HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0873_ A J-84-289 5/25/84 rr/0-5 RESOLUTION NO, 84'8 73 A RESOLUTION CRFATINE A MINORITY PROCUREMENT RT1) RIND V0HCi;E-R PROGRAM WHICH E` TA1)1, TI I F i :i 1P01 1 F Y t E1_ATIVE TO THE RF [III T R I H F N T ; Of 11 i 1) 11I1N1)5 FOR MINORTTY FI(IN Olt CI1Y 1111111 TC yl0PAKS CON5TRU('TiON1 PRil,-1FCINCr TN CITY PROCUP1,;f:NI M t,0f)C`)' AN1i 111!'TC:!_5; SAIL) POL IC Y All THOR J 11 NG CON I RACT PAYHENTS TO BE: tMT1FD TO DF=SIGNATED I-INANCIAL TNSI T TU1 TnNS. WHEREAS. mnr�' than 50 ; of the population of the City of Miami is compo.3ed o f 111a0<^ and Hi ,;panics; and W1-1ERE=A57 131 acI<s and l I i spnni c s who occupy certain professions and occupnti.ons, including, but not limited to, architects, enq_incers, certified public accountants, financial advisers, attorneys, general contractors, and skilled members of building trades, have been disproportionately under -represented in the pool of persons who occupy positions in the foregoing trades or professions; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the disproportionate under -representation by Blacks and Hispanics =r . in the foregoing trades and professions has be err due to denial of of7portur,it.ie:� for training, education, and acquisition of ex1)crience by virtue of historical discrimination t_a:3ed Upon racez or national origin; and WHEREAS, the City Commission finris that the foregoing denial of opport unlit y ha:; caused diserimina,tion against Blacks and Cti:iprirric:.s in t_he foregoing professions and trades when they seel< business opportunities in the form of City procurement contracts; and WHEREAS, the City electorate has approved a Charter Amendment authorizing certain changes in the City's general purchases procedure which would improve small and minority ® business participation in City procurement activity; and MMM CITY C 014MISS11',! MEETING or JUL 31 1 WHEREAS, the City Manaqer has found that the risks for the City associated with the modification of the hid bond policy are manageable and minimal romp rc ri to I,he=3mnunt paid indirectly by thr: City or directly 1)y 1.1-1e small minority business, n, rosf s=snoci nt erl with the Ci ty' s current hid bond requirements: 3nc_1 WHEREAS, this resolution will prevent 11he perpetuation of the effccl_s of prior unwarranted discriminat.ion Vrhic..h has heretofore impaired or foreclosed opportun.it ies for- Blacks and Hispanics to provide (Inod ,, ervices3, supplies, equipment, Turn i-rthings, and fi-xte_arr s, t.o t.hc Ci t.y; and Il-IEREAS. the Ci.t.y of th ninj plans to pursue its policy of affirmative nction to make whole the victims of prior discrimination by the City; and WHEREAS, adoption and implementation of this resolution will serve the best interest of the City and will maximize the opportunity for sma11 business concerns owned and controlled by Blacks and Hispanics to participate in expenditures of the City for goods and services; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. A minority procurement bid bond voucher program is hereby created %jhich estahl -ishes a policy relative to the re.quirementS of b:id hond�-for minority firms on City Public !forks ;and construct io;3 131-0 IrCtS and in City procurement of gjoods �3nd sf�riic�r�s. Section I. The City's 11-in-Orit y Procurement Compliance Officer who shall be apt}ointed by the City Manager ►ii11 administer the Program. Linder the said Program, a bid bond voucher memorandum is to be issued by the. C it y' S Minority Procurement Compliance. Officer to eliclible, minority vendors to be submitted and accepted in lieu of a required bid bond F or certified check. A separate bid bond voucher memorandum must be issued to each eligible vendor for each contract upon which the vendor desires to bid. Section 3. (a) Minority vendors desiring to participate in said Program must: (i) register with the City as minority business enterprise under the provisions of 0rdinanr:c No. 9775; attest in writinq to their inability to secure or afford the appropriate bid bond(s). (b) The City's Minority Procurement Officer shall: (i) review requests for participation and estnbl i-)h e1.igi1)i.I i t.y upon satisfactory proof of vendor compliance with subsection (a) hereof; recommend to the Chief Procurement Officer those vendors who are eligible to participate in this Program. (c) Eligible minority vendors will be allowed to participate in this Program: (i) until they have received and performe(t s-it isfactorily on three bid or until. thi--ty fail to comply with the requirements of the Program; or until they fail to accept an award of bid; or (iv) until they fail to perform under a contract, awarded by the City; or 3 (v) until it is determined that they can secure or afford to purchase a bid bond on their own. Section 4. As a means of implementinq the goals of the said Program (a) minority, vr-nrior, elinihle under said Program and (b) ill _ minnri{y rntri(,risf-, who hove complied with t h r ro"Iisi_ratinn t)?nns of ordinance No, 9775 may request. that for mon i r,s found to he di_.je by thr, city under any cone r.)r1 be i;;r;ued i o ,^i(i vendor or business enterprisr� sand fore,,ardcrI directly