HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0879RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APT'OrNTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD. WHEREAS, the Heritage Conservation Board was established by Ordinance No. 9426, dated May 27, 1982, to recommend properties for design,=ltion as historic sites, 14is1;0ric dislt,ricts, and arcfie o.1ogi.caI zones, to approve or deny Certificates of Approprir.:ri:ene.ss and to review devel.oprrrcrrt plans in environriicntally oignificant areas of the City; and WHERE,A.S, it is intended that members of the Heritage Conservation board shall be persons of knowledge, experience, mature judgment and background, having ability and desire to act in the public interest and representing the various special professional training, experience, and interests required to make informed and equitable decisions concerning conservation and protection of the physical environment; and WHEREAS, there are currently three vacancies on the Heritage Conservation Board, which positions were formerly filled by Edna Mingo (Architect); Paul George (Historian); and Luis Fors (citizen); NOIr', Tf1E;REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. !'Ife fal l ov,,ing riz3med persons are hereby appointed as members of the City of Miarr;i Heritage Conservation Board to serve in their designated positions and for the specified terms of office: Andres M. Duany Paul S. George Architect member, to serve a regular term expiring July 31, 1987. Historian member, to serve a regular term r n— July 31, 1987. CIT~? Citizen member, to serve a Lola N. Bohn regular term expiring July 31, 1987. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31 day of _ Jules_ 1984. ATTEST: 4<7 GIE, CI Y C K F47—AA PREPARED AND APPROVED BY M XW ' ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Maurice A. Ferre C + APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Ik 00, 690t� 4jGETE. A TCI CITY ATTORNEY Page 2 of 2 COWSSION ACTION X Aft CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA A ELM M (o INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ° Howard V. Gary City Manager PROM _ .._-...,.^^.:.-•^�.,^�^..*,^a er , Rodriguez, Director Planning, Department DATE: June 12, 1984 P7LE: SUBJECT: Appointments to Fill Vacancier> on Heritage Conservation Board REFERENCES - ENCLOSURES It is recommended that three members be appointed to fill vacancies on the er—it aae ConservatIonboard based upon names and qualif'lcat a-on`s3uomitted to the City Clerk on or before June 26, IPq,4. The Heritage Conservation Eoard wi.i.l have three vacancies starting at the end of July. These must be scheduled for appointment. These vcicaneies are due to expiration of the initial two year terms of Edna Ningo (architect), Paul George (historian), and Luis Fors (citizen). The City Clerk advertised for nominations to the Board on June 9, 1984, and a deadline for receipt of nominations was set for June 26, 1984. It is requested that these appointments be scheduled on the City Commission meeting of July 12, 1984. SH/SE/vb Attachment i` cc: Law Department j 1 Page 1 of 2 gA 4-87 11 2 COMMISSION ACTION CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM '0. Howard V. Gary DATE: City Manager SUBJECT: FROM: REFERENCES P I t: o.­Tjije;Director n 7t l D Q p -a r t m e n t ENCLOSURES; July 6, 1984 FILE: Appointments to Fill Vacancies on Heritage Conservation Board -- Follow-Up It is recommended that three members be appointed to fill vacancies on the Heritage� Conservation boa ' Y ' -d ba:7, e d upon names and qualifications5L)bmj_'k_1tcd to the City Clerk on or before Iunic 2(.'), 19C',4. The Heritage ConEorva t ion Board 1. 1. 1. I I N, c- 1. II� I)' C_ e vacancies starting at t 1) o end of July. These u s: 1., U c scheduled for appointment. T Ile Z e vacancies a r e d u o to ;,- p i ra t i o n of the initial two y�,ar terms of Edna Mingo (airchitect) Paul George (historian), and Luis Fors (citizen). , The City Clerk advertised for nominations to the Board on June 5, 1984, and a deadline for receipt of nominations was set for June 26, 1 9811 , It is requested that these appointments be scheduled on the City Commission rnecting of Jul`' 31, 1984. The Heritage Conse,. votion Ordinance requires that persons appointed to the Board represent the various special professional training, experience, and interests required to make informed and equitably decisions concerning conservation and protection of the physical environment. Seven persons submitted applications to the City Clerk for appointment to fill vacancies on the Board. Listed below are the applicants who qualify in each vacant category. Architect H a r o Igrand Andres Duany - Historian au George Citizen L-oT a— E -o h n Michael Klotz Michael Maxwell Morris Mays Page 1 of 2 84-874ci-t , Howard V. Gary July 6, 1984 For the record, the following persons are currently serving on the Board. Albert Perez - Landscape Architect Margaret Doyle - Architectural Historian John Clark - heal Estate Droker Angela Culmer Lawyer Arthur ainf, - Citizen Norah SchGefer - Citizen Attached are completed nomination forms for each applicant. SR/SE/vb Attachment cc: Law Department Ll 'A �' NNATION FORM BOAR -0 7777� q7 e 1 11110011111111, 1 Jill I Jill III jolimmllml A. flE jj,AjRo.T,T) BENJAMIN BATZRAND, AR.ClilTECT A.I.A. cn 354 NORTHEAST 1.26th STREET, NORTIT MIAMI, FLORIDA 33161. nCCUmATION ARCHITECT SUGEMAN ARCHITECT P.A. A.I.A- :lUr,TNf:55 ADDRESS A Z"*'�--;;OE NORTH rl AM, LORRIDA 33161 7 t?f7t-,ITA47�4CONSrRVATION M.,15T f3C crwrm;eD Or THC roslTION5. CHCCr THE POSITION(Sl it, c i, ` oo , r;q o v,, it. I r I r. D r r(3- Tic- f"01ITIONS SMOULD ALSO ChECr THE Zr At� 'I, CW r.OX) IT YOU T11- 0C "NSTM,T : . r.) ryt-cnicucr ncouinc"ENT.) rZ r- C: I S T r- r, r- c, I t4 T,-t c s -ck V ,'f i P C, C APE ARCHITECT It! Tf<' STATE nr FLnrIDA ...... 10 '�TDMI AN OR ARCHITECTUPAL HISTOrlIA14 OUALIVIC0 BY VEANS OF: EDUCATION Or expiemENCE AND HAVIPr- DEMONSTRATE-0 KNOWLEDrrE AND EY.mFPIC-NCE IN DADE COUNTY MtSTOPY nP ARCHITECTURAL 11 T a T 0 R Y ArICKITrCT OR ARCHITECTLIMAL HISTrlrtlAtt HAVIfir, f)(`f40N5TRATFD rN0Wt-.E7lr-R XM WXP"I"cy IN krCMITECTVRAL RESTORATION AND HISTOrIC PrESERWATION r/L (TSTATE OP09EP LICENSED LRY TI-41E STATr r,,r rLOPIDA DUST14*CSS AND rjt4xNCC On LAW CIT72t7tq KITH CLA-SONSTPATED KNOWLEOrC AND INTCQ75T IN THE.H.STORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL P;4.'Q;TAr,,- OF TmC CITY AND,10P CONSrPVATj(-jt,4 ()r Ttir.. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT k summAny s'I&TrMCNT Or- THE EDUCATION ACTIVITIES. &W)/Cn E:1�TIIt iT IN('0;7tiAT20f4 k-kilcil YOUR OLI&LIFICATICk S FOR TV4Z- POSITION(t) CHECKED '0 BE 01,, THE WOULD NTOT ONLY BE A14 HAON011 BUT P-1-4 EX CELL hll1° OPPORTUNITY t!Tll lq�S PRESERWITION E'FrCRT. Mly INTE"IREST IN HISTORIC 'PEE ERVhTION 1"'S "'VOLVED PRIMARILY 7,.T T-i GRASS lCif" T LEVEL BEGINNING WITH IMY' M 'C TCTUT-J-11L IN DA-Dl] HERITAGE TRUST IN 19*77. ASIl E FRO111 Y AR lil El DL "L01 'D M 'SEY 'TIC'-,, KNOWLI'DGE BY ATTENDINIG THE Ni'16'f'10N'l RIOJECTS I `VL lY PRL Wl", 1 14 -1 LIJI 1L '117 -ISERVP ION A,14NU7,LL CONFE1 �NCIS 114 �MILE PUM CHICAGO, THE 0 -1 I'li-c"lloRic PRL RT Tllus,r roR HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONFERENCES, VARIOUS PROGRAMS PRESENTED TE','. 1)LDE llf'.RITAGE' TRUST, AND TRAVELING TO CIT:ES,, SUCH AS BOSTON, NEW YORK, 0 THE FOt.-LOVING INFOf rAT Icy€ cl !/ON IN Tma SPACE PROVIDED. OR AT' A WARAtA�ll�li�� It PLEASE SEE ATTACHED RESUME f ;csfK ExrERIENCF - _ - vi ,. OR(%AkIZATIIINS AND CrMlMJNITY ACTIVITIES . — ,•: .f tip. - '. DATE �+ e ie r CITY OF M1AM1 Personal lnforraaeri-M rom for Nominee* to Adsiamrp o; AJv%, nie•,r-6TLP lards a PnaWan wW Davo for wbieb ym bops br¢t1 nrmlrmtrR-1 fRCRITECT � A HERITAGE CONSERV11,T10N T',017" RPA z•�it7 (.R'f "i ( "�i nn!i retti-1 I It A_?n s; with t0. Wof rr- . Tr RO D DENj MI1 354 a1.S . .1.261--h REE1 T NORTHI 1-°;I�_1�.a. at 26n? TJ. E. 7-h AVT:NUE NC?RU'1a MIAPIT �: LOR]'DA. 33161 4, 1107'a r' r.> F r s`' 1 6 2" 5. Purdnimm r't-mr P=' r^s- 0 6055 lr t; ! FF� �E: Ci °'i:a.,•' (< (e-* icieC.i"i*@ iZ's3v*iiGliS by CPDECkIflc;i?E €"a�f-;'% box, r{cil r+ec*nn_; l±tra ..�.="�° r%r�IrIv m jft R °. , g• u a Vrdte, r;�ir.' rt 7,l m7 4. 1wevit r+4g LMUI ta Uie City of Miami for and mLl or Ver•sonal Frtpery W. Ucame or , -0r4'T LUZ? � `TS Yee, file tB lore "'ADS N10TV7 @. DO rou prseertur avr. guru,mwT in tr•e atr of Wry -it other Khan geaar borne and/or piwe of A lama's? 1Cr. , lT Q euba B-2 tbave is r r "Ycz,.. Is ekl cf LKII prtrverow in c-Do wwxe slat My ove,.tf—wi.T D y> 1 T> ...._.,..,°...�,..,.�«....._.-.�.�,.,.,�,...,,..�..............m,,,�.�. -.w,.......,...�:��,�......e,.»...�uawermu„sa+..a �.,wa••,�.2•n.::aa_s..�s�;s' sue. - s. wx uF vil tlR- c`.'4fj tLt! tt_ o f:-ti�-Lkz Lt" Ll t<a ` €z... w'-s rah G'sk q c . ur.;.;+a f?:.-u.& 'Gwel..°,Y C..i..-< •..spa.. (e,.„: ht l.a. ti t_`:a Sa EiE dm. F.:u.-.,:al+" :Z 2-^'f04 C M ....'� t { 12. Vlwt f—& :x...a.UE. t 1 : tl' s E, , E, L,._vuia t,.Y l: i;n. I& V,I-J ,-:; f `A bo v, z.Y,ffA"tt 'L U'z ts.r �.-s., �•r~ t �r=.��a,±_r-..kd;,:.�t77,.�....a.:...�•.a"... ..n+�,. €..,«...a.:..:,i...>vci«aP'r' Rt _ .. F F l m.atc��•i.�r:> t.:;T t+.W �:;�� s.....� e4.. u..r.= p a���1 ��+il Ga n rwa.twisl Uri p0gtiwi for vw-a ! t..ia tars r :ar,c(aw, t -fp pArtow p"wjAmrw R Al r)-vi 5 30� DAT 017 R), 7i, �11 OF, BT"TY3 ,=, ARCRITWT A.14&19 STREET 331-61 SEPTEMBER 14, 1946 DETROITr MICHIGAN MARRIED nACnL1PR OARCHITECTURE Or 'TITA"I'l Fa O)T-ArCITn CTURE M yr- 3,cf, 1076 ky'� k" j F, C T URE 1974 CC,—'r'UjY1TTY COLLEGE VYr 1ATIOUS I UST T YOR 'HISTORICAL PRESERVATION TT�l .OF ARCHITECTS r FLORIDA 1371"; YCIFICATIONS INSTITUTE o " ill Avr �CHITZCT P.A. A.I.A. N U E L. MIX ri'LORIDA 33161 le r T 7 CT !PHI SE vu V z lEl 7 th 33173 AllaW T, 1978 "GINEER N AVE UE -yiLmir)A 33143 'All OCT 1977 nn A. a�'f, �� 'aa�. + tgr M 0X MP z } - - es � � \c+..ARCA 1911) ka �t ♦;- 1'� 4.. nos ATR^S`ORRTION C011PfY MAGIC >_ .iWR �VD6t �t .?7T,CO JCUL^AT ARM" ' twr j.j t 11 nn AAt CIRCA m "A.a.••bJ- ��C f.O TTR LROA�. STATION XSEP$; ar 1857)P (CIRCA aff -s �' ��, d4�•.-, ��� '-"- , 1 a 4 f ! A'�'� M to ie .A E PLOD 11371 y y-� y�c'•� •� ' nUS T er 1Li`n• ES t'T 671 F7tr ` t � fay, t ���JttDE�URF:zeuISZON OF C'AA.RL : q CO t�p I-, �'r, i 2 a }'klO E- • 1 '•' T�?,%°�� r F.1.�. era:` - i a D HEART a t re PART OF �� 5 �J}. j i.Ok acn43Son WOOL1��.liaVS r Dv P DRIVE r ' k •.gin •. 4 1 • ,� 4 ie ,, 7P Y�'µ��,.��� .t � � F, r r ,c �y7�1 trlt '♦"�' � ^.�7 33133 fir• r• 6 h F t r .:ei Alt, i +" •w � n ' -:,C-•'�r.�.- t-r"F"- `'4` !jt e s- e 4;s• "irk `tt 4 1' .. E . 311 � " Y rs ,t abut: to IN + +c k17F"` k - r .h i + y! [ t� ' i ♦ f 7 cr .14- J' TS b 1t� ?♦ r '- I ON9 S -,m � r r r , ... it %a + [ ,�� : R p t i .F�+'� .' 3 i .,� a ,.,�_ _.. y '' x"-,33• `. r } g g� O v� Ea D y� I VG A ,� I - s ti 4 e tr } t ;El•: •„F •�`t' y��}C"y'}-�t�F.. Cd l:4 i�,gd+�•g 4ggi i\ Y:+ 1�� -.:F�. E ,y r _- g .+ e hx.:',.�t .;, r�\- •ft.. �,.•':`l .A•DA 3313 7 Pilo FRO? 1 will HISTORICiIi+SSiI'1'it7i� �jIZSIO Y r , , _ . - ✓i ��L / • + �` i ° �j t r a*l e c Elly G"' �.,?�..{ • 33130 a � jy3•{T' V - i' r � : ,« ay. f G 4i '[ 1 f I H # i 1 • 4 - 'i` �{� 9f.'TAPL' L'9,RCHI EC1 c yc rx r..l � Y5�' �' ar s •*� � � � r �, �!. s . "s7-{-a r- t �R^'y j� 'gyp /q yyS• i ..c .G LLa �'c� 6 Y 1 yj l 3 U 4 L4 1.,6 €`Ll i i V ( - INC t :S•Y .. � � �T- � •`a.aB �.e Wt"€-VA1.-L C.�.i� 3 ,.. � yy yy L triu.? . t �'`� f !, • ♦ � f .. ' I.f b.i ; i r ' t - a d • � r ci • F Florida South Chapter American Instittite of Arc hitem 1150S.W. 22nd Street# Suite 18 • Miami, Rorid 3129 5 -4790 June 20, 1984 City Clerk Miami City Hall 3500 Pan I ' kmerican Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Gentlemen: On behalf of th- Florida South Chapter American Institute of Architects' Board of Dircctors I would like to submit the name of Harold Bar -rand, AT -A to be for nomination to the Heritage Conservation Board. Harold hn.,--- bren an active and contributing chapter member and we feel he has the bnckground and qualifications n-ecessary to make him an asset to the Heritage Conservation Board. We hav,. attached 11arold's application and resume for your review and sincerely hope your committee will approve his nomination. Sincerely, J j ome F-J'.lcr, President of South Chapter Am lnsti.tute of Architects JF:ned cc: havor l'--urice Fevre Con iS-,i-ioner hiller Dawkins CO, i s s J. !,-) i -L t x - j. L. Plummer C a rwil i -,; :,, i C) n e; 1. Joe carollo Cotunissioner Detaetrio Perez Sergio Rodriguez Sarah Eaton 0 11 JUne 26, 1984 Mr. Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk city of mirami city 11,7,11 3500 Pan Xnrxican Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Oncjie: I an pleased to write in support of the candidacy of Mr. Hamld Darrand for the architect's position on, the City of Miami Heritage Board. The Boai-nd of of D-7C"'-- Trvi t cmdorsed Yx. Barr -and for this -) 3 in his , Mr. Barrau'.6s. cx h-'�-,VO 11., .4m pre:zac', itm mj,-pVication, so I will not dwell on Um-,n U', --riAtzxate Uiat he is an ardmitect witli tlie prestigious f inn of a-ai.x-y S'�qexnm- Sane year-..f,; a Mr. EarypjA workeed with r-storation axd-iitect Charles Ca. 