HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0902J-84-732 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTIO^1 ACCFI'TI:1"dG ilfi1; FIAT I ti 151,1`17) NURY SUBDIVISION, A ii` GUi f OF MIAMI; APdD ACC 1'f''i'1 lit= TI I[ 1?I;� �1 CA"i' i i )i i;� '1IlOWN ON SAID Pi.AT; "ailD ACt r � :iT"IG fIII 0)VIrlM11'1' Ti) RIIN f WITH 1'1111: 1-AllI1) PO;'? "PON I-PIC; 1141",DIATE _. CONS'I I{i.1f;T + ON 01F r 1 1) ' ^,11I T i if ROUT ', ,,-;ilT:1 UPIiIL RE(�UIRi;ii I;Y TI11; PT' 1_1�1I N.t Oi P1_11�1.1.t; 1'1i iRl; -'i AND _ AUTHOR:I:'1.TNG AND DTRI.C�i J —1G, TFiI. C;I'IY 11111� AGI;R -AND CITY CI_,ER1: TOF:XECU �; 11'FI1; PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR THE RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT TN THE, PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. I of the plat: WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works recommends the acceptance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The plat entitled "Nury Subdivision" is a resubdivision of Lots 8 and 9, Pl.ock 6, "GROSSI'; POI dTE HIGfi',ANDS" (311-82), Section it, T1-+`P 511 S, R41 E, City of r-..1rich subject plat by reference is made a pert tic rcof « if fully h,:rcin and which plat together with the ded.ic ti.c,r;s shop-,n thereon, -1;;(i ':,i)c c c;iications to the perpetual use of the public of all existing and future planting, trees and shrubbery on said property, is hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Mimi, Florida. Section 2. The Covenant To Run With The Land executed by Gilberto Nieman & Nury Nieman, postponing the iircnediate construction of Full width, improvements along N.V1. ';tre -t & 27 Court until such time- as, required by the Dep rtment of Public Worlcs of the City of Miami is hereby accepted and the prop -or of i c i a1 s rc: cii.res c d t.o rcccrd s:id coven rr t f'tt r I.l ,t has been recorded in the Fublic: Rc.00rds of Dade County, } lori-du. S: ctior� T11(,! Ci'�y I,1L.n ;I ur .and City 1-1erk z1ve I1ereby . utlrortized and directed to cxc�cutt tli,_ i 1j::; z..tjd eziuse the same to be recorded in the Public Records of Dad,__ Counit , 1`1orida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31st day of July , 1984. ATTEST: Maurice A- FerrP- MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR 1 % .� Q CITY C0MMISSIC3I,y j MEETINO OF, PH G. ONGIE ; CITY CLERK ` fES illlt „ (:t a , f PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORREClr r,n j 4 U` . MIRIr,I i f sER JOS E:F:rr ,. i= t ;: r. ASSISTAL1:1 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 16 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Howard V. Gary DATE: July 3, 1984 FILE: City Manager SUBJECT. "Nury Subdivisionif Resolution Accepting Proposed Record I'lat, Located at N.W. 3 FROM REFERENCES - Street and N.W. 127 Court Donald W. Gather ENCLOSURES. For Commission Mceting of Director of Public Works July 31, 1984 The Department of Public Works recommends the approval. of the plat by the City C o m III i 3 s i o n of Miami, Florida, and certifies its correctness as to form. The proposed record plat entitled "HURY SUBDIVISION" is a replat of Lots 8 ;=)id 9, Block 6, "GROSSE POINITE HIGHLANDS" (34-82), Section 4, TW11 511 S, E41 E, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida. The plat consists of two lots. It is zoned RS-2/2. This plat is being forwarded to your office for City Commission action. Also attached a Y, e the following itemized papers necessary to present the Plat to the City Commission of llliarrii: (1) accepting the pl(,-;I,t (2) Print of proposed Record Plat C� (3) Auc-c-i-lent for, p, r ta2 i nn g; t c b su 01-V1.,ilon (4) of cert�ain (5) Opinion of Tit, (6) POrti0f) Of GJILY ZOII_int; Shef::t 1410. 