HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0900J-84-730 U, RESOLUTION NO. 4�900 I A RESOLUTION ACCEPIVJN', THE Pl,AT FN'. TTi..Fn "SAINT HUGH OAKS", A rUTHDT_UT=,IOtd TAN Tiff CITY OF MIAMI; AND ACCI I' i i I N -t � FIF i)EnOd TCAIJOIi , ti0':�'t1 "AID PLAT; ANJD IT'ir T'I111. COVEINANT 1O Rt .4 WITH t THE L,AN, PO It O 111" i11'r, 1;`";1 i�T(1il r 0 :';,TtEIJCTT:ON OF CER`i'Al.t`? Ttii'I,1�1tti;iyT;> I1pdT.1i I5i;YO 1.RFf) THY THE ,, DEPARTMENT OFPi 0T,,IC irlORF ; Anil) A1I1'NO s1_ZI_NG AND DIRECTIING THIF, CITY PIANAGI"R AN1D G-1TY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE PI,AT Atfl P13OVII)I.r?3 FOR THE j` RECORDATION OF SAID PLAT IN THE PU) IJG RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works recommends the acceptance of the plat: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COPVISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The plat entitled "Saint Hugh Oalcs" is a resubdivision of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, A, B, C, D, E, and F, Block 37, amended Plat of FroE•r Homestead, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book "B" at page 106 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; lying in Section 21, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami, Dade County, Florida, which subject plat by reference is made a part hereof as if fully incorporated herein and which plat together with the dedications shown thereon, and the dedications to the perpetual use of the public of all existing and future planting, trees and shrubbery on said property, is hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami, Florida. Section) 2. The Covenant To Run With The L_ nd executed by Miami Equity Corp., potitponing the immediate construction, of' Full width improverients on Marler Avenue until. such tir;)o as r,equircd by the Dcoarttti:-nt of` Pul.)lie of tl,e City o� Miami is hereby acc c,;pl d : nd the pl.,ol)c=r offi ei l _ ave d i.r-ect.t_ci to 1 c r , =i d covenant aftep plat ha- b-1cr, r,� :t_,.-d(�J in the Publ is h,Cc(.`r-d,; of 12-de county; Section 3. TI)e City and City Cler'IC are hereby author°i'.Z(cd and directed to execute, the plat and cause the same to be recorded in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. CITY COMMISSION MEE TINC OF Jul. 51 191 RESULUlii.3sE St : * �. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31st day of�_ July 1984• Maurice A. Ferre ATTEST: MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR G. ONGIE CITY Mr Y CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: G. MIRIAM I-A—E JOSS GARG-LA-PEDROSA Tff— ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY CITY ATTORNEY - 2 - 84-900- -1 e 14 CITY OF t.11AM1, FLORIDA INTCR-0rF!CE-: MEMORANDUM TO. Howard V. Gary DATE: July 10, 1984 FILE: City Manager SUBJECT: "Saint Hugh Oaks" Resolution Accepting Proposed Record Plat, Located at S.W. 3 Avenue and Franklin Avenue FROKI ��y�'�Y��:.;;r,.-;•�. F-.. �.c'{Z.�e..✓ REFERENCES: Donald 14. Cat.her For Commission Mceti.ng of Director cif Public Works ENCLOSURES:July 31, 19811 The Department of Public Works recommends they approval of the plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida, and cert.i ie3,s its correctness as to f o rbr1. The proposed record plat entitled "Saint Hugh Oaks" is a resubdivi,sion of Loi.;3 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1r4, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 2121, A, E, C, D, E, and F, Block 37, Amended Plat of Frow Homestead, uceorrlingr to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book "B" at pate: 106 of the Public Accords of Dade County, Florida; lying in Section 21, Township 54 South, Flange 41 East, City of Miami Dade County, Florida. The plat consist_; of one tract containing 3.1 4- acre.:.. It is zoned PDH. This plat i.0 being, fort•<arded to your office for City Commission action. Also att.�;c ud, �;Xc the following itemized papers necessary to present the PIat, to the C;it Cot':r;lission of Miami: ( 1 ) Ee; olut:ioll accepting the Plat (2) Fvint oi' Fzr`e p,,— L c-ci lieeor'd Plat. (3) to .rt,Ldivision (4) co milt c,'or3�true tion 01 i rL LI 11 )01 V2 3 V t:iE rlt6 (5) Ctainion of `i'it.lu (6) F'ort.ic,t'1 c)f' C;i ,y Zcnillj >1ieet ire,. �46 showing Property platted colored in red RB:td THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Jul-, 10, 1984 REPORT OF PROPOSED RECORD PLAT OF "SA1_i'11' 11UGH OAKS" LOCATED AT 5.W. 37 AVENUF AND FRANKLIN AVENUE A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA The accompanying Plat entitled "Saint Hugh Oaks" was prepared by Biscayne Engineering. It is in correct form for submission to the City Commission and is forwarded with a recommendation that it be approved. PERTINENT INF01311ATT-ON R GARD11,4G THE PLAT: ( 1) The prof ert.y pl at.i.cd is a resubdivision of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, A, B, C, D, E, and F, Block 37, amended Plat of Frow Homestead, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book "B" at page 106 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; Lying in Section 21, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, City of Miami Dade County, Florida. The plat consist of one tract containing 3.1 + acres. It is zoned PDH. ;2) The location of the streets and the widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida. (3) As certified to by George C. Bolton, Registered Land Surveyor, this Plat complies with the plat filing laws of the Stet,, c.;i" I� lc:ri Via. (4) The attael-i< ti t;,ur ti7'i.catc of Title ExaLnination dated June 11, 1984, Attorney, indicates that the fee iz:l�? � ti t i_c; t;o the t>r°ot-,(r=t;y platted is correctly vested ire t�i�:.