HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0880� 3~84~545 8-13-84 ` RESOLUTION NO. y���4—8������ � A RESOLUTION APPO[NTTNC C[RT8lN JNDlVIDUALS ^ TO THE CITY OF Ml8Ml ZONlNC BOARD. WHEREAS, there are two vacancies on the City of Miami Zoning Board. NOW, THEK[[ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIKMI, FLORIDA: Sect. ion 1. Tho following individuals ace hereby appointed as members of the City of Miami Zoning Board to serve terms expiring on December 31, 1984. NAME: Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces NAM[: NO APPOINTMENT MADE PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1984. ATTEST: PREPARED AND APPROVED BY A5S1518NT C]TY A|T0RH[Y APPROV[[) A", lU |-OK� XND CORRECTNESS: /I �-' 1� , CMM/epc/ga/396 Maurice A. Ferre MAYOR CITY COMMISSION MEETII,,'G OF JUL 31, Y13O� pt • {i CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA � IN S 141 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM " o TO. DATE: FILE: THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE July 5, 1984 CITY COMMISSION SUBJECT: Appointments to the Zoning and Planning p an cap. ; e REFERENCES: i'11 P1i G. ONGIE (�c�i'C1S. Boards. ndv�SOrfE WE C 3. t y Clerk ENCLOSUnES: ; T-hrec(3) Applications Please be advised that the deadline for s>. bmitti.ng applications to fill vacancies on the Zoning Board and the PlanningAdvisory Board, i was July 3, 3.9811 at 5,00 P � 1t e i. 1 r 11 .. C s 1r j l I y .} x^� :. also Please a l s o b e Y \� t� j...J c d� 1.. 1 Z <- ;e ( 1 n n 4� v t4 k, i, l' a(� ry z 1-;� .e_ � y �� tie k.: I' t i} I r I! 1 i t i i l g to � you copi of tit tic vc l-' mo PT] ipp llcations are subject �.0, ci'_ 1 1,...t1 01-1 1 v t'r C04-, 0"1 D-i sion of Metropolitan DndFu C.oL)nI ,arc, i.t!drrc�, ea.Get��t~s of the ' r1i. City of MiJU Applicants applying for said vacancies are as follows, ', ZONING BOARD Alvaro Romero Victor Henry De Yurre Lorenzo Lorenzo-Luaces PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD None RGO/gl Encl. cc: ;/Funny Alvarez, Agenda Office j Aurelio Perez-Lugones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Boards Administration R E C E4 JUN 2 3 r1l, 12: 54 r OFFICE -01" XIIE CITY CLERK Cjyam` - TIorida '% APPOINTMENT TO THE QUESTIONAIRE TO BE COMPLETED T717 CANDIDATES FOR APPOIN -M PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD AND/0P, TI3E ZONING BOARD. Name of Cnn'iclat- 0, L- 1, P R C, P ion cil (As 011 OHO C 'tistration C r- ) M rr Resickner e C1 6r,:C r, J-00 -oA k-- P-11 j Princip,5-1 G Business address 11,200 jl -7;'S 0 556,7171 Home Telephone Business Telephone I;rR-7P_72 558*7172 Date of birth _yJLjXL-j23A-- 1. Xre you a registered voter in the City Of YiAni7--jES 2. voter's Registration NuznberQLja8 3. How long have you been a resident of the City? --Tl"� .� B 4. Will you be able to faithfully atttnd meetings of U,e oard as required by Section 62-52 of the fpiazi City Code7- S. will you ,-a ab-,e to attend pianning amd —ning t-e-mina-ra &n rcouired by Sect-i'm 62-49 of citY cc-dO? n tc-rt.