33 showing property platted colored in red RB:td I Z10 = 5 THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PUDLT.0 WORKS ,1111.'r 3 , 19811 REPORT OF P{;(T0,`,1-_J) RECORD PLAT OF LOCATED AT N.W. STREET AND N.W. 27 COURT A SUBDIVISI014 IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA The accompanying Plat entitled "Nury Subdivision" was prepared by Jose E. Fuxa. It is in corrcet form for submission to the City Commission and is forwarded with a reconjmcndat:ion that it; be approved. PERTINENT INFORIVr TION REGARDING THE PLAT, (1) The properttr pal.attrd is a. repl.at:. of Lots 8 � nd 9, Block 61 "GRO?;SE FOINTl: HTG111,AND3" (_`)4-82), Section 4 TWP 54 S, R41 E, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida. The plat - consists of 2 lots. It is zoned RS--2/2. (2) The location of the streets and the widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida. (3) As certified to by Jose E. Fuxa, Registered Land Surveyor, this Plat complies with the plat filing laws of the State of Florida. (4) The attached Certificate of Title Ex�yraination dated June 15, 1984, signed by Nestor l,orales, Attorney, indica,.es that the fee siwple title t',o the property platted is correctly vested in Gilberto Nik"IM;.-IIA 41110 'Nury Ni�rr,��n, his wife, and the Plat has been correctly cxec,ut<ed. (5) The area platted is encuuiberc-d by mortgages and the mortgage holders have executed the Plat and joined in its dedications. .• i Pi (6) in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 54, of The Code of The City of Miami, Florida, a Cashier's Cheek in the amount of $4,000 has been tendered by the nwn -r, Gilberto Nieman. This Cashier's Cheek h?.s b(-:en d(rp(--I ,i_ `-.rd t.alt;li the Director Of Fi,ilanC C rind Wil-1 Ilai' iti`.Pf the Cn pi E i.iC of the subdlvi.5i_oll i(13j)rf)+rpiif i)'(:.-� iC'.t �]i'ij).t1� 1.C? thf2 pr(')v3. i,on-. of the Agreement; hetvrenn The City of Mi-atn . any. _.he ai'orerentioned owner. The improvement. r �qlt .l'nd at-, the property platted are listed as foIIows. I,an(In onpi.ng Removal of Existing Sidewalk, Sidewalk, and Sanitary Sewers. (7) The location of tiro property is shown colored in red on the accompanying cOpy of _' portion of City of Miami, Florida, Zoning Sheet No. 33. (9) The attached Resolution has been prepared for the acceptance of the Plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida. Walter K. Brown Cadastral Engineer RB:td 2 a• 84-2 _2 EXHIBIT "B" TO ACCOMPANY THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND GILBERTO NIEMAN AND NURY NTEMAtI, HIS WIFE FOR IMP130VEMENTS AT "NURY SUBDIVISION" LOCATED AT N.W. 3 STREET & N.W. 27 COURT *LANDSCAPING 2 Shade Trees along N.14. 3 Street parkway 4 Shade Trc eo along N.W. 27 Court. parkway Solid Sod parkway REMOVAL OF EXISTING SIDEWALK Approximat;oly 100 Square Feet SIDEWALK Approximately 100 Square Feet SANITARY SEWERS Approximately 25 Lineal Feet ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS (10%) CONTINGENT (16%) E11GINEERI11IG TOTAL AMOUNT OF CASHIER'S CHECK $2,300.00 $ 100.00 $ 180.00 $ 500.00 $1, 080.00 $ 30$.00 $ 542.00 $3,930.00 $4,000.00 *Information concerning the landscaping requirements shall be obtained from the City of Miami Planning Department. a 0 EXHIBIT "B" TO ACCOMPANY THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND GILBERTO NTEMAN AND NURY NIEt1N. HIS WIFE FOR IHPROVT.-'MENTS AT "NURY SUBDIVISION" LOCATED AT N.W. 3 STREET & N.W. 27 COURT *LANDSCAPING 2 Shade Trees along N.W. 3 Street; parkway 4 Shade Trees along N.W. 27 Court. parkway Solid Sod 1)arkway REMOVAL OF SIDEWALK Approxi-mat:.el.y 100 Square Feet SIDEWALK Approximately 100 Square Feet SANITARY SEWERS Approximately 25 Lineal Feet ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS (10%) CONTINGENT (16%) ENGIizEERING TOTAL AMOUNT OF CASHIER'S CHECK $2,300.00 $ 100.00 $ 180.00 . $ 500.00 $3,080.00 $ 308.00 $ 542.00 $3,930.00 $4,000.00 *Information concerning the landscaping requirements shall be obtained from the City of Miami Planning Department. Lk 0 t. AGREEMEzIT FOR, CC:1S'T'RUC7TO;! OF C 'HTAI.:! I:IPRO'i E:'sE::Ta PUR.