�.i l�'�_�r.z ty Ck)i-l>. , A 1,"lorida Corp., and the Plat , has been ccrr ct,l cacctizt:ici,. (5) The area plattc-d is eiac:uwbered by mortgages and the mortgage holders Have executed the Plat and joined in its dedications. ' i-c o o (6) In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 54, of The Code of The City of Miami., Florida, a Letter of Credit #SB425 in the amount of $22,300 has boen executed by Miami. Equity Corp., Pri-noi-pal. and 11i,-,crivne Panic. Thi-:7, T,ol-J.er of Credit accompany thr� AF,,roei-Tinni, betwnen thr City of Miami. F T o r J- da and the r- T' i I I (' i- p a.]. to g 1)n 1"a. n e the cons t rtit1I-Jon of Landscaping, Aophaltic Concrete Pavement, Removal- of 13xisting Sidewalk, Removal. of Existing curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb and gutter and Storm Drainage Structures. (7) The looati-o'n of the property is shown colored in red on the accompanying copy of a portion of City of Miami, Florida, Zoning Sheet No. 46. (9) The attached Resolution has been prepared for the acceptance of the Plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida. Walter K. Brown Cadastral Engineer HB: td Is EXHIBIT "B" TO ACCOMPANY THE AGREEMENT BE.TWE-EN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND 3 MIAMI EQU.r:TY CORP. FOP, IMPT310VENTPINT5 AT "SAINT [1(1GH OAKS' LOCATED AT S.W. 37 AVENUE; & FRANKLIN AVENUE *LANDSCAPING $ 3,000.00 6 Oaks in parkway S.W. 37 Avenue maintain existing; oaks in yard areas adjacent to Franklin and supplement with oaks from on site Solid Sod parkway ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT $ 4,455.00 Approximately 500 Square Yards REMOVAL OF E vAiSTI.NG �3D1 1,;AE-,K $ 250.00 Approx:)-m,_� t.(-,.l_y -r-250 Square Feet REMOVAI, OE' E;?: i:,_`'I:E<t= C11FID AND GUTTER $ 75.00 Appro)> :ir;7,- 1, -el 30 E i-neal Feet SIDEN'AL1 $ 3,762.00 A.�)1)r o .rr1=,tc3.y 20'(0 Square Feet CURB A14D GUTTER $ 2, 362'.50 Approximately 315 Lineal Feet STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES $ 3,500.00 ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS $17,404.50 (10%) C014TINGENT $ 1,740.45 ( 16%) E N G 1111 ERING $ 3,063- 19 TOTAL $22,208.14 AMOUNT OF LETTER OF CREDIT $22,300.00 3 *Information concerning the landscaping requirements shall be obtained from the City of Miami Planning Department. 84--9,0 _ T e • AGRE• E►`1E.NT FOR COtJST RUCTION OF CERTAIN, IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO PROVTSIONS OF CILIPTER 54, SECTTON 54 -- 30 THE CODE OF 1111 CITY OF i•llNMIV FLORIDA WHEREAS, i�iaini Egijity Corp., (hereinafter referred to as the "Prielcipal" and/or "Owner"), concurrently with the delivery of this Agrc ement, has applied to .TIIE CITY OF R•al:.lMI, FLORTDA (lie rei.na.ftcr referred to as the "City"), for the acceptance and conf irmati_on by the Commission of said City, of a cert:ain t, Oaks" pro- posed plat: of a s�subdivisionto© be known as "St. a copy of which proposed plat is attached hereto and made a part hereof as E:�hi.bi t "A"; and. WHEREAS, Chapter 54, Section 54- 33, THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MAl`II) FLOIIDA, requires that any proposed plat submitted to said Comnissi.on for acceptance and confirmation, shall be accompanied by an Agreement entered into by the Otaner of land being platted, with the Director of the Department of Public Worts on behalf of said City, for the construction of certain improvements therein enLrnerated, the performance of which Agreement shall be secured by a good and sufficient Perfor,Iiance Bond or Cashier's Check; NOW, THH%REFOREY the: Principal hereby covenants and agrees with said City a. folloi,,,s : 1. Wit:h _rt one (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and conf i.rn :. t:! ozi of tr�ai_cl flat by the Commission of said City, oi- prior to 'tftc 3_:;:,u._ric c> I, t l; C t, Of tii ::iai�i. of .Y CL-� t i I i.c� lt:c c�!_ n� ctil : �.r_y for the �] C lii`t`3r_': i t Iic' 1"), nC � ;:il vti`Ll� CC I1.