HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0899J-84-733 RESOLUTION NO. 84'° 899 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TIIF FLAT ENTTTLED TZNAGA GARDENS, A )'1iF?)T T1 I()N TN TIFF CTTY OF HT-AMI; AND AC( ;`,TT_I°.1ix TITr iil,i�T.CAT (Oi.i..> .',HC1IATT 0`I :>AID PLAT; AtD AITITTOIR ZINVI, AND I)+Fi"r ITI:Ir; TI1F, CITY MANAGED AND CITY Cf.,FIRK TO I hC:(;UTF, :i HF, PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR T11F Rj CORDATTON OT SATD PLAT IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS 01, DADT COUNT'-, FLORIDA. of the plat: WHEREAS, the Department. of Public Works recommends the acceptance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1 . The p1rit entitled Iznaga. Gardens i.^, a rerubdivi_sion of Lot 1, Block 11 "Churchill Estates" Plat Book 411, F'age 6+1, all Tying in the N.E. 1/4 of Section 5 - To,,nishi.p 5(I S - Range 41 E, City of 11-11,3rri., Dade County, Florida, which subject plat by reference is made a part hcr c,as if fully incorporated herein and ,,:Lich plat together with the dedications shown thereon, and the dedications to the perpetual use of the public of all existing and future planting, trees and shrubbery on said property, is hereby accepted and confirmed by the City of Miami, Florida. Section 2. The City tanager and City Cleric are hereby authorized and directed to execute the plat and cause the same to be recorded in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this a lst day of �july 1984. ATTEST: Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE MAYOR RAA UItGIE CITY CLERK PREPARED t.E I) APPROL'!:I) BY: G. MIRIAI�f;l.?Ii_ ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JOSE G1 I CIA-?E-,DROSA CITY AT VOR-NEY CITY COR+I.MISS10114 MEETINIG or JUL �il 154 E�? (::ITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Howard V. Gary DATE: June 27, 1984 FILE:: City Manager SUBJECT Iznaga Gardens Resolution Accepting Proposed . Record Plat, Loeatcd at N.W 21f street and 14.W. 40 Avenue REFERENCES: W. Cather For Coi-miiission Heet Fri Donald ing of Director of Public Works ENCLOSURES Jul y, 31, 19811 The Department of Public Works recommends the approval of the plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida, and certifie.�, its correctness as to form. The proposed record plat entitled IZNAGA GARDENS is a resubdivision of Lot 1, Blocj; 11, "CHURCHILL ESTATES" Plat Book 44, Pagc 64, all lying in the N.E. 1/4 of Section 5 - Township 54 S - Range 41 E, City of Dade County, Florida. The plat consist of two lots. It is zoned RS-212. This plat is being forwa-rdcd to your office for City Commission action. Also attached ar(, the follouine -Ltcmized papers necessary to present the Plat to I hel City CorruniL:�j.orj of Miami: R(11Lolcation C e C. 1) t j. n u zt (2) 1'r-i-rit of piopo.,-cd i t cor c P la t to fol— F (� Pt z- I I i 1-j s-ubdivision (4) opitiioni (,)f' (5) pol-tic)1-1 of City Zoning Sheet No. 32 showing propt;rty platted colored in red THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS June 27. 