-TUA NT TO PRO'I T,> I0,1,, OF CHAPTER 54 EC a'1C-N 1J-30 THE CODE OF T I{ . G I 7 OF IT. F'L,C7i; TDA WHEREAS,("'-z • (hereina_iter r cferred to the "O,;mcr") . cnnc ur_ entl;; t>,i.th the deliverly of t;hi. A ;r: err.cnt . has tappl lcd to TIiI,' C1717 OF MIAMI, - FLORIDA, (lie re_i_nafter referred t,o a. the "C�_t,,I") for the acceptance a.nc'; by the Cc,nmi..-si.on of C:J.(. Ca.ty, of a certain proposed plat, of a sutdivisior, to be known as (_) R- !t a copy of which propose pl.at is attac11-i4ci hereto and mad-o a part hereof as Ext:iait "A"; -- and = 4J•'riE1EA5, Chapter 511, Section 54-30, TFE CODE OF THE. CITY OF MIAIVIT, FLORRIDA, requires t an�j proposed plat, sW ~fitted to said Commission for acceptarce and confirmation shall be acc:. _ a: _. d by an A e r )..t entared into by the O;rn�, t'hc lan_: oe. iE platted, w-i.1... the I,i:. of the Depart;....... of Public Works on behalf of said City, for the construction of certain improvements therein enumerated, the performance of ahich Agreement shal'. be secured by a good and sufficient --,- Performance I3crid or Ca shi d er' .s Chcckz ; 1IG':J, TIII':r'i C�IjI , the Or.r::r hereby covenants and agrees with the said City z:f of lc,�. 1 . " fd: t;tr t1 rrle (;_) ye ar� from the effective date of the acceptance: lane; c,nf'i "l of s is plat by the Comrafs 3ion of said C�.ty, or p,,Il of", t'r t:11c_- bY th( Ct t;� o_ Mlami of - Certif'ic,:t. cT' Oc.-W„I-(.; t'011 ti;e til c1� '.;�� a 2;},_ con., ti-,uc t, , O -V l t. a t7. e and in accollo 1;CC- WAL11 t:. 1 C`-:;I it !vI C i Ct.t _:`11., of ..Ika d City, all. improvements a2 I Isted and described upon the est-ima-te of cost of said i.mpr=rver.;cnts, a copy whereof is attached hereto - Fora Plat #178 Rev 5 /81 84"'�i' as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof, Ali -hough- one year is allowed for the Completionof thp aforement-ioned imprnvcm nenLs, it is not in the publi-c- 0"It s(tcl-! C nil's L-rilc ij-,n T.7o-rk 7,lioold be prolonapd 7.4 11�7 ffecr up -no. 0-1 e to the C"L -,It) j. ne igl-it)o 1-hriod A. F t r! r tile r t: n r u o d ff-,rr-cs to prosecut-r, r-Ij c( ab le JI iw701:11, -,,-,jpjr�tn i-L i.n -i -.i son. len-h of 'time qs de-rel-minq(] by, j-1,je of PUbliC t1700-,s Thc V of t C, "Guide for C.,;ner re.reby a-rces toabide- by all of the povisi-ons Wor'c in the Public Rkight-of-j,1,7iyll , a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part herof. 2. In qccordance wi-th the provisions of said Chapter 54, Section 54-30, THE CODE OF T1111" CITY OF MA -MT, FLOR�IDA, the 0wner herewith deposits with . h the City a Co-shier's ChecII-1- 5-n the amount of $ -which ariounc is no',- ls:; ethan 011c P( of., th, in estimated cost oi tho construe ion of C-le ()vcMc'-tt:S St: '(1 . ' the attached E:d-iibit "B", Plus t1,7clity-five (257'), or contingent costs and damages, the conditions, of the deposit thereof 0 bein- such that if tile Owner shall fully and falLthful-Iy perform the wor'X, in accordance W-J-tAi Line terms of this Agreement and has submitted to the C� City of It of Public Works a letter from Registered Land Surveyor certifying that the Perai-anent. Reference Monuments indicatec on the Plat. have been installed and properly placed, the amount. of said check shill I)c X-CLUrned to the Otaner; oti-.,orwise, 1.1l. the event of the -ter to this Agrecment, said chec1r, failure or ne,1,101C-L Of 0�11 shall be z,q)pIl-ed by sz-,id (,'i-ty t-o the cost-- of co-'structin'., or Cellip le t -11,11, ziny Ili, or cont-41"-ent cosr-S, an-ld the I r1q) r C1 V c, t) C-, I or ind-l-r(�et - il( t- c. any da-iage,,� direcl� thereof, which said City 11"ay -iu-s,,:,,1j,Tt eu account of 1,1-le of the Owner to carry OUL :inn all of LliL' LV2J--'- Owner further covertants and t-ji(- Lzii City rL-asuiiable attorneys' fees in the event of the default. Form 94 #178 Rev 5/81 84 - the 0,.