HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0874h J-84-643 RESOLUTION mo. 8— 4�874 A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $34,F',50. FROM FY 1983-84 FEDERAL_ RFVFL1+11_ ' 111ARTPlC FHNDS TO THE LITTLF HAVA.NA ACTI`i i1-7 FS PrID N)_.ITRITION CENTERS OF PAU (OUN i Yz HOUSE PROJECT TO OpFFIA-11 A RI-<;TP1.P,JTJAI- `)-HE=LTER AT 600 N.F. 15 i S T RL:IA f 04. TIIF PFRIOD FEB RUARY 1. In' 4—`,1:F i 1=c;FR ?,:1, 19�jr FURTHER AUTHORI7I;a(; fl-lF CITY MANAGER TO AMEND THE EXISI IG 1-Y'03--04 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING AGREFF1`4L_NT �ITTH THE AFOREMENTIONED AGENCY IN REGARD TO MAXIMUM COMPENSATION. WHEREAS, the City Commission has indicated its intent to support certain social service programs providing service to residents of the City of Miami through an allocation of Federal Revenue Sharing funds; and 1-,HEREAS, funds leave been previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 9684 to accomplish this piwpose; and 1.11KERFAS, the City Commission adopted Resolution Numbers 83-875, 83-895, 83-I085 and �;3-11.70, vdlicll allocated a total of $22,389 to the Little Havana Activities and lk;utrit ton Ccriters of Dade County, Inc, -Safe House project for the period Octob(,,r ), )9c!3­,'Ior3!)ary 31. 1984; and I%HEREAS, the City Co'v'd s ai on directed staff to base funding recommendations on the service category priority criteria established by the Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Com;„fission has expressed its interest to provide a residential shelter facility; and 14HEREAS, the Littln Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. -Safe House project meets the service category priority by providing meals to residents of the residential shelter; FLORIDA: NO'vl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, Section 1. $34,658 of Federal Revenue Sharing funds previously appro- priated by Ordinit nce lyo. 96-fi4, adopted September 29, 1983, is he-reay allocated to the Little Havana i�ct ivi ties €end Nutrition Centers of Dada County, Inc. -Safe House project to operate a residential smelter prograw for the period February 3, 1984- September 30, 1934. Section 2. The City Llanager is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement, subject to the City Attorney's approval as to forirr and correctness, with the aforementioned Agency to iiiiple,lierit a social service prograin, subject to the conditions and limitations cot'itained herein. FCE __CETE� L 1 to t. s �t July 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31st day 0f Maurice A. Ferre A CE A. FERRE, M Y R ATTEST: NGIE, CITY CLERK RAL G. O LEGAL REVIEW: ROBERT F. LARK DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED A� TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ` CITY` A'TTURNE SE R. GARCIA-PEDOO : 84 —874/ CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Howard V. Gary City Manager FROM: Dena Spillman, Director Department of Community Development DATE: July 6, 1984 ME: SUBJECT: Resolution, Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County - Safe House REFERENCES: City Coimmission Mineting July 30, 1984 ENCLOSURES: It is recommended that the City Commission adopt a resolution which allocates $34,658 to the Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Canters of Dade Countv, Inc. - Safe House Project for the provision of a temporary r-sident.ial shelter at 600 N.E. Ist Strect. During the FY 1923-8il,, Fco'c'-val Rcvcnue Sharinq '-:Ilocation process, the Little Havana Activities and ["utritien Ccntcr, lric.-'Qlalre Hous'r- k%,as inadvertently ornitted from those actenric-1- �'xvvic.(.' critc-ria. esta0lished by the City V J, nclelcit-�(', in, 'f , s fundinn r;-rr- C kif 'Ac C -1 2 '�y J a P u a ry S i;, 1 hc I te I", 'Y ('c n ts On 'L-J-ic ba,is of t h e C I x p I It u, fill Housc> -rojec", should have been included in i'und-ti-KI c r t I i e period February 1-September 30, 1964. When this omission kYas discovered, it ivas aqre(-,d that the Little Havana Activities Center viould operate the project for an interim period from other sources until City staff could identify funds to support the operation of the Safe House for the 4 period Februiary, mL) I-Scpteer 30, '-�-84. The Acency has continued project I operations since February 1, 1964. Staff has identified $34,658 of 1083-84 Federal Revenue Sharing funds to imaitl'caltl Iscrvice levels for the period in question. Ion. This - is th, amount that the A�Y-nc.,, has ind.ic3ted is required to operate the projedt through September i.l, IK," CG,-d)inee kvi Ih i IUL original al location of S22,339, the lLota.l 1983-84 F. iP . S I ti C4),,e 7,1 to L n ,)-elect wouldLe $57,047. 111, s1hould bc? no-ted that addit,ional :"de�:: Is nlomiieS foi- thc Slafe House projcct are ilso lUe-inic provid"'! ; i th City F.R.-I, fUlIdS . T h e a tt -a cl , c-d r c, -1 L? t i c, n a 11 oc a ts $ 314 58 to t h e L i t t I e H(-1 v;.-i n ''- 1" c- t i v i -: i (-- s ,-, nd Nutrition House project -for the period February --;, 1984- Se p teniLe r :., 0, 19 L,' FY 19,83-84 Federal Revenue Sharing funds are available continue qtp,eru-ting the project for this period.