1984 REPORT OF PROP0517D RECORD PLAT OF T MAGA GART)FNS LOCATED AT N.W. _:, STRI1"T & N.W. 40 AVENUE A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF HIM-11, FLORIDA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VT * * * * * * The accompanying Plat entitled Iznaga Gardens was prepared by Donald P. Ramsay & Assoc., Inc. It is in correct: form for submission to the City Commission and is forwardcd with a rccor-mendation that it be approved. PERT INx'N-, T 1-N!"OEMIAT1-0t1 RVIGARPTNG THE PLAT: (1) The hla i.te d i.zs a resubdivision of Lot 1, Block 11, "Church -ill. Estates" Plat Book 114, Page 64, all lying 1 I in the NE. 1/4 of Section 5 -- Township 54 S - Range 41 E, City of Miami, Davie County, Florida. The plat consist of 2 lots. It 15 zoned RS-212. (2) The location of the street; and the widths conform with the standards of the Department of Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida- (3) As certified to by Donald P. Ramsay, Registered Land Surveyor, this Plat complies with the plat filing laws of the St.zte of Florida. (4) The attached Certificate of Title Examination dated June 12, 1984, ;a. riFad by O.-icar J. Delgado, Attorney, indicates that the fc-e tJ tl is tO the, property platted ire;: correctly vested in Di,. Luii,, IZct.ir°z€,zze�., x.:r�.U<1�. ��rrd t�.'I,arc: lro�:Friguez Iznaga, his wife aria tlr( q'I.t L it f.; L-c.t;ri r_ot-r ctly executed. (5) The area platted i6 not encuwber(d by mortgages. !' -g (6) (6) In accordance with the requirements of Chapter 54, of The Code of The City of Miami, Florida, a Fetter of, Credit #L04882 in the 3mouni. of $ 7 , r" 00 h,:, s bnr 2n executed by Luis Rodri.f-- 1. T. n g %'r ;r,c _�, ., ar7ri ..:;nazl,tl< _>11 Bank, N.A. This Letter of (.I`"Cti.i; Fai.l.l ar���,;p,;t�y t,1ir [l�,r' mnhl; t)etw(,-'en the City of t9i.ami., Florida and the Pri.nci.pal t;() guir(7nt;ee t;J")e construct.i.on of landscaping, removal of existing sidewalk, sidewalk, grading and shaping parkway, and storm sewer system. (7) The location of the property is shown colored in red on the accompanying copy of a portion of City of Miami, Florida, Zoning Sheet; No. 32. (9) The attached Resolution has been prepared for the acceptance of the Plat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida. falter K. Brown f� Cadastral Engineer RB:td i EXHIBIT "B" TO ACCOMPANY THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA AND LUIS & CLARA RODRIGUEZ TZNAGA FOR IMPROVEMENTS AT -? I! NAGA GARDENS LOCATED AT N.W. 3 STREET & N.W. 40 AVENUE *LANDSCAPING $1,800.00 8 Shade Trees in parkway Solid sod parkway REMOVAL OF EXISTING SIDEWALK $ 500.00 Approximately 500 Square Feet SIDEWALK $ 900.00 Approy.5-mat el.y 500 Square Feet GRADING AND SHAPING OF PARKWAY $ 500.00- STORM SEWER SYSTEM $2,000.00 ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS $5,700.00 (10%) CONTINGENT $ 570.00 (15%) ENGINEERING $ 940.82 TOTAL $7,210.00 AMOUNT OF PERFORMANCE BOND, LETTER OF CREDIT $7,200.00 OR CASHIER'S CHECK *Information concerning the landscaping requirements shall be f obtained rom the City of Miami Planning Department. Cli AGRMLENNT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN IMPROVE.IIEIISTS PUT,SUANT TO PROVTSIONS OF C11APTEIR 54, SECTTON ril,-30 THE CODE