-�t 5 d ez f n e, 6, i n i _z=A. City Code 6. Do you foZ-eEcc any Cz;211 icts of i n& Articlp Vs, -.ty codt rc��tic, -2:.2i 207 and d -ou: e C 7. Are you a 101—m City Of B. JLr& you prepared to filo a lilt of real tt�tLte you wen Citlier pery;onally or corpor&tely, w;thijj the rk should you City of yi&r.i with the city Cle. be appoInted, pursub-lit, to section 2-305 of the MiLmi City COde? YR-S •1.0 9. ED=iqmB.ACXGROUM High Scbool: C-0 (b) (Q) pc;,i--Jcxl Attended:), _qA�5=j_q5D obmimeqqqg 5CEQ- (c) Year Dz-gr" vnzn M;talvxc^d: -195,0 College: (a) W (c) Period ,tit t-mrJad:_1 cLr-.' . Q W (e) yeox Aill CAMAGUIE" 10. Business or (Pleasa state dates) . Pressent, . DE Past . C (11. JII e Plann.-ing c,,d. (pleas state dates). tr • ticm, 12. Umberfl-dP illt C� Ac cz PIr,"cSL`icZ�-a OrgwdzP- (Pas or t)- Please r;tate davxacz ILI TEMALIZU k"'.1AI; (ITEAtIMEM or S'. 5 -LL 2-976-1922 PRE-SIDEN'T 1983-84 as,=-.T 119't6- TBILLSI-111-MI '10-1cl- lq,84 .1, Inhmminq and 13. t Of G iic-116-- of Zori-mg: MMIZIEnY 01' POR'LIC LORI's 2-9599-19W OLLA',.':,UEY GUILL 0 2- I I M J tal agencyh=ds or =nnissims (Past 14. Mwiterships on any gave=nen or Present) MIMI Z0113G BOARD T 0 "BE L-T —FAT L:4 Cyr am Ycn MPIaled full timP- i-n a 90vor-n 16. Why Wad Ym IiJ,-e to serve On the Playa3-ng Adv'---Ory Board?--M-4-A' w=ld yal to rerv- on 17 - 17- Kir P. ET-5 r t 7, 2 Please state If YcV h"rIVO is T."re-k, might ;�e considered 17. please state any other inf0--JT,-.-d0,n ve,14cll -poin Yva seek: siaraf icaylt thea p twx meaning!vl or 18. Name an! =33.ress of 6- pansorim, organizatican (f MY) ff r A I r r Date WM: Crw ym hwm carpleted this f=ur kirxUY Xl'-► saw to: City Clerk City of P. 0. box M708 pA=i, Florida 33133 4w3- 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY, Ctt--'PX,, 44 4 City of Hiami,cfir QUESTIONAIRX TO BE COMPLETED TY CAINDIDATTS FOR APPOINMENT TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD ANWOR 7HE '70NING PDARD.' Name of CAndidatr V7CTOR HENRY PiF YORRE C,77.-�,Tir a n vot-rrirrA —rpF Residence PUrcrr. 3, 61 A N1.(;!. 511d. S c a rii Principal Busirioner LAIL' (,)FF7CFS OF VHOR, TH. VE h1*RRE t Business addreAS E 7 4 P0 n C c V c Lena S Z v d. , S(iit-e el 4 0 0, C ota t Go bt ez , U. 33t Home Telephone 642-9632 Business TelephonO 447-7750 Date of birth 2Ld-6153 1. xre you a registered voter in the City of ftiv=i7--XC 2. Voter's Registration Pumber 000579353 3. Now long have you been a resident of %U,�c City 21 u c a,",6 4. Will you be &ble to faithfully rjoetinVm of the or;-,,rd &a- required by Section 62-52 011 the Xi&ni City Code't V c -S S. Will you be 00,20 '"m at end, plrmnninF-,T-,d zoni:q C miAarr," -as required by Secticn, 62-49 011, the citk.? Code7 VC-1 6. Do you fore,:.,ee &,--y ccf!).fliett of intorect ('s &tflined in YUU-4i* City cc -de Article V, Cecticr.t �2-3�01 &x-d &"*dc unty Cad -le Ecctic-r.2-22.27 NO 7. Are you p Gy r v h i n Uit City o! IUL�LAf Ne 9. Are you to file &- IiLt ud?' real cbtLtu- -m, rA.r&or,,411y or torp-=&tely. vit-hin the City of Mitzi with tl�rr City Glory should you be fur &ULnt to section 2-305 of the Kiaxi City Code? V C A 03M 11 4 High Schoa s (A) J&mnn - LA SALLE, HIGH SCHOOL (b) L, N ter,.: J-1 i A (c) Pr-ried (d) 00 Yt U� t7- 1 9 7 4' c*118ge: (a) 1-7 fj'.VrVEvSTTY QF 1'7AMI 7 _7 011=: Jvtiz Vor, St. hla-U`L,s_5 pj io, Texa4 _q J, LL.M(MasavL o6 Lacer. in Taxatiot-,)UmivctL,5if- tr o4,M-iami.Schoof- o6 Law. � jo. Business = p=fessir=1 lease, (Pstag dataS) press -it.. Lawyct (7977 to 7983) ALC E 6 PEREZ past (jraj=).. VICTOR H. DE YURRE. Attotney at Law Mtc.6etit) U. Vj&.m%jr and L&:Il Use Cmt-.Dl Sar4rA_-x attw%W, (Please, g Ate. darters) None 12. Mer-unarshir., Ln iVPr"fcs-icr�j 0;zjzati x (r t orCic C=,; Plea- st-7 &tcs- P A. �1 Cu bar., - A. rr, c,,,k' c a n E) rh. —7►7IT—E-1�77M Ff.2. �Z 77-L-1 fie!As of r1wrdm and 23. Oth= E x p c b e � OPL e, ic- C u 1 C j aAP � ME * E 0 14. "New at All �-- cm arw www pm sowcy bomxft w — S*icno 6wt or ptwoonu I Vadc County Pr4Arnmrf AdviAvlu Scalid ci,ty 70riro Bon'Ld govexTv— gmt owc t why wth r7Y ir chc lic,.�c,' and rti b C it CAI i 4 m h�j* migh�, be =rsidwed 3.7. Please stztc nny j),r M =x3t v. - C�'- Ym t �U. W.&n,i.Tnf.aI = signdfic&nt by Vim"=nsiduixq the A;pcintmwt you Seek. q! Sce att:-,-,L-jL-j le. Nwm axe ALZ!ress of s7n=X-=jm (if any): MIAM7-TLAGA'.!'41 CPT701ST CLLE, 25 W. FtaqCck M.carri, vats:-- - *= y= hem ccrpletie- this f=# kirdlY tub= City Clark • City Of KI�WLI P. 0. 110708 ILL"j. rl"ida 3113) W3- i a 9 VICTOR H. OE YMM 77 PIRSONAL -'! Dorn; February 26, 1953, Now York City, Now York Moved to KA.Amirabruary 3, 1461 =?r': Mari; �_" vvo children EDUCATTOIN Sachet, ,_- ruriners Administration (Accounting) from the UnivprAity of Miami, 1974 M.B.A.) Juri D-octor ' from St. Mary' s University School .of Iaw, San Antonio, Texas, 1976 (J.D. ) Master of Laws in 'Taxation from University of Miami Law School, 1978 PxoFESSIO XL Partner in law firm of Alonso-Poch, De Yurre i Perot Member: American Bar Association Cuban Ancrican Bair Association i � i 11 l� rm « A. oci agion der can ��° Inter= rie n zzr 4t-s cias.tion United Stataff. Tax Cox=t Florida Lar P-us ci tioln United Statcz Diatrict Court, Southern District of Florida Delta. The to Phi Law Prat.ernity CIVIC konLbsr of Charter Mamber and Treasurer of the Miami-•I'1a i b lest nwb Member of t:ha Greater hatnl�ar of Cozmerce z Member of tha Dade, C= t.y Per&onnal Mvisory toard wj._� "dio talk ah hoatp at V. public service daalinq with topics of i.ntaraat to t�w counity e a Ell O-FF .E- CITY CLERK C tu F I or ida -PS FOR APPOINTMENT TO QUESTIONAIRE TO BE CO'-�F,-LETED BY CANDTMT­ PLANNING ADVISORY BOA.R,D—AND/OR THE ZONING BOARD. Name 0 f C an 6 i ion Car Residencr Principt-il on,,pz�-ny iiame 5 61 f Business address_ - - --------- --2,,l ���Business Telephone—,�,./tLL,drl 9r— Home Telephone.__,4 Date of birth 1. Axe you a registered voter in the City of Mi=i? 2. Voter's Pegistration Number 3. Now long have you ADecr, a resident of the City7--- 4. Will you he &L-le to faithfu-ily attend reetings, of the aoard as required by Section 62-52 of the 1-liEmi City Code? / ri -,�ning cc-,z.jn�= .-ccuired by5. Will you be &b1c to attend planning and I.J.--i Cit., cc)dc Section 62-49 of the X3--z �'.y 6. Do you fore5ee any con-flict!; Of "It dcflmd in RIZ.