'A an'3 pl.anmixiq the reconst-r-ictim of Dade Ccmnty's oldest crt-med 1,-y the Trust. He has t 0 lb-)'&Ipersomally mid profes- sicxLall ly, a-tiv- j.,-3 Tra-t In E;-a.r:,-and �,;ili la,I-ing a; tlnagl�tfua, clear -laded approach to the Boar`-L -1-' do tact h-Sit.:-te to reccxrrarid lun, persmally or professionally for t.rUc h7port:--nt position. SincereIv, Pcul Director cc-. V-iyar Ferre; Cannissioners Carol-lo, Dawkins, Perez and Plunmr; South Florida AIA Chapter Wqoric R-esmation Ceml 190 Swy teast 12th Mbn�, FL 33131 305-350-9572 1 FFICIAL RECEIVED NOMINATION FORM l9gj.r i7- U FN HERITAGE CONSERVATION BOARD FLA. HA-E ANT'DRFci DUAA1 ADDRESS 6612 L1 J1111,1E ROAD, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33146 , ARC11ITECT; 1JN3_VERSIT PROT'E aSOR BUS INESS/V1rLOYEn AN-DRES DUANY & EL17ft11ET11 PLATER— Z 17BERY", ARCHITECT'S B u5 t N E s s A C n t? E � �, 1302 S .17. 27 A�'E1 1JT , COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA IDA 331.33 THE HERITAGE Cntl'f`R`!ATiO7d taU"T hE cn--c;ED or* THE rOLLOWIh;r, rpSITIETNS. CHECK THE POSITIONS) �0P. `•"RICH YOU Ar" CUALIE'Ir.:D. {NU°AI{I r rOR THr PPOrESSIONAL PDSITInNS SHOULD ALSO CHECK THE .-IT, ,=0%: 1!' Ypt? t' C i Tf-t,^ C"t4Q'1STRATr.D YNO'+1LEPGE AND EXrEPIENCE rE-UIcE?"ENT. ) 1) ( .�n><<H3TEC"' ^6_r-tSTEREC IN THE STATE OF CLOfZ A LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT rErICTERED IN THE STATE OM FLnPIDA HISTCPIAN OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTnnIAN CUALIrIED BY "FANS OF EDUCATION of EXPEE?IENCC AND HA`/INr- OrtIJNSTRATCD Y,NC))YLi"Df7-r_ AND EXFCRIENCE IN OADE CD!JNTY HISTORY OP ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY A"CHITFCT OP ARCHITZCTi"AL 1J5Tnr1.IAt1 HAVI►V: DFf10NST0ATFD VNO''LCnrr AND rMSPIENCE IN 2) APCHITECTURAL, PI:-STORATION AND HISTOr+IC OF'ESERVATION ar--CAL ESTATE DPOK :R LICENSED BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA PERSON FXPE71ENCED IN BUSINESS AND rINANCE OR LAW 8 CITIZEN WITH DEFIONSTRATED VN01•;LED +E AND INTER"F 7T IN THE HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL 3) t+(G�ITArE Or THE CITY AilD/Of CCHSEOVATION OF THE NATURAL ENVInONIiENT �'u",S�+.ectrs.....arisz�4 ,s�..Ha s..i: ., .:-: . r•u.vi..nro-':i�.t<vs-::.-r. '. y^[ -� W�'Ss.:.3 'Y° .°ii".}�+�y'K^ '^+ss ,`"�sa }o klTHIN THTF' SPiLC , RrOVIVE A SU!"`"•AFY STn.Tt--14ENT Or THz- EDUCATION, EXPFPIEt10E1 ACTIVITIES. AND/Or _QTHER fEF2TI'tLt;T YFS('Crf16'.'flCtf k"W,`11 (r'.r)F7STf2ATE YOUR GLJALI� ICATIONS f=011 THE POSITION(S) CHECKED AEOVC . 1) T 1-af�v� L�_cI� r�Ez�tc'-:.�u,1�1-�c'��•c=)If; �rcliit.oct alz�e ITs'7:�. 2) We* v rr_ the (istorut-oI7 ::rel3itcct:.; for tile, "clde-st hou4(e" in Key West, Dr. Jackson's Offices L Su.-<.r_=, the swn"'hine _ :pit CUesthau."e and various old douses in Coral Gables. We ar °n ,ed fur 1:1, ._cce.;JtLnce to t1he, h i t t-or•i cal rc gi s t er of Coral Gables of the Dutch So-oti7 G' .1_1�3g . - 3) I have 1.t;ctulled ar: they uL ject of CurLl Gables.at the Universities of Columbia, Berkeley UCLA, i;vrrlatxd, lice and, Kc:ntucl:y. Andres Duany S E1_i.z--beth Plater--Zyberk f 84— t F w f' _ OR FLR'!1 F PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION! IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. OR ATTACH A SEPARATE RESUMEt EDUCATION �.i RESUME ATTACHED f —tt —F WORK EXPEPTENCF d - RESUME ATTACHED r t _ �t OReANIZATIONS AND CONNUNITY ACTIVITIES RESUME ATTACHED 84-83791 e- J. CITY OF MIAM1 Personal Information Plato for Nominees to Advisory or Admin,isnmt"eve 13omrds A a -� Posatt� SWAoartt for which yott h�nve begin n�:rnin=tnd Bnnrc llenber ( os1 on —� HeritageConservation3'nar(t Itsstnrrtio:^ Y. r! .^ c'r^ner•rr a:�;t Pion tll! . f^?-, wn r r fL �ln �:i@.h t� 6riAf r s=ae �. t. Nsme: =x d17 IS=,;~t_TT) ­Ti Dliany :=tr?T[eT ( aat} 2. AdaregR Q, fr t �rvrt s 661 Lr F Jniti,r Tyr. , c6 .' ` . Cor. iZ Cables , Florida 3146 3 Coral. Florida 33146 (city) 3302 S,W. 2.7 Avenue Cocontit Grove, Florida 33133 = 3. Address cf P ,'-itl,,. :�^w,,.,�,_. P .-i Nkimr`Cr) (Cary) 4. Home Plni nn rwrn.n�,: ( g0`T) ()65-0649 r F ;arir.e*n i`lTore Pdlr�hGt (30-g)85 3-3031 6. occupatirsn: Please indic ; £ cr ' t+_, ti.,^ fnil inn. Q-: n nn t y cneeking the "propritue box. also pler.se nlraborate on your attaweru e hcre rctarM.r.r:cl. Yes No T. Are you a Vnited ;:.n'. w tt.a n? li5';rr ❑ S. Are you prtseri.lg twieNL-d to the city of htitLml for Pnd rtai or pemoael proper uz, license fee or 'des No property lien?. (� `Zf yea, please @eve oplails glow: O. Do you presently own property in Uie•Clty of VWu i oLhor thrn your tame tndlor plrace cf business? yes No ❑ rm 10. . If question e8 shave is enaswe'e4 "Yes." is r11 of thiw_ pmz,,erty in arnfcm.rr,cc i=V l+ C'•t.ty Ordinta ncva? Yes No It 'To." plenze rive detrd.is telow: ® ❑ 11. T io aty of tut„- rou ,ncly m_;Lts Z vcc- Ic cht'rA of the, tsc.,trc.=rd of ir;ult7d:a e r"ornlncicd for po ltinzis an advizo y ar Njzu* < tnd, r__.<,a; attt a. 7-tt CEKy L <mrzt's orl tJ di 'i.e C ay ..__fl t ;xke evrry effort to €mule t;:ti t.".eie cs r.4 L_11 tr.eir rt:,!lalt ra r.;nta re in c:.c=c ficc ,t . D:) yo, r:.r,y u;:Sfc- tions to such t i_'_f. e E':: t..-mduclyd. iLti L>.,.rL _,--,c.. of (621', $ 1£ai A a _. a ir,'4 c, City (.J c.) Yee ❑ jlNo J a l tZ. Plrxe tndrr&ux Im, t..r. . yaw 3 rtiiA it. wtar , =u , , �.i;t i; i ;s, elf is e f.� .t1.<<s u: cUrrfu�t ati lr,ie at ahtsuld YOU VE frVPQ1a:C_t'S % t`<c LL.._ .i ,... 'c..tte.,.?.k;.a. I und&MWIC! thsi tht C Lcrr:kras Contwned herein well try a tr,aren Li considerEtic,n trr Ut 1� .i �:..,cr. c,f L�1a to tt.rve in the peattia;r irar %:141cr, I gave: tecfl f.urr:ttILLel. June 20 1984 t.t. (t}tatel % (S4re.turer _ C7't i 84- Andres Duany &FMiFabeth-Plater-Zyberk, Architects 3302 Southwest 27 Venue, Coconlit Gm,;e-,1-1oida 33133 (305) 858-Mg I ju 26 April 1984 YC ANDRES M. DUANY, A.I.A. B.A. Architecture and Urban Planning., Princeton University 1971 Ecole de Beaux Arts, Pnris, Ancica Eleve 1972 Master of Architnctu-,:e, Yz11.o Scliool of A-uchitecture 1974 Assistant Profeseor. Universlity of Miami 1974-1979 Founder �;nd Partner, Arquitectonica 1976-1980 Founder and Do<lrd llcmbor, Architectural Club of Miami 1977-1984 Design Critic, lhzilv-rsity of Jfo.i.iston Spring 1980 Design Criti-c. Univcrnity of Virr.;inla Spring 1981 Design Critic, 11,7rvard of Design Spring 1984 AWARDS: 1984 TRroord Houses : de la Cruz House 1984 C1% 4 t,7�cvv,.re Citation: Seaside Town Plan 19) 8 3 Hibiscus House 1983 A.I.A. -Award Seaside Town Plan 1982 A,11..A. Award Hibiscus House 1982 Ch"Irter A,I.A. Award Charleston Place EXHIBITIONS: 1984 -Work in Xlatzi" '1111`Zc l ;; ci Virgin 1984 "Seaside, A Tc;-7-n Hrr-,ra-1-1 1983 "Sources of 1�meric,,.n Unil-,rersity 1982 "Drawings by Gillman Gallery, Miami 1981 "The A aeri ct E Suburb," Coo-j-&- llci;ritt !,luEetm) New York 1980 "Late Entries," Sccond ribua-c. Compctltlon 1980 "Young knericans," Yale 1979 "The New Americans," Rome 1979 "Urban Open, SpLces," Cooper liewitt Museum VOLUNTEER Master Plan of K:--L-nad for fte 30liwan-l-, of Little Havana WORK: Founder and Vice Prerident, rcli.1r+- ecural Club of Miami ' Assessor, State of Georp,.-!_a 1--l' Contributor, Miami rilu� Pamir-iyal Design, Monumcut for t"he poet tgutitiij 1-.cL�jjt�,- icr the Club Rotario Founder, Woodrow �iilhias lxcl-,itectura! t%.,.