OF 711T CTTY OT.,- HITNIT, FLORIDA J- WHEREAS f (hereinafter referred to as, tivC "Prijj(- llowner"), concurrently with IIlant-,,�ppj. jed t. o T`11E CITY OF MIAMI, the delivory of Jet Y 'ecrilent, FLORIDA (1irrcin,-,f-tcr 1--cfel-r0d t0 qr, 1:110 "C Y or tbc acceptance I': and confFirmat-ion, by 'Ile C01TLnisCiojl of r,-Ij city, of a certa-in pro- posed j­ekAA Ij a subd sion to be known as posed plat of a. copy oAl w,11i.ch proposed plat js attached hereto and miadc�, a part hereof as -I*,- "A" C)Inptcr 525, Section 54-N), `TITER CODE OF TIME CITY OF .11JAINI, FLORRIDA, requires that any proposed plat submitted to said Conr'ssion for acceptance and confirmation, shall be accompanied by an .ement entered red into by the Owner of land r-leing platted, with the Director of the Department of Public Works -a behalf of said a for th- _onSLi7uCL1.on of certain improvemorits thcrein enumerated, the performance of which Agreement shall be secured by a good and sufficient Performance Bond or Cashier's Check,- NOW; THEREFORIE' the Principal hereby covenants and agrees with said City a-s f`ollows One (1) year from the effective date of the acceptance and of' said plat by the Ccm,,,tiiission of said City, or priol: Occupancy for the Citl to t 11 e i_, 1 U. y of 1.1i'a"mi oi, the Vi:-1A'_i1(.A_p,!1 \'J-11 at his own e said City, all i.imp-i,-ovc-iii­,:` I'll- �il_ _ estimate of !ic of C11C Ile eo to as Exhibit "B" and roade a part hereof. Although one year is allowed 84-899- for the completion Of the aforementioned improvements, it is not in -the public illt(21:cst that S"ch constrticuion wnrl-. s1imild bp pro1ongcd to tjjc� P_:Kcnt: tAiat it ?111 (I Ila,,, .Jni� -f _'C_t 11pon title nei-bbol.-hood, MR-tc-i- f­hc 5.5 st-ari--cd, Priiicip;il_ hrrch7 agrees to S"li-11 loorl-, progren�;ivcly -10 as to co-i-,ipIrre it: iCl a reason- -able leng th of tii-iic gas,delt-CT-11ined by 1:1-ic Depart.mcnt of Public Wozrs. The rrincip,71.1 hereby to abide by all of- the provisions of the "Guide [oz- Work in L1-ir n, copy of wtiich is at- tached herrtn and by 1-1,iis refercner made- a part bccrcaf. 2. In occ,,)rc-,-,ncc, -wit-li the provisions of said Chapter 54, Section 54--30, CODE OF TI-fl7, CITY 0F.MT.,%,3'-I1, FT,01',TDA, the Principal herc%ii,C.1111 tcnc'ars, Lo tlkie City a Lcttcr of Crcc.3it in licii of a Pcrfor--- ance Bond or Cz: shier's Check, duly c%ecuted by 0 �'i C-_ a -A in the a=,ount ofw, qrz6L)ewhich ainotant is not Icss than One hundred (100'/,.) percent of the estajnated cost of the conz"truction ;f the improverients listed in the attached Exhibit plus tw7enty-five (25%) percent for. enlglineerlinc- and cnst:s ar.,(3 dlamc-zs 0 upon completion of the construction of said and Subse- quent to the sul=iSsion by the: PriflCipla-,l to The City 0.117 MTi=i Depart- ment. of Public 1,7orks 04' a letrer from a Rel-5­ -pstLeri Land Sury . eyor I0 certifyin,, that the Perfr.Onent Rcference Monuments indicateci on the Plat have been and properly placed. said Letter of Credit shall be rel.easerd, V11c. event the Principal shall fail or neglect: to Uilfill his obA-L,,,al.Ac)nz_- under Ohis A­ret-mnenL, t'A-,e co-ndiLions of