-11.1 City Code , Article V-, qe(-tiO3M 2 - 301 -'C)7 i-nd -jtv Coodu 6. 7. Are you Ir-�rcl-,,ertY Uf H.LlYd?" S. Are you t -, t L Y C"j.1 C,-L,.,q,4 citl-zer personally or cox-pcrLte!Y, wJthin 414t c4ty *f n- wity, tjjL- City Clerk ahould you -4 City C e? tL c�d Of tht IA-� — be & ppo� nted, pursuLnt to Sec 4-105 a -I- /41 M 6 b= tN�* ti�-f I -IT High School.: (a) Nmre,: a2-L aca-e� (b) ImatFc—n: (C) Pcriod A d College: (a) Km M Locatic"DI, W 41 (e) ycaz- vm-- C� x A Lj 10. Business or professional experience/eTploymm.t. (Please stita date-.4;) Pre-qmt: Past (mjor) 11. Planning and Lar4 Use Control Sanirkmxs atter4ed. (Plc&,,!-- state dates) . :1 12. in Civic or Proft"Ssiwial Oxrg�w-dzaticxns (past presmt)- stiIP-- dzt"en- -7, - --- 1� J Rf 13. tp,Other pat!At or c-xq--arieZD to 41l�w- fi4-,26 CAf mid muffim 15. A", of.13,ci-il or m:n y,-)u mu-plo-ycil full. tin—, in P, a nmt 16. M Y -""cud Ca ycFo. IJ, c 41:'0 rr 0 w� � Please seta if Nvei Mwe, a, prof. for c-,.itiv,?,x Board: 17. Plmse stet- Parry 6116�_r infc=atim 6 ycra m4ght be =',sidered vewdng-.'v1 or si=ifftcant by t�='n Mniddlexing t1le, a.7inmazt yal seek: 1$. Nam and acl�ess of upimsaring (if ",v):-. • City Clerk City of Miami P. 0. box 330708 Mimi, norida 33133 4wU CITY OF MIAM1, RLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE CT COMMISSION rROM V,ALPHrG. ONGIE. ✓ Cited Clork DATE! ME: susJecT: July 5, 1984 Appointments to the Zoning Board and the REFERENCES: ) Tl g A d v i z o ry a r d. ENCLOSURES: Please be advized that appointments to be considered on the Zoning Board and "Aio Planning Advisory Board are as follows: ZONING BOARD - Two members with terms expiring 12-31-84. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Two members with terms expiring 12-31-84. Section 62-46 through 62-51 of the City Code provide for the appointment or re --appointment of Board Members. Pursuant to these Sections, the following timetable is suggested:. June 12, 1984 Advertisement appears in various newspapers locally soliciting applicants. July 3, 1984 Deadline for submission of applications and letters of interest. July 5, 1984 City Cler)('s Office makes available a list of applicants for F}ub1 c, inspection and forwards tteuire to thC- City Comm' i55ion. July 30, 1984 City Com 1 0tp t or re - appoint: t;tem urs by Etc: of u ,ion. A copy of the advertisement (referenced above) is attached hereto for your information and files. RGO/gl Encl. a/$ cc: Aurelio Perez-Lu$ones, Planning Advisory and Zoning Board Administration City Manager V. Gary, City Attorney Jose Garcia --Pedrosa, .,Nanny Alvarez, Agenda office Rn, NOT!'CE TO T'h' I E PUP, L I C A P P 0 f T11 T N'l, E N Ti OF Tz I F P� 151 F B S TO THIEGf7"n C." F to = F, N .,,; A D V I SO F' F ;ITY It 'lr­(-, rvtr IV It wt I It I r C: Flon "r N. tv ti o I': C', 1 f CG!*!J' I,­,­,IIG11 r k I; ";r i kimVI th.