--c1-Lfvee Design, Storage Building, Ke-y Biscayne Athletic Club 84-87!"i Ll PUBLICATIONS: June April April April January October July May August August May September March August July June January July March January January LECTURES: 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1983 1983 1983 1982 1982 1982 1981 1981 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1979 1979 1978 1977 1984 1983 1981 .1980 1979 1978 Southern Living Abitare Vanity Fair Architectural Record ProgressIxe Architecture Metropolis Metropolitan Home Architectural Record House Beautiful. Space Do -sign (Japan) Work (Swit7erland) Lr—O-F,L=rsi.ve Architecture Architcctiarc and Urbanism (Japan:) T,atr! 1,ien, by stanIPTTiaermau S-racr T)�Isi',-'-'n H 0 ri 7, 00. 11. . .. .. ...... IIroaulsm (Japan) The Univc-7,-7r.ity oi Minnesota Harvard Gr;,du,,-1,tc 1)'drool of Design Rhode 1-111zinc-1 " chr�io-'L o �' Desiu-n , Providence Catho-1-ir- V"*'--,"rj.i--,gtcn, D.C. o It Lrcnitecture rind Urban Studies, N.Y. The Vr.�vcrsil:y of r y I,-- -- J. d The `13."xavL;' city Cif 7irginia The University of Oregon The University of California, Berkeley The Architectural League, Ne-,; York Catholic University, Washington, D.C. Institute of Architecture and U.-ban Studies, New York University Of Viwgipia Catholic Uni,,7ersity, War;hinrgton, D.C. The American Institute of Axrchitcctr�, Baltimore Columbia VniverLiry Rice Univers-ity The University of Florida, Cies'l. le The University of Cadil­orui-r- , H er 1" e Ic y The Univer-city of "'As iImge-les The Urilycr!A�ry of Kentucky The ACS1,. tonnual Casa elrence, S4�-YLnna*h Alianz-- Institute 0± ArChiteCtUrL Lt:,.d Urban Studies, New York Princeton University National. Endow —Lent for the Ants Conference, New Orleans 0`41F F 1 C I A L NOMINATION FORM nnT HER1 r AGE CONSERVATION BOARD t IAl" / U THEHE ITAGC CC'lSE-�,A'IC.� !`ll"T ::^E. C - Cl!: D 0 T„u r'ULLn!"IN: P'Or..ITInNS. CHECKiHF ;10) ITIOtI( rC „H1 F, YC,+ h"E �.,t1 ;_7fir;11, (tlC1P`fDlCS 'Cif? Ttr' rrnF'ESS1C`�IIAL `GSi'InNS SHOULD AI_SC C`�'fCY TrE 5!4 C=C 1" 'U 7 " r- D 0".L..EC(-,E A N 0 EX!'ERIENCE rzErl. ) -;7Ct=11r, <ii:P ISit,'FEC} Its THE STAi'M CF FL0rIr)A j� LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RE(7:ISTERED I!! THE STATE Or: cLOPIDA ! , - 11711 jj"" . !sISTOP IAN r)P APCHITECTuRAL HISTnr!IAN ClUALIrIL?D BY t"F.ANS OF EDUCATION (1tt�.„�i ]ENSE! AFD F k-lAlt1Nr- DEMWISTRATED KNMILC-DBE AND E.Y.r`I`P17NCE IN DADE COUNTY N7;'TO Dr- EG�rA� . _'►'E AnCHITrCT Or, ARCHITECTlir)&L HISTt1RiAt! P4AVItl� i7Ef"ONSTpA'.FED t'NC?wLEn�E AN�F;Vft IF.eE AP7CHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTOPIC PrESERVATION $.a1 o E���111 !?EAL ESTATE E'POKER LICENSED 8Y THE STATE OF FLCIP,IDA t 1 PEA'JDII EXREnIENCED IN BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN wITH DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEb,E AND INTEr'r;T IN THE HISTORICAL AND AnCHITECTURAL, !+ERIT?rE OF THE CITY R'ID/OR COHSCOVATION OF TH1= NATURAL ENVI"DN"ENT 4ITHIN THIS Sl ACr., r PrlVs`C`:: A cUtt^ AP1- TAT- etL?a? r<% THE ICGUC.ATION, EXPERIENCE, ACTIVITIES. Allr)/OP'' L-THER P RTIN[N7 IPIi=G 15kYICtI ': tilC i f - ;.'� ;T`:Alf- YCIUR ")UALIf_ ICATIOtv_`• r-On THE POSITION(S) CHECKED ABOVE. / A /` 7' �'t'? �,�= 1✓!v�'i G/1jl fit' �9 �2� 1' Iry CITY OF MIAMI petsonst inlormmtion Form for Noininees to Advisory or Adminicrrnreve Boards Position and Soterd for which you have been nrm.tnat.ed�,� Tp-osition { Pnzrt3 ) in5trvetinn5 Ftcaa ro5iet rd ;t o ts�i for r nr! tr.urn if, rin°rr r:ith e, brier, resrirnr. 1. Name _ __._ _ ___.--- 7,11 2. Address of F'rrr:^rrcrt ' tr 't P,nd Nu.t t:... ) (City) ftnCE) ( 1[cb ^) jr.- 3. Address of Mist, cc• � s (� ^r't'•;.:,nd t umt7rr) ' (City) Lt_J- = 4. home Phase Nu �" � % using^n Yherr Nr==mC^r: r`n _ _ ..._,_. ._ 6. occupatfon: Please Indic r i"e c 'c," r the f.%llci:i^t nuc,: o ty rhec=:int ,it,e . trtr,:ir.te hoz. A.)So please Pishorete an your - ansvaens wi,rrr: rcq•�r;..e..... ye No -- 7. Are you a United 4rrles Clti<rn? � ❑ S. Are You preti®ntly inleLAO to the City of 1>fit;xni for and real or personal property tax. 11cen5e tee or Yes No - property lien? ❑ if yes, please give OtiWa b+10vi: _- 9. Bo you presently c ce•n ; ropt rtY ir> the-C ty of ;=`hunt other then your hontc attdJor place of burin sss? Yes No 10. . If question &9 &toyer is r swcr� "Yes," is L11 of this property in conformance wtth Cry Orzinnr,ces7 Yes No If "No." plet_se lave crtr.ais btlou;: C'i ❑ 11. The City of t,bb t:l rc•t tinrlk rz w,us -. poliCe of the, t cc):r;ru tnd cf inditidur_t& no-minr:.trd fur polsittonl: on advieory or iur:;sr,,.:.:[rive tki€nis e.ni Tne C:ly Ct;n:.:..,dit:n fa: d tilet..ay t• > r`c.. F evETY effort to ensure thi: QP c5; cbvc),ts Uld their ter nits Ue r:.srntruncd in confidericc- Di you 11;&ve tray oblec- Yes No dons id; _4uclr a cr,R°c:; teirF c.t.r;;e,t.trt. 4-lee Qrcinuice ur 62--. tmenaung !k�c. -;i)q of City Code.) ❑ 12. Please -al—ie in tat w:> w-cL-, F.. Which „ou r;:•t);.:)r+ uurzcif irj a i it.r�;; cf c.�ntilrt rat fn.ttt .ahcvuld you Le €=:ire ntt to t ;4r w „ci u 11'.%e bttr'% t:Wtrr.Ld. 1 understanu tbu tilt nrtete ,.e:;t c. a.lrlucd hettrri will be t rrikaeflul to ucrve in the position for wirer. i A-te iteit 1' v �� (Datei (Sienaturvi 0 OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM Iola. Bohn. 333 m7_amari_na Pa_rk-vF ay Drive, Miami, Flo da t -tor nev F3u1,1-1c Ct1rLOYL`R T1 Ruden, Barnett., McCl0s};V, SCi,.LI^t_er % Ri2s=Cll' P.A. � c •° �f EIUS;NHSS Arm any F3i.sc,-rr'no `i'ot•;cr, , Suite- 2020, 2 South Biscayne Blvd., MiaUil, Css F1, THC H4CPITAr-E CCt�cF,F`\!ATIC,J "UST P.1- C^W'0cEti 07 THE FOl_LrIWING rn.-'ITIntt'. CHECr THE ryOSITiOM7,) OF, a!HICH YOU nr! nU�ti1.-J'IFC (NONIT�€<=S F'OR TPE rrrnrESSIONAL 00SITI(7NS SHOULD ALSD CHCCY Ts-!E CI TIZF!d' 0OX. Ir OU ":!=' TriC nr ^'(1N ST^ATE'i 4:VG+vLCr(E AND EX?EPIENCE RE^VIPCVENT. ) ARCHIT"ECT ;, r I Tr FE r IN T'HE STATE OF FLCrIrA L.ANDSCAIIE ARCHITECT P ,ISTEnED I)1 THE STATE OP CLOPIDA HISTOPIAtI'OP APCHITECTIJRAL HISTOnIAN C'UALIr:ICD By VFANS OF Ef)UCATION OI' ZXnE^.IENCE AND HAVINF DEtIONSTPATED KNDt';LEDr-'� AND E-X"EPIENCE IN DADE CCIINTY HYSTQr"! nP ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY AnCHITFCT OR APCHITECTIjI!�AL !-4IST(1RIAt1 HAVIWI r>Et°rIN5T-ATF0 rN(14LCr)r-C AND FMEPIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL PESTnPATION ANO HISTCrIC Qt''ESERVAT70t1 11 nE;AL ESTATE° ePCKCQ LICENSCD i Y T'HE STATE OF FLOPIDA n PEPSDN EXPE-?ICNCED Itl EUSIt'ESS AND FI'1%,t1CF OR LAW ElCITIZEN riITH DET11"1NSTPAT"D KNOWLEDGE AND INTEP.t- T IN THE HtSTnRICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL i<RJTA6C Or THECITY A!:D/na COnSEPVATIQN OF THF_ NATURAL ENVI'''C7NIENT ��r.....5...,,�:.>....e»..�...z._,-_.,-..�Y,� �.w?3;..,...,.�...,...K:=_ xm�z.MAe,�.x.