` CI'��CC y o:: t':il:;`,t' to h:1V0 COIISt:1711CC C! at; t.:;1iCj,ii cl specMcnt ions of said City, ra;c_?, as are li. ,t:t cI a. -al clesc.1 i.bod upoll the estimate of cost of said iiriprovecnellts, a Copy whereof it aut:.ic lied here- to as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. Although one year is allowed for the completion Of the aforometitioned improvements, it is not in the public- that: 5"c1' collstrmrt--iorl wor(, Should be prolon;cd to the c. cnt: tli:ir- i-t- the n e ig h 1) o r1h n (-7, d AD�ri: f1ir wovii c s Piin :.(---j- 1:71 p;-'1- !w---(-1)Y to prosrrklLe - ';aid wnvl:' 7,n rls to conrip1et:c it: -'j ,ii j reason- able of time by the piepartrletlt raf 1,111blic 1.7orks. The Princip,01- hercbv zi--recs to abide by all nf- 1--he pT-nvisi(.-)iis7 of the "Guidc for Work in the a copy of wilich is at- tached hercto and by this r(-fC1-ci1Cr M'Idc- a part hereof. 2. In acco-.-d;-,i-icc- Lhc provj.sionof said Chapter 54, Section 54-30, 7-1-11F CODF, 07TIN- A% CITY' OF MI-1 IT , FLORTDA, the Principal herewith tonderf, to the City n. of Crc(lit 1-1-1 lieu of a Perfo=- -mce Bond or Cashier's Check, -lie Bi BIilk a duly e�iecuted by A- 3 in the amouni-- of $22, 500. which a:-.ount is not less thc.n one hundred (100'/*') percent of the estimated cost of the construct on of the improvements listed in the attached Exhibit "B", P113s twenty-five, (257.) percent for en,,ineering aTicontingent costs arc and upon completion of the cons-truction of said improvements, and subse- quent to the submission by the Principal to The City of Depart- ment U- of Public V-Iorks of a lefC te-17 from -a Re-istered, Li-ind -,irvevor cert:ifyi.i-i,-,,, ok.-Iv-t tl-.(a Perml-Mont: Rcferc'nce-' indic-ltc(i oil the Plat hl�-ve b(--en ins.t-celled and properly place(!, scii(l of Credit shall be 3. -Im tAle w"enc tllQ Principal S11,11.1. fzlil or 110� '10-C-t- to fulfill his o'D'11-i,-,!t--7"c',-a',�' krider this Agreemei--) t110 condit.-ioliks of "-..."lid Lector of Credit-, A-ILIIIT 1)"- c'uch t:h'.-It the kivc:olw 1, v" it, h i n thirty (30) (I:--.y-,- after receipt: of' writt:('ki notice from the Y)iroctov of 1. the Department of Public V11orhs of Said City of the failmre or- of the neglect of Elie Principzil to perform chis A&reetvieiit C c-, Lv-1 t: I: t I C L 0 r C> 0 1 causes- to ba constructed, the improvi-tientS SOL forth in Exliibit: hereof, pay W - the CiLy a Sum up to Llic aOUL, —VO-ZIEC! ZlniounL of .6 84-900, 4. The City shall have the right to collect the sum estimated to construct or complet:f7 the improvements set Forth in Exhibit "B", said Sum to he estimntcd I)v 1-he of PlIblir Miri( of t-111c. City, Which (,:I < 11 (1,-) T J,) eS direct or indirect-, not: to el-c-ced 2-5 7 the)-(20f, plus rQnson'Ible attorneys ff7c.!', Whi -ch tho CiLy inw), on ;3cco, (if tlic fr3ilttr.e of Oie pr- -i- pal to carry OWt and c)"CcUl-e all of th'e- provisions of this A-rceinerit; provided furl' -her t_-hat: the City Commission of Miami, Florida, shall have the ric-,ht to conSti:UC-f-, Or C,-ivisc to be cons truc, ted af-ver public adver- ti senjelic, and- rcccipt of rids, the improvcmens as. provided f or in sa-I J A-reement:1 and in the event that the. City Commission Of Florida exercises such right_:, it: shnI.J. have the right: to collect- i-lic final total costs of said improvements, together with any engineering and con- C) CD tinc,ent costs, and any clama-'es direct or indirect, not to exceed twent-y-five . �5'4) percent thereof, plus reasonable attorneys' fees, which the City may sustain on account of the failure of the Principal to carry out and execute the provisions of this Agreement. Said Letter of Credit is attached hereto as Exhil.,it "C" and made a part hereof by reference. 84--c.-.00 CORPORATTON FORM El IN WITNESS WHEREOF, r.,l, (? di3T R leas caused these presents to be executed and si.gnrd ill i.tS 710-Ine by its proper officers, and its corporate real. to ,,r� of :i.''r(l liereto and attested to by its Secretary tt1C' day 71(1 Y 1.;. f i rr t'. i.bnvc. set forth. STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF DADE ) . _ thr� o a President Miami Equity Corp CORPORATE SEAL r. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 15th day of Jwie A.D., 19 84 , before lne personally appeared hithony G. Marina, the President of Miami Equity Corp. , �� �.�t�"sTO�.%* a corporation under the 1.avis of the State of Floridr:: , to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing inStruniient as :such officers and severally acicl:o,aledged the c,:.ecution thereof: to be their free act and deed is silch Officers i ov the use_ and purposes therein runtioned and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that: t:hc said in 3truille.,t l: the.. zct and dced of sai(l corporation. WI'MIuSS my 1,;ind a n6 Official scal at: 'Miami, County of Dade, and State of Flori cia , ti,e dray and year last aforesaid. 