-incr has caused this Agreement to day of be xecuted in triplicate . this A. D 2-j and Delivered* n t h e - ATmj— T: ecrer" (CO-.poVate seat) Owner: (cVAL) ( 'Z. SE v r ri7-Ljc i p a resir 'ev pora,;:Lrli, ATTES'I r I ncipal Corporat on) Secretar, TTES-'I rj:-nc:Ip)alCorporp_,- on) -9 e, ;retar, (Corpo_,4. Se (Corpo-I Pres,-c -1y of Florida, Approved and accepted on behalf of ti-c C" -L4 day this _.,Z of A.D., LfTrrt1r-qc1--S * J. By :r Public Director2 L)epal*tfnent 0 1. s ' STATE OF FLORIDA i SS COUNTY OF DADE ) I HE-1117MY CERTIFY that on this day personall/ appeared before mr,, n.n officer duly authorized to administer oa.its and take a.cicnowle,-Igv ents, to me well known to be dic, person(s) described herein and vvho irxc'cuted the foregoinl, instrunnent, and :acknovulerincd before that nnarlly for the pvrinse th^reln expressed. the 5211C freely \t All WITNESS my hand and official seal at � M fAN� i N1 County of DARE and State of ` L(D02IPA 4 this 2.2 day of J U K)E A. D. 19 a Nota ry r'ublic Commission Expirew My NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIM -- MyCOKMISSION EXPIMS MAY7.�>si ? -- '' a - Form - P%V OZ36 Rev. 5169 —90 _. COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND WHEREAS, III,_io A,,OIZY (hereinafter referred.. to a "the OWNE'Rl' or "he" irre pective of actual gender .-and nkimhcr, an, meaning either sj.11F, ,Ljj,,)r or pltjrq). and includinf! lie ir7,, assifinn and 3ucrcssors in interest tkhrrcof, where the, context SO require<~ or j. S the Prclent, fee simple owner of a ubdivi:-,j.on entitled if %,,i 0 F�_- -i- I as recorded in Plat Book at Page of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; and WHEREAS, The City of Miami, a municipal corporation in the State of Florida, in' the County of Dade, (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), pursuant to Chapter 54, Section 54-30 of THE CODE OF THE CITY OF 1,1IAMI, FLORIDA, requires the OWNER to construct or cause to be constructed at no expense to the. CITY, the following improvements within- the area and/or on the streets abutting said subdivision. _FuLg, tt-4 tj q LO 1-1 t c4_. and WHEREAS, the OWNER asks *to be relieved of his obligation to construct the aforementioned iriprov(,.m; it,- at this time, and in con ,,;j(jt_-j-jAtiot-j of, the forbtziral,ec- of' th(.- CITY he agrees witli tYiu cl-,ly tjj<.t jj(_- gill t hi the aforetr,..w jj;,j)j­ ve, fit., ue,11 tjl,-t. i t r e is notified by the CITY that the aforementioned improvements are necessary or desirable: .a -... ...... �. �; ..r H.-.... •.•.�., -•,-.. . .._,.. ..c .•�: .�..y....: cat-7.-w+-�•w.....' .. .j; S-r ..'rs..n'!',.^-'+;.t-;... .\.. �.<.Sr ..._ e.. - •.S •. •"i _:`.._"r 01 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of tkie premises herein set out, the OWNER hereby covenants and agrees with the CITY 1. construct or, cause t.o conSt" ueted at; the expense of the OWtA'ER , and without. (;cast Ln the CITY, the aForcrnent,i.Oned improvements within the nrc{a ,nd/or on the str cot right -of -gray abutA.Ang the aforesaid subdivision, upon thirty (30) days written not.i.c�; from the Director of Public: Work. of the City of Miami_, Florida, addressed to the OWNER. at-, AIQ) _ %��- iY It is expressly agreed that: this obligation shall be binding upon the 01-11NER, his heirs, successors in interest, or assigns, and shall. be condition implied in any conveyance or other instrurr,cnt affecting; the title to . the afore ;ai.d subdivision or any portion thereof. In the event that the OWNER or any future fee simple owner of any lot in said subdivision shall fail to cause the aforementioned improvements to be constructed within the area, and/or in the street right-c• f-•way abutting the property platted as herein provided within thirty (30) days after the r:;ai-lirnt; of the written notice from the Director- of t.hc Dep ar merit of Public Works of The City of Miami, Florida, then tiZc; City It_znager of The City of Miami, Florida, shall act 4as agent