<«»`�-..a.. �.�.•;m.,........r..,�......:,�a_ .- . WITHIN !HIS 'PAC:. PPOVIC.E A SUH-APY STATCt'ENT OF Th' E::^UCATICN, EX*'c-PIENCE, ACTIt!ITIES. AND/Or, .OTHER PY.PTINLNT itl' (QrJi ATIMI 1"HICH DE".OHSTRAIC YOUR OUALI"=ICATIO":`: FOP THE POSITION(S) CHECKEII ABOVE. �ntz rusto d J,n a� c b itcctu:.t=, nof i sir. 2- Lticie:.d the E- ub ec t C cu 1 I y -i n I an und(-.rg radu - te � t Yes i e ' i e`.� i.1 �. f_,' G a 7 L. f. I o �. t.. �'t' {_, j t _- .1_ '�j E;. C' iI ?' C o I. l �:= c� �:. i t� z;: '. z r� t✓ �.� � t. �.:� t t7 r ; _ �, hc:"it.': _ r -: x; �. I ,, �. t ti:�. t.a. ..iq c;... ....T LC. < LI. , a to. atto c-,! ai.-, C: .)I-, t"+ aII 11. ai t?:� tC+ }C_'r.vuad e Gtiie_ I. iIIC 1`. du I s t.1,--» u s,L-1c `t presC:I:vatic",-1 J-!: a7E<:ce"_ .&..iL`r �.)e1.1.f.'v>r; :t y IIC:;:>t. 1 .:I.:.,1"t.<'II t sI 11 f. CC t DI'l "Cr t?I. 2.C`C: on. the}i(: itage 6,('rv.11lg c :i t-hE Board as OP. m Of!_f'"C: Hoard, <a; aa'I &ntit`.�, al%,rays shown f?:.COpt1v._z ;lu(?""! C I'T: W, t1 I"G �: :` t0 1protectJng c-ur M1:;ITt'i heritage. I would be, 111CI1C:` c ::u C iV ON it. r-p0vj()E THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THE SPACE PROVtDeD- OR AT Stanford Law School, 1975 yale College, 1972 0 WOQK EXPEPTENCF Ruden, Barnett, Mcclosky, Schuster & Russell, P.A. one Biscayne Tower - Suite 2020 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Florida, 33131 ,.organ, Lewis & Bockius 100 Chopin Plaza ,liami, Florida 33131 ORr:ANIZATIONS AND COH"UNITY ACTIVITIES Treasurer, Yale Club of Miami Lecturer, World Trade Institute of4--he Foreign Investment in Real Published, Implications O Property Tax Act Of 1980, Investment USA DATE SIGNATURE- 84-879 . q + i CITY OF MIAMI Petsonal Information Dorm. for Nominees to Advisory or Administrative Hoards Position and SOARS for which you have boon nominated Heritage Conservation Doard (Position Instructions: PlrPre and srrn than form Ind retum it Mont: with a brief r.±sume. __....r.......__».._.__..._._.__.._... tt�rr.-tr (",ftridfel .�'. ' AdQress of Perm.e^ nt ftrr,,der,ce: 3 3 TMAai�£ l"_1Ii' —p ]' t_�jgl L�Z ]_ V�� _ __ i r,rcet t.r,a Number) Miami T'�c�a_ ��,� 33132 ' f`.-'ity) (�"nrml fZ.iFrodt 3. Address offiusin"". �2 ralzth B3sc,)yne BoulevardtS�aIn� I'_�_Oz ___--. - _t - (S:reet znd Nu .her? City)_ — i 1tc_,. nrr 2765 K .gip Pt;onc^ ti�r,:brr S. f3asintssP>;one, r, n,:05-371--6262 3 . ~ 6. Occupation: 7� i ' or ne V Please mc:;c:tr- "Y=°: " r.. No- to the follo4%inq questions by checkinG.he appropriate box, also please elaborate an your answers N,,;cre �equc`:teu. Yes No 7. Are you a, Uwrt I :1.ttes CaW.:.en? ❑1 8. Are you presently it debted to the City of Miami for and real or personal property tax, license fee or Yes No Prni-arty lien?�� 'i( yes, please give deta.tis below. 9. Du you presently oven property it, the City of M.1writ other than your home end,'or place of business') Yes No ❑ C 10. . 1f question aB above is answereo "Yes." is all of this property in conformunce Kith Cltr OrC:nances? If "No," plea±ie give details below: Yes ❑ No ❑ 11. The City of raunrjy r FEs c. ni.lice 'check of the b--CLjjuUr.j of for itiskii.ons on advisory t> hd tni" *at14 t ..r ei e , ,.ueE' `r'nc City C. , r' iK....,i of d tt-'(f C tt f muj e ". y efr. . to ensu: that tt;v,c c. C. ._ ,,.iu t..r-i .,:S tilts luC r ...,"r,..it., ii, _„uy :il,• icons to Such 6' cS.tck trcinr, CGR.^.UCtCw. t+'Cf fJlc_reu17C8 aliG��, .... C-nains; ?_,.. ., --lie �(if l: sty codltl.: Ye: i- 12. Please indicz t Ff. ow :-p,,:7c t6i.w ,.r,y Ltf,,C: in v:hich )vu C1.,jj.t r;nu Y urG--E,'lF 114 8 rt C:➢:Lt1;a Cr lr1C@14: t 6h1Juld YOU be rt.00iiitckl to the 1:-'f 4t i;IC11 yl•U r. c:4l' tt't'l1 nuTf;lntlto. 1A1 llSS- f rit1 1Ii 1ctCn i " 1;tC() �_._._.t.�... .es.id G?i iC`1 - ! undeft.iand MLL X St: trtil:ML CuntLifit:l hfrelr4 will be a triuterial CW',—.jOiCnUcn ir: tht: tf1C; ULI, (,f LJ'1 17r :41C:;Gl to Sortie to the posrt:on icr r�iit, 2 tiL4e brtnl rv111ii1lk1ed. inatel f:;+enaturr► RUZ)EN,BARNETT, MCCLOSITY, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. ATTOPNEYS AT LAW! (1G1T ^ 1967) C-. MIC HAF_L HF. F;NAN i�il ! �C l+A.d �'Y)1 4t:. �A t-' Iy �. ONE CCRPORATE PLAiA • PENTHOUSE Is P_POWARD 190ULEVARQ $IMON RU QRN ELLIOTT a. MARNF_T,T J :"'HN L. ^",HIF K.-'Af� F c TU DT,A ROV I10 EAST rggT OFFICE kICX 1900 DOMALD C. McGLOSKY LOUT n nr. T Mr00Y � (��# � �% AID {('!. AN 11 � p�T Z.-!�li i�F. P..DAI. F.-`��OIDA a300� CARL SCHUSTFn ,JODY r+. f]LIV F, Fa ,( `07 (305) 7�A TERPENCE RUSS F.I..L C.aD C;nc�{ !Y M�CLC�c,HY 1� RATON lq' -0771 P"'MA BRVCE O. CCE"..nl WOODROVJ ,r,AC ,[ I_VIN, jr?. R !' rIJ4T*FSON T11pt-4T_ C inl��TIMF r. LE4':Jp.l�+-r--�._°A4 �1 j'g9 n.n a? Arn,l .. "I D3 - . ... TP..LECOi'IFR 7A1�1 `Il 41Q (qf NNE.TT FALH OF6 KOf?'� F'ATnl(-f^ f: C0l'dAnT 1. T€LFX 701^�`7 eA�!RY A. MAra GLF NN N. '_'-14tT7{ OnAf, rzO°� �A. CG'`{J iS t,.,ITH OLIN 6`A(31-5. t+Giz C,ny!^ H. pr,^. t1f F5 r-.Y � ,.- WiLLtAw+ LP.Ft:O��; 1T7. .,IARtt K. Sc,—AERSTEIN ... ONE DISCAYNE TOWFR • SUITE 7020 MARK F. i'ANT G gCOTT J. FUFRST T110" f, O. KAT7.. F�AMF' R. CpOrt'F !SOUTH FiISCAYNE. POULE VARA MIAMI• jI.n T;ID_+, ;i:73:JS JOMN L. FAk'°!2UN.!,R STEPHEN 0. "CCANk LUUIS S. SF30 ttn SATT FRFIFLD ) 371' 252 (]05ARO MARRY E. SO.4ErrITEIM PONNIE S. KAREN J. ORLIN SRO�V 7E+3-2311 RICHARA E. E.IF.R"/'" W. WYNDHAM GE En' in. TELECOPtER ''il-2187 rOSERT A. KRAMER KEVIN J. O GRADY -----'^' GILL S. FREP_MAN JOHN H. PELZ.ER PLEASE REPLY TO: PETER D. S L.AVIS LEON J. MAIMAN ROBERT A. PLAFSKY IBELINDA PLUTZKY PJ $ETM OSEPH STEVEN M. GREEN®AVM Miami June 13, 1984 Ms. Joyce Meyers Heritage Conservation officer p .0. Box 330708 Miami, Fl.o ida 33233-0708 Bear MS. 1'1.eyer s Enclosed please find a copy of my submission for membership on the Heritage Conservation i aton Boardossibility.uch appreciate your letter informing Yours incerealy, Af Lola Bohn LB: kw Enclosure 0"'FFICIAL NOMINATION FORM UAVE MICHAT7, MOGTAS 1901-Z ADDRESS 6465 71 132nd STRET'l, TITR47, FIOTRMA OCCUPAT10:1 INSSS/EMPLOYEn Co1(:h,;-z1.1 B-an%rx Ccirkii-arcia.1 BUSINESS ADDRESr, 1201, AV-C�TTIUC, SUitn 721, Mjiami, Floricla 3'3131 THE Ha` RITAr.r COW7r�"FvAT;O'J "UST g=F. COMr"Df=ED 0T+-I,' rOLLOWING, r-OrIITIONS. CHECK THC rOSITION(S) "c*n r"Icm *,,cLi rr:7 auptLirmD. MICTIJM-ErS rOf,, Ttin r-n-rCSSIV"0kL POSITIONS 5ttOULO ALSO CH!CK THE ICIT17EN' f'r, r. - - , THE tt.ok,,LxDrc AND cxrr-riENcE RC(,uIREMENT.) A-rTC4.tTC,C"f' F,,�-rSIrTCRCO, IN THE STAT'-T OF rLQnIDA LANOSCkrE Ar%CHITECT REIISTERCD It! THE STATE 01Z FLnpiDA HISTORIAN OP. ARCHITECTURAL HISTOr'-IAt-4 VUALIrIED BY f*EANS OF EDUCATION OP EXPERIENCE AND #4AV7?4f' DEMONSTRATED KNOVLED'",C AND EX""ERIENCE IN DADE COUNTY "ISIOP'Y nP ARCHITECTURAL HI STONY ARCHITECT OR APCHITECTU41.t- tq'�IMIJAN Dr�MONSTPATFD rNCWCEDT -&M VXwEWTTNC1 IN APCHITLCTUnt-L RESTOPA71C-U 1,N[j HISTCMIC Vr,-C'SEtRvATI0N nEAL ESTATE UPOKER LICrN',ED VY TPIE STATr nr rLOPIDA ox PERSON EYF'Cr-0 ICNCVIN A140, FINANCE OR LAW ElCITIZVN kilTii UCf1rNSTVTfTCD KN0VLr-DrE A14D INTEMRST IN THE HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL HCPITArC OF THC CITY AND/OP CONSERVATION OF THC,. NATURAL ENVIPONPtENt lmam=�, 17r=zM:A=1--. -Z2U==ZM zam,�Q -1 WITHIN THIS ';PACC. PPOVItjE A 1Vt—,ArY STATEMENT OF THE EDUCATION. FXPrn1E,,Ncr. ACTIvITIES, AND/Op- zz-,Lap il if-jr-011tiXTION �iiTCH [A7;t--0N1,TQt.TE YOUR OUA,LIFICATI0,HS r=OFi THE POSITION(S) CHECKED ABOVE. 