'NO TA t( .iA c.'il +C C FL0:1', Dl� MY CGrA IS:i(_". i C?aG C;C7 1 66 e0t,'DD 11irW MY C—UETSSiOIv k XP 1RF,S : APPROVED: IMEICTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTAkY PUBLIC* STATE OF FLORIDA A:'LARGE This ins trtunent Prepared by Depar tcnc:tt of Law City of Mian)i , Florida ♦• 84-900.. ��r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has caused this Agreement to be executed in triplicate this Fifteenth day of JMO A.D., 19 84 Signod, S(,,PJcd and ivered' -X in the 11,3 csence of ATTEST/I /,, - Assr. Benito S. Aldecocea (Corporate Seal) 'ATTEST. • Secret ,-,/r Y (Corporate Sea!) I AL) T--AL (S'PA1 T7 A 7 S -E, A L, Maid E i t) comoVration IKi4a1 -TCorp- — Ant] ny kri// t Approved and accepted on behalf of thw GIUY of Jli--1111-i, Florida, this day of A' 19. D. WITNESSES: 13Y Ui ctor, Depni'v,1-wilL 1-''ublic q 84-9w,"j, - ` .� •,,. ;9�f .�a`4rY9�z is : r.a_ ? � „<'°`'� +a'k" . • i' _ .. �-1'J TZ'e�4'Sr;+rf�"� ,� f�"'�4"'�".'. IS YNl NK 359 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD €..: MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132 1305) 350.7700 IRREVOCABLE STRAIGHT CREDIT City of Miami Department. of Public Works 275 N.W. 2nd Street Miami, Florida 33128 GENTLEMEN: WE HEREBY AUTHORIZE YOU TO DRAW ON US BY ORDER OF AND FOR ACCOUNT OF Same DATE June 14, 1984 Miami Equity Corp. 3125 Hary Street Miami, Florida 33133 ,NTtw NATION AI. n1w 181.^M CABLE ADDRESS: RISC BANK MIA TELEX No. 903193 TRT TELEX No. 152 2 E 5 No. SB 425 UP TO AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF--T14ENTY TWO THOUSAND i IIRE:E_ HIJORED AND 00/100 U.S.DOLLARS-- **$22,300.00** AVAILABLE BY YOUR DRAFTS S AT S i gilt ACCOMPANIED sY Statement reading as follows: "We hereby certify that Miami Equity Corp. has failed to complete the improvements required by letter of May 14, 1984 of City of Miami before June 14, 1985." This Letter of Credit shall be valid until June 14, 1935 and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive one-year periods upon such date unless at least (60) days prior to any such anniversary date 1,,e notify you in tii'riting to the City! of f'iiai-iri, Public Uforks DeE�artm(:nt Director 275 N.W1. 2nd Street, Iliami, Florida 3:1128, that v,,e elect Blot to so reneta th is Letter of Credit. Upon receipt by you of :.ucll 1-jotice you may draw hereunder by your drafts dr&wn at sight on us and accornpanied by a statement signed by the Director of the Public Works Department to the effect that the aforesaid bond is in full force and effect on that date. EACH DRAFT MUST STATE THAT IT 19 "DRAWN UNDER LETTER OF CREDIT OF THE BISCAYNE BANK, No. SB 425 K WE IBI ttl[aY r.L IIEL �<<1i. 1tz.� rrie r .�.! UIF A UL Ul,tW Uri! ER AND iN ClUMPIAAKC:L 1 ITF, IHL 1URMI5 (."IV T1?IS Lr�k01 113 WILL WE UUl_ ( r:rc�.•i:L-Ia G11 !LL!vt iv t..1- Ulu! ;L.i' LN r Lu C:rs Lr-t.L`.IE iLU Er F?;1tf t lJl L D A , r.rv' ter P l st [))I uh UEr O L °a41ki. C: h6 [;Yi lie ie (ii he. y,';,1 l t6 kVIC lt.CI iiC+ll Uu.Ur..li t,Y [ i i i 4 AI.�iT i:.r i - HSttk• h, i «•• II IsiiGivx.. C: C>l, a-xLri vi 4. ,w ., c.i,il i.l. t...1L•h i.: eFG." �. jam.....✓ •, Robert Bartelt Farsc,ilc _. v 1 r c. P a^ c. c 1 rf c. ,, r f; , COVENANT TO RUN WITH THE LAND WHEREAS, Mialni. Tgtii t:y Coil1. , (hereinafter referred k.o as "t.he OWNER" or "lie" -irrespective of actual gender and number, and meaning; either singular or plural and includi ng? hei.r.->, �1sz5l 9113 and si.)ccessors in interest; thereof where the context so requires or admits) is the pr c.,ent fee simple owner of a subdivision entitled "St. 11tI1;11 0�1}:5" as recorded in Plat Book at Page of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; and WHEREAS, The City of Miami, a municipal corporation in the State of Florida, in the County of Dade, (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), pursuant to Chapter 521, Section 54-30 of THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMZ, FLORIDA, requirew the MINER to construct or cause to be constructed at no expense to the CITY, the following improvements within the area and/or on the streets abutting said subdivision. l u11 1,Ti clY ri ; ruprovements on Marler Avenue and WHEREAS, the OWNER asks to be relieved of his obligation to construct tale aforementioned iinprovements at this time, and ill of the foi-bt--ar,inc e of the CITY lie agrees tho Cl'i'Y th, t lic 1, i 1 1 t. 1i1 .. uu,-' (.vr,st l uc t the c:�Cl 4 .tt:'.; t a. _ llf i.] 1(;�,( (; a'( i:it teC.:> at -Uch ti.,I.- ill tht ? ut l— its he is noti fi c-d by the CITY that the aforementioned improvements are necessary or desirable: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises herein set out, the OWNER hereby covenants and agrees with the CITY to construct or eauno to constructed at the expense of the OWNER, and without co I; to the CITY, the aforement.ioncd improvements within the. area and/or on the st.rect ri.t;t�t, cif -•a,ay al)tatt;i n g t:he aforesaid subdivision, Capon thirty (30) day., wri.ttcn notice from the Director of Public Works of the: City of Miami. , IF). o r i d a addressed to the OWNER, at 425 Tire st.root:,�COConrr'c Crov'p, TI ,,_33133 It is expressly a[;rccd that this obligation shall be binding upon the OWNER, hK heir:, successors in