of the CWNF.,'R of any fee simple owner of zany lot or parcel described in said written notice, which a6ygincy is hereby specifi.cz�lly created, and said City M3na[j,(:r• sh�_11.1 oaut c: the aforementioned improvements to be constructed at the ex, 1 rrsc of the G11"NIL i :nd/or• ,said 4'ee wimple owner, and t};e Zl;iDount of ,Alc h c,i s!.ruct.ioii c.o: i, aI.ai_1 _ t o declared and a 't t;li::7h ct a:; a _ lc-n or, thc� ,_} ,oE>eri.y of defaulting OWNER and a.rrfcrca=d as nY tier; i'or sand work and labor done, as provided under the Statutes of Florida. Q 2 ' 84 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the OWNER has causgd this agreement to be executed this � j - day of Jltf A.D., 19 Signed, Scaj.nd and Delivered OWNER in the Presence of: (SEAL) SEAL))" (SEAL) ��. (SEAL) (SEAL) ATTEST: As �D �cretary (Corpo ate Sea ) ATTEST: As aecretary (Cotporate Seal) APPROVED: epartment toP ub-l-i-cW6rks THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney .- 40 3 w :'84-902 STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS COUNTY OF DADE ) I IIF.11EJ3Y CERTIFY that on this day personall j appeared mc, ;" officer dilly avitl.orized to —administer na:itS and take acicnca.+'lecj�;cne�nts, C✓?1c I r r? A ci .__-YI`1!1( %-j..` NI_tF—t�lr'�� t to me well knovm to be the perlsmi(s) describc d )ierei.n and who oxecuted the foref;oilih instrmnnent, and acknowledged bofore MC that GIt 2�627o NVR� executed the ;saine freely and voluntarily for thc. purpo,v therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at M I.taH 1 County of D A DEr and State of T'L 0e I CA. this day of �v rj e: A. D. 17 13t�t�-y—r"�a�stfc My Commission Expires: t ) NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA! MY COMM I SS I ON: EXP I FIS MAY 7 19.87 t • ; r•1 Form .. PW 0236 Rev. S/69 METROPOLITAN DADE: COUNTY --- PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING -• SUnDIdI$ION CONTROL, OPINION OF TITLE TO: DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the stote of Florida. With the understanding that this opinion of title is furnished to DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, in complinnce with its nrdinnncr' No. 57-30, snd ns an inducement for acceptance of n proposed final subdivision plat covering the rcnl property hnrcinnftcr described. It is hereby certified that I (we) have examined the complete_ Abstract of Title completely covcrinF the pedal from the BEGINNING to June 15 th A.D. 19 84 , gel.19-PbM M)FI= nclw ive, of the following described real property: (Describe only realty to tic., subdivided) Lots 8 and 9, in Block G, GROSSE PO=E, HIGHLANDS, aeoording to the Plat iliereof, as recorded in Plat Book 34, at Page 82, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida ' . s Basing my (our) opinion on said complete abstract covering said period I (we) am (sue) of the opinion that on the last mentioned date the fee simple title to the above described real property was vested in: GILBERTO NIEVIAN AND NURY h111,12 N, his wife I I r 1,Q6-) 1 - rAQ9 I t - .- _. . , - •.>.... ... � 'i:.t3R..`.N' ...=s�.i� —fit `� .. .. � - ... A Subject to the following enarmhrences, liens, and other er.cr trt ions: al•:Nrtznl, I.xcr:I�i 1�Ns 1• All taxes for the yenr in which this opinion is rrndrrrd, unlr+:s noted below that such -taxes have been pa id. 2. RiOls of r-rsons oth+,r thin Or nl>ovr of-rrrrr ,•.l:n r•rr in Poi^ession. 3. pacts Ihc,l c+;coul(l be disclosed upon nccnrttrPc�r�ry. 4. Any unrr:•c:orded labor, nrer_hpnics' or mntcrirrinicns' liens, 5. Zoning sand other restrictions lmposecl by priv(-rnr^sntnl nuthority. SPECIAL rXCEPTIONS 6. Mrtgage executed by GILBEM-) IMMAN AND NIM NIMAN, his wife, in favor of: WASHTNG1ONL FEDEPUU, ^AV-TNGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MTMII BEACH, dated March 21, 19 78 and filed KUrch 22, 1.978, under Clerk's File No. 7BR-74942, as T_ea-,)3.