1 F—,,siderlt of Dacar- CaLl-rit", for o"er .1 0 vcx3 'ith 10 c-%axariance in the City of Miwai. EA Dc--,-ree witli niajcrS III SL,. years carti-r-arcizal real. c--,tatc in the D-,7vntL:i"4I area. Oux-rcuit- rkaiber of the Vizcayan Board re-,-toratia) of Visc�aya ftisean, grounds and axtwork. of Directors and ii-w-olvc-d in t Lh--, currently adns l P.-cp-el-ty 1-n the City of Rlzm. mom 1. rLEASF r"OVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THE SrAcg rr.0vjDFD. OR ATTACPI A SrrAPP,'TF CFSLJ*4FI rVuCATIDt-4 G,radav,.tcd frcm WoffoyTl. Col iU-1, a 71 t-J-10 Uilivernity of '"Cl-amkii and rloricln Cif to q3nlify 'for n -.w.ijor in T�ccnuntirg- i rr-n,. additional professicrial Crab-iing coursen, and baNme atlk-x:j-,ided t,-arious s�ninnxs mn-r tb,7� p7kst six years tl-ircugh my association with Coldwell Banker Ccmmanraal Real Estate Sez-Aces. q WORK EXPEPIENCF 1973 - M. R. Harrison Construction Carpany - Assistant Manager. TnVolved in CCnstruction of office Wildings, bota1s and wamhouse structures. 1976 - Lanier Busincss P=Oi.ic.ts - Sales Representative. In,(7olved in sales of wrd prccessing equip-ivznnt t,--,) D,::wntk'Tw-n Miami offima users. 1978 - Coldoell Jlarikcr CaniCXCiZAI P-17--,-d EStItO SC.rviops - Real Estate Bin!,cer and Senior Sales Cons-U.1tan't. 2"j)V-kD1.VC-K] ki apartTrnt, off-im and waixlicuse pro--Nn.-ty development, sales, leasing and appraisal. Participatod in DRI (Dselopirjit R[% onal Impacts . Candidate for CC124 (Can-iny-c-iial 07,iE;ultz, Tit Lnstj-tute !,k-rnber) designatior). 1984 - Achieved Senior Sales ConoL2atarjt status. Involved in sales and developirent of major o=mnarcial P-toperties, vale in e>,cess of $50 riullicn. ORnANIZATIONS AND CDVAP-UNITY ACTIVITICS, Professionza Orgy nizatia--s - PtLxlmd Bozxd of Realtors, National Board of Realtors, Naticnal A--soc-iaticn of- Cffic� and DIdUstxiaj. parks. Ccm=ity Acct-ivitics - Prescult Lkand of the ViSC-ay"alls timed uy,--iz involv&.-1 inn the rezt- clv-atia-1 of the� C te 1-101].se and- o--Iitinu,2� -to '0C, in�lolved ir, U----� of tll� 1,1-'iin lic-3-11se" of Sout"i E'lcrid�i' ecral PL-ef C*ILI'--' and Other - NY wife is currently the trea!�;�c-r of Villa,-1i a qa ),ap dim cljcatc:� to preservation) and is a of tlie juiicr Leagtv-- C--c: Md-a-lTd. 111,51111.1 1011 TF mi�,. c a 6 CITY OF MIAMI petse"al J."fam%tion rem for Nominees to Advixor7 cor Adminjql-cive S"rda paxwou and Boom for which you have b".n rinmlln^t-i T t A^xi1^S pnd Finance or Law Her-itage cm, scrvatj-c-1 (Tlomrd) Instructlopm: rl!-pp- cn-..,nlr. .t" On,, virn th!,!. s rnrl tr1urn It PJI)i,v r1ith, R f r 1. Name, luotz Vjdclir) 6465 S.W. 132nd St�- cxce.t 2. s- Addrem Of PPTVfTt r—tejr, ncr: • (rr-rt rnl vjmr�-r) 17 mli o r cl, 1 33156 3. Addrrsvx of rm!1re.rr�,_L2 1-�,r 031r 4. Home S. nusinrs.% rhone Numbtlr. 37 4-1000 6. 0-c c up a V on: please Indictie -Ycs- or —No" to U,s foUawing questions by pht-CUMCthe "ProPtI910 box, 9160 VIcAll .ale. Mts 00 four answorK 'where recrjT".Itvd. yes Na 7. AN you it Vulted 1AX!v1 Ciuzcn7 0 0 8. An you pmently ir,.daUnd to the City of MILml for and reef of perswal PWPerty tat. license foe Of Yet No pmerty Urn? -It Yes. pietjg 41re defS115 bqI*jj7 9. Do you p ric-mr-t LY c wn .-rormE qY In ME sty of I.-rli Lmi Gthe-. tihtr, YVILr home r-,Iej(-,rr p1cce of bus inct e 7 yes No E3 0 io. -1[z.ce win. 0. 0 r.rmccc? c- nion- LY If question rO as-=vc Is unzitzed Is rdl of U.tz. ,m,; rdi Yes No It -No,- ple.4-le five 'IctL115 U-t-lov: 0 0 11. The City of Wwd mvllntly r. 'Z�Lt4z F , lvoltt ithfcL C,1 L�.e bLAjcYt1w%d of - . on advirory cr Litzds t,.%d .,.Y.d the Cty sztflt tW e cvct:f effort to friture tFe iti ME'le Lne" U)tir TVIL;It3 C---c I'll fonftdccc. r.:) yv;1 ht%t v;iy yto No T talons to tuch t chtok Utz oi`d'f.�ncngtt t�'% acs-,w-�c -L'c. '1--y 10k or 0C Jc') 0 E) tc., , In4'W, d 1CL You g t-v rou Lo cvWnkltd w L%t r y Niv V4l1 r Us 1kV-c L„t!n Potentlal caclf-lic.S "i1D), I undgmtkhd Mt t Mt klu-ttmtnt5 C-itU'Lc ' Lc" 'Kill U, 14 ,..-ULnLI il. 0:t — the POSWOn fur I C A/1 6 /7/8 4 &&:tz - " (Dam (FAEWALUMi op� a CT" OF MIAMI pmomd Infonammicm roman for NoRmineex to Advisory or Adminbtm%tive 84m* H4 PosWou and Board for which you bsLv* b"-- nnr",lvqtri _BUSincss �-,nd Finance or Law Heritage f2mr-e-rvati,cm, Dom:-cl 1. Name: ICTOtZ 2. Addresm ot 64(35 S.W. 132mid Str2c- 1'"Jor! da 331.56 (City) 3. Address of rlvr I n— -,--j I -,t rnd (LAY) 4. Home rinrr t t (1 6 1-1 - 14 9 G) nusirm" rho"le !1unter'. 374-1000 a. Occurad", 'PS-1 Estate BrCker Please IndICUS `Zt,5- 0-m "Nc" tt thr. following questions by ph"king;he appropriate box, laso Plegge 4alLbomto on tout arswem wum rtqngtrd yes No 7. Are you a United Me -Its QUmen? GF 1:1 An you presently injetted W the City of Miami for and rant or persmal pmpwty tat. Ucoa@q fee or Yoe No property lien? if yes. D1 r" 0 O"pe demu a be loviT 9. Do you prevatntly owri vrv.peny ir; tbe-Cty ct 11-1aml othcr Umn your home ver-.1/crz piece of tmisineW yes No 0 0 10. If questlDn g9 tlaWvq! 1% tnsw(rrd "Yee,- Is 01 of, this propurty ir, corformonce VEL Wit' 0-,-dint.mces? Yes No If "No." p1tLz't ovt (�mmlls belcm: ❑ 11. Te 0 t Y 0 f M-1 tur:! M, Lit! ne -�- li't-1 CS L [)01 1 C 0 04 04 0 f Ult U tc'L t ro E n d Gf it.C, i vt d 4 0 S 1101., i; r, I! t-d I D r po ., Uicnm it an LdViSz`-,f Or b4).1-m"S uld Te C64Y C-Q-mmmEi"Ctn Lr'd the (.-ty !Iuu m&te ev-cry effort to rri -.;i t , fia! i I e t� t c fit, C k r L.- d L!: ? (a I iirZ ult's -cre vL irn dt f, " I . . - . U:� Z�uj LLE�L- L6cria ccmductc-d. (Ut Ltc. I- I C�, U11 CAY ck,-"Jc. yer No 12. Pit&.it it,:d1cut L.n t-',Lt e t lzs uL ,r &Ict-t lr4 v-4-lch :ra;u c.:Lta fir," je-:u.,_x, in a of cunrlic-1 f-.-f &hm)d YOU aiz LU Oa'z x. L44arALC,Z. pctult-4 1�-d i ci-Z -27d, Cx;lm �. i-T 4�-T)St 1-,C A. (-,�S C: I c! 1 0, r is uAdemwrva tt,6ti:sEBi.cu,um.e-J htttt,-. will 6t A r.1zjtr-,Q C.ofir'louLLIwi ui U;t LslCtLI'C'- L, Ut IV, ViC-0 LU Sf--t ill the mmtiori f0f wt, t mmh I )a vt txl�r, 7/84 tAasei 90� a r OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM City of Miami Heritage Conse-rvation Board NAME.': 1norris r?1:fe..r v 622- r,t)�•i]^{' `.` (t'^ 77_..T„'T�.GTI �. 31 P__ OCC.I.IrAT T. C,'1t`j a 1-Ia s,E .'J 4' _4.)E 'iff"1f'S." rind. 1°1 11.1a tZY)"''iTfi..s7 C' !'1f • w i .1 i. a�. 