Letter of Credi,J- i 'b(, t,llch C)l"it: t1i(­ thirt- I - I •twt.:ictl froln Ch'-- Director of d, the 1-u' 1�u Of CiLY Of th(-- failLirL,� or of the Vie"Iecu of the Prinei-pal co perfo"mk this Agre'emer1c) Construct or cause to be constructed, the SO-C fOrLh ill E.diibit "B" hereof, pay to the City a suM- up to the aggregate amount jI, 0 4. The City shall have the right to collect the sum estimated to construct or One improvements set forth in Exhibit "B", Said .SLIM t-_O I)C by FlIr Dep;Irf.-mcni. of IIWJ-_).c Works. of 1-1hr City, which sh;-01 tncltirlr- enigj.lirenri_n;111(3 COSLS, ­?j(I qII7.7 (],_IMageS direct or indircct. -not- to 4'_yceed2-57, thereof, p1lis rcasonable attorneys' feef-, ,;l'i-ch tht? city Tmry sustaii-ii .on accotint of t_-he failu--ri of. the prin!,:i- pal to carry out. and e-xccute n-I.I. of Llic- provisi.ons of this Agrvcmc:nt-.; provided further 01-at, the City Commiss-ion oE Miami, Florida, shal.1 have the ric;M to construct or cause to be constructed ifter public adver- tisement and.reccipt of bids, 1:19le- improvcme Till- s as. pirovided for in sa-AC-1 Agreement, ond i n the event: 't-I)at: the City Commission of I'liami, Florida exercises s-Lich right. it sh"ill have the ri-lit to collect the final total costs of said -11-ly ell-incerin- and con-. tingent costs, and any dmzia�'c,,, dir(lcl-I Or -5.1-idi_rcct, not to exceed t.,-enty_five. (25%) percent thereof, plus reasonable attorneys' fees, which the City may Sustain Ori account of the failure of the Principal to carry but and execute the provisions of this Agreement. Said Letter of Credit is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof by refere'nce. W N i . �.�.-. ..,_....,....,_.�--._._-.�...-T=-ti,..;..�ust,,—.,n�s,•!r�,e�•.•. .•.�...:-c+:.+rxti'►w,..� acr...�..�._ .._ IN WITNESS WHE;;EOF, the Owner has caused this Agreement to be executed in triplicate* this �(C-004 day of J WV�C A.D. , 1.9 Sirnect, z ,,d anft . in th Fe' x - �cn of ATTZST. Secret/:•,,• (Co ...orate S al) ATTEST- r J (SEAL) (SEAL) -(SEAL) .- (SEAL) _ (SEAL) (SEAL) Secrekary Principal Corporatio. (Cor ora'- e ? ) Presad nt Approved and accepted on behalf of the City of miatni, Florida, this day Of A.D. , 19 ,e- By �- Director, Department: of Public Worris WITNESSES: 84 899. •IYYI mmnw{IPiR[ iXBA -d ..�• �ii€erc4im�a'�Y( ktiY.L��t+�ucumv:aw_�.ay..�...iti....'....... ... _. �, . -... ._._. -.. ,_�.. .. ... w,.-.�.-�,._._s...is�+a.rse•T.-w,..,....tn,:n,�41,�.dhlJ•.Fw ..er.: �::Waa�.:.�.2stisJ�«+-"��.�:ism.:.a.r::t.::.....r�.+r.:.�+:�.+..+.�.�«aw��..�.:.. ....... .. s• STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS , COUNTY OI DA DE: ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorised to administer oa;iis = and take acknowk,.-iar:>, +� to me well kno,,mti to tic the Inc r_-oa (t} do cxil)c(l lzrrcir; and vvho, <.