interest or assigns, and shall be a condition implied in any conveyance or other instrument affecting the title to the aforesaid subdivision or any portion then-cof, In the event that the OWNER or any future fee simple owner of any lot in said subdivision shall fail to cause the aforementioned improvements to be constructed within the area, and/or in the st:r c ct right-of-way abutting the property platted as herein provided within thirty (30) days after the mailing of the written notices from the Director of the Department of Public Works of The City of Miami., Florida, then the City Manager of The City of Miami, Florida, shall act as agent of the OqiER of any fee simple owner- of any lot or parcel described i n said written notice, which ,:agoncy in hereby specifically crc,�:tc=d, rind said City shall cause the aforementioned d imprav ments to be constructed Get Lhe- exPr nsu Of the CAINE! ;and/or owner, and Lhe (amount, of such construction cost bhnJ 3. be declared and estLblf heu as a lien on they property of Ouch defaulting OWNER and enforced as any lieu for materials furnished and work and labor done, as provided under the Statutes of Florida. 2 w 0 f IN WITNESS WHEREOF the OWNER has caused this agreement to be executed this /" clay of /(%r A.D. , 19 �. Signed ,� 5calod ar)4i Mel i�'cred OWNER in theypre sence k f': /" ATTEST: v//� As As Aldecocca. +(�Corpor'3tb Seal) ATTEST: A sc— c et�r (Corpo zte al APPROVED':' epartin o ub i`"cWrork`s THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: ..3,. (S L) (S-AL) (SEAL) (SEAL , ( AL) (SEAL) ri e �a-i a,o poration), 0K S Y r ,� a. C Q, II L AntlioTT} G , fi i x l'1T�3 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney CORPORATION FORM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the OWNER has caused these presents to be executed and signed in its, n---riie by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and attested to by its Secretary the day and year first: abo.vc set forth. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of: STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF DADE. ) Miami Equity Corp. Ant ny G. i1a .-ina, res. Benito Ald CORPORATE SEAL 'Asst. Sect. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ISth day of June A.D. 19 84 , before me personally appeared Anthony G. 1,12rina & Benito Aldccocea, respectively the President and Asst. Secrct�:ry of Niallii Equity Corp. a corporation undcr the lLws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the person-s -who sir--ned the foregoing instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged t1he execut-ion thereofto be their free act and deed as, such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto tile, Official seal of said corporation, and that the said -instrujient is the .act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my lizind 1-1tid official seal at Miami, C-)unty of Dade, and State of the d.-.y �,-gnd year last aforesaid. NOTAY 0i 11-ONDA MY MIA01 2 !S- .�6 U!'L) MY COlyNOTARY PUBIA' STATE OF FLORIDA A !: LARGE APPROVED: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC This Instrument Prepared by Department of Law City of Miami, Florida 84-900' 4 _ METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING, — SUBDIVISION CONTROL OPINION OF TITLE TO: DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. With thA understanding; that this opinion of title is furnished to DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, in compliance with its Ordinance No. 57--30, end as an ind"eerrr^nt for acceptance of a proposed final subdivision plat covering the real pror--..rtv h--rr-insfter clr-.cru d. It is hernhy certified th?t I (we) have examined the comptetr, Ahctmct of Titl,. completely covrrint; 11;e t—ric-; from ttie E FGI?vt91hIG to Junes 11 A.D. 10 84 , at 5:00 A,hI., inc.tu:Sve, of the folloning r,Fsr.rihed ar:=i property: _ Wr.sctil— only realt;r, to he suhr'ivicicd) Lots A, B, C, D, I , 3. , and Lots 01, 1.0, IT, 1.2, 1 :3, l4 , 15, 1.6, 17, 1.8, 1-9, 20, 21 and 22, Bloch, 37 of the AMENDED PLAT OF FROW HOMESTEAD according to the Plat thereof, as rocorded in Plat Book "B" , at Page 1-06, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Basing my (our) opinion on said complete abstract covering said period I (we) am (are) of the opinion that on the last mentioned date the fee simple title to the above described real property was vested in: MIA14I EQUITY CORPOPIV111011 , a Florida corporation 111.00-11 - PAGE 1 ,4 Subject to the following encumbrances, liens, and other exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. All taxes for the year in which this opinion is rendered, unless noted below that such taxes have been paid. 2. Rights of p-r!7-ow; other than t1^ ni ,ve o•alner,� r-ho are in poscnssion. 3. Facts that t"r,t,l,l be riitcicsrd upon nccurpte 4. Any unrecorded labor, rrchanir_n° or materialm-^n-,' lien , S. Zoning and other restrictions imposed by Fovcrnmental authority. SPECTAT. EXCEPTIONS 1. Urban Renewal Plan -Coconut. Grove, recorded May 14, 1980, under Clerk's File No. 80R-1.32562, of the Public Records of Dade County, F lo]Jda . 