HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-84-0870J-84-654 RESOLUTION NO. _^ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHE-D FORN OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN 'I HF. CI T Y OF MI AMI AND METROPOLITAN DACE COtIN TY !N ORDER TO ACCEPT AN A?ARD OF FUNDS FROM THE U. S. DEPARTHIEN OI., COP;MI_:RCE, F 0 h PLANNING ACTIVITTE', E SSOCTATED WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI COMPREIIENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND STRATEGY. WHEREAS, the U. S. Dc_�partment of Commerce in response to a City of Miami. Economic Development Planning proposal, has expressed a willingness to offer financial assistance to the CITY; and WHEREAS, The U. S. Department of Commerce would like to channel thoso funds through Niietropolitan Dade County and: WHEREAS, the execution of an agreement between the CITY and the COUNTY has been requested by the U. S. Department of Commerce prior to the awarding of such funds in order to demonstrate joint ,local coordination; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute the attached Agreement between the City and Metropolitan Dade County, wliereby ti-le city will rt�ceive Un of 142,000 from the U. S. I.c,partriient of Commerce for the period April 1, 1985 - March : 1, 1985 to conduct planning :activities ssoci ted+ w 11 the City-wide Comprehensive Economic Development Plan and Strategy. CITY Cowfiss_, MEE'"i'm c (,)F JUL 31 1984� { z � It PASSED AND ADOPTED this 31st day of July 1984 Maurice A. Ferre MAURICE A. FERRE M A Y O R TEST: ._ RAI I'II G. ONGIE CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: JOSL GAR'IA-PF SA —� wa CITY ATTORNEY -2- 130 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORtOA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO. Howard V. Gary City Manager -7 FRO" -71-oUriguez, Director Planning Department F#A-- DATE: July 6, 1984 ME: SUBJECT: Agenda Item City Commi:3sion Meeting REFERENCES: Economic Development Administration 302 ENCLOSURES Planning Grant Contract It is recommended that the Commission authorize time City Manager to approve the attached contract b f, wee n Dade County and the C i 'k." y o "i j. n) i for oconomic ) 1. n n 1, 1 -� -:T ;� 0 1 v i t, ji, e s to d e v e 1. o p rr�� n - be I' C I I F k 1 11 111a nn ing De pa, r t. i-ii, 'L I F 0 i _1 Iii- r i 1 4 to March 1. 1 1D 1 n t In r, ;-..ii'lount of 1 $ 4 2" , G, 0 0 , percent, local match 0 be fil n d e (44 from an Economic Devel.oppi,�nt �'Idriinistration 302 planning grant to Dade County, per the attached re:oo-(.-;lution. Metropolitan Dade County his proffered to the City a contract (attached) for f-4 .Lty-wide dcv,i:loprnent planning activities for FY 184-185 in . "'he amount of T�42000 plus a 25 k, percent local These economic dev-alopi-,ient plannling activities would be rendered by the PlanninC I D c. pa r c n t . she local match would be provided by in - kind services of personnel i n t h i s Department who a re currently funded from other grant programs. Funding f o r this c c, t", t r a c t is from an Economic Development Admi n4 stration 301 planning f:-rant through Metro wade, County. This contract is a follow -or to a si-nil.-ir contract executed bet,,.;et--n Iletro Dade County lan(i t1,1a:, CJ.l.ty of !',-i 3 m i f',,, r ILI he p e r a d t c. b e r 19'�Tq December --'1 19' 3 J tli t3 iir�oun 185 , 820 - OL" l:cr, All J services hnv(, be -en under t,'-.,e pr,,:,­)J1C1u_ It is requested tl*iat th]i_,� item be brouCht befor-Q tihe Coi,irai5sion at the July 30 meeting; approval of the contract is recommended. SR/JWM/mv 84-R-Ir-yo- AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19814, by and between the City of Miami, a municipal corporntion of tho State of Florida, hereinafter called "CITY" and Metropolitan Dade County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY". WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Commerce in response to a City of Miami Economic Development Planning proposal has expressed a willingness of offer financial assistance to the CITY; and WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Commerce would like to funnel those funds through Metropolitan Dade County; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami authorized a contract with Metropolitan Dade County by Resolution No. passed and adopted on , 1984, and said resolution is incorporated by reference; and WHERE44S, Metropolitan Dade County authorized a contract with the City of Miami by Resolution No. passed and adopted on —, 1984, and said resolution is incorporated by reference; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreement contained herein the parties hereto agree as follows: I. COUNTY AGREES 1. To solicit and accept the amount of $42,000 from the U. S. Department of Commerce for and in behalf of the City of Miami's economic development effort. To pay those funds to the City of Miami for the provision of economic development planning activities. II. CITY AGREES �. To obtain understanding of local economic conditions, needs and trends. 2. To analyze the impact of past policies on development activities, labor market growth, etc. 3 To identify existing and potential resources (institutional, financial, programmatic) which can be used in pursuit of these goals. 