to a financial institution designated by snid vrndor or hu:,inesr) enterprise. Said request shall hr drantrd, rub ject to the approval of the City Manager, or his de i ranee . PASSED AND ADOPTED thisal_ day of July , 1984. v- EST: PREPARED AND APPROVED BY: 4 �'__ DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: r ITY ATTORNEY ' •' 7 Honorable Mayor and Members :.r1�: of the City Commission Minority Procurement Program Bid Bond Vouchers rpo%ll Howard V. Gary ,EFERENCES. City Manager n NCLJSURES: It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached policy r0.50111t•ion creating; a Minority t3u nine s Enter —prises Bid Bond Vouchers Svst-cm for certain public workt5 Projects and the pro— curemcrlt of certain gocd~ and services. BACKGROUND You previsouly were requested to consider the adoption of new performance bond policies to assist in providing greater opportunitie.= for minorities to do business with the City. A second obstacle to a rh4 evir[[ the goals of the City Commission for minorityart.i�_i;�r�t it�nv.l.ti���r_ ale hid bond. bid bond is simply a lw the selected succe:.afr.l bidder not accept ;.ire a d tof btii ,fy u,i 11 b(? c )rnpeni t c d for actual cost i nci.'r—e" S1C'L11( i. � }:;t"' !t( _ E s. >. ?' jr tC ?' u' i'J 1' 1 _ ttlG biel or t0 SC18Gu t11E` nr X'U - u a 1 i f iC `.1 er. .he bid l onl', :�7 3r<3T1`rG#"'� may b"e in a for;, of a cor-t rf•i.ed ci-ieck, a cortifirate by a bonding company or -somc, other ac-.-ep talbl- e liquid security. Bid bonds prr-,sent.E v probl<.i for :.�om.e minority firms because: (1) Smali. P•Ii.noraty firms are often unable to secure bid bond cc:ri a.f " . (2) Sma1l often are required to pay excessive ( L :v m- rkta,L r.At-) furs tc secure bid bonds. o l.len do no" .i::,vt.. the !-esources to pro. id . :.c b, ,1d� or r_orc h <ri ont: i~c je� t it a time. A bid bond or ui era r:4 nt c e� 3sary to di.-ccurL g.. vendors from submitting bids for wi-_ C4i ';kit<y may be unable or u.1G.,lilint3 to perform should they receive the award. The bid bond insures that Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 2 .-- z should the vendor refuse a legitimate award of bid that the City will be reimbursed for any cost incurred. This process discourages fri.vil..ous bids. In order- L, provide a ;treater opportunity for small minority firms to do husiness with the City, it is possible to modify existinr bid bond r,--.(jui_rc.Ticnt;s without, placing the C: ,-v at signifi.cant ri>k< ilac basis of the hi.d bond requi r,e;.gent is "tradition aI They .-ire not:, required by City Cock. They are appropriate in m�-ny ca"es end in the last :several years nave been utilized (_-,n1.y two timc5 t.0 recover money ; or t:.he City. The present syrt,c, C n )c ii'iociif icci to -ccomodatG 1<:7;�F? srlal.l. minority firms unable t,,:.) s(-;curo a i^.factory bid bond without p1�,3cing the Cit risk. The establishments of a bid bond vendor SV t,em i:. rcc.o;+r�endrei. Requirements for a minority proceurement bid bond voucher system would include: A. Minority vendors desiring to participate must: (1) be registered trio: the City as a minority vendor. (2) attest in ti,ri`.;irat; `o their inability to secure or afford the appropriate bid bond(s). B. The Minority Procurener�t Co pliance Gf:icer will: (1) review request for partivipa�icn and establish eligibility. (2) recoi-O-Mend to ti"ie Chief` Pr-ocurement Officer vendors to be- i:,c!ad(::d _r; t i1 1)rograr-:. C. A bid bon." voucher UM Will 'De, i-SL'Qd to eligible m i n o r, 'y e n,dors t o be .Tubm -L.t cal i_ ir:>u of a required bid bond or cert_k A bid b c,nu voucher memorandum. roust by i ;sued to e :C:i eli ible vendor for each bid. 'This 1,'1UMor-.noum will be provided by the Minority Procurement Compliance Officer. s ra ■ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 3 D. Eligible minority vendors will be allowed to participate in this program: (1) Until they have received and performed satisfactorily on three bid awards. (2) Until they fail to comply with the requirements of the program. (3) Until. t,hry fail to accept an award. of bid. (4) Until tchey fail to perform under a contract awarded by the Czt,�7. (5) Until. ii, i de:ter<<,il�ec t.;7L.t They cpin secure or afford to purcha c bid bond. can their own. CHECKS TO F"IttANCIAL, INSTITUTIONS An additional problem identified by minority vendors involves establishing a line of credit with finnncia). a.r�st;.tt.rt:lGn �. Contractors can redtice costs if they are ate?l e, to purch-se materials in larger qua ntities. 0f i, f'n it 1,: al i A f J. ri,iI i. o impossible for certain .c-nd rs t :, ._',.:'Di_`,...i: fficient credit to m l.e bulk rurch c. r u.. ; r e �,., r; 4 r� a.._1 t:►1c:ors by agreeing if r-,auestei , tc rp, y:nC!r"I"I r the. cc.tIil ct, directly tG ta; finvnciu? Lr,.=,titut.icr,. !-• ci;.:ci; i.l.t cclitinue to be made pal able to the cents, cicr . he Cis �Yi 1.1 no, -become involved in rah��IL, e 1.,c.- IeC_31 arran�emie, i i y develop between the financial and the contractor. i4G have been advised by the Gffyce of Law that nailing, checks to financial insitutitions if requested in writing the contractor should not create any additional liability for the City.