2. UCC Financing Statement wherein Biscayne Hank is the secured party, x:ec:-orded April 26, 1984 in Official Records Book 121.30, at_ Page 584, of the Public Records of Dade COUnt:.j', F1017i.da. 3. Covenant, rccorded April 26, 1984 in Official Records Book 12129, at Page 1.003, Of the Public Records of Dade. County, Florida. 4. Notice of Commencement recorded May 4, 1984 in Official Records Book 3,2137, at Page 3455, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 5. Mortgage and Security F.greement and Assignment of Leases, Rents and Prof itf, frc-IIt 1411'11 EQUITY CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, t-o i31: ;Ci:`.i117 BT.t�K, a Florida banking corporation, recorded April 26, 19184 in Official Records Book 12130, at Page 587, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, se- curing the original principal sum of $930,000.00. 111.06-11 - VA0a t (G 4- Therefore it is my (our) opinion that the following partje,-, mw, t join in the platting of the above described tent property in order to grant DADS COUNTY., FLOPIDA, and the public, n good and proper title to the dedicated areas shovin on the final Plat of the afoTede!-,crihpd property, the subdivision SAINT ITUGH 01\K—S thereof to be known NAME Miami Equity Corporation Biscayne Bank INTEREST Owner Mortgagee SPECIAL EXCEPTION NUMBER A 1, the undersigned, further certify that I am an attorney -at -law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida, and am a member in good standing of the Florida Bar. ,f },2-4 D si)�'m-Vl" S'lil-.2-0 L --tv T )' iihl 11h, C) ONE 'i"1111W L-) EIN' U E MIA141 , FLOI(IDA. 31 -3131 111,04- 11 — PACE 3 N J--j- EZII P f' n ?tom L�l 2 —I, FRAN KI I N 3 2,a pp sir 1 415 14� Q� v l'O SAINT MUCH OAKS 70NING SHEET P-L16 ZONED PDH .......... co CF 0-1 50 2 L J e 1. AVE PO INC I A N AV E., TRACT 1 '6- 6-1 to tiprE 48 t. ,�, . may'- ....`r.el ,�1'4 � 1'' ;-S� A li`.i, K'tit•�l. F�,fa a :1�,.0 a1- x'>1 �� l,, t — �� ., >. - <- ,,,�-.a•r .,..�•,.>.-v �:,,;-"k37*',•tM�`:.,ibr'.r..�+.t�_:A--�?bs-.es�-�A:nzt�. �"�"..,�"'�r,�:?� . �, -' �"- Miami F-quity Corporation CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING rx ZONING ACMIN,' i = 90 3125 MARV STREET COC'.0NUI GROVE FLORIDA 33133 PHONE (3051 4e3j'�-a,10r) TELEX 522725 SANA CGBL 084 %N _1 P 2 *3 June 1st, 1984 Mr. Aurelio Perez-Lugones Director Planning f, Zoning Board Adm. 275 N.W. 2 Street Room 230 Mimi, Florida 33128. Re: City Commission Mtge of June 28, 1984 Dear Aurelio: We are hereby requesting withdrawal of our application for street C10SUI-e at the referenced meting. This application covered appruxiimitely 3S74-3001 S.1%. 37th Avenue, approximately 3666-3698 Franklin Avenue and apprcx�im:itely 3621-369S Marler Avenue. (St. Hugh Oaks 1216-A). Sincerely yours, MIAMI 1"QU11 COIN'. Anfhony G. Marina resident A(t: ses bt,6DI.II ON 0 S T. 9 � OF LOT S- 9 101 11; 12 13 2,14 . 71516 2 1 Wu),,g 7 ".. I s rt, E, I V9 t r Ul HOMESTEAD, ACCORDING 10 -';,OUNTY FLOR G IDA - LYING IN SEC"'HON c DADE 30 $c ALE, BISCAYNE ENGINEERk 4M lisk I- MIAMI; FLOF',J� ,BLOCK 36 I EV4GINEER!5 r L /k Wl P "loro I Ml AtAl FT. LAUDEROALt- C 41+ joa Na ol-rooloA A 2 F:.b.r4m iqi5-PG-57 14 15, AVE-NNE PARK 3 501 49-90 --A9.9(0 ol G7 LIMIT OF PLAT cnO w 04 0 0 0 6 EL 0 Q 1 1501 4N 10 p R f-i 8 =a At' 16 10 0 i t A mi AD, ACCORDING COUNTY, FLORIDA; LYING IN s E C�Tlc)iq DAM" 2LOCK 36 14 I 15, 5of '14 , ENUE 1 5'B7 " E Li"IT OF PLAT 67' T 11 All 094 ACKF-b Sol i� � 0 IN 8 � � I lot PR- 5 SOUTHEq" 7;1.i- 150' 50, 501 501 a 5 51/2 6 1 7 BLOCK C Q(_0 N QT G;l0Vr-.j Ris R K 2 HD A�1!1.11 0Ni 1A5 CAUSSO TO GE OF rHlt FOLLOWING jo,'; AND F) OLOCK 37) AMENDED 14. .,Dr.,) IN PLAT SOOK"E5" Ar PAGE 1040 Of THE AVA01' I wANrE 41 EAST', CITY OF MIAJwII g',-PIER WITH ALL EX15T14G AMP lwl-i�.EOKI ARE 14ERF_e�Y PEOICATI10 ; 5{z-5 RESERVING TO THE DEDiCVrOR) iERr0v WHENEVER DISC04TIMUeD FOP, IRRIGATIOM _­�4 FXCEPT TH15 5uepolvI5104 URI-Ess ST&TE REGVL&TIONS. TIZANSI014SSIOW LINOS WITHIN ATrACI4e0 PLAr ARE HIKEREW 1EAM BELL FACILtrie-5. rN IN %MMTMlEI___S,'9 W"134&I I t I - -I' ":Z. P,:D C7 1 1-3 pt t. 4 A", •�- A I-) S C-- 0 TF 4 T"J") V -) %Y 0 IF- A M I A M EOUITY C(-)RPORAT�OW, /____? I5ECFkET.ARY RM I E c pv3 E Dt:. LA TO ACMYNI 01 D P UE T 5TATF. OF FLORIDA S.S. 1 4 1- RE BY CERTIFY COUNTY OF DAD E 55roke ME) AN OF, OATHS A ki () T- A t< E � 1'�i i AS PAE'�?lDa'kkT AND- JORGE-� OE LA TORrZH�--Mi" L. A FLORIDA C()RPORATION) To �_j �.. %.tj F t. TO Twu i­lEREIM A"li) AHD Ai__,,:.,'JOVLEDGEO 5E6--O;2,F_ Ml- 7tI`A7 ...1 L S aL)Cv4 0Fj;:jCERS AND THAT THEY A.I�Fli,�',' AND THAT THF- SAID C 0 R P 0 P, A T 10 N WITNESS MY NANO AMC) OFFICIAL SEAL MY Com"15SION Explke5 G E: APRIL ti r 198(o. "I KWOW ALL- NIL:.W f3`< THESE: PRe_5F-"T5* TVIA Ir t:'_- THE c-)WtAt::,­S A0D ijol-DERS -.)F TN�:f C-E�Pl-Air,4 t,) API20L- '26096—f—I 0 PAQE L_ 11:) V111 P a 6i -�r CC, 4 'r Cs;, IN WITWI�55 WHE-KE-OF WAtAE 5Y I T 5F_t410P% VlCE: r 5 BY ITS 5L!CKF_TAK'( Y i J U0. ic) 8 ti bibcAyNtE. 