- (o n15 by the City CC;,M ,'I i i 0 ccm- mistion Rot tiny in jujy, n.j to t:4e E,t . e on the 112th day of July) the nvmt cnof per- sons au!timitted, to the City Clork will be vvzilabio for Public review inthe officUof Th0C'IyCI-_Nk- All applictfions mutt bt, revOyrd by TuescIvy, July 3, ISSA, tit 5:00 P.M. Nomiraillon forms vc in the City C16th't Office. (Ad. No. IWL) FIALPH G_ ONGIE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA CITY CIF MU—a-vol CITY C Mi1Nt?eAT PLANNING & �03Ii.,� �.7A�a�lri�.r �'��, 7.9f3�a PAGE NO. 3 A MOTION AtTTTIOT?TZING a'IND T)TRECT It<r THE CITY `A AGEP, TO ALLOCATE AN AMOUNT M--84-105 NOT TO FXCEF.D $10,500 FOR TIIE "INDUSTRIAL IIOTIE FOR THE BLIND". MOVED :PLt7f—f1:R SFCOND : CATIOLT.O ABSE'TT: p-E7, ?'i, 1)AIdKTN S A MOTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE 'I-- (14--I06 THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CITY OF MIAMI CODE TO PROVIDE FOR MOVED: FER.RT: THE EXPANSION OF THE PLANNING ,ADVISORY BOARD AND THE ZONING BOARD TO BE SECOND: PLUP12HER COMPRISED OF NINE (9) M171BERS AN-D ONE (1) ALTERNATE ME'-fBER EACH; FURTHER NOES: PLr,,NER STIPULATING AS FOLLOWS: (1) A QUORUM, FOR BOTH P,OATJ)S, SUALL CONSIST OF FIVE (5) PERSONS A^TD IT SHALL REQUIRE FIVE VOTES FOR ANYTHING TO BE PASSED BY EITUER BOARD: (2) ML7MBE'RS MUST IIEET 11INTIiUM BASIC EDUCATIONAL REOUTRII.ENTS AND "TUST HAVE SOMIE rREVIOUS T'--XPERIENCE IN THE FIELDS OF PLANNING AND/OR ZO- _ NITIG. 11-11*1BERS MIST ALSO ENHIDTT A BASIC J,1NCI:.T EDGE OF THE ENGLI SH LANGUAGE &ND ANY MP-MBER tti7110 MISSES A TOTAL OF FIVE MEETINGS IN ANY CALENDAR YEAR SUALL BE AUT Y11ATICALT,Y SUSPENDED; (3) A POLICY SiIAT a, BE ESTAII.ISHT:) REQU'TRT'i( THAT ANT' '1I`1B R, I•i"110 IS k?-- POINTEI) i'01 KiT. ,,,t; 1,10,,,';I' `i'st;T.1 A'i'i":..P i'IEFORr. TIiT: CTTY CO JITSS30N TO PRFSF,Nv1� II!. ,'I:. i �':�`I ,:'i, fi,`":1v'j) T( A t'(!.).+,., T,!_ A1.1 0 :1Ni� . 'Lt;ti '1t OI' i:IU: C1,TY C0:111- - - '1I _ y .BSI! ,. '1( �t.._. „)!_ 11tii) �.) .;,'., .:..li`.' i:U ! .1(:Ii ;'(�;°,I l) SI+�,i '['�' TO Si' ID �U?_.. �_t?':'�7,�S _02' Y. <%.ONLir'C, MR. GIC)R SA,;11,, - N'U, INS"TLD B`:C0_`21IWSSIONER MILLER DAWKINS R-84-107 UNANIMOUS VOTE J. I'R.EIXA.S- 10!1INATE'D BY VICE MA:'OR DEMETRIO PEREZ R-84-108 NOES: CASIOLLO MR. JON II. CHI.NNING - iaU.IINATED BY !',AYOR '1.AURICE FERRE R-84-109 UN F2l T'.0U S MS. GLOR IA MAPY BASILA - NO."!INATED BY CO`HMISSIONER J. L. PLIJMMER R-S4-1105 MR. VICTOR HENRY de YURRE-NU-IINATL"D BY CO!"IMISSIONER J. L. PLUM MER R-84-111 (As Alternate) U2;AN,`j_-!0US NOTE FOR TI3E RECORD: t ZONING HOARD - PRESENT M1111I ER CU-11"OSITION - C0?°LMIccSION KR D .I,'KI.NS. (1)Gcrorge LL�Tert Sands (new , apt ) (2)ISiL redo Cort (adrr COM14ISSIONdER Ci.P.0I.71,0: (1)0s,,,aldo A. MorLn- Riiser u?c (old Lppt. ) (ulppt.pending Y. n. (I)Gloria . , l;.. al., . (rEi "'aI?t (2) victuy de Yurre (' 1.1 .) (7 E--appt . ) VICE : 1AYC%R PI�i EL. (1} 1var�� I.r3r.i o_ (uld MIDI bI'.0 I'FR Y: (1) Jon I'I chan-nJ tf (no." ant. ) FLILLVF4I1:J .ti.I'. .Tl,'E PIAAINitit-- N..k. A �,,0 J . :: !b���il ...:i�'.a try t,IAYOT, 1''R. ME:'. DOROI'Hi b:'i_.... 