-xc•cuted the foregoinh irlstrm-m-nt, ,ind ack-novAcdc-c d 1)efore mc- that executed tlTe same freely and volmitarily for the purpose therein expressec). WITNESS my. hand <snd official seal'at ,fg1111"i County of ,t�r� �'�= and State of this dely of A, D, 1 19 May Commission Expires: 4 Form • PW«9236 Rev. 5j69 Southeast anl(, � Ar _ R P.O. Box 012�OQ fl4iami, Finrit;a, 33101. USA LETTERS OF CREDIT DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS: F+RNATRANK, MIAMI IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT NUMBER L04882 ArPL T C•ANT L,UIS RODRIQUEZ I7NAGA 1117 CORDOVA AVE. CORAL GABLES, FLA 33134 PLACE AND DATE OF ISSJE: MI�MI, 13 JUN 19A4 BENEFICIARY: CITY OF ` 14MT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 275 N.W. 2ND STREET MIAMI, FLA 331?13 ADVISING BANK: AMOUNT: USD7,200.03 NONE SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND �Q/1v0 UNITED STATES DOLLAR RAttn PLACE AVD DATE OF EXPIRY: OUR COUNTERS, 8 JUIll 1985 BY ORDER OF OUR ABOVE MENTIONED CUSTOMER AND FOR ACCOUNT OF SAME WE HERE8Y ISSUE IN YOUR FAVOR OUR LETTER OF CREDIT 111HICH IS AVAIL43LE FOR PAYMENT UPON PRESENTATION OF YOUR DRAFT AT SIGHT L�RAWN11 ON OURSELVES SEARI';G THE C.L USE: "DRAWN llNDE'-r: LETTER OF C(=E^IT NO. LU4582 OF SOUTHEAST 1[- ,"O. f, l . A � " ANt? ACCO'liF AtVIED ,-?Y THE f'OLt_Ol'Itv'.? Dt?t:L1f�i.f 4 STATE',`iENT PURPORTEDLY SIGNS--D 13Y THE DIRECTOR OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT READING AS rOl-L01,JS: "4JE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IZ,,J'AGA GARDENS TENTATIVE PLAT NO. 1132—C LOCATED AT iV.+h. 3 ST. `it,* 4,D AVE— LUIS RODRI GUEZ IZNAG H4S FOILED TO COVPLETE THE IJ,iPROVEi,!E N'TS REQUIRED 3Y LETTERS OF NOVE.�'BER 7, 1983." WE J?EEiE'Y Ete`C'�GF 'w+:TH YOU THAT PAYMENT WILL �E DULY MADE AGAIi�ST DOCUMENTS PFESENT ED IN CONFORMITY WITH TERMS OF THE CREDIT UPON PRESENTATION TO THE DRAWEE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE L d a S a •t 7 M Q• � 8 i-89 - d A d- 7�r'o v Southeast Banh, N.A. P.0- Dox 012500 Miami, Florida, 33101. USA I_ETTF-qS OF CREDIT DEPAnTMFNT CABLE ADDRFSS: FIRMAT8ANK. P11A%11 DATE OF AMENDMENT: 18 JUN 19534 APPLI C.-IINT -, LUIS f(0(',1Rj.QUEZ IZNAGA Ill? COQDovil Avr-. COR-'1I- GA31-ES, FLA 33134 AMENDMENT NUA9ER 1 TO DOCUMENTARY CREDIT N UM 3 E R 1-3 4 8 u" 2 PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: M I AM I , 13 J LIN 1984 6 EN E F I C J I R Y CITY OF MTMl DEPARTMENT OF PU3LIC WOR<S 275 N.A, 2-ND STREET MIAMI, FLA 33128 ADVISING BANK: THIS AMENDMENT IS TO 3E CONSIDEqE) NONE AS PART OF THE ABOVE MENTIDNED CREDIT AND MUST 3E ATTACHED THERETO. THE ABOVE MENTIONED CREDIT IS AMENDED AS FOLLO'AS: IPSERT : THIS LETTEP OF CREDIT SHALL BE VALID UNTIL JUNE 18, 1985 AN '.D S H 4 L-L THEREAFTER SE AUTOMATICALLY FoQ SuCCE: Sj 'VE ONIE YEAR PERIODS UPON SUCH DATE UNLE-r`- AT t-[)'k1'T S')""TV (61) (rS F 0 R TO A N y S J C ANNIVERSARY UL �N' I N�G 11,0 f :1 11 -1 -4 L I C ')7 1'- v, a 33128' WORK C, 10 T14AT E'LF CT !,'01 'o 1-10 f?E N11,U I ill LE I'T"R I C E 1) 1 T U1FD:,1 RECEIPT BY D R �k', 1), F- R �- 1.1!1 D 3 Y )' 0 U R 0 R fk FTS L)Rr�W'� AT Y r, OF SUCH 11c),11 YOU 1'111�y S1r:HT v"N US. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS RE'vAIN UNCHANGED. z-lle-� AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE cc cr METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY - PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING. - SUBDIVISION CONTROL. OPINION OF TITLE Tee: DADE COUNT)', a political siiWivision of the Stale cif Florido. With the understanding that this opinion of title is futnished to DAPS COUNTY, FLORIDA, in rompliance• cvlth tL; or,lin:uiccr. No. S7-10, :uicl as :rn induccm(,nt for acCcj,tuncv of a propo:;ed final subdivision pint coverinl; they real piop^rty hereinafter descrihed. It is hereby certified That I (we) hnve e z:rmincd the ecmpicte. Abstract of Title completr.ly covering the periexi iri,m the RrGINNING to—IRth_.. of Myerile-r=A.D. 19.$3at 3:00 A.h1.,�nclusivc, of the folloceint, des rihe.d real prop:>rty: Supplemented by Certified Search No.649,361 from Attorney's Title Insurance Fund (I)escribe only realty to be subdivided) thlOugh e ime 12, 1984 at 3:30 P.M. Irit 1, Block 11, of C3-iURC HILL ESTATES, according to the plat thereof, as reocrded in Plat Book 44, at Page 64, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. D sinf; my (our) opinion on said complete nhstrict covering; said period 1 (we) am (ore) of the opinion that on the last mentioned date the fee simple title to the above described real piopeLty was vested in: ` DR. MIS RODRIGUEZ--IZNAaA and CLARA RWRIGUEZ-IZNAC3A, his wife AW 114,06+11 : P40C t eacumiltunce,; S,blec, 10 lh,-. followinit and whi": exceptions: (',F.,1,4FRAI. rXCEPTIONS rendered, jjnjf-;S noted bel"W that ,,Ch tuxt!,.q.huvt! been 1. All Iaxc!; (Ot the year in which this 01"'I"! ;q paid. 'try in posnession. -nns othet than llv-- nbcivr owners %k 2. Rlphl- tj fw!r,, 3. Facts that kk -11(i he disd-Srd "POn te -Ilrvvy. 1. Any tmrvcntc11!(i int,ot, nrcbnnir:,.,' ot lien-. S. Zoning and 0111" restrictions imposed by governmr-ntnt authority. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS F 0 PAGE I Therefore it is my (ottr) ortininn tliat the follwviriv, pnrtirs must join in the pIntling of the above described real prolv!rty in order to prnni DA01-- COUNT%', FLORIDA, and t1w public, I good and proper title to the nrenc; !Z1hok'.'n on the firi-'d Plat of 1hr, Ifore(11!!zcribefl propsrty, the subdivision thereof to be 17, �' ni GA GNIM i�.N N �A PA f: INTEREST SPECIA-L EXCEPTION NUMBER DR. LUIS RODRIGLTEZ—IZNAGA and CLAM RODRIGMZ—IZNNGA, his Wife Fee Simple Title Holders 1, the undersigned, further certify that I am an attorney -at -law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida, and am a member in good standing of the Mor,dr, 11-if. day of rN Sui.te 312 33 14 Teic-F1�'-nez 105) 550 -06-11 PACE 3 i' F•�' .��ILt'�' t w ' '� *• r "i }� t� X t. t,iH i: ��d st. !. 1 s•..�4 i � K•, ti: i,i� � t1 +i �M��� lb'i � •,7'• f "��i; fii.. �t � ��: �� •.fit, a'. � +�a%y�iy�j�a •1rK.`i� �.� ✓i.n.i'.i � 2��.yy}'•� L+yy,. kA �. rit•1 .�''�av��. �1r'��'tjy�j;'A � - ,r .. tM. �y t -•", "��'.�r'f: Y!Y `�: 1�I�'f,. _ ,�74.,W-.''iR•.NF��r�M; J t t+t •..vAFiZs Ntr f -r�%! ?. Rt'jt� tr •.rrt�trllt ' . L•.,•� -' i :i`f•' 'f�'.:.ti'c 1.. Sy .r ;..��A „.. r .N .. `., » a It is ' I+ 16 I s' iT t 11f to : lit r •1• is �Y'r ST "�'�+�`•'�'-''�n"r�.,�'}��t:?'j"%!!''�ii..%?r'i�,�{s'r��� . li i 10.:Y�n�h tq N.W. 4•' t ..w r ,• .' .� s� Ia ' S S. HAUT LLJ 4 It ;SST, Is o :I GARDENS I! O 21. 2 t3 SHEET f32 . 