6A"K m WVw .5is -ro _j 1 ARLER 50' 5 I 51/2 I 1 NTS: ArioN, HAS CAUSED To 136 LION OF THE FOLLOWING AND F J BLOCK 37) AMENDED o r, r, sN rL,&T SOOK"13" AT PA69 1040 00 rgE *LfAVfl P,&wGIZ At EAST) CITY OF MIAMI Xh­ri,ir_R wirvi ALL rxisrmc. 4NO 9,41ERVOK, ARE HERF_eY DEDICATED RE5ERVING TO THE DEDICATOR) 7i4r_F,t',or WHr_14LEVE:R 01'$CONTINUE0 C 0 Va, I R Q I G 4. 1-10 W UN LL55 0 T & T E 1k1: G V L T 10 N c.. N C� " I s 10 W L 114 1- Co W I T14 I N ATTACHED PLAT, APF- WIEKEbY jPUAM alLLL. FACILirje5. —SOUTHERN SELL EASEMENT 626. 57' N 8 6' 9' 0 3 " W --"-AV boo 501 6 ( 7 BLOCK COCONUT GROVr-l- PARK 2 NE) AM115 N DI IN WITNESS WHEREOF' MIAMI E�UITY CC>fl_P(DFl^.j_l0lJ) tlA!, CAU5CO Tt4 PFZ,FlSIDPA3T3 ITC--(-)f7< HE irs ON A. o, M I A MI F_ G U I TY CO. R PO RAT 1OW, ATTE5r. 5ECRET4RY R G'f7_ OF- LA TORkIENTF­ ACK NOMLEDGEME'N'T: ;7t STATE OF FLORIDA HERE15Y CERTIFY COuWTY OF DADc (,>cF-opE Mr-) Avi orl AS A FLORIDA C 0 R P 0 R A T i c) W, J TO twi L \V L' U L V, 1: E s c v_', I a- L 0 A v I D, TO BE THE U_AN AWL} ACKNOWLUDGLO 714 1 ""c' AS Such DFFACERB_, t-taD CORPORAI-low AV4D T1,/4T CORPORATION WITNESS MY Hk_WD GIJD OFFICIAL • My Com"115510N Fxp,RFt,__.APRIL MORTGAGE: KVJOW ALL. IAC14 &`< THES.E. PRMSF_WT5' THXT Wljm, ,Al413 HOLDER5 olz -j-jjA-f CeIZT41i4 M jil 0Vv,C.k4L._ RE.CoQPf, t- 0 1 e, I Ly c L #0 IN WMIL bb, (4 tf-t-Cf� �L,4i, uAI�E Z, itL I-, Vi, t Uj L I by ,F 1L7 M WIT 64 V b b ticu y a U i-. L 0.0—MR7 C) 3 .5, 0' •\L pr- p wl. tJ.w 1/4 S-w-M 50, -;Ec- 2.1-154-Al u 151 bol 2 KNOW ALL MEN BY L.-A 501 3 THAT 1-1 1 T I, I tF- A T A A A REESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 9) to 11 3a )13 PLAT Off' PROW MOM r-$T£AD)AC(:OADIN(S TO THE PLAT AEC-ADSOF DADE COUKITY) FLORIPA. LYINr, IN S!!CTI0N'11)T0VV�ljSHIp -JI-1 471, DAME COUNTY) r-LOPODA- fig- D A IDIE C 0 IUINTY PLAA 011" R E S TR I C '1 11 Q N Y. AS 5t,40wm 014 THAT THE AVENUE5 FUTURE PL&wTitAG TRE:ES- rvjE PUI!�Llr; r0A p fl. 0 t,-4 TO THF- PL9PEl'U--hL- u -75 fF- OF 55ORS OR TI-IL RallaRSIO`l H15 SUCCE DY LAW Ti.i&T 1,,J0 POOLS• A19, THAT THE 05OF: SEPTIC NNILL i,IOT bF PZ�-kOITY�;':O y " ,&ppRovEjo MOR THAT ALL "F-W ELE-:CTPIr- AND COMI-IL)"iC&TION UNt-`:, THIS 5Ui3DIVI510M SHALL E5 V- I W5 TA LLE D L) N 0 e P, G u ZE OWNER P L A -T4,&r THE EASF—I-iF—lQT5 A5 5HOWW ttoy :;eta RESERVED FO;%, THE iNSTALL&TIOW AMD �' m On L 0 T 25 tgC II til ca 11 'N 23*2. G2' plii f7? 501 r.)0l 2 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE FRI.F, THAT MIAMI E6D(JIT'( C-Cpp0rZATIota) A I- t. 0 V-'10 MADE THE rTVActiF-o CF7 ':�j t,4 01� 10 ) 11 ', 12 13 PLAT 01: FF,0V,' 10 T14C PLAT -jk4y-,Rr-.or AEC-,qJO$OF D4DE CMMI-VI FLORIC74- LYING IN SECTION r4l, TOWNr.'Hip OAOF- COOUIT'J' I T-LOVDIVA,. 14DE (340UNTY PLAA"lp* RESTRICTIM THAT THE AVE:NLjr--5 As SHOWN 014 THE ATrACHCO FUTURC PL&QTlKtG; TREES i SHPU5e>5Ry 4WD FIRE To THe Pi:Rpr--ruAL Uc-,E OF THE PU(NLIC Fori PPOF-r-r, p"': H15 5uccrE.,15SORS OR ASSIGNS) THE REVERStOW OR REVF-v,C- j5Y LAW T"AT tJC) IQUIVIDU4,L. WIIIA- 17- FV.RtlIT'tr-.0 MTV411�, AIP, COt4PMC)WtlG OF', THAT THE U`"L OF StIP,-FIC TA14r) WILL. NIOT L-.0 -,ZP,-,-!ITT-,:G- A-Pr>RC)vEO F 0 va, u51:L it. - THAT ALL WCW 4wc) C0tAV_AUfjC4,-(IjC C)II Twis 5UBDIVIWiO" C�Ht;LL bt:- (1-45TALLt-D qp��Illl lipliq liq lill 7447 THE Ek-'5EMEv-lT5 AS St4oww r�y Q,4Ltjl,-,0 RES F- RVF- V FOR THE INSTALLATiOW AWD 30 1 KUMQUAT 5', IZ 151 CHARLOTTE MEMORI AL 143.36 C4 20 G 1. 63' p G p Ln 0 C-1 p R M o 40.03' T= �1 AVE JAME PARK OF PLAT lsz SIG"50'. f7l'. 1 k, 0 CITY MANAGER ATTE5T"r r I r -ir c u r r7 -. T1415 15 TO CERTIFY THAr T14145 PLAT APPEARS TO COMFORH TO ALL q9'V'JIR=_W7*,IT5 98 OF r,%4P- P&DE. (,OU?4-ry CODE. CERT(FIF-0 TI-115 __VAY A, 0. J-9— BY DIRECTOR) VAOe COUNTY PUeLlr_ WORKS OF_PA;:lTme.qr FIL60 FOR RECOFRO THIS DAY OF 19 -) AT P--IN sOOK__ OF PLATS AT PAGE_ OF THE PUBLIC RECOR-05 OF DAPM COVI-ATY FLOR104& , ATTEST: IRICMARD P. BRINKER) CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Iby yvR S NOTES: 5N0`iceNJ R F7 F, r- AN A S5 U H E 0 " E A. 10 1 A N g)ICAT,L, CITY MONUtic: NT- A-rID PaRt-lANS"T ComTMOL POINT . LINE. vy C A N C ?,I T CO Il T ROL POINT. D11PUTY CLERK Air T 1 lrj,-_AEE-)Y Ca7RTIFY TiIA* 01 THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED brLFORIM 14C) 'kN -: R a z i.l. -ro E , A A a A 05 OFrIC: OuL.',( -o AomojisT 9 o4yi45 RO T K ?.j HAWJEL. LUCEHA A;10 A. Li�k'115 GEMIOA VICE PREGIVaAIT A"o brtrAlolq A,,Ao bfF.C5kETA FIy ) 9 IV E L AY M F k A FLOF�Wj% C,0RP0o,­&TiON TO Mr. E :, P'_ C, 6 1 -5 C - 6 W K ) bE HE PH9bc)Nb Amc) y'lHo 1516KIEED li.iC- T-'OREGOjm;I"STRUMENT FO;k THE UbF-5 Amc-, PU1`IPOb�:5 1HE-RFIN MENTIONED, AWO TVA&T Tvley AFFIXIM0 -APORATjON� AND TitAT THE SAID mb`TRUMEI T 145 TNE FREEOFFICIAL SEAL OP 5AID C01 !Cl OF SAID COA%PCIRATION, rA. WAND AND OFFICIAL T