4. To articulate, on the basis of the foregoing analysis, a related series of economic development goals. 5. To further establish a policy framework for the CITY's economic development effort. b. To further develop program activities to carry out this policy. 7. To further identify specific projects which are consistent with this policy. $. To esta'cli.,h the institutional capacity to coordinate state and federal participation in support of this strategy. 870 9. To utilize the $42,000 in the following manner: (one) Planner III ($1577.60/2 irk x R pay periods) $12,620.80 ( Apr i_1 1, 1984 - July 31, 19 84 ) (one) Supervisor, Ecancmic. and F3u7i_ncs.s Re3earoh ( $13G2.)13/%%-4k x 15 pay periods) $20,437.20 (September, 1, 1March 31, 1985) Plus fringe benefits at 26% $ S 595.08 $41 , 6553. 06 10. To provide at no cost to this project the following salary, and fringe costs, which exceed the required U. S. Department of Commerce match of 25% for grants of this nature. (one) Planner III ($1577.60/2 wk x 5 pay periods) $ 7,888.00 (August 1, 1984 - September 30, 1984) ($1,656.48/2 wk x 1 pay period) $ 1 656.48 (October 1, 1984 - October 14, 198 Total Salary Match $ 9,544.48 Plus fringe benefits at 26% $ 2 481.56 (28.91/0) Total Local Match i ,0 �U III. CITY AND COUNTY AGREE 1. To assist, compliment and support each other in the development of the Economic Strategy for the City of Miami. 2. To assume the specific responsibilities assigned to each under the Work Program attached to this agreement. 3. To comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and codes of the Federal, State and local governments. Specifically to comply with the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Section 109; with Executive OM Orders 11246 and 11063; and with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 (Section 570.303)- 4. Te refrain from any discrimination against any employee or person served on account of race, color, sex, religi.ou5 creed, ancestry, or nat:icnal. origin in the performnnoo of t.hi. A. rcer?ent; and it is expressly undcr2tocd that. upon the receipt of evidence of such discrimi.nat.i.on, either party shall have the riht to terminate this Agreement. 5. That no official or employee of the CITY or the COUNTY may be admitted directly or indirectly to any share or part of this Agreement or top any benefit to arise from the same nor own or acquire any personal interest in any property, contract or proposed contract which would conflict with or relate to the performance, their duties or responsibi?ities under this Agreement. If any such person presently or in the future acquires, owns or control.z any w_uch share, benefit, or personal interest he shall mmediately disclose such. share, benefit, or persona' i.nt�rt;-st to the CITY ar;d the; COUNTY. 4on such disc:'_ ui r such person shall not continue his unless it is deter:niried -by the C'`I`Y �_rnd chic COUIN'TZ that his participation i.s not contrary to public interest. Both parc,ies will comply with all F((deral, State, and local conflict of interest laws and requirements. 4 b. That in the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, or services to implement. this project shall make a pooi.ti.v7, effort t.o u' i1.1. z rc- ^mall business Arid r7i,nnri. ty own -d biisipe;s_ .sourc (- 7, of suppli.e.r, ind erL'i_ce. and provide i,hCSr` soL)-i-5e:3 the maximum oppartE.tni_t.y to cotnpet,e or 0ont:racts to be performed pursuant to t?;io (t reemcnt.. To the maximum ext;.ent fr_a,511DIC t;he. e b1.r.:,i_nc�;^ and minority owned bu.sine:7.> coerces tae l.ocalk ed in or owned by resident of the Community Development Target(s) designated by thc_ City of Miami in the Community Development. Grant Application approved by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 7. That all reports, plans, maps, brochures and other data developed as a result of this Agreement shall become the property of the parties. IV. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party at any time upon submission of thirty (30) days written notice if there is: 1. Ineffective or improper use of funds. 2. Failure to comply with the terms of the contract. 3. Submission of incorrect or incor3p? ete reports. 4. Occasion Wherein the input of the contract is rendered or unfeasible. V. TIME OF PERFORMANCE This Agreement shall be deemed effective as of April 1, 1984 and shall terminate on March 31, 1985. VI. AMENDMENTS The CITY and the COUNTY may, at their discretion, amend this Agreement at any time to conform with any contingencic which may require such amendment. Amendrnent�, a.�' required, ,hall he incorporated. in writing to thi7,,aY,reer�� zi" , upon review, approval_ and execution by the par -;a. hereto. VII, SIGNATORIES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Miami and Metropolitan Dade County have entered into this Agreement as of the date first above written. METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY CITY OF MIAMI by by COUNTY MANAGER Y M iJ R ATTEST: by 'MUNTY CLERK by CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: by by CITY ATTGRNEY COUNTY ATTMEY