-(3cd in Official Records Book 9981 at Page 1561, of the Public Records of Lade County, Florida, in the original principal s�rn of $48,000.00. 'Mi_s Morigage was subse-cpient-1-y � s. i_c�r^_c3 to Tie I70dexal. Flom Land Bank of Atlanta by virtue of i.11strmmt cla.tc d June 24, 1981 and filed August 13, 1981, uncic _ Filc No. IIIR-21_3766, as recorded. in Offi.(Jal l:r;: cis. I 7?;. 1.111134 at. i'arm 82, of the F,IMblic Rr-cords of Dade 7 . C I z �_:,..-- _. ��_ �1,. ; l ., �_I;I�E�i�� [1' i� I�T���Ra: NTIsDJ:', and 1ci'I i l of 11ic.,,nd Leach, I •: +Sec'u'r ,"1 t IC`.1. 2, 19C-M, C1.-F1':'::i File No. 78R.-.74 19 4, ,.' , i. J t'1 t `l is ,C 1 3 7. Re(- '`l �ls 9981 at Page 1565, of (_.f' D:,7d_ C:ouni j', Florida. 8. Pending City c?I I r,� r;c:.17)_1:,a.I;T c;,,� r- Lien, SR5475C, Reso. 81--544, passed June., /S, .1_11st,-1.. 9. The Fedc r a.1.. t .;:; _ }_„-.r.1 Prgin}, of Atlanta was reassign the martgage back to hll:w I.AI`1CC'-IDE SAVINGS, FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC., filed in Official Records, Book 11619 at Page 202 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. IIf-04-11 - PAGN 2 - ,.... yti M.r., .....wro.............—.« ..�__. ..«aw.n.w.ir..-- �.. r� � ._......"'ems .,......_.....:..... - 1NW Thete-fore it is my (out) opinion thst the (ollovving pnrtivs mivt jr-,in in the p1tittinit of the "bore 'It-Kctibeirl tcnl projw-rty in order to prnrit DADE COUNTY, F-1,ORIDA, and the pflhlic, n Knod sand plolic-t title to the dedirnicd ntentt shown on thr find I'liAt of the the !;uhdIvIsIon thi-rr,)l to lie known P-; — - — ------ SPECIAL EXCEPTION NAME INTEREST NUMBER 10 GILBErM N101AN Fee Simple owner NURY NIUMN Fee Simple Owner FIRST NATIONWIDE SAVINGS, FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC. First Lien Mortgagee 7�M -INS 1, the undersigned. further certify that I am an attorney -at -law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida. and am a member in good standing of the Florida liar. W Respectfully sutimiued this —22adday IRR of 19 NESTOJR 1-3:)1'J`1'L'1-"-1' ti IN 1149 2A], s.. DL A )kESS Ib, -1 FIT; 4 I 11.06 - to PAGE 3 84' 90 0- ............ ...... . ............ ..... . -.. . a i i,17 PY SUBDIVISION EING SHEET #33 ZONED RS-2/2 S .., _..- -.... ....... e9 a .. �.„ ..T r.... �, "'VY 't 5 • t 3' W _ u t :Lir .L YF it 6 � 03 31vos 3Nnr M,—MTM5 7�Em- 7 01 011 oyv 0 IVIV1W 0, V IVItol Odd "at lwvlw to i� VE k fIll .40 F" p, kJv LP Z bl.0 CAC sp it C, FZC7 PO " W*T lE iKk 7. Gvry mow. N.W. I Y, fi Z 1:F2Y34 r. NI Gtj"Y t..10N. N.W. bao. i 40 l� 0 o L WISE, I OILV I ri i�,�..P A,4 ASPS 7, R055 E —A— ISE - Not)ITORIU�A cu KI fILPTTeIP) 333333 W. ik- 45 LOCAMOH SK'ETC�4 SURVEYOR'S NOTK-: Bearings are based on ar, as , LuDed me vi T N--n(-Aes Perwanent 0 Denotes Permatient cog. je5V,c,. 4-S,4--41 44 ASP W W. r-L-Aaml-r-p- IJMSB'T R11f. iN'Tr= WIOOL/Ikr-AP5�' c 115 A FvLi U- FFI Ft -M ka— Lu I of V)kvF- r-ou vl�'l v i o F-S F- UrA FLtN7��Iev) i T. W. A Ar 114, E-C-k,'r E C tAl SURVEYOR I IS NOTK' : Bearings are based on arl - 6117 NU otqf that c*rt=.zin i n ,% tru oll n, o t No. BIR-- 2115766 o-irocordnrl 1'r" "-Nh!-i of Dade {�`ounty , Florida , n-d malft of Miami Beoch, as filAd in Official Dade County, Florida. CITY OF MIAMI APPROVAL - This is to certify that ibis Plot appeari of the City of Miami Code and Chapter, Certified this 9 day of This Plat was approved and the fore. by Resolution No. L� a S S? City of Miami,, Dade County, Florida, DADE COUNTY APPROVAL: This is to certify that this Plat a WR Chapter 28 of Dade County Code. RECORDING STATaIERr: Filed for record this day o-t- of Plat;; at Page of the Publi: Thais 11-at complies with the Laws of county" Florida. Richard P. Brinker Clerk of the Circuit Court N nth - jk- Al Re OR', OR occ V, R-M. E3,L(X,- K This mortgage was subsequently onrZTen A, q-) that certain insfirument dated J V n No. 8 1 R - 21:37 0 G of Dodo County , Florido , and MM of Miami Beach . as filed in Official r-, Dade County, Florida. CITY OF MIAMI APPROVAL: It NU W%f Ma iHR M-FOW, M 1 This is to certify, that this Plat of the City Of hlialTli Code and Chaptu Certified this -9 day of �- U I This Plat was approved and the ford by Resolution No. City of Miami,, Dade County, Florj6-1- T.