7.0i11-1 1'71tl� y 1 �: a; THEi H€7R I T GE C'M-111 C VA T I O€'I BOARD €SIJCT CIF: Cat"f'C)_ Fi, Or- t"HF r-'C?--I T 1011P4,. C A --C€-: T H(, 1 !_), iT7Pt) } Frr, t.'fi1CH W1U A F C. `U!r )l t_i ,.�C^ ,;4�, ItVE.:ES FOR THE € €Y CAI €. �TTC IAL r0f;l T J:GN �: E'"i�itf_� Also C)i C K L'oX, IE C'<f ' :;I"T ; };i. C._L`fr[,N:=i F T [-D K[-40t_'L€re>G E At\lD f._;ti Er 1 E'vl- h :REQ(1`1};(_~r`'iFtr� T } . fi�CMITI`_CT F'F:.,'aI:57t�r,C(� Itt T41L: STATE.. :""(-LCh'IoIa w LAND CAFE ARC191T'ECT tiCGT`.iCft:t Its Ttf[ SI&Ir- Of I'LCRICA X ON HISTORIAN C7R ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN QUALIFIED fIY MEANS OF EDUCATIpN OR c:XPERIENCE AND HAVING DEMONGTRAIED KNO4*LEDGE AND EXPERIENCE IN DADE Courv'eY HISTORY OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTCRY ► X1 ARCHITECT OR ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN HAVING DEMONSTRATED KNOWLEDGE 1.:.J AND EXPERIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL RESTORATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION READ... ESTATE L"ROKER LICENCCD BY THE tsTX,TC OF FLORIDA L�....ltl PEFSON EXPEitIENCLD IN BUSINESS AND FINANCE GP LAW E3! CITIZMN WITH DEMONSTRATED tNOwLEDGC AND lN7EPE:ST IN THE HISTORICAL. AND Ar3CHIIECTitRAL HERITAGE OF THE: CITY AND CR CCNCERVATION OF THE NATUP,*L CNVIRCNMENT to I THI €' THIS SPACE EiROV I Cali' A "t,;I-`;€ ARY S T FtTf7-7VE 1'4T OF THE EDUCATION, EXrE€,-- ICt4CE, ACTIVITIr.:=S, At44D-101R OTHER PERTINE N� T It FORZMAT1014 WHICH OC"ON— TRAIE'S YOUR G'`UAL11"!CATIION15 FOR THE € OSITIOIN(S} CHE'C}CIC1 �,1_�)O x4E. p t t;tt,;I:IX " C:t. rit £' l.. .I. :)? t`t i` 7 TIC ` C'.Ct7I1 .1;4' . ti 1 t4i?2C'.L Tear r 1 in- Ga-.C?,1 erect IZ'om the act co 1 oi. C ti'�1 C' ,_I �C iVI,y;'.:.�)tOil !xiStl.t:'Itey }iE'Tlp" O.ly �rl�'I1 p am k".1c.owne t for th.e A: t Cos anti for use at the s anti 1'auil tytll2y cott: dal e y Ari zana� Pi -EASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THE SPACE PROVIDED, OR ATTACH A SEPERATE RESUME, F-DUCATICN: Hampton _%nzti 'ute Hampton, Virginia Major, Architect WORK EXPERIENCE: A. Estimator, G. E. Gaynor Construction Co., Inc. Hampton, Virginia Ed B. of Architecture, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia C. Drafting Instructor, Tidewater Community College, Chesteake, VA D. Grath-iate Ar- hitect. Partnership, Alex, '%'irginia F,. Inte riar. W E3xt— e t.. ,..o 'D 1J. [,l. r'r , Fo r.Nac s i`k 'Fo1.l.es Arc', i t e c t s, Virginia Bf.-,ach, ia-:t )i S F. Intern. 'P.I .nner, WaIsby Ashe &:Dills Architects, Dorf ol) _, G. I?anburg & Co., Inc. Norfolk, Virginia i. Spar_c Retailer, El.eener, Levine & Associates, I. l�.rcas.;. <<..<, :_.: Tnspector & Specifier, Norman Giller & Associates, l . 1..a-t J. I I I t r:ioa 11(; :Trig r, R44,.eh rd Levine & Associates, Mliami, Florida i;jl-, xr. or and S_)ace Planning, 1,1. Jeffery Designs, Inc. i:.i_ari g .P'lorv.csu ORGANIZATION ANI) GGrAMUNITY ACTIVITIES: 1 e;mber of ALPHA PHI ALPHA FItATERNITY INC. Past Campaign Manager for participant to Miami City Commissioner. SIGIti't`�+' P A G 4 CITY OF MIAMI Personal Information Form for Nominees to Advisory or Adrnini-qtr:Rtive Boards Position and Board for which you have hppn nominated (-?-i-".v of" Miami Heritage Conservation (Position Board Instructions: i lr re rom"Art" F-fj -1c", tH,; rorrt Pnd rr-lm it F.JrIg -j(h n, h 0 r 1. Name: J e f f e rY 2. Address of rrm nnnt rpnidnnce: 622 17JE 80-1) St-oct T r, v-, t ^. T1 1 IN u 7,, 1, c- r Florida 331-32, 3. Addreir; of Pu!--mern: PX. Littl n Piye- Florida rnd 4. Home Phonn, 6. Occupation, 'T it C o 7`� g) j- r: a c-r and Sre c (? n3l Please inidictr-- -Yrn- n- "No" to Lhn fo'001A.-in.r, qncsUorin 1,,y cl-lrc!'.inrp.!:n unrropnrte box. Pint mAe on your answers wh�,.rc :Fd. Yes NO J. Are you a VrArd Cftlzcn�l (n F1 8. Are you presently indebted to the City of htlarrd for and real or personal property tax, license fee or yes V.0 property.11en? 0 P7 It yes, please give details belowT NIA 9. Do you presently own property ifi the City of Miami other thmn your home and/or pIrce of business? yes No it 10. . If Question #9 above Is p.nSwe,,d -Iyf.,s Is all of this pro;artyin conformance with City Ordinances? Yes No If "No." please give details' lbelow: r7 r7 1;1T /A It. The City c, INU c.-ni nt ly ri-iUe � •01i C-7 -- c- -Ck Of Ma of individ--, 1.12 noma n tt cl to., P;3 f tdot. S on fidk1is.f-)rY or boLi.-ds and ctx-,r7dt1c.f---z:, 'I'lit, CILY Commis, -ion E.i-A the City .tuff n;LLe et(�ry effort toe;5ve ilaa L, et c 1 r th it rtQIL-f Lft: V1]1--UAL'V , v'd I confidence. Da you, have Ltly objec- yes No Lions to L CLU-Ch concucl,�-�!. ('-ac c'-d-Rnancu P.6622, 2-104 of C.ty Cooe-.) 1:3 11� 12. Ple&zL 1,n Lhv Lt luv in v4dcl)vu fL-fjA, finul in L vo---dun of c..,ifikt c� -- thokild you be a"' _laic. Un Ulz 173-t-nd rc'!r ,,Oij I understand tf;ai the htttlk will Le L rnatenLl In tlie 0 t-,trve. in the Dc5itior, tL;j wiiic-i I limo u_t-1 1�uN:Iraa; td. \j (Date) ft 4CU4W -1-TSM ZEN ---------- , OFFICIAL PHOMINATION FORM 00 'ERITAGE CONSERVATION 130ARO llichacl. J. Maxwell Af R r- 1037 N%,enuel, Corpl Cibles, FT, 3311A C C V A T 1 f) to llrjl�-,j nQ-, I r"r r S/1'? I rLOYr.rl Sasn,ld. Asocia'.j—, Tlic. n q 5 3 Alcrzrr Ar. n v c Co ro J Gables FL 33134 MINIM Fkj5-, f-,r 071 THC rOLLOWING POSITIONS. 1; _r rN(-,k� C,0Nn(_ 0,lTin . . CHECK THE POSITION(S) 1, cr yr"l rOP. THT-7 PPM-ESSIONAL POSITIONS SHOULD ALSO CHECI* THE W 'wLr NT.) P,-. X YOM Df,?10*43-TRATF.o KNO _'PGr- AND C rcr-TENCE RElu PEI!E ArCHjTr.CT pZr_IST,-LrC',_) jt4 TW-� 57AT, or rLORIDA E] Liog)sr_Arr_ Anc)4)TrCT jt4 Tl< STATE Or t-'LOPIDA H1STOPIAN OP. APCHITE-:CTURAL HISTOP.IAN CIUALIr'IrD BY MEANS OF EDUCATION 01' EXPERIENCE AND ElHAVING DVIONSTRATED KNOtLC-06r-_ AND EXftr�PIEUCE 194 DADE COtINTY w!rj7OrlY OP ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY AMCHITECT On ARCHITECTUM&L HISTnn.lAti HAVIllf: nFt'nNSTPATFD AND F""SnIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL, RESTORATION AND HISTOT11C ORESERVATION ElnEAL ESTATE SPOKER LICENSED BY THE STATE OF PLOPIDA 0 PERS011 EXPERIENCED IN BUSINESS AND FINANCE OR LAW CITIZEN WITH DEMONSTRATED vN0vlLr_DrE AND, INTI_rt�.Sl IN THE HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL t4['qjTA6E OF Tt!C CITY A1401OR C'3Nr�CPVATIQN Or THE NATURAL ENVMONIIENT S-PACC, rnr_Vlr,--Z: A ,Alfl'+XRY STATKIAl"NT W7 THE EDUCATION. EXPERIENCE. ACTIVITIES, AN10/0" LTrtER PERTMENT IlqFU_,tlA')0H 0UtLIT_jCA,Tj0tl;7, F01Z THE Pnl.'T)0N(t) CHECKEn ABCVE . I I I On/ reL tora, ticn. Educat -Jun -Zln alic; Zolli.ng Law. Pre6entl­ erw; ­ Con�-ull.zaL for thu r�zstoration of the Opa E Locka Cit-,,,, ILA.! Trustee v1' z-, c T 1 Gl J 11 J, k-- i y 1983 & 19_­.