HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0889J-P4-678 RESOLUTION NO. 84—SS' A RESOLUTION AT,THORTZTNG AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT AMOUNT OF ," 1_ 5 , 000 ON THE. CONTRACT BETWEEN THE (-TTY OF , ITAMT , FT,c?RII)n AND FRANK ,T T. "rqnj1Ajj Tr,IC . DATED AIII),TT, 30 , 1984, FOR THE. C r N,'- 1-Ri.1C'i .1_f)pT OI" (-)I'!\i`1C;1 , I'0)17., - FIELD LIGHTINt= i,;,ITTIl FITNT '.VjJJ,,M`,FOR TO BE PROV 'DEi) 1�RON 'IOU TS7' I)i �71;T.f?I';11;iQ'I FUNDS; FURTHER RA'T T Y"i_NG THE CT 'Y TIA i1AGER' S 1k,7RI:TTEN FINDING THAT T11E 11IEREjN TNCRI ASIE I:ES1_ILTED FROM EMERGENCY CIR_CIT iSTANCES BY AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF 2/ 3RDS 01 THE 14EP-2)ERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there exists a contract dated April 30th, 1984, between the City of Miami, Florida and Frank J. Moran, Inc., in the amount of $6.00,601, for the construction of ORANGE BOWL - FIELD LIGHTING I. DI ROVT?IMI?NTS : rind 1,RiEREAS, during the course of the work, deteriorated structural members have been uncovered on the stadium's eight light towers that need to be repaired prior to the installation of the new heavier liphta_n, fixtures; and WHEREAS, the costs of the necessary repairs will exceed the Cash Allo\,mike for Special Items provided by the Proposal of the Contract and require a $15,000 increase in the contract amount; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has made a written finding that a valid emergency need exists for the additional work to be done at this time; and WHEREAS, funds for the increase are available from Tourist Development Funds; 'I'HERI FORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. After a properly advertised public hearing, the findings of the City Manager set forth an the preamble to this Resolution is Hereby ratified by an affirmative vote of 2/3rds of the City Corunission and adopted as if fully set forth in this section. tw1TZ ct✓mil-IISSIt./kY JUL 31 198!", Section 2. The contract between the City of Miami, Florida, and Frank J. Moran, Inc. , oat ed April 30, 1984, for the constrtictir)n of ORANGE nowr,-FTFTJ) T,TGJTTTt,1(', IMPROVEMENTr -) is hereby incrensv-d by r�1.5.,000 1-?.ill) f13116r, to be provided from Tourist T`iinds i1pon their avail,-Ihilitv, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31 day of 31L 1964. Maurice A. Ferre M A Y 0 R ATTEST: RAILPHVG. CINGIE T T Y CLERK PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: ROBERT F. CLARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM A14D CORRECTNESS: SE (GARCIA-PEDROSA T TY ATTRONEY CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 20 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Howard V. Gary City Manager DATE: July 3, 1984 rILF! B - 2 8, 7 _'_3 SUBJECT: TU ORANGE BOWL Hj. FIELD LTGNG I11PROVETT,,NTS Tn,crease in Cozy qc.t FROM Donald W. Cather REFERENCES! Director of Public Works ENCLOSURES: (For Co mmission Zleeting of The Department of Public Works recommends adoption of a resolution authorizing an increase in the contract amount of $15,000 in the contract= be t-o7ee-n the City of Miami, -Plor`,dr <~ztc1 Fr�_7,nk J. Tnc., for the T, consti i, -A IF l I L I) LT 'I IF-C T 1, L -,I d -s to be provided froze_11 C J_ further, ra.tifying the `inding that thc in c 3: e a 0 C i t Y� resulted i.'rom emorgency circiamstan-ces by a 2/3rds vote of the Co,-,,imill.lsloll. There exists a contract in the amount of $400,601, dated April 30, 1984, between tle. City of miiami, Flor--Lda and Franak, J. Njoran, Inc, % o I 'i for the cons truction of MA"GE E01,�`L - 1`11',LD LIGI-ITI'M 1`,_Tj,,,n_VE,-.,iE.NTS. The work con st­1 ncv.- lJ_,,-ht- Lng, fi, ­,turcs , incl-uding J ballast plat forrn.,-.7, on i_-,A 1 !'It Of '_!�C_ ",I jj.j 71', - _ _ (� J 1:� I o-,.J C_ I- S , and providino a ncu cont-rol. 100-1- t I I C, I i - h ts, In doing the worlK, the cont-L-actor has uncovered dcteriorat:ed struc- tural mic-­,11be.r.,3 on all s, of the towerthat i ---ic-cd to be reT )aired 1, prior to installing the new heavier The cost of making the repairs, c-,cecd the Cash allo'<,,Ianoce for the project and will require a �1.5 , 000 inc-rease ir, cont- L, r " I C L_ .,11mcunt An emergejjCy - t:L GO t�':e vJorl,!- at this ti.-To so Aie new light- ing can be ins,,ii_,l lcd for the 1.9'3 _66- foe t:L-;-ill ,,eoson. Funds for the increase are Tou.riisc Dc:-velopnnient, Funds. DWQ:LEL:vh ��r M. Alvarez, Special Asst. to City Mgr. Resolution Attached 14 CITY OF MIAM1. FLORIDA - INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM -= TO. FILE DATE: July 3, 1984 F,LE: B-2875 - SUBJECT: ORANGE BOWL - FIELD LI_CHTTNG -= IMPRnVI MFNT5 - Emergency ;Icc. for Ti crc.zs(- in Contract AT710tUll Howard V. Gary REFERENCES: r, City Manager ENCLOSURES: (For Conu7lssion Meeting of ; Jul- 30. 1984 Based on information supplied to me by the Director of the Depart- ment of Public Works I have found that there exists an emergency need for an increase in con't.—Tact amount of $15r 000 in the contract - between the Cit-,- of iii zTT1i- , Florida c nd Frank J . Moran, Inc., for the cons t-r c:.tio-i-i of Cad ni r_, :,:,owl - Field S.`lil--1.rw TT orovements. The reason fo.c L. c need is as fc11o�, During the coi.T'iE C 03 the work, deteriorated structural members 'uncovcrrvd on. the stadium's eight light towers, and there is MRG a need to rep;ii. them before the installation of the new heavier -ur lighti.n- fi_ es DWC : LFL : vh _