of Florich ota4ry- Y- My Conrd,--ion Lxpires,: N0TAPYPU'rIIC ST/-,TE Or FICRIDN' VY CCP, M ( S S 10; 4 1 Xi I i,C S N, A R 27 1987, 10,1% JHRU ChNIRAL 1:6UPANCE U14D 84-90t; OWNER'S LIS'r Owner's flame Amerifirst of Florida as Trustee -for Brickell Sta-tio-n-Tower-s flailing Address t'(.11 SVI 3rd Avc. tli am , F!_. 33130 Telephone Ntunh)cr JR5•" 1 n 1 Legal Descriy�IJon: f r�i h i hrt�li(1h U) if ,:. t f ilor�t�i IiJ re� e—�Tcir�Right of Way iaid�-:ninq and Lots l l #.hroutlh 16, flor_k 56 South, A.L.Knowlton accordion I'()t thn PIIa thereof recorded in Plat Book B at page 417 of the Puh l i r. records of [lade COuni:y, Fl Ori da Owner's flans fl / A Mailing Address Telephone (lumber Legal Description: Owner's Name fJ/A Mailing Address Telephone Number Legal Description: Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly- or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375' of the subject site is listed as follows: Street /,,,ddre,s Legal Description NONE N0NP F. Street Address Legal Description N0flp N0(lE Street Address Legal Description fJOflC NONE w 4- 9 - c1 1)J;y(_'11DSU[All t,{' (d'ttit•;trt<Ittt' • Legal description orb? ;t:rr'r't of subject real property. Lots b throragh 10 lest; ths- tini-Jh 10 feet for the Fight of Way widcnino anti Loll .s I 1,hro11gh 16, R 1 o c k 56 South, A.L. Knowlton iucordi nr_t t-.n the Nit- at thereof recnrd(ed in Plat Book 111 at. p,)oc � l of the lrwbl is Records of Dade County,Flo- rida. 2. [?a71nr'fr) of !-u5jc(At re?)1_ i)rop-rty an(i percentage of f}wnev, hrp. Note: City of Miami. nrdinanc:c Nod ' 9",1.9 1_r(,n Ti (�s or .rl.l. parties having a f i nanci.nl int_err> t, (i_t tr( r" <li rccL" or indirect, in the snb_ jest matter of n presentnt:ion, request: or p: tit.i.on to the City C'ornmis;si_on. Accordingly, question 42 r_equi-res di.sclosur(- of all shar_ehol-d{:rs of corporations, V),enefici-aries of: trust's, .anti/or: any other intnr.est:( ,l prr:ties, together with their z dclresse s and pror,or:-t.i.onate int(-rest. Title is held by Amer ifirst of Florida Trust Company r�rith BrickelI Station Towers Inc. as the beneficiary of 100/10 of the Trust. The shareholders of Brickell Station Towers Inc. are Kenneth Kinsella and Peter Wenzel each owning 50 shares of stock. 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question #2, wid (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property. 0005 STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS: COLD11 Y OF DADE ) Ken Kinsella a-nd Peter Wenzel being duly sworn, deposep says thatiijel the (Cwner4 of the real described in arrstaer to cV(-stion ##1, above, the answers and that tt;c ``aa-K! are truo and cc rtpletr.�; «rx i (if actirri for owner) that he has authority to Exer~Lrt".L form on behalf of the oviner. aiui property Loregoing atior,rey SWOM M AND SU6SCRIBED before me this day ofL�,/ 9g . tvotary Pu� _r�its, �c.atc of_ Florida t/ar ,e MY CCU-MISSIQN EXPIRES: 'f;01 AkY PUPLIe ;Trit It OF ;'10P.1GA" MY CO:;�txJ"SiGN, f?:P1'111 1.4hk 27 1987 e '!ND rii u t'Et k+,.. 4t4Cf Ut1L� � t l.�;�R (over)