10 CC t U 'k, 1 u[ 4 , 1 R-84-112 UNANIMOUS R-84-113 UN� J I2i0115 (ovt:r ) C- mermcm: Finudko" pwi a a r i PQ c; Em A T IM: PACE NO. 4 (NOTE j;j_TVE REC&D ON PAB MrMBER (Cont'd) VICE MAYOR DF-2111-TR16" rRY-7: ' (i) Loren o LIIPCFrl (Old (7) MAYOR MAURICE FERRE: (1) AAron J. Nnnon (re—P00 (2) Dorothy Spnbn (11c- nppt.) (AS ALTERNATE) A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTION 9 OF RESOLUTION NO. 34-49, ADOPTED JANVAfY R-0-118 19, 1984, WATCH CALLED POD PROVIDED FOP. A SPECIAL MNICIPAL ELECTION TO MOVED: PLn, IRIER BE HELD ON MARCH 13, 1934, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIEE SECOND: DAWKT4 ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL, A MEASUP7, ABSENT: CAROLL( KNOWIN' AS "CILARTER AME-INT-'IENT NO.1", ATTENDING THE CITY CHARTER BY MAKING PEREZ NONSUBSTANTIVE CHA,,NGTS IN SAID CHARTER, SAID SECTION 9 BEING AMENDED TO INCLUDE THE CAPTION AND LANGUAGE OF THE QUESTION APPEARING ON THE BALLOT IN SAID SPECIAL MUINICIrAL ELECTION; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO CAUSE A CERTIFIED COPY HEREOF TO BE DELIVERED TO THE SUPERVISOR OF ELEC- TIONS OF DADE COUNTY NOT LESS TIU,,N 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION. A MOTION TOYRUCTING TEE CITY MANAGER TO FIND A SOURCE OF FUNS OTHER M-84-119 THAN SEARING! FUNDS IN ORDER TO FACILITATE FUNDING FOR MOVED: FERREE ST. AL?AWS DAY NORSFRY AND ASPIRA OF FLORIDA FOR THE BALANCE OF FISCAL SECOND: DAWKINS YEAR 1923-1954. ABSENT: CAROLL( PEREZ A MOTION OSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO FIND A SOURCE OF FUNDS OTHER 1-11-86-120 THAN FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS IN ORJ.)ER TO FACILITATE FUNDING FOR MOVED: DAVRINS CENTRO MATTER AND FOR BELAFONTE TACOLCT FOR THE BALANCE OF FISCAL YEAR SECOND: PLU?TMIF� 1983-1984. ABSENT: CAROL!( PEREZ A MOTION AUTHORIZING 10 DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO WAIVE PERMIT FEES 11-64-2.21 IN CONNECTION WITH THE GO-CARTS RACE PORTION OF THE "GRAN PRIX RACE" M, OV ED : Dt-, vI: I !,, S EVENT, FOR A CHARITABLE CAUSE. SECOND: PLITNET ABSENT: CAROLLC PEREZ AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, KNOWN AS CHAR- FIRST READING TER AMENDMENT N0.2, AMENDING SUBSECTION 23-A.1(b)OF THE CHARTER OF THE MOVED: YLUM1120F CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE FROM 5 TO 7 MEMBERS SECOND: DAVKIN-' OF THE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AND ALSO TO PROVIDE ABSENT: CAROLL( THAT TO THE I=ENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE BOARD'S COMPOSITION SHALL RE- PEREZ FLECT THE INTERESTS OF ALL SEGMENTS OF THE CITY'S POPULATION: CONTAINING A SEVER ABILITY CLAUSE. A RESOLUTION CALLING AN'D PROVIDING FOR THE HOLDING OF A SPECIAL MUNICI- R-84-122 PAL ELECTION 0 THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, ON MJJ:,C11 13, 1984, FOR THK MOVED: PLUMME;`. PURPOSE OF SULMITTIOG TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS Or THE CITY Or MIAMI SECOND: DAWKIN FOR THELIR '-P!)KOVAL OR DISAPPRov.,'" KI�om­: 1:s ABSENT: CAROLL N0.2", SUESECTIOM 23-A.I(b) OF TREE CHI-11,11P, OF THE CITY OY PEREZ FLORIDA, BY PIOVIDINC 'Iitt,r 7HE OF- MI-MhERS OF TnE OFF-STREET PARKING BOARD HE 2NCRE1.SED FROM 5 TO kND TKAT, TO TEE EXTENT PERMITTED 0 LAW, 1TE CUIPOSITION OF 1N'1'rREST'_- OF ALL OF THE POPULATION OF THE CITY; DIRECTInG TEE CITY CLERY TO CAUSE A CERTIIIED CUP! :ELEGY TO LE DELIQRED TO 1% EUPLKVISOR OR, ELECT10hS