3to ? tl to u 2 IT • 11 Ito=I Ij 1I 10 t • •v . ! • . •tt w r .. • �ti µ •' :,.. .aK �• s= :� :w � s=•• a .. .S ,... ,� . '�.M1,; I`� .. i1r'M3.T.♦,�i?,. '3)I'� .�t:, .a .J.. N' 70 TI{A T !-A OR$ is 1r• s a i s is �I • 2 y — r S .t 3 d 4 15 ' { 1 { 1• it 0 1 s � • 4 ' is { r• IS � t .. ;. .T x •4 IV 10 to 1 10 to at i0 si t 0 11 •* , 10 It 49 •i � • _ 4 • ; . I Z GA?DENS .'GA F A Px ESUBDI'VIKS 10N OF LOT 17 BLOCK 11 -Sil p, mool/ 4,11 jrDA GE 64 CHURCI _L ESP\] TOWNSHIP 54.�� -RANGE 41E :7 SECTION mv LYING IN THE N E I /, 14 G 5- FLOR I DA ITS' OF MIAMI DARE COUNTY c P. G P 1 5' DONALD P RACE: AY ASSOCIATESs INC. LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNERS HIALEAH FLORIDA SCALE: I"= 20' JANUARY 1984 Gtor-hic Scale 6 60 0 5' 10' 30 4d KNOW ALL N DR. MHEE ht LUIS Rot made the attached plat entitled DESCRIP'TION: Lot Mat Book 44, at page. &I, of thy; DADE COUNTY PLA]" RESTWCT i I blv, and future Jcdic purpose, law. No use of state Or n lines , h,-; I I ' PLAR ET fic rel! RJR 0 0 N C.M.L. — 10 P.C.P. - N 89002' 42"W 140.38'U. Y='y= C10f E. 1/2, SW 1/4' I - ' ----- NORTH LINE SW 1/4 NE 1/4 SEC. 5-54-41---- I < -- 4 SEC.5-54-41 1 t I 1 I— 1 P R M s �. I I P.R Nl A::200- 20 n =15- 38t 59 A = 55.07 1 \:7j IX z < LOT z o i 5847 3 Sq. Ft. 6 R = 201.61 A'-T\ 5 A = -54 -33 �0 Q,a R=201.61 A=13.76 i A = 4`41'-16 " � A = 16.49 P. R.M. N tf) U) a) LOT 2 7125 t Sq. Ft. Ln Ln to tf) N O Ld Utd C� 1 ��� j � C O ._ ` 2 0 .� Z LL- Ljj © T,. " i 5t T rt it ,L { 6serrxent 54.53 utility Ea 60.00Pt�.�T___. �.._ — r P.R.M� �� ,. S-010-23 -26 c f � 114.53� - 25.00 I CHURCH I L1.._ ESTATES /t,0� ( 4 4- / 6 4 ) SURVEYOft� NOTES LOCATION SKETCH scale: 1<< = 300 - t SW sf4,�ttiF i/4 section 5-54-4i @ � .1%" lac P - 14"t C,t ,str_, is r` 44 /55 1 E)Uf-'-iA1y'' Tt::.Rt`iACE 44/55 dCT.iBe(CIi� i i t k ........ �.-.- �ith .M,L. City Monument L . l c_ ,_ - i 4 g <11 LI JJ i } , ,�# �' 3 KNOW Al-L MEN BY THESE PRESENT5): That DR. t-J-11S R0DRIGf1FZ--IZNAGA and CLARA ROD Rl(',tJF'Z -- IZ NAGA, his wife, have caused to be f. s the s n e ina a n,,�zllbrlivi-ion of the following de,;rribed property: made tl)t) (itt(Irlif., t 11 1 G. (j p1o, ��nl ilrd "l-N, G, C �RD _--N, be C T11 1, o A T47 rI, -1'naI -)Int theren, (Tr r'rdpd in do r f A f) VU y pj r 1. I , 1) rr wI I If M.. ina Jjrrrj)y 1hQ I)II ri W,.miod to flir I nr i N or 11 lon for 11.,iontlnn, (lir cor)(11tinnim-IT or V mill. !oil w; I I �7vn­pt if '114-m[M hin 1i, �iihiiviion 1-l rss opproved oltn1pornry u 7n 1) occor n F1 cc kA h -I 1: 0! o,, County veaitlMions. An ll mv VIC-di' of -11inunic(ition I i P his �u bdivisl on oth(-r thrin tronsrriisSion undcr-gremrid. 'A'VN[,,J15 PLAT dCJ10N!_3: A strip of land ,ix wide ashown by dashed lines on the attached plat hon,-;0v reserved for the in74ollotion and maintenance of 1 rhlir, (11ilitiqs. 11q WITNIISf,; 1AIHIC-RREOE, the sold Dr. Luis Rodriguez-I;_,ncigcj and Clara Rodriguez-lzriaga, his wife, have I {eunlln s t their hand and sea!, this —YA—day of %1 it n os s) b Seal D Rodriquez-lzriago Seal 4- 2, Clara Rodriguez-!zricact A CK N OW I_ E DG E M E N T: "into 0 Florldo I HEREBY CERTIFY: Before me this day personally appeared Dr Luis Rodriguez-Ilzriaga and (,C)l-inily of Dcjd,,� Clara Rodriguez-17 naga, his wife, to me well known to he the per,_-,cins described in and who t:,x0cuic-d Ith") foregoing instrument, and who co.kriciv,,lodood that 11icy executed the same freely r po s ,md voluntarily for the uses p�!