� rADE COUNTY APPROVAL: This is to certify that this Pl-at Chapter 28 of Dade County Code, RBCORDrNG STATEMhW: Filed for record t1d. of PlBt6 at Page of thig- F-11 w This PIit -Amnplits with t t ie 1xi County, yllc-Al da.. Ri li"-- rd 1" 4,*k 1' 11 PIS ?LAT BOOK PAGE That GILP_=0 NIEMIAN and NITRY NT IIAAN, 10 fi wife, I-nve caused to be M'de the "Itt"lohokI 111fit, ('11tItIod ,,TL J_ ior of i he follou-ITIF, 110"'ording to 7 `it Pqo 0,' t,i,, U)iI)II c Recordr, of tree .1d 'ourt, rshown ar t the -voes, sjr,-uI)I,evv, tiiid fire h- U=­ C plilil ic 1-ior proper t,.Ic rev ercloil or T]­­ rill tiry -1(-;,I,rI,­ Ac"1 z,11 thi for I_* 11;-- rc%'I-, 11-C of i - ov LI for tempo- �j\T4 lip. ti onc day of June, ,,et our hand and seal this O&WA By: GILBERTO NIDIAN By: WdOZ14W9-4e, I r-I Y CERTITY: That on thds day appeared before me, erto Niem�n nrid Nury Nierv3ri, Uri wife, to me well tc be V here4zi desrribed rind who executed A t1rit thIey executed he came (Ifly of' Iuzj(,� 'State of I'lord.da 'T'nat THE FEDERAL Hi 14E LOAN BANK OY ATTANTA$ o-w,-er and balder 1,,y bf:bIgmierit of twit coo it u.,ider Clerkts 1411v No. 1 14- N "t, 1 0 1 A"- ANTA "t r No. 1" .41 N, PU'I 144 (1 t_ I ii t`rre tu I) I) (it-, (11 t7htll 16, L c t­ t. oy It Y U IF P, AIIA BOOK wife, �?,TO NTEVAN and "TUR' N P.- -- U led t LB pirit entitled ed to be cj,:� t I t1-.,e following -rty: C. R according to poj��ITIE oc P?,oblic Records of n ige attached t r- "I TAd f 117 e� Dill 'ItA M, I f0j, proper or A r"Tunicn TI-1-4 oll, ,tilled V., for T, t use of co,je r (I for tempo so M .I State repihitiOnc- unto set our hand day of June) and seal this re By: GILMMTO NIEMA'-1 BY: fNI04A tj,�;Ls day appeared before me) Ins ,,I fe) to me well igibed and who executed executed the same ul, D 0 6 e s -Ibed 9 0 Ely of June) 1984. �-,Aj this &4,�o d 1937 State of Florida t Mill E, D Elf ',AI, '>tC2tFLOAN, SANK OF ATIANTA, lioldo-v by a-st,of tlklti. P). o V Dade in t 1,t-- 7ca dedicaticps. hese pres is u I,j ,,a attested by ji(. Y i t 5/5 WAN BANK OF ATA a f R-S POINNTE KNOW ALL Mn' BY THESE t n t� NURY , the same 11� xtu LEGAL DE-SCrTi-T'T014: the Plat: th,-reof as r,�cr Dade County, T1_or"Ida , DADE COUNTY PLAT Plat together r it'lt _t 11. Nil hydrants, tl,^reon arc irn' purposes; reservIng to 1l never lions tb---rcof Eini. Lc tion li.n-cs, C:'N;- t a. 1,81; c undergrouncY.. '"o nd vi i. irri�tion; s,7ri;�l;�ni• :�:. septic t,nti?.s o rary use IN WrOESS WlP.:l1U,0 .k r WITNESS e y AC KNOWILED 3 lVi"' T STATE OF Flk)`JIY-, „. COUIgTy OIL' ;-.DE the f'or. egc-si1S, t , freely mid volulitr rl' "r �r WITNESS 14 d } laiylc zal- : c • My conmisiori expir,:�s a 11FA 1177l1V Lla ' NO LL MIEN BY THE' ' } k t+ owntj`r k k"UY 1 r nd its c'orr�{rt r his s y ! --Z N-0 IN 44, 30 ,(-I r, ,irgdl uDad N IA KNOW ALI, MFN BY TTTF;-'T' it umlytt LEGA To c rl the P-Dit t�-� 1,--;:) DAME. Pl. A C pin'k wi hy d tr 1, C",, 1 revcrsic�ns lrll-�-2 • tion and i--r,_-,rwuncl. Jo lndllv.% Septic no racy us,y In. accordnncc, wl on:!S T.11 WITITr W111—M]OF. f rg UM A& - 19" Z% g IRV;- ie:rL no 2- 3m X41 STATE, Ci'- COUNTY 01J Lll' i) 1; the f nz e ly id vc) luu, t-'-t - WITN&!S)S My hand and My comision expires: tjA'j,- ttest: KjJ0WLl9klkl4T to 73,u� F'-:tdn+rnl Hwn n, 1- and Onn'k (-', 7 A Qn- to by Yir 'I ki -0 of 01 , ind f 0;,,.d Au,. Qu t 13 , 196,1 , iwd4_),r Clerk's File r r, 01noll.4 11194 ot Ptign �12 of t1he Ptiblic Records M-Annell brAck to, the Firat Notionwide Savings and Loan Assoc. A, din 3ooh 11619 . at Page 202 of the Public Records of to conform to all requirements of Chapter 54 428 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County. 