-4 Advisor to G Eleven of 1'r-ct' _--e i'vi tl,,,,. p; 1.'O,ang and restoration of his - Ad j unc t P r 0 f o r F. 11 U kt� a 1 E- 1', i.:ll c t Management ;m:m s� c PI_EASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION M THE SPACE PPOVtOED. OR ATTACH A SEPAPATE RESUME, EDUCATION WORK EXPERIENCF SEE ATTACHED RESUME. SEE ATTACHED RESUME. ORMANIZATIONS AND CCII*t*VNITY ACTIVITIES Dade Heritlage Trust - Secretary - Trustee Dade 11critaige D,�.ys 1.983-19�4-Ccunry CIMirm.1n Un4versitv of Viizinia Soi-Ith Floridz, Alumni Assoc. - President Coral 114—toric Pre-(-.,rvation Erl).-Ird - Advisor Opa-Lockzi Illi-toric. Boajrd - AdIvI.Sor Florida 1-111tv-:-aali:icnaA, Uai-ver,-fty - Iv-',junct Professor - Real Estate Dept. Florida Tiusr for Hisb.or4.c ry --'un National 'I"rut 'or ParrnerL' 4-or L- i-�-'��blk7 Ame r i e a yi I ' I I -A,, . i i i i r, A -, �sl (:) c. j,, t �4. ci n of rchftects -dissociate Member The VIII-C.?LIJ DATE June 28, 1984 Mum CITY OF MIAMI Personal InformiRtion Form for Nominees to Advisory or Adrninistrs rive HoRrds P-Ation and Board for which you hAva been nominRtrrt _ t1cmbcr (Position Heritage Conservation Board fnstmctiors: I'Ir P-rr Cf1rA1;11rtr7 r+nd rlin this fom 3 nd r0t.,ni it Rlonr r,tth n brief rrnum. r! (Istr s) (f"Kddir:) (Lasts 2. Address of Fr ni ~ nrn> Re-�f Irn,.: 1037 S,: vil.i.a Avenue ('S,rret rnd ,'+umi)rr) Coral Gables 7�"L 33134 - (City) ,..� (.�? � t r) _,�..Y,._.�. �....._._ (7 t F? co d e ) 3. Address ofr,ut; r :_353 Alca7ar. A,:-r:ntae Cord Gavl-os FL ( C rrt �d ,eumhrr) 4. Iicrne Fhn^e M `c 3(•mi�ull(, 7_?(i�r S, r-a^inr.^s Pbnnr, Nu .)er: 205/44la %, 6. occurrOwn: ft>liovi 4,'r-u••,r Lly ch€cunrjhr' -i rr-1,nn—le bar. r.'co plrz.se elsk wmte on your 7. A.^e vvu n llMtrd _ar-tnr C ti: c.n? Yes No n ❑ S. Are you pivsent.ly tr. e.L,ted to the City of Pimnl for and ren.l or persorel property till. license fee or Yes Ir'a property lien?j 'If yes, please five detralls @eloar: N/A 9. Do you pr-esently ct:n prop€;ry it tht -C';ty of l.iarni other then your hone srrd/or pin.ce of busines%'? Yes No ❑ r 10. . If westion ei: O> ve i4. t.ns }rr "Yey," is n'I of this prow€rty in eorifornrance vit ,, City arufnctnc es? Yes two It "No." pieL.se t,ive cs:t his bu oy=: ❑ ❑ NIA 11. the C"ty of i, &,:i Kou.ir€i; rnOO C3 s malice ChCCL of the '. chcrovnd of iK dWidu lr_ no.:�ancted for p lent ono an edvis�ry or U.-'Lr'd:� rr:a coinfrtt'Ces. lire; City C om,est;,.Jorr earl the City CtLflf t..t�-c et:::b effori tv Er:3vre tt €; est CtseCitS c;M their'resulis rat its€anuLa. ed co. fidc;xe. ila you t.rivc L-rty c+ lcd Yes No Lions tC} :-4G.3 E Ciie: j,f it's d« .--t v y ❑ cr> uete@. (wec c�rdir>�rsC� �t<G . .�Irr=r?�;u� ::z:>c. '' t3� c. City Code.) 12. Pleese EueUcae Fa ti, �.,r c b iq rr;y �fz �s in hi '3 you t--=it -ov rf confUc( e:f lr.ter'e--A should you be skLs'6t «fEr- !,J E.:'t i_ *4 <"r 1—'j0 IOU LVA-Z None I unCtl-&L€nd MU the a c-Ie.tszrt er;:`rtirss;y he e.n will bt t ritacnel er,nstdrr&t4o.s ill t:.a aeiet:,,.ua of L-N irrJtiictAJ to tsrve in the pcsuton for Which%e bce r 4,Ut�{'Kp�! 4-1 MICHAEL J. KhXVMLL, hICV Senior staff Education University of Virr ' linin, tlantirr cr r1prining, 1979. a.sity of b ~ at Austin, mnchrlor or Ar'll 1.975. nf�j t' r a t i cn n X-neric,iri Tnntitutv of Certified Planets (AICP) Profcsslon-J Affiliations American Tnqtitute- of Certified Planners, Member Americz�n Panning 7otsociation, Member A-merican XT"rztitutrt of Architects, Assoc. Member Florida Pl^nning .end Zoning ,association, Member Partners for TJv,7b).n pince.s, Corporate Member Academic P07.iti0n= Florida University, Adjunct Profess -or' Po 'nl 17=tntr/Tinance Department 19 8 3 - p r r r., f- -,) t Arta r I r, T i I. I t (7• nn ,avrn u.r­i,,r!rsity of Virginia, Citati-m, coly of iinmt, ror the De!;ign of isitimi pflrl<ri P'_,Eza Sculpture Park Citnt.icn, Ulnlvrrrity of 1,iurem, Mexico Dade P,'.F)e 'Etritziae Days Award for. RrE*:'_'r3Licn rlan rsty Ball Complex, Opa-Loc``'v, FlciridP professional Rintor" Acconplinhe�' t divrirstty of planning, design and pro-.4ects since 1972 in Florida, Texas, Connectic:it, Vermont, Massachusetts and Virginia. Work it-, development term as project for .rt rhopping center Prcyprration and coordinl-'.t'on, of the. DR for ttae rOvcrtown/Park West ZoLa' UrbLn 5esiqn and Managment plan for th-c- Mi--mi DcsJqn Plaza District. toaster Plan fur ti-ic- r(,i:;tor,,Lti'on and reuse of the Opa-Locka City Eall- Mr. Maxwell specializes in Project Management, Historic Prcservation, Urban Design and Zoning and Development Planning. Project Experience Mr. Maxwell was the founder and principal of Redevelopment Options, Inc., a firm specializing in rPdevelopr-,,#-:!nt planning, permitting and urban design. Fe twin managed projects ipriqini from the restoration of a historic city h'Ill In a major ctnnter city DRI to the Oev-lopmnnt of an urban claqi(?n plan for a 10 sq. block In-to-n shopping district. Pfe Also e--,nrvPd -.s principal planner and pa.rtnnr for the re(lnvplopnnt or Central Plaza, Flort6nln ol(3est rr,7iorinl rill. negotiating pith the City of St. Prtrrr'biirg t,o obtain ions, UDtG, con-nit'—nts, parking zn,,l lnfrAntructlure assistance. His other nxperlence inclv0t-_-, performing P. divnr5r. range of sitr= frnibillty studies, toning And permitting, historic preservation and, r.nckirzting. ;or t«-To rnmll cities in Vert Terns, he ^cted an consultant for economic do-.-lo-,mnnt and cormrrical revitali7Atton, lundyZing COM-lUnit; nrOdS And resourcnn to crrntr]."VC7rcCt? CI;PI'tal in h;f7,toric central busirir,nn di,71-rict-, Ar,d oltl ' nininn -,r.nntq for client in rllr;rrs- or )., "I)iilicn In rr�r V­It. T) r.•r i r-:, r 7 7 - r c,, k, r, 1 n h .t r Vern and I nncvit f o T t. h (-. C 1 Av 7 Co u n e_, 11, ,*r) r was federal qrnt through which he 6(.-'VC1C'pcd1 ilnul 3 million dollars of coiwmercial rchrbilitation, historic preservation and public art projects. June 26, 1984 Mr. Ralph G. Ongie City Clerk City Of City 3500 Pan Xt--rican Drive Miami, Flirida 33133 Dear Mr. ongie: R E. C J 2n tt 12 1 L C) TY . FLA. BE: HERrTXM CONSLUW-VION BOARD APPOINnIMC: MR. MIOMM J. 1,170aELL The Board of Trustees of Dade Heritage Trust unanimously endorsed Mr. Michael Maxwell for 1d, - at -large position on the City of Ydami Heritage Conservation Board in tli- Jju-m-, 28th meeting. I an pleased to write in support of his can- didacy. at mi'lo has i,xorl;ed in the field of historic fOr 4-1rU-.V 13ir.- --nt-x'7'.1f7 1"rese.r'),ted Un C? C-1:1m--ate cover• lie ha's lx-"—'--'1:Y .11-1 sc:"01 rlorixu-i -i-n rocent tliaa);-3 c"'v of- its iic,,---t Lm,,xxtant years, s-cr,,ing, on tho ccumitteas at pix poys. Uly-le'r Ir. thds frr= a waek b") i dAe vN saries of historic events, and Dade Heritage Days promises to becare a ne-jor touri2ni draw a,- it continues to grow. I I can think of no ot1jer person better qualified to serve on the Heritage Conservation Bo=-d. Sincerely, !OE'.'- �7h=son Executive Director cc: CmYnissioners CaroUo, Daukins, Perez and plump_r