CY DADE COUNTY 1-,'OT LESS '1*1112� 45 DAYS PKIOR TO THE DATE OF SAID C A RESOLUTION SUBPOITIAS TKE POLICY Tm& RrQUYSTS 10h YINlYCIAL SU!Pka, R-84-123 !N-ONO C21Y SELVICYS AWOL 110111TY TO WA100 QaCh ARE NO! SPh- MOVED: PLUaSMEI C3YICAILY ANCLUDED It TEE A&ROAL 011 LW&LT ARE TO hE ADM! S175..OND: DAWK11 REVIEVES, YVALUATLD sAD MUNITuRED 1.,> WiTh THE HEREIN ATTACELD AhSENT: CAROL i!JZ'L,AY.,Ds �2,b ChITERIA. (AdmindhLystivc Fulicy dated january 24, 290, i, PEREZ duly executed by the City Manaser). 0-514-8,SO METJ;OPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORI IDA:- C M E T R 0 - :DA (0) DEJ r► July 10, 1984 ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS 1444 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SUITE 200 MIAMI, FLORIDA (gprj 579-5551 Ir MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 01?'41 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33101 Mr. Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk of Miami 3500 par., American Drive Miami, Florl(ia 33133 Dear Mr. Onq-i0' registered voters in the City of Miami: The below listed individuals are reg Alvaro RomerO Victor Hranry De YIJ110 Loren7c) Please contact me If You need any additional information in this regard. Sincerely, David C. Leahy )f Supervisor of Clectio DCUaga 84-81S0 t. % f/ CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA 11G ' INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Ralph Ongie City Cl€,.rF �A41'i-1..in t.- 3ignnes D7 rector Planning and Zoning Boards Administration Department DATE May 25, 1984 FILE: SUBJECT: Appointments to the Toning and Planning Advisory Boards REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: At their meeting of May 24, 1984, the City Commission directed the City Clerk to advertise for available Zoning and Planning Advisory Boards positions as follows: ZONING BOARD: - Two members with terms expiring 12-31-84. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD: - Two members with terms expiring 12-31-84. Sections 62_, 6 thrnuQl-, 612-51 of the City Code provide for the appoint- ment or, re--apj)oirrtr;'­nt of roard Members. Pursuant to these Sections, the follor-;ina tiriict.able is suggested: June 12, 1984 Advertisement in newspaper of general circulation soliciting applicants. July 3, 1984 Deadline for 6[)I)l i cat.i ons. July 5, 1984 City Clerk m-1ke s Ravi, i l able a list and qualifications of c--i(--h aj)plicant for public inspH�'ct iori <nl; con cideration. July 12, 1984 City Commission <ppoints or re -appoints members by resolution. (Page 1 of 2) W May 25, 1984 Page 2 By copy of this memo, the City Attorney is being notified that four (4) individual resolutions for the appointments are necessary for inclusion in the City Commission packets that will be distributed on July 5, 1984. AEPL:ic cc: Howard V. Gary, City Manager Jack Fads, Assistant City Manager Walter Pierce, Assistant; City Mgr. (Acting) Manny Alvarez, Assistant: to the City Mgr. y Sergio Rodriguez. Director of Planning Jose Garcia-Pcdros � Ci'-v Attorney =? Planning Aci� i so�,.�. C3c�Ewd I ie��rl� ers Zoning Board 11,embers 84�-88Q