� therein expressed. cr Witness my hand, w­:d uirli(uic)l scil of -A 19,84, P T \cz 6 " v /VL ---- ---- --- Miy commission expires 1,1c1ol, �uj,lic "'lak" of f 6-)�cfio at Large A ca G It -A CI-Y �\, CITY OF MlAt,,11 This is to certify that Ihil". ["lei ujppeav)-- to conform to all requiternents of Chapter 63 of the City of (Ahoini Code and Chapter 28 of the 04)6-2 of Miciiop�1!ilon Lade Coutfly. Ccrfifled this _L2--day of 1984. D I -ecl -pf, of ilic Works r lor, City of Mitan-if De This plot was approved and the foregoing dedications were accepted and approved by Rjsoluffon No. __ passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Dade 1('ounty,F(,.,_Dnda, this of 1984. By: Attest: City Manager City Clerk DADE COUNTY APPROVAL: This is to certify that this plot appears to conform to all requirements of Cha,pfer 28 of the Dade County Code, Certified this —day of Director, Dade County Public Works SURVEYORS CER-1-1 Fl CATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY -i [lot ffiP att0ch0d. 1)1(jt erifitled "1ZNAGv1,1 GARDENS" is a true and correct representation of the lands described hereon as recently -,ur�eve.d and plaited undi��r ri,y direct supervision; also Irlat ff-p- Purmanent Reference Monuments were c,(it ir, acC0id(.11Xc ',vith P-otl 11 ("1 177, t.-ows of the State of Florida. DONA[-' f-�' F AM—: `Y 111 XITFS�, 11' D r A, I C C. Donald f-, Rcliv,-�Iuy, i -'z e (A RECORDING STATEMENT: Filed for record t1w. (i o c, i 1984 at irE Book —of Plots at Puge i'uli —t-lorlda, That plot complies with the iows of the State of Florida, and Metropolitan Dade C,0jiy, a kiir, I Circuit k-harci P Btl'n�er, Clerk of the Circuit Court Deputy Clerk IZNAGA GARDENS A R F St OF p, 0 0 /1 PAGE 64 CHURCV-11 LYING I.0V 14\11-1111- 54_,5_ -RANGE 41L /J fl 0 N IN THE NE I / 'I X, LO FRA. to LO LO LO U) c6 rn 1 Sq. Ft. woo, SURVEYOR -OS NOTE 25,01' --- CITY OF MIAMI DADE C 0 L-1 N TY FLOR I DA P.C.P 5 LO U) 0 0 1 z DONALD P RAMSAY ASSOGIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNERS HIALEAH FLORIDA SCALE: I"= 20 JANUARY 1984 Graphic SCOIC a' 5, 10, 20 30 40 60' 80 00, la U W _j 0 I _j :D 2 5_,9C) 'JA KNOW ALL MEN BY THES11 That DR. LUIS made the attached plat enth D[SCRIPT ION: Plat Boot" '141, (it PoLr-1 (:A*. 01 DADE COUNTY PI_ATl3t-_'-T1 and future pinnt1nq,'1roeS'7-.l1 pvurpos(-,­', rc!.ervinq 11c) fl-,C (1c;, low. No irdividuol v�-cll 4vlll use of septic lunk!-� will not N State or Cot..,nly rcqula,!onq. k lines, shall be instolled and I plat is here-hy re",-'eivcc] fol !h 11\1 VVITNESS V, hereunto stt th(",ir hand and Witnessed b A C K N 0Vv' L E DrGE- I State cf Florida 1 1-11 E County of Dade Clot kl;w C and voluntarily for 11he'. tj S es? Wilriess my 1"Jil'! My cornmic51011 C11Y C* Chapter (3-3 of tho, City of _12—day of This plat was approved anc and adopted by the City CU'V* By: City DADE COUNT) Chapter 28 of the Dade ("0'