111 4r , A.D. 1984 4 co n expires. MOfMAGE,: KNOW ALL 1-17N FFf TIP'- E. no r n, tvvl. r PF t h-1 s V1 n -Aryl Tel WITNTEZ5 14� 1; corporate namr� by tt_ gv, affixed and nttested hY it-, Attest ;wAdv 45, Gtl ACKNOWLEDGr E14T: Y STATE, OF FLORIDA Ss I HE Dir,jctor COTNTY OF DADE City of Miami Dept, of Public Works well known to b t1 a f trutent and ' ions were accepted and approved offictra for n of tte -III,J adopted by the City � Commissio1984 WITNESS : MY nd and offil cia day of i MY commission i exp r r? u d DAM City Manager A City Clerk pears to conform to all requirements of By: Director, Dade County Public Works P 3_984 , at M., in Book -(--.c)rds of Dade County) Florida. (State of Florida and Metropolitan Dade By: Deputy Clerk SURVEYOR'S CERTfFICATE: L I IUMEBY CKIT*IFY: That the t-itt, l � representation of tli--e 1__,uiid:s -Jo��,C my supervision. Also trLat tikl 1_�- with Part Ilp Chapter lWy LtW6 0 OIRM OF to Tbe Federal Home Land Bank of AtIonto by virtue of tg-1 and filed August 13, 1961, under Clerk'n File at of the Public, Records to it)e First Nationwide sovings and Loan Assoc. of the Public Records of Pkool,� 11619 at Page 2or- nform to all requirements of Chapter 54 the Code of Metropolitan Dade County. , A.D. 1984. re S a :!11 knwon to be the offi-- rs a - ent and acknawledged e eyf-1,111 fficers for the pu�;,es t So My ha, and officiel commisVn expires: MORTGAGE: KNOW ALL MEN BY TIU�SE PRESJ',,1-17 : holder of that certnin ntori.,,­,un under Clerk Fil(� 11o. 'f8-R-7!i,_))i;, Paff,e i-56i- of tli- j),,-b1Ac this Plnt I'll-r1 J011— 'n ',Ir fllpvr, IN corporate nairc I)Y JtJire' r affixed and atteslkl-r!d 1),77 9717 Attest: AC KNOWLEDG EKRIT : By STATE OF FLORIDA SS ,4.cs-il. Director COUNTY OF LADE City of Miami Dept. of Public Works tively of thellwAtIM well known to be the 1—trurnent and ac1�,Tiowled ' f tl:, deddeations were accepted and approved officers for adc,-,I-)t,(,-d by the City Comnission of the V P1. wMar's : 1,1Y jj:�Jj 11c, C�fj day of P 19, My comission e X J-)i rt", City Monoger City Clerk s to conform to all requirements of By: Director, Dade . County Public Works P 1984 p at - M., in Book cords of Dade County, Florida. State of Florida and Metropolitan Dade SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: I HEREBY CERTIFY: IJI,irit representatic,in of the 1�w my supervislon. A*Ibc,� _�V with Part I,`h�ipter 1"I'(PYF may of June) 1984 f ix AND LOAN 4 TH 'j­-- cllln- r a nd . 1- 2 19780 V)81 at -onsent to "TNI AA)AA..:TION OF 11, ­Lgned In its LO I;fr� hereunto i,­, f tju­,-_, 1984. AND ICAN A,:!SCCIATION Al� I;P, BY: s That on this day personally appeared officer duly authorized to administer oaths -�dge nts, and a n d O%$j ep e respec- A N' D I k-) A 11 �i 'CC to me ASS IATIO the foregoing ins- t and deed as such to be t1jell. .free ac day of Jude, 1984 Pl!-.,t entitled 'I NURY 11 is a true and correct as recently surveyed =,Ild platted under 101 Heferellce Monlil - 11elits we! accordance +,, te c)t, I'lorida. A, josE. F,. FUXA I'vofessional Tend purveyor 0- Certificate No. 3088 State of Florida 0 0 in, the - - I 1\r ATTAMPA, to 'a' F .N,Ijtell theeoinp- ins ru- g frse act and deed as suct -al this day of June) 1Q84 State of GQ AND LOAN T ha t 4P I-AVIN Al 7 T 1.1 FA C I I the ovncr and ilk S,0, I'A i. 22; 1-978.- r, fl Mfirc F-, Nx)R qo;, a t ir cop�,cnt to jo- s -OCT-ATTON OF f�171) TPATI -1c -,d in its rcunto C, rp C, r, TI I I- c OC c7,,AV1 TGS AND TMId A-S IATION .'.,I.)Y CERTIFY: That on this day personally appeared me rij-, officer duly authorized to qdmdnister oaths , ti c kiow 1 e d ge in e n t s 14VT—x,- r e. and respec- AND 11)AN Af7l-WIATICI` 01 BY to me C) I'l J7, S de,,`crib-kl ind WIl(t1j,jr .nd deed as such ri. 27 1 IC4814 - 6 1-1-Fit entitled It NURY 11 is a true and correct fi",-reon as recently surveyed and platted under �-rejcc- Mlonvuiients were set n accordance 7, w V VMd! e,? ol i 1 TL&- nd S,arv,eyor