SEAL V415 j0 DAY OF A.D. 084 -SION EXPIKES. NOTiRY PUE5LIC, STAfE OF FL6RIPA- AT LARGE. PL.A.T F_"TIrLEO 5T. HUGH OAKS 15 A. -TRUE AND CORRECT OF TL,IF_ L.AWDS AS f,_4 E C E W T LY SU RVE Y C_- V AND PLATTED VNC)e.R OUR SUPF-RV1510N ALSO TH--T Ti-iE- PER"4"a"r r<EFERF_NCF: MONUMENTS AND PERHAMEAT DAY OF JthCONTROL '(2 ACCORDANCE WITH IN PLACE A'Es OF THE L —A -0, 22A ALL IN ACCORDANCE 1 017 T"t. LAWS OF STATE OF FLORIV,&- NE ENGINEERING COMPANY9 UNC. G E0 Pt G E C. 60 LTO 11-4 Kr_Q15TEREC) SURVEYOR R STATE OF FLORIPA ,M, . . . . . . . . . . . . . T '7 � _r "_) C ilk -- (I - 7 f I A r, r' r- I T� 'f' AT T I A I r, ")p f- A r 1- .1. Of OV, Ti W fill, C) r_ 1 CA T 1 0 TH15PLAT /")'-A()0 V:I- - 14 E CITY T'Iff C.IT y CITY C LF- R K S I G E: C) r,1Ar.i A T)41C- 1.j T-0 cr-,r-ZTlr-Y T14AI' THP5 PLAT- Co"FOR" TO ALL gF<pojAEHF-NT5 <:)V-- CV-LAPTrP, '28 Or,- Tfi� VA-VF:-:- Co t- "'I -ry CODE • CERTIFIr-o THIS 0 r7- A. O. A9-- P pAor- COUNTY PUOLIC- WOR" DE PAMTMCNT PIRECrOR F)L.f.D Fc)R RCCORD TH t 5 DAY /,-T__p__,N t5ooK- RECOROS OF OAP15-- 4CourATX' PL&T'-=) AT PAGE - OF TkAr-- 17�oe"-'C ATTF-3T: RICHARD P.&RINKER) CLERK OP CIRCUIT CoUF�J &Y Nu'TES: TO At-4 ASSUMEDt-IEFLIDIAN R E P E VA, Pr-0kt-,AwF-"T RrFr-rZEwCE tioNUMMUT. CITY t-A0f'4Vt-4r-N7 AND PmFkmxwr-NT CONTROL POINT. ',X. 1 "1 U- � Civ� t-1ot4UTAr--NT Ll N F— PL-'MH&NCNT CONfMOL P01WT. 01EPUTY CLERK THAT ON THIS DAY PE;tSOWALLY APPEARED BEFORE. 14e1 GYVIICUP, PUI-Y AUTHOPOZED To A0VAIP41C-,Tl!R OATHS AND TAKE IWO40t-- A, LC 51 rsACJ r- C, �Ivf- Ly 0 F r5l'3c"�'YNE tb4w K A VLORIVA CORPORATION TO me f� C V, 1- 1"/- 1 P U M E N T E C' FOV2, TPE L'15fleo Ai�D PURPObfS MENTIONE.0, ANC) TVA&,r' Tltr-y 41,-FIX r --o 0F) t.1) (ORPOY A T 10 N > AN'D TH4T T141:DJ10 o4t;TRUMrNT t, T4E rpEF k t, � (2 Cof',P'ov-�ATIOIJ. rA At4u-) 01-FICIAL SEAL T141b --JU A16 D A, Y 0 F ....... A. D - 1984 140TKRY PUeLIC, ST.W& OF FL6AlC?A- JkT LARGE. P I CAT E HUGH OAKS 15 A. TRUE A40 COPRECT 4 4, j L A'j, 4 C -T Y-NTIrLEO 5T. A C E QT L-Y -auRVE YeD AND PLATTED UNDER OUI� 5UPEKO'010N IA L--- r- E Re N C I- *Aot4LjmF-t4T5 AND PeRHANF-RT CONTROL-, IQ ACCORE)ARCF- WIT-64 ALL 0 F A (2 F-LOR104 ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. bY GEORGF- C. 60LTOW jkj!ri$Tf-RtE) $URVF-YOR wo r. STATE OF FLORIPA-- .. .... .. ... 50 50 9 D PG�rol - ITS TO ME: SIGNED 'bV AFFIXED AND ATTEST EP O*f 'To 10 6 0 v 5v 114 WITMEV45 r* S14"rult". PFXF-SlOrr.MT- I BY Ti4AT ON THIS DAY pErt50W,&LLY APPEA"Co -,-IcCR DULY AUTWOR17-f:o TO ADmivi15TER ,c K V-40WLCPGF-MF-Wl51 C 0 VN PO PATJOH JAJA VAI CGUITY t4 (D W Ij tiT iZ 1"CLY C 1,�, L T i u 10 a ACT nISG LT 0 ------ FLORIVA AT -,TATe- k. -4-TIOM I 0A. _&AN r I kl4K )A FLolt ii4C; Colkpoo u�stiYt4 e 6 4 ,No Reco"M F- W"fro iC REC0 1205 OF' J!, 'D U c .9 fl000la ViCIL pgasm"T av --U ij a L ............. 12 m 5E t, 5 TA 1,4 Cow:; cid AS ff- V.N Li -A I T OF 9 L- AT m 1 8 P. 15. PG� ral 501 E ,�, I p .501 50% -7 bt —F 10 su ,F, Er ;7;Z Cz 43 e: Rr5 TO 15 6: S I G N 1- 0 120'( 1 T 5 Ast-l-TO AFFIXED A"O ATTF-STSP 1084 IN WITMESS TO SIGMATURMS by —YL�u �—p FK E 5 1 o sm W T. 1. ANT NON`( I& P, I N A. 2. THAT o),4 'TH15 DAY pElZcOWALLY APPEA"o ICER DULY AUTHOAIZ.E':C) TO AVMlW15TEFk ,c K I -A 0 W L E: C) r, EA m F- P T 5 j -Alllt!Q..!4- t'JjAml coutTy COKPORATIO") C) W W THE For,,E:roiwG iWSTRummmT AND \101-UmTAPILY TVtF- OFFICIAL- OF '-Alto T I-Ir ACT AND DEED 0;: "to 12 0r 14 JUKE —A. 0._iq �84 Is AY OF MAR y O L 'T 0 'LAft6r: - OF' FLORIDA All I NOTARY PUMLIC 15Tj coapoRA,T1014) 5C,AYNF- DAtll< A V L C' t-I a 'Pt, 9 FA TG AG UA`ft= 0 L� c (::05 OF OI P(JL-Ic t? C�" DEDICATIONS. JOIN, T5 ro BE 6%Gt,4F-o tw ITS CORpppLAT t4EjkeUmT0 AFFIyFo AND ATTESTED'r C) .AA a t,,p, rO)_14lc)iA VIcF M A U E L- Lu Ce W A!'- .4 AND j E5E,% P. Fk. 5WE COUNT If ACKNO& VIC6, po 'Rg'u- ,& 1 ' & 4 �l IN poTS r v!PT Lf; i- � ND 50' BLOCt 37 NOME5 E A D AMENDED P- Ib lb"- P6 10 (D LIMN o F 9 L- AX 22 50 500 3 P> vl 20 OCK 37 /AMU D� AND F BL 2 R, E OF- AS R F Cr 0 R D E D I N P L AT B 0 K CIT Q U-ii ,RANGE 41 F, A S-1- OWNSAli p 54 F IDA LOR '741 x.90 COMPANY I INC. T RIF 3 D .5URVE Yop's. 5 T PX L C. A- P%T JUNE 1984 P.BLOCK 36 PC5 loro 22 3) 39 20 50, 116 1 -67 11 r: 50 6 FROW 10299.96 tll�A A i Jl 1A A% AND F BLOCK 37 4""", f i A -D IN PLVJ OQDL BOOK i5 4' SOUTH RANGE 41 EAST, CITY -10-) 160 90 NG COMPANY, INC. -E R 5 -r R EE T .33 130 'A E R 5 -.t�-5u R V E yops. ,IE5T PALM rbEACV4. STUART DUNE 1984 SCALES ISHow". --23) i apBLOCK 36 ' 4P'*11611- P-S loa 41 19 20 1.96 sol snl BLOCS 6 FRO HOMES! Sol .37 5 BEAD AMENDED I I 115' -37 " E L16MiT OF PLAT 50, 4 P. lb-1161'- P6. lo(* 22 501 so, 3 P K T� RAT "o6 ARA 11 A Avg 004* AVE N Ur- 2 T H 0 t-1 AS C3 1) co A V IF Ki UF 4 W I L L I A M 4" 1-- bi ul k TO-33 (94 0 CO C H A R L E 5 V* YA Tl c 0 (w . W VA 1/ 4 SGC ; , , FL M cj) 0 0 U AT L k AV OC AD cl Ix - ---- '1 PA L, Iy— I --- 0 10 QV W-1 Lor.ATION MAP* SCALE ' 141= 3001 0 74� co GO , IVI �^- --- ' - ~ � oO� �"\ � 3lVO. � 0 ------- y��»v�,